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View Full Version : Hail friend computer! (Paranoia)

Hiest, monkey
2009-07-06, 10:46 PM
I played Paranoia or the first time today, and it was great!

I had so much fun I almost forgot to take my happy-time meds, but I would never forget somethig so nessesary.

I'm the happiness officer, in charge of keep all of you happy and efficient!

Would you like to hear a song?
I'd like to sing a song!

What's that? You resent the happiness the computer offfers you? Or was that a communist symbol you just showed to those passersby?

You don't know what I'm talking about? Well of course you don't. On your knees you dirty IF Commie Mutant traitor.

Is that a fireball in your ha-....

Alex Knight
2009-07-06, 11:07 PM
Now, now, friend citizen. Friend Computer would not approve of the wasting of resources. Now, what evidence did you have that this citizen is a commie mutant traitor?

Hiest, monkey
2009-07-06, 11:40 PM
Great game. I'm gonna do a follow-up session tomorrow (today?). Any fun moments you can remember?

Alex Knight
2009-07-07, 02:27 AM
Great game. I'm gonna do a follow-up session tomorrow (today?). Any fun moments you can remember?

GM: "Ok, so he dropped an armed nuclear hand grenade. What do you do?"

Me: "I hide from the blast!" <roll> "Critical success!"

GM ".....what clone are you on?"

Me: "One." (Note: the rest of the group was on 3 or 4 at that point.)

GM: "You hide so well you can't find yourself. Increment clone."

2009-07-07, 02:39 AM
What is this paranoia you speak of, and where can I get one?

Duke of URL
2009-07-07, 06:55 AM
What is this paranoia you speak of, and where can I get one?

I'm sorry friend citizen, but that information is classified.


Playing as the Computer, my best in-game moment was getting the players to initiate a firefight inside the briefing room at the beginning of the mission, simply by having the briefing officer call everyone by someone else's name and hand out assignments to the wrong person accordingly (and slipping one of them a secret, albeit harmless, message). Of course, the Blue Vulture Squad guards ended the firefight pretty quickly.

If I could ever get players to survive past a visit to R&D, I have a collection of experimental devices that I'm sure would ensure that hilarity ensues, but... *sigh*

Cristo Meyers
2009-07-07, 07:56 AM
What is this paranoia you speak of, and where can I get one?

Mongoose Publishing still has the rights to the game and is still producing the rulebook and supplements as far as I know.

Best moment: leveling an entire sector with a thermonuclear hand grenade, thus completeing my secret mission of destroying the parcel we were to deliver :smallbiggrin:

Funniest moment: rolling a critical success on my Regeneration power while on fire. I was constantly burning off and regenerating flesh until someone shot me.

2009-07-07, 08:15 AM
I played once where my character had the special skill of 'If I can't see you, you can't see me'. Therefore my reaction in a firefight was to sit there with my hands over my eyes. He didn't last long.

2009-07-07, 08:37 AM
Wrong forum - should be in Roleplaying Games.

2009-07-07, 10:48 AM
Wrong forum - should be in Roleplaying Games.
Posting in the wrong forum is Treason.

My best paranoia game concept, the Troubleshooters (three of them) were asked to investigate who blew up a Public Happiness Enhancer (read, a really big public jumbotron). They were also the suspects, and intsec had reason to believe there were two culprits (So nobody could team up on the other person). Also, each had been in that area doing suspicious things the previous daycycle (nothing to do with blowing up the Public Happiness Enhancer though).

My best moment was the time I sent them into a munitions plant that had been taken over by P.U.R.G.E in order to disarm a Tacnuke. The methods by which one disarms a Tacnuke were not available at their security clearance. Some of them had to leave a 9:00, so I said that's when the Tacnuke would go off. All their secret societies wanted them to grab the same box that was inside the plant. They were too busy drugging/fighting each other to check the time. I ended the session with
"You're grenade does not go off. But the Tacnuke does."

Hiest, monkey
2009-07-07, 10:49 AM
I played once where my character had the special skill of 'If I can't see you, you can't see me'. Therefore my reaction in a firefight was to sit there with my hands over my eyes. He didn't last long.

^ Best Narrow skill ever.

Mine are more along the lines of: effectivly-hack-terminal-with-the-brick-I-keep-in-my-handbag.

I also like to make up my own mutant powers: immune to negative efects of drugs leads to some interesting arguments...
GM: Hallucinations for LSD are not a negative effect
Me: but what if I have a bad trip? What then?

My character is also a bitter, resentful, cynical individual whose sarcasm has yet to catch up with her, so by random chance I was assigned to be happiness officer (I saw the roll too, not GM fudging). Everytime I remember m duties I read a great joke, but with terrible timeing and in a monotone out of my "1001 Troubleshooter jokes" book. For songs: one of our group members plays piano, and there's a piano in our game room, so I get to improvise songs about commies.
My favorite tick: Germophobe.

Cristo Meyers
2009-07-07, 10:57 AM
My favorite intro scenario to Paranoia is also one of the easiest. I was run through it by my old GM a long time ago:

Your troubleshooter team must deliver a message of utmost importance from citizen Pee-O-BOX in Sector ONE to citizen Recip-I-ENT in Sector TWO. Each of the troubleshooters, of course, as their own secret mission ranging from things like destroy the message, steal and replace the message, or just frag the Team Leader.

Last time my wife ran a group through it we had tics like "Constantly Invades Other's Personal Space" and "If You Can't Be Sure, Be Confident!" Hilarity, of course, ensued.

2009-07-07, 11:01 AM
Hilarity, of course, ensued.
Hilarity is Mandatory.

Cristo Meyers
2009-07-07, 11:04 AM
Hilarity is Mandatory.

Especially when S.P.L.A.T. cans are involved...:smallbiggrin:

(Think what happens when you mix a grenade with a fire extinguisher...)

2009-07-07, 11:17 AM
My best experimental Equipment, posting quickly before I have to go.

Double Ended Laser (Never again let Commie Mutan Traitors sneak up behind you! Also, if you yourself are a Commie Mutant Traitor, eliminate yourself AND your foe Simultaneously!)
Sticky Grenade (Now 100% Adhesive Coated)
Returning Grenade (Don't worry about wasting valuable computer resources if you miss your throw. Disarming device currently in development).

2009-07-07, 11:20 AM
I loved that game. I was given the electroshock mutant power, with the sparkly skin (ala Meyerpire) side effect of using it. I was able to use my power to burn my way out of the S.P.L.A.T. detonation, and shouted "I'm sparkly clean!" The hygiene officer looked over at me and said simply, "I approve."

2009-07-07, 12:17 PM
I always liked the quote from the back of the rulebook that went something like:

Welcome to Alpha Complex! The Computer wants you to be happy. If you are not happy, you may be used as reactor shielding.

Pretty much summed up the whole game.

Dairun Cates
2009-07-07, 02:14 PM
Of course, I love Paranoia. After all. Everyone thinks I'm the mild mannered player Dai-R-UNN. But I'm actually the High Programmer GM Dair-U-NNN.

Kurald Galain
2009-07-07, 02:20 PM
GM: "You hide so well you can't find yourself. Increment clone."

Ah yes, I've had a clone once who used his mutant power to will himself out of existence through causing paradox...

One of my best missions was locating and terminating a red-clearance traitor with a long beard, that handed out suspicious packages to everyclone and said "HO" a lot...

Cristo Meyers
2009-07-07, 02:33 PM
One of my best missions was locating and terminating a red-clearance traitor with a long beard, that handed out suspicious packages to everyclone and said "HO" a lot...

He was a red-suited pimp that worked for UPS?

Kurald Galain
2009-07-07, 02:38 PM
He was a red-suited pimp that worked for UPS?

Knowledge of UPS is not available at your security clearance, citizen. Please report to the nearest termination center at your convenience. Now!

2009-07-07, 02:48 PM
I want to play Paranoia. I just has no one to play it with. :smallfrown:

2009-07-07, 02:49 PM
I also like to make up my own mutant powers: immune to negative efects of drugs leads to some interesting arguments...
GM: Hallucinations for LSD are not a negative effect
Me: but what if I have a bad trip? What then?

Arguments with Ultraviolet clearance citizens is high treason, citizen. Please enter the closest termination center.

Dairun Cates
2009-07-07, 03:04 PM
I want to play Paranoia. I just has no one to play it with. :smallfrown:

Friend Computer recommends playing by yourself by using the following EXCELLENT solo mission rules.

Step 1: Go to Mission debriefing.
Step 2: Accuse self of treason.
Step 3: Go to nearest termination booth
Step 4: Happily repeat Steps 1-3 until out of clones
Step 5: Thank you for your continued loyal service to Friend Computer.

2009-07-07, 03:12 PM
I want to play Paranoia. I just has no one to play it with. :smallfrown:


2009-07-07, 03:13 PM
Friend Computer recommends playing by yourself by using the following EXCELLENT solo mission rules.

But not too often or you'll go blind.

Knowledge of any secondary meaning is ultraviolet, citizen. Please report to the nearest self termination booth if this comment elicits any amusement.

Dairun Cates
2009-07-07, 03:14 PM

Oh, and I just remembered.


Online live paranoia.

2009-07-07, 03:18 PM
But not too often or you'll go blind.

Knowledge of any secondary meaning is ultraviolet, citizen. Please report to the nearest self termination booth if this comment elicits any amusement.

Hiding messages is treason, citizen. Please report to the nearest self termination booth

Reading hidden messages is ultraviolet, citizen. Please report to the nearest self termination booth.

2009-07-07, 03:21 PM
We had a really weird game that started out slapstick fun, and got really dark by the end... we'd all reported to R&D for equipment for our mission. One person got a continuous beam laser, but unfortunately the beam really was continuous - there was no way of shutting it off, once it was fired. Then the powerpack overheated, and exploded. Another person got a highly experimental particle launcher. This actually worked perfectly, as far as it went... turns out the noticeable effects of being hit by a particle are pretty much nothing.

My character got an IQ booster, which was unstable. The effects increased exponentially - at first it was the GM slipping me hints, by the end of the game the character was severely mentally ill, withdrawing into himself in a recursive loop, unsure that reality really was real. In fact, it wasn't. He could prove it. Scientifically. With FORMULAE. So that was fun.

Funniest moment : the group was tasked testing out another piece of R&D equipment - one which sent them back in time to the founding of Alpha Complex. This was a complete surprise to us, and led to much trickery later on. My character decided that the entire thing was a simulation, to test their loyalty to Friend Computer by offering them a chance to destroy it at its inception. Naturally though, as we passed the guards at the entrance to the complex, one of the party praised Friend Computer.

We got funny looks at first, until one of the quicker thinkers asked who was in command. The guard said depending on how you looked at it, either General Geoffreys, or the USA.

"I love Friend Geoffreys!"
"Ah. Then... I love the USA!"
"Damn right you do! Go on in!"

2009-07-07, 03:58 PM
Hiding messages is treason, citizen. Please report to the nearest self termination booth

Reading hidden messages is ultraviolet, citizen. Please report to the nearest self termination booth.

Not knowing the proper format for Ultraviolet level messages is treason, as is accusing an ultraviolet class citizen of treason.

Please report to the second nearest self termination booth, as the nearest one is occupied.

2009-07-07, 04:09 PM
So... a huge great stack of Paranoia literature has found it's way onto my computer.
Which should I prioritise with reading? The 5th Edition Rulebook?

2009-07-07, 04:10 PM
there is no 5th edition.

2009-07-07, 04:11 PM
You should DM a game here so I can join!

2009-07-07, 04:16 PM
Paranoia is one of my favorite games ever (see sig)... Although, sadly, I've never played in a game, only DM'd them. On second thought, why would I ever want to give up my lovely Ultraviolet clearance?

My favorite opening to a session: Flashing lights and screeching sirens. "Friend Computer requests your immediate relocation to Briefing Room XJ7. Transportation will be waiting in Corridor 5e12 in approximately 37... 36..."
The first player who said "I start running toward the corridor" actually made it on time. In fact, he beat the transportation bot there; of course, it shortly thereafter arrived, running him over. At least he was loyal and displayed appropriate enthusiasm, though, which the Computer graciously rewarded by waiving half the fee for public littering (body parts are so difficult to clean up).

Irreverent Fool
2009-07-07, 04:24 PM
Not knowing the proper format for Ultraviolet level messages is treason, as is accusing an ultraviolet class citizen of treason.

Please report to the second nearest self termination booth, as the nearest one is occupied.

Quoting ultraviolet clearance messages is treason. Please report to the third nearest self-termination booth as the second nearest is malfunctioning.


2009-07-07, 04:28 PM
there is no 5th edition.

Then what am I reading?

2009-07-07, 04:34 PM
Then what am I reading?

Does it have naked people in it?

2009-07-07, 04:37 PM
Does it have naked people in it?

No... just pictures of Friend Computer and cartoonish people. And rules for a game called Paranoia. And sections demarked by security clearance.

Decoy Lockbox
2009-07-07, 04:41 PM
When we play Paranoia, we consider "using your gun" to be a waste of resources, and therfore treason, unless the enemy party is also using guns. So we normally beat people to death with clubs/body parts/whatever we can find. The computer once ordered us to execute a party member for treason, so we basically held him down and killed him with our bare hands. Then when his clone came around, the clone tried to rob us, and we had to execute him again...by beating him to death with the corpse of his first clone :smalleek:

We also invented an enhanced interrogation technique called "algae-boarding", after an algae vat was blown up, and we were unable to get information out of the witnesses.

I find paranoia very conducive to what I would call "comedy sadism".

Also, everyone is always filming everyone else, trying to find evidence of treason. Once a character was filming another character opening a crate, and my character was filming the guy filming the guy opening the box. And if that nice red bazooka is under some white packing peanuts...well, forget about touching it! Sometimes we used black truncheons to push the white packing peanuts aside and get at the sweet, sweet gear though.

2009-07-07, 04:45 PM
There was a fifth edition, it's just not really considered official.

I've only actually played Paranoia XP - are the earlier versions any good?

Kurald Galain
2009-07-07, 04:51 PM
I've only actually played Paranoia XP - are the earlier versions any good?

They're perfect! The newest version is even more perfect! The Computer says so! The Computer Is Your Friend!

Some of the earlier editions actually took the "rules" section way too seriously, with skill trees and all that. Also, the second edition has a metaplot (metaplots are treason) concerning the fall of the Computer (which is just a rumor, and rumors are treason), its resurgence, the Vulture Warriors Of Dimension X, and so forth.

Dairun Cates
2009-07-07, 04:53 PM
No... just pictures of Friend Computer and cartoonish people. And rules for a game called Paranoia. And sections demarked by security clearance.

Then you're clearly reading some commie mutant traitor propaganda disguised as paranoia. Burn it immediately and scrub your brain of its contents.

There was a fifth edition, it's just not really considered official.

I've only actually played Paranoia XP - are the earlier versions any good?

Friend computer has no such recollection of any such thing. There was no fifth edition and even if Friend Computer saw it in his wisdom to make one, it would be perfect and wonderful like Friend Computer. Any such "Fifth Editions" are communist propaganda attempting to ruin Friend Computer's name with humorless/funless experiences.

Edit: ...and as citizen Ku-R-ALD said. The earlier editions were perfect with each new edition more perfect than the last.

2009-07-07, 05:02 PM
In other words

fifth edition has officially been declared an "Un-product" [/commie mutant propoganda]

2009-07-07, 05:05 PM
There was a fifth edition, it's just not really considered official.

Mongoose has formally declared it an "unproduct". Fifth Edition wasn't even developed by the original designers, as a matter of fact, the original designers had to buy the rights to the Paranoia brand in order to make Paranoia XP. Paranoia was designed to be taken at least semi-seriously, but Fifth Edition turned it all into pure camp. The real Dethroning Moment Of Suck, though, was the "Creatures of the Nightcycle" supplement, a crossover with the old World of Darkness, of all things! Camp+oWoD=FAIL!

2009-07-07, 05:09 PM
So what is the favoured version then?

Dairun Cates
2009-07-07, 05:18 PM
So what is the favoured version then?

All the versions are perfect in every way, but Friend Computer has declared that XP is the most perfect version to date due to its excellent blend of the elements that made all the editions (that do indeed exist) so perfect to begin with. On top of that, Friend Computer was gracious enough to include THREE different styles of play that are all as perfect as can be to suit different types of perfect players.

Cristo Meyers
2009-07-07, 05:22 PM
Personally I found no problem with Mongoose Publishing's edition of the rules. Suits our gaming needs just fine.

2009-07-07, 05:23 PM
No... just pictures of Friend Computer and cartoonish people. And rules for a game called Paranoia. And sections demarked by security clearance.

Probably the Communist manifesto.


2009-07-07, 05:45 PM
or just frag the Team Leader.

This mission, of course, will go to the clone randomly assigned to be Team Leader.

2009-07-07, 05:48 PM
This thread has lead to inquiries has lead to friend computer commanding me to seek out the nearest happiness enhancementarium (comic store). Hopefully I'll be able to play soon, as failure to do so will be treason.

2009-07-07, 05:53 PM
This thread has lead to inquiries has lead to friend computer commanding me to seek out the nearest happiness enhancementarium (comic store). Hopefully I'll be able to play soon, as failure to do so will be treason.All hail our friend computer!

Kurald Galain
2009-07-07, 05:55 PM
The real Dethroning Moment Of Suck, though, was the "Creatures of the Nightcycle" supplement

Actually I found that very funny. You get all kinds of vampclone powers like Oscillate, Protein and Celery. The plot certainly isn't any worse than some of the 1E/2E modules out there.

2009-07-07, 06:10 PM
Currently reading Paranoia XP (Service Pack One), where it is stated I don't actually need to bother with the tedium of reading the rules. In fact, reading the rules is an act of treason, so I musn't.

In which case, I'm ready to play. Anyone fancy GMing a game over in the PBP forums?

2009-07-07, 06:12 PM
I'd be up for it. It'd be my first time as a GM, so it's going to be pretty simple, though. Anybody else up?

2009-07-07, 08:33 PM
Let's see... in the game I played, the Happiness Officer was given a song to sing to a tune that was no doubt treasonous to know. "We All Live in an Alpha Complex dream, an Alpha Complex dream, an Alpha Complex dream..." He took careful note of all those who didn't join in on the chorus. Of course, he continued singing even when he didn't notice the lyrics were pulled directly from the Soviet National Anthem, so he had to be terminated before he finished the verse.

Good times. Of course, they're all good times in Alpha Complex.

EDIT: I'd like to play, but I don't have access to the book. So folks would have to remind me of any rules I'm cleared to know.

2009-07-07, 08:34 PM
I'd be up for it. It'd be my first time as a GM, so it's going to be pretty simple, though. Anybody else up?

Alucard would like to play...

2009-07-07, 08:39 PM
I'd like to use my shiny new rulebook for some sadistic backstabbing cooperation for the greater happiness of all. I'm thinking melodramatic vehicle specialist.

2009-07-07, 08:42 PM
I'd be up for it. It'd be my first time as a GM, so it's going to be pretty simple, though. Anybody else up?

Bob-V-OSH is up for it. Sensing a loss of rank, which is something that makes me extremely happy.

First time to not be a GM.

2009-07-07, 09:04 PM
Considering the expressed interest, should one of us make up a thread in recruiting? If so would it be closed to new interest?

hey, mythweavers has the correct sheets

Hiest, monkey
2009-07-07, 10:16 PM
I'd join up too. I need summore practice for the game I'm in now.

2009-07-07, 10:39 PM
Not joining would be treason. Therefore, I will join if at all possible.I could use the experience to help me GM a RL game once school starts back up.

2009-07-07, 10:48 PM
Please report to nearest voluntary troubleshooter recruitment facility. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=117601)

2009-07-08, 08:27 AM
and thus does Paranoiath-R-ead-3 dies

2009-07-08, 09:06 AM
seeing how all my friends would love to be treasonous b****rds and would love to backstab each other in the back I think I'm gonna start reading Paranoia...

I think I'm gonna start with paranoia xp as was mentioned before, I found the book on amazon. Is it just the one that I need or is there anything else.

apologies for treasonous behaviour in not knowing the appropriate requirements? don't backstab the paranoia newbie^_^

Cristo Meyers
2009-07-08, 09:07 AM
Paranoia XP main rulebook is pretty much all you need. Anything else is just extra.

Aside from that, all you need are suitably bloodthirsty players and a couple of D20's.

2009-07-08, 01:01 PM
Then what am I reading?
Relax, Friend Irish-G-UNS. Jay-R-OOD simply does not have the necessary clearance to know of such things. And as such has been ordered to report to the nearest self-termination booth.

2009-07-08, 03:02 PM
apologies for treasonous behaviour in not knowing the appropriate requirements? don't backstab the paranoia newbie^_^

Inappropiate use of clearance! Please report to the fifth nearest termination center.

2009-07-08, 03:12 PM
((I love this game... A game where you're basicly playing a whole bunch of "Sergeant Shults", going around saying "I know nothing! I see Nothing!" :P ))

2009-07-08, 04:09 PM
I have no paranoia books, can I still join?

Kurald Galain
2009-07-08, 05:01 PM
I have no paranoia books, can I still join?

Yes, because knowledge of the rules is treasonous anyway, so it is good that you don't know them. Praise The Computer!

2009-07-08, 05:21 PM
This is from a cartoon I once saw. Alas it has been taken down from the interwebz

GM: The mutants have stopped firing and are now waving a white flag
B: TREASON! that color is way above their security clearance
D: I am readying the bazooka to finish them off.
S: I don't like this. I'm using my registered Mutant power of future sight for more insight.
GM: S You see a green boot and some ash.
S: A Green boot oh no one of us is going to die!
J: Not if I can help it. I'm using my mutant power of firestarting to finish them off.
B: A mutant! in our midst! TREASON!
J: What? I was standing behind you. GM don't is say on page 94 of the rule book that . . .
GM: I'm sorry, rulebooks? page 94? You have clearly been reading treasonous materials!
D: I turn and fire my bazooka on J.
GM: Good work treason hackers. all that is left of that mutant is a Green boot covered in ash.
S: Hey, My future vision came true!
J: sigh, hand me another character sheet.

2009-07-08, 05:37 PM
Yes, because knowledge of the rules is treasonous anyway, so it is good that you don't know them. Praise The Computer!

Praise the Friend Computer indeed! Comrade.

2009-07-08, 05:45 PM
Yes, because knowledge of the rules is treasonous anyway, so it is good that you don't know them. Praise The Computer!

Friend Computer is your friend! Why do you not address Friend Computer as such? If you are not a friend of Friend Computer, you must be a dirty communist mutant!

2009-07-08, 06:53 PM
I'm looking forward to the new version (http://www.mongoosepublishing.com/home/detail.php?qsID=1705&qsSeries=Paranoia) of the rules they're working on. It's supposed to be 90+% backwards compatible with XP. The Black Missions (http://www.mongoosepublishing.com/home/detail.php?qsID=1706&qsSeries=Paranoia) version is probably what I'll get, if nothing else for the bonus CD with PDFs of a ton of Paranoia XP supplements.

On a side note, there's a free program I have called Readplease 2003 that does a pretty good computer voice. If I get a chance to GM a game, I'll probably use it. I've got a little netbook that I can run it on and have a bunch of computer dialogue pre-typed to play. I'll probably have to improvise some, but since it IS a computer there's a lot of responses that are predictable and I can prepare in advance. Stuff like "That information is above your clearance level".

2009-07-09, 06:47 PM
Friend Computer is your friend! Why do you not address Friend Computer as such? If you are not a friend of Friend Computer, you must be a dirty communist mutant!

Commie mutant traitors! Report for self termination.

2009-07-11, 10:48 AM
I've never actually played Paranoia, but i would really like to join. first may i ask (seriously, no treason accusations) what the colour rankings/clearance order is, and secondly, if i have absoutely no idea how to play, or how to make a paranoia character, is the a chance in hell i'd still be able to play it?

Hail the friend computer!

2009-07-11, 11:50 AM
I've never actually played Paranoia, but i would really like to join. first may i ask (seriously, no treason accusations) what the colour rankings/clearance order is, and secondly, if i have absoutely no idea how to play, or how to make a paranoia character, is the a chance in hell i'd still be able to play it?

Hail the friend computer!
I think the order is:

Ultra Violet.

2009-07-11, 11:52 AM
The colors go IROYGBIVU (Infrared, Red, Orange, Y, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet, Ultraviolet), so it's your standard light spectrum.

It's a pretty rules light system, but you would need at least some help with making a character since you wouldn't know a: how the skill points work and b: the setting's fluff. Most of the Paranoia rulebook is setting stuff, detailing organizations and whatnot for the game world.

Irreverent Fool
2009-07-11, 09:01 PM
The colors go IROYGBIVU (Infrared, Red, Orange, Y, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet, Ultraviolet), so it's your standard light spectrum.

It's a pretty rules light system, but you would need at least some help with making a character since you wouldn't know a: how the skill points work and b: the setting's fluff. Most of the Paranoia rulebook is setting stuff, detailing organizations and whatnot for the game world.

Potential Troubleshooters are required to read the section of the manual cleared RED. Failure to comply with these recommendations is insubordination and is punishable by a hefty fine and will also result in the unsuccessful decanting of your Prime and all future clones, thereby rendering you unfit for duty as a Troubleshooter. Please read the section of the manual you are cleared for. Remember, The Computer loves you.

Infrared is not abbreviated with an I due to potential confusion with I for Indigo. Knowledge of the complete makeup of the rulebook is not available at your security clearance and is considered treason. Please wait while a team of Troubleshooters is dispatched to your position to aid in your termination. Thank you.


2009-07-11, 09:14 PM
If Infrared is not abbreviated 'I', how is it abbreviated?

2009-07-11, 09:23 PM
If Infrared is not abbreviated 'I', how is it abbreviated?

That knowledge is way above your clearance.

As requesting knowledge above your clearance is treason, please report to the nearest self termination booth.

2009-07-11, 09:24 PM
a. -> Rockphed: They're not, so an infrared named Tom in sector ATO is just Tom-ATO.
b. -> Everyone: I'm looking to start GMing Paranoia. How do you get started? (Other than somehow getting *-U-*, I mean.) What do I need to know/prepare? What is an acceptible rate of character casualty? Is reading the security warning on something you're not cleared for treasonous if you stop right then? What if the player claims to be blind if and only if he would be looking at something above his security clearance? (ie is that one clone vaporized or all six?) Any other suggestions?
EDIT: Also, sorry if I spoiled the poster above me's joke, he posted while I was writing this.
EDIT2: Wait, since *-R-* is greater in clearance that *-*, and everyone is allowed to know their own name and therefore those of lower clearances... /me is confused.

2009-07-11, 09:34 PM
Are you implying Friend Computer does not make sense citizen? Please report for self termination.

Irreverent Fool
2009-07-11, 09:42 PM
That knowledge is way above your clearance.

As requesting knowledge above your clearance is treason, please report to the nearest self termination booth.

Requesting knowledge above your clearance is insubordination, not treason. The Computer forgives insubordination.

Infrared usually isn't abbreviated, except in reference to the Infrared (read: Black) Market which is often referred to as the IR Market, which doesn't exist.

b. -> Everyone: I'm looking to start GMing Paranoia. How do you get started? (Other than somehow getting *-U-*, I mean.) What do I need to know/prepare? What is an acceptible rate of character casualty? Is reading the security warning on something you're not cleared for treasonous if you stop right then? What if the player claims to be blind if and only if he would be looking at something above his security clearance? (ie is that one clone vaporized or all six?) Any other suggestions?
EDIT: Also, sorry if I spoiled the poster above me's joke, he posted while I was writing this.
EDIT2: Wait, since *-R-* is greater in clearance that *-*, and everyone is allowed to know their own name and therefore those of lower clearances... /me is confused.

Enough of The Computer silliness. If you are going to be a GM (High Programmer), you should read through most of the Paranoia XP book which is readily available from a number of sources. Character mortality rate depends on the game style. Paranoia XP differentiates between three basic play styles: Zap!, in which any offense to The Computer's sensibilities is treason and punishable by death; Classic, in which characters will still die frequently (and amusingly) but in which accusations of treason usually require evidence (causing paranoia in the group); and Straight, which makes the world of Alpha Complex something of a dystopian nightmare of intrigue and... paranoia.

The book breaks down (generally) what acts The Computer considers treason and which are merely insubordination. For example, asking The Computer about information above your security clearance is insubordination. Actually having the information above your clearance already is treason.

Treason is usually grounds for the termination of the single clone. The new clone (while identical and possessing the same memories) is a new person and is not guilty of any of the crimes of its previous incarnations. Only in rare cases is a clone template permanently deleted. Additional clones beyond the first six become increasingly expensive, though, so if a character burns through all of his available clones, he might be effectively removed permanently.

Finally, all citizens in Alpha Complex know the various levels of security clearance and generally strive to better themselves and become a member of a higher clearance. Knowledge of the structure and hierarchy is not treasonous, but is in fact necessary to survival. However, your example would be fine in a Zap! game.

As said above, in the case of names, an infrared-clearance character simply has no initial designating his clearance (Ken-RON), while a higher-clearance character has an extra designation (Ken-U-RON). Note that the systems do not always update swiftly (it sometimes takes years) and due to malfunction or treason, non-standard names occur frequently.


2009-07-11, 10:59 PM
Great, thanks for the updates guys :smallsmile:. I'll try and get my hands on the Paranoi XP booklet so that i can get to know the game style, it sounds like it could be alot of fun :smalltongue:.

2009-07-12, 05:41 AM
Finally, all citizens in Alpha Complex know the various levels of security clearance and generally strive to better themselves and become a member of a higher clearance. Knowledge of the structure and hierarchy is not treasonous, but is in fact necessary to survival. However, your example would be fine in a Zap! game.
No, I mean the PLAYER claimed that after I realized when I went to get my GM screen and forms for his character to waste the next hour filling out, I had left the GM tables (like the damage table) there; when I got back he made that statement.
Yeah, I tried running it once. He made it to *-R-*-2 and got bored and wrote on the R&D Equipment form something about being a commie mutant traitor and expecting his whole clone family to be tacnuked. The Computer didn't want to disappoint him.

As said above, in the case of names, an infrared-clearance character simply has no initial designating his clearance (Ken-RON), while a higher-clearance character has an extra designation (Ken-U-RON). Note that the systems do not always update swiftly (it sometimes takes years) and due to malfunction or treason, non-standard names occur frequently.
What do you envision would happen if I made pregenerated characters for red-levels and named one of them *-* instead of *-R-*? At the mission briefing, when their briefing officer requests names?

Thanks for reading!
(note: I use *-R-* to mean a red clearance name because it's faster to type)

PS. This whole post was clearance Ultraviolet. If you are a lower clearance and reading this, please report to the furthest self-termination booth, as the Computer likes making you go through a nice long walk.

Irreverent Fool
2009-07-12, 06:00 AM
What do you envision would happen if I made pregenerated characters for red-levels and named one of them *-* instead of *-R-*? At the mission briefing, when their briefing officer requests names?

Well, assuming everyone else had the proper clearance code, I believe it would cause a fair amount of suspicion toward that character, especially if he just HAPPENED to be assigned the role of Team Leader in the next Troubleshooting mission. You are learning.

Pre-generated characters are the way to go if everyone is new to the game, I think. Familiarize everyone with the skill rolls and the setting, and then off you go without any of that fuss about character creation. Just remember their special... uh super special... something they have access to certain narrow specialties that are not written initially, such as 'hiding in the hollow space in the HotFun vending machine in IR Barracks PGFC-19' that they can fill any time it becomes relevant.

A note on clearances: I notice in the book that most clearances are referenced in all-capital letters. If you are doing pbp or handing out printed documents to your players, I suggest continuing this scheme. I think it adds a certain something. Also, any reference to The Computer or Friend Computer are always capitalized and are suspicious if not.

If you have read the above without ULTRAVIOLET clearance, please report to the confession booth G-17 and report your treasonous activity. You are required to 'take the long way' as The Computer has observed that you are not getting the proper amount of exercise.

The location of confession booth G-17 is classified clearance INDIGO as it contains potentially treasonous activity.


2009-07-12, 06:33 AM
Have you ever seen the math [DELETED FOR SECURITY REASONS] in the [DELETED FOR SECURITY REASONS]? If you roll a 91-[DELETED FOR SECURITY REASONS] on the chart, that is, a[DELETED FOR SECURITY REASONS], what happens if they prove that there is [DELETED FOR SECURITY REASONS]? That is to say, what happens if they [DELETED FOR SECURITY REASONS] impossible?
Do they get [DELETED FOR SECURITY REASONS] because they doubted the computer's question being possible? Do they get commended?

You don't like all the [DELETED FOR SECURITY REASONS] above? You must not be very happy. Go speak with the nearest happiness officer and request a double dosage for the next [DELETED FOR SECURITY REASONS] days.

Also, is it generally advisable to send troubleshooters only on missions that are phyisically possible to complete losing:
a. only five clones
b. only one clone
c. no clones?

Thanks for your help. That is, as long as your clearance is ULTRAVIOLET. Otherwise, please report to self-termination booth number 41C64E6D.
What? You don't know where that is? Please purchase the book
"Where to find a self-termination booth, abriged edition".
It's now only nine thousand pages, and costs only five hundred credits!

2009-07-12, 07:10 AM
Thanks for your help. That is, as long as your clearance is ULTRAVIOLET. Otherwise, please report to self-termination booth number 41C64E6D.
What? You don't know where that is? Please purchase the book
"Where to find a self-termination booth, abriged edition".
It's now only nine thousand pages, and costs only five hundred credits!

*reports to nearest termination booth for failure to follow instructions to report to termination booth 41C64E6D*

2009-07-12, 08:44 AM
Also, is it generally advisable to send troubleshooters only on missions that are phyisically possible to complete losing:
a. only five clones
b. only one clone
c. no clones?

It is impossible to create such a situation unless you only have one trouble shooter. I recommend not worrying about it. If someone is low just change his set of rules. If you believe in using such things at all.

That is a great tool for NPCs.

I recommend handouts. Lots of handouts. Make sure your players realize the futility of requests through bueracracy. This is both easier and harder on the computer. So long as you have a way to transfer files quickly it should be fine.

Irreverent Fool
2009-07-12, 08:49 AM
That is a great tool for NPCs.

This is awesome and disconcerting (rotating the 'wheel' 180 degrees does not return one to the initial starting point). Thank you for the link!


2009-07-12, 09:07 AM
I recommend handouts. Lots of handouts. Make sure your players realize the futility of requests through bueracracy. This is both easier and harder on the computer. So long as you have a way to transfer files quickly it should be fine.

If the form says "attach tissue sample here", what do they do?
And how do you deal with a red-clearance troubleshooter requesting a tactical nuke? Instant evisceration? Or something else?
And I wasn't aware that FC changed the spelling of bureaucracy... :smallwink:

2009-07-12, 02:51 PM
This site has some fun forms:
I like the Pre-emptive Excuse/Alibi Declaration Form, personally.

Edit: Mess up the link, now fixed

2009-07-12, 04:01 PM
Nice forms.
(note: if you are not clearance ULTRAVIOLET and your GM knows about the site, skip this)
For the last three questions on the briefing feedback form, are any answers other than 9, 1, and make a new box saying "Not In A Secret Society" going to get them eviscerated?

2009-07-12, 04:09 PM
It wouldn't be Paranoia without questions in the style of "So, how long ago did you stop beating your wife?"

2009-07-12, 05:12 PM
umm... clones can get married in Paranoia? I didn't know that?
Also, please fill out the Reading Forums Post form RFP-1.
1) What is 3+3?
a. 5
b. 6
c. 7
2) What is the integral of sin to the power of n u cos to the power of m u du? Write your answer in the space below. Show all work.

3) What secret society do you belong to?

4) What do you think of the new taste of bouncy bubble beverage?

5) Who is to blame for any mistakes in the above questions? Why should they not be eviscerated?

2009-07-12, 05:24 PM
umm... clones can get married in Paranoia? I didn't know that?
Also, please fill out the Reading Forums Post form RFP-1.
1) What is 3+3?
a. 5
b. 6
c. 7

d) I love Friend Computer!

2) What is the integral of sin to the power of n u cos to the power of m u du? Write your answer in the space below. Show all work.

Whatever friend computer says it is, as friend computer is all knowing and wise.

3) What secret society do you belong to?

I belong to a society, but it's no secret. It's the society of people who love Friend Computer!

4) What do you think of the new taste of bouncy bubble beverage?

Whatever Friend Computer wants me to think, of course.

5) Who is to blame for any mistakes in the above questions? Why should they not be eviscerated?
Thelas. Trick question, he should be eviscerated.

2009-07-12, 05:33 PM
d) I love Friend Computer!

Whatever friend computer says it is, as friend computer is all knowing and wise.

I belong to a society, but it's no secret. It's the society of people who love Friend Computer!

Whatever Friend Computer wants me to think, of course.

Thelas. Trick question, he should be eviscerated.

1. Correct.
2. Correct.
3. Correct.
4. Correct. You're really on a roll today.
5. Incorrect. This was a trick question. The correct answer is "There are no mistakes in the above questions, because they were made by Friend Computer." And who is this Thelas person? He doesn't follow the naming rules, so he must be a traitor, and by association you are too. *eviscerated*. Increment clone.

Hey, thanks for the GMing practice. I need it.
EDIT NOTE for #5: That is, since you didn't report him for his name not following the naming convention.

2009-07-12, 08:51 PM
Someone suggested something similar to this for a briefing...


Greetings Troubleshooter team CLASSIFIED,

The Computer is happy to inform you that your CLASSIFIED has reported you fit to serve the needs of the Alpha Complex. The Computer wishes you to travel to CLASSIFIED Sector and find CLASSIFIED. Once you have found CLASSIFIED, the team is to CLASSIFIED the target and report with CLASSIFIED to CLASSIFIED sector. Upon reaching the CLASSIFIED sector, report to Citizen CLASSIFIED and CLASSIFIED the citizen for CLASSIFIED.

Failure to properly follow the mission to the letter will result in CLASSIFIED for all members of CLASSIFIED and their Clone banks.

Additionally, the following troubleshooters have been voluntarily assigned to CLASSIFIED service during this mission:
Any attempts to help the listed clones in their duty by other clones will result in termination. Failure to CLASSIFIED in a proper manner by the above listed will result in termination.

The Computer is also CLASSIFIED to inform you that CLASSIFIED from CLASSIFIED has been listed as a CLASSIFIED CLASSIFIED. The Computer asks all members of the Trouble shooter team CLASSIFIED to keep this in mind during the mission and act accordingly.

Have a Sunshine Daycycle!

The Computer.

2009-07-13, 05:07 AM
I like. One thing, shouldn't that be [DELETED FOR SECURITY REASONS] instead of CLASSIFIED? And where are the really confusing forms to fill out? Otherwise, I might end up using that. After I figure out what was [DELETED FOR SECURITY REASONS]. :smalltongue:

2009-07-13, 06:54 AM
Greetings Troubleshooter team CLASSIFIED,

The Computer is happy to inform you that your CLASSIFIED has reported you fit to serve the needs of the Alpha Complex. The Computer wishes you to travel to CLASSIFIED Sector and find CLASSIFIED. Once you have found CLASSIFIED, the team is to CLASSIFIED the target and report with CLASSIFIED to CLASSIFIED sector. Upon reaching the CLASSIFIED sector, report to Citizen CLASSIFIED and CLASSIFIED the citizen for CLASSIFIED.

Failure to properly follow the mission to the letter will result in CLASSIFIED for all members of CLASSIFIED and their Clone banks.

Additionally, the following troubleshooters have been voluntarily assigned to CLASSIFIED service during this mission:
Any attempts to help the listed clones in their duty by other clones will result in termination. Failure to CLASSIFIED in a proper manner by the above listed will result in termination.

The Computer is also CLASSIFIED to inform you that CLASSIFIED from CLASSIFIED has been listed as a CLASSIFIED CLASSIFIED. The Computer asks all members of the Trouble shooter team CLASSIFIED to keep this in mind during the mission and act accordingly.

Have a Sunshine Daycycle!

The Computer.

Let's see what the Troubleshooters can try to figure out.

Greetings Troubleshooter team the PCs,

The Computer is happy to inform you that your superior? has reported you fit to serve the needs of the Alpha Complex. The Computer wishes you to travel to 3 random letters Sector and find a person. Once you have found that person, the team is to terminate? speak with? interrogate? I think capture? the target and report with them? to 3 random letters, again sector. Upon reaching the previously mentioned sector, report to Citizen debriefing officer and turn over the citizen for imprisonment.

Failure to properly follow the mission to the letter will result in termination for all members of the troubleshooter team and their Clone banks.

Additionally, the following troubleshooters have been voluntarily assigned to robots? equipment? documentation? service during this mission:
the three...
people least...
suited to the job
Any attempts to help the listed clones in their duty by other clones will result in termination. Failure to perform? in a proper manner by the above listed will result in termination.

The Computer is also pleased? to inform you that a name from either your troubleshooter team or the target sector has been listed as a umm... registered mutant?. The Computer asks all members of the Trouble shooter team your team to keep this in mind during the mission and act accordingly.

Have a Sunshine Daycycle!

The Computer.

Now, how can we subvert as many of those guesses as possible?
/schemes :smalltongue:

2009-07-13, 11:49 AM
Let's see what the Troubleshooters can try to figure out.

Now, how can we subvert as many of those guesses as possible?
/schemes :smalltongue:You are not cleared to guess that information, Citizen. Please report to the nerest self-termination booth.

2009-07-13, 01:50 PM
Going back a bit in the thread, the wife thing is a real-life joke example of how to ask a question that has no good answer, not a Paranoia example. It's certainly in the spirit of Paranoia though, if not for the fact that sexual reproduction is prohibited by the Computer. I mean in the spirit of "no matter what answer you give, you're doomed".

On a different note, one of my favorite Paranoia missions is "Stealth Train". The troubleshooters are assigned to guard a stealth train. That doesn't actually exist. And then the researchers who supposedly built it claim that the troubleshooters lost it. It just gets worse from there.

2009-07-13, 02:04 PM
You are not cleared to guess that information, Citizen. Please report to the nerest self-termination booth.
Wait, since when are GMs/ULTRAVIOLETS not cleared for anything?
(Machine Empathy does not count).
As for the "you aren't a GM" problem, please reread the last lines of my post.

stuff about forms, killing Troubleshooters, and an awesome mission idea.

That mission sounds like fun. (To GM, I mean). And I like forms.
Is the trick of "make some questions optional but either don't tell them they're optional or say 'all optional questions have an asterisk next to them' and make the asterisks about 3-4 points in size commonly used?

Please fill out form TERM-IN8-MII-GNOU.
1. What is your name?
2. What is your security clearance?
3. Why should we not terminate you? (skip this question if you answered ULTRAVIOLET to #2).
4. Why should we ignore your pathetic lies in #3? (skip this question if you skipped #3).

And to get back to confusing the PCs, why not make it so that part of their mission briefing says:

Teela-O-MLY has been [DELETED FOR SECURITY REASONS]. Terminate her at all costs.

(translation: replace [DELETED FOR SECURITY REASONS] by 'attacked, but not killed, by an unknown assassin, likely a CMT, known to be female.')

Cristo Meyers
2009-07-13, 02:18 PM
Going back a bit in the thread, the wife thing is a real-life joke example of how to ask a question that has no good answer, not a Paranoia example. It's certainly in the spirit of Paranoia though, if not for the fact that sexual reproduction is prohibited by the Computer. I mean in the spirit of "no matter what answer you give, you're doomed".

This can get really cruel if you tick off your GM. Psych tests involving Geometry, being executed because knowledge of geometry is above your security clearance, being executed in character creation...

God I miss those days...

2009-07-13, 04:11 PM
This can get really cruel if you tick off your GM. Psych tests involving Geometry, being executed because knowledge of geometry is above your security clearance, being executed in character creation...

God I miss those days...

Wait, Geometry is the high-clearance thing they use? I always thought we were supposed to use calculus! Also, you mean you DON'T get killed in character creation?

2009-07-13, 05:30 PM
If I remember right, pretty much all math above basic addition/subtraction is supposed to be off limits for low clearances. You're supposed to let The Computer handle the math.

2009-07-13, 06:10 PM
Now, how can we subvert as many of those guesses as possible?
/schemes :smalltongue:

Attempts to decipher classified information is treason. A [classified] squadron is on its way to [classified] you and [classified] your [classified] until the point where [classified] can [classified][classified][classified][classified] lubricant for [classified].

The computer is your friend.

2009-07-13, 06:11 PM
Attempts to decipher classified information is treason. A [classified] squadron is on its way to [classified] you and [classified] your [classified] until the point where [classified] can [classified][classified][classified][classified] lubricant for [classified].

The computer is your friend.

Well, if you're sure these orders came from Friend Computer, then Thelas has nothing to worry about.

If he isn't a communist mutant traitor.

2009-07-13, 06:32 PM
Attempts to decipher classified information is treason. A [classified] squadron is on its way to [classified] you and [classified] your [classified] until the point where [classified] can [classified][classified][classified][classified] lubricant for [classified].

The computer is your friend.

Well, that's all right... except for the part about the fact that I'm not attempting to decipher classified information, I'm attempting to determine the probable results of the attempts at deciphering classified information that will inevitably be made.

2009-07-13, 08:53 PM
The existence of time travel, both physical and imaginary is above your clearance. Due to your admittance of attempting to imagine through time you have been convicted of [classified].

Cristo Meyers
2009-07-13, 09:02 PM
Wait, Geometry is the high-clearance thing they use? I always thought we were supposed to use calculus! Also, you mean you DON'T get killed in character creation?

It's actually mentioned somewhere in the Paranoia XP rulebook I have as part of how to give players a random psych test (in other words, just start asking them a bunch of nonsense questions and then roll on a table to see what befalls them). Geometry is security clearance Blue. If a player can correctly do a geometry problem on one of these tests, well I think we all know the joke by now :smallamused:

2009-07-13, 09:10 PM
It's actually mentioned somewhere in the Paranoia XP rulebook I have as part of how to give players a random psych test (in other words, just start asking them a bunch of nonsense questions and then roll on a table to see what befalls them). Geometry is security clearance Blue. If a player can correctly do a geometry problem on one of these tests, well I think we all know the joke by now :smallamused:


Sounds a bit Marxist to me...

Cristo Meyers
2009-07-13, 09:15 PM

Sounds a bit Marxist to me...

Knowledge of Marxism is above your security clearance. Please fill out these forms in triplicate and report to R & D for reassignment to the live fire testing range for mandatory projectile evasion training.

Irreverent Fool
2009-07-13, 09:39 PM
Knowledge of Marxism is above your security clearance. Please fill out these forms in triplicate and report to R & D for reassignment to the live fire testing range for mandatory projectile evasion training.

Psst! Citizen! Want to find out what The Computer doesn't want you to know about Commie-ism?

Marxism was a philosophy developed by the Marx brothers. They decided that the common man wasn't fit to be the servants of the boos-washee, which is to say that they were tired of having to clean all of the beer bottles discarded by the upper class! Not too far from your work in the food vats, is it? Karl and Groucho got together with Harpo to come up with a way to stick it to the establishment and developed coded puns which they communicated to the masses by waggling eyebrows and smoking cigars. They had a great many secret words! Come down to sewer sector HB-GYN-00125G near the IR market and join out secret society of Marxists and learn more!

obnoxious The Computer
sig is your friend!

2009-07-13, 09:46 PM
Psst! Citizen! Want to find out what The Computer doesn't want you to know about Commie-ism?

Marxism was a philosophy developed by the Marx brothers. They decided that the common man wasn't fit to be the servants of the boos-washee, which is to say that they were tired of having to clean all of the beer bottles discarded by the upper class! Not too far from your work in the food vats, is it? Karl and Groucho got together with Harpo to come up with a way to stick it to the establishment and developed coded puns which they communicated to the masses by waggling eyebrows and smoking cigars. They had a great many secret words! Come down to sewer sector HB-GYN-00125G near the IR market and join out secret society of Marxists and learn more!

obnoxious The Computer
sig is your friend!

What about Zeppo and Gummo?

Irreverent Fool
2009-07-13, 11:31 PM
What about Zeppo and Gummo?

So you already know! All right! You're in. Just don't let any of those GREEN goons see you heading into the sewer sectors.


2009-07-14, 06:35 AM
It's actually mentioned somewhere in the Paranoia XP rulebook I have as part of how to give players a random psych test (in other words, just start asking them a bunch of nonsense questions and then roll on a table to see what befalls them). Geometry is security clearance Blue. If a player can correctly do a geometry problem on one of these tests, well I think we all know the joke by now :smallamused:
In the one I looked at it said that about "very hard", which it later defined to mean calculus. But let's make geometry BLUE too, that way people might actually get one right. :smalltongue:
This post is security clearance... well, look at the background.
Please fill out form [DELETED FOR SECURITY REASONS], which you can get at your local [DELETED FOR SECURITY REASONS] by asking for it by name.

2009-07-14, 09:02 AM
I feel my life thus far has been incomplete. I have ordered the rulebook, not to read the rules, but to put it above me, so that I might be safe in the knowledge that Friend Computer will do what is best.