View Full Version : The Arena - Exhibition Match - Fiorella vs Goblinny

Handsome Dan
2009-07-29, 09:00 AM
Arena Tournament, Exhibition Match: Fiorella vs. Goblinny



And my character sheet is here :


Handsome Dan
2009-07-29, 09:04 AM
Suppose I need initiatve, also im going to buy 2 smokesticks, and hope for the best in this match.


2009-07-29, 09:09 AM
My sheet link's in my sig, so no sense putting it up top as well, I imagine.

Initiative: [roll0]

2009-07-29, 09:18 AM
Against all odds, I appear to have the first turn. (And sneaky sneaky on the sheet change, don't think I didn't notice ;) )

Fiorella- Round 1

I move from B-14 to B-22. Ready action is in spoiler.

Start in B-14, nothing in hand. Move to B-22, ready action to cast Magic Missile if LoS is established and my opponent does not have total cover.

If you want, we can forgo spoilers and post all our moves out in the open. I personally would prefer it, means no waiting around for checks, and frees up ref time to do checks on the tournament matches. Ready actions can still be in spoilers though, with a no editing policy on the posts so we know that no one's adapting theirs to meet the situation.

Handsome Dan
2009-07-29, 09:25 AM
Okay im up for the posting in the open.

Whats the deal with the steps? 10ft to move into both sets as in 20ft total, or just 15ft total?

And I changed it earlier today actually, was looking through my possible opponenets and they were most prevelant. :D

How the hell you got first, is beyond me, lets hope thats my last bad dice?

Well if its in the open, away with my first move.

Round 1, Goblinny.

Starting in Y13, Heavy Crossbow held in 1 hand, a smokestick in the other.

Move to S10

And break open said smokestick on the bottomcorner : covering a 10 x 10 x 10 cube so R10 - S11.

End my turn.

I didn't read your spoiler, so if im in your LoS before my actions tell me so I can adjust please?

2009-07-29, 09:40 AM
Movement is out of the spoiler now, you can change yours however you want. And the stairs just mean that any square of the map with steps in it is double cost going up. Regular cost going down, but you can't charge or run unless you do a Balance check.

Handsome Dan
2009-07-29, 09:44 AM
Ill stick with my actions then, will edit the post to move me 5ft futher south, so the fog will also be that much south, though i don't think you can see it yet.

Your go.

2009-07-29, 10:01 AM
No, I don't think we could have LoS yet.

Round 2

Double move to G-20 by way of the stairs. You're up.

Handsome Dan
2009-07-29, 10:03 AM
Goblinny Round 2

Move to P11 & Hide. [roll0]

Ready an action.

Ready an action to shoot upon LoS and then hide again with the -20 under the sniping rule.


2009-07-29, 12:05 PM
Hmmm....I suspect this will become something of a standoff. But we'll see how it goes.

Round 3

Move from G-20 to M-18

Ready action:

Magic Missile if LoS is established and opponent has less than total cover/concealment. As if.

Handsome Dan
2009-07-29, 12:35 PM
Goblinny Round 3

I expect so as well.

I should really get rid of long range shot before the start of the real round, and replace with the move and shoot feat.

Could've finished it by now, snipe you when you double move and back out, no chance of death.

Oh well.

Move to K11

And hide of course.


Ready an action.

Ready an action to shoot upon LoS and then hide again with the -20 under the sniping rule.

2009-07-29, 01:00 PM
I would recommend Rapid Shot if you can get it. But I don't know if it works with a heavy crossbow due to the reload thing, you might have to switch out for a light.

I will move to L-15 (given the 10 feet elevation difference, I'd say we still don't have LoS), and do the same ready action I had last round.

Handsome Dan
2009-07-29, 01:08 PM
Goblinny Round 4

Rapid Shot would need lightcrossbow with rapid reload, workable, but less damage, but I could always rejig the character before the rounds go live I suppose.

Move - S10, back into the smoke and shadows the goblin flees.

God damn, if this map had a climb function i'd have killed you by now.

Standard : Ready an action

Shoot on LoS even if he has concealment

2009-07-29, 01:16 PM
Unless it says otherwise, I'm pretty sure you could climb up the sides of the walls. Or maybe not, I don't know what the rules are about climbing up the side of a flight of stairs. It seems like it would be acceptable, and I'd be fine with allowing it, but as far as official rulings go, who knows?

I remain where I be.

Ready action same as it has been the last couple rounds.

Handsome Dan
2009-07-29, 01:23 PM
Goblinny Round 5

I think without a DC stated you don't get an option to climb without a rope and grapple.

Working on another character now that negates this ones weaknesses.

Stay in S10 and shout out

"Come and get me wussy wuss!"



and ready the same action as last turn.

2009-07-29, 01:34 PM
So this stays in effect for 100 rounds, barring wind (which none of the Arenas ever mention as far as I know)? That's a handy little device for a stealth-centric character. I'd be willing to take the chance and let you have a crack at me in order to get a bead on you, except the smoke means I'd take the hit and even if I survived, any spell flung at you has a 50% miss chance. Definitely makes me think twice, and all that for 20 gp.

And I'm sure you already realize this, but nothing used in an exhibition match is used up, so you can reuse these smokesticks once you finally get in a round.

Respond shout: "Wuss? Only one of us is hiding, and it ain't me, sport."

Remaining in place

New ready action:

Cast Kelgore's Fire Bolt if LoS is established. Just for a change of pace.

Handsome Dan
2009-07-29, 01:37 PM
Goblinny Round 6

Yeah, because theres no climbing, I take these, against mellee related characters, tanglefoot bag, then bang with the crossbow.

Im afraid Im going to stay in sopt and attempt to hide better than I did


And ready the same action as before.

2009-07-29, 01:46 PM
The hide checks probably aren't necessary. Even if I move to a place where I could find you, I'm bad at spotting hidden people.

Am I to assume the Light spell would do nothing against the fog? I am normally annoyed that I have to keep it in my lineup, but in this case it could be of assistance.

Oh, and another round of nothing. No move, same ready action.

Handsome Dan
2009-07-29, 01:50 PM
Goblinny Round 7

Im afraid you would be correct that they would do nothing, fancy taking a quick check over the other character I posted in which case you would fancy a nice cool exhibition match?

Hmm the goblin is now thinking you must be hiding somewhere, im assuming he doesn't know where you are, so he is avoiding the middle for now, moving down the stairs and round the corner, to Q21.

2009-07-29, 01:56 PM
Of course, here is where the conundrum comes in, because in-character, I still don't know where you are (maybe a general idea from the shouting earlier but that's it), yet out of it my temptation is to hop down the stairs and blast you with the electric death ray or something. So I guess that if I didn't know where you were, I'd still sit here doing nothing, awaiting your arrival. So no move, new ready action:

Magic Missile if LoS is established and he isn't fully covered or concealed

But if you'd like to go down there and fight, just holler.

And I'll go check out your other character, sure.

Handsome Dan
2009-07-29, 02:03 PM
Goblinny Round 8

And here is why I have a second smokestick.


The goblin strikes the smokestick and throws it to L18

I need to hit AC 5, and im assuming its an improv weapon, so [roll0]

It can't miss so it fills L18 - M 19.

Move action, to H22.

His plan was to see if anyone moved across to investigate the new smoke you see. :D

2009-07-29, 03:00 PM
Actually, a natural 1 is always a miss, isn't it? Although I don't know what a miss entails with a smokestick...

Handsome Dan
2009-07-29, 03:39 PM
Hmm id assume that it would be the same as any other thrown item.


1 Being the square north, and going round clockwise.

I'm moving to the same place still.

Handsome Dan
2009-07-30, 07:09 AM
puts the smoke into

M 18 - N 19 instead, same movement for me holds.

2009-07-30, 09:21 AM
I guess I'll move into M-18 then, and do a ready action:

Magic Missile, LoS, no total concealment, all that jazz.

Handsome Dan
2009-07-30, 09:41 AM
Time to carry on with what he would've done...

Move 15ft to E22, look north, see no one, assume you must be hidden along the northen area and go all the way up there.

He'd stop just round the corner at E6, just in case you were round the north, so ill double move up to E6.

2009-07-30, 10:39 AM
I can't really carry on with what I would've done in a real match; I don't like stealth and hiding all that much, so likely all I'd have done is find a place out in the open and holler for you to come on out. I watched a stronger character take a beatdown in a match a while back because he went in hunting someone who was hidden, so I figure the best way to win that game is simply not to play. Either they can come out and fight in the open, or the match can go on forever with no one doing anything. I'm just stubborn that way.

But to take a chance on finishing this, I'll forgo my foggy comfort and move to I-22, searching for you in the south before moving on. As glad as I am that we skipped LoS checks (since we'd only be about on round 3 by now), it does make this whole thing seem a bit silly.

Handsome Dan
2009-07-30, 11:27 AM
Apologies, if we played with my other one (which needs checking *poke*) there would be alot less stealth.

Double move to K12, or we can call it here to halt it, and you can play against the mage?

2009-07-30, 12:04 PM
Sorry, but I don't own any D&D books; I've never even played the game, and until I started doing this last month the only things I knew about it were the bits picked up from reading OotS. Nor do I really intend to play D&D outside of PVP combat. So if you aren't wholly SRD, I can't check it, because that's my only resource (which is why my characters are almost entirely built from SRD stuff, aside from a few bits I picked up from reading other people's sheets, like Precocious Apprentice, or the spells Random Action sent me the info about, like Seeking Ray).

As for the match, it's up to you. We can keep going if you want, or we can start again. The good news is you should hopefully be fighting in a real match before the week is out; it looks like they are only a couple sheets away from having enough for round 61. I don't know how the round construction will go now, though, since they had been talking about a new format. Might be quicker, might be slower. But it used to be a couple days for everyone to nominate and vote on what format it would be (1v1, 2v2, FFA, all that), and then the matches would be made.

Handsome Dan
2009-07-30, 12:06 PM
Well he is SRD only because that is also my only resource here. :smallsigh:

And with this match im going to keep hiding in smoke and sniping and hoping your spot fails to spot me.

So fighting my mage would be good fun, lets me see if the deathly magic missle can be negated.

2009-07-30, 12:16 PM
Sure, sounds good. And I had assumed jungle races and all that were some other book. I guess I can go check your sheet; if I miss something, I'll be in good company, about half the sheets checked end up having something or other the person missed.

Handsome Dan
2009-07-30, 12:21 PM
search for Variant Races, Jungle Goblin is there, and Variant Classes for the changes to the feat list i made :)

2009-07-30, 12:25 PM
Where does the fast movement come from? I don't see it in jungle goblin or regular goblin traits, unless I'm missing it. (and I think it's not in the wizard).

Handsome Dan
2009-07-30, 12:32 PM
Where does the fast movement come from? I don't see it in jungle goblin or regular goblin traits, unless I'm missing it. (and I think it's not in the wizard).

Its the Quick Trait, gives me +10ft movement for -1HP per level.

2009-07-30, 12:35 PM
You have that and Fast Movement listed on the sheet. Although since a goblin's speed is 30 naturally, I guess it still adds up. Otherwise, everything seems fine. Since you skipped most magic feats or school/domain stuff, it's fairly simple. I'll go post it as cleared.

Handsome Dan
2009-07-30, 12:38 PM
You have that and Fast Movement listed on the sheet. Although since a goblin's speed is 30 naturally, I guess it still adds up. Otherwise, everything seems fine. Since you skipped most magic feats or school/domain stuff, it's fairly simple. I'll go post it as cleared.

Oh sorry, my copy and paste skills fail, ill go delete fast movement now.

2009-07-30, 12:41 PM
I'm glad I checked this one, looking at environmental variants has clued me in that a desert orc would be preferable to a water one for a future character build. If my 2v2 guy loses next time, I might have to redo him as one. If he wins and gets some XP, I'll keep him as is and save this info for a fourth character.

Handsome Dan
2009-07-30, 12:43 PM
I'm glad I checked this one, looking at environmental variants has clued me in that a desert orc would be preferable to a water one for a future character build. If my 2v2 guy loses next time, I might have to redo him as one. If he wins and gets some XP, I'll keep him as is and save this info for a fourth character.

Yeah desert orc looks good, but this character is built to survive that fell drain magic missle, which wont kill me in one, and can outrange and out-shoot other builds from a height, giving a +1 to attack.

2009-07-30, 12:45 PM
The height advantage is only to melee attacks, I think. And it's good to be prepared for Fell Drain Magic Missile, but I only know of one guy who is using that, and he's already in a round, so you don't have to worry about him. Unless one of your future opponents has it too, I didn't look at the other cleared sheets.

Handsome Dan
2009-07-30, 12:50 PM
The height advantage is only to melee attacks, I think. And it's good to be prepared for Fell Drain Magic Missile, but I only know of one guy who is using that, and he's already in a round, so you don't have to worry about him. Unless one of your future opponents has it too, I didn't look at the other cleared sheets.

True, but magic missle is still a killer at 120ft + ranges, but im sure someone will copy the fell drain magic missle one soon.

Most people assume that the others wont go climbing, and will use thrown weaposn at close range, 120 ft + pretty much negates thrown weapons.

Full attacks even with only 1D6 damage, does give you 2D6 damage per round, from hidden within a smokestick means flatfooted AC, plus with a hopeful 120ft distance, chance on hiding again with the -20 sniping rule.

Anyway lets get this show on the road? Initiative? Or fancy a different map?

Your call.

2009-07-30, 12:54 PM
We can keep using this one just to make it easier. Hopefully it will be less likely to end in a stalemate.

Of course, now I guess I need to find out what the rule is about Deflect Arrows when more than one shot is fired. Do I get to choose which one to deflect, or is it automatic? I assume if one misses and the other would hit, it deflects the hit one, but if they both hit, then I'm not sure what happens. Any ideas on that?

Handsome Dan
2009-07-30, 12:58 PM
We can keep using this one just to make it easier. Hopefully it will be less likely to end in a stalemate.

Of course, now I guess I need to find out what the rule is about Deflect Arrows when more than one shot is fired. Do I get to choose which one to deflect, or is it automatic? I assume if one misses and the other would hit, it deflects the hit one, but if they both hit, then I'm not sure what happens. Any ideas on that?

Well assuming your hand is free, I'd assume it is the first one you get to deflect, but if there is only one hit, you can deflect that one obviously.

Oh and initiative :D


2009-07-30, 01:04 PM
Yeah, I know if there's only one hit it deflects that one, since it doesn't trigger if the arrow is a miss. But the wording, while it kinda supports the idea of choosing which arrow, is very vague, so hopefully I'll get some clarification on that.

Init: [roll0]

Handsome Dan
2009-07-30, 01:07 PM
Goblinny Round 1

Cast a Spell


Move to R15.

Game on.