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View Full Version : Randomly created horrific montsers

2009-07-30, 04:16 PM
For my next stint in GMing I am going to run a fantasy-horror campaign. Basically an alien parasitic species invading the world of Greyhawk.

The idea is that these parasites have 3 forms:
Their original small worm like form used to take over the body of it's host. (yes SG1 is an inspiration here).
The body of the host itself used to infiltrate in without notice. They also take on the mind, skills and capabilities of the host.
After the host body is killed the organic matter is rearranged into a horror that is unique to each alien.

I'm looking at defining random attributes for these horrors and writing a program to generate unique ones easily. Something along the lines of what is in Nightbane game.
The attributes I'm looking at are:
1. Presence - each one has an affect on the characters when first seen, like fear, nausea, confusion ...
2. Torso
3. Face - or lack there of
4. Limbs
5. Skin
6. Other fetaure
7. 1 attack per odd levels - type may depend on physical features
8. 1 defense per even levels - type may depend on physical features.
9. Possible special attack/defense - 10% chance.

Hopefully this will give the characters and players that sense of "Oh S..." - as long as I do it right ... hopefully there. :smallamused:

Please add in any comments and constructive criticisms to improve on this.