View Full Version : Call of Cthulhu LARP

2009-07-06, 06:09 PM
I've been LARPing for nearly 6 years now, and for that entire time I've never stepped beyond the 'confines' of a Fantasy setting. I've read Mind's Eye Theatre, heard friends' tales of a Cyberpunk/Shadowrun event from many years ago, and have even seen a group of Russian genii undertake a Necromunda-themed game, but so far haven't made it for myself.

Because I'm masochistic, I've decided that I would like to put together and run a one-off 1920's Call of Cthulhu LARP game. The basic premise is a dead-by-dawn, "Murder Mystery With Monsters" plot set at a site that I know will allow us access to an old church and a rural woodland - perfection embodied.

I am not yet sure of the character and combat system that I would like to employ, however, and was hoping that some of my fellow LARPers could recommend something that might be appropriate. At the moment I'm imagining something that is barely above 'Boffer Combat' quality, as a CoC melee as run by me would ideally be as violent and dangerous as "3 hits per location and then you're dead" would offer, but I'm open to suggestions.

WHat do you think, ladies and gentlemen? Am I seeing myself an Herculean task, or can you help the Old Ones walk again (albeit d6+4 feet per round, if necessary) ? :smallwink:

2009-07-06, 08:21 PM
I did a CoC LARP once, mumbly years ago - it works very well with a simplified combat system (RSP or the like), since there's very little combat in a typical CoC adventure that the players have any hope of winning. We had no actual contact except between "NPC actors" (the GM's girlfriend accidentally through him through a wall once (he tripped), comedy gold), but that's all you need to make it exciting.

The key is to have a couple of competent friends to play various NPCs to give reality to the Divers Eldrich Horrors. As with any low-budget horror film, if you can't afford to show the monster, you have to sell it with the reaction shot. If done right (e.g., scary), the only combat you'll see is between PCs and/or human NPCs when someone is convinced someone else is insane/possessed, so as long as your combat system handles both many-on-one takedowns and very different power levels, there's no need for boppers. Rock-Scissors-Paper works great for many-on-one, with a "you have to beat it 3 times in a row, as it's squamous and rugose" mechanic for different power levels, and it doesn't break the flow as dice do. I've also seen a system that used cards that worked well, ut was harder to remember. You should be able to find a good system from existing LARP rules.

CoC run well is almost entirely roleplaying and puzzles IMO, so it fits nicely with LARPing.