View Full Version : And now for something completely different.

2009-07-18, 12:20 AM
It's never pleasant, never. Death is bad enough, but feeling your soul get yanked away from it's destination and slammed back into the material world is enough to drive some people mad.

It's hard to stair down at your flesh remaking itself every time. You can't even close your eyes to block out the sight, for lack of eyelids, or scream in horror. Until your lungs and vocal cords are finish forming, the best you can manage is a hoarse gasp. By the time you can muster a good scream the worst is already over.

This time it is different, normally you come back alone, in the dark, but this time you aren't alone there are others here in the dark with you.

(All three of you are in a small(4x5 square) stone walled room. A single aging wooden door in the north west corner of the room leads out. You have all the equipment listed on your character sheet with you, once your bodies and clothing finish forming.)

For quick reference:

Dimleck (http://www.thetangledweb.net/forums/profiler/view_char.php?cid=27480)

Varen (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=138298)

Jacqueline (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=138319)

Crel (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=140531)

OOC link (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=6523995#post6523995)

2009-07-18, 03:21 AM
Varen gasped, falling to his knees as the sensation of living flooded into his newly reformed body. The agony was so intense that the mere memory of it was enough to make him want to empty his stomach, though he resisted with a great deal of effort, knowing it would bring up only sour bile. Four times he had endured the process now, four rebirths so painful that the deaths that preceded them would have been mercies had even one been permanent. It never got easier to cope with.

Slender, bony fingers covered with tattered strips of cloth that served as gloves felt at a body covered by an equally ragged garb. Everything seemed to be in place, the gaping hole punched in his chest by a spear thrust now completely mended. Still, though he knew no sign of the injury remained, he could not help but finger the location of the wound absently. It would take a long while for him to forget that death.

Pushing himself to his feet was no easy task; his body cried out in protest with every movement, no matter how small. The stiffness in his muscles would fade soon, if past events were any indication, but for now it took a supreme force of will and much gritting of teeth to manage even that simple action.

Darkness. That too was the same as ever. Always he was reborn alone, in the dark, apparently so that his screams could not bring unwanted attention too quickly for him to react. Whatever twisted, maleficent being was responsible for Varen's situation apparently had no desire to see him die before he could at least muster a defense. That was something to be grateful for. That, and precious little else.

But... no. Something was different this time. Someone – some thing at least – was nearby, to judge by the sound of ragged breathing so like his own that reached his ears. Caution took hold instantly, the iron grip choking out all thoughts save those centered around self-preservation. He caught and held his breath, fumbling at the light haversack that always seemed to have the proper item on top. His fingers closed around a glass container almost of their own accord, and he drew out the stoppered potion with as much care as he could muster. Holding the item tight to his chest with one hand on the stopper, he took a single, quiet step backward, then uttered a quick series of words in a low voice, ready to down the potion and flee in an instant if the situation turned out to be as dangerous as he feared. Not everything in this godsforsaken place tried to kill him, but it often seemed that way.

”Is someone else there? Identify yourself! I warn you, I'm armed!” This was pure bluster of course, unless he intended to bash someone over the head with the glass bottle, but a lie seemed appropriate in such a situation.

2009-07-18, 10:54 AM
Dimelik came to, and wished he hadn't. He was feeling something close to what it must be like to be stuffed in a sack of hedgehogs and shaken, only worse. He opened his mouth to cry out, only to find he couldn't make a sound. Or, for that matter, open his mouth. Those familiar actions, that had formed words, chewed food, and muttered incantations his whole life, weren't there. He tried again, and discovered that his jaw had formed, followed by arms, torso and legs. The pain dissipated, and a low groan escaped him.

He quickly patted himself down, making sure all the bits and pieces were there. Next, Dimelik tried to figure out exactly what had happened. He had died, he knew, and remembered his last few moments alive, trying to gasp out a healing spell through collapsed lungs. By all rights, he should be in an afterlife now, reveling in trickery with his god. That was the problem with worshiping a chaotic neutral god, Dimelik thought, sitting up, you were never sure when He was going to pull a fast on on you.

For the first time, Dimelik looked around, and realized that he couldn't see anything. As he was coming to grips with that revelation, a voice came out of the darkness.

”Is someone else there? Identify yourself! I warn you, I'm armed!”

"I'm here, though I don't know where here is" Dimelik said, standing, and turning towards the voice. "Give me a second, I'm going to try something." Dimelik drew his rapier, and and focused, casting light on the sword.

2009-07-18, 04:14 PM
As Jacqueline woke in her new body, she gasped from the pain. Agony raced through her body as her heart suddenly started, pounding like a hammer in her chest.

As the pain subsided, she realized what had happened. She'd heard about it, certainly. Stories. She'd even met some people she'd eaten before, walking about in the Dungeon. But her thoughts suddenly shifted to here and now as she realized something else– she was not alone.

She remained perfectly still as she heard gasps of pain and rustling around her. Armour clanked and a sword brushed the ground. She inhaled softly, savouring the smell of the fresh meat around her. Doresain has been kind to me, she thought briefly. I will eat well tonight.

As she quickly felt her clothes, she realized that her dress was covered with blood where she had been stabbed with a longsword. She quickly waved a free hand in a circle, dredging up the lovely spell she'd discovered in the flesh of a sorcerer she'd met a month back. Quietly passing a hand over her ruined garment, the blood stains disappeared as if they'd never been there. By the time Dimelik's sword lit up, she was sitting nice and ladylike on the floor of the dank room in a pristine dress, looking to all the world as if she had just stepped off her mother's carriage. She'd had some good times in that carriage, certainly. Her mother had been especially delicious.

She smiled sweetly. "I'm terribly sorry, please don't hurt me! I don't even know where I am!"

As her eyes adjusted to the light she picked out a half-elf and a human. The half-elf looked formidable, but the human looked like easy pickings. She licked her lips slightly as she tried to subdue the feeding frenzy threatening to break out in her. All in good time.

Quickly cast prestidigitation to freshen up a little.

2009-07-18, 11:09 PM
Crell Falleas:
Yearghcksquichsh! Crel had been screaming what only seemed moments earlier as the Gnoll's falchion had been piercing itself through his spine and internal, important organs. As life (as he knew it) faded from view, he felt (or felt that he felt), a tugging sensation from where his mind told him his stomach should be.

He was then yanked into a small room with several other people in it. A shrieking pain coursed through him, one that made (what he presumed was) dying feel like a mother's caress. Once he could move again, he promptly fell to his knees, and heaved up the contents of his alive-again body.
In the name of the All-Knowing, what the hell just happened? he cried out. He bent over and gave a dry hack, with no bile to toss up.

He looked up to see a Dwarf with a glowing rapier, what appeared to be an emaciated half-elf (or elf, he was always bad at telling the two apart, even though he was elven), I'm sorry, did I interrupt? Crel asked the group hesitantly. I didn't mean to.. err... drop in. He then falls to the ground once more, clutching his stomach.


2009-07-20, 10:38 AM

Jacqueling smiles at the others there as she realizes what's happened.
It would be spare eating at best. There's no meat on their bones. she grumbles to herself.

"Well, this is a fine predicament. My name is Jacqueline von Havishŕm," she says with poise as she goes over and tries to open the door out of the room. "I don't know any of you, and you don't know me, but I think if we're going to make it much further than a few steps out of this room, I think we'd best work together."

2009-07-20, 01:26 PM
Crel Falleas:

Crel shakes his head, and the... dwarf? disappears. Not again... he mumbles to himself before responding to Jacqueline.

Aye, I'll agree with you on that one. My name is Crel Falleas, Battlewizard. So, does anyone have any idea where this is? I was stabbed by a gnoll at my troupe's latest battleground, then found myself here. I could have sworn I was dead, but seeing as I'm talking... I assume I'm not.

He reaches a hand out to Jacqueline, as if to shake her hand. Nice ta meet ya, Miz Jacqueline. I'd suggest that you stay to the back if anything nasty's outside that door. Wouldn't want a pretty young lady like yerself to be getting injured.

2009-07-20, 04:54 PM

She giggles lightly and extends an immaculate white-gloved hand. "Oh, Mr. Falleas! You're too kind!" If he takes point, he'll be the first to be gutted on the spear of the next minotaur I come across. And then I'd be able to see what that elven blood tastes like... As she shakes his hand and moves behind him, she starts to salivate at the thought.

2009-07-20, 07:45 PM
Dimelik gave a polite nod to the elf and halfling as they introduced themselves. "Pleasure to meet both of you. I'm Dimelik, cleric of Olidammara. Excuse me for asking, but where are we, exactly? This sure ain't any afterlife I ever preached about.

2009-07-21, 02:29 PM
Crel Falleas:

Aye, Dimelik, this is like no afterlife I've either read about or studied. I'm guessing that it ain't the afterlife then. Mayhaps it's some form of purgatorial prison? Or are we just... not dead? I suggest we explore around a touch an' try to catch our bearings.

If someone goes to open the door, Crel prepares to cast Magic Missile (from his Warmage level) on whatever may come through the door, or anything he sees beyond it.

2009-07-21, 05:06 PM
Jacqueline opens the door. WHOA.

2009-07-21, 10:14 PM
Crel Falleas:

Just as Jacqueline opens the door, Crel leaps towards her, shouting Hey, watch what you're doing! but is unable to reach her in time. Once the door is open, he sees some strange kind of goblinoid leering into the small room. OH ****! Crel thinks to himself. He raises his hand and blasts two red beams of force out towards the apparition. Rash little aristocrat... Of all the people under Boccob's All-Seeing Eye, I'm stuck with a little lady with a death wish... This bodes ill. he thinks to himself.

Okay guys, hallucination here. I'm not usurping the DM's Almighty Shinyness of Authority. The Magic Missile (readied action) goes thru the apparition at about 4' 6" in the door, so if anything is there or might be hit, that's the trajectory. I'd guess that there might be a chance of hitting pretty miss Jacqueline with a missile, but since Crel's trying to protect her from his hallucination, I would think that it probably doesn't. That's up to his Almighty DM-ness to decide.

Oh! Damage Rolls:
Missile 1: [roll0]
Missile 2: [roll1]
It's +5 because I add my Int mod to one missile b/c of Warmage's Edge.

2009-07-23, 02:36 PM
The missiles whiz through the air, through the hallucinatory goblin and impact the far wall.

On the other side of the door is a stone corridor leading off to the left.

2009-07-23, 03:35 PM
Jacqueline glances back at Crel What was that all about?

Shrugging slightly, she strolls out of the door, breathing deeply to smell any possible prey ahead.

Using scent to see if I can catch a whiff of any dangers. Survival check–


2009-07-23, 07:54 PM
The whole place smells of fear and death, but Jacqueline cant pick out anything specific or near by. No startling or unnerving odors waft through the air.

2009-07-23, 10:24 PM
Dimelik steps out into the hall behind Jacqueline, sword held aloft to illuminate the hall for as far as possible. "How are we gonna swing this? Someone want to scout ahead, or do we move as a group?"

OOC: How wide is the corridor?

2009-07-24, 06:02 PM
((It's a single square, 5 ft, wide. It continues without deviation or visible doors for farther than the light can reach. ))

2009-07-25, 10:30 PM
Crel Falleas:

Crel shakes his head roughly, then looks back through the doorway at jacqueline. Wait a sec... Where'd that gobbo go?

He begins creeping slowly forward, looking around as if something is going to jump out of the corners and attack. Strange... he murmurs.

Turning towards the cleric, Crel suggests How
'bout you go on ahead? You're the one wearing the armor, after all. I'll go next, taking blast position. Varen behind me, or if ye' can find traps and whatnot, ahead o' me. We'll move as a group. Jaqueline, you can stay in the back and, please, try to stay out of our way. We'll leave you somewhere safe, that is, once we find one.

Readied action: Mage Armor on Self if anything dangerous should pop up. Duration 2 hours. (Or 20 min, don't remember if its a 10min/level or 1hr/level duration, cause I don't have my books with me)

2009-07-26, 06:44 PM
Dimelik nods as Crel speaks.
"That makes an amount of sense. Unless anyone has any objections, lets get moving"
He looks around, waiting for someone to object, to say that they should go first. Assuming no one does, Dimelik will head off down the corridor.

2009-07-27, 04:12 PM
The corridor continues for 60 feet before abruptly ending, along the short trip no death traps or fanged beasts ambush the party. To the right of the dead end is a solid looking wooden door. There do not appear to be any obvious traps.

2009-07-27, 04:23 PM
Jacqueline smiles sweetly, but pushes her way to the front. "If it's okay with you, I'll take point. There could well be some trouble ahead, and you three boys don't exactly look like the sturdiest bunch I've ever seen." She grimaces. Practically no meat on their bones, other than that half-elf...

She boldly walks down the hallway, smelling the air every now and then as if searching for something foul. When she reaches the end, she grasps the door handle and opens it.

Bear in mind that Jacqueline has trapfinding, and will be continuously searching for traps along the way. Feel free to roll for anything she has a chance of finding. If she finds anything, she'll obviously wait and check it out before continuing on.

2009-07-28, 05:24 PM
The room is devoid of life. The far wall has a dark stain that doesn't bear close examination, the whole room smells of death and rancid meat. In a corner lies a pile of food stuffs, but from smell alone you can tell that it has already spoiled.

The room is roughly the same size as the one you all revived in. The southwest corner of the room has a door facing south.

2009-07-28, 06:40 PM
Dimelik enters the room behind Jacqueline, chuckling quietly at her comment, though somewhat relieved that someone else wants point. "You're a fine one to talk, little one. But if you want to become a halfling-kabob, be my guest."
With that, he throws open the south door, bowing deeply and gesturing melodramatically.

2009-07-28, 11:07 PM
Crel Falleas:

Crel hold his head with one hand as when a person has a headache. *Loon... This girl is gonna either cause her own death, mine, or both...* run the thoughts through his head. Very well, Jacqueline, very well. But it is not on my head if you end up as some kind of shish-kabob. Your welfare is your concern.

He then moves to the door. Well, we haven't got all day missie. Let's get moving, we're burning daylight...err.. lanternlight...err... fergitit!

Readied action is still in place.

2009-07-30, 04:09 PM
On the other side of the door there is a short hallway (10 feet long) on the other side is a broken in door. As the light spills into the room, somethings shifts out of sight and begins lurching into the light.

Roll initiative.

2009-07-30, 06:29 PM

Initiative: [roll0]

2009-07-30, 06:36 PM
Initiative: [roll0]

2009-07-30, 06:49 PM

Initiative: [roll0]

2009-07-30, 07:48 PM
A large skeletal figure clothed in rags of what was once armor stumbles out into the light. (Make a KS:dungeoneering or nature check to see if you can identify what exactly it was before it was undeadified reanimated.) It attacks Jaqueline with a bony claw.


2009-07-30, 07:51 PM
Crit confirm

Ouch:smalleek:. Jaqueline takes 22 points of damage. Taking her down to 0.

2009-07-30, 10:05 PM
Crel Falleas:

Ugh... Boneys! he exclaims while casting Mage Armor upon himself.

Readied action to cast Mage Armor on self, unless DM says I don't. Initiative: [roll0]

2009-07-31, 08:45 AM

"OW!" Jacqueline falls to the ground with a thump. She looks at her chest and realizes that blood is pouring out of it copiously. She'd normally enjoy the aroma, but...

Hastily scrabbling at her belt, she pulls out a crystal vial filled with a dusty red liquid. She pops it open and quaffs it, and sits in bliss for a moment before rejoining the fight.

Free action with Quick Draw to pull out a vial of blood; standard action to drink it. I'm at 0 hp, so I only get a single move or standard action.

Temporary Hit Points: [roll0]

2009-07-31, 09:03 AM
Dimelik grabs his holy symbol and raises it at the skeleton, attempting to turn it.

Turn check:
Turning damage: [roll]2d6+3+1

2009-07-31, 09:04 AM
Turning damage didn't work, lets try again:

Turning damage: [roll0]

2009-08-01, 12:02 PM
Dimelik raises his holy symbol and chastises the skeleton. Despite his zeal the skeleton neither flees nor crumbles into dust. Instead it readies itself for another attack.

For the next combat, I'll roll initiative to speed things up.

2009-08-01, 01:46 PM
In that case, Varen will overchannel Mind Thrust, expending his psionic focus and 4 power points to deal [roll0] points of damage to whatever just used that lovely halfling lady as a punching bag. Due to his familiarity with overchanneling, he takes no damage from the act.

2009-08-01, 10:48 PM
Crel Falleas:
Alright fellas, my time to shine. Arcanum Ignasia!

Crel thrusts his hand forwards towards the skeleton, flinging a pair of bolts of pure magical energy at it. He then steps a bit back, trying to stay out of the way and out of harms way.

Casting Magic Missile.
Missile one, Warmage's Edge enhances: [roll0]
Missile two: [roll1]

By the way, awesome that you used my generic term "boney" for its name. I like using Boney instead of undead, etc. with my characters.

Rolling a voluntary will save for fun to see if Crel hallucinates at all for next round. [roll2] I'm-a thinking DC 13 or so.

2009-08-02, 01:47 PM
Varen and Crel's mystical attacks slam into the skeleton, sending bits of bone and fragments of tattered leather flying through the air. The skeleton is barely intact but continues attacking with mindless determination. Since Jaqueline remains at the fore front of the party it once again rakes her with it's claw like fingers.



2009-08-02, 04:56 PM
Dimelik watches the skeleton attack Jaqueline again,and springs into action. He channels one of his prepared spells into healing energy, and lets it flow to the battered halfling.

Dimelik will drop Comprehend Languages for cure light wounds, and cast it on Jaqueline.

healed: [roll0]

2009-08-02, 06:03 PM
Crel Falleas:
Still standin, eh? Well, I can take care of that. Time to meet Mr. Crossbow...

Crel (minorly obviously) aims his crossbow at Boney at fires, hoping to score a final blow.

Here goes: [roll0] and damage: [roll1]

2009-08-03, 03:38 PM
Positive energy courses into Jacquilne's body and her wounds begin to close, ribs begin to knit back together, muscle and tendon reconnect to one another. ( I have her at 5 actual hit points and 5 temporary for 10)

Crel's shot goes long and misses the skeleton completely. A few clicks can be heard as the quarrel ricochets into the room behind it before coming to rest.

2009-08-06, 12:55 PM
Crel Falleas:
Oh, come on! Crel exclaimed while re-loading his crossbow. He then aims it once more towards Boney.

Move action to reload a light crossbow, and then fire at Boney. To hit: [roll0] Damage: [roll1]