View Full Version : BC Mechas (IC)

2009-07-12, 08:46 PM
You are going through your normal evening activities when about 11 pm you are jolted by an enormous crash. After the thunder and screeching dies down, you see a faint light through the trees in that direction. Intrigued, frightened or merely cautious, venture toward the site.

Once you arrive, you come across a valley sewn with wreckage in a 3 meter furrow leading away from the road. At the far end of the ditch, a flickering blue light is cast upon the standing forest around irregular shapes in the darkness. Moving closer, you see a giant figure working on removing sections of skin from the fuselage of a enormous aircraft with an plasma torch. The blocky figure doesn't seem to have noticed you.

2009-07-12, 11:04 PM
Jo sat in his room, lightly tapping the end of his pencil on the pad of paper in front of him. He had to have this inane paper on "The social climate of Rwanda in the early 20th century" done by the next day. He'd been out with Claire most of the day protesting the Chinese Hegemony over the world, and in particular over oil, and was both too tired and too unmotivated with politics at the time to go through it all. While he was smart enough to bluff his way through the paper, he did wonder at what the point of it all was. It should have been abundantly clear by now that he would grow up to be a scientist, and that all of these additional courses were merely a waste of time.

He started to doze off at this desk, head bobbing up and down as his eyes started to flutter shut, when there was a catastrophic explosion outside. He flung himself up at the sound with a start, and very nearly tipped over in his chair. Looking out of his window, he thought he could make out the crash sight. It was probably a meteor landing. "Hey. Maybe if I find a meteor today, the teacher will excuse my late paper. This is probably more important than stupid social studies."

Jo slipped out the front door of his house, pulling over his lab coat and dragging his shoulder bag with him. He'd take a few pictures with his cell phone, load them onto his computer, and distract his teachers with that tomorrow.

Closing in on the site however, Jo saw something else. It looked like some kind of wrecked airplane, but it was massive. Far larger than anything Jo had ever seen before. He carefully crept closer to the wreckage, taking out his cell phone. A solitary work vehicle was dismantling the massive hulk.

hide: [roll0] (9+5 for 3/4 concealment), move silently: +9 [roll1]

He crept forward behind a very thick hedge, moving a little bit of it away from his line of sight. The dry twigs on the ground, however, were making his approach a littl noisier than he would have liked.

2009-07-12, 11:53 PM

You see a human-shaped machine working at opening a hole in the side of the vehicle. There appear to be cameras on the machine but it gives no indication of spotting you. The robot doesn't appear to be of Chinese military make however you don't recognize it at a superficial glance.

OOC: Are you hiding just from the crash-site or are you hidden in relation to the road and the likely route of other players? Also, if several of you are from the local area you might want to decide who recognize who as their neighbors. If you wish to spend a few minutes studying it, you can make a Knowledge: Technology check to try to figure out where its from.

2009-07-13, 08:19 AM

Benjamin lays next to his campfire, using its light to read a book. He liked being outside, being away from the city and all the baggage that came along with it. Like politics. He'd rushed away from home last time, tired of hearing people complain about the Hegemony. Everyone talked about fighting back, but they knew there was nothing they could do against the Chinese war machine. Tired of hearing the complaints and the feeling of helplessness, he'd come back sooner than he'd expected.

Just then a giant crash jerked Benjamin out of his revelry. Frowning, he picked up his rifle and went into the woods towards the apparent source of the disturbance. Upon reaching it, he stopped and gawked. It was massive; the only thing he'd even heard about being as big was some rumored Chinese weapon. Thinking that, Benjamin crouched back into cover, worried that the Hegemony's army would probably be here soon to recover their wrecked craft...Or they already were.

Seeing the giant...thing tearing into the plane, Benjamin decided to creep a little closer and try to see what the cargo was. After all, it didn't seem to be paying attention to anything else.

Move Silent [roll0]
Hide [roll1]
Spot [roll2]
Listen [roll3]

2009-07-13, 10:53 AM

Ryan is driving home in his work van, a crappy-looking white thing that seems like it was built for kidnappers. He just bought a couple of items from the 7-11, mostly because he was too busy to buy the stuff while he was still awake. He sees the mecha and thinks to himself Am I tripping? I don't do drugs, so I don't think I'm tripping. I knew that brownie was special, but was it that kind of special?

So Ryan does the only thing he can do, he takes a picture and posts it to 4chan.

Anonymous xx/xx/xx(xxx)23:xx No. xxxxxxx
I just took this picture in my hometown. Am I tripping? Is there really a giant robot there?

Anonymous xx/xx/xx(xxx)23:xx No. xxxxxxx

Anonymous xx/xx/xx(xxx)23:xx No. xxxxxxx
More pics or it didn't happen.

Anonymous xx/xx/xx(xxx)23:xx No. xxxxxxx
Rule 34 on giant salvaging robots."****"

Ryan is ready to gun it in his vehicle at the slightest sign of trouble.


2009-07-13, 03:29 PM
Jo gawked at the metal monstrosity in front of him. He snapped a quick picture with his cell phone, the flash illuminating his immediate area brightly in the dim of night.


Jo quickly moved a few blocks down the road, and started watching it again, trying to figure out just what it was.

[roll0] knowledge technology.

2009-07-13, 04:38 PM
Francois had just finished lowering his truck back to the ground after changing a flat when an explosuion rocked the night. Driven by curiosity, he grabbed the hatchet fro mthe back of his pickup and tried to approahc the crash site unseen.

Would Knowledge (Current Events) possibly identify, say, the insignia on the things? I will give it a shot.

2009-07-13, 04:39 PM
Never Mind.OK, I do not think it likes parentheses in the die roll descriptions. Try again.

2009-07-13, 04:48 PM
You can do it. Just edit the rolls into [rollx] where x is the roll number.

Just edit in [roll2] and [roll3]


2009-07-13, 04:59 PM
Huh. Never knew that.

2009-07-13, 10:18 PM
Cedric was driving 'home' to his sister's place after another fruitless day searching for some part-time work, and yet feeling proud of himself.
"Man, she's gonna flip when she sees that I brought supper -- it's her favourite, too," he thought, as he regarded the large bag of Thai. Straddled between it and a two-litre of Coke was a box of bakery goods, his personal favourite mix of doughnuts and strudel. He needed something to take off the edge of today's disappointment.
Just then -- an earth-shattering eruption. Cedric, distracted and jolted by the noise, overcompensated against the blastwave. Trees shattered ahead of him, blocking the road. His 1972 steel-grey Chevy Malibu careened from one side of the two-lane route to the other as the stunt driver did his best to right himself and dodge the obstacles.
BAM! Right into the one tree that was still rooted in place. Cedric groaned. Of all the things he had to hit, it would have to be a tree... The boys wouldn't ever let him live this down. He cracked open the door, and stepped outside, patting himself down for injuries. Nada. That's when he turned to inspect the Malibu.
"*%$@##$#!!!" that was a lot more than a couple of scratches. It was verily buried under the oaken rubble, its hood creased heavily and windshield shattered. He glimpsed inside, "Holy BOOPING #%$&%@! NOOOOOoooooo..."Take THAT, Move Silently checks!
The box. The car, he could deal with. Heck, he spent half his day bitching about how much it cost to keep in shape. It was a bad habit. Heck, he could even swallow his pride and return home without supper, useless as ever, but there was no WAY he could deal with all this without a good helping of german strudel.
...Cedric was going to need some time to himself...
Fifteen minutes of digging through the twisted metal and glass, Cedric had won a smushed piece of pastry that he assumed to be his goal, even though it tasted a bit like tom yum goong, and he remembered the reason for all this tragedy. He gazed out towards where the explosion had been, and cautiously advanced on it.
This had better be worth it...

2009-07-13, 10:52 PM

The aircraft is illuminated by a low red light from inside and you can just make out inert figures of roughly the same size as the one working on opening up the fuselage

You don't recognize the machinery beyond it looking like a large humanoid robot. You do see a crouched figure hidden on this side of a hedge flash a camera about 50 feet in front of you.

You don't recognize it as a whole however you can place the engine on the back to a small cutting edge US aviation company that was looking promising three years ago named Daedalus Incorporated.
Your flash is apparently lost during a burst of flickering from the plasma cutting.

In addition to the info in the first post, you see a white van pulled beside the road about 30 feet in front of you. You think the mecha could be either the Resistance or some new prototype of warmachine for the Chinese, your impeccable grasp of the news doesn't really help you here. You would have no idea /why/ the Chinese would be testing new equipment and would know that the it isn't likely to be US since they had drastically cut their military budget in recent years.

You are about a quarter mile from the crash site currently. You can just see a white van idling from your current location but that's about it.

2009-07-13, 11:02 PM
"Huh," grunted Cedric. It looked like he wasn't alone, at least. He meandered over to the van. After looking though the windows to find it empty, he knocks on the backside, waiting for a response. He tries to focus his eyes, and adjust to the darkness of the woods as he peers out ahead of him.Spot - [roll0]
God, I can't get these damn dice to work...

2009-07-13, 11:07 PM

What the hell was that noise?

Ryan sees a man take a picture of the robot.

"Hey, guy with the camera! Get over here before you get stepped on!"

Ryan blinks his headlights.

2009-07-13, 11:08 PM
Oh, I just realized that the van is still inhabited... well, Cedric still knocks on the back of the van, and looks out to the darkness.

2009-07-13, 11:15 PM

If Cedric is knocking on Ryan's van:

"Come around to the passenger seat. I'm not leaving my car until I know what the **** is happening."

2009-07-13, 11:19 PM
"Well, okay then." Cedric is glad to not be alone. He walks around to the passenger side, but doesn't open the door, preferring to talk through the (presumably) open window.
"D'you see what hit? It sounds like a freaking plane crash. Heck, I think we should see if anyone needs help..."
Cedric is clearly trying to get the man to accompany him to investigate, likely because he's a bit wary about being alone at this time of night under these circumstances.

2009-07-13, 11:22 PM

Ryan opens the door for Cedric.

"What are you, nuts? I'm not a ****ing paramedic. This is not a ****ing ambulance. If you heard someone hurt, call 911."

Ryan hands Cedric his cell phone.

"I'm just going to wait a few minutes for the gawker taking pictures and then I'm driving out of here."

2009-07-13, 11:35 PM
Steeled by the man's rude response, Cedric finds himself suddenly ready to indulge his curiousity, safety be damned. "Are you kidding me? What if people are hurt? You call 911, and then run away with your tail between your legs. I'm seeing if anyone needs help." He growls before running off into the darkness.
As he bounds through the foliage, he recalls what the guy had said about gawkers. Who else was here, and what did they know?

2009-07-13, 11:39 PM

"911, I'm at XXXX & YYYY and there is this huge robot and a crashed plane or something. I need an ambulance or maybe the national guard. There are also some people lost in the woods near the site. I think a fire might break out too. Send someone to access the situation at least."

****ing idiot with a hero complex. He isn't a trained medical professional. He'll only make it worse when there's one more guy to rescue. He's the kind of guy who'll rip people out of cars because he thinks they might explode.

2009-07-13, 11:50 PM
"Huh? Me? Sorry Mister, my parents always told me not to accept strange rides from mysterious men riding suspicious white vans near a probable government conspiracy. They were pretty specific about it. Besides, I think it's an American ship. Hold on, I'm going in to get a closer look."

Jo crept up through the foliage, less worried about the ship. At first he thought it was some Chinese invasion vessel, but now he was more curious than scared. "Oy, you guys! I'm a salvager, you want any help with that?"

OOC: My character is 15, and is charisma 18 handsome. Unlike homer, I'm not as dumb as a mule and twice as ugly, so I'll not be taking it. :smalltongue:

2009-07-14, 12:01 AM
The 25 foot tall Mecha stops working on the wreckage for a moment and turns around. It disengages its cutter and you hear a tinny voice over an intercom broadcasts. "Salvagers? What? No! Go back to your homes!"

2009-07-14, 12:10 AM

Ryan continues to try to get the 911 operator to send someone over.

Everyone thinks they're a ****ing superhero today. People have to learn to leave things to the authorities.

2009-07-14, 12:24 AM
As he approaches, Cedric can't help but see the kid. He comes to stand beside him, glancing curiously before confronting the salvaging machine: "What the hell happened here? You &%$@!ers crashed my car!"

2009-07-14, 01:32 AM

Hearing others talk, and then the mecha, Benjamin raises an eyebrow. He remains hiding where he is, watching and listening to see how this goes.

2009-07-14, 11:12 PM
After taking your information, the operator tells you that help will arrive in ten to fifteen minutes and to please hold on the phone. She begins asking probing questions to gather information.

Cedric and Jo (and Ben):
"Nothing to be concerned with. Just a.. test flight that went down. Please, back up, there might be a fuel leak or munition fire."

2009-07-14, 11:15 PM

"Yeah, two idiots who think they're heroes."

"No, I am not tripping. I just posted a picture of it to 4chan."

"No, it was not shopped."

2009-07-15, 12:06 AM
Thinking that he has done about what little he could to discourage the rubberneckers, the driver turns the Mecha back to work on the fuselage. After a few moments, he gets discouraged and just grabs both sides of the cut and wrenches it up. In the dim light, a variety of shapes can be made out inside. The sharper eyed of you will discern a half dozen or more inert mecha inside the plane.

2009-07-15, 08:31 AM
Jo will take as many pictures as he can.

"Wow, those are awesome mister. Can I get a few closer up pictures?"

*Heh. With pictures like these, there's no way I'll need that social studies report by tomorrow.* :smallamused:

2009-07-16, 06:21 PM
"I'd rather you back away."

The robot pauses a moment, then suddenly goes into the fuselage. In the dim, you can see him open one of the cockpits, draw a giant-sized pistol and fire three rounds into one of the panels.

2009-07-16, 06:28 PM

"And now I'm hearing gunshots. But I can guess you can hear them two, seeing how loud they are. What the **** is happening here?"

2009-07-18, 12:22 PM
"Wow his repairs lack finesse."

Jo will take some more pictures and sit down on the edge of the road with a can of coffee.