View Full Version : The Isle of Sahu (Good Party B)

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2009-07-22, 08:06 PM
Caeric, Zaric, and Adem:

You head on down the mechanical insect infested corridor just far enough that you keep the spot your originated from in sight, and come up to what appears to be a dead end. In the middle of the corridor lies a large oak table of which a single blue gem sits on top of.

2009-07-22, 08:09 PM
We must be careful, this room is likely trapped. Also, I vote that unless this is the amulet we seek, we leave it be, at least for now. We do not know what those insects true purpose is, they may also protect the items in the mansion

2009-07-22, 08:17 PM
"Well where else to go? The building goes off in a V so there must be more to this room" Adem says as he starts to search the room. Letting Mogget out to help he walks around the table slowly looking under it, then he walks over to the walls knocking on them gentle.

Damn it forgot the /

2009-07-22, 08:18 PM
Rolling again

2009-07-22, 08:20 PM

For Adem's Eyes Only:

Though your extensive searching and knocking comes up with nothing obvious, you are absolutely certain there is something more to the south of the building. Not only because logic states such, but also because you have a 'feeling' you can't shake.

2009-07-22, 08:35 PM
Zeric intrigued by the beautiful blue gem makes his way to the table and gazes at it. "Should we take it?"

2009-07-22, 08:36 PM
"GAH" Adem says rather loudly as he is clearly frustrated "Some thing is here I know it. Can you guys look too?"

Adem is willing to take twenty making his check 23 or 25 if mogget can aid another.

2009-07-22, 08:43 PM
"Something! What? A trap? Invisible creature?" Zaric, knowing the magician has more dealings with magic, grabs his greatsword and takes a defensive stance.

2009-07-22, 08:44 PM
Of course I will help look my friend Caeric says as he begins to search the room

Taking twenty on a search check so 21 search check to aid Adem, giving him a +2 to his check

2009-07-22, 08:44 PM
Though you attempt to search again, checking and double checking everything, you once again come up empty handed. Your knowledge in the arcane, leads you to assume that it is by the force of magic that keeps you from finding the passage. A key to bypass that magic might be needed in order to proceed.

2009-07-22, 08:45 PM
"Looks like the only thing left is to grab the orb" Adem says rather defeated

2009-07-22, 08:46 PM
A key? Could the gem be a key, though that seems much too obvious for a place such as this.

2009-07-22, 08:48 PM
OOC: sorry

Spot and Listen:


2009-07-22, 08:53 PM
Adem sigh's slightly as he walks over to the gem and picks it up, cringing, waiting for some thing to happen.

2009-07-22, 09:11 PM

For Adem's Eyes Only:

Upon picking up the gem, and looking at the south wall, you notice two doors in places that weren't there at all.


Since I don't have a map up for this yet (Cause I'm not sure how I'm gonna do it yet..I'm gonna name them Door 1, and door 2. Door one is the left door on the south wall (closer to the way you came), and Door two is the right door on the south wall (Closer to the dead end).

2009-07-22, 09:20 PM
As Adem picks up the stone Zaric moves closer to him with his weapon ready to strike at anything that might threaten him. "I have your back friend" Zaric says as he slowly makes his moves.

2009-07-22, 09:25 PM
"You guys come here and touch this and tell me if you see those doors" Adem says extending his hand.

2009-07-22, 09:28 PM
I trust you sir Caeric says as he walks over and touches the gem, looking towards where Adem is pointing

2009-07-22, 09:29 PM
Zaric also complies letting his great sword droop in one hand onto the floor.

2009-07-22, 10:05 PM
When all three of you touch the gem, you immediately become aware of two doors that are on the south wall, each one is about 15 feet apart from each other, and look identical to each other.

The Doors. (http://s3.photobucket.com/albums/y51/Azoralq/Good%20Party%20Maps/?action=view&current=SecretDoors.jpg)


Give the 'ole graphing paper a shot. If confused, ask.

2009-07-22, 10:12 PM
"So door one or two? My votes for flipping a coin" Adem asks with a nervous chuckle

2009-07-22, 10:24 PM
Zaric kind of looks at the robed human and shrugs. "I will follow you all's lead"

Probly my last post for tonight. Just following you is kind of out of character for me but it will allow you all to move while im at work tomorrow.

2009-07-23, 04:39 PM
"Well here it goes, heads is door one tails is door two ok?" Adem takes out his silver coin and tosses it up in the air aiming it to land on the table.

Coin flip
1=heads 2=tails

2009-07-23, 10:28 PM
Well, it seems lady luck sees fit that we should proceed through door one. Shall we?

2009-07-24, 05:11 PM
"Then lets be off" Adem says as he takes the first door

2009-07-24, 05:57 PM
Upon stepping through the first door, you feel as though you are walking into a pitch black room. After everyone is inside, the door behind you shuts itself, and one in front of you opens on it's on accord. Upon all three of you stepping out, the door closes, and then disappears. You suddenly notice you are in a new room with candles upon the walls. Four new doors are in sight, one on each wall.

The Map (http://s3.photobucket.com/albums/y51/Azoralq/Good Party Maps/?action=view&current=SecretDoors.jpg)

OoC: You guys are in the exact center of the newly drawn room. Doors seen are S3, S4, S5, and S6.

2009-07-24, 06:35 PM
"Which way now?" Zaric says kind of confused about what just happened and how we got where we are.

2009-07-24, 06:57 PM
Whichever way we go, I suggest we leave some sort of marking so we know if we end up in this room again. I've heard tell that many magic users guard themselves with mazes that merely loop Caeric will say, marking the wall next to the door we just entered. With his Kama, he will carve the symbol of Pelor on the door frame

2009-07-24, 07:12 PM
Adem snaches Mogget from the ground and whisper's to the cat "No walking away for now ok?"

"Well we just came out here" He points towards the symbol "So lets keep going right unless you guys want to flip coins again"

2009-07-25, 06:46 PM
Time Warp:
After a few turn arounds, and a great deal of flusteration, you finally get to what appears to be the final room. On the south wall you see a small hole in the mirrored wall colored blue. It takes no time for you to agree that this is where the gem must be placed.

Upon doing so, the gem flashes a brilliant blue, then disappears. Behind you, a portal opens up.

2009-07-26, 11:24 AM
Zaric goes ahead of the other two drawing his sword up as if he is ready to strike as he steps into the light.

2009-07-26, 01:25 PM
Zeric, be careful Caeric says following right behind the shaggy man

2009-07-26, 02:02 PM
Adem, being the last one to come through the portal, joins his his group of three in a very lavish and cozy room. Three couches, each one facing a different direction, sit upon fancy area rugs made of the finest materials. Over them, three chandeliers hang, illuminating the room quite nicely. Pillows are thrown on the floor to compliment the couches.

To the left you hear this music (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H1kGJoGVpOs&videos=tPEti3WXv94&playnext_from=TL&playnext=1) playing ever so softly in the background.

Two doors lie directly in front of you, while two other doors lie to your left and right.

The Map (http://s3.photobucket.com/albums/y51/Azoralq/Good%20Party%20Maps/?action=view&current=LeftSide.jpg)


I need everyone to roll a will save. Listening to the music is, as always, optional, but it will add to the RP should you hit the link.

EDIT: Fixed the link, it works

2009-07-26, 02:30 PM
Will Save:


2009-07-26, 02:52 PM
After a few minutes being in the room Zaric's aggressive mood fades, his face starts to look more peaceful, and a small yawn sneeks out. "We need to get out of this room." Zaric says in a slowly fading voice. His eyes getting heavier and heavier.

2009-07-26, 02:53 PM
Will save

[roll0] Adem
[roll1] Mogget

"This is strange but nice music" Adem says "And more doors... witch way should we go? My vote is for the front one to the left but I am open for any other one."

2009-07-26, 03:14 PM
This music is rather pleasant, but we have no time for such frivolity Caeric says to the others

Will Save
Ah, the joys of multiclassing and the saves it brings

2009-07-26, 03:17 PM
"It dosen't matter to me...but we probly need to get out of this room." If he passes his will save Zaric moves toward the door to the left not opening it yet. Just waiting to see what the others are doing. On his way through the room he will look it over seeing if the Pendant we are looking for seems to be present.

2009-07-26, 03:25 PM
Searches the room:


2009-07-26, 03:46 PM
For Caeric's eyes only:

You find yourself staring at the the left door and the origin of the music for longer than you originally thought, but as you look away from the door, looking back at your party, you could have sworn you saw a small figure move out from behind a pillar, from the corner of your eye. You look again instinctively for a few seconds to see a female halfling staring back at you, garbed in the monk robes of Pelor.

You look back towards your party again to help make a decision, before what you saw finally hits your brain, and you quickly look back at the spot again, your eyes wide with hope. Indeed, you see Loopmottin standing before the door covering the music, a charming smile upon her face as she clasps her hands before her. Caeric, m'love. We have been away for far too long, wouldn't you agree?

Caeric is completely and utterly convinced he sees his beloved. Since you are still aware of her death, you are allowed one more save to try to knock yourself out of whatever you are seeing, but since this seems so real, you take a -2 penalty upon your second save, and any saves allowed after.

For Adem's Eyes Only:

You find yourself staring at the the left door and the origin of the music for longer than you originally thought, but as you look away from the door, looking back at your party, you could have sworn you saw a tall figure move out from behind a pillar, from the corner of your eye. You look again instinctively for a few seconds to see an aging man staring back at you, garbed the familiar robes of your late grandfather.

You look back towards your party again to help make a decision, before what you saw finally hits your brain, and you quickly look back at the spot again, your eyes wide with hope. Indeed, your late grandfather stands next to the door leading to the music, his aged hands clasped before him, and a welcoming smile upon his face. Mogget instintively begins to trot up towards the figure, letting out a few small meows in the process. Adem, my boy! We have been apart for far too long, these days. Tell me, how are your studies?

Adem is completely and utterly convinced he sees his grandfather. Since you are still aware of your grandfather's death, you are allowed one more save to try to knock yourself out of whatever you are seeing, but since this seems so real, you take a -2 penalty upon your second save, and any saves allowed after.


You look over the room, looking for anything that might represent what they are after, and come up with nothing along those lines, though you do find a great deal of vases and pictures about the place.

You begin to make your way towards a door, ready to leave the room and the sleepiness that the music brings to you, when you notice that after a few steps, your companions do not follow you. In fact, they seem infatuated with something else.

2009-07-26, 04:03 PM
"Not possible" Adem stutters as he looks at his grandfather "Your dead". He starts to move over to him slowly but stops shaking his head is disbelief.

Will Saves
[roll0] Adem
[roll1] Mogget

2009-07-26, 04:22 PM
Zaric turns back to Adem and Cearic, "What the hell are you talking about? Who's dead? There is noone in this room but us three. Come on guys! We need to find the pendant and get out of this place."

2009-07-26, 05:57 PM
Loopmottin!? I thought you were dead, but you are dead, this can't be real Caeric says towards a door

New Will Save
[roll0] -2 already taken into account

2009-07-26, 06:49 PM

For Adem's Eyes Only:

You shake your head, close your eyes, and keep telling yourself you aren't seeing this, and once you open your eyes, the vision posing as your grandfather is gone. Mogget, however, continues it's trot over towards the vision, fully intent on greeting it's former master once again.

You also notice Caeric suffering from the same effects as you, and not having as much fortune of shaking it off.


For Caeric's Eyes Only:

You shake your head, close your eyes, and keep telling yourself you aren't seeing this, but once you open your eyes, the love of your life stands there, as beautiful as ever. Her eyes close, and she shakes her head and giggles softly. You always were the funny sort, Caeric. How can I be dead? I am here, plain as day. Come now, love..that is no way to greet your lover, is it?

You are still under the effects, believing this to be an act from Pelor himself, or some such deed. You feel compelled to move at half speed towards the door to your left.

The DC for all this was 16, heh. You were the last person I expected to succumb to this :P.


You watch as Adem shakes his head, and stuggles over something, then slowly seems to snap out of whatever it was that took him over. Unfortunately, the same signs do not seem to be coming from Caeric, as he continues to struggle with whatever ails him.

2009-07-26, 06:59 PM
"Mogget! Caeric! its a spell, its not real, fight it." Adem yells as a few tears run off his face and more quietly he adds to Mogget "Mogget hes not coming back he said so himself."

He walks over to Mogget trying to stop him while speaking to Zaric "Zaric try and stop Caeric hes seeing some one thats not there. Its a trap of some kind."

2009-07-26, 07:24 PM
"What am I suppose to do?" Zaric runs over to the halfling "How am I suppose to stop it?" Zaric attempt to grapple the small man and throw him over his shoulder.



If successfull Zaric (halfling in hand) runs across the room toward the left most door.

OOC: I used my Strength Mod. I think that is what I needed to add. If not please let me know. I dont have a book handy.

2009-07-26, 07:38 PM

That is correct, but you might want to edit it to go to the right door, that is the source of the troubles, it seems. Caeric will need to make an opposed grapple check, as well as another will save.

2009-07-26, 07:59 PM
Zaric stops dead in his tracks with the halfling over his shoulder and heads toward the right most door instead.

2009-07-26, 08:13 PM
No you fiend! Why would you try to prevent me from joining my beloved? Caeric will yell as he tries not to be grappled by Zaric.

Grapple Check
New Will Save

2009-07-26, 08:22 PM
Adem dose the same as Zaric for mogget while yelling at them both "Its a spell trust me"


2009-07-26, 08:26 PM
Mogget, knowing who is picking him up, does not resist as much, but does let out a few meows, and looks at Adem with a look of confusion upon his face.

However, as Zaric carries Caeric over towards the opposite door, the effects of the illusion begin to fade on them both, leaving them to stare at the vacant spot at the doorway where whatever they saw once stood.

2009-07-26, 08:26 PM
Loopmottin! Nooooooooooo! Caeric will scream as he begins to cry into Zaric's shoulder

2009-07-26, 08:37 PM
Zaric holds the halfling close to his shoulder and whispers "Cearic it wasn't real. It was a spell of some sort or something as Adem said. Everything will be ok. Just calm down and breath."

As the halfling clams down and Zaric feels his tention release, Zaric will set the halfling back on the floor.

2009-07-26, 08:46 PM
Thank you my friend, I am sorry I did not listen to you earlier. I should have known it was a spell. There is no way for the dead to return. Loopmottin is with Pelor now. Caeric will bow to Zeric saying Thank you again

2009-07-26, 09:00 PM
"Not a problem Cearic. I can only imagine the love you once had for your beloved Loopmottin." he pauses a moment "May I suggest we find the amulet we are here for and get out of this cursed Mansion before we are all lost to its evil halls."

2009-07-26, 10:23 PM
Adem walks over to the door slowly. It is clear he brushed away his tears in a hurry trying not to look distraught. He holds the door open for his friends saying hopefully in a even tone "That was a very evil trick and I do hope we dont meet any more on our trip. The amulet is not in this room so let us move on my friends."

2009-07-26, 10:35 PM
As the robed human opens the door Zaric confirms Cearic is still ok then walks toward the door. As he passes Adem and notices the tear trails Zaric confirms Adem is going to be ok "Are you ok...?" then continues walking through the doorway.

OOC: This is will be my last post for the evening.

2009-07-27, 06:38 AM
The music becomes harder to hear, though still present in your minds as you walk through the right door, and into what appears to be a very lavish washroom. Cushioned benches are found in every corner of this room, as well as one near the bath that seems more fit as a pool, than a personal cleaning bath.

The most curious thing is the waterfall that seems to appear from nowhere on the cieling, upon closer examination you realize that it is coming through a small glowing hole, much like the portal you stepped through earlier, a similar is found at the bottom of the pool, draining out the water back to wherever it came from.

It is when you look into the pool that you also find something out of place in it. A small trinket - no bigger than a gold coin - is found in the center of the bath, it looks as though it is a loop of rope, and is made entirely of gold. A purple light shines down over it, as if accentuating it's importance.

The Map (http://s3.photobucket.com/albums/y51/Azoralq/Good%20Party%20Maps/?action=view&current=LeftSide.jpg)

2009-07-27, 10:54 AM
"Guys I think we have found the amulet." Zaric says as he moves closer to the pool and looking into it. "Who is going in to get it?"

2009-07-27, 11:16 AM
"Well I will if you guys watch my robes and pack." Adem says putting down his backpack and staff. And starts to undress while looking around to scope out the room.

Dice roll
[roll3]Swim if needed

2009-07-27, 12:07 PM

For Adem's Eyes Only:

You notice nothing that looks or sounds out of the ordinary. The water is only about three feet deep at it's centers, with steps leading down into the pool from every direction. The golden loop of rope sits in the center of the pool, next to the 'hole.' Fortunately, the hole seems too small for it to fall through, should you slip.

2009-07-27, 12:15 PM
"Well here goes nothing" He mutters as he grabs the trinket and heads out side the pool.

2009-07-27, 12:56 PM
Zaric expecting this to be a trap draws his greatsword and guards the vunerable wizard until he is out of the pool and redressed.

2009-07-27, 08:53 PM
Caeric: (NPC'd)

Take care, my friend. These walls have provided us with confusing doors, and a spell that brings back memories of those lost to us..I do not expect it to just give us anything. The monk takes a page from Zaric's book, and moves up with him towards the pool, ready to strike at anything that threatens himself, Adem, or Zaric.

2009-07-27, 09:11 PM
If nothing happens to Adem as he grabs the trinket he will join the others and redress. "This is the only time I can do this today but we have to know if this is it." He starts to mutter in a language unknown to the others low at first but then higher and higher till he finishes with "Taget Mic Dec"

Any One

Casting Detect Magic

2009-07-27, 09:50 PM
Unfortunately, something does happen as the mage reaches down to grab the item. (I will get to your detect magic after this is finished, assuming you still have a slot left to cast it. Until then, we will assume it wasn't cast yet.)

Before you can reach it, the water starts to surge and raise up in one spot, as if something was rising up out of it. In actuality, the water itself starts to take form of a rather beautiful elven woman holding a staff made of pure water, her eyes are a golden yellow. I am bound here to protect the golden rope from all but the Master, for braking this simple rule, mortal, you must die.


Zaric and Caeric are allowed to make an attack against the Water Elemental, as you stated you are 'protecting him' I will count that as a readied action. I will post the Water Elemental's attacks if she lives through any attacks.

I will also post a map as soon as possible. For right now, you are all standing in/near the water, with an 8 foot water elemental next to you.

The Map (http://s3.photobucket.com/albums/y51/Azoralq/Good%20Party%20Maps/?action=view&current=LeftSide.jpg)

2009-07-28, 12:55 AM
As the elemental finishes talking Zaric rares back his mighty great sword and swings at the creature.

Attacking Water Elemental:


2009-07-28, 12:56 AM
OOC: Forgot to roll Damage.

If Successful:

[roll0] Slashing Damage

2009-07-28, 02:39 PM
I am sorry, but your master is dead and no longer owns this amulet. I am sorry to have been the one to tell you this. Caeric says, as he aims a knee towards the being's head.

It is going to be pretty hilarious when Caeric gets weapon finesse next level and I go from a plus two to hit to a +7

2009-07-28, 05:14 PM
Rolling initiatives


2009-07-28, 05:16 PM

2009-07-28, 05:23 PM
OOC: For some dumb reason I rolled my initiative in the OOc Thread It was a

2009-07-28, 06:21 PM
Dice Rolls you Shouldn't See:



2009-07-28, 07:47 PM
Zaric (NPC'd):
With a low growl in his voice, the shifter brings around his massive greatsword to attempt to cut through the living water once again, his mind focused on destroying the creature of the elements before it can even make a strike in retaliation.

Attack Against Water Elemental:

If Successful:

2009-07-28, 07:50 PM
Water Elemental:

The elemental shrieks as the first blow from the greatsword severs her arm from her body, but it is quickly reformed after the devastating blow. Prepared for a second attack, however, she easily deconstructs her body just enough to fall under the blow, before reforming and striking at the man in the pool with a concussive blast of water.

Water Elemental Slam against Adem:

If Successful:

Caeric's Turn:

2009-07-28, 08:42 PM
Adem, you need to get out of the pool. She seems to have the advantage in it Caeric will say, punching at the creatures chest.

I know it doesn't actually have a chest, but it is the center of mass still
Attack roll

2009-07-28, 08:49 PM
Adem's Turn:

falling back into the pool from the powerful blast of water, the mage stuggles to get to his feet, then makes a full retreat out of the pool, heeding the halflings words. My thoughts exactly, but I fear this elemental's ability in our out of the water.

The Map (http://s3.photobucket.com/albums/y51/Azoralq/Good%20Party%20Maps/?action=view&current=LeftSide.jpg)

Zaric's Turn: Round 2

2009-07-28, 10:00 PM
In a low gruff voice, "Feel the wrath of my blade you abonmination!"

Attacking with Greatsword.


If Successful:
[roll1] Slashing Damage

2009-07-28, 10:02 PM
OOC: Damn it I added my +4 for ranged attacks instead of my +5 for Melees. Total attack was 15

2009-07-28, 10:04 PM
Caeric merely strikes, the time for talking has ended

I have to go to bed guys, sorry

2009-07-28, 10:21 PM
The elemental once again avoids the blows from the barbarian, and the halfling. She then turns her attention towards Zaric, clasping her hands together to form one large weapon made out of water, and proceeding to slam it into the Shifter.

Water Elemental Slam against Zaric:

If Successful:

Adem's Turn:

2009-07-28, 10:30 PM
Now that he is away Adem knows he can use his spells with out harm "Foy Af Ra Leb Nene Te Em" He says in a sang song voice as a colorful beam of light shoots from his hand aimed that the foe.

[roll1] Str Damage

2009-07-28, 10:35 PM
The water Elemental seems to struggle a bit after the ray crashes into her watery form, the creature stuggling to keep her form together for a moment, before regaining her composure once again.

Round 3: Zaric's Turn

2009-07-28, 10:40 PM
Zaric, after coughing out what water is in his lungs by the creature's unexpected slam, staggers back into battle stance and takes another overhand swing at the elemental aiming straight down the center of the creature with a drawn out "AGHHHHHHH!" as he swings his greatsword in helpless frustration.

Attacking with Greatsword.


If Successful:
[roll1] Slashing Damage

2009-07-29, 02:37 PM
Caeric, becoming rather frustrated at his own ineptness, will calm himself and focus, striking at the last second

Focus is merely fluff

2009-07-30, 08:33 AM
The Water Elemental seems to absorb the blow from the halfling in its body, but the female figure seems to flinch from he attack, letting him know that some damage was done, but perhaps not enough.

Those eyes were now focused on that halfling as it reared up her left hand across her body, then proceeded to rush the watery limb at Caeric, the backhand attempting to catch him across the face.

Water Elemental Slam Against Caeric:

If Successful:

The Map (http://s3.photobucket.com/albums/y51/Azoralq/Good%20Party%20Maps/?action=view&current=LeftSide.jpg)

Adem's Turn: (Begin Round 4)

2009-07-30, 10:10 AM
Adem starts a slow run as he slides into his things picking up his crossbow. He takes aim quickly and fires at the monster.

[roll0] Attack
[roll1] Damage

2009-07-30, 06:29 PM
The bolt sails wide as the water elemental regains focus upon Zaric, gathering her composure again, as if preparing for another attack.

Zaric's Turn:

2009-07-30, 06:59 PM
Although Zaric is getting rather discouraged with results that his sword seems to be producing he takes another swing at the monster.

Attacking with Greatsword.

Attacking with Greatsword.
If Successful:
[roll1] Slashing Damage

2009-07-30, 07:49 PM
Once again the elemental manages to pull away from the blade just in time to avoid it's lethal bite.

Caeric's Turn:

2009-07-30, 07:51 PM
Caeric, hoping to catch the creature off guard as it is protecting itself from Zaric, will wait for Zaric's strike, then time his blow to occur at the same time.


EDIT:Darn it! Why aren't Elementals Critable
Wishing they were

2009-07-30, 08:15 PM
The elemental lets out a scream that sounds like a female drowning as the halfling strikes it where it's stomach would be. The creature once again found struggling to keep her form together, before finally collapsing into the pool, making a massive splash. After a few moments, the water finally calms once again, leaving just the golden rope inside.

2009-07-30, 08:24 PM
"It is sad the creature had to be destroyed. It was only doing what it was told to do. Traped in this small pool for no telling how long." Zaric says lost in the ripples of the water. "Adem you should carry the golden chain since you are most familiar with the arts of magic. Also, we should rest and then hunt for the others" As he turns from the pool.

2009-07-30, 09:03 PM
"Thanks for the offer but to look for the others now is premature. This is the only time I can do this today but we have to know if this is the amulet." He starts to mutter in a language unknown to the others low at first but then higher and higher till he finishes with "Taget Mic Dec"

Any One

Casting Detect Magic
Adem also has learned his lesson and will scan the rest of the room too

2009-07-30, 09:20 PM
For Adem's Eyes Only:

Much to your surprise, you find that the golden rope isn't even magical, and you see nothing else in the room that gives off a magical aura.

2009-07-30, 09:28 PM
"Damn it! its not even Magical... But it's was guarded by this slaved Elemental. What do you guys think we should do now." Adem says as he starts to put on his things.

2009-07-31, 04:01 PM
I agree that we should likely rest somewhere, though I would prefer it be nowhere near this water. Also, it is likely that that is what we're looking for, as we were never told the amulet is magical. Caeric will say, looking around warily

2009-07-31, 05:31 PM
"True but I would think it would be more protected then an illusion and a water elemental. If you don't want to rest here lets take the left door then." He says as he walks over to the door and loads his crossbow.

2009-07-31, 05:52 PM
Ok my friend, let us continue Caeric will say, clearly putting on a brave face, though he is hurt rather badly.

2009-07-31, 06:40 PM
"If you cant go on becuase of wounds I would be ok to sleep here tonight." Adem says to the halfling worried about his friend.

2009-07-31, 06:43 PM
Hearing no complaints from Zaric, other than bringing up the fact that the group should rest and try to recover from some of the wounds they sustained, the group moves towards the left door. The music heard before begins to grow louder, but the illusion does not seem to reappear in any way shape or form as you proceed to, and eventually open the door to the left.

Peering inside reveals a massive library. Selves point out of the stone walls, many all of them half filed with tomes and other pieces of literature. You notice on the north and west walls a book that reaches from floor to cieling, it's pages filled with ancient and unusual text. In the center sits a lone desk with chair, a few single candle sitting upon a book on top of the desk.

You notice that in the northwest part of the room stands yet another closed door.

The Map (http://s3.photobucket.com/albums/y51/Azoralq/Good%20Party%20Maps/?action=view&current=LeftSide.jpg)

2009-07-31, 06:50 PM
I will be fine my friend Caeric says, casting a spell on himself, So, can you read those books?

Cure Light Wounds

2009-07-31, 06:53 PM
"Hello whats this" Adem says as he looks over the room "This looks like a good as place as any to rest. How about I'll take the first watch then Zaric and lastly Caeric? The only problem I see is that Me and Caeric Need 8 hours of sleep to get our magic back but we all need a full nights to heal up..."

As walks over to the open book, waiting for his friends to answer, he leans over it and trys to read what it says.

"I might Give me a minute to Check"

2009-07-31, 07:04 PM

Forgot to mention, but the moment you entered the level, you all feel remarkably safe, you feel as if nothing would attack you anywhere in here, this was not felt in the bathroom, however.

Also Adem. Need to know what book you are talking about. The massive book to the north? West? One of the small books on the shelf?

2009-07-31, 07:10 PM
Ooc: The center one on the lone desk

2009-07-31, 08:02 PM
Adem pales fast "This seems to be the journal of an adventurer like us. He and his friend seem to be very gifted. You can read this while I'll look over the other books. That one is in common."

Adem Then walks over to the other giant books and starts to read it if he can. After deciding if he can read it he will go over to the smaller ones on the self and see if he can read those too.

2009-07-31, 08:20 PM
Which tall book? Northern or Western?

2009-07-31, 09:56 PM
Does not matter he will check both

2009-07-31, 10:01 PM
OoC: We will start with North then.


It takes a while to read it, as your Draconic is a bit rusty, (All wizards know draconic as a bonus language) but it takes about 10 minutes to read the entries in its entirety.

I need a better army. The automations worked nicely until I introduced some intelligence. I want my people to think! They need to know when to strike, when to dodge, and more importantly…when to attack.

The automations on the entry level worked fine with this new artificial intelligence, but since their only assignment was to clean, it isn’t a wonder why they are a success.
The others, however, are true means of destruction. The artificial intelligence allowed them to turn sights on me! It was only a few at first, those brave enough. But soon enough, I had to shut down that side of the laboratory. I will continue my attempts on the metallic beasts; but for now, I turn to necromancy. The dead can’t rebel.

The dead can’t think either. I am back to square one! There still might be hope down this avenue, however.
It is too hard for me to control the intelligent dead; I am new to the dark arts. However, I found that if I can manipulate the flesh and bones, to offer more strength, more survivability on the battlefront.
I can create the mindless dead for now, but when my power grows, I shall have vampires as generals, and ghosts for assassins!

The flesh proves to be so easy to manipulate. My first creation, the breaker of flesh, is an astounding success. Though slow, and dim-witted, its strength is remarkable. With one arm significantly larger than the other, the blows from it are like getting hit from a titan himself.
More experimentation is on its way, perhaps I can find ways to make other strengths in other specimens before trying to combine.

I never cease to amaze myself. Batches of specimens I have created seem to hold a great amount of resistance to the effects of magic. Even great balls of flame thrown at their rotting bodies were shrugged off with no damage done at all.
Hopeful, I tried to mimic the process I used to put a resistance to all but the strongest of metals on another batch of zombies, on to these, but the magic resistance doesn’t allow such protective magic to adhere. I shall try the other way around.

I found it! Hours of study into the Dark Arts has showed me a creation that combines all that I have made into the ultimate killing machine.
The tome I read suggests that a man of my talents is not capable of creating such a golem, but the author is no doubt trying to scare the reader off. I shall begin the process tonight.

The body is complete! What a magnificent creation this will be! Those damn townsfolk will have nothing to fight with against this fiend. All that is left is the animation. The ritual will be ready after a few more days study.

I do not know what I have done. I don’t see how I failed. I didn’t fail! It is alive, its might is more than I could have imagined. I know this, because it attacked me! The ritual was done with perfection! The fire elemental was thrust into the rotting golem and forced to remain its spirit! This gave it life unending, but I do not control that life.
It is in the creation chamber now. I hear it trying to smash through the doors to my study. I shall go out and defeat it soon. I can’t have yet another section of my home terrorized!

And West:

My Prototypes are complete. They are the masters of strength and brutality. I took one of them out into the wild, to a nearby minotaur camp, and watched as it alone slaughtered three of them before it fell. I think I will call them “Metal Men.”

Another of my prototypes is complete. This one lacks strength, but it excels in long range attacks. Thanks to my arcane power, my fire spitters can temporarily open up a portal to the plane of fire itself, and fire a focused beam of fire at its target.

If, for some reason, the target disables the portal, my fire spitter can attack with one of its four razor sharp legs.

I need a golem; A champion of steel and iron to lead this metal army. I have read of powerful mages giving life to a statue of iron, but the process takes months to complete alone. I shall work on it until I think of a quicker plan.

The body of the iron golem is complete, but I wonder if I will need it. All my metallic minions need is intelligence, not a juggernaut lieutenant. I shall work on the form of sentience right away.

This amulet I found, it speaks to me in my sleep. It promises me the sentience I have been trying to create in return for one thing: That I return it. Return it where? To who? I do not know, nor do I care. It is just a trinket, one that I plan to keep. I shall use the item for my own purposes anyway.

I should have known this attempt was doomed to failure. The amulet deceived me! The automations have intelligence, but it is the amulet’s intelligence. Therefore, my own creations are trying to kill me. I sealed this section of the lab off until I can reverse the amulet’s effects. Until then I will work on another course of action.

2009-07-31, 10:36 PM
"Oh no no no no no" Adem says as he reads "No no no no no. This man was insane. He tryed to build a metal army using the amulet. When the amulet turned the metal men on this man he turned to the dark arts of Necromancy. He built special undead giving them more power then normal zombies or skeletons and finally made an abomination. He bound a fire elemental to a body and locked it in a room when it tryed to kill him. That was the last entry so I don't know if he destroyed it or it killed him. I don't like this...."

Adem runs over to the books on the shelf's and starts taking books out scanning them for other information.

2009-07-31, 10:44 PM
Wait, so what is behind that door? Caeric says, pointing towards the closed door in the room. Caeric will then make his way over to the door and try to listen for what's on the other side.

[roll0] Listen Check

2009-07-31, 10:52 PM
Zaric follows the halfling closely, his greatsword at the ready in order to strike down anything that would attack his allies first.

Caeric's Eyes Only:

The source of the music can be heard in full force behind the left most door.

2009-07-31, 10:59 PM
I hear....music? Caeric says to his compatriots, clearly confused. Zaric, can you come confirm this?

2009-07-31, 11:00 PM
"I don't know it does not go into detail that much. Music? You hear music like from before?" Adem says as he still pulls out books and flips threw them. Mogget, knowing his master as he is, walks over to a spot by the bookshelf and start to sleep.

2009-07-31, 11:12 PM
Zaric nods softly It is the same soothing music as before. It must come from this room. The barbarian tenses his grip upon his greatsword, and widens his stance, ready for anything before looking down at the halfling. You know I do not trust this place, halfling. That music has seduced both of you before with it's lies, there is no telling what lies beyond this door.

2009-08-01, 03:39 PM
"It should not matter for now whats behind the door. I feel safe here and I dont think this place looks like a fight broke out here. So I chose to believe that the thing could not get in here and if it could not then other things could not. Let us sleep it off and make plans in the morning." Adem says as he pulls out his bedroll and lays it next to mogget.

2009-08-01, 03:52 PM
Sleep is very enticing Caeric says, yawning then lying down on the floor, his pack at his feet.

2009-08-01, 04:52 PM
It takes a while for the barbarian to settle down, but he eventually agrees with the party, and sets up a spot not too far from the left door. Though he will sleep, he will do so in such a way that if someone does attack, he will be the first target, allowing time for the others to wake up and act.

8 Hours go by:

And your sleep was rather blissful, quite possibly the best sleep you have ever had in your lives. As a result, you feel as though you just don't want to get up, much to comfortable to do anything but just...relax.


I would like everyone to roll a will save:

Also, as a result of the better than normal sleep, you feel completely refreshed in that any hp loss is regained instead of the usual 2 + con times level. In addition, any spellcasters learn spells as if they were one level higher in their casting class than normal. Example: A 3rd level wizard will learn spells as a 4th level wizard. This does not affect DC adjustments. and if the extra spell(s) are not used before leaving this level, they will be lost.

While Zaric wakes up from his sleep, he does not seem as poised as he usually is. Where normally he would get up and patrol the area for any changes or signs of danger, the shifter seems content to just relax and sleep more of the day away.

2009-08-01, 05:01 PM
"Hmm that's strange." Noticing the sifters laziness. "Mogget time to get up"


2009-08-01, 05:33 PM

This floor is very comfortable Caeric says sleepily

2009-08-01, 05:36 PM
It seems as though Zaric is the only one that doesn't want to get up, as you manage to pull yourself out of the lull of the music in the next room, as well as the blissfulness this place as to provide. Perhaps just a few hours more...it can't hurt us...can it? As the barbarian shifts in his bedroll.



2009-08-01, 05:41 PM
Let him rest, we both need to prepare for the day anyway Caeric will say to the Wizard

2009-08-01, 05:47 PM
"Yes yes let him rest for a little bit longer." Adem says as he dives into his spellbook picking and rereading spells he has wrote down before. He reads a few more that seem to stick out in his mind but other wise he finishes in an hour.

Detect Magicx2
Mage Hand

Ray of Clumsiness
Charm Person

Ice Knife
Lively Step

2009-08-01, 05:56 PM
Eventually, the barbarian comes to terms with having to get up from his position, sighing softly as he cracks his neck and gathers his things. Where do we go from here?

2009-08-01, 06:03 PM
"Well before we go lets lets give the room a once over but after that I dont think we have a choice but to go threw that door with the music" Adem says as he starts to look around for anything they missed before.

Search Checks

2009-08-01, 06:06 PM
It doesn't look as though you had missed anything important in the library.

2009-08-01, 07:31 PM
"So then let us take our leave and continue to find this amulet or if this is it to find out friends."

2009-08-01, 07:35 PM
Agreed. I am very curious where this odd music comes from, though with its past effects, perhaps we should plug our ears with something. Maybe paper from a book, or wax from the candles on the table

2009-08-01, 07:50 PM
"If you want to try lets try. Wax would be best I think. But what about when we are wearing them? How will we communicate." Adem asks as he walks over to the table and starts to try fashioning some ear plugs.

What kind of roll we looking at?

[roll0] Craft Alchemy ?
[roll1] Craft general ?
[roll2] Int check?

2009-08-01, 07:51 PM
Zaric takes the opportunity to be the first to open the door to the left, then. Upon turning the knob, his hand goes right back to his greatsword, his stance hunched over and poised to strike at anything that tries to harm his allies.

Upon seeing it as a mere walkway to another door, the barbarian walks in cautiously, and does the same to the second door. The door slowly swinging open to what appears to be the owner of the manion's bedroom. A large bed lies at the other end of this room, with a single oak chest in front of it. The source of the music comes from this room, but there doesn't seem to be any sort of music box visible in order to shut it off.

Beautiful oak dressers stand facing each other in the middle of the bedroom, with a changing screen next to the left dresser. Another, smaller drawer is seen just before the changing screen.

The Map (http://s3.photobucket.com/albums/y51/Azoralq/Good%20Party%20Maps/?action=view&current=LeftSide.jpg)

2009-08-01, 08:00 PM
Are the earplugs working?

2009-08-01, 08:02 PM

wasn't aware you actually did it, assumed it was merely a suggestion. But yes, they work. Though it is muffled, you can't hear the music as clearly as you could before.

2009-08-01, 08:09 PM
Adem walks up to the others, hopefully they can read lips he thinks, slowly saying some thing along the lines of watch me. He takes one ear plug out and waits a minute. If nothing happens he tells the others its ok and starts to check the room.


2009-08-01, 08:14 PM
The beautiful music floods Adem's ears, but Zaric and Caeric see nothing happen to Adem, as he examines the room thoroughly, looking (I'm assuming) through the drawers to find a couple sets of very fine robes, a small rod that looks to be about 1 foot long, and a bag of coins. The chest, when (I'm assuming) attempted to open, proves to be locked.

2009-08-01, 08:16 PM
Sorry for being overly cautious about the music, I just didn't want another incident like last time Caeric says, his eyes getting whistful at the thought of Loopmottin. He swore he could touch her. Caeric will then proceed over to the chest to look it over. Too bad my dad isn't here, he'd have this thing open in a minute

2009-08-01, 08:26 PM
huh...I will have this thing open quicker the barbarian said with a small chuckle as he lifted his greatsword behind his head and with a mighty roar, brought it crashing down upon the chest. Thievery was not his thing, and it was a waste of time when brute strength could get the job done just as easily. Though the shifter was often a cautious man, the suffocating walls of the small room was having him wanting to hurry things along.

2009-08-01, 08:27 PM
Forgot this:

Break Check:


The greatsword crashes through the wood, making a nice hole in the top as he wedges the weapon out. The barbarian smiles with satisfaction at his work, as he looks to the halfling. I am sure your dad would not approve...but the deed is done nontheless.

2009-08-01, 08:32 PM
"That a boy" Adem says to the shifter "Lets look in that bloody thing all ready!

He walks over to the chest and peers inside of it, then trys if he can to shack the items out (unless they are like potions or some thing).

2009-08-01, 08:55 PM
My dad would approve, as it did get the job done Caeric says, smiling at the Barbarian

2009-08-01, 08:57 PM
Inside the chest you find a few gems, and a dagger that you manage to easily pull from the chest.

2009-08-01, 09:02 PM
So, what is this rod? Caeric will ask the mage, his halfling curiosity getting the best of his caution of not touching odd things.

2009-08-01, 09:07 PM
"Well that was anticlimactic" Adem says as he gathers the other things "Were is that damned amulet! I mean I don't think its this" he pulls out the chain "I cant find a magical aura from it but there are spells that can stop me from doing that. But he made a golem! Why would a water element guard it then?" He sighs What should we do now?"

"I don't know let gather this up and I can see if any is magical." He response to his friend

He starts to mutter in a language unknown to the others, low at first, but then higher and higher till he finishes with "Taget Mic Dec"

2009-08-01, 09:16 PM
For Adem's Eyes Only

Upon casting your spell, you can tell that one of the robes possesses a very faint blue aura. While the rod gives off a faint Brown aura.

OoC: In case you didn't keep it/lost it somewhere.

Pink = Abjuration
Brown = Conjuration
Orange = Divination
Purple = Enchantment
Red = Evocation
Gray = Illusion
Blue = Transmutation
Black = Necromancy

OoC for everyone:

I don't know if it is a problem on my end, and I didn't explain it well enough, but the golden rope is just that, a small spool of golden rope....solid gold. It is coiled up tightly, and immovable since it is solid gold, and has no chain upon it so it can be worn. Like a trinket if you will. It is a small spool of rope, so it fits in the palm of your hand, but it is of solid gold.

2009-08-01, 09:22 PM
"One of the robes are magical. The rod has some sort of Conjuration enchantment. That's all I can tell. Shall we move on?" Adem says rather put down. It is clear he believed that amulet was in the room.

2009-08-01, 09:32 PM
You had said this man had created a golem? Where? Here? Does he have a room with which he works in, or whatever it is mages use? Zaric proceeds out of the confined room, and back into the library as he speaks. The client I used to work for before I came here always kept business away from personal life. You would agree with me that this area must be his living quarters. Why would he put something so powerful here?


Zaric needs to come back...I don't think my NPCing is doing him justice.

2009-08-01, 09:51 PM
"He wrote it 26 years ago I dont know if its still here or if he beat it and moved on." He walks over to the stuff an looks at the robes.

2009-08-01, 09:56 PM
There are more doors to open. I personally would not hide a trinket such as this in a place such as my bedroom. Zaric looks towards Adem and Caeric, gesturing back into the main foyer with which they came from. Futhermore, even if we found the amulet in the bedroom, we must find a way out of here, as well. It is clear the way we came is not an option..unless you know of a way to recall the portal that sent us here.

2009-08-01, 10:35 PM
"Well you you mind if I try this on?" Adem says gesturing to the robe if not then he will put it on. Even if they mind he still says "Shall we move on? maybe Caeric would like to lead the way?"

2009-08-01, 10:55 PM
Did you grab the rest of the items Caeric will ask Adem, then say, it looks good on you. I'm not sure if I should lead though. My sense of direction feels wrong in this place. Perhaps Zaric should lead?

2009-08-01, 11:08 PM
"Makes more sense. Have the beast of a man go first, if you would Zaric." Adem says praisingly gathering the rest of the stuff in his pack. "I hope the others are doing ok"

2009-08-01, 11:09 PM
It seemed as though Zaric was ahead of the game, already heading back into the main room and proceeding to open up the left most northern door and walking in with greatsword at the ready.

This room appears to be another sitting room, only much more lavish than the previous. Instead of couches and carpets the room is filled with two magnificent fountains that lightly trinkle water over it's sides. Couches and pillows cover the outskirts of the fountains, allowing for a comfortable spot to sit and relax to the sounds of running water.

Underneath the chandelier in the center of the room is another elaborate carpet rug with nothing on top of it...at first glance. Upon looking at it closer, however, one will notice a figure that is barely even there, faint white eyes of pure energy starring blankly to the south. Even though it does not pose an immediate threat to the party yet, Zaric tenses with his weapon at the ready.

The Map (http://s3.photobucket.com/albums/y51/Azoralq/Good%20Party%20Maps/?action=view&current=LeftSide.jpg)

2009-08-01, 11:25 PM
"Hello? Can you hear me? Whats your name?" Adem says rather loudly not wanting to get close to it remembering the water elemental. "Are you bound here too?"

Knowledge Checks
[roll0] Knowledge Arcane
[roll1] Knowledge Nature
[roll2] Knowledge The Planes
[roll3] Knowledge Religion
[roll4] Knowledge History

2009-08-01, 11:32 PM

For Adem's Eyes Only:

You recall this creature as a servant from the Elemental Plane of Air. You remember learning about a low level spell that would allow for one to summon a creature your teachers called an Aerial Servant to do your bidding for a short time, before being sent back to their home plane. You assume that this creature is no different, though perhaps stuck her for a much longer duration.

The creature does not respond to any calls, though it does look at you now. However, it doesn't seem to make any moves.

2009-08-01, 11:37 PM
"First a water elemental then talk of a fire one and now an air elemental, this man was insane and cruel." Adem whispers to his friends then more loudly to the Servant "Are you bound here? Stuck? Maybe we can help just tell us whats wrong."

2009-08-01, 11:43 PM
The creature doesn't seem to speak as you know it, but it does produce a series of howls, wisps and gusts of wind. You can only assume that this is the Auran language from it's native plane.

2009-08-01, 11:55 PM
"We cant understand you" Adem says walking closer to it in what he hopes is a non threatening way "Can you speak another language? We just want to help."

2009-08-02, 12:02 AM
The Ariel Servant looks at you, tilting it's head lightly. But being able to understand a little bit of the common language, it tries a bit of it's own..the words coming out very windy and eradic. Serve....Master...you...why....here?

2009-08-02, 12:10 AM
"We are here to look for some thing. I don't think your master is alive any more, the last time he wrote an thing in those book we found was over 20 year ago. Have you seen him? If hes not alive can you help us?" Adem says as rushing over the first sentence. He walks a little more closer still trying to look nonthreatening.

2009-08-02, 12:36 AM
The creature looks at you with a curious look once again, and then without warning, walks off in the opposet direction you are, a gust of air blowing open a door to the far east, and the creature disappearing behind it. You ponder following, but before you are able, the creature is seen again 'flying' towards you, a vial of clear liquid in it's airy hands. Drink...please...speak...me

2009-08-02, 12:39 AM
Adem looks back to the group for a split second before pulling the stopper out. He know that trust is a two way road and decides to drink the vial.

2009-08-02, 12:47 AM

For Adem's Eyes Only:

You drink the rather tasteless fluid, and feel no effects come over you, for better or ill. But immediately notice it's intentions as once again the creature speaks. This time it is not in the broken dialect it spoke when trying to use common, but it was fluid, almost sophisticated.

There, that should be better. Master never took the time to learn the superior race of Auran, and I never bothered to waste my time with your tongue...he and I had differant views upon each other. But...you are a man of magic, so I'm sure you know how the laws of bondage work with spells. It is unfortunate that he found a way to...well..prolong it.

To answer your statement. I know he is dead. The fool has been dead for quite a long time. I do not know how, or why. I suppose you would have to venture down into his laboratories to find that out. Unfortunately, his magic is such that I am bound here, regardless of his death.


When you speak, speak in spoilers...and for added fluff, let Zaric and Caeric know outside of the spoiler that you are speaking in Auran, suddenly and inexplicably. You drank a vial that lets you speak and understand the language for a short time.

Everyone Else:

Suddenly, after Adem drinks the contents of the vial again, the servant speaks in a series of whistles, howls, and gusts of wind.

2009-08-02, 01:03 AM
"Sorry for the lack of manners but the last servant we ran into tryed to kill us. We are down here in search of an object and came across a book he had written. Now we fear for our lives. He was insane! The man made an army with the use of an amulet. But for what reason, if you can answer, are you bound here for. I am sorry but I don't know the proper spell to release you, unless you can tell me."

"I can understand the Elemental now.....The servant has confirmed the mad wizard is dead."

2009-08-02, 01:17 AM

For Adem's Eyes Only:

Unfortunately, I know not what will release me from this hell, either. And I know nothing about this amulet of his. I was his servant here; cleaning up after him, and maintaining his trophies in the other room over there The servant pointing to a door that heads west. Perhaps Master had some sort of item around here that would nullify the spell, and let me go. If you come across such, I will gladly pay for it in any way I can.

Everyone Else:

While the creature keeps speaking with Adem, you notice that it points off towards the door to the west.

2009-08-02, 01:26 AM
"They say that the wizards 'trophies' are in that room" Adem says as he points the the same room and then bows the the Elemental

"Thank you for your help and if we find anything we will be more then willing to come back and free you"

Adem moves over to the door that was mentioned and waits for his friends.

OOC: This is the point I am going to bed.

2009-08-02, 04:46 PM
Is there no way to free the creature from his forced servitude? Caeric will ask Adem

2009-08-02, 04:48 PM
"None that I have a spell for. But maybe we will find a item or some thing to unbind it." Adem replys

2009-08-02, 04:55 PM
We will try to find a way to free you Caeric will say to the elemental, I promise Caeric will then turn to Adem and say lets look for the amulet and a way to free our whispy friend here as he heads towards the door the elemental pointed towards.

2009-08-02, 05:10 PM
"Yes let us make our leave" Says Adem after translating the haflings words

2009-08-02, 05:10 PM
Zaric nods in confirmation as he walks over and is the first to open the door, upon doing so, he jumps behind the door quickly, with his greatsword at the ready, his eyes as wide as sausers as he looks towards his allies. Move aside, quickly! he speaks in a low growl.

You notice, however, before acting on his words, his reasoning for being so worry some, as you stare through the open door, you look directly at an orbital creature with 10 tendrils flowing lazily on top of its head, each one ending in an eyeball. A massive central eye sits in the center of the orb, with a huge gaping maw of sharp teeth underneath it. Though the creature stares directly at you, it doesn't seem to be reacting.

The Map (http://s3.photobucket.com/albums/y51/Azoralq/Good%20Party%20Maps/?action=view&current=LeftSide.jpg)

2009-08-02, 05:23 PM
What in the nine hells....? Adem says as he stares out the door.

Knowledge Checks
[roll4]The Planes
[roll5]Int check

2009-08-02, 05:45 PM
For Adem's Eyes Only:

You have no idea what you are staring at, and can only assume that this creature is not of this plane, or was the product of a rather twisted and powerful force of magic.

2009-08-02, 06:00 PM
"Er Hello? You there! The one with no legs. Ummm what are you doing here?" Adems says rather confused as to what it is.

2009-08-02, 06:02 PM
The creature simply floats in midair, it's eyestalks floating lazily about, and it's central eye simply looking in one constant direction, you have yet to see it blink.

2009-08-02, 06:03 PM
Are you ok? Caeric will ask the giant floating eyeball

2009-08-02, 06:06 PM
Again, there is no response from the creature. Zaric, seeing his too allies conversing with the thing, and having no response so far, lowers his guard and stands to look into the door once again.

2009-08-02, 06:09 PM
Adem Steps threw the door and walks over to the body of the man checking if he is alive.

2009-08-02, 06:27 PM
Stepping into the room reveals just how large it is. You notice that there are two pathways seperated by a long stone wall in the middle, and they likely rejoin at the end of the room. Statues of Taxonomic corpses line the outer walls, likely the 'trophies' the Ariel Servant was speaking about. You notice upon getting closer to the orbital creature, it reads underneath on a copper plaque 'Beholder.'

Upon the body, you notice a holy symbol to Sumulael, many scars and markings upon his face, and a single note upon his body. It reads the following:

Adem's Eyes Only:

I've discovered that the Amulet is in a room that is sealed behind a magic barrier. The only way I know of bringing down the barrier is answering four riddles given to you. The riddles require an item, I'm sure of it...but I don't know what those items are...or where to find them.

The Map (http://s3.photobucket.com/albums/y51/Azoralq/Good%20Party%20Maps/?action=view&current=LeftSide.jpg)

2009-08-02, 06:34 PM
"I've discovered that the Amulet is in a room that is sealed behind a magic barrier. The only way I know of bringing down the barrier is answering four riddles given to you. The riddles require an item, I'm sure of it...but I don't know what those items are...or where to find them." Adem reads the note word for word out loud. "Guys the amulet is HERE. We are all most done with our quest! Its safe to come in they are stuffed people and monsters. But we need to find this 'Riddle' he talks about"

Knowledge religion to remember the right pray for this mans death, then I will say it if I know it.

2009-08-02, 06:44 PM
Perhaps that golden rope is useful after all...? the shifter walks into the room, looking about at the odd creatures stuffed and presented as trophies.

2009-08-02, 06:52 PM
Adem pulls out the golden rope and starts to look around

Search check

2009-08-02, 07:00 PM
You are able to recall the Last Rights, the funereal prayer for those that follow the Lord of Suffering.

Upon looking around for anything that might serve as a holder for the rope, you see nothing, however. The barbarian does the same, but seems to be having a hard time understanding what he is looking for. What does he mean by 'riddles?' Will someone tell them too us?


Let me know if you advance further down the hallways, and which side.

2009-08-02, 07:05 PM
Caeric will go to look around the room, checking the beholder statue.

Search Check
Taking a 20
So 21

2009-08-02, 07:09 PM
"Shall me and mogget go down this hall" Adem says pointing to the left one "and you and him go down the right? Yell if you need help or you find a clue?"

2009-08-02, 07:10 PM
I think we can handle that, right Zaric? Caeric will say, looking over at the barbarian

2009-08-02, 07:10 PM
For Caeric's Eyes Only:

It is, at the same time, a truely hideous, and remarkable creature to behold. The eyes drift lazily about in all direction, allowing one to assume it would be remarkably hard to sneak up on such a creature. And it's lack of size makes you wonder where all the vital organs would be kept, if indeed their are any. Upon touching the creature, you feel that it is rough and hard as bone, but looking close enough reveals a great deal of pores that vary in sizes venting air in and out.

2009-08-02, 07:12 PM
This thing is likely still alive Caeric will say to Adem, as he tries to listen to the holes, trying to hear what's inside


Wait, the spool isn't all we have. What about the robe, the rod, and the dagger. They're all odd items to find where we did. The dagger must be important, it was in a chest with gems.

2009-08-02, 07:17 PM
Adem looks down at the robes he has on and nodes taking them off in case needed later then starts to head down the left hallway looking for more clues.

2009-08-02, 07:34 PM
Caeric will begin heading down the hallway opposite the wizard, looking at the "trophies" as he walks, the rod in his hand

2009-08-02, 07:43 PM
Zaric follows behind Adem as he walks down the left path of the room. Along the way you notice a tall fiendish looking creature with hooks where hands should be, a copper plaque labels it a 'Hook Horror.' Not too far from that is a Minotaur with a gleaming battleaxe fixed within it's hands. At the end of the room is a tall creature with glistening grey skin, and two almond shaped black eyes. It's mouth is covered with four squid-like tentacles. The copper plaque in front of it labels this creature an "Ithllid."

You notice around the Ithllid's neck is a silver necklace with a trinket of a silver greatsword hanging at it's chest.

Zaric, however, remains next to the Minotaur, silently wondering how tight the creature has a hold on that weapon.

The Map (http://s3.photobucket.com/albums/y51/Azoralq/Good%20Party%20Maps/?action=view&current=LeftSide.jpg)


Along your path, you find a rather large monstrous scorpion with it's stinger raised high, and soon after that, your eyes fall upon a reptilian like woman with snakes for hair, and a bow strapped around her back.

Immediately recalling tales of these creatures being told when you were a child, you don't need the copper plaque in front of you to tell you that you caught a glimpse of the Medusa. You close your eyes and hold your breath, slowly awaiting the transformation to stone, only to find that it never comes.

2009-08-02, 07:49 PM
Adem is spellbound by this necklace this "Ithllid" has. He walks up to it but hesitates before trying to take it. He says the same prayer from before for the Ithllid and for every other trophy there.

"Caeric Have you found any thing?"

2009-08-02, 07:55 PM
Caeric approaches the Medusa statue, listening for the weird air exchange he heard on the beholder statue.

I found a Medusa statue Caeric yells back to Adem

2009-08-02, 07:58 PM
For Caeric's Eyes Only:

You hear nothing from this creature.


You all hear a quick grunt, followed by another as Zaric grabs a hold of the Minotaurs greataxe, and attempts to wrench it free from his hands.

Zaric's Strength Check:


2009-08-02, 07:58 PM
"GAH CLOSE YOU EYES" Adem screams at the halfling running blindingly into a wall trying to find his friend. He gets up and puts his arm in front of his face "Are you ok? say some thing!"

2009-08-02, 08:24 PM
Hearing Adem running, Caeric laughs to himself and pretends to be petrified, and as he waves his hand in front of the halfling's eyes, Caeric grabs the wizard's arm and yells, It's just a statue!

2009-08-02, 08:29 PM
"That was not funny!" Adem says holding his chest. "Did you find anything besides statues of deadly monsters? I think Zaric decided he wanted that great Ax."

2009-08-02, 08:57 PM
Well...maybe it's part of the riddle? It was just a reason for him to take it, really. If it was part of the riddle, then he will take credit for it...but if not..it's a new weapon.

2009-08-02, 09:16 PM
We should look for statues missing something. That might give us a clue as to which statues are important

2009-08-02, 09:24 PM
Zaric's Strength Check:


My guess....ugh...would be that...Guhhhhh..C'mon... The shifter says loud enough so that his team on the other side of the wall could hear, pausing for a moment to get his breath, as that minotaur seems to have a death grip upon the weapon. ...if anything, that squid-creature is of importance. The blood suggests some hostile event to happen should you take something from it. Why would you guard something you don't care to have taken?

2009-08-02, 09:27 PM
"Thats a great Idea!" Adem says and starts to look every where.

Taking 20 for 23 search
[roll0] Mogget's help check

2009-08-02, 09:28 PM
Taking 10 for an aid another check, so it bump's Adem's check up to 25

2009-08-02, 09:32 PM
OOc: I dont know if you saw but I tryed to take the necklace from the Ithllid. So did some thing happen?

2009-08-02, 09:41 PM

Oh crap....huh...yea. A trap triggers, causing a few poisonous darts to fire at you and do some damage...but now it seems kind of pointless to do that...rewinding time just for that is just....dumb. Oh well, I guess, you have the necklace now :D

Zaric's Strength Check:

He's not gonna get that damn greataxe...

Your searching of every statue in the room does not reveal anything that seems out of place. However, you do find that on the north wall, not too far from the Ithllid, the wall looks out of place, as if it is hiding something.

2009-08-02, 09:49 PM
"Guys this wall here is kinda fishy, some one want to help me look over it?" Adem says as he starts to fiddle with the wall knocking and pushing in random spots.

2009-08-02, 09:57 PM
Caeric will walk over to the wall and tap it with the rod they found in the bedroom.

If that doesn't work, Caeric will begin looking for statues with removable pieces, like the illithids necklace

2009-08-02, 10:11 PM
Though pressing the rod does nothing to aid in your endeavors, you do happen across a tiny button upon the wall.

2009-08-02, 10:26 PM
After hearing Adems call for help looking at the wall he gives the axe one last pull trying to break it free.


If he breaks it free he will pridefully look it over then head toward Adems call for help. (granted nothing crazy happens)

2009-08-02, 10:33 PM
After pulling on it long enough, you manage to pull it lose from the hands. Nothing happens upon holding the greataxe in your hands.

2009-08-03, 02:20 PM
Hmmm, look what I found Caeric will say, pushing the button he found using the rod

2009-08-03, 07:24 PM
Upon pushing the button, a section of the northern wall move inward about 4 inches, then proceeds to raise up off the ground, revealing a dark storage room with a blue light glowing from the eastern corner of the room. Upon stepping in, you notice a(nother) dead body upon the floor, and notice that the light is emanating from a portal.

The Map (http://s3.photobucket.com/albums/y51/Azoralq/Good%20Party%20Maps/?action=view&current=LeftSide.jpg)

2009-08-03, 07:31 PM
Adem walks over slowly to the body and search's the body then prayers for the man.

2009-08-03, 08:00 PM
You find nothing outstanding on the person save for one thing; you notice linen handwraps around the man's hands. Looking closer reveals them to have archaic runes scribed upon them, very tiny, almost invisible to the naked eye.

OoC For Adem's Eyes Only:

Should Adem relay this to you, or should you look yourself, Caeric would recognize these as the type of handwraps a brawler or monk might use in sparring practices and such, so as to keep their hands from getting cut up or bruised.

2009-08-03, 09:01 PM
"Caeric Zaric Come look at this. This man has some sort of bindings on his fist." Adem yells softly to his friends. "They might be useful to you Caeric"

2009-08-03, 09:10 PM
Those seem to be practice straps. We monks use them to keep our hands safe while we spar. These are amazing looking, they might be part of the answer, especially because they look special. Caeric will say a quick prayer of death, the unwrap the straps from the corpse.

2009-08-03, 09:17 PM
Adem walks over to the blue light and starts to investigate.

Taking 20 on search

2009-08-04, 11:04 AM
Zaric keeping the greataxe in hand stays ready for any threats while the other two investigate the body and the orb.

2009-08-04, 11:45 AM
For Adem's Eyes Only:

You know you are looking at another portal. You have no idea how it was made, how long it will last, or where it will take you.

2009-08-04, 12:18 PM
"You guys this is a portal over here. I dont know how long it will last or were it will take us. Should we use it?" Adem asks the others while checking on mogget.

2009-08-04, 03:29 PM
At this point, I don't see why not Caeric says, putting the wraps into his pack. It is not like we have any other ideas where this amulet is

2009-08-04, 04:05 PM
"Then let us take our leave" Adem says as he walks into the blue portal.

2009-08-04, 04:07 PM
Caeric will quickly follow Adem, hoping the portal doesn't close right behind the wizard

2009-08-04, 04:27 PM
Zaric too hastily walks into the blue light. Wielding his new greataxe in preparation to attack any threats on the other side.

2009-08-04, 04:41 PM
After stepping through the blue portal, you find yourself standing in a decent sized bare room. The walls are made of solid metal, and the scraps seem to be patchworked together through various sizes of metal sheets. A rusted metal door lies to your north.

The Map (http://s3.photobucket.com/albums/y51/Azoralq/Good%20Party%20Maps/?action=view&current=LeftSide.jpg)

2009-08-04, 05:09 PM
Where did the portal go? Caeric will ask. I hope we're still able to get out of here in the end

2009-08-04, 05:39 PM
"Must be like a one way round" Adem musses as he walks over to the rusted door and trys to open it.

If it does, he searches the room before leaving with the others taking 20.

2009-08-04, 05:47 PM
"From bad to freakin' worse" Zaric says in a low mummble as small sweat beads start to form on his many hairs. He checks the studiness of the rusty door and trys to push it open. If pushing the door open fails he looks around for other possible exits trying all the while to maintain his cool.

Strength Check to Open Rusty Door:

2009-08-04, 06:04 PM
The door opens with a heavy grating sound, and you look out into a rather morbid room. A series of operating tables sit an equal distance form each other, each one with a candelabra between in. Some of the tables have pools of blood on them, while others have a mutilated body on top of it. Still, others are completely bone dry, and in pristine condition. You think you have found the 'laboratory'

The Map (http://s3.photobucket.com/albums/y51/Azoralq/Good%20Party%20Maps/?action=view&current=LeftSide.jpg)

2009-08-04, 06:18 PM
"Wow.... this is creepy." Adem says walking over to a table to see better. He walks over to each person and prays for them while searching for things (such as items or marks). He then starts to search the room looking for any thing indicating a "riddle"


2009-08-04, 06:37 PM
For Adem's Eyes Only:

As you step out to the room, and start to offer prayers to those that have fallen, you begin to notice you are not alone in the room. Though they seem to have not noticed you as of yet, you notice them, and the curious thing is that - although they are clearly zombies - every once in a while, they twitch rapidly, as if convulsing from a sudden boost of speed.


I need an initiative in a spoiler

2009-08-04, 06:41 PM
Ix Only

Can I tell the others without them noticing?

2009-08-04, 06:43 PM
For Adem's Eyes Only:

You can certainly try.

2009-08-04, 06:52 PM
I am asuming the others are looking at Adem seeing as he went into the room. He turns back them and says "zombies" as low as he can and pulls out his crossbow.

OOc: I might cast a spell but I need a map knowing were they are.

2009-08-04, 07:08 PM
After pushing the heavy door open Zaric regains his grip on his axe. He proceeds to follow and guard the other two as they explore the area.

Upon seeing Adem turn his head backward toward Cearic and himself, Zaric listens avidly trying to make out what Adem is saying.

Listen and Spot:



2009-08-04, 07:16 PM
Both Zaric and Caeric can easily make out what is being said. (Gonna need initiatives from both of you)

The Map (http://s3.photobucket.com/albums/y51/Azoralq/Good%20Party%20Maps/?action=view&current=LeftSide.jpg)

2009-08-04, 07:25 PM

Of course, we should have expected this Caeric will say as he begins to pray

2009-08-04, 07:27 PM


2009-08-04, 07:42 PM
Dice Rolls You Shouldn't See:


2009-08-04, 07:44 PM
Since it is a surprise round, you guys have the first move.

Surprise Order:

After Surprise Round:


Start Surprise Round (Round 1) Caeric's Turn:

The Map (http://s3.photobucket.com/albums/y51/Azoralq/Good%20Party%20Maps/?action=view&current=LeftSide.jpg)

2009-08-04, 07:53 PM
By Pelor's light you abominations shall exist no more! Caeric will yell.

Casting Cure Light wounds and holding it as a touch spell, to add to a punch!

2009-08-04, 07:57 PM
Zaric's Turn

The Map (http://s3.photobucket.com/albums/y51/Azoralq/Good%20Party%20Maps/?action=view&current=LeftSide.jpg)

2009-08-04, 08:55 PM
Zaric moves 15ft to the left putting him between the zombies and his allies and readies himself for whichever zombie comes within striking distance first.

Attacking with Greataxe:
If Successful:
[roll1] Slashing Damage

2009-08-04, 09:10 PM
Adem's Turn:

The Map (http://s3.photobucket.com/albums/y51/Azoralq/Good%20Party%20Maps/?action=view&current=LeftSide.jpg)

2009-08-04, 09:11 PM
Adem lines up a shot aiming for zombie four's decaying head. He makes a quick pray to his god and presses the trigger.


2009-08-05, 06:26 AM
The Arrow sails wide as the convulsing corpse turns around to look at the group with hate filled eyes.

Round 2: Caeric's Turn

The Map (http://s3.photobucket.com/albums/y51/Azoralq/Good%20Party%20Maps/?action=view&current=LeftSide.jpg)

2009-08-05, 05:01 PM
Caeric will move towards Zombie One until he is right next to him. Come on you ugly beasty!

Double move to get there

2009-08-05, 05:13 PM
OOC: Not sure I can do this but what I want to do is move 20ft left and attack with my charged attack from last round? Or do I just move and make a new attack since nothing threatened me in the intended round? Ether way both should be covered in this post.

Zaric darts to the left toward Zombie 4 greataxe raised and target locked.

Attacking with Greataxe (if needed):
If Successful:
[roll1] Slashing Damage

2009-08-06, 05:56 PM
As Zaric cleaves into one of the zombies, the greataxe cuts deep into the decaying flesh, already falling one of the undead creatures.

For Zaric's eyes Only:

As you hack the zombie in two with your new greataxe, you notice that when you swing, the blade of the axe crackles in a bright blue energy, surging through the zombies body upon impact.

I will add in the modifiers until you officially get it identified, but you are now aware that it is magical. Until then, just roll normally.

The Map (http://s3.photobucket.com/albums/y51/Azoralq/Good%20Party%20Maps/?action=view&current=LeftSide.jpg)

Adem's Turn

2009-08-06, 06:23 PM
Adem pulls another bolt from his pouch and places it on the bow. He pulls the string back and takes aim quickly. He seems to hang in one spot for a second and pulls the trigger


2009-08-06, 06:48 PM

The creature runs up to Zaric with speed not fit for the sluggish undead known as zombies, reaching out with a fist towards the barbarian's chin, then before he could react, was created with another one to the same spot.

2 Attacks against Zaric:

If Successful:

If Successful:


While another zombie, holding out in the corner, twitches suddenly from a sudden jolt of magical energy, before sprinting off towards Zaric, covering a great distance in a short amount of time before unleashing two blows against the barbarian.

2 Attacks against Zaric:

If Successful:

If Successful:


This zombie takes up the halfling monk's challenge, and with remarkable speed of it's own, tries to drive two crushing blows into the monk's body.

2 Attacks against Caeric:

If Successful:

If Successful:

Zombie 5:

While another zombie clears the distance to get to the monk with relative ease, and attempts to bring down it's decayed fists upon the halfling.

2 Attacks against Caeric:

If Successful:

If Successful:

Round 3: Caeric's Turn

The Map (http://s3.photobucket.com/albums/y51/Azoralq/Good%20Party%20Maps/?action=view&current=LeftSide.jpg)

2009-08-07, 12:53 PM
I that all you've got you ugly crimes against nature? Caeric will say, dodging all of the zombies attacks. He will then grab Zombie 5's arm and send a hard punch powered with positive energy right into the zombie's chest.

Attack Roll
[roll1] Bludgeoning

2009-08-08, 02:54 PM
With an explosive burst of pure light, the creature falls back from the healing blow, and burns away from existence like paper.

For Caeric's Eyes Only:

Don't forget the use of your Exaulted Feat that I gave you.

The Map (http://s3.photobucket.com/albums/y51/Azoralq/Good%20Party%20Maps/?action=view&current=LeftSide.jpg)

Zaric's Turn: