View Full Version : Diaries of an Inquisitive Hive: Let's Play MoO2!

2009-07-29, 01:11 AM
I am not going to be playing on the most 'optimal' level, but playing the game in an entertaining manner, and hopefully providing a sufficiently interesting story to go along with it as to be amusing. The Hero slaying all who opposes him without challenge is just... boring.

I will be playing this on Hard difficulty, with a total of 5 races, pre-warp, huge universe, and average planets.


And now for our story...

In the Beginning, We were Us and We rejoiced in this discovery. We explored our planet with Our Selves, but always We looked to the sky. Now is the time, here is the place. We seek the skies and our destinies.

Fighting among Us is counter-productive. Why would We fight against our Selves? Deceit is unknown to us, it is an act of futility to deceive Ourselves.

Each of our Selves has a purpose to further Us. Each of our Selves is to think, independently, so that a more complete whole may be pictured and acted on. In this way, many things may be discovered, and the pursuit of knowledge may be advanced.

Our world is a healthy one, not a heavy burden, but light and uplifting, releasing us from some of the difficulties of life and enabling us to pursue our research undisturbed.


And so at last, we begin to reach for the stars, but our first step is to remove the burdens of life so that we may more completely seek knowledge. To this end, we seek Hydroponic Farms to ease the burden of food.


As We seek out in our home system, we find no planets imediately available to support life, as both planets are radiated. One of them, from our initial remote surveys, seems plentiful in resources, while the other is lacking. We shall remember our sister planets later when we can deal with the radiation and can feed Us on a barren world. For now, there are no planets immediately worth colonizing.

2009-07-29, 06:29 AM
We are eager to reach the stars. Too long has Our consciousness been confined to this one, if wonderful world; now let Our joint spirit spread amongst the stars, until the void of the cosmos itself is filled with the light of Our thought.

Important as sustaining Ourselves may be, We feel that We should not waste too much effort with mundane distractions such as these. The way to transcendence lies in the furthering of Our knowledge; even if the sum of Our connected minds surpasses that of any machine in its glory and power, electronic computers would free Us from wasting Our mental capacities on mechanical calculations and free Us up for more creative tasks, as would better research environments. Consider, each day We keep pursuing knowledge without the aid of such things We accomplish but half of what We could accomplish with them, setting Us further and further back.

Much as I generally dislike Creative, and doubly so the combination of Creative and Unification - as I feel one of the biggest benefits of Creative is one does not miss out on the morale buildings, which Unification doesn't need - I like the race you created. Unification and Subterranean are just made of win, and I don't think I've actually ever played with Low-G - I'm curious how it works out for you. :smallsmile:

What are the specifications of that other planet? I'd suggest we colonize at least the ultra rich one as soon as we have automated factories and freighters, it's a perfectly good world.

2009-07-29, 06:36 AM
Low Gravity is a pretty good pick - you get a penalty to planetary warfare (easily offset with many types of weapons you research as Creative), and you take a penalty on planets with normal, instead of low gravity. I think the heavy gravity penalty is also bigger. Anyway, that's survivable and you can easily remove the penalty by constructing an anti-gravity barrier once you research it. Totally worth these 5 extra points.

2009-07-29, 06:46 AM
The negative ground battle modifier might as well not exist - ground battle is extremely minor, tech offsets it and in the worst case one can just throw more at them, it's not like transports take long to build.

Gravity-wise, it merely swaps the modifiers for low-G and normal-G. Heavy-G is unaffected. At least, I'm pretty sure that's what it does.

I just never was entirely sure how much getting the penalty on normal-G would slow one down. There are way more planets with normal-G than low-G, and planetary gravity generators are, while a moderately early tech, still not that early. I'm of the firm philosophy that a quick start with a rapid expansion is essential for an ideal play, and I was always wondering how much Low-G would impede that or not. Whether a penalty remains in the long run or becomes irrelevant with tech doesn't matter if it sets you back many turns in comparison to how you would fare without that penalty (that's also why Unification is so strong. Other governments can get the same bonuses from morale, after all - it's just that they take so long to do that that the Unification race gets way ahead until they do so).

Though I also figured that maybe the impact wouldn't be quite that bad, and the five points gained this way would more than offset it. Never put it to a test though. That's why I'm curious to see it in play now. :smallwink:

2009-07-29, 07:25 AM
Interesting build. I normally skip unification when i do creative simply for those morale buildings. Half the fun of creative is using all those little bonus techs. Still I guess creative makes low grav not so bad. You can still pick up graviton beams when you take gravity generators. Graviton beams are fun. They make a great beam while you tech towards those AF SP Phasors. Also those unification bonus will off-set the penalty you face on a normal grav-planet.

2009-07-29, 06:08 PM
Low-G doubles penalties for Heavy-G planets in addition to switching penalties between Normal and Low-G. All of this is, of course, obviated by Gravity Generators.

The other planet in the system is Small/Radiated/Poor/Low-G. If it wasn't radiated, I'd be tempted to colonize it. However, Radiation Shields are a little ways off. I highlighted it in my screenshot at the end of the chapter.

And now for Chapter 2: Reaching for the Stars
Now that mundane considerations have been taken care of, We seekers of knowledge seek ways to seek more knowledge. To this end, We strive to master computers and Research Labs, which also nets us the Dauntless Guidance System, so that we do not waste our defenses on already defeated foes.

Knowledge we seek, and a Teacher has sought us to teach us! Although his looks were odd, as We were expecting something green with larger ears, but he shall nevertheless train Our crews of the ships we send into space. While We have none, as yet, he shall learn as We learn, so that when we do have a fleet, he will be even more invaluable. His fame also makes it more likely to attract other Teachers, and make it less expensive to hire them.

Now we realize that while Knowledge is our destination, we need to build the ship we will sail to reach it. With this in mind, our next goal in research are Automated Factories, so that we can build that which we discover more easily. A tangential fortunate discovery were Missile Bases, a very reliable defensive system.

From there, We realize that We need a method of propulsion to push us to the sky. So we begin research on a Nuclear Drive, which will also enable us to build Freighters, little in-system food-bearing shuttles. With these, we can once again turn our eyes to our sister-planet, and have the industrial base to be able to build a colony base there.

We also realize that a nuclear drive requires fuel, so we begin the process of learning how to make fuel cells, which also has a plethora of other useful knowledge which was discovered, including our basic Nuclear Missile and Tritanium Armor.

Finally, we research a means by which we can transport our Selves to a distant star. Tangentally, it also allows us access to Outpost ships as refuel stations.

We are now ready to reach to the Stars, so We divert a few Selves from Research to Production so that we may finish our Colony Base and begin building Scouts to explore space with.

We go next for basic Shielding, for each of our Selves are precious, then return to meditating on Construction, the concept of 'pods' interests us greatly.

Our Colony base is done! We have taken the first step and put Selves on another world, even if it does orbit the same star as our First Home. Now we build Scouts, although they have no weapons at all, and extended fuel tanks. Surely space is not so hostile as to require us to arm our scouts...

With two scouts built, we immediately begin construction of a Colony Ship, in anticipation of finding a habitable planet nearby.

The first steps are taken! We have begun our travel among the stars! Who knows what wonders We will encounter!

In all, I hope I'm hoping I'm not bogging myself down and taking too long in the early stages, I took the time to get a second scout going because I don't want to get land-locked early-game, and if one gets eaten by an amoeba, I need to be able to continue exploring.

2009-07-29, 06:33 PM
Low-G doubles penalties for Heavy-G planets in addition to switching penalties between Normal and Low-G. All of this is, of course, obviated by Gravity Generators....Um... how's that possible, considering Heavy-G already comes with a 50% penalty per default? Doubling it would mean Low-G races wouldn't be able to do anything at all on a Heavy-G world, until they bought a Grav Generator or at least production generating buildings with money. :smallconfused:

Nevermind, just checked in game. Heavy-G penalty is 50% no matter whether one has Low-G or not. Low-G has no effect on Heavy-G planets.

The other planet in the system is Small/Radiated/Poor/Low-G. If it wasn't radiated, I'd be tempted to colonize it. However, Radiation Shields are a little ways off. I highlighted it in my screenshot at the end of the chapter.Eww. Yeah, that's one of those planets one colonises when one doesn't have anything pressing to do, but leaves alone at the beginning.

And now for Chapter 2: Reaching for the StarsWe welcome the Teacher amongst Our midst, even though he is not one of Us and his thoughts are not part of Our magnificent collective mind. May further ones follow his example, so We and them can grow from this symbiosis.

Our location is fortunate, close to the galaxy's edge, where We may not be drawn into the turmoil that might wait in the unexplored depths. Let us spread out quickly.

As great as Our efficiency in nourishing Our masses is, with the perfect cooperation and organisation We possess, We are limited by Our soil's fertility. The plains on Our world's southern continents lie barren and barely give enough nourishment for Our masses. If only We could enrich the soil as We have enriched Our minds, We could devote Ourselves even more to the pursuit of knowledge and Our way to the stars...

In all, I hope I'm hoping I'm not bogging myself down and taking too long in the early stages, I took the time to get a second scout going because I don't want to get land-locked early-game, and if one gets eaten by an amoeba, I need to be able to continue exploring.You can avoid getting eaten by an amoeba by removing the useless weapons that are installed into a scout per default - that way, it gets just the additional combat speed needed so that, if you turn it around and fly away from the amoeba, the amoeba will need one additional turn to get in range to fire, giving you enough time to warp out. It also makes the scout's construction minimally cheaper, and gives the scout a moderate chance to avoid being hit by the less accurate monsters like crystals. Dragons or such will still kill it quite reliably though.

2009-07-29, 07:06 PM
...Um... how's that possible, considering Heavy-G already comes with a 50% penalty per default? Doubling it would mean Low-G races wouldn't be able to do anything at all on a Heavy-G world, until they bought a Grav Generator or at least production generating buildings with money. :smallconfused:

Nevermind, just checked in game. Heavy-G penalty is 50% no matter whether one has Low-G or not. Low-G has no effect on Heavy-G planets. Ahh, I must have been mistaken.

Also, even though Ground Attack is rather pointless in the extreme, Subterrainian gives a bonus to ground defense, negating the penalty when on the defensive. As for invading... well, you'll see how I deal with that...

I was strongly tempted to make it Unification/Telepathic/Creative at first, but Subterranean was just too juicy to pass up.

Eww. Yeah, that's one of those planets one colonises when one doesn't have anything pressing to do, but leaves alone at the beginning. I agree, it would be a net loss at this point. Once Terraforming and Radiation Shields are researched, however, and the Ultra Rich planet becomes self-sufficient, it's at least more population.

We welcome the Teacher amongst Our midst, even though he is not one of Us and his thoughts are not part of Our magnificent collective mind. May further ones follow his example, so We and them can grow from this symbiosis. Heh, I love Yota. He's probably one of my favorite Leaders aside from the uber researcher guy (the fuzzy one, not the Psilon), because all ships everywhere gain xp every turn equal to his Instructor bonus. That plus Space Academies will mean some very experienced vessels in my fleet and make ship to ship combat easier.

Our location is fortunate, close to the galaxy's edge, where We may not be drawn into the turmoil that might wait in the unexplored depths. Let us spread out quickly. True, although We must be careful to avoid being trapped within Our little corner. Exploration and spreading of our Selves will have to continue if We are to achieve Our goal of Enlightenment.

As great as Our efficiency in nourishing Our masses is, with the perfect cooperation and organisation We possess, We are limited by Our soil's fertility. The plains on Our world's southern continents lie barren and barely give enough nourishment for Our masses. If only We could enrich the soil as We have enriched Our minds, We could devote Ourselves even more to the pursuit of knowledge and Our way to the stars... Ahh, but we still need to produce, to create. As we are already almost done researching Pods, shall we not first research Robotic Factories for an increase in our production? And that has the tangential research of Battlestations, should we be ambushed by some unknown opponent. This will make the spread to other stars much faster. However, there is wisdom in your words, once We have increased Our production capability, we should learn to enrich our fields of grain. From there, of course, we need to develop better ways to further our search of Knowledge.

You can avoid getting eaten by an amoeba by removing the useless weapons that are installed into a scout per default - that way, it gets just the additional combat speed needed so that, if you turn it around and fly away from the amoeba, the amoeba will need one additional turn to get in range to fire, giving you enough time to warp out. It also makes the scout's construction minimally cheaper, and gives the scout a moderate chance to avoid being hit by the less accurate monsters like crystals. Dragons or such will still kill it quite reliably though.Then it is fortunate that We have removed all such weapon systems from Scout-Selves. Speed is a defense, and it also reduced the time to produce them by 33%, meaning we produced them both in four turns rather than six.

2009-07-29, 07:42 PM
I'm loving it. Keep up the good work.

2009-07-29, 08:08 PM
Ahh, I must have been mistaken.

Also, even though Ground Attack is rather pointless in the extreme, Subterrainian gives a bonus to ground defense, negating the penalty when on the defensive. As for invading... well, you'll see how I deal with that...Alright, sounds promising. :smallbiggrin:
One of the simpliest solutions is to just get some officer with Command ability. Even the worst of them give a whopping 20+ bonus when decently experienced (especially since the bonus they give in a ground assault is always a fair bit higher than their actual Command rating as displayed in the Leaders overview).

I was strongly tempted to make it Unification/Telepathic/Creative at first, but Subterranean was just too juicy to pass up.Yeah... Telepathic is much better than it might appear on the first look (because of that Diplomacy bonus, which can be used to ridiculous effects, especially if stacked with other Diplomacy boni), but Subterranean is one of the best picks in the game by far.

I agree, it would be a net loss at this point. Once Terraforming and Radiation Shields are researched, however, and the Ultra Rich planet becomes self-sufficient, it's at least more population.In the very long run, I usually end up colonising everything, because... well, there is no reason not to.
Though it takes really, really long until I start taking Ultra-Poor Toxic Tiny worlds into consideration. :smallbiggrin:

Heh, I love Yota. He's probably one of my favorite Leaders aside from the uber researcher guy (the fuzzy one, not the Psilon), because all ships everywhere gain xp every turn equal to his Instructor bonus. That plus Space Academies will mean some very experienced vessels in my fleet and make ship to ship combat easier.Yeah... there are better Instructors than him, but he comes really early, and getting Famous early is tremendously helpful.

True, although We must be careful to avoid being trapped within Our little corner. Exploration and spreading of our Selves will have to continue if We are to achieve Our goal of Enlightenment.The more stars resound with the unified voice of Our Selves, the brighter the flame of Our spirit shall illuminate the Galaxy. :smallcool:

Ahh, but we still need to produce, to create. As we are already almost done researching Pods, shall we not first research Robotic Factories for an increase in our production? And that has the tangential research of Battlestations, should we be ambushed by some unknown opponent. This will make the spread to other stars much faster. However, there is wisdom in your words, once We have increased Our production capability, we should learn to enrich our fields of grain. From there, of course, we need to develop better ways to further our search of Knowledge.The You-Self speaks true.
Albeit dabbling in matters of chemistry and power at some point in between would greatly help to strengthen Our empire, enhancing the reach and durability of Our fleets, allowing Our light to shine in the farthest reaches of space, and improving the speed of Our fleets, ensuring they are where they need to be when they need to be.

(I assume you mean Robo-Miners here, right? Teching straight to Robotic Factories would be a tad... extreme :smalleek:)

Then it is fortunate that We have removed all such weapon systems from Scout-Selves. Speed is a defense, and it also reduced the time to produce them by 33%, meaning we produced them both in four turns rather than six.The Me-Self approves. :smallcool:

2009-07-29, 09:45 PM
Chapter 3:A Friend Discovered!
Exploration has been... frustrating. Of the five systems within reach, three contain only gas giants and one only has two small or smaller barren of Low Minerals and Very Low minerals. One has a Medium Tundra Poor, but we need to spread further. So, both colonies start to make Outpost Colonies, to spread our Selves further.

However, in the midst of frustration, another Teacher arrives! And even better, this one teach us secrets of Research!

A few Outposts later, and still exploration is being frustrating. Lots of barren and radiated, a few toxic... granted, there were a couple worthwhile for later colonization once We can handle the problems associated with such environments, a couple of Tundra, including one promising Small Poor Tundra Low-G. But then our scouts found this:

As the colony ship was just finished, it was sent there immediately. The only fly in the ointment is the heavy gravity. Perhaps We need to develop a way to counteract the crushing weight? Robo Miner Plants are in queue, and We set our sights once more on agricultural advances, seeking to make Our fields that much more fertile.

From Agricultural back to scientific. While there may be promising leads in Chemistry, our Outposts seem sufficient to broadcast Our Selves and We desire more effecient ways of research.

We seem to have hit a plateau on our broadcasting, with several promising planets, and another colony ship in queue, so after We develop Supercomputers, We turn our sights on Space Academies. Yota has taught us much, and We wish to institutionalize much of his wisdom, allowing Our ships to be even more highly trained. From there, we begin contemplation on Xeno Psychology. While We have not yet encountered Others, our scientists calculate that the odds of Us being the only sentient life in the galaxy to be... remote. Thus, We do contemplate on how to effectively communicate with them, that we may gain allies, friends, with which we can trade money and information.

Both colony ships depart, for both Tundra planets within range. We appreciate the value of the Very Rich planets within range, we also appreciate that we are strapped just trying to feed our sister planet which is Radiated, it would cost too much in production to colonize them yet.

We researched methods of communicating with Others not a moment too soon! For as we did so, we found the friendly Psilons, who were quite eager enough to engage in a Research Treaty, although they declined the invitation for a Trade Treaty. We attempted to trade technologies, but alas, they had nothing we particularly needed, while they demanded Supercomputers in exchange for their paltry offerings.

More Colony Ships are being produced, although we have something of a monetary problem. We are attempting to solve this with Spaceports, but currently, We have had to resort to one colony producing Trade Goods in order to keep Us afloat. Hopefully this will change as We tempt the Psilons into trade treaties, and after our Research Treaty has matured to the point of returns.

From here, we have choices. Chemistry allows Us to extend Our range, allowing Us to further explore and broadcast our Selves among the stars. However, perhaps the solution to the problem of heavy gravity can be found in Physics, which We have yet to explore? Perhaps some sort of Shielding might protect us from harmful radiation so that our Sister Planet may be less hazardous?

2009-07-30, 06:06 AM
Our expansion to the farthest reaches of this galaxy is under a most fortunate star. We could have hardly wished for a better Teacher at this stage of Our progress, and Our neighbours, weird as their shape and Non-Selfness might be, are driven by the same urge for Enlightenment and Understanding as Us; The I-Self feels we shall get along just fine to the best of both Us and them. And then there is the paradise world that seems to have just been waiting for Us to find it...

While protecting the Our-Selves from the harmful radiation might be a worthwhile cause, We need to not forget to look around Ourselves. The air of Our worlds, teeming with Our unified industriousness, is growing thick with noxious gases and mineral dust; the sites of mining for rich ores are growing and turn once lush, fertile landscapes into gloomy deserts. We do what We can to restore the harmony We've had with Our worlds for millenia - the same harmony that reigns between the Our-Selves - but it costs Us more and more effort, the bigger Our industries grow.

So, for both the sake of Our peace with Our worlds, and the added benefits coming with researching new materials and chemicals (such as more durable materials, useful should Our ships be forced to operate under hazardous conditions, as they are sure to be at some point or another as they voyage into progressively farther and more alien areas of space), We propose We should research Chemistry up to technologies lessening the impact of pollution on our worlds - We are thinking of some kind of processor that catalyzes hazardous pollution into less harmful forms - before We seek to shield Ourselves from even more microscopic hazards and research ways to divert radiation.

2009-07-30, 05:41 PM
You-Self speaks Truth.

Chapter 4: Betrayed
Once done with Xeno-Relations, we turn to chenistry. The enhanced fuel cells will help us Broadcast further among the stars. From there, we seek a new type of missile, as well as a method of offsetting some of the pollution which is produced as a byproduct of building our SpaceWings.

As a result of further explorations made necessary by the more advanced fuel cells, we find the system Tur. It contains two planets. Tur I is Huge, Radiated, Ultra-Rich, Heavy-G. Tur II is a Medium Terran Poor. We send a Colony ship for Tur II now, but when we find ways to make radiated planets more viable, we shall certainly also colonize Tur I.

Another curious planet was found orbiting the system Lyra. It is small, and the atmosphere is Toxic, and while it is Abundant with minerals, there are far less hostile environments to colonize. However, scanners also show Gem Deposits which would significantly increase our income. Because this system is tucked away in Our little corner, we will not colonize it at this time. Perhaps some day in the future, when we are able to create automatons which can harvest these gems for us... but not for now.

We now have several potential planets whose main problem is the intense radiation on these planets. We turn once again to shielding, in the hopes of finding a way to make these planets more viable.

The Friend-Psilons agree to a Trade Treaty as well as a Non-Agression Pact, which will bring in needed money, although with a short-term draw on economic resources. Fortunately, We have ironed out Our previous monetary problems, so it will not be too much a financial burden.

And again! We find another Friend! This time, another group of Selves! While their insectoid appearance is a bit off-putting, We understand Another quite readily. They see the value of a Research treaty, although are not yet willing to engage in financial trade.

Oh, what happy days are these! The Galaxy is our Playground! Research abounds! Our Selves grow plentiful on many different planets now. Truly, this is a Golden Age of Our growth.

Then we begin to wonder about our new Friends. They steal when they could ask, taking our technology. Fortunately, it is not a very important technology, so We are willing to turn the other cheek, in the name of Friendship, however We will now seek to politely bar them from doing so again, by producing enough spies to defend our secrets.

Now we turn to a new branch of Knowledge, which we call Physics. We seek to remove the tether of gravity from our shoulders. We now have two heavy-g planets, and many so-called 'normal'-g planets. The burden is crushing, and we need to counter it. Also, it will increase communication between Our Selves which are being Far-Flung indeed. The first steps are easy, with merely a turn or two each.

We find another Toxic Small planet, this time with Gold Deposits. It is near the border with the Klackons, and We worry about creating tension between Our Selves and Their Selves. We also worry about feeding a colony there. We have had to build more freighters just to feed the Sister Planet, which at least now is not plagued by radiation anymore. Perhaps we need to speak to Our other Friends. While we see that they know the secret of Terraforming, they are unwilling to trade it with us, and We are unwilling to demand it, lets our Friendship sour. Perhaps we need more tempting Research to trade with them...

The Klakon-Selves are becoming more belligerent. They demanded we give them Our Utopian Planet, the Gaia world which was our first Colony away from our home star system. Naturally, we declined to aquiess to their demands, but this is growing worrisome. Plans enacted. Defenses quietly but efficently constructed. Missile Bases and even Star Bases now in queue in all planets. While We will not cast the first stone, neither will we be caught unawares. Instead, We do give them a small monetary gift. How any Selves could be so hostile and irrational is something We still cannot fully understand, however Yota has taught us well, and We will not be caught in the tactical mistake of assuming someone will not attack us.

With another bribe, the Klakons agree to a Trade Treaty, although they still decline a Non-Aggression Pact. We hope that by binding Our Separate Selves closer in trade, they will be less inclined to attack Us. The additional monetary income doesn't hurt either.

They demand the Utopian Planet again, and are again refused. This time, they declare War on us. Truly, Their Selves must be insane when cooperation brings so much more than hostility. We will still not strike the first blow, but our defenses are ready.

And so We design a Ship of War. Cruiser-class, it is a missile boat, designed to swarm an opponent with missiles as Our pre-space Selves would swarm a Greatbeast. While we have the option of using Mercurilite Missiles, We have seen that We would be better using Nuclear Missiles, with a MIRV upgrade. Four times the damage still means over twice the damage of a Mercurilite Missile, and at a marginal increase in size.

We plead with Our Truer Friends, the Psilons. They agree to give us Terraforming, as an act of friendship. We thank them with a monetary gift, that they may not be upset with Our request. Now, We must defend Our Selves. To the Missile Bases, Selves! The Klakons attack!
And Our tech-tree:

We are trying to get Our Sister Colony able to support itself so that we can devote more of Our resources to building defenses.

2009-07-30, 06:04 PM
Traitors! Fiends! We are confused and angered; how could another joint mind do this to Us? We see only one explanation - their unified spirit must have gone insane, the majority or maybe even all of their Selves corrupted and raging in madness.

What malignant influence, what ancient spectre of terrors from the distant past might drive a community of Selves into such a state, We cannot nor dare We to fathom. Maybe there is something out there, in this Galaxy We so joyously explored, that lies waiting, malicious, evil, scheming for Our downfall? Might a similar fate await Us as the one that befell the Klackon-Selves? Can We do anything to stop it? Will We recognize it when We encounter it? And, worse yet, is there still time, or is it too late - would We even recognize Madness should it start spreading amongst the Our-Selves? :smalleek:

Even so, We see it as Our duty to help their helpless Selves tormented by this horrid disease. We believe We might be able to disconnect the Klackon-Selves from their infected unified consciousness and make it a part of the Us-Mind instead. It will be a long and difficult process, but there might still be hope for the Klackon-Selves...

But before that, We have to fend off their desperate, maddened attacks.

And We believe, just as We need better weapons to fight, We also require better engines - it should not take Us long to develop better ones than the ones We possess, yet they would tremendously help Us with having Our fleets at the frontline in time and with evading the enemy attacks - especially if We could bolster the manouverability of Our ships with some kind of auxiliary engines.

Even this, though, is future talk. Tur-Colony is under attack! What kind of forces are attacking the Our-Selves, what do We possess to defend Our-Selves with, and what combat-relevant technologies are at Our temporary foes disposal?

Augmented Engines are seriously one of the best techs one can install in ships. They are not particularly big and more combat speed is always useful, but what they do not say in the description is that the added combat speed also increases the Beam Defence modifier by a lot. With Augmented Engines, hostile beam attacks become extremely less effective. If the Klackons do not have Class III shields yet, I'd actually suggest we quickly research Augmented Engines/Fusion Drives before going for Neutron Blasters - it won't take long, and help us similarly much.

2009-07-30, 06:19 PM
Traitors! Fiends! We are confused and angered; how could another joint mind do this to Us? We see only one explanation - their unified spirit must have gone insane, the majority or maybe even all of their Selves corrupted and raging in madness.

What malignant influence, what ancient spectre of terrors from the distant past might drive a community of Selves into such a state, We cannot nor dare We to fathom. Maybe there is something out there, in this Galaxy We so joyously explored, that lies waiting, malicious, evil, scheming for Our downfall? Might a similar fate await Us as the one that befell the Klackon-Selves? Can We do anything to stop it? Will We recognize it when We encounter it? And, worse yet, is there still time, or is it too late - would We even recognize Madness should it start spreading amongst the Our-Selves? :smalleek:

Even so, We see it as Our duty to help their helpless Selves tormented by this horrid disease. We believe We might be able to disconnect the Klackon-Selves from their infected unified consciousness and make it a part of the Us-Mind instead. It will be a long and difficult process, but there might still be hope for the Klackon-Selves...

But before that, We have to fend off their desperate, maddened attacks.

And We believe, just as We need better weapons to fight, We also require better engines - it should not take Us long to develop better ones than the ones We possess, yet they would tremendously help Us with having Our fleets at the frontline in time and with evading the enemy attacks - especially if We could bolster the manouverability of Our ships with some kind of auxiliary engines.

Even this, though, is future talk. Tur-Colony is under attack! What kind of forces are attacking the Our-Selves, what do We possess to defend Our-Selves with, and what combat-relevant technologies are at Our temporary foes disposal?

Here is what Our scanners show is inbound:

Our panic may be less necessary. Look at what the Klakons call 'weapons'...

And as for their defenses...

But No! We will NOT incorporate their madness into Our Selves, lest that madness infect Us. We shall burn them off, destroy them as one would a Rabid Ku'thak, so they may no longer be a danger to the Galaxy at large. I can re-colonize the planets which are worth bothering with. We have at least two Colony Ships waiting for destinations even now!

2009-07-30, 06:35 PM
Here is what Our scanners show is inbound:

Our panic may be less necessary. Look at what the Klakons call 'weapons'...
Note, though, that they possess missiles of a curious design, unknown to the Our-Selves, which can punch through even Our most formidable defences at ease... :smalleek:

And as for their defenses...
http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k236/Prroul/KlakEquip.jpg...this, on the other hand, is a lot more reassuring. :smallbiggrin:

But No! We will NOT incorporate their madness into Our Selves, lest that madness infect Us. We shall burn them off, destroy them as one would a Rabid Ku'thak, so they may no longer be a danger to the Galaxy at large. I can re-colonize the planets which are worth bothering with. We have at least two Colony Ships waiting for destinations even now!But can We really ethically condone the annihilation of another One-Mind? The Me-Self shudders at such a guilt - can We have the nightmare of the guilt this entails have echoing for the centuries to come through the collective memory of the Us-Mind? Will We not forevermore keep asking Our-Selves if there had not been another way?

Not to mention, note how the Klackon-Selves are more proficient at working with the soil, harvesting nourishment and mining for ores than Our own Selves. And their colonies are teeming with life - it would take ages for the Our-Selves to grow to such numbers, take that much longer for these colonies to assist the Home-World in spreading Our voice to the stars.

But then, We hear what the You-Self is saying. We do not know how this madness is spread, as We do not know its origin. All we can tell is that something, or somebody, brought it into this world, to either the Klackon-Selves, Our-Selves, or both of us demise. And was such madness to befall Us... all the promises, all the dreams, all the hopes that led Us so far would turn to ash...

The My-Self is undecisive. Were it to be My-Self's decision alone to make, it would break under the burden. Praised be the unification, that grants Us the harmony of the Us-Mind. What say the others? What shall We do?

2009-07-30, 08:52 PM
Note, though, that they possess missiles of a curious design, unknown to the Our-Selves, which can punch through even Our most formidable defences at ease... :smalleek:Ahh, we do have Pulson Missiles already researched, although we still use MIRV'd Nuclear Missiles as they still do more damage at the same size. However, on the next advancement in Chemistry, we shall upgrade to MIRV'd Mercuralite Missiles.

Still, this cautionary note is wisdom. If they use these powerful missiles, we will need point-defense able to swat them out of the air. Of course, the defensive capabilities of Our Radiation Shields will serve to blunt some of their force, but only if they directly bombard Our Home. Our Star Base will be vulnerable, with only Fusion Beams as point-defense. Perhaps we need to gain further research on a better point-defense weapon?

We also have Class III Energy Shields, which is far more effective than their Class I. We shall simply have to see what weapon mix they bring when they attack. Assuming they decide to attack and not merely blockade the system.

Were they wise, they would blockade all three systems near to them, and force me to go on the offensive to eliminate them, meanwhile crippling Our production in those systems and allowing them to have breathing room to swarm us. As it is, I doubt this, as they bring Troop Transports, and we have no marines on the planet. We may loose the colony temporarily, but ultimately, we will prevail.

But can We really ethically condone the annihilation of another One-Mind? The Me-Self shudders at such a guilt - can We have the nightmare of the guilt this entails have echoing for the centuries to come through the collective memory of the Us-Mind? Will We not forevermore keep asking Our-Selves if there had not been another way?

Not to mention, note how the Klackon-Selves are more proficient at working with the soil, harvesting nourishment and mining for ores than Our own Selves. And their colonies are teeming with life - it would take ages for the Our-Selves to grow to such numbers, take that much longer for these colonies to assist the Home-World in spreading Our voice to the stars.

But then, We hear what the You-Self is saying. We do not know how this madness is spread, as We do not know its origin. All we can tell is that something, or somebody, brought it into this world, to either the Klackon-Selves, Our-Selves, or both of us demise. And was such madness to befall Us... all the promises, all the dreams, all the hopes that led Us so far would turn to ash...

The My-Self is undecisive. Were it to be My-Self's decision alone to make, it would break under the burden. Praised be the unification, that grants Us the harmony of the Us-Mind. What say the others? What shall We do?

Yes, it is a true conumdrum. What say our Other Selves? Shall we exterminate them for the safety of the Galaxy and to avoid possible contamination from their insanity, or shall We try to free their Selves from the insanity of their Self and incorporate them into Our Self?

2009-07-30, 09:09 PM
Ahh, we do have Pulson Missiles already researched, although we still use MIRV'd Nuclear Missiles as they still do more damage at the same size. However, on the next advancement in Chemistry, we shall upgrade to MIRV'd Mercuralite Missiles.
Oh yeah, indeed... pardon, missed that when looking at the tech tree. :smallredface:

Still, this cautionary note is wisdom. If they use these powerful missiles, we will need point-defense able to swat them out of the air. Of course, the defensive capabilities of Our Radiation Shields will serve to blunt some of their force, but only if they directly bombard Our Home. Our Star Base will be vulnerable, with only Fusion Beams as point-defense. Perhaps we need to gain further research on a better point-defense weapon?No such thing seems readily available in the immediate future though, as far as the understanding of state-of-the-art sciences We possess implies.
Our best hope would seem to be to crush their ships themselves with supreme firepower before they can launch their powerful salvoes. The carapaces of their insect-ships are thin, and their shields are weak; a powerful heavy-mounted beam weapon might breach their hulls and tear them apart before they can fire.
Therefore, We propose to switch from missile-based to beam-based weaponry as soon as possible, backed up with Battle Scanners; while missiles might have a bigger damage output, the more immediate impact of beam weapons might be more useful against this particular, heavily armed but not very resilient foe.

We also have Class III Energy Shields, which is far more effective than their Class I. We shall simply have to see what weapon mix they bring when they attack. Assuming they decide to attack and not merely blockade the system.

Were they wise, they would blockade all three systems near to them, and force me to go on the offensive to eliminate them, meanwhile crippling Our production in those systems and allowing them to have breathing room to swarm us. As it is, I doubt this, as they bring Troop Transports, and we have no marines on the planet. We may loose the colony temporarily, but ultimately, we will prevail.They are no longer driven by the wisdom of a harmonious One-Mind though; it is insanity that drives them, and as such, their actions become unpredictable.
Nothing remains but to wait and see what the future shall bring...

2009-07-30, 11:40 PM
Chapter 4a: Mysteries
The Klakons decided to blockade Tur rather than attack imediately, forcing me to build sufficient assault force to repel them. This is beneficial to Us because it allows Us to be more prepared, although it does force Our forces to abandon the fixed defenses.

We finished research on the Neutron Beams, then proceeded to basic engines to become more mobile than our opponents. From there, we went to Gravity technology. Finally! We are unfettered from the crushing gravity! And we find a beam weapon suitable for using!

And so we plan our next vessel, this time a Battleship. It bears Battle Scanners and Augmented Engines, so it is more maneuverable than most Cruisers and more likely to hit. For armament, it bears five Heavy Graviton Beams and five Graviton Beams. It also has a point-defense auto-fire Mass Driver in case they do try to use missiles. It may only be one, but it shoots three times, and with my better sensor array, likely to take out at least some missiles before they arrive. Also, as it is larger, it will take more hits to hurt.

From here, we research Construction for several very useful advances. First, Advanced Damage Control keeps us from having to constantly repair Our vessels. Second, we now upgrade our Crusier missile-boats with Fast Missile Racks. While it empties their entire load in one round, it enables massive salvos which should penetrate opponent defenses.

And now we turn back to Chemistry, so that we may apply MIRV technology to Mercuralite Missiles.

Now we have a Battleship and two Crusiers... we are ready to liberate Our colony! But wait! The Klakons flee back to their home base. Very strange.

Wait... We are receiving a message!

"Scout-ship Seeker. Stardate 3521.0. We have made a huge discovery today! A Gaia planet! Ultra-Rich! Huge! There seems to be ruins down there, as though a previous civilization once lived here! This is a marvelous discovery!

Wait... what is that? It's... it's almost as big as the planet! It can't be... TURN THIS SHIP AROU..."

A moment of mourning for the Scout-Ship. Our Selves have made a discovery, although at a price. This 'Guardian' seems intent on keeping all intruders away from the planet, which seems an idyllic place to live. Truly, there is a Mystery to be discovered in the Orion system.http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k236/Prroul/Orion.jpg

Now we find Our Selves puzzled. The Klakons seem to be unwilling to fight now, let us discuss.

Peace! The Klakons sign a peace treaty! War is avoided without bloodshed, although some monetary bribes did exchange hands. A small price to pay. Although they are currently unwilling to trade, mayhap we can change their minds later.

Meanwhile, we found yet another Teacher: Emo, the Scientist. Another researcher! And again, we find someone who is very wealthy, who will help us fill our coffers.

Now we have another dillemma. We have four teachers, and cannot gain any more without first giving some up. We have Yota, two Researchers, and the Megawealth/Trader 30%/Wealth20% fellow. Shall we give one up?

In the meantime, we have furthered research into Physics, working now on Phasor technology.

Then, a curious ship appeared, literally out of nowhere!

Although just one ship, and a scout-class at thathttp://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k236/Prroul/AntShip.jpg

It ignores all hailing attempts, and proceeds slowly to Our colony.

We do not understand. We have Missile Base, Ground Batteries, Radiation Shields, and a Battlestation on deck. How can it possibly do anything?

Then it fires on us. It completely bypasses all shielding on the Battlestation! Granted, the damage was fairly weak, but such a thing surprised us. No matter, our Graviton beams shall wipe it from the sky...

But wait! Look at it! After a battery of SIX heavy Graviton beams from our Ground Batteries, it is mostly uninjured! How can it simply shrug off such damage. Sensors show unique and alien technology in place of shielding. Oh to be able to wield such powers. Had We the ability, We would love to capture such a ship, to unravel it's secrets. But no matter.

It also withstood a full strike from the heavy graviton beams and graviton beams from the Battlestation as well! But Pulson missiles are en route. One way or another, this ship will die.

The missiles finished off what the graviton beams started, but We are left puzzled. Who are these beings who seem bent on Extinction?

We need bigger ships if we are to discover the secrets of Orion. So next we research the Titan-class vessel.

The Psilons seem to have declared war on the Klakons... or more likely, the reverse, so it seems the Klakons have enough to deal with at the moment. Best to leave them alone. Our Friends seem well capable of defending themselves, and have even pressed the assault.

Now we need better guns if we are to damage that massive vessel our scout found in Orion, plus better ways of damaging it. Having researched Phasers, we move on to Plasma technology. Then to research more in Computers, looking for some way to increase damage output even further. Perhaps some device to analyze the structure so as to maximize damage?

We find new Friends, this time the massive Bulrathi, hidden in the corner between us and the Psilons. They only have three systems, poor things. We engage in a Research treaty, but they are unwilling to engage in trade or non-agression pact at this time. As they recently colonized a system our scout was in, we politely moved our scout out of the way so they can develop unhampered.

The Klakons come to Us with an offer of a Non-Aggression pact, which we eagerly sign. Perhaps they have regained sanity after all! They still decline any trade or research treaties, though.http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k236/Prroul/EndCh4a.jpg]

Now we are researching plasma technology, and will go into Computers from there. We have two Titans, and a few Battleships, although We are waiting for Plasma Cannons before we go after the Guardian.

Many mysteries have shown themselves. The Klakons have been acting erratically, then mysteriously regain their sanity. Perhaps they purged the Selves which were the cause of said insanity? While we are saddened that the Klakons and the Psilons are at war, it does not surprise Us that the Klakons attempted to attack our Friends. Really, though, it is none of our business. It leaves us free and unmolested to pursue our own interests. They were even nice enough to give us Stock Exchange technology by way of reparations, at our humble suggestion.
[ooc]Wow, this game so far has been on Easy Street. I've never had a race ever declare war on me, then sue for peace before. The Antaran ship went down hard and fast after it attacked my most heavily defended colony. The Bulrathi, normally an aggressive race, has like three or four systems total, and stuck in their little corner, sandwitched between us and the Psilons.

We've got TWO heavy research Leaders, Yota, and the Megawealth guy kept us from falling into the red as we went about our business. I think we need to ditch the Megawealth guy, as his purpose has been served, and leave it open for another good leader. We've seen three of the four races thus far, the last one probably in the corner between the Klakons and the Psilons. We've found Orion, and are gearing up to be able to capture it. One colony ship is in Tur along with our ships so we can instantly grab Orion when we put paid to the Guardian.[ooc]

2009-07-31, 06:14 AM
Chapter 4a: Mysteries
[...]...We are confused. And frightened.
It seems there is some bigger picture We are missing; some shadow from the past that affects everything. What are these ruins, defended by this formidable warmachine? Who are the dark Selves striking us from nowhere with unknown technology? Where did the Klackons temporary insanity come from? And how is this all interconnected?

We must be careful; We must spread further, build even bigger fleets, for who can tell what horrors this elusive menace will unleash upon Us next? And We need answers. Perhaps this mysterious Orion system holds them...

[ooc]Wow, this game so far has been on Easy Street. I've never had a race ever declare war on me, then sue for peace before. The Antaran ship went down hard and fast after it attacked my most heavily defended colony.Yeah, seriously. Not to mention plentiful of Ultra-Rich worlds in our vicinity... and an undefended, huge Gaia world. :smalleek:

The Bulrathi, normally an aggressive race, has like three or four systems total, and stuck in their little corner, sandwitched between us and the Psilons. Actually, that's pretty normal by my experience. I don't think I've ever seen a game where the Bulrathi didn't suck completely and had only very few systems.
It comes with being one of the worst designed races, I guess, competing only with the Elerians for worst designed race period.

We've got TWO heavy research Leaders, Yota, and the Megawealth guy kept us from falling into the red as we went about our business. I think we need to ditch the Megawealth guy, as his purpose has been served, and leave it open for another good leader. We've seen three of the four races thus far, the last one probably in the corner between the Klakons and the Psilons. We've found Orion, and are gearing up to be able to capture it. One colony ship is in Tur along with our ships so we can instantly grab Orion when we put paid to the Guardian.[ooc]I'm not sure about the state of our colonies, but I imagine most of them still have plenty of stuff to build? In that case, I think I'd rather kick Emo - it will take a while until we have a second system where the worlds are developed enough for setting them to research to make much sense, and also he is the worst leader with research in the game. When we kick him, chances are we will soon get one who has Research bonus, more of it, and something nice in addition.
Doesn't matter much though, as both of them should be kicked soon enough. :smallcool:

2009-08-03, 09:50 PM
Chapter 5: Answers!
We seem to be in a very good position. No one is currently hostile to us, we have friends engaged in treaties with us, and we are free to expand. In particular, all those planets which we previously did not colonize because they were irradiated we can now go back and colonize.

We are in a growth-stage, and also one of learning. Our colony with the Gaia Huge planet has reached maximum population and has produced everything within the limits of our current technology, therefore we send Emo to that colony, and go pure research. This greatly increases the speed at which We research technology.

We finish Plasma technology, then move on to more Computers, searching for Structural Analyzers, the next key technology for our assault on Orion.

But now, we have another potential: Another Antaran ship has arrived near a colony. Even better, we have ships in position to intercept. We even have time to refit them into a mode more suitable for capture.

So we send one battleship, refitted for capture, with the mission: Capture, Don't Kill. Although our troops on the assault shuttles were able to claim the bridge, a self-destruct sequence obliterated the ship before we could salvage any secrets from it. Truly, these are paranoid beings to kill themselves rather than allow others to learn from them.

After researching Structural Analyzers, We turn our focus to Power. First Ion, then Anti-Matter, and continuing until we discover High Energy Focus.

Now is nearly the time. We refit our ships with Heavy Phasors and normal Plasma Cannons. Plasma Cannons are still too massive to build in a heavy-mount, and the heavy phasors can help punch a hole through the shielding so that at least some of the Plasma Cannon's enveloping damage will blast through. We also equip them with Structural Analyzers, Battle Scanners, and High-Energy Focus to further increase the damage potential of these deadly beam weapons. The Battleships we leave with Augmented Engines, but the Titans we equip with Heavy Armor and Reinforced Hull, to better shrug off damage.

And as we continue exploring, we find another race, the Meklons. These strange, cybernetic beings were all too eager to engage in research treaty, but were reluctant to commit to anything else. They have a total of six systems, nestled between the Klakons and the Psilons.

From Power, we return to Construction to further ease the building of these massive ships.

We trade Plasma Rifles to the Klakons in return for Astro Universities. Let them equip infantry with plasma rifles, while we find ways to further Our production and research.

Now, to assault Orion and find the answers to the mysteries!

We bring two Titans and two Battleships with us, as well as a Colony ship to land on the planet itself. The Guardian was much easier now, it went down in a single hit, although before it died, it destroyed one of the Battleships with Plasma Torpedoes.

And then a ship appears! He was hiding in-system, shadowing the Guardian but remaining unseen. He hails us after we defeat the guardian, and gives us the answers that we seek.

The strange aliens who appear from nowhere are called Antarans. They are an evil race which seeks to destroy all life everywhere. He is the last of the Orions, the race which flourished on this planet. The Antarans ruthlessly attacked them when the Orions research got too well-developed for comfort. His name is Loknar, and he offered his services to us if it would mean he would have a chance to have his revenge on the Antarans.

Even better, he has shared some of these alien's technology with us! Apparently, this was originally researched by the Orions, and the Antarans stole it from them. http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k236/Prroul/MoO2/OrionStuff.jpg

We are poised now to grow. We are not yet ready to face the Antarans, even if We knew how to get to their home planet. And so, we continue researching, building, and spreading. We are, by far, the most powerful race we have yet encountered, with the possible exception of the Antarans themselves. In the last elections, We had to abstain, lest We accidentally be voted as Galactic Emperor. While this might not be a bad thing, in theory, We have better things to do than manage everyone else. We want a shot at the Antarans and make this galaxy safe for ALL!

We research Core Waste Dumps and Deep Core Mining, make a brief journey back to Biology, then go for Galactic Unification.

The Antarans send three of their tiny little ships, but We are unconcerned, as base defenses are more than sufficient to swat them down.

Xeno armor and Damper Fields... they go together like Peanut Butter and Jelly. We've all but beaten this game, I just want to tech up for the final battle and we've got this game won. At this point, the entire galaxy could declare war on us, and we'd STILL probably win.

2009-08-04, 06:42 AM
We find this... suspicious. What is this conflict between ancient, forgotten races We are being dragged into; who is this being, single-entity, the last of its Selves, who seemingly awaited Us, tested Us, as if We were but an experiment to it? How many Selves died on Our ship, lost to a mechanical monster without doubt under its control?

We must question - is this still the will of the One-Mind, driving Us forward to Our destiny? Or have We become a pawn in a game of forces from aeons long past?

Have they who called themselves Orions, whomever they might have been, laid out plans for this development a long time ago? Is, in the end, even the rise of the One-Mind and the harmony that forged us together and gave us the strength to oppose the vast void of the galaxy, it's many dangers, and even this sinister, extra-dimensional foe, nothing but the results of machinations done by a race long dead when our homeworld was young?

We find this... distressing.

And yet... maybe it all doesn't matter. We have become strong; maybe strong enough to forge Our own destiny. And if the Antarans dare to try and take it away from Us, it may no longer be of importance if We do so for the sake of the Orions and their ancient plan, or by Our own design - We will stop them at all cost, or die in the attempt. The beauty of the One-Mind must not suffer under the ruthless violence of such evil beings.

We assent. Prepare the warships. Antares is awaiting.