View Full Version : 'Team' Nawekefu [Naruto d20]

2009-07-25, 09:16 PM
Music (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q9vPUtZO8Ag&feature=PlayList&p=FAD767F63147C667&index=2)

“You sorry lot must think I’m a complete idiot for taking you on as apprentices, that I’ll just show the vulnerable under-belly of what Zakiken is doing.”


Days of travel pass-by in a haze, the only unifying moment in all of it the drudery of feet going one after another at a grueling pace, set by the whip-like tongue of the man at the rear of the group and watching over the various genin with a cruel smile of satisfaction. There had been no rest the night before, just collecting their ‘sensei’ from a seedy looking bar after their first tuition payment.


“ You all have no idea what you are up against. Years of meticulous planning, carefully winning over friends of all sorts, placing those who jump to his command like trained lap-dogs in positions of power throughout this country and others. At a word, he’s toppled a city without needing to use the flashy pyrotechnics he demonstrated to you.”


Sunlight glinted off the raised weapons of the assembled ghost-like warriors, called forth by Nawekefu’s hand and arrayed in a ‘multiple enemy exercise’ against Mitsuhide. As one they surge forward, brandishing their weapons like barbarians of old even as they swarmed around the swordsman. The others watch from the sidelines, having been warned before hand that each of them would be going through this same thing themselves once the Hiten swordsman was done. For his part, the sunflower haired man was sleeping beneath a large tree, paying his ‘charges’ no mind.


“You think that he thinks like you? That he cares about other people the same way? Your wrong. I’ve known him for over ten years and I still don’t get him, and do you know why? Because he’s not from these parts. The life he’s lived is alien to us and that’s maybe his biggest advantage of all.[COLOR]”


A stop at a popular temple in the Land of Fire, the Temple of Kami, where the red-and-white robed mikos greet the group and guide them into the humble temple to recover from the scrapes and bruises of travel while letting the bone-deep feeling of soreness ease under the medicinal salves the temple is famous for. There Nawekefu secludes himself in the deepest room of the temple with the head miko for close to a week. There Mitsuhide finds the startling presence of the rival method of the Hiten style, Shinmei Ryuu, being taught to the mikos as part of the devotions but curiously devoid of sword practice.


“[COLOR="Purple"]And thinkin’ funny isn’t the only thing he’s got going for him. You all saw the fireball that enveloped the city, but he’s got other tricks up his sleeve that your little village is quite familiar with. There’s still scares from the last time he moved against Kagekure. Heh, didn’t know that did you? I see that stupid ban is still in effect.”


Days passing in quiet contemplation and joint training among the four as they wait for Nawekefu to emerge from within the temple proper, Michiko even seems to bond with a couple of the mikos while she trained with them. After the fourth day they begin to wonder if he actually had given them the slip under the guise of business, just to have Nawekefu emerge from the Temple of Kami three days later with an annoyed expression on his face and a heavy bag carried over one shoulder. From the looks of it, the bag was empty but the Shogun always diverted the conversation when it came up and slept with arms wrapped around it. Whenever he slept around them anyway.


“ Yeah, yeah, he attacked the village before. That’s not important, what’s important is he survived and even though you said ‘no’ to his offer, he plans on doing it again. You lot just accelerated his time table is all. He may still want some of you but you also made yourselves minor threats too. His colored-lapdogs will be hunting for you now, and not just to extend a forceful invitation anymore. They’ll follow you like a relentless force of nature until you put them down, and that’s the only way you’ll stop them at all. Trust me.”


A long night spent trying to find Nawekefu after he had slipped over the into a different country without them, finding the shinobi belly up in an inn with some tart passed out beside him. A groggy remark about ‘not slowing down just because you can’t keep up’ passed to the angry genin before he stumbled out into the night for a prolonged game of ‘catch the drunken ninja’ before being able to move on to where-ever Nawekefu was going with the black range pack.


“It’s not just them you need to worry about. They might be the most numerous of his followers, but they ain’t the strongest and the regular guys who fell under his sway are pretty numerous too. I’m his friend, and I still wouldn’t trust half the people I met if I didn’t have ways of ferreting out his lackies. And don’t think I’m just trying to scare you into leaving me alone. You should already be scared. Maybe you got the guts to face him down, maybe you’ll even throw a monkey wrench into his plans, but in the end he’s a monster among sheep. And you lot aren’t monster-slayers. Not yet.”


Nawekefu’s ‘training’ time with Rio seems to be…lack-luster to say the least, the man usually just watching him with hooded blue eyes as if contemplating something only he can hear while watching Rio’s efforts to train and improve. Unlike the stories of what the others say about his methods, the War Shogun doesn’t offer up much insult to what you fail to accomplish to his standards and seems more then content to let Rio’s own mind provide any rebuking for failure.

The one exception to that general rule was when the group briefly stopped at the Temple of Kami, taking the boy aside once he was done meeting with some of the mikos in private to teach show him how to use a special technique. One that warped and altered the human body, but one that Nawekefu believed that Rio was uniquely suited for though it didn’t prove any easier or harder for him to use then any other. Once that brief moment of tutelage was finished, Nawekefu no longer sat in when Rio was training and instead seemed to avoid the boy when possible.


Harsh is an altogether under-statement of how Nawekefu treats Masaru whenever the older ninja watches the black clad ninja practice his taijutsu. A single mis-step was all it took for a biting comment about how Masaru’s incineration must have burned away nerves to make him so clumsy. The worse times was when the blond-haired man just shook his head, muttering to himself about how far the Mibu must have fallen since the last time he saw any of them for Masaru to be one of them. He never explained how he knew about Masaru’s adopted family either.

But just when Nawekefu’s comments would seem like too much, when a kernel of doubt and anger might slip into Masaru’s head about following him, the War Shogun would give Masaru the chance to beat the snot out of him. If he could. Masaru had yet to tag the shinobi during one of these sparring matches, but it was still gratifying to at least try. That, and Masaru would likely be pleased to note, he was forcing Nawekefu to try a bit harder to avoid him by the end of the cross-country trip to the un-disclosed location. It was a small victory, but better then the senseless battles with the low-level warrior spirits that Nawekefu had him destroy to test the results of his training.


Maybe it could only have been expected considering Nawekefu’s lack-luster attitude towards the disciples forced upon him, but he didn’t show any great enthusiasm for teaching any of the genin much of anything. What he did teach was quite noticeably things not related to using swords in any efficient manner so it mostly fell on what Mitsuhide remembered of the dojo back in Kagekure to provide himself with inspiration for new techniques to train for. About the only thing that he did prove useful at was showing the swordsman how to increase his speed by flooding his muscles, safely, with chakra. And, of course, taking Mitsuhide’s promise seriously by having him compete in live combat against his summoned spirits every night even when Mitsuhide was recovering from Yellow-san’s attack or from his own training.

There was an un-expected side benefit though, when Mitsuhide was awoken one night by the angry shouts of the War Shogun and the vitriolic hisses of the demon sword within his own mind. When the Hiten swordsman went to investigate, he found Nawekefu shaking the blade about angrily before spying Mitsuhide and walking away. The morning after, once Nawekefu awoke from a sake-fueled daze, the man sat Mitsuhide down and showed him how to focus inward and block out the voice of ‘Ashi Kieuseru Ningen’ which he claimed was the name of the weapon.


Awkward, silent, and often cut short. That was how Nawekefu’s time with Michiko would best be described at first, the shinobi taking any chance to cut short the ‘training’ time with the girl short and attend to other matters. Almost any other matters then having to spend too much time around Michiko. At first it was a bit bewildering, but after the visit to the Temple of Kami, Nawekefu seemed to get over this hesitation. That didn’t change the fact that many of the techniques that Michiko learned during that time mostly came with the help of the mikos of the temple, studying their unique weaponless variation of the Shinmei Ryuu style with interest.

Maybe the Shogun had felt challenged by the way the blond spitfire seemed to take to the teaching of the mikos, but he took a renewed interest in the genin after that fact and gave her some tips on how to refine her taijutsu technique so it wasn’t so ‘sloppy a house-cat could best it’. He always had such a…way with words.

There had been no hint or clue where your new ‘leader’ had been guiding you off to once escaping from the capital city of the Land of Birds. With the nations around your homeland taking notice of the devastation and tightening security around their own borders, there was more then a couple of close calls were foreign shinobi or foot soldiers tried to detain the four of you and Nawekefu until answers could be had, but several escapes by the skin of your teeth ensured you remained free to complete your ‘quest’. Despite the confusion left behind in Zakiken’s wake, a grander picture slowly began to come into focus from hearsay and rumor you glean along the way, a story of how the Lady of the Land of Birds and her inner council had been within the city when it had exploded and how only the Lady was found alive. A story about chaos sweeping the smaller towns and cities as panic about how most of a city simply disappeared enveloping them as common people looked to the sky in worry that they might be next.

Fearful musings turned to baffled speculation when you were lead into the Land of Fire and away from the hot-bed of fear that had begun to grow in the country. Here there was less information, less worry about an assault with the powerful Hidden Leaf village to protect it’s citizens, but even in calmer surroundings Nawekefu proves reluctant to give actual training. What he did offer was what could only be called late night beatings to those willing to learn taijutsu, using the excuse of an exercise to pummel his un-wanted charges. That changed when you briefly stopped at the Temple of Kami so Nawekefu could privately confer with the mikos there and you were able to return to the training norms you were used to for a whole week.

All too soon you are back on the move once more, your destination finally known as the Land of Iron, to a castle located within. The country is…unfamiliar to you, out of the way and thus out of mind in Kagekure’s education system which had more vital things it had wanted to teach, but all too soon the dreary days of travel through forests and across plains is replaced by a cold wind whipping across the gathered band as thick snowflakes began to drift down. By the last week of your little trip, you trudged through a foot of snow usually with Nawekefu doggedly refusing to change his attire by putting on a jacket or shirt and shivering hard enough his teeth chattered half of the time. Finally, he called to a stop upon finding a deep cave set into a cliff-side. Sheltered from the wind and snow flurries, the War Shogun is quick to dispatch Rio and Masaru to gather up wood for a weak little fire as he lays his bed roll down across the back of the cave. The blizzard only seemed to intensify after Masaru and Rio return and the fire is started, hard to see further then ten feet in front of one’s nose as the white-out descends on the rag-tag little band. Perilous looking mountains loom in the distance, Nawekefu unusually subdued as he joins the genin by the fire for once with not a hint of alcohol on his breath. Another rare occasion from what they’ve seen of him.

2009-07-28, 12:26 AM
Asano Mitsuhide

In the beginning, Mitsuhide tried to keep a certain degree of distance between himself and the rest of the group. He gave himself a wide variety of excuses - not wanting to burden them, or trying to let them maintain their old group dynamics, or (perhaps most legitimately) fear of losing control of the demon sword and hurting or even killing someone. Bit by bit, though, the excuses crumbled away into nothing and the swordsman dropped the walls he had put up. Chasing after the elusive and abusive Nawekefu proved to be a strong bonding experience anyway.


Combat against the war summons was an aspect of training that Mitsuhide took to with great zeal. He'd already learned the lesson - he was weak. He needed to become stronger. So he threw himself into his training, particularly these chances at live combat. Apart from speed training, it was the only thing Nawekefu had to offer him, and it was often the only way he could turn his memories of the Hiten dojo into battle-ready techniques. Over time, his sword stroke began to grow smoother and his form less wasteful, the constant combat slowly changing him from a student into a legitimate swordsman...


Things had been going smoothly, at least relatively. Meeting with the mikos, however, was an awkward experience the swordsman hoped never to repeat. To say nothing of the shock of seeing the rival style so far away from home (and the instant pang of homesickness this brought about), every day in their company dug up memories of Motoko. All too often, they would be of his most recent experiences, watching the bloodied girl get carried away from him while Wahe barked out threats should he ever return to the village. And every time, someone would catch him staring a little too intently during his reverie, and the only response he could muster was to blush and apologize awkwardly. It was all so... undignified!


The months of wandering, training, and chasing changed Mitsuhide. Time made him a little taller and a little older, but it did precious little if anything to make him more masculine. With his black hair growing longer and more-pronounced bangs now framing his face just so, the issue might have even gotten worse. The War Shogun certainly wouldn't be one to let him hear the end of it.

Apart from physical changes, he began to smile more - old habits crumbling in the face of new friends. Eventually, his diction loosened, and the only person he maintained his ultra-formal speech patterns with was Nawekefu. But while one formality fell away to camaraderie, another was felled by practicality. It started as an accident, but it was difficult not to notice that Mitsuhide had stopped announcing the names of his attacks during combat. And while at first glance this seemed only smart, anyone who had known the young noble's dedication to dueling etiquette would realize what a drastic departure this was for him. If it was for better or for worse, time would tell.


In the cave, Mitsuhide kneels in front of the fire, two swords lying on the ground at his side. A quick glance at Nawekefu, and he is once again glad for the protection from the elements afforded by the long sleeves of his jacket, and his gloves. It was cold enough without being under dressed. His eyes turn towards the whiteout conditions which were only worsening outside.

"It's like a wall..." He remarks idly.

2009-08-02, 08:39 PM

Traveling with Nawekefu was, for Michiko, like herding a half-trained ox. She was either pushing him in one direction or dragging him from another, and he protested with the same bellowing one might expect from a stubborn beast of burden. He seemed to care about little but collecting their 'tuition payments' and the girl frequently had to fetch him from dive bars and brothels just to get her money's worth. When those two strong personalities clashed, anyone could notice their... interesting relationship.

"Excuse me, miss.... You can't--"

"Nawekefu, what the hell! You're drinking and it's not even noon!"

"So? Get out. You're too young to be in a bar."

"And you're too old to be flirting with those girls!

"Who's that, Nawekfu-kun?"

"Tee-hee! Is she your daughter~?"

"What? No! Lemme alone, Michiko. What's your problem?"

"You promised to help with my taijutsu training!"

"Don't look at me like that, I didn't promise anything. Go spar with Masaru or something."

"You sent him to train with Mitsuhide! Now are you going to do it or not?"

"No, I'm going to sit here and drink my sake. Bossy brat."

"Lazy drunk!"


"Pervert!" Crack!

"Ow, what the hell? That actually hurt!"

"Good! Now come on!" Skirrrch!

"Uh, I think we're gonna go..."

"See you later Nawekefu-kun~! Tee hee!"

"N-Hey wait! Leggo me! I already paid for another round!"

"I don't care! Let's go!" Crash!

"Please.... You're disturbing the other customers."



Nawekefu's relentless pace and incessant driving was exhausting, and it seemed like all the genin were relieved to stop and rest their aching bodies. As a green-tiled roof rose up above the trees and the familiar red of an archway appeared on the roadside, the group stopped early for the day, unusual for the gruff teacher, who seemed to enjoy marching his charges 'till dusk. Michiko was not used to traveling so hard, and the prospect of a respite was welcome, but suspicious.

"A temple? This is why we've been getting up a dawn for a week?"

"Stop whining. Were gonna rest here for a while, alright?

"Whatever. Just don't wander off again."

"Good afternoon and welcome to the temple of Kami, travelers."

We are pleased to have visitors once agai--Ah.... It is you, Nawekefu-san."

"Hey Hanako, Chiyo. Is Moriko still head priestess here?"

"Indeed, she is. May I tell her y--"

"No, that's quite alright, Chiyo. Enjoy your visit, Nawekefu-san."

"Looks like they remember you. Are we gonna have to camp by the forest?"

"Nah, they can't say no to travelers. Now, look over there. See that tree? Thousand years old, so they say. And this pond we're passing is spring-fed. Good for bruises and sore muscles. Over there's the shrine where you can make donations."

"Hey, this isn't bad. And we can stay here for free?"

"For a while, anyway. They'll feed us if we want too. And... you'd never know by how they dress, but under their robes, those miko have really nice--Ooof! Hey, who did that? Somebody hit me!"

"I did not see anyone strike you, Nawekefu-san. Perhaps you are suffering the pangs of guilt?"

"Hmmpf. Not likely. Come on, you runts. Michiko, what the hell is so funny?"


After Nawekefu disappeared into the temple and the genin scattered to fend for themselves, Michiko sat on one of the low stone walls to watch the miko practice their martial arts. She had seen them throw pebbles to scatter crows that picked on the sparrows, but in one casual flick of their slender wrists, one miko could throw three stones at three different crows. And then there was the incident at the temple gate. Michiko could have sworn she saw white motes of chakra lingering around the priestess' fist....

"Hey, nee-san. That was pretty cool what you did to Nawekefu. Can you teach me to do that?"

"Perhaps.... But only if you use it on him."

"Heh. You bet."

"Here, let me show you. First, concentrate on your hand. It is no longer simply a fist, but a bow. Feel the string... Pull it taught in your mind..."


Nawekefu seemed irritated after noticing Michiko practicing some of the techniques she had learned from the miko, as if his half-assed training was somehow superior. She caught him grumbling barely out of of earshot saying things like 'lousy uptight priestesses' and 'couldn't throw a fair punch.' Whenever Michiko ventured into a forest glade or a streamside to work on a new technique, Nawekefu seemed to turn up or already be there, napping under a tree. His 'advice' was concealed within bites of ambivalent criticism, but he actually gave her some excellent insights, derisive and back-handed as they were.

"You keep doing the same thing, but it's not working. I thought you were good at water ninjutsu."

"You're so helpful. What do you know about ninjutusu, anyway? You don't even use any!"

"That's because I'm strong enough to fight on my own. Scrawny ninja like you have to use fancy tricks to win."

"Gee, thanks. Anything actually useful to add or are you just gonna lay there and be a jerk?"

"I don't know, I'm just the big dumb musclehead, right? I mean, water shouldn't be so hard to shape. Sticks to itself, not too different from clay, or mud. Didn't you ever make sand castles as a kid?"

"Yeah, when my dad took me to the waterfall. I guess I could try it like this..." Fwissssshhhh-splsssh

"See? That worked better. You could learn a lot from me, y'know. Like how to dress. You wouldn't look like such a boy if you wore a skirt once in a while. Except you'd still be pretty flat...."

"What did you say? That's it--" Fwisssshhhhhh-ROOOOOOOOOOAR! "Suiryuudan no Jutsu!"

"What the--" Ksssssssssssssh-Fooooosh!! *cough* *cough* "Nice job brat, now I'm soaked!"

"Hahahaha! Figured you could use a cold shower."

"Is that right? Well how about this?"

"Wha-hey! Put me down! What are you doing, you big dumb ox? No, don't-- Not in the pond!"


"Ahahahahahahaha! Ha! That'll teach you!"

"Pffft. Ugh. Teach me what, exactly?"

"Let's call it a swimming lesson."

"Screw you!!"


The news about the Lady of the Land of Birds had been grim, and as they traveled, Michiko collected pieces of rumor and news to share with her friends as they slowly pieced together what was known of Zakiken and what he left in his wake. Rio was her preferred confidant, and the two often were seen with their heads together, debating strategies, or just trying to figure out where Nawekefu was taking them. His insight tempered her impulsiveness, and it was often Rio that spotted danger just as Michiko was wading into it.

She drew closer to Masaru too, first as a sparring partner and the usual butt of her jokes, but his revelation on the battlefield months ago had changed their friendship permanently. Instead of the walled-off monster, Masaru was the stoic anchor to the team, able to both keep a level head and stand his ground when situations grew tense. More frequently, as Michiko and Rio began to assemble the facts they picked up or learned from Nawekefu, she consulted Masaru for his background in the martial arts and his experience fighting Zakiken's masked assassins.

Even Mitsuhide, who Michiko had only seen a few times in Kagekure, saw the blonde genin warming up to him. At first, this was manifested as nicknames and gentle ribbing, calling him "Sword-Boy" and referring to him occasionally as a kunoichi. Still, his martial experience was unique, and his growing mastery of Hiten Mitsurugi Ryu was quite impressive to Michiko, who could throw a decent punch and not much more. After learning of his condition, the girl insisted - not suggested - that it could be healed, and volunteered Rio for the task, "because he could be busier." The way she chuckled and threw that grin around, it may have all been a joke, but when her friends' lives were on the line, Michiko's eyes were shimmering pools, deep with promise and will.


As the genin crossed the border into the land of Iron, Michiko's normal chipper disposition became strained, not for lack of hope, but the bleak landscape and biting cold made it hard to crack jokes and be merry. She trusted Nawekefu, oddly enough, but wading through knee-deep snow and sleeping near tiny fires was starting to wear heavy on her. Still, the promise of the nearing castle kept her going, with enough energy to spare at least a few spunky comments about shirtless Nawekefu 'pointing the way,' so to speak. When they stopped in a cave for the night, she shucked off her gloves and boots to dry by the fire, wiggling wet numb toes and fingers to regain some semblance of warmth.

"Another week of this and I'll only be able to count to eight," she quipped blithely. "Nawekefu better bring back an elk or something, because I'm starvi--Oh, look what the cat dragged in. What's up, old man?"

2009-08-05, 10:41 PM

The trip had been a long and grueling one for Masaru, but by the time they had reached the frozen wasteland they were currently trapped in he seemed to have grown by leaps and bounds. Not only had he found the time to interact and deepen relationships with his teammates, but despite the War Shogun's often annoying and frustrating methods of "teaching" Masaru had stoically and stubbornly learned a great deal. His appearance had come to reflect that. He had borrowed from the temple monks, putting together an outfit that gave him at least some resistance to the cold in preparation for their journey. The heavy cloth seemed almost cumbersome at first, but flowed like mercury when he displayed his explosive movement capabilities. Masaru looked more at ease with himself than he ever had before.

At the moment, Masaru attempted to pull his extra clothing tighter around him for some further warmth. His bodysuit protected him from the elements, but it wasn't designed for such extreme situations. Still, he was better off than some of the others.

2009-08-06, 08:43 PM

"Don't care."

Rio held no illusions about Nawekefu as they started their travels and training. He was undoubtedly an ally to Zakiken, and thus had no reason whatsoever to train them. These little tidbits and facts he fed them about Zakiken, presumably to scare them, were always met with the same, simple. "Don't care."

As for the training, Rio began and was a little puzzled. Nawekefu seemed almost apathetic when he observed Rio. No encouragement, no scorn, no insults, no advice. He simply let Rio figure everything out for himself. On the third day, Rio paused and watched Nawekefu with the others. His training style with them was a vast departure. Mockery, scorn and insults were the order of the day, but at least they were being instructed. Gritting his teeth, Rio had turned and resumed his training on his own. When Nawekefu stopped to observe him, Rio paid him as little attention as the Shogun offered, the "teacher's" apathy seeming to fuel Rio's determination. Nonetheless, Rio maintained his "tuition" payments, if only to ensure that he could stay with his friends.

As he settled into a routine, a typical day for Rio began with an early meal, leaving to train before the others had finished, focusing on whatever he felt was the most benefit to him. When he returned long after the others, stumbling and weary, he ate a meal, and set about mixing up some concoctions, if asked about them, Rio simply replied that they were poison, with that half grin on his face. He'd sit and chat with his friends, making strategies of a sort with Michiko, though the unknown nature of their opponent (opponents?) usually resulted in Rio simply applying some temperance to Michiko's hotheaded impulses. Masaru and Mitsuhide rarely finished a day of training without requiring a bit of a fix up, which Rio was always willing to provide. If Nawekefu had gone and gotten drunk, when they found him, Rio usually provided a quick fix for a nasty hangover before it all began again.

When they reached the temple, Rio gladly welcomed the hospitality and relaxation offered. Conversations with the mikos and his friends seemed more lighthearted and comfortable than when they were constantly pressing forward, following their drunken teacher. Then, as he was going about his training one day, Nawekefu caught his eye as he approached. Rio straightened, quite literally unprepared for this very unexpected event.

"Hey, kid. C'mere. I want to show you something."

"What, some cut you want me to take care of? I'll do it later."

"Shut up and pay attention. You've got enough to pull this off, now listen."

To Rio's utter amazement, Nawekefu set about teaching him an extremely unique technique, which he practiced as much as physically possible, considering how taxing it was. Rio actually was impressed and pleased that Nawekefu had finally spoken up and taught something. Perhaps he'd simply been observing Rio to get a feel for his innate abilities.

Or perhaps not.

Once they had left the temple, Rio barely saw Nawekefu. He even began avoiding Rio in the mornings when he'd normally get his hangover treatments. Not really fazing Rio, nonetheless he began withholding "tuition" payments, whenever he thought Nawekefu was drunk enough to believe it. Not only was he receiving no training, his so called "teacher" was avoiding him at every opportunity. Rio focused his determination into his training; he didn't need Nawekefu.

When they entered the Country of Iron, the weather really began to get harsh. Their clothing wasn't really designed for continuous exposure to freezing temperatures, and Nawekefu refused to wear anything even remotely appropriate. Sighing to himself, when they would take breaks, Rio would attend to whatever frostbite the group (usually Nawekefu) had acquired, using his chakra to heal the flesh and heat the body.

When the group finally took shelter in the cave, Rio went with Masaru to gather wood, bundling up and keeping warm. Idle banter was sparse as they got wood, more likely replaced with "Over there," and a point. When they got back to the cave and the fire was lit, Rio settled down, examining all his teammates, healing up some mild frostbite he spotted on Michiko's ear, and another on Mitsuhide's toe. Once he was satisfied everyone was alright, including Nawekefu, Rio settled in, watching the fire lick at the cold, wet wood. Idly, he poked it with a stick, adjusting the flames as he spoke, "So, Teach, what's the plan for tomorrow? Oh, right," he chuckled, "you'd have to teach me for me to call you Teacher. Sorry. Incidentally, now that you're not blind drunk, let me ask you a question. Why have you avoided me entirely since we left the Temple? Of course I've been training on my own, I'm only curious. Don't think you're bothering me," Rio smiled, nonchalant.

"I don't care."

2009-08-06, 09:39 PM
"B-b-b-b-bite me b-b-brat." Nawekefu growls out through chattering teeth to Michiko, brushing off Rio's attempts to keep frostbite at bay though the man didn't seem to have a real problem with that in the first place. With more fire-wood, Nawekefu is happy to pile it on all at once to create a bigger blaze (considering he's likely to just send Rio and Masaru out to find more if they run out) until the chattering of his teeth stops and the crackle of the fire keeps out the howling cold just beyond the cave entrance.

"Go get your mail." Comes the sour words from the genin's 'teacher', not looking up from the fire for a moment to explain his mysterious words as the sound of feet crunching through the deep snow can be heard outside the cave entrance as someone approached. From the cloudy exhales coming from his mouth, the man was exhausted and the reason could be seen with the large box on his back.

"Hah..hah...hah. I'm...I'm looking for Masaru...Bio...and a Nidiko? Sorry, the names got all...smudged in the snow." The exhausted words came from a tightly bundled up mail-nin, a crimson scarf and white-out goggles hiding his face from sight as he plopped the box down and fiddled about in his bag before laying a letter atop it as well. "To hell with this job, they can demote me if the want..I'm not paid enough to trek through blizzards, find a cave..."

The mumbling drifts away as the mail-nin stumbles back out into blizzard and pauses, an explosion of snow marking the point where he took off at incredible speeds towards a decidedly warmer climate.

On the smudged letter was writing easily identifiable as Chiiro's scrawl, and a quick opening of the box reveals the items he borrowed from each of those he did to try and repair the items. Of course he hadn't just stopped there, but had improved them where possible and added one more glaring difference that hadn't been there before. On each item he sent, there was a red flaming sword emblazoned somewhere on it's surface to proudly note who had worked on them.

Chiiro's Letter
Dear Michiko, Rio, Mitsuhide, and Masaru,

Thing's have been great. This place really is like the gateway to the heavens - it has the energizing, soothing feel. I think I might even be growing up a bit. And Suzu really has a lot of spiritual power - she's been teaching me techniques to be used to conquer evil! Even Niiro's been helping out with my katon techniques a bit, which've helped me smith.

So, to the point. I've been working for the past couple of months on these, because I feel I owe all of you for taking me in and supporting me. I didn't really get to repay you, so this is the least I could do, and I hope they help. Michiko's gloves, with weights and optimized for your build, and the best lightweight protection I could whip up for the rest of you. I made them flexible, but I had to go off of memory except for those of you who didn't give me your ****ty useless equipment. And sorry, if they don't fit, though - no refits for now, as Suzu says we're gonna be heading back down soon, as nice as this place is.

Good luck, and remember what we promised,

P.S - See the red, flaming sword emblem on your gear? That's my own personal mark. Wear it with pride, cause its gonna be over the best swords ever made in the next couple decades. I'm sure you'll be able to sell them off some day as originals or some **** from Chiiro of the Blazing Forge.

P.S.S - I hope Nawekefu's treated you guys right. And I hope someone pranked his cranky ass at some point. Arrogant bastard sure needs it - oh, and don't show this to him, all right? - and if he does read this, then he should know that the great smith-nin Chiiro is gonna beat him one day soon in to reclaim Suzu's honor!

Unusually, the War Shogun doesn't bother to get up as you open up the package and read through the note, instead his blue eyes seem to have zeroed in on Rio and once the excitement from the gifts have passed, his voice can be heard crisply in the small cave.

"I don't teach you because this world can't handle somebody else like Zakiken. It'll self-destruct. And that's just what you are, a freak from beyond just waiting for the chance to become a monster with no human empathy in his soul. I'm not going to be part of making that monster stronger." He says grimly, reclining back unto his hands with a heavy groan. "You wanted the truth? There it is. Your just like him deep down."

2009-08-06, 11:20 PM

Silence clung to the frigid cave air in the wake of Nawekefu's voice, not unlike the rime that had formed on the heels of Michiko's boots as she donned them silently and patiently, head down.

Crunch crunch crunch

The blond genin trudged coatless and deliberate to the mouth of the cave, chin pointed high, then stooping down to scoop and pack a handful of snow. Her face seemed sculpted too, frozen, eyes sparkling crystal and hard.


A lone snowball had sailed across the cramped cave, exploding into powder against the side of the muscled man's head, leaving the wet stinging residue of ice to melt and drip down his chin.

"Nawekefu!" Michiko roared. "WHAT THE HELL?"

As her chest heaved with her shoulders, Michiko's breath came in slow clouds of white, swirling out and dissipating into the night. Shaking fists dripped into the snow below, and her voice came again, this time low and quick, rolling like a faraway avalanche.

"I've known Rio since the academy. We did our first mission together. Where were you? We were banished from Kagekure together, we saw our sensei exiled together. Where were you? Zakiken deceived us, tried to turn us into killers, had me kidnapped. Rio came after me. And where were you? Helping Zakiken. So before you make any grand character judgments, answer me this: Who the hell do you think you are?!"

Michiko stalked back to her place by the fire, wiping her hands before warming them by the fire. She stared into the flames, or rather through them, their faint flickering light casting soft shadows across her tired face. She shook her head after a moment, almost apologetically. Almost.

"I'm sorry, but you don't know the first thing about Rio because you didn't bother to get to know him. No wonder he doesn't respect you."

2009-08-06, 11:42 PM

The firelight flickered across Masaru's mirrored lenses, but the cant of his head betrayed his surprise. For Nawekefu to compare Rio, of all people, to Zakiken seemed to him absurd. That had come completely out of left field for him. Rio was the most normal out of all of them when it came to temperament. He wasn't obsessed with revenge or even explosively irritable all the time. He was level-headed, always knew what to say to stop an argument, and was just an all around good guy. It made no sense whatsoever.

"The cold is affecting your brain. You should put on a coat...or a hat." Masaru added.

2009-08-07, 04:19 PM
Asano Mitsuhide

After reading the letter from Chiiro, Mitsuhide took a moment to look over the vest the other boy had taken from him when they had parted ways. The emblem that had been emblazoned on it had a certain... tackiness to it that made the swordsman want to laugh, but with Nawekefu's accusation towards Rio, that desire died quickly. This land seemed to have a knack for sucking the humor out of things entirely... he quietly slips the vest on and contemplates the "revelation".

There wasn't much to think about, only a thousand and one reasons why he didn't believe it. That's not the way people worked. Monsters... a monster is just a person who pushed themselves beyond the limits of the imaginations of the people around him. They were all trying to become monsters, really. If that was a good thing or bad... that would come down to time and the choices they each made.

He looks at Rio, then down at his toe, curling it a few times before slipping the foot back into his boot and lacing it up. Rio's face isn't that of a World Destroyer. His presence felt nothing like Zakiken's...

"Is that an excuse? You are frightened Rio-dono will become something greater than you? How very unlike the man I've been chasing all these months... at the very least, don't you owe some compensation for all of those "tuition" payments?"

2009-08-22, 11:19 PM

As Nawekefu's words were taken in by the group, reactions were fast. Michiko with her typical brazen, fearless defense of her friend, coating Nawekefu in ice and snow. Masaru displayed about as much surprise as could be expected, really. Even Mitsuhide chimed in with his rather unique perspective.

After the other had their say, Rio actually laughed. Not a typical, full laugh; more a laugh of disbelief, elevated and sharp. Those who looked closely would see that his eyes shared none of the mirth his laughter suggested.

"So, so let me get this straight. Being a doctor qualifies me as a monster? Maybe I should stop fixing your frostbite then. No," Rio mused, his eyes locked on Nawekefu's, "No, this is...This is about something else." The corners of his mouth turned up in a smile. "Why Nawekefu-san, I do believe you're nervous. Why is that?"

Something clicked in Rio's mind as he traced things back. "This all started when you taught me that technique," he stated. Rubbing his hands together to get some more blood flowing he leaned towards the fire, his breath condensing and dissipating over the flames. "At the temple. You know, that technique, according to you, isn't like any ninjutsu tech I've ever heard of. Doesn't even work the same. And, if I recall correctly..." Rio murmured, his eyes closed, "Yeah, you put on a ring before you demonstrated it to me. I never got that ring."

Rio circled the fire slowly, not taking his eyes off of the War Shogun. Something about that tech had frightened him, but more importantly was a clue to where he was from, and possibly his family. "So, sensei, why don't you explain to me what it is about that tech that scares you? And while you're at it, where exactly you think I'm from."

2009-08-23, 11:32 PM
Nawekefu remains silent as the snowball impacts him in the side of the head, not even flinching from the icy missile and keeping his gaze fixated on Rio in that queer penetrating fashion that it sometime took. Then again, during the training time, all of the genin had plenty of time to see that their teacher didn't take any slight laying down. As Michiko found out when two strong hands grabbed her from behind and tossed her bodily out into the snow though to the others it didn't look as if he had moved an inch.

"I'm the guy who spent several days plumbing Rio's mind and memories to see if I was wrong about him, just like I did to all of you. So don't just write off what I'm saying because I'm new to you." The blond haired man says plainly, crossing his hands together instead of leaning back on them like he usually would for a more relaxed posture. "And it's not about power either, Rio packs about all the offensive punch as a fart in a stiff wind. It's a matter of what he might become capable of."

"You ever wonder where you came from Rio?" Nawekefu asks bluntly, finally leaning back as if becoming weary of this conversation and fast. "You don't know...do you? Well I do. The clues are all over your memory and in Zakiken's, because this isn't the first time that you've met the dark-hearted bastard believe me. You two, are kin. And don't get all huffy, I don't mean actually related by blood but by birth country. When I said he was alien to our mindsets, I wasn't joking. He wasn't born in any of the countries and neither was you."

"That technique I taught you? It was a test, mostly for my own curiosity and to see if I was right or not. It doesn't use normal chakra in order for it to be performed, it's origins are just as foreign as yours. And I've only seen two people able to use it without a ring like mine or something like it. Guess who they are." A brief pause and a lazy groan. "Listen, maybe I just over-reacted but everyone I've met from over the ocean has turned out to be or turned into a monster. I can't help but think you'll do the same. Maybe you won't, after all, you weren't raised in that crap heap."

2009-08-25, 08:52 PM
Asano Mitsuhide

In all honesty, Mitsuhide could say he had never really considered the world beyond the various Lands. Certainly not beyond the oceans. So the thrust of the sudden accusation towards Rio falls somewhat flatly on his ears. Particularly in light of another revelation brought to light right in its midst.

"...'Plumbing memories'? Setting aside a great many questions about how you've gone about such a thing, I am compelled to ask you under what set of morals you would have grounds to label someone a monster for no reason beyond a quirk of their chakra when you had, in fact, gone to such great lengths to violate our pasts?"

He shakes his head, shifting his vision outside the cave again to stare at the snow and watch for Michiko's return.

"I can no longer accept heritage as proof of one's future. If that's all your 'plumbing' can offer, then I would suggest you spend considerably less effort testing theories, and a lot more time bothering to actually guide us towards a path that is less disconcerting to your sensibilities. To put it more plainly: shut up and start being the mentor you're supposed to be."

2009-08-27, 07:25 PM

"What the--Hey, lemme go! Don't, I just got dry!"


The blonde genin scooped herself out of the snowbank where she had landed, stalking back into the cave and muttering inaudibly, though sharp ears might have caught certain choice words like "jackass" and "drunk." Michiko deposited herself in front of the fire between Rio and Masaru, fixing Nawekefu with a glare as frigid as her hands, which she rubbed with as much dignity as one could reasonably muster. Perhaps the flush in her cheeks was not solely from the cold.

Nawekefu's explanation was reasonable, but questions started to swirl up in her mind, intersecting and forming whirlpools of uncertainty. How could that dumb ox know probe Rio's memory? Is he lying? Did he try that with all of us? What land is across the ocean? Could Rio really be from here? How could he come to Kagekure without that getting out? She was quiet for a long time before speaking, and then in a tone unusually soft, devoid of her usual fire or spunk. Looking at the muscled man from across the fire, Michiko's face was a smooth mask with slitted eyes, chips of ice glimmering in shallow pools.

"There's a lot you haven't told us, Nawkefu. Before we go any farther, I think we deserve some answers. Maybe all of them."

2009-09-03, 10:09 PM

Masaru was disappointed in himself that he had never noticed Nawekefu's invasion of his mind, or that of any of the others. He had thought that he never let his guard down around the War Shogun, but apparently any paltry mental defense or willpower that Masaru had put forth was nothing. He hadn't felt a single hint or tickle to alert him of another presence searching around in his head, viewing his memories like a home movie. He crossed his arms over his chest, remaining silent and introspective. I hope you enjoyed what you saw, you miserable bastard. he thought across at Nawekefu as if the older ninja could hear him.

The others had already said all there was to say, so Masaru stayed stoically silent as usual.

2009-09-05, 06:14 PM

Rio looked around the cave, firelight dancing in his eyes. A short, sharp laugh escaped him as his friends reacted to Nawekefu's "explanation". Gesturing slightly to them, Rio rubbed a dollop of snow off of his hand. "Are you - Are you guys serious? You're shocked and appalled that he probed our memories?" Rio leaned forward, with an incredulous half smile on his face, "He is the best friend of our enemy. Or so he claims. We can't really be that surprised by this, after all, it's not like he took us on willingly."

Rio looked at Nawekefu then, his expression more serious. Breath frosted for only a moment before the heat of the fire dissipated it as Rio seemed to ponder his words. "Nawekefu, if what you say is true, then perhaps you can tell me how I got to Kagekure? You may not want to, which is of course your choice. But in any case, I think you have a few flaws in your reasoning." A finger began tapping in a palm, lightly. "You admit I wasn't raised in this country, wherever it is. You also seem to be focusing on what I can do, saying certain abilities make me a monster. I submit that it's not important what you do, but why you do it which truly determines what and who you are. So, with all due respect, stop being afraid of me, and starts teaching me."

As Rio stretched his legs and put his hands over the flames, he looked back towards Nawekefu. "Make no mistake though. If I have to be a "monster" to do the right thing, I will."

2009-09-08, 07:08 PM
"I don't know how you came to Kagekure, idiot. Your memories from then are those of a child, do you have any idea how hard those are to interpret? All I know is how you came from across the sea, and that was Zakiken's doing." Nawekefu snaps, becoming more and more irritable as the conversation continues. A level glare is directed at each of the genin in turn, that same penetrating blue-eyed gaze.

"Listen, I don't even have all the answers. I only know what I was able to glean for myself and what I've seen for myself. That technique you used? The energy it uses is corrupting in and of itself, no matter how it's used. Now story times over, go to sleep. We all have a big day tomorrow." Nawekefu growls out, standing up and moving to the rear of the cave where he stretches out across the ground, hands behind his head and eyes closed. Clearly he expected you all to just take his words as were and go to sleep, but things rarely if ever went like that.

2009-09-19, 01:19 PM

The blonde genin rose wordlessly, after affixing Nawekefu with hard, icy stare.

Just the usual brush-off, Michiko thought, spreading out her bedroll. He'll regret not trusting us.

She bed down on the far wall of the cave. A long, thick silence crept into the air, accompanied by the low crackle of the dying fire, and the winter winds cried distantly outside.

"Maybe it's true that you don't care about us, Nawekefu. It really seems like it sometimes."

Michiko spoke again softly, facing the wall, but her voice bore that passion and resolve, so well known to her friends.

"But you better. One day you'll need us."

There were no more words that night, not for Michiko. She let sleep descend upon her, heavy and frigid. On the cold cave floor, she snugged the ragged blanket around herself, beckoning dreams of warmth and home.

2009-09-19, 03:42 PM

Nawekefu seemed to end the conversation as he obviously went to sleep. Rio paused, about to continue the conversation, then relented. It was obvious that the topic had been mulled over enough for one night.

Rio's hands hovered near the fire, warming up once more before he laid down, hauling the blanket over his body. Given the information, Rio felt a little sorry for being so aggressive and abrasive with Nawekefu. He still didn't trust him, but perhaps they could get past this fear of his birthplace, though he did make a note to, politely, resume the conversation with Nawekefu about his birthplace, and that new tech.

He cast a final glance around the cave, landing on the forms of his friends. Michiko, Masaru, and even Mitsuhide, they were his friends and his drive. Someday, they would go home together. These thoughts put a smile on his face, as Rio drifted into unconsciousness.

2009-09-25, 12:26 AM
Ibaraki Masaru

Masaru folded his legs into the lotus position and stayed upright for awhile after the others had bedded down for the night. He stayed facing the fire, the dancing, orange light reflected in the lenses of his mask. He moved only when the fire needed some shoring up or another piece added off the small pile of wood they'd managed to gather. Otherwise, one could have nearly walked right by him and not seen that he was there. He stayed silent and perfectly still, thinking and meditating, before finally going to sleep.

2009-09-25, 10:05 PM
Only the quiet wind outside dared to break the quiet after the tense discussion, Mitsuhide wisely picking that moment to find his own place to sleep as well as Nawekefu forcefully ends the discussion. In the quiet that follows, the fire dwindles down to mere embers that are only just enough to keep the cave warm and comfortable as a cave could be.


Morning finds that the snowstorm has finally abated to allow a clear view of the sky above to anyone looking out the cave entrance. It also finds Masaru in the distinctly surprising and unwelcome position of having a snoring Nawekefu draped against his body as the large man actively cuddles the black-garbed genin for warmth.

After that...shocking scene, one that involved much shrieking from Nawekefu when he finally woke up and noticed the position he was in, the man got them organized quickly with the promise of a warm meal when they reached their destination later that morning. And so the four troop back out into the fresh powder after their delinquent teacher, devoid of breakfast as they set out for their mystery destination.

True to his word, they traveled for only maybe an hour before the shape of a large castle could be made off in a pine forest down the hill the road had taken them up. A sleepy little village lays about the base of the castle, on the shores of a wide lake long since frozen over though the ice is shattered along the banks to allow for fishing and water gathering. Curiously, from this distance, it didn't appear as if there was any activity down in the town below even considering the late hour of the morning.

"There it is, Mao. Ruled over by blah blah blah. Go down and snag a tavern room, I have to meet up with a contact." Nawekefu instructs in a bored voice, having lost most of the tension from the previous night as they move down towards the village. No guards are stationed at the low timber-wall surrounding the majority of the buildings, nor does anybody stand watch either.

((Search check DC 25 reveals...))
There are dark stains on the outer gates, likely that of old blood from a sword blade or other slashing weapon.

You enter Mao unchallenged, but can see signs of people in most of the houses lite up from within by bright lightbulbs, watching the visitors intensely as Nawekefu breaks off from the genin.

"Don't take too long either, we won't be here long."

2009-10-05, 09:19 PM

The blonde genin packed her things without protest, but ribbed Nawekefu mercilessly about his choice of bed partners. She was miffed about the lack of breakfast, but a few well-placed jabs at her teacher's sexuality were enough to put her back in good spirits. Trudging out into the snow, however, turned her ubiquitous grin into chattering teeth, and she kept quiet for most of the hour's walk.

Squinting against the glare from the snow, Michiko made out the castle thrusting up above the tree line, and as they neared the village, her stomach mumbled a reminder about breakfast. Nawekefu's immediate departure was, by now, to be expected, but the girl still felt a little abandoned by the man who was supposed to be looking after them.

"Yeah, I'll bet your 'contact' is a hot bottle of sake," she called after him. Don't get too tipsy to remember your tab this time!"

With a glance around the village, Michiko looked for a main avenue, heading in the most logical direction with an eye out for an inn of some kind.

"If we're not staying long, why does he want a tavern room? Not that I'm eager to sleep in a cave again," she added blithely.

2009-11-01, 07:48 PM

Rio had been largely silent, but not aloof for the trip, almost as a grudging, silent apology for being so mindlessly aggressive against Nawekefu the previous night. Every so often he'd pipe in with a joke or laugh, even going so far as to hum a little to himself as they finally approached the town. Then, in fairly expected fashion, Nawekefu took off, and Michiko expressed the groups thoughts on where he went.

"Hey, hey! You still owe us a hot meal!"

Rio shrugged his shoulder, loosening the muscle. Closing his eyes, he bent his neck from side to side, quietly wishing he'd gotten more sleep. His dreams had been haunted by visions of Zakiken and himself, side by side, or of Rio being unable to control his new technique. Not that he'd admit it, but the recent knowledge of his... ability, was both enticing and disturbing.

But that was neither here nor there. They seemed to be in a particularly... unfriendly place, and they needed to find an inn. A quiet hum emanated from his throat as Rio looked for anywhere with rooms for rent.

2009-11-01, 08:07 PM
With Michiko's haphazard guidance of following the main road, it seemed a fair chance to discover one of Mao's few taverns by sticking to the most well-traveled path. With none noticing the peculiarity of scene it only became all the more apparent as the four began to trudge through the semi-clear streets of the town that very few people were out and about. Every now and then a glimpse of a person from a window can be seen before it quickly shutters, lights dimming as the four genin search for a place to stay and finally catch some luck.

Of sorts.

Michiko and Rio both see a building that is undoubtedly an inn, but there is a small crowd of people huddled about something on the ground in front of it. At first their low murmurs can't be heard but as the four draw closer snippets can be heard.

'...Third time this week...'

'...Just utterly beastial...'

'...Lord Ochi has...'

'...Why won't the samurai do something?'

'...Say their dog disappeared last night...'

'...Poor thing...'

Silence falls once you are close enough, fur bound heads swiveling to take in the strangers, a gap opening in the ranks of the villagers to reveal what lay on the ground. Crimson streaked the dirty snow in a bloody ring about the body laying in front of the inn, numerous cuts obviously being the source of demise for a young man who looked to be in his early twenties.

2009-11-01, 08:49 PM
Ibaraki Masaru

Masaru wasn't surprised when Nawefeku bolted, and went quietly along with the others. He shifted his outer cloak up so that he had a hood and it covered his masked head. With the sullen, paranoid atmosphere of the town he felt it might be better to keep a low profile, and Masaru's mask tended to draw stares. With the hood up, Masaru looked more like a traveling monk than a shinobi.

When they came upon the crowd, Masaru saw the blood and strode ahead to look upon the gruesome scene. He took it all in for a moment, then turned his mirrored lenses upon the crowd. "Who has done this?" he asked flatly.

Search or Investigate: [roll0]

2009-11-01, 09:10 PM

Lacking the... blunt approach of his comrade, Rio instead slid his way to the front, kneeling down to examine the body, all but ignoring the people around him. After a couple of minutes, Rio stood and gazed around the area, as if making mental notes.

Taking a slow breath, Rio walked towards the door of the inn, geswturing for his friends to follow, clapping Masaru on the shoulder. "These people don't know what happened, listen to them," he smiled. "Let's get a room."

2009-11-02, 08:14 PM

The blonde genin half-snuck, half-shouldered her way around the crowd to see the source of the commotion, and she immediately regret it. The body was a grim reminder of mortality, and was posed uncomfortably similar to the ronin Zakiken had encouraged her to butcher. Michiko bit the inside of her cheek and forced her gaze away from the vacant, glassy horror frozen on he man's face. No, the corpse's face - it was just a body.

She stooped to glance at the spattered snow, nodding faintly to herself, and then followed Rio inside, catching a handful of Masaru's cloak as he stared at the body.

"Come on, gruesome. You two don't have that much in common."


Checking for tracks using Michiko's Track feat.

Survival: 1d20+9=23 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2307978/)

2009-11-02, 09:57 PM
Ibaraki Masaru

It was impossible to tell whether Masaru was amused or offended by Michiko's comment, but he went along without any comment. He followed his teammates into the building after a last look at the horrible scene stretched out on the ground before him. He made a note not to get too comfortable in the inn tonight...it wasn't a safe neighborhood.

2009-11-06, 04:19 PM
Asano Mitsuhide

It was getting harder for Mitsuhide to feel much surprise at the sight of a dead body. Not that it had become pleasant, but as he shuffles past the crowd, the foremost thought on the young man's mind is that it would be unwise to ask questions or concern himself with it. And that realization doesn't sit well with him.

He stares at the body in the snow for a long moment. From the sound of things, this is not an isolated incident. How many people would end up like this man before things were settled? And what was it all about? Village politics, or... something else? He shakes his head, as he follows the others into the inn.

"This is a lousy time for heroics..."

2009-11-18, 09:23 PM

The owner of the establishment was among the group looking at the scene. A few misdirections later, and the group paid the man for their rooms. Thanking him warmly, Rio pushed open the doors, something obviously on his mind.

Even with nobody inside, the inn had the typical atmosphere, if a bit subdued. After they found their rooms, Rio got everyone's attention, well out of earshot of any patrons of employees. He gestured slightly towards the entrance.

"So, that," he began, referring obviously to the scene outside. "More to it than you'd think. I didn't really have time to do a full examination, obviously, but there are some things I managed to pick up." Rio sat on the bed, and began ticking off facts on his fingers.

"It was a slashing weapon, though I can't tell if it was man-made or a natural weapon like a claw. And from my quick glance over the blood spatter and wound placement, it's pretty obvious that the slashing continued post-mortem. There were absolutely no defensive wounds at all," he looked up at the group. "I don't know about you, but I'd have done something to at least deflect something like that. There is always the chance that he was killed before he had a chance to react..."

Rio's eyes darted as he remembered bits of information. Rubbing the corner of his left eye, he continued. "I also managed to spot a single track leading away from the scene. Admittedly, I'm not an expert, but I would definitely say the track isn't human." Rio reached his pinky finger, closing his hand into a fist as he looked up at his comrades again. "And guys... This isn't a new occurance. These people are... used to it. Or at least as used to such a thing as you can be. We should be able to get some information, as long as we don't come across as hostile."

A sudden grin appeared on Rio's face. Man, it's about time being a doctor became useful!"

2009-11-20, 08:40 PM
The crowds part easily enough for the quartet of genin, hushed whispers easily heard by them all.

"..That damn spirit.."

"..Why doesn't Lord Ochi..?"

"...I heard he hired help..."

And others that, most bizarrely, had nothing to do with the ruined body growing cold in the snow. The inn provides a reprieve from the curiously...off scene just outside of the door and a source of heat to get the chill out of your bones. It was decidedly...rustic, but felt like home and safe..well it would have if there wasn't a body laying outside anyway.

What had at first seemed like a simple trip, another of Nawekefu's errands, seemed to have become a bit more serious...but without Nawekefu around, the day is essentially theirs to do what they wanted with. Especially considering they had already gotten an inn room upon entering.

2009-11-23, 05:24 PM

Some kind of beast? Or just a butcher? Either way, I'm ending this.

Michiko was situated in a solid-looking wooden chair, and had thunked her boots on the square table, where bits of snow were melting into the cracks. Even in her relaxed pose, she listened to Rio intently, feeling her unease solidify into resolve. "Looks like we know what to do, then."

"I can probably follow the tracks, seeing as they're pretty fresh, and even without Nawekefu I bet we could handle whatever ugly is causing all this." She caught all the eyes around the table, "I don't know about you all, but I'm not going to stuff myself while innocent people are getting cut up. Nawekefu's not going to help out on this one, and so much the better. We're putting an end to this, today."

Michiko's chair scraped away from the table, and she planted her hands on it, leaning over her companions and brandishing her grin. "Everyone clear on that? Sword-Boy? Masaru? It's time to be the heroes again."

I'm not going back to Kagekure as an outcast. Everyone's gonna see that we'll do anything to make things right.

2009-11-23, 06:36 PM
Ibaraki Masaru

Masaru, who had remained standing by the door, simply nodded once. "There was never any question." he rumbled. "We must track this beast to wherever it lairs and destroy it. Tonight, if possible." he added. If they could be done with it that very night and return to their original path then so much the better. Still, what kind of person would he be if he did not spare time to help these unfortunate people? Furthermore, it had been some time since the quartet had tested themselves in actual battle. Their success, or lack of success, against whatever this beast was would speak volumes to how far they had progressed in their training.

2009-11-26, 01:41 AM
Asano Mitsuhide

Michiko's choice of words elicits a smirk from Mitsuhide, his internal debate shattered by her boldness.

I guess we've got lousy timing, then.

By this point, he really should have known better. Moral quandries are not safe on that girl's watch. There'd be time enough later to worry about the consequences - the only thing to do now is find the problem harrassing these people and remove it, as quickly and cleanly as possible. As long as they don't call too much attention on themselves, everything will be fine. How awfully stupid of him to make a debate of the issue...

"The motion carries. So, Fearless Leader, do you think there's enough of a trail to track straight away, or will we need to do some investigating? I'm not certain how much these people really know, though..."

Deep within, his inner self lets out a long held breath. The thought of not having to slink around was... liberating.

2009-12-23, 12:25 PM

Rio nodded. Taking a deep breath, he stretched, enjoying the release of tension. A feeling of pride was still simmering underneath his expression; pride at being more helpful than he had been for some time. It was good to know he wasn't a weight on the team.

"Well, we do have the whole day to spend, considering we probably won't see Nawekefu until nightfall," he agreed. "But we shouldn't go out and rush headlong into something we don't know anything about. From what I gathered, these attacks are at night, so we have time to have a bit of food, and talk to people." Rio gestured outside, snow falling off his hand to the floor, melting as he continued, "There is no way, none, that all of these people know nothing. There has to be more information we can go on, and that would prove useful. Last time we went without enough information we wound up following around the wrong guy for months."

Rio stood and paced a small distance for a moment, before looking at his friends. "Of course, if you think I'm wrong, then we can go sooner, but the more prepared we are, the better. What do you say?" he asked, looking at each one of them. If this is going to be a test of what we are capable of, I intend to pass.

2009-12-23, 07:13 PM

"Well, we do have the whole day to spend, considering we probably won't see Nawekefu until nightfall..."

The blonde girl pushed herself up to rest one hip on the table, watching Rio pace over her shoulder, one foot lolling back and forth, which dripped slush into a grey puddle on the floor.

"...what I gathered, these attacks are at night, so we have time..."

I should have wiped my feet, she thought and glanced out the window above the table, where the sky shook a dusting of snowflakes to salt the bland little kingdom.

"...if you think I'm wrong, then we can go sooner, but..."

Michiko hopped to the floor with a tap and scrubbed frost from the drafty window, wiping the ice particles on her jacket. The snow clouds were swollen and dark, borne on the wind that whispered through the cracks. Michiko rubbed warmth back into her arms before facing her friends, wearing the chill she felt.

"We don't have that much time. She shook her head. Look outside. The snowstorm didn't pass us, it just settled down for a while."

Michiko nodded to Rio. "If you want to ask around, do it now. Find out about Lord Ochi, the frequency of the attacks - whatever you need, but be quick about it."

She rapped a knuckle against the glass and glared. "The storm is coming back tonight. If we don't follow the trail now, it won't just be cold, it'll be gone."

Or it'll be back. And no one is going to die because I didn't take a chance when I had it.

2010-01-02, 08:16 PM
Michiko's worrying declaration that the tracks wouldn't last until night fall brought about a sense of urgency, Rio hurrying out into the snow in order to seek out any clues he could find about the rash of brutal murders troubling the town.

While the smart genin hurries out to find his vaunted information, Michiko, Masaru, and Mitsuhide focus on warming up and getting ready for the hunt to come. As could be expected with such a blizzard, there is little in the way of new vegetables or fruit, but there was a notable lack of meats or dairy too that left the meal filling but distinctly unappetizing to actually eat. Such a fare did help to pass the time as they waited for Rio to come back from his investigation but the genin was late, as usual, with returning from these fact-finding missions. With the threat of the oncoming blizzard however, the three find themselves eager to get out and start following the tracks before they disappear entirely. So once again the three bundled up and headed out of the inn, the beginning flurries of the returning snow storm just beginning to kick up as the three begin to follow the bizarre tracks.

As they went, Masaru made sure to leave signs behind them that Rio could follow once he had finished up his investigation. The going was slow, not because their quarry seemed to be aware it might be followed but because the tracks were beginning to disappear as they were filled in with snow. The biting chill did do wonders for motivating the three to finish this grisly business quickly though. Within only an hour or two, it was difficult to tell how much time had passed, Michiko raised a hand to stop the others and bent down over a particularly deep depression in the snow with a apprehensive look on her face. The way the tracks had changed, suggested that the one who had made them had leaped almost straight up into the air, a good twenty feet to the nearest branch. More importantly, it looked as if there had been a scuffle recently in the area that hadn't ended well for someone. There were clear blood spots in the snow that seemed relatively fresh, who's was impossible to know though...

As you followed the tracks, you were able to find clearer prints of whomever had killed the young man, though it raises more questions then it answers. The footprints are distinctly human, but have long protrusions on either side of the foot that protrude out a good three feet and drag through the snow with every step.

Blue is Michiko.
Red is Masaru.
Gray is Mitsuhide.
Brown is trees.
Green are snow-covered shrubberies and whatnot. (count as difficult terrain to go through)

A Spot Check DC 10 and Listen check DC 23 would be appreciated.

2010-01-05, 12:25 AM

Night swallowed day as the blizzard stretched wide its maw to engulf the village with a frozen bite. Michiko withdrew into her jacket, jaw set against the wind and plunged into the deepening snow. A crust of frost crept along her collar as she pushed through the curtain of snowflakes to follow the vanishing trail. When it disappeared, Michiko's stomach shrank to an ice crystal.

Fresh blood.

The crunch of a footstep brought her to a crouch, and Michikos's stiff fingers found the ring of a kunai. Snow cluttered the air and a ghost of breath crawled from her lips as Michiko waited. There seemed to be... a shape among the branches above her, yet the clearing was frozen silent and still. She exchanged a wary glance with Mitsuhide and Masaru and cocked her arm for a throw.

No one's going to catch me off my toes this time.

Michiko has prepared an exploding tag on the kunai in her hand.

Readied Action: Throw the kunai, targeting the first threatening creature Michiko spots.

2010-01-06, 12:53 AM
Asano Mitsuhide

Silence was the master of the hour as the trio ventured into the cold and snow to search for the killer... whatever it was. There were no words while Michiko followed the trail and led them to their prey. No idle conversation, and no tactical discussions; they each knew what to do.

And then, stop. Blood... his hand drifts towards his swords. Here. But where? He scans the area, catching something in a tree a little ways away. Difficult to make out what it is, and tipping it off might be bad. But it would not get the jump on them. He would make sure of that...

Readying an action to attempt Sou Ryu Sen - Ikazuchi on the first hostile target to enter range. Also, readying a meta-action to smack myself for the quality of this post, but I'm tired and sick of trying to rewrite it, so now you all have to suffer the consequences. :smallyuk:

2010-01-11, 12:25 AM

Snow crunched as Rio pushed through the snowfall as fast as he could. Breath misted as he thought back to his "lead". He just wouldn't make sense... It paid off but took forever.

A sudden stumble on a half covered rock nearly sent Rio sprawling in the snow. Instead, he managed to catch himself with a hand to the ground, immediately freezing it, which he announced with a very annoyed groan. As he picked himself up, Rio spotted another mark left by the group. At least he was on the right track.

The group's footprints were getting fainter, however, and Rio found himself travelling parallel, kept on path by spotting the signs left behind. Eventually, he spotted a group in the snow, but before calling out his hello had his eyes dart upward, locking on a figure in a tree. Even as he was about to advance, a rustling in some nearby bushes caught his attention.

Without knowing the situation, Rio had no time to really consider what to do. A hand seemed to fly, snatching a shape and hurling it at the bushes. When the smoke bomb burst, Rio's former place was a swirl of snow. Appearing beside the group, a warm, but cautious grin appeared on his cold face. "Hey. What's going on?"

As always, rolls were done over IM with Callos.
Quickend convert chakra to HP for Shunshin, total DC 30.

2010-02-10, 01:47 AM
HP: 66/66
Chakra: 22/28

Seeing Michiko's sudden tension and the glance that she shared with him, Masaru readied himself for an ambush. He grew very still, his admittedly poor senses cast out in search of what might be watching them, using Michiko's eyeline as a guide. He let his chakra points open up reflexively, an action as easy as breathing, and began his personal reserve flowing a bit faster through his body, increasing his reflexes in preparation for a fight. Then, almost as an afterthought, he formed several quick seals. There was no obvious manifestation, but some of the chakra that was already swirling through his body rose through his pores and coated his skin in an extra layer of natural protection.

Reflexively allowing full use of Speed ranks.
Spot: [roll0]
Listen: [roll1]
Kawa no Yoroi (Skin Armor; Chakra Control DC 13): [roll2]
Well, I suppose that's what I get for being a bad player... Remind me to burn a bag of Cheetos in obeisance to the dice gods later.
He meets the skill threshold as per the new rules.

2010-02-12, 03:40 AM
The quiet of the oncoming blizzard was abruptly shattered when the smoke bomb went off in the nearby bushes, filling the air with a growing blue cloud as Rio blurred through the snow to appear by his friends and comrades. However, the tense feeling of being watched, of being hunted didn't diminish and Michiko and Mitsuhide keep themselves readied even as Masaru prepared for a sudden ambush.

In but a moment the situation boiled over as a keening shriek erupted from the smoke covered bushes, a lanky form exploding out of the colored smoke and dashing through the snow towards Mitsuhide. Acting on instinct, Michiko launched her kunai even as the swordsman rushed forward to strike at the shape with his sheathed katana though he swung to soon on the first blow, unsheathing the blade with a metallic hiss and sweeping the blade back across with the satisfying resistance as he hit something.

"KIIIIIIIIIIII!" it squealed out as it's blood was splashed across the snow, even as the genin were finally allowed a good look at it. The creature appeared to be a man actually, admittedly a man who was almost utterly nude if it wasn't for a white loincloth wrapped around his waist, but that wasn't what drew the eye. The man's face was covered with a canvas sack, two eye holes cut out of it and a cartoonish animal face drawn on the front with a marker. He was lean, and had well-defined muscles, but what really drew the eye was what he seemed to wield as a weapon...

An arm brace seemed to be belted unto each arm, with a four foot long katana blade protruding out on either side of his wrist with both sides sharpened to a deadly edge. Arranged as they were, it looked as if he wielded a giant metal pincer on each hand, but a quick glance down reveals another set of 'claws' strapped to his feet as well. It was remarkable that this man moved so fast when it must be so awkward to simply walk..but upon close examination of the braces, it was clear that 'balance' was the least of this thing's problems. It takes a moment for it to become apparent, but the steel rod fixing the katana blades to the medical bracer don't stop at the brace, entering right into his forearm and if Rio could hazard a guess, he'd say they were bolted right into the bone.

Mitsuhide's slash had gouged a deep furrow across the man-thing's chest, though it doesn't seem too perturbed by the wound as it struck out with his right pincer, seeking to trap the swordsman inside of it's deadly embrace with a wild look in his pure white eyes.


Michiko can throw her kunai as readied and still take her turn, of course.

2010-02-13, 01:57 AM
HP: 66/66
Chakra: 22/28

"It's human." Masaru said, dispassionately stating the obvious. He took one step forward and then it was like the sizzling, popping energy inherent in his veins took him over, allowing him to move at his full speed. His form blurred and then he was in the air next to the lunatic's masked head. There was a moment when time nearly seemed to stop as Masaru hung in the air, his leg tucked in close to his body. Then his foot snapped out at the lunatic's temple, creating a sound like a gunshot as the high-speed motion disturbed the air around it.

Initiative: [roll0]
Unarmed Attack: [roll1]
Unarmed Damage: [roll2]

2010-02-20, 01:06 AM

Just before the mutilated figure could close its pincers around Mitsuhide, the swordsman vanishes, reappearing in a blur 10 feet behind the monster. He exhales deeply, and tightens his grip on both sword and sheath.

His eyes narrow as he stares at the thing Masaru had labeled human. If it is, he decides, then it was robbed of its humanity some time ago. But, was it by choice? ...No. This isn't the time to be asking that. Another deep breath, and he leaps back into the fray.

He holds his sheath out in front of him as he dashes back in, seeking to push one of the arm blades down and out of the way with it as he brings the katana down in a tightly controlled arc. The beast's movement's prove too difficult to predict, however, a frown passing over his face at the clanging sound of sword smashing against sword.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

HP: 44/44
Chakra: 19/28
Defense: 21

2010-03-06, 12:32 PM

The shriek erupting from the brush completed a circuit in Michiko's nerves and she slung the kunai like cracking a whip. It sung through the air and glanced the creature's ribcage, freeing a spatter of blood before thunking somewhere among the trees. Her ears selected the sound over others - screeches of pain, the crunch of molested snow and the slick scrape of scabbard loosing steel. Thought caught up with action and Michiko blinked, full and blue.

I've gotten faster, she thought.

A blade flashed in her eyes and reflexes sparked. Michiko felt a lash of momentum and the world blurred. She exhaled, and found herself standing as she had been. The creature leered ten feet away. A cloud of disturbed snowflakes was falling all around her and there was a dull ache in her fist. She thought she remembered muscles uncoiling, joints actuating into motion, the echo of knuckles on bone, yet she looked down into the snow and saw her boots had not made another track. Michiko wondered if she had moved at all.

"It's human." Masaru said, dispassionately stating the obvious.

Michiko shook her head. "It was."

HP: 53
Defense: 21
Chakra: 26/30
Reserves: 22/22

Resolving Michiko's readied attack:
- Attack: 1d20+8=19 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2404755/)
- Damage: 1d4+2+1d6=10 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2404761/)

Initiative: 1d20+7=20 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2429678/)

Performing Kensoku: Iaiken (Skill Threshold 5)
- Attack: 1d20+14=26 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2404774/)
- Damage: 1d8+3+2d4=16 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2429689/)

This attack has +5 ft. reach. The creature, without Speed Rank 1 or High Speed Sight 1 must succeed on a spot check equal to Michiko's attack roll (DC 26) or fail to notice the origin of the attack. Confirmed failure with Callos.

2010-03-12, 10:35 PM

As the sudden surprise from the onslaught faded, Rio cast a glance over their pursuer, and felt a wave of pity. This had been a man, albeit one so twisted and altered now that he was almost mindless. As his comrades advanced and attacked their target, Rio nodded slightly to himself. "No man deserves this kind of life," he muttered to nobody and everybody.

The target was focused on his rampage, and likely barely registered Rio's movements whatsoever. But the explosion which happened in the empty space near the target, but not near his teammates erupted, Rio was certain he caught the... creature's attention.

Performing Reikiha (threshold 6 ranks)
Damage 20 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2439741/)

Chakra remaining - 42

2011-01-08, 12:33 AM
The bestial creature that had lunged out at the genin from it's concealment proves that it cannot last long against the sustained assault that is being perpetrated against it. Masaru's snap kick cracks the lunatic's neck with an audible snap and twists it about at an unnatural angle, even as it continues to flail all about it with the absurdly fashioned 'pincers' bolted into it's arms and legs. It was almost as if it's head was dead but it's body continuing to fight on, even as Michiko's fist lashes into it's contorted throat to turn the beginnings of a ululating howl into a strangled gurgle.

And still he stands defiant in the air! One of it's bladed limbs actually catch Mitsuhide's blade, seemingly by pure luck, but the follow-up swipe that seeks to disembowel the young swordsman seems much less like pure 'chance'.

It is with a sort of dread fascination that Masaru, Mitsuhide, and Michiko watch as it stumbles violently towards them, flailing about it like an angry child in an act that stirs up the snow around it into a flurry.

"Dammit all..." Rio mutters to himself, hurling the explosive blast at the deformed being in an echoing explosion that knocks the snow off of several branches, sending it cascading down unto the four as they wait anxiously for the dust to settle and see if their opponent had fallen.

And it has, laying blackened and twisted in the snow, but still in one piece. With a shuddering gasp it's bony chest rises and falls in pained breathes of air, still struggling to stand but too weak to accomplish the task...

2011-01-08, 03:44 AM

Shaking clumps of snow from her hair and brushing it off her shoulders, Michiko intruded on the long silence that had enveloped the clearing. It felt as though they had been standing there in the snow for a very long time. Steam rose from where the ground was scorched and the man - creature, whatever it was - looked like burned meat.

"Guess that's one way to keep warm," she said.

Stepping into the ring where Rio had flash-melted the snow, Michiko approached the thing and bent at the knees to examine its gruesome body. The awkward blade fixtures strapped to its limbs were even more unsettling up close - the metal was fused with flesh. Either someone had experimented on this person or - and this clenched Michiko's stomach as she looked at the hand-drawn mask - he had tried to "modify" himself.

"So do we see if it can talk or put it out of its misery?" she said, reaching for canvas sack covering the thing's face.

2011-01-08, 01:21 PM
With a hint of trepidation, Michiko walks over to the figure and pulls off the ruck-sack that had been draped over it's head. Venomous yellow eyes stare up at her, darting erratically back and forth even as another strangled breath wheezes out past the horrific contraption fitted to his face. A steel plate had been attached over his mouth and noise, with the tell-tale protrusions of a gas mask sticking out from the plate to allow him to breath. Where the metal meets skin, his flesh looks ragged and sore, as if someone hadn't done a particularly good job in putting this miserable creature on the mend. No hair can be seen on his scalp, just 'TS-233' tattooed above his eyes and numerous scars.

The four can also see what looks like metal plates curving around the man's neck, prompting Michiko to bend down and look at the burned figure from the side to see a 'brace' of steel bolted to the back of his neck though the purpose for it is unclear.

Another wheezing breath, filtered through the gas mask, before the figure twitches and reaches out towards Michiko with one of the katana-made 'pincers' though she backs away before they come too close.

2011-01-08, 01:59 PM

Masaru gave the creature a wide enough birth that he couldn't kick out and strike the genin with one of the katana blades. Who knows where they'd been or what they might be coated with... "That serial number on his forehead. Does that mean that there are more of these creatures? Some sort of experiment or...soldier program?" Masaru asked, thinking aloud. His disgust with the idea was obvious through his voice. "What kind of sick maniac would do this to someone?"

2011-01-09, 02:15 PM

"It's still trying to kill us." Mitsuhide remarks with no small amount of awe in his voice. He returns sword to sheath and sheath to waist in a single fluid motion, pausing to brush off some of the excess snow that had accumulated on him before stepping forward for a closer look. "Hell, it's still breathing."

He frowns. Question piles on top of question. Are there others? Was this voluntary? Self inflicted? What gave this thing its inhuman drive to kill? Or for that matter, to live?

"It doesn't... I don't think it can answer questions. I'm not sure there's any room in that head for thoughts. At least not the kind we're used to."

The longer he stares at the mutilated wreck of a man, the sadder Mitsuhide becomes. Pitiable creature... his hand hovers over the hilt of one of his swords. One good cut, and it would be over. It... this man wouldn't have to live like that anymore. He hesitates.

"There's too much we don't know."

2011-01-09, 02:59 PM

The short, fast conflict caught Rio off guard. As he stood in the snow with his friends, verifying that everybody was fine, Rio cast a trained eye over the fallen... man? Crouching down, but still out of reach of the weapons, Rio spoke up.

"Two very different people operated on this man. Some of it, what we notice with the weapons, for example, I mean, even I could do that. But there's work here which I would be lucky to be able to replicate," he continued, gesturing at smaller lines, far more precise than the crude bolts. "But I have no idea what it is for. And this man was restrained until very recently."

Rio stretched his shoulder a little, giving half a shrug to his friends. "May as well," he muttered, moving to be in the creature's vision. "Don't know if you can understand, but we need a name. Give me a name. Somewhere to start."

2011-01-11, 01:14 PM
Wild eyes track Rio when the studious genin passes into it's field of vision, but no voice answers his question. Just a wet gurgling noise as it lifts it's head to get a better view of all the people clustered around it to get a better look...And especially at the one who was still within arms reach of it.

In surprisingly fast flash of motion, the tortured man punches out with one of his sets of katana-claws, far faster then the laughably slow 'attacks' it had tried to slash at them with before when they were removing it's hood. Had they just been a ruse to lure them in close...? No matter the case, Michiko pushes herself to the side with a surprised look on her face, just beginning to scramble back out of range when it moves once more.

The man's leg bends at an almost unnaturally flexible angle to drive the blades grafted to his feet at Michiko's head and throat, seeking to spit the blond-haired genin on the blades though she was expecting an act of that sort this time. Still, it draws unnervingly close to skin before she backs safely out of reach of those ungainly limbs that once more lay still in the snow. The sudden explosion of motion seems to have taken some of the vigor out of the creature, but it still looks murderously at those surrounding it with another wet snarl.

2011-01-11, 02:10 PM
HP: 66/66
Chakra: 22/28

In retaliation, Masaru darted in and fast, delivering a single, thunderous punch right in between the mutilated thing's eyes in order to knock it out and remove any remaining threat.

Unarmed Attack: [roll0]
Unarmed Damage: [roll1] (Non-lethal)

2011-01-11, 09:56 PM
"Yes Masaru, just punch it until it stops being a problem."

Michiko rolled her eyes after skidding in the snow to just out of the thing's reach, but she could feel the agitated thump of her heart against her chest. She had dropped her guard and nearly was disemboweled for it, and Michiko thought the snow was bloody enough as it was.

"Here," she said, fishing a coil of kousen from her belt pouch and tossing it to Masaru. "Tie his arms and legs. And Rio, see if you can't unhook those blades after we put Claws down for a nap. Maybe if we give 'em to Nawekefu, we can finally get him to shave."

She smirked, arms hanging loosely at her sides, but anyone scrutinizing Michiko would notice a pinprick of pale light shimmering in the palm of her right hand. You got one free shot and you whiffed, Ugly. Next time, I'll make you regret it.

Michiko readies an action to attack with Zankuushou (non-lethal) if the creature attempts to attack again.

2011-01-12, 01:46 AM
Despite Michiko's disparaging remark about Masaru's methods, they seemed to bring results as the punch rocks the thing's head back to bounce off the ground beneath it. For a moment it looks as if it still fights for that tenaciously gripped and murderous consciousness that burns in it's eyes...but then it falls back against the scorched ground and falls still.

But not dead, still alive, almost impossibly so.

Masaru and Michiko work quickly to bind his arms and legs, ever wary for a twitch of the long blades that might signal that it was still awake and playing possum still, but it remains still until it is securely trussed up. Once they step back, Rio moves in quickly to investigate the braces that are attached to his/it's arms and legs but can only give a short shake of his head after a couple minutes of investigations and tugging.

"I can't, whoever put these things on him bolted them down into the bone. I'd need to operate on each limb to try and remove them." Rio says solemnly as he rises to his feet once more, giving a shake of his head at what has been done to the man.

2011-01-12, 10:45 AM

"Rio, is it possible he could be...rehabilitated? Or do you think he's too far gone to ever be normal again?" Masaru asked, knowing all too well that a horrific outer appearance did not always signal the existence a monster. This creature could be nothing but a victim himself, taken from his home, twisted and tortured until he became something violent and monstrous. "Maybe we could break off the blades at the very least, make it less dangerous to be around."

2011-01-12, 12:07 PM

"'Rehabilitated?'" Michiko said, cocking an eyebrow. "I'm sure you and Gruesome here can compare scars and paint each others' nails later, but we have to bring this thing back to town before the snow gets worse."

She wound the trailing wire attached around her gloved hand and gave it an experimental tug, dragging the creature several inches toward her in the snow.

"We can carry him or drag 'im, but either way, let's get Gruesome out of here. The villagers were muttering about some 'Lord Ochi' guy, so let's go see his lordship about a bounty."

She shrugged. "Maybe it'll be enough to cover whatever tab Nawekefu's run up by now."

2011-01-12, 12:13 PM

Masaru didn't respond to the barb, but instead lifted the trussed up psychopath onto his shoulder and started walking back to the village. He made to stay in front of Rio and behind Michiko so that if the mutilated man happened to wake up and try anything one of them would notice.

2011-01-12, 04:46 PM

As the snow crunched under his feet, Rio replied to Masaru, "I have no idea if he can be rehabilitated. He seems pretty insane, but we'll know more when we get back to the village." Rio wiped some snow out of his eyes with the back of his hand and took a furtive glance around. "And at the very least, we will try to get those blades off."

2011-01-13, 08:24 PM
Taking more then a little caution with the bizarre creature that seems to defy their expectations at every turn, the four genin turn back to the murder-haunted village that they had tracked this beast from. Without having to follow it's tracks, progress goes far faster and they are soon back within the walls and heading for the inn where they had decided to put up for the night.

Quite a crowd grows as they pass through the streets as well, people peering out past shuttered windows before braving the cold chill of the snow to see what was going on. Staring in mute amazement at the thing being carried through the town. Men and women, young and old, all come out into the cold bundled up in jackets to stare wide-eyed at what the genin had done.

"...Is that..?!"

"No, it can't be! I thought it was just a bear that had wandered into town.

"It is! That's what I saw going after Michima!"


It (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mqq_-ixMHi0) started slowly at first, but quickly grew as the villagers began to cheer and applaud the genin. An entire swarm of happy faces gaze at the four, many with tears of relief in their eyes as they see the monster that has hunted them for Kami knows how long captured at last. Children muscle past their parents to stare at the 'monster' and the heroes who have finally brought it to justice, whispering in awe to one another. Every now and then one of them reaches out to lightly touch one of the four genin, even Masaru, before jerking back with ecstatic shrieks as they run back to their friends to brag about what they had done.

Slowly a path forms through the amazed mass of humanity, the villagers standing respectfully out of the way to the inn. Several of the villagers wordlessly mouth 'thank you', likely people who's friends or family had fallen victim to the 'man' you carry through the town. By the time you reach the inn, the entire town seems to have heard about what you've done and gathered outside. The innkeeper himself quickly brings large bowels of hot soup and mugs of hot chocolate to the erstwhile heroes, even as he avoids the bound lunatic as if he carries the plague.

Outside all four can still hear people talking exuberantly to each other, peering in through the windows and the door to try and catch a glimpse of the four as their captive lies tucked into a corner of the room, still blissfully unconscious for the moment. But the question does remain...

...What now?

Nawekefu hadn't returned from whatever errand had dragged him away and the cheers from the crowd carried an expectation with it as well.

2011-01-13, 09:58 PM

This is not good...

It's your fault for not making it messier.

Several steps behind Masaru, Mitsuhide winces and lowers his head as the crowd surges around the team. Even still his eyes remain locked on the creature, watching it for any signs of escape or struggle. He feels something brush up against his arm, and turns to look - a child. He fakes a smile and returns to watching their hunting trophy.

Damn it, is the whole town out for this? This was supposed to be quiet. No commotion means no attention. No goons sniffing around about us later.

If you really didn't want the heroes' welcome, why didn't you just kill it like I told you? It would have been so easy...

Silence. I'm not about to take a lecture on protocol from you.

Back to reality. The procession has led them back to the inn, where a table and hot drinks await in gratitude. Mitsuhide gives a nod in gratitude and acknowledgment to the innkeeper, but looking at it all steaming on the table, it didn't feel right. Too much messed up, too much not yet known. Maybe too much unfinished. He sighs.

"If it wouldn't screw up the removal process too much, maybe it would be a better idea to snap those swords off in the meantime. If we're going to speak to this Lord Ochi or whoever's in charge around here, it might be a while before we can do anything more to... de-claw him, I guess."

2011-01-16, 01:58 PM

If there was ever a time to strut, this was it. The village had produced quite a throng of people, considering the place had been absolutely desolate when Michiko and her friends first arrived. Her grin slowly came back as the crowd paraded behind them and she flashed a wink at anyone bold enough to approach her. All of the wide-eyed faces and smiles of relief should have stoked Michiko's confidence, but a cold thought needled the back of her mind. These villagers may have been grateful, but what welcome waited for them in Kagekure?

Michiko ushered the rest of the squad inside the inn and waved to the crowd before pulling the door shut behind her. The spread on the table provided for them made her stomach writhe eagerly, but the muttering of the crowd outside made her feel restless, and she smiled at the people peering in the window before briskly closing the curtains. It was nice to be acknowledged, but Michiko much preferred to be inconspicuous, at least until it was time to take off the gloves. So at least there's one reason to go back to Kagekure. No parades for us there.

She took a seat at the table and grinned. "What did I tell you? Heroes' welcome, right? Though there's bound to be rumors, and those might not be good."

"Anyway, Sword-Boy is right about Claws here, but I dunno about ripping stuff out of him just because we're in a hurry. I figure if we give Rio a clean space and some time, we could could patch him up enough for questioning, or at least make him less pointy. I mean, how does this guy scratch an itch without eviscerating himself? I'd probably go crazy too."

Michiko took a big gulp of hot chocolate and continued. "The way I see it, we should split up. One of us to stay with Rio to make sure Claws doesn't wake up during surgery and tear the place apart, and the other two to go find this Lord Ochi guy. Masaru, you knocked him out before, and you're probably used to ninja medicine by now, no offense. Would you mind looking after Rio while Sword-Boy and I go ask around about the feudal lord?"

"Plus," she added "someone should be here for when Nawekefu stumbles in."

2011-01-19, 11:17 PM

As the group was encircled by the mob of villagers cheering and thanking them, Rio kept a close eye on their prisoner, offering small smiles and nods in return for the praise. When they arrived at the inn, Rio paused and thought about how this would be the exact same welcome he would get when he finally went back to Kagekure. He hoped.

Once inside, Rio wasted very little time clearing off and cleaning a long table in the middle of the room,with plenty of light. "Should we look for Nawekefu too?" he asked, wiping some excess water off the near corner. "Innkeep! Could I get some boiling water and clean cloth?" he inquired, knowing that his patient was unconscious anyways, and boiling water can only be so fast.

Leaning on the table, stretching his shoulders, Rio looked up at the group. "I'm going to at least make him less lethal to be around. Though I can't say that he won't be crazy and/or try to attack someone when he wakes up. That kind of crazy doesn't go away by removing a weapon or four," he warned, running his fingers along the table, loosening them up.

2011-01-20, 09:23 AM

"We should also be ready in case the villagers decide that they're tired of waiting and want to see a hanging." Masaru said, moving over to the window and opening it just a crack to check on the situation outside. If there were any rabble-rousers out there things might get ugly very quick. "Whatever is to be done, we need to start doing it." he said.

2011-01-20, 07:03 PM
The noise outside begins to dwindle, but only a little bit, as the four companions converse with one another in the dining room of the inn. It doesn't take them long to come to agreement that Michiko and Mitsuhide would be the ones to go up to the castle and see Lord Ochi, while Masaru and Rio would wait back at the inn for Nawekefu and see if they could 'de-claw' their prisoner. Masaru's vigil at the window proves unnecessary, for the moment, since it seems that many (if not all) of the villagers are under the impression that the body they had brought back with them was, in fact, completely and utterly dead.

So it was that, as Michiko and Mitsuhide, left the room to begin heading up to the castle that the inn keeper returned with the boiled water and clean cloth that Rio had asked for, waiting around anxiously for several awkward minutes to see if there was any further requests before departing with a disheartened sigh.

Michiko and Mitsuhide leave the inn to the same loud applause that they had entered the village to, finding it uncomfortable in their own ways as this time a path wasn't formed. Instead the villagers crowd around the two with bright-eyes, asking if it was all over, how they had accomplished the deed, and if there was more of the creatures lurking out in the wilderness. Not a moment too soon the two find themselves beside the village gate they had entered not too long ago...to find that their entourage had disappeared. Even if their prisoner had been the only thing attacking the small village, the people who resided in it still bore fresh memories of the murders and seem unwilling to go out into the blizzard unless it was absolutely necessary.


Masaru and Rio

A stillness falls over the room with the absence of Michiko and Mitsuhide as the noise of the crowd outside slowly begins to disperse. The black-garbed Masaru still keeps a wary eye out to see if a mob might form and come back, but it seems that his worries are unfounded and so he splits his attention between the inn window and their prisoner. Rio busied himself preparing to perform surgery that he had never actually performed before, having only a theoretical knowledge of what would need to be done.

So he sterilized his tools, laid out the clothes for quick bandaging, cleared off his workspace, and sterilized his tools again just to be certain. It was only once he caught himself in a loop of repeating the same four activities over and over again that he finally took a deep breath to steady himself and set to work...

Need a Treat Injury check for each limb Bariko.

Masaru couldn't help but notice some faint similarities to himself, in terms of the sheer amount of damage that had been done to the thing on the table. Scars, subtle and grotesque, criss-cross his torso and limbs while his skull bears obvious track marks and circular scars as if someone had been playing around inside his skull. That wasn't even counting the injuries that Masaru and his friends had done to him! It seemed almost like a crime against nature that this man still lived, and that was the only sure fact. If anything his breathing had gotten stronger.


Michiko and Mitsuhide (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9UnhAJTNfM8)

The trek up to the castle is a slow one, but at the very least the trip is scenic. As they ascend up the small mountain towards the castle of Lord Oshi, the village and the forests surrounding it pan out below them with a picturesque quality to it that's almost enough to hide what grisly acts had been committed down there in the cold snow. Now that the castle isn't a sight too, because it is. While it wasn't as large as a castle might be belonging to a more influential feudal lord, the creator seemed to have decided that the best way to make up for it was to make it both as grandiose as possible...and as intimidating as possible.

Within a hour and a half's time they are approaching the stone outer walls, with a coat of plaster over-top the stone. Along the top, where someone might try to climb over top, ceramic shards had been embedded in the stone that would shred the ropes of thieves and the thieves themselves should they try to clamber over it. The castle's gate is an imposing sight, with several leering oni faces carved from stone adorning the top of it, while the gate itself is composed of logs as large around as Michiko and Mitsuhide standing side by side. Closed, the outer wall would present a problem even to shinobi trying to infiltrate the castle, especially since guards along the top of the wall had a great view of the surrounding countryside.

...Except there were no guards, none that could be seen anyway, and the gates were open enough that an adult could squeeze through if they didn't mind a couple splinters and scrapes in the process, which the old blood along the gate's crease would indicate that at least one person hadn't. Nor was it an isolated incident either from the look of things, just past the gates Michiko and Mitsuhide can spy several bodies laid out in the snow with bright flowers of red around them along with discarded weaponry. Nor was there any sign of an opening in the inner wall, which was likely around the other side of the castle, so as to delay invaders for a few precious minutes longer.

Despite the scene of battle in the courtyard, the castle proper seems untouched. Perhaps the fighting hadn't extended inside of it?

2011-01-23, 02:28 AM

Just as it had on the way in, the wave of applause causes Mitsuhide to wince, if anything a little more conspicuously than before. People surge in with questions piled atop questions, and it is only quick reflexes which get his hands up in time to be able to force some distance between himself and them, trying to clear through the thicket of enthused onlookers like a metaphorical machete and clear a path for Michiko beside him.

"Excuse me, if you could just--" Bump, shove, smack.

"It's really important that we--" Hearty pat on the back.

"No, we're not certain if--
Yes, so if you just--
Please, we need you to..." And then, silence. "...Leave. Oh thank goodness."

The swordsman heaves an exaggerated sigh, leaning forward to rest his hands on his knees and breathing as if he had just run a marathon. With a shake of his head, he turns to share an incredulous look with Michiko.

"Can I be honest with you? I think it would have been a lot smarter to just kill him. And I can't explain to you why I didn't. But I feel like this is going to come back to bite us..."

The rest of the trek to the castle is largely quiet. Mitsuhide seems to busy himself keeping an eye out for ambushes, in between a large number of half turns of his head and and a few quick, flickering glances of his eyes, looking very perilously close to bursting, wanting to say something. Anything. But nothing ever comes out. Until the castle looms over them, dragging off memories out of his head.

"The last time I saw something like this," he whispers, "Was also the first time I met Nawekefu." He frowns, gripping his nameless sword tightly, and pauses at the gate.

"...Still want to go in?"

Tossing out some likely fruitless checks:

Spot: [roll0]
Listen: [roll1]

And to sound extra paranoid, a readied action to attack with Hiten Mitsurugi: Hi Ryu Sen if something hostile appears and makes a threatening action.

2011-01-23, 04:40 PM

Ducking out the front door after Mitsuhide, Michiko was relieved to escape the inn before it turned into an operating room. She trusted Rio to handle the medicine, but preferred to remain ignorant of the gory specifics. The crowd then was a welcome distraction to her squeamishness and she turned on the charm, shaking hands, re-telling the story, and ruffling the hair of kids while Mitsuhide negotiated a way to the gates.

"...Hell yeah it was crazy! He was all sharp edges and flailin' around, like you tied a kitchen knife to a jackrabbit..."

"...and he was wearing this mask, right? A burlap sack with a monster face drawn on it..."

"...so I stuck him one, right in his ugly mug! And then, I was about to--hey, where're you going?" She scoffed at the villagers retreating and fell into stride beside Mitsuhide. "Cowards."

The swordsman heaves an exaggerated sigh, leaning forward to rest his hands on his knees and breathing as if he had just run a marathon. With a shake of his head, he turns to share an incredulous look with Michiko.

"Can I be honest with you? I think it would have been a lot smarter to just kill him. And I can't explain to you why I didn't. But I feel like this is going to come back to bite us..."

"Maybe." Michiko shrugged. She offered a polite smile, but it may have just been a tightening of her lips. "Can't say I understand the feeling. I've never killed anyone before."

The climb to the castle silenced her and the pelting snow slowed her anxious trot to a trudge as Michiko and Mitsuhide ascended the mountain. Before they had even reached the castle walls, she felt oppressed by landscape itself, as if Lord Ochi's will could have summoned the dispassionate blizzard. It chilled her in a way unrelated to the storm to imagine the man who commissioned razor walls and left corpses to freeze in the snow, yet had no fear of leaving his gate open.

Standing before its massive maw, Michiko stoked her heart with the one thought that clenched her teeth and kept her moving. No one's going to to this for me. She closed her eyes, as if to gather herself, then nodded to Mitsuhide and pushed her way through the open gate.

"With any luck, he'll be here too."

Spot: (1d20+6) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2853361/) [8]
Listen: (1d20+6) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2853363/) [18]

Before approaching the castle, Michiko spends a full-round action to suppress her Chakra signature from Moderate to Faint.

Readied action: Throw a shuriken at anything ugly that pops up.

2011-01-23, 06:37 PM
Michiko and Mitsuhide

The two genin (could they really be called that still, with all that they've seen and done?) talk quietly to themselves for a couple of moments about the nature of the seemingly unguarded castle before them, until finally Michiko pushes the gate open further and steps into the open courtyard. The scene is both familiar and alien to the both of them. For Michiko, it briefly reminds her of the attack by the creature that Rio was probably operating on right now, with sprays of blood across the walls and snow, which is trampled down into slush across the majority of the open space. Despite a lot of blood, there aren't that many bodies to be seen, implying that a lot of it merely comes from people who had been wounded but escaped their attacker.

Mitsuhide is starkly reminded of the first time he had encountered Nawekefu's summoned soldiers at the sight of what had appeared to be an intense battle...or rather, how they had leaped from hiding to attack his companions and himself. Thus, when he catches sight of motion atop the inner wall, for just a moment before it's out of sight, he almost whips his katana out of it's sheath on pure reflex until he notices that no attack comes. The only noise is that of the wind howling against the walls and the crunch of their feet in the slush and snow underfoot as they circle the castle proper to look for the inner gate and some sign of life. What's worse is that Michiko could almost swear that she hears foot-steps up on the wall, but no one peeks over to watch them.

Finally they come to the inner gate, built in a similar fashion to the outer though on a smaller scale...and closed...and guarded. By white armored figures holding a pair of naginatas with blank white masks pulled over their faces. Michiko and Mitsuhide both recognize the bushi summons that Nawekefu had used as sparring partners for them almost every day of the six months they had been training with him. Two more stand guard on the wall itself with four guardsmen with terrified expressions on their faces...and crossbows leveled at the two in shaking grips. One of them lowers his weapon, barely an inch, to call down to the two shinobi.

"W-who are you?! Did that thing in the woods follow you back here? What business do you have with Lord Oshi!?" his panicked voice comes down, glancing for reassurance at his fellows and the inscrutable white-armored guardians for solace.

2011-01-24, 10:49 AM

((This probably requires approval and stuff from Callos, but I've been failing at internet tag, so here's the post regardless))

As Rio prepared, he deftly set up a rudimentary restraint system, designed to keep the patient on the table - and to keep the two of them safe. Each limb had its own restraining loop, which ensured that loosening one limb to operate still left the other three strapped down tightly. With any luck, the... person would remain unconscious as he operated.

"Masaru, give me a hand?" he asks, motioning to the body. As the two of them got the body on the table, and Rio began strapping down the limbs, he continued. "I have no idea what might happen if he wakes up, but if it's before I'm done, I'm betting he'll be pretty pissed. Think you can knock him out for me if it comes down to it?"

Rio hefted his scalpel and hunched over the brutalized body. "Uh, mind passing me things as I ask for them? I can't keep re-sterilizing" he asks, slightly sheepishly. As he looked down, Rio paused for a moment. There was little doubt that this was the most immediately dangerous patient he'd ever worked on. Even Nawekefu, while far more powerful, was at least somewhat predictable. Taking a deep breath to steady himself and closing his eyes for a moment, he focused on the first limb (the right arm), and exhaled.

"Making the first incision..."

2011-01-24, 11:16 AM

After helping to lift the mutilated lunatic onto the table and strap him down tight, Masaru just stood like a sentinel at the side of the bed. He wordlessly passed instruments to Rio when he asked for them, but always remained ready to apply a little more "blunt-force anesthesia" to the patient if needed. He watched for breathing changes, eye fluttering, twitching, anything that might signal that consciousness was about to be regained.

2011-01-25, 04:09 PM
Masaru and Rio

Rio, despite his uneasiness at having to deal with the mangled lunatic, sets off to remove the first of the bladed arms with surgical precision. Masaru stands at the readiness, wordlessly passing instruments to Rio even as he kept watch for danger signs. There aren't any, yet anyway, for which the both of them are thankful considering the work goes on for close to two hours. The effort it takes to unscrew the blade-bracers is far more then what Rio had first thought it would take. He almost gets the impression that the entire ordeal could have gone faster if a blacksmith had been on hand to cut the blade's free instead of having to break the arm bones to remove the rods set through them. Certainly would have made the recovery process less painful anyway.

As it is, Rio lifts the surprisingly complex brace from his arm, he sets about sewing the arm back into place. One down, only three to go...

2011-01-25, 06:49 PM

Summons? Interesting. Michiko stopped at the second gate, keeping a fair distance between herself and the guards, and trying to avoid stepping any any puddles of blood. Her fingers still hung carefully near her shuriken holster, but she put on her diplomatic face and called back to the masked men.

"What thing? That nudist strapped with a cutlery set? Don't pee in your great-armor or anything, we took care of it."

It wasn't much different from her normal face, actually.

"We're actually here to see Lord Oshi about that. The villagers were a little curious as to why their feudal lord has been hiding up in his castle while people were getting butchered."

She scratched her ear, looking at those familiar masks, and ventured a question. "And, uh, you haven't seen a big ugly guy by the name of Nawekefu, have you? He owes me money."

2011-01-26, 09:09 PM

((As usual, rolls were done over AIM with Callos))

Beads of sweat dripped down Rios face as he finally removed the first metal contraption. As he begins to sew the arm back together, he pauses, probing as if something was off. "I don't... The blood is thick, almost coagulated. It shouldn't be able to flow properly..."

Leaning forward to examine more closely, Rio squinted, muttering to himself for a moment before speaking up again. "I have no idea how this body is functioning. It's taken more damage than any body should be able to and still work. It's... I'm pretty freaked out. Anybody else enduring this would be a corpse. I mea-" Suddenly, Rio jerks away, eyes wide.

"He's awake, he's awake!"

2011-01-26, 09:22 PM

At the warning from Rio, Masaru didn't waste any time in bringing an elbow straight down on the "patient's" head with a sharp crack. Being tied down to the table it would be difficult, if not impossible, to avoid it. Hopefully he wasn't going to try to jump off the table and the blow would just knock him right out again. Masaru didn't really feel like running this moron down again so soon after the first time.

Unarmed Attack: [roll0] (If needed. Isn't he helpless?)
Damage: [roll1] (Non-lethal)

2011-01-27, 12:00 AM

After all those minutes of tension, of being absolutely certain that something would leap out and attack at any moment, reaching the guards at the second gate very nearly turned into a lethal encounter for Mitsuhide. It was little more than luck that prevented his thumb from flicking his sword out at the first sight of them standing there.

The reflex action avoided, there is an almost-as-large and entirely conscious desire to do it anyway once Nawekefu's summons are spotted. Deja vu indeed, and it did not bode well for what was happening here. He curses under his breath, attempting to recover composure before he screwed up Michiko's efforts at... diplomacy? Ish?

"We're professional monster hunters, after a fashion," he chimes in, straightening his posture without actually loosening his grip on his katana. So lower your weapons, if you would be so kind. At the moment, you're safer with them down than up."

2011-01-27, 11:18 PM
Mitsuhide & Michiko (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_hwDgEoEiZI)

Despite the reassurances from Michiko and Mitsuhide don't do much to ease the panicked fear from the living guardsmen atop the wall. Rather, they look even more panicked then before, but they do manage to lower their weapons before inadvertently launching a bolt or two at the castle's visitors. As always, the summoned beings display no emotion, even as the two on the ground by the gate lift mailed fists to slam them against the solid timbers of the gate.

"Dealt with it? DEALT WITH IT?!" the hysterical soldier who had spoken laughs, though it was far from a cheerful noise, "There is no dealing with such a creature, no stopping it. We...we..."

"We did everything to that monster." Another of the soldier says softly, eyes haunted by blood-soaked memories, "We stabbed, crushed, sliced, and burned the thing...It just won't...no...can't die. We lost so many men to it's attacks. Lord Oshi finally had us withdraw into the inner castle, hoping the cold would do what our blades and burning pitch could not. All it did was attack the walls until...until it noticed the village below."

As the chilling remembrance continues, the inner gate creaks and slowly begins to draw open, revealing another cluster of living guardsmen and summons waiting within though, again, only the living held their weapons at the ready.

"Every now and then it comes back up here...we can't even send a messenger to alert the samurai to what is happening! They just keep disappearin...!" the morose-eyed guards stammers to a halt, eyes widening, "Wait, you know Nawekefu? Oh thank Kami! He just came up to the castle this morning to visit our Iwa-guests but..but he agreed to help boost our guard numbers while he was here."

"Ah ah~! Hey, you just can't go telling scary stories like that to strangers Yin-kun! Especially such important looking ones at that!" a comely woman (http://img193.imageshack.us/img193/2512/ryuuchiandchiyoko.jpg) says from the back of the armed group, pushing her way through to the front of the crowd to stand before Michiko and Mitsuhide with a warm smile on ruby lips. Auburn hair is done in an elaborate bun with trailing pony-tails, even as her black kimono is left brazenly open in the front to expose a large pentacle tattooed to her chest. An Iwa-headband is wrapped about her upper left arm, glinting in the sun as she spreads her arms as if in welcome. "And you two must be...Michiko and Mitsuhide? That lout you came here with mentioned that you might come up to the castle while he was visiting...Ahhh, but shouldn't there be four of you? I hope nothing has happened..."


Masaru and Rio

Rio's warning couldn't come a second later as his 'patient's' eyes abruptly shoot open, staring straight up at the ceiling before the bloodshot orbs begin to swivel...just far enough to see Rio hovering over his blood, broken arm. An arm that shoots off the table like a striking snake to coil dirty fingers about the genin's throat in a vice grip, breath hissing out through the gas-mask as powerful fingers dig into Rio's skin as air is cut off.

Only a second later Masaru's elbow impacts off the man's skull, sandwiching it between the black-clad genin's arm and the table. A loud crack echos in the air, likely the sound of a skull fracture taking effect, but the lunatic's hand falls from Rio's throat to flop against the table. In the brief, adrenaline filled, moment, it had been easy for them to miss the noise coming from outside. They can hear the uneasy muttering of the crowd, prompting Masaru to reluctantly leave Rio's side to peek out past the blind once again for signs of a mob forming. Luckily, that still doesn't seem to be the case.

Instead the mutterings seem to be directed towards a tall, powerfully built man (http://img193.imageshack.us/img193/2512/ryuuchiandchiyoko.jpg) in a black trench coat worn over top of a zipped up woolen shirt. A shock of vivid red hair is messily arranged atop his head, even as he muscles past the villagers with grunts of unease himself. A large pewter belt buckle with the symbol of an eye etched unto it, also bears the engraving of a far more familiar sort, that of Iwagakure. Without hesitation, the big young man pushes through the door into the inn and stamps heavy boots as his breath forms a haze in front of him.

"Daaaaammmmmiiittt it's cold!" he growls past oddly pointed teeth, rubbing his gloved hands together as crimson eyes turn to the scene in the dining hall of the inn and freeze for a long awkward minute, "...Yo."

Rio takes 5 points of damage from the lunatic's attack. The man and woman are obviously the man and woman from said picture.

2011-01-31, 10:23 AM

The shrill song of a stray crossbow bolt brought a kunai into Michiko's hand and she swatted it aside with a clank and an arc of sparks. She glared up at the shaky-handed guard who misfired. Lord Oshi really needed to review his hiring practices. Michiko was equally unimpressed with the barely-dressed woman and her clique of guards and the snow muttered under her boot as she tapped her foot impatiently.

"You're damn right nothing's happened," she said. "We only found your monster, knocked him out, and dragged his body back to the village while you all huddled up in your castle. Our medical nin is at the inn right now, de-clawing the stupid thing."

Michiko sheathed the kunai and crossed her arms over her chest, a little put-off by the woman's display of cleavage. Put them up on a trophy shelf, why don't you? Sheltered little kunoichi tart. Some of us actually go outside once in a while.

She sniffed. "If 'that lout' is here, we'll take him and be on our way. You can go find whichever bed Lord Oshi is hiding under and tell him we cleaned up his mess. No thanks necessary."

2011-01-31, 11:31 AM

Masaru looked up from the table to the powerfully built man in the trench coat, but didn't speak. He returned the greeting with a simple nod of his head before going about tying the psychopath down the table more securely. He let Rio handle the talking, assuming he had recovered from nearly being throttled just now.

2011-02-03, 03:35 PM

The tales of the horrified soldiers nag at the back of Mitsuhide's mind, and he finds himself imagining scenarios in which the creature pounces upon Rio in mid-surgery and tears him apart... but, no. Precautions had been taken. And, aside from the sheer tenacity of the thing, it really wasn't all that powerful compared to them. He shakes his head. It's handled.

"If you wish to get a message to the outside world and your superiors, I would suggest this is the time." he says, speaking to the guards and completely ignoring the... garish woman. "The object of your fear is in our custody, and its blades are being taken from it as we speak. You have nothing to fear..."

There is a pause. Mitsuhide watches the guards, but his eyes are drawn away from them to Nawekefu's summons, and from there to the woman who seems to have gotten under Michiko's skin for some reason. Or... well, maybe. It was hard to tell with her. And this wasn't really the time to ask.

Nothing to fear in theory, anyway.

2011-02-03, 04:04 PM
Michiko & Mitsuhide

"His mess?!" one of the guards growl at Michiko's words as scared eyes turn more angry then terrified as they take their aim down the crossbow's stock, "We didn't have these problems until you damn shinobi came here!"

Others among the guard seem to take some small solace at Mitsuhide's words, even as a brief look of...what was that? Irritation? Annoyance? Some difficult to read emotion flickers across the kunoichi's pale face even as her red lips continue to smile at the two.

"Ahh..you are...de-clawing him? That is a bit of a problem...but we can discuss those matters once we go and meet with your sensei." the kunoichi says flippantly, giving an idle shrug of her shoulders, "He hasn't yet concluded his business here to his satisfaction, so I doubt he'll be willing to leave just yet. Until then I'd be delighted if you would come with me to the guest rooms, the lout will undoubtedly be happy to see you are unharmed."

She turns abruptly then, the guards reluctantly creating a path through their ranks to allow her passage as she gestures for Mitsuhide and Michiko to follow behind her. As could be expected, the guards seem less then happy about the turn of events after Michiko's grating approach to the well defended castle. Along the way the two can't help but notice that the halls are eerily devoid of life, as if all of the guards had been moved to the wall but where were the servants? The lord's family? None where in sight.

Up two flights of steps the silent kunoichi guides the two to a well appointed room and gestures for the two to sit on one of the many cushions provided for visiting guests. A low-slung table covers the majority of the floor space, with several cabinets and a wide desk covering the far wall. No windows allow fresh air in, which gives the entire place the surprisingly clean (if disconcerting) smell of a hospital.

"If you'll just wait here, I'll tell Nawekefu-san that his two apprentices have arrived to meet with him." she announces cheerfully before closing the door loudly, leaving the two to their own devices for the moment. Not that all is quiet though, after a couple of moments Michiko and Mitsuhide can hear the sound of muffled voices on the other side of the far wall...

2011-02-03, 05:30 PM

Being dragged into a castle full of twitchy and irritable guards was not Michiko's ideal situation for retrieving Nawekefu, but it certainly suited him, and fit with the kind of response she'd become accustomed to receiving. She kept an invisible wall between herself and the barely-dressed woman as if they were magnets of opposite poles. At a corner, she caught Mitsuhide's eye and nodded at the kunoichi, silently asking his opinion.

In the drawing room, Michiko took a space behind the table, mimicking the woman's cheery smile until she had left the room, and then glowered at the closing door.

"Simpering bitch. 'He hasn't yet concluded his business to his satisfaction,'" she imitated, thrusting out her chest obnoxiously, then rolled her eyes. "He's probably still drunk."

"And Is it just me," she said, "or is it weird that no one wants do to anything about this monster thing? First it's too vicious to fight, and now everyone's upset that we handled it. It's like they want this thing terrorizing the countryside."

Cocking her ear toward the door, she tried to discern some of the voices muttering through the wall.

Listen: 1d20+6 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2870409/) [24]

2011-02-03, 06:56 PM

In the brief moment where tensions had ignited and guards were once more looking to aim their crossbows at the pair, Mitsuhide had once again come within a fraction of a second of releasing his sword and starting a fight. But just as before, that prove unnecessary as the exhibitionist kunoichi took command of the situation and led them inside. He fell into step alongside Michiko, eyes darting this way and that, looking for signs to either confirm or put to rest a sudden feeling of great unease. What the heck was going on?

Michiko catches his eye as they walk, gestures at the kunoichi. He frowns and shakes his head. He holds his silence until the door shuts.

"You know, there's such a thing as 'tact'. No, they're not so great at their jobs, but I'm pretty sure almost half the bad air in here is guards being mad at you for insulting them..."

He sighs, taking a long look around the room before continuing in a much lower voice.

"Maybe they do want it loose. I'd wager a lot of them are just too scared to move at this point, but that harlot's pretty invested in all of this. Bad signs all around..."

More casual, general-like observations of the area around us -

Spot: [roll0]
Listen: [roll1]

2011-02-03, 07:34 PM

The blonde genin raised her eyebrows at Mitsuhide's comment.

"Tact? For the shaky-kneed schmucks outside or their cowering lord? Screw the both of 'em. They stayed safe in the castle and left the villagers to die. That's murder by inaction in my book."

She shrugged. "Besides, we're just here to collect Nawekefu and get out. What's the worst that could happen?"

2011-02-03, 07:50 PM
Curious about the voices on the far side of the room, Michiko creeps across the tatami mats and looks around quickly for a bare patch of wall to listen from. With few other options himself Mitsuhide follows and tries to listen in as well though the voices are just so much noise to him. Instead he chooses to keep a lookout, since eavesdropping might be taken very...poorly by a guard who popped his head in to check on them.

Michiko Only:
The voices are soft and difficult to make out, but you can still tell that there are about three different voices from the room on the other side of the wall.

"Father, this has gone on long enough, don't you think..."

"Enough Keiji! I've already made my decision, I'll not break oath with these...shinobi just because of a minor setback." a somewhat deeper voice responds.

"Minor setback?! Close to two dozen people are dead! That's not a setback, that's a disaster and a problem!" 'Keiji' retorts, obviously growing agitated.

"Should listen to your brat Ochi-sama. This is more trouble then whatever they promised you and the cost is only going to get worse." A far more familiar voice says lazily.

"Excuse me, but I still don't understand what your interest is in all this." the older voice says, cold enough you wouldn't be surprised to see frost forming on the wall.

"I told you already, I came here to collect that Oni Pogrom or whatever they are working on, nothing more and nothing less. And after I went to the trouble of beefing up your guard, I'd rather not have to just take it by force. That'll just get messy for everyone involved, but mostly for you. Not that I'm threatening you or anything, it's just fact I could break my way down to the basement and...

"What are you doing?" comes the demand from the doorway as the kunoichi flings it open to slam loudly, prompting Michiko and Mitsuhide to both jump in surprise. Cold, heartless eyes glare at them both for a long minute as her lips set in a firm line, "...I found your 'master'. Come along."

No warmth, no mocking glee, just an angry kunoichi who looks as if she suspects the two genin of being up to no good but doesn't have any solid evidence to act upon. Instead, reluctantly, she waits for the two to approach before impetuously gesturing down the hall...to the room that Michiko had been listening to. As if on cue, that room's door slams open as a fair-haired young man in, of all things, shinobi battle armor that bears the scars of recent use. The teenager's head briefly swivels to take in Michiko and Mitsuhide with surprised looks...before they harden on the kunoichi's face and his hands clench into fists.

"Sasori-san." he grunts, tight-lipped, before swiveling on the balls of his feet and storming off. It's the only thing that prompts the kunoichi to smile again, though it's not a pleasant sight by any means.

"Go ahead children. I'd rather the lout not make another pass at me." She says simply, gesturing for the two to go.

2011-02-03, 11:42 PM

"Yes, tact. We're in the middle of nowhere, and we can't just go home whenever we feel like it. If we upset the wrong person, we could be--"

"What are you doing?"

Mitsuhide startles at the sudden question thrusting itself through the air like an accusatory finger. He wheels around to face the kunoichi, meeting her glare with one of his own.

"We're waiting. What else would we be doing?"

Before he can say anything further, the sound of a slamming door fills the hallway, followed closely thereafter by the armored young man. Not too hard to guess what he'd been doing recently. He's offered the briefest of nods before they part company, returning to the icy dynamic of just a moment earlier. Mitsuhide walks through the hall wordlessly, stepping into the room and shifting to one side so as not to obstruct the doorway.

There are no words, but there's a look in his eye that Nawekefu knows well, and it says plenty: "What are you doing here?" "Quit screwing around and get a move on!" "This is not what we are paying you for..."

2011-02-04, 11:22 AM

"He's awake. He's awa-" was all the warning Rio got out before the thing's hand wrapped around his throat. Then, before he could react, Masaru had knocked the thing unconscious again, and Rio hunched over for a moment, coughing and gasping. Spitting out a few choice curses, Rio nonetheless set back to work on the thing's other arm.

When the door opened, Rio looked up for a moment and set back to work. As the stranger offered a bit of a stilted greeting, Rio glanced up again, still concentrating on what his hands were doing. "Hi," he replies with a nod to the newcomer.

2011-02-04, 12:08 PM

A sly grin blossomed on Michiko's face as she listened at the wall, which she turned coy as the kunoichi flung open the door.

"Why, we're just waiting ever-so patiently to be reunited with our dear sensei," she said, then tossed a look at Mitsuhide. There's your 'tact.' "May we see him now?"

In the hall, as the armored youth traded a cold stare with the kunoichi - Sasori, was it? - Michiko gave him a knowing wink, extending her pinky like an underhand salute. She paused near the doorway as Sasori held back, and ushered her toward the room.

"Oh, but you must join us. I think your perspective on this matter would be most enlightening." She glanced again at Mitsuhide as if to say, follow along, I know what I'm doing.

"Come," she said, stepping behind the woman to politely block her retreat. "Nawekefu is much more agreeable around his students."

2011-02-05, 12:26 PM

"Er... yes, actually. Your input would be invaluable in helping us resolve our business quickly and be on our way. Won't you please join us?"

He appears at her side, dipping into a quick but respectful bow and conveniently blocking off her only other avenue of escape. He smiles up at her.

"You have my assurances there will be no unwanted advances."

He motions politely but insistently at the door, stealing another glance at Michko.

Ok, I'm playing along. Just what are you planning?

2011-02-05, 09:48 PM
Masaru & Rio

The two only exchange the most paltry of greetings with the powerfully built man before going back to work on the lunatic, taking much greater care to see if he was going to awaken or not. Left to his own devices, the hulking redhead steps loudly into the impromptu surgery room and circles around to the man's head to watch the operation dispassionately. Only for a couple of minutes though before he pulls out a small notepad and flicks past a couple of pages, peering closely at the one he stopped on before taking a closer look down at the grafted lunatic's head.

More specifically at the markings there.

Seemingly satisfied with whatever he had discovered, he slips the notepad back into his long, tattered trench coat...and snatch's Rio's wrist as he's about to make another incision with a tight grip. A feral smile begins to spread across his face, baring pointed teeth as he all but purrs, one of the most malevolent sounds Masaru or Rio had likely heard coming from a human throat.

"It'd be best if you stopped that. This chump belongs to Iwagakure and myself, I'll just be taking him and goin'." comes that sibilant purr, even as the man's eyes switch over to Masaru and back to Rio, as if to see which would dispute his claim as he squeezes the genin's wrist, making the bones creak.

It's not a literal grapple, so Rio isn't impaired from doing something.


Michiko & Mitsuhide

The red-headed kunoichi blinks in surprise as the two suddenly move to cut off her retreat, suspicion glowering behind intense eyes once more as a cheery smile is carefully plastered across her face.

"And what matter is that?" she asks aloud, though allows herself to be herded into the room she had beckoned the two to enter. On the far wall is a large barred window, the snow outside having picked up once more though the castle is hardy enough that the two genin can't even hear the wind. An older man sits rigidly with his back to the window, with carefully tailored and straightened silk robes adorning a withered frame. He's mostly bald on-top except for a top-knot at the back of his skull and a goatee compromising the entirety of his facial hair. It's salt-and-pepper colored, indicating his advanced age even if the lines across his forehead and underneath his eyes was any indication.

The figure sitting with his back to the door is almost unrecognizable at first, except for a telling shock of messy blond hair and tanned skin. Nawekefu kneels rigidly on the floor with his mouth set in a grim line and arms crossed across his chest. A black-enameled breastplate trimmed is wrapped around his torso, with thick shoulder-guards baring rubies the size of Michiko's head! A skirt of chain-mail has four long black plates set an equal distance around his torso to protect his hips, groin, and back side over top his customary baggy pants. Ashigaru greaves are laced around his lower legs and tied to the open-toed sandals he wears to protect his feet from the cold. Across his back is a sword the size of which neither genin has ever seen before, easily Nawekefu's body length in size and composed of a matte black material that seems to suck in the light from around it. An elaborate pommel has two dragons holding the massive blade steady while the red leather wrapped hilt leads to a sparkling black diamond set into the gold pommel. For the first time since he had met the two, Nawekefu is dressed as if he deserves his arrogant title of 'War Shogun'...

The entrance of the three prompts the older man, Lord Ochi if Michiko's eavesdropping was any indication, to turn sharp blue eyes on the three even as their sensei just barely turns his head to appraise the sight of the three.

"Sasori-san, what is the meaning of this?" the lord of the castle demands coldly, "I am in the middle of discussions with our honored guests."

"Ahh~! That's just it Ochi-sama, these two would be some of the apprentices that Nawekefu-san mentioned before. They mentioned something about subduing a monster and seeking to collect their master." the woman replies glibly, giving an apologetic bow even as she silently pads over to one of the pillows along the side of the room and kneels upon it.

"That's an incorrect statement." Nawekefu states flatly, "My disciples wouldn't dare come here after I told them to wait for me at the inn...Right guys?"

Finally he turns to turn a sharp look over the two of them, though the corner of his mouth does briefly twitch up in a knowing smirk as he meets both of their gazes.

"Nevertheless, they seem to be here now. Well? Come in children." Oshi says impatiently, gesturing to the spot in front of him, "I'm sure you have reason to disturb this meeting after all...?"

Mitsuhide Only:
Mitsuhide can feel his other sword a brief rattle in it's hilt before an angry hiss whispers into his ear.

He's here..Look at that over-forged, arrogant piece of scrap! Cut him for us Mitsuhide, make the braggart pay!

2011-02-05, 10:02 PM

Masaru, silent as always, stayed by the bedside, watching dispassionately as Rio worked, but then the gorilla of a man decided to grab his friend's wrist. With almost no time wasted, Masaru's hand shot out and he grabbed the hulking redhead's wrist in turn, producing a snapping sound as his digits clamped down. His masked head turned to regard the man and shook slowly in the negative as his other hand came up and he wagged his finger (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/FingerWag). It was a fairly simple warning (hands off ) but at the same time Masaru was unlikely to give another.

2011-02-05, 11:40 PM

Rio looked up, slowly extricating his arm. Studying the man, Rio neither retreated nor made any threatening moves. "We are not here to interfere with Iwagakure. We came across him, and he attacked. I believe it would be best if you permitted me to finish operating on this arm. Otherwise he could bleed out- well, his blood could slowly ooze out, or the arm could fall off or what have you."

Oh what the hell, a Sense Motive to see exactly what's going on. 29 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2875031/)

2011-02-06, 09:48 PM
Masaru & Rio

Crimson eyes snap unto Masaru's face as the hulking man's mouth splits into a maniacal grin when the burnt genin grabs hold of his wrist. He doesn't flinch away or recoil from the other shinobi's grip, if anything he squeezes his own just a bit tighter. "You got quite the grip on you boy. Too bad you just act like a stinkin' guard dog from the look of things. You could be real scary if you weren't trying to protect twig-boy here. What are you? Some two-bit mercenary or something?"

He's interrupted from more goading when Rio extracts his wrist and calmly acquiesces to the abrupt demands, making the man's lip curl in distaste, "Tch, dammit...No, he's fine as is. Ain't like he'll kick the bucket just because his arm's opened up like that."

Despite Rio's best efforts, he can't really pick up any telling bodily hints about the man's intents or purpose. Either he's extraordinarily good at lying or...he just isn't hiding anything. Perhaps a bit impatient and eager to start a fight, but that isn't exactly something difficult to tell.

2011-02-06, 10:54 PM

"Ah, twig-boy. Funny."

Rio flexed his fingers, stimulating the return of blood flow and dexterity. As he appraised the stranger, Rio replied just as calmly as he had at first. "See, I'm pretty sure you're being genuine. But I can't just leave a patient with a partially completed operation. Doctor's oath and all."

Nodding towards his unconscious patient, Rio adjusted his glasses and continued. "You're right though; the arm won't kill him. Hell, from what I can tell he should be dead already. Dead, dead. Can you shed some light? Who is this guy?" Rio queried as he slid his glance over to Masaru. If not time, hopefully I get some info.

"Ah, Masaru. I know you probably wanna belt him for the 'guard dog mercenary' crap, but I don't know if it's a good idea. We were told to wait here for him, so I'd be willing to bet Nawekefu would be upset if the place was destroyed." Rio studied the man's face for any telltale signs, his own face impassive as he prepared himself for a more... violent reaction.

2011-02-06, 11:20 PM

Masaru held the man's wrist for a moment longer before letting his fingers deliberately unfurl, the mirrored lenses in his mask showing the man reflections of his own red eyes and maniacal, shark-toothed grin. "I am no one of consequence." he said finally in response to the man's question, but didn't elaborate any further.

A small part of him wanted to show the big moron just how scary he could be, but if anything Masaru was practical. The immediate threat to Rio was diffused and they seemed to be allowing the man to take back his...property or whatever it was. If he'd been listening correctly, the thing was dead as far as Rio could tell. That meant that there was very little chance of the bladed psychopath being rehabilitated. He debated simply crushing it's skull in, but he wasn't actually sure that would put it down permanently. It seemed a childish gesture anyway.

The big man's goading had little effect as well. Masaru's buttons could only be pushed in very specific ways, and simply being called a guard dog wasn't enough to rile him. Only Michiko and Rio really knew what would set him off, and they had the good sense and kindness never to bring it up. He remained stoic and calm as he took a step back to observe the brute further.

2011-02-08, 01:48 AM

"Nevertheless, they seem to be here now. Well? Come in children." Oshi said impatiently, gesturing to the spot in front of him, "I'm sure you have reason to disturb this meeting after all...?"

"We do."

Striding into Lord Oshi's private room was a perfect moment for Michiko. She had the feudal lord and his kunoichi harlot trapped in a room, completely unprepared for how badly they were going to be screwed by a 14-year old girl. Michiko wished Rio and Masaru were there to enjoy the irony, but the prospect of gloating about it later was excellent compensation. She savored the morsel of the moment, meeting the eyes of Lord Oshi and Sasori, and returned Nawekefu's smirk with a nod and just a glimmer of the grin her friends knew best. Michiko took a seat at the table and folded her hands with composure. It was a shame she couldn't make this feeling last.

"You must be Lord Oshi," she said, inclining her head with a modicum of respect. "I'm Chiba Michiko, this is Akechi Mitsuhide. I'm sure you already know Nawekefu. The reason we're disturbing your meeting is because I have a few questions that I think only you and your associate there can answer completely."

She smiled and leaned forward on her hands. "You can start by telling me everything about the Oni Pogrom."

2011-02-09, 03:12 AM

If Michiko's plans depended even the slightest bit on Mitsuhide looking composed and in-the-know, he very nearly blew it for her immediately upon stepping through the door. The sight of the suddenly splendorous Nawekefu threatens to unhinge his jaw. This is the same oaf who had haunted him since his very first mission for Kagekure? Of course it is, but why is...? How did? Since when did he...?

The hiss of his sword hadn't been meant to placate him, but it does a remarkable job of doing just that, snapping him back to reality just in time for him to maintain his composure, offering a deep bow of respect to those present (Lord Ochi in particular) and giving the hilt of his sword a gentle squeeze.

You know I can't do that... be patient. You'll have your turn.

He stands there as a quiet contrast to Michiko's bubbling confidence. Silence to go along with her bold questions. The slightest of frowns to go along with her triumphant grin. And confusion at the mystery she has apparently unraveled all by herself. But... he holds back a wince... there's that lack of tact again. Is she counting on Nawekefu to have their back? Mitsuhide steals a glance at his "mentor", and squeezes his cursed sword just a little bit harder.

Just trust her. She's smarter than you...

2011-02-11, 02:08 PM
Masaru & Rio

"Tch, and I don't give a crap what oaths you have, they ain't none of my business. I'm taking this scum back where he belongs." he says belligerently, glaring down at Rio before reaching down to begin undoing the bindings. His reply to Rio's questions is just as dreadfully unhelpful though.

"I'unno. Some piece of trash who got put in jail is likely though. I'm not paid to know who these things used to be, just to bring'em back if they get out." he replies with blatant disinterest before fishing a kunai out of a concealed pouch at the back of his waist to begin cutting at the bonds, "When's the last time you knocked him out? It'll be a pain in the arse if he wakes up while I'm moving him."

================================================== ===

Michiko & Mitsuhide

Silence hangs in the air for a couple of beats in the wake of Michiko's declaration, one filled with confusion on the face of Sasori and growing outrage on the face of Lord Ochi.

"The what?" Sasori says, glancing from Ochi to Nawekefu with a look of non-comprehension across her pale face.

"You were eavesdropping!? Nawekefu what is the meaning of...?" Ochi looks far more outraged, his stern face beginning to warp with anger as his hands tighten into white fists in his lap, trembling with outrage at what had been perpetrated.

"Kami take you Michiko.." Nawekefu groans unhappily, dropping his face into his hands and shaking it, "She means the Ogre Program Sasori-chan, my disciple was listening in at the door in the adjoining room when you came in."

"I knew it!"

"SILENCE!" the infuriated roar quiets down the viciously truimphant Sasori and the bemoaning Nawekefu, even as Ochi turns his rage-filled gaze on Michiko.

"By all means child, tell me why we should tell you anything?

2011-02-11, 03:38 PM

So the walls were a little thicker than Michiko had guessed. At least she heard heard well enough to get the intended effect. As Nawekfu groaned and Ochi purpled, Michiko cleared her throat, unperturbed by the commotion she had stirred up in the room.

"Ahem. The Ogre Program. Sorry, I had a bit of a tickle in my throat. Something about this drafty castle. And I certainly wasn't eavesdropping."

She smiled at her "master" dutifully and her knuckles popped in her gloves.

"Nawekefu obviously would have told me about a ninja program to turn men into mindless, deathless killing machines far before we arrived in the village where they were being kept, don't you think?" she said through her teeth.

"He certainly wouldn't have left his students in the dark until the last minute. Not a responsible, honor-bound man like Nawekefu. Look at him there in his polished armor, so noble, so loyal. I can't imagine him deceiving his students, not ever."

Finally, Michiko seized the cushion she was sitting on and hurled at Nawekefu's head.

"Isn't that right, you son of a bitch!"

Standing now, she faced Ochi and Sasori, putting one foot up on the table and stabbing a finger across it at both of them.

"Now listen old man, you and your ninja-slut here can tell me the rest of the story about your little 'project,' or I'll go to down to the village and tell them what I already know. You can bet they'll revolt when the hear who's really responsible for the dozens of murders. I'll even help them start it. Imagine: torches, pitchforks, being dragged through the streets of your own village - you'll get the full "deposed monarch" experience. Does that sound fun to you, Ochi?"

Michiko crossed her arms, avoided Nawekefu's eyes, and waited.

(OOC: Is it "Oshi" or "Ochi?" So far Callos has used both, so I don't know which way is up.)

Readied action: If anyone makes a move to grab Michiko or attack, Shunshin no Jutsu to teleport to the other side of the wall.

2011-02-13, 01:22 AM

"Recently." Masaru answered to the question about the patient's latest dose of "anesthetic". He didn't elaborate. Instead, he looked to Rio, tilting his head just slightly toward the brutish intruder. The unasked question was obvious to someone who knew Masaru's body language well: Do we let him leave?

2011-02-16, 12:02 PM

"Things? Hm, so he isn't human, at least not anymore." Rio noted.

Rio quickly reached out and moved the kunai away from cutting the bonds. "I'm sure you don't care about my oaths, but I do. Even if the patient's not entirely... human, I have an obligation to at least do no harm. Letting him leave with a sliced up arm is the opposite of that. I'm sure you wouldn't mind waiting for a little bit. Of course, if you do, then we've come to an impasse, haven't we?" Rio looks straight at the man, maintaining a neutral tone, yet his muscles were more tense, readied for whatever was coming, hopefully.

2011-02-23, 02:23 PM

Mitsuhide's only addition to the conversation is a sudden, sharp intake of breath. His pupils dilate, his lips draw tightly together, and he squeezes the hilt of his sword tight enough to make it begin to hurt. He can only hope that his own surprised reaction doesn't completely doom the pair to what suddenly feels like a very inevitable fight, the consequences of which could be...

I don't even want to think about it. What the hell does she think she's doing!? I... gah!

He stares intently at Ochi as Michiko threatens him with armed rebellion, shifting every so often to the woman who was his... actually, what the hell is she? Well, it doesn't really matter, so long as she doesn't attack. Mitsuhide takes a deep breath to even out his demeanor again, despite being on ultra-high alert for an attack from just about every angle.

"...We deserve to know. We are the ones who put your problem down when nobody else would. The very smallest reward you could offer is information. If you would deny us even that much just to protect some petty secrets..." Mitsuhide's eyes meet Michiko's. There is a tiny flash of something like anger. "Then you probably don't deserve your position in the first place."

His free hand clenches into a fist.

What the hell did I just do?

In a similar tone to Catch, a readied action to use Shundo to duck out of any attempted grab or attack, although I think the limitations are slightly different from Shunshin and I can't use it to go through walls. But such is life.

Apologies for the severity of the delay

2011-03-11, 10:41 PM
Michiko and Mitsuhide

At first there's only silence from the outraged lord in the wake of Michiko's tirade, eyes bugging out from anger even as Nawekefu is smacked with a pillow and Sasori's 'smile' becomes hard-edged and joyless as Michiko goes on. The two genin notice one of the kunoichi's hands going up to begin circling the peculiar tattoo placed above her chest, even as Ochi finally lets out a long slow breath.

"What an impudent brat! The walls of this castle might as well be on the moon for as much a peasant mob could affect them, and yet you have the temerity to threaten me within my own home!" he begins, causing Nawekefu to give a despairing sigh and slump down as the prospects of him getting whatever he was here for begin to dwindle away, "...However your far more respectful friend has a point, however small and misguided it is. I don't protect some 'petty' secret...I protect the sanctity of my realm and the future of our entire world. The Oni Progrom is, quite literally, the path to a paradise where no wars need be fought any more."

"Ochi-sama, are you sure that you should be telling them this? The agreement you signed with Iwagakure did not include divulging these..." Sasori protests as her eyes become half-lidded and snake-like.

"This is still my land Sasori-san and I will tell whomever I wish whatever I wish. If you have a problem then you're free to leave and test your luck at evading the samurai without my protection!" Ochi snaps suddenly, never looking away from Michiko's face, "Now...where was I? Oh yes, the Oni Program. The work we do here child is all towards one goal...immortality."

The glitter in the lord's eyes as he says that last word is un-nerving, the hint of obsession and desperation tinging the 'noble' older man's tone as he leans forward.

"You've only seen the combat applications, so I'm sure you seem skeptical, but the Oni Program has so much more to offer then just undying berserkers! They are merely an unfortunate side-effect, no..when the research here is perfected, I shall have slain the most terrible enemy of all...death itself! My name will live on through the deathless ages as a man who surpassed even the Rikudo Sage in his accomplishments as feudal lords, kage, and samurai all bow at my feet in supplication for freeing them from time's cruel embrace!" By the end of his ranting spiel, Ochi has risen up to his feet, a wide, leering grin on his face as he looks at Nawekefu and the two genin. He's panting with excitement, even as he levels an accusing finger at the three, "It's only a shame that you're so intent on exposing my great work before the world is ready for it, dispose of them all Sasori-chan!"

"Gladly. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RZZi-i0pE1w)" Sasori promises under her breath as she finally draws her hand away from the tattoo...and erases it from her skin completely! Her blood-red lips curl up in a smile before her hand flicks out towards Michiko and Mitsuhide, though nothing seems to happen...

"Michiko, Mitsuhide, look out!" Nawekefu cries out at the last second, prompting the startled Michiko to disappear in a puff of smoke, even as Mitsuhide blurred to the other side of the room with his hand on his weapon's hilt. Not a moment too soon either! The places where the two had been standing turn to splinters and an explosion of downy feathers as something rips through the space that had held two genin not moments ago to leave the floor gouged and torn even as Mitsuhide catches sight of a glimmer of something long and thin as it cuts the panel wall leading out into the hallway to ribbons.

The red-haired kunoichi rises to her feet and flicks her hands out, the battle wire dangling from them now plain to see as she casts a smirk at the swordsman. "Very quick of you! Ahh~! Such a shame since you have such a fine body...our work would progress much faster if we had more subjects like yourself and that little...girl who left you to die. What did she call me? A 'ninja-slut'? Well...one of you is going to have to pay for that..."

"Don't play around Sasori-san, this buffoon still has two more disciples down in the village. They'll need to be disposed of as well!"

"Don't worry Ochi-sama...Ryuuchi's already gone to collect our errant test subject, so if they have it he's probably already dealt with them..." Sasori says mirthlessly as Nawekefu sighs and climbs up to his feet, stretching with a groan in a variety of...warm-up poses?!

"Stupid flat-chested brat, making me have to do this...

On the other side of the wall, back in the meeting room that Michiko had shifted into, she finds herself not alone. The lord's son (Keiji? Kenji? Something like that) is kneeling down in one corner with his ear pressed up against the wall though he starts when the genin appears in the middle of the room.

"What the...?!"


Masaru and Rio

"Heh...Oh, we won't be at an impasse for long!" the fanged man snickers out as he turns savage eyes unto the burgeoning medic-nin. Quick as a snake, his unarmed hand slashes out to leave four deep scratches down the right side of Rio's face with talon-like nails that hadn't been there a couple moments ago!

Pushing Rio back away from him, the brutish man assumes a low set posture with both of his hands out as if to welcome the two of them to attack him at once as he grins.

"C'mon you two! I want to get back quick enough to bum some soup of Shizuka-chan, I don't got time to waste with you two-bit nobodies!" He roars aloud as black scales begin to form on his hands and fore-arms, slowly traveling up to his shoulders to leave them covered in armor-like, overlapping scales that glint as the light strikes them. His claws have turned into obsidian edges that drip with Rio's blood. Muscles bulge on all of his limbs as the floorboards below creak in alarm at the man's growing mass...

Rio takes 12 points of damage from Ryuuchi's attack.

2011-03-12, 01:50 AM
Defense: 24
HP: 66/66
Chakra: 25/28

Taking limiter off of Strength and Speed ranks.

Masaru appeared in front of the scaled man. "Not smart." he commented. He raised one arm in front of him, hand with fingers extended, in an "L" shape. Looking at Masaru, the knife-edge of his hand would rest squarely between his eye lenses. Then, as he stepped fluidly forward, the hand flowed right and left to draw the eye. He stepped through with his other leg and his back arm shot through over the bend in the "L" on his forward arm, simply touching rather than striking the scaled brute center-mass in his solar plexus.

If the touch connected, the brute would find the chakra flow in his body temporarily short-circuited, stunning him for the few short moments it took for Masaru to set up for a follow-up combo. Of course, Rio would also have full access to do his worst as well.

Taijutsu Ougi: Rendan Kidouki (Hand-to-Hand Secret Skill: Combo Starter) [P.616], skill threshold met. Melee touch attack to succeed. No save.
Touch: [roll0]

2011-03-15, 09:58 PM

Teleporting was always like leaping off a ledge with no visible bottom - Michiko would jump and hope she landed in one piece. This time, it was in a crouch in the feudal lord's waiting room staring down his son. A thought took off in Michiko's head like a firework and she grabbed a hold of it. Maybe Junior was a little more well-adjusted, but Michiko would settle for angry and rebellious for this to work. She hooked her arm into his and yanked him unceremoniously toward the door.

"Hey Princey-boy, you're escorting me out. Don't ask questions and let's skip over what you already know: Your dad's full-on demented, the Iwa ninja are goons, and you let them use the castle for a mad science project because it seemed like a good idea at the time. Old news."

Michiko thrust her head out into the hallway and checked for guards, then pushed Keiji's back against the door with playful roughness.

"But here's where things get interesting," she said, flashing him a clever smile and squeezing his bicep. "I'm going to burn this whole experiment down and you're going to help me."

And before he could protest, Michiko dragged him out into the hall. "Lead me, Princey-boy."

2011-04-06, 07:53 PM

"Shut up. If I have to put up with one more second of posturing and bluffing I'm going to burn this castle to the ground. If you've got anything to say, you can speak to Shoujakkutou..."

Mitsuhide hisses the words more than speaks them, his eyes ablaze. His sword arm trembles, inching toward the demon blade as he sizes up the distance between himself and the surprisingly dangerous woman who had nearly beheaded him just now.

A tricky one, and good... he hadn't even seen the attack coming until it was almost too late. Good, too good. Better than him. His hand closes around the hilt of the weapon. Well, too late now. Kill or be killed. Chakra floods his system, his muscles tense, and... action. He rushes forward, barely bothering to touch the floor until he's directly under Sasori.

Crouched low to the ground, he pivots and springs straight up, twisting his hip and drawing his weapon in a straight line up the length of her body. His momentum carries him up into the air and spins him like a top. With the next rotation, he's brought the sheath up underneath her chin. The force of the attack drives him back down to the ground, and he rolls off of one shoulder before springing back to his feet. Do or die...

Hit Points: 44/44
Chakra: 7/28 (14/14)
Defense: 22

Releasing limiters on Speed Rank 3 and Strength Rank 1.
Taijutsu DC 25: success. (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2969766/)

Hiten Mitsurugi: Ryu Kan Sen Tsumuji - [roll0] plus Action Point [roll1] (total result: 36)
Damage: [roll2] plus [roll3] and Sasori is knocked [roll4] feet into the air. (Note: neglected the impact of Strength Rank 1 on damage. Should be 1 point higher)