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View Full Version : We go to see Moon, not because it's easy, but because it's a good movie.

2009-07-21, 05:41 PM
Anyone else seen "Moon"?

Really good movie.

Sam Rockwell plays Sam Bell, an Astronaut on the moon, Kevin Spacey plays Gerty, his robot buddy.

2009-07-21, 06:48 PM
I haven't seen it, but I've been wanting to see it for awhile. Can you share some of the plot with me? For some odd reason I think it's about this guy who gets trapped on the moon and goes crazy. I've no idea why I think that, I just do.

Maybe I've been watching too much Twilight Zone.:smalltongue:

2009-07-21, 06:52 PM
I haven't seen it, but I've been wanting to see it for awhile. Can you share some of the plot with me? For some odd reason I think it's about this guy who gets trapped on the moon and goes crazy. I've no idea why I think that, I just do.

Maybe I've been watching too much Twilight Zone.:smalltongue:

Really, it's the kind of movie it's best to go in with minimal knowledge.
But if you insist...
Sam Bell's nearing the end of his three year term, and he's starting to lose it a little, which leads to him crashing his rover into one of the local fusion harvesters. He's rescued... by Sam Bell.

2009-07-21, 06:57 PM
Really, it's the kind of movie it's best to go in with minimal knowledge.
But if you insist...
Sam Bell's nearing the end of his three year term, and he's starting to lose it a little, which leads to him crashing his rover into one of the local fusion harvesters. He's rescued... by Sam Bell.

I suppose that it's good that you're being brief and cryptic then, if it's the sort of movie that's spoiled if you know to much. I can't wait to see it!:smallbiggrin:

2009-07-21, 08:31 PM
It is a little Twilight Zone-y. I loved it, it was great. It's nice to have a science fiction movie that isn't full of explosions, makes you think, takes place in our own solar system, and has an Asimovian robot.

2009-07-21, 11:13 PM
It is a little Twilight Zone-y. I loved it, it was great. It's nice to have a science fiction movie that isn't full of explosions, makes you think, takes place in our own solar system, and has an Asimovian robot.

Voiced by Kevin Spacey, no less.

2009-07-21, 11:26 PM
Indeed. And it uses emoticons!

2009-07-21, 11:35 PM
M-O-O-N, that spells moon. Laws, yes.

2009-07-22, 05:24 AM
Put it this way. I, a painfully out-of-shape god-king, ran home and back from the cinema to find things I needed to see this damn film.

It was very good.
Very Truman Show-esque, I got very similar vibes from it, and some of the stylistic shots were similar, too.
Hated Kaya Scodelario's accent. Poor girl. Very pretty, though.
You could almost see its inspiration. Gerty reminded me greatly of HAL, but Kevin Spacey was a brilliant choice to voice him/her/it - he can convey its feelings totally.
Rockwell's an amazing actor - and it was a very nice touch that Eve's father was voiced by Rockwell, proving that the original Sam's still at home.

A few questions remain, but they weren't ones that immensely troubled me, save, minorly, for... how was Gerty live-feeding if those pylons blocked comms? And how did "Sam" hallucinate modern-day Eve? Other things didn't bother me.


2009-07-22, 07:33 AM
Sunshine is an excellent sci-fi movie. Only one explosion, and it's an explosion made of awesome.
And it has Cillian Murphy as the main guy, so it's definitely awesome.

2009-07-30, 06:12 PM
Just saw it. It was okay, but I think I would've liked it better if it had made me care about Sam's character a little more. Or maybe I'm just a little detached today due to lack of sleep and overly hot weather. I may have been distracted in the beginning because I was more interested in figuring out just what was going on (not even looking for twists, I just wanted to know more details about Helium-3 and why rototilling the moon makes fusion).

So if Sam #2 was originally planning to put Sam #3 in the rover, why bother getting him properly revived? It occurred to me at first that maybe he wasn't planning to put #3 in the rover, but was just using that as a ploy to get #1 out there and then trap HIM in it, having #3 revived as normal to take their places in the station, then #2 would leave. I'm trying to decide if a) that's what he was planning all along (I thought he knew about the 3-year life cycle--ergo, even the idea of saving #1 was pointless--but in hindsight, maybe he didn't) but then #1 volunteered to get in the rover, and no trickery was required, b) #2 just didn't think of the fact that all he needed was a body, or c) the writers didn't think of the fact that all he needed was a body.

Did anyone else see GERTY and think "HAL-9000 with emoticon upgrade?" :smallbiggrin:

2009-07-30, 06:14 PM
Did anyone else see GERTY and think "HAL-9000 with emoticon upgrade?" :smallbiggrin:

See my earlier post. :smalltongue:

2009-07-30, 06:24 PM
Yeah, I meant besides you. :smallwink: (Okay, so really I had the "HAL with emoticons" thing in my head since the first 10 minutes of the movie and was dying to express it.)

2009-07-30, 06:25 PM
I need to see this film. It was directed by Bowiespawn.

2009-07-30, 06:27 PM
I need to see this film. It was directed by Bowiespawn.

... It has other merits, but, yeah, as long as you see it... :smalltongue:

2009-07-30, 06:29 PM
Other merits that are less important, sure.

2009-07-30, 06:32 PM
Other merits that are less important, sure.

*notices your signature*
*points at wherever you're writing*