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View Full Version : HELP NPC Weapon [3.5]

2009-07-26, 08:22 PM
About how much money would you suggest it is reasonable to spend on an 20th-level NPC's main melee weapon? The NPC is a melee character. I've never DM'd before and feel like I'm sort of spending blind here. Let's assume he is appropriately decked out in other necessary magical gear.

2009-07-26, 08:24 PM
If he's a friend to the PCs, and is of similar level, just try to make it approximately as strong as their tank's main weapon.

Otherwise, just spend the gold recommended for level 20 characters in the DMG.

2009-07-26, 08:24 PM
About how much money would you suggest it is reasonable to spend on an 20th-level NPC's main melee weapon? The NPC is a melee character. I've never DM'd before and feel like I'm sort of spending blind here. Let's assume he is appropriately decked out in other necessary magical gear.

Give NPCs half the money of a PC of their level. Don't let a character spend more than a quarter of his wealth on a single item. These are my rules, more or less, though I've never tried applying them at level 20. When you get to level 15+, I start adhocing everything based on my party's strength.

2009-07-26, 08:27 PM
Yeah, me too. The thing is, the party is level 3. But the weapon this character uses is important now for reasons I can't get into as the PCs peruse the boards occasionally.

2009-07-26, 08:28 PM
Yeah, me too. The thing is, the party is level 3. But the weapon this character uses is important now for reasons I can't get into as the PCs peruse the boards occasionally.

Please PM me the reason because if this pertains at all to them getting access to the weapon any time soon, I don't see this ending well.

2009-07-26, 09:13 PM
If you want to use the guidelines in the MIC, a 20th level NPC could have an "18th level" weapon (i.e. +5 weapon).