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View Full Version : [Exalted] Does Breeding benefit awakened mortals?

2009-07-20, 10:05 AM
*points at title*

Would the Breeding background add to the personal essence pool of an individual, even if they didn't Exalt, or does it only add to Essence pools if you exalt as a Dragon-Blood?

If it doesn't just work for DB's, would it also grant the additional essence to Celestial exalt types?

2009-07-20, 10:09 AM
*points at title*

Would the Breeding background add to the personal essence pool of an individual, even if they didn't Exalt, or does it only add to Essence pools if you exalt as a Dragon-Blood?

If it doesn't just work for DB's, would it also grant the additional essence to Celestial exalt types?

Only applicable to Dragon-Blooded, really. In anyone else, it just means that they have increased chances of having Dragon-Blooded Children which is...pretty worthless, in game terms.

Celestials--and anyone else for that matter--would not gain essence.

2009-07-20, 10:14 AM
Well, I don't recall how the 2nd edition runs it, but the 1st edition Breeding background also increases the individual's chance at exalting (edit: as a DB. Celestial exaltation would use a different background and is more an optional rule), so it's not entirely worthless for some DB game scenarios.

But it's good to know about the essence.

2009-07-20, 10:17 AM
Dragon-Blooded exaltations are hereditary, which is why people of good Breeding receive more essence (stronger blood) and have a greater chance to exalt.

All other exaltations are not hereditary, but rather chosen by a higher power, so your heritage won't do any good with them.