View Full Version : Your Favorite Character

2009-07-06, 11:53 PM
What was your favorite character you have ever played, give a story of why.

My Half Dragon Paladin 6/ Blackguard 6

He was the Most Fleshed out character I have ever played, given actual moral problems by the Dm he actually went mad, killing all his old friends who had 'Betrayed' him. He eventually built a small army and began a war, But the Dm left the group so he was cast away into Oblivion... *Sniff*

2009-07-07, 12:02 AM
I believe this topic belongs in the Roleplaying Games forum. Just a heads up. You might even be able to find a similar thread already there for you to participate in. :smallwink:

2009-07-07, 12:03 AM
Quite a while ago, I came up with a sorcerer who had a disabled arm. The arm never really had a chance to cause problems since those in the group gave up when the game went on a less action-packed section of the story.

2009-07-07, 12:07 AM
Well Im new to the site so sorry, If it must be deleted or moved I guess it will be. *Shrug*

Jesse Drake
2009-07-07, 12:18 AM
Kane the Catlord

End Result- Rogue 7/Catlord 6/Cleric 5

Okay, where to begin. Well, as a human, that's where. Started with a young rogue traveling towards nowhere. I barely had him put together, and he was good at poking kidneys. He was perfect.

At level 5, I was eager to get to my first prestige class. I had complete adventurer at my side, and a world of possibilities. I saved a few skills for later picking and a feat, but I couldn't pick anything. I skipped my level 6 feat too, and by level seven I was bored of just gaining rogue levels (now I see that's ridiculous). I picked Animal Lord-Cats. I choose that because I saw a tribe of Wymeks slaughtered by a demon wannabe. I had no way of knowing that Vashir were a dominant race later in the game.

Well, I became a crazy catlord and gained a few levels... Before coming across the garb of the hunting cat (I think that's right). I was in love. I put it on and became the cat. But that was only so good. I mean, I'd charge around the field pouncing and tearing the kidneys out my foes (party with 2 rogues... We were awesome, till the D.M. started with those that can't be sneak attacked.), but one epic Rokugan Drow samurai battle (epic in name only, or E.I.N.O.), we gained a second level in the same day (we had just gained a level from normal leveling up). I chose to gain another level in cat-lord. But I lost the sheet... and at the time I didn't keep back-ups of my Chars or remember their stats or anything. It was terrible. Anyways, when the party got stuck on the moon with the Vashir (second visit, Kane was with the first) a desire to see the Vashir drove Kane back to the moon (I found him again).

Now, he went on the moon and when we got down we had a great battle. I lost my life, and when I came back I gained my level right away. I chose Cleric. And it's because he saw and met his deity, The Cat Lord, and disagreed. He decided it was time to do the right thing, and go from the horrible CN to CG- Losing my ability to level up as Cat Lord. It was awesome, and since their was a high level healer and a cleric in the party, he let me spontaneous cast, since my wisdom was only 14, I wasn't a cleric that well. None the less, I became a Cat God (and tried to read the book that gives Divinity, the end game artifact), and bought a flying carpet. I saved the cat folk, and left at that. Now, when we re-assume the game, after Scales of War, he's gonna have a fleet of float whales at his command, and the entire Vashir tribe will be at his call.

2009-07-08, 05:57 AM
Linkchvary Hellion.
Moon Elf Ranger/Deep Wood Sniper.

I played him for about 6 years and he was the only living and remaining character from the original party.
He started off just a little messed up but was becoming very twisted by the time i had a falling out with the DM and the other players didn't want to play anymore. Had had two Drow Goddesses attack him, his arm cut off (though he finished the duel he was fighting and claimed his sword and ring of human control before passing out from shock).
He's excellent at torture and hunting and his best friends are a Drow woman who stands to become Queen of the largest Drow settlement in Cormyr, and a Drow undead ex-lover who's gone mad and holds a God-killing magical device.
I miss playing him SO much :smallfrown:

2009-07-08, 07:51 AM
I've only played a few characters, and I really like all of them.

My first was... Oh no, I've forgotten her name... Half-elf Ranger/Wild Runner, main favoured enemies humans and giants. Usual angsty back-story: She was conceived when a bunch of human soldiers raped her elven mother (well, something along the lines of the group peer-pressured her father into doing it). She grew up with her mother telling her how awful humans were, and so was raised to hate them. At one point she went to kill her father, but discovered that he had a wife and children and was very very sorry for what he did, and willing to treat her like a beloved daughter. The giant enemy's cuz she saw a bunch of 'em tear her mother apart. Fun, no? Anyway, she's a very angry young woman with conflicted feelings about humans (hate wins out most of the time) and a bit unhinged.

My next, and what I consider my "main", is Sar'Pynestae, CG 3/4 elf 1/4 succubus (homebrewed) Ranger/Tempest (pending). She's tall and thin with a shock of bright red hair, pale skin, Gambit eyes, and a pair of little black baby-goat horns. I accidentally made her weigh more than 100kg despite being very thin, so she has extra-heavy "demon bones". She uses two swords and has a fancy set of leafweave armour she inherited from her grandfather. Her grandmother is a succubus who happened to sneak through a Gate and decided to stay with the elves there (they've managed to "rehabilitate" her to Neutral). Sar'Pynestae was at one point kidnapped by demons for use in the Blood Wars. A party, led by her grandmother, went into the hells to rescue her, but not before she went pretty mental. Normally, now, she has a very loose hold on her temper, and although it never came up if she ever finds herself in the Hells or the Abyss again she will first have an immense mental breakdown then kick into survival mode, aka True Neutral.
One of my favourite stories about her involves the party rogue, Nuturion. He was sitting in the eating hall of Montgomery Snake's Elevated Academy for Adventurers playing that knife game where you stab it as fast as you can between the splayed fingers of your other hand. Sar'Pynestae half-sneaked up behind him, and gave him a cheery "hello!" Nuturion then put the dagger straight through his hand. Fortunately the Cleric was nearby, and healed him up quick-smart. He had a go at Sar'Pynestae, who made some comment about his clumsiness or somesuch. He then gave her an uppercut to the jaw. She, in turn, tackled him to the ground and preceeded to pummel him. At that point, the Druid turned up with his special acorn that casts entangle on any non-druid who touches it. The next time she has her hand up for a punch... he slips it into her fist. And she's stuck.
She was totally winning <.<

My next one was Shea, high Charisma, high Dexterity, high Wisdom, low Intelligence CG half-orc Rogue/Catlord. I justified her high Wisdom score by deciding that she has a "well-developed sense of self-preservation". Some might call her a coward, but that wouldn't be very fair. She has no idea who her parents were, she just knows that she was born on the street and the only ones who were consistently nice to her were the street cats. One of the people who was nice to her gave her a lynxpaw. I only played her at a high level, about 15 or something, which meant that pretty much everything she could take. So, I'd really like to play her at a lower level, so I could play up her well-developed sense of self-preservation and play out her relationship with felines.

I also have a petite mute Rogue with a mid-high class prostitute for a mother, and my DMPC is an elf'd dwarf Knight who was exiled from her ultra-conservative homeland for consorting with elves. Yeah, that's not gonna cause issues later...

Avilan the Grey
2009-07-08, 08:26 AM
Ashkag - Half orc (not D&D) fighter which was extremely ugly (lowest possible score). Please note that this was not a dump stat - in this game you rolled 3d6 + race bonus for every attribute, no re-arranging allowed.

Anyway, as a man behind a mask was doing pretty good, he had high PER and INT scores, and a good STR and CON.

Anyway, he actually ended up being something of a team diplomat; he started with a metal full helmet to hide his features but after a while he switched to a cloth mask. Less intimidating if you are trying to talk to people.
It was a fun character, and definitely one I would have liked to play more. I can't really re-create him in other games since PER and LOOKS are always just CHA. If you know what I mean.

2009-07-08, 10:39 AM
Wancallad "Seebo" Baraherl
Arctic Gnome - Beguiler 7/Mindbender 1/Shadowcraft Mage 5

Seebo was my character for 2 and a half years up until our latest session where he died a horrible and irreversible death by drinking from a fountain of green slime disguised as water (courtesy of Zagig himself).

Well dressed, but pale and always looking a little feverish was he. He was among a small clutch of survivors from a magical disease cast upon his village from a scornful wizard. As a member of society he was a prick, respecting only those he feared, and only while they were looking at him. He'd often take advantage of his party members but for one particular church inquisitor who had him all figured out, which in turn became the closest thing to a friend he'd ever have.

Fond memories of him include an encounter with hobgoblin archers which he took down with a single, lucky cast of Mass Whelm. Him going on solo adventure in Zagig's tower an taking on a bunch of Redcaps riding a Tank/Construct hybrid thingie. And in particular his impressive mansion brought for money that would otherwise grossly violate the WBL (a certain player having his characters die close to 3 sessions in a row).

Alas poor Seebo, I knew him well and none but I shall miss him :smallfrown:

2009-07-08, 12:13 PM
Oooh...well, this has to either go to Ash Sakar, my Rakshasa Cleric (1e) or Vale Tireon (/Nosrih/Yerif/Trev/Uremb/Rex Porles) my wizard/swordsage/many PrCs multiple personality character. I don't have the time to put up details right now, unfortunately...but I think I will.


Vale Tireon, five minds compressed together into a stable person.

A light in the sky, and a mind shatters.

A long time ago, and now once more, one form contains many minds, once five, now six.

Trev, shy ranger of house Vert. Abandoned in the forests as an infant by his family, and grudgingly taken in by druids. Years passed, there was a change in leadership in the sect. Abandoned to the wild again at the age of nine. Extremely shy, always avoiding people, but fighting with all his strength and skill to protect the forest that raised him, and those who are important to him.

Yerif, the self-righteous and quick to anger noble of the Fiery house. Thrown out for starting a brawl with a higher noble evoker back home, wandering now, picking fights and bullying the weak.

Nosrih, shining noble crusader of house Shiron. Traveling the world to find and slay whatever the light deems evil and wrong with the world. A strong and sturdy warrior, and a willing participant in many battles.

Uremb, cunning mind of house Umber. Trying to reconcile broken memories in an invisibly shattered mind. Trying to find a way to use these mysterious gaps and abilities to reach any twisted path to power.

Rex Porles, optimistic but incompetent traveler of the house of Explorers. Wandering the world for the sake of adventure and friendship, but blind to much darkness and danger around him.

I am Vale Tireon, shy ranger of house Vert, noble brawler of the Fiery house, holy crusader of house Shiron, manipulating fiend of house Umber, wandering adventurer of the house of Explorers, and The Warrior from legends long past.


He used to have multiple personalities. He was five different people (one from each house), each with their own memories of childhood, such that he truly doesn't know which is real. However, he managed to pull himself into a single composite personality: Vale Tireon. Around the beginning of game there was a massive flash in the sky which ripped through the minds of everyone in the city. Vale broke again, except instead of just the five pieces, Vale also is in control sometimes, and is the only one who really understands what's wrong with him.

Most notably, Vale (and only Vale, not the others) is the reincarnation of The Warrior, an ancient hero who is central to the history of the world. Furthermore, Uremb, one of his personalities and the only evil one, is the reincarnation of The Death Knight, the final adversary of the Warrior. The two slew one another in a battle hundreds of years ago, but due to recent events they have returned, reborn inside two different minds, but within one body.

When I say many PrCs, that's because each personality is taking a different one, so my class abilities change when I do. Vale is the Dragonheart Champion, a PrC based on the Jade Phoenix Mage made for the campaign world. Nosrih is a Deepstone Sentinel. Yerif is a Bloodstorm Blade. ...not sure what Trev is yet, I need to find a class still. Uremb is the Dragonfang Deathknight, similar to the other class. Rex Porles is a Horizon Walker.

...it's fun because three of them are total jerks and one is a complete idiot. Uremb is evil, Yerif is a bully and just an all around jerk, and Nosrih is overly righteous and believes in the superiority of the noble class over the commoners (as does Yerif). Rex has at least some measure of ADD, and is almost completely incompetent in any scenario. Trev is quiet, but capable, and Vale makes a good adventurer. :smalltongue:


Now, as to my other character. I can't go into detail for him, as the DM is very protective of his works. But he is a Rakshasa Cleric who recently learned that he is in fact the god of the Rakshasa, having had his powers (and memories) drained from him many years ago, now that he has recently regained them. Man, that's a high power campaign. :smallbiggrin: