View Full Version : Dosbox help please?

2009-07-19, 07:56 PM
Thought this would probably be best off in Games, but if a mod sees fit to move it then very well.

So, I grabbed me Daggerfall from TES site.

Problem: Dosbox dislikes my keyboard intensely.

It will not recognise the colon. Or backslash. This is a problem. Tried the keymapper in it, but it didn't seem to have the option. Currently using the Alt combos.

Would anyone out there happen to know a) if there's an easier option aside from grabbing a new keyboard or b) if it's possible to write batch files for DOSBOX anyway? Much easier than mounting a drive every time...

2009-07-19, 08:04 PM
DOSBox has a configuration file where you can tweak all the settings. DOSBox has a wiki page (http://www.dosbox.com/wiki/Dosbox.conf) telling all the details.

For your problem, I think you need to set usescancodes to false. I remember having key problems once before and this fixed the issue.

As for auto-mounting, you can enter in commands under the [autoexec] section at the end of the config file. Just put in
mount c whatever-your-directory-is
cd c:
or whatever you want to run initially and it will set it up for you every time you run.

2009-07-19, 08:59 PM
It may be a bug, but DOSBox 0.73 didn't auto-create a configuration file when first run for me (like it did in previous versions). If you don't have it, type this in on the z: prompt:

config -writeconf dosbox.conf

This will create the file in your dosbox folder (you can open it up with notepad or a similar program).