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2006-08-02, 04:43 AM
New show on the sci-fi channel has got me giddy. "Who Wants to be a Superhero?" takes a group of not-so-mild-mannered men and women and changes them into superheroes! I was watching the show with my mom, when I started to say..

"I haven't dreampt about being a superhero since I was a child... I mean, not for a while now... I mean, I've always wanted to be a superhero!"

Then I started thinking about what I would be like if I could be a super 8).

Most comic book heroes, I think, are too focused on defeating evil and thwarting bad guys. They don't realize that they cause horrendous amounts of casualties in the proscess, and stack up incredible amounts of collateral damage. Armed with this knowledge, my alter ego moves to help people get back to the lives they lost. I work to aid the common man, repair the damages, and to set an example of righteousness for the children.

I started to think of what my hero's name would be, and what his costume would look like. At first I was thinking, "insurance salesman." But that sucked :P. I also thought of going with black clothes with a reverend's collar, to kind of play up the righteousness bit, but some people are turned off by Christianity concepts. In order to be able to reach out and help anyone, the costume must reflect my will for an all-inclusive, respectful figure.

Then I thought, "an athlete is already like a hero!" And thus Major League was born.

Major League is a professional baseball player, who invests all of his money to aid the victims of crime. He needs no secret identity. In fact, he has no secrets, thus making him the perfect role model - someone the children can identify with.

Now, what superhero would be complete without super powers? The Major has super sensitive empathy, to better sense whether he's swingin' at a fastbally, or a curve ball. He can also sense when others are in distress, and help those in need. Though Major League abhors violence and always seeks peaceful resolutions to most situations, what pitch-hitter would be complete without a mean throwing arm and well trained proficiency in clubbin' (bats). Strength and speed come naturally to him, and his training has also taught him the fine art of real time strategies on and off the field.

With love, money, sportsmanship, and a strong sense of morality, I believe Major League is the greatest superhero ever!!

Don't be shy! What kind of super powers do you have? Do you have what it takes to be super? Post your powers here!

Oh, maybe I should make mention of the actual show...

The Iron Enforcer scares me. I don't like him at all. And Fat Momma should teach kids to be proud of there bodies WHILE encouraging them to eat healthy.

Also, Major Victory rocks my socks. "Be a winner, not a wiener!" He's so corny, he's looped back around to cool!

Here's the link: http://www.whowantstobeasuperhero.tv/

The Demented One
2006-08-02, 10:23 AM
Monkey Woman is made of win and good. Like Batman, but with cute monkies instead of grimy little flying rats.

2006-08-02, 10:34 AM
I like Feedback, especially his catchphrase.
That's so damn corny, it works!

2006-08-02, 10:52 AM
Monkey Woman is made of win and good. Like Batman, but with cute monkies instead of grimy little flying rats.

I'm glad someone else is pulling for Monkey Woman. Although she did screw up pretty bad in the first ep, she seemed REALLY hurt by that fact, and I highly doubt she'll mess up again. (Has Ep 2 been aired yet? I really don't watch enough T.V. to catch it...)

Lemuria needs to cover up. I don't like that the Sci Fi channel folks picked her SOLELY based on looks.

2006-08-02, 01:11 PM
Ep. 2 airs tomorrow.

I have made up several superheroes, actually. My favorite has got to be The Vaccine. He's the cure for the common criminal. Infected with an alien, sentient bacteria, he has been given by them, in exchange for agreeing to be their host, the powers of superstrength, supersenses, super-reflexes, and super-balance. In fact, his balance is so refined that he can hang of the edge of a building by his toes. He also has access to a vast library of knowledge through the memories the bacteria keep of their old hosts. He uses these powers to fight crime and to help those who need him.

As for the show, I'm rooting for Major Victory, but you probably guessed that already.

2006-08-02, 03:58 PM
Ep. 2 airs tomorrow.

I have made up several superheroes, actually. My favorite has got to be The Vaccine. He's the cure for the common criminal. Infected with an alien, sentient bacteria, he has been given by them, in exchange for agreeing to be their host, the powers of superstrength, supersenses, super-reflexes, and super-balance. In fact, his balance is so refined that he can hang of the edge of a building by his toes. He also has access to a vast library of knowledge through the memories the bacteria keep of their old hosts. He uses these powers to fight crime and to help those who need him.

As for the show, I'm rooting for Major Victory, but you probably guessed that already.
Dude, that is THE grosses hero ever!

"Stop right tha.. ah.. ACHOO!! ACHOO!! AH, ACHOO!!!"
"Dude, don't give me your germs, man, nasty."

Who wants his hero to be a crusty eyed sicko with a nose dripping in snot? And intelligent bacteria ????

But I agree, I'm rooting for Major victory all the way! He's the only one who's really displayed merit as a hero. He kinda reminds me of Bender the Offender (Futurama), only he's cool - in a dorky sort of way.

"Be a winner, not a wiener!" - That's going in my signature...

Also, what was Lee thinking ????! I watched him eliminate the young Nitro G without batting an eye. Iron Enforcer has proven that, not only is he the scariest, but he is the most immature member in the whole bunch >:(. The only way I can reason why Nitro was given the boot was Lee was trying to focus on the one test, rather than the whole of it.

If Major League had been there, he would've at least tried to offer him Nitro a sidekick position as he packed up his bags...

2006-08-02, 05:24 PM
Let us not forget...though it stretched the genre...a reality television series, and bad, loud, obnoxious, outside-the-box, jerky, pompous contestants make for good reality television.

Though, I think that Stan Lee or the producers made a mistake, considering who their CORE audience should be for a show like this...comic fans. Getting rid of the 19 year old comic shop guy is probably a bad idea over the stupid useless pvc gun toting neaderthal that is Iron Enforcer.

Though, then again, here we sit discussing it, so it couldn't have been all bad.

2006-08-02, 08:57 PM
Dude, that is THE grosses hero ever!

"Stop right tha.. ah.. ACHOO!! ACHOO!! AH, ACHOO!!!"
"Dude, don't give me your germs, man, nasty."

Who wants his hero to be a crusty eyed sicko with a nose dripping in snot? And intelligent bacteria ????

He's not sick. We've all got bacteria in us that do us no harm at all and are actually beneficial. This concept is that taken to the nth degree.

Though, his one weakness is penicillin. ;D

The crusty eyed sicko with a nose dripping in snot is actually his nemesis, The Plague. He's got a sentient virus. Nasty stuff.

2006-08-03, 05:57 AM
Hmm, that sounds better, but "The Vaccine" doesn't quite seem like the right title. I mean, he's infected by sentient bacteria, so why is he called "The Vaccine?" Unless The Plague came first, and Vaccine then fought back, and thus came up with his name. Am I on the right track ;).

I'm still hoping that psycho Iron Enforcer gets the boot. He's scary.

Death, your friend the Reaper
2006-08-03, 07:47 AM
Major League sounds great indeed. It is great when you hear about the nice people in the world instead of the bad ones for a change.

Although i think this thread should be called "Who dosen't want to be Batman" ;)

2006-08-03, 11:06 AM
I watched the first ep last week with a mixture of amusement and horror. Amusement because, well, it was pretty entertaining and funny -- the superhero test and the little girl theatrically sobbing, "Where's my mommy?" Classic.

Horror because some of those folks were just plain scary. It's good to see people having fun and getting into it -- but is it me or are Major Victory and Monkey Woman (for example) just a little TOO into the whole superhero thing? Like they don't quite realize that after the cameras stop rolling, they have to go back into the real world and, y'know, work for a living.

2006-08-03, 11:12 AM
I watched the first ep last week with a mixture of amusement and horror. Amusement because, well, it was pretty entertaining and funny -- the superhero test and the little girl theatrically sobbing, "Where's my mommy?" Classic.

Horror because some of those folks were just plain scary. It's good to see people having fun and getting into it -- but is it me or are Major Victory and Monkey Woman (for example) just a little TOO into the whole superhero thing? Like they don't quite realize that after the cameras stop rolling, they have to go back into the real world and, y'know, work for a living.

But they don't...after the cameras stop rolling they're still on a reality show. They live there etc. etc. I believe.

And...I really don't know what you're talking about. They were in costume/in character the whole show, so they acted like their characters. That's part of the show's challenge.

2006-08-03, 11:56 AM
But they don't...after the cameras stop rolling they're still on a reality show. They live there etc. etc. I believe.

And...I really don't know what you're talking about. They were in costume/in character the whole show, so they acted like their characters. That's part of the show's challenge.
Yes, but after the show is over, they have to go back to their real lives. They won't be on reality TV forever. And as the roaring success (or lack thereof) of any post-show reality TV star shows, there ain't much demand for ex-Big Brother contestants after the season's over.

And yes, they're acting in character, but you can tell when someone's having trouble separating reality from their private little fantasies. We all know these people, the ones who think their comics/RPGs/LARPs are somehow realer than real life. Good example: the woman I ran into at Gen Con years ago who had a fantastic drow costume going -- black body paint, white hair, intricate costume, the whole shot. I complimented her on her costume only to be told, "it's not a costume, I really am a dark elf." I laughed and said, yeah, sure, great costume anyways. As I was walking away, she was still protesting that really, she WAS a dark elf! Someone had a bit of a perception problem there.

2006-08-03, 12:04 PM
Why not cite some examples of those two people not knowing fantasy from reality?

If we're going to be slanderous we really should back it up with something yes?

Er, right, in print it is Libel. ;D

2006-08-03, 12:12 PM
Why not cite some examples of those two people not knowing fantasy from reality?

If we're going to be slanderous we really should back it up with something yes?

Er, right, in print it is Libel. ;D

I sincerely hope you're kidding here. You're accusing a poster on a messageboard of libel over a discussion of a wannabe-superhero reality show? Yeesh. Discussion over.

2006-08-03, 12:19 PM
I sincerely hope you're kidding here. You're accusing a poster on a messageboard of libel over a discussion of a wannabe-superhero reality show? Yeesh. Discussion over.

I'm going to copy this over from elsewhere:

You may not remember me, but I'm your sense of humor. I'm the little being that's there to tell you when something isn't meant to be taken seriously. Somewhere along the way, you abandoned me in a truck stop. I really didn't appreciate that, but I'm back now, and would really love to be your companion again. I understand if you don't want me back, I'm sure you're getting along just fine being a boring person who over analyzes life.

Also, the sun says Hi, he thinks you should go outside more often.

Your Sense of Humor.

P.S. Please get back to me soon"

2006-08-03, 12:21 PM
TPATPAM needs to learn the definition of 'tongue in cheek'.

When is the second episode going to air? I've TiVo'd about 42 re-runs of the first episode, but either somehow missed the second or it hasn't been on yet.

On a seperate, somewhat related, topic: I'm really looking forward to Heroes this fall.

2006-08-03, 12:24 PM
I believe the seconde episode airs tonight...

2006-08-03, 05:50 PM
I've wanted to be a superhero forever. So when this season is over and they run it again, I'm totally trying out. I just need an awesome guise to assume.

2006-08-03, 10:48 PM
Yes! The Iron Enforcer got kicked out...but shall return as the Dark Enforcer!

That's an awesome twist!

I can't wait until the next episode.

I hope they make a better costume for Tyveculus. Having to run around in his homemade duds after everyone else got a cool new costume just seems wrong, even though his old costume is still pretty cool.

2006-08-04, 01:23 AM
Major Victory is hilarious.

I'm still pulling for monkey woman, but it really seems unlikely.

Also her new costume isn't as good as her old one.

2006-08-04, 01:37 AM
I'm very glad that Iron Enforcer was eliminated. I never like him, not from the beginning. I feel only slightly irrate at the fact that he'll still be sticking around, but I agree with Master Stan that he'd make one of the coolest villains!

I was suprised that Cell Phone Girl was dropped (get it? Dropped call..) Everytime I see her in the opening credits, she seems to have an especially cool costume. I thought she would've made it to the "new costume stage." Hm...

And Monkey Woman, Monkey Woman, Monkey Woman! I think I'm in love with Monkey Woman. She pressed on for ten minutes, and never gave up! She's my new favorite hero :-*... Er, next to Major Victory. Yes! That is the kind of girl I want to marry. She's probably an animal in bed (**snicker**).

Thank you, Mr. Death, for your compliment. I've always been at a loss as to why the hero usually disapears after he thwarts the villain. The job isn't done until after the cleanup stage. While it may be impossible for the public's lives to get back to normal, the hero should at least say a few words, or lend a hand. I think Superman does that sort of thing...

Major League is kind of like Batman, though. There isn't as much angst, nor a dark attitude, but I picture Major League to be more of a detective than an enforcer. He uses his well of money with much frugality and effect. (You can do anything with enough money). He always makes sure to use his speed and batting average as a last resort. And he has no secret identity, which makes influencing certain other members of society sometimes easier.

Indeed! If they do have a second Who Wants? then I'm also trying out ;D! See you there, Amanda ;).

I like how well the "contestants" are getting into character. More power to them :D!

P.S> Monkey Woman's last costume had immitation fur. Her new costume is a little more mature. After wrestling those dogs for as long as she did, she deserves a more "grown up" look.

2006-08-04, 12:34 PM
Ok, watched the second installment last night.

I'm kinda warming up to the whole thing now.

I thought Monkey Woman was stupid at first, but after watching her wrestle with those attack dogs for almost 10 minutes, and wear both of them out to the point that she could then drag herself (and them) to the door, I have to say I'm pretty impressed with her level of determination.

Glad Iron Enforcer is gone. He seemed like just a big stupid lug with a lousy costume. Stan's twist of bringing him back as a Supervillain is a terrific homage to classic comic story writing-the old "Good guy gone bad" schtick. Cool.

"Cell Phone Girl"-dumb concept to begin with, and she was even worse in action. Glad she's gone, too.

Does it seem to anyone else that for a group of self-professed comic book junkies that most of them are missing the boat on some pretty obvious tests of superheroic character traits? Maybe it's easier watching from home, (in fact, it most probably is) but some of them have some pretty lousy judgement as far as embracing the personality traits of what it means to be heroic.

2006-08-04, 01:04 PM
Does it seem to anyone else that for a group of self-professed comic book junkies that most of them are missing the boat on some pretty obvious tests of superheroic character traits? Maybe it's easier watching from home, (in fact, it most probably is) but some of them have some pretty lousy judgement as far as embracing the personality traits of what it means to be heroic.
That is what makes Major Victory so cool. He doesn't seem like the comic book type, but he plays the part well, and has passed all the tests so far.

And at first glance, Cell Phone Girl did seem like a dumb concept. Then I read her super powers and thought, "Hmm, that's unique." But she disgraced the superhero type by giving up so easily...

2006-08-04, 02:11 PM
Ok, watched the second installment last night.

I'm kinda warming up to the whole thing now.

I thought Monkey Woman was stupid at first, but after watching her wrestle with those attack dogs for almost 10 minutes, and wear both of them out to the point that she could then drag herself (and them) to the door, I have to say I'm pretty impressed with her level of determination.

Glad Iron Enforcer is gone. He seemed like just a big stupid lug with a lousy costume. Stan's twist of bringing him back as a Supervillain is a terrific homage to classic comic story writing-the old "Good guy gone bad" schtick. Cool.

"Cell Phone Girl"-dumb concept to begin with, and she was even worse in action. Glad she's gone, too.

Does it seem to anyone else that for a group of self-professed comic book junkies that most of them are missing the boat on some pretty obvious tests of superheroic character traits? Maybe it's easier watching from home, (in fact, it most probably is) but some of them have some pretty lousy judgement as far as embracing the personality traits of what it means to be heroic.

I watched this last night and enjoyed it more than I did the first episode. I'm glad Cell Phone Girl is gone -- I wonder how she made it onto the show in the first place. She didn't seem like she was really into the whole superhero thing -- everyone else seems like they WANT to be there, and she's very meh.

I like the Iron/Dark Enforcer thing -- I wonder if they brought IE onto the show with the express notion of turning him into a supervillain, or whether it was an opportunistic "hey, what if....?" idea.

Monkey Woman's irritating but I have to hand it to her -- to hang on for ten minutes while those dogs are dragging her around was amazing and I gotta give her major credit for determination.

And I'm liking Major Victory more and more -- I like his shtick where he knows he's a cheeseball and doesn't care.

Liking Lemuria's costume reboot. Hubba hubba.

2006-08-04, 02:50 PM
As for the whole superhero makeover thing, all the superheroes are shown in the promotional stuff in made-over duds, even Levity and Nitro-G. Except for Tyveculus. I think Stan liked his costume so much, he couldn't think of a way to improve it. At least, it was my favorite costume at the beginning.

2006-08-04, 03:01 PM
Yeah, Tyv was the only one who did an AWESOME job on his home-made digs.

I'd actually rather they just leave him with that costume.

2006-08-05, 02:33 AM
I have to say that Major Victory is the only guy that really gets the whole thing.

He's picking up on the cues that lead to a really good silver age hero, just what Stan is looking for.


Yes, he has his own website, several of them do. I just find this the best with the vocalized links up top.

edit: eh yeah... .NET, ahem go about youre business

2006-08-05, 04:05 AM
Uh, try this instead:


Wee! I stayed up all night browsing my favorite heroes ;D. Now I need four hours of sleep beforing I go to work :P. Man I wish one of my powers was never having to sleep...

2006-08-11, 02:31 AM
Cuuuuuuuuuuurse You Dark Enforcerrrrrrrrrrr! CURSE YOOOOOOOOOOOOU!

I mourn the loss of Monkey Woman :'(

2006-08-11, 01:16 PM
Last night was interesting.

Stan made the right call on MW. Giving up your secret ID when asked is bad. Voluntarily giving it up while introducing yourself is not only terrible, it's terribly stupid.

One by one, the players who can't get into, and stay in, the character they've created are going by the wayside. Nice to see good, conistent roleplaying isn't just valuable around the D&D table, eh?

I can't belive Tyveculus and Fat Momma were obtuse enough to not figure out Stan's "self-sacrifice test". Have they NEVER read a comic? Giving it up, up to and including the ultimate sacrifice to save others/your fellow heroes/the world has got to be covered in like the first chapter of "Superheroes for Dummies" (if such a reference existed-of course, for all I know, it does...)

Am I alone or does anyone else think Lemuria is a full on beotch? (of course, I might get a little testy too, if everyone kept consistently mis-pronouncing my name).

Still and all, great fun to watch-far more entertaining than I thought it would be.

2006-08-11, 01:49 PM
I think Lemuria is a bit testy, but at the same time Fat Momma is a drama queen.

2006-08-11, 10:31 PM
One by one, the players who can't get into, and stay in, the character they've created are going by the wayside. Nice to see good, conistent roleplaying isn't just valuable around the D&D table, eh?

Thus why I think that Major Victory will ultimately win. He's such a Stan Lee character to start with.

Giving it up, up to and including the ultimate sacrifice to save others/your fellow heroes/the world has got to be covered in like the first chapter of "Superheroes for Dummies" (if such a reference existed-of course, for all I know, it does...)

Its not a "For Dummies" book but this should suffice.

How to be a Superhero (http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0452285755/sr=8-1/qid=1155349829/ref=pd_bbs_1/103-4073830-9935028?ie=UTF8)

2006-08-14, 03:22 PM
You think that's something, check out this book! I have a copy myself (Bleh-ha-ha):

(Geez, how do you make weblinks not look so stupidly big?)

Creature really surprised me this last episode. She hadn't done anything yet to really impress me, and she's such a ditzy flirt. But being the first to step forward, and set a standard for the other heroes to follow, really says a lot.

Fat Momma also caught my interest. She's far more determined to win than I had previously imagined. Before she was only a joke, and now she's drawn more attention to her realy character.

Wow, this is the first test that Major Victory has failed :o. Oh em gee, I never thought that would happen! I'm still pulling for him, though.

Monkey Woman really stole my heart. Too bad she not only lied about her true profession, but also revealed her true identity. A shame :'(.

It would seem our heroes are a little more high strung now. Nitro G had said in one interview that "(they) only got a couple hours of sleep." That could have something to do with why everyone is so testy all of a sudden.


2006-08-14, 05:09 PM
I've always wanted to be a superhero!

I, too, have often dreamed about being a superhero and I always tried to imagine what kind of superhero I would be. So here are my thoughts:

If I could be a superhero
I would be awesome man
I’d fly around the world fighting crime
According to my awesome plan
And if I saw criminals trying to lie
Hurting other people and making them cry
I’d haul them off to jail in my awesome van
‘Cause I would be awesome man

If I could be a superhero
I would be Drug-Free boy
Telling the world of the evils of drugs
And all of the lives they destroy
Well I would take all the junk
He’s getting so high
With their needles and bongs
And their sticks of tye
As I burn them alive I would squeal with joy
Because I would be drug-free boy

If I could be a superhero
I'd be Immigration dude
I’d send all the foreigners back to their homes
For eating up all of our food
And taking our welfare and best jobs to boot
Like landscaping, dishwashing, picking our fruit
I’d pass a lot of laws to get rid of their food
‘Cause I’d be Immigration Dude

If I could be a superhero
I would you be justice guy
Making sure people get what they deserve
Especially women who lie
Like if a wife left her husband
With three kids and no job
To run off to Hawaii
With some doctor named bob
I would skin them and drain them of blood so they die
Especially bob
'Cuse I would be justice guy

Sorry but such a topic can't be complete without this super awesome song (by Stephen Lynch) =\
(for the whole song: http://youtube.com/watch?v=o-oEcxtoglk)

2006-08-14, 05:32 PM
If I could be a superhero
I would be Awesome Man
I’d fly around the world fighting crime
According to my awesome plan
And if I saw criminals trying to lie
Hurting other people and making them cry
I’d haul them off to jail in my awesome van
‘Cause I would be Awesome Man

If I could be a superhero
I would be Drug-Free Boy
Telling the world of the evils of drugs
And all of the lives they destroy
Well I would take all the junkies getting so high
With their needles and bongs
And their sticks made of tye
As I burn them alive I would squeal with joy
Because I would be Drug-free Boy

If I could be a superhero
I'd be Immigration Dude
I’d send all the foreigners back to their homes
For eating up all of our food
And taking our welfare and best jobs to boot
Like landscaping, dishwashing, picking our fruit
I’d pass a lot of laws to get rid of their brood
‘Cause I’d be Immigration Dude

If you could be a superhero
Would you be Justice Guy?
Making sure people get what they deserve
Especially women who lie
Like if a wife left her husband
With three kids and no job
To run off to Hawaii
With some doctor named Bob
I would skin them and drain them of blood so they die
Especially Bob
'Cause I would be Justice Guy

Fixed for grammar mistakes (always capitalize names) spelling mistakes (only one, actually) and misquotes (corrected version in bold).

You go it mostly right though, although you're missing the last verse about the further antics of Justice Guy. I can't remember exactly how it goes, though.

2006-08-14, 06:45 PM
Fixed for grammar mistakes (always capitalize names) spelling mistakes (only one, actually) and misquotes (corrected version in bold).

You go it mostly right though, although you're missing the last verse about the further antics of Justice Guy. I can't remember exactly how it goes, though.

I know all the song by heart, I didn't place the last verse and altered the one before it on purpose. I must also admit that all the mistakes you fixed aren't mine. I just cope-pasted the lyrics from the first site google offered (and altered the last copied verse a bit). =#

Edit: Oh and the lastverse is:
Or you could be more subtle,
I didn't mean to be vague
Give her the mad cow disease
Let him die of the plague
As long as they suffer for their terrible lie
especially bob
Then you would be Justice Guy

2006-08-15, 01:30 AM
Okay, first I have to say I seriously dislike the concept of reality TV shows in general. My wife put it best, "Watching these things make me angry. At the idiotic people, the producers, and myself for watching it. And I don't watch TV to make myself angry, so I don't like it."

Then, we saw this show. Because it had to do with superheroes, we decided to give it a shot. At the worst, we'd just turn it off.

Now we're fascinated. It's far more a game show than most reality TV. It's mostly contests, with a small bit of byplay and 'interviews'. Much better.

And Major Victory is funny. That always helps.

One of the major objections I've heard about this show is that half of these people are actors, or have something to do with the entertainment industry. I've got no problem with this, 50% of the population on this coast has been on TV, or film, or something like that. Heck, I'm on film. I've got the DVD with me stumbling past the camera pretending to be drunk in a bar scene. All you have to do is stand still for five minutes out here, and you end up on film. :)

There are probably more challenges than what we're seeing. Some of them so sneaky that the heroes aren't even aware of them. I honestly think the whole 'annonymous questions' thing was a challenge they *all* failed, and so it was simply used to set up the Iron Enforcer. Someone should have objected to this idea, as heroes are honest and forthright, and don't need to write secret notes to 'teacher' to snitch on each other.

That costume for Ty'Veculus was incredibly silly, and was obviously a set-up. Stan's got a better eye than that.

They knew Monkey Woman was an actress, even though she didn't say on her application, because the waiter was primed with the question for her to answer.

Iron Enforcer knew about the super-villain thing long before he was 'eliminated'. Before the dogs at least, as it really looks like he took a dive there.

The beam-walk was intended to eliminate Lemuria/Lumeria with her fear of heights, just like the dogs were intended to eliminate Cell Phone Girl who has a fear of dogs (Headache or not, she had supposedly been attacked by dogs in RL.) Both things were supposedly in their profiles, so the production team knew they'd react badly to those scenarios.

What I'm really curious about is whether they do another casting call for a second season. :)

2006-08-17, 04:05 PM
Don't forget folks: New Episode tonight at 9. (Or whatever it is in your respective time zones)

2006-08-18, 01:27 AM
I was really touched by this night's episode. I was nearly brought to tears by the genuine emotion... I knew that this was more than just a game.

I identify with Feedback. I know what it is like to lose a loved one. (I don't mean my dad.) Ever since I lost a very close friend of mine in grade school, I felt a strong guilt. I don't know how hard it has been on him, but... I understand now why this is so important to him.

God, I was pulling for Major Victory the whole way. I was shocked to see him get called forward for something that seemed kind of trivial. I knew that he wouldn't be eliminated, but I was still gripping my in my seat.

Over a week ago I saw in the promotionals that the heroes were going to meet face to face with some convicts. My immediate reaction (and I'm sure you all reacted in similiar fashion) was to think about it and place myself in the show. I knew, before seeing this episode, that Stan would present a special challenge, but I don't think I'd really enjoy playing along. The only thing that might irk me more than stealing is lying. Even if they are "evil," I'd never use or trick these people to make ends meet. This is why I'm really feeling for Feedback - He genuinely didn't care whether or not he won, but was more concerned about the person he was dealing with.

We shouldn't judge Lemuria too quickly. I know that the convicts are only human, but they're wearing orange for a reason. They get no sympathy from me. She also had the toughest task out of them all: Sitting in that angry woman's lap for more than ten seconds :o!

I'm curious about a couple of things, though. Were the convicts for real, or were they just actors? And what would compel some of our heroes' closest friends and family members to betray them? That one puzzled me....

Grr.. Dark Enforcer's gun must have mind control powers...

2006-08-18, 01:37 AM
The dark enforcer is a master of manipulation! A MASTER!

Spoilers: I know it's superficial and chauvenistic but, I'm kinda sad there aren't any attractive females on the show anymore.

2006-08-18, 02:16 AM
Hmm, you have a point. I wonder what Fat Momma has to say about that...

http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendID=814 20893

Seriously, can anybody tell me why I can't get my hyperlinks shorter ????

2006-08-18, 12:59 PM
Fairly entertaining last night.

God-who thinks these things up?

I was extremely impressed with Feedback. While Fat Momma and Major Victory both technically completed their tasks, only Feedback managed to do so in a genuine way that actually turned this into a positive experience for both he and the (really big, really scary) convict.

I was pulling for Major Victory prior to this, but now I'm rooting for Feedback. I'm not terribly fond of foolishness, and continuing to remove portions of your costume after Stan reproves you for doing so is just plain stupid. Listen and learn: that's the only way to improve your performance and stay in the game.

I just don't get Fat Momma. First, why would anyone think that's a good concept for a hero? Second, she is nasty at heart. Look at and think on some of the things she's said-she's not a nice person at all. I just plain can't belive that she's made it this far.

Also-about the first elimination. Did not one of them think to express the concept that the past is the past, and that they've turned over a new leaf? Come on! They mostly didn't even try to rebut the betrayals by their friends/families-they just laughed them off. That's as sure a way to get eliminated as I can think of.

Go, Feedback!

2006-08-18, 01:16 PM
Anyone else think the convicts were actors? The woman looked just like the lady from Boondock Saints - you know, from the beginning, with the rule of thumb thing.

And who'd uncuff a real convict? Bizarre.

I like Feedback a lot more after last nights episode. It'll come down to him or Major Victory, I think, and I'd be happy with either.

2006-08-18, 01:33 PM
Seriously, can anybody tell me why I can't get my hyperlinks shorter ????

Try this: www.whatever.com]Text ( [url) relating to content of website[/url ]

Minus the spaces at the beginning and end.


Make your own hero! (http://www.ugo.com/channels/comics/heroMachine2/heromachine2.asp)

2006-08-22, 03:06 AM
Dear Stan: Superman takes off his cape A LOT, bad example.

Major V took off his cape as part of his mission, don't be a jerk Stan.

2006-08-22, 12:36 PM
I'm with you on this one.

During the "golden age" of Superman, I lost count of the number of times ol' Kal-el whipped off his indestructible cape and caught the bad guy/missile, protected Lois (or other NPC), contained the massive explosion, etc...VERY bad example, Stan.

And many other heroes have removed all or part of their costumes many times over the years.

I actually think MV taking his cape off and putting it down on the ground for the old lady to walk over was extremely gallant. Too bad she slipped on the slick fabric and almost did a face-plant. ;D

I think Stan is on MV about it so bad because of the "used to be a stripper" deal.

2006-08-22, 03:16 PM
I think Stan is on MV about it so bad because of the "used to be a stripper" deal.

Which endlessly amuses me, given the picture that is usually hanging behind Mr. Lee is of 'Stripperella', who is in fact one of *his* characters. Heck, the show was even billed as 'Stan Lee's Stripperella'...


EDIT: Which is probably one reason they nixed Nitro G so fast. He had the most experience with comics and probably the most knowledge about Mr. Lee's own works. His superpower really was being able to call Mr. Lee's bluffs. :)

2006-08-24, 09:04 PM
Nah, Nitro failed hard on that challenge and deserved the axe he got.

*watching now*

Oh hell no! Damn you Stan! Damn you! Grrrrrrrr

"Parody of a superhero"

This whole SHOW is a parody of superheros! Spiderman is a parody of a superhero! Why are you such a friggin' hypocrit?!

I will admit, I'm disenchanted now.


The Demented One
2006-08-24, 09:55 PM

2006-08-24, 10:07 PM
Darn I'm in this thread late........but I've recently been addicted (since like last week or so) I may like MV but I seriously am digging Feedback and I'm hoping he doesn't lose.

2006-08-25, 01:15 AM
I didn't think much of Feedback through the first couple of episodes, but recently, he's become my favorite.

Still, I did predict Major Victory would win in the end, and I hate being wrong, so...


Feedback is the new favorite to win, agreed?

2006-08-25, 01:34 AM
I didn't think much of Feedback through the first couple of episodes, but recently, he's become my favorite.

Still, I did predict Major Victory would win in the end, and I hate being wrong, so...


Feedback is the new favorite to win, agreed?

Much agreement there.

Sorry, but Fat Momma was much too angry in episode 4.

2006-08-25, 02:36 PM
I'm with you. Feedback for the win.

Fat Momma is a joke.

Let's look at last night objectively:

Fat Momma: 1st with the kids, a distant and pathetic 3rd in the supervillain hunt.

Feedback: 3rd with the kids, a close 2nd in the hunt.

Major Victory: 2nd with the kids, 1st in the hunt.

So why does the guy who finished best overall go home? Because Stan Lee is a hypocrite, as noted above. I think what put him off might have been some of the off-color remarks/jokes Major Victory made throughout the episode, but IMHO it's better than being an obnoxious, loud, food-vacuum who waddled around Universal City Walk mooching food from everyone in sight. How is having a whacky sense of humor inconsistent with comic tradition? It's a part of the tradition! Being disgusting isn't.

And how's this for irony: Stan Lee berates MV for removing portions of his costume, yet what does he demand he (and every other one of them) do when they leave?

I don't get it: If it's a competition, then let's have the rankings of the performance actually matter. If not, quit yankin' our chains pretending that it is!

Go Feedback!

Jack Squat
2006-08-25, 04:18 PM
The thing with the kids was set up, it was too well timed.

and as for the comment about Fat Momma being a bad concept, it's been done


2006-08-26, 04:20 AM
Dear Stan: Superman takes off his cape A LOT, bad example.

Major V took off his cape as part of his mission, don't be a jerk Stan.

Stan Lee is a being a jerk. The guy he hasn't had a good idea since 1965, and is totally out of touch with current trends and styles of story telling. Beyond the fact that he helped to create some of Marvel's most beloved characters I'm afraid that Stan the Man is stuck thoroughly in the past.

2006-08-26, 04:29 AM
Stan Lee is a being a jerk. The guy he hasn't had a good idea since 1965, and is totally out of// touch with current trends and styles of story telling. Beyond the fact that he helped to create some of Marvel's most beloved characters I'm afraid that Stan the Man is stuck thoroughly in the past.

See that's the problem though.

Taking off his cape to help a lady cross a puddle is a very "The past" thing for a superhero to do.

These are not Stan Lee's words, the script writers for this show are just batty. (Yes, it is scripted, there is no doubt)

2006-08-26, 12:41 PM
After the loss of major victory my love for the show has somewhat diminished it had been new tradition for our d&d group to watch the show and play d&d after now part of that sacred mini-tradition.

I think feedback is OK but major victory was the best character by far.

My whole family agreed the major v. was the best by far.

2006-08-26, 03:08 PM
Major V. was the best because he got it, he understood what comic books and super heros are supposed to be: Fun. Fat Momma goes emo too often, and Feedback is just FAR to serious.

I understand that comic were a big part of his dealing with his father's death but...that's just not a healthy coping mechanism.

2006-08-30, 01:38 PM
I understand that comic were a big part of his dealing with his father's death but...that's just not a healthy coping mechanism.
I disagree. Feedback has certainly developed into a genuine, caring human being. He has a wife, a home, and... ummm.. was employed :-/. The heroes in the comics have certainly been great rolemodels for him. I don't think Feedback has lost touch with reality at all. He seems to really get what its all about.

As for Major V's elimination. >:( Grr, I'm upset. But at the same time, it may be for the best.

While the executive producers carry a great deal of the weight, Stan must have the final say in these matters. Make no mistake, if Stan said, "Hey, I want this guy to pass," then yes, he would've passed. Still, both the producers and Stan both had something specific in mind when they started this show. Major Victory, for some reason, doesn't fill that niche.

I don't agree with the elimination, either, but lets think about Stan's words. He said that it was his toughest decision yet. He didn't want to vote any of them off, because he knew that they ALL deserve to win. (Yes, even Fat Momma.)

I thought Fat Momma was gonna lose in that elimination. (The whole "food mooching" thing is pretty bad.) Feedback really didn't understand the child psyche (what's pong? I think he made it up - ;D laughs out loud). But still, the Major had a cool elimination. He had a single goal, and that was to be a superhero to his daughter. He fulflilled that goal, and really, can you think of anything better? He could care less about his elimination, because he DIDN'T lose. He won!


Can you think of any other elimination where everyone was genuinely happy, and not at the prospect of someone else's defeat? No.

http://www.majorvictory.net/ This isn't the end of our hero. He will reemerge. Kind of like how when a contestant loses in American Idol, he may still get a contract...


2006-08-30, 09:42 PM
http://www.majorvictory.net/ This isn't the end of our hero. He will reemerge. Kind of like how when a contestant loses in American Idol, he may still get a contract...


For fun it you pay attention to the opening sequence for Major Victory's website there is a brief image of a Dark Horse comics logo on a Major Victory comic book cover. So it looks like Major Victory gets his own line. That or I expect that one of the others will turn to the Dark Side and MV will come back for a resuce.

2006-09-01, 07:28 PM
Okay-final installment last night.

First, I'm glad Feedback won. I'm not sure "won" is the right term, so much as "was selected". The more you watch, the more you realize what a completely manufactured process the "competition" was.

Of course, the show said right up front "Heroes are born; Superheroes are created". I guess I didn't realize how literally that should have been taken.

Could you believe the difference between the SFX sequences they put together for Fat Momma and Feedback? Both were stupid, but Fat Momma's was so utterly, blatantly and sickeningly stupid that I nearly vomited. What a complete setup!

I do have the give Feedback props for his athleticism, though. Even the Stunt School guys were impressed with how well he took to the trampoline, fake fighting and green-screen flying. I dunno, though-he makes me a little nervous-this guy's just a bit (or a lot) more intensely into the whole thing than I think is healthy.

Any way, the ending was kind of anti-climactic, and overall I thought the show as a whole was a bit of a let-down.

Questions? Comments? Cocktail orders?

2006-09-01, 07:33 PM
HUZZAH FEEDBACK! (I forgot to post here last night.....) Anyways my question is when does the movie come out? It was anticlimatic and too drawn out in the last episode cause the special effects camp was interesting but they shoulda ended it after then. :-/

2006-09-02, 10:00 AM
Ooh. I htought about this once. I've come up with literally hundreds of ideas. More when I was little and am starting to think about it again.

My fave has to be a black armoured albino guy who has 4 sharp talons for a 'cloak' which move to the side of his body and become a flight suit.

He started off as a good guy, but then I got bored and now he's an evil super-villain master-mind who has been to the nut-house a record number of times.

2006-09-03, 04:34 AM
Looking back at it, I don't think anyone wanted to win nearly as much as Feedback did. Did you see his face when they told Fat Momma to turn in her costume? He was so stunned, he wasn't yet able to fully grasp what had happened to him...

AND THEN! Whoa! Oh my god! I won! I FREAKIN' WON!!

That was great. Just imagine what it would be like, to be in his shoes, with hundreds of fans chanting your name. You're trying to give that speech you prepared, when you are suddenly interrupted as your lover thrusts herself into your arms for probably one of the most romantic embraces since the invention of the kiss (with the fireworks and all, it was rather picturesque :-*). Then, all your friends and family come out of nowhere to congratulate you, slapping you on the back and rushing to give you a big hug! It is at this moment, with tears of joy are streaming down your cheeks that you finally deliver your message...

"ALL YOUR DREAMS CAN COME TRUE!" You barely manage to choke out before the roar of the crowd overpowers you again.

And it ain't even over! You're in Universal City, and ya got a lot of free time on your hands.

Yo, Hunderdog! I'll have a pina colada, please ;)!

2006-09-07, 03:58 PM
*points to name*
*points to old avatar*
*does the math*

2006-09-07, 11:24 PM
I just read through this entire thread, haven't seen the shwo but I feel I should point this out.

........Wasn't this thread abotu designing your own superhero for this show? Not talking about it? >.>

2006-09-08, 08:50 AM
This a thread about the show "Who Wants to be a Superhero?"

...as can be derived from the thread category, "media discussions," and the thread name.