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2006-09-26, 12:30 AM
So, the Heroes premiere aired on NBC tonight. I really enjoyed the show and I'm looking forward to seeing more of it in the coming weeks. I think that once all the "heroes" get together and the plot ball starts rolling that things will really start to get good. Did anyone else watch it tonight? What did you think about the premiere and what are your thoughts/hopes/expectations for the rest of the season?


2006-09-26, 02:27 AM
Well-written. Paced a bit slow, but I guess I'd rather see that than the writer(s) trying to cram too much into each episode and thereby screwing it up.

Hefty amount of "coincidences", wouldn't you say? What are the odds that out of all the cabbies in New York, you'd run into the one whose father was the brilliant geneticists who met with foul play? And not just the hero, the evil guy, also? Said evil guy also happening to be the adoptive father of the indestructible girl...

All in all, I enjoyed it, and am looking forward to seeing how things develop.

2006-09-26, 09:35 AM
Well-written. Paced a bit slow, but I guess I'd rather see that than the writer(s) trying to cram too much into each episode and thereby screwing it up.

Hefty amount of "coincidences", wouldn't you say? What are the odds that out of all the cabbies in New York, you'd run into the one whose father was the brilliant geneticists who met with foul play? And not just the hero, the evil guy, also? Said evil guy also happening to be the adoptive father of the indestructible girl...

I agree about the pacing - I think it was a good choice to start with, but I hope the pace picks up after another couple of episodes. Given that JJ Abrams has a new project that will most likely take him away from Lost, I anticipate that show going downhill sometime soon. Fortunately, it looks like Heroes might have the chops to be a good successor as an ensemble series.

As for the coincidences, I got the impression that the 'evil guy' getting into the geneticist guy's cab was hardly a coincidence. In fact, it sounded very much like the evil guy knew to whom he was talking. From when he first asked about the cabbie's last name, he had a sort of "I'm asking questions I already know the answer to" sort of tone. The nurse guy getting into that cab earlier in the episode/day was a bit convenient, but then again they were also talking about destiny, so perhaps it's not really a coincidence at all. I did notice one other 'coincidence,' with the nurse guy and the heroin junkie, but neither of them really bugged me. After all, the characters we've seen so far are far-flung, not only across the country, but even around the world. We'll need something to bring them together, so a couple of the characters meeting already makes a degree of sense, and it gives the viewers something to talk about between episodes. ;)

2006-09-26, 01:13 PM
I enjoyed the heck out of it.

First, having Ali Larter around for eye candy is never a bad idea. Me likey.

I thought the casting was great, and I really enjoyed Hiro -- he's going to be a lot of fun in the upcoming episodes. As for the pacing of the episode, it was what it should have been. I'm glad they're not just going for the Fantastic-Four-X-Men type of superhero action, with energy blasts and Spandex all over the place. It looks to be a lot more subtle and character-based, not just about the special effects. I've got a good feeling about this show.

As for the coincidences, from the hints near the end of the show, it looks like the Heroes are being guided together for a definite purpose... so they're probably not coincidence at all.

I'm also looking forward to seeing where the two brothers end up... at first, I'd thought the older brother wouldn't be a main character, but looks like I'm wrong.

Good stuff so far.

2006-09-26, 08:18 PM
I enjoyed quite a bit. Though I am curious about the brothers. I'm not sure if the younger one actually flew. He jumped, sure, but he didn't go up, which is kinda what you need to be able to fly. ;D And the picture showing him in the air, could have just been him falling through the air. We will see what happens next week.

2006-09-26, 08:48 PM
I quite enjoyed the show, I must agree that it was paced quite slow... Plus the coincidences started to bother me after awhile. The one that really got to me was when there was the eclispe. The eclipse was in the States and Japan at the same time!!!

I must admit the end really caught me by surprise.

2006-09-26, 08:59 PM
I liked it, 'specially the Japanese guy. He's pretty much the sweetest guy with the coolest power ever. ;D
also I'm sure the pace will pick up.

2006-09-28, 06:18 PM
Actually, I'm glad that it was slow paced. There were a lot of characters they tried to introduce in this episode, and if they tried to be snappy with it I think it would have fallen apart and lost some of the 'new' feel too rapidly.

Also, I'd rather slowly find out about things than have everything explained all at once, and again and again and again throughout the season. It's a problem I have with many comic books is that every bloody issue has to re-explain the origins and powers of the hero on the off chance this is the first comic the reader has ever picked up. One of Marvel's characters, Cannonball, somehow managed to work 'I'm invulnerable while I'm blasting', into every conversation the character ever had to the point that it became comedic. If the New Mutants had been a TV show, it would have turned into a drinking game.

The Demented One
2006-09-28, 07:14 PM
Anyone know if they'll be re-running the premiere any time soon?

Roland St. Jude
2006-09-28, 08:30 PM
Anyone know if they'll be re-running the premiere any time soon?

You can watch it online at the NBC website (sicontent=0&sicreative=791264852&sitrackingid=319 0436&sky=nb|ggl|HeroesonGoogle|show|PPCG120&__sour ce=G+heroes).

What's odd is Yahoo TV shows it re-running tomorrow at 7 pm on the SCIFI channel and on Oct. 2 at 11:05 pm on USA. Wierd.

2006-09-28, 09:51 PM
Psst, Roland. Than link is broken.

The Demented One
2006-10-01, 08:28 PM
I enjoyed quite a bit. Though I am curious about the brothers. I'm not sure if the younger one actually flew. He jumped, sure, but he didn't go up, which is kinda what you need to be able to fly. ;D And the picture showing him in the air, could have just been him falling through the air. We will see what happens next week.
My guess is that whatever the one dreams, the other can do.

2006-10-03, 12:45 PM
The second episode was SO freaking amazing!

Seriously, I didn't enjoy the pilot much, but episode 2 has me hooked.

2006-10-03, 06:09 PM
Ep 2 was very enjoyable, in my opinion.

They BOTH fly? Cool!

Anybody figured out "Blackout Girl" yet? Whaddya think? Alter ego who lives in the mirror dimension and comes out to ruthlessly do her dirty work?

Telepathic nebish of a cop who gets arrested first thing-nice.

Whaddya think about the two corpses with the heads sawed open and the brains removed? And why was the one frozen?

Comments? Cocktail Orders?


The Demented One
2006-10-03, 08:32 PM
I'm rapidly thinking that Hiro's going to end up being the most important one of them, what with the all but unlimited use of his power. Looks like he'll be stopping time eventually, which ought to prove neat.

The Demented One
2006-10-03, 08:35 PM
I'm rapidly thinking that Hiro's going to end up being the most important one of them, what with the all but unlimited use of his power. Looks like he'll be stopping time eventually, which ought to prove neat.

2006-10-03, 11:15 PM
I watched the rerun on sci fi, and tahn aepisode 2 on monday, and am hooked. I love how all the plots and stories are so interwoven, and the story is well done. The one thing I can't figure is the one stripper's power... Any ideas?

2006-10-04, 12:43 AM
I'm hooked but i think only because it keeps me from doing homework...

2006-10-04, 12:56 AM
"Black Out" girls power I would bet is some serious awesome strength and fighting ability. Personally I am hoping that she becomes a villian for later. With the bad half taking over or such.

As for Hiro, I think he will be as important as the rest of them. He has strong powers, but still doesn't have control over them. He did transport himself to NY but a huge time change happened. So we don't really know the limits to his power. I am going to assume they gave all of them limits in some fashion or another.

2006-10-04, 01:16 AM
The show needs to just be called "Hiro"

He amuses me so much.

The Vorpal Tribble
2006-10-04, 01:27 AM

I too am hooked, but then again I'm a big X-men type fan so that wasn't surprising. Then again, they could have really messed it up, but it looks like it'll come out great.

I think the pace is just right, especially as it seems to be extending the 'honeymoon time' as it were, as well as hooking you in even more wondering whats going to come next.

And yes, Hiro cracks me up and has a great concept going. It seems like no super heroes ever get a real kick out of their powers. Its more like 'oh me, oh my, but another weight of responsibility upon my shoulders. O woe, o lack!' generally. He's got what he's always dreamed of having and is having a ball ;D

Now, if they don't let us know what Miss Nerra has going for her I'm gonna storm the studio for some answers.