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View Full Version : Please help with my gods

2009-08-02, 05:37 PM
So, I'm having a little bit of world building and decided to make gods. You know, the forces of universe, classical gods, those guys.

So I decided to make the god of war.

Gragnor, god of war, Lawful Neutral (moderate evil tendencies), the Conqueror; the Infinite Conflict; (War, Strength, Glory, Law)

He is the living concept of conflict. ANY conflic.

You start a holy/unholy/bloddy war against a neighboor coutry for whatever reason?
You dissagre with your parents and start a battle of wits and arguments?
You have a nice, non-violent, but extremely dificult competitive game of whatever against someone?

You are pleasing Gragnor.

The problem is with the god of peace. How to not make him a love and peace god? Well, except the peace part.

2009-08-02, 05:41 PM
Peace and Death god, promoting death as the absence of conflict and thus "you're at peace" when you're dead.

2009-08-02, 05:41 PM
Make the god of peace be known as the God of the Eternal Grave.

Peace and Death Domains.

Conflict? What conflict? We all get along, or we are dead. No conflict at all.

2009-08-02, 06:03 PM
The problem is with the god of peace. How to not make him a love and peace god? Well, except the peace part.

Another option: If Gragnor is god of conflict, then the peace god is the god of the status quo. His portfolio can include rulers and the aristocracy, government and bureaucracy, order, tradition, and perhaps civilization. He is also a lawful neutral god.

2009-08-02, 06:11 PM
Remember how different a Lawful war god would be from a Chaotic war god.

2009-08-02, 07:50 PM
Thanks for all the replies. I was thinking about the lines of status quo and death angles too but a mindless undead angle makes sense?

For the war god, as far as major deties goes he is the only one that holds the War portifolio as his primary motivation. Other gods such as the Benevolent Judge (LG paladin-esque god of justice) also have the war domain, but for him war is just a means to a goal, not the goal itself. But I'm thinking about another 'trigger happy' warrior deity that is the sworn enemy of Gragnor.

Gragnor just like a bloodshed more than the healty recomended but he understand that times of 'cooldown' are necessary and large scale genocide are very bad ideas. He needs someone else in order to have some conflict and 'internal conflict' is hardly motivating for him.

2009-08-02, 08:38 PM
This god sounds an awful lot like a Chaotic god than a Lawful god.

I mean Ares was pretty much like this, with Athena as his "opposite," promoting war only to acheive peace.

2009-08-02, 09:13 PM
When in doubt, I always take a leaf stone tablet out of Grumbar's book.

You're looking at this the wrong way. Peace is simply the lack of conflict. Grumbar frowns on people who go against his extremely strict code, because his code is naturally perfect. How could there ever be any conflict, when you can simply go to the book of The Law to find out who is in the right?

2009-08-02, 09:43 PM
This god sounds an awful lot like a Chaotic god than a Lawful god.

I mean Ares was pretty much like this, with Athena as his "opposite," promoting war only to acheive peace.

War can be lawful as long as you only go to war for clearly defined reasons. Whether or not these laws are unnecessarily spiteful and aggressive is another thing.

I vote for Chaotic Neutral (with vague good tendencies) hedonist god. Too busy having fun to want to have war, but not about being a good samaritan.

2009-08-02, 10:00 PM
War can be lawful as long as you only go to war for clearly defined reasons. Whether or not these laws are unnecessarily spiteful and aggressive is another thing.

I vote for Chaotic Neutral (with vague good tendencies) hedonist god. Too busy having fun to want to have war, but not about being a good samaritan.

That's a good twist. I will think about it.

What about promoting apathy? There are ways to run it in a non-fail way?

2009-08-03, 10:57 AM
That's a good twist. I will think about it.

What about promoting apathy? There are ways to run it in a non-fail way?

The apathy party? I wanna join!
Not with that attitude.
Oh...alright, I don't care anyway...
Welcome brother!
You're out :smallannoyed:

a good way might be a sect of goliath monks, who whenever anyone approaches, they stay perfectly still and pretend to be statues? you'd have to be born into it, not like you can convert though.

2009-08-03, 11:10 AM
War can be lawful as long as you only go to war for clearly defined reasons. Whether or not these laws are unnecessarily spiteful and aggressive is another thing.
Perhaps, but that's not what the OP described. His god doesn't care about justifications or the nature of a conflict - only that it happens. Arguing with one's parents certainly isn't lawful. I can't say I understand why this god is.

2009-08-03, 12:08 PM
I agree. I don't see how the god of any and all conflict is going to be lawful. Most conflicts are not lawful. I could see him being the god of soldiers or generals maybe.

The peace god could be the god of diplomacy, goddess of the hearth, goddess of fertility (though this may stray too close to love goddess for you), or god of reason and learning.

A death god is an interesting idea for a god of peace. But I have a hard time seeing a war god being opposed to a god of death since war leads to death in most cases. The only way I could see spinning it is if the war god somehow reasons that the death god is stealing his conflict away by taking the dead.

2009-08-03, 12:22 PM
Hum... then making the war god chaotic, or at least neutral is more consistent?

As the death thing, I suppose if everyone is dead, then you don't have something against something :smalltongue:

2009-08-03, 12:26 PM
Ideological conflict is sort of Lawful, and so is fighting as a team. But opposing other beings in general (which is a hell of a broad portfolio) really isn't. That seems more like one of those things so broad that it pretty much balances out to Neutral as a whole (like Life, Weather, Magic, Trade, etc).

As for peace, there are many reasons not to fight. Amongst them are apathy, cowardice, and selfishness. Really, pacifism by itself is Neutral-aligned; non-violence is a form of inaction.

A god of Acceptance could work. The idea being that there's no need to be discontent, because the world isn't somehow doing things wrong. The only real problem is that people have negative attitudes about stuff, because they get these notions that there's a way that the world ought to be. Besides, you probably have plenty of things that you like in your life already, so why aren't you enjoying them instead of whining about how other stuff is hard to get?

So, "Appreciate how things are" vs. "Fight to change things to your liking", maybe.