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View Full Version : Best Oldtimer Ever (quarter finals, page 6, please)

2009-07-21, 03:22 PM
Since the 'Best Female' tread didn't come to a real conslussion (yet) thought it'd be time for a new poll.

So, my question is,l who is the most badass old-age character? Which charcter is thouch massively older than anyone else still able to keep up at fighting and/or able to steal the spot light anf fanbse from the youngsters? Of course, age is always relative, since therefore who might qualify:

1) There is no 'if you are older than' limit. A forty year old in a show made of teens is an oldtimer. If the agelevel is average he should be at least 60 (or so, guess we'll decide if t's close)
2) Not permitted: All kinds of Undead, such as Vampires or Lich even if they are hundreds of years old, though we might make an exception if the person was awesome and old age before turning undead.
3) Also no robts/cyborgs/androids, gods, immortals, beings out of the focus of time, or otherwise beings which don't age.
4) Also, no humans which are able to cheat on time and be young for their whole life or the like, nor beings with vastly longer life span, unlass they are also nearing that lifes end.
5) It doesn't matter what their specialty is. Martial Artists are allowed, as well as pilots, gunmen, swordsmen, etc, or people or who are just sexy (ultra milfs?) or awesome in any other way.

Yeah, I guess that's about it...
Nominations are uup for a week from now, or if there is no nomination for two days (we'll see how long it'll last) afterwards depending on the amount of contestants it will be 1vs1 or team matches.

2009-07-21, 03:26 PM
Shepherd Book. (Firefly)

"Quite specific. It is, however, a mite fuzzier on the subject of kneecaps."

2009-07-21, 03:35 PM
The Old-Timer so great that I can't even stand to nominate anyone else in the same breath...

Kesuke "Mister" Miyagi


"Man who catch fly with chopstick accomplish anything."

"Walk on road, hm? Walk left side, safe. Walk right side, safe. Walk middle, sooner or later get squish just like grape. Here, karate, same thing. Either you karate do "yes" or karate do "no." You karate do "guess so," just like grape. Understand?"

"Wax on, right hand. Wax off, left hand. Wax on, wax off. Breathe in through nose, out the mouth. Wax on, wax off. Don't forget to breathe, very important. Wax on, wax off. Wax on, wax off."


2009-07-21, 03:36 PM
D'ram, from the Dragonriders of Pern books. He's not only old, but he's also part of the "oldtimer" group of dragonriders.

And he's friggin' awesome. Knightly, even, but not too proud to admit when he's dead wrong.

2009-07-21, 03:38 PM
Friggin Henry Jones Senior, aka Indiana Jones' father. Best old guy ever graced the silver screen.

2009-07-21, 03:53 PM
Lu Tze, history monk. Especially for his Garden of Surprises.

Right. He's cheating time.

2009-07-21, 03:58 PM
3) Also no robots/cyborgs/androids, gods, immortals, beings out of the focus of time, or otherwise beings which don't age.

4) Also, no humans which are able to cheat on time and be young for their whole life or the like, nor beings with vastly longer life span, unless they are also nearing that lifes end.

Both of these sound a bit like Lu Tze. Especially 4)- he's 900 odd thanks to fiddling with time.

2009-07-21, 04:04 PM
Right. It's probably half the conditions on there. Time Travel, cheating time, immortality, and a lot of trickery on top. He's out then. I still like him.

We could do a "best immortal character" thread later...

2009-07-21, 04:05 PM

"When 900 years old you reach, look as good you will not."

“Size matters not. Look at me. Judge me by my size, do you? Hmm? Hmm. And well you should not. For my ally is the Force, and a powerful ally it is. Life creates it, makes it grow. Its energy surrounds us and binds us. Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter. You must feel the Force around you; here, between you, me, the tree, the rock, everywhere, yes. Even between the land and the ship.”

“Ready are you? What know you of ready? For eight hundred years have I trained Jedi. My own counsel will I keep on who is to be trained. A Jedi must have the deepest commitment, the most serious mind. This one a long time have I watched. All his life has he looked away... to the future, to the horizon. Never his mind on where he was. Hmm? What he was doing. Hmph. Adventure. Heh. Excitement. Heh. A Jedi craves not these things. You are reckless.”

“[Luke:] I can’t believe it. [Yoda:] That is why you fail.”

I could go on forever, virtually everything the character says is quotable.

2009-07-21, 04:05 PM
Lets see- Ciaphas Cain in Cain's Last Stand might count- regardless of rejuvenation treatments, he's still old.

2009-07-21, 04:07 PM
Hmm. Dan McNinja? (That was Dr. McNinja's father's name, right?) He's old and kinda cool. Though given the source material, he might intimidate time with his mustache, or beat up time regularily.

Nominated because:
"Ninja's can't catch you when you are on fire."

2009-07-21, 04:11 PM
Let's go with Jolee Bindo, grumpy old man of Knights of the Old Republic fame.

2009-07-21, 04:12 PM
Another one of my favourites might be a little fuzzy:
Nevil Clavain (Revelation Space). He has a head full of implants, genetic and nanotreatment to slow down aging and spends a hell of a lot of time in Cryostasis and at relativistic speeds. He's still a few hundred years of subjective time old, or nearly five hundred when looking from the outside. He is nearing the end of his life apparently, complains about being too old and is an outdated model of conjoiner.
Nominating Captain Brannigan is right out, of course.

Probably not really well known enough to get far, though.

Flame of Anor
2009-07-21, 04:23 PM
I nominate:

Albus Dumbledore
Bilbo Baggins
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Emperor Palpatine
The Face of Boe (yes, debatable, but I think it counts due to near-life's-end)
Lord Shojo

2009-07-21, 04:34 PM
Good thread idea

I nominate

-Iroh and King Bumi (from Avatar)
-Uncle (from the Jackie Chan Adventures)
-Jiraiya (from Naruto)
-Bill (from Left 4 Dead)

What about characters who are old for their race (but otherwise fairly young)? I also wish to nominate Thaco (from Goblins)

2009-07-21, 04:38 PM
Aramaki Daisuke (Ghost in the Shell)

Is a Cyborg, like just about everyone in the setting, with the possible exception of the chinese refugees, but as far as I know, they don't massively extend life with that technology.

2009-07-21, 04:43 PM
The Puni Elder (Paper Mario and the Thousand Year Door)

2009-07-21, 04:46 PM
Ebeneezer from the Dresden Files.

Because nothing says "I don't care how powerful you are and how many troops you have" like dropping a satellite on your castle.

2009-07-21, 04:51 PM
Bra'tac from Stargate SG-1. :smallbiggrin:

2009-07-21, 04:56 PM
Vhostym the Sojourner of The Erevis Cale Trilogy. Over 10,000 years old, a Githvyrik Cerebremancer (psion/wizard) of incredible power and understanding. So ancient that his skin has become incredibly sensitive to light, to the point where even the slightest sliver of it causes him pain, and standing in direct sunlight would kill him instantly. Unwilling to embrace undeath or change his form to prolong his life.
He is willing to piss off multiple gods and cause catastrophic loss of life in order to channel the magical energy he needs to power his greatest spell. Its purpose? Bring one of Selûne's Tears, the meteors that follow the moon of the world of Toril, in close enough to the planet to cause a temporary eclipse of the sun over a small island, all so that he can walk beneath the sun and view the surface world, particularly the beach, in his own, true form one last time before he dies.

He had the power to do much more. But he didn't want to. He just wanted to die content, in the manner of his choosing. And since he had the power to do so, he did.

A few excerpts from the scene in which he first appears:
Vhostym wished to make on last observation before he began the final stages of his plan. He attributed the desire to nostalgia, to a need to see things as they existed at that moment. For soon, everything would change.

Propelling his projected form upward with the power of thought, Vhostym extended the range of his illusionary proxy to the far limits of his spell - the edge of Toril's sky, leagues above the surface, where the blue of Toril's celestial sphere gave way to the bleak darkness of the cosmos. From there, he looked outward through the eyes of the image and into endlessness. The void of the heavens yawned before him, the massive, limitless jaws of the greatest of beasts. In its infinite expanse, Vhostym bore witness to the immensity of creation, the perfect mathematics of motion, and the insignificance of his own existance.

He, among the most powerful of being on any world, felt insignificant. The feeling amused him, mostly because it was true. Even his grand plan, as ambitious as it was, faded into negligibility in the face of the endless ether.

The meaninglessness of existence comforted him. Juxtaposed against infinite space and time, even the greatest of beings were small.


The infinity beyond Toril's sun, innumerable planets and stars spun through the deep, pinpricks of light dancing through the dark. Vhostym observed their motion for a time, his intellect automatically translating their movement into equations only he could understand. Calling upon the library of data stored in his mind, he observed several distant planets, derived their mass, their precession, the length of their seasons, their aphelion and perihelion. The excercise made him smile; he recognized it as an attempt to use mathematics to make chaos pedictable. Such ordering was the curse of sentience, an irrepressible desire to engage in an ultimately futile excercise.


Life had no overarching meaning, he had learned, no grand purpose. Not even his life. There was only sensation, experience, and subjectivity. That realization, equivalent to an epiphany for a religious zealot, had freed him from his self-imposed moral shackles. In a flash of insight, he had realized that morality was much a man-made construct as a stone golem. He had come to the abrupt and stunning realization that characterizing an action as good or evil was absurd. He had elevated himself beyond good and evil. What was, was. What one wanted to do and could do, one ought to do. There was no other ought, no other objective standard.

That principle had informed his subsequent existence. -Dawn of Night, pages 1-4.
Like most of Paul Kemp's work, one of my favorite literary characters of all.


2009-07-21, 04:56 PM
Iroh, seconded absolutely. Anybody who cares that much about tea gets my vote.
Jean-Luc Picard. Sexiest captain of Star Trek! Also cares about tea.

2009-07-21, 05:09 PM
Iroh, seconded absolutely.

Also Iroh. And if we talk about discworld or friendly vampire lawyer should get a vote.

Mr. Burns! Yeah, he stole the sunlight, a 1mio dollar, candy from babies and once even robbed a elementary school...beat that!

2009-07-21, 05:31 PM
Gandalf has to be said as the great template, even if he doesn't technically fit the criteria.

Maester Aemon and Jeor Mormont from ASOIAF.

For the oldish man in the show about teenagers Red Forman of That 70s Show.

Admiral Adama of BSG

2009-07-21, 05:42 PM
Gandalf has to be said as the great template, even if he doesn't technically fit the criteria.

Mmm... no. That he is a great example of the template is debatable, but trust me: the wise old wanderer is a great deal older than Tolkien.

2009-07-21, 06:08 PM
Don't believe nobody has said it yet, but Cohen the Barbarian and every member of his Silver Horde.

2009-07-21, 06:09 PM
Wow, lots of people I don't know, I have to admit.
Anyway, I was thinking hard about Lu-Tze when starting the thread and making up the rules. The thing is, yeah, he cheats time, he can't die of old age (unless he wants to, I guess) But on the other hand he doesn't cheaat to rejuvenate his body or the like.... I' in doubt. Guess f enough people say he should be in I'll taake him... gotta think it through. Name him if you want him in, plz.

2009-07-21, 06:12 PM
I'll add seconds for Indiana Jones' father, Jean-Luc Picard, and William Adama. So fantastic.

2009-07-21, 06:24 PM
Iroh, seconded absolutely. Anybody who cares that much about tea gets my vote.

Iroh: This tea is nothing more than hot leaf juice.
Zuko: Uncle... that's what all tea is.
Iroh: How can a member of my own family say something so horrible?

2009-07-21, 07:05 PM
Iroh and king Bumi and Uncle. John Hammond from Jurassic park (movie) and The General from Johnny Test. Don't judge me

2009-07-21, 07:23 PM
Jiraiya, because he's the only one of the Sannin to not cheat age.

And as said, the Silver Horde. Definitely the Silver Horde.

2009-07-21, 07:31 PM
Iroh: This tea is nothing more than hot leaf juice.
Zuko: Uncle... that's what all tea is.
Iroh: How can a member of my own family say something so horrible?

Mando Knight
2009-07-21, 07:35 PM

Who da man?

Yoda man. Yoda da man.

2009-07-21, 07:55 PM
I'm going to have to change my opinion and second Yoda, Iroh, and Ebenezer McCoy. Seriously badass, all of them.

Katara: "I'm sorry, Aang! This is all my fault!
Aang: "Aw, no it's not, Katara."
Iroh (looks at Katara): "Yeah, it kinda is."

2009-07-21, 08:23 PM
I don't like yoda because of the "do, do not do there is no try" line. I bothers me deeply.

Occasional Sage
2009-07-21, 08:33 PM
Another one of my favourites might be a little fuzzy:
Nevil Clavain (Revelation Space). He has a head full of implants, genetic and nanotreatment to slow down aging and spends a hell of a lot of time in Cryostasis and at relativistic speeds. He's still a few hundred years of subjective time old, or nearly five hundred when looking from the outside. He is nearing the end of his life apparently, complains about being too old and is an outdated model of conjoiner.
Nominating Captain Brannigan is right out, of course.

Probably not really well known enough to get far, though.

Reading Revelation Space right now, in fact. Haven't met Nevil yet though. Haven't found a character yet whom I actually like as a person.

Incredibly good book.

Yoda and Book for me.

2009-07-21, 08:55 PM
I don't like yoda because of the "do, do not do there is no try" line. I bothers me deeply.

Because you subscribe to determinism?

Yoda has the whole cookey religion thing going on but it's interesting to think about whether the most experienced person of them all, hopefully "unbiased" or at least "less biased" is implied by that qualifier, would like free will or determinism.

2009-07-21, 09:01 PM
I nominate Gordon Ramsey from Hell's Kitchen.


2009-07-21, 09:03 PM
Lu Tze, Picard, and Jolee Bindo. Especially Jolee. One of the few old-timers who acts his age.

Also, Dr Jones, Sr. Think about how that creative session must have gone:
Director: Okay, we did great with the first 2 movies, but they really expect more from this one. Think, people! HOW DO WE MAKE INDY MORE AWESOME?
Writer: We...could...make James Bond his dad?
Director: *awed silence*

2009-07-21, 10:05 PM
Because you subscribe to determinism?

Yoda has the whole cookey religion thing going on but it's interesting to think about whether the most experienced person of them all, hopefully "unbiased" or at least "less biased" is implied by that qualifier, would like free will or determinism.

Yes. That and when I was little I was a scrawny kid and when I had to help dad do anything physical I could not do it well enough so the exchange was often
dad "I need you to do x"
me "I'm trying"
dad "I don't want you to try just do it!"
so that quote sets of a whole decades worth of pet peaves and insecurity.

2009-07-21, 10:27 PM
Admiral Count Aral Vorkosigan.

Had one heck of a career as a youngster (under age forty): at age 11 was part of the group that brought down mad-emperor Yuri, Conqueror of Komarr (and subsequently one of the youngest Admirals in Barrayaran history). But he really didn't start going until post-forty: salvaging the Escobar Invasion (mastermind of the retreat and a black ops mission you'd need to read to believe--I won't spoil it for you), appointed Regent for then 4-yr-old Emperor Gregor, threw off Vordarian's pretendership, then turned back the reins of power, intact, to Gregor at his majority. Acted as Barrayaran Prime Minister for the next ten years or so, then appointed Viceroy of the new Colony Sergyar.

I mean this guy is amazing, and we are introduced to him by the author after he's turned forty. Still alive and kicking during the latest books in the timeline, which focus on his son, and even if he's in the book for only a page or two you feel his impact.

2009-07-21, 10:57 PM
or people or who are just sexy (ultra milfs?)GMILF?

The Hermit from Baldur's Gate.

*hackhackhackhack hackhack cough splutter hackhackhack* My lung! *wheeze* It's flopping all over the dirt!

Miracle Max and his wife from The Princess Bride.

Throwing in Dumbledore, cuz I think he deserves to be here.

The nice witch (forgotten her name :smallfrown:) in Willow.

2009-07-22, 01:17 AM
Reading Revelation Space right now, in fact. Haven't met Nevil yet though. Haven't found a character yet whom I actually like as a person.

Incredibly good book.

Yoda and Book for me.

Yeah, actually likeable characters might be rare in these books. I mean, many of them are pretty cool, but most are pricks, liars, cheaters, militaristic, crazy and/or a few other non-nice things.
Nevil Clavain doesn't show up in Revelation Space itself, though. He's in Great Wall of Mars, Redemption Ark and Absolution Gap, though.

Another vote for Lu Tze and Ghengis Cohen, in any case. Last Hero is one of my favourite books ever.

2009-07-23, 02:55 PM
So, we that's been ne day without a new vote by now. guess we have like... 20 or so nominees (guessed). Mostly males, as far as I see it, lots I don't know about but that doesn't really matter.
Anyway, I'd appreciate some more candidates, otherwise I might throw some in when it comes to the matches, I guess.
If there is someone yoou are unsure if he might qualify, just name it and I think we will ba able to reach an agreement on them... or so.

2009-07-23, 03:08 PM
I'd like to second Iroh, Henry Jones Senior, and Jean Luc-Picard, and would like to suggest Dr. Eli Vance, from the Half-Life series.

Mugger: You! Give me all your money!
Iroh: What are you doing?
Mugger: I'm mugging you!
Iroh: With that stance?

Henry Jones Sr.: I suddenly remembered my Charlemagne. 'Let my armies be the rocks and the trees and the birds in the sky...'

2009-07-23, 03:10 PM
Cotton hill from king of the hill is pimp-awesome

Flame of Anor
2009-07-23, 03:14 PM
Father Grigori (from HL2)
King Theoden (from LotR)
Boxer Boy and Great-Granny Girdle (from Captain Underpants)

And a hearty second to Admiral Viceroy Count Aral Vorkosigan. Also to Cpt. Picard & Jones Sr.

2009-07-23, 03:31 PM
I nominate Gordon Ramsey from Hell's Kitchen.


You are so right.

Also, Chin Gentsai from King of Fighters series.

2009-07-23, 03:44 PM
Oh! I forgot one of the most important ones!

Rowan Darkwood. (http://www.geocities.com/ripvanwormer/darkwood.html) One might say he is one of DnD's ultimate powergamers. The story I linked is an unofficial retelling of the things he did before he came to Sigil and became Factol (leader, for the clueless) of the Fated by spending a few minutes in the same room with the last factol, after which the old one resigned. He then went on to challenge the Lady for dominance over Sigil with one of the most powerful spells ever written. As a ranger.

Before that, he survived the Tomb of Horrors and the temple of elemental evil.
Basically, the Designers thought of all the powergamery stuff he could do and made him do it. In awesome ways.

2009-07-23, 03:46 PM


Captain Bruno J. Global from Macross


Kai Kitamura from Super Robot Wars


Captain Daitetsu Minase from Super Robot Wars


Captain Jeffrey Wilder from Macross Frontier


Ford Cruller: Bacon Support from Psychonaut.


Sir Keldorn Firecam, the paladin's paladin from Baldurs Gate

More later I guess...

2009-07-23, 03:54 PM
Damn how could I forget Ford Cruller?

I mean, who else can run a summer camp all by themselves via a split personailty disorder? :smallbiggrin:

2009-07-23, 04:09 PM
Tywin Lannister, from Song of Ice and Fire. What any magnificent bastard aspires to be.:smallbiggrin:
Oh, and Walt Kowalski of Gran Torino. It's Clint Eastwood. Old timers do not get cooler than Clint Eastwood.

zillion ninjas
2009-07-23, 04:22 PM
Baron Klaus Wulfenbach (Retracted, since Klaus is a construct)
Carson von Mekkhan (a.k.a. Master Heliotrope)
Sergeant Scorp

All of those from Girl Genius, of course. I don't recall any notable older female characters (non-cheating, that is) from GG. (Don't even think about suggesting Countess Marie, or you'll get a frying pan to the head.)

And seconds/thirds/whatevers for Aral "Butcher of Komarr" Vorkosigan and Walt "Get off my lawn!" Kowalski.

2009-07-23, 04:33 PM
Of course, I could technically nominate Granny Weatherwax again for her role in the Tiffany books, but that might be a tad unfair.

2009-07-23, 05:10 PM

Ford Cruller: Bacon Support from Psychonaut.
Seconded. Psychonauts was awesome, and he was one of many reasons why.


2009-07-23, 05:47 PM
Admiral Count Aral Vorkosigan.

Had one heck of a career as a youngster (under age forty): at age 11 was part of the group that brought down mad-emperor Yuri, Conqueror of Komarr (and subsequently one of the youngest Admirals in Barrayaran history). But he really didn't start going until post-forty: salvaging the Escobar Invasion (mastermind of the retreat and a black ops mission you'd need to read to believe--I won't spoil it for you), appointed Regent for then 4-yr-old Emperor Gregor, threw off Vordarian's pretendership, then turned back the reins of power, intact, to Gregor at his majority. Acted as Barrayaran Prime Minister for the next ten years or so, then appointed Viceroy of the new Colony Sergyar.

I mean this guy is amazing, and we are introduced to him by the author after he's turned forty. Still alive and kicking during the latest books in the timeline, which focus on his son, and even if he's in the book for only a page or two you feel his impact.

Tempted to second that because I love the Vorkosigan books and Aral is pretty much my favorite character of the series. And he is actually portayed accurately as a man of his age.

But I still think the award goes to Frank Miller's portayal of Bruce wayne in The Dark Knight Returns. I mean, there's a guy who's aged. He is without a doubt weaker than he used to be, well past his physical prime, and fights that much more ferociously to make up for it. That's pretty awesome.

Lot of folks people are mentioning - like Klaus Wulfenbach - might as well just be robots or unaging demigods or whatever, in my opinion.

2009-07-23, 06:26 PM
Thom Merrilin (Wheel of Time) for badass bard skills.

2009-07-23, 06:47 PM
Dak'kon from Planescape: Torment.


zillion ninjas
2009-07-23, 07:13 PM
Lot of folks people are mentioning - like Klaus Wulfenbach - might as well just be robots or unaging demigods or whatever, in my opinion.

I don't think that a typical demigod would end up in this kind of shape (http://www.girlgeniusonline.com/comic.php?date=20070330), even after a chicken house is dropped on their head. Also, Klaus's survival and success seem to mostly result from his intelligence (mad scientist, right?), not his physical strength.

However, you have reminded me that Klaus is also a construct (http://girlgenius.wikia.com/wiki/Baron_Klaus_Wulfenbach/Mad), so I'll retract his nomination on those grounds. He probably ages normally, but we have no way to be sure.

I'm standing by von Mekkhan to the end, though - the old coot is badass in his own awesomely creepy way (http://www.girlgeniusonline.com/comic.php?date=20071029).

Berserk Monk
2009-07-23, 08:07 PM
Jet Black (Cowboy Bebop)
Edward Blake (Watchmen)

2009-07-24, 01:21 AM
New Nominee: Colonel Hyrum Graff from the Ender/Bean series
He's not all that old at the beginning of the series, but then again, at the beginning of the series, most of the other characters are under 12. :smalltongue:


Mr. Miyagi
Daniel: "I never thought I'd make it this far."
Miyagi: "Make two of us."

Captain Picard
Spock's reappearances in Next Generation are pretty great, too.

Iroh and Boomy

Miracle Max and Valerie
Max: "Have fun storming the castle!"
Valerie: "Think it'll work?"
Max: "It would take a miracle."

Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore
Rita Skeeter: "Dumbledore! What a pleasant surprise! Did you read my article on your work last summer?"
Dumbledore: "Excellent, Rita, excellent. I especially liked the part where you called me an obsolete dingbat."
Harry: "That old cow! ... I mean ... er ... sorry, professor."
Dumbledore: *twiddles thumbs and looks at ceiling* "I have gone temporarily deaf and have no idea what you just said, Harry."

Yes. That and when I was little I was a scrawny kid and when I had to help dad do anything physical I could not do it well enough so the exchange was often
dad "I need you to do x"
me "I'm trying"
dad "I don't want you to try just do it!"
so that quote sets of a whole decades worth of pet peaves and insecurity.

Yeah, that makes sense. But still, there are some situations where the maxim is really good advice. And others where it's a really stupid idea. Hmmm.

2009-07-24, 01:25 AM
I'm going to nominate Bea Arthur, for Deadpool's sake.

Whaaat? The rules say they have to be fictional... or alive...

2009-07-24, 01:39 AM
In that case, I'm going to nominate...


Dame Jane Goodall! The badass primatologist from Irregular Webcomic. What, she's also a real person? That make her even more badass.

Member of the SASQUATCH (Special Action Squadron Team of Cryptid Hunters) and the only thing in the world that can keep Steve 'did you just choke cthulhu to death' in check.

2009-07-24, 02:09 AM
Surprised we've got to this point without anyone mentioning Druss the Legend. In his first appearance in David Gemmell's "Legend" he was in his sixties, yet he still helped defend a city from a siege and was by far and away the most effective person doing so. He even killed several men while mostly incapacitated from poison.

Of course, the later books where he appears fill in his backstory and you find out he was THAT badass all his life--really not surprising he died on a battlefield rather than in his bed!

The J Pizzel
2009-07-24, 11:17 AM
I'll second Tywin Lannister and add Flint the dwarf from Dragonlance. That old bastard just wouldn't give up.

Also, who is Iroh and where are all those funny quotes from? Avatar?


2009-07-24, 02:14 PM
Gandalf, despite him being a Maiar. He definitely qualifies.

2009-07-24, 04:17 PM
Gandalf, despite him being a Maiar. He definitely qualifies.

Eh, really? Isn't he immortal or something?

Anyway, I'll also nominate the following:

Gilad Pellaeon (Star Wars)
Eugene Greenhilt (Order of the Stick)
Tirion Fordring (Warcraft)

2009-07-24, 04:26 PM
Third Hokage (Naruto)
And Shojo (OOTS)

2009-07-24, 04:36 PM
Uncle Iroh, the dragon of the west
Waterbending Master Pakku,
Swordmaster Piandao,
Omashu King Bumi,
Firebending Master Jeong Jeong

Heck all the members of the Order of the White Lotus, were pretty dang awesome.

Finn Solomon
2009-07-25, 02:52 AM
Shepherd Book from Firefly.

Col. Nick Fury from Marvel Comics.

2009-07-25, 02:53 AM
Obi-wan Kenobi

2009-07-25, 04:47 AM
Professor Farnsworth from Futurama

2009-07-25, 05:02 AM
I'm with... whoever it was, we need more women!

Granny Weatherwax and Nanny Ogg are obvious. I've already mentioned Valerie from Princess Bride (forgot her name) and Fin Raziel (forgot her name, too). Um... C'mon, there's gotta be more brilliant old women! My Boy nominates Lady Macbeth and the woman from Great Expectations. Other than that, I got nothin'... C'mon, what's with the lack of awesome old women in literature? :smallfrown:

Oh! Mom, from Futurama :smallbiggrin:

2009-07-25, 05:07 AM
I think it's because Granny Weatherwax had become, ehm, the second winner in the 'favourite female in the playground' poll so subcounciously, people picked males because if she's nominated again, she'll easily reach top 5 again without contest again..

2009-07-25, 05:44 AM
I'm not even just talking about the lack of awesome women being mentioned here, I simply cannot think of many awesome older women anywhere. What's with that?

2009-07-25, 06:21 AM
Proffessor Farnsworth, from Futurama.
Grampa, from the Simpsons.
Bill, from Kill Bill.
Kanbei, from Advance Wars.

2009-07-25, 08:15 AM
For some awesome women

Lady Olenna Tyrell from ASOIAF, sure she's new but she's already gotten rid of one of the most annoying characters in the series, or so it seems.

Morgause/Morgan la Fay from some interpretations of the Arthur legend. Sure we can go on all day about how the earlier legends have Morgause as kinda a stooge and Morgan as barely present. But some later interpretations have some odd combination of this pair being incredibly intelligent, twisted, and devious. Enough so they should at least make it to the list. And while I believe most interpretations don't show them as that old, if I remember correctly by the time their son Mordred became a decent villain they would already be ancient by medieval standards.

2009-07-25, 10:00 AM
Seconding Ogg and Weatherwax.
Also throwing in Murstrum Ridicully, because seriously.

Iroh has been covered, as have the Silver Horde.

Would De Carabas be a fair choice? I recall him mentioning he's getting on in the centuries, but it's been a while since I read Neverwhere.
And speaking of Neverwhere, Croup and Vandemar!

2009-07-25, 07:42 PM
Col. Nick Fury from Marvel Comics.
This one might not meet the criteria

Nick Fury's aging has been slowed greatly by the Infinity Formula, a serum created by Dr. Berthold Sternberg. Fury was first inoculated with the serum in the 1940s. Fury took the serum annually for many years. Due to its cumulative effect, Fury no longer needs additional doses to prolong his life span.

4) Also, no humans which are able to cheat on time and be young for their whole life or the like, nor beings with vastly longer life span, unless they are also nearing that lifes end.

Thane of Fife
2009-07-25, 08:09 PM
Marvin Grossberg?

"Ah, the days of my youth. Like the scent of fresh lemons, you see."

More seriously, how about Manfred von Karma?

And of course, I don't understand how Abraham van Helsing (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Van_Helsing) has so far gone unmentioned (though I don't believe his age is specified).

2009-07-25, 08:49 PM
Emirate Xarron, from Transformers.

He's old even by the standards of a species where a couple million years gone is a short break, but he's still a wily old buzzard, and a skilled commander. And it took a freaking god to take him down.

And Sam Vimes is getting up there in years. Should qualify soon.

(Granny Weatherwax definitely does.)

Flame of Anor
2009-07-26, 01:35 AM
Bobby from Supernatural

2009-07-26, 06:24 AM
Giles from Buffy. Under the number 1 clause :smallsmile:

2009-07-26, 06:39 AM
Kanbei, from Advance Wars.

Didn't you mean Sensei? Kanbei's not that old.
"now, where's my spare change?"

I, too, support Cohen the barbarian.

2009-07-26, 07:44 AM
Oh yeah. Kambei from Seven Samurai then.

And Jetfire from the latest Transformer movie :smallbiggrin:

One of that movie's saving grace (except the out of nowhere 'shift')

2009-07-27, 02:01 PM
Okay, I guess we a re done with the nominations, so I can start the votings a day early. If there are some late-comers I guess I will oput them up againt each other.
I added about 10 people on my own to get the 100 complete. For now, it will be 20 Matches with 5 combatants each. Please pick your two favorites of each group, and if you think someone is not fitted for certain reasons/against the rules please say so as well. I included everyone mentioned except for those I knew unfitting. The borderline examples (like may be too young were included but if there are people I missed just say so. Makes it easier for the others then.

League I

Jiraiya (Naruto)
King Theoden (Lord of the Rings)
Cpt Daitetsu Minase (Super Robot Wars)
Glad Pellaeon (Star Wars)
Norris Packard (Gundam 8th MS Team)

Three good people in here imo, too bad only one can make it.

League II

The Face of Boe
Father Grigori (HL2)
Bea Arthur (Deadpool)
Tirion Fording (Warcraft)
Sensei (Advance Wars)

League III

Albus Dumbledore (Harry Potter)
Miracle Max (and wife) (Princess Bride)
Dak'kon (Planescape)
Lady Macbeth (Macbeth, I guess)
Tellah (Final Fantasy IV)

League IV

Kesuke "Mister" Miyagi
Gordon Ramsey (Hell's Kitchen)
Kai Kitamura (uper Robot Wars)
Firebending Master Jeong Jeong (Avatar)
Cid (Final Fantasy, pick any fitting, I needed a hundredth candidate)

League V

Dan McNinja (Dr McNinja)
Maester Aemon (ASOIAF)
Walt Kowalski (Gran Torino)
Grampa Abraham Simpson (Simpsons)
Marvin Grossberg

League VI

Nevil Clavain (Revelation Space)
Cotton Hill (King of the Hill)
Edward Blake (Watchmen)
Mom (Futurama)
Sam Vimes (Discworld)

League VII

Henry Jones sr. (Indiana Jones)
Admiral William Adama (BSG)
Rown Darkwood
Nanny Ogg (Discworld)
Giles (Buffy)

League VIII

Yoda (Star Wars)
Bra'Tac (Stargate)
Tywin Lannister (Song of Ice and Fire)
Prof Hubert J Farnsworth (Futurama)
Liquid/Revolver Ocelot (Metal Gear Solid)

If it wasn't for Tywin it might be called a Sci-Fi show-off...

League IX

Thaco (Goblins)
Mr Burns (Simpsons)
Carson von Mekhan (Girl Genius)
Swordmaster Piandao (Avatar)
De Carabas (Neverwhere)

League X

Armaki (Daisuke)
Thom Merlin (Wheel of Time)
Waterbending Master Pakku (Avatar)
EVA (Metal Gear Solid)

League XI

Bill (Left 4 Dead)
Dr Eli Vance (Half-Life)
Sergeant Scorp (Girl Genius)
Morgan la Fay (various Merlin/Arthur stories)
Old Snake (Metal Gear Solid)

League XII

Emperor Palpatine (Star Wars)
Ebeneezer McCoy (Dresden Files)
Cpt Bruno J Global (Macross)
Esme Weatherwax (Discworld)
Vandemari (Neverwhere)

League XIII

Lord Shojo (OotS)
Jean-Luc Picard (Star Trek)
Ford Cruller (Pyschonaut)
Druss the Legend
Happosai (Ranma 1/2)

Yet again, three people I'd like to have seen later again.

League XIV

Iroh (Avatar)
The Hermit (Baldur's gate)
Jet Black (Cowboy Bebop)
Flint the Dwarf (Dragonlance)
Bobby (Supernatural)

League XV

Shepherd Book. (Firefly)
John Hammond (Jurassic Park)
Sir Keldorn Firecam (Baldur's Gate)
Croup (Neverwhere)
Kambei (Seven Samurai)

League XVI

Puni Elder (Papar Mario)
Great-Granny Girdle (Captain Underpants)
Dame Jane Goodall (Irregular Webcomic)
Fin Raziel
Walter C. Dornez (pre-turn) (Hellsing)

League XVII

D'ram (Dragonriders of Pern)
Admiral Count Arai Vorkosigan
Colonel Hyrum Graff (Ender series)
Hiruzen Sarutobi aka Third Hokage (Naruto)
Sergei Smirnov (Gundam 00)

League XVIII

Obi-Wan Kenobi (Star Wars)
Cohen (gang included) (Discworld)
Vhostym (Erevis Cale Trilogy)
Lady Olenna Tyrell (ASOIAF)
Manfred von Karma

League XIX

Jolee Bindo (Star Wars?)
Chin Gentsai (King of Fighters)
Miss Havisham (Great Expectations)
Abraham von Hellsing (chose your favorite, fitting incarnation)
Boxer Boy (Captain Underpants)

League XX

King Bumi (Avatatar)
Jeor Mormont (ASOIAF)
Cpt. Jeffrey Walder (Macross Frontier)
Eugene Greenhilt (OotS)
Master Asia (G Gundam)

Delayed Nominees

Jane Goodall (RL)
Sean Connery (RL)
Allan Quatermain

Number of votes in this category will depend on the amount of people in it. One vote so far of course.

So then... may the voting begin, I guess. And may the best proceed.

edit: Er, sorry, confusion over all the names, Zevox. Fixed, I hope.

Also, on another note. If you want to change you votes please edit your previous, otherwise I'll probably screw up (again)

2009-07-27, 02:18 PM
Wait, what? Why am I in there (league 18)? (Will post my votes shortly... that's a lot of characters...)


2009-07-27, 02:28 PM
Okay... let's see.

It's unfair to vote on people I don't know, so I only took those where I knew everyone.

League VI:

Nevil Clavain (Revelation Space)
Sam Vimes (Discworld)

League VII:

Rowan Darkwood (Planescape)
Nanny Ogg (Discworld)

League IX

Thaco (Goblins)
Carson von Mekhan (Girl Genius)

League XV:

Shepherd Book (firefly)
Croup (Neverwhere)

League XVIII

Cohen (Discworld)
Lady Tyrell (ASoIaF)

2009-07-27, 02:28 PM
These are people that I cared about to vote. Got some early tough fight there.

League I

King Theoden (Lord of the Rings)
Cpt Daitetsu Minase (Super Robot Wars)

League II

Father Grigori (HL2)
Bea Arthur (Deadpool)

League III

Albus Dumbledore (Harry Potter)
Tellah (Final Fantasy IV)

League IV

Kesuke "Mister" Miyagi
Kai Kitamura (uper Robot Wars)

League V

Dan McNinja (Dr McNinja)
Grampa Abraham Simpson (Simpsons)

League VII

Henry Jones sr. (Indiana Jones)

League VIII

Yoda (Star Wars)
Prof Hubert J Farnsworth (Futurama)

League IX

Thaco (Goblins)

League XII

Ebeneezer McCoy (Dresden Files)
Cpt Bruno J Global (Macross)

League XIII

Lord Shojo (OotS)
Ford Cruller (Pyschonaut)

Ah crap. These guy got bad drawings.

League XIV

Iroh (Avatar)

League XV

Shepherd Book. (Firefly)
Sir Keldorn Firecam (Baldur's Gate)

League XVI

Dame Jane Goodall (Irregular Webcomic)
Walter C. Dornez (pre-turn) (Hellsing)

League XVII

Colonel Hyrum Graff (Ender series)
Sergei Smirnov (Gundam 00)

THE (pedo)BEAR OF RUSSIA! And Colonel Graff! In the same league!

League XVIII

Obi-Wan Kenobi (Star Wars)
Cohen (gang included) (Discworld)

League XIX

Jolee Bindo (Star Wars?)
Abraham von Hellsing

League I

King Bumi (Avatatar)
Cpt. Jeffrey Walder (Macross Frontier)

So then... may the voting begin, I guess. And may the best proceed.

2009-07-27, 02:30 PM
League 1: King Theoden & Gilad Pellaeon.
League 2: Sensei. Don't know any of the rest.
League 3: Tellah. Don't know or don't like the rest.
League 4: No vote.
League 5: No vote.
League 6: No vote.
League 7: No vote.
League 8: Yoda.
League 9: No vote.
League 10: Master Pakku.
League 11: Morgan la Fay and Old Snake.
League 12: Emperor Palpatine.
League 13: Ford Cruller and Lord Shojo.
League 14: Iroh.
League 15: No vote.
League 16: No vote.
League 17: No vote.
League 18: Obi-wan Kenobi and Vhostym.
League 19: Jolee Bindo.
League 20: King Bumi.

A lot of characters I don't know or don't like, apparently. And I think that the slot that has my name in league 18 was supposed to be the character I mentioned back on page 1, Vhostym of the Erevis Cale Trilogy books, so I wrote him in there.


2009-07-27, 02:32 PM
My Votes.

League I

Jiraiya (Naruto)
King Theoden (Lord of the Rings)

League II

Bea Arthur (Deadpool)
Tirion Fording (Warcraft)

League III

Albus Dumbledore (Harry Potter)
Miracle Max (and wife) (Princess Bride)

League IV

Kesuke "Mister" Miyagi
Gordon Ramsey (Hell's Kitchen)

League V

Dan McNinja (Dr McNinja)
Maester Aemon (ASOIAF)

League VI

Cotton Hill (King of the Hill)
Edward Blake (Watchmen)

League VII

Henry Jones sr. (Indiana Jones)
Admiral William Adama (BSG)

League VIII

Yoda (Star Wars)
Tywin Lannister (Song of Ice and Fire)

League IX

Thaco (Goblins)
Mr Burns (Simpsons)

League X

Thom Merlin (Wheel of Time)
Waterbending Master Pakku (Avatar)

League XI

Sergeant Scorp (Girl Genius)
Morgan la Fay (various Merlin/Arthur stories)

League XII

Cpt Bruno J Global (Macross)
Esme Weatherwax (Discworld)

League XIII

Lord Shojo (OotS)
Jean-Luc Picard (Star Trek)

League XIV

Jet Black (Cowboy Bebop)
Flint the Dwarf (Dragonlance)

League XV

John Hammond (Jurassic Park)
Kambei (Seven Samurai)

League XVI
League XVII

D'ram (Dragonriders of Pern)
Hiruzen Sarutobi aka Third Hokage (Naruto)

League XVIII

Obi-Wan Kenobi (Star Wars)
Lady Olenna Tyrell (ASOIAF)

League XIX

Jolee Bindo (Star Wars?)
Abraham von Hellsing

League XXV

Jeor Mormont (ASOIAF)
Eugene Greenhilt (OotS)

2009-07-27, 02:51 PM
League 1: Pellaeon
League 2: The Face of Boe
League 3: Albus Dumbledore
League 4: Kesuke "Mister" Miyagi
League 5: Dan McNinja (Dr McNinja)
League 6: Sam Vimes (Discworld)
League 7: Giles (Buffy)
League 8: Bra'Tac (Stargate)
League 9: Mr Burns (Simpsons)
League 10: Thom Merlin (Wheel of Time)
League 11: Dr Eli Vance (Half-Life)
League 12: Emperor Palpatine (Star Wars)
League 13: Lord Shojo (OotS)
League 14: Jet Black (Cowboy Bebop)
League 15: Shepherd Book. (Firefly)
League 16: Fin Raziel
League 17: Colonel Hyrum Graff (Ender series)
League 18: Obi-Wan Kenobi (Star Wars)
League 19: Abraham von Hellsing
League 20: Jeor Mormont (ASOIAF)

2009-07-27, 03:42 PM
League 1: Jiraiya (Naruto)
League 2: The Face of Boe and Father Grigori (Half Life 2)
League 3: Miracle Max (and wife) (Princess Bride) and Albus Dumbledore (Harry Potter)
League 4: Kesuke "Mister" Miyagi
League 5: Dan McNinja (Dr McNinja) and Grampa Abraham Simpson (Simpsons)
League 6: Sam Vimes (Discworld) and Edward Blake (Watchmen)
League 7: Nanny Ogg (Discworld)
League 8: Prof Hubert J Farnsworth (Futurama) and Yoda (Star Wars)
League 9: Thaco (Goblins) and Mr Burns (The Simpsons) (damnit, I was worried I would have to make a tough decision, sorry Carson)
League 10: No votes.
League 11: Bill (Left 4 Dead) and Eli Vance (Half Life 2) (I wish Girl Genius character didn't get such bad competition)
League 12: Esme Weatherwax (Discworld) and Emperor Palpatine (Star Wars)
League 13: Lord Shojo (OotS) and Ford Cruller (Psychonauts) (Thank god for the two votes rule)
League 14: Iroh (Avatar) for the win.
League 15: No votes.
League 16: No votes.
League 17: No votes.
League 18: No votes.
League 19: No votes.
League 20: King Bumi (Avatar) and Eugene Greenhilt (OotS)

2009-07-27, 09:34 PM
I, too, only voted where I knew at least 2 of the choices.

League I

King Theoden (Lord of the Rings)
Glad Pellaeon (Star Wars)

Three good people in here imo, too bad only one can make it.

League II

The Face of Boe
Tirion Fording (Warcraft)

League III

Albus Dumbledore (Harry Potter)
Lady Macbeth (Macbeth, I guess)

League IV

Kesuke "Mister" Miyagi
Gordon Ramsey (Hell's Kitchen)

League V

Walt Kowalski (Gran Torino)
Grampa Abraham Simpson (Simpsons)

League VII

Henry Jones sr. (Indiana Jones)
Admiral William Adama (BSG)

League VIII

Yoda (Star Wars)
Prof Hubert J Farnsworth (Futurama)

If it wasn't for Tywin it might be called a Sci-Fi show-off...

League XII

Emperor Palpatine (Star Wars)
Cpt Bruno J Global (Macross)

League XIII

Lord Shojo (OotS)
Jean-Luc Picard (Star Trek)

League XIV

Jet Black (Cowboy Bebop)
Flint the Dwarf (Dragonlance)

League XVII

D'ram (Dragonriders of Pern)
Admiral Count Arai Vorkosigan

2009-07-27, 10:07 PM
League 1 - King Theoden
League 2 - No Vote
League 3 - Miracle Max, Lady Macbeth
League 4 - Mister Miyagi
League 5 - Dan McNinja
League 6 - Mom, Edward Blake
League 7 - Henry Jones Sr., Giles
League 8 - Yoda, Professor Farnsworth
League 9 - Thaco
League 10 - No Vote
League 11 - No Vote
League 12 - Emperor Palpatine
League 13 - Jean-Luc Picard, Lord Shojo
League 14 - Flint Fireforge
League 15 - John Hammond
League 16 - No Vote
League 17 - No Vote
League 18 - Obi-Wan Kenobi
League 19 - Miss Havisham
League 20 - Eugene Greenhilt

2009-07-27, 11:39 PM

League V
Dan McNinja (Dr McNinja)
Grampa Abraham Simpson (Simpsons)

League VI
Edward Blake (Watchmen)
Mom (Futurama)

League VIII
Bra'Tac (Stargate)
Prof Hubert J Farnsworth (Futurama)

League IX
Thaco (Goblins)
Mr Burns (Simpsons)

League XIII
Lord Shojo (OotS)
Jean-Luc Picard (Star Trek)

League XV
Shepherd Book. (Firefly)
John Hammond (Jurassic Park)

League XVI
Puni Elder (Paper Mario)
Dame Jane Goodall (Irregular Webcomic)

2009-07-28, 02:44 AM
League I
King Theoden (Lord of the Rings)
Glad Pellaeon (Star Wars)

League II
no vote

League III
Albus Dumbledore (Harry Potter)
Miracle Max (and wife) (Princess Bride)

League IV
Gordon Ramsey (Hell's Kitchen)
Cid (Final Fantasy, pick any fitting, I needed a hundredth candidate)

League V
Walt Kowalski (Gran Torino)
Grampa Abraham Simpson (Simpsons)

League VI
Cotton Hill (King of the Hill)
Sam Vimes (Discworld)

League VII
Henry Jones sr. (Indiana Jones)
Giles (Buffy)

League VIII
Yoda (Star Wars)
Prof Hubert J Farnsworth (Futurama)

Thaco (Goblins)
Mr Burns (Simpsons)

League X
nice witch (Fin Raziel) (Willow)

League XI
Morgan la Fay (various Merlin/Arthur stories)

League XII
Emperor Palpatine (Star Wars)
Esme Weatherwax (Discworld)

League XIII
Lord Shojo (OotS)
Jean-Luc Picard (Star Trek)

League XIV
The Hermit (Baldur's gate)
Flint the Dwarf (Dragonlance)

League XV
Shepherd Book. (Firefly)
Kambei (Seven Samurai)

League XVI
Fin Raziel

League XVII
no vote

League XVIII
Obi-Wan Kenobi (Star Wars)
Cohen (gang included) (Discworld)

League XIX
Jolee Bindo (Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic)
Abraham von Hellsing

League XX
Eugene Greenhilt (OotS)

You've got Fin Raziel on there twice, once as the unknown "Good witch" from Willow, and once with her real name.

2009-07-28, 08:11 AM
Bolding, italicising and underlining my votes.

League I - no vote

Jiraiya (Naruto)
King Theoden (Lord of the Rings)
Cpt Daitetsu Minase (Super Robot Wars)
Glad Pellaeon (Star Wars)
Norris Packard (Gundam 8th MS Team)

League II

The Face of Boe
Father Grigori (HL2)
Bea Arthur (Deadpool)
Tirion Fording (Warcraft)
Sensei (Advance Wars)

League III

Albus Dumbledore (Harry Potter)
Miracle Max (and wife) (Princess Bride)
Dak'kon (Planescape)
Lady Macbeth (Macbeth, I guess)
Tellah (Final Fantasy IV)

League IV

Kesuke "Mister" Miyagi
Gordon Ramsey (Hell's Kitchen)
Kai Kitamura (uper Robot Wars)
Firebending Master Jeong Jeong (Avatar)
Cid (Final Fantasy, pick any fitting, I needed a hundredth candidate)

Wait, we can do real people? If so, I'm adding more votes to the end. If they're real, does that mean they have to be living?

League V

Dan McNinja (Dr McNinja)
Maester Aemon (ASOIAF)
Walt Kowalski (Gran Torino)
Grampa Abraham Simpson (Simpsons)
Marvin Grossberg

League VI

Nevil Clavain (Revelation Space)
Cotton Hill (King of the Hill)
Edward Blake (Watchmen)
Mom (Futurama)
Sam Vimes (Discworld)

League VII

Henry Jones sr. (Indiana Jones)
Admiral William Adama (BSG)
Rown Darkwood
Nanny Ogg (Discworld)
Giles (Buffy)

League VIII

Yoda (Star Wars)
Bra'Tac (Stargate)
Tywin Lannister (Song of Ice and Fire)
Prof Hubert J Farnsworth (Futurama)
Liquid/Revolver Ocelot (Metal Gear Solid)

League IX

Thaco (Goblins)
Mr Burns (Simpsons)
Carson von Mekhan (Girl Genius)
Swordmaster Piandao (Avatar)
De Carabas (Neverwhere)

League X

Armaki (Daisuke)
nice witch (???) (Willow)
Thom Merlin (Wheel of Time)
Waterbending Master Pakku (Avatar)
EVA (Metal Gear Solid)

The "nice witch" was Fin Razel, which is in a later league.

League XI

Bill (Left 4 Dead)
Dr Eli Vance (Half-Life)
Sergeant Scorp (Girl Genius)
Morgan la Fay (various Merlin/Arthur stories)
Old Snake (Metal Gear Solid)

League XII

Emperor Palpatine (Star Wars)
Ebeneezer McCoy (Dresden Files)
Cpt Bruno J Global (Macross)
Esme Weatherwax (Discworld)
Vandemari (Neverwhere)

League XIII

Lord Shojo (OotS)
Jean-Luc Picard (Star Trek)
Ford Cruller (Pyschonaut)
Druss the Legend
Happosai (Ranma 1/2)

League XIV

Iroh (Avatar)
The Hermit (Baldur's gate)
Jet Black (Cowboy Bebop)
Flint the Dwarf (Dragonlance)
Bobby (Supernatural)

Bugger, this one's tough... The only one I don't know and like is Flint :smallfrown:

League XV

Shepherd Book. (Firefly)
John Hammond (Jurassic Park)
Sir Keldorn Firecam (Baldur's Gate)
Croup (Neverwhere)
Kambei (Seven Samurai)

League XVI

Puni Elder (Papar Mario)
Great-Granny Girdle (Captain Underpants)
Dame Jane Goodall (Irregular Webcomic)
Fin Raziel
Walter C. Dornez (pre-turn) (Hellsing)

Can we vote for Goodall as a real person?

League XVII

D'ram (Dragonriders of Pern)
Admiral Count Arai Vorkosigan
Colonel Hyrum Graff (Ender series)
Hiruzen Sarutobi aka Third Hokage (Naruto)
Sergei Smirnov (Gundam 00)

League XVIII

Obi-Wan Kenobi (Star Wars)
Cohen (gang included) (Discworld)
Vhostym (Erevis Cale Trilogy)
Lady Olenna Tyrell (ASOIAF)
Manfred von Karma

League XIX

Jolee Bindo (Star Wars?)
Chin Gentsai (King of Fighters)
Miss Havisham (Great Expectations)
Abraham von Hellsing
Boxer Boy (Captain Underpants)
Is Abraham from Dracula?

League XX

King Bumi (Avatatar)
Jeor Mormont (ASOIAF)
Cpt. Jeffrey Walder (Macross Frontier)
Eugene Greenhilt (OotS)
Master Asia (G Gundam)

Hokay, awesome oldies...

Real-life Jane Goodall. Sean Connery. Erm... I'll get back to ya.

2009-07-28, 08:31 AM
Hm, okay first thanks for the hint on Fin. I'll remove the 'nice witch' entry, it will be a slight advantage to the others in the league. The previous votes to her will be given to Fin, unless changed.
Second, you can nominate real people living and dead but please keep in mind they should have done their awesome things at old age, niot have been awesome once and grown old. So, yeah, that's it.
On the late nominees, they will get their own league, with specific rules, I'm gonna add to the league introduction.
And once more, if you want to change your votes I'd like you to edit your posts not say 'I want to change XY', especially not both.
Thanks a lot for your votes so far!

2009-07-28, 09:04 AM
Irregular webcomic's Jane Goodall... is both real and fictional...


Flame of Anor
2009-07-28, 11:26 AM
League I: King Theoden, Gilad Pellaeon

League II: The Face of Boe, Father Grigori

League III: Albus Dumbledore, Miracle Max (and wife)

League IV: Kesuke "Mister" Miyagi (no second vote)

League V: Dan McNinja (no second vote)

League VI: Mom (no second vote)

League VII: Henry Jones Sr. (no second vote)

League VIII: Yoda, Prof. Hubert J. Farnsworth

League IX: Thaco, Carson von Mekhan

League X: (no vote)

League XI: Dr. Eli Vance, Morgan la Fay

League XII: Emperor Palpatine (no second vote)

League XIII: Lord Shojo, Cpt. Jean-Luc Picard

League XIV: Bobby (no second vote)

League XV: Shepherd Book, John Hammond

League XVI: Great-Granny Girdle, Dame Jane Goodall

League XVII: Admiral Viceroy Count Aral Vorkosigan, Colonel Hyrum Graff

League XVIII: Obi-Wan Kenobi (no second vote)

League XIX: Miss Havisham, Abraham von Helsing

League XX: Eugene Greenhilt (no second vote)

Delayed: Sean Connery

Also, I dispute Lady Macbeth. While she's an awesome character, there's really nothing to say that she's old. In fact, by the social customs of the day, she was probably a bit younger than her husband, and he is much too physically active (i.e. swordfighting all the time) to be very old.

The Dark Fiddler
2009-07-28, 11:34 AM
League I
Jiraiya (Naruto)

League II
The Face of Boe
"You... are... not... alone..."

League III
Albus Dumbledore (Harry Potter)

League IV
Firebending Master Jeong Jeong (Avatar)

League V
Grampa Abraham Simpson (Simpsons)

League VI
Cotton Hill (King of the Hill)

League VII
I know not these people.

League VIII
Prof Hubert J Farnsworth (Futurama)
Good news, everyone! I voted for Farnsworth!

League IX
Swordmaster Piandao (Avatar)
Burns is rich, but Piando is just awesome.

League X
Waterbending Master Pakku (Avatar)

League XI
I know not these people either.

League XII
Nor these people.

League XIII
Lord Shojo (OotS)

League XIV
Iroh (Avatar)
Iroh should win.

League XV
John Hammond (Jurassic Park)

League XVI
Great-Granny Girdle (Captain Underpants)

League XVII
These people are not known to me.

League XVIII
Or this.

League XIX
Boxer Boy (Captain Underpants)

League XX
King Bumi (Avatatar)
Bumi could beat Eugene any day.

2009-07-28, 11:52 AM
League I

King Theoden (Lord of the Rings)
Glad Pellaeon (Star Wars)

League II

League III

Miracle Max (and wife) (Princess Bride)
Lady Macbeth (Macbeth, I guess)

League IV

League V

Dan McNinja (Dr McNinja)
Maester Aemon (ASOIAF)

League VI

Edward Blake (Watchmen)
Sam Vimes (Discworld)

League VII

Henry Jones sr. (Indiana Jones)
Admiral William Adama (BSG)

League VIII

Yoda (Star Wars)
Tywin Lannister (Song of Ice and Fire)

Toss up between Farnsworth and Yoda

League IX

Thaco (Goblins)
Mr Burns (Simpsons)

League X

League XI

Morgan la Fay (various Merlin/Arthur stories)

League XII

Emperor Palpatine (Star Wars)

League XIII

Jean-Luc Picard (Star Trek)
Druss the Legend

League XIV

The Hermit (Baldur's gate)
Jet Black (Cowboy Bebop)

League XV

Shepherd Book. (Firefly)
John Hammond (Jurassic Park)

Hammond, even more awesome in the book

League XVI

League XVII

Colonel Hyrum Graff (Ender series)

League XVIII

Cohen (gang included) (Discworld)
Lady Olenna Tyrell (ASOIAF)

League XIX

Miss Havisham
Abraham von Hellsing (chose your favorite, fitting incarnation)

League XX

Jeor Mormont (ASOIAF)
Eugene Greenhilt (OotS)

Delayed Nominees

Sean Connery (RL)

"I Garfunkeled your mother"

Miss Nobody
2009-07-28, 01:46 PM
League I

King Theoden (Lord of the Rings)

League II

Father Grigori (HL2)
Tirion Fording (Warcraft)

League III

Dak'kon (Planescape)
Lady Macbeth (Macbeth, I guess)

League IV
No vote.

League V
No Vote.

League VI

Mom (Futurama)
Sam Vimes (Discworld)

League VII
No Vote.

League VIII

Yoda (Star Wars)
Liquid/Revolver Ocelot (Metal Gear Solid)

League IX

Swordmaster Piandao (Avatar)
De Carabas (Neverwhere)

League X
No Vote.

League XI

Old Snake (Metal Gear Solid)

League XII

Emperor Palpatine (Star Wars)

League XIII

Lord Shojo (OotS)
Jean-Luc Picard (Star Trek)

League XIV

Iroh (Avatar)

League XV
No Vote.

League XVI
No Vote.

League XVII

Colonel Hyrum Graff (Ender series)

League XVIII

Obi-Wan Kenobi (Star Wars)

League XIX

Miss Havisham (Great Expectations)
Abraham von Hellsing (chose your favorite, fitting incarnation)

League XX

King Bumi (Avatatar)
Eugene Greenhilt (OotS)

2009-07-28, 01:48 PM
We should've put Allan Quartermain. So if the late nominee still got more slot, I nominate him.

2009-07-28, 06:17 PM
League 1: King Theoden
League 2: Father Grigori
League 3: Miracle Max (and wife)
League 4: Cid
League 5: Dan McNinja
League 6: Sam Vimes
League 7: Henry Jones sr.
League 8: Liquid/Revolver Ocelot
League 9: Mr Burns
League 10: EVA
League 11: Bill
League 12: Emperor Palpatine
League 13: Lord Shojo
League 14: Jet Black
League 15: Shepherd Book
League 16: Fin Raziel
League 17: Colonel Hyrum Graff
League 18: Obi-Wan Kenobi
League 19: Jolee Bindo
League 20: Jeor Mormont
Delayed: Sean Connery

Flame of Anor
2009-07-28, 06:32 PM
You get two votes per league, Reinholdt. :smallwink:

2009-07-28, 06:34 PM
You get two votes per league, Reinholdt. :smallwink:
I chose to exercise only one of them.

Flame of Anor
2009-07-28, 06:35 PM
Well okay then. :smallsmile:

Mad Wizard
2009-07-28, 07:13 PM
League 1: King Theoden
League 2: Father Grigori
League 3: Dumbledore and Lady Macbeth
League 4: No vote
League 5: Dan McNinja and Grandpa Abraham Simpson
League 6: No vote
League 7: Adama and Henry Jones Sr.
League 8: Yoda and Prof. Farnsworth
League 9: Mr. Burns and Thaco
League 10: No vote
League 11: Bill and Eli Vance
League 12: Emperor Palpatine and Ebeneezer McCoy
League 13: Lord Shojo
League 14: No vote
League 15: Shepard Book
League 16: No vote
League 17: No vote
League 18: Obi-wan Kenobi
League 19: Jolee Bindo.
League 20: No vote

I feel like I might not have known enough about these characters' opposition to be fair, but screw it. :smallwink:

2009-07-28, 07:48 PM
I feel like I might not have known enough about these characters' opposition to be fair, but screw it. :smallwink:
If the votes thus far are any indication, none of us know even the majority of these characters anyway. Everybody has leagues in which they voted for only one or no characters, usually more than they have leagues in which they voted for two. Guess that's inevitable with how many characters we're working with from such a specific demographic.


2009-07-29, 01:33 AM
Yeah ... to add to the "vote mostly for whoever I actually know" bias:

I: Gilad Pellaeon, Theoden
III: Dumbledore, Valerie (and husband Max)
IV: Mr. Miyagi
VI: Vimes
VIII: Yoda
IX: Thaco
XIII: Shojo, Picard
XIV: Iroh
XVII: Graff
XVIII: Obi-Wan
XX: King Bumi
Delayed: Goodall

2009-07-29, 06:09 AM
Ok, my votes

League I
King Theoden (Lord of the Rings)

League II
The Face of Boe
Father Grigori (HL2)

League III
Dak'kon (Planescape)
Lady Macbeth (Macbeth, I guess)

League IV
No vote

League V
Grampa Abraham Simpson (Simpsons)

League VI
Edward Blake (Watchmen)
Sam Vimes (Discworld)

League VII
Henry Jones sr. (Indiana Jones)

League VIII
Yoda (Star Wars)
Tywin Lannister (Song of Ice and Fire)

League IX
Mr Burns (Simpsons)
De Carabas (Neverwhere)

League X
No vote

League XI
Dr Eli Vance (Half-Life)
Morgan la Fay (various Merlin/Arthur stories)

League XII
Emperor Palpatine (Star Wars)

League XIII
Lord Shojo (OotS)

League XIV
No vote

League XV
Shepherd Book. (Firefly)
Sir Keldorn Firecam (Baldur's Gate)

League XVI
No vote

League XVII
No vote

League XVIII
Obi-Wan Kenobi (Star Wars)
Cohen (gang included) (Discworld)

League XIX
Jolee Bindo (Star Wars?)
Abraham von Hellsing (chose your favorite, fitting incarnation)

League XX
Eugene Greenhilt (OotS)

Delayed Nominees
No vote

2009-07-29, 07:41 AM
Hmm. Everyone here seems to be voting as long as they know someone from the team. I might chance my votes, then.

2009-07-29, 07:43 AM
Not really. I vote when there's someone that I like enough from the league. I have at least passing knowledge on most of them.

zillion ninjas
2009-07-30, 06:00 PM
1 - Jiraiya
2 - The Face of Boe
3 - Albus Dumbledore, Miracle Max and his witch wife.
4 - Miyagi-sensei
5 - Walt Kowalski, Abraham J. Simpson
6 - Cotton Hill, Mom (Futurama)
7 - Admiral William Adama, Rupert "Ripper" Giles
8 - "Y-O-D-A Yo-o-daaa....", Prof. Hubert J Farnsworth
9 - Thaco, Carson von Mekkhan
10 - Aramaki "the old ape" Daisuke (mislabeled - he's from Ghost in the Shell)
11 - Sergeant Scorp
12 - Emperor Palpatine
13 - Lord Shojo, Capt. Jean-Luc Picard
14 - Jet Black (although I don't think he's that old, even relative to Spike and Faye)
15 - Shepherd "fuzzier on the subject of kneecaps" Book
16 - Fin Raziel
17 - Admiral Count Aral "Butcher of Komarr" Vorkosigan, Sarutobi-sensei (pity I can't vote for Smirnov, too)
18 - Obi-Wan "Old Ben" Kenobi
19 - no vote
20 - Eugene Greenhilt

Incidentally, I don't get why Gordon Ramsay is in the running - he's only 42, and he doesn't tend to work with a young cast. But I haven't seen Hell's Kitchen specifically - are the contestants a bunch of young'uns?

2009-07-31, 04:44 AM
Incidentally, I don't get why Gordon Ramsay is in the running - he's only 42, and he doesn't tend to work with a young cast. But I haven't seen Hell's Kitchen specifically - are the contestants a bunch of young'uns?

Yes, the cast tends to be just out of culinary school, or with only a few years of experience. Most are under 30. I don't think he's particularly "old", but he certainly is crotchety.

2009-07-31, 08:59 AM
League 1
Cpt Daitetsu Minase (Super Robot Wars)
Norris Packard (Gundam 8th MS Team)

League 2
Father Grigori (HL2)
Tirion Fording (Warcraft)

League 3
Albus Dumbledore (Harry Potter)
Dak'kon (Planescape)

League 4
Kai Kitamura (Super Robot Wars)
Cid (Final Fantasy 7)

League 5
Dan McNinja (Dr McNinja)

League 6
Sam Vimes (Discworld)

League 7
Henry Jones sr. (Indiana Jones)
Nanny Ogg (Discworld)

League 8
Yoda (Star Wars)

League 9
Thaco (Goblins)
Swordmaster Piandao (Avatar)

League 10
Aramaki Daisuke (Ghost in the Shell)

League 11
Old Snake (Metal Gear Solid)

League 12
Cpt Bruno J Global (Macross)
Esme Weatherwax (Discworld)

League 13
Jean-Luc Picard (Star Trek)
Ford Cruller (Psychonauts)

League 14
Iroh (Avatar)
Jet Black (Cowboy Bebop)

League 15
Shepherd Book (Firefly)
Sir Keldorn Firecam (Baldur's Gate)

Leagues 16-19

League 20
King Bumi (Avatatar)
Master Asia (G Gundam)

2009-08-02, 06:20 AM
So, due to the lack of posts the last days I guess everyone has given their vote.

For those interested a short summary of the last round.

Theoden by far won the first league with Pellaeon a distant second. Norris giot hardly any love, too bad.
Second was a tie between the Face of Boe and Grigori but due to the high amount of votes both got both will proceed.
Third one, Albus wins, Miracle Max close behind and Lady Macbeth may proceed as will, I guess. Sorry for Tellah.
Miyagi beat his opponts to a pulp of blood and bones... how gruesome.
Dan McNinja and Abe left hardly a vote to be gicen to anyone else, with McNinja senior one vote ahead.
Sam Vimes is the definite winner of league VI and in VII Indiana's dad left everyone far behind.
VIII was pretty much dominated by Yoda and Farnsworth, Yoda still having quite a lot more.
Equally, Thaco (first) and Burns (second) were superior to everyone in IX.
X Hardly got any love at all making Pakku with 3 (thee) votes proceed) XI was a little better, Miss la Fay won with 6 votes against four to Dr Vance.
Palpatine. By far. Even Esme didn't really get a chance but will proceed as well.
Shojo having advantage this being the OotS forum won by far but Jean Luc got a good amount of votes as well.
I'm glad about XIV's outcome. I was sure Iroh'd win but Jet got enough votes to reach the next round as well.
Didn't expect anything but Book's victory in XV. XVI wasn't much liked it appears, Fin winning with five votes. Too bad, Walter. Colonel Graff was the only one with a consideable amount of votes in XVII. Sorry, Sarutobi.
Obi-Wan won by far in XVIII, Cohen second with half the votes.
XIX was quite close, Hellsing winning, Bindo at his heels and Havisham close up.
In XX Eugene was able to use his hamo advantage to beat Bumi but both will make it to the next round.

The winners of each round proceeded as well as the twelve others with the most votes. Though, I removed Lady Macbeth due to in my opinion valid question of her actual age.
So, next one is 1vs1. Of course, you may give one vote on each fight but may also not vote if you feel like both are equal or you don't like either.

First Quarter
Fin Raziel (Willow) vs The Face of BoeI
Mom (Futurama) vs Shepherd Book (Firefly)
Obi-Wan Kenobi (Star Wars) vs Henry Jones sen. (Indiana Jones)
Thaco (Goblins) vs Sam Vimes (Discworld)

From the oprevious votes I assume the first two will be easy wins but the second half might get interesting. Star Wars vs Indianya Jones is a battle of the ages.

Second Quarter

Albus Dumbledore (Harry Potter) vs Lord Shojo (OotS)
Mr Burns (Simpsons) vs King Bumi (Avatar)
Jean-Luc Picard (Star Trek) vs Morgan la Fay (various incarnations)
Emperor Palpatine (Star Wars) vs Iroh (Avatar)

Three epic encounters, I think. The old magician againsts the trickster Lord, the evil millionaire aainst the second best Earth Bender, and the last one might be one of the few chances to remove Palpatine early from the battly, respactive Iroh. Premature Finale, kinda. Though, I assume the third will be a loss for the few women left, but we will see.

Third Quarter

Eugene Greenhilt (OotS) vs Colonel Hyrum Graff (Ender series)
Dan McNinja (Dr. McNinja) vs Miracle Max (and wife) (Princess Bride)
Prof. Hubert J. Farnsworth (Futurama) vs Father Grigori (HL2)
Kesuke "Mister" Miyagi vs Abraham van Hellsing

Not much I can say about it. Just a short note, on the last match, please keep in mind to consider the older incarnations of Hellsing, I assume there are many out there where he is rather young and therefore shouldn't be included. Though, I think his chances are rather bad from the beginning.

Fourth Quarter

Yoda (Star Wars) vs King Theoden (LotR)
Jolee Bindo (Star Wars) vs Esme Weatherwax (Discworld)
Waterbending Master Pakkun (Avatar) vs Jet Black (Cowboy BeBop)
Glad Palleaon (Star Wars) vs Grampa Abraham Simpson (Simpsons)

First one is another battle of the ages, I guess. Middl ages vs sci-fi and I don't dare putting any bets on it. Second guess is on Esme, though I don't know Bindo. Third one is two rather weak characters, hence Jet is not known by as many as he should be and Pakkun is a rather minor character. I have hopes for Jet. Last one... again, lacking knowledge of Star Wars so I guess Abe will make it. (The three Star Wars characters are coincidentally, blame my die)

2009-08-02, 11:48 AM
First Quarter
1 - No vote, don't know either character.
2 - No vote, don't know either character.
3 - Obi-Wan Kenobi.
4 - No vote, don't know either character.

Second Quarter
1 - Lord Shojo
2 - King Bumi
3 - Morgan la Fay
4 - ... ow... difficult decision.... but I'll go with Iroh.

Third Quarter
1 - No vote. Don't know one, don't like the other enough to vote for him.
2 - No vote. Don't know either.
3 - No vote. Don't know either.
4 - No vote. Don't know one, don't like the other enough to vote for him.

Fourth Quarter
1 - Damn you.... another difficult decision... well.... Yoda.
2 - Jolee Bindo.
3 - Master Pakku.
4 - Gilad Pellaeon.


2009-08-02, 12:10 PM
First Quarter

Fin Raziel (Willow) vs The Face of BoeI
Mom (Futurama) vs Shepherd Book (Firefly)
Obi-Wan Kenobi (Star Wars) vs Henry Jones sen. (Indiana Jones)
Thaco (Goblins) vs Sam Vimes (Discworld)

Second Quarter

Albus Dumbledore (Harry Potter) vs Lord Shojo (OotS)
Mr Burns (Simpsons) vs King Bumi (Avatar)
Jean-Luc Picard (Star Trek) vs Morgan la Fay (various incarnations)
Emperor Palpatine (Star Wars) vs Iroh (Avatar)

Third Quarter

Eugene Greenhilt (OotS) vs Colonel Hyrum Graff (Ender series)
Dan McNinja (Dr. McNinja) vs Miracle Max (and wife) (Princess Bride)
Prof. Hubert J. Farnsworth (Futurama) vs Father Grigori (HL2) - I get a gaming reference! =D
Kesuke "Mister" Miyagi vs Abraham van Hellsing

Fourth Quarter

Yoda (Star Wars) vs King Theoden (LotR)
Jolee Bindo (Star Wars) vs Esme Weatherwax (Discworld)
Waterbending Master Pakkun (Avatar) vs Jet Black (Cowboy BeBop)
Glad Palleaon (Star Wars) vs Grampa Abraham Simpson (Simpsons)

2009-08-02, 12:19 PM
First Quarter
Fin Raziel (Willow) vs The Face of BoeI
Mom (Futurama) vs Shepherd Book (Firefly)

Second Quarter
Albus Dumbledore (Harry Potter) vs Lord Shojo (OotS)
Mr Burns (Simpsons) vs King Bumi (Avatar)
Jean-Luc Picard (Star Trek) vs Morgan la Fay (various incarnations)
Emperor Palpatine (Star Wars) vs Iroh (Avatar)

Third Quarter
Eugene Greenhilt (OotS) vs Colonel Hyrum Graff (Ender series)
Dan McNinja (Dr. McNinja) vs Miracle Max (and wife) (Princess Bride)
Prof. Hubert J. Farnsworth (Futurama) vs Father Grigori (HL2)
Kesuke "Mister" Miyagi vs Abraham van Hellsing

Fourth Quarter
Yoda (Star Wars) vs King Theoden (LotR)
Jolee Bindo (Star Wars) vs Esme Weatherwax (Discworld)
Waterbending Master Pakku (Avatar) vs Jet Black (Cowboy BeBop)
Glad Palleaon (Star Wars) vs Grampa Abraham Simpson (Simpsons)

2009-08-02, 12:25 PM
Votes bolded.

First Quarter

Fin Raziel (Willow) vs The Face of BoeI
Mom (Futurama) vs Shepherd Book (Firefly)
Obi-Wan Kenobi (Star Wars) vs Henry Jones sen. (Indiana Jones) Hard.
Thaco (Goblins) vs Sam Vimes (Discworld)

Second Quarter

Albus Dumbledore (Harry Potter) vs Lord Shojo (OotS) Aarrrrghhhhhh
Mr Burns (Simpsons) vs King Bumi (Avatar)
Jean-Luc Picard (Star Trek) vs Morgan la Fay (various incarnations)
Emperor Palpatine (Star Wars) vs Iroh (Avatar) Why so many hard matchups?

Third Quarter

Eugene Greenhilt (OotS) vs Colonel Hyrum Graff (Ender series)
Dan McNinja (Dr. McNinja) vs Miracle Max (and wife) (Princess Bride)
Prof. Hubert J. Farnsworth (Futurama) vs Father Grigori (HL2)
Kesuke "Mister" Miyagi vs Abraham van Hellsing

Fourth Quarter

Yoda (Star Wars) vs King Theoden (LotR)
Jolee Bindo (Star Wars) vs Esme Weatherwax (Discworld)
Waterbending Master Pakkun (Avatar) vs Jet Black (Cowboy BeBop)
Glad Palleaon (Star Wars) vs Grampa Abraham Simpson (Simpsons)

2009-08-02, 12:30 PM
First Quarter:

1. The Face of Boe
2. Shepherd Book
3. Henry Jones sen.
4. Sam Vimes

Second Quarter:

1. Lord Shojo
2. -
3. Morgan LaFay
4. -

Third Quarter:

1. Colonell Graff
2. Dan McNinja
3. Prof. Farnsworth
4. -

Fourth Quarter:

1. King Theoden
2. Esme Weatherwax
3. Jet Black
4. -

Miss Nobody
2009-08-02, 12:34 PM
First Quarter

No vote.
Mom (Futurama)
Obi-Wan Kenobi (Star Wars)
Sam Vimes (Discworld)

Second Quarter

Lord Shojo (OotS)
King Bumi (Avatar)
Morgan la Fay (various incarnations)
Iroh (Avatar)

Third Quarter

Colonel Hyrum Graff (Ender series)
No vote.
Father Grigori (HL2)
Abraham van Hellsing

Fourth Quarter

King Theoden (LotR)
Esme Weatherwax (Discworld)
No Vote.
No Vote.

2009-08-02, 12:42 PM
First Quarter

Fin Raziel (Willow)
Shepherd Book (Firefly)
Henry Jones Sr. (Indiana Jones)
Sam Vimes (Discworld)

Damn your dice for putting Obi v. Jones Sr.!

Second Quarter

Lord Shojo (OotS)
Mr Burns (Simpsons)
Jean-Luc Picard (Star Trek)
Emperor Palpatine (Star Wars)

Hurmph, I suppose another Avatar character is going to beat one of my favorites.

Third Quarter

Eugene Greenhilt (OotS)
Miracle Max (and wife) (Princess Bride)
Prof. Hubert J. Farnsworth (Futurama)
Abraham van Hellsing

Fourth Quarter

Yoda (Star Wars)
Esme Weatherwax (Discworld)
no vote
Glad Pellaeon (Star Wars)

2009-08-02, 01:07 PM
First Quarter

Fin Raziel (Willow) vs The Face of BoeI
Mom (Futurama) vs Shepherd Book (Firefly)
Obi-Wan Kenobi (Star Wars) vs Henry Jones sen. (Indiana Jones)
Thaco (Goblins) vs Sam Vimes (Discworld)

Second Quarter

Albus Dumbledore (Harry Potter) vs Lord Shojo (OotS)
Mr Burns (Simpsons) vs King Bumi (Avatar)
Jean-Luc Picard (Star Trek) vs Morgan la Fay (various incarnations)
Emperor Palpatine (Star Wars) vs Iroh (Avatar)

Third Quarter

Eugene Greenhilt (OotS) vs Colonel Hyrum Graff (Ender series)
Dan McNinja (Dr. McNinja) vs Miracle Max (and wife) (Princess Bride)
Prof. Hubert J. Farnsworth (Futurama) vs Father Grigori (HL2) - I get a gaming reference! =D
Kesuke "Mister" Miyagi vs Abraham van Hellsing

Fourth Quarter

Yoda (Star Wars) vs King Theoden (LotR)
Jolee Bindo (Star Wars) vs Esme Weatherwax (Discworld)
Waterbending Master Pakkun (Avatar) vs Jet Black (Cowboy BeBop)
Glad Palleaon (Star Wars) vs Grampa Abraham Simpson (Simpsons)

Thane of Fife
2009-08-02, 01:40 PM
First Quarter:

1. -
2. -
3. Henry Jones, Sr.
4. Sam Vimes

Second Quarter

1. Albus Dumbledore
2. -
3. - (Is Morgan Le Fay really that old?)
4. -

Third Quarter

1. -
2. Miracle Max (and wife)
3. Prof. Hubert J. Farnsworth
4. Abraham van Helsing

Fourth Quarter

1. Yoda
2. -
3. -
4. Gilad Pellaeon

Flame of Anor
2009-08-02, 02:26 PM
First Quarter

Fin Raziel (Willow) vs The Face of Boe (Doctor Who)
Mom (Futurama) vs Shepherd Book (Firefly)
Obi-Wan Kenobi (Star Wars) vs Henry Jones, Senior (Indiana Jones)
Thaco (Goblins) vs Sam Vimes (Discworld)

Second Quarter

Albus Dumbledore (Harry Potter) vs Lord Shojo (OotS)
Mr Burns (Simpsons) vs King Bumi (Avatar)
Jean-Luc Picard (Star Trek) vs Morgan la Fay (various incarnations)
Emperor Palpatine (Star Wars) vs Iroh (Avatar)

Third Quarter

Eugene Greenhilt (OotS) vs Colonel Hyrum Graff (Ender series)
Dan McNinja (Dr. McNinja) vs Miracle Max (and wife) (Princess Bride)
Prof. Hubert J. Farnsworth (Futurama) vs Father Grigori (HL2)
Kesuke "Mister" Miyagi vs Abraham von Helsing

Fourth Quarter
Yoda (Star Wars) vs King Theoden (LotR)
Jolee Bindo (Star Wars) vs Esme Weatherwax (Discworld)
Waterbending Master Pakkun (Avatar) vs Jet Black (Cowboy BeBop)
Gilad Pellaeon (Star Wars) vs Grampa Abraham Simpson (Simpsons)

2009-08-03, 12:45 PM
My choices are bolded.

First Quarter
Fin Raziel (Willow) vs The Face of BoeI
Mom (Futurama) vs Shepherd Book (Firefly)
Obi-Wan Kenobi (Star Wars) vs Henry Jones sen. (Indiana Jones)
Thaco (Goblins) vs Sam Vimes (Discworld)

Second Quarter
Albus Dumbledore (Harry Potter) vs Lord Shojo (OotS)
Mr Burns (Simpsons) vs King Bumi (Avatar)
Jean-Luc Picard (Star Trek) vs Morgan la Fay (various incarnations)
Emperor Palpatine (Star Wars) vs Iroh (Avatar)

Third Quarter
Eugene Greenhilt (OotS) vs Colonel Hyrum Graff (Ender series)
Dan McNinja (Dr. McNinja) vs Miracle Max (and wife) (Princess Bride)
Prof. Hubert J. Farnsworth (Futurama) vs Father Grigori (HL2)
Kesuke "Mister" Miyagi vs Abraham van Hellsing

Fourth Quarter
Yoda (Star Wars) vs King Theoden (LotR)
Jolee Bindo (Star Wars) vs Esme Weatherwax (Discworld)
Waterbending Master Pakkun (Avatar) vs Jet Black (Cowboy BeBop)
Glad Palleaon (Star Wars) vs Grampa Abraham Simpson (Simpsons)

2009-08-03, 01:17 PM
First Quarter

Fin Raziel (Willow) vs The Face of BoeI
Mom (Futurama) vs Shepherd Book (Firefly)
Obi-Wan Kenobi (Star Wars) vs Henry Jones sen. (Indiana Jones)
Thaco (Goblins) vs Sam Vimes (Discworld)

Second Quarter

Albus Dumbledore (Harry Potter) vs Lord Shojo (OotS)
Mr Burns (Simpsons) vs King Bumi (Avatar)
Jean-Luc Picard (Star Trek) vs Morgan la Fay (various incarnations)
Emperor Palpatine (Star Wars) vs Iroh (Avatar)

Third Quarter

Eugene Greenhilt (OotS) vs Colonel Hyrum Graff (Ender series)
Dan McNinja (Dr. McNinja) vs Miracle Max (and wife) (Princess Bride)
Prof. Hubert J. Farnsworth (Futurama) vs Father Grigori (HL2)
Kesuke "Mister" Miyagi vs Abraham van Hellsing

Fourth Quarter

Yoda (Star Wars) vs King Theoden (LotR)
Jolee Bindo (Star Wars) vs Esme Weatherwax (Discworld)
Waterbending Master Pakkun (Avatar) vs Jet Black (Cowboy BeBop)
Glad Palleaon (Star Wars) vs Grampa Abraham Simpson (Simpsons)

2009-08-03, 01:37 PM
First Quarter

Fin Raziel (Willow) vs The Face of BoeI
Mom (Futurama) vs Shepherd Book (Firefly)
Obi-Wan Kenobi (Star Wars) vs Henry Jones sen. (Indiana Jones)
Thaco (Goblins) vs Sam Vimes (Discworld)

Second Quarter
Albus Dumbledore (Harry Potter) vs Lord Shojo (OotS)
Mr Burns (Simpsons) vs King Bumi (Avatar)
Jean-Luc Picard (Star Trek) vs Morgan la Fay (various incarnations)
Emperor Palpatine (Star Wars) vs Iroh (Avatar)

Third Quarter
Eugene Greenhilt (OotS) vs Colonel Hyrum Graff (Ender series)
Dan McNinja (Dr. McNinja) vs Miracle Max (and wife) (Princess Bride)
Prof. Hubert J. Farnsworth (Futurama) vs Father Grigori (HL2)
Kesuke "Mister" Miyagi vs Abraham van Hellsing

Fourth Quarter
Yoda (Star Wars) vs King Theoden (LotR)
Jolee Bindo (Star Wars) vs Esme Weatherwax (Discworld)
Waterbending Master Pakkun (Avatar) vs Jet Black (Cowboy BeBop)
Glad Palleaon (Star Wars) vs Grampa Abraham Simpson (Simpsons)

Darth Mario
2009-08-03, 02:39 PM
First Quarter

Fin Raziel (Willow) vs The Face of BoeI
Mom (Futurama) vs Shepherd Book (Firefly)
Obi-Wan Kenobi (Star Wars) vs Henry Jones sen. (Indiana Jones)
Thaco (Goblins) vs Sam Vimes (Discworld)

Second Quarter
Albus Dumbledore (Harry Potter) vs Lord Shojo (OotS)
Mr Burns (Simpsons) vs King Bumi (Avatar)
Jean-Luc Picard (Star Trek) vs Morgan la Fay (various incarnations)
Emperor Palpatine (Star Wars) vs Iroh (Avatar)

Third Quarter
Eugene Greenhilt (OotS) vs Colonel Hyrum Graff (Ender series)
Dan McNinja (Dr. McNinja) vs Miracle Max (and wife) (Princess Bride)
Prof. Hubert J. Farnsworth (Futurama) vs Father Grigori (HL2)
Kesuke "Mister" Miyagi vs Abraham van Hellsing

Fourth Quarter
Yoda (Star Wars) vs King Theoden (LotR)
Jolee Bindo (Star Wars) vs Esme Weatherwax (Discworld)
Waterbending Master Pakkun (Avatar) vs Jet Black (Cowboy BeBop)
Glad Palleaon (Star Wars) vs Grampa Abraham Simpson (Simpsons)

2009-08-03, 04:11 PM
First Quarter
Fin Raziel (Willow) vs The Face of Boe
Mom (Futurama) vs Shepherd Book (Firefly)
Obi-Wan Kenobi (Star Wars) vs Henry Jones sen. (Indiana Jones)
Thaco (Goblins) vs Sam Vimes (Discworld)

[i]Second Quarter
Albus Dumbledore (Harry Potter) vs Lord Shojo (OotS)
Mr Burns (Simpsons) vs King Bumi (Avatar)
Jean-Luc Picard (Star Trek) vs Morgan la Fay (various incarnations)
Emperor Palpatine (Star Wars) vs Iroh (Avatar)

Third Quarter
Eugene Greenhilt (OotS) vs Colonel Hyrum Graff (Ender series)
Dan McNinja (Dr. McNinja) vs Miracle Max (and wife) (Princess Bride)
Prof. Hubert J. Farnsworth (Futurama) vs Father Grigori (HL2)
Kesuke "Mister" Miyagi vs Abraham van Hellsing

Fourth Quarter
Yoda (Star Wars) vs King Theoden (LotR)
Jolee Bindo (Star Wars) vs Esme Weatherwax (Discworld)
Waterbending Master Pakkun (Avatar) vs Jet Black (Cowboy BeBop)
Gilad Palleaon (Star Wars) vs Grampa Abraham Simpson (Simpsons)

2009-08-03, 05:03 PM
Only voting on pairs in which I know both contestants:

First Quarter
No Vote
Henry Jones Sr.
No Vote

Second Quarter
Lord Shojo
No Vote
Jean-Luc Picard
No Vote

Third Quarter
No Vote
Miracle Max & Wife
No Vote
Mister Miyagi

Fourth Quarter
No Vote
No Vote
No Vote

zillion ninjas
2009-08-03, 05:28 PM
First Quarter
The Face of Boe (Doctor Who)
Shepherd Book (Firefly)
Obi-Wan Kenobi (Star Wars)
Thaco (Goblins)

Second Quarter
Albus Dumbledore (Harry Potter)
Mr Burns (Simpsons)
Jean-Luc Picard (Star Trek)
Emperor Palpatine (Star Wars)

Third Quarter
Eugene Greenhilt (OotS)
Miracle Max (and wife) (Princess Bride)
Prof. Hubert J. Farnsworth (Futurama)
Kesuke "Mister" Miyagi

Fourth Quarter
Yoda (Star Wars)
no vote
Jet Black (Cowboy BeBop)
Grampa Abraham Simpson (Simpsons)

Also, I can't believe I forgot to nominate Pinako Rockbell (Winry's grandmother) from Fullmetal Alchemist. Dammit. :smallsigh: Maybe some other time...

2009-08-05, 01:38 PM
There has been no notion for 24 hours, so can I ssume everyone voted and start counting? I'll do so unless there are objections tomorrow around noon (MET, 15 hours from now)

2009-08-05, 01:56 PM

Don't forget my votes! :smalleek:

As usual, votes are in bold.

First Quarter

Fin Raziel (Willow) vs The Face of BoeI
Mom (Futurama) vs Shepherd Book (Firefly)
Obi-Wan Kenobi (Star Wars) vs Henry Jones sen. (Indiana Jones)
Thaco (Goblins) vs Sam Vimes (Discworld)

Second Quarter

Albus Dumbledore (Harry Potter) vs Lord Shojo (OotS)
Mr Burns (Simpsons) vs King Bumi (Avatar)
Jean-Luc Picard (Star Trek) vs Morgan la Fay (various incarnations)
Emperor Palpatine (Star Wars) vs Iroh (Avatar)

Third Quarter

Eugene Greenhilt (OotS) vs Colonel Hyrum Graff (Ender series)
Dan McNinja (Dr. McNinja) vs Miracle Max (and wife) (Princess Bride)
Prof. Hubert J. Farnsworth (Futurama) vs Father Grigori (HL2)
Kesuke "Mister" Miyagi vs Abraham van Hellsing

Fourth Quarter

Yoda (Star Wars) vs King Theoden (LotR)
Jolee Bindo (Star Wars) vs Esme Weatherwax (Discworld)
Waterbending Master Pakkun (Avatar) vs Jet Black (Cowboy BeBop)
Glad Palleaon (Star Wars) vs Grampa Abraham Simpson (Simpsons)

Damn.... just remembered Abbé Faria from The Count of Monte Cristo.... please tell me being an actual person who's interpreted into the fiction disqualifies him or else I shall regret failing to nominate him forever.

2009-08-05, 02:14 PM
Damn.... just remembered Abbé Faria from The Count of Monte Cristo.... please tell me being an actual person who's interpreted into the fiction disqualifies him or else I shall regret failing to nominate him forever.

ARGH! I also forgot about him. Damn.

2009-08-05, 03:34 PM

I'm so sorry Priest.

You gave your life, fortune and freedom for another man, and this is how we repay you...

2009-08-06, 06:05 AM
If it makes you happy Jahkalvah, I can say he is not allowed for... some... reason. Happy now?

Anyway, I've counted he votes. Again, a short summary on the last round for those interested:

Many battles were quite even. Book beat Mom easily and Thaco struggles to get any votes at all. Boe and Fin hardly got any votes and were about to tie but then a bunch came for the Face. As expected Obi-Wan and Jones sen. gave each other a had time, I'm a little surprsed Jones did it but not disappointed.
Albus did struggle really hard against Shojo but the latter has advantage here after all. Bumi was quite clear to win against Burns. La fay seemed to have a lot more fans than Jean-Luc at the beginningbut then he caught up and won by about 1:2 ratio. Also, I'm rather surprised how hard a time Iroh gave Palpatine but perfectly fine with that one.
Third quarter was... hard. Everyone got 6-8 votes, noone winning with more than one in advance. With my vote Eugene gets ahead of Graff, McNinja lost, also I'll vote to give Farnsworth the chance to proceed and Miyagi surpisingly caught up to Hellsing after being far behind for a while.
Theoden sadly failed completely to put up a fight against Yoda, but Star Wars lost to Discworld (imo totally fine). I'm happy at least one 'Japanese' is still in with Jet but he just had to fight a rather minor opponent. Finally, again my vote removes Palleaon and give a Simpson the chance to win. But I guess he'll fail.

So then, next round matches will be picked to put up fitting opponents, in my opinion at least.
First encounter: (revisioned, former Groening's show-off):
Grandpa Abraham Simpson vs Father Grigori
Similary, second, Pratchett:
Esme Weatherwax vs Sam Vimes
Also, same applies to the masters of bending:
Iroh vs King Bumi
And of course also at least one of those with a home advantage should be excluded:
Lord Shojo vs Eugene Greenhilt
I haven't seen Firefly but due to the summaries I read, I guess cowboy battle might be a good enough title for
Jet Black vs Shepherd Book
Next up, aliens:
Face of Boe vs Yoda
So then, next up Patrick Stewart against Sean Connery:
Jean-Luc Picard vs Henry Jones sen.
And the last left:
Kensuke Miyagi vs Miracle Max and Valerie

Additional team-up due to ties oin the former rounds, if my votes shall not count:
Col. Graff vs Gilad Pellaeon (Enders vs Star Wars)

I hope there won't be too many complaints on my decissions otherwise... I guess I'll have to revise them. We'll see to it.

2009-08-06, 06:17 AM
Father Grigori.
Can't decide.
Never seen avatar.
Lord Shojo
Jet Black
Henry Jones sen.
Don't know either, really.

2009-08-06, 08:58 AM
Grandpa Abraham Simpson vs Father Grigori
Esme Weatherwax vs Sam Vimes
Iroh vs King Bumi
Lord Shojo vs Eugene Greenhilt
Jet Black vs Shepherd Book
Face of Boe vs Yoda
Jean-Luc Picard vs Henry Jones sen.
Kensuke Miyagi vs Miracle Max and Valerie

2009-08-06, 09:04 AM
Grandpa Abraham Simpson vs Father Grigori
Esme Weatherwax vs Sam Vimes
Iroh vs King Bumi
Lord Shojo vs Eugene Greenhilt
Jet Black vs Shepherd Book
Face of Boe vs Yoda
Jean-Luc Picard vs Henry Jones sen.
Kensuke Miyagi vs Miracle Max and Valerie

I'm sorry, Jean-Luc, but you will always be second to Connery in my heart. :smallfrown:

2009-08-06, 09:06 AM
Man, this made some of the choices really hard. In order:

Father Grigori
Sam Vimes
Lord Shojo
Jet Black
Jean-Luc Picard
no choice

2009-08-06, 09:24 AM
Are you kidding me! You put the two Avatar peeps together! Arg. :smallmad:
So then, next round matches will be picked to put up fitting opponents, in my opinion at least. But I'm fine will ousting Eugene.
Grandpa Abraham Simpson vs Hubert J. Farnsworth
Esme Weatherwax vs Sam Vimes
Iroh vs King Bumi
Lord Shojo vs Eugene Greenhilt
Jet Black vs Shepherd Book
Face of Boe vs Yoda
Jean-Luc Picard vs Henry Jones sen.
Kensuke Miyagi vs Miracle Max and Valerie

Flame of Anor
2009-08-06, 11:53 AM

I think you miscounted. By my count, Father Grigori beat Prof. Farnsworth by two votes! Please recount!

EDIT: I myself have recounted. Here are my open results:

First Quarter

Fin Raziel 4, The Face of Boe 7
Mom 3, Shepherd Book 11
Obi-Wan Kenobi 6, Henry Jones sen. 10
Thaco 2, Sam Vimes 9

Second Quarter

Albus Dumbledore 5, Lord Shojo 13
Mr Burns 5, King Bumi 7
Jean-Luc Picard 11, Morgan la Fay 6
Emperor Palpatine 6, Iroh 9

Third Quarter

Eugene Greenhilt 6, Colonel Hyrum Graff 6 A TIE
Dan McNinja 7, Miracle Max 8
Prof. Hubert J. Farnsworth 6, Father Grigori 8
Kesuke "Mister" Miyagi 7, Abraham van Hellsing 6

Fourth Quarter

Yoda 12, King Theoden 4
Jolee Bindo 4, Esme Weatherwax 8
Waterbending Master Pakkun 3, Jet Black 5
Gilad Pellaeon 5, Grampa Abraham Simpson 5 A TIE

By this count, which you are welcome to check but I am pretty darn sure is correct, the advancers should be:

The Face of Boe
Shepherd Book
Henry Jones, Senior
Sam Vimes
Lord Shojo
King Bumi
Cpt. Jean-Luc Picard
Miracle Max (and wife)
Father Grigori
Mister Miyagi
Esme Weatherwax
Jet Black

And probably all four of the tied characters, because a case could be made that the moderator really ought not to be voting:

Eugene Greenhilt
Col. Graff
Gilad Pellaeon
Grampa Simpson

As I see it, you got all of the counts right but Farnsworth vs. Grigori. Grigori got more votes, so he should be up there instead of Farnsworth. That's the only really urgently necessary change, but if, as I hope, you are willing to let all four of the tied characters advance, then also add Col. Graff and Gilad Pellaeon.

2009-08-06, 02:46 PM
Bad news everyone, I am actually eliminated.

Okay, yeah, i must have misplaced one of Grigori's votes towards Farnsworth, very sorry there. So, only one Groening character left. Therefore....
The first encounter has/will be changed. Please reconsider your votes.

AOn the ties, trouble is it will screw up the suiting number of 16 nominees. I know the moderator voting might be in question but I was ready to take that burden on me *cough* Anyway, I'd lke everyone who cares about it to tell me so, then there will be another pairing with the two excluded
Col. Graff vs Gilad Pellaeon (Enders vs Star Wars)

My deepest apologies for my failure and thanks for pointing it out, FoA.

Miss Nobody
2009-08-06, 02:59 PM
Grandpa Abraham Simpson vs Father Grigori
Can't decide.
Iroh vs King Bumi
Lord Shojo vs Eugene Greenhilt
No Vote.
Face of Boe vs Yoda
Jean-Luc Picard vs Henry Jones sen.
No Vote.

2009-08-06, 03:09 PM
Grandpa Abraham Simpson
Sam Vimes
no vote
Lord Shojo
Shepherd Book
Henry Jones sen.
Kensuke Miyagi
Gilad Pellaeon

2009-08-06, 06:06 PM
Grandpa Abraham Simpson vs Father Grigori
Esme Weatherwax vs Sam Vimes
Iroh vs King Bumi
Lord Shojo vs Eugene Greenhilt
No Votes
Face of Boe vs Yoda
Jean-Luc Picard vs Henry Jones sen.
Kensuke Miyagi vs Miracle Max and Valerie

2009-08-06, 06:13 PM
First encounter: (revisioned, former Groening's show-off):
Grandpa Abraham Simpson vs Father Grigori

Esme Weatherwax vs Sam Vimes

Iroh vs King Bumi

Lord Shojo vs Eugene Greenhilt

Jet Black vs Shepherd Book

Face of Boe vs Yoda

Jean-Luc Picard vs Henry Jones sen.

Kensuke Miyagi vs Miracle Max and Valerie

2009-08-07, 02:13 AM
I revised my votes in the last post.

Finn Solomon
2009-08-07, 06:48 AM
I'm just voting for Shepherd Book.

2009-08-07, 07:45 AM
Once again, voting only in competitions where I know both participants:

No Vote
No Vote
No Vote
Lord Shojo
No Vote
No Vote
Henry Jones Sr.
Kesuke Miyagi

Flame of Anor
2009-08-07, 09:27 AM
Thanks for fixing the vote, Kato!

Father Grigori
No vote
No vote
Lord Shojo
Shepherd Book
Henry Jones, Senior
Mr. Miyagi

And, if you're going to allow the two other characters, then

Gilad Pellaeon

2009-08-07, 10:51 PM
Wow, many of my favorites got eliminated last round, and two of them are matched up this round (Iroh vs King Bumi). *sigh*

Well then, voting for the remaining characters I care for, my votes are:

Iroh vs King Bumi (Yes, even though I know Iroh will win. I just like Mad Genius a little more, okay?)
Lord Shojo vs Eugene Greenhilt
Face of Boe vs Yoda
Col. Graff vs Gilad Pellaeon


2009-08-07, 11:34 PM
Bugger missed round 2

Grandpa Abraham Simpson

No vote

no vote, minority here but I didn't like Avatar

Shojo (he has a cat)

Shepherd Book


Henry Jones sen.

Miracle Max and Valerie (Have fun storming the castle)

zillion ninjas
2009-08-08, 07:23 PM
Grandpa Abraham Simpson
no vote
no vote
Lord Shojo (why yes, he does have a cat)
Shepherd Book
Jean-Luc Picard
Kensuke Miyagi

2009-08-08, 08:42 PM
Add Colonel Graff then.

2009-08-09, 09:00 PM
Grandpa Abraham Simpson vs Father Grigori

Esme Weatherwax vs Sam Vimes

Iroh vs King Bumi

Lord Shojo vs Eugene Greenhilt

Jet Black vs Shepherd Book

Face of Boe vs Yoda

Jean-Luc Picard vs Henry Jones sen.

Kensuke Miyagi vs Miracle Max and Valerie

2009-08-10, 09:42 AM
Yo, weekends over. I guess nother day and I'll count the votes. (Yeah, I'm rushing it a bit but I hate waiting forever for the slowpokes)

Hm... most voters did not include the Star Wars battle so I'll assume it's not so important to most. But I'll decide in when counting, I guess.

2009-08-10, 09:54 AM
Hm... most voters did not include the Star Wars battle so I'll assume it's not so important to most. But I'll decide in when counting, I guess.
Might have something to do with the fact that you never edited your original post for this round to include it. Most posters mentioned every fight you included in that post even if they weren't voting in it, after all.

(Also, I don't think this "Col. Graff" is a Star Wars character. At least, if he is, he's one that either I've never heard of, or one that's so minor that I forgot about him completely, and I'm a fairly big Star Wars fan.)


2009-08-10, 10:00 AM
Colonel Graff is from Ender's game.

Flame of Anor
2009-08-10, 05:26 PM
I would really like it if we could keep in the Pellaeon/Graff contest. And, yes, Graff is from Ender's Game; IIRC, he is one of the guys who talk to each other in italics at the beginning of each chapter. (Pellaeon is GAdm. Thrawn's second-in-command; he takes control of the Imp. Remnant after Ick or Yukh or Blob or whatever-his-name-is assassinates Thrawn.)

Also, I'm surprised at the lack of closeness of the votes in many cases. For example, Shepherd Book, Mr. Miyagi, and especially Lord Shojo simply crushed the competition. I would have thought that, in a later round like this, it would be closer.

2009-08-10, 08:27 PM
I would really like it if we could keep in the Pellaeon/Graff contest.
As would I. If they're going to lose, let it be because they actually lost the vote.

Plus if Pellaeon gets dumped now, I'm down to only three characters I care about. Iroh, Yoda, and Shojo...


2009-08-11, 09:03 AM

Okay, I don't know Graff I just thought someone had have said he was from Star Wars, ma bad. Sorry.
Okay, I'll edit the starting post with the additional pairing and give you until the end of the week, I guess. (my, now I have nine contestans in the next round. How do i divide nine by two, hu?)

Anyway, for a temporary count, many fights are pretty on-sided. Yoda, Sjoho and Iroh will clearly proceed, if no miracle happens. Also (as expected) Jet and (surprisingly) Esme hardly stand a chance anymore, and Jones is quite a bit ahead of Jean-Luc. Grampa and the Miracles are behind but still have chance to win. The additional match is not really represantative up to now,

The Tygre
2009-08-11, 04:23 PM
Wait, are votes still being taken for this round? 'Cause I gotta say...

First Quarter
Fin Raziel (Willow) vs The Face of BoeI
Mom (Futurama) vs Shepherd Book (Firefly)
Obi-Wan Kenobi (Star Wars) vs Henry Jones sen. (Indiana Jones)
Thaco (Goblins) vs Sam Vimes (Discworld)

Second Quarter
Albus Dumbledore (Harry Potter) vs Lord Shojo (OotS)
Mr Burns (Simpsons) vs King Bumi (Avatar)
Jean-Luc Picard (Star Trek) vs Morgan la Fay (various incarnations)
Emperor Palpatine (Star Wars) vs Iroh (Avatar)

Third Quarter
No Call
No Call
Prof. Hubert J. Farnsworth (Futurama) vs Father Grigori (HL2)
Kesuke "Mister" Miyagi vs Abraham van Hellsing

Fourth Quarter
Yoda (Star Wars) vs King Theoden (LotR)
Jolee Bindo (Star Wars) vs Esme Weatherwax (Discworld)
Waterbending Master Pakkun (Avatar) vs Jet Black (Cowboy BeBop)
Glad Palleaon (Star Wars) vs Grampa Abraham Simpson (Simpsons)

2009-08-11, 05:55 PM
That was last round. This round is on page 5. And yes, votes are still being taken.


The Tygre
2009-08-11, 08:53 PM
That was last round. This round is on page 5. And yes, votes are still being taken.


... I knew that.

I just wanted to make sure you knew that...

It was a test...


You passed.

That said:
Grandpa Abraham Simpson
Sam Vimes
Lord Shojo
Shepherd Book
Jean-Luc Picard
Kensuke Miyagi

2009-08-14, 10:07 AM
Okay, there have boon massive changes since my last announcement. Anyway, I decided to stay away from the additional pair since a 1:2 votes means to me people don't care that much. Yeah it is my fault and deepest apoligies to those who#d loved one of them to win. Anyway I tried to figure out some fitting team-ups for the quarter finals but I stuck with my dice.

Match I Iroh vs Henry Jones sen.

Match II Father Grigori vs Lord Shojo

Match III Kensuke Miyagi vs Sam Vimes

Match IV Shepherd Book vs Yoda

Hm... my bets are pretty clear on most matches. III will probably not get too much attention but maybe you'll surprise me.

2009-08-14, 10:19 AM
Match I Iroh vs Henry Jones sen.

Match II Father Grigori vs Lord Shojo

Match III Kensuke Miyagi vs Sam Vimes

Match IV Shepherd Book vs Yoda

2009-08-14, 10:32 AM
Match I Iroh vs Henry Jones sen.

Match II Father Grigori vs Lord Shojo

Match III Kensuke Miyagi vs Sam Vimes

Match IV Shepherd Book vs Yoda

2009-08-14, 12:13 PM
Match I Iroh vs Henry Jones sen.

Match II Father Grigori vs Lord Shojo

Match III Kensuke Miyagi vs Sam Vimes

Match IV Shepherd Book vs Yoda

2009-08-14, 12:18 PM
Match I Iroh vs Henry Jones sen.

Match II Father Grigori vs Lord Shojo

Match III Kensuke Miyagi vs Sam Vimes

Match IV Shepherd Book vs Yoda

Miss Nobody
2009-08-14, 12:24 PM
Match I Iroh vs Henry Jones sen.

Match II Father Grigori vs Lord Shojo

Match III Kensuke Miyagi vs Sam Vimes

Match IV Shepherd Book vs Yoda

2009-08-14, 12:30 PM
Match I Henry Jones sen.

Match II Lord Shojo

Match III Kensuke Miyagi

Match IV Yoda

2009-08-14, 12:46 PM
You might want to note that it's the fourth round now in the thread title.

My votes:
Father Grigori (because he's the underdog here)
Sam Vimes
Shepherd Book

The Tygre
2009-08-14, 05:31 PM
Match I Iroh vs Henry Jones sen.

Match II Father Grigori vs Lord Shojo

Match III Kensuke Miyagi vs Sam Vimes

Match IV Shepherd Book vs Yoda

2009-08-14, 05:44 PM
Sigh. Too many I don't know. The only match-up I can vote in is number 4, Yoda over Shepherd Book.

2009-08-14, 09:21 PM
Lord Shojo
Sam Vimes
Shepard Book

2009-08-14, 09:51 PM
So little fanfare?

Match I Iroh vs Henry Jones sen.

Hard match. I like both. Henry Jones only appeared in ONE movie but I like him better. Because my friend once said that Henry Jones was exactly like me.

Match II Father Grigori vs Lord Shojo
I like both

Match III Kensuke Miyagi vs Sam Vimes
Miyagi is THE sensei for a lot of youngsters (including me), though there is actually another sensei for me, that is jackie chan's master in drunken master.

Match IV Shepherd Book vs Yoda
I like both

Flame of Anor
2009-08-14, 11:23 PM
Henry Jones, Senior
Father Grigori
Kensuke Miyagi
Shepherd Book

2009-08-15, 03:26 AM
I take it it's a bit too late to nominate a few others?

2009-08-15, 03:40 AM
Match I Henry Jones sen.

Match II Father Grigori vs Lord Shojo- too much awesome to choose

Match III no opinion

Match IV Shepherd Book

zillion ninjas
2009-08-15, 07:03 PM
Match I Henry Jones sen.
Match II Lord Shojo
Match III Kensuke Miyagi
Match IV Yoda

2009-08-15, 08:53 PM
Match 1: Iroh.
Match 2: Shojo.
Match 3: No vote.
Match 4: Yoda.


2009-08-15, 10:14 PM
1 Grandpa Abraham Simpson vs Father Grigori

2 Esme Weatherwax vs Sam Vimes (no vote)

3 Iroh vs King Bumi (no vote)

4Lord Shojo vs Eugene Greenhilt

5Jet Black vs Shepherd Book

6Face of Boe vs Yoda

7Jean-Luc Picard vs Henry Jones sen.

8 Kensuke Miyagi vs Miracle Max and Valerie

no vote rendered for those to awesome to call

Flame of Anor
2009-08-17, 03:55 PM
Wrong round, kopout.

2009-08-17, 06:06 PM
Match I Iroh vs Henry Jones sen.

Match II Father Grigori vs Lord Shojo

Match III Kensuke Miyagi vs Sam Vimes

Match IV Shepherd Book vs Yoda

2009-08-18, 03:12 PM
So, it's been the weekend and a day, I guess again we can finish in 24 hours or so... so unless there is someone left I'll count it tomorrow morning or when I get to it.Glancing over the votes I' kind of surprised but the count will show who shall proceed.

edit: Ooooookay...
So, at the moment it seems that Indiana Jones learned quite a lot from his fathers, since the oldtimer is even able to beat the most powerful fire bender there is. It's not an easy win but he has the upper hand.
Shojo's using his advantage to get quite a bit ahead of Grigori. It's not looking to good there.
Vimes is able to use his training as a guard to beat the near legendary martial artist Kensuke Miyagi with a slight advantage,
Now, the force is not enough to beat Book it appears. Both are stuck in a stale mate and since I do not know Firefly (blame me, it never got over here and I didn't get to see it by now) I don't dare judge who shall proceed this late.

So, I'll have to wait a little longer until a deciding vote for mach IV is given...

2009-08-19, 03:11 PM
You may want to recount there, Kato. I'm seeing 8 for Yoda and 7 for Book.

2009-08-20, 01:15 AM
No one mentioned Oogway from Kung Fu Panda.

Or grandpa from Lost Boys

2009-08-20, 03:52 AM
*mumblemumble* What is it with me and my inability to count? I'm studying physics, dammit... *mumblemumble*

Okay, anyway. Thanks Raitalin for pointing it out. And sorry Hawriel but you it is slightly late...
Okay then, semi-finals are decided!

Herny Jones sen. vs Sam Vimes

Lord Shojo vs Yoda

2009-08-20, 04:54 AM
No problem, I'm pulling for Yoda so I was watching that match closely.



Henry Jones Sr.

2009-08-20, 07:11 AM
Herny Jones sen. vs Sam Vimes

Lord Shojo vs Yoda

2009-08-20, 07:19 AM
Sam Vimes and Lord Shojo

Which, I think, would also be an interesting setup for a story, actually.

Miss Nobody
2009-08-20, 07:21 AM
Herny Jones sen. vs Sam Vimes

Lord Shojo vs Yoda

2009-08-20, 07:41 AM
Gah. I never thought that old henry jones sr can go this far. He's a supporting character in one, one movie! I guess sean connery is just that awesome.

2009-08-20, 07:58 AM
I honestly thought about nominating Oogway, but then I realized that, like most Martial Arts instructors in modern film, he's just a poor man's Mr. Miyagi. Ah well.

Voting for Yoda over Shojo.

2009-08-20, 08:52 AM
Henry Jones Sr.

Shojo (mostly cause I don't want yoda to win)

2009-08-20, 10:32 AM
Crap, how the heck did Iroh lose? I was hoping for him to win it all...

And now the only remaining two characters I care about are matched up against each other. Damn.

Lets see, Yoda or Shojo, Yoda or Shojo...

...I'm gonna have to go with Yoda.


2009-08-20, 10:40 AM

Other category, I'm less sure, but Vimes wins out even over Connery.

Flame of Anor
2009-08-20, 05:53 PM
Herny Jones sen. vs Sam Vimes

Lord Shojo vs Yoda

This again.


2009-08-21, 09:34 AM

EDIT: You know what, my opinion was nothing but inflammatory. Better not to say it at all.

zillion ninjas
2009-08-21, 09:59 PM
*mumblemumble* What is it with me and my inability to count? I'm studying physics, dammit... *mumblemumble*

Well, just as long as it's within your statistical margin of error...

Henry Jones Sen. vs Sam Vimes
Lord Shojo vs Yoda (Tough one, but really, who are we kidding here?)

2009-08-22, 12:07 PM
Match I Iroh vs Henry Jones sen.

Match II Father Grigori vs Lord Shojo

Match III Kensuke Miyagi vs Sam Vimes

Match IV Shepherd Book vs Yoda

Same votes here.

Edit: I vote Shojo.

2009-08-22, 12:54 PM
Sam Vimes

2009-08-22, 01:00 PM
Sam Vimes


2009-08-23, 02:11 AM
Henry Jones Sr.

Lord Shojo

2009-08-23, 02:20 AM
Shojo or Yoda... Well, Yoda.

The Tygre
2009-08-23, 02:33 AM
Herny Jones sen. vs Sam Vimes

Lord Shojo vs Yoda

2009-08-26, 11:08 AM
So, guess enough time has passed. I'm rather surprised. Due to my count Vimes lost with one (or two, I'm not sure if Fri was voting there but I guess it's two) which is fine even if Jones sen. was a one-shot character. Shojo losing against Yoda on the other hand is a little disappointing. He was struggling quite a bit in the previous battles but now has a four vote advantage. It's not that I dislike him I just like Shojo more. but I guess there's not much to be done about it now.

So then, we have an epic final battle!
Sean Connery... er Henry Jones sen. the most famous treasure hunter/archaeologist's father versus the former leader of the order of the Jedi, Yoda!

(and for good measure, Vimes will take on Shojo for the third place if someone cares)

2009-08-26, 11:11 AM
Henry Jones Senior

Lord Shojo for third.

2009-08-26, 11:16 AM
No vote for the first place.
Vimes for the third place.

2009-08-26, 11:20 AM
Yoda and Shojo.

Miss Nobody
2009-08-26, 01:02 PM
Yoda and Vimes

2009-08-26, 01:09 PM
Yoda and Vimes

2009-08-26, 01:37 PM
For winner: Jedi Grand Master Yoda.
For 3rd: Lord Shojo.


2009-08-27, 10:50 AM
Henry Jones Sr. for first
Shojo for third.

2009-08-27, 11:14 AM
Cohen the Barbarian (Discworld)

Sure he gums his food and his women, but when he gets into a fight it seems nothing can kill him.

2009-08-27, 12:06 PM
Cohen the Barbarian (Discworld)

Sure he gums his food and his women, but when he gets into a fight it seems nothing can kill him.

No fair, you can't start voting for Cohen at the finals! Not that Cohen would mind; he's not big for fair play.

2009-08-27, 12:32 PM
No fair, you can't start voting for Cohen at the finals! Not that Cohen would mind; he's not big for fair play.

:smallbiggrin: He's like a bad rash, always coming back.....Maybe why he's the best. :ninja:


2009-08-27, 02:24 PM
Henry Jones Snr


(Inwardly groans that it looks like Yoda will come out on top)

zillion ninjas
2009-08-27, 04:20 PM
For 1st: Yoda

For 3rd: Shojo

Because win Yoda will, cheer openly I do. :smallwink:

2009-08-27, 10:05 PM
Henry Jones Sr.

2009-08-27, 11:12 PM
And anyone else of his species.

2009-08-28, 04:00 AM
Yoda and Vimes

2009-08-30, 03:10 AM
Okay, I guess we're done with it...

The winner is...

Cohen the Barbarian!

Nah, just joking. No random backstabbing in this contest.

Serious, now: The winner is...
Yoda Jedi master and old-age badass!

Second place falls to Henry Jones sen. daddy of the worlds most famous male archaeologist!

Third place goes to Lord Shojo former ruler of Azurite City and manipulative bastard!

Overall, I have to say I'm a litle sad about the outcome... Not about those last votes in general but about who made it up to here. I have no ill feelings over any of them but we have a one-shot character on the second place and the winner is someone who had a couple of movies (okay, I'm not that informed about the expanded universe, maybe including that I should give him more credit) Third and fourth place are fine with me, even if Shojo is just a rather minor character who died rather fast after his first appearance. Though, I'd liked to have some serie's characters here, but that's just me.

Thanks to all of you for voting and therefore being part of the democratic process of electing the best oldtimer! Next up is the best AI thread.