View Full Version : Naruto d20: The Next Generation

2009-07-27, 07:12 AM
It's a new day and the sun is rising, unfortunatly so must you. Your new Sensei wishes to meet you all bright and early in the training fields. If you don't hurry there won't be time for breakfast.

2009-07-27, 07:23 AM
Natsumi Uzumaki gets up nice and early in the morning, for her first morning as a Genin. As she gets changed into her Ninja outfit, for the first time fastening the protector. Oh, where to put it. The forehead's so cliche...
she decides to tie it on her arm, and hurries down for breakfast. "Hi, mum! Hi, dad!"

She waves at her parents, better known to the rest of the world as Hinata Uzumaki and the Hokage. After grabbing a quick breakfast, she runs down to the training fields, dodging the early morning traffic.

She eventually skids to a halt at the training grounds. "Am I late? Did I miss anything?"

She then sweatdrops as she realises... Even our sensei isn't here yet...

2009-07-27, 08:45 AM
A tall, lanky figure walked into the training grounds, covering a yawn. Late or early, it was all pretty much the same for Taki. He had an Applein his hands, which he was taking fair sized bites out of. His protector is on his forehead, but fairly crooked, and almost sideways and frankly, he doesn't look like much of a Ninja.


He meandered up to Natsumi, giving her a rather lazy smile.

"Morning Natsumi. Did you manage to remember everything this morning?"

He took a large bite from his Apple while he waited for a response. Natsumi took things fast when she got excited. That was fine, but it meant sometimes she forgot things.

"Anybody else here yet?"

He gave another yawn, and then shrugged, taking another giant bite from his Apple.

2009-07-27, 03:10 PM
Over a little ways by a tree lies Kai back leaning against the soft bark of the tree. Beside him his backpack, upon the arrival of the two Ninja, he looks over, Hmm, they're both smaller than me, but that's to be expected. Guess I should probably introduce myself

After a few more seconds he gets up and walks slowly over to the group.

He's almost a full foot taller than Natsumi and half a foot taller than Taki, with red hair, and bandages covering his forehead he looks at his left hand holding his forehead protector. He's wearing armor ready for battle, over his ninja clothes. He stops a few feet from the others, "You're here to form the team right?" Looking at both their faces he recognizes one. That's Natsumi, the Hokage's daughter. He puts his headband in a pouch in his bag. "I'm Kai by the way."

2009-07-27, 03:41 PM
"Y-yes, I'm Natsumi, and this is Taki. Um... our sensei isn't here yet."

She looks nervous around somone she doesn't know that well.

2009-07-27, 04:14 PM
Yosho, a tall figure in a black and white robe, approaches his assigned training area with a slow well paced walk. A sword swings by his side and he wears dark tinted sunglasses. The glasses make it difficult to determine where he's looking. His forehead protector is slung around his right shoulder, slightly obscured by his long hair.

He notices the students already assembled. Odd looking peoples these are.

Yosho approaches the group, looks at each of them, and says "Good morning Miss Natsumi. It is a pleasure to meet you."

After a slight bow he finds a nearby tree to sit under.

2009-07-27, 05:48 PM
Taki smiled absently at both of the other Ninja's. He didn't know them, but he wasn't really bothered by that. He tried not to let anything bother him. He smiled at Natsumi's nervousness.

"Morning Kai. You as well."

Taki nodded to the fellow sitting under the tree.

"And who knows, maybe our supervisor is already here. They like to play games, and screwing with us by listening to our conversation as we arrive would be in character."

Taki laughed a little, taking a final bite of his apple, before chucking the core into the woods.

"But hey, who cares, right?"

2009-07-27, 10:33 PM
Natsumi nods at Taki. "Well, we do want t-to make a good impression, don't we, Taki?

Everyone should be able to see her white eyes. As in no pupil, and the iris is white.

2009-07-28, 06:56 AM
"Either way our sensei can hardly judge us by looks, otherwise he might not really get to know us." Kai looks down at his hands then proceeds to retrieve his forehead protector and twirl it in his fingers absently.

2009-07-28, 06:58 AM
Natsumi looks at Kai.

"K-Kai, you seem a little old to be just starting on a Genin team. Was t-there some reason you were held back?"

Because we can have backstory exposition while waiting for everyone!

2009-07-28, 07:04 AM
Kai face looks at the ground and his voice seems a little more serious than before, "Yeah, I mean yes there was a reason, when I was younger I started in the academy just like everyone else, but in the first week I contracted a disease that kept me at home for the next 3 years, when I finally recovered, I looked a little different in addition to being older, and well, here I am now."

2009-07-28, 07:05 AM

well, I suppose you know about me, Kai-san."

She looks at him.

{{Japanese honourifics.}}

2009-07-28, 08:54 AM
Taki listened to Kai's story impassively. He doubted Kai wanted a reaction. And if he had recovered fully, then that was the end of it, as far as Taki was concerned. If not... well, Taki would figure out how to deal with that if he came to it.

"Natsumi, everybody knows you. As for the impression I'm making..."

Taki shrugged.

"...it's never made me hesitate before. Is Mister Nameless here..."

Taki gestured at Yosho.

"...the last one of us?"

2009-07-28, 09:03 AM
Raising to Taki's comment. "I am not nameless. My name is Yosho. Mibu Yosho."

"And I do not know if I am the last one. There does not appear to be anybody in the distance nor do I see our instructor. So, your judgment may be incorrect."

"Also Kai I believe it is. Your story is very...valiant."

2009-07-28, 03:18 PM
Kai looks at the ground, a sad expression barely visible, then his face raises again impassive, "It wasn't out of courage or out of valor that I survived, I was just... lucky" He looks around at the surrounding field, "It's too early for work why should we have to get up and then wait for our sensei?"

2009-07-28, 04:09 PM
"Taki, d-don't call him nameless, just ask for his name.

Dad mentioned that there were five of us, so there's still one missing."

2009-07-28, 04:33 PM
Taki stuck his tongue out at Natsumi.

"Why, it got the same result didn't it? And if there is a fifth, what's taking him so long?"

2009-07-28, 08:32 PM
"Taki, you need to learn to be more polite.

A-and our sensei isn't here yet, either."

2009-07-28, 08:37 PM
Taki put on a considering face, appearing to think about that for a moment.

"Natsumi... I seem to remember quite a few people telling me that. My father, my mother, your father, my teachers, my senpai's... I'm probably missing a few."

His smile turned rather sarcastic.

"I wonder if it worked?"

2009-07-28, 08:40 PM
"N-no, but that doesn't stop us trying."

And she's wondering where the last member is, and where sensei is.

2009-07-29, 08:03 PM
"You should listen to your elders oh rude one. Besides if the daughter of the Hokage tells you something it would be prudent to listen."

"Also if this other person does not show up soon then he should just be flunked. Tardiness is not a trait befitting of a true shinobi."

2009-07-29, 10:00 PM
Taki shrugged.

"My Elders tell me to do quite a few things. Most of them they themselves didn't do."

Taki assumed a wide smile.

"As for Natsumi, she's used to it by now."

Taki wasn't as stupid as he acted, and he knew there were some other reasons why Yosho was wrong. Natsumi wouldn't want him to listen because she was the Hokage's daughter. That was the kind of thing she was trying to escape.

"As for our team mate... well, he might have a good reason. Or at least an excuse."

2009-07-29, 10:41 PM
Natsumi glares at Yosho, actually. "I'll thank you not to assume somthing because I'm the Hokage's daughter. That's somthing that won't endear you to me."

Because Taki is right. She might just have to thank the Elders when they say "of course the Hokage's daughter would be able to do this!" but she can glare at Yosho when he says it.

2009-07-30, 06:48 AM
Oh great already the teams off to a great start. He places his headband back into his bag, and puts his hands into his pockets. Guess I'll just have to keep it cool and try to not get involved in the current conversation, or I could try and divert the conversation somehow...

Anyone know who are Sensei is anyway?

2009-07-30, 07:33 AM
Yosho stares in Natsumi's direction for a few seconds before responding, "Apologies".

Turning towards Kai's inquiry, "No, I do not. Hopefully it is somebody of note, especially if they are making us wait this long." Mumbling under his breath "Otherwise Konoha would have been a huge disappointment."

2009-07-30, 07:36 AM
Natsumi smiles a little. "I-it's alright, Yosho. It's j-just that I get everyone j-just viewing me as the Hokage's daughter, a-and it's really annoying.

Oops. Slight stutter is back.

2009-07-30, 08:29 AM
His interest piqued. "Annoying? Being the Hokage's (only?) daughter is annoying? You have a great legacy to uphold and grand birthright that people dream of. What you should be is proud, happy, and lucky. Luck, valor, birthright. All of these things should be things you should be happy about and accept greatly. But maybe its your upbringing that allows you to deny such things so easily."

2009-07-30, 10:33 AM
As the group continues to talk amongst themselves a man begins to aproach, in his early 20's the man stands a little over 6ft with deep blue eyes and black hair, his clothes casual, but well kept. "Getting ready to play 'ninja' I see." He says with a smile.

2009-07-30, 11:06 AM
Taki listened to Yosho, just shaking his head. He doubted this was the time and place for Natsumi to explain her motivations.

"Everything has another side, Yosho. If you'd really like to pick apart Natsumi's motivations, feel free, but is this really the place?"

Then the man walked up, and spoke. Taki just smiled back at him.

"Yep. We're finished playing academy student's, and need something new to keep us interested. What are you playing at?"

2009-07-30, 02:58 PM
Seeing the new man walk over to the group Kai turns towards him, Hmm, is he the sensei or someone else? This is gonna take some work. I should've stayed home today.

2009-07-31, 12:23 AM
Natsumi looks at the man. "W-we're not playing anything. I-if people treat being a ninja as a game, people get hurt.

She looks at Yosho. "B-both my father and grandfather became Hokage. P-people only see that too often. W-why do you think I should be happy when people think 'of course Natsumi did it, she's the Hokage's daughter after all'?"

2009-07-31, 10:42 AM
"Ok I get it, your ninja. You don't look like much though and a large group to, I guess weak people need more backup."

2009-07-31, 03:57 PM
Kai wasn't worried much about this guy's attitude, but he was wondering how the rest of the team would handle it, if a fight broke out then he might have to join in, then again, what if this was all just another test. Choices like this always required him to work.

2009-07-31, 09:20 PM
Natsumi looks at the man.

"If ninja don't work together, they're doomed to fail. True strength isn't how good you are, but how willing you are to lay down your life for those who are precious to you."

2009-07-31, 09:30 PM
Taki laughed at Natsumi's corny remark. He couldn't help it.

"Only the weak fear having too many people around them. The strong know no matter how many they are surrounded by, they will stand out."

2009-08-01, 07:37 AM
Natsumi nodded. "A-and, my dad taught me somthing that his sensei t-told him as his first lesson. A ninja who breaks the rules, who abandons their mission, they might be trash, but if they abandon their friends, they're even worse than that."

She sounds determined while saying this. I might not be able to surpass my dad or grandad, but I'll live up to them on my own merits. Not as the Hokage's daughter, but as Natsumi Uzumaki.

2009-08-03, 06:37 AM
Kai curios asks the man a question, "So why exactly are you here? You don't look young enough to be in our group, but you haven't introduced yourself as our sensei, and it's a little early to come here for training." I would think he's got to be our sensei as here aren't many more options.

2009-08-04, 12:35 PM
After looking down on Natsumi from her little speech, Yosho turns his attention to the new person. "If your our instructor say so and lets get started. If you have no purpose here then leave."

2009-08-04, 08:32 PM
"Wise words for such young children, but why don't we save the sage advice for later...", he takes a deep breath, "getting back to the point," he looks at all the potential genin, pausing to assess each one, "I come from a time of 4-man ninja teams, not 6, and I would like to keep it that way. So lets have a little elimination challenge, shall we?".

Without the slightest move on his part, a shadow clone appears at either side of him. He then pulls out three bells, and hands one to each of his clones.

"So which of you 3 will it be?", and with that the two clones run off, "Believe me when I say those clones will be much easier to steal from than me. Oh, and by the way, my name is Kisai Tenkuu."

He ties the bell to his belt and goes to sit on the nearby bench. You can barely make it out, but you're sure you hear him whisper something along the lines of, "Good luck."

2009-08-04, 08:43 PM
I've waited two years to become a genin I'm not going to let some punk beat stop me now. To the Sensei at the bench Kai says calmly,

"So how much effort should I be putting into this? "

While he moves he thinks rapidly to himself, The shadow clones can't be too far off, even I don't care who this guy is he only has so much Chakra.

Then To his teamates he whispers, "If we work as a team I'm sure we can beat one of him."

Eh, You playing the Jounin? For the record this Saturday I'll be out for a week.

I guess it's that time. Kai reaches into his bag and pulls out his Headband fastening it securely to his head.

2009-08-04, 10:33 PM
Taki shrugged. Simple enough for him. If he betrayed Natsumi, it would never be the end of it. So he had two choices. Either make sure one of the the other two didn't win, or make sure he and she did.


"Looks like we got a break, what with our other team mate not showing up."

Taki laughed, and looked over at Kai smiling.

"Why bother with that? Let's make this fair. Natsumi and I take on one of the clones. One of you two takes on the other. The last gets to deal with the Jounin. If Natsumi and I take down ours before either of you, we come after whichever of the bells is left."

2009-08-05, 07:20 AM
Kai was still standing there waiting thinking, when Taki spoke.

So he's going to leave one of his future teammates to fend for themselves and split up the team?

Then after reconsidering the statement;

Friendship. Taki and Natsumi are at a distinct advantage because of it, in fact the possibility of me taking a bell gets harder and harder, as the chance of me having to fight the Jounin gets larger and larger.

This left him with only one option that he could see, he was best suited as far as he knew for this.

"If that's the way you want to play it, then I'll handle the 'Real' one."

Stepping up to the Jounin On the Bench he says,

"I would prefer that you stand and step away from the bench as I do not wish to harm Konoha furniture, Kisai-Sensei. "

2009-08-05, 08:15 AM
He gets up and takes a few steps forward, "You know, its funny you should fight me", he gives Kai a smug smile, "because of everyone here today, you remind me the most of myself. Except I was quite a bit more motivated."

2009-08-05, 08:53 AM
Maybe he made a mistake if the sensei had Kai's moves then Kai would be far more outmatched than he had thought, but that didn't change the fact that hw still needed one of those bells.

"Why should I be motivated when the chance of me, almost a Genin defeating you, a Jounin is near zero?"

All I'm doing is buying time, for the others to take down the copies, then they can come back here and help me with the real one. But I can't wait any longer else it will become suspicious, I'll start slow.

"OK, let's fight then Kisai-Sensei."

Kai forms his hand seal, centers his chakra and begins the first fight he's had in a long time.

Perform Kage Mane [Shadow Imitation] DC 17 Auto-Success

Extend Shadow towards Kisai, Make a DC 15 Spot Check Please

My Attack roll; [roll0]

To roll on the site type (roll)XdY+Z(/roll) Where ( = [ and ) = ]

2009-08-05, 09:37 AM
"Calling me sensei already eh? And here I thought you were the underachiever."

Spot Check [roll0]

Thanks for the advice

2009-08-05, 11:01 AM
Kai's shadow begins to rapidly speed toward Kisai, attempting to attach itself to his shadow.

I got a 23 Touch Attack in my last post does it hit your shadow???
10+ Class bonus + Dexterity + Dodge if Applicable = Shadow AC

So it all comes down to whether or not this hits LOL

The spot check was to see if you noticed the shadow, I assumed you weren't flat-footed, because we'd been talking, Had you failed the DC 15 then your AC would have been 10

"I figure that I better get a good first impression eh? Besides when I make the team I'll have to say it so I might as well get some practice in."

2009-08-05, 11:08 AM
Kisai takes a leap away from the shadow coming at him.

It does not hit him.

Sorry, I was not sure if kentma would be arbitrating or not.

2009-08-05, 11:24 AM
Damn he's fast! I won't be able to get him with my primary Jutsu.

Kai smiles at the Jounin's speed.

"Pretty quick on your toes, well I guess this changes things, I won't be able to win nearly has easily as I thought."

There as to be something I'm missing, there's no way we'd be able to tackle a Jounin.

Kai glances at the direction in which the clones left, having second thoughts.

2009-08-05, 01:45 PM
Yosho adjusts his glasses while putting on a large grin. "You are brave. I was going to take on this guy myself, but I have been moved by your enthusiasm."

He lowers into a stance wherein he holds his sheath with one hand and the swords hilt on the other. "And as such I will allow you to help me take this guy down. That is should you be truly brave."

And with that Yosho charges at the teacher while drawing his sword and striking at him with one fluid motion.

Kenjutsu Iaido attack. [roll0]

2009-08-06, 01:23 AM
Natsumi looks at Taki. "We'd better get started. Come on, Taki.

Byakugan" She activates her Byakugan, and starts running after one of the clones, trying to spot it.

Taking an attack action to activate the Byakugan, and a move action to start running after one of the clones.

If a spot check is applicable: [roll0]

2009-08-06, 05:02 AM
Yosho's attack seems to pass right through Kisai, the image of what was meant to be him flickering and fading.

Shuzenki (Blink Gate) as an avoid an attack action
Taking 0 gives auto-success

Before the image fades, Yosho and Kai hear Kisai's voice from behind them, "A direct attack. How original..."

They turn around just in time to catch him rolling his eyes.

Meanwhile, Natsumi manages to spot her 'so-called' sensei's clone watching the fight from a branch on a tree at the edge of the clearing.

Because, up to now, its all been action reaction, now would be a good time to roll for initiative.
Kisai [roll0]
Clone 1 [roll1] << Natsumi's target
Clone 2 [roll2]

2009-08-06, 06:14 AM
Initiative: [roll0]

Kazegama no Jutsu-empowered by 1 Chakra point


2009-08-06, 06:19 AM
Natsumi runs whithin range of one of her justsus...

She performs a series of hand signs. "Kazegama no Jutsu!"

A line of chakra shoots towards the clone.

Damage: [roll0]

HP: 36/36
Chakra: 22/25

2009-08-06, 08:27 AM
Slowly turning around to face Kisai, Kai stays standing as he is in a slight slouch, and hands in his pockets taking a step back [10 feet away in total]

"How's this for unoriginal?"

His face amused, and with a touch of sarcasm. His own eyes look to the sky, at the clouds, another of his father's traits he inherited.

Health 23/23
Chakra 19/23
Yeah I'm not very tough, nor do I have a ton of chakra, but is that really what you should be thinking in the middle of a fight? :smallamused:
As for initiative should I be waiting for you to go then? I get the feeling if you fought we'd all be dead.
[roll0] Initiative

2009-08-06, 12:34 PM
"You know, for all the talk you kids had before for teamwork winning the day, You have yet to show me what you truly meant. Why don't you two go off and help Natsumi and Taki take my clone on, you might have a chance then."

He starts walking towards the bench, but his posture seems to give away that he is still ready to fight.

The clone simply stands there, and allows the wind scythe to hit him, though it seems not to affect him at all. The clone then tells Natsumi, "Fuuton is my primary affinity as well, therefore it will take a lot more than that to even phase me."

At which point the real Kisai joins in the conversation as well and asks, "Can anyone tell me what affinity is my affinity's weakness? If you do, I'll give you a free shot on my clone." At which point the clone shoots him a dirty look.

I would think its like a DC 15 Ninja Lore check.

2009-08-06, 01:20 PM
[roll0] Initiative

Taki smiled, seeing a chance. He and Natsumi would be best off finish this quickly. He came dashing out from concealment to strike at the Clone, hoping to catch it off guard. Otherwise, he'd just blind it and back off. Either way, he and Natsumi needed to finish this quickly.

Else it'll be me who gets to sit out.

If the Clone is Flatfooted/Suprised, Taki strikes with Sennen Goroshi (DC 13)(3 Chakra). Otherwise, he just uses Genwakudoro (DC 11)(2 Chakra) to throw mud in his eyes.

[roll1] Technique Activation either way.

2009-08-06, 02:15 PM
Yosho turns, still smiling, after his missed attack on the jonin. "Teamwork? You want us to go fight your clones so that we will tire faster. Also it would cause distension in our ranks because we would have to fight over who gets the bell. And finally your underestimating us."

"But to show you my greatness I will go fight your little clone then comeback to take your bell."

Inititive [roll0]

Kn: Ninja Lore [roll1]

2009-08-06, 02:22 PM
"Thanks for the advice sensei,"

Kai jogs over to the clone.

"Your Fuuton affinity is weak against Katon." Then turning to the team he says,

"Look there's only 3 bells and four of us, but there's gotta be a way we all pass, because the primary objective is much too difficult. Getting a bell from a Jounin?"

He looks at the Jounin curiously, then says;

"Now for that free shot."

This is my only shot, otherwise, I won't have much left besides it's a clone not a real person I'm hurting.

Eyes narrowing as he judges the distance Kai, begins making hand-signs.

"Katon-Karyuudan! Fire Dragon Projectile!"

Pulling his head back Kai unleashes a fiery dragon flying towards the clone.

I rolled Knowledge in OOC thread.
Perform Karyuudan [Fire Dragon Projectile] DC 21 Due to +20 I auto-success
Reflex Save DC 21 Don't know exactly what you mean by Free Shot
Damage; [roll0]

2009-08-06, 02:27 PM
The clone sees Taki and tries to jump out of the way.

[roll0] on the reflex

2009-08-06, 02:39 PM
The clone then stops to take the full brunt of Kai's fire attack. When the fire collides with him, there is a large puff of smoke, and a jingling sound. When the smoke clears, you notice the bell on the ground.

You hear a loud laugh coming from Kisai. "Hehehe. Powerful attack, I'm impressed." He then regains his composure, "Well Yosho, you can get a free hit on the other clone now, he's the one standing at the river over there, try to make it count."
Now its the other clones turn to give him a dirty look.

2009-08-06, 02:53 PM
Kai's shoulders slump, and his breathing quickens, but he's wearing a small smile upon his lips, walking slowly over to the fallen bell he picks it up, and turns to Natsumi and Taki.

"No one gets left behind."

I won't win if it means that friends have to lose.

2009-08-06, 09:49 PM
"A free shot eh? I don't need your pity. I will do fine against a simple clone. Once I am done with that I'll come and take you on."

Yosho runs up to the clone. Stops in front of it for a second before saying "Zanmaken, Demon Slaying Sword." He swings his now glowing sword with a precise diagonal cut.

Shienmei ryu Zanmaken [roll0]

2009-08-06, 10:34 PM
Taki's sighed as his Attack failed. Well there went his best chance. At Kai's appraoch, Taki smiled at Kai, appeared to considered for a moment, before jerking his head at Natsumi.

"Give it to her. I don't want to be in your debt."

Taki wasn't the best of Liars. He just didn't want Natsumi thinking anybody was treating her special. She got her hackles up over that.

"We'll let the other guy have his, and you and I go up against our Sensei, no regrets, alright?"

If Taki had to be beaten, he'd rather this fellow do it then someone else.

2009-08-06, 10:49 PM
The clone jumps out of the way. "You're starting to anger me. Learn some humility!"

Two Attacks

Damage if they hit would be
Subdual of course

2009-08-07, 07:42 AM
Kai smiles, then turns to Natsumi,

"From what I know about you, you will get angry if I give it without asking, so I'll ask, do you want the bell?"

If accepted he tosses it to her. Then Turns to Kisai, and his clone In time to see the clone's punches fly,

He's going to kill him! Time for something different.

Readied Action for Kage Mane if Yosho is downed

2009-08-07, 04:40 PM
Yosho has been downed, gloriously.

2009-08-07, 05:52 PM
How's this for unconventional Sensei?!

Kai makes the hand-signs he had prepared, and looks at the Sensei's clone and says;

"Dodge This!"

As he speaks his shadow zooms toward Kisai's clone, and as soon as he dodges it Kai gives a sad expression, but inside he's smiling, because the clone wasn't his target, his real target was Yosho! He could attach his shadow to Yosho and then strike the clone from behind with Yosho's weapon, but would the clone see it in time?

Kage Mane Auto-Success To hit Yosho's Shadow DC 10 [roll0]
As a reminder I'll be gone for a week starting tomorrow, and using the technique for this is unconventional, so I'll relinquish control of my character to the DM if Kentma doesn't play him, or something, then He'll just have Yosho attack the clone if that isn't an option he'll just use the aid another action for anyone.

2009-08-07, 06:01 PM
Taki sighed, adding in his efforts as well. He was going to play all of his cards, and that meant actually using his weapons.

Ah well, that is life...

Taki focused for a moment, his practice coming to him, before he struck out with both Wires at the Clone that had downed Yosho.

Automatic Success on entering Kousen Ryu stance.

[roll0] To hit from both Battle Wires

[roll2] To crit from both battle Wires

[roll4] Damage

2009-08-07, 10:01 PM
The clone avoids the wires, and while all the attention is on him, Kisai finally decides to attack, and he runs at Kai. "Well, its been fun, but now its time to get serious."

Two Attacks

Damage if they hit would be
Subdual of course

2009-08-07, 11:34 PM
Taki sighed, seeing that this wouldn't end well. Hopefully Natsumi would be exempt, being the only one having a bell. Straight out attacking wasn't going to work, especially since the actual instructor had joined in.

Well, I am a Ninja...

Taki dashes back into the woods, then activates Kakureimino no Jutsu. He'd have one chance to make this work. Otherwise, he was going to be the next one down.

Taki is hiding.

[roll0] Hide Check.

2009-08-08, 06:31 AM
Kai Nara

Kai gasps as the two attacks find their mark, he's close to unconsciousness, but that doesn't stop him, ending his Kage Mane, he steps away from sensei [5-foot step] and gives it his all,

"Well Sensei, it looks like *cough* you're able to best a couple of potential genins, *Cough* but I can't end this without giving my all, who knows maybe this attack'll get Taki his bell, he's the only one who needs one now.*Cough*"

Aiming to catch both the Sensei and the clone in the blast he fires!

"Dragon Fire Projectile!"

If both attacks did 10 damage then Kai has 3/23 Health,
and after that technique 3/23 Chakra
Reflex Save DC 21
Damage if Applicable [roll0]
Half Damage on Successful Save unless you have evasion, whether or not your clone has evasion who knows.

See you guys in a week :smallamused:

2009-08-08, 06:26 PM
Sorry, it was only one attack, I just copy-pasted and forgot to change it.
[roll0] for reflex, and yes, clones do get class talents (evasion)

Kisai and his clone dodge to the side of the fire attack and then Kisai casts a judgemental eye in Kai's direction.

"This isn't some beat the genins game, else I would have won a long time ago. I am here to analyze all your ninja capabilities, you and him," he points to Yosho's unconscious body, "have shown me what I wanted to see. You can step down now and watch, or I could knock you out as well. I still want to see what Taki and Natsumi can do."

After the speech Kisai and the clone both simply appear 5 ft in front of Taki and Natsumi.

2009-08-09, 12:56 AM
{{I'll put what Natsumi does when I get my computer back. And get Naruto d20 back on it. If there's too long a wait until then, DMPC moi}}

2009-08-10, 05:56 AM
His chest heaving, and his body slumped, Kai kneels on the ground panting,

"Fine then."

He's seen my two signature techniques and I don't have the chakra to do anything else remotely helpful.

2009-08-20, 03:06 PM
Taki remains in hiding. He was hoping he could tis clone while his back was turned. Otherwise, he would be in trouble.

2009-08-23, 07:17 PM

2009-08-25, 07:56 PM
anyone still here post please.

2009-08-25, 09:13 PM
Ask and it shall be given

2009-08-25, 09:33 PM
I'm still here... but I lost a lot of steam on existing games due to my computer crashing/losing all information on it.

2009-08-26, 06:25 AM
Well we can keep going with the game then right?

2009-08-26, 11:34 AM
That is a yes from me. I simply haven't really done anything since my character was knocked out in like the first 15 min.