View Full Version : Get to Know a Playgrounder: Grim ranger

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2009-07-16, 07:58 AM
What with that other GtKaP thread 1 just about used up, and me heading off on vacation soon (leaving the next few interviews in the capable hands of our esoteric, yet beloved, Quincunx), I thought it'd be appropriate to start this very special interview off with new-thread smell. So without further rambling from me, everyone get your questions together and help me welcome the next interviewee...

Mauve Shirt! *cheers ruthlessly*

GW's Questions of Questionable Intent
1. Do you hold grudges? If so, for how long?

2. What's your favorite band/musician?

3. Have you ever had a crush on a fictional character? If so, who?

4. What is one thing about yourself you're the most proud of?

5. Roses or orchids?

6. What sustains you, keeps you going every day?

7. How did you get to be so awesome?

8. If the human race vanished tomorrow, leaving only you and one other person to keep you company, who would you want that person to be?

9. Do you like juice? If so, what is your favorite kind of juice. If not, what would you rather drink?

10. Which do you prefer, wool or cotton?

11. Who is one person who died before you were born that you'd most like to speak with?

12. Have you ever owned a slinky (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slinky)?

13. What super-power would you want to use to stop Godzilla if he was attacking where you live?

14. What do you think of 'Shipping (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=106862) in the Playground?

15. If you could take on the mantle of an established comic-book character, which one would you choose? That is, if you could become Batman, Superman, Mysterio, Magneto, Nite Owl, etc., which would you want to become?

16. Which is your favorite meal of the day?

17. Do you eat a lot of snacks?

18. What is your favorite restaurant?

19. Who was the most recent person you talked to in person?

20. What was the last thing you said to that person?

21. Beards or babies?

22. Which of the following two words do you think makes a sentence creepier when added to the end: 'ladies' or 'hard'?

23. What do you think of when you read the word 'fishmember?'

24. Have you ever made up a word? If so, what is that word and what is its definition?

25. Define the following word: whiloplenulent?

26. Do you like haiku?

27. If you had a choice between zombies or aliens destroying humanity, which would you choose?

28. Sufficiently advanced aliens visit earth and say they'll change just one thing about you. It can be anything at all. What would you choose?

29. Do you think aliens from another planet ever actually visit Earth?

30. Why did you decide to submit yourself to these torturous, probing questions?

2009-07-16, 08:04 AM
What do you think about bees?

Mauve Shirt
2009-07-16, 08:54 AM
My goodness, my own thread, how nice!

What do you think about bees?
I have a jar of them. And I am working on a gun that shoots jars of them. Like this (http://drmcninja.com/page.php?pageNum=17&issue=15), but whole swarms at a time.
"Bees" was my catchphrase before it was cool.

2009-07-16, 08:57 AM
How many other female star trek fans do you know?

2009-07-16, 09:33 AM
Do you just love the Venture Bros.?
#21 and #24 are the most legit Mauve Shirts. Until... Y'know...

2009-07-16, 09:37 AM
What question would you like to be asked?
What traits do you look for in an ideal pet?
What is the square root of Pi?
What's your favorite OOTS strip?
What's your favorite Erfworld strip?
How does your ITP persona relate to you in real life?

Stolen Skippy Questions
What is your favorite word?
What is your least favorite word?
What makes you enthusiastic?
What disappoints you?
What sound do you love?
What sound do you hate?
What profession other than yours would you like to attempt?
What profession would you not like to participate in?
If heaven exists what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates?

Mauve Shirt
2009-07-16, 09:42 AM
Oh I skimmed right over GW's spoiler, sorry!

1. Do you hold grudges? If so, for how long?
I try to hold grudges, but I can't hold them for more than like 3 days.

2. What's your favorite band/musician?
This is difficult! Gonna have to say They Might Be Giants.

3. Have you ever had a crush on a fictional character? If so, who?
Yes, Gilgamesh Wulfenbach from Girl Genius.

4. What is one thing about yourself you're the most proud of?
My mad needlework skills.

5. Roses or orchids?

6. What sustains you, keeps you going every day?

7. How did you get to be so awesome?
I can tell this is a form question, because I am not.

8. If the human race vanished tomorrow, leaving only you and one other person to keep you company, who would you want that person to be?
Hrm... tough to say. For the company I'd choose my roommate. That's not so good for the propagation of the species, but she is a biochemist, I'm sure there's something she could do. :smalltongue:

9. Do you like juice? If so, what is your favorite kind of juice. If not, what would you rather drink?
I do like juice, of most varieties, especially pineapple.

10. Which do you prefer, wool or cotton?

11. Who is one person who died before you were born that you'd most like to speak with?
IIIII dunno, I'll get back to you on that.

12. Have you ever owned a slinky (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slinky)?
Yes, slinkys are the ****.

13. What super-power would you want to use to stop Godzilla if he was attacking where you live?
The ability to stop time.

14. What do you think of 'Shipping (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=106862) in the Playground?
I think it is a very special place where very special people display their very special talents.

15. If you could take on the mantle of an established comic-book character, which one would you choose? That is, if you could become Batman, Superman, Mysterio, Magneto, Nite Owl, etc., which would you want to become?

16. Which is your favorite meal of the day?
Dinner, because someone is usually home and so it usually happens.

17. Do you eat a lot of snacks?
Yes. *looks sadly at gut*

18. What is your favorite restaurant?
La Palapa, a Mexican place near my house.

19. Who was the most recent person you talked to in person?
My sister.

20. What was the last thing you said to that person?
"I'm still saving the fourth Dresden Files book for the car ride."

21. Beards or babies?
Very strange question. I'll go with babies.

22. Which of the following two words do you think makes a sentence creepier when added to the end: 'ladies' or 'hard'?
"ladies" definitely. Instantaneous skeeziness... laaaaaadies.

23. What do you think of when you read the word 'fishmember?'
I thought of "dismember" first, then I thought "What? fishmember? I don't want to know what I'm supposed to think!"

24. Have you ever made up a word? If so, what is that word and what is its definition?
"enwarmened" means to be warmed by something. "This coffee is enwarmening my insides."

25. Define the following word: whiloplenulent?
Maybe later.

26. Do you like haiku?
I do indeed like haiku.
I write them a lot.
27. If you had a choice between zombies or aliens destroying humanity, which would you choose?
Aliens. It's more likely that an alien species would be willing to negotiate.

28. Sufficiently advanced aliens visit earth and say they'll change just one thing about you. It can be anything at all. What would you choose?
My inability to keep my body in shape.

29. Do you think aliens from another planet ever actually visit Earth?

30. Why did you decide to submit yourself to these torturous, probing questions?
Because I'm an attention whore who loves a day in some limelight!

How many other female star trek fans do you know?
I can think of at least 5, but only one of them could be called a "trekkie".

2009-07-16, 09:50 AM
7. How did you get to be so awesome?
I can tell this is a form question,because I am not.

Why would you lie so blatantly on an internet forum?

2009-07-16, 09:51 AM
Have you ever been to Mexico?
What is your favorite plate?
How long has it been since you had an Icee?
Do you hate/love/make fun of/rejoy with me?

Do you think these Q's were stupid?

18. What is your favorite restaurant?
La Palapa, a Mexican place near my house.

BTW, you should try coming to Mexico.
Oh, Mayan gods and their Godly cooks...

2009-07-16, 09:59 AM
On a scale of blarg to spiritually transcendant sexual experience, how would you rate your best experience with music?

What song brought about the above feeling regardless of rating?

2009-07-16, 10:18 AM

How do you feel about pomegranates?

Is the glass half empty, half full, mostly empty, mostly full, or otherwise?


What is your favorite thing about the playground?

Turtle (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turtle_graphics)?

What programming language?

Do you like corn nuts?

Are you tempted to change your username?

What's your favorite type of play?

If you could only hear 1 song ever again, what would it be?


How did you pick your username?

Can you tell what my avatar is?

What is your favorite type of thing to write, if any?

What's one dream that you've had?

Why do you/would you care about other people?

Why do the smilies rearrange themselves?

What does FF stand for?

What's your favorite utensil?

Favorite climate?

What's the best type of wood?

What other questions would you like me to ask?

What's with Nano having an avatar?

Are you actually a Star Trek fan?

So how about that Canada?

What is this place good for to you?

What do you think of me?

Would you make a prophecy?

Do you have a worst enemy?

How do you think people see you?

How do you want people to see you?

What's important in life?

If you were flying some sort of aircraft, what would it be?

What are books for?

Do you play any musical instruments?

Mauve Shirt
2009-07-16, 10:20 AM
Do you just love the Venture Bros.?

What question would you like to be asked?
Not that one. :smalltongue:
What traits do you look for in an ideal pet?
Obedient, loyal, loveable, empathetic.
What is the square root of Pi?
~ 1.77
What's your favorite OOTS strip?
Very tough. I honestly can't choose. I like pretty much every strip in War and XPs most, I suppose.
What's your favorite Erfworld strip?
Never read Erfworld. Can't get into it.
How does your ITP persona relate to you in real life?
I'm a LOT less nice but JUST as annoying.
Stolen Skippy Questions
What is your favorite word?
What is your least favorite word?
What makes you enthusiastic?
Winning at card games, new art project ideas
What disappoints you?
What sound do you love?
Jazz piano
What sound do you hate?
My parrot's imitation of the squeaking front door
What profession other than yours would you like to attempt?
Any profession other than mine.
What profession would you not like to participate in?
Someone who tortures or executes people.
If heaven exists what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates?
"Yeah I was listening."

Why would you lie so blatantly on an internet forum?
I didn't. That was just a fact.

Have you ever been to Mexico?
No. It's on my list of places to go
What is your favorite plate?
Mexican food? Tamales.
How long has it been since you had an Icee?
Christ, it's been ages!
Do you hate/love/make fun of/rejoy with me?
Do you think these Q's were stupid?

On a scale of blarg to spiritually transcendent sexual experience, how would you rate your best experience with music?
Extraordinarily happy fulfillment.
What song brought about the above feeling regardless of rating?
Oh I can't remember.

2009-07-16, 10:22 AM
Was that on purpose?

Or am I too suspicious of people?

Archonic Energy
2009-07-16, 10:39 AM
how much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

Earl grey or English breakfast?

Hal or GLADos?

Do you play any CCGs?

PC or Mac?

IPod or "Mp3 player"?

Nokia or Ericcson?

CISCO or Nortel?

Bose or Sony?

Hammer or Screwdriver?

Brute force or finesse?

Firefox or IE? (or oprea or chrome or other)

Domino's or Pizza hut?

Fibre or Copper?

Cat5 or Cat6?

Disney world or Universal studios?

Beach or City?

Mc Donalds or Burger King?

Artilery or Air Strike?

Mario or Sonic?

Freeman or Barney?

what is your favorite shop?

which weapon would you choose for Z day?

"Bhall spawn" or "The Nameless One"?

Who is/was your favorite "Mauve Shirt"?

Thanatos 51-50
2009-07-16, 10:42 AM
18. What is your favorite restaurant?
La Palapa, a Mexican place near my house.

You live in Lakeside?
Or that resturant could be part of a chain and I was simply unaware of it.

Mauve Shirt
2009-07-16, 10:49 AM
Because you told me to! Don't you remember?!
How do you feel about pomegranates?
They are ubiquitous these days. Pomegranates are delicious, pomegranate flavoring is less so.
Is the glass half empty, half full, mostly empty, mostly full, or otherwise?
The glass is a little full.
What is your favorite thing about the playground?
The friendly atmosphere and the wonderful people.
Turtle (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turtle_graphics)?
What programming language?
None for me.
Do you like corn nuts?
Are you tempted to change your username?
Just for a bit, to see people's reactions.
What's your favorite type of play?
If you could only hear 1 song ever again, what would it be?
Beethoven's 7th symphony.
Not a big FFRPer.
How did you pick your username?
Clicked "random page" on TV tropes and this is what I got.
Can you tell what my avatar is?
Pointy-eared chick with wings, a shield and a spear?
What is your favorite type of thing to write, if any?
Sarcastic and/or fictional papers in German that just barely fulfill the assignment.
What's one dream that you've had?
*deep breath*
Ok, it was my 21st birthday, there was a party in my garage. My parents were like "can you/will you even drink alcohol?" I asked my sister to pick up some of that fruity vodka stuff. She was all disgusted, but did it anyway. Then there was sledding, and I forgot to wear shoes and pants and was very very cold. THEN one of my enemies showed up at the party bringing her "boyfriend", who was actually a dude-for-hire who we had to pay for apparently. And it was costing us hundreds of dollars a minute. So we kicked her out. I ran upstairs to find my friend Mel to invite her to the party, who was like "So what, I've been drinking illegally for years now."
Why do you/would you care about other people?
Because they might care about me in return?
Why do the smilies rearrange themselves?
I don't know.
What does FF stand for?
Final Fantasy
What's your favorite utensil?
The knork
Favorite climate?
Temperate forests
What's the best type of wood?
What other questions would you like me to ask?
What's with Nano having an avatar?
I made him a delightful avatar like a year ago and he NEVER WORE IT. :smallmad:
Are you actually a Star Trek fan?
Somewhat. I'm not a trekkie, but I like the Original series.
So how about that Canada?
It's better than Delaware.
What is this place good for to you?
Gitp? Time wasting, socializing, reading.
What do you think of me?
I think you're fantastic!
Would you make a prophecy?
Do you have a worst enemy?
No. I might be someone's worst enemy, but I'm not a very good enemy.
How do you think people see you?
Fat, lazy, antisocial introvert.
How do you want people to see you?
Nice, fun
What's important in life?
Cheesy as it is, friendship.
If you were flying some sort of aircraft, what would it be?
A balloon.
What are books for?
Reading, occupying one's mind.
Do you play any musical instruments? Piano.

Was that on purpose?
Or am I too suspicious of people?
The latter.

Archonic Energy

how much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
7 pounds
Earl grey or English breakfast?
English breakfast
Hal or GLADos?
Do you play any CCGs?
I do not.
PC or Mac?
IPod or "Mp3 player"?
Nokia or Ericcson?
CISCO or Nortel?
Bose or Sony?
Hammer or Screwdriver?
Brute force or finesse?
Firefox or IE? (or oprea or chrome or other)
Domino's or Pizza hut?
Neither. Ledo's
Fibre or Copper?
Cat5 or Cat6?
Disney world or Universal studios?
Never been to either.
Beach or City?
Mc Donalds or Burger King?
Burger King
Artilery or Air Strike?
Air Strike
Mario or Sonic?
Freeman or Barney?
What is your favorite shop?
Which weapon would you choose for Z day?
Rocket launcher.
"Bhall spawn" or "The Nameless One"?
The latter.
Who is/was your favorite "Mauve Shirt"?
Gotta say the Katos.

Thanatos, Ellicott City. Must be a chain, I had no idea.

2009-07-16, 01:53 PM
Name/Quest/Monty Python reference?

Sorry, can't remember the rest of your usual battery, so from here it will be my own insanity.


How many woodchucks can be put through a wood chipper in an hour?

What role do those who wear mauve shirts play? Is it like a blue shirt guy that's turned into a red shirt for dramatic purposes?

What's your favorite <insert noun of choice>?

Why did you pick that noun?

Are the other ones not good enough?

You made them all cry. Does that make you happy?

Are you planning to attend any meetups, or would you prefer to become the next non-existent playgrounder?

What is your preferred medieval siege device?

Favorite dessert item?

What profession other than yours would you like to attempt?
Any profession other than mine.
What profession would you not like to participate in?
Someone who tortures or executes people.
So...you torture and execute people in your current profession? :smalleek:

Mauve Shirt
2009-07-16, 02:09 PM
Name/Quest/Monty Python reference?
Emily, I seek the grail, African or European swallow?

!!! *returnflyingtacklehug*

How many woodchucks can be put through a wood chipper in an hour?
How heavy-duty is the wood chipper? Probably 3.

What role do those who wear mauve shirts play? Is it like a blue shirt guy that's turned into a red shirt for dramatic purposes?
Mauve shirts are characters like the Katos in OOTS who have names and the audiences knows them, so they are protected from meaningless red shirt killings, but they are no where near as protected by plot as those in blue and gold shirts.

What's your favorite <insert noun of choice>?
Almond joy. Mmm.

Why did you pick that noun?
Because "candy" is easy to answer.

Are the other ones not good enough?

You made them all cry. Does that make you happy?

Are you planning to attend any meetups, or would you prefer to become the next non-existent playgrounder?
I want to attend a meetup so badly, but I don't have time, money or transport.

What is your preferred medieval siege device?

Favorite dessert item?
Pecan pie.

So...you torture and execute people in your current profession? :smalleek:[/QUOTE]
No no, I don't have a current profession, and I don't like not having a job. I didn't think of the answer to the second til after the first, so I forgot to put in the exception.

2009-07-16, 02:57 PM
Imagine the character sheet of your life. What skill do you have the highest rating in?

What have you done that you're most proud of?

What is the groovy dance that you do, when you do your groovy dance?

What's your excuse for not dancing more often?

If you could high-five anyone in the world, who would it be?

*Bamf!* You're 'ported into your favorite video game. What's your outfit look like?

It is well known that Dracula lives in a neo-gothic castle on the moon. Assuming you had Dracula-like resources (reference Warren Buffet for a similar comparison), where would you build your lair?

What is your test to see if you're drunk or not?

When was your most recent water(balloon/gun/hose/bucket) fight?

Did you win?

2009-07-16, 03:00 PM
1. What do you think of the Pain from Metal Gear Solid 3?
2. Would you consider a combination of Celine Dion, Hannah Montana, High School Musical and the Jonas Brothers to be a severe form of musical torture, if no what addition would make it so?
3. Which character from Order of the Stick do you really want to die?
4. Which fictional character outside of Order of the Stick do you really want to die?
5. Do you realize that a spy is sapping your sentry?
6. What is your reaction towards this (http://thatguywiththeglasses.com/videolinks/thatguywiththeglasses/sketches/219-the-best-video-ever)?

Mauve Shirt
2009-07-16, 03:38 PM
Imagine the character sheet of your life. What skill do you have the highest rating in?
Underwater basketweaving.
What have you done that you're most proud of?
Very little...
What is the groovy dance that you do, when you do your groovy dance?
What's your excuse for not dancing more often?
I hate it
If you could high-five anyone in the world, who would it be?
Hm.... You!
*Bamf!* You're 'ported into your favorite video game. What's your outfit look like?
I don't play video games.
It is well known that Dracula lives in a neo-gothic castle on the moon. Assuming you had Dracula-like resources (reference Warren Buffet for a similar comparison), where would you build your lair?
What is your test to see if you're drunk or not?
Whether or not I've died from ingesting too much alcohol.
When was your most recent water(balloon/gun/hose/bucket) fight?
Last August, I think.
Did you win?

1. What do you think of the Pain from Metal Gear Solid 3?
I think nothing of it.
2. Would you consider a combination of Celine Dion, Hannah Montana, High School Musical and the Jonas Brothers to be a severe form of musical torture, if no what addition would make it so?
I would consider that musical torture.
3. Which character from Order of the Stick do you really want to die?
None of them! Maybe Tsukiko.
4. Which fictional character outside of Order of the Stick do you really want to die?
Every single person in the Twilight universe.
5. Do you realize that a spy is sapping your sentry?
6. What is your reaction towards this (http://thatguywiththeglasses.com/videolinks/thatguywiththeglasses/sketches/219-the-best-video-ever)?
Poor Doug.

2009-07-16, 04:21 PM
If you could high-five anyone in the world, who would it be?
Hm.... You!

What is your test to see if you're drunk or not?
Whether or not I've died from ingesting too much alcohol.

Yay! *highfives* :smallbiggrin:

If I may be so bold, I'd like to suggest that you amend your drunk test to something a little less extreeeeeeme (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ttz5oPpF1Js), like maybe seeing if you can do cartwheels or something.

Or maybe that's a perfectly good test. Are you allergic to alcohol?

Mauve Shirt
2009-07-16, 06:32 PM
Not allergic, just not allowed to have more than one drink for medical reasons and if I have to test for being drunk after one drink I'd be very surprised.

2009-07-16, 07:16 PM
1. What do you think of the Pain from Metal Gear Solid 3?
I think nothing of it.

Why do you think nothing about a man covered in bees?

Mauve Shirt
2009-07-16, 08:08 PM
Are they my bees? No. So I think nothing of them.

2009-07-16, 08:29 PM
Soooo... Come here often?

What're you wearing?

2009-07-16, 08:31 PM
So what do you think of wasps? Hornets? Ants? Sawflies?

Why did you make Nano an avatar?

2009-07-16, 09:00 PM
Why isn't Nano using the avatar you made hir?

Wow, isn't that a little harsh?

Hey hey, I wasn't the one that didn't use your avatar?

No you're not a question!

K, I'm done.

Mauve Shirt
2009-07-16, 09:05 PM
Soooo... Come here often?
What're you wearing?

So what do you think of wasps? Hornets? Ants? Sawflies?
They all suck. ESPECIALLY sawflies.
Why did you make Nano an avatar?
'cause I was addicted to inkscape and noticed he was avatarless.

Why isn't Nano using the avatar you made hir?
'cause he's a smelly bastard. :smalltongue:

2009-07-16, 09:07 PM
Why do you think they suck? They're so much like bees.

Why would you say Nano's smelly? That's not true.

How long do you plan on having the cat avatar?

Mauve Shirt
2009-07-16, 09:24 PM
Why do you think they suck? They're so much like bees.
They're harder to train.
Why would you say Nano's smelly? That's not true.
It's not too much of a stretch to believe, though!
How long do you plan on having the cat avatar?
'til I get sick of it, or 'til another week comes around that I'll participate in.

2009-07-16, 09:28 PM
What did you have for breakfast?

Your five favorite films?

2009-07-16, 09:35 PM
What do you want?

2009-07-16, 09:52 PM
Why didn't you answer the rest of my questions? :smallfrown:

Mauve Shirt
2009-07-17, 07:19 AM
What did you have for breakfast?
Yesterday I had cereal for breakfast. Haven't eaten yet today.
Your five favorite films?
Hm... don't know.... Raiders of the Lost Ark, Casino Royale, Iron Man, Thank You For Smoking, The Lives of Others

What do you want?

Why didn't you answer the rest of my questions?
They didn't seem directed at me.

Wow, isn't that a little harsh?
Hey hey, I wasn't the one that didn't use your avatar?
No, you weren't.
No you're not a question!
K, I'm done.

2009-07-17, 07:22 AM
What is friendship to you?

2009-07-17, 08:11 AM
Do you want to make out? :smallamused:

2009-07-17, 08:23 AM
Do you want to make out? :smallamused:

If this leads to a, "What are friends for?" joke, you are all grounded.

Mauve Shirt
2009-07-17, 09:31 AM
What is friendship to you?
Being able to put up with each other. Also, being there for the other when they need you. And going to Disneyworld.

Do you want to make out?

2009-07-17, 11:11 AM
What makes you feel attractive?

Do you feel this differs significantly from your fellow womenfolk?

When did you find out about the word "Mauve?"

Do you enjoy saying the word mauve?

Do you think it sick that I do?

Is the fawning of people over the internet over pictures of you more flattering, annoying, or neutral? What about when hints of attraction/interest/crushing come into it?

Have you ever watched Interstella 5555?

How do you feel about Star Wars nerds?

How long do you think you could spend dancing in the wind and rain on a balmy summer's twilight?

Have you ever experienced Liquid Sunshine?

What do you feel is the role of the individual in the world today?

Do you believe in the idea of having a "purpose"(tm)?

How do you feel about beards?

How horrified would you be if you woke up as a wookie?

What dost thou desire?

Who do you want to make out with?

The Bushranger
2009-07-17, 12:41 PM
Heya! :smallbiggrin:

Do you enjoy rainy days?

We know you love Trek, of course. :smallamused: How about Stargate?

If you do like Stargate...Daniel Jackson or Rodney McKay?

And do you ever want to blow up three-quarters of a solar system?

How about five-sixths?

Should I move on to a different subject?

What do you think of the manned space programme?

Do you prefer English or American spelling?

Have you ever visited Florida?

How about Chincoteague?

I horribly misspelled that, didn't I?

Do you ever play d20 Modern games?

Wendy's or Arby's?

Chili's or TGI Friday's?

Should I not include Applebees in that above question for the obvious reason?

Raccoons or opossums?


Can I stop blushing at Smee now? :smallredface::smalltongue:

Mauve Shirt
2009-07-17, 01:34 PM
What makes you feel attractive?
I do not feel attractive. Ever.
Do you feel this differs significantly from your fellow womenfolk?
Yeah, probably.
When did you find out about the word "Mauve?"
When I was in a production of "Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat" when I was 10
Do you enjoy saying the word mauve?
Do you think it sick that I do?
Is the fawning of people over the internet over pictures of you more flattering, annoying, or neutral? What about when hints of attraction/interest/crushing come into it?
Flattering. Attraction is also flattering, though fanatic crushing is creeeeeepy. Yeah I'm looking at you, barrel maker.
Have you ever watched Interstella 5555?
Yes I have. :smallbiggrin:
How do you feel about Star Wars nerds?
Oh, they are funny. I taunt them with jokes about the prequels.
How long do you think you could spend dancing in the wind and rain on a balmy summer's twilight?
Not very long. I hate the rain.
Have you ever experienced Liquid Sunshine?
What do you feel is the role of the individual in the world today?
I'm too tired to answer this question.
Do you believe in the idea of having a "purpose"(tm)?
How do you feel about beards?
Depends on the kind of beard and how it looks on the dude.
How horrified would you be if you woke up as a wookie?
Incredibly horrified.
What dost thou desire?
To know what I'm supposed to do to make everyone happy.
Who do you want to make out with?
That's none of your business!

Do you enjoy rainy days?
Hells no.
We know you love Trek, of course. How about Stargate?
I actually haven't seen any Stargate.
If you do like Stargate...Daniel Jackson or Rodney McKay?
And do you ever want to blow up three-quarters of a solar system?
Nah, usually just one planet.
How about five-sixths?
Should I move on to a different subject?
What do you think of the manned space programme?
Sounds good to me.
Do you prefer English or American spelling?
They're both perfectly serviceable, I use the American for obvious reasons.
Have you ever visited Florida?
How about Chincoteague?
I horribly misspelled that, didn't I?
Don't think you did.
Do you ever play d20 Modern games?
No. Want to though.
Wendy's or Arby's?
Chili's or TGI Friday's?
TGI Friday's
Should I not include Applebees in that above question for the obvious reason?
Ew, Applebees. :smallyuk:
Raccoons or opossums?
When I go out at four in the mornin', I get attacked by possums.
Can I stop blushing at Smee now?

2009-07-17, 06:08 PM
Does the color that you posted my name under represent any kind of special animosity or other significance? Well that's odd... it was the oddest angry brown-red color for a minute there...

So if you're flattered by others being attracted to you, how does that differ from feeling attractive for reals?

Who is this barrel-maker?

Mauve Shirt
2009-07-17, 06:54 PM
So if you're flattered by others being attracted to you, how does that differ from feeling attractive for reals?
I guess it's more like surprise than feeling flattered.
Who is this barrel-maker?
He knows who he is.

2009-07-17, 07:48 PM
Who would win in a three part battle Royal between Captains; Kirk, Picard, Archer, Janeway and whoever that berk from Enterprise was? 1st round is a ship to ship battle, 2nd's a battle between their crews and 3rd's a cage match.

Black, white or grey?

Blade or polearm?

Pencil or pens?

2009-07-17, 08:28 PM
So I'm not the barrel-maker then?

Are you insulted that I am relieved at this?

What would it take for you to cease to be surprised by such declarations?

Have any of the questions you've been asked toed the line enough to grate upon your nerves?

Who is the dreamiest person you've ever seen?

How do you feel about dancing?

Who do you most want to imitate or surpass?

Mauve Shirt
2009-07-17, 08:36 PM
Who would win in a three part battle Royal between Captains; Kirk, Picard, Archer, Janeway and whoever that berk from Enterprise was? 1st round is a ship to ship battle, 2nd's a battle between their crews and 3rd's a cage match.
Hrm. You know I've only seen OS and NG. I'm really not as much of a trekkie as this Mauve Shirt theme might make me seem. I'm going to say Kirk.

Black, white or grey?
Blade or polearm?
Pencil or pens?

So I'm not the barrel-maker then?
Are you insulted that I am relieved at this?
What would it take for you to cease to be surprised by such declarations?
Me suddenly liking myself and my appearance.
Have any of the questions you've been asked toed the line enough to grate upon your nerves?
Who is the dreamiest person you've ever seen?
I dunno.
How do you feel about dancing?
I dislike it.
Who do you most want to imitate or surpass?
My sister.

2009-07-17, 09:13 PM
Why do you dislike dancing?

Why do you want to surpass your sister? How do you want to surpass her?

What is it you feel you lack?

If someone swept you off of your feet, how long would it take you to react?

Mauve Shirt
2009-07-17, 09:31 PM
Why do you dislike dancing?
I don't like making a fool out of myself.
Why do you want to surpass your sister? How do you want to surpass her?
She's very self confident, knows exactly what she wants to do and how she wants to do it, got good grades while being a social butterfly, and she's also much prettier than me.
What is it you feel you lack?
Confidence. Motivation.
If someone swept you off of your feet, how long would it take you to react?
15 minutes.

2009-07-17, 09:36 PM
Do you know the guys from Moosebutter?

Do you have some sort of psychic power?

Are you a medium?

Was Kennedy assa- wait, no...
Do you like any kind of videogames?

Do you like any kind of tabletop games [not RPG's]?

Do you like any kind of silly games?

2009-07-17, 09:39 PM
What do you think would be the first thing you did after said 15 minutes? Scathing wit or fist to face? (assuming a non-violent sweeping off of feet to begin with)

Do you feel like a poor, secondary version of your sister?

Is what you truly want to merely know how to please others? Or do you more see yourself as some kind of peacemaker?

What questions do you have burning in your breast right now? Who do you want to ask them of?

What does it mean to be a woman? To be a man?

Would you view the offer of the sleep of an eternity would you view that as a nightmare or as a release?

Do you think me selfish for trying to monopolize you?

2009-07-18, 12:12 AM
Why is Coidzor asking like, all the questions?

Is it annoying? Am I annoying?

How much of my shi- are you willing to put up with?

Do you ever feel obliged to become more of a trekkie because of your username?

How did you get out of tvtropes alive?

2009-07-18, 01:08 AM
Can I sweep Coidzor off of his feet?

Should I proceed to make out with him until he passes out or cover him in bees after he's grounded?

2009-07-18, 01:55 AM
How many firearms do you own, and what type are they?

Given the chance, would you use a trebuchet to fling pies at your sister?

What sort of pies would you use?

Fresh from the oven for maximum burnage, or would you be merciful and let them cool for a bit first?

Pirates or ninjas?

Would you walk away from Omelas?

Are you actually familiar with that story?

Flyingtacklehugs? Yes, I know I asked before, but I liked the answer. :smallredface:

Speaking of which, if we're both tackling each other, who would win the ensuing wrestling match?

As Lex-kat seems to have missed it, I'll post his questions and poke him so that he's aware of the new thread.
1. What are your 5 favorite video games?

2. What type of video games do you like?

3. Do you like clue (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clue_(board_game))?

4. What kind of books do you like?

5. What is your favorite DnD race/class?

6. What's your favorite Queen song?

7. What is the strangest food you've ever eaten?

8. If you could own any car, what would it be?

9. Which is your favorite season of Buffy The Vampire Slayer, the TV series?

10. What is your opinion of the DnD 3.5 Monk?

11. If you were the last three people on Earth, and you could only save one of these two, who would you choose: Christina Aguilera or Britney Spears?

12. If you were the last three people on Earth, and you could only save one of these two, who would you choose: Justin Timberlake or Leonardo DiCaprio?

13. Have you ever danced with the devil in the pale moon light?

14. Have you played Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse?

15. What do you think of Collide? (http://www.amazon.com/Chasing-Ghost-Collide/dp/B000050YAK/ref=ntt_mus_ep_dpi_2)

16. On a hot summer night, would you offer your throat to the wolf with the red roses?

17. Who's your favorite Forgotten Realms God(dess)?

18. Which character from the OotS comic is your favorite?

19. Which version of DnD is your favorite?

20. Which do you prefer: Skirts, Skorts (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Skorts), or Shorts?

21. What kind of muffins do you like?

22. Cheetos: Puffs or Crunchy?

23. Do you own any Alyssa Milano (http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=msBmBkaNXrI&feature=related) CDs?

24. Is this funny? (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4UqFPujRZWo)

25. If you could fly, under your own power, how would you?

26. Summer, Fall, Winter, or Spring?

27. Do you like OK Go? (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pv5zWaTEVkI&mode=related&search=)

28. What's your astrological sign?

29. How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop? (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K2xMGI-QpZw)

30. If reincarnation is real, what would you like to be in your next life?

31. What is your favorite sub-forum?

32. Do you have a favorite quote? It can be from anywhere. As long as it's forum legal, that is.

33. What's your favorite flavor Jelly?

34. How many Tic-Tacs can you fit into your mouth at one time?

2009-07-18, 02:02 AM
Lex is a girl...

Mauve Shirt
2009-07-18, 03:56 AM
Can't answer more questions now, leaving to go on vacation in like 15 minutes. I won't get to it til I have internet again, which will be probably sometime in the middle of next week. So you can move along I guess.
Thanks for asking you guys. <3333

2009-07-18, 05:05 AM
(A golem with angular edges lumbers towards the thread. As it gets closer, and the bricks become easier to see, it looks less and less like a life-size replica of ghost_warlock built entirely from Lego, and more like a failed attempt to do so.)

Welcome, Eldan!

GW's Questions of Questionable Intent
1. Do you hold grudges? If so, for how long?

2. What's your favorite band/musician?

3. Have you ever had a crush on a fictional character? If so, who?

4. What is one thing about yourself you're the most proud of?

5. Roses or orchids?

6. What sustains you, keeps you going every day?

7. How did you get to be so awesome?

8. If the human race vanished tomorrow, leaving only you and one other person to keep you company, who would you want that person to be?

9. Do you like juice? If so, what is your favorite kind of juice. If not, what would you rather drink?

10. Which do you prefer, wool or cotton?

11. Who is one person who died before you were born that you'd most like to speak with?

12. Have you ever owned a slinky (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slinky)?

13. What super-power would you want to use to stop Godzilla if he was attacking where you live?

14. What do you think of 'Shipping (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=106862) in the Playground?

15. If you could take on the mantle of an established comic-book character, which one would you choose? That is, if you could become Batman, Superman, Mysterio, Magneto, Nite Owl, etc., which would you want to become?

16. Which is your favorite meal of the day?

17. Do you eat a lot of snacks?

18. What is your favorite restaurant?

19. Who was the most recent person you talked to in person?

20. What was the last thing you said to that person?

21. Beards or babies?

22. Which of the following two words do you think makes a sentence creepier when added to the end: 'ladies' or 'hard'?

23. What do you think of when you read the word 'fishmember?'

24. Have you ever made up a word? If so, what is that word and what is its definition?

25. Define the following word: whiloplenulent?

26. Do you like haiku?

27. If you had a choice between zombies or aliens destroying humanity, which would you choose?

28. Sufficiently advanced aliens visit earth and say they'll change just one thing about you. It can be anything at all. What would you choose?

29. Do you think aliens from another planet ever actually visit Earth?

30. Why did you decide to submit yourself to these torturous, probing questions?

2009-07-18, 07:17 AM
Welcome, Eldan!


1. Do you hold grudges? If so, for how long?

Two kinds of grudges with me: when someone I don't like annoys me too much, I probably never forgive them. At least, there are still people from school I'm angry at.
On the other hands, with friends or family, that stops after a few hours, usually.

2. What's your favorite band/musician?

Well, complicated to explain this, but: I don't really listen to music. At least not music by itself: soundtracks to movies, games, and so on are important enough that they are, for me, one of the main selling points, but just a song on it's own? Doesn't interest me, with the possible exception of a few comedic pieces.
So, not a question I can really answer.

3. Have you ever had a crush on a fictional character? If so, who?

Hmm. Thinking back... I wouldn't say so, no. Plenty of characters I think are incredibly cool, and, in visual media, more than a handful I think are attractive, but no one I really ever had a crush on.

4. What is one thing about yourself you're the most proud of?

My Bachelor of Science :smallbiggrin: Diploma hasn't arrived yet, but when it does, you can bet I'll show it to everyone. If by "about yourself" you mean a characteristic I have... probably my intelligence. I mean, I'm probably not a genius, but I'm pretty sure it's above average.

5. Roses or orchids?

Orchids. Fascinating little things.

6. What sustains you, keeps you going every day?

Food and sleep. :smallwink: To be honest, though: this forum is probably the one thing in my free time I spend the most time on, and logging on here is a good way to relax.

7. How did you get to be so awesome?

I was born this way and then steadily improved.

8. If the human race vanished tomorrow, leaving only you and one other person to keep you company, who would you want that person to be?

That's difficult. Out of people I've met, I wouldn't know who. I'd probably just pick a friend. Hopefully, I find someone more suited for this someday.

9. Do you like juice? If so, what is your favorite kind of juice. If not, what would you rather drink?

Very much. I can't wake up in the morning without a glass of orange juice, especially since I don't like coffee. Favourite juice... I was on a holiday through Thailand once, and on a small market, a guy sold fresh coconuts, stilll green on the outside, hacked the top of with an axe and gave you a straw to drink it. Absolutely delicious.
But I pretty much like all tropical juices.

10. Which do you prefer, wool or cotton?


11. Who is one person who died before you were born that you'd most like to speak with?

That's a really difficult one. I've been thinking about it for ten minutes now. Leonardo DaVinci? He seems interesting. Or some other famous inventor. Archimedes or another greek, perhaps. Have I mentioned I'm bad at making decisions?

12. Have you ever owned a slinky (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slinky)?

More than one, actually.

13. What super-power would you want to use to stop Godzilla if he was attacking where you live?

I'd use teleportation powers (which I'd like to have anyway) to bring him to a safe habitat. On another planet, if necessary.

14. What do you think of 'Shipping (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=106862) in the Playground?

Never been there. From a glance: a lot of creativity there, but I was never very interested in romance stories.

15. If you could take on the mantle of an established comic-book character, which one would you choose? That is, if you could become Batman, Superman, Mysterio, Magneto, Nite Owl, etc., which would you want to become?

I must admit, my comic book knowledge is entirely limited to Sandman, Lucifer, Watchmen and a single issue of Batman. Apart from that, I know only those movies Hollywood kept making these last few years (Spiderman, X-Men and so on.)
So, from these... Batman. He's cool.

16. Which is your favorite meal of the day?

Breakfast. Large breakfasts are the best thing ever.

17. Do you eat a lot of snacks?

Let's say it like this: I try not too, in the interest of my health, but at least once a day, I fail.

18. What is your favorite restaurant?

A small one in the next village from here. They specialize in Cordon Blue (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cordon_Bleu_(food)#Other_types) and have about fifty varieties.The chili one is especially good. Though they also have really good salads and ravioli.
Previously, we had a fantastic Thai Restaurant near here, but they closed last year.

19. Who was the most recent person you talked to in person?

My little brother, a few minutes ago.

20. What was the last thing you said to that person?

"Would you close the door and stop annoying me? I'm busy."

21. Beards or babies?

Babies. Incredibly cute. Also, I never managed to grow a full beard.

22. Which of the following two words do you think makes a sentence creepier when added to the end: 'ladies' or 'hard'?

Adding "hard" is new to me, but I'll go with "ladies" anyway.

23. What do you think of when you read the word 'fishmember?'

First, there were about five seconds of "huh?". Then I started thinking about all the different varieties of fish I had to know for that oral marine biology exam last year.

24. Have you ever made up a word? If so, what is that word and what is its definition?

Actually, when a friend, back in school, convinced me to write a book, we made up an entire alien language. The story behind that was that we were sitting in an incredibly boring economy lesson in the back row and started making up characters. In the end, we had a few chapters written and I think he started a webcomic about it.
Anyway, the only word I remember was "Zjoslptpn", which meant "slimy". Since the aliens were of the cliché "green and slimy" variant, it was an important one.
The language did ont, in fact, originate from random typing, as one might expect, but was created when our computer science teacher showed us how we could program a computer to encrypt words in a very simple way. It's the german word for "slimy" with all the letters moved ahead in the alphabet.

25. Define the following word: whiloplenulent?

It's an adjective, definitely. It means "in the shape of a medieval tool used for an especially cruel kind of torture".
Don't tell me it actually has a meaning, that was made up.

26. Do you like haiku?


27. If you had a choice between zombies or aliens destroying humanity, which would you choose?

Aliens. I don't believe Zombies would manage it, and I'd prefer too see some interesting technology before I die. Or monsters, if they were of the monster variant.

28. Sufficiently advanced aliens visit earth and say they'll change just one thing about you. It can be anything at all. What would you choose?

Superpowers. If I word it carefullly, I think I could get immortality, time travel, eternal youth and health and maybe teleportation out of it.

29. Do you think aliens from another planet ever actually visit Earth?

Not really, no. I love sci fi, but I don't believe in faster-than-light, and everything else makes interstellar travel very inefficient.

30. Why did you decide to submit yourself to these torturous, probing questions?

For the same reason I do everything: boredom.

2009-07-18, 07:21 AM
1. What is the meaning behind your username?
2. Would you consider a combination of Celine Dion, Hannah Montana, High School Musical and the Jonas Brothers to be a severe form of musical torture, if no what addition would make it so?
3. Which character from Order of the Stick do you really want to die?
4. Which fictional character outside of Order of the Stick do you really want to die?
5. Do you realize that a spy is sapping your sentry?
6. What is your reaction towards this (http://thatguywiththeglasses.com/videolinks/thatguywiththeglasses/sketches/219-the-best-video-ever)?

2009-07-18, 07:45 AM
Have you ever been to Mexico?

What is your favorite plate?

How long has it been since you had an Icee?

Do you hate/love/make fun of/rejoy with me?

Do you think these Q's were stupid?

Do you know the guys from Moosebutter?

Do you have some sort of psychic power?

Are you a medium?

Was Kennedy assa- wait, no...
Do you like any kind of videogames?

Do you like any kind of tabletop games [not RPG's]?

Do you like any kind of silly games?

2009-07-18, 08:21 AM
1. What is the meaning behind your username?

Rather trivial, really: back when I started playing, I had to come up with a name for my second character, a halfling rogue. Since I've always been bad at making names, I booted up a random name generator, and it gave me Eldan. Some time later, I had to sign up to some forum, not this one, and could once again not think of a name, so I took "Eldan" again.

2. Would you consider a combination of Celine Dion, Hannah Montana, High School Musical and the Jonas Brothers to be a severe form of musical torture, if no what addition would make it so?

I only really know Celine Dion out of this, and only one or two songs. However, those TV trailers for High School Musical looked absolutely painful, same with Hannah Montana.

3. Which character from Order of the Stick do you really want to die?

Hmm. None of them, really. They still all have to contribute something to the story.

4. Which fictional character outside of Order of the Stick do you really want to die?

Same here... people should die at the end of stories, or rarely in the middle, when it's important for the story. But often, it just seems like the writer didn't know what to do with the character, so they killed him to create some drama.

5. Do you realize that a spy is sapping your sentry?

Sure, the engineer is complaining loudly enough.

6. What is your reaction towards this (http://thatguywiththeglasses.com/videolinks/thatguywiththeglasses/sketches/219-the-best-video-ever)?

I've already seen it once. It's not all that funny, my strongest reaction was a smile.

Have you ever been to Mexico?

No, I haven't.

What is your favorite plate?

That is most likely the strangest question I've seen so far. I don't differentiate between my plates. They don't have names or anything.

How long has it been since you had an Icee?

Given that I had to check on Wikipedia what an Icee is, never.

Do you hate/love/make fun of/rejoy with me?

I don't tend to hate people. The rest? Sure.

Do you think these Q's were stupid?

Only very few questions are stupid. These weren't.

Do you know the guys from Moosebutter?

Never heard of it.

Do you have some sort of psychic power?

I wish. I had heard of some telepathy experiments and tried it with my little brother and my father once. One guy concentrates on a simple geometric shape or a colour, the other tells him what it is. Worked less than 25% of the time.

Are you a medium?

Same answer. No.

Was Kennedy assa- wait, no...
Do you like any kind of videogames?

Sure. Prefered genres are RPGs and Adventure games. My all-time favourite games are the Myst series, followed by Planescape: Torment.

Do you like any kind of tabletop games [not RPG's]?

Well, I play Warhammer 40k, and have played some Warhammer Fantasy. I think these fall under the definition of tabletop too? Apartt from these, I've never played any that weren't RPGs.

Do you like any kind of silly games?

Not quite sure what you mean by that.

2009-07-18, 09:25 AM
What is your favorite plate?

That is most likely the strangest question I've seen so far. I don't differentiate between my plates. They don't have names or anything.

Plate as in dish, or food.

2009-07-18, 11:27 AM
What is the most unique sight you have ever laid your eyes upon?

What do you want to see before you die?

What is purpose?

2009-07-18, 11:37 AM
What question would you like to be asked?
What traits do you look for in an ideal pet?
What is the square root of Pi?
What's your favorite OOTS strip?
What's your favorite Erfworld strip?
How does your ITP persona relate to you in real life?

Stolen Skippy Questions
What is your favorite word?
What is your least favorite word?
What makes you enthusiastic?
What disappoints you?
What sound do you love?
What sound do you hate?
What profession other than yours would you like to attempt?
What profession would you not like to participate in?
If heaven exists what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates?

2009-07-18, 04:34 PM
B]What question would you like to be asked? [/B][/COLOR]

"Where would you like your million dollars, Sir?"

What traits do you look for in an ideal pet?

If you can have it inside your house, I'd probably like on as a pet... I'm fascinated by pretty much any critter.
Now, there are a few traits that are nice bonus: quiet is always good, fluffly, cute and cuddly are nice, but not necessary (I would be just as happy with fish or snakes, though snakes are nice for cuddling too).

What is the square root of Pi?

No idea. I could get a calculator, but that feels like cheating.

What's your favorite OOTS strip?

Roy's death and the strips before it were pretty damn epic.

What's your favorite Erfworld strip?

The Volcano. No competition.

How does your ITP persona relate to you in real life?

Hmm. I "talk" a lot more when online. Usually, I'm pretty quiet when not around friends (though with friends, I'm sometimes nearly unstoppable). Hmhm. I don't actually live in Zurich, just study there. I use :smallbiggrin::smalltongue: and :smallwink: smiles when I'm not really laughing or smiling.
Oh, and I don't say "Hmm" in real life, that's just a side effect of typing in english, it seems.

Stolen Skippy Questions
What is your favorite word?


What is your least favorite word?

Urgh. Let's just say I can neither pronounce or spell it and usually forget half the syllables. It was the latin name of a plant I needed to know for an oral exam.

What makes you enthusiastic?

Trying a new computer game, sitting at the cinema for a movie I just now will be great, coming up to the finale of a book that was great so far...

What disappoints you?

Waiting for something that should have been over long ago.

What sound do you love?

The crickets outside my window.

What sound do you hate?

Our neighbours yappy little dog: that thing starts at about 5AM and never stops yapping all day. Not even earplugs really help.

What profession other than yours would you like to attempt?

I'm currently studying biology, though I neary, nearly started history or archaeology instead. For a while, I also thought about becoming a teacher. From those I'm actually qualified to do (i.e. discounting "adventurer" and stuff like that), I think that's about all.

What profession would you not like to participate in?

Pretty much anything that involves precise hand movements, i.e. most craftsmanship. I'm horrible at that stuff. My dexterity is probably about 6.

If heaven exists what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates? [/QUOTE]

Ah, I have a picture for that:



Plate as in dish, or food.

Ah, sorry for the misunderstanding, then. Sometimes my english isn't as good as it should be.
In that case: Thai Curry with seafood, preferably red or green.

What is the most unique sight you have ever laid your eyes upon?

In person, internet and TV excluded? There's a lot of canditates, really. Perhaps that time when our cat used our dog as a mount. No really. Sat on his back and got carried around. Only lasted a few minutes, but it felt damn strange.

What do you want to see before you die?

Well, I'd have to say "anything", but that feels like another copout answer. So: the Amazon rainforest.

What is purpose?

I'm bad at defining words...
The reason an object has for existing?

Mauve Shirt
2009-07-18, 09:37 PM
Woo, turns out there is wireless in this house, so I'll be answering the rest of those questions now.

Do you know the guys from Moosebutter?
Do you have some sort of psychic power?
Are you a medium?
Was Kennedy assa- wait, no...
Do you like any kind of videogames?
Guitar Hero, DDR, and pokemon.
Do you like any kind of tabletop games [not RPG's]?
Not RPGs? So like board games? I am AWESOME at Scrabble, and most types of card games.
Do you like any kind of silly games?

What do you think would be the first thing you did after said 15 minutes?
What 15 minutes are you speaking of? The 15 minutes til I leave mentioned in my last post?
Well, I left.
Scathing wit or fist to face? (assuming a non-violent sweeping off of feet to begin with)
Wit if I have anything witty to say, fist to face if I'm angry enough.
Do you feel like a poor, secondary version of your sister?
Not even.
Is what you truly want to merely know how to please others? Or do you more see yourself as some kind of peacemaker?
The first one.
What questions do you have burning in your breast right now? Who do you want to ask them of?
Aaaaaaaah I'll get back to you when I think of questions. :P
What does it mean to be a woman? To be a man?
Women and men differ biologically.
Would you view the offer of the sleep of an eternity would you view that as a nightmare or as a release?
Hrm. A bit of both, honestly more of a release but really I'm not that depressed.
Do you think me selfish for trying to monopolize you?

Why is Coidzor asking like, all the questions?
'cause he has good ideas for questions?
Is it annoying? Am I annoying?
Not as annoying as my first GTKAP interview. And no you are not.
How much of my shi- are you willing to put up with?
Plenty, as long as you put up with mine.
Do you ever feel obliged to become more of a trekkie because of your username?
How did you get out of tvtropes alive?
I was offered the opportunity to bake cookies instead.

Can I sweep Coidzor off of his feet?
By all means!
Should I proceed to make out with him until he passes out or cover him in bees after he's grounded?
First one then the other.

How many firearms do you own, and what type are they?
Given the chance, would you use a trebuchet to fling pies at your sister?
Hells yes
What sort of pies would you use?
Coconut cream pies.
Fresh from the oven for maximum burnage, or would you be merciful and let them cool for a bit first?
Well coconut cream pies have to cool a bit anyway.
Pirates or ninjas?
Would you walk away from Omelas?
Are you actually familiar with that story?
Flyingtacklehugs? Yes, I know I asked before, but I liked the answer. :smallredface:
!!! *returnflyingtacklehugs*
Speaking of which, if we're both tackling each other, who would win the ensuing wrestling match?
Probably you.
As Lex-kat seems to have missed it, I'll post his questions and poke him so that he's aware of the new thread.
1. What are your 5 favorite video games?
I do not play video games, really.
2. What type of video games do you like?
The color-matching interactive kind.
3. Do you like clue (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clue_(board_game))?
Oh yes.
4. What kind of books do you like?
Fantasy or soft scifi. And however you'd classify Christopher Moore, comedic fiction I suppose.
5. What is your favorite DnD race/class?
Half dragon cleric.
6. What's your favorite Queen song?
Don't Stop Me Now
7. What is the strangest food you've ever eaten?
Hm. Snails is the only strange thing I can think of right now, though I'm sure I've eaten stranger.
8. If you could own any car, what would it be?
I really don't know enough about cars to say.
9. Which is your favorite season of Buffy The Vampire Slayer, the TV series?
I've only just started watching that recently, actually. I'm on episode 10 or so of season 1.
10. What is your opinion of the DnD 3.5 Monk?
I've never played DnD seriously, so I have no opinion.
11. If you were the last three people on Earth, and you could only save one of these two, who would you choose: Christina Aguilera or Britney Spears?
Gah. Neither, they can save each other. It's not like we could repopulate or anything. :smalltongue:
12. If you were the last three people on Earth, and you could only save one of these two, who would you choose: Justin Timberlake or Leonardo DiCaprio?
13. Have you ever danced with the devil in the pale moon light?
14. Have you played Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse?
15. What do you think of Collide? (http://www.amazon.com/Chasing-Ghost-Collide/dp/B000050YAK/ref=ntt_mus_ep_dpi_2)
I don't.
16. On a hot summer night, would you offer your throat to the wolf with the red roses?
17. Who's your favorite Forgotten Realms God(dess)?
18. Which character from the OotS comic is your favorite?
Hrm. Tie between Elan, Roy and Redcloak.
19. Which version of DnD is your favorite?
All I know of DnD I know from OOTS, so I guess 3.5
20. Which do you prefer: Skirts, Skorts (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Skorts), or Shorts?
It depends on the day! Sometimes skirts are nice, I prefer long peasant skirts to short ones, but I wear shorts much more often, so I'll say shorts. Skorts, I haven't worn one in years.
21. What kind of muffins do you like?
Banana nut
22. Cheetos: Puffs or Crunchy?
Ew, cheetos.
23. Do you own any Alyssa Milano (http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=msBmBkaNXrI&feature=related) CDs?
I do not.
24. Is this funny? (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4UqFPujRZWo)
I'm not knowledgeable enough about such things to find it particularly funny.
25. If you could fly, under your own power, how would you?
... I don't understand the question. I'd fly under my own power.
26. Summer, Fall, Winter, or Spring?
27. Do you like OK Go? (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pv5zWaTEVkI&mode=related&search=)
Yes, I do.
28. What's your astrological sign?
29. How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop? (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K2xMGI-QpZw)
30. If reincarnation is real, what would you like to be in your next life?
Someone more interesting.
31. What is your favorite sub-forum?
Hrm. Probably SMBG.
32. Do you have a favorite quote? It can be from anywhere. As long as it's forum legal, that is.
Ah, another tough choice. Here's a random House quote.
House: "Hey Wilson, I'm gonna cut a cripple's eye out! Wanna watch?"
Wilson: "Good times."
33. What's your favorite flavor Jelly?

Thanks again, guys, for interviewing me. :smallsmile:
And now my questions for Eldan
What book(s) have you read more than 6 times?
Same question, but for movies?
Do you have pets? Are they cute?
If you stick your head outside your bedroom window and look to your left, how many trees do you see?
If none, what do you see?
How do you feel about mechanical bee minions?

2009-07-19, 02:22 AM
Some Qs for Mauves:

Waffles or pancakes?

Do you play D&D?, and if so, are you willing to give 4th edition a chance?

2009-07-19, 03:23 AM
Mauve: Actually, I meant, "What would you do after the fifteen minutes elapsed which you said you would spend in shock if someone swept you off of your feet?" :smallwink:

Eldan: What is your purpose?

What do you desire?

What questions do you current have within you? Who are they for?

Have you ever read William Blake's poetry?

What form of dance would you know if you had to know only one form of dance?

How do you feel about dancing?

Who are the two characters (one of male, one of female) that you feel best serve as an archetype of their idealized gender?

How does it feel to be "The Dan?"

Would you frolic in the rain? For how long?

How do you feel about orange juice in liquid sunshine?

2009-07-19, 04:39 AM
What is your purpose?

I don't think people have one, except if they give one to themselves. So far, I haven't.

What do you desire?

Love, happyness, wealth, health, mostly.

What questions do you current have within you? Who are they for?

A scientist is always full of questions, towards himself and towards the entire world. The most important ones being "how" and "why".

Have you ever read William Blake's poetry?

Can't say I have. I've seen that Johnny Depp movie, though.

What form of dance would you know if you had to know only one form of dance?

I currently don't know any form of dance, so I can't really comment on that.

How do you feel about dancing?

I never have. Can't say if I would like it. Would depend on the dance partner, most likely.

Who are the two characters (one of male, one of female) that you feel best serve as an archetype of their idealized gender?

I'll probably need a day or so to think about that. I'l lcome back to it later.

How does it feel to be "The Dan?"

"The Dan" has come up three or four times on these forums, so far, and I still find it vaguely amusing. However, I don't even see myself as "Eldan", really, it's just a convenient forum name.

Would you frolic in the rain? For how long?

I often do that already. On the other hand, this being switzerland, if you want to frolic at all, it's probably going to rain while you do it.

How do you feel about orange juice in liquid sunshine?

Is that a drink or something? Wikipedia lists a musical album of that name, but there's no song called Orange Juice on it.

What book(s) have you read more than 6 times?

I've read several books three or more times, but I don't think anyone of them more than six times. Lord of the Rings, perhaps, that one at least five times.

Same question, but for movies?

Same as with books: I don't think I've seen any movie more than four times. Movies I?ve seen often: Ghost in the Shell, The Fellowship of the Ring, Matrix, some of the cheesy old Batman movies... probably more, but these are the ones that come to mind.

Do you have pets? Are they cute?

Not anymore. I've had, in my life, half a dozen guinea pigs, four or five cats, two parakeet, a handful of fish and one extremely large dog. Currently, I'm petless, none allowed where I live.

If you stick your head outside your bedroom window and look to your left, how many trees do you see?

I have a total of four windows, but I just tested it with the one towards the front of the house: fifteen at least, but it gets a little difficult near the creek. There's thicket of small trees there I can't really count.

If none, what do you see?

Apart from that: a small square, a street, our neighbours garden, the sky.

How do you feel about mechanical bee minions?

I have biological bee minions. Or at least, we were training regular bees as part of an experiment: the goal was to get them sit on the correct flower when they were offered four of them. It didn't always work, but it was statistically significant.
Nothing against mechanical ones, though. I'd prefer cybernetic ones myself, like those remote controlled african rose beetles that were in the paper a few months ago.

2009-07-20, 03:15 AM
The Life-Size Lego Replica of ghost_warlock thanks Eldan!
The Life-Size Lego Replica of ghost_warlock introduces The Blackbird!
. . .The Life-Size Lego Replica of ghost_warlock needs to remove a brick or three for a gap to speak through!

GW's Questions of Questionable Intent
1. Do you hold grudges? If so, for how long?

2. What's your favorite band/musician?

3. Have you ever had a crush on a fictional character? If so, who?

4. What is one thing about yourself you're the most proud of?

5. Roses or orchids?

6. What sustains you, keeps you going every day?

7. How did you get to be so awesome?

8. If the human race vanished tomorrow, leaving only you and one other person to keep you company, who would you want that person to be?

9. Do you like juice? If so, what is your favorite kind of juice. If not, what would you rather drink?

10. Which do you prefer, wool or cotton?

11. Who is one person who died before you were born that you'd most like to speak with?

12. Have you ever owned a slinky (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slinky)?

13. What super-power would you want to use to stop Godzilla if he was attacking where you live?

14. What do you think of 'Shipping (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=106862) in the Playground?

15. If you could take on the mantle of an established comic-book character, which one would you choose? That is, if you could become Batman, Superman, Mysterio, Magneto, Nite Owl, etc., which would you want to become?

16. Which is your favorite meal of the day?

17. Do you eat a lot of snacks?

18. What is your favorite restaurant?

19. Who was the most recent person you talked to in person?

20. What was the last thing you said to that person?

21. Beards or babies?

22. Which of the following two words do you think makes a sentence creepier when added to the end: 'ladies' or 'hard'?

23. What do you think of when you read the word 'fishmember?'

24. Have you ever made up a word? If so, what is that word and what is its definition?

25. Define the following word: whiloplenulent?

26. Do you like haiku?

27. If you had a choice between zombies or aliens destroying humanity, which would you choose?

28. Sufficiently advanced aliens visit earth and say they'll change just one thing about you. It can be anything at all. What would you choose?

29. Do you think aliens from another planet ever actually visit Earth?

30. Why did you decide to submit yourself to these torturous, probing questions?

2009-07-20, 07:18 AM
What question would you like to be asked?
What traits do you look for in an ideal pet?
What is your favorite number?
What is the square root of Pi?
What's your favorite OOTS strip?
What's your favorite Erfworld strip?
How does your ITP persona relate to you in real life?

Stolen Skippy Questions
What is your favorite word?
What is your least favorite word?
What makes you enthusiastic?
What disappoints you?
What sound do you love?
What sound do you hate?
What profession other than yours would you like to attempt?
What profession would you not like to participate in?
If heaven exists what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates?

The Blackbird
2009-07-20, 10:05 AM
GW's Questions of Questionable Intent
1. Do you hold grudges? If so, for how long?
Yes, about for an hour.

2. What's your favorite band/musician?
I don't really have a favorite band, just a favorite song.

3. Have you ever had a crush on a fictional character? If so, who?
Not really if I had to say something I would go with Lyn from Fire Emblem

4. What is one thing about yourself you're the most proud of?
Being (In DnD terms) Lawful Good

5. Roses or orchids?
Um, Roses.

6. What sustains you, keeps you going every day?

7. How did you get to be so awesome?
I'm too modest to answer this:smallwink:.

8. If the human race vanished tomorrow, leaving only you and one other person to keep you company, who would you want that person to be?
I'm too scarred to answer this.:smalleek:

9. Do you like juice? If so, what is your favorite kind of juice. If not, what would you rather drink?
I only like Orange Juice.

10. Which do you prefer, wool or cotton?

11. Who is one person who died before you were born that you'd most like to speak with?
An ancestor on my dad's side, because I don't know a lot about them.

12. Have you ever owned a slinky (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slinky)?

13. What super-power would you want to use to stop Godzilla if he was attacking where you live?
LaZer beams from the eyes

14. What do you think of 'Shipping (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=106862) in the Playground?
Never been there.

15. If you could take on the mantle of an established comic-book character, which one would you choose? That is, if you could become Batman, Superman, Mysterio, Magneto, Nite Owl, etc., which would you want to become?

Magneto.(Just so you know I was going to pick him even if he was not an example.)
16. Which is your favorite meal of the day?

17. Do you eat a lot of snacks?
Not really.

18. What is your favorite restaurant?
Red Robin(They make good chicken sandwiches)

19. Who was the most recent person you talked to in person?
My brother

20. What was the last thing you said to that person?

21. Beards or babies?
Um, beards NO, babies! Uh...Idk...

22. Which of the following two words do you think makes a sentence creepier when added to the end: 'ladies' or 'hard'?

23. What do you think of when you read the word 'fishmember?'
A person who goes fishing in an orginized group.

24. Have you ever made up a word? If so, what is that word and what is its definition?
Foofer, it is someone who tells lies. (I think at the time I was trying to say fibber but I was little.)

25. Define the following word: whiloplenulent?
A small tube.

26. Do you like haiku?
Thats the type of poem right? Ya I like it.

27. If you had a choice between zombies or aliens destroying humanity, which would you choose?

28. Sufficiently advanced aliens visit earth and say they'll change just one thing about you. It can be anything at all. What would you choose?
Smarter, I'm sorta lawful stupid.:smallredface:

29. Do you think aliens from another planet ever actually visit Earth?

30. Why did you decide to submit yourself to these torturous, probing questions?
Based on this interview I believe self-loathing to be the culprit.

No seriously I just wanted to answer questions to an interview for no real reason, it's fun.

What question would you like to be asked?
What is your favorite number.

What traits do you look for in an ideal pet?
Not being murderous.

What is the square root of Pi?

What's your favorite OOTS strip?
OOTS 393 (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0393.html) Elan FTW.

What's your favorite Erfworld strip?
I've only skimmed Erfworld though there ending one was good 162 (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/erf0162.html)

How does your ITP persona relate to you in real life?
I'm a lot more fun here.:smalltongue:

Stolen Skippy Questions
What is your favorite word?

What is your least favorite word?

What makes you enthusiastic?
A good story

What disappoints you?
A bad story:smalltongue:

What sound do you love?
The sound pop makes when you open it.

What sound do you hate?
A ping-pong ball hitting the staricase!:smallfurious:

What profession other than yours would you like to attempt?
Being a historian

What profession would you not like to participate in?
Assassination, I'd rather not kill someone.

If heaven exists what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates?

2009-07-20, 10:08 AM
What is your favorite number?

The Blackbird
2009-07-20, 10:09 AM
Reinholdt:What is your favorite number?

2009-07-20, 10:19 AM
Imagine the character sheet of your life. What skill do you have the highest rating in?

What have you done that you're most proud of?

What is the groovy dance that you do, when you do your groovy dance?

What's your excuse for not dancing more often?

If you could high-five anyone in the world, who would it be?

*Bamf!* You're 'ported into your favorite video game. What's your outfit look like?

It is well known that Dracula lives in a neo-gothic castle on the moon. Assuming you had Dracula-like resources (reference Warren Buffet for a similar comparison), where would you build your lair?

What's your favorite caffeine vector?

When was your most recent water(balloon/gun/hose/bucket) fight?

Did you win?

The Blackbird
2009-07-20, 10:30 AM

Imagine the character sheet of your life. What skill do you have the highest rating in?
Profession DnD player. Or Profession Gaming

What have you done that you're most proud of?
Being kind in general, I don't have a single action that is notible.

What is the groovy dance that you do, when you do your groovy dance?
I don't do a...

What's your excuse for not dancing more often?
Woah your good...

If you could high-five anyone in the world, who would it be?
Rich Burlew or LittleKuriboh

*Bamf!* You're 'ported into your favorite video game. What's your outfit look like?
Black or grey robes, because I'm in the original Neverwinter Nights.

It is well known that Dracula lives in a neo-gothic castle on the moon. Assuming you had Dracula-like resources (reference Warren Buffet for a similar comparison), where would you build your lair?
In my own basement.

What's your favorite caffeine vector?
Mountain Dew.

When was your most recent water(balloon/gun/hose/bucket) fight?
3 years ago, maybe four.

Did you win?
No, we don't really have winners.

2009-07-20, 02:41 PM
1. What is the meaning behind your username?
2. Would you consider a combination of Celine Dion, Hannah Montana, High School Musical and the Jonas Brothers to be a severe form of musical torture, if no what addition would make it so?
3. Which character from Order of the Stick do you really want to die?
4. Which fictional character outside of Order of the Stick do you really want to die?
5. Do you realize that a spy is sapping your sentry?
6. What is your reaction towards this (http://thatguywiththeglasses.com/videolinks/thatguywiththeglasses/sketches/219-the-best-video-ever)?

2009-07-20, 05:03 PM
1 Do you like to read? Why?

2 What kind of music do you listen to?

3 Have you got pets?

4 Would you kill someone? If yes, who?

5 Do you pause whatever you're doing for tea and biscuits at four?

6 Ever been drunk?

7 If you could change any event in the past, what would it be?

8 Do you hate any assignature? If so, wich one(s)?

9 Do you love any? Wich one(s)?

10 What kind of question do you hate?

11 Yes?

12 What do you do if you see somebody stealing your wallet from someone who had already stolen it?

The Blackbird
2009-07-20, 05:23 PM

1. What is the meaning behind your username?
The Blackbird a DnD legend whenever I DM, also it is the name I always pick anytime I play a game that allows a name. It came from a couple years ago because my brother's game name was Whitewolf.

2. Would you consider a combination of Celine Dion, Hannah Montana, High School Musical and the Jonas Brothers to be a severe form of musical torture, if no what addition would make it so?

3. Which character from Order of the Stick do you really want to die?
Kubo-oh wait...Vaarsuvius but not because I dislike him/her.

4. Which fictional character outside of Order of the Stick do you really want to die?
Veeda Vidlack (It's from a DnD game so it counts as a fictional character)

5. Do you realize that a spy is sapping your sentry?
Uh, no.

6. What is your reaction towards this (http://thatguywiththeglasses.com/videolinks/thatguywiththeglasses/sketches/219-the-best-video-ever)?
I hope it's not a rickroll:smalltongue:, actually it didn't load.

1 Do you like to read? Why?
Yes, I enjoy a good story, even if the plots crap if the characters are good enough.

2 What kind of music do you listen to?
Anything except rap, and some specific songs

3 Have you got pets?

4 Would you kill someone? If yes, who?

5 Do you pause whatever you're doing for tea and biscuits at four?
Uh, no.

6 Ever been drunk?
Define "Drunk" most achoholic drinks I have tasted taste bad to me.

7 If you could change any event in the past, what would it be?
Hm, being an idiot when I was in grade school it's got me a bad reputation nowadays.

8 Do you hate any assignature? If so, wich one(s)?
Signatures? Randomizers, that says Don't link to Tvtropes.

9 Do you love any? Wich one(s)?
Almost any. Though the best ones link to the English Art Thread:smallwink:.

10 What kind of question do you hate?
Things that are too random.

11 Yes?
Huh? Is this just a yes or no? Uh, Yes I guess.

12 What do you do if you see somebody stealing your wallet from someone who had already stolen it?
I would convince them that I was the next person to steal the wallet.

2009-07-20, 05:36 PM
How is it a thread that is meant to get to know Mauve Shirt has been hijacked and others are answering the questions posed to her?

The Blackbird
2009-07-20, 05:46 PM
How is it a thread that is meant to get to know Mauve Shirt has been hijacked and others are answering the questions posed to her?

I think they start new interviews on the same thread so we don't have a million get to know a playgrounder threads around.

2009-07-22, 05:22 AM
The Life-Size Lego Replica of ghost_warlock thanks The Blackbird!
The Life-Size Lego Replica of ghost_warlock introduces billtodamax!
. . .The Life-Size Lego Replica of ghost_warlock did not realize that ghost_warlock himself was the controlling agent behind the threads' titles being conveniently altered!

GW's Questions of Questionable Intent
1. Do you hold grudges? If so, for how long?

2. What's your favorite band/musician?

3. Have you ever had a crush on a fictional character? If so, who?

4. What is one thing about yourself you're the most proud of?

5. Roses or orchids?

6. What sustains you, keeps you going every day?

7. How did you get to be so awesome?

8. If the human race vanished tomorrow, leaving only you and one other person to keep you company, who would you want that person to be?

9. Do you like juice? If so, what is your favorite kind of juice. If not, what would you rather drink?

10. Which do you prefer, wool or cotton?

11. Who is one person who died before you were born that you'd most like to speak with?

12. Have you ever owned a slinky (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slinky)?

13. What super-power would you want to use to stop Godzilla if he was attacking where you live?

14. What do you think of 'Shipping (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=106862) in the Playground?

15. If you could take on the mantle of an established comic-book character, which one would you choose? That is, if you could become Batman, Superman, Mysterio, Magneto, Nite Owl, etc., which would you want to become?

16. Which is your favorite meal of the day?

17. Do you eat a lot of snacks?

18. What is your favorite restaurant?

19. Who was the most recent person you talked to in person?

20. What was the last thing you said to that person?

21. Beards or babies?

22. Which of the following two words do you think makes a sentence creepier when added to the end: 'ladies' or 'hard'?

23. What do you think of when you read the word 'fishmember?'

24. Have you ever made up a word? If so, what is that word and what is its definition?

25. Define the following word: whiloplenulent?

26. Do you like haiku?

27. If you had a choice between zombies or aliens destroying humanity, which would you choose?

28. Sufficiently advanced aliens visit earth and say they'll change just one thing about you. It can be anything at all. What would you choose?

29. Do you think aliens from another planet ever actually visit Earth?

30. Why did you decide to submit yourself to these torturous, probing questions?

2009-07-22, 05:35 AM
Who are your favourite four Acronym characters, not played by you?

Do you like cheese?

2009-07-22, 05:35 AM
What does it mean to take or be Bill to the Max?

What is being Maxed out, exactly?

Is this a physical or metaphysical thing?

Does it draw upon magic, science, or psionics for power?

Techie, Magister, or Psion?

Psylon or Dalek?

Silly or Sally?

Have you ever seen the sun out while it was raining (liquid sunshine)?


If you could chuck woodchucks, how many would you chuck at ChucK?

Is Sam da Man?

Where's Ted?

Wanna Sammich?

Hottest Playgrounder who has posted pics in the You Thread?

2009-07-22, 05:43 AM
Which four characters in FFRP do you most consider to be Complete Monsters?

How did you actually end up joining the Playground?

Ashen Lilies
2009-07-22, 05:43 AM
I'm being interviewed Here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=118417&page=3). Commence the probing, probing questions!

As you wish... :smallsigh:

Which part of your anatomy would you prefer to be probed?

What shape would you like the probe to be?

What about the length of the probe?

What should we probe your for?

Do you like your probings short or long (when discussing the time it takes to probe)?

Do you like your probings rough and passionate or slow and sensuous?

Do you find the innuendo disturbing, overwhelming or creepy at this point?


Too bad. The probing questions shall continue.

Would you prefer probings to be applied by Humans, Aliens, Robots or Monkeys?

Male or Female? (Where applicable)

Will you submit to probings if offered a cake reward?

Even though you know such a claim to be false?

Statement: Too bad.

Imperative: You will proceed to Room 10238-3X for mandatory probing after you have answered these questions. Failure to comply will result in withholding your dessert access-card.

Probing Query: Do you understand?

2009-07-22, 06:29 AM
Woo! Let's kick this thing off!
GW's Questions of Questionable Intent
1. Do you hold grudges? If so, for how long?
I'd like to think that I don't. I certainly can't remember any reason to have one.
2. What's your favorite band/musician?
Difficult question. At the moment, I'd say Yves Klein Blue.
3. Have you ever had a crush on a fictional character? If so, who?
4. What is one thing about yourself you're the most proud of?
Hmm... My composure. Although I could probably think of something better.
5. Roses or orchids?
Roses. I'm a traditional gal.
6. What sustains you, keeps you going every day?
Mandarins, yogurt, flash games and the Playgrounders.
7. How did you get to be so awesome?
It's a long story that involves fruit trees, the north pole and Adam West. You can read about it in my new book.
8. If the human race vanished tomorrow, leaving only you and one other person to keep you company, who would you want that person to be?
Just for company? Then my school friend Nick.
9. Do you like juice? If so, what is your favorite kind of juice. If not, what would you rather drink?
I love juice, and it's a tie between apple and blackcurrant, and apple and strawberry.
10. Which do you prefer, wool or cotton?
11. Who is one person who died before you were born that you'd most like to speak with?
I can't get Dogmantra's answer out of my head! Gah! Fine then, Douglas adams.
12. Have you ever owned a slinky (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slinky)?
Hell yeah! Still do.
13. What super-power would you want to use to stop Godzilla if he was attacking where you live?
The power to kill Godzilla. It's... very specialized.
14. What do you think of 'Shipping (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=106862) in the Playground?
I've read a few stories. There's some real talent there.
15. If you could take on the mantle of an established comic-book character, which one would you choose? That is, if you could become Batman, Superman, Mysterio, Magneto, Nite Owl, etc., which would you want to become?
Green Lantern. He has a ring which can do anything! Unless the colour yellow steps in. Yellow! My old foe, back to his tricks again.
16. Which is your favorite meal of the day?
Brunchinner. A theoretical combination of breakfast, lunch, and dinner, which is eaten at all times.
17. Do you eat a lot of snacks?
I devour snacks with an intensity not seen before by the likes of men.
18. What is your favorite restaurant?
Uh... A vietnamese restaurant that I would spell in correctly if I were to attempt it.
19. Who was the most recent person you talked to in person?
20. What was the last thing you said to that person?
I'll cut them myself
21. Beards or babies?
Beards forever! Down with Babies!
22. Which of the following two words do you think makes a sentence creepier when added to the end: 'ladies' or 'hard'?
I was actually discussing this with some friends. We decided that 'ladies' was sleazier, while 'hard' was creepier.
23. What do you think of when you read the word 'fishmember?'
the austin powers film of a similar name.
24. Have you ever made up a word? If so, what is that word and what is its definition?
Nope. Not to my knowledge at least.
25. Define the following word: whiloplenulent?
a pleasantry that can be exchanged whilst doing something else.
26. Do you like haiku?
It's okay. I've never been any good at them.
27. If you had a choice between zombies or aliens destroying humanity, which would you choose?
Zombies, cause then I'd get to chop up some zombie scum! Hell yeah! Before being overrun and destroyed.
28. Sufficiently advanced aliens visit earth and say they'll change just one thing about you. It can be anything at all. What would you choose?
Um... I'm happy with myself. If you could give me shapeshifting/telekinetic powers on the way out, that'd be cool.
29. Do you think aliens from another planet ever actually visit Earth?
Probability suggests that they will. I just don't think I'll be alive to see it.
30. Why did you decide to submit yourself to these torturous, probing questions?
I was bored, and it sounded fun.

Who are your favourite four Acronym characters, not played by you?
Maggy, Zee, Vincent, and The White King. The first two because I love their humour, the last two because I enjoy the concept.
Do you like cheese?
Depends which sort.

What does it mean to take or be Bill to the Max?
Hmm... Now to make this answer as disturbing as possible.
Well, it's like a whole life experience, you know? You just have to... be. Like, a lot. And really well.
What is being Maxed out, exactly?
I dunno, but I'm pretty sure it's illegal in most countries.
Is this a physical or metaphysical thing?
Probably both.
Does it draw upon magic, science, or psionics for power?
Deep, dark, arcane magicks.
Techie, Magister, or Psion?
Psylon or Dalek?
Silly or Sally?
Have you ever seen the sun out while it was raining (liquid sunshine)?
Yes, once. It had our house shrouded in a little halo of light. Our rainwater tank was next to empty. We were not amused.
If you could chuck woodchucks, how many would you chuck at ChucK?
What's chuck ever done to me?
Is Sam da Man?
Yup, except on Sunday, that's his break.
Where's Ted?
We don't talk about Ted. Not after what he did.
Wanna Sammich?
Sweet, sammich! *eats hand*
Hottest Playgrounder who has posted pics in the You Thread?
I haven't actually seen too many pictures that I can remember. I'd say rabbit in her stylish 30's (Maybe? I think?) get up.

Which four characters in FFRP do you most consider to be Complete Monsters?
Uh... Cal, James (assuming I can include my own characters), hmm... I should probably be able to think of more. But I can't.
How did you actually end up joining the Playground?
My regular forum was asleep, what with there being like seven people on it at any given time. It seemed like a cool idea. I never really got into it a month or so later.


Which part of your anatomy would you prefer to be probed?
My arm. It's really difficult to probe arms, and if they're going to probe me anyway, they might as well have a tough time doing it.
What shape would you like the probe to be?
Shaped like that escher's triangle thing.
What about the length of the probe?
infinitely long
What should we probe your for?
Do you like your probings short or long (when discussing the time it takes to probe)?
short and frustrated. Preferably with them giving up before they've started.

Do you like your probings rough and passionate or slow and sensuous?

Where you've begun going with this disturbs me. Slow, I suppose.
Do you find the innuendo disturbing, overwhelming or creepy at this point?
A little of both.
Yup. Really.
Too bad. The probing questions shall continue.
Your font slipped.
Would you prefer probings to be applied by Humans, Aliens, Robots or Monkeys?
Male or Female? (Where applicable)
Will you submit to probings if offered a cake reward?
Even though you know such a claim to be false?
Statement: Too bad.
I said yes...
Imperative: You will proceed to Room 10238-3X for mandatory probing after you have answered these questions. Failure to comply will result in withholding your dessert access-card.
Probing Query: Do you understand?

2009-07-22, 10:41 AM
What question would you like to be asked?
What traits do you look for in an ideal pet?
What is your favorite number?
What is the square root of Pi?
What's your favorite OOTS strip?
What's your favorite Erfworld strip?
How does your ITP persona relate to you in real life?

Stolen Skippy Questions
What is your favorite word?
What is your least favorite word?
What makes you enthusiastic?
What disappoints you?
What sound do you love?
What sound do you hate?
What profession other than yours would you like to attempt?
What profession would you not like to participate in?
If heaven exists what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates?

2009-07-22, 12:33 PM
Do you like me? *cue emotional tear-jerky music*

2009-07-23, 02:15 AM
What question would you like to be asked?
Uh... That question again, but later so I have time to think of an answer.
What traits do you look for in an ideal pet?
Fluffy, lovable, and low maintenance.
What is your favorite number?
What is the square root of Pi?
1.77 something something
What's your favorite OOTS strip?
I don't have one. If I were to get one I'd have to read through the archive several times.
What's your favorite Erfworld strip?
See above. Although the first one was pretty good.
How does your ITP persona relate to you in real life?
I'm more introverted, and less insulting online.

Stolen Skippy Questions
What is your favorite word?
What is your least favorite word?
What makes you enthusiastic?
Lots of stuff. Not cabbages.
What disappoints you?
What sound do you love?
Jazz, swung not smooth.
What sound do you hate?
Polystyrene against polystyrene. *shudders*
What profession other than yours would you like to attempt?
Computer programmer. Or software designer. Or IT guy.
What profession would you not like to participate in?
Builder. Ew, heavy lifting.
If heaven exists what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates?
"Nice work."

Do you like me? *cue emotional tear-jerky music*
Yeah, I like you. You can be a bit harsh sometimes though.

2009-07-23, 02:17 AM
What question would you like to be asked?

2009-07-23, 02:37 AM
...Why did you bite my hand off?

What questions do you have to ask?

Do you have any especially notable or even not noteworthy weaknesses and/or vulnerabilities?

2009-07-23, 02:43 AM
What question would you like to be asked?
I have an answer! See below.

...Why did you bite my hand off?
You promised a Sammich and there wasn't a Sammich so I thought it might have been under your hand and oh god do you have anything to stop the bleeding! :smalleek::smalltongue:
What questions do you have to ask?
*shrugs* Why, What, How.
Do you have any especially notable or even not noteworthy weaknesses and/or vulnerabilities?
Yes, but I don't go bandying them about the internet for all to see.
Huh, looks like someone's already asked them.

2009-07-23, 02:51 AM
If you could have one part of an animal grafted to your body, which animal part would you want?

If the world went through an awakening of magic, causing every type of magical being to come back into the world, which one would you want to be?

Who is the coolest superhero of all time?

If you went back to the past and killed a fly, what do you think the world would be like when you got back to the present?

How are you?

Favourite video game of all time?

Marvel or DC, which has better villains?

Marvel or DC, which has better heroes?

If you had magical wizard powers, what would you do with them?

Do you enjoy the music of Scatman John?

Do you ever wish that dinosaurs were still alive?

If you could choose one person in all of history and bring them back to life (not as a zombie but an actual human being), which person would you bring back?

Are you my friend? If not, do you want to be friends with me?

2009-07-23, 02:58 AM
If you could have one part of an animal grafted to your body, which animal part would you want?
Really big bat wings. For style.
If the world went through an awakening of magic, causing every type of magical being to come back into the world, which one would you want to be?
A djinn. They can turn intanible and fly, right?
Who is the coolest superhero of all time?
BATMAN! The Adam West version.
If you went back to the past and killed a fly, what do you think the world would be like when you got back to the present?
It'd be short a fly or two. Maybe.
How are you?
I'm a bit tired, dreading school tomorrow, but all in all pretty good.
Favourite video game of all time?
I don't really have one. For my present console it'd be SSBB.
Marvel or DC, which has better villains?
The one with batman
Marvel or DC, which has better heroes?
the one with batman
If you had magical wizard powers, what would you do with them?
Go mad with power and enslave you all.
Do you enjoy the music of Scatman John?
Eh. I'm indifferent.
Do you ever wish that dinosaurs were still alive?
Occasionally. But only if I had a pterodactyl.
If you could choose one person in all of history and bring them back to life (not as a zombie but an actual human being), which person would you bring back?
...DAMMIT DOGMANTRA! Douglas Adams then...
Are you my friend? If not, do you want to be friends with me?
I'd say we're friends. High-five!

2009-07-24, 07:34 AM
Thanks, bill, I hope you had fun. :smallsmile: On your way out, you should be able to find some leftover slinky-flavored Jell-O between the couch cushions. Otherwise, onward to the next interview!

Burley! *shaves forearms*

GW's Questions of Questionable Intent
1. Do you hold grudges? If so, for how long?

2. What's your favorite band/musician?

3. Have you ever had a crush on a fictional character? If so, who?

4. What is one thing about yourself you're the most proud of?

5. Roses or orchids?

6. What sustains you, keeps you going every day?

7. How did you get to be so awesome?

8. If the human race vanished tomorrow, leaving only you and one other person to keep you company, who would you want that person to be?

9. Do you like juice? If so, what is your favorite kind of juice. If not, what would you rather drink?

10. Which do you prefer, wool or cotton?

11. Who is one person who died before you were born that you'd most like to speak with?

12. Have you ever owned a slinky (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slinky)?

13. What super-power would you want to use to stop Godzilla if he was attacking where you live?

14. What do you think of 'Shipping (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=106862) in the Playground?

15. If you could take on the mantle of an established comic-book character, which one would you choose? That is, if you could become Batman, Superman, Mysterio, Magneto, Nite Owl, etc., which would you want to become?

16. Which is your favorite meal of the day?

17. Do you eat a lot of snacks?

18. What is your favorite restaurant?

19. Who was the most recent person you talked to in person?

20. What was the last thing you said to that person?

21. Beards or babies?

22. Which of the following two words do you think makes a sentence creepier when added to the end: 'ladies' or 'hard'?

23. What do you think of when you read the word 'fishmember?'

24. Have you ever made up a word? If so, what is that word and what is its definition?

25. Define the following word: whiloplenulent?

26. Do you like haiku?

27. If you had a choice between zombies or aliens destroying humanity, which would you choose?

28. Sufficiently advanced aliens visit earth and say they'll change just one thing about you. It can be anything at all. What would you choose?

29. Do you think aliens from another planet ever actually visit Earth?

30. Why did you decide to submit yourself to these torturous, probing questions?

2009-07-24, 08:14 AM
GW's Questions of Questionable Intent
1. Do you hold grudges? If so, for how long?
I don't hold grudges usually. But, the few I've had are still in effect.

2. What's your favorite band/musician?
Neutral Milk Hotel. All of the members have side projects that fall in my top 10, though.

3. Have you ever had a crush on a fictional character? If so, who?
When I was a kid, I wanted to marry Rita Repulsa. Now... Daisy from the Mario Bros. So hot.

4. What is one thing about yourself you're the most proud of?
I managed to stay alive all these years. Big deal for me.

5. Roses or orchids?

6. What sustains you, keeps you going every day?
Coffee! Actually, probably my girlfriend. The only reason I wake up in the morning is to see her. Then, I go to work...

7. How did you get to be so awesome?
Dang... I once ate an expired marshmallow, and ever since...

8. If the human race vanished tomorrow, leaving only you and one other person to keep you company, who would you want that person to be?
My girlfriend, I guess. I'd pick my best friend, but we'd end up beating each other to death.

9. Do you like juice? If so, what is your favorite kind of juice. If not, what would you rather drink?
I do like juice. I like things with mango, or peach. Anything that can also be called a "nectar." MMMmmmm...

10. Which do you prefer, wool or cotton?
Cotton. I have sheered sheep, and I don't like the idea of it.

11. Who is one person who died before you were born that you'd most like to speak with?
I don't even know... I remember the deaths of all my heroes. I'd probably go with Darwin. Find out what he really said, y'know?

12. Have you ever owned a slinky (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slinky)?
Heck, Yes. I've owned and destroyed so many of them. Awesome tow. My cats love them, too.

13. What super-power would you want to use to stop Godzilla if he was attacking where you live?
CareBear Stare.

14. What do you think of 'Shipping (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=106862) in the Playground?
That is the first time I've ever looked at it. I'm not interested, really... But, all the world to the people who are. :smallwink:

15. If you could take on the mantle of an established comic-book character, which one would you choose? That is, if you could become Batman, Superman, Mysterio, Magneto, Nite Owl, etc., which would you want to become?
Oh, yikes. The Flash, probably. I'd say the Green Lantern (one of my favorites) but The Flash has no duties to anybody. He's just a nice guy, doin' his thang. My man, right there.

16. Which is your favorite meal of the day?
I don't like eating, usually. But, if I ever have the chance for a hot breakfast, that's my favorite. Or, anything involving a lot of meat. Steak for breakfast would be the ultimate.

17. Do you eat a lot of snacks?
I used to. I don't so much anymore. I exercise less than I used to, so, I try to eat better.

18. What is your favorite restaurant?
My dad's house. :smallredface: I love his food.

19. Who was the most recent person you talked to in person?
My boss. He wanted me to carry boxes up some stairs for him.

20. What was the last thing you said to that person?
I'm on it, boss.

21. Beards or babies?
What does that even mean? I have a beard and I love babies. I dunno what you want from me!

22. Which of the following two words do you think makes a sentence creepier when added to the end: 'ladies' or 'hard'?
I already add "so hard" to the end of a lot of my sentences. If I were to slap "ladies" on the end of those...
"Ladies" is definitely creepier.
23. What do you think of when you read the word 'fishmember?'
A bunch of men sitting in the basement of a bar or lodge, wearing flannel, and chanting "Fish, fish, fish, fish!"

24. Have you ever made up a word? If so, what is that word and what is its definition?
Phantsamatacular: An event, usually a party or gala, involving ghost (spirits, specters, spooks), and at least one of the following: motorcycles, comic books, monster trucks, or limitless supply of fried/baked pastries. Most often takes place on "Friday, Friday, Friday."

25. Define the following word: whiloplenulent?
Oh... I'm not falling for that one again. :smallamused: Almost had me, though... Trickster.

26. Do you like haiku?
Sometimes. I'm really poor at creating things that celebrate life, but I enjoy reading them.

27. If you had a choice between zombies or aliens destroying humanity, which would you choose?
Aliens. Zombies freak me the freak out!

28. Sufficiently advanced aliens visit earth and say they'll change just one thing about you. It can be anything at all. What would you choose?
I'd want magic powers. Even if I had to study and practice really hard for just mundane things. I want to move things with my mind power.

29. Do you think aliens from another planet ever actually visit Earth?
Oh, yeah, right. Cause our podunk backwater hate-sphere is worth visiting. That's like saying "Hey, honey. For Labor Day, let's head into an active volcano. Just for the weekend. I'll wear that shirt you like.":smalltongue:

30. Why did you decide to submit yourself to these torturous, probing questions?
I'm an attention whore. Also, what better what to learn about people than by judging the questions they ask you?

2009-07-24, 09:47 AM
What question would you like to be asked?
What traits do you look for in an ideal pet?
What is your favorite number?
What is the square root of Pi?
What's your favorite OOTS strip?
What's your favorite Erfworld strip?
How does your ITP persona relate to you in real life?

Stolen Skippy Questions
What is your favorite word?
What is your least favorite word?
What makes you enthusiastic?
What disappoints you?
What sound do you love?
What sound do you hate?
What profession other than yours would you like to attempt?
What profession would you not like to participate in?
If heaven exists what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates?

2009-07-24, 10:24 AM
What question would you like to be asked?
Something original. Y'know... Not a copy-paste... :smallwink:
What traits do you look for in an ideal pet?
Affectionate, but not too energetic. I like relaxing pets.
What is your favorite number?
Four. I have a thing with multiples of four.
What is the square root of Pi?
How does a garden rake? Why did the porcu pine?
What's your favorite OOTS strip?
The one with Belkar crashing through the stained glass window, while stabbing Miko. Epic.
What's your favorite Erfworld strip?
Wanda. (http://www.erfworld.com/book-1-archive/?px=%2F028.jpg)
How does your ITP persona relate to you in real life?
Basically the same person. Burley is what most people call me, anyways. I guess the only difference is: In ITP, I have a chance to pick my words before I say stupid things.:smalltongue:

Stolen Skippy Questions
What is your favorite word?
Word. As is "Word up, yo?", "Word, it is.", and "Wordy do."
What is your least favorite word?
Pretty much any corporate word like "Synergistic" or "Syncrinosity."
What makes you enthusiastic?
Gaming, sometimes. Mostly nothing. I've never been able to get really passionate about things.
What disappoints you?
See above.
What sound do you love?
Meat sizzling. Mmm...
What sound do you hate?
Scraping sounds. Like metal-on-metal and the like.
What profession other than yours would you like to attempt?
I want to be an actor. That's what I'm going to school for.
What profession would you not like to participate in?
Anything that requires me to wear a tie.
If heaven exists what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates?
"Wordy do, B."

2009-07-24, 03:24 PM
1. What is the meaning behind your username?

2. Would you consider a combination of Celine Dion, Hannah Montana, High School Musical and the Jonas Brothers to be a severe form of musical torture, if no what addition would make it so?

3. Which character from Order of the Stick do you really want to die?

4. Which fictional character outside of Order of the Stick do you really want to die?

5. Do you realize that a spy is sapping your sentry?

6. What is your reaction towards this (http://thatguywiththeglasses.com/videolinks/thatguywiththeglasses/sketches/219-the-best-video-ever)?

2009-07-24, 09:52 PM
1. What is the meaning behind your username?
It's what people call me. In the real world.

2. Would you consider a combination of Celine Dion, Hannah Montana, High School Musical and the Jonas Brothers to be a severe form of musical torture, if no what addition would make it so?
It would be a severe form of musical torture. Add in Randy Newman, and you start WWIII.

3. Which character from Order of the Stick do you really want to die?
Durkon. So he can go home.

4. Which fictional character outside of Order of the Stick do you really want to die?
Randy Newman.

5. Do you realize that a spy is sapping your sentry?
I'm not really sure. Yes?

6. What is your reaction towards this (http://thatguywiththeglasses.com/videolinks/thatguywiththeglasses/sketches/219-the-best-video-ever)?
You wasted three and a half minutes of my life. Minutes that I will never get back.

2009-07-26, 07:47 AM
Well Burley, that was short but enlightening. I hope you enjoyed yourself and please help yourself to the licorice-flavored shaving cream in the back. With that, it's time to move on. I hope everyone's ready to greet that bard of bards, scallawag of scallawags, the man with the velvet toothbrush...

Cristo Meyers! *prepares the moose*

GW's Questions of Questionable Intent
1. Do you hold grudges? If so, for how long?

2. What's your favorite band/musician?

3. Have you ever had a crush on a fictional character? If so, who?

4. What is one thing about yourself you're the most proud of?

5. Roses or orchids?

6. What sustains you, keeps you going every day?

7. How did you get to be so awesome?

8. If the human race vanished tomorrow, leaving only you and one other person to keep you company, who would you want that person to be?

9. Do you like juice? If so, what is your favorite kind of juice. If not, what would you rather drink?

10. Which do you prefer, wool or cotton?

11. Who is one person who died before you were born that you'd most like to speak with?

12. Have you ever owned a slinky (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slinky)?

13. What super-power would you want to use to stop Godzilla if he was attacking where you live?

14. What do you think of 'Shipping (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=106862) in the Playground?

15. If you could take on the mantle of an established comic-book character, which one would you choose? That is, if you could become Batman, Superman, Mysterio, Magneto, Nite Owl, etc., which would you want to become?

16. Which is your favorite meal of the day?

17. Do you eat a lot of snacks?

18. What is your favorite restaurant?

19. Who was the most recent person you talked to in person?

20. What was the last thing you said to that person?

21. Beards or babies?

22. Which of the following two words do you think makes a sentence creepier when added to the end: 'ladies' or 'hard'?

23. What do you think of when you read the word 'fishmember?'

24. Have you ever made up a word? If so, what is that word and what is its definition?

25. Define the following word: whiloplenulent?

26. Do you like haiku?

27. If you had a choice between zombies or aliens destroying humanity, which would you choose?

28. Sufficiently advanced aliens visit earth and say they'll change just one thing about you. It can be anything at all. What would you choose?

29. Do you think aliens from another planet ever actually visit Earth?

30. Why did you decide to submit yourself to these torturous, probing questions?

Cristo Meyers
2009-07-26, 09:48 AM
Well Burley, that was short but enlightening. I hope you enjoyed yourself and please help yourself to the licorice-flavored shaving cream in the back. With that, it's time to move on. I hope everyone's ready to greet that bard of bards, scallawag of scallawags, the man with the velvet toothbrush...

Velvet toothbrush?

GW's Questions of Questionable Intent
1. Do you hold grudges? If so, for how long?

Yes, and as long as I have to.

2. What's your favorite band/musician?


3. Have you ever had a crush on a fictional character? If so, who?


4. What is one thing about yourself you're the most proud of?

5. Roses or orchids?


6. What sustains you, keeps you going every day?


7. How did you get to be so awesome?

Umm...always eat your vegetables?

8. If the human race vanished tomorrow, leaving only you and one other person to keep you company, who would you want that person to be?

Someone that would go away. The whole point of the human race vanishing is to finally have some peace and quiet and I don't want someone ruining it with all their "we have to rebuild/repopulate/etc/whathaveyou" nonsense.

9. Do you like juice? If so, what is your favorite kind of juice. If not, what would you rather drink?

Orange juice. In fact, this has brought to my attention the face that we are currently out of orange juice. This makes me sad.

10. Which do you prefer, wool or cotton?


11. Who is one person who died before you were born that you'd most like to speak with?

Phil. You know Phil. That guy with the thing in the place?

12. Have you ever owned a slinky (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slinky)?

Multiple. Always ended up tangled up.

13. What super-power would you want to use to stop Godzilla if he was attacking where you live?

Apathy and sarcasm. Everyone knows Godzilla is just an attention seeker with low self-esteem.

14. What do you think of 'Shipping (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=106862) in the Playground?

Once, I was one of the major players. Now, I think its run its course.

15. If you could take on the mantle of an established comic-book character, which one would you choose? That is, if you could become Batman, Superman, Mysterio, Magneto, Nite Owl, etc., which would you want to become?


16. Which is your favorite meal of the day?

Any of them.

17. Do you eat a lot of snacks?

Yes, too bloody many. It's why I can never seem to slim out the excess fat I do have...:smallannoyed:

18. What is your favorite restaurant?

Local place called the Village Tavern.

19. Who was the most recent person you talked to in person?

My wife.

20. What was the last thing you said to that person?

Good night.

21. Beards or babies?

Beards. They require much less care and don't wake you up a 2 am.

22. Which of the following two words do you think makes a sentence creepier when added to the end: 'ladies' or 'hard'?

Hard. "Ladies" is just a question. Ladies?

23. What do you think of when you read the word 'fishmember?'

An Austin Powers sequel.

24. Have you ever made up a word? If so, what is that word and what is its definition?

Nope. The English language is messed up enough without me screwing it up further.

25. Define the following word: whiloplenulent?

The next level above "opulent."

26. Do you like haiku?


27. If you had a choice between zombies or aliens destroying humanity, which would you choose?

Aliens. It's quicker.

28. Sufficiently advanced aliens visit earth and say they'll change just one thing about you. It can be anything at all. What would you choose?

Take me with you?

29. Do you think aliens from another planet ever actually visit Earth?

I hope so. We need a good alien invasion to liven things up around here.

30. Why did you decide to submit yourself to these torturous, probing questions?

The second time, no less.

It's fun.

2009-07-26, 10:13 AM

How do you feel about pomegranates?

Is the glass half empty, half full, mostly empty, mostly full, or otherwise?


What is your favorite thing about the playground?

Turtle (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turtle_graphics)?

What programming language?

Do you like corn nuts?

Are you tempted to change your username?

What's your favorite type of play?

If you could only hear 1 song ever again, what would it be?


Can you tell what my avatar is?

What is your favorite type of thing to write, if any?

What's one dream that you've had?

Why do you/would you care about other people?

Why do the smilies rearrange themselves?

What does FF stand for?

What's your favorite utensil?

Favorite climate?

What's the best type of wood?

What other questions would you like me to ask?

So how about that Canada, eh?

What is this place good for to you?

What do you think of me?

Would you make a prophecy?

Is Mordokai enemy?

You sure you're not the hero?

How do you think people see you?

How do you want people to see you?

What's important in life?

If you were flying some sort of aircraft, what would it be?

What are books for?

Do you play any musical instruments?

Why are your avatars always Nikolai and Saki?

Why do you change between the two?

Did you ever play the sequel? Or indeed the original?

2009-07-26, 10:38 AM
So, errr, why do I get the feeling you enjoy the taserings? :smallconfused:

2009-07-26, 10:46 AM
What question would you like to be asked?
What traits do you look for in an ideal pet?
What is your favorite number?
What is the square root of Pi?
What's your favorite OOTS strip?
What's your favorite Erfworld strip?
How does your ITP persona relate to you in real life?

Stolen Skippy Questions
What is your favorite word?
What is your least favorite word?
What makes you enthusiastic?
What disappoints you?
What sound do you love?
What sound do you hate?
What profession other than yours would you like to attempt?
What profession would you not like to participate in?
If heaven exists what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates?

Do you have any idea of the agony I intend to put you through for the kiss?

Dirk Kris
2009-07-26, 12:04 PM
Do any of your characters ever seem to become real for you? How so?What's it like when you write? Does it all spill out at once, and then you edit later? Or are you meticulous the first time through?

What is your inspiration?

Who is your most favorite/most memorable character that you have created?

When you look back on your older works, are you embarrassed, or impressed with where you are now?

When's the house party for the new place?

Karaoke - one song - YOU CANNOT GET OUT OF IT - what's your song? Also, same question with a duet - what song, and who to sing it with?

What bribe would be most effective on you? Cookies? Cash? Something else that does NOT start with C?

2009-07-26, 12:07 PM
Name one country you have never visited that you want to visit.

Last meal you ate?

Current song stuck in your head?

Favorite band not from your country of origin?

What is your ideal breakfast?

What is good?

What is bad?

What is Philosophy's role in an ever-increasingly scientific world?

Do you think I should try a bit harder with my questions?

I think I asked these before... but, like, I already KNOW you, so just humor me.

Cristo Meyers
2009-07-26, 03:55 PM

Why not?

How do you feel about pomegranates?

Haven't had one in ages. Seeds are great.

Is the glass half empty, half full, mostly empty, mostly full, or otherwise?

It is always half empty.



What is your favorite thing about the playground?

That the lag problem seems to have finally gone away.

...for the next six months, at least...

Turtle (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turtle_graphics)?


What programming language?

Couldn't tell you if I knew

Do you like corn nuts?


Are you tempted to change your username?

Nope. What would I change it to?

What's your favorite type of play?

Any one that I'm not in.

If you could only hear 1 song ever again, what would it be?

This is the song that nev-er ends....



Can you tell what my avatar is?

The dreaded Echidna-wyrm of level five?

What is your favorite type of thing to write, if any?

Seeing as how little I actually get to sit down to write anything right now, I settle for the Wasteland Challenge journal over in Gaming...

What's one dream that you've had?

I was once eaten by vegetarian zombies.

Who knew that apparently I was made of soy...

Why do you/would you care about other people?

I don't.

Why do the smilies rearrange themselves?

Keeps us on our toes.

What does FF stand for?


What's your favorite utensil?


Favorite climate?


What's the best type of wood?

Hickory. It makes the best wasters (http://www.woodenswords.com/WMA/longsword.htm)

What other questions would you like me to ask?

I have no idea.

So how about that Canada, eh?

I don't trust them.

What is this place good for to you?

Wasting time.

What do you think of me?

I still can't understand why you would want to be more like me.

Would you make a prophecy?


Is Mordokai enemy?


You sure you're not the hero?

He is the hero.

How do you think people see you?

I don't think they do.

How do you want people to see you?

I dunno.

What's important in life?

There is little that is actually important in life, just what others tell you is important.

If you were flying some sort of aircraft, what would it be?

It wouldn't be. I hate flying.

What are books for?


Do you play any musical instruments?

Not anymore.

Why are your avatars always Nikolai and Saki?

Nikolai has the best picture. Saki just because.

Why do you change between the two?

Most because I just feel like it.

Did you ever play the sequel? Or indeed the original?

Not the sequel, but I've beaten the original.

So, errr, why do I get the feeling you enjoy the taserings? :smallconfused:

Because I replaced your taser with a look-alike that is actually a back massager.

What question would you like to be asked?

Don't know

What traits do you look for in an ideal pet?


What is your favorite number?


What is the square root of Pi?

I have no idea.

What's your favorite OOTS strip?

#606 (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0606.html)

What's your favorite Erfworld strip?

#140 (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/erf0140.html)

How does your ITP persona relate to you in real life?

It doesn't.

Stolen Skippy Questions
What is your favorite word?


What is your least favorite word?


What makes you enthusiastic?

Very little these days

What disappoints you?

Far too much these days

What sound do you love?

Silence again, because I get it far too little.

What sound do you hate?

"Would you come here a second?"

I hear it just about any time I sit down to do anything

What profession other than yours would you like to attempt?

I've long since come to the conclusion that I could not be happy about any kind of work.

What profession would you not like to participate in?

Any of them

If heaven exists what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates?

Who let you in?

Do you have any idea of the agony I intend to put you through for the kiss?

I've got an inkling :smallamused:


That I'll be stuck in a room alone with Navi...

Hey! Listen! A door!

Hey! Listen! A light switch!


Do any of your characters ever seem to become real for you? How so?


What's it like when you write? Does it all spill out at once, and then you edit later? Or are you meticulous the first time through?

It has to be forced these days

What is your inspiration?

I don't have any.

Who is your most favorite/most memorable character that you have created?

That's not really for me to say.

When you look back on your older works, are you embarrassed, or impressed with where you are now?


When's the house party for the new place?


Karaoke - one song - YOU CANNOT GET OUT OF IT - what's your song? Also, same question with a duet - what song, and who to sing it with?

Random. If I'm going to make an idiot of myself, I might as well do it right.

What bribe would be most effective on you? Cookies? Cash? Something else that does NOT start with C?

You can't bribe someone that doesn't have a price.

Name one country you have never visited that you want to visit.

Fiji. ALONE.

Last meal you ate?

Fast food...again.

Current song stuck in your head?

This is the song that nev-er ends...

Favorite band not from your country of origin?


What is your ideal breakfast?

I haven't actually eaten breakfast in over a year

What is good?


What is bad?

Bad? There's a difference?

What is Philosophy's role in an ever-increasingly scientific world?

To give science nerds and philosophy geeks something to have member-measuring contests over.

Do you think I should try a bit harder with my questions?

Couldn't hurt

I think I asked these before... but, like, I already KNOW you, so just humor me.


Mando Knight
2009-07-26, 04:08 PM
Why do I keep thinking "Crisco" when I read your screen name?

Blue Ghost
2009-07-26, 05:07 PM
Why do you want Mordokai to be evil?


2009-07-26, 05:11 PM
I don't.

Hickory. It makes the best wasters

There is little that is actually important in life, just what others tell you is important.

That's why the would part is in there. If you did, why would you?

So why does the cherry cost more? And how about metal?


Cristo Meyers
2009-07-26, 06:26 PM
Why do I keep thinking "Crisco" when I read your screen name?

You wouldn't be the first.

For me the greater mystery is why people insist on forcing an heche after the C...

Why do you want Mordokai to be evil?


Seriously, the joke ended over 4 months ago. Let it go.

That's why the would part is in there. If you did, why would you?

I suppose one could say that caring about others is a self-fulfillment sort of thing. I just find that it makes things easier to not act like a total jerk. Being a jerk only insures that you'll attract other jerks, at least attempting to be nice means people won't go out of their way to make my life harder.

So why does the cherry cost more? And how about metal?

I believe cherry tends to last longer. You wouldn't use metal for a waster unless you already have a metal sword that's past its usefulness for anything other than practice, they're far too expensive.


Yes, really. Importance is by and by large a manufactured quality. No one is going to deny that your survival, your good health, and things of that nature are important to some degree, but everything else is only important because someone believes it is.


2009-07-26, 06:57 PM
What, if anything, do you believe is important?

Why do you answer actually in quotes?

Cristo Meyers
2009-07-26, 07:23 PM
What, if anything, do you believe is important?

Not lying to yourself, for starters. Knowing that things like identity, importance, and worth are all things that are either made up by or assigned by you and no one else. Your life and your identity are two things that should never be left to the whims and judgments of others.

Why do you answer actually in quotes?

Force of habit.


2009-07-26, 07:29 PM
Time to come up with a fresh gig?

How about more magic research?

Science? Feeling any better about it?

Your opinion on dihydrogen monoxide problem?

I challenge you to a duel of chess! Do you accept?

If yes, which color do you want?

How about Battleships duel?

And the old boring swords duel?

Your favorite animal?

How loooooow... will you go?!?

Is common sense getting any more common?

Preffered super power, if you could choose one?

Do I need to apply your regular dose of smiting already?

Why the hell am I doing this when I could be sleeping instead?

How very sick are you of me yet?

Ever had hallucinations, for whatever reason?

*pokes* Does this bother you?

Your gun of choice?

Your target of choice?

Your book of choice?

Anything else I should know?

2009-07-26, 08:13 PM
1. What is the meaning behind your username?

2. Would you consider a combination of Celine Dion, Hannah Montana, High School Musical and the Jonas Brothers to be a severe form of musical torture, if no what addition would make it so?

3. Which character from Order of the Stick do you really want to die?

4. Which fictional character outside of Order of the Stick do you really want to die?

5. Do you realize that a spy is sapping your sentry?

6. What is your reaction towards this (http://thatguywiththeglasses.com/videolinks/thatguywiththeglasses/sketches/219-the-best-video-ever)?

Cristo Meyers
2009-07-26, 08:47 PM
Time to come up with a fresh gig?

Eager to put everyone through another round of torture are we?

How about more magic research?

But our forays into the applications of Dominate in housecats has been going so well...

Science? Feeling any better about it?

You're the science guy. I'm just the BS artist.

Your opinion on dihydrogen monoxide problem?

Clearly something must be done at the highest levels to solve and/or neutralize this dangerous compound.

I challenge you to a duel of chess! Do you accept?

You fail to realize one very important thing...

...I am a coward.

*flees the duel*

If yes, which color do you want?

...fine, I'll take black.

How about Battleships duel?

Oh! Now that I can do!

And the old boring swords duel?

Now that I actually have a yard to duel in, sure.

Your favorite animal?


How loooooow... will you go?!?

You should know better than anyone :smallwink:

Is common sense getting any more common?

No, sadly it's becoming more and more scarce by the day.

Preffered super power, if you could choose one?

Can you imagine the trouble I could get into with the ability to affect other people's minds? :smallamused:

Do I need to apply your regular dose of smiting already?

But...I've been good...


Why the hell am I doing this when I could be sleeping instead?

You're an insomniac.

How very sick are you of me yet?

I'm not.

Ever had hallucinations, for whatever reason?


It wasn't fun.

*pokes* Does this bother you?


Your gun of choice?

M-16 carbine

Your target of choice?


Nothing beats the smell of freshly slain watermelon and gunpowder on a sunny afternoon...

Your book of choice?

Too many to pick...Night Watch (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Night_Watch_(Russian_novel)) has earned a spot on my permanent shelf, Neverwhere (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neverwhere) I seriously read cover to cover in the space of the plane ride down to Puerto Rico for our last vacation, Good Omens (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Good_Omens) was as good as everyone said it was, The Gun Seller (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Gun_Seller) has all of Laurie's wit combined with some really great spy-suspense...

...the of course there's Watchmen (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Watchmen), Romance of the Three Kingdoms (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Romance_of_the_three_kingdoms), Mutiny on the Bounty (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mutiny_on_the_Bounty)...

Anything else I should know?

You've got a rabid parrot on your head.

1. What is the meaning behind your username?

There isn't one. It's the name of a character I once used in an old story I wrote for a freshmen level college English class. I just kinda liked it and it's rarely ever taken when I register for a message board.

2. Would you consider a combination of Celine Dion, Hannah Montana, High School Musical and the Jonas Brothers to be a severe form of musical torture, if no what addition would make it so?

...my god...

...I think the Geneva Convention would have a word with you...

3. Which character from Order of the Stick do you really want to die?

I honestly think Elan's starting to wear out his welcome. With all due respect to the Giant, I don't think he's pulling of the half-serious half-dimwit thing well enough.

Not that I could really do any better, mind you, I just think the character is starting to wear on me.

4. Which fictional character outside of Order of the Stick do you really want to die?

Most of the characters I've hated that much have already met their ends via show cancellation and/or finale. The only names I can come up with off of the top of my head are the Charmed Ones (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charmed).

5. Do you realize that a spy is sapping your sentry?

Really? Crap!

Pyro! Spy! Go get him boy!


He's so cute when he's playing hide and seek...:smallbiggrin:

6. What is your reaction towards this (http://thatguywiththeglasses.com/videolinks/thatguywiththeglasses/sketches/219-the-best-video-ever)?



2009-07-27, 11:19 AM
Can you can can?

Would you prefer a life of meaning, or a life of happiness?

What was your favorite Boom Da Yada?

Are you getting prepared for the Chicago InvasionMeetup?

If you could pick a person from the other side of the pond to meet, who would it be?

What would you do with/to/for them?

Cristo Meyers
2009-07-27, 11:27 AM
Can you can can?

Not even if you paid me.

Would you prefer a life of meaning, or a life of happiness?

Happiness. Meaning is overrated.

What was your favorite Boom Da Yada?

I think the back-and-forth in Playground Squares when it finally acquired the title Pass the Boom.

Are you getting prepared for the Chicago InvasionMeetup?

Already acquired time off.

So long as we don't manage to burn the place down, it should be fine.

If you could pick a person from the other side of the pond to meet, who would it be?


What would you do with/to/for them?

I imagine drinking would probably be involved.


2009-07-27, 11:28 AM
Are these questions & answers secret from the Lady... or does she help you plot them over your shoulder? :smallamused:

Do you have any regrets in life?

How are you enjoying the new house?

Cristo Meyers
2009-07-27, 11:39 AM
Are these questions & answers secret from the Lady... or does she help you plot them over your shoulder? :smallamused:

Of course they're completely open. I would never keep any secrets from my darlinghelp, lovingme wife!

Do you have any regrets in life?

Only that the trip has to end.

How are you enjoying the new house?

We just discovered the most interesting combination of tar-black adhesive and 70's style painting and wallpaper underneath some cheap faux-wood panelling in the bedroom...

...now we get to pay someone to tear down the drywall and put fresh panels up.

Probably for the better, the paint and adhesive combo is like something out of a Cthulu myth...it's starting to affect those that sleep within...

...I've never seen someone actually pounce on an ant to deliver a crushing blow with the last Harry Potter book until the eerieness underneath was exposed...though that is still a kinder fate than having to sit through the last movie...


2009-07-27, 01:59 PM
Imagine the character sheet of your life. What skill do you have the highest rating in?

What have you done that you're most proud of?

What is the groovy dance that you do, when you do your groovy dance?

What's your excuse for not dancing more often?

If you could high-five anyone in the world, who would it be?

*Bamf!* You're 'ported into your favorite video game. What's your outfit look like?

It is well known that Dracula lives in a neo-gothic castle on the moon. Assuming you had Dracula-like resources (reference Warren Buffet for a similar comparison), where would you build your lair?

What is your test to see if you're drunk or not?

When was your most recent water(balloon/gun/hose/bucket) fight?

Did you win?

What track on your music player (mp3 player, iPod, WinAmp, 8Track, whatever) has been played most often?

What are your thoughts regarding Zeppelins?

Cristo Meyers
2009-07-27, 02:15 PM
Imagine the character sheet of your life. What skill do you have the highest rating in?


I so full of it that I can even Bluff myself.

What have you done that you're most proud of?

What is the groovy dance that you do, when you do your groovy dance?

I don't dance. It never ends well.

What's your excuse for not dancing more often?

A combination of both lack of desire and lack of ability.

If you could high-five anyone in the world, who would it be?

Jim Butcher: for giving us a wizard named Harry that's actually worth reading about.

*Bamf!* You're 'ported into your favorite video game. What's your outfit look like?

Probably the same jeans, T-shirt, beaten-up suede jacket combo that I'm so fond of wearing. Throw in the Shar pendant and Toreador lapel pin for good measure.

It is well known that Dracula lives in a neo-gothic castle on the moon. Assuming you had Dracula-like resources (reference Warren Buffet for a similar comparison), where would you build your lair?

A small home in suburbia with a massive network of tunnels complete with secret base underneath..

What is your test to see if you're drunk or not?

If I know what the carpet tastes like, then I'm probably drunk.

When was your most recent water(balloon/gun/hose/bucket) fight?

2 years ago, Johnson City meetup.

Did you win?


What track on your music player (mp3 player, iPod, WinAmp, 8Track, whatever) has been played most often?

Bother - Stone Sour

What are your thoughts regarding Zeppelins?

Full of hot air.


2009-07-27, 02:41 PM
Hey there, fellow interviewee!

Favorite book?

Favorite movie?

Favorite TV show?

Favorite video game?

Favorite RPG?

Oh noes! Zombies attacking your house! No warning! What would you do over the next 24 hours?

Oh noes! Zombies are going to start appearing in 24 hours! What do you do to prepare?

Scariest monster?

So... why do you feel compelled to lie?

Whats your deepest fear?

2009-07-27, 02:46 PM
Good call on the Dresden Files. A friend just insisted that I read Grave Peril and I had a rollicking good time tearing through it.

Would you recommend just continuing on from book three, or are the first two worth reading beforehand?

Cristo Meyers
2009-07-27, 02:47 PM
Hey there, fellow interviewee!

Favorite book?

Too many to choose.

Favorite movie?

Jacob's Ladder

Favorite TV show?


Favorite video game?

Considering I've been spending far too much time playing it lately: Fallout 3

Favorite RPG?


Oh noes! Zombies attacking your house! No warning! What would you do over the next 24 hours?

Let's not kid ourselves: become lunch.

Oh noes! Zombies are going to start appearing in 24 hours! What do you do to prepare?

Get the hell out of dodge.

Scariest monster?

Feral Ghoul Reavers

So... why do you feel compelled to lie?

But...I only lie about telling the truth...

Whats your deepest fear?

Being stuck in a room, alone, no light, no sound, just you and the shadows...and then, quietly at first, you hear it:

mmm-bop da ba da doo...

Good call on the Dresden Files. A friend just insisted that I read Grave Peril and I had a rollicking good time tearing through it.

[B]Would you recommend just continuing on from book three, or are the first two worth reading beforehand?

Yes, do it, DO IT NOW!

You're not losing anything by not reading the earlier ones in order, but they are all such fun reads that you'd be doing yourself a disservice by not reading them.


2009-07-27, 06:27 PM
Think we should make our findings public?

Is there a pattern to the smilies you put to the end of each post in this topic?

When were you last sure of anything? I mean, sure sure.

What's the craziest thing you've done in:

24 hours
this week
this year
this decade?

What would/will your epitaph state?

Pick one sort of undead you'd like to come back after you die.

Why that one?

What would your plan for taking over the world be?

Your prefered type of minion?

Death trap for heroes?

Most lame thing you saw lately?

Ever played strip poker?

Tequila shot contest. Who would win, you or me?

Longest time you went without sleeping?

For one reason or another, you must serve in army, but get to pick which division you'll serve in. Which one shall it be?

If you watched any SAW movies... you think you could save yourself in case you got caught?

Indians or cowboys?

Pirates or ninjas?


Somebody stop me...

Cristo Meyers
2009-07-27, 06:49 PM
Think we should make our findings public?

I don't think the world is ready for them.

Is there a pattern to the smilies you put to the end of each post in this topic?

Nope, just need something for the 10-character limit.

When were you last sure of anything? I mean, sure sure.

I can't remember.

What's the craziest thing you've done in:

24 hours
this week
this year
this decade?



I plead the 5th...

What would/will your epitaph state?

Died like he lived: drowning in his own BS.

Pick one sort of undead you'd like to come back after you die.


Go big or go home.

Why that one?

The whole phenominal power thing.

What would your plan for taking over the world be?

Why would I want to take over the world? There are so many better things to do with my time.

Like knitting.

Your prefered type of minion?

Skeletal Warriors. Just the right blend of brute force and total loyalty.

Death trap for heroes?

I'm quite fond of the gelatinous cube in a cramped room.

Most lame thing you saw lately?

Pretty much everything at work from about 7:00 am to 3:30 pm...

Ever played strip poker?


...it was chess.

Tequila shot contest. Who would win, you or me?

You. I can't stomach tequila.

Longest time you went without sleeping?

'bout three days.

For one reason or another, you must serve in army, but get to pick which division you'll serve in. Which one shall it be?

33rd cafeteria division.

If you watched any SAW movies... you think you could save yourself in case you got caught?

If it involved killing someone else: probably. Mutilating myself: let's be honest here, the amount of pain you'd put yourself through would probably cause you to pass out and then the trap kills you anyway.

Indians or cowboys?


Pirates or ninjas?




Somebody stop me...


Atreyu the Masked LLama
2009-07-27, 08:43 PM
Favorite creature in Grave Robbers?

2009-07-27, 08:45 PM
How did you meet your wife?

What is your main goal?

When did you discover OotS?

In your opinion, how much does your marriage status define who you are to others?

You are forced at gunpoint to dance, what do you do?

Mauve Shirt
2009-07-27, 08:50 PM
What book(s) have you read more than 6 times?
Same question, but for movies?
Do you have pets? Are they cute?
If you stick your head out of your bedroom window and look to your left, how many trees do you see?
If none, what do you see?
How do you feel about mechanical bee minions?

Cristo Meyers
2009-07-27, 08:50 PM
Favorite creature in Grave Robbers?

I like the cute fuzzy thing.

"See that fuzzy thing over there? It'll eat your face."

How did you meet your wife?

First class of the day freshman year of college. Everything just kind of spiraled from there

What is your main goal?

I don't have long term goals.

When did you discover OotS?

Three years ago, I think. The comic of Roy falling from Xykon's zombie dragon was linked on another message board I used to go to.

In your opinion, how much does your marriage status define who you are to others?

In my opinion it means very little. To quite a few people I've known, once they find out I'm married, the entire relationship changes for some reason.

You are forced at gunpoint to dance, what do you do?

Dance. Not looking like an idiot seems to lose importance when looking down the barrel of a gun.

What book(s) have you read more than 6 times?

I think the Last Herald-Mage trilogy (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mercedes_Lackey#The_Last_Herald_Mage) is the only one that qualifies.

Same question, but for movies?

Star Wars

Do you have pets? Are they cute?

Alas, no, no pets yet.

If you stick your head out of your bedroom window and look to your left, how many trees do you see?


How do you feel about mechanical bee minions?

Why go mechanical when you can just train the real thing?


2009-07-27, 11:18 PM
What type of pet would you like to have?

Have you ever tried to train bees?

Do you have any short-term goals?

When will your normal avatar come back?:smallfrown:

2009-07-28, 06:00 AM
Velvet toothbrush?

You heard me! :smallmad:

That said, please answer your remaining questions, Cristo you purr! Otherwise, it's time to move on to the next interviewee, a fellow of infinite jest, of most excellent fancy...

banjo1985! *fills a tub with assorted cubes of Jell-O "jigglers"*

GW's Questions of Questionable Intent
1. Do you hold grudges? If so, for how long?

2. What's your favorite band/musician?

3. Have you ever had a crush on a fictional character? If so, who?

4. What is one thing about yourself you're the most proud of?

5. Roses or orchids?

6. What sustains you, keeps you going every day?

7. How did you get to be so awesome?

8. If the human race vanished tomorrow, leaving only you and one other person to keep you company, who would you want that person to be?

9. Do you like juice? If so, what is your favorite kind of juice. If not, what would you rather drink?

10. Which do you prefer, wool or cotton?

11. Who is one person who died before you were born that you'd most like to speak with?

12. Have you ever owned a slinky (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slinky)?

13. What super-power would you want to use to stop Godzilla if he was attacking where you live?

14. What do you think of 'Shipping (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=106862) in the Playground?

15. If you could take on the mantle of an established comic-book character, which one would you choose? That is, if you could become Batman, Superman, Mysterio, Magneto, Nite Owl, etc., which would you want to become?

16. Which is your favorite meal of the day?

17. Do you eat a lot of snacks?

18. What is your favorite restaurant?

19. Who was the most recent person you talked to in person?

20. What was the last thing you said to that person?

21. Beards or babies?

22. Which of the following two words do you think makes a sentence creepier when added to the end: 'ladies' or 'hard'?

23. What do you think of when you read the word 'fishmember?'

24. Have you ever made up a word? If so, what is that word and what is its definition?

25. Define the following word: whiloplenulent?

26. Do you like haiku?

27. If you had a choice between zombies or aliens destroying humanity, which would you choose?

28. Sufficiently advanced aliens visit earth and say they'll change just one thing about you. It can be anything at all. What would you choose?

29. Do you think aliens from another planet ever actually visit Earth?

30. Why did you decide to submit yourself to these torturous, probing questions?

2009-07-28, 06:09 AM
What is behind your username?

Do you have any pets?

Cristo Meyers
2009-07-28, 07:02 AM
What type of pet would you like to have?

I miss having cats around

Have you ever tried to train bees?


It didn't end well.

Do you have any short-term goals?

Right now "crawl back into bed" ranks pretty high up there...

When will your normal avatar come back?:smallfrown:

When the mood strikes.


Dirk Kris
2009-07-28, 09:50 AM

How did you meet Mrs. B? Tell us the story!

WHEN are you coming to the States?

When's the wedding? And am I invited?

Given any thought to a second wedding reception/party thing over in the US?

2009-07-28, 10:49 AM
What question would you like to be asked?
What traits do you look for in an ideal pet?
What is your favorite number?
What is the square root of Pi?
What's your favorite OOTS strip?
What's your favorite Erfworld strip?
How does your ITP persona relate to you in real life?
Sadistic choice time! You must choose to save either the life of your most loved one or the lives of a large group of strangers. Which do you choose?

Stolen Skippy Questions
What is your favorite word?
What is your least favorite word?
What makes you enthusiastic?
What disappoints you?
What sound do you love?
What sound do you hate?
What profession other than yours would you like to attempt?
What profession would you not like to participate in?
If heaven exists what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates?

Did you know your catatars are the coolest things ever?

2009-07-28, 11:12 AM
1. What do you dislike banjo music?
2. Would you consider a combination of Celine Dion, Hannah Montana, High School Musical and the Jonas Brothers to be a severe form of musical torture, if no what addition would make it so?
3. Which character from Order of the Stick do you really want to die?
4. Which fictional character outside of Order of the Stick do you really want to die?
5. Do you realize that a spy is sapping your sentry?
6. What is your reaction towards this (http://thatguywiththeglasses.com/videolinks/thatguywiththeglasses/sketches/219-the-best-video-ever)?

2009-07-28, 11:53 AM
When can I expect you to show around on IM again? Been some time since we last saw you there.

If I start bothering you for a catatar once again, will you kill me or simply let me off with a warning?

What do you think about dihydrogen monoxide problem?

Your favourite Elder God?

2009-07-28, 02:19 PM
Hehe, well aint I the fancy pants. I feel like I'm on David Letterman or something...not literally on him of course :smalltongue:

Ghost Warlock

1. Do you hold grudges? If so, for how long?
Not generally, unless I've been seriously wrong. My current record is three years and counting.
2. What's your favorite band/musician?
Too many great bands to mention, I'm a heavy rock and punk fan in the main. My current tastes range from Fleet Foxes to Placebo to 36 Crazyfists to Coheed and Cambria.
3. Have you ever had a crush on a fictional character? If so, who?
Rinoa from Final Fantasy VIII was a hottie :smalltongue:
4. What is one thing about yourself you're the most proud of?
That despite my ugly visage and lack of social skills I've somehow managed to get the most amazing woman in the world to agree to marry me :smallsmile:
5. Roses or orchids?
Roses, though I'm not a flower person...unless they squirt water!
6. What sustains you, keeps you going every day?
My family, my soon to be wife, my friends...the knowledge that as bad as life can get, it's the only one we have and we might as well enjoy it. :smallsmile:
7. How did you get to be so awesome?
Well it all stemmed from my grandad, the Archduke of Awesome...:smalltongue:
8. If the human race vanished tomorrow, leaving only you and one other person to keep you company, who would you want that person to be?
Mrs B...who else?
9. Do you like juice? If so, what is your favorite kind of juice. If not, what would you rather drink?
Passion Fruit, because I am a magnificently romantic bastard :smallbiggrin:
10. Which do you prefer, wool or cotton?
Cotton, wool itches.
11. Who is one person who died before you were born that you'd most like to speak with?
Winston Churchill.
12. Have you ever owned a slinky?
Everyone loves a slinky, slinky, slinky! If I only I was near enough to China to make best use of mine :smallfrown:
13. What super-power would you want to use to stop Godzilla if he was attacking where you live?
The power to give anyone I looked at disgusting amounts of gas.
14. What do you think of 'Shipping in the Playground?
It's a great thread, I'm just sorry I can't write for it or keep up with it anymore. :smallfrown:
15. If you could take on the mantle of an established comic-book character, which one would you choose? That is, if you could become Batman, Superman, Mysterio, Magneto, Nite Owl, etc., which would you want to become?
Carnage...who wouldn't want to be an insanely powerful, deviously funny madman?
16. Which is your favorite meal of the day?
Breakfast! I'm a morning person.
17. Do you eat a lot of snacks?
Oh boy....kind of :smalltongue:
18. What is your favorite restaurant?
A great little Bangladeshi restaurant nearby, called Harry's believe it or not.
19. Who was the most recent person you talked to in person?
Mrs B
20. What was the last thing you said to that person?
I won't be long!
21. Beards or babies?
I've always wanted a proper goatee :smallamused:
22. Which of the following two words do you think makes a sentence creepier when added to the end: 'ladies' or 'hard'?
They're both pretty bad, though "hard" is probably the worst. "Dry" is pretty bad too!
23. What do you think of when you read the word 'fishmember?'
I don't want to smell THAT :smalleek:
24. Have you ever made up a word? If so, what is that word and what is its definition?
Overneath...for things you put on top of other things. As in "Oh, just put it overneath the table."
25. Define the following word: whiloplenulent?
I don't know, but I want one. :smallbiggrin:
26. Do you like haiku?
To be sure, I do,
Like a fine pint of cider,
It indulges senses...
27. If you had a choice between zombies or aliens destroying humanity, which would you choose?
Zombies...at least you could say hi to all those relatives you miss!
28. Sufficiently advanced aliens visit earth and say they'll change just one thing about you. It can be anything at all. What would you choose?
My life span to be three times longer than it should be :smallbiggrin:
29. Do you think aliens from another planet ever actually visit Earth?
Not yet, becuase I think any aliens capable of space flight are bright enough to leave us well alone.
30. Why did you decide to submit yourself to these torturous, probing questions?
Because I wasn't around to answer all the questions I got asked last time :smallredface:

Cristo Meyers
2009-07-28, 02:22 PM
If you could spontaneously switch all the residents of two cities from one to the other, which two cities would you switch?

2009-07-28, 02:24 PM

What is behind your username?
My year of birth and the only higher power I have faith in combined into one. The rumours of it being to do with the old Bowling For Soup song are cool but incorrect I'm afraid. :smallbiggrin:

Do you have any pets?
Indeed, we have a hamster called Squeeky, and as soon as we own our own apartment we're getting a ginger cat called Custard. :smallamused:

Dirk Kris

How did you meet Mrs. B? Tell us the story!
We were introduced through an ex-girlfriend of mine believe it or not. Sounds strange but it all worked out peachy! :smallbiggrin:

WHEN are you coming to the States?
As soon as we have any kind of spare cash for a holiday at all...so pretty much never it seems like :smallfrown:

When's the wedding? And am I invited?
You get your butt over here in May next year and you'd be very welcome :smallbiggrin:

Given any thought to a second wedding reception/party thing over in the US?
Thought yes, dreamt yes...maybe we can get a video link set up :smallwink:

2009-07-28, 06:00 PM
Can you can can?

Would you prefer a life of meaning or a life of happiness?

Do you know Susanna?

What would you do for a klondike bar?

How many members to the Church of Banjo?

2009-07-29, 03:59 AM

What question would you like to be asked?
Something to make me think, probably far too deep for this light-hearted thread.
What traits do you look for in an ideal pet?
To be easy to look after and to be able to show a little bit of affection. If it’s yellow and called Custard it’s an advantage! :smalltongue:
What is your favorite number?
17 is a good one, don’t really know why, I’m not superstitious in general.
What is the square root of Pi?
A piece of pie. The square root of that; a smaller piece of pie. :smallbiggrin:
What's your favorite OOTS strip?
#302, because it involves a giant monkey and Elan :smallsmile:
What's your favorite Erfworld strip?
Any that involves Vinnie and/or the little pink dudes…Marbit’s are they?
How does your ITP persona relate to you in real life?
It’s a little more outgoing and confident I guess, but I’m definitely just as silly IRL :smallwink:

Stolen Skippy Questions
What is your favorite word?
Rawr, or some similar expression of mild affection.
What is your least favorite word?
“Like”, when used in a context where it has no meaning or affect on the sentence whatsoever. What’s the booping point?! Oh, the words they make up on skincare product adverts are also incredibly annoying. :smallannoyed:
What makes you enthusiastic?
A good book, a good game, writing, painting, love, a good roleplay, and a million things in between. I’m an enthusiastic person. :smallsmile:
What disappoints you?
Loss, betrayal, bureaucracy…4E. :smalltongue:
What sound do you love?
The sound of waves lapping on a beach, it’s calm and therapeutic to me, and a rare natural sound in an increasingly artificial world.
What sound do you hate?
Firebells and Pneumatic drills have to be high on that list.
What profession other than yours would you like to attempt?
Professional writer, palaeontologist, touring car driver!
What profession would you not like to participate in?
Door to door salesman, miner, linguistics expert because I have no ability with other languages whatsoever.
If heaven exists what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates?
You’re early, come back in fifty years or so. :smallwink:
Did you know your catatars are the coolest things ever?
No I didn’t, mainly because as many people hate them as like them! I’m exulted and derided in equal measure. :smallbiggrin:


1. What do you dislike banjo music?
Dislike banjo music?! Nevar!
2. Would you consider a combination of Celine Dion, Hannah Montana, High School Musical and the Jonas Brothers to be a severe form of musical torture, if no what addition would make it so?
That’s a pretty bad form of torture I must admit. Add Miley Cyrus and you’re pretty much there. :smalltongue:
3. Which character from Order of the Stick do you really want to die?
V. I have absolutely hated his guts for quite a while now. I think it’s because I know an arrogant sod in real life who’s quite like him and annoys me to hell.
4. Which fictional character outside of Order of the Stick do you really want to die?
Master Chief maybe? I’m sorry, but Halo has never interested me in the slightest.
5. Do you realize that a spy is sapping your sentry?
Really? Bugger, bring in a medic!
6. What is your reaction towards this ?
Never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down…


When can I expect you to show around on IM again? Been some time since we last saw you there.
I’m honestly not sure. Works far busier nowadays, IM is out there now. At home, well, preparing for the wedding takes up a lot of my time. It’s a shame though, I like our random chats, it’s always fun to see how long it takes to give you an unpleasant image you didn’t want. :smallwink:
If I start bothering you for a catatar once again, will you kill me or simply let me off with a warning?
I’ll kill you, then actually draw you that catatar, then give you a warning just for the sake of it. :smallbiggrin:
What do you think about dihydrogen monoxide problem?
I think it’s only a problem if you let it be a problem! Close your eyes; if you can’t see it, it can’t Hurt you!
Your favourite Elder God?
Y’Golonac I think, being a Brit from the Severn Valley it has to be one of the local boys! Glaaki is pretty nice too, shared a pint with him once. You wouldn’t believe some of the stories he tells…:smalleek:


If you could spontaneously switch all the residents of two cities from one to the other, which two cities would you switch?
Detroit and Paris, just for gits and shiggles. :smalltongue:


Can you can can?
I can can can if you believe I can
Would you prefer a life of meaning or a life of happiness?
Happiness. No amount of meaning is important unless you’re happy in yourself.
Do you know Susanna?
Yeah I went to school with her, she was a sweetie :smallbiggrin:
What would you do for a klondike bar?
I’d get you to run it for me because you’d be much better at it than me!
How many members to the Church of Banjo?
We have more members than you could possibly count. We are currently on a recruiting drive in Bognor Regis. :smallwink:

2009-07-29, 05:20 AM
How about Banjo and Cookiemanjaro form their own Pantheon?

Would I be invited to your wedding?

What if I actually convinced my parents and manage to scrunge up the funds?

Could I be your semi-official photographer?:smalltongue:

Back to the Pantheon, have any other people in mind? Maybe the Llama?

You really should be online more so we could chat more.

Favorite video-game?

What video-game would you play with me?

Do keep in mind I'm not a fan of FPS' though...

2009-07-29, 05:39 AM

How about Banjo and Cookiemanjaro form their own Pantheon?
Sounds good to me, I'll provide the crazed loonies for worshippers, you provide the cookies. :smallbiggrin:

Would I be invited to your wedding?
Of course!

What if I actually convinced my parents and manage to scrunge up the funds?
Well, we need a cookie-caterer. :smallamused:

Could I be your semi-official photographer?:smalltongue:
You'd have to fight off the professional photographer we've hired with a sharp stick, but you're welcome to try!

Back to the Pantheon, have any other people in mind? Maybe the Llama?
Llama for definite, anybody silly is welcome. :smallbiggrin:

You really should be online more so we could chat more.
I know, but I'm getting on here less and less these days. :smallfrown:

Favorite video-game?
Of all time? Grandia on the original Playstation, no question.

What video-game would you play with me?
Do keep in mind I'm not a fan of FPS' though...
Keeping that in mind, how about a game of Mario Kart? :smallamused:

2009-07-29, 07:28 AM
Imagine the character sheet of your life. What skill do you have the highest rating in?

What have you done that you're most proud of?

What is the groovy dance that you do, when you do your groovy dance?

What's your excuse for not dancing more often?

If you could high-five anyone in the world, who would it be?

*Bamf!* You're 'ported into your favorite video game. What's your outfit look like?

It is well known that Dracula lives in a neo-gothic castle on the moon. Assuming you had Dracula-like resources (reference Warren Buffet for a similar comparison), where would you build your lair?

What is your test to see if you're drunk or not?

When was your most recent water(balloon/gun/hose/bucket) fight?

Did you win?

What track on your music player (mp3 player, iPod, WinAmp, 8Track, whatever) has been played most often?

Zeppelins! Whaddaya think?

2009-07-29, 09:31 AM

Imagine the character sheet of your life. What skill do you have the highest rating in?
I'm a pretty good Bluffer, and my Gather Info wouldn't be bad either.
What have you done that you're most proud of?
Hard question, I just tend to take life as it comes without really rating what I've done in the past. I guess my degree was a decent achievement.
What is the groovy dance that you do, when you do your groovy dance?
I do a pretty good ska-style skank if that counts? :smallbiggrin:
What's your excuse for not dancing more often?
Because IRL I have significantly more inhibitions than I do on here, at least without the addition of litres of alcohol. :smallwink:
If you could high-five anyone in the world, who would it be?
Nelson Mandela, a living legend. Brian Cloug or Winston Churchill if you're allowing dead folk.
*Bamf!* You're 'ported into your favorite video game. What's your outfit look like?
Wow, I have a brightly coloured chestplate on, and short trousers! Shame the broadsword isn't bigger though...
It is well known that Dracula lives in a neo-gothic castle on the moon. Assuming you had Dracula-like resources (reference Warren Buffet for a similar comparison), where would you build your lair?
On the sunken island of Rl'yeh, where things are so old that even death may die...
What is your test to see if you're drunk or not?
If I'm walking straight I'm clearly concentrating to hard to be sobre.
When was your most recent water(balloon/gun/hose/bucket) fight?
I don't do enough of this. So much so that I can't even remember the last time :smallfrown:
Did you win?
I don't know, probably, because I'm pretty competitive :smallbiggrin:
What track on your music player (mp3 player, iPod, WinAmp, 8Track, whatever) has been played most often?
It used to be Filthy by Otep, but I think it's now "Don't Let's Start" by They Might Be Giants.
Zeppelins! Whaddaya think?
Awesomesauce! Especially those of the Led variety :smallwink:

2009-07-29, 12:13 PM
Sadistic choice time! You must choose to save either the life of your most loved one or the lives of a large group of strangers. Which do you choose?

Hmmm... I think I'll add this one to my standard list.

2009-07-29, 12:46 PM
Most favorite playgrounder? You have to pick one and it can't be Mrs B.:smallamused: *evil*

Hey....I do have a pointy stick nearby...:smalltongue::smallcool:

2009-07-29, 12:49 PM
What drove you to worship the rubbish chaos god when nurgle was still on offer? (Yes, I did just say rubbish to avoid spelling issues.)

2009-07-30, 06:00 AM
banjooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, please answer your remaining questions or I shall be forced to taunt on you or something a second time! Otherwise, please make room and do a funny dance for the next interviewee...

horngeek! *releases 10,000 dragonflies into the audience*

GW's Questions of Questionable Intent
1. Do you hold grudges? If so, for how long?

2. What's your favorite band/musician?

3. Have you ever had a crush on a fictional character? If so, who?

4. What is one thing about yourself you're the most proud of?

5. Roses or orchids?

6. What sustains you, keeps you going every day?

7. How did you get to be so awesome?

8. If the human race vanished tomorrow, leaving only you and one other person to keep you company, who would you want that person to be?

9. Do you like juice? If so, what is your favorite kind of juice. If not, what would you rather drink?

10. Which do you prefer, wool or cotton?

11. Who is one person who died before you were born that you'd most like to speak with?

12. Have you ever owned a slinky (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slinky)?

13. What super-power would you want to use to stop Godzilla if he was attacking where you live?

14. What do you think of 'Shipping (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=106862) in the Playground?

15. If you could take on the mantle of an established comic-book character, which one would you choose? That is, if you could become Batman, Superman, Mysterio, Magneto, Nite Owl, etc., which would you want to become?

16. Which is your favorite meal of the day?

17. Do you eat a lot of snacks?

18. What is your favorite restaurant?

19. Who was the most recent person you talked to in person?

20. What was the last thing you said to that person?

21. Beards or babies?

22. Which of the following two words do you think makes a sentence creepier when added to the end: 'ladies' or 'hard'?

23. What do you think of when you read the word 'fishmember?'

24. Have you ever made up a word? If so, what is that word and what is its definition?

25. Define the following word: whiloplenulent?

26. Do you like haiku?

27. If you had a choice between zombies or aliens destroying humanity, which would you choose?

28. Sufficiently advanced aliens visit earth and say they'll change just one thing about you. It can be anything at all. What would you choose?

29. Do you think aliens from another planet ever actually visit Earth?

30. Why did you decide to submit yourself to these torturous, probing questions?

Archonic Energy
2009-07-30, 06:14 AM
Banjo are you coming to the UKGITP meet?

2009-07-30, 06:26 AM
Horngeek's answers!

GW's Questions of Questionable Intent
1. Do you hold grudges? If so, for how long?
No, I don't really hold grudges. Too much effort that could be used for other stuff.

2. What's your favorite band/musician?
Ohhh... tricky, I'm more of a soundtrack fan. If I was pressed, I'd say Nathan Tasker, or Weird Al for a more mainstream guy.

3. Have you ever had a crush on a fictional character? If so, who?
Not really. Hinata from Naruto is cute, if you held a gun to my head, though.

4. What is one thing about yourself you're the most proud of?
My general lack of violence, and my vast memory of varous quotes. Mainly the first one.

5. Roses or orchids?
Ohhh... I'll go with Roses.

6. What sustains you, keeps you going every day?

7. How did you get to be so awesome?

8. If the human race vanished tomorrow, leaving only you and one other person to keep you company, who would you want that person to be?
Hmmm... well, there's one girl I have a crush on... :smallredface:

9. Do you like juice? If so, what is your favorite kind of juice. If not, what would you rather drink?
Fanta, orange flavoured. I would devour it every day if my Mum let me. :smallamused:

10. Which do you prefer, wool or cotton?
Wool? Maybe.

11. Who is one person who died before you were born that you'd most like to speak with?

12. Have you ever owned a slinky (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slinky)?
Several. They are funz, but they always break/get tangled up. :smallsigh:

13. What super-power would you want to use to stop Godzilla if he was attacking where you live?
The power of the Avatar. (http://avatar.wikia.com/wiki/Avatar)

14. What do you think of 'Shipping (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=106862) in the Playground?
I loves it. I just with they'd hurry up and finish Redemption! :smalltongue:

15. If you could take on the mantle of an established comic-book character, which one would you choose? That is, if you could become Batman, Superman, Mysterio, Magneto, Nite Owl, etc., which would you want to become?
If the Avatar was Comic Book... *grumbles*
Mr Fantastic, because he's awesomely smart.

16. Which is your favorite meal of the day?
BREAKFAST! Four weetbix, almost covered with milk, microwaved for 44 seconds (I have no idea how I come up with that time) then covered with sugar.

17. Do you eat a lot of snacks?
If it's the holidays, yes. If at school, no.

18. What is your favorite restaurant?
There's this pizza place at the local shops, see...

19. Who was the most recent person you talked to in person?
My mum.

20. What was the last thing you said to that person?
I... don't remember. Somthing about the recently painted bathroom.

21. Beards or babies?
Babies. Because they're OMGCUTE.

22. Which of the following two words do you think makes a sentence creepier when added to the end: 'ladies' or 'hard'?

23. What do you think of when you read the word 'fishmember?'
Pond. James Pond.

24. Have you ever made up a word? If so, what is that word and what is its definition?
Used when randomly entering a conversation.

25. Define the following word: whiloplenulent?
A cross between a Who and an elephant.

26. Do you like haiku?
Indeed I do.

27. If you had a choice between zombies or aliens destroying humanity, which would you choose?

28. Sufficiently advanced aliens visit earth and say they'll change just one thing about you. It can be anything at all. What would you choose?

29. Do you think aliens from another planet ever actually visit Earth?
No. I think they're out there, though.

30. Why did you decide to submit yourself to these torturous, probing questions?
I'm... not sure. Nothing else to do?

2009-07-30, 08:33 AM
Just finishing up, sorry Horngeek :smallredface:

Sadistic choice time! You must choose to save either the life of your most loved one or the lives of a large group of strangers. Which do you choose?

Sorry everyone, but Mrs B is the reason I live, so I'd have to save her, though I probably wouldn't be able to live with all that blood on my hands afterwards.


Most favorite playgrounder? You have to pick one and it can't be Mrs B. *evil* Hey....I do have a pointy stick nearby...

Now that's a hard one...sorry, poke away I just can't decide!


What drove you to worship the rubbish chaos god when nurgle was still on offer? (Yes, I did just say rubbish to avoid spelling issues.)
Because Tzeentch is a magnificent bastard and you know it :smallamused:

Archonic Energy

Banjo are you coming to the UKGITP meet?
I've gone quiet on that because I really don't know. Money issues I'm afraid and I won't have the car, so it's whether I can afford a train ticket.

2009-07-30, 09:48 AM
Imagine the character sheet of your life. What skill do you have the highest rating in?

What have you done that you're most proud of?

What is the groovy dance that you do, when you do your groovy dance?

What's your excuse for not dancing more often?

If you could high-five anyone in the world, who would it be?

*Bamf!* You're 'ported into your favorite video game. What's your outfit look like?

It is well known that Dracula lives in a neo-gothic castle on the moon. Assuming you had Dracula-like resources (reference Warren Buffet for a similar comparison), where would you build your lair?

What is your test to see if you're drunk or not?

When was your most recent water(balloon/gun/hose/bucket) fight?

Did you win?

What track on your music player (mp3 player, iPod, WinAmp, 8Track, whatever) has been played most often?

Zeppelins are awesome. If you had one, what would you use it for?

2009-07-30, 10:56 AM
What question would you like to be asked?
What traits do you look for in an ideal pet?
What is your favorite number?
What is the square root of Pi?
What's your favorite OOTS strip?
What's your favorite Erfworld strip?
How does your ITP persona relate to you in real life?
Sadistic choice time! You must choose to save either the life of your most loved one or the lives of a large group of strangers. Which do you choose?

Stolen Skippy Questions
What is your favorite word?
What is your least favorite word?
What makes you enthusiastic?
What disappoints you?
What sound do you love?
What sound do you hate?
What profession other than yours would you like to attempt?
What profession would you not like to participate in?
If heaven exists what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates?

Blue Ghost
2009-07-30, 01:00 PM
What's your alignment in real life?
When/why did you decide to become a Lawful Good playgrounder?
What is your goal in life?
Do you like me?
What is your favorite animal?

2009-07-30, 01:42 PM
1. What is the meaning behind your username?
2. Would you consider a combination of Celine Dion, Hannah Montana, High School Musical and the Jonas Brothers to be a severe form of musical torture, if no what addition would make it so?
3. Which character from Order of the Stick do you really want to die?
4. Which fictional character outside of Order of the Stick do you really want to die?
5. Do you realize that a spy is sapping your sentry?
6. What is your reaction towards this (http://thatguywiththeglasses.com/videolinks/thatguywiththeglasses/sketches/219-the-best-video-ever)?
7. Who is more annoying Cedric the Owl or Navi the Fairy?

Dr. Bath
2009-07-30, 01:45 PM
Banjo are you coming to the UKGITP meet?
I've gone quiet on that because I really don't know. Money issues I'm afraid and I won't have the car, so it's whether I can afford a train ticket.

Boo! You better turn up! I'm even coming. With luck.

2009-07-30, 10:37 PM

Imagine the character sheet of your life. What skill do you have the highest rating in?
Knowledge (useless and wierd trivia)

What have you done that you're most proud of?
... not sure.

What is the groovy dance that you do, when you do your groovy dance?

What's your excuse for not dancing more often?
It would ruin my nerdy image.

If you could high-five anyone in the world, who would it be?
Hmmm... Reinholdt.

*Bamf!* You're 'ported into your favorite video game. What's your outfit look like?
Since it's Civilisation, Brennus' costume. On his leader thing.

It is well known that Dracula lives in a neo-gothic castle on the moon. Assuming you had Dracula-like resources (reference Warren Buffet for a similar comparison), where would you build your lair?
I would build it in a mountain range, with air conditioning.

What is your test to see if you're drunk or not?
I don't drink. Alchohol is too strong a taste. :smallyuk:

When was your most recent water(balloon/gun/hose/bucket) fight?
When I was in primary school.

Did you win?
Don't remember.

What track on your music player (mp3 player, iPod, WinAmp, 8Track, whatever) has been played most often?
Somthing from the Doctor Who soundtrack.

Zeppelins are awesome. If you had one, what would you use it for?
Flying around and exploring!


"]What question would you like to be asked? [/COLOR]
Not sure. But the most awesome FFRP character is Hans Rojak.

What traits do you look for in an ideal pet?
Likes me!

What is your favorite number?
Graham's number. It cannot be represented using power towers because it's SO BIG.

What is the square root of Pi?
Square root of pi. Can't be defined more than that.

What's your favorite OOTS strip?
21, I think. Evan's spiked tentacles. Nuff said.

What's your favorite Erfworld strip?
Don't really have one.

How does your ITP persona relate to you in real life?
Me. But a DRAGON, recently.

Sadistic choice time! You must choose to save either the life of your most loved one or the lives of a large group of strangers. Which do you choose?
Loved one!

Stolen Skippy Questions
What is your favorite word?

What is your least favorite word?

What makes you enthusiastic?

What disappoints you?
When I get turned down. :smallfrown:

What sound do you love?

What sound do you hate?
Alarm clock.

What profession other than yours would you like to attempt?
Not a student.

What profession would you not like to participate in?
Slave trade.

If heaven exists what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates?
Come on in! I know He won't just say that, but still.

Blue Ghost

]What's your alignment in real life?
[COLOR="black"]Lawful Good.

When/why did you decide to become a Lawful Good playgrounder?
Because I'm Lawful Goo IRL!
What is your goal in life?
Not sure. I'm only 17, give me a break!
Do you like me?
As a fellow Lawful Good? Of course!
What is your favorite animal?
Hmmm... dolphin.


1. What is the meaning behind your username?
I play the French Horn. Nuff said.

2. Would you consider a combination of Celine Dion, Hannah Montana, High School Musical and the Jonas Brothers to be a severe form of musical torture, if no what addition would make it so?

3. Which character from Order of the Stick do you really want to die?
Belkar. I want to see how.

4. Which fictional character outside of Order of the Stick do you really want to die?
Danzo from Naruto.

5. Do you realize that a spy is sapping your sentry?
Breath fire on him!

6. What is your reaction towards this (http://thatguywiththeglasses.com/videolinks/thatguywiththeglasses/sketches/219-the-best-video-ever)?
Ahhh... that is not how you do a rickroll. Funny.

7. Who is more annoying Cedric the Owl or Navi the Fairy?
Navi, because I have no idea who Cedric is.

2009-07-30, 10:46 PM
What is your test to see if you're drunk or not?
I don't drink. Alchohol is too strong a taste. :smallyuk:

Whoops! I've really got to start carding people before I ask that question. My apologies! Alright, try this:

What's your favorite caffeine vector?

2009-07-31, 12:08 AM
What's your favorite caffeine vector?

Hot chocolate... mmmmm...

2009-07-31, 05:50 AM
Would you rather have something you didn't need that proved detrimental to your efforts or not have something you do need?

Spiderman: Villain or Menace?

Pendant ocarina or Sweet Potato ocarina?

Did you get the PM I sent you regarding your avatar request?

2009-07-31, 06:07 AM
If you could have one part of an animal grafted to your body, which animal part would you want?

If the world went through an awakening of magic, causing every type of magical being to come back into the world, which one would you want to be?

Who is the coolest superhero of all time?

If you went back to the past and killed a fly, what do you think the world would be like when you got back to the present?

How are you?

Favourite video game of all time?

Marvel or DC, which has better villains?

Marvel or DC, which has better heroes?

If you had magical wizard powers, what would you do with them?

Do you enjoy the music of Scatman John?

Do you ever wish that dinosaurs were still alive?

If you could choose one person in all of history and bring them back to life (not as a zombie but an actual human being), which person would you bring back?

Are you my friend? If not, do you want to be friends with me?

2009-07-31, 07:06 AM

Would you rather have something you didn't need that proved detrimental to your efforts or not have something you do need?
Have somthing I didn't need.

Spiderman: Villain or Menace?
Neither, Hero.

Pendant ocarina or Sweet Potato ocarina?

Did you get the PM I sent you regarding your avatar request?[/QUOTE]
I did. Thank you, she's on the profile in FFRP.


If you could have one part of an animal grafted to your body, which animal part would you want?
Hmmm... a tail, that is prehensile and easily concealable.

If the world went through an awakening of magic, causing every type of magical being to come back into the world, which one would you want to be?

Who is the coolest superhero of all time?
Mr. Fantastic, for the smarts.

If you went back to the past and killed a fly, what do you think the world would be like when you got back to the present?
Not much.

How are you?

Favourite video game of all time?
Civ 4

Marvel or DC, which has better villains?

Marvel or DC, which has better heroes?

If you had magical wizard powers, what would you do with them?
Help people!

Do you enjoy the music of Scatman John?
Never heard it.

Do you ever wish that dinosaurs were still alive?
Not really. Huge and would eat people.

If you could choose one person in all of history and bring them back to life (not as a zombie but an actual human being), which person would you bring back?
Einstein, because he's awesome.

Are you my friend? If not, do you want to be friends with me?
Yes, we are valuable allies against Evil.

2009-07-31, 07:33 AM
What's FFRP?

2009-07-31, 07:39 AM
What's FFRP?

Free Form Roleplaying. Down in Silly Message Board Games.

Atreyu the Masked LLama
2009-07-31, 08:22 AM
Will you be keeping your dragon avatar after draconic week?

How do you keep your scales so shiny?

2009-07-31, 08:25 AM

Will you be keeping your dragon avatar after draconic week?
In fact I will, and my sig will probably become more Draconic. Like that banner being planned out in RB. :smallbiggrin:

How do you keep your scales so shiny?
Ah, I polish them. Also, they're metallic.

Mauve Shirt
2009-07-31, 08:35 AM
How many roads must a man walk down before you call him a man?
What book(s) have you read more than 6 times?
Same question, but for movies?
Do you have pets? Are they cute?
If you stick your head out of your bedroom window and look to your left, how many trees can you see?
If none, what do you see?
How do you feel about mechanical bee minions?
How do you feel about a bunch of playground damsels chained up in front of you?

2009-07-31, 08:42 AM
Mauve Shirt

How many roads must a man walk down before you call him a man?

What book(s) have you read more than 6 times?
Harry Potter Series.
Same question, but for movies?
Pirates of the Carribean, arr!

Do you have pets? Are they cute?
1 siamese fighting fish called Shane. Yes, he is.

If you stick your head out of your bedroom window and look to your left, how many trees can you see?
A small wood of them

How do you feel about mechanical bee minions?
Ohhh... bit hard to control.

How do you feel about a bunch of playground damsels chained up in front of you?
Why do people feel the need to sacrifice damsels to a Gold (and therefore Good) Dragon?
That said, watch out when we do oppisite alignment week.

2009-07-31, 08:46 AM
Do you think "To Kill a Mockingbird" was well-written? I'm not asking whether you liked it, or whether you thought Harper Lee's thoughts were correct, note.

Why pretend to be holy on an internet forum?

If you could meet one FFRP character, for as long as you like, who isn't played by you; who, and for how long?

2009-07-31, 08:49 AM

Do you think "To Kill a Mockingbird" was well-written? I'm not asking whether you liked it, or whether you thought Harper Lee's thoughts were correct, note.
I have not read it yet. Sorry.

Why pretend to be holy on an internet forum?
Because It's not me to pretend to be mean.

If you could meet one FFRP character, for as long as you like, who isn't played by you; who, and for how long?
Reinholdt, I want to try to redeem him!

2009-07-31, 10:44 AM
You do realize that by meeting Reinholdt, you're more likely to get bogged down in a swamp of despair and misery, probably ending in your suicide than you are to redeem him... right?

Lord Magtok
2009-07-31, 07:00 PM
Why do you dislike evil so much? What did evil ever do to you?:smallfrown:

2009-07-31, 07:44 PM

You do realize that by meeting Reinholdt, you're more likely to get bogged down in a swamp of despair and misery, probably ending in your suicide than you are to redeem him... right?
Yes, but I will try anyway.

Lord Magtok

Why do you dislike evil so much? What did evil ever do to you?:smallfrown:
I'm Gold. Nuff said. :smalltongue:

2009-08-01, 06:29 AM
Well, horngeek, our time's up. I hope you had a good time and good luck getting various ladies-itP to sacrifice their avies to you for Draconic Avatar week. Speaking of ladies-itP, everyone please welcome the next interviewee...

Miss Nobody! *hangs lace spiderwebs*

GW's Questions of Questionable Intent
1. Do you hold grudges? If so, for how long?

2. What's your favorite band/musician?

3. Have you ever had a crush on a fictional character? If so, who?

4. What is one thing about yourself you're the most proud of?

5. Roses or orchids?

6. What sustains you, keeps you going every day?

7. How did you get to be so awesome?

8. If the human race vanished tomorrow, leaving only you and one other person to keep you company, who would you want that person to be?

9. Do you like juice? If so, what is your favorite kind of juice. If not, what would you rather drink?

10. Which do you prefer, wool or cotton?

11. Who is one person who died before you were born that you'd most like to speak with?

12. Have you ever owned a slinky (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slinky)?

13. What super-power would you want to use to stop Godzilla if he was attacking where you live?

14. What do you think of 'Shipping (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=106862) in the Playground?

15. If you could take on the mantle of an established comic-book character, which one would you choose? That is, if you could become Batman, Superman, Mysterio, Magneto, Nite Owl, etc., which would you want to become?

16. Which is your favorite meal of the day?

17. Do you eat a lot of snacks?

18. What is your favorite restaurant?

19. Who was the most recent person you talked to in person?

20. What was the last thing you said to that person?

21. Beards or babies?

22. Which of the following two words do you think makes a sentence creepier when added to the end: 'ladies' or 'hard'?

23. What do you think of when you read the word 'fishmember?'

24. Have you ever made up a word? If so, what is that word and what is its definition?

25. Define the following word: whiloplenulent?

26. Do you like haiku?

27. If you had a choice between zombies or aliens destroying humanity, which would you choose?

28. Sufficiently advanced aliens visit earth and say they'll change just one thing about you. It can be anything at all. What would you choose?

29. Do you think aliens from another planet ever actually visit Earth?

30. Why did you decide to submit yourself to these torturous, probing questions?

2009-08-01, 06:38 AM
Is it true?

The Fonz. Yes or No?

What's a song I should listen to right now?!

Do logic paradoxes hurt?

Can I have a chocolate bar?

What about now?

That last question kinda only worked if you said no to the one above it...


Tiger Duck
2009-08-01, 06:41 AM
What is unique about you?

From where comes your artistic ability?

Do you have any weird eating habits?

What's your favourite fruit?



blue, stone, yesterday or twelve?

2009-08-01, 08:54 AM
1. What is the meaning behind your username?
2. Would you consider a combination of Celine Dion, Hannah Montana, High School Musical and the Jonas Brothers to be a severe form of musical torture, if no what addition would make it so?
3. Which character from Order of the Stick do you really want to die?
4. Which fictional character outside of Order of the Stick do you really want to die?
5. Do you realize that a spy is sapping your sentry?
6. What is your reaction towards this (http://thatguywiththeglasses.com/videolinks/thatguywiththeglasses/sketches/219-the-best-video-ever)?
7. Who is more annoying Cedric the owl from king's quest V or Navi the fairy for Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time?

2009-08-01, 09:27 AM
What question would you like to be asked?
What traits do you look for in an ideal pet?
What is your favorite number?
What is the square root of Pi?
What's your favorite OOTS strip?
What's your favorite Erfworld strip?
How does your ITP persona relate to you in real life?
Sadistic choice time! You must choose to save either the life of your most loved one or the lives of a large group of strangers. Which do you choose?

Stolen Skippy Questions
What is your favorite word?
What is your least favorite word?
What makes you enthusiastic?
What disappoints you?
What sound do you love?
What sound do you hate?
What profession other than yours would you like to attempt?
What profession would you not like to participate in?
If heaven exists what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates?

Miss Nobody
2009-08-01, 10:10 AM
GW's Questions of Questionable Intent

1. Do you hold grudges? If so, for how long?
Not really.

2. What's your favorite band/musician?
I can't pick only one. Nightwish, Metallica, Moonspell, Tristania, Kamelot, Therion, Turisas...

3. Have you ever had a crush on a fictional character? If so, who?
Never had one.

4. What is one thing about yourself you're the most proud of?
I try not to be a proud person.

5. Roses or orchids?

6. What sustains you, keeps you going every day?
My friends I guess.

7. How did you get to be so awesome?
I'm awesome? It probably comes from all the other awesome people around here.

8. If the human race vanished tomorrow, leaving only you and one other person to keep you company, who would you want that person to be?
Probably my best friend or my mother.

9. Do you like juice? If so, what is your favorite kind of juice. If not, what would you rather drink?
Orange juice and peach juice.

10. Which do you prefer, wool or cotton?

11. Who is one person who died before you were born that you'd most like to speak with?
Never really thought of it...

12. Have you ever owned a slinky?
Yes. Several. Awesome.

13. What super-power would you want to use to stop Godzilla if he was attacking where you live?
Why would I want to stop him?

14. What do you think of 'Shipping in the Playground?

15. If you could take on the mantle of an established comic-book character, which one would you choose? That is, if you could become Batman, Superman, Mysterio, Magneto, Nite Owl, etc., which would you want to become?
Dream or Death of the Endless.

16. Which is your favorite meal of the day?

17. Do you eat a lot of snacks?

18. What is your favorite restaurant?
I don't really have a favorite.

19. Who was the most recent person you talked to in person?
My mother.

20. What was the last thing you said to that person?
Bye, mom.

21. Beards or babies?

22. Which of the following two words do you think makes a sentence creepier when added to the end: 'ladies' or 'hard'?

23. What do you think of when you read the word 'fishmember?'
The member of a secret fish shadow organisation that plans to take over the world.

24. Have you ever made up a word? If so, what is that word and what is its definition?
Never made one up.

25. Define the following word: whiloplenulent?
whiloplenulent = a word whose definition is unknown to me.

26. Do you like haiku?
It's pretty nice.

27. If you had a choice between zombies or aliens destroying humanity, which would you choose?
Aliens. I used to be scared of zombies when I was younger.

28. Sufficiently advanced aliens visit earth and say they'll change just one thing about you. It can be anything at all. What would you choose?
I'd ask for Yngwie Malmsteen's guitar skills.

29. Do you think aliens from another planet ever actually visit Earth?
Not really.

30. Why did you decide to submit yourself to these torturous, probing questions?
Because I can.


Is it true?
The cake is a lie.

The Fonz. Yes or No?
Err...no opinion.

What's a song I should listen to right now?!
Moonspell - Luna

Do logic paradoxes hurt?

Can I have a chocolate bar?
No! They're all mine!

What about now?

That last question kinda only worked if you said no to the one above it...

I you want to...

Captain Happy

What is unique about you?
A small fragment of my DNA.

From where comes your artistic ability?
I have no idea.

Do you have any weird eating habits?

What's your favourite fruit?
Apples or peaches.



blue, stone, yesterday or twelve?


1. What is the meaning behind your username?
A classmate called me Miss Nobody once. I liked it.

2. Would you consider a combination of Celine Dion, Hannah Montana, High School Musical and the Jonas Brothers to be a severe form of musical torture, if no what addition would make it so?

3. Which character from Order of the Stick do you really want to die?

4. Which fictional character outside of Order of the Stick do you really want to die?
The main characters from that book with sparkling vampires. I can't even write its name.

5. Do you realize that a spy is sapping your sentry?
No, I'm too busy sapping your sentry.

6. What is your reaction towards this ?
I didn't have the patience to wait for it to load.

7. Who is more annoying Cedric the owl from king's quest V or Navi the fairy for Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time?
Never played the game.


What question would you like to be asked?
This one ^.

What traits do you look for in an ideal pet?
Won't bite my fingers off.

What is your favorite number?
9 and 4. No idea why.

What is the square root of Pi?
The number that, when squared, equals Pi.

What's your favorite OOTS strip?
I don't have a favorite. There are too many aesome strips to pick only one.

What's your favorite Erfworld strip?
I don't read Erfworld.

How does your ITP persona relate to you in real life?
It's pretty much the same.

Sadistic choice time! You must choose to save either the life of your most loved one or the lives of a large group of strangers. Which do you choose?
My loved one.

Stolen Skippy Questions
What is your favorite word?
I've always liked words that end in -y like Tragedy, Ebony, Enemy. And also inconceivable and eldritch.

What is your least favorite word?

What makes you enthusiastic?

What disappoints you?
People in general.

What sound do you love?
The sound of my favorite songs.

What sound do you hate?

What profession other than yours would you like to attempt?
Something in the military.

What profession would you not like to participate in?

If heaven exists what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates?
You may enter.

2009-08-03, 06:28 AM
Well, Miss Nobody, from the sound of the music I'd say our time is up. I hope you enjoyed your interview. Now, onwards to the next victim...

JabberwockySupafly! *looks around for a JubJubSupafly*

GW's Questions of Questionable Intent
1. Do you hold grudges? If so, for how long?

2. What's your favorite band/musician?

3. Have you ever had a crush on a fictional character? If so, who?

4. What is one thing about yourself you're the most proud of?

5. Roses or orchids?

6. What sustains you, keeps you going every day?

7. How did you get to be so awesome?

8. If the human race vanished tomorrow, leaving only you and one other person to keep you company, who would you want that person to be?

9. Do you like juice? If so, what is your favorite kind of juice. If not, what would you rather drink?

10. Which do you prefer, wool or cotton?

11. Who is one person who died before you were born that you'd most like to speak with?

12. Have you ever owned a slinky (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slinky)?

13. What super-power would you want to use to stop Godzilla if he was attacking where you live?

14. What do you think of 'Shipping (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=106862) in the Playground?

15. If you could take on the mantle of an established comic-book character, which one would you choose? That is, if you could become Batman, Superman, Mysterio, Magneto, Nite Owl, etc., which would you want to become?

16. Which is your favorite meal of the day?

17. Do you eat a lot of snacks?

18. What is your favorite restaurant?

19. Who was the most recent person you talked to in person?

20. What was the last thing you said to that person?

21. Beards or babies?

22. Which of the following two words do you think makes a sentence creepier when added to the end: 'ladies' or 'hard'?

23. What do you think of when you read the word 'fishmember?'

24. Have you ever made up a word? If so, what is that word and what is its definition?

25. Define the following word: whiloplenulent?

26. Do you like haiku?

27. If you had a choice between zombies or aliens destroying humanity, which would you choose?

28. Sufficiently advanced aliens visit earth and say they'll change just one thing about you. It can be anything at all. What would you choose?

29. Do you think aliens from another planet ever actually visit Earth?

30. Why did you decide to submit yourself to these torturous, probing questions?

2009-08-03, 07:52 AM
What question would you like to be asked?
What traits do you look for in an ideal pet?
What is your favorite number?
What is the square root of Pi?
What's your favorite OOTS strip?
What's your favorite Erfworld strip?
How does your ITP persona relate to you in real life?
Sadistic choice time! You must choose to save either the life of your most loved one or the lives of a large group of strangers. Which do you choose?

Stolen Skippy Questions
What is your favorite word?
What is your least favorite word?
What makes you enthusiastic?
What disappoints you?
What sound do you love?
What sound do you hate?
What profession other than yours would you like to attempt?
What profession would you not like to participate in?
If heaven exists what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates?

2009-08-03, 08:09 AM
1. What is the meaning behind your username?
2. Would you consider a combination of Celine Dion, Hannah Montana, High School Musical and the Jonas Brothers to be a severe form of musical torture, if no what addition would make it so?
3. Which character from Order of the Stick do you really want to die?
4. Which fictional character outside of Order of the Stick do you really want to die?
5. Do you realize that a spy is sapping your sentry?
6. What is your reaction towards this (http://thatguywiththeglasses.com/videolinks/thatguywiththeglasses/sketches/219-the-best-video-ever)?
7. Who is more annoying Cedric the owl from king's quest V or Navi the fairy for Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time?

2009-08-03, 08:22 AM
GW's Questions of Questionable Intent
1. Do you hold grudges? If so, for how long?

I really try not to, and for the most part I succeed, but once in a while I do remember past wounds.

2. What's your favorite band/musician?

This is tough. Music is my lifesblood. I can't stand not having some form of music on or around me at all times (listening to headphones right now, actually) and I listen to a vast and eclectic collection of music. All in All, it would be Indy Hip-Hop's finest, Aesop Rock (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aesop_Rock)

3. Have you ever had a crush on a fictional character? If so, who?

Not much of a crush, but before I met The Missus, I always wished I could meet a girl similar to Gaiman's Death from Sandman.

4. What is one thing about yourself you're the most proud of?

My ability to make virtually anyone smile, even when they are in the worst moods.

5. Roses or orchids?

My missus usually gets me Black Roses for Valentine's Day. Yes, we both know they are meant to represent death or ill sentiment, but they just look so bloody cool.

6. What sustains you, keeps you going every day?

Sappy Answer: my wife
Normal Answer: Life in general and enjoying it as much as possible. I hang out with my friends & my wife, play video games, work, call my family overseas... The sheer act of living keeps me alive.

7. How did you get to be so awesome?

One word: croutons.

8. If the human race vanished tomorrow, leaving only you and one other person to keep you company, who would you want that person to be?

My Wife. Sappy? Yes, but true. She's the one person in the world who knows me better than anyone else and the thought of existence without her would be very painful.

9. Do you like juice? If so, what is your favorite kind of juice. If not, what would you rather drink?

Big fan of most forms of juice. My favourite would most likely be Ruby Red Grapefruit or Granny Smith Apple. I like drinks that are equal parts tart and sweet when it comes to juice.

10. Which do you prefer, wool or cotton?

Cotton, I'm allergic to wool.

11. Who is one person who died before you were born that you'd most like to speak with?

This is rather tough for me, but I'd have to say Groucho Marx. The man was an absolute genius and was one of the last great Wits. Oscar Wilde would be an incredibly close second.

12. Have you ever owned a slinky (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slinky)?

Yes, but I always wanted a Log (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A0xsqV3zk1Y) more.

13. What super-power would you want to use to stop Godzilla if he was attacking where you live?

Depends, are we talking proper Godzilla, or are we talking Schumacher's GINO (Godzilla In Name Only)?

Proper Godzilla, well, I'd go with mind control so I could just mentally force him to leave me alone... or attack people I don't like.

For GINO? Time Machine, Sniper Rifle, Joel Schumacher's Address. Problem Solved.

14. What do you think of 'Shipping (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=106862) in the Playground?

I live by a simple motto: Whatever Floats Your Goat. Relationships online don't bother me at all. Hell, I met my wife playing Diablo 1 :)

15. If you could take on the mantle of an established comic-book character, which one would you choose? That is, if you could become Batman, Superman, Mysterio, Magneto, Nite Owl, etc., which would you want to become?

Wow, so easy: Deadpool.

16. Which is your favorite meal of the day?

Dinner. I don't usually eat breakfast (I will occassionally drink it though, in the form of a McDonald's Chocolate Thickshake... Brekkie of Champions!) and I normally give lunch a miss as well so that only leaves me with Dinner.

17. Do you eat a lot of snacks?

Yes, normally this is both a cause and effect of not eating lunch or breakfast.

18. What is your favorite restaurant?

In my Home State of Iowa, it's a brilliant Mexican restaurant named Los Aztecas. Here in Oz, it's a place in Sydney called JuJu's, an awesome Japanese Inn nestled in the less-than-glossy suburb of King's Cross.

19. Who was the most recent person you talked to in person?

My Wife.

20. What was the last thing you said to that person?

Good Night (she was going to bed).

21. Beards or babies?

I wish I could grow a vast, jaw-sheltering jungle of facial hair like Neil Fallon of Clutch, but the best I can get is a few stray strands.

22. Which of the following two words do you think makes a sentence creepier when added to the end: 'ladies' or 'hard'?

Hard. If you knew the folks I hang out with, trust me you'd understand.

23. What do you think of when you read the word 'fishmember?'

Someone who belongs to that strange little church over in Dunwich :)

24. Have you ever made up a word? If so, what is that word and what is its definition?

Not to my knowledge.

25. Define the following word: whiloplenulent?

A state of being derived from a moment of mind-numbing soul-crushing sheer terror the likes of which the human brain is not meant to comprehend. Example: "I became whiloplenulent when I discovered that Gérard Depardieu had signed to play the role of Shadow in the Uwe Boll directed movie adaptation of American Gods that was being made by Dreamworks."

26. Do you like haiku?

Indeed I like them
But I'm terrible at them
So others have said

27. If you had a choice between zombies or aliens destroying humanity, which would you choose?

Aliens. The zombie thing, while cool, is just too slow and painful. Aliens would at least make it relatively quick and there's a better chance for mankind to hi-jack one of their ships, fly into their base of operations and a'splode the whole shebang.

28. Sufficiently advanced aliens visit earth and say they'll change just one thing about you. It can be anything at all. What would you choose?

If it's modifying an existing physical feature, I'm happy with the skin I'm in. Maybe help with the whole unable-to-grow-facial-hair bit, but otherwise I'm good.

29. Do you think aliens from another planet ever actually visit Earth?

I'd like to say Yes, but to be entirely honest if they're sufficiently advanced enough to travel through space for millions of light years they're not going to bother with a bunch of lower forms who still haven't gotten out of the whole "blow each other up" phase.

30. Why did you decide to submit yourself to these torturous, probing questions?

Because it looked more entertaining than painting my 40K minis. And it is!

Reinholdt's Questions

What question would you like to be asked?
"Would you like another cold Fat Yak Pale Ale, sir?"

What traits do you look for in an ideal pet?
Floppy ears, soulful eyes, and short legs. (I'm a sucker for basset hounds)

What is your favorite number?
15. It's the number of nephews and nieces that I have :)

What is the square root of Pi?
A number I couldn't possibly tell you.

What's your favorite OOTS strip?
Oh! Easy! OOTS #3. I even bought the Shirt that it spawned :D

What's your favorite Erfworld strip?
I really liked 149. The way they ended Book 1 was just very clever.

How does your ITP persona relate to you in real life? I don't really hide behind an online persona anymore. I'm an oldschool net junkie and just don't see a point in being anyone but me regardless of material or digital form. Although I don't look a darn thing like my avatar :)

Sadistic choice time! You must choose to save either the life of your most loved one or the lives of a large group of strangers. Which do you choose? I'm married to the one person who makes me feel complete. Sorry but I don't care if it's a busload of nuns, my wife gets the save.

Stolen Skippy Questions
What is your favorite word?
Bloody. Hands down. I use it all the time because it's a swear word without being a swear word.

What is your least favorite word?
I can't say any of them here, but suffice it to say that any racial slur can easily fit this bill.

What makes you enthusiastic?
Something I am genuinely interested in. Or a lot of sugar, which I am usually genuinely interested in anyways :D

What disappoints you?
Humanity. A lot.

What sound do you love?
My wife's laughter. She's got this amazingly infectious laugh that you just can't help join in on.

What sound do you hate?
Crying. Doesn't matter who. It just puts such a black cloud in the air.

What profession other than yours would you like to attempt?
Stand-up Comic or Nerdcore/Indy Rapper.

What profession would you not like to participate in?
Anything involving a very steady hand. My hands tend to shake like someone in an earthquake.

If heaven exists what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates?
There's some people waiting for you that I think you'll remember.

Assassin89's Questions

1. What is the meaning behind your username?
Very simple. Jabberwocky Supafly is a term Aesop Rock, my favourite musical artist, uses in the song "Save Yourself"... Exact lyrics are: "Now I'm thinkin' who am I? Jabberwocky Supafly. Bent left pushin' more without a ten step cushion. And what (what)? I plan to hold this B Positive sacred in these golden veins until the day I die from grimace overload..."

2. Would you consider a combination of Celine Dion, Hannah Montana, High School Musical and the Jonas Brothers to be a severe form of musical torture, if no what addition would make it so?
Most of these things bother me, but I wouldn't consider it musical torture. Due to where I work I have to listen to a DVD that plays most of this music on a 60 minute rotation. I have grown incredibly resistant to audio torture. It would take a lot worse to punish me.

3. Which character from Order of the Stick do you really want to die?
Whichever one the Giant deems next. Not my story, I'm just happily along for the ride.

4. Which fictional character outside of Order of the Stick do you really want to die?
Stephanie Meyer... oh, wait, she's not fictional... Every character in every book in the Twilight series. How that tripe got published I will never know.

5. Do you realize that a spy is sapping your sentry?
I really really wish I had the ability to play games like TF2, but unfortunately I am terrible at FPSes. So my answer would be "no".

6. What is your reaction towards this ?
Sheer whiloplenulent.

7. Who is more annoying Cedric the owl from king's quest V or Navi the fairy for Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time?
Navi by miles.

Mauve Shirt
2009-08-03, 09:03 AM
What book(s) have you read more than 6 times?
Same question, but for movies?
Do you have pets? Are they cute?
If you stick your head out your bedroom window and look to the left, how many trees can you see?
If none, what do you see?
How do you feel about mechanical bee minions?
How does it feel to have one of the most amazing usernames I've encountered?

2009-08-03, 09:23 AM
Mauve Shirt

What book(s) have you read more than 6 times?
American Gods, Good Omens, most (if not all) Discworld Novels. Gaiman & Pratchett are my two favourite authors. If graphic novels or comic books count, I can also add all the released volumes of Hellboy, Sandman, Preacher, and Moore's run on Swamp Thing to this list. These are all I can remember off the top of my head. I love to read and tend to re-read stuff I particulalry enjoyed.

Same question, but for movies?
Wow. Way too many to list. Some of them would be: The Nightmare Before Christmas, Batman Begins, Batman, Batman Returns, Beetlejuice, Dogma, Transformers (animated original movie), Shaun of the Dead, all of the Monty Python movies, Brazil, Predator, Happy Gilmore, Baseketball, Cube, Sleepy Hollow, Princess Bride, Ghostbusters, Ghostbusters II, Die Hard, The Crow, Army of Darkness, The Fifth Element, all of the Kevin Smith movies (except for Jersey Girl... *shudder*), All of the Mel Brooks movies, The Good The Bad & The Ugly, Snatch, Sin City, Hellboy, UHF, Mirrormask, Serenity.. and I've drawn a blank now.

Do you have pets? Are they cute?
No, but we're moving house (well, villa, but still) and when we settle in we're getting a dog. Either a basset hound, corgi, beagle or Australian kelpie. All of them are quite cute.

If you stick your head out your bedroom window and look to the left, how many trees can you see?
In just my front yard? 3. Neighbour's yards we're looking more along the lines of at least 9.

If none, what do you see?
Nothing. Too many trees in the way.

How do you feel about mechanical bee minions?
Interested, but I would much rather have penguins.

How does it feel to have one of the most amazing usernames I've encountered?
Glad that someone else likes it, but at the same time a bit like a thief, since I didn't originally come up with it and merely kidnapped it from the lips of a far greater person (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aesop_Rock).

2009-08-03, 07:44 PM
Imagine the character sheet of your life. What skill do you have the highest rating in?

What have you done that you're most proud of?

What is the groovy dance that you do, when you do your groovy dance?

What's your excuse for not dancing more often?

If you could high-five anyone in the world, who would it be?

*Bamf!* You're 'ported into your favorite video game. What's your outfit look like?

It is well known that Dracula lives in a neo-gothic castle on the moon. Assuming you had Dracula-like resources (reference Warren Buffet for a similar comparison), where would you build your lair?

What is your test to see if you're drunk or not?

When was your most recent water(balloon/gun/hose/bucket) fight?

Did you win?

What track on your music player (mp3 player, iPod, WinAmp, 8Track, whatever) has been played most often?

Zeppelins are awesome. If you had one, what would you use it for?

2009-08-03, 08:39 PM
Whats your theme song, if you had one?

2009-08-04, 04:06 AM
OverdrivePrime's questions
Imagine the character sheet of your life. What skill do you have the highest rating in?

What have you done that you're most proud of?
Moved halfway across the world for true love. It's something most people only read about in schmaltzy romance novels, but I actually did it.

What is the groovy dance that you do, when you do your groovy dance?
I snap my fingers and jive from side to side. Dig?

What's your excuse for not dancing more often?
Being the most Unco (uncoordinated for the uninformed) person on the planet.

If you could high-five anyone in the world, who would it be?
US President Barack Obama for being a level-headed, elegant and intelligent human being in charge.

*Bamf!* You're 'ported into your favorite video game. What's your outfit look like?
Easy! Like This:

It is well known that Dracula lives in a neo-gothic castle on the moon. Assuming you had Dracula-like resources (reference Warren Buffet for a similar comparison), where would you build your lair?
Somewhere with an ADSL2+ switch box. Stupid Narara exchange doesn't have it yet which means I'm still stuck in the stone age :(

What is your test to see if you're drunk or not?
Standing up straight. If I can do so without teetering, I'm most likely only slightly buzzed.

When was your most recent water(balloon/gun/hose/bucket) fight?
Back in 2003, with my nephews.

Did you win?
Crap no. It was 4 on 1.

What track on your music player (mp3 player, iPod, WinAmp, 8Track, whatever) has been played most often?
It would be an equal tie between all the tracks on "Labor Days" by Aesop Rock, because when I put that album on, I never skip a track and it is my most listened to album.

Zeppelins are awesome. If you had one, what would you use it for?
Commuting. Wouldn't have to worry about traffic congestion or train times, and parking would be a breeze. Just drop anchor where I feel like it.

loopy's question

Whats your theme song, if you had one?

Caution: Both contain some explicit lyrics.

"God Loves Ugly (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8FjCWr6Z7xU)" - Atmosphere or
"9 to 5er's Anthem (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kS_fChtg5sQ)" - Aesop Rock

2009-08-05, 08:39 AM

Yeah, you're probably right, Deadpool. Stupid blood. Well, I suppose I should introduce the next interview, then. Everyone help me in welcoming...

Malfunctioned! *orders tupperware*

GW's Questions of Questionable Intent
1. Do you hold grudges? If so, for how long?

2. What's your favorite band/musician?

3. Have you ever had a crush on a fictional character? If so, who?

4. What is one thing about yourself you're the most proud of?

5. Roses or orchids?

6. What sustains you, keeps you going every day?

7. How did you get to be so awesome?

8. If the human race vanished tomorrow, leaving only you and one other person to keep you company, who would you want that person to be?

9. Do you like juice? If so, what is your favorite kind of juice. If not, what would you rather drink?

10. Which do you prefer, wool or cotton?

11. Who is one person who died before you were born that you'd most like to speak with?

12. Have you ever owned a slinky (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slinky)?

13. What super-power would you want to use to stop Godzilla if he was attacking where you live?

14. What do you think of 'Shipping (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=106862) in the Playground?

15. If you could take on the mantle of an established comic-book character, which one would you choose? That is, if you could become Batman, Superman, Mysterio, Magneto, Nite Owl, etc., which would you want to become?

16. Which is your favorite meal of the day?

17. Do you eat a lot of snacks?

18. What is your favorite restaurant?

19. Who was the most recent person you talked to in person?

20. What was the last thing you said to that person?

21. Beards or babies?

22. Which of the following two words do you think makes a sentence creepier when added to the end: 'ladies' or 'hard'?

23. What do you think of when you read the word 'fishmember?'

24. Have you ever made up a word? If so, what is that word and what is its definition?

25. Define the following word: whiloplenulent?

26. Do you like haiku?

27. If you had a choice between zombies or aliens destroying humanity, which would you choose?

28. Sufficiently advanced aliens visit earth and say they'll change just one thing about you. It can be anything at all. What would you choose?

29. Do you think aliens from another planet ever actually visit Earth?

30. Why did you decide to submit yourself to these torturous, probing questions?

2009-08-05, 08:45 AM
What question would you like to be asked?
What traits do you look for in an ideal pet?
What is your favorite number?
What is the square root of Pi?
What's your favorite OOTS strip?
What's your favorite Erfworld strip?
How does your ITP persona relate to you in real life?
Sadistic choice time! You must choose to save either the life of your most loved one or the lives of a large group of strangers. Which do you choose?

Stolen Skippy Questions
What is your favorite word?
What is your least favorite word?
What makes you enthusiastic?
What disappoints you?
What sound do you love?
What sound do you hate?
What profession other than yours would you like to attempt?
What profession would you not like to participate in?
If heaven exists what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates?

2009-08-05, 09:41 AM
1. What is the meaning behind your username?
2. Would you consider a combination of Celine Dion, Hannah Montana, High School Musical and the Jonas Brothers to be a severe form of musical torture, if no what addition would make it so?
3. Which character from Order of the Stick do you really want to die?
4. Which fictional character outside of Order of the Stick do you really want to die?
5. Do you realize that a spy is sapping your sentry?
6. What is your reaction towards this (http://thatguywiththeglasses.com/videolinks/thatguywiththeglasses/sketches/219-the-best-video-ever)?
7. Who is more annoying: Cedric the owl from king's quest V or Navi the fairy for Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time?
8. Who is more useless: Cedric the owl or Navi?
9. Who has a greater annoyance to usefulness ratio: Cedric or Navi?

2009-08-05, 11:33 AM
1. Do you hold grudges? If so, for how long?
Nope, I never hold grudges, I try to but I can never remember why I'm angry at someone.

2. What's your favorite band/musician?

Currently it's Liars but it changes every few weeks.

3. Have you ever had a crush on a fictional character? If so, who? I had one on Leaf from the Keys To The Kingdom series by Garth Nix when I was younger.

4. What is one thing about yourself you're the most proud of?
Either my inability to not help people or my eyes.....THEY ARE WEIRD COLOURS.

5. Roses or orchids?
Orchids, no particular reason.

6. What sustains you, keeps you going every day?
Two things, my girlfriend and my other friends, these guys pretty much there for me when I need them.

7. How did you get to be so awesome? Well I was sent here by my parents, who had just been shot with awesome, from the dying planet Awesometon but my capsule hit another spacecraft and the pilots Awesome Lantern ring fell into my lap, my capsule continued to earth whereupon it landed in London, I was then bitten by a radioactive awesome before it exploded and caused massive damage to my heart, to save myself I built a suit of awesome to allow me to fight crime, not die and be awesome.

8. If the human race vanished tomorrow, leaving only you and one other person to keep you company, who would you want that person to be? My girlfriend Tommie. :smallsmile:

9. Do you like juice? If so, what is your favorite kind of juice. If not, what would you rather drink? Apple, definetly apple except when I want orange.

10. Which do you prefer, wool or cotton? Cotton.

11. Who is one person who died before you were born that you'd most like to speak with? My great-grandfather Woolf, he was a generally great guy along with having an awesome name.

12. Have you ever owned a slinky? Yes, many....I am like Slinkthulhu, they never know what will happen but they all end up broken anyway.

13. What super-power would you want to use to stop Godzilla if he was attacking where you live? Kirby's swallowing and copying abilites, if I can't spit him back into the sea I'll at least be able to hoist him by his own petard.

14. What do you think of 'Shipping in the Playground? A good idea as long as no one puts me and Nameless together ¬_¬

15. If you could take on the mantle of an established comic-book character, which one would you choose? That is, if you could become Batman, Superman, Mysterio, Magneto, Nite Owl, etc., which would you want to become?
Ressurection Man, no contest.

16. Which is your favorite meal of the day? Brea....lun....dinn....I can't decide, I just love eating.

17. Do you eat a lot of snacks? HELL YES, I eat almost constantly.

18. What is your favorite restaurant? I can't recall the name but it's this awesome sushi place in Picadilly Circus.

19. Who was the most recent person you talked to in person? My brother.

20. What was the last thing you said to that person? SPOOOOOOON! (He asked me for some cutlery :smallbiggrin:)

21. Beards or babies?
Beards, you can't tie a baby up with string.....well you can but it's not considered a nice thing in most cultures.

22. Which of the following two words do you think makes a sentence creepier when added to the end: 'ladies' or 'hard'?

23. What do you think of when you read the word 'fishmember?'
Austin Powers film with the actors replaced by fish wearing wigs.

24. Have you ever made up a word? If so, what is that word and what is its definition? Sweetsome, it's pretty self-explanatory.

25. Define the following word: whiloplenulent? Occasional greed directed towards large portions of whipped cream.

26. Do you like haiku?
Haiku is quite nice
It is sometimes hard to use
But not all the time

27. If you had a choice between zombies or aliens destroying humanity, which would you choose?
Zombies, I've even got several plans ready.

28. Sufficiently advanced aliens visit earth and say they'll change just one thing about you. It can be anything at all. What would you choose? Giving me the ability to shapeshift, it would be sweetsome.

29. Do you think aliens from another planet ever actually visit Earth? I don't think any have yet, but if there are some out there then they might come eventually.

30. Why did you decide to submit yourself to these torturous, probing questions? So I can bend you all to my will....somehow, I haven't figured that part out yet.

2009-08-05, 11:38 AM
How long ago did you sign up for this dealie?

2009-08-05, 11:47 AM
What question would you like to be asked?
What traits do you look for in an ideal pet?

What traits do you look for in an ideal pet?
Yay! It came true! Smart, playful and energetic, just like my dog.

What is your favorite number? 83, no real reason.

What is the square root of Pi? Whatever you want it to be.

What's your favorite OOTS strip? Strip 445: A Song For The Departed :smallfrown:

What's your favorite Erfworld strip? Strips 135 and 136...EPIC.

How does your ITP persona relate to you in real life? If you mean my username then I picked it up as a nickname from my Electronics classes in high school...which I failed.

Sadistic choice time! You must choose to save either the life of your most loved one or the lives of a large group of strangers. Which do you choose? Hmmmm, I would honestly refuse to make a choice or attempt to save both in classic superhero style.

Stolen Skippy Questions

What is your favorite word? Monolith.

What is your least favorite word? Trombone, I have no idea why I hate it.

What makes you enthusiastic? Acting.

What disappoints you? People dismissing things before they try them.

What sound do you love? Anything coming from a theremin, those things kick ass.

What sound do you hate? Microphone feedback. It be hurting mah ears.

What profession other than yours would you like to attempt? I want to try to become a writer, but I need a lot more work.

What profession would you not like to participate in? Probably prostitution, if that doesn't count than an office job, it's really not for me.

If heaven exists what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates? "Hey, sorry about those centuries of persecution and everything, we're still cool right?"

Any more questions?

2009-08-05, 12:04 PM
So there are so more then :smallbiggrin:.

1. What is the meaning behind your username? I used to take electronics for GCSEs in high school, however I was completely useless as assembling circuits and managed to start a small fire almost every single lesson, my friends couldn't find anything wrong with my circuits so started just calling me a malfunction whenever it went wrong, the name just stuck so I've used it for a while.

2. Would you consider a combination of Celine Dion, Hannah Montana, High School Musical and the Jonas Brothers to be a severe form of musical torture, if no what addition would make it so? They already are an abomination, but Camp Rock could be added to that list too.

3. Which character from Order of the Stick do you really want to die? Eugene, again.

4. Which fictional character outside of Order of the Stick do you really want to die? Elanee from NWN2, Why couldn't of Neeshka of been the romance option *sigh*

5. Do you realize that a spy is sapping your sentry? Hey, I AM the spy, disguised as the enemy spy and seen to be changing into a engineer in the enemy base.

6. What is your reaction towards this (http://thatguywiththeglasses.com/videolinks/thatguywiththeglasses/sketches/219-the-best-video-ever)? The Critic....he..he just rick-rolled me....everything I know is...well pretty much the same actually.

7. Who is more annoying: Cedric the owl from king's quest V or Navi the fairy for Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time? Well I've never played Kings Quest so I'm gonna have to say Navi. NO! YOU LISTEN!

8. Who is more useless: Cedric the owl or Navi? Navi again.

9. Who has a greater annoyance to usefulness ratio: Cedric or Navi? NAVI!

How long ago did you sign up for this dealie?
Only a week or two ago I think.

2009-08-05, 12:31 PM
How are you?
What is your favourite pudding?
Pancakes or waffles?
What's your favourite biscuit?
White, dark or milk chocolate?
Who's your favourite female manga/anime character?
Who's your favourite male manga/anime character?
Who's your favourite over-all manga/anime character?
What's your favourite manga/anime?
Pickled gherkins, or onions?
Who stole the cookie from the cookie jar?
Can you go on MSN please? :smallbiggrin:

Mauve Shirt
2009-08-05, 12:37 PM
What book(s) have you read more than 6 times?
Same question, but for movies?
Do you have pets? Are they cute?
If you stick your head out your bedroom window and look to the left, how many trees can you see?
If none, what do you see?
How do you feel about mechanical bee minions?

2009-08-05, 12:51 PM
How are you? I'm good, you?

What is your favourite pudding? Chocolate

What's your favourite biscuit? Golden Creams.....THEY ARE GODS AMONG BISCUITS.

White, dark or milk chocolate? All of them.

Who's your favourite female manga/anime character? Yukari from Ai Kora, Yuki Nagato from The Melochany of Haruhi Suzumiya or Tsuruya from the same.

Who's your favourite male manga/anime character? Kyon, I'm told I look like him.

Who's your favourite over-all manga/anime character? Kamina, just Kamina.

What's your favourite manga/anime? It's a toss-up between The Melochany of Haruhi Suzumiya and Gurren Lagann

Pickled gherkins, or onions? Gherkins.

Who stole the cookie from the cookie jar? Randomiser stole the coo-OH MY GOD HE CHAINSAWS ARE IN MY SPLEEN!

Can you go on MSN please?
There's a chance I will.

What book(s) have you read more than 6 times? 2001: A Space Odyssey, Science of Discworld 1&2, Soul Music, Neil Gaiman's Eternals Volume 1 and both City of Heroes novels.

Same question, but for movies? Equilibrium, Dusk Till Dawn, Batman (Returns, Begins, And Robin, Forver included), Mystery Men, both Bill and Teds, The Time Machine and Evil Dead 2.

Do you have pets? Are they cute? I have two, a Miniature Schnauzer called Sonny and a budgie called Sky, both are extremely cute.

If you stick your head out your bedroom window and look to the left, how many trees can you see? 36.

If none, what do you see? Houses too and a few lampposts.

How do you feel about mechanical bee minions? SEND THEM AFTER NAMELESS!

2009-08-07, 07:27 AM
Thanks, Malfunctioned, I hope you had a good time. Also, good luck on developing Kirby-like abilities! Maybe they'll be in some way helpful in welcoming the next interviewee?

nothingclever! *passes out bagels*

GW's Questions of Questionable Intent
1. Do you hold grudges? If so, for how long?

2. What's your favorite band/musician?

3. Have you ever had a crush on a fictional character? If so, who?

4. What is one thing about yourself you're the most proud of?

5. Roses or orchids?

6. What sustains you, keeps you going every day?

7. How did you get to be so awesome?

8. If the human race vanished tomorrow, leaving only you and one other person to keep you company, who would you want that person to be?

9. Do you like juice? If so, what is your favorite kind of juice. If not, what would you rather drink?

10. Which do you prefer, wool or cotton?

11. Who is one person who died before you were born that you'd most like to speak with?

12. Have you ever owned a slinky (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slinky)?

13. What super-power would you want to use to stop Godzilla if he was attacking where you live?

14. What do you think of 'Shipping (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=106862) in the Playground?

15. If you could take on the mantle of an established comic-book character, which one would you choose? That is, if you could become Batman, Superman, Mysterio, Magneto, Nite Owl, etc., which would you want to become?

16. Which is your favorite meal of the day?

17. Do you eat a lot of snacks?

18. What is your favorite restaurant?

19. Who was the most recent person you talked to in person?

20. What was the last thing you said to that person?

21. Beards or babies?

22. Which of the following two words do you think makes a sentence creepier when added to the end: 'ladies' or 'hard'?

23. What do you think of when you read the word 'fishmember?'

24. Have you ever made up a word? If so, what is that word and what is its definition?

25. Define the following word: whiloplenulent?

26. Do you like haiku?

27. If you had a choice between zombies or aliens destroying humanity, which would you choose?

28. Sufficiently advanced aliens visit earth and say they'll change just one thing about you. It can be anything at all. What would you choose?

29. Do you think aliens from another planet ever actually visit Earth?

30. Why did you decide to submit yourself to these torturous, probing questions?

2009-08-07, 08:45 AM
1. What is the meaning behind your username?
2. Would you consider a combination of Celine Dion, Hannah Montana, High School Musical and the Jonas Brothers to be a severe form of musical torture, if no what addition would make it so?
3. Which character from Order of the Stick do you really want to die?
4. Which fictional character outside of Order of the Stick do you really want to die?
5. Do you realize that a spy is sapping your sentry?
6. What is your reaction towards this (http://thatguywiththeglasses.com/videolinks/thatguywiththeglasses/sketches/219-the-best-video-ever)?
7. Who is more annoying? Cedric the owl from king's quest V or Navi the fairy for Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time?
8. Who is more useless? Cedric the owl or Navi?
9. Who has a greater annoying to useful ratio? Cedric or Navi?

2009-08-07, 09:27 AM
What question would you like to be asked?
What traits do you look for in an ideal pet?
What is your favorite number?
What is the square root of Pi?
What's your favorite OOTS strip?
What's your favorite Erfworld strip?
How does your ITP persona relate to you in real life?
Sadistic choice time! You must choose to save either the life of your most loved one or the lives of a large group of strangers. Which do you choose?

Stolen Skippy Questions
What is your favorite word?
What is your least favorite word?
What makes you enthusiastic?
What disappoints you?
What sound do you love?
What sound do you hate?
What profession other than yours would you like to attempt?
What profession would you not like to participate in?
If heaven exists what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates?

2009-08-07, 01:24 PM
1. Do you hold grudges? If so, for how long?
I don't hold grudges. I don't believe people control their actions so they can't truly be held accountable for them. I still allow myself to get angry at and dislike people that bother me though because I don't feel like acting like a robot or saint by always forgiving them.

2. What's your favorite band/musician?
Ali Project. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ali_Project)

3. Have you ever had a crush on a fictional character? If so, who?

4. What is one thing about yourself you're the most proud of?
I'm proud that I realize everything is subjective and therefore people have nothing to be proud or ashamed of.

5. Roses or orchids?
Roses because I see little of orchids in media.

6. What sustains you, keeps you going every day?
Comedy and the belief that all things are relative.

7. How did you get to be so awesome?
Through contemplation.

8. If the human race vanished tomorrow, leaving only you and one other person to keep you company, who would you want that person to be?
I have no idea. Ronnie Coleman is a pretty cool dude though.

9. Do you like juice? If so, what is your favorite kind of juice. If not, what would you rather drink?
I hate juice. I love pop/soda.

10. Which do you prefer, wool or cotton?

11. Who is one person who died before you were born that you'd most like to speak with?
I can't think of anyone. I like to reach conclusions on my own and think about why I do and think things I do rather than look into the minds of others.

12. Have you ever owned a slinky?
Yup. I think I've had more than one.

13. What super-power would you want to use to stop Godzilla if he was attacking where you live?
Laser eyes would be nifty since I could avoid the splatter by taking him out from a safe distance.

14. What do you think of 'Shipping in the Playground?
I've seen worse.

15. If you could take on the mantle of an established comic-book character, which one would you choose? That is, if you could become Batman, Superman, Mysterio, Magneto, Nite Owl, etc., which would you want to become?
Maybe Black Adam.

16. Which is your favorite meal of the day?
Usually lunch because there's a variety of things I can casually eat and a large window of time to enjoy myself.

17. Do you eat a lot of snacks?

18. What is your favorite restaurant?
Frans. (http://www.fransrestaurant.com/flash_site/index.html)

19. Who was the most recent person you talked to in person?
My brother.

20. What was the last thing you said to that person?
Something mundane and uninteresting.

21. Beards or babies?

22. Which of the following two words do you think makes a sentence creepier when added to the end: 'ladies' or 'hard'?
Ladies. Hard could be used for anything legitimately without raising an eyebrow.

23. What do you think of when you read the word 'fishmember?'
A fish's member?

24. Have you ever made up a word? If so, what is that word and what is its definition?
I know I've made up many but I can't remember any of them right now.

25. Define the following word: whiloplenulent?
A tiny crustacean that dwells hundreds of meters underwater.

26. Do you like haiku?

27. If you had a choice between zombies or aliens destroying humanity, which would you choose?
Zombies. They might be easier to deal with and even if the aliens were beaten then we'd have to worry about what if other aliens come after us. I rather have an increased fear of terrible viruses then an entirely new fear of alien invasions.

28. Sufficiently advanced aliens visit earth and say they'll change just one thing about you. It can be anything at all. What would you choose?
Having my lifespan extended sounds pretty good. If I wanted to be the richest person ever I could just outlive anyone. If I wanted to master a skill I'd have all the time in the world.

29. Do you think aliens from another planet ever actually visit Earth?
I have no idea. I doubt they do because they probably would've made themselves known by now if they have the technology to travel to our planet. With such a huge technological advantage they would have nothing to fear from us. The only thing stopping them from doing anything to us would be ethics or some prime directive concept.

30. Why did you decide to submit yourself to these torturous, probing questions?
Because it's not very tortuous at all and I figure it can't hurt.

1. What is the meaning behind your username?
Nothing much. I just didn't want a pretentious username or one that brands me as a fan of something.

2. Would you consider a combination of Celine Dion, Hannah Montana, High School Musical and the Jonas Brothers to be a severe form of musical torture, if no what addition would make it so?
Yes I do.

3. Which character from Order of the Stick do you really want to die?
None. Well maybe Celia just for some dramatic effect.

4. Which fictional character outside of Order of the Stick do you really want to die?
Harry Potter I guess.

5. Do you realize that a spy is sapping your sentry?
Nope. I usually realize they are sneaking up on me though when I'm playing a heavy and hose them down with a minigun which causes spies to cuss into their headsets.

6. What is your reaction towards this (http://thatguywiththeglasses.com/videolinks/thatguywiththeglasses/sketches/219-the-best-video-ever)?
I think it's obnoxious.

7. Who is more annoying? Cedric the owl from king's quest V or Navi the fairy for Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time?

8. Who is more useless? Cedric the owl or Navi?
I'm not sure.

9. Who has a greater annoying to useful ratio? Cedric or Navi?

What question would you like to be asked?
Anything that isn't super personal.

What traits do you look for in an ideal pet?
I look for animals that are pleasing to the eye but also very tough and durable. When I picked my Neapolitan mastiff I largely picked it because I thought the breed was adorable. At the same time I wanted my dog to be very very capable of defending itself and accident resistant. I can't stand the idea of having a dog with tiny little legs that could snap like twigs or a neck that could be crushed by a door closing under its own weight. Neapolitans are some of the best watch/guard dogs in the world and they've been used in ancient times in the military as well as to fight bears and lions as sport. My dog has huge bones so I don't have to worry about it accidentally being stepped on and breaking a leg. I would not have bought my dog if it was not both durable and pleasing to look at.

What is your favorite number?

What is the square root of Pi?
Last time I checked it's a number that goes on forever since it ends with an infinitely repeating number.

What's your favorite OOTS strip?
I have no idea.

What's your favorite Erfworld strip?
I have no idea.

How does your ITP persona relate to you in real life?
It's a lot like me. I don't have some split personality/alter ego thing going on.

Sadistic choice time! You must choose to save either the life of your most loved one or the lives of a large group of strangers. Which do you choose?
I choose my loved one. I don't believe in morality.

Stolen Skippy Questions
What is your favorite word?
Don't really have one.

What is your least favorite word?
Made up words like squick in general are my least favourite.

What makes you enthusiastic?
Reading a manga or watching an anime with great art, logical characters/plot and a presentation that isn't pretentious. Doing whatever I feel like doing is high up there as well.

What disappoints you?
When people try to argue with me in my daily life and they use anecdotal evidence and half-baked ideas that I know are clearly wrong.

What sound do you love?
I love the sound of music. I love the sounds my cats and dog make.

What sound do you hate?
The sound of my animals getting into things they shouldn't be in.

What profession other than yours would you like to attempt?
A manga artist or an anime director might be interesting. I'm not some huge fan of either form of media. I just think being to make images in my head come to life and share them with other people around the world while making money is pretty cool.

What profession would you not like to participate in?
I wouldn't want to be a doctor or a lawyer or have any job that takes a huge amount of education to become a certified professional.

If heaven exists what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates?
Nothing. I rather have silence which could be said to confirm my belief that he doesn't exist.

2009-08-08, 09:02 AM
If you saw a small child with some delicious candy, would you seize and consume it?

Coffee, Red Bull or Pills?

Three is...?

2009-08-09, 08:02 AM
Well, isn't this quite the situation... Well, nothingclever, please feel free to answer your remaining questions from the next playgrounder to be interviewed...

Bisected8! *rolls up into a ball and bounces around*

GW's Questions of Questionable Intent
1. Do you hold grudges? If so, for how long?

2. What's your favorite band/musician?

3. Have you ever had a crush on a fictional character? If so, who?

4. What is one thing about yourself you're the most proud of?

5. Roses or orchids?

6. What sustains you, keeps you going every day?

7. How did you get to be so awesome?

8. If the human race vanished tomorrow, leaving only you and one other person to keep you company, who would you want that person to be?

9. Do you like juice? If so, what is your favorite kind of juice. If not, what would you rather drink?

10. Which do you prefer, wool or cotton?

11. Who is one person who died before you were born that you'd most like to speak with?

12. Have you ever owned a slinky (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slinky)?

13. What super-power would you want to use to stop Godzilla if he was attacking where you live?

14. What do you think of 'Shipping (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=106862) in the Playground?

15. If you could take on the mantle of an established comic-book character, which one would you choose? That is, if you could become Batman, Superman, Mysterio, Magneto, Nite Owl, etc., which would you want to become?

16. Which is your favorite meal of the day?

17. Do you eat a lot of snacks?

18. What is your favorite restaurant?

19. Who was the most recent person you talked to in person?

20. What was the last thing you said to that person?

21. Beards or babies?

22. Which of the following two words do you think makes a sentence creepier when added to the end: 'ladies' or 'hard'?

23. What do you think of when you read the word 'fishmember?'

24. Have you ever made up a word? If so, what is that word and what is its definition?

25. Define the following word: whiloplenulent?

26. Do you like haiku?

27. If you had a choice between zombies or aliens destroying humanity, which would you choose?

28. Sufficiently advanced aliens visit earth and say they'll change just one thing about you. It can be anything at all. What would you choose?

29. Do you think aliens from another planet ever actually visit Earth?

30. Why did you decide to submit yourself to these torturous, probing questions?

2009-08-09, 08:27 AM
1. What is the meaning behind your username?
2. Would you consider a combination of Celine Dion, Hannah Montana, High School Musical and the Jonas Brothers to be a severe form of musical torture, if no what addition would make it so?
3. Which character from Order of the Stick do you really want to die?
4. Which fictional character outside of Order of the Stick do you really want to die?
5. Do you realize that a spy is sapping your sentry?
6. What is your reaction towards this (http://thatguywiththeglasses.com/videolinks/thatguywiththeglasses/sketches/219-the-best-video-ever)?
7. Who is more annoying? Cedric the owl from king's quest V or Navi the fairy for Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time?
8. Who is more useless? Cedric the owl or Navi?
9. Who has a greater annoying to useful ratio? Cedric or Navi?

2009-08-09, 08:40 AM
What question would you like to be asked?
What traits do you look for in an ideal pet?
What is your favorite number?
What is the square root of Pi?
What's your favorite OOTS strip?
What's your favorite Erfworld strip?
How does your ITP persona relate to you in real life?
Sadistic choice time! You must choose to save either the life of your most loved one or the lives of a large group of strangers. Which do you choose?

Stolen Skippy Questions
What is your favorite word?
What is your least favorite word?
What makes you enthusiastic?
What disappoints you?
What sound do you love?
What sound do you hate?
What profession other than yours would you like to attempt?
What profession would you not like to participate in?
If heaven exists what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates?

2009-08-09, 09:06 AM
GW's Questions of Questionable Intent
1. Do you hold grudges? If so, for how long?

Most of the people I hide grudges against tend to sort themselves out (most of the people I didn't get along with in school, for example, are either on the dole or in prison).

2. What's your favorite band/musician?

I'm not really a musically inclined person, but I like coldplay, I tend to enjoy the soundtracks from certain games (particularly LoZ:OoT) and TV shows though.

3. Have you ever had a crush on a fictional character? If so, who?

A couple of times. When I was in my teens, Amy Wong from Futurama (is it wrong to find animated characters attractive?).

4. What is one thing about yourself you're the most proud of?

My ability to enjoy what I do.

5. Roses or orchids?

Orchids. Roses just have spines and a nice scent, orchids have all those awesome ways of getting insects to spread their pollen.

6. What sustains you, keeps you going every day?

Coffee. Lots and lots of coffee.

7. How did you get to be so awesome?

Coffee. Lots and lots of coffee.

8. If the human race vanished tomorrow, leaving only you and one other person to keep you company, who would you want that person to be?

No one in particular, as long as I got on with them.

9. Do you like juice? If so, what is your favorite kind of juice. If not, what would you rather drink?

I prefer coffee. I do like apple juice though.

10. Which do you prefer, wool or cotton?

Cotton, wool's itchy.

11. Who is one person who died before you were born that you'd most like to speak with?

Albert Einstein. For reasons I won't go into.

12. Have you ever owned a slinky (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slinky)?

Hundreds at one time or another. They all got tangled.

13. What super-power would you want to use to stop Godzilla if he was attacking where you live?

14. What do you think of 'Shipping (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=106862) in the Playground?

I never get shipped. It's an outrage! :smallbiggrin:

15. If you could take on the mantle of an established comic-book character, which one would you choose? That is, if you could become Batman, Superman, Mysterio, Magneto, Nite Owl, etc., which would you want to become?

Deadpool. Immortality, better quips and I'd end up looking better. :smallwink:

16. Which is your favorite meal of the day?


17. Do you eat a lot of snacks?

Yes, sometimes as an alternative to meals. It's a time saver.

18. What is your favorite restaurant?

I don't really eat out much.

19. Who was the most recent person you talked to in person?

My brother (younger by 16 months, making him 19 ATM).

20. What was the last thing you said to that person?

21. Beards or babies?

"Have you seen my mug anywhere?"

Depends on what you mean by "beard". Either way I won't bother with the former. The latter, however, are delicious. Go team Swift! :smalltongue:

22. Which of the following two words do you think makes a sentence creepier when added to the end: 'ladies' or 'hard'?

Hard, adding "ladies" just makes things mildly amusing (e.g. "Stop bickering, ladies")

23. What do you think of when you read the word 'fishmember?'

The video game James Pond: Robocod.

24. Have you ever made up a word? If so, what is that word and what is its definition?

Quite a few. One example is;

aphiosichromodermophilia n, a fetish for unnaturally coloured skin (i.e. that which could not be achieved by the presence of melanin alone), e.g. tattoos, body-paint, cyanosis.

aphiosik - Unnatural
chromo - Colour
dermo - Skin
philia - to Love

25. Define the following word: whiloplenulent?

A word you made up, a neologism if you will.

26. Do you like haiku?

Not particularly.

27. If you had a choice between zombies or aliens destroying humanity, which would you choose?

Aliens. At least they might only enslave us, rather than devouring us.

28. Sufficiently advanced aliens visit earth and say they'll change just one thing about you. It can be anything at all. What would you choose?

A better voice. Mine sounds kind of high oitch and annoying.

29. Do you think aliens from another planet ever actually visit Earth?

I feel that while they exist, the chances of making meaningful contact are slim.

30. Why did you decide to submit yourself to these torturous, probing questions?

I'm an egomaniac.

1. What is the meaning behind your username?

I'll tell ye a story child;

Many a year ago a young lad going by the username "Potatoes" finally decided to sign up for the forums on Gamefaqs. He needed a better handle, so he took his initials of "SJS" and superimposed the letters on one another (flipping an S so it was visible) and so he created, an eight. Which was bisected by a J.

The End

2. Would you consider a combination of Celine Dion, Hannah Montana, High School Musical and the Jonas Brothers to be a severe form of musical torture, if no what addition would make it so?

It's lacking in the dulcet tones of Navi.

3. Which character from Order of the Stick do you really want to die?

Belkar, to solve the mystery of how it's going to happen.

4. Which fictional character outside of Order of the Stick do you really want to die?

The entire cast of those Confused.com adverts.

5. Do you realize that a spy is sapping your sentry?

How, I'm a Pyro?

6. What is your reaction towards this (http://thatguywiththeglasses.com/videolinks/thatguywiththeglasses/sketches/219-the-best-video-ever)?

Old. Dead. Fad.

7. Who is more annoying? Cedric the owl from king's quest V or Navi the fairy for Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time?

Navi, I've never played KQ.

8. Who is more useless? Cedric the owl or Navi?

I wouldn't know.

9. Who has a greater annoying to useful ratio? Cedric or Navi?

See above

What question would you like to be asked?

Any question but that one.

What traits do you look for in an ideal pet?

Caring, intelligent and tasty in case of an emergency.

What is your favorite number?

I live by all the powers of 2.

What is the square root of Pi?


What's your favorite OOTS strip?

Elan at his Cloudcukkoolander best: http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0560.html

What's your favorite Erfworld strip?

Taunting aplenty: http://www.giantitp.com/comics/erf0101.html

How does your ITP persona relate to you in real life?

I couldn't tell you the difference from where I'm sitting.

Sadistic choice time! You must choose to save either the life of your most loved one or the lives of a large group of strangers. Which do you choose?

I'll ignore the lot of the ****ers for putting me in that situation. :smallbiggrin:

Stolen Skippy Questions
What is your favorite word?


What is your least favorite word?


What makes you enthusiastic?

The smell of solder (well flux, I guess) and the sound of my computer booting.

What disappoints you?

I don't have high enough standards to be disappointed

What sound do you love?

As mentioned, the sound of my computer booting.

What sound do you hate?

Alarms, whistles and (when I'm tired) yawns.

What profession other than yours would you like to attempt?

Cartoonist, maybe. Chemist (of the researcher variety, not someone who works in a chemists) definitely.

What profession would you not like to participate in?

Military. If I ever get conscripted my weapon of choice'll be harsh language. To my superiors.

If heaven exists what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates?

"The fundies are still wrong."

2009-08-10, 10:51 AM
Sorry for the double post, but has anyone got any more questions for me?

2009-08-10, 11:32 AM
Wait. Actually I do have one.

Why do all your avatars have goggles?

2009-08-10, 11:35 AM
Wait. Actually I do have one.

Why do all your avatars have goggles?

I like goggles. They protect ones eyes when placed over them and are less detrimental to ones hairstyle than a hat.

2009-08-10, 11:40 AM
I like goggles. They protect ones eyes when placed over them and are less detrimental to ones hairstyle than a hat.
Do you realize that the googles do nothing?

2009-08-10, 12:00 PM
Do you realize that the googles do nothing?

Go paintballing and say that. :smallwink:

2009-08-11, 06:57 AM
And so yet another interview draws to a close. But fear not, citizens, for the next shall immediately commence after I have introduced...

d13! *sprays the audience with chicken broth*

GW's Questions of Questionable Intent
1. Do you hold grudges? If so, for how long?

2. What's your favorite band/musician?

3. Have you ever had a crush on a fictional character? If so, who?

4. What is one thing about yourself you're the most proud of?

5. Roses or orchids?

6. What sustains you, keeps you going every day?

7. How did you get to be so awesome?

8. If the human race vanished tomorrow, leaving only you and one other person to keep you company, who would you want that person to be?

9. Do you like juice? If so, what is your favorite kind of juice. If not, what would you rather drink?

10. Which do you prefer, wool or cotton?

11. Who is one person who died before you were born that you'd most like to speak with?

12. Have you ever owned a slinky (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slinky)?

13. What super-power would you want to use to stop Godzilla if he was attacking where you live?

14. What do you think of 'Shipping (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=101722) in the Playground?

15. If you could take on the mantle of an established comic-book character, which one would you choose? That is, if you could become Batman, Superman, Mysterio, Magneto, Nite Owl, etc., which would you want to become?

16. Which is your favorite meal of the day?

17. Do you eat a lot of snacks?

18. What is your favorite restaurant?

19. Who was the most recent person you talked to in person?

20. What was the last thing you said to that person?

21. Beards or babies?

22. Which of the following two words do you think makes a sentence creepier when added to the end: 'ladies' or 'hard'?

23. What do you think of when you read the word 'fishmember?'

24. Have you ever made up a word? If so, what is that word and what is its definition?

25. Define the following word: whiloplenulent?

26. Do you like haiku?

27. If you had a choice between zombies or aliens destroying humanity, which would you choose?

28. Sufficiently advanced aliens visit earth and say they'll change just one thing about you. It can be anything at all. What would you choose?

29. Do you think aliens from another planet ever actually visit Earth?

30. Why did you decide to submit yourself to these torturous, probing questions?

2009-08-11, 07:25 AM
What question would you like to be asked?
What traits do you look for in an ideal pet?
What is your favorite number?
What is the square root of Pi?
What's your favorite OOTS strip?
What's your favorite Erfworld strip?
How does your ITP persona relate to you in real life?
Sadistic choice time! You must choose to save either the life of your most loved one or the lives of a large group of strangers. Which do you choose?

Stolen Skippy Questions
What is your favorite word?
What is your least favorite word?
What makes you enthusiastic?
What disappoints you?
What sound do you love?
What sound do you hate?
What profession other than yours would you like to attempt?
What profession would you not like to participate in?
If heaven exists what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates?

2009-08-11, 09:25 AM
If you saw a small child with some delicious candy, would you seize and consume it?

Coffee, Red Bull or Pills?

Three is...?

What do you think about goggles?

2009-08-11, 09:41 AM
1. What is the meaning behind your username?
2. Would you consider a combination of Celine Dion, Hannah Montana, High School Musical and the Jonas Brothers to be a severe form of musical torture, if no what addition would make it so?
3. Which character from Order of the Stick do you really want to die?
4. Which fictional character outside of Order of the Stick do you really want to die?
5. Do you realize that a spy is sapping your sentry?
6. What is your reaction towards this (http://thatguywiththeglasses.com/videolinks/thatguywiththeglasses/sketches/219-the-best-video-ever)?
7. Who is more annoying? Cedric the owl from king's quest V or Navi the fairy for Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time?
8. Who is more useless? Cedric the owl or Navi?
9. Who has a greater annoying to useful ratio? Cedric or Navi?

2009-08-11, 11:27 AM
Do you like brain bleach?

Dare you open the spoiler in my sig, knowing that I am addicted to squick?

Do you like my avatar?

Do you like sci-fi?

Do you know why I'm asking all these questions beginning with "Do you"?

2009-08-11, 09:39 PM
ghost warlock

GW's Questions of Questionable Intent
1. Do you hold grudges? If so, for how long?
I forgive, but don't forget.

2. What's your favorite band/musician?
Mixed feelings between Pink Floyd and Queensrÿche

3. Have you ever had a crush on a fictional character? If so, who?
Yes, Sakura Kinomoto (Card Captor Sakura), when I was a kid :smallredface:

4. What is one thing about yourself you're the most proud of?
I've found nothing to be properly proud of, but I don't regret or despise anything about me.

5. Roses or orchids?
Depends on the one who's recieving them.

6. What sustains you, keeps you going every day?
Friends, family, girlfriend, and wanting to be remembered for something that I did.

7. How did you get to be so awesome?
Years of training (?). Nah... I don't think I'm awesome, but if you say so...

8. If the human race vanished tomorrow, leaving only you and one other person to keep you company, who would you want that person to be?
Either my girlfriend or my best friend. If it weren't a girl it would get a bit boring, seeing ALWAYS the same face :smalltongue:

9. Do you like juice? If so, what is your favorite kind of juice. If not, what would you rather drink?
Yes, Orange, Beer :smalltongue:

10. Which do you prefer, wool or cotton?
Mmm... Winter here, so wool.

11. Who is one person who died before you were born that you'd most like to speak with?
Nobody comes to mind.

12. Have you ever owned a slinky (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slinky)?
Who hasn't?! It's like the best thing EVER.

13. What super-power would you want to use to stop Godzilla if he was attacking where you live?
Teleportation. This place kinda sucks.

14. What do you think of 'Shipping (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=101722) in the Playground?
Never read those threads ~

15. If you could take on the mantle of an established comic-book character, which one would you choose? That is, if you could become Batman, Superman, Mysterio, Magneto, Nite Owl, etc., which would you want to become?

16. Which is your favorite meal of the day?

17. Do you eat a lot of snacks?
Nope. In fact, I don't. Period.

18. What is your favorite restaurant?
Don't have one... Maybe "Don Peperone", because my father works there and I pay only 50% of the listed price =P

19. Who was the most recent person you talked to in person?
Dad ~

20. What was the last thing you said to that person?
"Need to use the computer"

21. Beards or babies?
What does they have to do with each other? None of them xD

22. Which of the following two words do you think makes a sentence creepier when added to the end: 'ladies' or 'hard'?
Both of them, together.

23. What do you think of when you read the word 'fishmember?'
A low-budget Austin Powers ripoff.

24. Have you ever made up a word? If so, what is that word and what is its definition?
I suppose I have, but I don't remember.

25. Define the following word: whiloplenulent?
According to google, a word you made up. Sounds cool and everything. :smalltongue:

26. Do you like haiku?
The OS or the form of poetry?

27. If you had a choice between zombies or aliens destroying humanity, which would you choose?
Zombies. Got the chainsaw and the shotgun ready :smallwink:

28. Sufficiently advanced aliens visit earth and say they'll change just one thing about you. It can be anything at all. What would you choose?
My inability to make the day last enough for me to do everything I want to do.

29. Do you think aliens from another planet ever actually visit Earth?
Not really :/

30. Why did you decide to submit yourself to these torturous, probing questions?
I'm here because I'm bored! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LHY8NKj3RKs)


What question would you like to be asked?
I submitted to answer YOUR questions, not my own.

What traits do you look for in an ideal pet?
Nothing too specific. If it is a dog, and doesn't want to destroy my house or kill me, is enough :smalltongue:

What is your favorite number?
roll = 1 d Infinite

What is the square root of Pi?
pi = 3.14

What's your favorite OOTS strip?
The next one :smallbiggrin:

What's your favorite Erfworld strip?
Never read Erfworld, should I?

How does your ITP persona relate to you in real life?
A d13 with me? In no way I could found in my mind xD.

Sadistic choice time! You must choose to save either the life of your most loved one or the lives of a large group of strangers. Which do you choose?
Strangers? Same as bricks for me. The life of my most loved one, any day, any time.

Stolen Skippy Questions

What is your favorite word?
"Whiloplenulent" :smallbiggrin:

What is your least favorite word?
Don't have one, actually :smallannoyed:

What makes you enthusiastic?
This days? Thinking that tomorrow will be a better day.

What disappoints you?
Too long a list to write up.

What sound do you love?

What sound do you hate?

What profession other than yours would you like to attempt?
I don't work ~

What profession would you not like to participate in?
Anything related to law.-

If heaven exists what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates?
* "Welcome home, son!"
* "What the hell are you doing here?!"
* "You forgot to add you +1 hp bonus from Improved Toughness this level. You still have one hit point left. Get back there and finish your work!"


If you saw a small child with some delicious candy, would you seize and consume it?
I would seize just for the sake of seizing it. I'm not THAT fond of candy.

Coffee, Red Bull or Pills?
Coffee, any day.

Three is...?
...really short of what I can handle :smallwink:

What do you think about goggles?
They're cool at the right moments, I guess...


1. What is the meaning behind your username?
A die with 13 sides?

2. Would you consider a combination of Celine Dion, Hannah Montana, High School Musical and the Jonas Brothers to be a severe form of musical torture, if no what addition would make it so?
Tropical Music.

3. Which character from Order of the Stick do you really want to die?
None, really :/

4. Which fictional character outside of Order of the Stick do you really want to die?
Jerry... Yeah, the mouse. Or Twitty. I hate them.

5. Do you realize that a spy is sapping your sentry?
I'm letting him do it. It would be a waste to go just now.

6. What is your reaction towards this (http://thatguywiththeglasses.com/videolinks/thatguywiththeglasses/sketches/219-the-best-video-ever)?
"I'm too lazy to open that link, whatever may that be"

7. Who is more annoying? Cedric the owl from king's quest V or Navi the fairy for Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time?
Never player King's Quest, so I'm going with Navi.

8. Who is more useless? Cedric the owl or Navi?
I guess Navi, again.

9. Who has a greater annoying to useful ratio? Cedric or Navi?

The Bibliophile

Do you like brain bleach?
Brain bleach? WTF?

Dare you open the spoiler in my sig, knowing that I am addicted to squick?
I'd have to open a new tab, so no, I won't.

Do you like my avatar?
I don't remember it. Same as the previous question.

Do you like sci-fi?
Uhm... Yeah, I guess...

Do you know why I'm asking all these questions beginning with "Do you"?
Because you wanna sound like a school kid? :smalltongue:

2009-08-12, 04:19 AM
How goes it in <your country here>?

How's the folks? (Do feel obligated to slap me if they're... yeah.)

How's the weather?

How's the football?

How's this question?

2009-08-12, 11:21 PM

How goes it in Uruguay?
Mmm... OK, I guess xD.

How's the folks? (Do feel obligated to slap me if they're... yeah.)
As in every place, you have a little bit of everything ~

How's the weather?
At the moment, temperate. Temperature's going to drop in a few days, though.

How's the football?
Inexistant, unless you talk about soccer, which is very bad xD.

How's this question?
Like... WTF?

2009-08-13, 07:12 AM
Well, d13, I trust you had an enjoyable time answering your questions for the hardladies. :smallamused: That said, it's now time to move on to the next interviewee...

Captain Happy! *hums (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iSloW2coCDQ)*

GW's Questions of Questionable Intent
1. Do you hold grudges? If so, for how long?

2. What's your favorite band/musician?

3. Have you ever had a crush on a fictional character? If so, who?

4. What is one thing about yourself you're the most proud of?

5. Roses or orchids?

6. What sustains you, keeps you going every day?

7. How did you get to be so awesome?

8. If the human race vanished tomorrow, leaving only you and one other person to keep you company, who would you want that person to be?

9. Do you like juice? If so, what is your favorite kind of juice. If not, what would you rather drink?

10. Which do you prefer, wool or cotton?

11. Who is one person who died before you were born that you'd most like to speak with?

12. Have you ever owned a slinky (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slinky)?

13. What super-power would you want to use to stop Godzilla if he was attacking where you live?

14. What do you think of 'Shipping (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=101722) in the Playground?

15. If you could take on the mantle of an established comic-book character, which one would you choose? That is, if you could become Batman, Superman, Mysterio, Magneto, Nite Owl, etc., which would you want to become?

16. Which is your favorite meal of the day?

17. Do you eat a lot of snacks?

18. What is your favorite restaurant?

19. Who was the most recent person you talked to in person?

20. What was the last thing you said to that person?

21. Beards or babies?

22. Which of the following two words do you think makes a sentence creepier when added to the end: 'ladies' or 'hard'?

23. What do you think of when you read the word 'fishmember?'

24. Have you ever made up a word? If so, what is that word and what is its definition?

25. Define the following word: whiloplenulent?

26. Do you like haiku?

27. If you had a choice between zombies or aliens destroying humanity, which would you choose?

28. Sufficiently advanced aliens visit earth and say they'll change just one thing about you. It can be anything at all. What would you choose?

29. Do you think aliens from another planet ever actually visit Earth?

30. Why did you decide to submit yourself to these torturous, probing questions?

2009-08-13, 07:35 AM
What question would you like to be asked?
What traits do you look for in an ideal pet?
What is your favorite number?
What is the square root of Pi?
What's your favorite OOTS strip?
What's your favorite Erfworld strip?
How does your ITP persona relate to you in real life?
Sadistic choice time! You must choose to save either the life of your most loved one or the lives of a large group of strangers. Which do you choose?

Stolen Skippy Questions
What is your favorite word?
What is your least favorite word?
What makes you enthusiastic?
What disappoints you?
What sound do you love?
What sound do you hate?
What profession other than yours would you like to attempt?
What profession would you not like to participate in?
If heaven exists what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates?

Tiger Duck
2009-08-13, 07:35 AM
GW's Questions of Questionable Intent
1. Do you hold grudges? If so, for how long?
Yes, usually till I forget I'm angry with you.
2. What's your favorite band/musician?
none really, I like individual songs. But I tend to like songs by female vocalist more than average.
3. Have you ever had a crush on a fictional character? If so, who?
More than on real peoples.
4. What is one thing about yourself you're the most proud of?
Everything except maybe my lack of ambition.
5. Roses or orchids?
6. What sustains you, keeps you going every day?
The knowledge that peoples are inherently good.
7. How did you get to be so awesome?
I practice every day
8. If the human race vanished tomorrow, leaving only you and one other person to keep you company, who would you want that person to be?
nobody or a stranger to maximize the ability to get to know each other
9. Do you like juice? If so, what is your favorite kind of juice. If not, what would you rather drink?
Yes but none stand out. carbonated water
10. Which do you prefer, wool or cotton?
I never check the labels in my clothes
11. Who is one person who died before you were born that you'd most like to speak with?
anyone that could tell me about the afterlife
12. Have you ever owned a slinky (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slinky)?
yes a few rainbow colored ones, they didn’t tend to last
13. What super-power would you want to use to stop Godzilla if he was attacking where you live?
Nothing, as an animal he deserves to mark his territory. I would expect the government to give me some property of equal value to that that now lays in Godzilla territory
14. What do you think of 'Shipping (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=99321) in the Playground?
sounds neat, I gave a black permission a while ago.
15. If you could take on the mantle of an established comic-book character, which one would you choose? That is, if you could become Batman, Superman, Mysterio, Magneto, Nite Owl, etc., which would you want to become?
Because every time I read this question I think of someone new. I'll leave this one blank:p
16. Which is your favorite meal of the day?
The one that didn’t cost me effort.
17. Do you eat a lot of snacks?
yes, it’s fairly ridicules
18. What is your favorite restaurant?
I hate restaurants in general
19. Who was the most recent person you talked to in person?
My sister
20. What was the last thing you said to that person?
I told her my brother was dating a girl with a name similar to mine (she already knew)
21. Beards or babies?
22. Which of the following two words do you think makes a sentence creepier when added to the end: 'ladies' or 'hard'?
I don't think either makes it creepier
23. What do you think of when you read the word 'fishmember?'
the reproductive organ of male fish
24. Have you ever made up a word? If so, what is that word and what is its definition?
probably, but as they didn’t stick I can't remember them
25. Define the following word: whiloplenulent?
I can't sorry
26. Do you like haiku?
Yes, but I’m not very good at it
27. If you had a choice between zombies or aliens destroying humanity, which would you choose?
Aliens, Maybe I will be able to convince them to take me as a pet.
28. Sufficiently advanced aliens visit earth and say they'll change just one thing about you. It can be anything at all. What would you choose?
I wouldn’t be able to decide before they retract the offer
29. Do you think aliens from another planet ever actually visit Earth?
30. Why did you decide to submit yourself to these torturous, probing questions?
Because all the popular kids were doing it.

What question would you like to be asked?
Something that wasn't also asked everyone else
What traits do you look for in an ideal pet?
non existence
What is the square root of Pi?
my calculator says 1.7724538509055
What's your favorite OOTS strip?
I don't pick favorites.
What's your favorite Erfworld strip?
I don't pick favorites.
How does your ITP persona relate to you in real life?
I ask less what one means, because I have more time to think it over, but other than that nearly the same.
Sadistic choice time! You must choose to save either the life of your most loved one or the lives of a large group of strangers. Which do you choose?
indecisiveness will most likely result in the death of all, including mine out of guilt

What is your favorite word?
"winst" victory, I say it constantly. Mostly when I have nothing else to contribute to the conversation.
What is your least favorite word?
any Word with a hard R, because I can't pronounce them correctly.
What makes you enthusiastic?
Getting attention from people I care about and/or making them happy.
What disappoints you?
not getting attention from people I care about or making them sad
What sound do you love?
The wildlife in my garden (mostly birds and crickets)
What sound do you hate?
Any recording of my own voice.
What profession other than yours would you like to attempt?
Butler/Gardiner in a mansion.
What profession would you not like to participate in?
stock boy in a supermarket.
If heaven exists what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates?
Now it's your turn.

Mauve Shirt
2009-08-13, 08:19 AM
What book(s) have you read more than 6 times?
Same question, but for movies?
Do you have pets? Are they cute?
If you stick your head out your bedroom window and look to your left, how many trees can you see?
If none, what can you see?
How do you feel about mechanical bee minions?
Is it true that the Belgian national anthem is "If you're Belgian and you know it, clap your hands"?
Did you know you have the best modern art museum EVER? Or in my opinion at least?

Tiger Duck
2009-08-13, 08:21 AM
Mauve Shirt
What book(s) have you read more than 6 times?
Pride and Prejudice, HP4:GoF a few others and my bloody ergonomics book
Same question, but for movies?
Blast From The Past, Boondock Saints, Evolution, Finding Forrester, Good Will Hunting, Legaly Blonde, Lucky Number Slevin, Pride and Prejudice, Stardust, Sweet Home Alabama, The Count of Monte Cristo, The Fifth Element, The Illusionist, Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist, Coyote Ugly
Do you have pets? Are they cute?
We have 7 chickens but only one that I consider my pet. Sneeuwkipje her only special trait is that she is a bit paler than the average chicken. And she is not particularly cute
If you stick your head out your bedroom window and look to the left, how many trees can you see?
only one, but if I look out strait or to the right I see functionally infinite number of trees
If none, what do you see?
neighbour house and our stables(originally for a handful of cows now for junk).
How do you feel about mechanical bee minions?
Bumblebees, or the regular kind?
Is it true that the Belgian national anthem is "If you're Belgian and you know it, clap your hands"?
I don't think so. But I'm not entirely sure.
Did you know you have the best modern art museum EVER? Or in my opinion at least?
Ofcorse we have, but for clairification which one are you talking about? SMAK?

2009-08-13, 09:23 AM
1. What is the meaning behind your username?
2. Would you consider a combination of Celine Dion, Hannah Montana, High School Musical and the Jonas Brothers to be a severe form of musical torture, if no what addition would make it so?
3. Which character from Order of the Stick do you really want to die?
4. Which fictional character outside of Order of the Stick do you really want to die?
5. Do you realize that a spy is sapping your sentry?
6. What is your reaction towards this (http://thatguywiththeglasses.com/videolinks/thatguywiththeglasses/sketches/219-the-best-video-ever)?
7. Who is more annoying? Cedric the owl from king's quest V or Navi the fairy for Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time?
8. Who is more useless? Cedric the owl or Navi?
9. Who has a greater annoying to useful ratio? Cedric or Navi?

Tiger Duck
2009-08-13, 10:26 AM
1. What is the meaning behind your username?
that Generally I am a happy person, but not always. So I docked a few ranks.
2. Would you consider a combination of Celine Dion, Hannah Montana, High School Musical and the Jonas Brothers to be a severe form of musical torture, if no what addition would make it so?
Not in itself, but play anything loud enough and watch me go crazy.
3. Which character from Order of the Stick do you really want to die?
4. Which fictional character outside of Order of the Stick do you really want to die?
5. Do you realize that a spy is sapping your sentry?
I realized it was a possibility but I wasn’t paying attention, so thanks for pointing it out.
6. What is your reaction towards this (http://thatguywiththeglasses.com/videolinks/thatguywiththeglasses/sketches/219-the-best-video-ever)?
Apathetic, so I would not call it the "the-best-video-ever"
7. Who is more annoying Cedric the owl from king's quest V or Navi the fairy for Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time?
played neither game so..
8. Who is more useless: Cedric the owl or Navi?
played neither game so..
9. Who has a greater annoyance to usefulness ratio: Cedric or Navi?
played neither game so..

Now that the usual posters have asked their questions. I'll patiently wait for some I didn't get to prepare for.

2009-08-13, 11:20 AM
Can you can can?

Would you prefer a life of happiness, or a life of meaning?

If you slap a mime, does it make a sound?

Can you divide by orange?

If the rule of mob mentality holds true, in which any mob's thought process become increasingly lower the more people are part of it, then why are Zombie mobs so smart about who they attack?

Shouldn't they be like clueless as to whose a zombie and who is not?

What's a henway?

And what's a hammerphore?

What brought you to the playground?

Are you disappointed that there are no monkey bars?

Tiger Duck
2009-08-14, 11:54 AM
Can you can can?
Yes, But only if I try really hard
Would you prefer a life of happiness, or a life of meaning?
If you slap a mime, does it make a sound?
I would think that that depends on the mime.
Can you divide by orange?
Yes I can.
If the rule of mob mentality holds true, in which any mob's thought process become increasingly lower the more people are part of it, then why are Zombie mobs so smart about who they attack?
Shouldn't they be like clueless as to whose a zombie and who is not?
Apparently not
What's a henway?
A place were freerange chickens run.
And what's a hammerphore?
A phore so big it resembles the head of a hammer
What brought you to the playground?
The snarking about DD originally, but the niceness of the people in Random Barter finally made me stop lurking.
Are you disappointed that there are no monkey bars?
No not really, I'm not a drinker. And I would think that monkeys are angry drunks.

Edit: Dos anyone else got some more questions for me?

2009-08-15, 12:40 AM
Are you a real captain? If so, what is the Happy?

Tiger Duck
2009-08-15, 12:45 AM
No I am not, it's more of a ceremonial title. That I chose because captains are generally good in fiction.

2009-08-15, 12:45 AM
If you were only allowed one book from the Barnes and Noble Collector's Library (http://search.barnesandnoble.com/booksearch/results.asp?SID=350025) which book would it be?
Edit: Wow, forgot the obligatory question from my student government days.
If you could be any part of a cow's anatomy, what part would you be (keep it clean)?

2009-08-15, 12:46 AM
Imagine that you are creating a fabric of human destiny with the object of making men happy in the end… but that it was essential and inevitable to torture to death only one tiny creature… And to found that edifice on its unavenged tears: would you consent to be the architect on those conditions? Tell me, and tell me the truth!

Tiger Duck
2009-08-15, 12:56 AM
If you were only allowed one book
Pride and Prejudice, the version I have now did I print myself.
If you could be any part of a cow's anatomy, what part would you be (keep it clean)?
The eyes. I think cows have pretty eyes.

D'anna Biers
Yes I would, but I would kinda feel bad about that Little creature.

2009-08-15, 09:37 AM
Imagine the character sheet of your life. What skill do you have the highest rating in?

What have you done that you're most proud of?

What is the groovy dance that you do, when you do your groovy dance?

What's your excuse for not dancing more often?

If you could high-five anyone in the world, who would it be?

*Bamf!* You're 'ported into your favorite video game. What's your outfit look like?

It is well known that Dracula lives in a neo-gothic castle on the moon. Assuming you had Dracula-like resources (reference Warren Buffet for a similar comparison), where would you build your lair?

What is your test to see if you're drunk or not?

When was your most recent water(balloon/gun/hose/bucket) fight?

Did you win?

What track on your music player (mp3 player, iPod, WinAmp, 8Track, whatever) has been played most often?

Zeppelins are awesome. If you had one, what would you use it for?

Do blondes prefer gentlemen? :smallconfused:

Tiger Duck
2009-08-15, 10:03 AM
Imagine the character sheet of your life. What skill do you have the highest rating in?
If I'm going by the Elder scroll abilities I would have to go with luck.
What have you done that you're most proud of?
Nothing comes to mind. I'm sure I did plenty to be proud off I just only remeber the mistakes I made.
What is the groovy dance that you do, when you do your groovy dance?
I Never groovy dance
What's your excuse for not dancing more often?
I'm horrible at it.
If you could high-five anyone in the world, who would it be?
*Bamf!* You're 'ported into your favorite video game. What's your outfit look like?
Green and subtly armoured.
It is well known that Dracula lives in a neo-gothic castle on the moon. Assuming you had Dracula-like resources (reference Warren Buffet for a similar comparison), where would you build your lair?
Underground, and deep enough so i's always a pleasant 20°C
What is your test to see if you're drunk or not?
If the sky isn't burning, I'm not drunk
When was your most recent water(balloon/gun/hose/bucket) fight?
I cant remember it so it's been at least 8 months.
Did you win?
I always win
What track on your music player (mp3 player, iPod, WinAmp, 8Track, whatever) has been played most often?
Vienna - Billy Joel
Zeppelins are awesome. If you had one, what would you use it for?
For when I need to make a grand entrance.
Do blondes prefer gentlemen? :smallconfused:
I think everyone prefers gentlemen/gentlewomen. It's just the definition that varies.

2009-08-15, 12:16 PM
Sounds like we have another happy participant in GtKaP! Thank you for your time, Captain, for now we must move onwards to the next interviewee...

TheLibrarian! *Compiles*

GW's Questions of Questionable Intent
1. Do you hold grudges? If so, for how long?

2. What's your favorite band/musician?

3. Have you ever had a crush on a fictional character? If so, who?

4. What is one thing about yourself you're the most proud of?

5. Roses or orchids?

6. What sustains you, keeps you going every day?

7. How did you get to be so awesome?

8. If the human race vanished tomorrow, leaving only you and one other person to keep you company, who would you want that person to be?

9. Do you like juice? If so, what is your favorite kind of juice. If not, what would you rather drink?

10. Which do you prefer, wool or cotton?

11. Who is one person who died before you were born that you'd most like to speak with?

12. Have you ever owned a slinky (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slinky)?

13. What super-power would you want to use to stop Godzilla if he was attacking where you live?

14. What do you think of 'Shipping (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=101722) in the Playground?

15. If you could take on the mantle of an established comic-book character, which one would you choose? That is, if you could become Batman, Superman, Mysterio, Magneto, Nite Owl, etc., which would you want to become?

16. Which is your favorite meal of the day?

17. Do you eat a lot of snacks?

18. What is your favorite restaurant?

19. Who was the most recent person you talked to in person?

20. What was the last thing you said to that person?

21. Beards or babies?

22. Which of the following two words do you think makes a sentence creepier when added to the end: 'ladies' or 'hard'?

23. What do you think of when you read the word 'fishmember?'

24. Have you ever made up a word? If so, what is that word and what is its definition?

25. Define the following word: whiloplenulent?

26. Do you like haiku?

27. If you had a choice between zombies or aliens destroying humanity, which would you choose?

28. Sufficiently advanced aliens visit earth and say they'll change just one thing about you. It can be anything at all. What would you choose?

29. Do you think aliens from another planet ever actually visit Earth?

30. Why did you decide to submit yourself to these torturous, probing questions?

2009-08-15, 12:17 PM
What question would you like to be asked?
What traits do you look for in an ideal pet?
What is your favorite number?
What is the square root of Pi?
What's your favorite OOTS strip?
What's your favorite Erfworld strip?
How does your ITP persona relate to you in real life?
Sadistic choice time! You must choose to save either the life of your most loved one or the lives of a large group of strangers. Which do you choose?

Stolen Skippy Questions
What is your favorite word?
What is your least favorite word?
What makes you enthusiastic?
What disappoints you?
What sound do you love?
What sound do you hate?
What profession other than yours would you like to attempt?
What profession would you not like to participate in?
If heaven exists what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates?

2009-08-17, 07:18 AM
Hm. Well, win some, lose some. Onward to the next interview!

Renegade Paladin! *shimmies*

GW's Questions of Questionable Intent
1. Do you hold grudges? If so, for how long?

2. What's your favorite band/musician?

3. Have you ever had a crush on a fictional character? If so, who?

4. What is one thing about yourself you're the most proud of?

5. Roses or orchids?

6. What sustains you, keeps you going every day?

7. How did you get to be so awesome?

8. If the human race vanished tomorrow, leaving only you and one other person to keep you company, who would you want that person to be?

9. Do you like juice? If so, what is your favorite kind of juice. If not, what would you rather drink?

10. Which do you prefer, wool or cotton?

11. Who is one person who died before you were born that you'd most like to speak with?

12. Have you ever owned a slinky (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slinky)?

13. What super-power would you want to use to stop Godzilla if he was attacking where you live?

14. What do you think of 'Shipping (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=101722) in the Playground?

15. If you could take on the mantle of an established comic-book character, which one would you choose? That is, if you could become Batman, Superman, Mysterio, Magneto, Nite Owl, etc., which would you want to become?

16. Which is your favorite meal of the day?

17. Do you eat a lot of snacks?

18. What is your favorite restaurant?

19. Who was the most recent person you talked to in person?

20. What was the last thing you said to that person?

21. Beards or babies?

22. Which of the following two words do you think makes a sentence creepier when added to the end: 'ladies' or 'hard'?

23. What do you think of when you read the word 'fishmember?'

24. Have you ever made up a word? If so, what is that word and what is its definition?

25. Define the following word: whiloplenulent?

26. Do you like haiku?

27. If you had a choice between zombies or aliens destroying humanity, which would you choose?

28. Sufficiently advanced aliens visit earth and say they'll change just one thing about you. It can be anything at all. What would you choose?

29. Do you think aliens from another planet ever actually visit Earth?

30. Why did you decide to submit yourself to these torturous, probing questions?

2009-08-17, 07:56 AM
1. What is the meaning behind your username?

2. Would you consider a combination of Celine Dion, Hannah Montana, High School Musical and the Jonas Brothers to be a severe form of musical torture, if no what addition would make it so?

3. Which character from Order of the Stick do you really want to die?

4. Which fictional character outside of Order of the Stick do you really want to die?

5. Do you realize that a spy is sapping your sentry?

6. What is your reaction towards this (http://thatguywiththeglasses.com/videolinks/thatguywiththeglasses/sketches/219-the-best-video-ever)?

7. Who is more annoying? Cedric the owl from king's quest V or Navi the fairy for Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time?

8. Who is more useless? Cedric the owl or Navi?

9. Who has a greater annoying to useful ratio? Cedric or Navi?

2009-08-17, 08:04 AM
What question would you like to be asked?
What traits do you look for in an ideal pet?
What is your favorite number?
What is the square root of Pi?
What's your favorite OOTS strip?
What's your favorite Erfworld strip?
How does your ITP persona relate to you in real life?
Sadistic choice time! You must choose to save either the life of your most loved one or the lives of a large group of strangers. Which do you choose?

Stolen Skippy Questions
What is your favorite word?
What is your least favorite word?
What makes you enthusiastic?
What disappoints you?
What sound do you love?
What sound do you hate?
What profession other than yours would you like to attempt?
What profession would you not like to participate in?
If heaven exists what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates?

2009-08-17, 11:19 AM
Imagine the character sheet of your life. What skill do you have the highest rating in?

What have you done that you're most proud of?

What is the groovy dance that you do, when you do your groovy dance?

What's your excuse for not dancing more often?

If you could high-five anyone in the world, who would it be?

*Bamf!* You're 'ported into your favorite video game. What's your outfit look like?

It is well known that Dracula lives in a neo-gothic castle on the moon. Assuming you had Dracula-like resources (reference Warren Buffet for a similar comparison), where would you build your lair?

What is your test to see if you're drunk or not?

When was your most recent water(balloon/gun/hose/bucket) fight?

Did you win?

What track on your music player (mp3 player, iPod, WinAmp, 8Track, whatever) has been played most often?

Zeppelins are awesome. If you had one, what would you use it for?

Are you allied with any characters portrayed by Lorenzo Lamas (https://www.hotmoviesale.com/dvds/10386/1/Renegade-Season-1.jpg)?

Renegade Paladin
2009-08-17, 12:24 PM
1. Do you hold grudges? If so, for how long?
No. There are a very few acts that I'll make an exception for, but they're all high crimes.
2. What's your favorite band/musician?
Blind Guardian
3. Have you ever had a crush on a fictional character? If so, who?
4. What is one thing about yourself you're the most proud of?
5. Roses or orchids?
6. What sustains you, keeps you going every day?
Hard to say. It's a large combination of factors; I suppose I'm just an optimistic person in general and see no reason not to keep going.
7. How did you get to be so awesome?
Devotion to my friends, at least according to them. :smalltongue:
8. If the human race vanished tomorrow, leaving only you and one other person to keep you company, who would you want that person to be?
That's a very tough choice. In fact, it's so tough that I honestly can't decide; let me get back to you on that.
9. Do you like juice? If so, what is your favorite kind of juice. If not, what would you rather drink?
Yes. Grape.
10. Which do you prefer, wool or cotton?
Having worn both, cotton.
11. Who is one person who died before you were born that you'd most like to speak with?
George Washington.
12. Have you ever owned a slinky (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slinky)?
No, but my brother's used to hang around the house a lot.
13. What super-power would you want to use to stop Godzilla if he was attacking where you live?
14. What do you think of 'Shipping (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=101722) in the Playground?
Friggin' weird. I don't understand the fascination.
15. If you could take on the mantle of an established comic-book character, which one would you choose? That is, if you could become Batman, Superman, Mysterio, Magneto, Nite Owl, etc., which would you want to become?
With the full admission that I don't read comics and am therefore probably missing a better choice, likely Batman.
16. Which is your favorite meal of the day?
17. Do you eat a lot of snacks?
18. What is your favorite restaurant?
There's this little hole-in-the-wall Italian place in downtown Evansville whose name I actually forget, because there's not a big sign out front and I simply know where it is. The food, however, is heavenly.
19. Who was the most recent person you talked to in person?
My father.
20. What was the last thing you said to that person?
"Yeah, I'll take care of it." (Referring to the need to put away the duffel bags containing my tent.)
21. Beards or babies?
What? :smallconfused:
22. Which of the following two words do you think makes a sentence creepier when added to the end: 'ladies' or 'hard'?
Depends entirely on intonation, but "ladies" has a higher potential for creepiness if inflected right (or wrong, as the case may be).
23. What do you think of when you read the word 'fishmember?'
That it isn't a word. :p
24. Have you ever made up a word? If so, what is that word and what is its definition?
25. Define the following word: whiloplenulent?
Error: Word does not appear in the English language. Please re-enter your query and try again.
26. Do you like haiku?
Not especially.
27. If you had a choice between zombies or aliens destroying humanity, which would you choose?
Aliens. If we're going to be destroyed with 100% certainty, I'd rather it be done quickly. However, if given a choice of which one to attack and have to try to fight off or be destroyed by, I'd say zombies; I think we'd have a better chance of beating them.
28. Sufficiently advanced aliens visit earth and say they'll change just one thing about you. It can be anything at all. What would you choose?
Elimination of human susceptibility to long-term diseases.
29. Do you think aliens from another planet ever actually visit Earth?
Not likely.
30. Why did you decide to submit yourself to these torturous, probing questions?
I was bored. :smalltongue:
1. What is the meaning behind your username?
My very first Internet handle was Renegade when I first signed up on Monte Cook's message board way back when. During that time, a sort of no-rules RPG-like thing sprang up on the off-topic section of the board involving people taking the role of paladins vs. the board's self-proclaimed "evil" members; I decided to join the beleaguered paladins. After this had gone on for awhile, I decided that I was sick of signing up individual accounts every time I wanted to post on another EzBoard, so I went to get a global account. "Renegade" was, of course, already taken, so I used Renegade Paladin, and it's stuck ever since.
2. Would you consider a combination of Celine Dion, Hannah Montana, High School Musical and the Jonas Brothers to be a severe form of musical torture, if no what addition would make it so?
I'm not familiar with the last two, but the first two would do it by themselves.
3. Which character from Order of the Stick do you really want to die?
I'd say Xykon, but he's already dead, so I'll go with Redcloak.
4. Which fictional character outside of Order of the Stick do you really want to die?
Wesley Crusher. :smalltongue:
5. Do you realize that a spy is sapping your sentry?
I don't have a sentry. :smalltongue:
6. What is your reaction towards this (http://thatguywiththeglasses.com/videolinks/thatguywiththeglasses/sketches/219-the-best-video-ever)?
Heh. I interviewed That Guy with the Glasses for a blog project once. And it doesn't surprise me in the least that he'd put a rickroll on his site. :smalltongue:
7. Who is more annoying? Cedric the owl from king's quest V or Navi the fairy for Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time?
I have no basis for comparison; while I'm familiar with Zelda, I've only ever played King's Quest VI. :smalltongue:
8. Who is more useless? Cedric the owl or Navi?
See 7.
9. Who has a greater annoying to useful ratio? Cedric or Navi?
See 7.
What question would you like to be asked?

What traits do you look for in an ideal pet?
Loyalty, energy, and killing varmints.
What is your favorite number?
What is the square root of Pi?
What's your favorite OOTS strip?
Hard call, but I think right now I'd say 546.
What's your favorite Erfworld strip?
Don't really have one. I read it as it was posted, but didn't really keep up with it the way I do OotS.
How does your ITP persona relate to you in real life?
I usually don't come off as so abrasive in real life, but that's because when I'm arguing with somebody I'm having a good time; the words are the same, but you can hear my tone isn't actually angry when I'm speaking rather than typing.
Sadistic choice time! You must choose to save either the life of your most loved one or the lives of a large group of strangers. Which do you choose?
I cheat the scenario. :smalltongue:
Stolen Skippy Questions
What is your favorite word?
Out of the entire English language? Too many choices. :smalltongue:
What is your least favorite word?
See previous answer.
What makes you enthusiastic?
Not a whole lot; I'm actually not very excitable.
What disappoints you?
What sound do you love?
A well-played musical instrument, of nearly any variety.
What sound do you hate?
Fingernails on a chalkboard or similar grating noises.
What profession other than yours would you like to attempt?
Fighter pilot, but my eyes are too bad to even take a shot at it.
What profession would you not like to participate in?
Sanitation worker. :smalltongue:
If heaven exists what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates?
"You did good, kid," or similar. I really don't know.
Imagine the character sheet of your life. What skill do you have the highest rating in?
Profession (cooking).
What have you done that you're most proud of?
Helped lead my high school marching band to victory at the state competition in 2001.
What is the groovy dance that you do, when you do your groovy dance?
Can't dance to save my life.
What's your excuse for not dancing more often?
See previous answer.
If you could high-five anyone in the world, who would it be?
I don't know.
*Bamf!* You're 'ported into your favorite video game. What's your outfit look like?
A full vacuum-sealed flight suit. (Freespace 2, in case you're wondering.)
It is well known that Dracula lives in a neo-gothic castle on the moon. Assuming you had Dracula-like resources (reference Warren Buffet for a similar comparison), where would you build your lair?
I would build a double-curtained castle on a large hill somewhere.
What is your test to see if you're drunk or not?
I don't drink. From the one time I was drunk, the test is apparently whether or not I'm beating the hell out of the nearest guy who irritated me.
When was your most recent water(balloon/gun/hose/bucket) fight?
The Murray State University campus-wide water fight. :smallbiggrin:
Did you win?
Yep. None can stand before the might of my water cannon!
What track on your music player (mp3 player, iPod, WinAmp, 8Track, whatever) has been played most often?
I don't know. I don't tend to focus on one song for very long.
Zeppelins are awesome. If you had one, what would you use it for?
Traveling the world.
Are you allied with any characters portrayed by Lorenzo Lamas (https://www.hotmoviesale.com/dvds/10386/1/Renegade-Season-1.jpg)?

Mauve Shirt
2009-08-17, 02:13 PM
What book(s) have you read more than 6 times?
Same question, but for movies?
Do you have pets? Are they cute?
If you stick your head out of your bedroom window and look to your left, how many trees do you see?
If none, what do you see?
How do you feel about mechanical bee minions?