View Full Version : Planejammer Factions: Pink Party

2009-07-17, 10:31 PM
Having just returned from a whirlwind first mission for your new guild, you find yourself in Ways & Means Plaza in Sigil's Market Ward. As your recruiter's untimely and rather gruesome death left him little time to discuss guild policy with you, a guild official is to give you a formal orientation.

The Plaza is vast and crowded with all manner of beings. Five of them, roughly as tall as humans and draped in pitch-black cloaks, huddle together in a nearby alley, with colored glows escaping the folds of fabric from time to time. A wanderer with a light-emitting head strides by, and you note that his cranium is separate from his body. Two oxlike creatures reeking of sulfur banter with a large, blue, six-armed worm. A being like a housecat with four giant arachnoid limbs glides down a main thoroughfare. Wings, horns, snouts, auras, reeks and tails of all manners assail your senses.

You've been given a letter containing directions to Radical Avenue and the Wayfinders' Guildhouse, where you are to meet with one Paumpa Sas.

2009-07-17, 11:02 PM
Avar snorted, not really looking at the oddities of the creatures around him. After all, he was pretty odd looking himself. He just kept walking forward, his large form cutting him a path as well as anyone could expect. He looked over at his Team mates. He still wasn't sure he liked the concept. Oh well, the guild paid well.

"Which of you has the directions?"

The Minotaur rumbled, wondering which they should go from here. Sigil could be confusing to those who didn't know their way around. Avar had lived here for years, and he didn't even come close to knowing all the ins and outs of the city.

2009-07-18, 02:31 AM
Aamus stared in wonder. He had been there for only a month or two now, but he still hadn't gotten used to it. Everywhere, there were new and exciting things, and he felt happy to be around so many different cultures and races.
He snapped back to attention as Avar put forward his question.
"They're here." Aamus reached into a pocket on the inside of his robe and pulled out a letter with a set of directions scribed onto it. "Knock yourself out." He said as he folded the letter to show the directions and offered it to Avar. "You can lead the way if you'd want."

Squid Thingy!
2009-07-18, 07:22 AM
Feliks gazed around the square with his usual bored expression sitting on his face. Nothing really new or exciting to him here. Although, he did have to admire the way the minotaur so easily cleared a path for the rest of them, he would definitely be of use later. He looked from Avar to Aamus briefly. "I say you lead the way," he stated, pointing at Avar. "Your bulk and the way you make a path through the crowd makes it easier for us to follow you." He shrugged and glanced from Avar to Aamus again, waiting to see if Avar would take the directions.

2009-07-18, 07:55 AM
Avar shrugged. Felik's plan had that ring of reusability that worried him (he was pretty sure 'Put the big stupid cow man in front' was one of the main tactics they were envisaging) but here it was a good idea. Honestly, even if they got seperated from him, it wasn't like they wouldn't be able to see him.

"Alright. Come on then."

Avar took the directions, glanced them over, and then strode off, moderating his strides so those behind him could keep up.

2009-07-18, 08:07 AM
Your party moves with the crowd, as those going in other directions part to accommodate Avar's size. Down Bent Spoon Street, past the Spitting Giff tavern, steering clear of Elizinia's Emporium of Evil and Eatery as well as the Naughty Tentacle (both being protested by a few paladins). Now on the Stellar Concourse, which runs down to the planedocks, you follow it to Radical Avenue.

The streets teem with life; four-armed giants, needle-nosed devils, beautiful men and women with exotic clothing and makeup. Here a giant praying mantis converses with a floating golden crystal; over there, a scorpion-tailed fiend is doing business with a curious mechanical creature like a cube with arms and wings.

Suddenly, Avar's foot comes down on a thick, effervescent puddle of iridescent goo.

Avar, Reflex save, please.

lvl 1 fighter
2009-07-18, 12:07 PM
Raid follows his companions as Avar makes a path through the crowd. The wild menagerie of creatures on the walkway seem to give him little pause. It will be easier to blend in here than I imagined. What's one more oddity in a city of freaks?

Nodding assent to Feliks suggestion the warforged slipped a few steps behind them to guard their rear. As they pass the protesting paladins he mutters, "Idealistic fools."

2009-07-18, 12:14 PM
This is a nonessential Reflex save; hope you don't mind if I speed it along this time.


One of the younger paladins casts a dirty look in the party's direction - clearly, she heard your muttering.

Avar's foot (hoof?) comes down squarely in the puddle, splashing it around and getting some of the oily liquid on his leg. As he withdraws his hoof (foot?), the puddle begins to bow upwards as the splashed drops slither along the ground. It extrudes a fluidic pseudopod upwards, which flashes with prismatic colors beneath its slick sheen.

A voice sounds in your mind. "Watch where you're going, why don't you!"

It appears to regard Avar for a moment, then becomes watery and crashes back into the main puddle as though thrown from a bucket. The puddle narrows and slithers around the party, changing its iridescent colors with great frequency as it passes.

2009-07-18, 12:44 PM
"What the hell??" Aamus exclaimed, albeit as quietly as he could. "You alright?" he says without turning to Avar, with less compassion than curiosity.

Squid Thingy!
2009-07-18, 12:55 PM
Feliks quirks an eyebrow at the exchange with the liquid being, but doesn't say anything and otherwise doesn't react. "He's fine. We need to move on now if you don't mind."

lvl 1 fighter
2009-07-18, 01:08 PM
Ignoring the young paladins stare Raid steps aside to let the puddle pass. Be thankful I have not the time to teach you a lesson, young miss. If my purpose here were not more important...

Raid shakes his head in response to his thoughts. Looking from Feliks to Avar he says, "Agreed. Be careful where you walk."

2009-07-18, 01:32 PM
As Raid says this, something heavy collides with his head. It is a duck.

A sheepish duck merchant nearby is blushing deeply and swatting at a levitating bird with glowing prismatic feathers, which squawks melodiously at him. A large copper cogwheel rolls down the street and bounces up at the bird, which flees the scene.

A couple of passers-by give Raid a laugh or a smirk, and the young paladin has a very self-satisfied smile on her face.

lvl 1 fighter
2009-07-18, 01:43 PM
Raid pauses to glare at the merchant and stoops to pick up a glowing feather that fell from the duck during the impact. Placing it in his belt he glances at his companions, his metal face straining to maintain a look of composure.

2009-07-18, 02:03 PM
Please note your ...er... "acquisition" on your character sheet.

Squid Thingy!
2009-07-18, 08:27 PM
Feliks barely glances at Raid before turning back towards the direction they were going. I hate Sigil so much. Far too many distractions... "Alright, we need to get moving again. We really can't afford any distractions right now. Someone else might get our job while we're fumbling around getting distracted by some of the locals."

2009-07-18, 08:34 PM
As Feliks says this, a group of beings clad in indigo rush towards a house on the other end of Radical Avenue, slinging spells at it. One of them charges the house and thrusts at it with an unidentified weapon. The building gives a shudder - and then begins changing form, becoming a single beige, featureless muscle which extrudes pseudopods to escape the aggressors. As the once-building thunders off, with the indigo group in pursuit, the guildhall comes into view - a massive, sprawling structure resembling a tree festooned with towers, balconies, bazaars and plazas.

Squid Thingy!
2009-07-18, 08:55 PM
Feliks sighs and watches the house "run" away from its indigo assailants. "This city never ceases to amaze me," he says, despite the contradictory look of boredom on his face.

2009-07-18, 09:33 PM
For the record, that's a legitimate D&D monster. I'm not just having fun with you.

Not just. :smallamused:

2009-07-18, 09:54 PM
I go away for a couple hours...

Avar sighed. He shouldn't be suprised by this city anymore, but for some reason, it could still get to him. The notion of stepping into a sentient creature bothered him. And now people were attacking something that was either a creature masquerading as a building, or a building masquerading as a creature. You never really knew in this city.

"Let's get in here. I've had enough of the crowds for the moment."

Avar pushed forward towards the Guild Hall.

2009-07-18, 10:07 PM
Your directions were to come to the public boardwalk, and as you approach you see a creature who could only be Paumpa Sas, the guild official you are to meet. Sas has an elongated face with a long, flat ducklike mouth and several expansive folds of blueish skin, like massive floppy ears, which fan out and flap lazily or dangle limply behind his head. He is waiting irritably on the boardwalk near the main public plaza outside of the guildhouse. A few miscellaneous creatures, possibly other guild initiates like yourselves, are waiting around him.

2009-07-18, 10:31 PM
Avar stepped forward, heading straight for the fellow and stopping in front of him, nodding slightly in the way of greeting. Avar didn't regard himself as anyone's inferior (except the Lady of Pain's... but who didn't) and didn't really make a huge show of things like that.

"Avar Solani. I was directed to speak with you."

He stared at the fellow, waiting for a response.

2009-07-18, 10:34 PM
"Is that so?" the official responds in a disdainful, nasal tone. "Well then you can wait until the rest of the initiates have arrived on the given hour." Everything about this creature's voice annoys you.

An angel-winged human walks up and addresses Sas politely. "Uh, greetings, you must be Paumpa Sas? You're the one we're sent to look for. We're the new recruits, Pharith, Gorrel, Natanael, and Lamech. Our esteemed recruiter, er- met with a fateful end on our mission, unfortunately, so we're here both to express our condolences and to orient ourselves with the guild."

Sas turns from Avar to bring his condescension to bear on this newcomer.

"I'm quite aware of why you are all gathered here. I don't need introductions, and I don't bend to impatient freelancers. You will wait until the designated time. Now go and busy yourselves with other things."

Squid Thingy!
2009-07-18, 10:39 PM
Feliks grits his teeth slightly at the sound of the creature's voice. It was more than a little aggravating to say the least. Perhaps I should have learned that bothersome babble spell after all. He briefly considers reporting himself in the same manner as Avar, but discards the idea, after seeing how the man reacts after the other recruits greet the man. Perhaps I could use a suggestion spell to make the man give us our mission in as few words as possible...

2009-07-18, 10:43 PM
A white, conical creature with many slender insectoid legs spins its way over to Sas. It emits speech with a dry hum in the background. "Proctor, it is time for the new recruits to enter."

Sas casts a contemptuous glare over those assembled. Clearly, he feels that it is not time yet for some reason. However, he nods to the cone, which spins off.

"You will follow me inside for orientation."

2009-07-18, 10:47 PM
The man (thing?) is lucky that it was. Otherwise, he was growing perilously close to having Avar teach him some lessons on civility. Avar's lessons would have been... unpleasant. However, he just followed him into the hall, rather annoyed.

Maybe in a bit I'll pay Mr. Sas... a visit.

Squid Thingy!
2009-07-18, 10:52 PM
Feliks remains silent and obediently follows after Sas, hoping that the orientation would be short, with Sas speaking as little as possible.

lvl 1 fighter
2009-07-18, 11:01 PM
Raid glances briefly over at the pompous Sas then ignores him in favor of staring at the intricate tree growth that serves as the headquarters. The architecture is truly stunning. He follows his companions and the Proctor inside, giving the exterior of the building one last glance. I wonder if it burns like a tree.

2009-07-18, 11:14 PM
Sas leads you inside the main pavilion, within which is a massive lobby teeming with adventurers, with flashes from transportation magics going off in every which way.

"This is the main lobby of the guild," says Sas. "Much of your sundry business with the Wayfinders will take place here. The public," he gestures around to various beings, "is permitted to enter this lobby, and it is here where they meet individual guild members, post contracts and charters and otherwise integrate themselves into guild functions."

"Now, this lobby plays host to most standard guild parties. You'll note the black and ivory sash guild members wear. To the right you will find our mercenary and security services; Euan Watarhme is the head of that department. Should you need to, you may retain the services of a guild security officer there."

The tour passes by the far wall, beyond Watarhme's hallway.

"Here we have the quartermaster's. The guild issues rations as required by the contract you serve, and may also issue other products as need be. Of course, you may make purchases yourself, but might I remind you that your guild membership does not entitle you to a discount here."

Passing the long lineups at the quartermaster's, the tour exits the lobby and begins ascending up the guildhall's core in a slow spiral.

"Our numerous departments and facilities branch off from this central area. We have festplazas, festhalls and private bazaars to hire, and the public auctioneers' is below as well. Our port- yes, what is it?" Paumpa Sas sighs, as one trembling humanoid raises a hand.

"The...er... 'facilities?'"

"Humanoid, four at the base of the stairs. Mind the basins, they connect to Water and Vacuum." Sas' ear flaps fan out broadly in irritation.

"To continue, there is a private tavern for guild members upstairs, as well as transitory quarters. As a member of the Wayfinders, you gain access to our exclusive bazaar."

You stop several levels up, at a waiting area with several chairs and other, more exotic supports, in a red carpeted antechamber fronting a massive pair of marble doors.

"Now then, you may wait here until Guildmaster Wey's orientation presentation. Are there any questions for me?"

lvl 1 fighter
2009-07-19, 08:35 AM
Raid strolls along with the group paying only half-attention to what the pompous ass is saying. As they wind up the staircase Raid examines the width of the spiral. Looks like a close fit but I think they'll extend all the way.

"Now then, you may wait here until Guildmaster Wey's orientation presentation. Are there any questions for me?"

Raid settles himself down into one of the more comfy looking seats. He leans back and crosses one leg other the way. Staring straight at Sas he says, "Yes. Question. When's lunch?"

2009-07-19, 08:57 AM
Sas gives Raid a cursory glance, curious as to why a golem would need to eat, then responds acidly. "The guild does not provide 'lunch'. You may go and eat on your own gold."

Squid Thingy!
2009-07-19, 09:29 AM
Feliks glances quickly and curiously at Raid when he hears the question. Do warforged even eat lunch? They're constructs, they shouldn't have to eat... Perhaps this one is faulty...

2009-07-19, 10:16 AM
Aamus chuckled a little at the Warforged's comment, while he looked all around him, especially at the other recruits. He wondered what their talents were, and whether they would be competition to him. And Paumpa...

[roll0] Knowledge (Local) check to identify Paumpa's race (Assuming he's humanoid).

2009-07-19, 10:47 AM
You have absolutely no idea what Paumpa could be.

Also, please delegate OOC actions to spoiler boxes.

2009-07-19, 02:35 PM
Someone in the group has created an illusion of a thundercloud above Sas' head, causing him to cast a dirty look around the group as he speaks, trying to roust out the culprit behind the illusion. Sighing, he continues along, with many in the group giving amused smirks - until one of them, a large, round fellow with an inflated neck, whips out a long, three-forked tongue, grabbing the illusion and yanking it into his mouth, humming contentedly. Several in the group give him sharp glares for ruining their fun. The portly creature looks rather sheepish.

A couple of others ask questions pertaining to weapons and extraplanar travel within the guildhouse.

"Ahem. Weapons are permitted in the guildhouse; there are far worse things being brought in, and of course some of us are simnply natural hazards. We ask, for the sake of politeness, that magical weapons of bane be registered with us and denatured while on the premises."

"Many areas of the guildhouse are barred to extraplanar travel. We also keep an extensive portal network on-site, and those that we don't have here we can usually locate for you. There are fees for the use of certain portals, of course, and for any portal keys you might require. Your guild membership gives you a discount on these."

From the back of the crowd, someone impudently asks when he will get his next mission. Sas directs a vicious look to the vicinity of the voice, then answers.

"After your orientation and outfitting, you may return to the lobby to seek a contract or charter, or otherwise do as you please."

Squid Thingy!
2009-07-19, 10:03 PM
Feliks nods with Paumpa's words, really trying to listen only to the actually words and not the voice making them.

2009-07-19, 10:08 PM
I should force a Will save. :smallamused:

Squid Thingy!
2009-07-19, 10:15 PM
To what? Avoid insanity?

lvl 1 fighter
2009-07-19, 10:59 PM
Raid listens to the man drone, his voice fading to an annoying buzz in the background. If requesting lunch confused him, let's try falling asleep...

Raid slowly lets his head nod forward a few times before it slumps to his shoulder. He relaxes his body, letting it slide a little lower in the seat. Faint snoring sounds can be heard from his mouth. He dims the lights behind his lenses, though it doesn't affect his vision as he keeps his eyes on Sas, watching for his reaction.

2009-07-19, 11:03 PM
A sound from behind signals a glorious reprieve from the nasal squawking of Paumpa Sas. Turning, you see that the stone doors have opened, and the crowd of would-be fortune seekers slowly moves into the auditorium.

As you enter, you see a main podium with several smaller podiums, each manned by a different being, save the one at the center. When the crowd is settled, your hated tour guide walks up to the stage, formally introduces himself and then, perhaps sensing the general sentiment in the room, introduces the guildmaster, Avery Wey.

As Sas leaves the stage, the rear wall begins to convulse and ripple. Arcane lightnings and sparks dance across its surface. A rift, blazing with blue and prismatic light, widens the length and height of the wall, revealing a cloudy gray sky and the branches of a tree of fantastic size. The prow of a great ship comes through the portal, and a humanoid jumps down from it, stepping up to the podium to fair applause. He appears to be a human with tousled brown hair and wild blue eyes, wearing ivory and black with weapons stowed liberally around his person.

"Greetings, all! I am Avery Wey, the Guildmaster of the Wayfinders' Guild! Ten years ago, in the wake of the lich Vecna's attack on the city, I founded this guild to..."

Wey begins veering off into the history of the guild, but snaps back quickly enough when he senses the loss of interest in the room.

"Now then! The Wayfinders' Guild has obviously grown by leaps and bounds over the past decade, and we now maintain affiliations with the Sensates, the lillendi, the Indigardi and many local partners on Toril, on Krynn, on Oerth and the Rock of Bral. Our interests are both Prime and planar, and we reinforce this with a network of dedicated and hired portals, as well as our own fleet of spelljammers and planejammers."

"As members of the Guild, you will represent our diverse interest in your own fashion, taking the resources we offer and using them as an investment to provide a high-class service to individuals, communities, peoples and worlds. And yes," he smirks, "those individuals might be yourselves."

"For a nominal percentage, you will gain access to the services of the guild, both the material and the intangible. We have exclusive agreements with the mercane and arcane, as well as a sweeping contract to rent charter helms for spacegoing missions."

"In the Guild we follow simple rules, and you will follow them as well.

Rule 1: Maintain the Guild's image. We don't mind critique, but the public and those who hire you should look favorably upon guild services. We like return customers.

Rule 2: There is to be no killing within the Guildhouse or on guild premises. We enjoy a certain amount of autonomy within our domains, and we don't need to give the authorities a reason to come prying.

Rule 3: Do not engage in any reckless, dangerous or antagonistic release of supernatural forces within the Guildhouse or on guild premises. It makes a mess, and we don't like having to clean it up.

Rule 4: The Guild takes 10%.

Rule 5: Let me repeat this to make it perfectly clear: the Guild takes 10%.

Rule 6: Once you take on a mission, it's your commitment. If you can't handle it, then you'll have to arrange for the task to be done.

Rule 7: You do not speak for the Guild. You do not represent yourself as speaking for the Guild. You do not use your guild membership as a form of coercion or bargaining. We will know.

Now, the various departments, faculties and facilities maintain their own rules, fee schedules and all that sort of thing. You can deal with them directly; guild proctors staff most of our branches and can assist you with your needs.

You've all been recruited because you have something special - or because we couldn't find anyone better," he jokes, "and I hope that you'll find in your time with the Guild the same thing that we found in you.

"Are there any questions?

2009-07-20, 09:24 AM
Avar listened to the man speak. He liked him better then Sas, but that wasn't saying much.

"Are there any more speeches, or can we get on with this?"

Avar didn't mind listening to people tell him things he already knew, but he prefered to get paid for that privilige.

2009-07-20, 09:28 AM
Wey hears Avar's question and gives a soft smile. It's clear that he's no fan of this either. He takes a few more questions, and then closes the orientation, bowing deeply to the crowd as he vanishes in a crackling swirl of light and mist.

The others on stage begin to depart, and a trio of guild proctors open the stone doors, leading you to be outfitted. You note with relief that none of them is Paumpa Sas.

Down the spiraling rampway, you arrive at a large room teeming with unusual creatures, as well as with several beings that look like fluorescent gnomes and a few tall, lanky, blue-skinned humanoids. The gnomes swarm over each of you in turn as you get to the front of the line.

"Here is your guild sash. You are to wear it or keep it on your person at all times." Each of you receives a black and ivory sash in your size.

"Four iron rations..."

"Letter-of-Service... please sign this..."


Each of you continues through the line, ending up at the other end fully outfitted and provisioned. A proctor leads you out into the main lobby and wishes you luck.

Squid Thingy!
2009-07-20, 09:46 AM
Feliks sighs and straightens his robes and sash before looking at the rest of his "team". "Well, now that that's over with. Let's get ourselves a job shall we?"

2009-07-20, 10:07 AM
The various bureaus and pavilions of the main lobby teem with activity, but the focus seems to be a large bulletin board of sorts near the center.

2009-07-20, 10:12 AM
Avar sighed, adjusting the sash on his Chain Shirt. He was aware that it looked a little odd, but his Chain Shirt had been there first.

"Looks like that bulletin board is that place you look at to find work."

Avar rolled his eyes.


2009-07-20, 10:17 AM
Amidst numerous posters advertising service in the Blood War, various faction advertisements and several merchants' notices you see the assignment board, where many parties are removing postings to go make a contract while members of the public come by and post new ones.

Assignment Board

WANTED: Huyzur
We know Huyzur's been disrupting civic post services and causing minor mischief. Now it seems he's rallied other mephits to interfere with diplomatic movements on the lower planes. We're expecting a lot of unrest because of this miscreant. Find him and snap him in two.
Bounty: 10000 gp.

Needed - Adventurous, Hardy, Strong-Willed, Persistent, Raisable Interviewers!
Do you like to travel?

Do you like meeting new, exciting and unpredictable creatures?

Do you think you can stand up to savage mental bombardment?

Then sign on to track down and interview one of the mysterious, fascinating balseloths!

Fees to be negotiated based on raising requirements.

Charter of Recovery in the matter of the Merchant Jade
The spacefaring vessel Merchant Jade was lost two days ago outside Realmspace. Divinations reveal it to be scuttled, all crewmembers lost. The proprietor, Cerule Charters, has authorized a recovery salvage.

The proprietor desires the unconditional return without questions or examination of the Merchant Jade's spelljamming helm. Any other spoils found among the wreckage are forfeit to the salvagers.

Seeking Security Crew
Our survey team is set to explore the fifth planet of Rundaspace. As we are not familiar with the fauna of this planet, we seek additional forces to maintain our initial camp until we are firmly established. We will pay fees of 200 gold pieces per person per day once landed; provisioning and quarters will be supplied.

Hisan At-Jabb
Director of Rundaspace Exploration
Great Orrery Astrometrical Society

Urgent - Exotic Beast Required!!!!!
The peoples of Ethurgha have lost their god-beast and are attacking their neighbors in retribution. A new beast (or the old one) is needed to reinstate their religious leadership and quell the savage warring.

The fee will be in Yndavian scrolls, plus monetary recompense for expenses.

Planar Wizard Needed
A leaky portal from the Positive Energy Plane has been eluding the authorities deep in the Hive. Anyone capable of tracking down this rogue portal and dealing with any fallout that has already transpired should contact Witzen Dono, the local warden.

WANTED: Aver Walcris
The faithful of the deity Kelemvor request any available information, and if possible the detainment and safe transport, of Aver Walcris or any spiritual remnant thereof.

Bounty: 4000 gp.

To the Faithful of Zeus
Our great lord, Father of Gods and Men, requires aid in retrieving an important relic of the faith. This is a secret mission, to be undertaken for the glory and wonder of mighty Zeus. Please consult with Zethus, proxy of great Zeus in Olympus.

WANTED: Serge Hashramstrottler

Assessed for Seizure of Person for Treason and Kidnapping of the Crown Heir.

Last seen planeshifting away with the princess of Imphaphor after setting off the protective wards by teleporting into her room. His path was traced to Sigil and is believed to remain there.

Bounty: 12000 gp

Seeking a Procurement Crew
Archmage Ampotens seeks procurers to obtain esoteric arcane components for an experimental potion. Great haste would be preferred.

Wizardess Gysfyne
Tower Council of Arynchratus

Cash For Wands!!!
Tired of that old wand of gust of wind? Feel like having a bit more gold to spend? Why not come to Hevius Blohard's Apothecary and Arcane Quartermastery and sell that wand for gold GOLD GOLD!

WANTED: Darian Gatelock

Wanted for High Crimes against the City of Sigil as well as Petty Crimes, named here as Astral Arson, Common Arson, Assault upon a Planejamming Vessel, Sealing of the Lady's Doors, Theft, Robbery, Assault upon a Guilded Being, Assault upon Property of the City of Cigil, Magical Disruptions to Lawful Notices of Arrest, BlBlBlbgrrrUngrrhjksosi, Assault upon a Chartered Guild, Disruption of the Laddie's Doors, Murder, Theft again, Theft once more because, hey, I did it several times, Murder once more for the hell of it, Luring a Creature of the Astral Plane within the Confines of the City of Ciggle and Public Misconduct within the Sitty of Giggle

Gatelock is a renegade of the Wayfinders' Guild, known to have made off with a valuable relic destined for a very important buyer. His retrieval has not been possible via conventional divinations.

WANTED: The Mablight
The Mablight has made off with a copy of the protocols for an important private planejamming dock. We feel that he is planning to sell these protocols to a hostile purchaser. He has been traced to Silkspace, a sphere known to be dead to divination magic. We require that you slay the Mablight and return the protocols.

Bounty: 15000 gp.

Transporters Needed
A certain precious cargo of vital importance to the Blood War needs to be transported to a hidden location in Stygia. Several precautions will need to be taken at each step of the voyage, and no common portals may be used. Fees for transport will be generous.

- Incendius Frigidus

Convoy Investigation
The Effluvius Vintners of Ysgard have missed their last three shipments of wraith almonds. The problem appears to be in transportation. Track down whatever is disrupting delivery so smoked wines can once again flow from Ysgard.

Convoy Investigation
The Effluvius Vintners of Ysgard have missed their last three shipments of wraith almonds. The problem appears to be in transportation. Track down whatever is disrupting delivery so smoked wines can once again flow from Ysgard.

Seeking Upholders of Right and Goodness
The population of fallen celestials seems to have noticeably escalated in recent weeks. A group of bureaucrats and administrators from Elysium have discovered some trends that correlate to this problem that they feel are worth investigating.

2009-07-20, 10:36 AM
Avar looked over the jobs carefully, before settling on one.

Assessed for Seizure of Person for Treason and Kidnapping of the Crown Heir.

Last seen planeshifting away with the princess of Imphaphor after setting off the protective wards by teleporting into her room. His path was traced to Sigil and is believed to remain there.

Bounty: 12000 gp

"My votes for this one. Good pay, located in Sigil so he won't have an army or anything with him. Just find this fellow, kill him, bring this Princess back here, and each collect 2700 Gold Pieces."

Squid Thingy!
2009-07-20, 10:42 AM
Feliks browsed over the many job advertisements, his eyes stopping briefly on a few of them. "Hm, WANTED: Huyzur and WANTED: Serge Hashramstrottler seem most promising to me. That and we know how much we'll be getting paid already..."

2009-07-20, 11:15 AM
Whatever one you settle on, you'd better decide soon. There are other parties at the board, both PC and DMPC, and they might lay claim to your mission!

Squid Thingy!
2009-07-20, 12:13 PM
Feliks looks around briefly before reaching for the Wanted: Serge Hashramstrottler advertisement, hoping nobody else would try to claim it at the same time as himself.

lvl 1 fighter
2009-07-20, 12:33 PM
Raid ties the black and ivory sash around his waist like a belt. He pauses for a moment, staring at the gnome handing him rations before taking them anyway.

Following the group down to the board, he reads them over carefully. "I agree Feliks. Serge is our man."

2009-07-20, 01:08 PM
Aamus seemed interested to be getting a mission at last. "Serge, hmm? This will be interesting, at the least. I only hope this won't be too easy." And he silently hoped to himself it wouldn't be too hard, either.

2009-07-20, 06:59 PM
Your party has the notice in its keeping, while others continue to mull over the opportunities on the board.

Feliks notices that the reverse side of the notice bears the contact information. It states to meet with the lammasu Enkhan Descens at the shrine of Pherianthrocar, on Regulus Street in the Clerks Ward.

Squid Thingy!
2009-07-21, 06:41 AM
Feliks scans the contact information briefly before turning to the rest of the team. "Alright, looks like we have to go talk with some lammasu Enkhan Descens at the shrine of Pherianthrocar, on Regulus Street in the Clerks Ward. We should get going now," he says as he begins to move towards the exit of the guild house.

2009-07-21, 12:05 PM
"Ok then, Serge's days are numbered. Let's find this "Iammasu" guy, and get this over with." said Aamus, as he followed behind Feliks, keeping his head down.

lvl 1 fighter
2009-07-21, 12:33 PM
Raid reads over the notice as they leave the Guild. Teleportation...planeshifting...This Surge is either a powerful mage or else has considerable resources. He will not likely be taken lightly.

"Yes, question this Descens. Perhaps he is a representative of the Imphaphor Royal family."

2009-07-21, 12:53 PM
Avar followed his team out. In his mind, he was already planning out what to do with the coin. It was a pleasant pastime, and a harmless one.

2009-07-21, 12:55 PM
Your trip to the Clerks Ward takes quite a few hours, but at last you arrive. The crowd is thinner here on Bookwarden Row, and the few pasers-by you check with have not heard of Regulus Street.

lvl 1 fighter
2009-07-21, 01:05 PM
"Have any of you heard of this Pherianthrocar? Perhaps there is more than one shrine." Raid asks as they walk the streets, keeping his eyes out for thieves and pickpockets.

2009-07-22, 01:48 AM
Knowledge (local): Pherianthrocar [roll0]
Knowledge (local): Regulus Street [roll1]
Aamus is going to try and put his knowledge to good use. IC post coming once I know what I should know. I expect the DC for Regulus Street to be too high to pass, but it's worth a shot if I'm already making a knowledge roll.
Hmm, my Knowledge rolls aren't working out so great.

2009-07-22, 03:08 PM
No, the DC would have been passable. Not with a 14, though.

Knowledge (local) is inappropriate for the topic of Pherianthrocar.

Squid Thingy!
2009-07-22, 03:37 PM
Eh, can't hurt to follow suit.
Knowledge (local): Regulus Street [roll0]

2009-07-22, 06:33 PM
No success, sorry. Gather Information, perhaps?

Squid Thingy!
2009-07-22, 07:54 PM
Gather Information: [roll0]

2009-07-22, 08:03 PM
"Regulus Street? I think it's two blocks past Skerreler's today."

2009-07-23, 12:29 PM
Oh yeah, forgot about that. I have a +15 to my Gather Information, that would have been an automatic pass :smallsigh:

"Past Skerreler's today? I'm not sure i'll ever get used to this", Aamus thought to himself. "Ok then, lets go find this "Iammasu", and get ourselves a job."

lvl 1 fighter
2009-07-23, 12:44 PM
"Today? A map of this place would be useless." Raid says. "Perfect place to hide then. The thief probably knows his way around if he thinks he can go to ground here."

Glancing back at the street they came from and at the wild collection of creatures and buildings Raid says "Either that or he's as lost as we are and wouldn't move around much. If we can find his hideout he should remain close by. Be easy to track his limited movements, plan an ambush."

Squid Thingy!
2009-07-23, 01:48 PM
"How about we just worry about getting to our contact first? He may have some information we can use..." Feliks says as looks around to see what direction Skerreler's is in today.

2009-07-23, 02:12 PM
Skerreler's is easy enough to track down, and two blocks past gets you to a narrow street with several small, prim and formal archways, each bearing a small legend and symbol. Most of the beings milling around here are carrying a symbol of some sort.

Squid Thingy!
2009-07-24, 04:41 PM
Feliks walks up and attempts to study the legend, hoping to figure out what each symbol represents. "Shouldn't be too hard to find our contact now."

2009-07-24, 08:12 PM
It becomes obvious fairly quickly that each sigil is a divine symbol, though you recognize only a bare few.

2009-07-24, 08:27 PM
Avar sighed, and decided he'd have to intervene as well. He'd try being nice at first. That realy worked, but at least they wouldn't claim he hadn't tried. Avar reaches out his hand in front of one of the passerbyers carrying a symbol.

"Hello. My friends and I appear to be in need of some direction. Might you be able to point us toward lammasu Enkhan Descens at the shrine of Pherianthrocar"

If this didn't work, Avar would have to fall back on other methods. He was pretty good at those, but it was always best to try and be polite... especially in a crowded street with plenty of witnesses.

2009-07-24, 08:36 PM
The passerby looks at Avar and its eyes begin to rotate in circles. A nearby creature resembling a bony crescent with several arms floats over and taps the half-minotaur on the shoulder.

"I don't think he can understand you. I think I've heard of Pherianthrocar... just past Rao and Helm; symbol's a circular face with peacock feathers, if I remember rightly."

So saying, the crescent skeleton floats off.

2009-07-24, 08:38 PM
Avar nodded. The god's weren't really his specialty, but he was guessing one his companions would recognize those two.

"Further down this way, I guess."

2009-07-24, 09:26 PM
You proceed down Regulus Street, eventually arriving at a shrine arch with the feathered, circular face symbol you had been informed of. A quick query to a robed human departing the shrine reveals that this indeed is Pherianthrocar's entrance.

Stepping inside, you find yourselves within a space much larger than could be accommodated by the cramped quarters of Regulus Street. Spear motifs and the god's symbol decorate a broadly arched temple of white marble, gray soapstone, silver ornament, rich tapestry and cool, soft magical light. Most of the persons in the shrine are clearly human, although the occasional celestial can be spotted, as well as plenty of peacocks. The visible clergy wear robes of white and gray with variously colored stoles of diverse ornamentation, and all are rather fully-haired. Those with the more embroidered stoles seem to carry silver holy symbols and jewelry of citrines.

lvl 1 fighter
2009-07-24, 11:09 PM
Walking into the shrine Raid glances at the fools in their costumes. Priests and their weak beliefs. If they only knew where real power came from. The peacocks bring to mind the prismatic feather stuck in his belt and he reaches down, running his stiff metal fingers over the feather.

Leaning close to Avar, Raid whispers "A lammasu should be easy to spot in this crowd."

Squid Thingy!
2009-07-25, 09:33 AM
Feliks looks around uneasily, slightly uncomfortable around all the celestials. "Hm... No it shouldn't... Keep your eyes peeled for him. Ask around for him perhaps."

gather information lammasu Enkhan Descens: [roll0]

lvl 1 fighter
2009-07-25, 09:39 AM
Only in Sigil would a lion with wings be hard to find in a crowd. I wonder who's the best flyer... Raid glances around the shrine, careful not to touch anything or anyone.

2009-07-25, 10:35 AM
In response to Feliks' questions, someone runs off to notify the lammasu. Shortly thereafter, the beast descends from atop an unseen ledge on the ceiling.

"I am Enkhan Descens, loyal servant of Lord Pherianthrocar. Are you here to provide aid in the Imphaphor matter?"

Squid Thingy!
2009-07-25, 08:42 PM
Feliks nods, keeping his face neutral as usual. "Yes, that is exactly why we are here. Now, to cut to the chase, we need any and all information you have on Serge. Anything at all."

2009-07-25, 09:16 PM
The lammasu leads you into a chamber off to the side of the shrine, where a few disheveled royals sit with priests.

"Serge Hashramstrottler kidnapped the princess nineday ago. We have precious little to inform us as to the man himself, but eyewitness accounts tell us that he moves with fearsome speed and fights with an ensorcelled spear. Hashramstrottler had been a member of a 'professional' highwaymens' organization that had terrorized key trade routes in Imphaphor, and was also involved with a priestess of Skahriss the Undoer, a deity of the lower realms. The royal family were under heavy wards due to a severe war at the time, and most of the kingdom's magical resources are still being turned to that end. The criminal evidently has, or has had, access to powerful magic to breach these wards and escape so deftly.

Hence they have turned to the good priesthood of Pherianthrocar. We have little to offer in terms of aid; a reward has been proffered from the war chest, and we also have these," the lammasu gestures at a trough full of conical talismans set with citrine, "Talismans of the Righteous Man. We've been giving them to everyone who has been set on this charter already." The beast gives a dark and sorrowful look here. "None have appeared on the black market of yet. Those poor, brave souls."

"Now: we know Hashramstrottler is in Sigil, because he made contact with a half-fiend named Tsertin Dume in the Hive. I have already investigated Dume; he tells me that Hashramstrottler was searching for a portal to Hades. We do not know what it is that he plans with the princess, but we are certain that it is not in her best interests to remain with the criminal.

The latest eyewitness accounts we've recovered place him within the Hive, though we know not where. You will need to reach him before he can find a convenient route to Hades. I have been instructed by my lord's proxy that great Pherianthrocar will also express... ah... gratitude, if I may, for the return of his nation's young heiress."

"Is there anything else I may provide you?"

2009-07-25, 09:27 PM
Avar thought for a moment. They were going to need more to go on. Chances were this fellow could be found. All those charms vanishing meant somebody was killing them.

So we just need to not die.

Avar smiled.

"So what do these charms do, and where can we find this fiend?"

lvl 1 fighter
2009-07-25, 09:28 PM
Following Feliks into the chamber, Raid listens to the Lammasu explain the case. Gratitude from a god? I'd rather do without.

"Physical descriptions of the Princess, Serge, and this half-fiend would be a good place to start. How long ago did Serge make contact with Tsertin? When did you speak with him? What's his last known location?" Raid asks his list of questions in a dull monotone, looking at Descens.

He pauses for a moment and then quickly turns his head to the trough of talismans. "What do those talismans do?", his voice animated and suspicious. Staring back at the lammasu. "How many people have you sent after Serge already?"

2009-07-25, 09:48 PM
Forgive me for forgetting... is your character an Athar? Seems to be a crapload of bitterness towards the gods.

The lammasu gives a leonine shrug. "We're not certain what they do. The priests have been waxing poetic about our lord's dogma, but through the good-natured bluster I can pick out that they are supposed to offer aid to those serving a righteous cause."

"The physical description of Serge Hashramstottler is there on that wall; here is a portrait of the princess. The half-fiend is well over six feet tall, very skinny, with a calcification tattoo of a horned skull on his left pectoral muscle. Green scales, no tail, sickly wings, very skinny. I approached him six days ago, two days after his reported contact with the criminal, outside of a dive called Darkways Den in the Hive. He told me that he is a long-term boarder at a house run by one Madam Byle; our observations over three days seem to confirm that."

"We have sent three parties after this villain already... twelve good beings, lost to a murderous dastard. We've also employed some certified... street agents, let us say, who have been working with us to gather information and monitor persons and places of interest. Yesterday, we found one hanging from a spear..." His voice trails off.

lvl 1 fighter
2009-07-25, 09:53 PM
AfroNot technically. If he hangs out in Sigil for awhile and runs into one, he could join them. Religious zealots (from his perspective) killed him and his wife. And he considers arcane magic to be superior to divine.

2009-07-25, 09:56 PM
Groovy. You may resume. Hope the adventure looks promising.

Squid Thingy!
2009-07-25, 10:36 PM
Feliks nods again, he was doing too much of that. "I see... And do you have any qualms about whether Serge is alive or dead at the end of this? Or would you just like the Princess returned?"

2009-07-25, 10:55 PM
The lammasu shakes its all-too-human head. "We would appreciate that justice be properly served, but... I am leading this investigation, and I can appreciate that the criminal is now a suspect in multiple murders in addition to capital crimes against the kingdom and colluding with an agent of evil and corruption. If you feel it expedient or more safe to execute Hashramstottler... we will understand."

lvl 1 fighter
2009-07-25, 11:16 PM
So this is how it happens on the other side. Rationalization of their 'morals' to execute an evildoer. We even get righteous talismans on our quest. Raid steps up the lammasu. "We'll do your dirty work for you; don't worry about that." He looks straight at the lammasus face. "But then we get paid. In coin."

2009-07-25, 11:19 PM
The lammasu casts a sharp look at Raid. "Yes, golem. You will be paid the full sum, in coin."

2009-07-26, 09:25 AM
Avar put his hand on Raid's shoulder, not quite jerking the Golem back, but making it clear that he would if he thought it needed. Avar was undiplomatic at times, but acting that way to their employer wasn't the best of ideas.

"We'll find him, and the Princess. Unless there is something else, we should start."

lvl 1 fighter
2009-07-26, 11:21 AM
Raid steps back under the firm hand of Avar. That was stupid Althous. Don't give them reasons to be suspicious. He glances at lammasu, then the other members of the team.

2009-07-26, 12:44 PM
Aamus steps forward and asks the lammasu, "Well, before we set off, can I borrow that description of Serge? I need to use it for a moment if I'm going to find him."

2009-07-26, 01:39 PM
The lammasu nods agreement and motions to the description, permitting you to take it.

Squid Thingy!
2009-07-26, 10:05 PM
Feliks walks over and takes the description, studying it intently before passing it to Aamus. "Many thanks for the information, sir. We'll do our best to get the princess safely returned..."

2009-08-04, 08:16 PM
Alright folks, what's your first move?

2009-08-05, 10:58 AM
Aamus studies the description of Serge as he moves with the others, monitoring every detail, taking it all in, and building up a perfect mental picture.

Spending 10 minutes to make him my Mark, unless the 10 minutes required are interrupted by anyone else.

2009-08-05, 11:14 AM
So marked.

2009-08-05, 01:36 PM
Avar looks at the others and shrugs.

"I think we should go talk to this Half-Fiend. Perhaps he can be... encouraged to remember some more."

Squid Thingy!
2009-08-05, 02:51 PM
Feliks actually chuckles a bit at the mention of encouraging. "I think we can do that just fine... We have to get to the guy first though."

lvl 1 fighter
2009-08-05, 03:10 PM
Raid nods at Feliks. "I think Aamus should have no trouble finding him, even in this city."

2009-08-05, 06:06 PM
"Well if I can't, then Avar can smack me upside the head. But don't get excited, because I will." Aamus says, as he gets searching out, asking questions, tracking out his target.

Gather Information: [roll0]

2009-08-06, 12:33 PM
Ad-hoc -6 circumstance penalty; subject is secretive, contacts are secretive, subject does not want to be found, you have prior information regarding his whereabouts.

Result: 24

You've picked up enough to know that Madam Byle's is in fact the likeliest place to find this half-fiend, though you've heard that he keeps a secondary hidey-hole for when he's being tracked by something he'd much prefer to elude.

2009-08-07, 05:34 AM
"Ok, if we're lucky he should be at Madam Byle's. We ought to head over there quickly and make sure he doesn't escape." Aamus says as he leads the way over to Madam Byle's.

Assuming that I now know the directions to Madam Byle's from that check. If not, an additional gather information check ([roll0]) is in order, to be taken directly after the previous one.

Squid Thingy!
2009-08-07, 10:50 PM
Feliks nods at Aamus. "And this is why we have you..." he says as he quietly follows after the half-elf.

2009-08-08, 08:35 AM
With Aamus' information-gathering, you slowly make your way into the thick of the Hive, a thriving, festering slum. It takes the better part of your day that remains, but at last you find yourselves in front of a sprawling, smoking rundown shack with a tarry shingle out front bearing the scrawl "Maddam Byle's Wayhause." A couple of fiends linger outside, talking in hushed voices, and regard you balefully.

lvl 1 fighter
2009-08-10, 03:37 PM

Raid returns the fiends stare and walks up them. "I'm looking for someone. Tsertin Dume. My masters have questons I am to ask him." He says to the fiends in Abyssal.

2009-08-10, 07:52 PM
Did I really name that fiend Tsertin Dume? :smallbiggrin: I love me.

The fatter, froglike fiend spins its watery eyes balefully in Raid's direction. "Dume not live here" it croaks in Abyssal.

You catch sight of a rag-swaddled beggar limping off slowly.

lvl 1 fighter
2009-08-10, 09:18 PM
The points of light behind Raid's lenses glow red for a moment. "I did not ask where he lived." Raid says, leaning forward into the fiends face. "I want to know where he is." Raid pulls back some, then says "My masters can be very rewarding to those that help their servants."

Still speaking in Abyssal

2009-08-10, 09:21 PM
Avar sighed, moving quickly to cut off the beggar. When people snuck away at the mention of someone's name, they usually had something in the way of information.

"Whats the hurry, friend?"

2009-08-10, 09:37 PM
The other fiend, tall and lupine with long, spidery arms, exposes its fangs in a wry grin. "You didn't ask anything, berk. Froggie here volunteered to lan ya from out the goodness of 'is soul."

The beggar turns back to look at Avar - and a large, horned serpent with wickedly glowing eyes unfurls from the hood!

The two fiends lean back against a nearby building and chuckle softly. Anyone who understands Abyssal hears them placing bets.

2009-08-10, 09:48 PM
Avar sighed, and stepped back. He really had to stop being suprised at things in Sigil. He doubted that he would ever manage it. This place, whatever else it held, would suprise anyone.

"Damn it."

Avar backed away slowly from the Snake, not wanting to agitate it. It might be Sentient, it might not, but chances are he wouldn't be able to speak to it. He didn't speak Abyssal.

lvl 1 fighter
2009-08-10, 09:49 PM
Berk? What in the nine hells is a berk? Raid thinks and steps back from the two fiends and regards the snake headed beggar. "A show of strength then..." he says in Abyssal.

Raid flexes his shoulders and a pair of large, metallic black wings unfold from his back. The joints lock together and the wings beat once, lifting him lightly off the ground for a moment as the area is swept free of dirt and debris. He places his feet back on the ground and returns the stares of the fiends.

2009-08-10, 10:06 PM
The froglike one gives a macabre, frothing giggle.

The lupine one half laughs, half snarls. "You want a show of strength? Fine by me." One of his spidery arms cracks towards Raid's torso, striking hard and fast.


On hit:


A word of caution: Wolfy might outclass you. Froggy definitely does, but he's not playing right now.

Meanwhile, the snake appears more than ready to strike at anyone who comes too close. As it rises, the beggar begins to move much faster away, rags shucking off as it does to reveal two sickly-looking wings and green scales.

lvl 1 fighter
2009-08-10, 10:15 PM
Damned fiends. Raids lenses go completely black and a moment later he vanishes from sight. The air brushes past the fiend and then stills.

Moments later Raid appears in the sky, a blast of eldritch energy shooting out from his palm at the lupine fiend.

HiPS, fly 30ft straight up, Eldritch Blast the lupine fiend.
Hide [roll0]
MS [roll1]

atk vs flat-footed [roll2]
EB dmg [roll3]
Skirmish dmg [roll4]

2009-08-10, 11:39 PM
Raid's blast strikes the fiend, the glow dying off as the magic diffuses.

Initiative, folks. There's gonna be a throwdown.

Watch out, though. Wolfy's tough.

lvl 1 fighter
2009-08-10, 11:50 PM
Init: [roll0]
I forgot to roll for possible Spell Resistance. You probably already rolled it, but if not... [roll1]

Squid Thingy!
2009-08-11, 06:25 AM
Initiative: [roll0]

2009-08-11, 02:41 PM
Avar Solani

Stance- Holocuast Cloak
Maneuvers- Cloak of Deception, Shadow Jaunt, Fire Riposte, Fan the Flames, Death Mark, Burning Blade, Flashing Sun

[roll0] Initiative

2009-08-12, 08:22 AM
Aamus draws his crossbow and aims.

Initiative: [roll0]

2009-08-12, 06:31 PM

Wolfy grins savagely, cruel green energy frothing at his mouth. He barks sharply, releasing a sphere of fizzing, hissing limelight at Raid.

Raid, Reflex save, please.

Feliks, you're up.

Squid Thingy!
2009-08-12, 06:43 PM
Feliks makes some strange gestures and and chants briefly, his voice strong and firm as he casts the spell, directing it at the beggar.

Hideous Laughter Will save DC:18
If he has spell resistance [roll0]

lvl 1 fighter
2009-08-12, 06:53 PM
Reflex Save [roll0]
Spellcraft [roll1]

2009-08-12, 08:22 PM
As Feliks finishes his spell, he sees an erratic light spark from a ring on the beggar's finger. The figure hesitates, glances at the ring and utters a quiet exhortation to it in Abyssal as it continues fleeing.

Raid is unable to dodge the ball of energy that courses over him, scratching and corroding his metal body.

[roll0] acid damage

2009-08-12, 08:30 PM
*sigh* I forgot that the die roller doesn't let you roll if you hit the post spacer with it. Trying again to kill you.

[roll0] acid damage

2009-08-12, 09:49 PM
"This could get nasty..." Aamus muttered to himself, as he loaded his bolt and fired.

Attack Roll 1: [roll0]
Attack Roll 2: [roll1]
Damage Roll 1: [roll2]
Damage Roll 2: [roll3]

2009-08-12, 11:42 PM
Need targets on those.

2009-08-13, 07:15 AM
Sorry, forgot to say. Aiming at Wolfy, as so far he is the only credible threat in my eyes.

2009-08-13, 08:08 AM
The second of Aamus' bolts strikes into the wolf-thing's fur but falls limply to the ground, unable to penetrate his flesh.

Guys, this is what is known as a loaded battle. Raid was stupid enough to pick a fight with something that outclasses you by a good 3 CR, which - great RPing by the way, lvl 1 fighter - means that either I have to start fudging things or people are gonna die.

It's up to you all if you want to keep fighting the wolf, but know that the beggar's going to do nothing but run and to be fair, I think we all know who he really is.

2009-08-13, 09:43 AM
Well, to be honest, I didn't really think of this to be fully in keep with the stealth party's style. However, it may be worth mentioning that I have a set of Cold Iron bolts, which I have a good IC reason to put them to use here with little to no metagaming. I also have Silver, and would have gotten Adamantine too if they weren't so expensive.
I think it would be appropriate IC to work on a diplomatic solution when we're losing. As for the beggar...with these guys on us, it might be an impossible goal at the moment. Avar could probably make a good charging grapple on him, but that might leave us vulnerable to Wolfy.

2009-08-13, 09:58 AM
Upon seeing Raid get knocked hard, his bolt fall harmlessly off Wolfy, and the Beggar getting away, Aamus tries to diffuse the situation; "Listen, we don't want a fight, our Warforged here is just a little agitated. It is clear you are the superior fighter (Bluff check needed? :smalltongue:), and we just wanted info." Aamus says as he turns his crossbow away from Wolfy.

Diplomacy check required here? I imagine there might be circumstance penalties for having just tried to shoot him, and the fact that we started the fight.

2009-08-13, 10:24 AM
I'll accept Bluff or Diplomacy checks. And yes, there's gonna be a circumstance penalty. :smalltongue:

2009-08-13, 10:32 AM
Well, given it's nature, i'd have to say Diplomacy. With the circumstance penalty, it'll take some very good luck to beat DC 20, maybe impossible.
Well that's a failure if I ever saw one. If there was something lower than hostile I would probably be moved to it.

lvl 1 fighter
2009-08-13, 11:38 AM
Diplomacy check required here? I imagine there might be circumstance penalties for having just tried to shoot him, and the fact that we started the fight.

As far as I can see, we didn't start the fight. Raid was trying to act tough, and the fiend hit him.

I'm fine with ending the fight though.

2009-08-13, 11:49 AM
Who started the fight is debatable. They dealt the first blow, but Raid virtually challenged him to a fight. Still, my current attempt at diplomacizing seems to be...ineffective, at best.

2009-08-13, 01:11 PM
Froggy gives a savage belch and croaks, "Wager's no good 'f you get involved." Wolfy snarls, but seems to drop his aggressive stance.

Meanwhile, the beggar runs off down the alleyway at top speed. He crashes into a few creatures and slams rather hard into some stacked crates, but keeps moving.

2009-08-13, 01:40 PM
Is he still within 80 feet of me? How far away is he?

Squid Thingy!
2009-08-13, 06:57 PM
Did froggy just speak common, or was that in abyssal?

2009-08-14, 08:53 AM
He's 95 ft. away from you.

And yes, Froggy spoke in Common.

lvl 1 fighter
2009-08-14, 03:32 PM
Raid holds his hand back, ready to blast again, when the wolf fiend relaxes his stance. Casting his eyes back at the running figure Raid says to Aamus. "You seem better able to deal with this one. I'll shadow the snake." Flexing his wings, the warforged vanishes from sight.

Double Move at 55ft each, following the beggar 30ft above the ground but not engaging.
Hide (-5) [roll0]
Move Silently (-5) [roll1] (Do you need a MS check while flying?)

2009-08-15, 08:07 AM
(Assuming Wolfy isn't taking his turn)

"Stop! We don't want to hurt you!" Aamus shouts out, as he sets out in pursuit.

Double move, for 60' distance travelled.

2009-08-15, 08:59 AM
The beggar gestures backwards, extending a slender wand. A thin film of mist sprays from the tip, but nothing truly substantial. Cursing, the beggar throws the wand aside and runs under a set of awnings in a narrow corridor. Raid, flying overhead, can no longer see him.

lvl 1 fighter
2009-08-15, 04:36 PM
Dropping back and flying in Raid enters the corridor, skimming just below the awnings.

Spellcraft (for the wand) [roll0]
Spot (if needed to see the beggar) [roll1]

Squid Thingy!
2009-08-16, 08:21 AM
I can't really tell if we're still going in the initiative order, but I might as well try and help.

Feliks steps towards froggy. "Please, This has been one big misunderstanding. How about you call off your lupine friend here and take us to Tsertin Dume?"

Cast: Suggestion Will DC: 19
If he has spell resistance: [roll0]

2009-08-16, 08:53 AM
The frog fiend's bleary eyes glint malevolently. It knows what Feliks tried to do. Shaking its bulbous head, it waddles off with Wolfy.

Raid, meanwhile, is finding it difficult to maneuver in the narrow, crowded corridor, and has lost sight of the beggar.

2009-08-18, 08:53 AM
Aamus keeps running after the Beggar as fast as he can.

Double move for a total of 60' distance.

lvl 1 fighter
2009-08-19, 11:39 PM
Damned beggars...Damned fiends...Damned Sigil! Where did that snake go? Raid slowly floats under the awnings and scans the crowd again.

Spot [roll0]