View Full Version : Another Celebrity DUI

2006-09-07, 12:55 PM
Mel Gibson, Haley Joel Osment, and now Paris Hilton.

What’s the deal with all these drunk driving celebrities. What ever happened to the good ol' days when they rode around drunk in the back of a limo?

If I were a rich bastard and wanted to get drunk I'd at least have the decency of letting someone else drive. Maybe all their chauffeurs quit on them...

Of course Osment may not be a rich bastard driving a 1995 Saturn and all, maybe he was just trying to be a normal kid.


2006-09-07, 01:27 PM
Simple case of not having anyone in their life willing to say "No!" to them.

Whereas you or I have friends who have the wit to take our keys off us when we get lashed someone like Hilton or Gibson is more often surrounded by people on the make. These people aren't going to risk their place on the gravy train by contradicting a celeb's stupid decision when they're drunk.

It's a simple combo of too much privilege and too little class with these people. Hollywood glamour isn't even tawdry anymore, it's almost non-existent. ::)

"If a dog had money men would call it 'My Lord Dog'." <-- as true now as when it was first said 2,300 years ago.

2006-09-07, 01:38 PM
They should all be sent to a Turkish prison. ;)

2006-09-07, 04:32 PM
"There is no cure for stupid."

As true now as when it was first said 2 or 3 years ago...


2006-09-07, 08:09 PM
"If a dog had money men would call it 'My Lord Dog'." <-- as true now as when it was first said 2,300 years ago.

Who said it 2,300 years ago?

2006-09-08, 02:09 PM
Who said it 2,300 years ago?

Confucius, although I've also seen it cited as a traditional Berber proverb or a Ben Franklin coinage online.

2006-09-08, 03:54 PM
This kind of thing drives me absolutely bugsht crazy. I wanted to pluck out somebody's eyeballs when I hear about some celebrity's "heroic struggle with cocaine." Heroic, my ass. Please. If I was found with coke, I'd be thrown in jail. Instead, the drug-using celebrity gets to tell his story to some entertainment media and gets babied at rehab until he's on his feet again.

What really pisses me off about this is that some 7- or 8-figure salary famous face isn't pushed into using to escape the squalid life he or she leads in the projects, or because his mother/brother/brother's dealer told him he should try some. Those aren't excuses, but its easier to understand how someone whose daily life is misery can get talked into using drugs than someone who has enough money to not need such escapes. Presumably, they should also have enough education to know better, too.

DUI has been illegal for the entire lifetime of Miss-I'd-be-a-garden-variety-tramp-if-my-Daddy-weren't-rich. What the hell is her excuse? Oh yeah--her Daddy's rich. Wonderful.

Don't even get me started on Rush Limbaugh and prescription painkillers. Or on professional athletes and drug abuse.

2006-09-08, 04:03 PM
How did she get billed as a 'celebrity' anyway?

2006-09-08, 04:11 PM
Shes had a couple seasons of her own crap tv show and a record/single or some crap.

For me the word celebrity is closer to an expletive then a compliment.

2006-09-08, 04:28 PM
What does DUI mean?

2006-09-08, 04:39 PM
What does DUI mean?

"Driving Under the Influence" in other words driving drunk or occassionally on some type of drug.

Well, what celebrity doesn't enjoy driving their own expensive cars just because they can? For one reason or another, driving drunk doesn't change that...

2006-09-08, 07:26 PM
It shouldn't matter who you are. Drunk driveing is a disgusting display appathy for the lives of other people. People who think they should be able to get away with it because they're "famous and important" should be left to drift away on an iceflow. :P

General Leitmann
2006-09-08, 11:58 PM
Now that's just unfair, ^. People are allowed their thoughts, as is custom in the countries of NA, and there's nothing we can do about these people, regardless of how wrong we feel they are. Drinking and driving is stupid, should be enforced, and is, so 'nuff said.

Jack Squat
2006-09-09, 12:36 AM
I know the reason "celebrities" do this. Money=power and power=fame. As a consequence, fame=stupidity.
That's the simple truth. The only way smart people can get well known is if they get a show on Discovery or one of it's sister channels. All I know is if I was that famous, I'd ride in the back of a limo watching reruns of The Three Stooges :).

2006-09-09, 01:14 PM
Now that's just unfair, ^. People are allowed their thoughts, as is custom in the countries of NA, and there's nothing we can do about these people, regardless of how wrong we feel they are. Drinking and driving is stupid, should be enforced, and is, so 'nuff said.

I'm not sure if you were reffering to my post, but if you were: the iceflow thing was a joke. ::)

And actually I don't think what people here are posting is unfair. I don't care how free people are, it doesn't give them the right to take others lives so lightly. An alarming number of people have died in DUI crashes, and an even more alarming number have been seriously injured.
And there IS something that we can do about these people. We can stop accepting drunk driveing as one of those things celebreties and rock stars "just do." In fact these are the people who should really know better, and beable to find an alternitive way home even easier than the rest of us. I think we're totally justified in saying they should be delt with more harshly, and I hope she is.
I hope she does get charged. I hope she does get a criminal record. And I hope any other rich bastard who tries it also gets the same treatment. I hope anybody (with very few exceptions) gets the same treatment. It's ridiculous.

2006-09-09, 03:04 PM
I should probably point out that a first offense DUI in most places gets you about the same treatment. The reason that we hear about this, and get to comment on it is because the person is famous.

If I got arrested for a DUI I'm sure that CNN wouldn't give a rats behinds.

General Leitmann
2006-09-09, 03:50 PM
I'm not sure if you were reffering to my post, but if you were: the iceflow thing was a joke. ::)

And actually I don't think what people here are posting is unfair. I don't care how free people are, it doesn't give them the right to take others lives so lightly. An alarming number of people have died in DUI crashes, and an even more alarming number have been seriously injured.
And there IS something that we can do about these people. We can stop accepting drunk driveing as one of those things celebreties and rock stars "just do." In fact these are the people who should really know better, and beable to find an alternitive way home even easier than the rest of us. I think we're totally justified in saying they should be delt with more harshly, and I hope she is.
I hope she does get charged. I hope she does get a criminal record. And I hope any other rich bastard who tries it also gets the same treatment. I hope anybody (with very few exceptions) gets the same treatment. It's ridiculous.

Perhaps my post was confusing.. I merely said that people are guaranteed their thoughts by the C.C.R.F. here in Canada and the Bill of Rights in the States. I also said that drinking and driving is dumb, should be enforced and is. Again, 'nuff said. Leave those who get paid to do so to judge.

2006-09-11, 04:51 AM
Paris Hilton is my all time least favorite celebrity. Talk about rich peoples stupid children. And she is named after a hotel. And she's had more men sleep over than a hotel.

I only know about her because I saw an episode of that show "The Simple Live". It confirmed my opinion that rich peoples stupid children are utterly useless at even the most simple jobs.

But what really burns me is that she is promoted as a rolemodel for young women. A suspiciously thin, overpainted nosejob of a rolemodel. A rolemodel that changes men faster than her underwear and even made a porn video. Don't tell me she couldn't see the camera. Not even she can be that stupid.

Everything about Paris Hilton make me sick. Where is that smily that pukes when you need it? I'll have to settle for this: :-X