View Full Version : Bwahahahahahaha or Mwahahahahah

2009-07-19, 08:42 PM
Which is your preferred evil laugh?

I'm currently raising an evil genius, and was appalled to discover on the weekend that she is a Mwhahahaha girl. Never fear, she is young, I can help her...

http://s151.photobucket.com/albums/s157/dogmac/?action=view&current=100_0036.flv <-- not scary at all.

But then many other people have told me that Mwhahahahah is the CORRECT evil laugh.

So... which do you think?

2009-07-19, 08:43 PM

Bwahaha just looks silly.

2009-07-19, 08:46 PM
Mwhahahahaha is suitable, but the tone needs to be more psychotic.

Alternatively how about this laugh from a certain game (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CyZoe-r9qb0)?

The Vorpal Tribble
2009-07-19, 08:46 PM
Mwha is evil. Bwha is a belly laugh. Someone truly evil would know the distinction.

Mystic Muse
2009-07-19, 08:50 PM
personally my evil villain laughs go more like "mwehehehehehe" but I like "bwahahahah" when doing a cheesy villain.

2009-07-19, 08:59 PM
Mwha is evil. Bwha is a belly laugh. Someone truly evil would know the distinction.

Tribble is absolutely correct. I'm not evil, but I hang around enough diabolical knuckleheads to get the full range of demented and black-hearted laughter.

2009-07-19, 09:00 PM
Neither "Bwahaha" or "Mwahaha" is the optimal laugh. I prefer a laugh in which the emphasis is the same as "Bwahaha", but without the "Bwa". The end result is a laugh that sounds like genuine laughter - at the hero's death/humiliation/other suffering.

Ashen Lilies
2009-07-19, 09:17 PM


Cause that's my preferred evil laugh too. Bwa and Mwa are just silly. Unless you're all Mwahaha all sarcastically like.

Mauve Shirt
2009-07-19, 09:20 PM
Muahahahaha is a quieter evil laugh than bwahaha, both are acceptably evil though.
I like "AHAHA! AHAHAHAHA!" (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PiGIQrt1IaE) best.

2009-07-19, 09:24 PM
As far as evil expressions of amusement go, I prefer the dark, weirdly echoing chuckle to the out-and-out laugh. Mostly because they either sound cartoonish or delirious, neither of which are optimal for a 'good' villain.

On the other hand, one of my friends has practiced his evil laugh to the point where it's become his actual laugh, and I kind of like his Mwa-ha-ha-ha. It gets his feelings across while being vaguely menacing... and it cracks me up.

2009-07-19, 09:24 PM
I dunno, I'm beginning to think that the reason that none of you rule the world with an iron fist is because you don't know how to evil laugh correctly.

I do, obviously, so it is lucky I am a pacifist.

Mauve Shirt
2009-07-19, 09:31 PM
Team evil (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0097.html) obviously prefers the BWAHAHAHAHA version.

2009-07-19, 09:35 PM
Yeah, that's about right. Just less cartoony.

Flame of Anor
2009-07-19, 09:48 PM
Yeah, that's about right. Just less cartoony.

Yeah, I agree. :smallbiggrin:

2009-07-19, 09:48 PM
I prefer a slight, closed mouthed, chuckle as my evil laugh

2009-07-19, 09:50 PM
"Bwahahahahaha" is a belly laugh and the signature chuckle of a hero, Blue Beetle.

"Mwahahahaa" all the way.

2009-07-19, 09:54 PM
A sort of dark chuckle to oneself is proper procedure.

Mando Knight
2009-07-19, 09:55 PM
I have an array of evil laughs, ranging from the Joker (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lb8fWUUXeKM), to Lelouch (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1pJWoB-Q6HU), to Dr. Claw (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/InspectorGadget).

2009-07-19, 10:01 PM
I prefer a good "Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!" accompanied by thunder and lightning (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4FpuYTy3q7Q).

2009-07-19, 10:21 PM
i think they all suit different occasions.

2009-07-19, 10:26 PM
Muahahahaha is a quieter evil laugh than bwahaha, both are acceptably evil though.
I like "AHAHA! AHAHAHAHA!" (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PiGIQrt1IaE) best.

Oh gods, I know that was Mandark before I even clicked the link.
My evil laugh tends to be a Muahahaha in a deep scratchy voice myself. Works perfectly.

@Rtg: I love The Counts laugh. I was talking to my sister the other day and joked that me and my friends should go into a supermarket (Not the one I work in though). Then go to the checkouts or something, point at a staff member and, rather loudly, say "ONE! ONE CHECKOUT GIRL! AH AH AH" Or something along those lines.

Blue Ghost
2009-07-19, 10:27 PM
My dark side prefers the "heh heh heh" sort of sinister chuckle.

2009-07-19, 10:31 PM
I like Mua-hahahahaha myself. :smallwink:

2009-07-19, 10:31 PM
I prefer more of an evil snicker. A bit more sinister and ominous-sounding than a full-out evil laugh.

If I had to chose between those two, however, probably "mwahaha".

2009-07-19, 10:33 PM
@Rtg: I love The Counts laugh. I was talking to my sister the other day and joked that me and my friends should go into a supermarket (Not the one I work in though). Then go to the checkouts or something, point at a staff member and, rather loudly, say "ONE! ONE CHECKOUT GIRL! AH AH AH" Or something along those lines.

Or since you WORK at a supermarket (assuming you're a cashier or bagger), you should just wait until someone brings you three apples/oranges/potatoes/whatever and count them as you ring them up or bag them. Bonus points if you work on Halloween dressed as The Count and do it. :smallbiggrin:

2009-07-19, 11:07 PM
Really evil people don't laugh. They just smille in a way that makes you cry.

2009-07-19, 11:10 PM

People tend not to take me seriously.

2009-07-19, 11:11 PM
I've been working on my evil laugh lately, and I've discovered I can't really pull off bwahaha or mwahaha. My voice isn't deep enough for it. So I've been branching out into "eeeeeee-hee-hee-hee-hee-hee!"-ing. There's a constant pitfall of sounding like the Wicked Witch of the West (rather than the more Crimson King-esque chittering I'm aiming for), so there's an added dimension of challenge, but the payoff is well worth it.

2009-07-19, 11:15 PM
I prefer "Bwa ha ha ha!" myself, although it's more of a cartoonish evil laugh. "Mwa ha ha" sounds too much like "Nyah ha ha ha", which is the kind of evil laugh that Joey Wheeler (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0rS_-y_CiN0) would make.

My evil laugh starts as a chuckle and raises in volume until it's a near-deafening roar.

2009-07-19, 11:16 PM
I prefer "Bwa ha ha ha!" myself, although it's more of a cartoonish evil laugh. "Mwa ha ha" sounds too much like "Nyah ha ha ha", which is the kind of evil laugh that Joey Wheele would make.You making fun of my laugh, punk? BROOKLYN RAGE :smallfurious:


2009-07-19, 11:26 PM
Or since you WORK at a supermarket (assuming you're a cashier or bagger), you should just wait until someone brings you three apples/oranges/potatoes/whatever and count them as you ring them up or bag them. Bonus points if you work on Halloween dressed as The Count and do it. :smallbiggrin:

Oh. My. God. Perfect! I do work as a cashier so I could easily do that!
Though, I'd only do it in front of a regular customer I think. Irregulars are scary. >.>

2009-07-19, 11:28 PM
The Comparative Merits of Different Varieties of Malevolent Laughs

A reflective thesis, by Rutskarn.

The world of professional supervillainy is charged with controversy over a variety of topics, both logistical and anti-ethical. Should I use deathtraps, or just shoot him? Should I educate misbehaving minions, or just shoot them? Should I use easily-unseated heat-micronium lasers on my foes, or just shoot them?

However, few of these debates have the longevity, ferocity, and academic value of that classic quandary: which is superior, Bwhahahahahaha or Mwahahahaha?

To be sure, to address this question, one must first establish underlying motive. I suspect that this issue is at the root of many heated arguments--arguments that, were this issue to be first resolved, would probably end on an amicable note. There is, after all, no "right" way to be a terror to society. Different villains have different motives; different motives require different approaches; different approaches, for their part, require different tools.

Take, for example, a fellow named Dr. Varghast Von Vile. Clearly, this is not an individual prone to impulsive or madcap action--the name evokes a sort of methodical, educated approach that counts on heroes being unable to unravel his complex plans. Clearly, his best strategy is to unsettle his opponents, make them more prone to mistakes, more hesitant.

For this task, the Mwhahaha is a clear victor. Few proponents of Bwahahaha would fail to concede this point--Mwhahaha inspires fear of the opponent's intellect and doubt in one's own, a one-two punch that should paralyze one's adversaries.

But this does not tell the whole story. Not all villains are so methodical, so reliant on devious schemes. Some prefer to let their villainy speak for itself--simple, foolproof gambits that rely on sheer evil power to succeed. Take Doomcannon, a scientist who turned his abilities towards illicit fiscal gain (i.e., blowing banks apart.) Clearly, playing up his intellect does not much work to his advantage. Doomcannon has other priorities--simply soiling the pants of his opponents is an excellent start.

For this, Bwahahaha is a golden sledgehammer. It is not subtle, but it is both effective and invaluable. Upon the first flawless notes of this chant, your adversaries will know you are capable of terrible horror, and will fear approaching you.

This is, of course, a rather crude and brief summary. Still, it should provide a context for future debate.

2009-07-19, 11:31 PM
I use neither Bwahahahahahaha or Mwahahahahah.

I use Muahahahahahaha!!

I like the U sound better than the W sound in my evil villians.

2009-07-19, 11:31 PM
Krankor (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QhEW9P3Ta2g) > ALL when it comes to evil laughs.

2009-07-19, 11:32 PM
You making fun of my laugh, punk? BROOKLYN RAGE :smallfurious:


Oh, just stick to saying 'nyeh'. it's all you're good for.


2009-07-19, 11:35 PM
Oh, just stick to saying 'nyeh'. it's all you're good for.

/abridgedquoteNyeh? What nyeh sound? Nyeh.

2009-07-19, 11:53 PM
MWAHAHAHA is what I use when I'm emulating an evil dictator type. Like Doctor Doom. It goes well with the deep voice and the imagined harmonics of a throne room inside a volcano. Definitely your go-to laugh for any situation where you want to imagine yourself wearing black armor. Or a business suit. And stroke a white cat.

BWAHAHAHA is my standard mad scientist laugh. Since I'm arguably a mad scientist in real life (I'm really a scientist. The "mad" part is rather more subjective.) I tend to use it more. A good mad scientist should have the sort of cackle that can peal out through the windows of the castle and provide an interesting counter to the inevitable lightning strike and *Crash* of thunder.

Should I be imitating any sort of evil clown type villain (happens more often than you'd think) I prefer a sort of unsettling demonic giggle, along the lines of EHEHEHEHEEEE. You can practically hear the demented carnival music and smell the arsenic laced cotton candy.

They said I was mad for putting so much thought into this topic. Well soon we will see that it is they who are mad! Mad for not seeing the potential of my work! As soon as I complete the serum, the nations of the world will fall to their knees before my brilliance!


2009-07-19, 11:54 PM
IMO, Mwuahaha/Muahaha is evil, Bwahaha is more malevolent amusement, like laughing at someone falling.

My laugh, something like "heheheh" is a malevolent chuckle if done right.

Rofl is none of the above.

2009-07-20, 01:12 AM
I like "AHAHA! AHAHAHAHA!" (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PiGIQrt1IaE) best.

^ this is the true evil laugh.

2009-07-20, 01:44 AM
If you can't pull a Bwahahahahahaha without sounding evil, then Mwahahahahahaha is your fallback. Personally, I'm going to have to agree with mando, and claim that Lelouch and Joker > all.

2009-07-20, 02:00 AM
My personal favourite is 'Violator' (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xg5Kn4-7jY4) from the Spawn movie.

Then again, that's not so much an evil laugh. More of an insane laugh. But I still like it.

2009-07-20, 02:06 AM
A nice, deep, Mwahahaha!

2009-07-20, 02:46 AM
What a lot of people are ignoring here is that Mwahahaha and any other suggestions are only the first steps in a lifelong journey of finding the unique voice of your own inner evil genius. It's such a rookie mistake to blackmail the United Nations or whatever and have a laugh that reminds people of Doctor Doom. Doctor Doom has a losing record; sheeple can visualize Doctor Doom being thwarted. You want your sheeple to be thinking "This laugh is menacing but unfamiliar, and that makes me uncomfortable."

2009-07-20, 03:33 AM
Id tilt against the insane laughs, as this (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oJ-_sj9jUIM) or this (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=alrRSbPiTMk&feature=related)
Goshin got a better evil laugh than Carrey, tho.

2009-07-20, 07:16 AM
I am de Count and I love to count. One, two THREE!

Nah, Lelouch (http://s196.photobucket.com/albums/aa9/Geass2/02/code292qx10.jpg)'s laugh all the way.

2009-07-20, 08:38 AM
I'm a muahahaha person. The mua comes from an initial desire to suppress the laughter, and then realising that you don't really care what people think of you, let it all out.

I actually knew a guy, a year younger than me, who had the most evil laugh I've ever heard. And it was his natural laugh. It was a mix between bwa and mua, with the initial consonant just barely audible. It actually made shivers run up my spine once or twice. :smalleek:

2009-07-20, 08:57 AM
Bwa or mwa makes no odds. As long as you do it with a DON!

2009-07-20, 09:07 AM
Whether or not to use "Bwaha!" or "Mwaha!" depends on the situation. "Bwaha" is a laugh that starts as you're already breathing out. Usually used when you're once again surprised by the stupidity of those who would think to oppose you. A typical context for it is when the hero has said something totally asinine, like, "You'll never get away with this! (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main.YouWontGetAwayWithThis)"

"Mwaha," on the other hand, starts from the depths of your belly, when you know that you're the only one who really knows what's going on. It should only be used rarely - for example, if you're in a room full of your own minions, or a Trusted Lieutenant - because it usually denotes an impending Monologue. This can have dangerous consequences (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/EvilGloating) if a Hero is anywhere in the vicinity. (See also #6, 7, etc. on the Evil Overlord List (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/EvilOverlordList)).

Lord Loss
2009-07-20, 09:09 AM
I'm more of a Meheheheh , but mwahahahaha is better then -shudders- Bwahahahaha. This subject is so random. :smallbiggrin:!

2009-07-20, 09:51 AM
My great delight in my husband's evil "mwahahaha!" is that it's so jolly. It's the laugh of an Evil Overlord that enjoys what he does.

2009-07-20, 09:53 AM
I actually prefer a clear manic HAHAHAHAHAHA! above both bwahaha or mwahaha.

Miss Nobody
2009-07-21, 02:41 PM
Mwahahahahaha. It just sounds better to me. MWAHAHAHAHA!

2009-07-21, 02:55 PM
What does Jabba the Hutt's laugh transcribe as?

And is it an example of a proper villain laugh, or does it sound like Santa after a very bad day?

Mando Knight
2009-07-21, 02:58 PM
What does Jabba the Hutt's laugh transcribe as?

That would be WOH HOHOHOHOHO.

2009-07-21, 03:00 PM
Sounds about right. Zorba's in The Glove of Darth Vader series is written:

"Ah-haw-haw-haw-haw!" but I'm not sure if thats quite the same.

H. Zee
2009-07-21, 03:01 PM

Mwa ha ha ha all the way.

2009-07-21, 03:17 PM
I´m mwahaha person myself. It just seems so classically and stylishly evil? or is it evily stylish?:smallcool:
I´m also thinking buwhuahahaha, cackled forcefully and madly from the depths of one´s lungs in like you are choking on it. Be careful not to overdo that part, or you star choking and wheezing and that will seriously hurt your image. Protip: Try to emulate the sound really fervently bubbling oil or that of a boiling liquid and, what is essential buwhuaha in short rapid bursts followed by a sustained cackle.
(Man, really makes me wants to play a villian once, because I never even had the chance to try one of these out. I´m probably too genre savvy for this:smallsigh:)

2009-07-21, 06:04 PM
Muahahahaha is a quieter evil laugh than bwahaha, both are acceptably evil though.
I like "AHAHA! AHAHAHAHA!" (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PiGIQrt1IaE) best.
Agreed. If only because I've been told repeatedly in High School that my laugh sounds exactly like his.

Really evil people don't laugh. They just smille in a way that makes you cry.
Though this has a lot of merit.

2009-07-21, 06:08 PM
bwhahaha definately has more mocking overtones to it

2009-07-21, 06:29 PM
Bwahahahaha sounds like a chicken, but mwhahahaha isn't much better.

I prefer a loud, slow chuckle.

2009-07-21, 06:37 PM
I dunno, but "bwahahahaha" sounds almost like you're about to sneeze and then you randomly start laughing. like "BBBBWWAA" being the sneezing and "hahahaha" being the laughing. lol.
I prefer "Mwahahaha" but it does sound cartoonish and I doubt evil laughs sound like that in real life. but what do I know? Last time I checked i wasnt evil, so you'd have to ask someone who is :smallwink:

2009-07-21, 07:39 PM
I believe that neither choice is the proper one. Bwahaha indicates either uncontrolled belly laughter at the expense of maximum ridiculosity, no feature of which is particularly conducive to great evil.

Meanwhile Mwahaha is the stage sound effect used to indicate that a character is evil. You don't get the full Mwahaha without practicing, and I'm inclined to believe that self-respecting evil villains have better things to do.

If you wish to see a true evil laugh, it will vary wildly based on the person in question. It should indicate darkness, madness, and confidence. It may start as a giggle, or an ordinary laugh. It may have a Mwa, but it will not be the Mwahaha stage laugh. This (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C65oaIHsdYM) is a good one, but still too stagey.

Mando Knight
2009-07-21, 08:08 PM
That's not an Evil Laugh. This (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g6R-x-vOuYo) is an Evil Laugh.

2009-07-22, 12:33 AM
That's not an evil laugh. This (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7edeOEuXdMU) is an evil laugh.

2009-07-22, 01:07 AM
You don't get the full Mwahaha without practicing, and I'm inclined to believe that self-respecting evil villains have better things to do.

What, do you think Bad Horse didn't work on his whinny? His terrible death whinny?

2009-07-22, 02:06 AM
That's not a laugh. These (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lb8fWUUXeKM) are laughs.

2009-07-22, 08:51 PM
That's not a laugh. These (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lb8fWUUXeKM) are laughs.


No one does evil cartoon laughs like the evil cartoon Joker...

2009-07-24, 05:34 PM
Something just occurred to me!

Evil laughs aren't that sly or cunning sounding the joker is an exception.

They should be called "tyrannical laughs".

Makes much more sense.