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The Blackbird
2009-07-12, 06:48 PM
Preface to Part 1


Well, it appears that Professor Derrek needs me to compile an essay on the topic of religion in his class. To be fully honest he just required someone to do it for one of his classes to give the students an idea about devotion to one’s deity. I volunteered along with his daughter Rachel to write it but in the end Rachel left it to me. Sometimes I wonder if it might be because she can’t write she’s not the brightest. Which I believe is for the best, as Rachel is a cleric it would be better for terms of a class to take a scholars point of view, so not to sound like one deity is better, and I’m not particularly religious anyway. Derrek informed me that the focus should be on how far one is willing to go for religion.

The common man, assuming to be human in almost any nation would worship Pelor god of the sun, and also considered to be the patron god of humans. The common man would probably go to church pray for the strength to go on, and such and such. The common man would be proud of his deity but certainly not willing to die for it. But there are those who would, those who have such strong devotion that the god itself would grant powers to one like that for example clerics, paladins, druids and similar. There are those who would give every breath that they have to serve there god to the end. Those who would stand, no matter the odds, against an enemy to preserve their god. Call them heroes, call them fools, regardless they will most likely get a quite afterlife next to there god. These extremists can be both good and bad depending on the deity. For example many paladins have been martyrs for the greater good of the world, but on the opposite end are…well many examples. Just look at Avalon Marhan (The Obsidian General) who slaughtered so many Heironeous(God of Valor) followers that the deity actually dropped in divine rank falling to lesser deity-hood. Avalon was trying to appease Heironeous’s nemesis Hextor (God of Tyranny).

Ah, religion it can cause a man to die for his dreams…or slaughter thousands.

Milton Keller (Scholar) Neutral Good Human Bard
Member of Triple D.

Brick by Brick
Part 1

Down in Southern Eturia is a line of churches to many deities, these churches help to morally support the small nations down there as they are having tough times. The churches go in a diagonal line heading southward. The northernmost church is one to Heironeous, then down the line is one to the goblin deity, then one to Pelor (God of the Sun).) then one to Kord (God of Strength) and last there was one to St.Cuthbert (God of Retribution).) However one day the locals went out to go to church one morning, to the Heironeous one and found it gone, none of the priests were there, nor the building, nor…anything, there was just nothing. No signs of battle, just grass. Though the area were the church was had dead grass obviously. The locals were confounded. A little while later the goblin church vanished, though this had less of an impact, but then the Pelor church vanished. The people panicked, but no one around was powerful enough or willing to help. The members of the Kord church refuse to leave from stubbornness but they have called for help. That is were you come in. The adventure begins in the Church of Kord’s main hall. Were you all have gathered to meet the high priest. The building is two stories but other wise the rooms other than the main hall are small. The main hall itself is not that large.

Amlta, Glenbok, and Crog are the those who are there at the moment. They see in the main hall three half-orcs sitting gloomily in chairs. A man in heavy armor and another half-orc approach the group.

The man bears heavy armor covered in symbols of Kord, he is bald but on the top of his head is a tatoo of the Kord symbol, he is clearly very strong. The half-orc is similar also in heavy armor that bears Kord symbols but he has very long black dirty hair and a beard. Both have greatswords tucked in their shethes.

The man speaks "Greetings adventurers! Or at least I hope you are. For we our in a time of need, please come with me, we have much to talk about."

The half-orc speaks as well "Carnik hope these the adventurers, or Carnik be sad."

The Dark Fiddler
2009-07-12, 07:38 PM
"I guess you could call me an adventurer," Glenbok replies, "but that's really only a side result of my helping the innocent... and being with nature..." At this, he blow his shaggy brown hair out of his eyes, making a note to cut it a bit shorter.

The Blackbird
2009-07-12, 08:30 PM
The man says "All the same it's still good to have you here."

He turns to the to the rest of the group "and you are similar?"

Carnik(The Half-Orc if you could not tell) looks at Genbok.

You strong Carnik like that, means you lot like Carnik.

He smiles, bearing sharp teeth, and small tusks from his orc heritage.

2009-07-12, 09:41 PM
"Well, sir, I desire to do the greater Good" Amtla smiles widely "I believe people have been idle on this matter, no offense, of course. I hope I can help to change that, I hope we can solve this mystery." She is confident, looking to the man. ((Can we use any colour we like for text?))

The Blackbird
2009-07-12, 09:47 PM
((You should stick to one color, also new post in the OOC))

The man nods ""It is fear, fear that holds us in our tracks, we have always heard stories of bold, brave adventurers, that is why we asked for them."

Carnik just stares at you.

The man then turns his attention to Crog.

"Ah, another half-orc, well met."

2009-07-12, 10:34 PM
""met you well sir. me jus wanna kill"
(smiling and scratching his head and arm pits) " me wanna kill for honor and glory" (laughs)

The Dark Fiddler
2009-07-13, 03:55 PM
"I know that I can't speak for you, but if I were in your position, my fear would spur me on greater. You are afraid of your church disappearing, no? Wouldn't it be better to try and stop it before it occurs than sit around doing nothing?" Glenbok asks, doing his best not to be rude.

2009-07-13, 05:16 PM
ha ha ha, church disapear like rain hitting ground, ha ha ha (popin in shrooms)

2009-07-13, 06:55 PM
"Well, I fail to see what's amusing." Amtla says, in a very polite tone."Of course, there's many ways to wiev this incident. But I hope we all agree that we have to stop whoever is doing this?" She smiles to the men.

2009-07-13, 07:07 PM
aww you take fun out of me. fine me help people.

The Dark Fiddler
2009-07-13, 08:11 PM
"Of course we need to stop this. Although some religions' disappearances might be good, I'm sure that if we don't stop it, many good ones will disappear."

2009-07-13, 08:29 PM
"Well, I am very glad we agree on that."

The Blackbird
2009-07-13, 08:38 PM
Carnik blinks while staring at Amlta and says "Aw, Carnik lose staring contest."

The man says "You declare when your giving a staring contest, Carnik"


"Well I'm glad to see your all willing to help, as for uh, killing I'm not sure if you will see much conflict. But... We do believe....uh, see, we have a witness, or... a person who has some information about the churches. He's from the goblin church though, meaning he is a goblin."

"Me call him "Puny" hehe."

"I'm betting you would like to see him, he is here, but first I think introduction is in order, I have not been a very good host. I am Tremorse high priest of the temple, but just call me Trem. This
*He indicates Carnik*
is obviously Carnik, he is my bodyguard. I would also like to add that I am probably the only person here who will say *I* for that matter.What are your names?

2009-07-13, 08:46 PM
(in orcish)i am Crog.

The Blackbird
2009-07-13, 08:51 PM
Trem raises an eyebrow that says "Did you say your Crog?"

Carnik walks up to you arms outstreched "Kin!" He gives a toothy grin. Can me give you hug? Trem say I should ask before doing so.

2009-07-13, 08:53 PM
ha ha ha, you no need to ask. (hugs with all his strength)

The Blackbird
2009-07-13, 08:57 PM
As Carnik's strength is about the same as yours, you almost break eachothers backs.

2009-07-13, 09:00 PM
ha ha, kin strong

2009-07-13, 09:52 PM
"My name is Amtla Temar, very pleased to meet you all"

The Blackbird
2009-07-13, 10:01 PM
Trem smiles "Same here"

After hugging Crog Carnik says "Me glad to meet too."

The Nightwalker
2009-07-13, 10:29 PM
*walks in door*

Rusty: Ello 'i be a hearin that this might be a good place to fish and wac wonderin if anyone in dis church could help a old dwarf like me..... *stares at greenpeople* well i guess i be walkin in on the wrong place *sigh* at least tell me your not gonna eat tat lass there *looks at Amtla* A well if they don't eat ya lass i'm a dwarf that on a missiion to better understan ye humans so if these ...eh gents don't eat yay i'll be waiten outside

(remeber he's a mule)

The Dark Fiddler
2009-07-14, 06:50 AM
Taking a strange, sideways glance at 'Rusty', Glenbok says, "And I am Glenbok. Pleased to meet you all."

The Blackbird
2009-07-14, 08:13 AM
Carnik starts looks at Rusty then grabs his head. "Carnik no understand!"

Trem says "Ah, Glenbok good to meet you, let's see that er...witness, ya.

He then turns his attension to Rusty Um, wait... Did you just accuse us of wanting to eat Amlta?"

2009-07-14, 11:04 AM
orcs not all eat humans buuuut some look tasty. mmmmmmmmmm me hungry. but these people are good people we no eat them.:smallannoyed:

The Nightwalker
2009-07-14, 01:09 PM
rusty:*thinking* well aye I did acuse but that is because of ta story i hear aboot you people I personally never met one of ye greenskins

ol'lazy: *mocking* NEEEEE ZAAAAAAAA

rusty: *stares at lazy* will you hush up ye daft mule I be trying to talk to the nice people here.. well gettin back to bussiness what a couple of gents and a lass like you doin in a church like this and can I get a answer on that fishing spot around here?

The Dark Fiddler
2009-07-14, 02:01 PM
"We're here because churches have been disappearing without a trace, and these fine people need help... as for the fishing spot, I'm afraid I can't help you there."

The Blackbird
2009-07-14, 04:53 PM
Trem scratches his head. "I'll take you guys to see the goblin, dwarf, you can come too if you wish to assist us with the vanishing churches business."

"Carnik come too, Carnik like Puny, Puny uses big words."

The Nightwalker
2009-07-14, 05:46 PM
rusty: well I suppose i'll tag alon as lon as you twits don't try and pull anything sneaky, OH and before we go *hold up a blade of grass* would any of ye be teh farmer that planted ..oh watcha call AH bladegrass,I would want ta congratulate the person he pretty hit up the whole world wit this tasty stuff *starts chewing on the grass* and lazy here likes it too.

ol'lazy: *gives the most odd stare atcarnik and starts to drool*

The Blackbird
2009-07-14, 06:07 PM
Trem says "I would prefer if the mule was left outside, I don't want any droppings in here."
He looks annoyed.

2009-07-14, 07:45 PM
take pony out so pony dont make mess. and where is food, Crog hungry. (rubs his tummy)

The Nightwalker
2009-07-14, 08:21 PM
rusty:1. He be a mule theres a defferences
2. fine i'll hook him up at side
3. i'll share some of my food if you wnt some tat bad.

2009-07-14, 08:59 PM
you have hog and ale? me want some! we must have feast!

2009-07-14, 09:07 PM
"Well, I won't deny that some food would be nice" Amtla says to Crog "But I believe it could wait until later. Oh, and, Mr. Dwarf, I believe you have not said your name. If you're coming along with us, it'd be nice to know it." She smiles to Rusty

The Blackbird
2009-07-14, 09:14 PM
((Hopefully you have memorized the color to the NPC))

Come I'll take you to the goblin, afterwords we can eat and discuss our actions.

The Nightwalker
2009-07-14, 09:23 PM
rusty:Ye all can be callin me Rusty but that not be me real name, me real name is Dwarven: zakr duntordda common: I'll just be bringin some bread and me book so let us go den.:smallsmile:

The Blackbird
2009-07-14, 09:36 PM
((New post in the OOC))

Trem and Carnic lead the group upstairs, and down a hallway, then up to a locked door. Trem unlocks the door with a key from his pocket (He actually rifles through his pockets for a good minuate.) then opens the door. Inside is a room with a matress, (that does not look very comfortable), one chair, and a small desk with some parchment and an empty plate. Sitting on the middle of the room (on a concrete floor) is a goblin. The goblin assuming that he would be standing at full height is tall for goblin kind, taller than dwarfs but without the bulk of one he still qualifies as small sized. The goblin wears a black chain shirt, and an amulet. He also has a large gash across his leg which was a bandage covering it, but not enough for the wound to be completely hidden. He also has a scar across his face, very close to his right-eye. The goblin is in a meditative position, but peeks one eye open when we enter. He mutters something under his breath, but no listen check is required for you to understand it, as he mouths the word very dramaticly putting contempt of every syllable. "Humanoids..."

((Crog, as you come from the Wasteland you have worked with goblins before and have been raised to mock them. If you actually do so is up to you.))

"Get up."

The goblin does not respond.

"I said GET UP!"

The goblin stands up, both eyes open now, he looks annoyed.

"Yes" he says curtly.

These are the adventurers, the ones I said I'd hire and they would like to speak with you.


"Do not use that tone, goblin. Your in my home, and you'll treat us decent folk with respect."

"Hi Puny!"

"I have informed you many times that my name is not "Puny" and I find it offensive that you refer to me as that.

"He may call you what he likes."

"Why? Because I'm a goblin? Of course, there are no humans, or any type of humanoids who have any form of respect to my people. I do not expect it, I have only recieved it once. That gnome...that good gnome... I at least would come to expect that you use my proper name.

"You have not earned that respect, and you won't ever, from me, or Carnik. But if the adventurers think different, then try."

The goblin turns to the group and bows.
I am Rhyzikiflunak, goblin high preist.

The Nightwalker
2009-07-14, 09:45 PM
*tinks to himself* (ny he's a small one int he? I wonder if he be friendly then again me and his people never got along...) saying: ello der green one you seem ruffed up for a guest at a church

2009-07-14, 10:10 PM
me sorry for these peoples bad behavior. should i pewnish them?(waits 1 minute)HA HA HA yah right puny. HA HA HA! and he green. HA HA HA!

2009-07-14, 10:22 PM
"Well, I, for one, am pleased to meet you, Mr. Rhyzikiflunak" Says Amtla, politely. "My name is Amtla Temar" She smiles to the goblin. "Poor guy, I wonder what happened to him to make him so bitter." She thinks.

The Blackbird
2009-07-14, 10:29 PM
Rhyzikiflunak gives an annoyed look toward Crog, but a surprised one to Amlta.

"Your enthusiasm is a kind, and rare thing. I have not seen it since I met Garl Marsh... By chance are you from Rhia?

2009-07-14, 10:32 PM
"Yes, sir, I am. Why do you ask?" Amtla gives him a puzzled smile

The Nightwalker
2009-07-14, 10:34 PM
now ye done it lass it be rumor in dwarf lore that if you get a goblin talkin they don't stop unless ye rub ye belly and say darwven: waka shacka....common: then again that sory was only a thing used to pcik on youngins but excuse me for intruding on this chat..go on.

The Blackbird
2009-07-14, 10:35 PM
"Rhia is my own home of origin, a home were I knew kindness. Goblinkind is tolerated there thanks to the bugbear Guthma. He is a hero to us all.

((Which fits well, on Rhia goblins are mostly considered equals))
... He looks at Rusty with an eyebrow raised.

2009-07-14, 10:38 PM
me confused. humans like green weirdies? but they green and short and and look weird, plus they not smart.

The Blackbird
2009-07-14, 10:40 PM
"Not smart? I'm not even going to mention the load of pure hypocrisy packed into that sentence."

The Nightwalker
2009-07-14, 10:40 PM
Speak for ye self lad but that is somethin different i though human didn't like the litte buggers like we did...

2009-07-14, 10:43 PM
me just speak bad common language.

(in orcish) These damn dirtbags makin fun of me.(in a whisper tone)

The Blackbird
2009-07-14, 10:44 PM
Carnik says something in orcish ((It's being PM'd))

The Nightwalker
2009-07-14, 10:47 PM
OH now speak different languages now well let the only human lass feel left out wait to go you... dwavern:Urk Elgram!

The Blackbird
2009-07-14, 10:51 PM
I'm guessing you forgot me, I'm also human.

2009-07-14, 10:51 PM
"Yes, in Rhia we consider Goblins equals, and I really don't see why not, but as my mother used to say, "Different continents, different cultures"." Amtla sighs imperceptibly. "Now, could we please return to speaking common? It is sort of pointless to try to talk about a serious thing going on if we can't all understand eachother."

2009-07-14, 10:51 PM
me sorry for being bad orc. ...................HA HA HA! Yah Right! but really me sorry.

The Nightwalker
2009-07-14, 10:53 PM
Dwarven ja ga tar tar ja tar *points at orcs* Mike jacobs jag ga tar tar common: what were ye sayin lass?

2009-07-14, 10:56 PM
"I was saying that it'd be nice if you spoke in common so we could all undertand eachother at least a little better" She says, sketching a smile

The Nightwalker
2009-07-14, 10:59 PM
my ye smile alot for ay human most i run into give the strangest look then walks away slowly *takes a bite of bread* but cha know What should I know researching da humans that stare at me..

2009-07-14, 11:01 PM
Amtla take pride in herself? or really happy human? either be good.

The Blackbird
2009-07-14, 11:02 PM
"Let's save the pleasantries for that meal that I promised, the goblin has information. Oh and goblin you'll be glad to know that you have permission to eat in the mess hall tonight. As I will require everyone for the discussion of what were all gonna be doing."

"Hm, very well." He gives a half smile.
" I would not get too comfy though."
The smile vanishes Yes well, it all began when I left the church 5 days ago. My church I mean the goblin one. I said I was running a quick errend in, but really I needed to get out of the temple for a bit. Me and the other goblins differ greatly, we acutally don't worship the same deity I am-I was high preist becuase I was considered the most powerful. I had left for about two hours, then when I returned everything was gone. There was nothing but the pale waste of dead grass left from where my church was...my home."
*He mutters something*
But I did see a man, stuffing bodies of my fellow goblins into bags, which I believe were magically enchanted to fit larger objects into. He was also using spells that cleaned up blood on the ground. I uh... gave a yelp of surprise and he immediatly turned his attension to me. I ran, when I looked behind me the man was gone, I assumed he turned invisible. After that I came here and went into the *care* of Mr.Tremorse here.

"Thats high preist Tremorse, goblin. We can discuss things over some good food, come."

He leaves the room.

((New post in the OOC))

The Nightwalker
2009-07-14, 11:06 PM
My that sound like a problem now I'm not educated in magic but wouldn't that require quit a experienced person in magic to make whole building dissapear?

2009-07-14, 11:07 PM
FOOOOOOOOOD! will there be ale too? (starts jumping and laughing)

2009-07-14, 11:14 PM
"Th-that's horrible!" Says Amtla, shocked by the story "I... why whould someone do that?" She says, suddenly angry. She paces around the room in circles, breathing deeply. "O-Ok... I'm sorry. Regarding your question, Rusty, well, I think this person has to be very skilled in magic indeed, though how much, I'm not sure. Now, I believe we'd better follow..." She half smiles, and follows Tremrose.

2009-07-14, 11:19 PM
how strong be this magic? this magic sound bad, really bad, or really big spell.

The Dark Fiddler
2009-07-15, 07:33 AM
"...truly, it must be the work of somebody incredibly powerful... I'm beginning to wonder if we will even be able to help... by the way, why isn't Sir Rhyzikiflunak invited to eat with us?"

The Blackbird
2009-07-15, 09:09 AM
((You misunderstood Fiddler Trem said he could eat in the mess hall but he usually does not))

Trem takes the group Rhyzikiflunak included, back downstairs. We go back into the main hall and turn to a set of large doors to the west side of the room, he opens them leading into a room about the size of an average school gymnasium the room contains 5 large tables, round in shape, also there is a bell set at the far end of the room next to two doors. Trem walks to the end of the room and rings the bell. A couple of minuates later 10 half-orcs and 2 humans walk into the room and take seats. The 2 humans walk up to Trem, one asks "High Preist Trem, is it time for evening meal?
Trem gives them a smile"Why, yes it is Preist Coll."
"Then we shall prepare it immediately."

Trem walks back to us.
"Come sit, we have much to discuss. The chefs will bring us meat, ale and water. I know it's sorta basic but, it's what we have."
"Sometimes we have ice cream too"
((Yes, ice cream has been invented:smalltongue:))

"You won't be disappointed, Preists Coll and Serfro and superb chefs."

Trem sits at the nearest table, assuming that you all do the same, Carnik takes a seat next to Crog, and Rhyzikiflunak sits next to Almta.

"Feel free to take a social hour, or more of a social couple minuates it will take the chefs a little while to make enough meat to keep all these guys satisfied."

He laughs.
"When we are finished we will discuss what our actions tommarrow will be."

The Dark Fiddler
2009-07-15, 09:19 AM
((That's what happens when I need to read through so much @.@))

"I was wondering, would it be too much of a bother to ask for food that isn't meat? I prefer to eat things that were not once alive, whenever possible."

The Blackbird
2009-07-15, 09:24 AM
Thats rather odd, I'm afraid the only thing that qualifies are some trail rations from my adventuring days. It has nuts and stuff, I guess all of them would make a meal but there stale.If you want them you can have them I don't adventure anymore anyway.
Carnik shakes his head No, no Trem does not adventure.

He frowns.

The Dark Fiddler
2009-07-15, 09:30 AM
Glenbok shrugs. "Good enough for now, I can always get some berries and fruits later..."

The Blackbird
2009-07-15, 09:31 AM
Trem runs off and returns a couple minuates later with a bag of the trail rations.

He shrugs Enjoy, I uh guess.

The Nightwalker
2009-07-15, 11:34 AM
*still suprised that atmla reaction* Wishpering* "so te cat has claws.." louder: OY FOODKEEP YOUR BEST MEAD AN A PLATE OF HAM PLEASE

The Dark Fiddler
2009-07-15, 12:02 PM
Glenbok nods at Trem before taking the trail rations, "Thank you."

2009-07-15, 12:52 PM
food person bring boar and ale. maybe person put temple in the bag or somethin

The Blackbird
2009-07-15, 02:48 PM
"I find that incredibly unlikely, a body I can understand. But the entire building? If the caster was powerful enough to make a magical bag that could hold the churches then he would have the power to easily just blow the churches up."

"I disagree goblin, the same thing can be said for a caster able to make the churches vanish, some schlub finding a powerful magic item makes more since."

"Bah, you don't agree because that would involve agreeing with me. Magic items don't work like that, I have heard of bags that do that, there not one in existance that can fit a church."

"You can't know that."

2009-07-15, 03:27 PM
maybe something make it invisible like hat or something. or they teleport.

The Blackbird
2009-07-15, 03:30 PM
"I saw the man standing were the church was, it's not invisible. Teleport is an option though."

2009-07-15, 03:32 PM
he maybe put illusion there?

The Blackbird
2009-07-15, 03:33 PM
"Another good suggestion."


2009-07-15, 03:35 PM
what kind of magic do that though?

The Blackbird
2009-07-15, 03:35 PM
"Powerful magic."

The Dark Fiddler
2009-07-15, 05:16 PM
"But are there any mages anywhere near that are both powerful enough to do this and have a reason for it?"

The Blackbird
2009-07-15, 05:26 PM
"More questions...that can't really be answered, thats sorta why we asked for you."

The Nightwalker
2009-07-15, 06:34 PM
hum guess I'll grab me ham, but trying to find a mand who's powerful in magic may be ahrd for te only one who could maube detect magic ne Atlma, and we don't have any leads except , he be good at magic maybe and he can clean up his mess so he knows what he doing and is very good at it and can dissapear at a blink of an eye *gets up to go get ham* excuse me I be getten my ham.

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The Blackbird
2009-07-15, 06:38 PM
((Nightwalker, the food is announced when it's ready were waiting for it. Also if you don't have ranks in the skill Spellcraft you probably don't know what detect Magic is.))

"Hold you horses...er donkey dwarf, the food will be ready soon take your seat."

2009-07-15, 06:41 PM
how do we find magic person. (starts chugging a keg of ale)

The Nightwalker
2009-07-15, 06:41 PM
*Well of course I wouldn't what the spell does but it's not like I'm spell stupid shouldn't we at least know the name of the spell?*

fine I be waiten then WHOS WANT TO ARM WRASTLE?!?

/ /____________________________________
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The Blackbird
2009-07-15, 06:47 PM
((Only if you were raised in an enviroment that would teach it to you, actually in that case you would more of know the spells function than the name. Some wizards might not actually call it *Detect Magic* they might call it *Magic detection:smalltongue:*))

Trem turns his attention to Crog

"Thats for you guys to discover, that is why you are here."
Carnik jumps out of his seat and goes next to Rusty.
Me want to, your on little man!

(Roll d20+your str modifier X3, for example, you roll a 12 then add your strX3, so you add 12+12 Rusty)

((New post in the OOC))

2009-07-15, 06:49 PM
do different villages use different magic?

The Nightwalker
2009-07-15, 06:50 PM
I got a 18x3= 54
(14 rolled+4modx3)


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The Blackbird
2009-07-15, 06:52 PM
I got a 18x3= 54


((Actually there is a rolling system go to the OOC I will explain it.
Also I failed at explaining it sorry you d20+ strX3 the str modifier is multiplied not the total))

Carnik: [roll0]

The Dark Fiddler
2009-07-15, 07:03 PM
((Replying to AssassinKing, ignoring the arm wrestle))

"From what I've heard, yes, different villages use different magic. Some specialize in gathering information, others simply blast away at their opponents. Of course, this is only what I heard, I've not encountered that many mages..." Glenbok says, before looking at Amtla, "present company excluded."

The Blackbird
2009-07-15, 07:04 PM
((Replying to AssassinKing, ignoring the arm wrestle))

"From what I've heard, yes, different villages use different magic. Some specialize in gathering information, others simply blast away at their opponents. Of course, this is only what I heard, I've not encountered that many mages..." Glenbok says, before looking at Amtla, "present company excluded."

((Actually has she said in game that she's a sorceress?))

The Nightwalker
2009-07-15, 07:08 PM

I think i got it

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The Dark Fiddler
2009-07-15, 07:12 PM
((Actually has she said in game that she's a sorceress?))

((...well, uh...

crap... can we just assume we introduced ourselves to each other at least a bit offscreen? If only so I can be lazy and not change what I said/rewrite history?))

2009-07-15, 07:13 PM
maybe we check different villages?

The Nightwalker
2009-07-15, 07:14 PM
I think you can tell what we do due to we have big weapon's but that trues amtla never said what she was lol.

/ /____________________________________
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The Dark Fiddler
2009-07-15, 07:19 PM
"Checking that many villages might take too long; there's plenty of them, enough to keep us occupied for years, likely. And besides, wouldn't whoever's doing this be just as likely to be hiding in the wilderness, away from civilization, and those who could discover what he or she is doing?"

2009-07-15, 07:23 PM
noone know who he is though. me dont know what to do. but if he run he has no honor

The Nightwalker
2009-07-15, 07:25 PM
*still arm wrastlin* That would be honnorless but who knows what the lad or lass be It might not even be human!

The Blackbird
2009-07-15, 08:07 PM
Rusty slams Carnik's hand on the table, after a breif struggle.

After being defeated Carnik moves back to his seat next to Crog looking annoyed.

He puts up a pouting face.:smalltongue:

((YES POST 97!))

The Nightwalker
2009-07-15, 09:25 PM
Well who be next, or is the food coming?

2009-07-15, 09:57 PM
me want boar, me want boar (chugs ale again)

2009-07-15, 09:58 PM
"Well... there's many possibilities. All of them are preformed my magic way beyond my grasp." She says, thoughtfully, staring at the table. "The churches could have been teleported away, or changed in shape and size, or hidden behind illusions. Or they could have been destroyed, completley, and all the evidence hidden..." She looks up. "I am not sure of where to start, but maybe after eating we'll all be able to think better. At least, that's what often happened to me when I had troubles..." She looks wistful for a second, but the expression vanishes. "Though I believe I have an idea of who could have a reason to do this. After all, they've done worse..." She says in a low whisper "By the way, Mr.Rhyzikiflunak, if I may ask, why are you here in Eturia rather than in Rhia?"

2009-07-15, 10:20 PM
ha ha ha. girl sound smart.

The Blackbird
2009-07-15, 10:24 PM
Rhyzikiflunak says to Almta

It is a long story.
((It began at the dawn of time! Joking))

About 16 years ago I was a young goblin of the age of 9, I had moved from my home on a southern island near the coast of Mavia (Which is a continent not listed in the details) there a group of paladins attacked our village in a *Holy Crusade*. There were no survivors, other than me and my brother. We were able to grab a ship to Rhia. I was immediatly taken to the Rhian goblin tribes and I met their leader Guthma. I came to idolize him, after being deemed evil by so called "Greater Forces" I found that this bugbear and his gobins were different. People of all races looked to him, but on Rhia I also came to learn of the Obsidian forces. I knew from the island that Obsidian were tyrannical forces who nearly claimed the world. While on Rhia I learned about their individual leaders and how the war went. I was dissapointed to find that they were still around holding territories around the globe. About a month after living there my brother and I went seperate ways, well sorta. We still stayed in the same area but my brother was too young to do much so he went into the care of a goblin woman named Serinafex, while I became interested in clerical power."

"Yes, to whatever dark god your kind worship."

"Actually I don't have a deity, it is possible for a cleric to gain power from a cause or an idea as long as it is popular enough. I gain power from the belief that one day the goblinoid races and humanoid races will come to have respect for eachother. Though I must say I have been hypocritical in this matter, as I don't strive much to do this with most humanoids that I meet."

"Your kind will NEVER, be accepted. Not here anyway. I find it hard to believe your a cleric of that cause, it does not seem to be a practical one enough for you to gain any followers."

"You don't get around much do you? I find people with those ideas often on Rhia."

"I will not be insulted here goblin!"

"I was merely"

Trem draws his greatsword.

Rhyzikiflunak does not speak.

...Ah look the food is ready, you all have premission to go to the front of the line, grab your plates.

He and Carnik grab there plates and move toward the other end of the mess hall where the food has been set up on tables.

((New post in the OOC will appear shortly))

The Nightwalker
2009-07-15, 10:24 PM
Oy the possibilities makes me head hurt but it be better then te rumor my ancestor had before he passed it was so beleiveable too he said "That one day the sun will be covered by the moon and tat a lass with ta markin No Future above her left eyebrow will start a war with a army of shadow beast at her command" it be soundin so far fetched but aye the possiblities with this one.

/ /____________________________________
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The Nightwalker
2009-07-15, 10:27 PM
*moves over to te goblin* I know you problaly don't like me cause I'm a dwarf but I believe ye story I have dreams of one day most races get alon and then there tat nightmare... but one day I bet you can make a city like tat now if ye excuse me I'm hungy *walks away*
/ /____________________________________
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2009-07-15, 10:31 PM
FOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOD!!!!!!!!!!! (rushes and tries to be the first to get to the table, even if he has to shove people out of the way)

The Blackbird
2009-07-15, 10:34 PM
Rhyzikiflunak says to Almta after Trem walks away.

I'll finish that story later, I still have to tell you about this
He indicates the scar right above his eye
and how I met Garl Marsh, and my Plan.

...You and the dwarf... your good people to have here, the other guy too, maybe.
*Indicates Glenbok*
He leaves to get food.

The Nightwalker
2009-07-15, 10:45 PM
*go to te line* I be statin this only once all ye in line are gonna let a short legged person like me wait for food? *eyebrow raised*

/ /____________________________________
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2009-07-15, 10:48 PM
"Oh, take my place, if you want" She smiles to Rusty. "Or do you want me to get you something?"

The Blackbird
2009-07-15, 10:48 PM
((In response to Rusty))

A random half-orc says Uh, ya.

"The adventurers have permission to be first."


2009-07-15, 10:51 PM
(sits back at table)this good food.so what we do tomorrow?

The Nightwalker
2009-07-15, 10:51 PM
*walks over to Rhyzikiflunak* Hey goblin give yo bubby a hug *whisper If you wanna be in te front of line to get te warm food cooperate with wat im doing* *Hugs Rhyzikiflunak, walks to te front of the line and drops him in front of me* Thanks for te hug bubby

The Blackbird
2009-07-15, 10:54 PM
Um, thanks, I guess.
He gets some food and moves back to the table.

"Goblin you- oh nevermind."

He looks angry.

2009-07-15, 10:56 PM
"Huh. That was slighly odd" Smiles Amtla, amused by Rusty's way of getting Rhyzikiflunak in front of the line. "Mr. Trem, I believe you should relax a bit. We're not enemies, after all. We're all trying to solve this problem." She says politley, still smiling.

The Nightwalker
2009-07-15, 10:56 PM
Ye got a problem there Tis goblin he be haven a wound on his leg at least cut him some slack.
/ /____________________________________
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The Blackbird
2009-07-15, 10:59 PM
"...Yeah, okay."

"That wound...Oh my leg! I can heal that. "

Trem gives him a glare.

...If I was allowed to use my magic...

((New post in the OOC shortly))

2009-07-15, 11:00 PM
puny will be fine. puny you strong right?? (yells)

The Nightwalker
2009-07-16, 12:41 AM
Well back to business *grabs a big jug of mead and a huge sice of ham* been forever since I had cooked food all I have for rations is bread,rice and salt. *sit's next to Rhyzikiflunak and start's to chug the mead , puts down mead* so goblin what was it like being in your church and that village? *pull out book and inkpen*
(if Rhyzikiflunak does a side way glance at the book it's say for the title : "Me life in te humans lands/land above By: Krazz Thunderbrew")

The Blackbird
2009-07-17, 02:53 PM
Trem says to Almta "It is true that YOU and the rest of the group are not enemies. However, the goblin on the other hand."

Rhyzikiflunak replies to Rusty, "Do you mean the church that vanished or how I was back on Rhia."

The Nightwalker
2009-07-17, 05:26 PM
Maybe I should rephrase me question a little, Whats its like livin as a goblin and yes I would like to know more about the place called Rhia... ehh starry if these question sound a little personal but I be researchin other creatures and race for me clan and maybe the world if me book can get published *pats his book*

The Blackbird
2009-07-18, 05:42 PM
"Would you like me to continue from were I left off a moment ago, Rusty.

2009-07-18, 07:31 PM
Walking by a huge field of grass, Zedd walks with determination. The Sun is starting to decline in the sky, indicating that it should be time to eat, but he ignores it. It had been 2 days that his Mentor sent him on the quest to earn honor, but he wonders why.

{I've done everything.} Zedd ponders to himself, {I've done my training without complaint. His Mentor even admited to me that I was gifted. But what does he have to prove?!:smallmad: His honor has been proven. Defend the weak and punish the guilty! He knows this and fulfills it when ever it happens. That man who was mugging that woman wasn't using restraint, so why should he have to?:smallannoyed: That man chose his fate, and fate allowed Zedd himself to carry out justice. Why did his master view what he did as so wrong?:smallmad:

But what if it's something apart from that? Could his mentor know what's been plaguing his sleep? How could he? Yet maybe. Magic and Ki are so similar that maybe his master has been able to see the being in the shadows that he see's almost every night in his dreams. And those eyes, it's almost as if that the being is...

Zedd realizes that he's sped up to a run without knowing. He stops and see's the sun has dropped a bit more. He decides that he will ponder what's been going on later and stop for lunch.

Edit: (This is a what's happening in a different part of the world.)

The Nightwalker
2009-07-18, 07:32 PM
Well if it be to save time then continue with ye story , oh and if it be okay with te lead church guy when he gets back I would like to search the church for and wierd thing that could of happen to the structure for I be guessing tat the way they be dissapearin and what not, the person tampers with the church some way and if that be messin with ta stone then I would notice it fer sur.

The Dark Fiddler
2009-07-18, 07:51 PM
Glenbok slightly readjusts his position so he can better listen to the Goblin, hoping to learn more about him.

2009-07-18, 11:36 PM
Amtla sighs "Well, Mr. Trem, he's trying to help... it was his home, after all..." She looks to the table. "And if he's so dangerous to you, why is he staying here? Wouldn't it be safer for you to, I don't know... maybe let him go with someone? Maybe with us? I'm sure he'd help, and we could keep him in check, if it worries you..." Amtla says, thoughtful, pondering each word. "Only a thought. But, think about it, Mr. Trem. After we eat, you tell me what you think." Amtla goes back to the table. "Did I miss something?" She asks, sitting on Rhyzikiflunak's other side, smiling to them.

The Blackbird
2009-07-19, 09:56 AM
Trem walks back to the table, he taps Carnik on the shoulder and says Come on, we eat in the hall I want to talk with you about some things."

Rhyzikiflunak nods at Amlta when she sits down.

"Now lets see... I left off at becoming a cleric. Okay, well believe it or not clerichood is more difficult than most would think. It takes hours of study or performing difficult actions to make your deity notice you enough to give you power. As I don't have a deity it just took study. By the time I was 12 I had earned the weakest of cleric abilities. Immediatly I enlisted in our army I wanted to fight Obsidian forces on Ria. ((Just so you know I found out that it's spelled Ria, with no h because my bro is nitpicky.:smalltongue:))

Guthma refused to have me, claiming that Obsidian would cut me down without any hope of my survival. A about a month after that, Guthma did not return from a fight he had gone to, to reclaim a Rian city. We found out he was dead. Being young, foolish, and angry I convinced a number of goblins to allow me to go to the nearest Obsidian held territory and help fight. It was the purest of unluck that Veeda Vidlack, Lord of Obsidian was there himself. Emotion of my leaders death clouded my judgement so I charged with 10 or so other goblins right at him.

He feels his head were the scar right next to his eye is.

I didn't even notice his dagger slash across my head, before I knew what happened I was bleeding horribly on the ground, while I watched my fellow goblins die. I didn't even see Veeda's arms move not even a blur of them. It was as though the goblins spontaniously got stab wounds in the head and heart just by being close to him, in about the period of 5 or so seconds Veeda had killed all the other goblins in the charge. I often wonder what made him spare me, maybe he would not kill someone young enough to be considered a child, or maybe he just really wanted to do what came next. First he blasted me with a spell draining my energy my lifeforce it seemed. I felt my greater spells vanish from me, to this day I have not regained those spells and I still feel weaker. He stood on me and... he spoke. He said terrible things to say to a proud gobin like me, he spoke of human superiority listed several reasons why goblins have a disadvantage compared to humans I felt so weak and my anger had been taken from me and overcome with sadness, it caused me to feel so...inferior. After his speech Veeda just walked away to leave me to die from the contantly bleeding headwound.

But I lived, I passed out and awoke in a small room with two gnomes standing over me. One of them healed me, and the other asked me about who I was and what I was doing on the battlefield. I told him and quickly discovered that he was Garl Marsh the gnome king, and Obsidian War verteran. He was the one who teleported me out of the fight. Garl kept me around, he said once that I was pretty much like a son to him. He told me stories about the Obsidian War and agreed with my ideas of goblin racial equality, every month we would go back to Ria and Garl would visit Guthma's grave and his mount which was some giant reptile with a club-like tail. Then 13 years later we found out about a goblin church about 100 miles to the south, Garl said I should see more of the world and try to convert people to my ideas. So a sad goodbye and a teleport sent me here, and the rest you already know."

The Nightwalker
2009-07-19, 01:13 PM
*closes his book* Well tat be something no one would want to go through, I feel fer ya boy When I was young I had a friend we were insurfrabble togher, but one dau we did sometin we should of never did ,Me clans home was just a little to close to a Behir's nest we play a game throw ta rock in te cave then go get it well tat cave was the nest and te behir was hungry te only reason I escaped was because it was munchin me friend tat was the day me whole clan moved.*silent for a while then looks up* But tat be te past i be on the surface now and be helpin some good people.

2009-07-19, 09:45 PM
"That's... awful. More so than most stories I've ever heard. It's sad that people have to go through this much." Amtla says, looking at the table. "But it's past, as Rusty says. We all have felt miserable somtimes, and discouraged, overall when we lose someone, but when time passes on, those burdens are lighter to wear. That's... something my mother used to say, and it's ture." Amtla smiles to the goblin. "After she died, I was so sad... but with time, it's become a bearable burden. Maybe in time you'll regain the abilities you knew. I bet you are pretty powerful anyways." She says, still smiling.

2009-07-19, 10:06 PM
(Crog starts crying) me..........me had to kill me friends without hesitation just to survive. then if me did wrong..........then me pewnished. they give scars. (shows his scars) then they banned I from village for killing too many orcs of other tribes and for having too many scars that me was ugliest. so me must get revenge someday.........

The Blackbird
2009-07-19, 10:51 PM
"There is disaster everywhere in the world. I am sorry about your past Crog and your mother Amlta. But it is because of these things that I didn't just try to escape after Tremorse captured me. Because I knew I could help with this. Garl used to say "Dispite being disrespected, whether by race or character you should always try to work for the greater good. Then respect will come and be well earned." Thats what I'm gonna do."

Trem and Carnik come back.

"I see your all done eating, but before we think on our actions for tommarrow I have my own tale to tell.

About 50 miles north of here there are hundreds of miles of barren ash, and underground tunnels. This place is teeming with thousands of the well trained orcs, merciless umber hulks that drive you mad just by gazing at them, creatures known as mind flayers that eat your brain for susticance, and goblin spies and assassins. This place in known as The Wasteland, and it's just 50 miles to the north, now think for a moment. Is it more likely that this goblin here is from Ria, fought Veeda Vidlack and lived, met a gnome king, and came down here to do good, OR he is simply a spy come to slit our throats in the night. Amlta I will take up your offer, you may take the goblin with you, but if you end up with a knife in your back, I will not take responsibility."

He thinks for a moment. Then looks at Carnik, who shrugs.
"Actually before I agree to that I would like to ask what all your professions are."

The Dark Fiddler
2009-07-20, 07:12 AM
"I don't have a profession, per se, but I fight with the ways of the barbarian."

((Barbarian's ok to say, right?))

The Nightwalker
2009-07-20, 06:05 PM
I be a fighter *slams fist against chest* me ax strike true and I be also a great fisherman.

2009-07-20, 06:16 PM
"Well, I am a spellcaster." Says Amtla, a little unsure of saying exactly what kind, thus pausing for a second. "I am what they call a Sorcerer. I, uh, I hope you're not supersticious about it." She says. "And I trust Rhyzikiflunak's story, but if it weren't true, and yours were, and the worse happened, I believe that three or four can outmatch one" She says, serious. "No offense meant to anyone, of course."

The Blackbird
2009-07-20, 06:21 PM
Trem speaks in slow orc to Carnik who nods, though only Crog can understand it one word is a name thus can be understood.


Rhyzikiflunak smiles at Amlta saying she trusts her story but then frowns at Trem's words.


Rhyzikiflunak glares at Trem.

The Nightwalker
2009-07-20, 06:57 PM
*raise eyeborw and edges near rhis the goblin and whisper* Do you know what he be sayin?

The Blackbird
2009-07-20, 06:58 PM
He whispers back.

"Yes but it still doesn't reveal much, but I think I know who Alehandra is."


The Nightwalker
2009-07-20, 07:02 PM
*Askin trem* Who would tat be lad?

The Blackbird
2009-07-20, 07:18 PM
Tremorse ignores Rusty's question.

"It's getting late,

It's 8ish in the evening.

I expect everyone to be in bed in two hours, we don't have a whole lot of rooms, and I will prefer if you stayed here for the night. Crog can bunk with Carnik, Glenbok and Rusty can share a room. Almta and the goblin you *trust* eachother you can be in the goblin's room."

"Don't you mean cell?"

"Do not question me goblin! Or I will give you worse than an injured leg."

"Why does she have to be in-"

"Shut up! Carnik, take another matress into the goblin's room. We shall discuss actions tommarrow not tonight I will come with a waking call at six in the morning. Amlta I ask for you and the goblin to return to the room now."

2009-07-20, 07:49 PM
"Ok." She says, wondering what the problem is. "Let's go, then" Refering to whatever room Trem whas asking her and Rhyzikiflunak to go to. She thinks about the name said before, trying to remember something about it.

The Dark Fiddler
2009-07-20, 09:21 PM
"I know this may sound weird, but may I sleep outside? No offense to you, Rusty, but I rather prefer to be as close to nature as possible."

2009-07-20, 10:29 PM
(Crog looks at Carnik and Trem) Why must we be cautious? (in orc)

The Nightwalker
2009-07-20, 10:49 PM
I don't blame ye lad I was aboot to set up me tent next to Ol'lazy outside I not gonna stay in a place tat might dissapear plus Ol'lazy need me by him or he gets the heeby jeeby's at night. *puts an arm around glenbok shoulders and whispers * If ye gonna sleep outside tonight I be wakin early for some sparin tree branch to tree branch watcha say and maybe before we sleep we have a good old campfire eh nothin wrong wit tat right? *raises voice not to a shout at amtla and goblin* Night you two I wont blame ye if ye don't get any sleep tonight *wink nudge nudge* *gigglin*

The Dark Fiddler
2009-07-21, 07:57 AM
"Err... thank you for the offer, but no thank you, I am fairly tired already, and would rather just get straight to sleep."

The Blackbird
2009-07-21, 12:53 PM
Trem ignores Crog and says to Glenbok That is fine just stay near the building."

He heads off with Almta and Rhyzikiflunak.

Carnik looks at Rusty.

"...HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, dwarf funny."

Carnik leaves the room.

2009-07-21, 05:23 PM
(Crog chases after Trem and attempts to grab him) ANSWER ME!!!

The Dark Fiddler
2009-07-21, 06:10 PM
Glenbok goes outside, pretending not to notice Crog's grabbing Trem, and sets up his bedroll.

((Names are killing me :smallmad:))

The Nightwalker
2009-07-21, 06:26 PM
*follows glenbok*ol'lazy: NEE SHAW

Ye don't mind if i cut down a small tree for firewood?

The Blackbird
2009-07-21, 07:37 PM
Carnik runs at Crog.


He pulls out his greatdword and swings.

[roll0] (Bonus not shown)

(Adds bonus)

Carnik actually swings with the flat end of the blade slamming it into the side of Crog's head.

The Blackbird
2009-07-21, 07:41 PM
[roll0] nonleathal damage

This is enough damage to drop Crog, everyone still in the room watches, none of them move.

"Carnik? Are you okay? What just happened?"

"He shouted and moved at you, me panik. He no dead, just knocked out."

"Good, take him to his room and explain. It's a shame you had to do that."

"Yeah, cause orcs are okay but goblins they can go off to the brig, right.

Trem pulls out his greatsword and places it right next to the goblin's throat.


He kicks him.


"Let's go."

The Nightwalker
2009-07-21, 08:15 PM
*walks to a tree* [roll0] just incase you want a tree cut check if sucessful rusty walks back with logs and makes a firering

Now lets get to makin a good fire

*starts fire
come er glen join me and ol'lazy for some good campfire

*shakes head and makes a mule noise* pittttttt

The Dark Fiddler
2009-07-22, 07:24 AM
Glenbok shakes his head and walks off to find some berries, "Thank you for the offer, but stale nuts aren't particularly filling."

((In case you need a Survival check

The Blackbird
2009-07-22, 10:03 AM
Glenbok looks around breifly but doesn't find any berries.

The Blackbird
2009-07-22, 07:34 PM
((Crap, double post.))

Crog you awaken in a small room, it contains a bed and a dresser and thats just about it.

Your on the bed and Carnik is standing over you.

(In Orcish)

"We shall speak in the tounge of our Wasteland side, it makes it easier for me. I would like to apologize brother"

(Brother as in kin not actual brother)

I thought you meant to do Tremorse harm and as his bodyguard I could not risk it. I quickly realized that you just wanted an answer.

Tremorse said we must be careful because he believes the goblin and the girl to be Wasteland assassins. We both find it very unlikely but we are very precautious people, and have decided that while they stay at the church they will be confined to our prison. Tremorse is uneasy that the girl is a sorceress who comes from Ria, and he believes that she is a relative to a woman by the name of Alehandra, a terrible evil witch who killed hundreds of people. While it is unlikely that they are related and even more so that they both would have a similar bloodlust Tremorse thinks it's the wisest thing to do.

He sighs

Trem is a very paranoid person and the vanishing churches and the goblin are not helping him be any less paranoid, but he was raised that way. I apologize for your injury again, and urge you to watch yourself, while as I have said many times our suspicions are unlikely, Trem has had a tendency to be right about stuff. Have a good night."

He moves to leave.

The Dark Fiddler
2009-07-22, 07:47 PM
Glenbok frowns, but goes to rest, and decides to try ind berries in the morning.

2009-07-22, 08:56 PM
"Well, Mr. Tremrose" Says Amtla. "Have a good night." She sounds polite. she turns around to Rhyzikiflunak. "Have you got any idea why the dwarf, Rusty said that?" She says, rising an eyebrow.

The Blackbird
2009-07-23, 10:15 AM
This is after Trem took you to the cell, and locked it saying,

"Carnik will be here shortly with that matress."

Rhyzikiflunak lights a candle he looks a little red in the face.

"Rusty was uh, teasing us about us sharing a room tonight... Uh.

He rubs his eyes

I can't believe he put you in here for something so... Ugh, sometimes I question that mans sanity."

The Nightwalker
2009-07-23, 11:02 AM
*whistlin* op thar be glen I guess he asleep ,well I best be gettin to sleep to gotta wake early tomarrow to spar someone. *go in tent goes to sleep*

Ol'Lazy *snore and a little drool*

*It My Birthday today*

2009-07-23, 05:10 PM
"Teasing us? ... oh." She says, suddenly realising what Rusty meant. "Hey, why did he put me in here, then?"

The Blackbird
2009-07-23, 05:20 PM
"I'm not completely certain, but I know the name Alehandra. Alehandra was a sorceress way back in the Obsidian War but she was killed, vicious woman very evil person. I suspect that because you are a sorceress from Ria Tremorse suspects that you are a danger becuase of some connection he thinks you might share with her."

He mutters to himself breifly, looking annoyed.

"But Alehandra died... Making it even more unlikely."

The Nightwalker
2009-07-23, 05:24 PM
*saving blackbird from doudle post again*

*snore* I be a pretty princess wit a ax *snore * *drool*

Ol'lazy *Even more drool*

2009-07-23, 05:45 PM
"Oh, so that's it, right? Hmm... I am pretty sure I don't have a connection with her... Hey, is Tremrose always that paranoid?"

The Blackbird
2009-07-23, 05:54 PM
"Yes, Tremorse was like that since I first saw him, when I was running from where my church was and came here the first thing he did was take that sword of his and give me a big slash across the leg, he nearly killed me. In the end he just threw me in here. He is still convinced that I'm from the Wasteland, I-"

The door is opened by Carnik, hauling a matress.

"There you go, me hope you both sleep well.

He lays down the matress and some blankets.


"Ya, Preist Jornek makes them, there are two for each of you."

"Is it too much to assume that Tremorse actually said to bring enough for two. To make it even."
Me afraid so, good night Almta, Rhyzikiflunak."

He leaves.

"He...didn't call me Puny."

2009-07-23, 07:43 PM
"... wow. He... he's acting... different." Amtla says, looking at the door. "I wonder why." She takes one of the blankets and hands it to Rhyzikiflunak "But it looks like something good came from this" She smiles to him

The Blackbird
2009-07-23, 08:53 PM
"I know it's...odd, he's always been nicer though, sometimes in an obnoxious way but still.

...Good night Almta.

He takes the blankets and lays down on the matress.

2009-07-23, 09:04 PM
"Good night, Rhyzikiflunak" Amtla smiles. She lays down on the matress, covering herself with the blankets, and closing her eyes.

The Blackbird
2009-07-24, 09:48 AM
We rest.

Yay end of day 1 that only took about a week right?:smallamused:

At six in the morning Carnik wakes up Crog, Tremorse goes outside and gets Rusty and Glenbok telling them to go to the mess hall for breakfast.

Carnik unlocks the cell door and wakes the other two by slamming the door and shouting "Wake up!"

"Me suppose to take "prisoners" to mess hall for breakfast. Oh and Rhyziki-"

He stuggles with the name breifly

"-flunak...Ya. You can heal that leg wound, Carnik got you covered."

The Dark Fiddler
2009-07-24, 05:49 PM
Before joining the others in the rest hall, Glenbok searches for some leafy greens to eat.


2009-07-24, 07:23 PM
(Crog tries to find Almta)

The Blackbird
2009-07-24, 07:39 PM
Glenbok your still out of luck, but Tremorse tells you when he woke you up that he had some vegetarian friendly food ready.

Crog finds Almta with Carnik and Rhyzikiflunak.

2009-07-24, 11:09 PM
(whispers to almta) me talk to you alone real quick.

The Dark Fiddler
2009-07-25, 06:21 AM
Glenbok goes to the mess hall and says, "Good morning."

The Nightwalker
2009-07-25, 11:24 AM
*yawn* good mornin

The Blackbird
2009-07-25, 11:36 AM
*This takes place before Rusty enters*

"Ah, Glenbok good morning to you, before the others get here I would like to discuss something with you."

The Dark Fiddler
2009-07-25, 12:33 PM
Glenbok nods, "And what would that be?"

The Blackbird
2009-07-25, 01:18 PM
"Today will be the first day your group will be working together, it may even involve combat. I nor Carnik will be there to assist you as Carnik stays with me and the other priests may get the wrong idea if I leave the temple at this time. So the group would need a leader, someone to make sure that all efforts go to the predicament at hand and not anything else, and I think thats you."

The Dark Fiddler
2009-07-25, 03:23 PM
"Well... I'm not sure if I'm really the leader type, but if you think it would be best, I assure you I will do everything I can."

The Blackbird
2009-07-25, 04:43 PM
"I believe you are the best choice, Crog doesn't seem like someone to lead."

(3 Cha always hurts)

"And the others well... I think need to be led by someone who has the church's best interests, from what I know your a local right? I would prefer to have you in charge rather than anyone else. Now I'll tell them that when they get here, go ahead and grab something to eat."

They have mostly an assortment of fruits.

A couple minuates later Rusty enters.

2009-07-25, 07:59 PM
Zedd walks down the trail while cloudy. His dream he had last night still disturbed him. Those shadowed figures still there all beckoning to him to come. He was still ponder that he barely noticed a small figure walking down another road that just connected into a larger road. Just at that moment, a cloud shifts and bright sunlight fills the area. Zedd hears the creature yelp with a start and starts cursing in Draconic. Zedd, hears him and reconizes that he is speaking Draconic.

Huh?:smallconfused: You speak Draconic, Language of the Dragons?:smallconfused:

2009-07-25, 08:07 PM
Boggis half-turns, trying to reach his pack while shading his eyes with one claw.

Ouch, dammit, yes! I would ask who you are, but all I can see is a big white blob...wait for me to get me hat, wouldja?

Boggis pulls out a wide-brimmed hat and fits it over his head; in the shadow his red eyes glow faintly. He squints slightly as he looks in daylight.

I mean, it's nice to hear my native tongue again after a month, but still...how might you know it? You don't (*sniff sniff*) smell like you've spent time in the catacombs, or that you have dragon blood...

2009-07-25, 08:10 PM
Well, I have spent my time in a monastary and studied the language there. I find magic and ki, which I've been trained in, very similar... and since Dragons are very magical beings, I decided to learn the language.

2009-07-25, 08:17 PM
Aye, good to know. Magic, though...magic, you said? We kobolds are pretty proud about the blood in our veins that grants us ability to do things like...this!

Boggis' fife, which had been hanging by his belt, suddenly flew into the air, flipped, and landed neatly in his claws in ready-to-play position. He pippes a short fanfare before slipping it back into his belt.
(Mage hand.)

Thank you, thank you. Performances every day, at your request, from Boggis' amazing one-man circus! By the way, what's your name?:smallwink:

2009-07-25, 08:20 PM
Wow! That's pretty cool. So you're a Kobold, huh? My mentor has told me they are direct descendants from the dragons. So what are you doing now? I'm heading to where there has been stories of dissappearing monastaries.

2009-07-25, 08:24 PM
Hey...now that sounds interesting. Yours truly is just a simple traveler, looking for a living and out to find the world. So, stranger, mind if I tag alongside? Or (*looks up at human's face*) underfoot, if necessary?

2009-07-25, 08:27 PM
My name's Zedd, and not at all. I would actually like to learn some things about magic.:smallsmile: So lets get going then.

Zedd becones to Boggis and the two continue down the trail. Zedd feels that this may be the beginning of a beautiful friendship(Yay Casablanca! I watched that movie and I couldn't resist.)

The Nightwalker
2009-07-25, 11:47 PM
*twig in hand* well as I said last night, It be mornin so whos wants to spar with me?

The Dark Fiddler
2009-07-26, 07:34 AM
"No thank you, I tend to get carried away in battle, and I wouldn't want to hurt you."

2009-07-26, 04:40 PM
Amtla turns to Crog "Okay, what is it you want to tell me?"

2009-07-26, 04:57 PM
Carnik tell me you may be kin wit Alehandra

2009-07-26, 05:48 PM
"Thanks for telling me... though I don't know why would he think that" She says to Crog. "So Rhyzikiflunak was right..." She thinks. "We should go now, though." She smiles, and goes with he rest.

The Blackbird
2009-07-26, 06:52 PM
You return to Carnik and Rhyzikiflunak who take you down to the mess hall, but before we get there Carnik says,

"Don't think me not know what you did Crog. For record me heard nothing."

2009-07-26, 06:56 PM
When they get to the mess hall, Amtla smiles. "Good morning everyone!"

The Dark Fiddler
2009-07-26, 07:00 PM
"Good morning," Glenbok says while eating some veggies.

The Blackbird
2009-07-26, 07:03 PM
Rhyzikiflunak heals his leg wound before entering the room.


Though it doesn't sound much like a greeting.

"I have chosen Glenbok to be your leader I think it the best choice, hopefully in about a hour or so you will have left the church to go begin the investegation. What you do is up to Glenbok, though if you'd like suggestions I would either say go to the nearest town for rumors or take a look at one of the sites of the dissappearances. I will not accompany I'm needed here, Carnik I think is staying with me as well but the goblin can go."

2009-07-26, 07:20 PM
"Congratulations, Glenbok." Amtla smiles at him.

The Dark Fiddler
2009-07-26, 07:25 PM
"Thank you, I guess. I'm still not sure if I'm the best for the job, but I will do everything I can."

2009-07-26, 07:34 PM
"Oh, don't worry, you'll do fine. You know that the most important part is to do your best." Amtla says, smiling.

The Blackbird
2009-07-26, 07:48 PM
"Well Glenbok, what is your group doing today?"

The Dark Fiddler
2009-07-26, 07:56 PM
"Well... I think we should go to the town for rumors... traders will be bringing in information from across the continent, and I don't think that any of us will be familiar enough with powerful magic to be able to get anything from the sites of the now missing churches... no offense," Glenbok says, adding the last bit hastily while looking at the spellcasters.

2009-07-26, 07:58 PM
"None taken, I'm sure" Smiles Amtla.

The Blackbird
2009-07-26, 08:03 PM
"None at all."

Okay I usually hate doing this but because I'm sure we want to get things moving I'm gonna just say that the group scarfs up breakfast and heads out for the nearest town. Usually I encourage more detail in what were doing but this time I'll make an exception.

The nearest town is called Henletell Glenbok has probably been here before, it's a small place, it does not hold a lot of residence but it does have a blacksmith and a tavern, as notable places.

The Dark Fiddler
2009-07-26, 08:14 PM
"Henltell... hasn't changed much..." Glenbok says, trying to remember what places would be best for gathering information. "...the inn would probably be good... although it is pretty small... the tavern is pretty popular as well... and if I remember, the general store is almost always full..."

The Blackbird
2009-07-26, 08:16 PM
Tavern would be traditional.:smalltongue:

2009-07-26, 08:29 PM
"If I may, I think the tavern would be a good option. When I traveled with a circus, we'd always hang out at the tavern for before the preformances, and there were always people with a say on whatever we wanted to know."

The Nightwalker
2009-07-26, 09:52 PM
Well we could split up and ask around I'll go to a blacksmith if they have one.

2009-07-26, 10:59 PM
me go to tavern. me want ales

The Dark Fiddler
2009-07-27, 07:56 AM
"Ok, Crog and Amtla, you should be able to cover the tavern... Rusty, I'll trust you with the blacksmith. I'll be at the general store, since almost everyone who comes to town goes there at some point or another. Does that sound good?"

The Blackbird
2009-07-27, 09:09 AM
"I will also go with Crog and Almta."

The Nightwalker
2009-07-27, 11:38 AM
aye then it be settled then lets go

The Blackbird
2009-07-27, 12:44 PM
Okay then the group splits up.

I'll spoiler each to save room.


You head to the blacksmith, after a couple minuates of looking around you find the building. When you enter you see several barrels stocked with weapons and some finer looking equipment hung on the walls, at the other end of the room is a glass case hung on the wall containing a glittering blade (Longsword to be exact) with jewels encrusted to the hilt it glows slightly as well.

A muscular middle aged man is hammering at an anvil, working on what appears to be a small blade, a younger boy watches the man work carefully.

The man says "Alexander go greet our costumer."

The boy responds enthusiastically ""Yes sir."

He moves over to Rusty.
"Hello sir, may I help you?"


You go to the general store, but only to find that it doesn't open for about another hour or so, but you seem someone in the window.

Amlta, Crog, and Rhyzik (I shortened his name.)

You guys go to the tavern which is literally named "The Tavern", upon entering shouts are cheers of various conversations meet your ears as well as smells of foods of all sorts.

A couple of the louder voices can be understood.

"Whoo! I just won 7 silver!"

"My name is Sobert Googlypof!!!"

And one that you only hear because the table is set close to the door.

"I'll do anything, I can tell you anything, whatever you would ever want I can give you all you have to do is-"
The next part is inaudible.

I'll describe what you see.

The barman is behind a counter cleaning a glass and looking annoyed. There are five tables set around the room, 4 of which are being used.

One of the tables has only one person wearing a cloak and being hooded, only his chin can be seen. His head is tilted downwards though you think he's looking into his drink.

One table is occupied by four people, two laughing men, an elf, and an old woman, there were five people but one of them just collapsed to the ground, this was the guy who shouted his name as "Sobert Googlypof". The laughing men high five.

One table has three men playing cards including the guy who shouted that he won silver peices.

The last table has three men, or of them is robed and hooded who is also the one who said "I'll do anything, I can tell you anything, whatever you would ever want I can give you all you have to do is-"

He is speaking to a half-orc and a half-elf, who both look serious.

The Nightwalker
2009-07-27, 01:40 PM
*go's to the glass case puts face on the glass* my that be a mighty fine blade ye got there

2009-07-27, 02:50 PM
(Im gonna help the man that says he will give any information) What is problem?

The Blackbird
2009-07-27, 04:20 PM
"It's a beauty eh? A bunch of adventurers gave it to me for helping them with a dungeon riddle I've had it for five years. They trapped it for me too if you were to break the glass there you would be shouting "I AM A THIEFING BASTERD!" every ten minuates for a week, the group's wizard thought it would be humerous.

Now anything I can help you with dwarf sir?"

The hooded guy turns to you, you would be face-to-face but despite looking directly at him you still can't see his face, just blackness.

"I need something and I'll do anything to get it. These two
He indicates the half-elf and half-orc.
are adventurers who are not interested, please sir if you have skill in combat I need your help, I'll do anything."

Even though his words may sound it he does not have the tone of begging, he sounds more determined-like.

The Dark Fiddler
2009-07-27, 05:21 PM
Glenbok knocks gently on the door of the general store.

The Blackbird
2009-07-27, 05:42 PM
The figure in the window moves to the door and opens it, you see an older gentleman.

Glenbok reconizes him as the store owner but doesn't remember a name (I'll let you try an Intellegence check to remember it though.)


He says, "Hello sir, I'm afraid to tell you that were not open right now."

The Nightwalker
2009-07-27, 06:25 PM
WEll I be wonderin if ye knew anything about the church dissapearin and maybe if you need some help around here I'd be happy to help if you need any I don't know hammerin or smeltin or any blacksmithin.

The Blackbird
2009-07-27, 06:49 PM
"The churches? Well I'm afraid I don't know anything about that, I hope whatever's doing ends up at the end of a sword though the church of Pelor was all good people."

The Dark Fiddler
2009-07-27, 06:57 PM
"I am aware of that sir, and I am sorry for bothering you so early in the morning, but I am investigating disappearing churches. I was wondering if you happened to hear anything, seeing as your store, if I remember correctly, drew in nearly as many customers as the tavern."

((If you need a Gather Information check: [roll0]))

The Blackbird
2009-07-27, 08:05 PM
"No I don't know anything about the churches I'm sorry sir, and there's a whole lot less costumer's nowadays."

He frowns.

2009-07-27, 08:36 PM
what you need? and can you help I wit infomation

2009-07-27, 08:38 PM
Amtla looks at the tavern, remembering other taverns she'd been on. She walks around the tables, finally stopping in front of the Barman "Hello sir. May I ask you a question?"

The Blackbird
2009-07-27, 08:48 PM

"I can tell you anything, I need an object that is in a large manor house about a mile southeast from here."


The barman says
"*Grumble* Sure, what?"

2009-07-27, 09:24 PM
"Well, I was wondering if you could tell me some information. I'm sure that, being a barman, you must know of all sorts of things that happen around here" She tries her best smile.

(([roll0] In case a Diplomacy check is any good))

The Blackbird
2009-07-27, 09:45 PM
"Well, that man

He points to the guy Crog's talking to.

has been causing problems harrasing people.

Thats just about it for anything worth hearing."

He shrugs

"Sorry if I wasn't too helpful."

2009-07-27, 11:17 PM
me talk to group me guess.

The Dark Fiddler
2009-07-28, 07:24 AM
"I'm sorry to hear that sir, and to have bothered you so early in the morning. Have a nice day," Glenbok says, leaving the store.

2009-07-28, 06:35 PM
"Thank you sir." Amtla says.
She goes toward Crog and the man he's talking to.

The Nightwalker
2009-07-28, 10:18 PM
aye okay tank ye for your help and if you ned any help her judt ask.

The Blackbird
2009-07-29, 10:13 AM
The blacksmith gives Rusty a friendly wave as he leaves.

Amlta walks over to Crog and the hooded guy.

He turns his attension to her and asks.

"Miss, do you have Waterfront heritage?"

Without even waiting for an answer he goes back to Crog.

"I need to know your answer as soon as possible."

2009-07-29, 07:50 PM
"Answer to what, sir? I'm from the same group as he is, I reckon you could tell me what you've been talking about?" Amtla says, ignoring the question the stranger made.

The Blackbird
2009-07-29, 08:08 PM
"I require an object, your friend may be voluneering to find it.

Are you from Waterfront?"

He asks the question in a demanding way.

2009-07-29, 08:15 PM
"I'm from Ria" Amtla answers on a polite tone, though frowning. "why do you ask, sir?"

The Blackbird
2009-07-29, 08:19 PM

He goes back to Crog.


2009-07-29, 08:41 PM
Amtla sighs. "Can I ask you for some little detail before we agree? And is there any kind of reward to this mission of yours?" She sounds rather professional.

The Blackbird
2009-07-29, 08:45 PM
"I owe your group information, anything, I can tell you anything."

2009-07-29, 08:56 PM
"Hmm... I'd have to talk with our leader so he can make the desition, but I think it's very probable we accept. I'll go look for him. I'll be back soon." She walks to Rhyzikiflunak "Could you two stay here while I look for Glenbok?" She asks, smiling.

The Blackbird
2009-07-29, 08:59 PM
"Uh, sure I'm okay with that."

2009-07-29, 09:01 PM
"Thanks" She smiles, and she goes out of the tavern to look for Glenbok.

The Dark Fiddler
2009-07-29, 09:11 PM
As Glenbok is walking through the streets for someplace else that would be good for finding information, he notices Amtla, and approaches her. "Did you find out anything?"

2009-07-29, 09:19 PM
"In a way. There's a man in the tavern who says he'll say anything, give any information, if we retrive an object for him. What do you think? Do we accept?" She asks, serious.

The Dark Fiddler
2009-07-29, 09:37 PM
After thinking for several moments, Glenbok shakes his head, There's too much information we don't have about this. What does he want, and why? I'll need to ask him a few questions. If we don't, we might end up stealing from the mayor... take me to him."

The Blackbird
2009-07-30, 07:03 PM
I take it that Glenbok and Amlta go back to the tavern?

2009-07-30, 07:12 PM
Amtla nods and takes Glenbok back to the tavern.

The Blackbird
2009-07-30, 07:14 PM
You both return to the tavern, not much has changed.

Rhyzikiflunak and the hooded guy are looking at eachother, Rhyzikiflunak looks rather annoyed but they don't say anything to eachother.

The Dark Fiddler
2009-07-30, 07:17 PM
"Where is he?" Glenbok asks, looking around. "Is that him, by the others?"

2009-07-30, 07:19 PM
"There." She points at the man. "Though I wonder why Rhyzikiflunak looks annoyed..." She mutters.

The Dark Fiddler
2009-07-30, 07:22 PM
"Let's go find out..." Glenbok says, walking over. "Hello, Rhyzikiflunak." He says, before looking at the hooded man. "I heard you can give us information?"

The Blackbird
2009-07-30, 07:24 PM
Rhyzikiflunak stares at the man for another moment then says

Uh, hey.

He looks away from the hooded guy.

"Yes, for a service."


The Dark Fiddler
2009-07-30, 07:25 PM
"Yes, you need an object? May I ask exactly what this object would be, and where we are getting from, and for what purpose you desire it?"

The Blackbird
2009-07-30, 07:28 PM
"I do not now what the objects form is, but I can guarantee you that you will know the object when you see it. It resides in a small manor about a mile away from here, which has been abandoned for several years after the previous owner died of a disease. It is said that no one lives there, but I know different. I wish to obtain this object to destroy it for it is very evil."

2009-07-30, 07:30 PM
"What kind of object is this?" Amtla asks.

The Dark Fiddler
2009-07-30, 07:33 PM
"Also, you say that you know better than those who believe that there is nobody living there... so who is living there? Would it be somebody who could cause problems for us?"