View Full Version : [4e] Of War (Pre Game)

Arcane Copycat
2009-07-13, 08:33 AM
The town of Dorla is normally a rather quiet town, by comparison to many of it's size. Normally it boasts a popultion of about 3000. But during this time of war, that number has more than doubled as the Lucani empire prepares to defend it's territories from Belgaem invasion.

Such is the threat posed that sellswords, mercenaries and adventurers outside of the military are being hired on to assist on top of the standard military force. Many are being put to use is 'specialist' teams, usually having training and/or experience outside of what the military offers.

In charge of the Lucani Empire forces is General Naomi Brightleaf, a woman with a direct approach to everything. Considered the best general to grace Lucanis in over 100 years, her primary objective is to push out all Belgaem forces and resecure the captured town of Hranice, but there is whisper she ahs orders to push into Belgae lands, to directly stop the threat the Belgae King Varlna.

Leading the Faunus arm of the Lucani attack is Preyvus Nightstar. The Eladrin is a commander in the Feywild armies that stand against the Fomorians, and has been called in to assist Lucanis stop this invasion at all costs. A man of few words but of many actions, Preyvus is surprisingly easier to approach than General Brightleaf, and as such most outside assistance goes through her.

At the moment, both are having a conversation about possible tactics in the upcoming war. Any and all recruits that have not checked in are required to see either one before being assigned to a team.

2009-07-13, 09:24 AM
Argile “Wallcrawler” Mohr

A gnome, dressed in a simple greenish brown poncho that covered his torso, leaving only a hint that the greenish hide garment that covered his legs extended up to his chest, showed up near the two generals almost as if he had popped into existence there just now, with a glowing little green spider on his right shoulder.

He slowly looked to his left, and then to his right, and, after leaning his body and head forward, poked both of them with his hand, and spoke, almost in a whisper, as if he was thinking that discretion was needed, for some reason.

“Hey, I heard you were hiring more soldiers to fight those bastards that attacked Hranis.” he opened a huge smile and abandoned the whisper tone of voice, almost shouting “And Queen knows I’d love to stab one of them. In their face, if possible.”

2009-07-13, 10:27 AM
A middle-aged man with a walking staff, presumably in his late thirties, greets Argile with a small bow. He's dressed in clothes traditionally worn mostly by eladrin, but somewhat toned down in color. He looks sturdy, but not weathered, with long blond hair and hands that looks like they've seen little or no hard labor.

Then our objectives are similar, he tells Argile. The subtle, exotic smells from his small pouches gives away his wizard profession to someone with extraordinary olfactory senses, like a gnome. I feel it is my duty to help this great nation that has me allowed to study under so many renowned eladrin masters of the arts., he laments pridefully. I hope my limited command of the elements may prove useful in the obtaining of combat superiority. After a brief pause, he extends his hand to the gnome. My name is Mylos. I am pleased to make your acquintance.

2009-07-13, 10:40 AM
Argile “Wallcrawler” Mohr

He pauses a bit and sniffs the air. “That funky smell…is that... No, wait, I probably don’t want to know. I’ve seen some wizards carry some strange stuff with them.”

The gnome leans his body forward, and then he smiles and the spider throws a small ball of web at Mylo’s hand that fades away in a few seconds. “But other than the funky smell you seem alright.” The gnome shakes the man’s hand, and as he does so the little spider hops down to their hands and bounces up and down as they shake hands, only to return to Argile shoulders afterwards. “Pleased to meet you too, you can call me Argile.”

2009-07-13, 10:59 AM

A half-elf dressed in shades of green and tan over chain armor enters. He carries two longswords buckled to his left hip and a bow over his shoulder. He looks around cautiously before stepping forward. He moves gracefully and almost rhythmically, not quite like an elf, but just as graceful in its own way. "Hello," he says softly to the two already there. "I am Quinn. Is this where they are recruiting help?"

2009-07-13, 11:12 AM
As the gnome and human are talking, a Tiefling suddenly appears out of nowhere, and a few leaves swirl around her before floating to the ground. She has a slight build, and her purple hair and eyes that are solid orbs of silver set off her cream colored complexion very well. As they look into her eyes, it seems if the eyes truly are windows to the soul, this Tiefling has quite a burden on her soul. Despite this, she has a lively and outgoing manner about her.

"Good day, gentlemen. I hope I'm in the right place to see about signing up to help defend our land from those who would slaughter innocents with abandon. I'm Skamoria, pleased to meet you." She takes a small bow as she says this last sentence, then straightens with a smile.

2009-07-13, 01:50 PM
Through the window, a man of average height dressed for battle in worn plate can be seen dismounting a horse. Behind him a short column of riders also dismount, seemingly taking unheard orders from the man. One of the riders, dressed like a cleric, is carrying a standard emblazoned with a singular large wave.

The man walks alone into the inn, walking quickly towards the two generals. He removes his dirty helmet, revealing his light hair and his disfigured right ear. General, I am Brendis Shieldside, temporary battle commander of the paladins of Melora. She has sent her servants to halt the spread of filthy Belgaem empire. We await your orders.

2009-07-13, 08:10 PM

Petteria pulls down the hood of her cloak, looking at all who have assembled before her. So many from different walks of life, ready to sacrifice everything for pride and honor...she only cared about the money.

"I have no allegiance to either side in this war that has begun. However, if the Belgae continue as they have my homeland will be in their sights next. For the right amount of coin and a fair bit of adventure, I would gladly let their innards feel the point of my blades."

2009-07-13, 08:19 PM
A fairly young elf also approaches, one with the traditional light step of his kind, maybe even more so. He glides as much as walks over to both generals, his elven made bow across his shoulders.

My name is Winwel. Just pay me, and tell me where you need me to go.

He then stands there, perfectly still, simply waiting for an answer.

Arcane Copycat
2009-07-13, 11:48 PM
both Naomi and Preyvus turn to look at the assembled group. They cat their eyes over each and everyone one of you, obviously deciding where best you would all be placed.

Preyvus makes his way over to Argile and Mylos. "I see you two seem to be getting along well already. This is a good sign." He casts an eye over Mylos, sniffs slighty, and a small smile crosses his face, but only briefly, replaced by the stressed look of someone under a lot of pressure. "A Wizard? Good, good, we could use your expertise and power, most definitely. I'm assigning you to the Main Assault. Don't worry, you'll not be expected to simply blindly follow orders. No, you'll be given more free reign than the soldiers. Does this sound agreeable to you?"
He then turn to face Argile. "A wizard too? I see a wand but... no, you don't seem like a Wizard to me. Definately magical though... what is your area of magical expertise?"

Naomi makes her way over to Quinn, looking him dead in the eye, her cold green eyes locking onto his. "Hmm, Well armed, sharp eyes... I'm not sure whether put you in the Assault team or..." Her voice trailed off a bit. "...or put you a newly formed group. We need someone who can go ahead of our forces, perform reconnaissance work, but be able to handle themselves... I think you're up to the challenge, don't you agree?

Preyvus eyes Skamoria with a bit of mistrust. Everyone knew about the Tielfing heritage, but this one... this one had something... odd about her. "Certainly, we are looking for recruits. Although, do be sure that this is not just some game. It may all be smiles now, but I guarantee it won't stay like that forever. Now, tell me about this power of yours to appear in a blink of an eye..."

Naomi stands and faces Brendis, looking at hi, then to the men behind him. "Shieldside, we're glad to have you. We could use the extra men, and the Paladin's of Melora are just what we need. Tell me, what do you and your men know of the lands of Subura? It's a possibility that Belgaem will try to sneak past us, and if that's true, we could use your hepl shutting them down."

Naomi approaches Winwel and PEtteria with a cold, unreadable face. "So, swords for hire, is it? Well, I know the perfect job for you two. I'm assembling a reconnaissance group, people who are light, fast, can get in and out quickly. You look perfect for that, wouldn't you agree?" Although her words showed that she cared little, you couls tell she was pleased for the extra manpower. "And don't worry, you'll get paid, we'll make sure of that.

(OOC: Since it's hard to 'Go around the table' in PHP, this may seem a bit disjointed, I apologize)

2009-07-13, 11:51 PM
Quinn nods. "Scouting and reconnaissance is something with which I am familiar. I would be pleased to help you in that way."

Arcane Copycat
2009-07-13, 11:56 PM
Quinn nods. "Scouting and reconnaissance is something with which I am familiar. I would be pleased to help you in that way."

"I'm glad to hear it. General Brightleaf is in charge of assembling that group, she's over there talking to the Elf and the Tiefling. Tell her Preyvus said that you should be in Operation: Force of Nature. She'll tell you what to do next."

2009-07-14, 12:14 AM
Every paladin and cleric here has spent years of training wandering this land. While none of us have ever walked the lands of Belgaem, we of the Nothos know much that was handed down by our fathers. Melora shall grant us the swift fury of the sea, and no one shall escape our wrath.

Brendis makes a few quick motions to the standard-bearer, who relays his commands, and the paladins and clerics of Melora begin quickly moving their horses off the road to clear the path.

2009-07-14, 12:37 AM
Quinn approaches General Brightleaf, and mentions that Preyvus thought he'd be suitable for Operation: Force of Nature.

Arcane Copycat
2009-07-14, 01:13 AM
Every paladin and cleric here has spent years of training wandering this land. While none of us have ever walked the lands of Belgaem, we of the Nothos know much that was handed down by our fathers. Melora shall grant us the swift fury of the sea, and no one shall escape our wrath.

Brendis makes a few quick motions to the standard-bearer, who relays his commands, and the paladins and clerics of Melora begin quickly moving their horses off the road to clear the path.

"Interesting... I have a request of you then. How would you feel about splitting your forces? I know that, as commander, you'll want to be in control of all your forces, but... I would like to enlist your aid in a special task force. There is a good chance that the Belgae army will try to undertake operations in our borders, away from their main force. Would you be willing to take a small number of your Paladins and assist in stopping any such attacks? You'll have to leave some behind to assist us in the main assault force, but it would be beneficial to make sure we are well defned on all fronts. And having an extra group would make a good trump card."

Quinn approaches General Brightleaf, and mentions that Preyvus thought he'd be suitable for Operation: Force of Nature.

General Brightleaf turns to face the Half-Elf before him. "Preyvus gave the go-ahead for that, did he?" Well, you look like you're capable. And I trust the man's judgement on this. The team would go forward, small enough to avoid notice and move quickly, but not so small as be vulnerable. You'll be required to report back as soon as possible on your findings, of course. Are you up for the challenge?"

2009-07-14, 07:43 AM
Winwel simply nods, and begins to watch those that seem to be coming near him for the recon group. He notices the heavier armor, and looks slightly disappointed but says nothing.

2009-07-14, 08:19 AM
Mylos nods. Main assault should suit my abilities well. I appreciate being given a degree of autonomy, but make no mistake: I am not afraid to take orders, either.

2009-07-14, 08:26 AM
both Naomi and Preyvus turn to look at the assembled group. They cat their eyes over each and everyone one of you, obviously deciding where best you would all be placed.

Preyvus makes his way over to Argile and Mylos. "I see you two seem to be getting along well already. This is a good sign." He casts an eye over Mylos, sniffs slighty, and a small smile crosses his face, but only briefly, replaced by the stressed look of someone under a lot of pressure. "A Wizard? Good, good, we could use your expertise and power, most definitely. I'm assigning you to the Main Assault. Don't worry, you'll not be expected to simply blindly follow orders. No, you'll be given more free reign than the soldiers. Does this sound agreeable to you?"
He then turn to face Argile. "A wizard too? I see a wand but... no, you don't seem like a Wizard to me. Definately magical though... what is your area of magical expertise?"

Argile “Wallcrawler” Mohr

“Well, sir, I am an experienced bard.” , he opens a huge smile and the little spider jumps up and down his shoulder and suddenly comes to a halt when Argile’s face becomes so serious you could think someone had just made a joke about his hair, “Oh right, and a paladin of sorts...”, but in a few seconds the gnome is smiling again.

2009-07-14, 09:15 AM
Nere Syerably

Lurking slightly away from the rather group of soldiers and mercenaries gathering around the two general was a young half-elf who seemed at first glance as if he stumbled here by mistake. A long, black robe covered him from head to toe, leaving only part of his face visible, and even that small part was shrouded in part by an exotic tattoo. The attire seemed stifling, but the man was clearly not bothered by it. Instead, he seemed slightly jittery to be among so many soldiers, and kept his hood up as if to avoid people seeing his face.

He approached the two generals slowly, careful not to make eye contact with anyone else. He spoke with a voice that trembled slightly at first, but grew in confidence as he continued.

"Esteemed Generals, I... My name is Nere, and I have come to offer my services to our country's military. My grandfather was commander Wallace Syerably, and his resting place is now under the occupation of Belgaem forces. I can not stand by and watch them defile the land of my forefathers any longer. I may not look like a fighter, but I possess the same powers commander Wallace once had. I assure you that I won't be a liability on the battlefield."

2009-07-14, 09:30 AM
General Brightleaf turns to face the Half-Elf before him. "Preyvus gave the go-ahead for that, did he?" Well, you look like you're capable. And I trust the man's judgement on this. The team would go forward, small enough to avoid notice and move quickly, but not so small as be vulnerable. You'll be required to report back as soon as possible on your findings, of course. Are you up for the challenge?"

Quinn bows his head before saying, "Yes, I believe I am."

2009-07-14, 10:22 AM
Preyvus eyes Skamoria with a bit of mistrust. Everyone knew about the Tielfing heritage, but this one... this one had something... odd about her. "Certainly, we are looking for recruits. Although, do be sure that this is not just some game. It may all be smiles now, but I guarantee it won't stay like that forever. Now, tell me about this power of yours to appear in a blink of an eye..."

Skamoria gets a mischevious look on her face and says, "You mean..." and with that she appears behind Preyvus and finishes by saying, "this power?" Again, she has leaves swirling around her as she appears, but this time they are thick enough to obscure the Tiefling for a few moments before settling to the ground. "My skills are quite useful for moving unnoticed since of course only someone watching where I start or where I end will have a chance of seeing me. Of course sneaking is even easier when the enemy can't see me or my companions at all. I have several other useful tricks for causing a bit of confusion if a distraction is needed. As for things being all smiles, I merely value putting my best face forward." Her face becomes serious, and her eyes have a hint of malice to them as she continues. "I witnessed the aftermath of the attack on Hranice, and trust me when I say that smiles are not what I have in mind for the Belgaem soldiers."

Arcane Copycat
2009-07-14, 10:56 AM
Argile “Wallcrawler” Mohr

“Well, sir, I am an experienced bard.” , he opens a huge smile and the little spider jumps up and down his shoulder and suddenly comes to a halt when Argile’s face becomes so serious you could think someone had just made a joke about his hair, “Oh right, and a paladin of sorts...”, but in a few seconds the gnome is smiling again.

Preyvus tilts his head a little. "Hmmm, well, looks can be decieving. You seem to be on good terms with... Mylos was it? Well, in any case, Bard do inspire troops to excel... perhaps you too will serve well on the main assault? Well, as long as you do what's best for Lucani, that's all that matters. I'll meet you over by the Blacksmith in a few hours, I'll brief you properly then. if you'll excuse me..." Preyvus nods at the both of you, and heads off to converse with some of the other recruits.

(OOC: When I make the Main Assault thread, go there. I can't put it up yet due to work)

Nere Syerably

Lurking slightly away from the rather group of soldiers and mercenaries gathering around the two general was a young half-elf who seemed at first glance as if he stumbled here by mistake. A long, black robe covered him from head to toe, leaving only part of his face visible, and even that small part was shrouded in part by an exotic tattoo. The attire seemed stifling, but the man was clearly not bothered by it. Instead, he seemed slightly jittery to be among so many soldiers, and kept his hood up as if to avoid people seeing his face.

He approached the two generals slowly, careful not to make eye contact with anyone else. He spoke with a voice that trembled slightly at first, but grew in confidence as he continued.

"Esteemed Generals, I... My name is Nere, and I have come to offer my services to our country's military. My grandfather was commander Wallace Syerably, and his resting place is now under the occupation of Belgaem forces. I can not stand by and watch them defile the land of my forefathers any longer. I may not look like a fighter, but I possess the same powers commander Wallace once had. I assure you that I won't be a liability on the battlefield."

Preyvus looked at the young man intently. "I served with Commander Syerably an age ago... I had forgotten he was from Hranice..."His eyes betrayed that he was caught in a quick flashback. "I would be doing Wallace no favours by letting you join this war, but I'd be doing his memory an even bigger diservice. If you don't mind, I would like to place you in the main assault, were I can keep an eye on you. Is this a problem?"

Quinn bows his head before saying, "Yes, I believe I am."

Naomi smiles. "Good, good. I'd like to introduce you to Winwel and Petteria, your teammates. If you care to meet me in about 4 hours time over by the stable, I'll have more information for you. Gentlemen."

She quickly bows her head, then walks off quickly, obviously with a lot on her plate

(OOC: Bronz, Rael and Master-Rahl22, when the Scout thread goes up, post in there. Well, Rael, after you have your little "I agree chat anyway")

Skamoria gets a mischevious look on her face and says, "You mean..." and with that she appears behind Preyvus and finishes by saying, "this power?" Again, she has leaves swirling around her as she appears, but this time they are thick enough to obscure the Tiefling for a few moments before settling to the ground. "My skills are quite useful for moving unnoticed since of course only someone watching where I start or where I end will have a chance of seeing me. Of course sneaking is even easier when the enemy can't see me or my companions at all. I have several other useful tricks for causing a bit of confusion if a distraction is needed. As for things being all smiles, I merely value putting my best face forward." Her face becomes serious, and her eyes have a hint of malice to them as she continues. "I witnessed the aftermath of the attack on Hranice, and trust me when I say that smiles are not what I have in mind for the Belgaem soldiers."

"Moving unnoticed, you say? Well, in that case, I think I have the perfect job for you. Find General Brightleaf and tell her Preyvus sent you to join Operation :Force of Nature. Last I saw she had just finished talking to some people over there." He signals towards a woman in scale armour and a large weapon strapped to her back. "She may be a bit intimidating, but don't mind her, she's just under a lot of pressure. We all are."

2009-07-14, 11:04 AM
Preyvus looked at the young man intently. "I served with Commander Syerably an age ago... I had forgotten he was from Hranice..."His eyes betrayed that he was caught in a quick flashback. "I would be doing William no favours by letting you join this war, but I'd be doing his memory an even bigger diservice. If you don't mind, I would like to place you in the main assault, were I can keep an eye on you. Is this a problem?"

"Moving unnoticed, you say? Well, in that case, I think I have the perfect job for you. Find General Brightleaf and tell her Preyvus sent you to join Operation :Force of Nature. Last I saw she had just finished talking to some people over there." She signals towards a woman in scale armour and a large weapon strapped to her back. "She may be a bit intimidating, but don't mind her, she's just under a lot of pressure. We all are."


Nere bowed and said, with a smile on his face.

"Not a problem at all, General. I will gladly carry out your orders and bring swift defeat to the Belgaem forces, just the way old Wally liked it."

I bolded the relevant parts in your text, but it seems to me that Preyvus is depicted as a man in one sentence and a woman in the other. I believe I've seen the same thing in the initial description of the generals. What is truly his/her gender? Or is it that hard to tell with Eladrin :smalltongue:?
Oh, and Nere's grandfather's name is Wallace, but I'm sure it's just a minor typo on your part.

2009-07-14, 11:16 AM
My command is only temporary. Melora has sent us to help you in whatever way seems best to you, we shall go wherever you send us.

Brendis turns and gives an inquisitive look towards Preyvus and the newly-arrived half-elf. Brendis knows the name Wallace Syerably from tales of his grandfather, but he says nothing to either of them.

Arcane Copycat
2009-07-14, 11:25 AM
I bolded the relevant parts in your text, but it seems to me that Preyvus is depicted as a man in one sentence and a woman in the other. I believe I've seen the same thing in the initial description of the generals. What is truly his/her gender? Or is it that hard to tell with Eladrin :smalltongue:?
Oh, and Nere's grandfather's name is Wallace, but I'm sure it's just a minor typo on your part.

Fixed. It's 2:30 for me, so I'm a little slow. Also, William Wallace is what confused me.

"Good. Ah, she's talking to one of the Paladins of Melora now, so you should approach her now while she's standing still"

My command is only temporary. Melora has sent us to help you in whatever way seems best to you, we shall go wherever you send us.

Brendis turns and gives an inquisitive look towards Preyvus and the newly-arrived half-elf. Brendis knows the name Wallace Syerably from tales of his grandfather, but he says nothing to either of them.

"Well, in that case, I'd like to head the team that will be patrolling Lucani land. you may take a few men, but I'd like if the bulk were left with me to help. Don't worry, you'll still be able to issue commands to them, that much I can promise you."

(OOC: I'm willing to give an NPC or 2 to the group since you managed to bring them up)

2009-07-14, 12:06 PM
As you command, General.

Brendis turns and walks outside to the other paladins. We will split into two groups. Andelin, you come with me. The rest of you will take your orders from Rygel, and will be shoring up the main assault.

He gestures to the standard-bearer to come talk with him in private. Rygel, there is a half-elf in the assault who is very important. He wears black and is tattooed on his face. Do not let him fall, keep him protected. Brendis points at Nere through the window to identify him, then walks back inside followed by another younger paladin. Andelin is shorter than Brendis, with dark hair and blue eyes. He is strong and quick, but he lacks the natural presence of a great leader.

Arcane Copycat
2009-07-14, 12:17 PM
"Very well then. Meet me in 4 hours over by the inn. I shall give you more instructions then. I shall be talking to Rygel as well about how you to shall be communicating with one another"

(OOC: same everyone else, when I get your post up, head over there.)

2009-07-14, 12:50 PM
"Moving unnoticed, you say? Well, in that case, I think I have the perfect job for you. Find General Brightleaf and tell her Preyvus sent you to join Operation :Force of Nature. Last I saw she had just finished talking to some people over there." He signals towards a woman in scale armour and a large weapon strapped to her back. "She may be a bit intimidating, but don't mind her, she's just under a lot of pressure. We all are."

Skamoria moves toward General Brightleaf, and those watching her see that she seems to flicker in and out of reality as she moves, which haves the effect of making it hard to pin down exactly where she is until she stands in front of the General. "Pleased to meet you, General. I'm Skamoria, and Preyvus said to tell you that I am to join Operation: Force of Nature. I do hope that means that I will get a chance to... play with the enemy." The last sentence is meant to be humorous, but Skamoria seems lost in thought for a moment, and when she finishes the sentence there's a harsh gleam in her eye.

2009-07-14, 10:33 PM

Naomi approaches Winwel and Petteria with a cold, unreadable face. "So, swords for hire, is it? Well, I know the perfect job for you two. I'm assembling a reconnaissance group, people who are light, fast, can get in and out quickly. You look perfect for that, wouldn't you agree?" Although her words showed that she cared little, you couls tell she was pleased for the extra manpower. "And don't worry, you'll get paid, we'll make sure of that.

"It's your coin, I'm perfect for whatever job will make it my coin."

Petteria then gathers with Winwel and Quinn, as Skamoria makes a show of her power. Petteria quietly notes the leaves and the flash of a sunny meadow, seeing the Feywild as she had so many times.

When I do it, it will be the last thing my opponent sees before he meets his god...

Arcane Copycat
2009-07-15, 03:56 AM
Skamoria moves toward General Brightleaf, and those watching her see that she seems to flicker in and out of reality as she moves, which haves the effect of making it hard to pin down exactly where she is until she stands in front of the General. "Pleased to meet you, General. I'm Skamoria, and Preyvus said to tell you that I am to join Operation: Force of Nature. I do hope that means that I will get a chance to... play with the enemy." The last sentence is meant to be humorous, but Skamoria seems lost in thought for a moment, and when she finishes the sentence there's a harsh gleam in her eye.

Naomi is somehwat taken aback. Obviously a bit unsettled by the fact that you're a Tielfing, but more so by the fact that you seem more than eager to undertake such a task.

[b]"Well, Preyvus seems to think you're up to it, I shall not question it. besides, one with your... determination... to your cause will certainly come in handy. Alright, i'll be briefing you all near the stables in about 4 hours or so, meet me there and I shall introduce us to the rest of your teammates.

(OOC to all: By 10am tomorrow my time (which is +10, do the math based on your GMT) the threads shall be open. sorry for the delay, but a cousin of mine is giving birth and it's sort of going to be a big distraction)

2009-07-15, 05:39 PM
Argile “Wallcrawler” Mohr

Argile smiles happily and nods to the general as he takes his leave, and then turns to Mylo “I think this means we’ll be working together, then. And if you are to lead us to the battlefield, I’d be even more glad for being on the wizard’s side. You know, huge magicky explosions and all that.”

2009-07-15, 08:49 PM
While the general is talking, Skamoria realizes that she let her emotions get away from her. She puts on a polite smile and says "I appreciate the chance to help, and it was good to meet you. I'll see you at the inn then." With that, she disappears again, teleporting toward the inn.

Arcane Copycat
2009-07-18, 12:10 AM
Preyvus had made his way to the inn. He had expected to meet Naomi here, and they qould begin planning how to best utilize the new recruits that had just been drafted. Although he was against using hired outside help (If they could be hired by us, they could be hired by anyone) he knew that they did indeed need all the help they could get.

He sat himself near a black-robed Eladrin, who was in conversation with someone else, in a spot out of the way of actual patrons

2009-07-18, 03:23 AM
Actually, if you wouldn't mind changing that last bit to 'near a black-robed eladrin', then...
The eladrin in question wears a black robe, pitch black, seemingly composed out of darkness itself, which contrasts greatly with the inexplicably blue hair on his head. He stands behind the bar, in hasty conversation with a plain-and-unimportant-NPC-looking human. The low voice and hasty speech make it highly difficult to make out the words, yet to anyone attempting to listen in...

"...already done a survey over the past few days, of defensible positions within about a mile. I can't remember specifics right now, but the map is in your room. Of course, if you already know you are going to be overwhelmed, don't. I want you all free, not dead. If you can find an experienced leader, that wouldn't hurt as well. But I doubt it. They'll all already be off fighting. Still, you never know who could just turn up in a tavern." The eladrin glances around the tavern. Then, he sees only other eladrin currently in the tavern. "You never know who could just turn up in a tavern," he mutters.

"Well, hello Preyvus," he says, smiling, "or should I call you Commander Nightstar now? Can I get you anything to drink, on my last day as innkeeper?"

Arcane Copycat
2009-07-18, 09:08 AM
"Well, hello Preyvus," he says, smiling, "or should I call you Commander Nightstar now? Can I get you anything to drink, on my last day as innkeeper?"

"Preyvus is fine. And northing, I'm on duty, Demandred." He stared at the Eladrin intently. "Fancy running into you here. Quite a coincidence, seeing as I was just thinking about you..."

2009-07-18, 09:43 PM
"I would have imagined I would have been rather easier to track in the last half a decade or so, what with being an innkeeper the whole time," Demandred says dryly, "you're really telling me you didn't know I've been working here? Well." He coughs. "You're here anyway."
He sighs, and says rather sadly, "I expect there's something you want to ask me, isn't there?"

Arcane Copycat
2009-07-18, 11:28 PM
"I would have imagined I would have been rather easier to track in the last half a decade or so, what with being an innkeeper the whole time," Demandred says dryly, "you're really telling me you didn't know I've been working here? Well." He coughs. "You're here anyway."
He sighs, and says rather sadly, "I expect there's something you want to ask me, isn't there?"

Preyvus smiles, possibly the firs genuine smile in weeks. "Well I'd heard word to the effect that you'd be here, I'll admit.... and yes, something to ask. You to come back. Not as a soldier under anyone's command, someone with free reign, to... well... get creative in our attack."

2009-07-19, 12:09 AM
Demandred whispers sadly, "I'm sorry. I can't be a captain. Not again. Just... put me in with some division somewhere. I'll advise their captain or something. But I can't bear having to live in fear that I'm making the decision that will send my division to its death. Never again."

Unless you have some other suggestion. :smalltongue:

Arcane Copycat
2009-07-19, 12:14 AM
Demandred whispers sadly, "I'm sorry. I can't be a captain. Not again. Just... put me in with some division somewhere. I'll advise their captain or something. But I can't bear having to live in fear that I'm making the decision that will send my division to its death. Never again."

Unless you have some other suggestion. :smalltongue:

"Who said anything about being a captain?" His eyes didn't leave Demandred's. "You'll be with a group, all making their own decisions. They make the calls they want to make, no input required. As long as it gets the job done.

The Demandred I remember is too good a soldier to not have on our side..."

2009-07-19, 12:31 AM
"And I was," Demandred sighs, "but a lot can change in a century. Who's in this group I'm going to be in?"

Silver Coin
2009-07-19, 05:30 AM
Natasha narrowed her eyes as she watched the curious pair. One was the illustrious General Preyvus from the last war. The other a stranger in a black cloak, clearly secretive. She had wanted to talk to the hooded stranger before Preyvus came along, but perhaps it would simply be better to wait and see first.

2009-07-19, 12:48 PM
Skamoria waltzes into the inn with a pleasant expression on her face. She sees the elf watching the pair at the bar, and walks up to her. "Hi, I'm Skamoria. Have you signed up to help the army too?"

2009-07-19, 09:04 PM
Brendis, Andelin, and Rygel are seated at a table near the fire, drinking. They, like Preyvus, await the arrival of the General and their specific orders. All three are unarmored and clothed in plain, dark colored clothing. The only thing that identifies them as the servants of Melora are the golden waves that hang from a chain on each of their necks.

Andelin, spotting the arrival of the female elf and tiefling, starts to get up and go introduce himself. "Sit down. If they have any business that concerns you, they will come over here. If they don't, and you go over there anyway, you're going to make a fool of yourself." Andelin mutters something about needing to get another drink, and wanders off to the bar on a course that just might happen to cross their paths. Brendis shakes his head and smiles. "There isn't a subtle bone in him, is there?" "Heh. Maybe not, but he can't hurt anything, right?" "Lets hope so."

2009-07-20, 01:11 AM
Having followed general Preyvus along with the motley group of soldiers and sellswords to the bar, Nere began to grow impatient. War is not a place for reckless behaviour, but he was itching to go to battle, quite unlike his usually cool demeanour.

Nere watched the exchange between general Preyvus and the barkeep, and noted the behaviour of the other patrons, but chose not to involve himself with them too much. He settled down in a less populated corner of the bar and began snapping his fingers to pass the time, unconsciously releasing small blue sparks as he let his mind wander instead of trying to control the arcane font of energy within him.

Thinking back to the meeting with general Preyvus, it was apparent to him that he won't have to concern himself with most of the people gathered here, only the bard called Argile and that old man Mylos. Funny, I thought with a name like main assault, the group would include more experienced soldiers, not a singer, an old man and a once deserter like me. Oh well, you work with what you have I suppose.

Arcane Copycat
2009-07-20, 04:14 AM
"And I was," Demandred sighs, "but a lot can change in a century. Who's in this group I'm going to be in?"

"So far? A wizard and a Bard. Arcane users, somehwat unpredictable in my experience, but useful. Powerful too, I'd venture. If anything, you'd be keeping an eye on them, nothing more. I'll let you decide, but I'll be back shortly... got to get this all underway sooner or later." Preyvus stood up, nods quickly to Demandred, and begins to exit the bar, before noticing a small group of Paladins sitting down. "I assume you're the Meloran Paladins?"

2009-07-20, 07:16 AM
Demandred sits in the seat just vacated by Preyvus, pulling his hood to hide his face and musing to himself, a wizard and a bard, eh? Let's see if they're anything like... the old crowd...

Silver Coin
2009-07-20, 09:11 AM
Natasha's sharp ears picked the words from Brendis, Andelin, and Rygel and couldn't help but smile. Someone with an apparently two digit IQ. Either that or underdeveloped social skills. Sounds like fun. Deciding that it was a whim to act on, Natasha left her seat and sat down at their table, interrupting the Preyvus.

"Any of you up for a drink?"

Of course, pissing Preyvus off was an added bonus. A pretty big one considering his station.

2009-07-21, 02:12 AM
Andelin's mood brightens considerably at the suggestion. Brendis smiles politely. "I am sure that our friend Andelin here would love to accommodate you. Rygel and myself have... more important business to attend to, though. Possibly another time."

As he turns back to face the General, his polite demeanor disappears as if switched off, replaced with a professional, cold seriousness. "Yes General. I am a Paladin, and Rygel is a Cleric, both servants of Melora. We were told to report here a few hours ago. Is something amiss, or does our esteemed General Brightleaf always keep her sub-commanders waiting?

Arcane Copycat
2009-07-21, 02:55 AM
Andelin's mood brightens considerably at the suggestion. Brendis smiles politely. "I am sure that our friend Andelin here would love to accommodate you. Rygel and myself have... more important business to attend to, though. Possibly another time."

As he turns back to face the General, his polite demeanor disappears as if switched off, replaced with a professional, cold seriousness. "Yes General. I am a Paladin, and Rygel is a Cleric, both servants of Melora. We were told to report here a few hours ago. Is something amiss, or does our esteemed General Brightleaf always keep her sub-commanders waiting?

"She is a woman with a lot on her plate. I doubt she'll be much longer though..."

Silver Coin
2009-07-21, 04:44 AM
"My my...aren't you a serious one." Shaking her head, she turned from the general with his business, she went off and started chatting with Andelin, her ears perked at the conversation between the paladins and Preyvus, while placing her seat where she could keep and eye on them and the hooded stranger naturally.

"Can you order please? I would like some...hmm they seem to have mead here. How about that? Tell me. What do you think of Preyvus?"

2009-07-22, 10:43 AM
"Good, good. I don't mind waiting, but in this situation it seems to be a less than optimal use of a valuable resource. Defenses, travel, recruiting, troop positioning; everything takes time, and we have no idea how much of it we have to waste before we'll be up to our unprepared ears in Belgaem foot soldiers."

Andelin is happy to oblige, fetching drinks. "Preyvus? I dunno. Those Eladrin guys are weird, like part of 'em is always somewhere else. It creeps me out a little."