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2009-07-23, 04:31 PM
I just heard that Disney is/was making another Tron movie. I haven't seen the first one, but I expect this to be awesome.

2009-07-24, 08:22 AM
I just heard that Disney is/was making another Tron movie. I haven't seen the first one, but I expect this to be awesome.

Tron is a very good movie for its time. The tech is a little outdated now, but its still entertaining. I hope if they make another they tie it in to the first in some way.

2009-07-25, 01:15 PM

Trailer. The name implies that TRON 2.0 events are canonical (I hope). Cool.

2009-07-26, 11:25 AM
How on earth does this thread have only two replies???

Everyone who hasn't seen it, go watch the original TRON now! Everyone else, watch that trailer, post haste.

2009-07-26, 11:35 AM
The original Tron was pretty lame. I mean, putting people in computers? That's the kind of plot someone who'd never used a computer ever would come up with.

If I want a bad movie with a motorcycle chase there are plenty of ones without quite such a stupid premise and where the motorcycles don't look like they have crappy neon lights on them.

Tron is only worth it for the nostalgia and sequels made decades after the original always beat nostalgia to death with rusty metal pipes.

2009-07-26, 12:16 PM
Forgive me Closet_Skeleton, but, what on earth is wrong with you?

I am an information technology specialist and I think TRON is awesome! I know that the whole virtual world doesn't work like that, but seriously, who cares? The plot was great and the light cycles were just fantastic.

2009-07-26, 12:27 PM
Wait, what did I just read? :smallfurious:

Tron is one of the greatest movies of all time. The plot was concise, fun and interesting. The effects where mind blowing for the time. The music and the acting... perfect!

2009-07-26, 12:44 PM
I hear Daft Punk is doing the soundtrack...

Yeah, the guys who dress up like robots and DJ from giant glowing pyramids are doing the soundtrack to one of the most potentially greatest sequels ever.

2009-07-26, 01:53 PM
I thought Tron was pure awesome when I first saw it. I saw it again recently, to make sure it wasn't just the nostalgia talking. It wasn't, it's still awesome. Hopefully they do the sequel justice.


2009-07-26, 03:08 PM
Ooh, looks like fun!
I have to admit, I've never actually watched the original Tron from beginning to end, but I think this gives me enough reason to do just that. Right now. :smallbiggrin:

Is the game good, by the way? I've heard it is essentially an interactive sequel to the original movie and as such very neat in atmosphere and plot. Should I get my hands on it?

2009-07-26, 03:11 PM
Is the game good, by the way? I've heard it is essentially an interactive sequel to the original movie and as such very neat in atmosphere and plot. Should I get my hands on it?

YES. Very much yes. It's amazing, fun to play, has cool weapons, and is beautiful to look at. And you get to drive lightcycles.

2009-07-26, 03:59 PM
I hear Daft Punk is doing the soundtrack...

Yeah, the guys who dress up like robots and DJ from giant glowing pyramids are doing the soundtrack to one of the most potentially greatest sequels ever.

Wait wait wait... WHAT. I think my winmeter just popped. Ill be down the the hardware store to pick up a new one. Yea and the game is defenitly worth picking up for anyone. I just hope that this doesn't get overhyped and then...

2009-08-11, 02:30 AM
Hopped over to the themoviebox.net to check out new trailers and ran into this.

I know remakes of old movies or showes usualy end up dissapointing but after watching the teaser. It just looks bad ass. And it will be in IMAX.


Fall 2010.

Flame of Anor
2009-08-12, 11:38 PM
Wow, looks cool.

2009-08-13, 12:48 AM
i think this is a sequel, not a remake.
it's been in development hell for most of my life.
it'll be good to see bruce boxlieter again.

2009-08-13, 04:20 AM
Ah Tron, the movie that got refused a nomination for Special Effects awards because using computers was cheating.

2009-08-13, 07:59 AM
The original Tron was pretty lame. I mean, putting people in computers? That's the kind of plot someone who'd never used a computer ever would come up with.

Thing is, when the movie came out the vast majority of the population had never used a computer outside of maybe an arcade cabinet. Computers were still a huge unknown for most of the viewing public at the time, and it's always the great unknown that's populated with fanciful tales.

Nowadays yeah, seems a little silly having people running around inside a real virtual world on early 80s tech. But that's because computers are ubiquitous and we have a hard time equating machines where the pinnacle of virtual reality is World of Warcraft with the world imagined in Tron. Doesn't make it any less of a good movie though.

2009-08-13, 08:19 AM
I'm really looking forward to this. I loved Tron when it first came out, and I'm hoping that I'll love this one as well.

Surfing HalfOrc
2009-08-13, 11:49 AM
Think they'll include the PacMan waka-waka-waka sound effect? :smallbiggrin: It was in the movie on the first run, but removed for copyright violation in the VHS release...

A friend of mine loved the movie so much he smuggled in a cassette tape recorder into the theater and recorded the sound, and I've always wondered if he still had the tape. I should email him and ask him...

2009-08-13, 12:08 PM
badmouthing tron should be a banning offence on this board

Manga Shoggoth
2009-08-14, 04:24 PM
The original Tron was pretty lame. I mean, putting people in computers? That's the kind of plot someone who'd never used a computer ever would come up with.

Ah. You mean the first movie to use the concept of cyberspace before there was a word for it?

The first movie to use large-scale digital animation?

The movie watched and enjoyed by a whole bunch of Computer Science students (I was at university when it came out)?

I suppose you didn't like the only film in the Matrix trilogy either...

2009-08-14, 04:28 PM
Tron was pretty goofy, but fun - and far more realistic than the "only movie in the Matrix trilogy." But when I want my 80s' computer fix, I watch Wargames.

How about a nice game of chess?

2009-08-14, 04:52 PM
badmouthing tron should be a banning offence on this board

Agreed, time to break out the ban hammer


2009-08-15, 12:41 AM
I saw the first in the theatre as a kid, and I can't wait for the new one.

Will Boxleitner be back as TRON?

2009-08-15, 03:04 PM
Ah. You mean the first movie to use the concept of cyberspace before there was a word for it?

Cyberspace is just a nonsense fairy-land of the type which has existed in myth for milenia :smallyuk:

The first movie to use large-scale digital animation?

That makes it nothing more than a glorified tech demo. Shiny new technology does not make a good film on its own (just look at Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within).

The Jazz Singer was practically the first film to use sound, but it doesn't particularly stand out as anything but a piece of historical interest (and its use of sound was just as limited as TRON's CGI).

Toy Story is an okay film, but that's purely on its own merits, it's status as the first film entirely made up of CGI is nothing but a curiosity.

The movie watched and enjoyed by a whole bunch of Computer Science students (I was at university when it came out)?

I didn't ever say that it wasn't possible to enjoy it if you've been to university. I just said it was nigh worthless eccept for nostalgia value.

I suppose you didn't like the only film in the Matrix trilogy either...

I did like the first Matrix film. I hate the shoe-horned explanation that violates thermodynamics, but I don't think that detracts from the film much (any more than the technobabble nonsense in any other film) and is easily enough ignored since it isn't the only possible explanation for what's happening and Morpheus isn't right about everything (see the bore-worthy second film).

2009-08-15, 04:55 PM
This (http://www.flickr.com/photos/9333777@N03/sets/72157614906734489/) might be relevant. Old Tron trading cards.

2009-08-17, 01:46 PM
The original Tron was pretty lame. I mean, putting people in computers? That's the kind of plot someone who'd never used a computer ever would come up with.

If I want a bad movie with a motorcycle chase there are plenty of ones without quite such a stupid premise and where the motorcycles don't look like they have crappy neon lights on them.

Tron is only worth it for the nostalgia and sequels made decades after the original always beat nostalgia to death with rusty metal pipes.

This is the internet. Getting all gooey and hyper-zealous over little things is what its all about, apparently.

That said, Tron Legacy could be good. But it could just as likely be a money-making shallow summer blockbuster. Time will tell!

2009-08-18, 07:26 PM
I saw it when I was a kid, so seeing a sequel will bring back those kid memories.

The story was a silly one, but it followed the age old pattern of a ne'er do well thrust into an unfamiliar world and forced to become a hero. It was awesome, and IMHO the special effects look cool even today, despite their dated nature.

If they make a sequel, then they'll likely release the original again. I'm all over that.