View Full Version : Pirates of the Caribbean 3 [Spoilers]

2006-09-08, 01:05 PM
Well, I'm a big fan of the films, so I thought it would be nice for everyone to talk about the film, ideas on the 3rd film and everything piratey in general.

Anyway, here's some things to get us started:
Why is the monkey still undead?
Was this covered in Pirates 2, or is it still a mystery?

Also, here's one of my theories on how Captain Barbossa is alive and how he will help in Pirates 3:

[Spoiler Alert]
We all know that Barbossa was shot, presumably dead, by Jack Sparrow in Pirates 1. My guess is that Barbossa has come back from World's End, thus bringing him back to the living. Also, if he has been brought back from World's End, he would also know the waters - thus how he will help in Pirates 3. The real question is, who brought back Barbossa?
[/Spoiler Alert]

2006-09-08, 01:10 PM
The reason the monkey is still undead is covered at the end of Pirates 1. You have to wait for the scene after the credits.
The monkey swims back to the chest with all the aztec gold in it, takes a coin and then leaps at the camera as an undead monkey.[/spoiler!]

The Prince of Cats
2006-09-08, 02:40 PM
An answer to the spoiler question, which makes the answer a spoiler itself...
[Spoiler Alert]
You see his boots (presumably filled) in the back of the scene where Jack gets his dirt. Now remember who gave him the dirt and what she was. Who do you think brought him back?

No, the real question is "Why couldn't Jack come back the same way?"
[/Spoiler Alert]

2006-09-08, 03:50 PM
And the reply to that spoiler question is;

[Spoiler Alert]

Because it's pretty damn hard to bring someone back to life without a corpse, and it's also pretty hard to get a corpse out of a kraken. :P
[/Spoiler Alert]

The Prince of Cats
2006-09-08, 05:31 PM
In reply to the spoiler, which was a reply to my spoiler, which was itself a reply to an earlier spoiler...

Yes, you are right. Good point...

2006-09-08, 08:13 PM
Yep. And Jack is the main character, so he has to show up in some overtly dramatic fasion where both Will and Elizibeth are present, and where he will be just in time to save the day.

2006-09-09, 05:58 AM
[spoiler alert] Did anyone else notice the locket that Davy Jones has - the one that plays music - is also on the table in the witch-womans house. (the one in the swamp). You see it when he steals some of the rings when she leaves the room. [/spoiler alert]

I LOVE pirates. Both of the carribbean and in general.

2006-09-09, 09:28 AM
I can say almost for certain that the entire third movie will probably not be about rescuing Jack. Without including Jack in most of the movie, they're facing a lesser income source—Jack Sparrow is by far the most popular and sometimes probably the only reason that people watch the PotC movies (they're not even really about pirates anymore). So either they'll rescue him at the beginning, or he'll be in the movie too while he's still at World's End.

2006-09-09, 10:16 AM
Jack's daddy is meant to be in it. Maybe while they're all trying to rescue him, jack will be spending some quality time with his papa?

2006-09-09, 02:15 PM
Thanks for all the comments! Some interesting things are popping around.

In regard to Jibar-Cat's latest comment, apparantly Johnny Depp based his "Jack Sparrow" walk off of someone (possibly a musician (?)) and this person is going to be Jack's Father. However, I can't remember or find who the guy is, so we're just gonna have to guess.

Also, Wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pirates_of_the_caribbean_3) has some interesting information about Pirates of the Caribbean 3. The film is announced to be called At World's End and has also been given a release date of the 25th of May, 2007.

Tia Dalma (the weird woman) is hinted to play some part in Jack's resurrection.

Another interesting comment from Johnny Depp has hinted that Barbossa will give up his life for Jack Sparrow when the Kraken attacks the ship again (but not the Black Pearl, this time)..

On other related news, Johnny Depp says he would like to do a 4th film of PotC. :-/ Risky move in my opinion, especially if it needs another storyline. You can only do a series of movies so many times.

The Prince of Cats
2006-09-09, 04:25 PM
apparantly Johnny Depp based his "Jack Sparrow" walk off of someone (possibly a musician (?))
Keith Richards, from the Rolling Stones, but I doubt he will play the part in question.

2006-09-09, 05:06 PM
Keith Richards, from the Rolling Stones, but I doubt he will play the part in question.
After a bit of browsing, it seems Gore Verbinski has said Keith Richards is gonna be in the film! (Reference) (http://uk.filmforce.ign.com/articles/714/714538p1.html

Also, for the gamers out there, it looks like a Pirates of the Caribbean Online (http://disney.go.com/pirates/online/index.html) game is coming. Looks pretty fun too.

2006-09-10, 07:08 AM
On other related news, Johnny Depp says he would like to do a 4th film of PotC.

It'll be alright if they don't attempt to strecth the next film into two films for the sake of making a fourth. Maybe they could dump Kiera and Orlando in their happy ever after and get some more actors in. If they finished with a one-off - like the first one was - it may work.

2006-09-10, 08:18 AM
Also, for the gamers out there, it looks like a Pirates of the Caribbean Online (http://disney.go.com/pirates/online/index.html) game is coming. Looks pretty fun too.

Now that seems like taking it a bit far.
Though looking at the game, seems to me it might actually be welcome amongst the MMORPG market.

2006-09-10, 11:16 AM
The games looks like utter crap

2006-09-25, 12:38 PM
did anyone find the second movie a let-down compared to the first? i personally saw too many uses of old jokes. "rum gone" etc. instead of new material, it just had old stuff. also dont get me wrong i loved both movies, just thought 1 was alot better

2006-09-25, 05:47 PM
One was a lot better.

And two wasn't even a pirate movie, just a fantasy movie.


EDIT: Although I'm not saying that 2 wasn't good. It was. But just not AS good.

2006-09-25, 05:52 PM
I have to agree. But aren't all movies like that? The first one is really good, and then the other ones are "good" but not quite as good as the first one?

2006-09-25, 05:55 PM
Mm, not always

The first Matrix was good, and reloaded was crap. But then Revolutions was also good.

But anyway, we're getting off subject here. Or at least I am. So I'ma shut up now.

Don Beegles
2006-09-25, 06:42 PM
It's the law of sequels: "With some exceptions, the sequel to a movie/book is never as good as the original."

There are several corrolarries, but I forget what they were at the moment.

2006-09-26, 01:23 AM
It's probably linked to how sequel-oriented the movie was in the first place.
Key point, Empire Strikes Back. Many argue it to be better than Star Wars. And it was pretty damn good.

-Now... if you include prequels retroactively, then really, the whole series just keeps getting better and better, though Jedi was a let-down to some people.

2006-09-27, 11:14 AM
Davy Jones already has a claim on Jack Sparrow's soul, so being fed to the Kraken was a one-way trip to Davy Jones' ship.

Now, with the Heart of Davy Jones in the hands of the East India Trading Company, and mixing in Eldred's spoiler about Barbossa, it follows that a run-in with Davy Jones is inevitable, and that Barbossa can offer something, along with himself that Davy Jones needs: the new location of his heart.

Enter an epic scene in which the heroes retrieve the Heart of Davy Jones and give it back to him in exchange for the freedom of Will's father.

My two cents, you know.