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View Full Version : Help building a mid-level Nd20 Char?

2009-07-21, 07:23 PM
Okay, so I'm making a character for a mid-level Naruto d20 (http://www.narutod20.com) game, and would like some help on the build.

My build is currently Fast 2/ Charismatic 2/ Ninja Scout 2/ Genjutsu Master 2, and I'm thinking genjutsu focused, with tai thrown in for self defense and good chakra control. Ninjutsu I'll have some utilities, but it's not my major strength.

The character is a corpsewalker, and I'd like to know if anyone has suggestions for really effective bodies to possess.

Also as I said, I'm specializing in Genjutsu and could use some help on that. I've got the key technique I'd like to aim for (the GM is pondering waving the requirement that I don't meet), but am looking for good save or suck type stuff below rank 8.

My current plan involves taking the feats Genius Nin, Genjutsu Adept, Grand Master, and Sturdy Illusion

Help me make a genjutsu Batman, please?