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View Full Version : Sentient Weapons (3.5 Template, PEACH)

2009-07-11, 12:27 AM
A template for creating intelligent items based upon fusing the minds and souls of creatures with weapons....

In particular, I'm interested in arguments on establishing CR and LA (which I just guessed at). I'd also like suggestions on how to clarify the text of the Magic Absorption special quality. (It's basically to make up for the fact that a sword can't wear equipment.) I'm open to suggestions for more appropriate special abilities, and I'd *love* a chance to playtest it. More than anything else, though, let me know if anything seems seriously out of whack. Finally, if you can come up with better names for some of the abilities (or the template itself), please let me know; I'm horrible at generating evocative names.

Sentient WeaponSentient weapons are formed when the mind and life force of a living creature is transferred to a masterwork or magical weapon. While this most often occurs as part of some devious plan of a half-insane wizard, it can sometimes happen spontaneously in areas of high magical flux.

Creating A Sentient Weapon
"Sentient Weapon" is an aquired template that combines any aberration, dragon, fey, giant, humanoid, or monstrous humanoid (referred to hereafter as the base creature) with a weapon that is masterwork or magical (referred to hereafter as the base weapon). The base creature must have a Charisma and Intelligence of 6 or higher.

A sentient weapon has all of the base creature's characteristics except as noted here.

Size and Type
A sentient weapon’s type is construct. The sentient weapon also gains an augmented subtype of its original type. Do not recalculate the base creature's base attack bonus, saves, or skill points. Size is determined by the size of the base weapon. (In general, a light weapon is an object two size categories smaller than the wielder, a one-handed weapon is an object one size category smaller than the wielder, and a two-handed weapon is an object of the same size category as the wielder.)

Hit Dice
All current and future Hit Dice become d10s. Sentient weapons do not gain bonus hit points based on size.

Sentient weapons have a speed of 5 feet. Sentient weapons lose all other modes of movement. A sentient weapon cannot run or charge.

Armor Class
Sentient weapons have an armor class of 10, modified by size.

Sentient weapons have no natural attack mode. However, any creature wielding a sentient weapon can use the sentient weapon's base attack bonus for attacks (including iterative attacks), if the sentient weapon so wishes. A sentient weapon can also control how much of its enhancement bonus is applied to attacks and damage. In cases where a sentient weapon is at odds with a creature wielding it, the sentient weapon can subtract up to its base attack bonus from the attack rolls of the wielding creature.

Damage is determined using the damage of the base weapon (including any enhancement bonus, if the weapon wishes) and the strength modifier of the creature wielding the sentient weapon.

Special Attacks
Sentient weapons retain all special attacks of the base creature except the following: breath weapons, constrict, disease, gaze attacks, improved grab, pounce, powerful charge, rake, swallow whole, or trample.

In addition, sentient weapons gain three special abilities from the list below, plus another for every three hit dice the sentient weapon has past the first. (So a three HD sentient weapon has three special abilities; a four HD sentient weapon has four special abilities. A seven HD sentient weapon has five of these abilities.) The sentient weapon must meet all prerequisites for the abilities. The save DC against a special attack is equal to 10 + 1/2 sentient weapon's HD + sentient weapon's Cha modifier unless otherwise noted.

Spells of the Object (Su)
Prerequisite: Ability to cast spells
Benefit: Any spell cast by the sentient weapon is automatically affected by either the feat "still spell" or the feat "silent spell" without a corresponding increase in the spell's level. Any creature carrying or wielding the sentient weapon gains access to the use of the corresponding feat as well, if the sentient weapon allows. This special ability may be taken twice, allowing access to both feats.

Speech (Su)
Benefit: The sentient weapon can speak any languages it knows. In addition, it can cast spells with verbal components and use any sonic based special abilities it possesses, such as bardic music.

Sneak Attack Transfer (Su)
Prerequisite: +1d6 sneak attack
Benefit: The sentient weapon confers upon the wielder the ability to make sneak attacks. Special abilities possessed by the sentient weapon that are based on sneak attack (such as an assassin's death attack) may be activated by the sentient weapon under the appropriate circumstances as well.

Share Anger (Su)
Prerequisite: Rage or Frenzy
Benefit: A sentient weapon can channel its rage or frenzy ability into the creature wielding it, passing to it all of the benefits and drawbacks. If the creature does not want the ability, it must succeed at a Will save to resist the effect. This is an enchantment (compulsion), mind-affecting ability.

Share Feats (Su)
Benefit: The wielder gains the benefit of any feats the sentient weapon possesses that directly apply to the use of the sentient weapon in combat. For example, a creature wielding a sentient longsword could benefit if the sword possesed Weapon Focus (Longsword); however, the creature could not benefit from Dodge, Improved Turning, or Weapon Finesse, even if the sword possessed those feats as well.

Create Ammunition (Su)
Prerequisite: Ranged weapon requiring ammunition
Benefit: The sentient weapon automatically reloads itself, magically conjuring normal ammunition. This allows the creature wielding the sentient weapon to make all iterative attacks available due to high base attack bonus. The ammunition vanishes after 1 round.

Suggestion (Su)
Prerequisite: 6 hit dice
Benefit: As a standard action the sentient weapon can implant an idea into the mind of any creature who touches the weapon for a minute or more. If the target creature fails a Will save, then the sentient weapon has planted the idea deeply enough that the creature believes that it came up with the idea itself, and will act upon it to the best of its ability. (If questioned or pressed, the creature will rationalize the idea, and cannot be dissuaded from enacting it.) Success on this save results in the creature being aware of the suggestion (and that the source was external), but not compelled to act upon it. This is an enchantment (compulsion), mind-affecting ability that affects intelligent plants and intelligent undead.

Possess Wielder (Su)
Prerequisite: Suggestion
Benefit: As a standard action the sentient weapon can attempt to take control of any creature wielding it (ie, touching the hilt or handle). If the creature succeeds on a Will save, it remains in control of the body and is aware of the intrusion attempt. If the save fails, the sentient weapon takes possession of the body (now called the host). The mind of the host (including its mental ability scores, spell like abilities, base attack bonus, level, alignment, psionic abilities, etc) are dormant, replaced by that of the sentient weapon. The weapon itself reverts to being the base weapon for as long as this effect lasts. The host retains its physical ability scores, hit points, natural abilities, and automatic abilities. The sentient weapon may use any ability it knows while in possession of the host, including class abilities and feats, as long as the host body meets the prerequisites, if necessary. It cannot use extra limbs to make more attacks, nor can it activate the body's extraordinary or supernatural abilities. (Note that extraordinary or supernatural abilities that do not require mental control, such as a troll's regeneration, will still activate under the appropriate circumstances.) The sentient weapon is always proficient in the use of itself, although this does not extend to a general proficiency with weapons of that type. While possessing a host, the sentient weapon cannot use any of the other special abilities listed here (such as Spells of the Object, Suggestion, or Create Ammunition). When the possession effect ends for any reason, the mind of the sentient weapon returns to the base weapon. The sentient weapon does not need to remain in direct contact with the base weapon to control the body; however, the base weapon must remain within 100ft of the host, or the possession effect ends. If the host dies, the possession effect ends. The sentient weapon can end the possession effect at any time as a free action. Once per day, the mind of the host may attempt to reestablish control of the body; a successful Will save ends the possession. However, the DC for this save is increased by 1 for each day the sentient weapon has had control. This ability affects any creature that can wield the sentient weapon, including undead and plants. Mindless creatures get no save to resist this effect.

Possess Construct Wielder(Su)
Prerequisite: Possess Wielder
Benefit: The sentient weapon's possess wielder ability now works against constructs. Intelligent constructs get a Will save, like other creatures; mindless constructs do not.

Hover (Su)
Benefit: The sentient weapon gains a fly speed of 5' with good maneuverability. It cannot run or charge. It can take this special ability multiple times; each time it increases the fly speed by 5'. For lifting purposes (for example, if grappled), a sentient weapon has a Strength of 1.

Dance (Su)
Prerequisite: Hover
Benefit: The sentient weapon may attack while hovering, as if wielded by a creature of Strength 10 and Dexterity 10, using its base attack bonus to hit and for iterative attacks.

Defensive Maneuvering (Su)
Prerequisite: Hover
Benefit: The sentient weapon gains +2 Dex bonus to AC for every 5' of fly movement that it has. Thus, a sentient weapon that has taken the Hover special ability three times gains a +6 Dex bonus to AC. The weapon can still be caught flat-footed (and thus loses this bonus), although it cannot be flanked. Furthermore, the fly speed's maneuverability is upgraded to perfect.

Special Qualities
Sentient weapons retain all special qualities of the base creature except the following: any ability that increases movement, any ability based on alternate form or change shape, polymorph, or tremorsense. Sentient weapons retain all natural abilities of both the base creature and the base weapon. Sentient weapons gain lowlight vision and darkvision out to 60 feet. Sentient weapons can hear the same as the base creature. Sentient weapons are immune to poison, sleep effects, paralysis, stunning, disease, and death effects. Sentient weapons are not subject to critical hits, nonlethal damage, fatigue, or exhaustion. Sentient weapons are ummune to any effect that requires a Fortitude save, unless that effect works on objects or is harmless. Sentient objects are not at risk of death from massive damage; however, they are destroyed immediately upon reaching 0 hit points.

Sentient weapons are subject to ability damage (mental abilities only), ability drain (mental abilities only), and energy drain. Sentient weapons are unaffected by conjuration(healing) spells, unless the spell is specifically designed to heal constructs. Nor are they affected by necromancy spells. Sentient weapons naturally heal 1 point of damage per hit die every 24 hours; this amount is not affected by rest. Sentient weapons do not eat, sleep, or breathe.

Magic Absorption
Sentient weapons can absorb the magic of other items to increase their own. Items so drained lose all magic imbued in them, and become masterwork items. The base weapon of the sentient weapon increases in gold piece value by the amount absorbed, allowing the sentient weapon to gain the benefit of a specific ability absorbed. If this benefit comes from a weapon, the cost is simply whatever is needed to increase the cost of the base weapon by that amount. (So, a sentient +3 keen longsword could absorb the flaming ability by providing 18,000gp, which is the difference between its current base cost 32,000gp and its upgraded cost 50,000gp.) Any other benfit requires that the weapon "devote" three times the worth of the ability towards having it. The sentient weapon must decide whether the benefit will be for itself or the wielder at the time the ability is gained, and cannot be changed later. (For example, a sentient weapon wishes to apply a +6 enhancement bonus to its intelligence. It would have to be in contact with a headband of intellect +6 for 36 hours to absorb the 36,000gp value of the item; in addition, it would have to put up another 72,000gp worth of value towards this ability, perhaps by also absorbing a belt of giant strength +6 and gloves of dexterity +6. If the sentient weapon would later wish to grant a +6 intelligence bonus to whoever wielded it, it would have to repeat this process over again.) Absorbing magic in this way requires an hour for every 1,000gp worth of base value absorbed. A sentient weapon can hold in reserve up to 5,000gp of base worth per hit die; this can only be devoted to making up the difference when a special ability is absorbed. If the sentient weapon does not have enough gp value (between what is absorbed and what is in reserve) to pay for a specific ability, it cannot gain the ability.

Same as the base creature, except sentient weapons have no physical attributes (Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution).

Same as base creature.

Challenge Rating
Same as base creature + 1.

Same as base creature.

Level Adjustment
Same as base creature +4.

Also, a suggested spell to allow evil DMs to import this into a running game, if desired. Suggestions on improvements here welcomed, as well.
Prepare Weapon for Sentience
Level: Clr 9, Sor/Wiz 9
Components: V, S, M, F; see text
Casting Time: 12 hours
Range: Touch
Target: One creature and one masterwork or magical weapon
Duration: Permanent until triggered, then instantaneous; see text
Saving Throw: Will negates; see text
Spell Resistance: Yes

Prepare weapon, as it says, prepares a weapon for the infusion of a mind and life force from an appropriate creature. Once the spell is completed, the next appropriate creature to touch the weapon will have its mind and life force drawn into it, creating a sentient weapon. The creature gets no save, but spell resistance does apply. The body of the creature decays instantly into dust. In addition, this process can be damaging to the psyche and life force of the creature. If the creature fails at a DC25 Fortitude save, it loses a level as if it had died. If the creature fails a DC25 Will save, its mind is damaged in the transfer, and it takes 1d4 points of Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma drain. Once completed, neither miracle nor wish can restore the creature to body and life without first destroying the sentient weapon it has become.

Material Component: 12,000gp worth of diamond dust, which must be sprinkled in hourly intervals over the weapon until the spell is complete.

Focus: The masterwork weapon that is prepared for the spell.

2009-07-13, 02:13 AM
Cool idea. I'd change the bit about flying though, it doesn't seem quite right. Maybe change it to land movement (like the weapon crawls or rolls around). Other than that i like it.:biggrin:

2009-07-13, 06:38 AM
Prepare Weapon
Level: Clr 9, Sor/Wiz 9
Components: V, S, M, F; see text
Casting Time: 12 hours
Range: Touch
Target: One creature and one masterwork or magical weapon
Duration: Permanent until triggered, then instantaneous; see text
Saving Throw: No, partial; see text
Spell Resistance: Yes

Prepare weapon, as it says, prepares a weapon for the infusion of a mind and life force from an appropriate creature. Once the spell is completed, the next appropriate creature to touch the weapon will have its mind and life force drawn into it, creating a sentient weapon. The creature gets no save, but spell resistance does apply. The body of the creature decays instantly into dust. In addition, this process can be damaging to the psyche and life force of the creature. If the creature fails at a DC25 Fortitude save, it loses a level as if it had died. If the creature fails a DC25 Will save, its mind is damaged in the transfer, and it takes 1d4 points of Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma drain. Once completed, neither miracle nor wish can restore the creature to body and life without first destroying the sentient weapon it has become.

Material Component: 25,000gp worth of diamond dust, which must be sprinkled in hourly intervals over the weapon until the spell is complete.

Focus: The masterwork weapon that is prepared for the spell.

Instant polymorphing with no saving throw? Sorry, but that's a little much. Magic doesn't need any more of a hand. Toss a Will save on there and decrease the Material Component cost and it's good.

Zeta Kai
2009-07-13, 11:06 AM
Instant polymorphing with no saving throw? Sorry, but that's a little much. Magic doesn't need any more of a hand. Toss a Will save on there and decrease the Material Component cost and it's good.

Seconded. It's Save-or-Suck, not just You Suck.

I love the idea though. And yes, the weaopn should fly, not crawl. The only thing that I'd add is the ability to attack on it's own. The weapon shouldn't have to depend on another creature just to attack, especially if it can move on its own; after all, an attack would just involve move itself into the space occupied by an opponent's body.

2009-07-13, 01:42 PM
@Jaxon, Zeta Kai: Originally the object came with no movement whatsoever, but it was meant to be a way to play an intelligent weapon. (There are rules for determining Int/Wis/Cha, so why not be a PC?) Needless to say, it sucks to not be able to move. However, I also wanted to emphasize the fact that it was a weapon, not just a way of making a character that was super hard to attack and kill. (Remember, as an item, the character has hardness, and takes half damage from energy attacks.) Thus, no attacking, and slow movement was the baseline. I can see both of your arguments, however; would it make sense to instead change the base move to 5', and then include a special ability chain to allow other abilities? Something like:

Hover (Su)
Benefit: The sentient weapon gains a fly speed of 5' with good maneuverability. It cannot run or charge. It can take this special ability multiple times; each time it increases the fly speed by 5'.

Dance (Su)
Prerequisite: Hover
Benefit: The sentient weapon may attack while hovering, as if wielded by a creature of Strength 10 and Dexterity 10, using its base attack bonus to hit and for iterative attacks.

Defensive Maneuvering (Su)
Prerequisite: Hover
Benefit: The sentient weapon gains +2 Dex bonus to AC for every 5' of fly movement that it has. Thus, a sentient weapon that has taken the Hover special ability three times gains a +6 Dex bonus to AC. The weapon can still be caught flat-footed (and thus loses this bonus), although it cannot be flanked. Furthermore, the fly speed's maneuverability is upgraded to perfect.

Based on this, I think I'd change the special abilities to 3 + 1 per 3HD, instead of the current 2 + 1 per 4HD. Went ahead and changed the first post to reflect these.

@Djinn_In_Tonic, Zeta Kai: Good catch! For some reason I was thinking that most of the other 9th level spells did not allow a save; however, looking over similar spells (Imprisonment, Soul Bind, etc), they do allow a Will save to negate. Changed the first post to reflect that.

2009-07-15, 01:24 AM
Oh, it's intended for PCs. Well then yeah, you're right it should fly. I was thinking it was an NPC, like Khazid'hea in The Legacy of the Drow.

Yeah a save might be a good idea. Or if you changed it so that it was necessary to have the victim present during the casting rather than being the next person to touch the weapon.

2009-07-15, 04:07 AM
This is a pretty good idea, I like it.:smallsmile: