View Full Version : Total War 2125 V IC

2009-07-20, 04:31 AM
1st January 2125. The skies are full of fireworks, and people laugh in the streets.

I bet most of them will be dead within a year.

Players The Confederacy of the States (Night Surgeon)Back ground: After the American Chinese war, a new President emerged after a land slide election. His name was Sigmund Eugene Reed. He was a prodigal doctor in the fields of physics, and mathmatics who had brought many a development to the proud country of America. However, he proved to be more then meets then eye, when he officaly closed all American boarders, after Anexing Canada, and crushing them in a swift, brutal, military conflict that ended in a thirty minuet battle that became known as the legendary "10 hour War". The secret behind the battle was Sigmunds BRILLIANT use of tactics, he out preformed, and out manuevered the Canadian generals at every step pushing his forces in at the speed that the motorized divisions could barely keep up with. However, tactics were not the only advantage that America had attained, they had developed in the past year a Stealth Suit that made the wearer invisible to the naked eye, and even managed to nullify motion sensors, giving them the ultimate in inflitrating. However, as their economy was nearly shut down over night by the world wide embargo, America now struggles to keep it's millitary up in the numbers, and until they can divine a solution they have cut down majorly on all spending including Social Security, and many Government Jobs are now Volunteer work. However, he managed to preserve the American way, and their rights through a secret pact with Germany which excluded them from the world wide Embargo, and allowed much needed resources to be funneled in under heavy watch. Over the years, much of Americas territory has become adabonded due to industrial pollution however, and though Americans promise that it can only get better Morale has been low, and the world opinion of this once great country has faltered as their non evironmentalist views have wracked the heartlands with desolation, and the world opinion grows dim. (Powerful, but slightly outdated millitary, GREAT Espionage, barely above ground economy, faltering morale, and low world opinion.)

Strengths: Powerful, but quickly outdating due to lack of alternative fuels available to them military, Powerful Espionage due to near perfect invisibility suits.

Weaknesses: Faltering Economy with the world basiclly shut out sans Germany, NO world opinion for anyone sans Germany, and a few Envrionmentalist Groups. Only decent morale despite maintaing many freedoms, and having a okay quality of life.

Head operatives:
Sigmund Reed :, President in these dim times (Indefinite period of Election due to the Elastic Clause in respect to the constitution.), brilliant commander in chief, and Doctor of Physics and Math.

Speaker of the House: Arthur Nye, A tall man with sandy brown hair, and hope filled hazel eyes. He's the kind of man you see on a poster that promotes hope. Professional PR man.

Secretary of Defense: Mikhail Klashkanov, desendant of the man who invented the gun for which his sur name represents, first Russian Secretary of Defense, and Doctor of Military Science. Currently spear heading a new military development of unsure ends.

Secretary of Envrionmental affiars: Nancy Dent, A older woman with graying hair, and a sweet smile. She spends most of her time off the job doing volunteer work around the community attempting to keep it clean enough to live in respectfully.

World Opinion: +
Economy: +++
Technology: +++++
Espionage: ++++++++
Military: ++++++

Tactical Genius: The Confederacy's troops, when commanded by their leader, are unmatched tactically.

Invisibility Suits: You have stealth technology capable of making men invisible and almost undetectable. Improves your espionage when spying in open territory.

Hated By All: No-one likes you. :’(
The European Union (Wizard of the Coat)History
As China and America faced off in their war Europe swiftly fell into an economic crisis, with their investments in the States and their factories in China both being wasted in the all commanding war. Yet rather than falter and disintergrate, as political scolars thought they might, Europe banded together as a union of individual states. Swiftly the few eastern european countries that had not joined them now became members and the continen, sans Russia, was united in peace.

Overcoming hardships through knowledge the different European lands and their commisioners invested in fusion energy, abandoned a century earlier due to rising costs, and succeeded in making it a reality. With this extremely large energy resevoir their economy was rebooted and the second great project was undertaken, the conquest of space. As polution from fallout ravaged the world the Europeans believed it was only a matter of time before it would consume Earth. Soon colonies on Luna and deep space research stations on the moons of saturn and jupiter were established.

Europe it seemed was reaching for the stars, but kept mindfull of it's neighbours. Building a powerfull network of deterrents to keep foreigners and their problems out, using a variety of technological countermeasures. The European fortress is potent and awe inspiring, yet their offensive military is minimal as they do not want to be perceived as a theat.

Strength: master of technology with amongs other things deep space research stations, fledgeling lunar colonies and a highly educated population, self sufficient due to potent and extensive fusion powered economy with decent defensive military (high defence, low offence)

Weaknesses: Reclusive due to their closure to foreign citizens (high spy defence, but hardly any offense), Union decisions take time due to bureaucracy, population is rather indifferent to the government (don't care one way or the other, hard to change for better or worse)

Religions: Mainly liberal atheists with lingering remnants of islam (~10%) and christianity (~3%), though most people still restect liberal christian values they have lost faith long ago. Now mostly immigrants from africa (christians) and the arab world (islam) maintain their religions. Freedom of religion is in place, but religion is not allowed in public institutions.

Joris Dapper- President of the commission

An inspiring leade Joris has been a keen factor of the european reforms during his days as commissioner for Science and Research. Under his leadership the EU is further capitolising on this.

Heinrich Hanze - EU commisioner for Enterprise & Industry

Germany was still europe's main exporter and it was only natural for them to be given this position. Hanze is mainly charged with getting scientific advances to be used as innovative new business opportunities. He's exploring ways for colaboration with others, and seems interested in sharing Europe's vast technological knowledge with all mankind. Still he faces much oposition from Victoria, leaving Joris with a deciding vote on the matter.

Victoria Lyvtchen - EU commisionor for Research and Science

Together with Hanze and Joris she dominates European policy with the NET largest budget (agriculture, education and health have larger gross budgets). She's a former Kosmonaut experimenting with fusion in space, before becoming the first governer of the lunar colonies and after that commisioner for Research and Science when Joris Dapper vacated this seat.
CS -alliance-
Old allies, we owe them our unity. let's help them rebuild, but be carefull they don't abuse their power.

TSTS -alliance-
Old friends, why didn't we let them enter a century ago?

Brazil -friendly-
Wait, why did we place so many restrictions upon them. They are good people. Let's check with the office for...

<several weeks of bureacracy later> "I give up..."

Aussies -cool-
Good thing those zealots are far away. Still they have some very usefull resources!

World Opinion: ++++
Economy: ++++++
Technology: ++++++++
Espionage: +
Military: ++

Closed Off: Increases defensive espionage and vastly increases defensive military ratings.

…In Space!: This nation has deep space research stations and even colonies on the Moon.

Bureaucracy: Major decisions take some time.

Multinational Organization: Made up of many smaller countries.
The Sublime Turkish State (Dersess)History: In September 23rd, 2014, in the Russian port city of Novorossiysk, a standoff between Russian Spetznaz forces and Georgian Nationalists was taking place for control of a large cargo freighter, one housing several high-yield atomic weapons. After several hours of back-and-forth fighting, the Russian forces took the ship and executed the remaining rebels. However, the Russo-Georgian War was just getting underway.

After three years of fighting, Russian forces began moving into Bat'umi, a town on the Georgian and Turkish border. Many Georgians fled into Turkey to escape the destruction of the war, including many high-ranking members of the Georgian military. The Russians demanded their release into Russian custody, which, after much deliberation, the Turks refused. The Russian military began marching on Turkish soil January 14th, 2018, the inauguration of the new Turkish President, Mehmed Heyreddin. His first task as president was to organize a defense against one of the most militarily powerful countries in the world.

As compulsory military service is required of all Turkish males, hundreds of thousands of men took up arms to defend their homes. Informally called "Janissaries," by their detractors, the Turkish armed forces were able to fight a brilliant defensive war which cost them a small fraction of what it cost the Russians. Also, strong cultural ties between many Middle Eastern and Caucus nations formed a strong coalition against the Russian aggression that would help form the foundation of a new Turkish state.

However, the massive Russian army was able to launch subsequent attacks on just about any close nation that sided with the Turks, and after five years of fighting, the Turkish morale was beginning to break. The Turks needed a miracle if they were to win this war. That would come on April 29th, 2023, when an unnamed Captain and his tank squadrons came across a group of 4 Russian Infantry divisions and 6 Russian Armor divisions moving on the capital city of Ankara. Doing the best they could, the Turkish tanks prevented the Russians from moving into the city while allowing the citizens of Ankara to evacuate. After 30 hours of fighting, the Russians-a force of almost 50,000-surrendered to the Turkish force of 400. The Russian Prime Minister immediately sued for peace made billions of dollars in reparations to the Turks. President Heyreddin, now a cultural and political icon of the Turkish state, used the money to fund reformations of just about every cumbersome or unwieldy aspect of the Turkish government, education, and military systems. In the course of 3 years, not only had Turkey rebuilt, it had become one of the most economically, politically, and militarily powerful nations on the planet, all thanks to President Heyreddin. As the Turkish state began to thrive, smaller states surrounding it wished to share in its prosperity and might, to which Heyreddin agreed. Eventually, it had subsumed Greece, many of the Balkan nations, the Caucus nations, Egypt, and many Middle Eastern nations. Some of the more proud ones (such as Iran) remained independent, however took the suggestions and ideals of the Turkish state very close to the heart in exchange for aid.

They people had come to trust Heyreddin, and thus, his title as president was removed, and he was named Sultan of the new Turkish state. The Heyreddin dynasty still lasts to his day.

Strengths: An extremely powerful military thanks to cutting edge military and medical technology, high morale, powerhouse economy.

Weaknesses: A relatively low world opinion, low espionage, lacking technology in day-to-day use.

The Players:

Suleiman III--The Sultan of the Turkish State, he is a jolly man well-loved by his subjects.

Is'mael al-Hussad Pasha--Aged leader of the Turkish armed forces and the First Janissary (a title meaning he has complete control over the entire Janissary corps), Is'mael has proven himself numerous times both as a field commander and as the Sultan's bodyguard. He is currently looking for a protege so he can retire.

Dr. Konstantina Cocles--A brilliant doctor of engineering, she is in charge of the State-sponsored Research and Development laboratories.

Roxelana Livoska--Born a commoner, the wife of the Sultan has no true power in the government, however she voices her opinions about the affairs of the people, which her husband and his advisers take very seriously.

Religious Beliefs: A majority of people subscribe to Islam, and it is considered by outsiders as the state religion (there is none). Numbers of Jewish and Christian centers thrive around Jerusalem, and more are scattered throughout the areas bordering Russia and Europe. In Persia, Zoroastrianism is undergoing a resurgence, but their numbers are nowhere near even the amounts of Christians or Jews. Other beliefs are present, but rarely seen.
World Opinion: +++
Economy: +++++++
Technology: +++++++
Espionage: ++
Military: +++++++

Military Tech: Although the military and medical technology is high, technology for everyday use is lacking.

Powerful Enemy: One or more fairly powerful countries really don’t like you.

The Confederation of States: "The Americans? What's to say? It's not their fault that they're led by a domineering mad-man who launched an unprovoked war on a neighboring nation. Most of them are good people. They just...are misguided."

The European Union: "They helped us out a bit during the War, and they've done right by us since then. I'd like to think we've done the same."

Brazil: "Strange place...strange place indeed. Think they can go about fixing every slight flaw with their science. If you ask me, they play at godhood too much for their own good. Still, they've been good trade partners over the years, so no real sense in rocking the boat there."

Australia: "A whole nation of crazies, them. Sure, they seem like they have a good life, but when a crisis rears its head, you can bet the **** will hit the fan. Badly."

Nipponese Technocratic Commune: "We've had a few of those Japanese doctors helping with our research, from what I understand, and vice-versa. Not to mention they're a fairly prickly thorn in the Great Bear's side. I hear they don't like us too much over there. Probably more than a little jealous, but who wouldn't be?"

TGCP: "Don't trust them. Live up the on their ice blocks, doing goodness-knows what. I'm all one for technological improvement, but they may pose a serious threat to us all one day. When that time comes, we'll put them down like a rabid hound."

Refuge of Geneva: "Shame they can't get along with their old neighbors. They're a proud people, to be sure. It'll probably get the best of them in the long run."

Iberia: "I have a feeling that whole place might be a bit of a powder keg. I mean, they're still a part of the EU, but I don't think they'll be content that way forever. They'll want to break away, and when that happens, it won't do so quietly."

P.A.C.: "As far as I'm concerned, they don't get along with the Russians. That makes them good people. I hear we may start doing some heavy trading with them soon enough."

The Republic of Novgorod: "They're Russians. Doesn't matter how frilly of a dress you put it in, a bear is a bear. Turn your back on them for one second, and you'll pay for it with your life."
Brazil (ttp?)Brazil remained neutral during the U.S.-Chinese war, and became a popular refuge for dissidents and refugees from both sides. This brought them a strong influx of scientific talent, which together with their advantageous launch site on the equator, allowed them to briefly seize the forefront of space exploration in the post-war years. The more organized economy of the European Union has since eclipsed the Brazilian space program, although the launch site at Alcantara still sees heavy use for commercial low-orbit applications.

Where Brazil currently shines is in the life sciences. The country boasts many of the world's foremost geneticists, some home-trained, others attracted by the government's free-wheeling attitude toward genetic experimentation. The economy receives a significant boost from wealthy foreign citizens traveling to Brazil for cutting-edge medical treatment, or more quietly, for genetic manipulation which would be illegal elsewhere. Thanks to genetically engineered crops tailored for the equatorial rain forest climate, Brazil has also become one of the world's major food exporters.

Socially and culturally, the nation is an iconoclastic mixture of scientists, environmentalists, farmers, hedonists, traditionalists, resurgent indigenous cultures, and eccentrics of all stripes. Immigrants from all over the world rub elbows with locals. First-rate education and medical care are seen as the birthright of every Brazilian, and people tolerate enough taxes to fund these things, but beyond that the government struggles to exert even a loose control over everyday life.

The military is rudimentary at best, with many reservists but almost no standing army. The large reserve comes in handy at times of natural or human-made disaster, and people will mobilize without hesitation to defend against outside aggression, as recent border skirmishes with the Greater Peruvian Federation have demonstrated. But the prospect of Brazil ever projecting military power beyond its own borders is almost laughable.
Brazil's waves of immigration have brought every sort of religion and lack thereof to the country, but it remains majority Catholic, with Protestantism, Islam, and Neo-Paganism among the most popular minority religions.

Brazil's strain of Catholicism, though, is a highly independent one, to the immense frustration of the Vatican. They cheerfully ignore Papal edicts which they find outdated or irrelevant (including everything the Vatican has ever had to say about medicine and genetic engineering) and Brazilian Archbishops have twice gone so far as to elect an alternate Pope of their own in place of an especially disliked conservative. Through all of this, Brazilian Catholics continue to see themselves as paragons of their religion, and wonder when the Popes will finally grow up and see things their way.

The government, of course, keeps their noses out of everyone's religion as long as no overly messy human sacrifices are taking place in the streets.
Good natural resources and lucrative exports of food, medicine, and medical technology.

Strong scientific community in general, and unsurpassed in genetic engineering.

Well educated population with diverse backgrounds and skills.

Diverse population makes it easy to infiltrate other nations. Brazil will also have citizens who have lived in the other country and can blend in easily. These same immigrants may also have contacts still in the home country who are planning to defect soon to Brazil (or who can be bribed by a Brazilian medical miracle needed for themselves or a loved one.)
Loose political control; people not likely to obey government edicts they disagree with.

Mediocre military; reserves give a decent defensive capability, but almost no capacity to invade or occupy a rival. Significant pacifist streak in population.

The same open, cosmopolitan society that makes it easy for Brazilian spies to infiltrate other countries, also help foreign spies to infiltrate Brazil.

Foreign policy is likely to be influenced by the citizens' ideals and prejudices, rather than by purely practical considerations.

Confederation of the States:
Cold to downright hostile. Brazil exports food to the States, but most Brazilians regard the Confederation's environmental policies as criminal, and the President as a dangerous lunatic. Canadian loyalist refugees have found Brazil to be fertile ground for stirring up opposition to the States, and several terrorist attacks against Confederate interests in Canada are thought to have been funded by weathy Brazilian citizens.

European Union:
Technological rivals, but basically civil relations with highly interdependent economies. Brazil's research establishment relies heavily on European-made computers and other scientific equipment, while their exports of food and medicine help sustain Europe's dense population. Brazilian citizens do resent the closed nature of European society, while a typical European finds Brazil's freewheeling culture to be almost childish.

Sublime Turkish State:
Brazil and Turkey regard each other with mutual suspicion, each bewildered by the other's social norms. Strong and mutually benefical trade relations have eased the tension slightly, but the underlying distrust remains. In Turkey, it is considered a devastating character assassination to suggest that a prominent citizen has purchased Brazilian genetic manipulation for themselves or their offspring. (And of course, more than a few of them have, very discreetly, done just that. Brazilian doctors consider Turkish money as good as anyone else's.)

World Opinion: +++
Economy: ++++++
Technology: +++++++
Espionage: ++++
Military: +

Large Reserve: Greatly increases defensive military rating.

Diversity: Increases offensive espionage infiltration rating.

Open Society: Decreases defensive espionage infiltration rating.

Genetic Manipulation: This country has excellent medical tech.

Loose Control: Unpopular government edicts may be ignored.
The Nipponese Technocratic Commune (kedcoleman)History

Early in the 21st century the nation of Japan completed the first of several space-based solar power collectors, microwaving energy to the surface. With the declining supply of fossil fuels and high demand for alternative sources of energy, Japan became resource-heavy almost over night. Coupled with their already strong technology industries, they became the economic powerhouse of the pacific rim.

In 2028 the newly-formed Technocratic Party won a landslide election on a platform based on expansion of their solar power systems, reducing government bloat and corruption and an isolationist foreign policy.

During the Sino-American war of 2031-37 they remained officially neutral. In reality they covertly supplied Chinese forces with American naval intelligence and facilitated their offensive activities in the pacific. When the tides began to turn on the Chinese, the Japanese government switched sides and began aiding the American forces, even so far as allowing use of their bases as staging grounds for attacks on Chinese targets. In retaliation, in the last days of the war, the Chinese launched a series of surprise bombing runs over Japan. Many urban centres were decimated and their infrastructure was shattered.

In the aftermath, with American foreign aid, the Japanese rebuilt and radically restructured their governmental structure. Dissolving the parlaimentary democracy, the ruling Technocratic Party instated a form of libertarian communism based around a national computer network, doing away with representative democracy, instead allowing every citizen to vote on all matters. A council was to be elected in every region, and one on a national level, to oversee this network and ensure legitimacy of all resolutions.

During the fallout of the war, the newly-made NTC took control of the southern Korean penisula, as well as the territory surrounding Vladivostok, formerly in Russia. In 2103 the NTC finished construction of a 20 000 square kilometre artificial island in the Sea of Japan. This island houses the central servers for the nations networks as well as vast receiver arrays for their orbital solar receivers.

Today, the NTC has re-emerged as a technological and economic power in the east. Their society values education and technology above all else/ Higher education is free and encouraged for all. The vast majority of citizens are highly computer-savvy.

The NTC space program is small but highly trained and effective. They have a sizeable fleet of satellites in orbit, many of which supply their solar power arrays, heavily defended, and a smallish space station that serves double duty as a scientific outpost and orbital defense system.

The NTC military is comparatively small, focusing on an advanced navy, and a small amount of highly-trained cybernetically enhanced elite soldiers. They have also been fielding immense suits of power armour capable of land air and sea actions.

The NTC is officially an atheist nation, though a small percentage still adhere to various religions (buddhism, shinto, etc). Religions are subtly looked down on in NTC culture as backwards or foolish.

Major economic clout, their orbital solar arrays provide power for much of the region around the NTC, and their advanced technologies are prized around the world. Their military is small but efficient and armed with bleeding-edge technology. Relatively large and strong naval forces. Highly educated and technologically aware citizenry. Unparalleled digital espionage and counter-espionage.

Small number of military units outside of naval forces. Reliant on outside sources for many resources. The vast majority of political decisions are made by the populace. Insular and isolationist policies make the NTC weak in foreign espionage.

P.A.C. : Moderately cold. The P.A.C. snubbed the NTC's invitation to join the Commune during their restructuring following the war. The Commune also disapproves of their slow, bloated government structure. They are wary of their rival naval forces. Trade continues despite the tensions.

TGCP: NTC greatly admires the technogical savvy and research conducted by this arctic group. Their adherence to science and knowledge resonates wityh the Commune's own.

Europe: NTC respects the Union's technological abilities and atheistic tendencies but looks down on their cumbersome bureaucracy. Strong trade and diplomatic ties.

The Sublime Turkish State: Diplomatic relations between the Commune and Turkey are tense, to say the least. NTC disapproves of their monarchistic government, which appears to border on theocracy (though it isn't, simply how it may appear to the outside) and the appearance of imperialist expansionism. NTC retains the bare minimum of ties to this nation out of respect for the European union's alliance with them.

Australia: NTC isn't quite sure just how to deal with Australia. On the one hand, they are a theocratic nation seemingly at cultural odds with the NTCs own goals. On the other, the belief of their 'religion' seems on some levels to be a greatly misguided path much like the NTC's beliefs. Diplomacy is cautious.

World Opinion: ++++
Economy: ++++++
Technology: +++++++
Espionage: ++
Military: ++++++

Naval Forces: Although housing a powerful navy, an attack reaching land will be met with relatively little resistance.

Import Reliant: The country depends on imports from other countries.

Computer Savvy: The vast majority of this country’s people understand and can use computers well. Consequentially, they gain a large espionage bonus to digital espionage.

Voting: Almost all decisions are made by the populace.
The Great Computer Project (Emperor Demonking)Territory: Bear Island

Background: Twenty years ago an eccentric billionaire formed The Great Computer Project to create a super computer. In order to work alone and not trespassed upon, the billionaire bought some land in the Artic. It was there that they first put builders in order to create the self-sustaining buildings to house the computers and scientists.

15 years ago the scientists were shipped in. 10 years ago, TGCP declared its independence. TGCP doesn't import much and its exports are only computer software.

Strengths: TGCP is famed for its brilliance at speculation and gambling giving TGCP a very healthy income. The people that live in TGCP are also very happy about it. TGCP also has a good Internet espionage.

Weaknesses: TGCP has little public opinion. TGCP also has a very low population. It also has an incredibly small army.


James Lockheart: Never seen and also appears to have only existed for five years. He leads TGCP and does so well.

John Linderman: Never seen, John controls TGCP's currency and is responsible for most of TGCP's profits.

Janice Larey: Never seen, a genius who is in charge of the R&D department.

Bob Byce; An eccentric billionaire and exceptionally charismatic person. Bob is the public face of the country.
Religion; Mostly atheists but with some Christians.

World Opinion: ++
Economy: ++++
Technology: +++++++
Espionage: ++++
Military: ++

Computer Savvy: The vast majority of this country’s people understand and can use computers well. Consequentially, they gain a large espionage bonus to digital espionage.

Great Minds: The majority of the population are scientists.

Speculatory Income: A large portion of the country’s income is based on luck.
The Refuge Of Geneva (RationalGoblin)When all of Europe (sans Russia) entered the EU, the Swiss were enraged. Millions left, claiming that the EU were now just another power bloc seeking to dominate all nations, and that they had created a puppet government to force the Swiss into becoming members of the EU.

The Swiss refuges (including vastly rich banking executives) fled to Tunisa and Algeria, pooling together their vast reserves of money, skills, and manpower, buying immense tracts of land (several hundred miles) along the coast.

Of course, many EU citizens moved into Switzerland to fill the gap left by the Swiss refuges, but not nearly enough for the Swiss to consider the new 'country' in the Alps to be truly Switzerland.

A few years after the total European domination of the EU, the Swiss formed a new country: the Refuge of Geneva, with Nicolaus Morris Escher as it's Councilor.

Councilor Escher forged the Refuge into a highly militarized, rich and fanatic state, devoted to gaining Switzerland from the EU's clutches, as well as the rest of the Alps and the region of Genoa, as insurance from the EU.

Under the leadership of the brilliant General Jakob Roth, the armed forces of Geneva is one of the largest, most skilled, and well-equipped militaries in the world. They are forever mobilized for battle, in case of invasion or rebellion.

Dr. Felix Zimmerman is the intelligent head of R&D for Geneva, and also the Economics Minister. His eccentricities belay his vast intelligence. The technologies of Geneva, while diminished somewhat by the exodus from the Alps, are still a force to be reckoned with. Evidence of this is the enrichment of Africa. Zimmerman's technologies have made wastelands, deserts, and unfertile hills alike flourish with life.

Socially and culuturally, the Genevans are from all parts of Switzerland, the Italian, French, and German parts all play a key in this new nation's culture, as well as a few million African citizens.

Immigrants are disliked in this fusion of Swiss and African cultures, but tolerated.

The mood of the people is frequently depressed, as, even though they work to fight and take back Switzerland, the Swiss cannot help but feel that they have lost their country for generations.

The Refuge's religions are what you might expect from an African/Swiss nation, with many Catholics, a sizable Protestant minority, and a few hundred thousand animists. The Refuge's government doesn't bother to regulate the religions, as it knows it needs all the manpower it can get.

An immensely strong economy, fueled by the need to economically dominate their rivals, African and Europeans alike. As well, the Genevans have exploited their natural resources easily, making their reserves very powerful.

A fantastic military, as ALL citizens are required by law to have combat training for at least two years. General Roth's leadership has also proved a boon. The Refuge's forces are well-equipped, massive, and have reasonably strong technological advantages.

Being Swiss, and having vast amounts of hidden resources, secrecy naturally comes to the Refuge, but with time, their skills have diminished, along with their openly hostile and friendly actions. Their Spy network is of an average composition.

While not the worst technology, the Refuge of Geneva do not have the best either. It is strictly middling.

As well, with the loss of their homeland to the EU, and their near-fanatic cries to take it back, with force if needs be, the Refuge does not enjoy a stellar world opinion. Their highly militarized society does not help matters any.

Morale, and the mood of the population is also low, as millions of displaced Swiss feel that a part of them has been lost forever with the loss of Switzerland to the EU.

Furthermore, the 'puppet' government of Switzerland directly works against the Genevans, spiting them at every turn. And the native African nations, even the ones that sold land to the Refuge, are brutal competitors against the Swiss.

And finally, though much of this has be made unimportant, there is still a distinct lack of infrastructure in the Refuge, as it is a new nation, only existing for ten years so far as a recognized faction. This slightly weakens many things within the Refuge.

Geneva is intrigued by The Sublime Turkish State, and sees the nation as a very possible ally, especially as the Turks have a vast amount of control in nearby nations. Would like to make deals with the Sultan.

The Refuge has a vast hatred for the European Union, and at best, seeks to be a competitor to the EU's bureaucracy. At worst, the Swiss call for a complete dissolution of the EU. Relations are tense, and bitter. However, the Genevan leadership seem open to deals with the EU AFTER Switzerland is reborn, and the power of the Union is weakened a bit.

So far, as in the past, the Swiss are neutral to all other factions, the Refuge's relative youth as a nation causing them to have no honest opinion on the factions yet. They approve of any steps taken against the EU, however.

EDIT: The Refuge of Geneva, has warm relations with Iberia, despite the nation belonging to the hated EU. They are open to many deals with the Portuguese/Spaniard/Moroccans. In fact, the Swiss are open to deals with many of the individual countries of the EU, simply not the EU itself and it's strongest backers.

World Opinion: ++
Economy: ++++++++
Technology: ++++
Espionage: ++++
Military: ++++++++

Combat Training: Greatly increases the country’s defensive military rating.

New Nation: The country was only formed ten years ago.

Mobilized Military: Your military is always ready to move straight away.
Iberia (Falconer)Territory: Spain, Portugal, Morocco

Background: The economic crisis of 2090 caused widespread global turmoil; nations collapsed and reformed, borders changed, superpowers fell and rose. Europe was especially affected. It was only through the coordination and direction of the European Union that the nations of Europe eventually regained their full strength. A few changes had to be made here and there, a few territories changed hands, but overall it was back to business as usual.

One of the changes made was the uniting of Portugal and Spain into one nation: Iberia. While there were protests from Spanish and Portuguese leaders, the Union put sufficient pressure on them that the uniting of the two went about with little fuss. In time, the new nation of Iberia recovered from its economic depression, and in 2115 elected one Francisco Belasko as Head of State. Soon nicknamed "El Leon", for his rabble-rousing speeches, outspoken opinions, and overconfident nature, Belasko used his wide support to slowly build up his power as the leader of Iberia.

Strengths: A truly glorious intelligence agency, well-trained military forces, and high morale, as the government seems to be quite genuinely popular.

Weaknesses: Despite having fairly up-to-date technology, Iberia dedicates very few resources to R&D, simply purchasing the latest technology from its allies (or stealing it from its enemies). Furthermore, I can only imagine that the EU tires of Belasko's constant machinations. Their economy is stable, but not anything to brag about.

Religious Demographics: 65% Catholic, with a 20% Muslim minority, 10% Protestant, and 5% Nonreligious. Overall, there's much more pro-religious sentiment than in most of the Union.

Notable Figures:

Francisco "El Leon" Belasko-Iberia's current head of state. The man is best described as completely in love with power. He is a political genius, expert at manipulating politics both at home and within the European Union, enjoying the benefits of being in the EU while staving off most interference it might try to impose. Despite his status as near-dictator, he seems genuinely popular for his policies, due to his ability to "polish up" normally unfavorable resolutions and make his more dangerous critics conveniently disappear. Far from being a saint, though not quite a monster yet.

General Juan Belasko-Having climbed his way to the top of the military hierarchy through raw determination (as well as a bit of help from his older cousin), General Juan Belasko is a highly capable, if unorthodox, commander of the Iberian Armed Forces. He is well-known for his unusual tactics and his ability to use traditional military technology in unusual ways.

The Refuge of Geneva-While formally allying with it might strain relations with the rest of EU a little too much, there's no reason a few secret deals can't be made here and there. They've got cash and they need allies. We need cash, and we can give them an alliance. What's not to love?

The European Union-Iberia has an odd relationship with the EU. While it is a part of that organization, the Iberian government considers it little more than a tool to be used. It takes all the benefits of being a member, while it contributes very little to the overall organization, and uses its spies and sympathizers to influence policy while using political chicanery to avoid any laws or regulations they don't like. Thinks of the EU as an organization the way a con man thinks of the sucker he's ripping off.

The Great Computer Project-The Iberian government is very interested in this nation's computer tech. The Iberians would probably be willing to purchase new technologies outright, as long as the price isn't outrageous. Overall, there only seems to benefits to good relations here.

World Opinion: +++
Economy: ++++
Technology: +++++
Espionage: ++++++++
Military: ++++++

EU Member: This country is a member of the EU.

Powerful Enemy: One or more fairly powerful countries don’t like you.
The Pacific Atlantean Coalition (Greystone)Greystone
Name: P.A.C. (Pacific Atlantean Coalition)

Background: During the many years of war and trouble, the islands of the Phillipines, Malaysia, and Indonesia were in turmoil. The Chinese and several Western powers had attempted to bring their way of life to these islands to attempt to "modernize" the islands. During the war between US and China, the islands suffered as both sides used them as staging bases.

Well the Pacific islands people were tired of being oppressed. They banded together in a loose league of friendship, combining resources and money. They attracted several rogue scientists, who helped them perhaps the best.

The scientists created a series of underwater tunnels and bio-domes between the islands. They effectivly made a way to move resources and people when the monsoons came. They also erected far better ways to hold the islands together and new biotechnology to feed the huge populations.

Strengths: Incredibly high defense due to the extensive underwater structures that allow the people to defend themselves for practically all attacks. Moderate technology and trade. Strong mercantile navy and submarine force. Moral is also moderate.

Weaknesses: Lots of nonsense to get laws and such passed, as it is more a bunch of island states that have banded together. Still require some imports, and offensive technology outside of navy is almost nothing.

Head operatives:
Prime Minister Barack Sunarmo- A native of the Indonesian island of Java, he is a well-liked man known for his fairness and general ability to keep the states together. He has recently been pushing for more interatcion and less isolationism.

Supreme Commander Karl Romanov- Former Spetnatz commander of Russia, defected during the big war when he didn't agree with his country's size. He has recently been training the navy, and the Marines, of the country the proper way to fight a modern war.

Head of Expansion and Technology Drew Havens- Docter originating from the United States, now in charge of the country's science division, he has gone a long way to improve the country. Why he went rogue still remains unclear.

Intelligence Command Director- Sharon Dowari- The head of Intelligence is born of Malaysian mother and UK father. She is known as a ruthless hunter of traitors and subverts. She tends to keep tabs on many of the worlds powers due to paranoia.
World Opinion: ++++
Economy: +++++
Technology: +++++
Espionage: ++++
Military: +++++++
Navy: The army is virtually all ships and subs.

Underwater Structures: Massive boost to defensive military rating.
The Republic of Novgorod (Murska)History: Russia, which had still been a powerful nation although overshadowed by both the USA and the rising China, had thought it's chance for greatness had come when the war between those two superpowers left both weakened while Russia, who had been secretly helping China until the war fortunes turned, at which point it cut all ties, had emerged from the war relatively unscathed, at least outwardly so. But there were rifts, many people thought they should have taken a much more active role in helping China. Russia's technology, government and social services were outdated in the quickly developing world and the last straw was when it's army, although large, was proven ineffective and inept in multiple small wars across the borders, which led to Russia losing territories and having to pay massive war reparations.

The Russian Federation splintered, and out of it emerged multiple smaller nations, which warred amongst each other a bit until the borders settled. The largest and most powerful of these new nations was the Republic of Novgorod which took the area just north of Moscow, the border being Volga at that point, and limiting to the Ural Mountains, the borders of Finland and the Arctic Sea.

Novgorod quickly began to modernize itself. Their economy flourished when the leadership started intelligently using the massive amounts of natural resources, building factories and using the revitalized economy to purchase the newest technologies. Faster than anyone could have predicted, Novgorod had emerged as a major world player from the ruins of the old Russia. They provided the EU with some lower-tech components for their space programme first but these have died down as the EU has advanced, while Novgorod has concentrated on the consolidation and stabilization of their own area.

The vast majority of the citizenry of Novgorod are either atheists(63%) or Orthodox Christians(35%) with small groups of other religions here and there.

Strengths: Massive amounts of natural resources, high morale for the citizenry has had the country advance during a short time from a desolate war-torn area to a prosperous nation. A high manufacturing capacity, produces a lot of electronic appliances and such for export, although doesn't have the most high-tech facilities. Has a quite large army and can mass-produce weaponry quickly in case of a war.

Weaknesses: Has to import high-tech from other nations. The army, while rather large, is supplied mostly with old Russian-era weaponry and updating it to meet modern standards has been slow. Their intelligence network is nothing special, although it does exist. It's mostly concentrated on the other nations of the old Russia, and to counterespionage.

Important people:
President Peter Bure - The leader of the nation. He has a lot of power and influence, and has used it to advance the prosperity of Novgorod. Seems to really have the good of his nation foremost in his mind, and is very popular.

Derek Komorov - The leader of the army of Novgorod, a gifted military strategist. Is mostly out of the public eye, very rarely seen in media or otherwise. Has mostly been preoccupied in modernizing the army and has sped up the process a lot recently.

Anna Sharova - The head scientist, a brilliant genius in the field of Quantum Physics who has pioneered many breakthroughs. Has recently been very quiet, and has never been much of a media person.

Mihail Rebikov - The Foreign Relations man of the nation, he's been nicknamed the Voice of Novgorod. He's an extremely skilled speaker, and is usually the face on the news when the Novgorodian government is involved.

Opinions on others: Novgorod has mostly indifferent relations with other nations, although they trade with Japan, EU and Brazil. Their relations with the other Russian nations aren't very warm, and they're quite neutral towards the Turks, without much contact. They dislike the US, who they view as environmental criminals, and for historical reasons as well.

World Opinion: ++++
Economy: ++++++
Technology: ++++
Espionage: ++++
Military: +++++

Production Facilities: The army’s weapons are outdated, but with a knock to the economy better weapons could be rolled out quickly.

Russian Fraction: Boosts espionage versus other Russian fractions.

Natural Resources: The Republic of Novgorod is rich in natural resources.

2009-07-20, 04:33 AM
PlayersThe Sovereign Nation of Antarctica (Kiren)The Sovereign Nation of Antarctica was non-existent at the beginning of world war 3 and so was not a part of it, it is rather a result of it.

S.N.A. began late in world war 3 as groups of refuges from both sides of the war, Antarctica being out of the way was the perfect location. From camps formed cities, as refugee scientists made Antarctica comfortably habitable.
Domes around cities keep a constant temperate climate, farm domes differ depending on the crop. Monorail systems transport people and products from dome to dome while importing and exporting goods is done by air. Shipbuilding for transport and military use is practically unheard of, as the required icebreaker ships are not cost effective. S.N.A.'s military consists of a Strong Air force, Infantry and Mech Army. All highly adaptable for Antarctic use and Temperate use, due to a combination of energy and physical shielding techniques. Infantry and Mech divisions are parachuted from the S.N.A.'s Air force, for actual combat/supporting combat units are Fighters, Bombers and helicopters. Infantry Divisions are equipped with Standard Gauss Assault Rifles, Ballistic knives (Knives which can shoot its blade at a long range.) and Portable High powered Flamethrowers (Powerful with a good range, can tunnel and make trenches very quickly in the snow, strikes fear into unfortunate enemies, and a spare pistol if needed. Mech Divison's have good armoring and good mobility, armed with a machine gun and flamethrower system, both removable and switchable with any weaponry designed specially to work for the Mechs. Currently a space program is being
developed for the nation.

Edit: I should state this, My nation is Neutral

Powerful Military(Mech, Airforce, Infanty), Good Moral, Good Economy,
Great Transportation and Military technology.

Weaknesses: Nonexistent Navy, Nearly Nonexistent Espionage, lower amount of natural resources other then ice.

Religious Beliefs: S.N.A. doesn't have a official religion, as the country was formed from refugees whom left there homelands for there own purpose. All religions are accepted as long as religion is taken in moderation
(No pushing your religion or beliefs apon others, no human sacrifice/unlawful acts.).

Starting Goals: Possibly a Space program.

Important People:

King Jonas the second: Current Ruler of S.N.A., his father was the first leader of the S.N.A., after he died Jonas took over as ruler of Antarctica,
Approved by his people and willing to listen too the concerns and ideas of the people.

Avira grace: Head Scientist of S.N.A., also head of the future Space Program of the nation.

Smith Parker: Commander of Armed forces, commands and oversees all offensive and defensive action of the Armed forces, everything that goes to him goes to Jonas.

World Opinion: ++++
Economy: +++++
Technology: +++++
Espionage: +
Military: +++++++

Sky-Dependant: Almost all external supplies arrive by air.

Refugee Nation: As the country was formed by refugees, there is a much lower chance of civil war.

Protected: An aerial attack on this nation would need to break through the domes.
Greater Valle Cartel (Thatguyoverther)The Confederacy of the States' increasingly issolationist policies lead to an upsurge in drug production and trafficking in Central America. In 2038 the Norte del Valle Cartel merged with several other Colombian drug cartels to create the Greater Valle Cartel. Using their combined influence they ousted other cartels and quickly became the leading exporter of illegal substances on the planet.

By 2053 the entirety of the Colombian Government was in the pocket of the Cartel. The Greater Valle Cartel controls Colombia in all but name. Since powerful players in the cartel are given prominent government positions, the two are now inseparable.

Further bolstered by drug sales to the Brazil's increasingly wealthy populace, the Cartel extended its drug trafficking activity to the world. If a man tokes in The Sublime Turkish State, or takes hit in The Most Holy Continent-Nation of Australia, they most likely got their drugs from the Cartel.

Advantages: Strong Economy bolstered by drug trafficking. Globe spanning drug empire also doubles as a fantastic spy core.

Disadvatages: Militarily pathetic, the majority of Colombia's armed forces are little more than over paid, under trained bully boys. Technologically they are far behind in almost every field, except of course the production of 'medicinal use only' drugs.

Religion: Overwhelmingly christian, with a little over 85% of the population actively practicing Catholics.

World Relations: War is bad for business. As a general rule the Cartel does it's utmost to avoid conflict.

Brazil- The Cartel is not openly hostile but has been using it's influence to instigate conflict between the Greater Peruvian Federation and Brazil. This course of action has been done to keep the attention of the increasingly militaristic Greater Peruvian Federation focused on Brazil.

Confederacy- The Cartel has been trying, to no avail, to get the Confederacy to lax it's trade restrictions. The Cartel wants to open what they see as a virgin drug market.

Heads of State

Juan Vasco de Vella- Juan Vaso de Vella is the head of the head of the Greater Vella cartel and patriarch of the Vella family. He is a short jovial balding man in his early eighties. When not attending to Cartel business, he likes to spend time with his grandchildren and great grandchildren. When not with his grand children, he likes to brag about them to whomever will listen. He has been having recurring heart problems and often travels to Brazil in order to obtain first rate medical care.

Uberto Cadina de Vella- Juan Vasco de Vella's nephew and the president of Colombia. Since all Colombian business is dictated from higher up in the Cartel he is usually consigned to the role of figure head. He is still in his early thirties and is known to be quite the pretty boy, despite having the characteristic hawkish de Vella nose.

Jaqueline Maria de Vella- Juan Vasco de Vella's granddaughter and the head of what could be refered to as the Cartel's espionage actives. She is in her late twenties and is remarkable for climbing so high in what is normally a male dominated cartel hierarchy. She holds a two doctorates from the University of Sydney, Australia in philosophy and religion.

World Opinion: +++++
Economy: ++++++
Technology: ++
Espionage: +++++++
Military: ++

In All But Name: The Cartel does not control Columbia. Officially.

Drug Dealers: The Cartel is unrivalled in drug production and dealing.

Secret Goals: To open the Confederacy to large scale drug trafficking. And to become the major power in South America.
The SkySea Initiative (Gauntlet)While WW3 destroyed much of the planet's economy, many of the world's old 'fat cats'- that is to say, oil and gas giants, technological corporations and the like- decided that enough was enough. No-one wanted to stand by and watch their enormous assets collapse. Eventually their previous refuge (Hawaii) came under threat, and in desparation they pooled their money for a solution. Soon their scientists produced the final escape route- the flying and waterborne 'city' of the Skysea.
This had the advantage of, while slow, granting easier access to the many Pacific oil rigs which were owned by some of the benefactors. In the past 50 years, however, many of these have passed on, being replaced by those who commanded the ships. Some who joined seeing the opportunities might be better classed as pirates- who have been complemented by the group's own military forces. Robotics and Solar power are a major component of the Skysea, since reqources are little and menial tasks are below much of the population (though affluence is falling slowly).

Strengths: Powerful military with high funding. Some maneuverability, oil reserves (although dwindling). Robotic and Solar technology advanced, but not particularly well researched in other fields.
Weaknesses: Espionage is weak, low population (supplemented by robots). Low food production, tied to Hawaii for some resources.

Religions: Most members of the Skysea are either members of the old rich caste (mostly Christian) or the pirate/military members. These are varied in religion and attitude, but tend to be more radical and have a higher percentage of obscure religions.

Important People
Marc Blackwood
Descendant of one of the old funders of the Skysea, he is the official ruler. Originally vaguely democratic, The Skysea is now in theory an autocracy, though Marc doesn't really do much in times of peace, for reasons of his own.HE is believed to have a worth approaching one trillion US$, though this could be anything from a major undersestimate to an enormous overcompensation.

Vallem Goldberg
Goldberg joined the Skysea officially about seven years ago. A prestigious airship 'captain', his own ship (the White Lightning has since expanded to a fleet under Blackwood. A charismatic and strong leader (for all his morals may be questionable), Marc has assigned him his heir.

Gavar Gulz
Gavar is a powerfully built man whose intelligence belies his strength- partially due to his various bionics. As the Skysea's technical advisor, he is well qualified in his specialist field, robotics. He was once chief engineer on the White Lightning, but since left to pursue his work more effectively with the Skysea's great funding.

World Opinion: +++
Economy: ++++
Technology: +++
Espionage: ++
Military: ++++++

Specialities: Greatly increased solar and robotic tech compared to tech rating.

Manoeuvrability: This country can move.

Limited Resource: People: This country has a low population.
United China (Eldan)It took a long time for China to fight it's way back to power form the ashes of World War III. It's allies gone and struggling against the mistrust of the world in general, the survivors were trying their best to set up a new government when the old one was destroyed in the nuclear strikes on beijing and other large cities. Soon, small, local institution began to retake control, and internal struggle prevented a new outbreak of the war.
This was until a group calling themselves "The One Way" came to power at the eastern coast. With the help of bankers and businessmen from Taiwan and Hong-Kong, both of which were spared in the war, they rebuilt the military, using the newest, state-of-the-art technology and soon reconquered the entire former territory with brutal efficiency and ruthless strategies, commiting brutal attrocities against the civilian population and using scorched earth tactics whenever necessary to defeat guerilla forces.
Soon, the country was united, but in an even worse state than right after the war. The new government's power was built on military and financial power, not support from the population, and only fear held the revolutions back.
This was sixty years ago. Though large stretches of countryside are still destroyed and irradiated and most of the old cities are gone, China is working it's way back on the world state under the leadership of Xia Hsieh. Concentrating their efforts on rebuilding streets, bridges and railways, the One Way has neglected civilian infrastructure, and today, nearly 90 percent of the 920 million chinese citizens don't have access to hospitals or higher education.
Production and military are working on high-levels though, and the One Way has done it's best to supress local culture, enforcing one system of writing and a single language. Despite hte lack of universities, literacy rates are at an all time high as all children are forced to attend government-sponsored education camps, which are heavy on indoctrination.


Efficient, unified government and massive amounts of heavy industry combined with a large population and heavy indocrination.


The general population is extremely poor and supressed by the military. Radiation, malnutrition and diseases continue to take their toll. Science is lagging behind at least twenty years compared to the rest of the world.


Xia Hsieh is the nation's official leader, and often present on television and the radio. He is in his late seventies now, though his precise age has never been disclosed, along with parts of his biography. Though not the original leader of the One Way, he has been with it nearly from the beginning.

The official power in the nation lies with the large companies: Wen Chung, minister of finance and CEO of China Trade Company International, and Zhen Hsing, minister of the interior and CEO of Zhen Industries, a weapon producer, are without doubt the most powerful men in the nation, and together, their corporate "security forces" could well be a match for the national army.

The military is lead by General Dai-tse Chi'u, minister of defence, an old veteran of the Unification Campaign, known for his absolute ruthlessness, cold demeanor and lack of manners.

World Opinion: +++
Economy: ++++
Technology: +++
Espionage: ++++
Military: ++++++

Excess Population: This nation has a very high population.

Lack of Education: Although all this nation’s population has basic education , higher education is very rare.

Suppressed: Despite low morale, rebellion is unlikely.

NPC'sThe Most Holy ContinentIn the year 2077, the continent of Australia devolved into a bloody civil war. Despite advanced historic techniques, no one actually remembers what started the war (All rumors involving a ham sandwich were greatly overstated). Regardless of the cause, it ultimately resulted in a reordering of the political and religious system of Australia, which would turn it from a quirky geographic location with funny animals into a major world player.

The new religion and political system were intertwined. The Spiritual Path of Holy Australia taught that the greatest form of worship was to succeed in one's own desires and goals, living life to the fullest while contributing to society as a whole. Likewise, the new political system worked as a meritocracy. Those with the greatest ability to lead became leaders. Although this has lead to some vicious infighting at times, the system has ultimately proven sound.

The economics of Australia were also overturned, again working on a meritocratic basis. Those with the greatest skill in their jobs are promoted, as overseen by a class of bureaucrats devoted to skill analysis. This combined with religious motivation has led to an extremely devoted, hardworking workforce, giving Australia great economic strength.

Unfortunately, the Spiritual Path of Holy Australia has many different interpretations, which has led to a number of splits within the political and religious scene of Australia. With all sides being heavily motivated, any conflicts are extremely hard fought.

Strengths: Powerful economy, makes strong attempts to keep positive diplomatic ties to other nations, highly motivated population, cutting edge technology, well equipped military.

Weaknesses: Small compared to some of the other factions, has no particularly strong ties to other countries, small military, reliance on imports, has some difficulties due to a lack of land bridges to other countries.

World Opinion: ++++
Economy: ++++++
Technology: +++++++
Espionage: ++++
Military: ++++

In-Fighting: Any conflict between groups of Australians is fiercely intense.

Import Reliant: The country depends on imports from other countries.
The Greater Peruvian Federation & The Union of MiliTechGreater Peruvian Foundation

World Opinion: ++++
Economy: +++++
Technology: ++++
Espionage: ++
Military: +++++++++

The Union Of MiliTech

World Opinion: ++++
Economy: ++++++
Technology: +++++
Espionage: ++
Military: ++++

Speciality: Greatly increased military tech compared to tech rating.

Shared history: In 2027, Peru unleashed its army. They had peen preparing since the turn of the century, and quickly took several of their surrounding nations. In 2030 they began to push south after re-strengthening their army, and the southernmost nations were only saved by the outbreak of WWIII. Seeing their chance, these countries banded together to form the Union of Militech.

The Peruvian army was shattered in the war, but by 2042 it was back up and once again marching south, until a 400-strong scout unit reached a small military outpost manned by a single man in a robotic suit. There were no survivors, and the next day, the offer for an alliance arrived in Peru: basically “You leave us alone, and we’ll sell you technology.” The Peruvians agreed, and the deal still goes on to this day, although all Peruvian weaponry can be deactivated at will by MiliTech.There aren't many NPC's, but the game is mostly about the players, and while the other countries exist, they aren't big players internationally. I will add more as you interact with them, or if I feel one of you is getting to comfy.


Wizard of the Coat
2009-07-20, 06:17 AM
Euro News

"Riots in London, Paris and Berlin following the new years celebrations have still not died down. Local officials have requested intervention by the EU peacekeeping forces, though it seems the president Dapper believes this authority falls to the individual states and released a statement that the EU should not wield too much power over it's citizens."

"Following the statement German military forces have been send into Berlin to stop the raging chaos in the metropolis. Likewise Britain and France have subsequently used their own armies to return peace and quiet to the streets. Questions are now being raised once again at what the use of the small EU army is if local states still use their own forces fo everything. With us is Professor Johanson to explain the origins of the EU army and why he believes that it is the member states that should be reducing their troops."

"That's correct, the EU's army predates the Sino-American war and has been established as a collective means of keeping the peace in wartorn regions. It has never been intended as a traditional standing army."

"Why then professor do you feel member nations should reduce their own armies."

"Well to be quite frank I do not see it as likely that anyone would invade the EU and any nation that would use it's military for offensive action would breach the 'Statute of Peacefull Co-existance'"

"Some members, particularly the Iberians, British and even the Germans claim that the SPC is meant to be seens as a means of keeping the EU's army in check, not to interfere with their national interests."

"Well they are wrong, article 7, subclause b specifically states it aplies to national militaries."

"How then do you explain the German help for the Confederacy of the States in their unification wars, the Iberian expansions or the disastrous British invasion of Argentine."

"Well those were alll illegal, test trials have proven that and the European courts have allready passed several preliminary judgements against them. Still it proves that these nations should not have armies of their own."

"Are you not worried though, that without the British and French fleets the caribean islands and even the St. Helena launch facilities would be endangered."

"Well those fleets should be incorporated into the EU military framework. Though we must keep in mind that the president has allready disregarded a public petition to this end three times, if anything the coming elections should bring a change in power."

"Well that concludes our special report for now, next up Novogrod and Muskovy, remnant russian borderstates or potential new members? You can tune into the debate next with Euro News."

Foreign Policy Changes
The following EU statement are spoilered for convinience, though the nation is closed the media is free and can report on these. ((note: this disclaimer only works for this post, though I will include it in later posts, if it is not there the message is private, probably like a secure phonecall directly to a minister))

Novogrod and Muskovy (Muscovy is the grey area between them)
EU leaders seek to meet with Novogrod and Muskovy for an expansion of technological and economic co-operation.

Brazil and France
EU bureaucrats have been talking about a strategic alliance in the South American interest sphere, allowing the EU's defensive networks in Guyana to be incorporated into you state. State of the Art defensive military tech will be made available for you to invest in.

French interest in the region, it being their territory means they are welcomed to be involved too.

Refuge Of Geneva and Switserland
Round table talks are offered to the ROG and Switserland in which the EU as mediator urges that the democratic process should determine any future, but otherwise it is up to the Swiss people to decide (whom qualifies for that is left for the talks).

Sovereign Nation of Antarctica
The EU is willing to open a steady supply coridor and establish fusion plants in Antarctica, as well as let them co-operate in a space program in exchange for an investment under and economic co-operation treaty.

Colombia (Brasil and Peru send explicit copies)
EU diplomats are offering the colombian government assistance in fighting of the drugs cartel, hoping that Brasil and Peru are likewise willing to support the government.

((OOC; with the EU's low spy rating they probably think they have a shot at this, in reality I immagine you could hopelessly exploit their naive offer))

The SkySea Initiative
The EU is wondering if a technological colaboration is possible. Our advances in fusion power could help the floating cities if suitably invested in.

United China
The EU offers humanitarian aid to China to help rebuild their infrastructure. EU officials are debating whether engineers or medical staff would be most important to send at first and would like input.

2009-07-20, 08:13 AM
Marcozy Outdoor Theater, The Island of Java

Music strummed out quietly, and the crowd fell silent. So many people had bought tickets for this newest concert that the producers had to move it to a large outdoor field.

The shattered comets were quickly becoming the newest sensation in the islands, and were picking up a large fanbase in the world as a whole. The announcer spoke up:

"Hello, and welcome to the Marcozy Outdoor Theater. Please enjoy our special New Years Concert"

The music hit a high note, and the lights on stage burst on, revealing the musicians. The lead singer stood forward and grabbed the microphone.

"Hello P.A.C.!!" Her voice was powerful, deep and melodic. When she threw up both hands the crowd burst into howls of approval. The singer was young, only eighteen, maybe nineteen. She wore a black leather tanktop and matching pants. Her long ebony hair fell down her back, highlighted with dark green.

Shona Han continued her introduction "Happy New Years everyone! Are you ready to celebrate the right way?" at her last words fireworks shot up from behind revealing the rest of her band.

Kim Finate on the lead guitar, dressed almost the same, just with red. Immigrant-born Vincente Ramirez as bac-up singer and second guitar, Ron Lee on the drums.

"Lets Rock!"


The concert had been true Shattered Comets style. Their unique version of rock, a mix of indie and classical, had rocked the crowd. They stood silent now as Shona raised her hands for silence.

"Alright, I have lived in the PAC all of my life. It is one great country. If there is one thing I want you to take from this concert, its go home and appreciate what you all have. No matter how much or how little music is in everyone of your souls and the sooner you understand that, the sooner you'll be truly happy"

She fall silent then grins "Thank you and Goodnight"


Capital Building, Sakarta

"Shes good Dowari" the President, Barak Sunarmo, smiled at his head of Intelligence.

Susan Dowari shrugged, a slight smile on her lips "Well, my little girl gets it from her father." It was true, she thought, her little Shona even took her fatehrs surname.

"If you do not mind, I believe we have buisness besides your daughters stardom" the sour naval commander, Karl Romanov cut in.

"Indeed" Dr. Havens concurred "we must go over this new budget, and catalogue who we need to make diplomatic relationships with."
Barak nodded "Very well, lets begin"


Hello, this is Dr. Drew Havens from the PAC. I was wondering if your country would like to open up a trade and Technological exchange pact?

Most Holy Continent
Hello, my name is Barak Sunarmo. We appear to be in a position to do great good with an alliance of sorts. If you would like we could discuss such a plan

To United China
Hello, my name is karl Romanov. My country was wondering if you would be interested in certain trade deals with the PAC.

To Skysea Initiative
Greeting, my name is Sharon Dowari. The PAC is interested with trade and technological pacts with your nation

To confederacy of states
Hello, this is Sharon Dowari. We in the PAC were wondering if you would consider a Trade and Technological pact of some sort?

To Novograd
This is CEO Kyle Boehman of the AMC, thats Asiatic Manufactoring Corporation. I was wondering if I could discuss with you a possible trade deal.

The Sublime Turkish State
Hello, my name is President Barak Sunarmo. The PAC is interested in making a trade deal or two with your nation.

Wizard of the Coat
2009-07-20, 09:07 AM
Euro News

"European leaders have announced project Zeus to be completed later this year. This vast project entails a new colony on Europa. European deep space researchers have determined the water layer underneath the moons icy exterior should generate sufficient warmth to allow human habitation. Therefore the experimental facility harboring dozens of the EU's elite scientific community will be upgrade to a viable colony starting later this year. The European Space Agency is currently selecting aplicants for colonists and is encouraging all those with the ambition of joining this project to apply now."

EU technology policy

The EU is beginning the screening process of aplicants for colonization to the Jovian moon Europe. Psychological tests are used to determine if colonists are loyal and upright citizens where-as interlectual and professional screening is used to select the skills for the continued construction of the colony and to ensure the colonist have an above average intelligence to cope with unexpected problems in the colony. Several hundreds are to be selected over the next few months.

Simultaneous lunar colonies work to create habitational modules that can be easily launched from it's surface to be used as transportation and as an initial habitat for the colonist heading for the distant moon. Lunar colonies are given funding to expand their construction capacities and thereby allow the colonies to expand, and also to increase habitation quarters as it will be used as a launch point. The European parlement is currently debating a further funds package that would allow Luna to also attrackt new permanent residents to complement their expanded production capacity.

EU foreign Policy

Pacific Atlantean Coalition
A scientific delegation led by Heinrich Hanze request to visits the PAC to assertain if there are ways of learning from each other and if EU technology could improve living standarts. Specifically the EU's scientists are interested in dome construction, but are willing to talk about fusion power generation for PAC.

Intelligence sources quickly label Heinrich Hanze's daughter as a fan of the Shattered Comets. Julia, as she is called, had come along with her father as scientific expert on hydrological engenering, though at her age she was barely more than a student.

2009-07-20, 10:35 AM
Skysea Initiative

The floating city celebrated the new year by performing a heavily-planned and much anticipated barrel roll.
Marc Blackwood makes a rare appearance to make an announcement to both the Skysea's residents and the various countries of the world.
"While the Skysea has been reclusive int he past few years, this is about to change. The way to advance in this world is to develop, to progress and to expand- both out into the rest of the world, and onwards through the sky. For this reason, we have today comissioned the construction of a number of additional airship *fleets*. These shall serve as high-quality, secure transport for those who might need it- for example, those distant antarctican and arctic countries. We hope to expand into space eventually- but right now our focus is on the growth and development of Earth itself."

To Antarctica:
Interested in a trade agreement? We'll carry any supplies you need, for a fee.

To the EU:
We're interested in Fusion- Solar can only go so far. We might be willing to send a few of our top scientists to work on your space project in return.

To the PAC:
That depends, what do you have to offer and what do you want from us?

2009-07-20, 10:59 AM

Bure's Office

Bure paces around his office. He stops momentarily next to a painting of a landscape. Above the painting on the wall is the Novgorodian flag. He stares at the picture, sighs and continues.

A while later, he steps to his desk, sits down behind his computer and starts typing quickly. The newest reports had arrived from multiple sites demanding his attention. He had given a speech already to the people, but had had to leave the rest of the public duties to Rebikov. He was simply too busy right now...

The Novgorod News (TNN)

The news reporter, a young red-haired woman named Anna Libkov, was interviewing Mihail Rebikov, an enviable task and one sure to increase the amount of viewers.

"Hello there, Mihail! How has the new year treated you thus far?"

"Very well, thank you. I've had to rush from party to party all day long." The tall, handsome man smiled at the camera, his voice deep and warm. He seemed sincere, honest and trustworthy, an image no doubt well cared for.

"But despite all the celebrations, time marches on. New Year is traditionally the time of promises... what visions of the future do you have for our citizens?"

"Well, as you should know, the economic boom has been estimated to continue, resulting in ever-increasing living standards for the people. In more recent news, the government is hoping to tighten the relations between Novgorod and the EU, hopefully increasing the well-being of both."

"Interesting. But what do you think of..."

An undisclosed location

"Okay, guys, let's do this properly this time. We've received word that we might need this some day soon, and we better be prepared. Ready? Go!"

Soldiers clad in white camouflage clothing rushed to their positions. The snow was deep, and the cold was visible as the breath of the spectators created white clouds in front of them. The soldiers themselves didn't seem to mind the weather, moving quickly and effectively, covering the area, setting up a perimeter and escorting in more people.

"Hmm. It is better, I suppose..."

EU: Novgorod responds with a diplomatically worded message which amounts to basically that they're very interested in such a meeting.

PAC: "We're interested. What would be your proposal?"

2009-07-20, 11:14 AM
Hello, my name is Dr. Havens. I will meet you at your embassy in Sakarta. If you would please, this can be a private discussion.

(via PMs)

To Skysea Initiative
Well, we both have many technological nad economical advantages, and perhaps we can coapperate on some issues. For example maybe your Skyship technology for some of our dome research.

To Novograd
Well, we at AMC have noticed that you have many natural resources, but have a little problem in manufacturing high-quality goods. If you give us certain rights we will sell to you at a very good price, becoming one of our.... preferred customers.

2009-07-20, 11:21 AM
(It's Novgorod >>)

PAC: "Hmm. That sounds workable. Give me a more detailed proposal and we'll see about it. We'd be interested in high-tech production capabilities themselves, not just the products, though."

2009-07-20, 11:31 AM
Well, that is part of the deal. Here is a preliminary deal.

"Novgorod will supply natural resources to the AMC for a reasonable cost, for a both ways favorable partnership. Novgorod will give the AMC several small tracks of land to build manufacturing plants. This will keep the prices on shipping down, increase ease to get products done faster, and give Russian workers more jobs."

Basically you designate areas for plants, we build them in your country, and you easy and relativly cheap access to high tech manufacturing plants.

To assure that AMC interests are protected, we would also like some assurance that you won't simply cease these goods in any times of crisis.

2009-07-20, 12:02 PM
PAC: "So you would build facilities in our land... The resources, with a bit of negotiation about the prices, we can provide, but the other part is more debatable. We need to know exactly what would be produced there and where it goes as well as a thorough investigation of the facilities."

2009-07-20, 12:09 PM
Well, we would hope that you would take up some expense of building the buildings, but yes.

As for what they will be making, AMC makes many things. We can manufacture anything you have demand for. For exports, the factories will mostly make cheap electronics, furniture, basically anything for a profit.

As to an investigation.... fine, since we have nothing to hide. Be that as it may, we will not suffer interruptions without you paying for lost profits once the factories begin running.

2009-07-20, 12:13 PM

A message comes through multiple channels, pinged off a few sattleites, and apparently originated in the middle of the congo.:smallconfused:

The reply is short, and is in elegant hand writing against card stock emblazoned with President Reed's personal signature.

"We, at the COS are perfectly willing to take up a technological pact with you."

The EU

"We're happy to see your space program is coming along solidly. Would you mind allowing a representitive of the COS to be on board the first colony ship?"

2009-07-20, 12:16 PM
PAC: "Consider us interested. I suppose it'd be easiest for the both of us for the facilities to be concentrated on a single area. We'll move the proposal to the appropriate people to settle the details."
((That means: Yes, okay, it's a deal.))

2009-07-20, 12:47 PM
Sovereign Nation of Antarctica

The European Union
I'm sure this can work out between our nations, let us get into further detail of your proposition.

Skysea Initiative
I think we can get into a trade agreement, what do you want from us?

2009-07-20, 01:09 PM
Excellent, and I like to see that you have a taste for the confidential President Reed.

Excellent, I will begin the arrangements

Wizard of the Coat
2009-07-20, 01:27 PM
European Foreign Policy

Skysea Initiative
Though we are quite interested in your robotics advances, our space technology suffides at present. What we are interested in more is acces to your global trade network. Free transportation by building joint technology ships, EU powered and Skysea operated would be of great interest. Besides this would allow greater trade without having to go about the bureaucracy of Business Visa's for visiting merchants.

Novgorod and Muscovy
We willing to extend EU powerlines carrying power from fusion reactors to your industrial heartlands if you provide the funding for the construction of these things. Subsequently our engineers can upgrade production facilities in your land in return for a share in those industries.

Further options include potential membership in the European Union with full economic and alliance benifits. This however is up to you.

Pacific Atlantean Coalition
"For now greater privacy is not needed, yet we are wondering if we can contribute to each other's science. Our efficient power stations for instance could help your industry grow, yet your domed structures are of great interest to our engineers, like my daughter." Heinrich replies

Confederacy of the States
"A diplomatic passport will be filed through proper administrative channels and pend aproval by the parliament, but we are certainly willing to consider it. However an investment into the program would allow for a more convincing case to the parliament, as well as allowing a share in technological advances stemming from it. An astroid dispersal laser is under development, considering you nations strategies this could be a joint project."

Sovereign Nation of Antarctica
In that send our proposal stands: colaboration in the EU space program; Fusion power for your economy; What you bid in return would be the nature of the economic treaty. Acces to antartic resources would be interesting.

2009-07-20, 01:37 PM
"Well, we, first and foremost, would love to be part of your recently announced Europa colonization project" Dr. Havens says, taking a seat at the table "And we have more to offer than just the domes. Our government funded scientists come out with new marvels every week. I think a sort of Technological alliance would suit us very well"

2009-07-20, 01:37 PM
EU: "We'll need to discuss the proposal. If our power would come from you, we'd be dependant on it. The building would cost us and our own powersource facilities and corporations would suffer from it. We would be much more interested in the technology to upgrade into fusion power produced by ourselves, if possible.

Our production facilities are sufficient for their purposes, what we need are high-tech manufacturing capabilities and facilities. Mostly just the sufficient equipment for such precision work. We're upgrading, but the process is understandably slow.

We would be quite interested in the trade of such high-tech equipment. We do have a large production capability for day-to-day things, electric appliances and such. We also have large deposits of natural resources and are developing infrastructure to make use of it fully."

2009-07-20, 01:49 PM

A Video letter this time comes through the usual channel, the smiling face of President Reed appearing on the cleverly crafted fiberwire screen that replays a recording of him speaking over, and over again.
"It will be a pleasure to help our long time allies achieve a mutual goal. A investment of one billion dollars will be wired into your account VIA the usual method, and we look forward to you meeting our most prestgious man of science once things trite, but nessescary things like paper work are handled."

Wizard of the Coat
2009-07-20, 02:04 PM
Pacific Atlantean Coalition
Heinrich smiles. "A technological partnership in this project would be welcomed, though the colonization is in a very preliminary stage. We are to set up a basecamp first that allows a starting point for future efforts. Naturally the watery nature of the moon is why we are interested in your domes, we have all the theory, but the experience you hold is valuable. And though I would not discredit your labs, our facilities are second to none in many area's. Perhaps our advances in electronics and fusion power will interest you."

Novgorod and Muscovy
"We would not mind supplying you with the tools to upgrade your facilities, and natural resources are of interest to us. Still it is applied research to customise these tools for your facilities which will come as a direct investment on your part, something that should pay itself back swiftly."

Confederacy of the States
"That sounds like excelent initial funding for our labs."

(OOC: I will PM curtis to notify him of this)

2009-07-20, 02:14 PM
Havens leans forward "Yes, we would be interested. Would you perhaps, on the colonization issue, be willing to allow the PAC to co-settle on Europa. I believe a joint venture is just what this sort of project needs."

2009-07-20, 02:18 PM
EU:"We are interested in this deal. The details should be discussed in a more suitable meeting, if possible, though we must warn you that it would be difficult to convince certain people to hand you shares of the industry. But, again, that'll require long discussions prefarably in person."

Wizard of the Coat
2009-07-20, 02:27 PM

"Though we cannot prevent you from colonising Europa, we should make our intentions for the world clear. Europa's oceans, if properly used would allow us to create an agricultural colony that could supply the needs of mankind as we move to more distant stars. With the vast distances at current we can only transport a limited number of people. Sufficient to set up a terraforming engine to start the creation of the agricultural world, which will take several decades to be usable at best. As such joint colonization is of little use.

Regardless we would certainly be willing to work with you on subsequent colonies on Mars and Venus, which are reachable by a progressively larger number of people in the near future. In fact we are willing to start work with you on the designs for the transport ships right now."

2009-07-20, 02:31 PM
"Ah I see. Well in that case some of those limited number would need to be well educated in Dome construction. So, are we at least agreed on the trade in technologies?"

Wizard of the Coat
2009-07-20, 02:43 PM

"Well that depends on your desires. I am suggesting what technologies we hold, it is up to you to make an offer. Dome architecture, whilst usefull, is not quite as valuable as our fusion power stations technology, our own designs might be limited but they are sufficient. Still we are willing to construct those if funding is provided for it and in exchange for your practical experience with the domes train your people in the maintainance of these high tech stations. Besides the economic boost from the powers should pay back for the investment."

2009-07-20, 02:57 PM
"Well, you really must sell me on these power centers. We, being on the bottom of the ocean, have an abundance of geo-thermal energy. Why is your "product" so worth it?

Wizard of the Coat
2009-07-20, 03:08 PM
"What will you use on a place like Mars? The Earth may have an active core, but this sadly is a limited commodity in the solar system. Gaining experience is invaluable. The same goes for fueling spaceships in a spaceprogram.

Still if you are hesitant we can always supply advanced electronic circuitry. Or set up a joint research program for the biochemical modification for Europe's ocean. We have several glacier institutes in Greenland that simulate the condistions quite nicely. I am sure that you can reap the benifits from this research too."

Sovereign Nation of Antarctica
Shares in the industry need not be given if you can provide a sufficient funding. The knowledge gained from the fusion technology would also help you with your space program. Yet the president can be send your way to complete these negotiations.

2009-07-20, 03:09 PM
Refuge of Geneva:

The supreme ruler of Geneva, Chancellor Nicolaus Escher steps up to the podium in former Tunisa, dressed in a humble grey suit.

"My people. Sons and Daughters of Geneva. For many years we have been a broken nation. Shunned! Hated! No, oppressed by those we sought to escape.

Ten years ago, I asked for time. And that time, that era of preparation was granted to me by you; you, the strength of our arms, the fulfillers of our dream!

Ten years ago, we embarked on the greatest exodus we had ever seen. A journey for freedom! Our beloved Refuge became that freedom, and Geneva was created!

In the time you have given me, I have rebuilt our nation! I have rebuilt our power, and I HAVE rebuilt our pride!

Our enemies in our new home have been re-educated; we have given them a glorious new insight into our cause.

On this day, we stand united once more, a new Switzerland, poised to regain the old! On this day, those driven to divide us, will hear our voice! On these day, we will act as one, and be shunned and ignored NO MORE!

Sons and Daughters of Geneva! Now is our time!"

Throughout his speech, Chancellor Escher has been gripping the podium tightly.

"Thank you, my people. I know that you will be the fulfillment of our dreams."

Escher and his heavily armed and armored bodyguards leave the podium, and the crowd disperses to their homes in the sandy lands of the Refuge of Geneva.

Foreign Policy


Hello, Mr. "El Leon" Belasko,

Would you like a new deal?

Much simpler then the foolish first deal we proposed.

Give us an Alliance, the details of which you can decide, AND free access through your African Lands, and we will give you twenty billion dollars.

Do we have a deal?

The Sublime Turkish State

Hello, this is Chancellor Escher, ruler of the Refuge of Geneva.

I would like to make a deal with the Sublime Turkish State.

We're not quite the best at day-to-day technology, but we're decent enough at it, so we will give you what we can, in exchange for military access on Cyprus, which we assume you control entirely.

If needed, we will give some money to improve this deal. What do you say?

European Union:

You must tell us more about the details of the talks before I commit to even THINKING about talks with you; and I promise you, if this is a trick, we will declare total war on the EU.


Hello, this is Chancellor Escher. I would like to make a deal with the Republic of Novgorod.

It's simple; we improve your military technology, in exchange for some of your natural resources.

The SkySea Initiative

This is Felix Zimmerman, head of the Refuge of Geneva's R&D. I'd like to make a deal with the SkySea Initiative.

We want better robotics tech, and in exchange, we'll provide any resources you may need. Do we have a deal?

United China

The Refuge of Geneva is glad to see China arise once more from the ashes of it's defeat, as we are somewhat like that as well, so we always ready to make a deal with you.

Thus, we'd like to provide higher education for selected Chinese civilians, as well as convenient technology, in exchange for either a large force of soldiers to act as mercenaries, and knowledge of indoctrination techniques.

Pacific Atlantean Coalition

Hello, this is Chancellor Escher, we'd like to make a deal with the PAC.

Give us advanced submarine tech as well as a few submarines themselves, and in return, we will give you ten billion dollars, and a very good deal on some few thousand Genevan mercenaries to use for land defense.

Do we have a deal?

2009-07-20, 03:10 PM
OoC: Okay, lets try this again, this time with diplomacy...


Greater Valle Cartel

Dear Senor Vella,

Our agents in the Americas have made note of your activities, and I must tell you, it's a very clever operation you have going. You are the de facto leader of a nation, and while not having to endure the spotlight, and still enjoying all the benefits thereof.

I can only conclude that we are two of a kind. Two men who enjoy great power and influence, and only want to make it grow. I think our nations will make excellent allies.

Sincerely Yours
-Prime Minister Francisco Belasko

P.S. This note is no good as blackmail. Trust me.

The Refuge of Geneva

Dear Councillor Escher,

I am quite happy to see your continued interest in an alliance between our great nations. I was, perhaps, too dismissive of your earlier offer, and am eager to try again.

Your offer sounds more than agreeable. Perhaps the weapons deal from earlier can be brought forth? In return, you shall have a steadfast ally within the European Union, something not to be undervalued.

I am confident that we shall both benefit from these relations.

Sincerely yours,
Francisco "El Leon" Belasko

Prime Minister of Ibera

2009-07-20, 03:11 PM
"Alright, so you are offering joint-research programs, fusion tech, and electronic work. Besides from Dome manufacture and experiance... what do you want?"

Wizard of the Coat
2009-07-20, 03:15 PM
"A choice which you would like best. The others ofcourse can be bought from us for a reasonable tarrif."

Refuge of Geneva
Details are that we will mediate between the Swiss government and the Refuge of Geneva to create an adequate solution to this dilemma. Naturally the Swiss government is pro European membership, but we are aware of concerns from your perspective. As most of your people still have Swiss roots tracing citizenship should be possible. We therefore suggest a democratic vote to determine the future.

2009-07-20, 03:34 PM
I could be wrong, but I think joint ventures should be off the table. We either work togethor or we don't, we shouldn't have to buy into it. How about our Domes for your fusion expertise, and we agree to be far more togethor on programs that could further both of our nations

2009-07-20, 04:28 PM
The European Union
That sounds reasonable, access to our resources and funding in exchange for fusion technology and collaboration in the space program, we heard you were colonizing Europa, perhaps some of our technology can assist you.

2009-07-20, 04:57 PM
Greater Valle Cartel

Juan Vasco de Vella spends the jubilant New Years Eve with his family. He spends most of the night helping his grand children and great grand children light fireworks to celebrate the New Year.

Also at the party are Jaqueline, and Uberto de Vella, along with the majority of the extended de Vella family. Do to so many influential cartel members being in one place at a time, security is incredibly tight.

more to come

To the EU

Your assistance in combating the drug cartels infesting our nation would be most helpful.

While we have good intelligence on the whereabouts of the cartel leaders, our own police for is woefully inadequate for the task. Any equipment or training you could provide our officers would be invaluable.

Uberto Cadina de Vella

To Iberia

Prime Minister Francisco Belasko

I'm quite sure I don't know what your talking about. I am but a humble family man trying to make his way in this world.

That being said I to feel that we are too of a kind, and would be all to happy to see us as friends and allies. Did you have a specific endevour in mind or was this a general offer of camaraderie?

Your Friend,

Juan Vasco de Vella

2009-07-20, 09:20 PM
NNN Broadcast
Jan 2 09h46

"Trisha Yisho reporting, live from the National Oversight Council Hall. In a landslide vote yesterday the People of the NTC have ratified a motion before the nation with a near-record 93% majority. Oversight Committee Leader Hideo Ji is set to make the announcement for us on the steps of the Council Hall in just a few -- yes, he is in fact about to speak. Let's switch live to his speech."

The camera cuts to a middle aged japanese man in a sharp black business suit. This is hideo Ji, leader of the national oversight committee. He adjusts the array of microphones on the podium and clears his throat.

"Ladies and gentlemen, members of the press and viewers across the world.

Our world is increasingly a small, over-crowded place. Dozens...hundreds...of rival nations maneuver daily to gain access to more resources, better tactical position. We negotiate, barter, and when that fails, we make war. Ours is, at times, a cruel, vicious species. Often we even forget just why we fight in the first place...national rivalries are so ingrained that it becomes habitual.

And now, with our increasing technology, we threaten to spread our biases and petty rivalries to the stars. Even now, the EU is moving forward with plans to colonise Europa.

Yesterday evening, the People of the Nipponese Technocratic Commune made an historic vote. Nearly 98% of the nation voted on this landmark issue, a record number. The motion was passed with a 93% majority, itself very nearly beating the record-setting 95% majority vote on expansion of the orbital solar power array 2 years ago. The Nipponese People have spoken today.

it is the NTC's belief that the space beyond Earth shoukld remain free of our national allegiances. We put forward that all colonisation beyond earth-orbit be nationless, devoid of ties to any country on this world. No one people must dominate the stars...the future of our species lies in space, let us not pollute it with our diplomatic baggage.

In 2 weeks time, the NTC will host a summit in New Tokyo to discuss the future of space travel and colonisation. All nations are welcomed to attend and share their views.

Thanks you, and good day."

2009-07-20, 10:43 PM
The Turkish State

Bursts of green, red, purple, white, and blue tear the quiet and calm of the Istanbul sky apart with screams and sparks that seem to outshine the brightest sun. In the streets all over the State, people wave banners and blow noisemakers to welcome in the new year. In the courtyard of the Hagia Sophia, a thousand men in fine green silk robes perform flawless, simultaneous weapon displays with spears and swords, their white yarmulkes seemingly shifting colors to match the fireworks above. At the end of their brilliant demonstration, a single man walks up to the front of the yard. Aged but well-built, and his once vibrant red beard now a pale crimson, he presents himself in front of the Sultan, sitting and viewing the annual display of the Sultanate Janissaries. The Sultan rises, and embraces their leader, the vast differences in their height now easily noticeable. With a shallow bow, the Janissary steps aside, and the sultan addresses his nation:

"My friends! Happy and most blessed New Year to us all! May this year, like all the others, bring blessings and good tidings to our great nation, and may the challenges it brings bind us closer together in unity and patriotism! May good fortune continue to bless us and our allies, and may this year be our greatest yet!"

The crowd roars, with the exception of the Janissaries, who maintain a solemn disposition even in the face of such celebrations. The fireworks continue to blaze, however people now begin to return to their homes. Tomorrow is another day, and there would be much work to be done...

Geneva"This is Is'mael al-Hussad. Before we give you any kind of go ahead to build on our territory, we would need to know the definite purpose of such a presence would be. Not to mention that even if we agree to allow building, they would have to be kept under watch by our own military."

PAC"Your reputation precedes you in my court, President Sunarmo. I believe there is a great deal of good our nations can do for each other. What exactly were you proposing as far as trade goes?"

2009-07-20, 11:07 PM
"Really? I hope what you have heard is good. I believe open trade of all sorts should be opened between our countries. Otherwise... well I suppose that a Technological trade or sorts could be established. Your higher tech military and defensive commodoties for our more everyday ones.

2009-07-21, 01:26 AM
Refuge of Geneva: "We are always willing to negotiate mutually beneficial agreements. Our military technology could, indeed, be improved, and we would be willing to consider such a trade. Our output on many of our mineral deposits and other such points of interest has been predicted to rise considerably as the infrastructure around them is developed and they start getting fully utilized.

Would you have any detailed proposal in mind?"

2009-07-21, 02:06 AM
The Great Computer Project:
Our diplomats have informed us that you and our people are very much on the same wavelength technologically and socialogically. We would appreciate it if you were able to attend the summit announced...perhaps your diplomats and ours would be able to find time outside the discussions on outer space to speak on our continued positive relaionship
United China:
The People of the NTC would like to extend diplomatic relations to United China. Despite our...coloured past, we feel it is time to mend the burnt bridges between our peoples and let the East stand strong and united against the growing militant powers of the West. An alliance between China, the NTC and PAC would greatly increase our negotiating power beyond the sum of our parts against them.

2009-07-21, 07:55 AM
Sky Sea Intiative:

In the office of his most esteemed leadership of the mighty, and noble Skysea intiative, a letter arrives, it bears a crimson wax seal of intertwined phoenix's, their tails on fire, and the edges around the seal is a long dead language called Latin, that simply states "Per patientia , progressio."Through endurance, progress."

The letter is simple, although written with elegant strokes of golden bronze ink, and being written on Letter head paper that seems to almost be cloth in nature.

"Greetings, our most esteemed fellows at the Sky Sea intiative. As you have no doubt guessed I have chosen to break our many years of involunatary silence with our first communication to the outside world, with you. I notice that your floating city is quite the technological marvel there. The propulsion to weight issues alone must've required a decade of thought by the most brilliant minds in the world. Bah, there I go again, off on a tangent. The real point of this letter was to offer you a mutual protection package. We here at the COS bear no ill will to anyone as of yet, but we know that there is always someone out there who bears ill will towards you, myself, or anyone on this planet. The Confederacy of States wishes to offer you a contingent of our best ground troops to assist in defending your people should it ever come to the worst. All we ask in return is that you do likewise for us should the worst ever happen.

Best Wishes, President Sigmund."

2009-07-21, 12:25 PM
Refuge of Geneva:
Sounds like a deal. We'll send you a few scientists in the next week to hand over our current development information, along with a starting sample of some of our adaptable construction and manufacturing models. In exchange, at the moment we could do with more cloth, manpower, steel, fuel and gas for our current development expansions. Hope to see it arriving within the week also.

Sounds good. Since we're developing more ship fleets already, we'd be interested in your tech for powering and fueling them more efficiency. In exchange, we can offer you a part share in that fleet and the possibility of further agreements in the future. Sound good to you?

Very well, we have an agreement. We shall incorporate a contingent of COS elite troops into our own military. In exchange, we offer the reassurance that should America ever come under attack, the Skysea shall send its best pilots (most likely including the White Lightning herself) to American skies at the first opportunity. We assure you, our air superiority is currently highly impressive.

We are interested in your strong economical and military assets. In exchange for long-term supply agreements for some of our economical shortcomings, we are willing to aid you by providing a reliable source of transportation and trade to your own isolated nation.

To be honest we are more interested in your economy and military aid than technology. Maybe you would be interested in air defense aid, in exchange for economical supplies or military support.

We have some interesting computing plans which we would like to put into practice. Would you be interested in doing so and if so, what would it cost us?

2009-07-21, 12:54 PM
Well, we always welcome economic trade. As for militarily, what exactly do you want? We are interested in your... well sky technology.

2009-07-21, 02:45 PM
Sovereign Nation of Antarctica

The SkySea Initiative
Sounds reasonable, we accept your proposition.

2009-07-21, 05:39 PM
Skysea, Docking Bay XI

Vallem Goldberg, heir to the Skysea autocracy, smiles comfortably at the camera as the grey bays loom behind him.
"Ladies and gentlemen- Skysea citizens and otherwise, today I unveil a new side to the floating city's operations. Today, we can expand our fleets to the true power in the world today- trade and its myriad opportunities. For this reason, I hereby unveil the new face of the Skysea- the Aurora Fleet!"
Behind Goldberg, the bay's shielding slowly slides down to reveal the tip of a gargantuan airship. Slowly sliding from the Skysea emerges a sleek black machine, clearly built for size and cargo capacity rather than combat. In the background, more airships can be seen emerging from the bays.
Glancing back at the ships behind him, Vallem salutes the crew visible at the front of the ship before turning back to the camera.
"This highly advanced fleet has an unmatched cargo capacity and truly incredible speed for their size. This shall transform the possiblities of many isolated countries- we have already entered into agreement with Antarctica. Maybe others will follow, once they see the fruits of our joint endeavors.
I thank you for your attention, and hope to be speaking to you soon."

I assume you saw the broadcast. The Aurora fleet is open for hire from Antarctica whenever you wish- I assure you our prices are very reasonable considering the ships' speed and capacity. I believe your side of the deal could now be agreed on- we could do with some more raw materials at the moment- particularly fuel and metals if we are to continue with our current fleet maintenance.

Our naval forces could do with a boost, at the moment Hawaii doesn't have much defense other than our customary airships. We would be willing to share some of our technological advances with you in exchange. In addition, what would you say to a defensive pact?

2009-07-21, 05:57 PM
Your first deal is most satisfactory. As to the defensive pact... well, our military is almost completly desigend for naval defense. We don't really have the will to go help something. What I can offer you is a place of safety if you ever need it.

2009-07-21, 07:58 PM
Sovereign Nation of Antarctica

Of course, we will ready shipments of material to be sent, to your nation. Its a pleasure doing business, we hope to make the most of your services in the near future.

2009-07-21, 10:52 PM
Skysea: We are curious what sorts of computing plans you would request our assistance with. We are interested, of course, in assisting you with your needs...with all due caution. As you know, our nation's governance relies greatly on our computer networks and will not risk any contamination of that but if it is within our means we may be negotiated with.
We would also like to extend a personal invitation to the NTC's Space Colonization summit in two weeks time. The input of a technologically advanced and cultural developed nation as Skysea would be appreciated, while at the same time perhaps our diplomats could discuss a greater bond between the countries of the south pacific.
Some of the strongest and most technologically powerful nations on the planet co-exist within this region...by combining our efforts many great things could be accomplished.

PAC:We would be very interested in a technology exchange and trade pact. In fact, we are attempting to discuss a greater unity in the south pacific...with the eventual possibility of a longterm alliance. We have mentioned this to Skysea and China, as well. We would like it if you could come to the Space Colonization summit, and hopefully our diplomats can all sit down together and discuss this opportunity.

2009-07-22, 08:09 AM
We would be honored to participate in the colonization meeting

2009-07-22, 08:33 AM
To put it simply, we've been working on self-developing AI- one which can improve its own abilities to any extent. Now while this is a particularly useful function, if can cause problems if allowed to develop too far, obviously. We could do with some coding to create dynamic limits to prevent the AI from becoming too powerful, which the AI itself wouldn't be able to bypass. Interested?

And by the way, your summit sounds interesting. We'll send a representative.

Emperor Demonking
2009-07-22, 02:07 PM

The Great Computer Program continues to produce new software onto the market and continues to invest in other countries and makes its money.

To You

We are dedicated in helping the world in any way we can, in our limitted way. If you need anything we can provide, please cpontact us and we will give favourable terms to you.


We will be glad to go to what we are sure will be a historical moment.

2009-07-22, 09:30 PM
Sovereign Nation of Antarctica

The Republic of Novgorod
We are interested in the purchase of your natural resources, could our nations perhaps form a trading agreement.

2009-07-22, 11:32 PM
The Turkish State

WORLD NEWS NETWORK BREAKING NEWS: Neo-NATO Summit in Istanbul announced!

"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. Claudia Wrathbone here, with breaking news on the possible development of a new international entity. Today, Sultan Suleiman III of the Turkish State announced that he would be inviting the leaders of both the European Union and the Confederation of States to the cultural capital of his nation, Istanbul. Here to give his thoughts on this occasion is World News Network Senior Political analyst, Dr. Henry Forsythe. Thank you for coming, Dr. Forsythe."

"Thank you, Claudia. It's no secret that the Turks have been trying to drum up support against their seemingly ceaseless wars against the Russians, even as early as the Turkish-Russo War of the late 2010s. However, in my opinion, there are much larger forces at work here. This will be the first time that the three leaders will be meeting face to face, and given the worldwide political tension regarding both the Confederacy's President Sigmund Reed and the overall world opinion of the seemingly warlike and paranoid Turkish State, it begs the question of how much these three very different men can truly accomplish. What's to be certain, though, is that anything that comes out of this meeting is probably sure to have the enemies of these nations quaking."

"Thank you, Dr. Forsythe. Up next: strange sightings in the Pontus and Taurus mountain ranges of Turkey."


"Have you seen this, Is'mael? These Skysea airships?"

"Of course, sir. They've been all over the news. Quite the splash in the skypond, so to speak."

The sultan shifts uncomfortably in his desk, mulling over the possibilities of such advances in aeronautics.

"Should we get Dr. Cocles working on our own prototypes, sir?"

"No, no, nothing like that. Just make sure to keep an eye on them. I don't like the looks of them."

"As you wish, sir."

PAC"President Surnamo, pleasure to meet you. I am Dr. Konstantina Cocles, head of our Research and Development programs here in the State. What exactly can our advances of military and medical technology do for your nation today?"

EU, CoSOOC: I'll be awaiting your arrival in Istanbul via PM, away from prying ears/eyes.

2009-07-23, 12:43 AM
NNN News Broadcast
Jan 5, 15h11

"--Ken Isho, from the NNN Newsroom with breaking news. In a surprise vote today, the people of New Tokyo within the Nipponese Technocratic Commune have enacted strong new laws curtailing the activities of religious organizations within our borders."

Video switches to a scene outside a temple in New Tokyo where workers ares fixing a large, heavy tarp over what was a large signboard denoting the denomination of the temple.

"Under the new laws, prominent signage is to be removed and henceforth restricted to very modest dimensions. In the interim, signage will be required to be covered until the religious organizations replace the signs with new ones conforming to the regulations. In addition, a series of laws have been passed barring the construction of any new buildings of worship. Any temple or church that, from this day forward, closes will be rezoned and will not be eligible for purchase and rebranding by different organizations. Though support for this new set of laws is strongest in New Tokyo, many other regions are considering similar laws."

Video now returns to the news room.

"Many analysts point to this as the NTC moving towards a more officially atheist stance, perhaps even a preliminary to an official mandate against all religious groups within its borders. More on this as it develops."

It has occured to our policy-makers that the EU might feel conflicted about the nature of our announced summit in 2 weeks time regarding the colonization of space beyond earth-orbit. We would like to extend reassurrances that our direction and yours do not conflict and would appreciate you joining the myriad of others already signed on for this summit.
Though this directive would seem to conflict with your announced plans to attempt a colony far beyond earth we feel it could be a great opportunity to make this a truly global action. We of the NTC, and I'm sure many others, would be eager to include our own space programs with yours in this endeavour.
The summit, also, will allow our people to meet and discuss any other matters before our two nations.
SkyseaMs. Isuel Park from the the NTC's Intranet Engineering Group has expressed keen interest in your project. Under her guidance we might be able to construct an isolated grid with which to test your constructs. However, for the sake of our security, we would require full access to the software of the AI you intend to use.

2009-07-23, 07:23 AM
Headlines pass on the TV screen in the office, as the few men inside discuss things in secrecy.

Novgorod has announced it's participation in the NTC summit... Economical ratings on the rise again... Trade agreements and even more specific deals announced...

Antarctica:"We're always interested, and have quite some resources to spare. Do you have any specific deals in mind?"

2009-07-23, 11:10 AM
Well, we wouldn't really want to be giving you a huge chunk of our tech for a minimal cost. Would you want to buy the tech off us in a separate deal, *then* we can get hold of the limiter separately to avoid the problem?

2009-07-23, 11:45 AM
"The News is that Dr. Drew Havens of the PAC Political Council will be attending the NTC summit. In other news, a swarm of flesh-eating locust were contained today..."

To all
I am literally a country of mad Scientists, don't go wild on random events that I say.

To Turkey
Well, while we have a good navy, both our ground and air forces could be better. Also anything new breaks in medical research is a good breakthrough.

2009-07-23, 12:38 PM
Sovereign Nation of Antarctica
Antartica is able to attend the NTC summit

The Republic of Novgorod
We could pay for the resources, or if your nation is interested in technology of our nation, we can work something out.

2009-07-23, 01:03 PM
Antarctica: "We don't have a shortage of currency. But the technology would be interesting. Concrete technologies, able to be developed. We're especially interested in what you know about survival, military advances and stealth in extreme temperatures. Mostly extreme cold, of course. We have our own technologies in the area, but due to your geographical location you might have thought of things we haven't."

2009-07-23, 04:28 PM
Sovereign Nation of Antarctica

The Republic of Novgorod
We try to keep some of our technology in that department top secret for the purpose of homeland security. However, we can offer you our previous model of hybrid (physical and energy) vehicular shielding technology , still quite advanced.

2009-07-23, 04:55 PM
Antarctica: "Sounds... interesting. We'd require a prototype and the associated papers. But of course, a single item of research is paid with a single clump of resources.. This sounds like a good way to 'seal the deal' so to speak, though. We'll need to set up a proper trade channel and negotiate a suitable price for the resources if we are to make it a trade route. The details will be ironed out and sent to you with this message, as our proposal."

With the message, the details indeed arrive. You can accept the deal or try to haggle further, your call.

2009-07-23, 07:33 PM
Sovereign Nation of Antarctica

The Republic of Novgorod
Very good, if the prototype is to your liking we can ship over as many as you like, as long as the resources continue.

2009-07-23, 10:28 PM
Very well...in the name of good will, we will purchase this AI system from you, construct the limiter code you desire and "sell" the code to you at what we hope you will find to be a more than reasonable cost. Our Intranet Engineering Group will place this project at the top of their priority action list. We look forward to a long and prosperous cooperation with your nation.

2009-07-25, 07:44 AM
Antarctica:"I'm sure we would be interested in different applications of the technology or new advances you have found, to a certain extent. Of course, we'll have to study and fine-tune the applications to our own conditions here. Good to do business with you."

2009-07-27, 08:07 AM

(why do these games suffer so?)

2009-07-27, 11:50 AM
So, what tech are you interested in? We shall send you information as you request (within reasonable limits)- the sight of your subs surfacing round our Hawaiian installations in a welcome sight indeed.

2009-07-27, 01:06 PM
Your general skyship technology. We are always looking for new ways to expand

2009-07-27, 06:08 PM
Very well- we shall have a ship of the Aurora fleet sent to you within a week for examination. Our blueprints shall also be there, for the engines and structure. I'm afraid some of the components are constructed from materials which were readily available on Hawaii but might be more of a problem for you. With a little work it can easily be ficxed, though- we believe the mid-atlantic ridge could be used to emulate similar conditions to our own volcanic forges in Hawaii.

2009-07-29, 01:42 AM
(Bumping, maybe we need a round update?)

2009-07-29, 09:20 PM
AH, excellent. I thank you

2009-08-02, 02:25 PM
(Bump. >>)

2009-08-06, 01:44 AM
(No round update or npc nation event?, I have nothing to do)

(Edit, added question mark as that was supposed to be a question)

2009-08-09, 06:41 PM
Sovereign Nation of Antarctica


A message to the nations of the world, yesterday it has been discovered that a number of nuclear arms have been hijacked from a convoy scheduled to have them deactivated, they were of early post world war 3 era, although still very much alive, any information of this matter if verified to be true will be rewarded. Thank you, and keep watch.