View Full Version : Tony Stark Cast

2006-10-08, 06:06 AM
Does anyone else find it horrible that Robert Downey Jr was cast as Tony Stark/Iron Man? (Yes, it's official)

I think he will be able to pull off the "dark and addicted" part of his story, otherwise, I dont think he fits.

2006-10-08, 03:34 PM
Remember he will be using the suit.

2006-10-09, 12:03 AM
Does anyone else find it horrible that Robert Downey Jr was cast as Tony Stark/Iron Man? (Yes, it's official)

I think he will be able to pull off the "dark and addicted" part of his story, otherwise, I dont think he fits.

I don't know, I think that its inspired casting. Remember Christian Bale? Most people thought he was a poor choice. Same with Michael Keaton.

We'll just have to wait and see.

2006-10-09, 09:00 AM
I don't know, I think that its inspired casting. Remember Christian Bale? Most people thought he was a poor choice. Same with Michael Keaton.

Michael Keaton was a poor choice.

Ugh. The horror...the horror...

2006-10-10, 11:01 PM
Simply put: Yes. Yes I do think that.

2006-10-11, 09:46 AM
Uh, what? Who are they going to get to play War Machine? Chris Tucker?

Oh, this is not a good choice - He plays neurotic, not tortured. It's like getting Ben Stiller to play Wolverine.

2006-10-11, 11:38 AM
First thing on my mind:

It's hard deabte with the amyn Batman's (from A. West on to C. Baile). Some play a good Bruce Wayne and lack in teh Batman, while others reverse the order.

Out of al of them, I feel Keaton did a pretty damn good job. Couple that with Tim "The F'in Man' Burton, and you really can't go wrong. In hind sight, they're a bit hoaky, yes. But at the time, they were amazing. They were overshadoed by a long string of poor/failed planning.

This leads me to teh next point....

no matter who gets casted as someone's favorite character, that someone will get miffed.

case in point: Toby McGuire (spelling?)

I would have never pegged him as being a good Spiderman.

next point: Hugh Jackman (spelling...again?)

Again, I was utterly shocked at how much he got into the character. Now, there were a few things I didn't like (his size, hair, etc) but all in all it was pretty ,uch dead on. Of course, they went and screwed with the 'classic' timeline bit, bu tmeh...i enjoyed all three of the movies and wouldn't mind shelling out another 15 bucks to see a fourth.

fianl point: Nick Cage as Ghost Rider.

The jury's still out on this one. I think he's got the Johnny Blaze, but I think the animation/ Special Effects are gonna ruin the Ghost Rider bit, but I really haven't enough trailers to make a decision.

RDJ as Tony Stark...

I'll have to see what comes out on trailers before calling this one. I liek Robert Downey Jr. I liek Tony Stark. I just wonder where coudl it go.....?

2006-10-12, 02:32 AM
Does anyone else find it horrible that Robert Downey Jr was cast as Tony Stark/Iron Man? (Yes, it's official)

I think he will be able to pull off the "dark and addicted" part of his story, otherwise, I dont think he fits.

i think he will do a great job so long as this isnt another hulk or daredevil or fantastic four fiasco.

or league of extraordinary gentlemen...

or spawn...

or, well, x-men 3...

there are only a precious few good movies made from comics. rarely does it have anything to do with the cast. its usually the directors and producers.


The Prince of Cats
2006-10-12, 05:40 AM
i think he will do a great job so long as this isnt another hulk or daredevil or fantastic four fiasco.
I am told that the director's cut of Daredevil is much better than the original cinema release. I don't own it, and even that assurance is not enough to inspire me to buy it, but that is what I am told by someone who loves Daredevil. (that said, he worked for Marvel, so he is somewhat biased)

And there was nothing wrong with Fantastic Four, as long as you hadn't ever read the comics. It wasn't perfect but it wasn't as bad as some people make out. (though I grabbed it for £5.97, so I wasn't bothered either way)

or league of extraordinary gentlemen...
I like that film. It was a little silly in places but generally good fun.

2006-10-13, 07:46 PM
meh. id rather have my eye gouged out with a rusty spoon that see lxg again.

i think that iron man can be a great movie. they just need to make it about the man and not the suit.


2006-10-19, 10:04 AM
At least it is better than the name that most people were throwing out (barely)

Most thought that Johnny Depp Should play The Man of Iron.

My first thought to this was-"Is there no one else!?"

2006-10-19, 04:31 PM
I like Downey.

Ok, a screwed up guy, but a pretty good actor nonetheless. Beisdes, the movie isn't "Tony Stark", it's "Ironman". You're gonna be looking at the suit and the action/FX a lot more than the characterization.

It's a COMIC BOOK movie. IMHO, you want fine acting, stirring characterization, and moving performances, look elsewhere (with apologies to the few comic book movies that are exceptions to this statement).

2006-10-19, 10:50 PM
maybe the problem is setting the bar so low. at times i think it shows incredible contempt on the part of movie makers for the viewing audience.

who cares if its a "comic book" movie? maybe taking some pride in ones work might mean making a great flim.


2006-10-29, 03:59 AM
maybe the problem is setting the bar so low. at times i think it shows incredible contempt on the part of movie makers for the viewing audience.

who cares if its a "comic book" movie? maybe taking some pride in ones work might mean making a great flim.


Most film makers take a great deal of pride in their work, and Robert Downey Jr is a terrific actor. Is he right for Tony's free wheeling action scenes, who knows but I never expected Johnny Depp to be a pirate.

In the long run the only thing that we can do is wait and see how things go. I for one think it will be good, but I've been wrong before.

2006-11-01, 12:20 AM
My opinion of Robert Downey, the joun, was hiked up quite a bit after watching 'A Scanner Darkly'. That being said, the same goes for anyone who tries a part that they are not typecast for and pull it off ok.
Give 'the Joun' a chance, he may get Tony Stark just right.