View Full Version : [Acro][Plot-ish] Tawarthion

2009-07-17, 05:53 AM
[ You have to go through NO first to come here ]

As you step through the portal, you feel cold.
Before you know the sudden cold is over and you find yourself in a thick forest. As you look around you see that you are on a hill, being bordered by mountains.
The air is very thin, so much that you have to take a deep breath to get your heart rate back to normal. The cookiemonster is making odd calls with a hollow branch and his hands.

He sees you and stops for a moment.
Good, you survived, we must go quickly, the ruins are a couple of miles away. They won't shoot us at first sight, but if you do anything rash...

The cookiemonster starts running towards the tallest mountain nearby.
Come on!

2009-07-17, 06:01 AM
James will run after him.
What weaponry are they armed with? He yells fowards.
Laser, projectile or otherwise?

2009-07-17, 06:05 AM
Most likely explosive ranged attacks, the clan that is most likely attacking isn't very technologically advanced.

In this thin air it takes you more effort to move and you notice that with the shouting.
Cookiemonster seems very used to it, though and keeps running at a steady fast pace.

2009-07-17, 06:17 AM
K. Says James. He starts flying and trailing fire, and a firey aura around him starts to grow. It's flickering though, cause of lack of oxygen, but he manages to keep it maintained. Does make it easier to catch up with The cookiemonster though.

((And this is probably deadtime for me. I'm sticking around for a bit more, but I'm likely to disappear pretty soon.))

2009-07-17, 06:27 AM
If he goes above the tree tops then he can see some smoke coming from the base of the mountain they're heading towards, but it'l be harder to spot Cookiemonster.

When you arrive there, cookiemonster is seen shooting a crossbow while trying to enter a tunnel. As you look what cookiemonster is shooting at, you see some sort of twisted kind of goblins riding what seem to be huge wolves. Most of them are equiped with plain curved swords and crossbows though one or two seem to be throwing or shooting explosives at a group of nimble, stinking, smoking green small beast who is re-loading and shooting his crossbow while dodging and running around.

Ay! This is bad. Thurdan, how goes battle in the down?

The beast which C called Thurdan quickly turns his head around. ''Good, you have come, with a friend. I can't hold out much longer!
As he finishes his sentence, Thurdan is shot in the arm and scrambles back into the cave. Cookiemonster follows to the entrance.
Quick, James, into the caves. While their numbers may seem small, there will come more. He adds while taking cover behind a wooden support beam.

(OK, no problem, we'l go on sometime when we're both online again.)

2009-07-17, 06:28 AM
James shrugs and follows the Cookiemonster into the cave, throwing a few large fireballs towards the goblins to scatter them.

2009-07-17, 06:37 AM
The cookiemonster emits a small flame from his hand, just enough to make some light.
Thurdan, we shall go to the middle guard room and you shall explain what happend to me quickly and then we must take action,.
Yes, we mustn't be talking here, the walls have ears and eyes now....

As Thurdan, James and Cookiemosnter arrive there, the guard room is empty.
Now who is this human....mage, I assume? Or a disguised fire elemental....They never are good at hiding their element...
He then looks up at James while the Cookiemonster signals for James to introduce himself.

2009-07-17, 03:12 PM
James, Pyromancer, Human. He says. You?

2009-07-18, 05:39 AM
Thurdan, Gnome, what you would call ranger and some other stuff. If C here trusts you, I´l do so as well.
I´l go hold them off at the entrance we just came through, I´l follow you after I ve blocked it.
The cookiemonster goes back to the entrance.
Alright, quick explenation. The Rashtrat clan, goblins as you saw, think we stole their artifact of Fortune, a holy figure of their god, too. So they´re trying to raid this mountain, a shared home of dwarves and gnomes. In reality, we know some Elf adventurers stole it from them. We´l be going through a other exit, probably meeting some people along the way and some goblins, after that, we go visit some elves. Cookiemonster will hold the goblins here busy.

Got that?
He adds as he reloads some quivers with bolts.

2009-07-18, 05:42 AM
Yup. Let's go. How long we got?

2009-07-18, 05:46 AM
Let´s go, with C blocking that way, there´s no reinforcements, so we might as well kill as many of them.

He starts walking up stairways, down stairsways.
I figure we might as well use this way, we´l have to jump off a tall balcony after we kill some goblins prolly. It would take around half a thumb* longer if we didn´t take this way.

You stand before two grand oak doors which look ancient yet strong.

(*In this world, one determines time by holding your thumb at three feet and your head at one feet high and then seeing where the sun or moon is. Feel free to have your character act confused.:smalltongue:)

2009-07-18, 05:51 AM
Not very far. Says James, holding up his hand for inspection of his thumb, in case it suddenly grew. WOAH! Oak doors! He'll blast them with fire, aiming for the middle.

2009-07-18, 05:54 AM
Yes, you look like you have a thumb and a half, like most humans do.

Let´s go! I, Thurdan by order of the king Danthor the third order you to open!
The door opens. (If James waits for the command to be finished, anyway.)

2009-07-18, 05:56 AM
He won't but the fireball will likely fly between them, colliding with anything on the other side. It's a big fireball, and explosive on contact.
Or that could work. He says when the doors open.

2009-07-18, 06:00 AM
It hits a big chandelier, which promptly explodes. While the main body flies against the opposite wall a few big shards fly down with cries coming out.
My eye, my eye!
Shut up, Groshnak!
It hit me in the ass, damnit, not cool, argh!
Oh...Well Thurdan isn´t going to like this... Heh.
He quickly goes to the balcony and starts firing bolts at the presumably goblins.

2009-07-18, 06:02 AM
James follows him, then starts throwing fire flamethrower style down at the goblins.

2009-07-18, 06:19 AM
The one with the glass shard in his ass tries to throw some explosives at James while the the rest throw spears at both James and Thurdan.

Quickly James and Thurdan overwhelm them and you jump down.(I assume)
Walking a bit, you meet with a group of dwarves and goblins with a richly dressed dwarf at the back, while richly dressed, he also wears the most armor and his clothing a battleaxe are soaked in dark, probably goblin blood like the rest.

Ah, Thurdan, and a stranger to our aid.
Yes, his name is James, a pyromancer, C brought him in.
I´ve just got a message from a ahem, friend of mine, that says that you probably would be kicked out, to say it kindly.
Damn, and they´re probably hiding within the city walls. I can´t just leave this human C brought to do it himself, surely you can spare somebody to guide him orso?
I´m afraid our forces are thinly spread already, not to mention that any dwarf´s honour would be insulted at a order for lonely retreat.
Well umm, what about one of your gnomes?
It´s time they earn truly their keep and deepen our relation with us side to side in battle. He´l have to go alone.
Damn, well, James, I´l give you some instructions on where it is and do you think you could get us the artifact? It´s a statue of a purple and bronze dragon, gnome head sized.

Thurdan gives on where it is with a shout of
And don´t ever call them by their first name.
The convoy and Thurdan then hurry off to the sounds off battle, leaving James with instructions.

(Sorry to cut it off, deadtime for RL and food things)

2009-07-18, 06:24 AM
He listens to the conversation carefully. Alright then. He says.

James starts hovering a couple of feet off of the ground, scorching the ground beneath him severely. He then flies off in the direction of the artifact.

((Nah, it's fine, I'll wait.

EDIT: And I'm being forced to sleep. Night DD))