View Full Version : Weapons with fort saves dnd 3.5

2009-07-09, 11:55 AM
this question is in regards to the Vow of Peace feat in the Book of Exalted Deeds.
in the description it says that if a creature strikes you with a manufactured weapon it has to make a fort save.

i didn't even know that weapons had saves.

any one know what they're talking about or where i could get info on this?

2009-07-09, 11:56 AM
Attended items - such as weapons held by someone - make their saves using the wielder's modifiers. I think.

2009-07-09, 11:58 AM
Magic item section of the DMG. As I understand it, they either use the fort save of the person wielding them, or their own, whichever is higher. When unattended, they use their own.

A magic item's saves are equal to 2+1/2 caster level, same as a character with a good save. Essentially, find out what the base save of a Monk would be when his level is equal to the caster level of the magic item, and that's the item's base save.