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2009-07-15, 12:16 PM
Ba Sing Se is nothing like you imagined. As you enter the inner walls it seems that the city goes on like an endless ocean.
OOC I have to go now but I said I would get this up today.

Jesse Drake
2009-07-15, 03:25 PM
Kaine Kindle (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=139463)

Kaine enters the city in amazement. It's been so long since he's seen the outside world... Must've been about six years. It's gotten bigger, and the people seem more... fierce, would be a good word for it. The whole ordeal is overwhelming.

Kaine looks around. He wonders if his old friend Roslyn lives here... He's never met her in the city. But that was not important. He had other business to settle. He only had one clue to his masters killer. A symbol was left on the body. He wasn't sure, but it had to be important. Okay, I didn't give it too much thought to the killer, so if you want to make it someone important, that's fine. Otherwise it's just a generic symbol of some random madman.

2009-07-16, 11:00 AM
Quan (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=139542)

As Quan walked up on the city gate, his jaw dropped. Growing up in the jungle, the largest buildings he saw were pretty big shacks or huts. This, though, was monstrous. He stood at the giant gates to the city and just looked at their magnitude marveling. He walked into Ba Sing Se and was caught off guard by its expansiveness too. He took a quick puff on his pipe and walked deeper into the city.

It was obvious that the swampbender was out of place. Everywhere he walked, people stared. These people needed to be exposed to Quan, just to learn of his culture. As he walked to the marketplace, his senses were assaulted with smells and colors of all the food and goods. He followed his nose to a little "hole in the wall" tea house and pulled up a stool to the bar and immediately started talking to the friendly folks of Ba Sing Se.

2009-07-16, 04:12 PM
Adam is working in the metal shop as normal. He waits as his master, an earth bender, pull out his trinkets. They are the most beautiful thing he has seen, his master had once again outdid himself making his figure's bell's and other metal things. He walks over to his masters work and watches as he bends the container to some cold water were they hiss loudly as they cool.

"If that is all I must leave to meet my family master" Adem says as he bows to his master.

He runs out brushing off dust not watching what he is doing as he runs into a man. He falls to the ground and apologizes to the man. He picks up what the man drops and notices that he had made this. It was over a year ago but he still remembered the thing.

"Where did you get this? Adam asks as he slowly hands it to the man.

2009-07-16, 05:45 PM

Sumio stood at the gate to the great city, his face impassive. He had head stories of the city's immense size it was as nothing to the wide open spaces of the desert, and the stone walls only served to remind him that in this place he was defenseless, without anything to bend unless he made it, and he doubted the locals would like that.

Still, he was getting twitchy, so he kept his head down and looked for the nearest place he could get a drink, ignoring the side glances he got from other people. Soon he ducked into a small tea shop where a man who looked even more out of place than he did sat. Sumio moved towards the back of the room and sat, trying to keep from drawing attention to himself.

Jesse Drake
2009-07-16, 08:35 PM
Kaine looks at the man and sort of grins a panicked grin. "You know this?" He asks, voice filled with cause. "Do you know who carried this symbol?" He asks urgently. There's alot of pain in his eyes, though strongly disguised as anger.

As you peer at the man, he seems strange, sort of out of place. Tan skinned, and he's shaved except a thick, curly red bit coming off the top and going down the back. His eyes are what stand out the most. They are glowing red, and his right eye has a tatoo over it.

2009-07-16, 09:19 PM
Adam backs away from the man as he sees the raw emotion built up.

"I-I-I-it-I made it." Adam stutters "It was a y-y-y-year ago, it was put in the order box. A man picked it up, he wore nothing b-b-b-but black and had a mask on. Why do you ask?

2009-07-16, 10:14 PM
Quan drunkenly approached the man in the garb of the desert and wrapped his arm around his neck in a somewhat rough manner, as someone would grab their buddy.
"'Ey there, buddy, you look like you've lost your way in this world, just like your good pal Quan here. What're you doin' in the big ol' city of Ban Sing Se?"

The swampbender tipped back the bottle of rice wine in his hand and sat down next to the stranger. Quan took his rice-hat off and set it down on the table and slumped into his hands.
"So, whatcha say, my friend? Catgator got your tongue? Let me buy you a drink...*incoherent muttering*"

Jesse Drake
2009-07-17, 12:08 AM
Kaine looks at the man and calms down a bit. "I'm sorry... I'm just not used to being around people, but this symbol was left on the broken body of my master." He starts to get angry again. A bit of fire flares up in his eyes for a moment. "I'm gonna find whoever done this and show them the true power of..." Then he stops again.

Kaine really forgot how to act in front of people... His master told him never reveal your hand until everything has been played. And that was normally easy. But today he was filled with passionate rage. This burned him from the very center. Eventually he'd cool, but that would definitely take some time.

Kaine stops for a moment, and takes a few deep breaths, then looks up. He extends his hand slowly. "My name is Kaine. Kaine Kindle." He looked at the man, hoping he wouldn't make a scene... Though he'd be perfectly justifiable if he did. Kaine wasn't fully in control of himself right now.

2009-07-17, 12:34 AM
"Well I am saddened about your master" Adam says as he takes Kaine hand "I am Adam, I would do all I can to help you but I will be late. So to solve both problems you must come with me. My Uncle knows a lot of people in the city and he might be able to help you. Have you eaten yet?

Adam then starts to tug his new friend in the direction of his house.

Jesse Drake
2009-07-17, 07:55 AM
Kaine decides its best to go with this man. He'd been searching for a couple of hours and the most he'd gotten was a frightened gasp... Either at him or the symbol, he'd never been quite sure.

2009-07-17, 01:33 PM
As you all are moving about the city you notice that there seem to be an abundance of fliers with the emblems of the Four Nations on them. Upon a closer look it seems that tomorrow for the first time in all almost 400 years there will be a show put on by benders of each of the elements. It could be interesting.

Jesse Drake
2009-07-17, 05:23 PM
Picking up a flier as he passes it, Kaine looks at it and smiles. All the fiery rage he had slowly turns to incredible excitement. "Ooh, I want to go!" He shouts, handing the flier to Adam... As he holds it, the corners start to singe a little, and then it bursts into flames. "Oh, sorry... Here's another one, take a look."

2009-07-17, 07:47 PM
As Adam reads the the flier he is confused and mutters "Who is....?" before he studies it more. He stares out into the distance before talking to his new friend.

"Well I can take you there tomorrow. Have you a place to stay?"

2009-07-17, 08:19 PM
Sei Takko

Sei was excited as he entered Ta Nen Square to mill about. The Anniversary demonstration had been planned for months, but this was the first he'd seen small hand propaganda distributed & posted. The main banner for the celebration had been hung several weeks ago, and he'd already long had plans to skive off of lessons that day. Most of the academy did, for that reason, but it was highly uncharacteristic for an Earth Kingdom institution to introduce such irregularity to its schedule... even if all absentees would get a wink and a nod the next day, no questions asked.

2009-07-17, 09:24 PM

Sumio cringed as the drunken man wrapped his arm around him.

"I had a... disagreement with my family over certain traditions. So, I decided it would be best to leave."

As he says this he slowly lifts the stranger's arm from around his shoulders, not wanting to have to be too close to him, but not wanting to offend him.

"So then, what brings someone like you to a city such as this one? You don't seem the type live in a place like this."

Jesse Drake
2009-07-18, 12:22 AM
"Um... I guess I haven't got a place. I could hike up the mountain, but it'd hardly be worth the walk both ways... I'd be exhausted. Though Master always says 'Nothing easy's worth doing'. Perhaps you could direct me to a local inn... I've got a little bit of cash saved up." Kaine pulls out a small leather satchel with a few coins in it, and gets a few ready. What exactly is the currency called?

2009-07-18, 12:56 AM
OOC I don't think they ever call it anything but coins. Also I will most likely be posting about once a day.

2009-07-18, 01:53 PM
Quan raised his hand and the waitress (barmaid?) walked over with a kettle of tea and placed it with two cups on the table. He thankfully nodded and poured himself and his new friend a cup.

"What brought me here? What brings anyone anywhere?! I came on my feet" He gave a tipsy chuckle at his joke. "I suppose I was tired of living in the swamp and wanted to make my way in the world. I just want to go out there and show everyone what it means to be a swampbender. So, I drift along life and enjoy it!"

Quan tipped some of his rice wine into his tea and started sipping at it. At this time, he noticed a flyer posted on the window at the table. It stated that tomorrow would be a Bender Festival.
"Huh, look at this. *hic* Says there's some kinda festival celebrating bending going on tomorrow. How convenient for showing people my culture *hic*"
And with that, Quan finished off his cup of tea.

2009-07-20, 03:08 PM
Unless anyone has anything else to do I am going to declare that a day has passed.

2009-07-20, 03:41 PM
(RTST. Just waiting for some action/plot to show up. :smallsmile:)

2009-07-21, 02:44 PM
As you sleep you all troubled by the same dream. In the dream you see the current Avatar standing guard over the world. But than Kuzo flashes red and vanishes from sight leaving the world in darkness and without a guardian. The world is than attacked by earth, fire, and water. You hear a faint whisper, "The world is about to enter its darkest age ever the avatar very existence is in peril if nothing is done than the avatar will crease to exist. You have been chosen to save this world now and forever...." You awaken in a cold sweat

2009-07-22, 08:20 PM
sigh :smallfrown:

Jesse Drake
2009-07-23, 01:43 AM
"What was that?" Roars Kaine... The sheets around him start to smolder. "No, must... get... a hold... of power." He calms down a bit. "Now, that can't have any specific meaning, can it?"

2009-07-23, 08:17 PM
Quan woke up in a hung over daze covered in sweat. He stood up out of his bedroll, conveniently placed in an alley and stretched.
"Well, Pa would kill me if I ignored such on obvious sign. I think the best place for me right now would be that Bender Festival. If anyone knew something about the avatar and how to help him, they'd be there."

Quan rolled up his bedroll and put on his rice hat. After picking up his spear, he began his stroll to destiny.

2009-07-23, 09:03 PM

Sumio jerked upright, panting lightly, on the small patch of sand he'd made in a back alley to sleep on.

That was an odd dream. I wonder if it meant- Nah, I'm just overreacting. It was just a dream.

Standing up he made a quick thrust at the ground, the sand hardening back to stone, then walked out onto the main street.

2009-07-24, 06:40 AM
Sei's eyes flashed open and he sat bolt upright in bed. "Wha-?" He then dropped back flat into sleep, exhausted from having stayed up far too late reading the previous night.

Several hours later, however, he flipped bolt upright in bed again as he awoke properly and comprehension of the dream hit him fully. "Gah! Avatar... where is the... hunh." He press his fists to his eyes as he tried to make the vivid images clear so he could suss out their meaning.

2009-07-24, 03:18 PM
OOC cool people posted I'll post later today now I have to do other things.

2009-07-24, 09:46 PM
Adam wakes from his dream with sickening look. He tries to go to sleep and to put it off as a bad dream but nothing can settle his mind. Finally he gets up and decides now is as good as ever to get up and start the day. He walks slowly down stairs and washes up then dresses. He goes out side as dawn breaks and watch as the shops start the day, but even after helping people his mind is still plagued with his vision he had. He remembers the show of the four elements and decides that he will watch/enter if they let him.

2009-07-25, 01:44 PM
OOC sorry about the wait.
As you walk though the city it is clear that if anyone else had that dream they were not troubled by it. The feeling in the city is one of excitement but you can't help feeling that something is off. Most likely it just a feeling left over from your dream.
The Bending Show will be held in the Inner Ring Arena at 3:00pm. Feel free to do whatever until Monday RT when I will post the start of the show. Also if you want to try and join the show you could go to the arena earlier.

Jesse Drake
2009-07-28, 07:54 AM
Kaine decides it's best to see if there are any open spots he could fill... Though his main talent would be jumping and balancing, though not much very useful. He wonders if there are any games to play.

2009-07-28, 01:02 PM
OOC I have the start of the festival saved in word but I think I'll put up tonight in case anyone else wants post before than.
The man sitting at the sign up counter looks over Kaine. "Well we could use you as put of final act. Go talk to Zain. You will be paid for your work of course."

Jesse Drake
2009-07-28, 02:05 PM
Kaine Kindle

Kaine goes looking for this Zain. "Hello? Zain? Hello?" He calls out for help, and is searching for this Zain, should he be around. Once he finds him, he'll inquire about the job's details.