View Full Version : The Lost Fortress

2009-07-26, 12:45 PM
The party has been chasing a mad Warlock and his draconic effigy mount through the White Wyrm Maw Mountain Range, territory deep in the Northern savagelands, away from the empire. At about 1400, the party, on their requisitioned airship the Julia Mk7, the party finds the warlock's trail.

The party is hunting a wanted criminal, named Drax. You quickly gain on him as follows:


After 5 rounds at a constant distance of 25ft (the distance between the edge of the ship and him on his mount), he makes his way through tough terrain you can't follow. But for the first 17 rounds, you guys get to enjoy an aerial battle.

The Julia Mk7:
http://plaza.ufl.edu/neoseph/JukiaMk7_10.png (http://plaza.ufl.edu/neoseph/JukiaMk7_90.png)

Because I know one of you is going to ask, jumping onto his mount is not impossible, but there is only room for one other to fight him in melee. The Jump DC for making this is 30 (25 for distance assuming rounds {11-16} +5 for getting the distance just right since this is not a stable situation). All of the characters are anchored to the ship with 100 ft of reinforced steel chain. If you fall, you get to climb it. DC 17 to climb half speed with a move action. DC 22 to full speed. If you roll a 12 or lower, you fall any distance you've made.

The edge of the ship can get slippery and bumpy, thanks in no small part to the wind whipping across the deck. Anyone at the edge must make a DC 12 Balance check, or they cannot move that turn and fall prone. If they roll 7 or lower, they fall off the ship, see above for the rules on climbing back up.

Another party member can assist a fallen friend (someone who has fallen off deck). This is an Aid Anther action, and is a strength check. However high the roll, the chain is pulled up that many feet.

A Use Rope check sets the rope at whatever length the user wants loose. In addition, Use rope counts as synergistic towards the checks to climb the chain and to pull it up, as does profession: sailor.

So yeah, roll for initiative.


The map is to scale, except for the distance between the air ship and the flying mount.

http://plaza.ufl.edu/neoseph/BATTLE1_half.png (http://plaza.ufl.edu/neoseph/BATTLE1.png)

2009-07-26, 02:32 PM

The human paranormal can barely hold hiself as Julia aproaches the insane Warlock. He's obviously very excited at this, millions of thoughts apssing throught his head at the same time.

as if in ephifany, the wilder finally stops moving and speks to himself "I need greatswords!"

Sheet (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=77420) AC:20, HP:45
Do we free have acess to cheap wepons? I intend to use the telekinetic thurst (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/powers/telekineticThrust.htm) power to trow wepons against Drax. If I have the time to do so, I plan to group up as many and as heavy wepons I can gather (within the limits of reason) and keep them close to me. otherwise, I expect the ship to have extra arrows somewhere

2009-07-26, 02:59 PM
Gavan Forth
AC: 18
HP 48

The burly cleric grips his holy symbol of Pelor to his chest as the Julia Mk 7 races alongside the fugitive Drax. The dizzying heights make him dizzy and just a little bit nauseous, but the thrill of the chase still exhilarates him. Gavan sets his jaw firmly as he thanks Pelor above for the restraints binding him to the ship and prays for the strength to bring down their quarry.


2009-07-26, 03:44 PM
Katie the Foundling
HP 36
AC 22 (18)

At first, Katie had complained that they wouldn't let her go to the front, but the speed had been plenty for thrills anyway apparently. Not to mention, the whole having to bring down an evil warlock who'd terrorised the area. And the cold... anyone else had to wrap up warm, but she could feel the whole blast and not be hurt by it and not cover up. Vows of poverty came with perks, indeed.

As she saw him coming, she jumped up in excitement... arguably a bad idea on an airship, while wielding a six foot staff, but it didn't kill her.
"Get us closer, I wanna see him fly blind!" One Glitterdust spell, on the warlock or his mount, would make capture a little easier. If he survived.

Initiative [roll0]
Usual AC is 18, but I retroactively cast Mage Armour this morning, with a duration of 12 hours due to Words of Creation.

2009-07-26, 07:49 PM

The human paranormal can barely hold hiself as Julia aproaches the insane Warlock. He's obviously very excited at this, millions of thoughts apssing throught his head at the same time.

as if in ephifany, the wilder finally stops moving and speks to himself "I need greatswords!"

Sheet (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=77420) AC:20, HP:45
Do we free have acess to cheap wepons? I intend to use the telekinetic thurst (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/powers/telekineticThrust.htm) power to trow wepons against Drax. If I have the time to do so, I plan to group up as many and as heavy wepons I can gather (within the limits of reason) and keep them close to me. otherwise, I expect the ship to have extra arrows somewhere

You were able to purchase such weapons before boarding the ship. There are also spare ballista missles lying around (treated as Huge arrows. 2d6 damage, 5lbs)

Initiative [roll0]
Usual AC is 18, but I retroactively cast Mage Armour this morning, with a duration of 12 hours due to Words of Creation.

You can have cast this within the first few rounds of combat, so that you have it for the next 12 hours if you prefer. Otherwise, assuming you cast it in the morning (0800) it is still good for 6 more hours

2009-07-27, 03:55 AM
Luna Lock
HP - 42/42
AC - 20

Luna had been put at the back of the Julia, behind the rest of the party. Her father would have approved, as she recalled one of his old sayings; "Teamwork is essential as it gives the enemy someone else to shoot at." Despite this, she felt she might be better served up front, so that she could fire upon Drax as soon as he came into range. Of course since Drax was a warlock like her, then the chances were good that if she could hit him, he could do the same to her. Perhaps she should stay put for the moment.

Initiative: [roll0]
I'll have had my character activate her See the Unseen earlier, before the start of this fight if possible. Also, how will Flight work in this situation? Although it seems useful, I think the ship is flying faster than I could, so if I tried to fly after him, I'd end up trailing behind the ship, tethered to my chain.

2009-07-27, 04:52 AM
Initiative: [roll0]
I'll have had my character activate her See the Unseen earlier, before the start of this fight if possible. Also, how will Flight work in this situation? Although it seems useful, I think the ship is flying faster than I could, so if I tried to fly after him, I'd end up trailing behind the ship, tethered to my chain.
Physics-wise, Flight should make you move relative to the speed and position you already had. Fire a 100mph bullet behind you while you're going at 200mph forward, and said bullet is still actually going forward by 100mph - just not relative to you. Neoseph's call, but I'm seeing no reason why you would fall behind the airship without explicitly trying to.

2009-07-27, 11:26 AM
The summation of velocities starts to fall apart around C, and I never did state how fast the ship was moving... Kidding. The Julia Mk7 is not moving at relativistic velocities.
However, the Warlock Drax and his mechanical mount aren't moving in a straight line, and the Julia is keeping a relative distance between the two, while they weave in and around mountains.
The Fell Flight ability involves wings. Which allow flight by pushing air, air which is not traveling relative to the air ship and Drax. So the first jump off of Julia would be cool along with amy flight that turn, but after that you'd be left behind.
For the reasons stated above, You can only use that fly ability without trailing behind for one round. I don't mind arguing rules, but if you have a concern, please PM me.

2009-07-27, 03:52 PM
yeah, I could have bought some bolts (and a crossbow to use them) but I forgot those:smallbiggrin: and I usually don't carry a pack of 30 greatswords. I would need to many pockets.

I'll just grab those 2d6 balista bolts. could I manage to get as much of 15?

2009-07-30, 07:49 AM
ooc: Do we have a 'fighter' or is Garrison it?


With his one good eye, the cleric surveys the group's quarry. "Blast!" he curses. "There is little I can do from here."


Garrison, Human Cleric

HP: 60
AC: 21 (t12, f20)
Fort: +8; Ref: +4; Will: +9

weapon: adamantine two-handed sword

2009-07-30, 10:23 AM
OOC - We already talked over flying, and even if you could fly after him it'd probably be a dangerous idea. For one, he's likely to be hurling blasts at you from anywhere up to 250' as you approach, and there's also the danger that he has the Invocation voracious dispelling, which could pottentially strip you of all those buffs you cast and your fly spell, making you drop like a stone and have to climb up your chain to get back aboard. All in all, sounds kinda dangerous.

2009-07-30, 12:14 PM
OOC: Revy, you were screwed over flying because Fell Flight involves wings. The Fly spell has no such description involving wings, so neoseph7 needs a new excuse or to just say "No, you can't" if he wants to stop Darius.

2009-07-30, 02:12 PM
OOC: Revy, you were screwed over flying because Fell Flight involves wings. The Fly spell has no such description involving wings, so neoseph7 needs a new excuse or to just say "No, you can't" if he wants to stop Darius.

OOC - I said even if he could get away with using flight here, and he may be able to (DM's decision after all) there is still the problem of being shot at, potentially for several rounds if the bad guy has Eldritch Spear, and he'd be screwed if voracious dispelling (or a dispel wand, scroll, etc) was used against him, because all those buff spells, not to mention his flight spell, could go poof, and he'd be left dangling by a thread. Neither of which potential problems you addressed, despite them being the actual point of my post.

Yeah, that still doesn't stop him from trying, I never said it did. I was just offering advice as to why it would probably be a bad idea.

2009-07-30, 03:03 PM
OOC - I said even if he could get away with using flight here, and he may be able to (DM's decision after all) there is still the problem of being shot at, potentially for several rounds if the bad guy has Eldritch Spear, and he'd be screwed if voracious dispelling (or a dispel wand, scroll, etc) was used against him, because all those buff spells, not to mention his flight spell, could go poof, and he'd be left dangling by a thread. Neither of which potential problems you addressed, despite them being the actual point of my post.

Yeah, that still doesn't stop him from trying, I never said it did. I was just offering advice as to why it would probably be a bad idea.

Being blasted with Eldritch Spear can probably be mitigated by waiting until you're close enough to close in within one or two rounds. Voracious Dispelling still messes you up but that's why you have a lifeline to the ship - a heavy metal chain is hardly a mere thread. Not to mention the enemy warlock has like seven other PCs to worry about.

And wasn't this going to go at 1 turn/day?

2009-07-30, 03:12 PM
I have to come up with a new excuse to not allow flight? How about a Swallow Swarm, constantly dropping adamantine coconuts onto anyone that gets close?

If Darius wants to fly to Drax, using the fly spell, and can get over to him in one turn, that's fine. But there is only space for one melee fighter at a time on the mount.

But in all honesty, the mount is a dragon effigy, and only Drax is attached to it. So after you land on the dragon, Drax is going to pull Evasive Manuevers (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0430.html)and then use the dragon's 6 attacks on you while falling/flying. I wanted to set out the rules so you guys knew it was possible, but I never said it was a good idea to jump/fly onto the back of a flying dragon. It just looks really cool.

In the first 6 rounds of combat, Drax buffs himself. I shall assume between the 8 of you that you are able to Knowledge Arcana the spells.
Haste, Protection From Energy, Displacement, Cat's Grace, Protection from Arrows.

In the subsequent 6 rounds, Drax will Fireball the party. Firing between moving targets is difficult. The effective AC to do so is 18 with a ranged attack. If the attack misses by 4 or less (rolls a 14) the ship is hit instead of the party, in which case everyone must make a reflex save against DC 16 to avoid falling off. If a character already has fallen off, they are not hit by the fireball blasts unless the ranged attack roll was a natural 20.
Ref DC14 for half
Fireball1: [roll0] To Hit: [roll1]
Fireball2: [roll2] To Hit: [roll3]
Fireball3: [roll4] To Hit: [roll5]
Fireball4: [roll6] To Hit: [roll7]
Fireball5: [roll8] To Hit: [roll9]
Fireball6: [roll10] To Hit: [roll11]

So one actual hit, and 3 ship shakes.

I'll wait to see what the party does before posting Drax's last five rounds.

The mountains are a lifeless white, the sun reflecting off of their icy exteriors casts odd colored shadows between the mechanical dragon and the speeding airship. An array of magical energies and violent projectiles burst from the two entities as they clash so high above the sloped stone. Weaving in and around each other, gaining altitude, falling fast, hair pin turns, the wind shrieking at the combatants as they defile mountains untouched for centuries.

2009-07-30, 03:31 PM
((Writing IC post after I know what happens concerning the fireballs.))
Reflex half VS first fireball [roll0]
Reflex Don't Fall Off VS three fireballs [roll1][roll2][roll3]
EDIT: Wrote IC post.

Katie the Foundling
HP 27 (36)
AC 22 (18)

Katie kept her eyes on the warlock, and they began to glow a faint white as she tried to decide what spell to hurl at him... then they stopped glowing as she stopped reaching into herself and threw herself onto the floor as a fireball slammed into the deck. Letting her staff skitter away, she rolled on the floor to put out the little flames that had caught her clothes and hair - a feat made difficult by the chain, and the other fireballs that slammed into the ship itself. Just as she'd got up and began to dust herself off, the ship rocked, and she fell off.
"Aaahh!!" Her eyes flashed for a moment; she was about to cast Feather Fall, when she remembered the chain holding her to the ship. Her fall was stopped safely, but she looked up, and grimaced; she'd never be able to climb that high, and most of her spells relied on being closer. As one more fireball rocked the ship, though, she took another look at the target; it wasn't so very far away after all. "I said I'd see you fly blind..." Her eyes glowed again, brighter this time; she tapped her component pouch, then pointed directly at the warlock. "GLITTERDUST!"

I did include "or just say no" in your list of ways to stop the flight trick. But can you please have him conjure a swarm of swallows dropping adamantine coconuts? :smalltongue:

On a serious note, I'm guessing we've all got proper harnesses attached to our end of the chains, not collars or similar stupidity. Also, if you're going to rule falling damage for the chain stopping me, I cast Feather Fall on the way down.

Glitterdust range is 160ft at caster level 6 and I'm 100ft down and 25ft across. The hypotenuse should be just over 103ft, which leaves plenty of room for minor detail distance

2009-07-30, 06:34 PM

As the wilder notices the magician casting combat spells, he decides to do the same on himself. just a few seconds later when, he's about to prepare the launch of the balista bolts, he seems himself as target of several fireballs...
he manages to dodge the first one, but the shake of the ship proved to much of a challange for him. "oh, great!" he spekas as he falls off, clearly annoyed but not terribly worried. once he gets to the end fo the chain, he climbs a bit and points his closed fist upward and shouts "here we gooOOO!!!"
A unseen but noticeble blast of force comes out from him as if giving him great propulsion. In few seconds he flies up most part of the chain.

defensive precognition, +3 bonus AC adn saves (5pp +2 from wild surge, 7 minutes). enervates on 1-10: [roll0]
offensive precognition, +2 bonus on atacks (2pp +2 from wild surge, 4 minutes). enervates on 1-10: [roll1]
concealing amorpha, 20% miss chance (3pp +2 from wild surge, 5 minutes). enervates on 1-10: [roll2]
takes 10 on concentration check to get psionic focus

VS fireball [roll3]
VS fall [roll4]
VS fall [roll5]
VS fall [roll6]
ah well, using more 6pp+2 from wild surge to move up and away 80 feet with telekinetic thrust.
@DM: I can't make a roll on edit, then I'll ask for the DM to roll 1d100 for enervation. If enervated: since I just get dazed, but not stunned or uncontious, I don't think I should drop the chain or anything like that. if you think I should make any climb/dex/str check to grab the chain after I trow myself up, just call for it or roll yourself. I intent to trow up on other fallen members of the party.(like, using the power, not vomiting on them. irc.)
I don't mean to doblepost, so I'll leave the DC 17 climb check to move half my speed for you or for my next post

AC:21, HP:34. flat-footed due to climbing. expends focus on invest armor to get +3 armor AC as imediate action if directly atacked.

2009-07-30, 06:50 PM
Gavan Forth
AC: 18
HP: 48

Reflex Saves
vs. Fireball:
vs. Fall: [roll1]
vs. Fall: [roll2]
vs. Fall: [roll3]

Gavan releases a primal scream of pain as the blast scorches his body. Even as the fames whoosh around him, he still feels nauseous and the blisters make it almost impossible for him to even gather the focus to swear at Drax for his brutality. As soon as the pain recedes, he stands up and focuses his furious gaze at Drax.

He carefully places his hands over his stomach and beseeches Pelor. Healing power radiates forth, healing his burns and improving his strength.


2009-07-30, 07:28 PM
Sorry about the double post, but my healing spell didn't work for some reason. [roll0]

2009-07-30, 07:41 PM
Will Save Failed. Drax is blinded.

The telekinetic thrust works, and, though he cannot move on his next turn, Cesium is able to hold onto the chain after his 80ft climb.

For Cesium
Enervation: [roll0]
Climb: [roll1]

Don't worry about double posting for additional rolls. I'm pretty sure it eats up just as much forum juju as posting rolls on a seperate thread.

The next story post will be tomorrow and include a summary of the first 12 rounds and Drax's actions for the 3th round. Everyone please make sure you have used the first 12 rounds accordingly. I cannot help but notice a few people that haven't posted yet :(. I hope they are just on different time zones and will do so before tomorrow (the 12 noon thing may not work for me for a few days, but the significant posts will be once a day. I don't know if I can make the multipost this saturday, on account of family issues, but definatly the one post).

2009-07-31, 01:04 AM

When the first fireball is slung towards the ship, Garrison braces himself. [roll0] and is caught by the full force of the fireball.

The other blasts send him lurching, trying to maintain his footing. However, his heavy armor make it impossible to keep his balance and he falls overboard.

Each time he tries to climb up, he gets sent down the chain again. Garrison doesn't give up, though, and keeps climbing.

Garrison, Human Cleric
HP: 42/60
AC: 21 (t12, f20)
Fort: +8; Ref: +4; Will: +9

2009-07-31, 06:50 AM
Luna Lock
HP - 42/42
AC - 20

Luna noticed Drax cast a stack of buffing spells and had a distinctly bad feeling about this. There must be more to him than meets the eye, if he was casting arcane spells instead of using invocations. Discretion being the better part of valour and whatnot, she decided it might be best to put some distance between herself and the closely packed party of adventurers that no doubt would soon present a very juicy target to him.

Using one of her invocations, she lifted up off the deck of the Julia, a shadowy wing-like cape stretching out behind her and bearing her aloft. The Julia continued to surge forwards, and she put no effort into travelling forwards, allowing her chain to draw taught and pull her behind the great airship.

As the two aerial combatants drew closer, Drax unleashed a flood of fireballs upon the deck of the ship, causing many of the party to be blown overboard. She gasped at the sight, then narrowed her eyes at the evil figure who had launched the assault. Summoning her innate power, she fired off a flurry of Eldritch Blasts at him, the fiery projectiles trailing through the air.

Ok, so at some point during the first six turns in which Drax buffs himself up, I use Fell Flight to fly up into the air, and allow myself to be pulled behind the ship by my chain. I think that means I'm about 100' behind the airship. Since players who have fallen off the ship are not hit by his fireballs (unless a natural 20 was rolled, and I don't think one was) and since I'm not on the deck and am 100' away from the ship, I'm hoping that means I wasn't hit.

Once turn 8 comes around that puts the ship at a distance of 150', which if I add the 100' distance from me being at the end of my chain, puts me at 250' away from Drax, and in range of my Eldritch Blast. From turn 8 onwards, I'll fire at him. If turn 8 seems too close to my max range to reasonably hit him, then just ignore the roll for that shot. All of my shots are using Eldritch Spear and Brimstone Blast, though I strongly suspect that the energy protection spell he cast will negate any fire damage my shots cause.

EldritchBlast1: [roll0] To Hit: [roll1]
EldritchBlast2: [roll2] To Hit: [roll3]
EldritchBlast3: [roll4] To Hit: [roll5]
EldritchBlast4: [roll6] To Hit: [roll7]
EldritchBlast5: [roll8] To Hit: [roll9]

2009-07-31, 01:33 PM
Leading up to this point, Katie cast glitterdust after falling off the ship, blinding Drax, Luna blasted at him with a Brimestone blast a handful of times (made ineffective by his energy resistance), Garrison fell and can't get up, Gavan was hit and healed himself, and Cesium is most of the way up his chain after falling.

Unless I'm mistaken, thats only 5 of 8 players posting. The remaining three will assist the others get up. That's Cesium up, and Garrison. Next turn, they will focus on Katie, assuming they don't post their own actions.

Turn 13

Drax places his hands on his eyes, yells out something incoherent in this shrieking wind, and takes out his own eyes. The blood that flows down his cheeks and onto his grey armor is black, with only a hint of crimson. If the place where his eyes were, there are two points of malevolent, glowing, blood red light.

Upon restoring his vision, in a sense, he starts to deal with the combat at hand. The flying warlock, testing his energy resilience, is no joke, and he makes certain to end that threat quickly. Flying around the ship towards Luna, the dragon will charge the chain with a bite attack, followed by an eldritch blast on Drax's part directly at Luna to send her on her way.

Chain has a hardness of 10 and 5 HP. I'm treating it as a tiny creature, so +2AC for size, a +2 modifier for 3d space instead of on a level surface (for moving around in general) and I will add Luna's dex mod to the AC of the chain, just to be fair in that she does get some say in whether or not she flies off. Too bad the attack is coming from a dragon...:smallfrown:

Charging bite Atttack: [roll0] Damage: [roll1]

Drax's Repelling Blast: Reflex Save or be Thrown Back (DC 19)
Ranged Touch Attack[roll2] damage: [roll3]

Edit: Since the dragon rolled a one, The eldritch blast is also chained to attack the chain as a secondary target. The damage is half what Luna took, and the attack roll was a 22 at +13

2009-07-31, 02:17 PM
OOC - Do we get to know what Draxs' initiative is, in case I could maybe act in this turn before him? (unlikely, but I'd like to check if I could anyway). Also, how did he restore his sight? Can you tell us, or would we need to make a knowledge check for that? I can't figure how he restored his sight (which must have taken some kind of action to do) and yet can still use his Eblast against me in the same turn (another action). I'm a bit hazy on some of the mechanics - how does his Eblast get a +13 bonus to hit, when his fireballs earlier only got a +9? Wouldn't they both use the same ranged attack bonus?

Also, EBlasts still count as a ranged touch attack? I was making my rolls as if they were a normal range attack against an AC18 (because of the unusual aerial combat nature we're in). If they count as touch attacks, then does that mean I rolled my to hit rolls earlier wrong? (not that it matters if any damage was negated, but it'd be nice to know if I live long enough to shoot again). If they do count as Rtouch attacks, how do I roll to hit for my Eblasts?

2009-07-31, 02:58 PM
ooc: We are 6th level, right? :smalleek:

2009-07-31, 03:10 PM
ooc: We are 6th level, right? :smalleek:

OOC - We're up against a level 9 Warlock (I think), who's multiclassed into some kind of arcane caster, probably a high level as well. I'm wondering what us idiots are doing chasing after this guy when we should be leaving it to someone with more clout :smallfrown:

2009-07-31, 03:34 PM

"COME HERE!" the wilder shouts, focusing his energy on the warlock to bring him to melee combat with just a tought.

hey guys, i've heard 9º level gestalch warlocks lose their powers when someone chops their head off. how far we are from the ground?

6 pp+2 from wild surge [roll0] to hurl the warlock into the deck. Will save DC 17 to not be trown.
i'm sort of lost on where is he, but I want to trown him to the ship deck by tossing him up from his dragon ,if possible, to make some falling damage on him as he hit the floor.

2009-07-31, 04:35 PM
I don't mind discussing rules, but please ask me via PM.

The information below includes details I should have said earlier but did not think to (my bad), and is meant to clarify the situation.

Knowledge Planes or Religion Check (only one) to figure out what's going on with his eyes.

In spite of being 6th level characters, Luna has 2 lesser invocations, which shouldn't be possible.

Eldritch Blasts are ranged touch attacks. I have the enemies ACs, both normal and touch, and determine whether or not your attacks hit. They did, but were negated thanks to the fire resistance.

The glitterdust effect was done a while ago, and the action to repair this damage was done before the current turn.

Luna is playing kite for the airship, and is 100ft away from it. Drax is within 30ft of her on his mount (whose artificial teeth are apperently made of gram crackers) and is thus 120ft away from the airship or so. In the next round, the airship will automatically move to be within 25ft of Drax again.

Drax makes his will save against the Thrust (About time a caster made his will save. Oi gevalt).

Drax cast his arcane spells with wands or scrolls, using the Use Magic Device skill, for which he may always take 10 as a Warlock with more than 4 levels.

As a warlock, Drax has focused on his ability to hit with his Eldritch blast, but not with certain other spells, such as the fireball. The lessened To Hit was my own deal as a DM to make up for non ideal circumstances, such as distance and chaotic motion. If you prefer, I can increase it to what he was attacking with his EB, but that hardly seems fair.

2009-07-31, 07:08 PM

So, the whole adventure is for us to take on this guy under these circumstances?

2009-07-31, 10:52 PM

So, the whole adventure is for us to take on this guy under these circumstances?

no. The whole adventure does not involve these circumstances. It involves a fortress. I don't mind a little metagaming, but did anyone read the thread title? I didn't exactly roll it up randomly. This is simply the first encounter.

2009-07-31, 11:15 PM
c'mom guys, are you really afraid?the worst scenario is death and then re-animation as a zombie! of course that warlock could rape any of us, but i doubt he's be would be able to rape all of us. it's time to save the day now!

...or fail miserably, dosen't really matter.

2009-07-31, 11:21 PM
c'mom guys, are you really afraid?the worst scenario is death and then re-animation as a zombie! of course that warlock could rape any of us, but i doubt he's be would be able to rape all of us. it's time to save the day now!

...or fail miserably, dosen't really matter.

Can we please get back to the adventure at hand? It is highly unlikely this warlock is going to kill you. Given the forum rules, it is also unlikely he is going to commit some kind of seriously disturbing act (now if this where RL...:smalltongue:)

2009-08-01, 02:10 AM
Katie the Foundling
HP 27 (36)
AC 22 (18)

Katie grimaced at the warlock's method of regaining his sight, over and above wondering how it worked; she knew of no mortal magic that could restore your sight if you tore your eyes out. Maybe it was some crazy warlock thing. She looked up, and considered whether or not to blind him again, then decided against it - best not to draw attention to herself, not while helpless and hanging. Besides, someone down there might be looking up, the faster she got on deck the better. She decided she might as well at least try to pull herself up the chain, since no one was coming to pull her up like they were for Garrison and Cesium. [roll0] Unfortunately, she couldn't even get a handhold under such conditions, having never bothered with climbing lessons - not since gaining the power of Feather Fall.

2009-08-01, 04:37 AM
OOC - My excess lesser invocations were because I only had access to Crystal Keep at the time I made my character, and the class list there said that I had a choice of 4 invocations from either the least or lesser lists, and I took that to mean that I could pick four from the lesser list and use extra invocation feats to get some least ones. Of course I've since got Complete Arcane and I know that was a mistake, but I didn't at the time. By the time I realised this, you'd already accepted my character and didn't say I should fix it. Being that you've told us your players have rotten luck in your games, I figured I'd take any advantage I could get. Even with the fluffed extra invocs, I'm still getting my ass kicked.

So what's happening to my chain? Has it been broken? I think the damage from Draxs' Eblast has to be halved again, because Eblasts only do half damage to objects, and chaining a blast also halves damage from any chained attacks.

If my chain is still intact, I'll dismiss my fell flight invocation and drop like a rock, hopefully away from Drax. If it's broken, I guess I'll be falling behind the pursuit since I can't fly as fast as them, and I'll have to catch up to everyone else later. If Drax doesn't come after me and have his dragon munch me :smalleek:

Edit -
Wait a second, you said:

The glitterdust effect was done a while ago, and the action to repair this damage was done before the current turn.

How? We've had 13 turns so far, and you have identified the actions he has performed in all 13. In the first 6 turns he buffed, and in the next 6 turns he shot fireballs at us. In the subsequent round he attacked me. That's actions he performed in all 13 rounds. During which round did he have time to cure his blindness?

2009-08-01, 09:24 AM
Gavan Forth
AC: 18
HP: 48
Init: 16

Gavan gets over his own searing pain and notices that at least one of his comrades had gone overboard due to Drax's reckless blasting. The big cleric decides to help the dangling Katie, bringing all of his prodigious strength to bear in an attempt to haul her up to the deck of the ship. As he calls upon his deity, beseeching him for a temporary grant of great strength, Gavan can feel the power coursing through his veins, turning them blue and making them throb almost painfully.

[roll0] [Strength Check, boosted by domain power Feat of Strength, to pull Katie back up]

2009-08-01, 10:32 AM
Well, I'm not sure Drax will fall for my Will save. maybe I better just use telekinetic thurst to bring our mates togheter, or else that dragon will tear us apart one by one. let's see who in the worse spot then drax ends his actions. i can pull up to 80 feet ina round,doing that about 5 times before i'm out of PPs...

by the way, can i use wild surge to pay the base power point cost of a power? i'm not sure anymore... SDR d20 says i can use it to augument when manifesting, but I allways play it being able to pay the base power point cost, and now that i'm using it only to augument, my PPs are blowing away too fast..

2009-08-01, 12:34 PM
Once again, can we not dscuss the rules in this thread?

2009-08-01, 02:01 PM
Garrison thanks those that helped him up and looks around for a ballistae or some sort of weapon that could be used against this fiend. He first casts resist fire on himself and then prepares to use a spell that seemed to work on Drax earlier.

will cast blindess Fort DC 16

2009-08-01, 02:03 PM
The blindness seems to hit, but has no effect on Drax.

2009-08-01, 03:44 PM
Turn 14)

The chain holding Luna sanps, and she is sent flying in the opposite direction of the party. Drax is then going to chain eldritch blast (Sickening) Garrison, Gavan, and Cesium (assuming they are all on deck, or even 20ft from deck on chain, as the case may be).

The attacks require a fortitude save if they hit. Please tell me quickly whether or not they hit, as if a previous attack misses, the rest fail automatically.
Attack1: Garrison- Ranged Touch Attack: [roll0] Damage: [roll1]

Attack2: Gavan- Ranged Touch Attack: [roll2]
Damage: Half of attack 1
Attack3: Cesium- Ranged Touch Attack: [roll3]
Damage: Half of attack 1

The ship is going to turn around and head back for Luna, who is still airborne, but not able to fly fast enough to catch up. If anyone in the party does not want to do this, they should speak up now.

2009-08-01, 04:20 PM
OOC - Actually, there's no need, if it's ok I think I'll drop out. I'm going to be having less time online and I don't think I'll be able to keep up, and I don't want to slow things down. Sorry if it's any inconvenience, and thanks for letting me join and play. You can just say that I fall behind in the pursuit and don't manage to catch up.

2009-08-01, 04:25 PM
:smallfurious:The party has been reduced to half. It was a fair fight assuming 8 characters at level 6. Game over.

2009-08-02, 02:16 AM
((Guessing you aren't willing to reschedule Drax' escape so we don't die, followed by taking a moment to rejig the incoming encounters to match the new party level...))

2009-08-02, 06:34 AM
You were never going to die. Not in this encounter. The party has something like two clerics a psychic and another caster I think. Not even a rogue. I have better ways to waste three weeks than writing adventures anyways.

2009-08-02, 08:02 AM
Ummm...what just happened? That was weird.

We are paired up against an undefeatable encounter with the characters and situation at hand and when that happens, the DM yanks the adventure and yells at us. Ironic.