View Full Version : Time - in Q'Barra

2009-08-04, 03:53 AM
As the last worker leaves the ship, your contact, a man in his early thirties, who looks rather out of place in his only slightly toned down courtier's clothes, calls you and arranges four purses of coins on the box in front of him.

"200 gold pieces each, and I've taken the liberty to arrange for rooms and a bath at the Red Mangrove, just a few minutes from here. Good work, and I hope we will have the opportunity to do business again."

Petilorm has obviously said these words to more than one group of adventurers as they come of as if thoroughly rehearsed. Nevertheless, you have thwarted a dozen pirates, earned 200 gold pieces, and can wash the last weeks off, free of charge.

2009-08-04, 04:12 AM
Sslithh walks forward and takes his pouch, testing the weight by tossing it quickly in the air and catching it in his clawed hand before adeptly tucking it away in the strange pack on his back.

Thhen you will know to find uss if thhere iss more, yesss?

He nods at the man and takes a step towards the Inn before turning and waiting for the others.

2009-08-04, 08:55 AM

A bath? After several weeks with only cold salt water, that sounds like heaven to me. No time to tarry. But if you do need us for something else, dont hesitate to call

Celestica has a happy smile on her face as she heads to the Red Mangrove, once there she will waste no time in dropping off her stuff in her room, and then heading for the bath.

2009-08-04, 03:43 PM
A Bath does sound nice Aeric will say, tying the bag of coins securely to his belt and heading off towards the Inn with Celestica and the Lizard man. On the way, Aeric will playfully toss stones at Celestica, much as she had been doing to him earlier

2009-08-04, 04:23 PM
Matigas weakly thanks the contact, takes his pouch and throws it into his backpack without further ado. He is somewhat dizzy from sailing; preferring a land expedition. The rough feeling of saltwater bothered him to no end.

Just give me a river and I'm good. Damned salty water.

He checks his person to make sure he didn't forget anything, then follows the group towards the inn. Luko leaps out of the boat and bounds up to Matigas.

2009-08-04, 05:34 PM
Sslithh stands and lets the others pass him by, waiting for the shifter and his pet before he takes up the back, following them towards the baths.

The salt water hadn't bothered him in the slightest, but he could only nod in silent agreement to Matigas' comment about a good, clean river.

2009-08-04, 09:01 PM

Celestica is almost skipping ahead in her anticipation of a hot bath at the Inn, moreso than you have ever seen a woman be. She seems oblivious to the stones that Aeric tosses at her. After several more steps, she turns back to you.

Its not just a bath, you know, even though that is enough in and of itself. Baths themseleves are a symbol of Hanali and her pool of Evergold, I can even commune there while I soak. Come on, come on, lets hurry.

With that, Celestica hurries her steps to get to the Inn.

2009-08-04, 09:48 PM
Aeric can't help but smile at Celestica's almost childlike playfulness and wonder. I still can't believe she is more than 100 years older than me he thinks aloud

2009-08-04, 10:37 PM
Matigas produces a good-sized slab of meat from his pack, eyes it for anything bad looking, then hands it to Luko. Luko rips it from his hand and devours it quickly. He turns to address the messy wolf.

Gods, you act like I starve you, you know. Now stay with me.

Handle Animal - Heel command

2009-08-04, 11:50 PM
The Red Mangrove inn lies along the road that leads to the town centre with it's several small estates and the temple of the Sovereign Host. As you look out for the inn you have time to take a closer look at the mixed architecture, materials, and colors of the buildings, ranging from a sophisticated but highly overdecorated Cyran barbershop, built completely from Cyran oak, to a sturdy Brelish carpenter's workshop, which looks even more like a small fortress next to a colorful Aundairan house.

After a good 10 minutes walk you enter the inn, which looks like it might be one of the first buildings errected around here. It's clearly of Karrnathi architecture, functional but nontheless of a certain elegance, and without any undead walking the street one might even get used to it.
As you enter your first impression comes from the delicious smell of roast from what must be the kitchen behind a door to the right. As you cross the common area to see where you might check in, you notice that you seem to be the only guests, which makes the room look slightly eerie with it's black and white carpet designs and the portraits of Karrnathi royalty on the walls. But before anyone of you can voice their oppinion a man comes down the stairs at the far end of the room, carrying a still steaming copper kettle towards the kitchen. He looks to be about 40, his retreating hair almost completely gray, and the left half of his face seems to be mostly paralyzed, probably caused by the same wound that left the big scar across his whole left cheek. The man is wearing what seems to be a Karrnathi uniform, converted for civilian use and covered by an almost white apron.

"Aah, the guests have arrived. So your journey was successful? Excellent, I'll just need to get some more hot water, then your baths will be ready."

Not counting the Karrnathi accent, the man speaks astoundingly clearly despite his injury. After having some trouble getting rid of the oven mittens he wears, he stretches out his hand towards each of you in turn, as if your party was not more unusual than a group of travelling merchants.

"I'm Evetius Recklin, proprietor, receptionist, cook (, and maid) of the Red Mangrove. Why don't you go up to your rooms, I will be with you in just a minute. Need to make yure the roast doesn't burn."

And with that he vanishes behind the kitchen door.

While the rooms are rather simple, just a bed, a chair, and a table, you are glad that they are not decorated like the common room. And finally, beside the bed, a big wooden bathing tub, filled with almost hot water. While you unload your stuff you hear steps coming up, and a moment later Evetius enters your room with the copper kettle and pours its contents into the water until it, too, starts to steam slightly.

"Enjoy the baths, towels lie on the bed, and dinner will be ready once you're finished." With that he leaves to tend to his roast.

2009-08-05, 12:29 AM
Are we all in one room?

2009-08-05, 01:43 AM
No, but he does essentially the same thing in each room so I didn't write it down 4 times.

2009-08-05, 06:22 AM

Celestica strips quickly, dumping her clothes in a heap on the floor, and lowers herself with a grateful sigh into the tub of water. The next few minutes are spent just relaxing and letting the water cleanse the salt and dirt from her. Moments later, she plunges her head under the water and washes her hair, getting the salt out of it too. After a few minutes more of soaking, she speaks quietly

Hanali, I give thanks for your blessings on my latest mission, and for my safe survival. I honour the memory of those companions lost in it, and regret the blood that had to be spilled, of those foes who refuse to see your ways of peace and love. I thank you for continuing to be my guide, and renew my pledge to do your bidding.

With that, she rises gracefully from the tub and towels herself dry. She changes into her ordinary clothes, and takes her monks habit with her, heading downstairs to the common room. If and when she passes Evetius, she will arrange for cleaning of them, if possible.

2009-08-05, 02:54 PM
Sslithh gives the room the requisite precursory once-over, and assuming he finds nothing out of the ordinary, sets his gear down in the far corner from the door, at arms length, and slips into the bath, still wearing his mitrhil shirt.

Hey, he lives in that Mithril T-Shirt :smallwink:.
spot [roll0]
search [roll1]

2009-08-05, 03:39 PM
Matigas moves the towels aside and drops his armor, weapons, and pack on the bed. He shrugs for a second.

It'll do.

He thrusts his head into the water and shakes it violently to distance himself from the dried salt. He falls into the tub, clothes and all, and shakes again. He steps out and gestures to Luko.

All yours, I guess.

Luko jumps in the tub, then climbs out within a few seconds. He shakes himself dry while Matigas takes a dagger and slips it in his pocket.

Okay, make sure nobody takes this stuff.

Matigas leaves the room and heads downstairs.

2009-08-05, 04:35 PM
Aeric takes his clothes off in his normal manner, taking a bit longer than most people as his wings were not made for convenience in clothing. Sometimes you guys are more trouble than you're worth he says to his wings as he relaxes in the bath, washing himself thoroughly. He left the bath drying himself and fluttering his wings to dry them quickly. He then proceeds to wash his clothing in the bath and hanging them to dry near the bed. He then changes into his alternate outfit and heads down to dinner.

2009-08-05, 05:32 PM
Didn't work above

Handle Animal - Guard command

2009-08-06, 10:36 AM
Sorry it took a while longer, I noticed some errors in my material when I wanted to post yesterday, but it's all sorted out now. I hope.

As you might have assumed, there was a small bar of soap lying between the towels, although you might only have noticed it after starting to dry yourself.
As Matigas comes down the stairs he sees Evetius setting one of the tables.

"Now that's what I call quick. I hope the water wasn't already cold again? The humid air seems to do that to the water, at least the anti-insect charms I bought last week seem to be still working, cost me a fortune, I tell you. But what am I talking, sit down, dinner will be ready in just a moment."

"But first let me take those off your hands", he adds when he sees Celestica coming down the stairs as well. He takes the cloths and takes them with him to the kitchen.

The other two arrive shortly thereafter.

As you wait, you can hear Evetius curse once or twice, and a few minutes later you have a nice roast and a few potatoes in front of you, and although it smells much better than it looks, which mostly comes form the fact that you can't identify the animal used for it, your hunger is more than willing to forego further investigation as to its origin. And with enough of the delicious looking sauce on the table and one or two glasses of the wine it shouldn't matter at all.

"Well, then that was the last plate. Tuck in, tuck in."

"I almost forgot, I there's another guest, isn't there. I assume you wolf wouldn't mind me bringing some food upstairs?"

2009-08-06, 11:46 AM
Matigas wishes he could telepethize with Luko.

I'll let him know you're coming up.

He dashes up the stairs to his room and looks towards Luko, sitting faithfully next to the bed.

There's a guy coming up - don't kill him. Let's not repeat what happened last time. You keep it up, you're as good as gone.

Luko stares back at Matigas and trembles a tiny bit; Matigas thinks the wolf got the message. He grabs the soap on the bed and slides it into his pocket for later use. He runs back downstairs and resumes his place at the table.

2009-08-06, 12:51 PM

Celestica has a twinkle of mischief in her eye.

Thank you very much for dealing with those, and oh, Im sure he wouldnt mind at all...of course, he tends to be a bite first and ask questions later kind of wolf....

Celestica takes a helping of meat and potatoes for herself, and also pours a glass of wine. She says a short grace to Hanali, and then waits for Matigas to return before starting to eat.

Im sure it will be perfect, and after weeks of sea rations, even better.

2009-08-06, 01:31 PM
With a definite look of apprehension Evetius follows Matigas in a respectable distance, and waits for a while even after Magitas' command before carefully moving a plate full of meat towards the wolf, before retreating quickly downstairs again.

"Call me when you're finished or you need anything. More wine, tea, a cigar. I'm in the kitchen."

If you haven't before you surely are wondering now what kind of payment Evetius Recklin received form the noble, or if there's more behind it than just money. On the other hand, you might just be the first guests in quite a while.

2009-08-07, 02:08 AM
Sslithh comes down a bit later, looking well soaked and somehow recharged. He slips thru the room quietly and seats himself without a word, deftly twisting his chair sidewise to make room for his tail. It would seem he has had time to accustom himself to human accomadations. Nicking his head in the very slightest to the others, he begins tearing into a healthy portion of the roast with his sharp, triangular teeth. He pays the steamed vegetables no attention at all.

2009-08-07, 12:38 PM
It is wonderful to have some non-aquatic meat for once Aeric says with a grin, and actual vegetables? I believe we've died and gone to heaven. There is no sarcasm in his voice whatsoever.

2009-08-07, 02:18 PM
I am sure I could find some octopus for you. Nice, yummy, squishy octopus

2009-08-07, 02:51 PM
Sslithh looks up from his meal and slides his thick white tongue over the scales which pass for lips on his face..

Octopusss yess? I liked thhiss treat, tasssty it wasss..

He attempts to smile, but suddenly remembers the fanged grimace which is his closest representation nearly always creates the opposite reaction amongst humans, and closes his mouth and nicks his head instead.

2009-08-07, 03:31 PM
Man, I'm surprised I didn't turn into an octopus after so much of it. Though can you imagine, me as an octopus? Aeric says as he takes a drink of the wine

2009-08-07, 04:20 PM
Matigas tries not to think about anything while eating, but fails. He imagines an octapus with wings and chuckles. He begins to wonder exactly what he's eating, but can't pin it down at all.

So, do any of you know what this roast is?

Of course, he's too hungry to stop eating it, and dismisses the possibilty of... nah, it can't be.

2009-08-07, 05:58 PM
Hmmm, well, I once worked in a butcher's shop Aeric will say, looking closer at the roast

Jack of All Trades feat plus Bardic Knack alternate Class feature equals me having 1/2 my class level ranks in every skill, even made up knowledges

Knowledge (Butchering)
or the more likely
Knowledge (Nature)
or, if needed, Profession (Butcher)

Take your pick as to which one is appropriate

2009-08-08, 05:34 AM
It's kind of hard to say just from looking at it, but from the taste you are pretty sure it is a bird of some kind.

2009-08-08, 06:28 AM
Sslithh tears thru his portion with animalistic ferocity, paying no mind to the crunch of bones between his teeth as he snaps down each large bite, swallowing them nearly whole. His belly sated, he looks around the room at the others, expectantly.

Well thhen? Whatss nexsst?

2009-08-08, 05:55 PM

I guess its all a matter of how much time we want off. We can wait for as many days as we want, and then go to the guild and see if they have anything new for us. I suppose it also matters how many days our previous employer paid for us here.

Celestica looks for Evetius and waves him over.

The meal was fine, as was the wine, and you have NO idea of how much I needed that bath. And the prospect of a real bed, not rocked by the sea is really appealing. Just how many days has our employer paid for us to relax here?

2009-08-08, 07:08 PM
Matigas pushes his plate aside and thinks for a moment.

I'm wondering if Petilorm will still want to use us once this break is over.

He rests his head in his hands, bored and at ease. He brings his head back up.

Anyone want to go for a walk? Can't think of anything else to do tonight.

2009-08-09, 02:21 AM
"I'm very pleased to hear that; and his lordship has payed rooms and service for two days. Do you need anything else? If you want to go to bed now, I fear you would have to wait for another ten minutes, I still have to empty the bathtubs before you can turn in."

2009-08-09, 03:26 AM
Two daysss?

Sslithh looks somewhat agitated. Tho he enjoyed the bath, and one might assume the meal as well given the speed with which he dispatched his plate, he still feels uneasy within larger settlements, preferring the solitude and freedom of a less confining environment.

Thhat walk sseems good, yess Matigass? Perhapss thhere isss a new labor for usss, more gold to be hhad? I will ssseee. You will come?, he asks the others.

Sslithh heads up to his room and retrieves his pack and other belongings, never one to venture far without them, even in the relative "safety" of a human city. He is quickly back in the dining area, and should any of the others be willing, will walk alongside them to the town hall.

2009-08-10, 02:16 AM
When he arrives back in the lobby, the others seem too distracted to pay him much attention.. He looks around for Matigas, but the shifter is gone, perhaps his wolf needed to go outside in a hurry?

Sslithh steps out to see, but nothing. Not thinking much more of it, he shoulders his pack, and slides down the street towards the town hall, his long, scaly legs outstepping even the faster children playing on the rough cobblestone way. The others knew where to find him, if it was any worry of theres. Sslithh was used to going it alone.

2009-08-10, 03:18 AM
Matigas returns to his room and finds a gnarled tray underneath Luko, who is still faithfully next to the bed. He frees the tray and makes a note to return it on his way out. He turns towards his equipment, and thinks about what to bring on this excursion. He throws on his breastplate, returns the two swords to his belt, then looks at his backpack.

I guess it's only a small walk, isn't it Luko?

The wolf kept staring at Matigas, unfazed. Matigas heads back to the common room, and addresses everyone who is there.

I'm off. This shouldn't be longer than, say, two hours.

He remembers Sslithh's interest in other jobs, and decides to visit the town hall as well.

2009-08-10, 05:35 AM
It's getting dark outside, and you can see a few groups of workers lighting the few lamps along the street. You try to remain ahead of the workers to escape the foul smell of insect repellant of the burning lamps; you favor the insects over the light.

There are still a lot of people outside talking and eating, and children running around. Strangely enough, the darker it gets the more inviting the whole town is looking.

As you reach the townhall you notice that the offers hanging outside on several boards surrounding the side building will have to suffice, as the entrances are all closed.

There are a few interesting offers, but the payment is generally a bit low for a group of your skill. On the other hand the two offers to escort small trade caravans might be a good way to rest a bit while still getting payed. What seems strange, though, is the huge number of bounties. Last time you were here there were about 3 bounties on a few criminals, but now you count at least a dozen, and they are all lizardfolk, and wanted dead, preferably.

2009-08-10, 05:53 AM
Sslithh blinks more than a few times at the bounties posted on the wall. He look around, nervously, but nobody seemed to have paid him too much attention on the way over. Unsettled, he scans the parchments for names or faces he might recognize. Despite his solitary nature, he does know a few others of his kind, after all. Most importantly, he looks carefully for his own name, wondering all the time what could have gone so wrong.

spot check to notice if he is being watched or any other suspicious activity 1d20+8

2009-08-10, 05:56 AM
OOC-- sorry, forgot you cant add a roll in to an old post.

spot check to notice if he is being watched or any other suspicious activity [roll0]

Btw, do you want us to roll in the roll-dice forumthread? Never did figure out how to quote across threads.. :smallfrown:

EDIT oooh nice, gotta love those ones :smallcool:

2009-08-10, 06:06 AM
You recognize nobody you know, but it is hard to say; human drawings of everything not human tend to be frustratingly inaccurate. The one thing you can gather with certainty is that they all belong to the blackscale tribe, the largest and fiercest kind of lizardfolk in Q'Barra, who claim to be the chosen warriors of the black dragon Rhashaak. That is probably why the people didn't take too much notice of you in the first place. Still you look around you several times just to make sure you are not being watched, which doesn't seem to be the case.

You may roll where you want, even off site. As for the blackscale tribe, they are openly hostile towards any humanoids who are not lizardfolk, and they treat other lizardfolk as lesser beings. Blackscales are large-sized.

2009-08-10, 06:19 AM
Satisfied he is not on the list and nobody is eyeballing him, Sslithh hisses in anger. Blackscales, the dirty, self-righteous thugs. They were bad enough on their own, killing and enslaving other lizardman tribes. Sslithh suspected they probably had a hand in leading the goblins to his own tribe, as well. How else could the goblins have found him so deep in the swamp, so close to home, but still just long enough away from the ever present scouts and warriors. The attack on the other broodlings and him had been so surprising, it always seemed rather suspicious in his mind's eye. Scanning the names and putting them down to memory, he vows to have his justice should it present itself.

More or less "pleased" with the boards, he turns and decides to wait for the others for some time, should they show up. If not? Well, might just have to see what the city night had to offer for entertainment, perhaps a good fight to be seen or had..

2009-08-11, 06:15 AM

Celestica gets bored waiting, and a bit worried about what could have happened to Sslith in the time he has been gone, and after finishing off her dinner, goes in search of him at the townhall. When she spots him

I was getting worried for you. We know your civilized, but not everyone holds the same opinion....So, is there anything here that we would be interested in? Either for ourselves or for Hanali's grace?

2009-08-11, 08:20 AM
I doubt her Graissss hass much to do withh thhisss bussinesss.. And you have right to doubt my ssafety asss well, it ssseemsss..

Sslithh indicates the many wanted posters hanging on the wall; the drawings may be crude, but they are still recognisable as lizardfolk without such a careful look.

Blacksscalesss! Thhey are an evil, vicsiousss kind, ensslaving even brothherss of the Egg Brood. But thiss isss ssomethhing more, thhey musst be hhitting hhard, to hhave raissed so much of the hhumansss ire.

Thhiss doess not bode well for my own kind. The hhumanss were never a raisss to thhink thhingss thhru whhen firsst thhey are angered.. It would be wise to sseek more wissdom on thhiss matter, yesss? Thho I worry for my ssafety here now..

2009-08-11, 02:27 PM
Not to worry my friend Aeric's voice is heard behind Celestica along with a familiar flutter of wings, we would never let anything happen to you. Aeric will land and look at Celestica and Slith, and then say, So, no new jobs then? Pity.

2009-08-11, 04:08 PM
Well, plenty of Blacksscalesss to hunt down, Sslithh guestures at the parchment faces lining the wall, thhey are more trouble thhan ussual, but the pay sseemed fair. Besssides, it iss for .. a good caussse, he "smiles" to Celestica, that toothed grin coming off once again more like a devil's hungry grimace than anything pleasant. But then again, perhaps this time, he meant it that way...

2009-08-11, 04:32 PM

Defeating any evil that threatens innocent lives serves Hanali's purpose, even if indirectly. The 'causes' of good have many facets. Does it say who to contact?

Celestica thinks for a moment.

Tell me something Sslithh. The 'blackscales' as you call them. Are they just a different tribe than you, more vicious obviously, or are they a different race? Basically the same, but with differences. And are they all devoted to the cause of evil, or just lead by evil leaders and could be redeemed if separated from these leaders?

2009-08-11, 05:09 PM
As Celestica and Slith talk, Aeric will walk over to the board and take a look for himself as to what jobs are available

2009-08-11, 10:17 PM
After wandering around the town for a while, Matigas finds the town hall. He sees the rest of the party there. He runs back to the inn, grabs his backpack and Luko, then returns. He approaches the party.

I've got the feeling we might do something, so I brought my stuff.

He smiles and goes to the bulletin board with everyone else.

Handle Animal - Heel command

2009-08-11, 10:18 PM
I'm fairly certain we're going to sleep before we do anything else. That is why we got the Inn right? Aeric asks, truly confused as to another reason they would have rooms

2009-08-12, 01:50 AM
Blacksscalesss are old, asss old ass tribe, almosst old asss First Brood. The tribe hasss ..birth sstoriesss.. tell the wayss of the tribe, from the firssst sswampss. Thhen thhere iss only Egg Mother, giver of life, protector of Firssst Eggsss, creator of firssst tribe.

Sslithh coils his tail around his body and spins once, mouth open in a toothy hiss and one claw swiping the air, the other clutching his belly, in obvious reverance as he speaks of the Egg Mother.

Thhen comess Dark One to tribe, isss different, from ssswampss, but not from Egg Mother. Isss sstronger, darker, larger. Wantsss to make tribe sstronger. Egg Mother likess thhisss, tribe is alwaysss to be ssstrong!

Sslithh leaps forward, mouth agape, his arms extended and his clawed hands raised in a show of sudden ferocity!

Tribe isss sstrong, but Dark One ssedussess Egg mother. New brood iss hatched, Blacksscalesss, dark like Egg Father, larger, sstronger thhan tribe. Dark One isss now Egg Father, ssayss isss sstronger thhan Egg Mother, will lead tribe. But ssayss tribe too weak, will kill First Brood, only Blacksscaless to ssurvive!

Sslithh crouches backwards, claws raised to attack or protect, and a long, gutteral hiss escapes his throat. Several cats across the street yeowl in protest before escaping into the night.

Iss much evil, dark one, Egg mother sseesss thhru dark magicss, sseess black evil thhat livesss deep in sswamp! Thhere iss much fighting. Blacksscaless and Dark One, Egg mother and Firsst Brood. Blacksscaless sstronger, yess.. but Firsst Brood are many, and alsso sstrong. Alwayss sssurvived, alwaysss survivesss.

Sslithh stands proudly now, striking a pose not unlike many human statues.

Terrible fighting, but Egg Mother winss, thhrowss dark one into sswampss, deep into sswampss where even tribe doess not fisshh. Many of Firsst Brood die, many Blacksscaless die, but not all. Tribe remainsss, growss, ssurvivess, Blacksscaless follow Dark One deep into sswampss.

He pauses now a moment, thinking of things long past, before switching his gaze back to the party and the times at hand.

Blacksscaless tribe, but not tribe. Egg Mother, but alsso Egg Father, Dark One. Follow alwayss Dark One. Are sstronger, larger. Are evil, like Dark One. Would desstroy tribe, but tribe is many, and magic of Egg Mother isss powerful, holdss them, tiess them to deep sswampsss. But perhhapss magic iss weak now? Isss many, many yearsss. Much time. Perhhapss Dark One sstill livess? Iss posssible, much evil magic in him. Sslithh doess not know ssuch thhingss.

Sslithh looks back at the wall of BlackScale faces, a look of consternation betrayed by the near emotionless scales of his face. He shakes his head.

Don't know. Iss much wissdom needed to be hhad. Iss better to assk firsst othhersss. But maybe ssleep firsst, or we go now?

OOC- any more info on the posters, like what they are wanted for, or other specifics?

2009-08-12, 04:21 AM
"Oh, Rhashaak is still alive, that much is certain."

While Sslithh had been telling his story, a man had approached.
He is clearly of the martial profession; his appearance is almost purely metallic, from the metal boots up to the helmet, and you are not sure how you could have missed the sound of his approach.
Removing his right glove and his helmet you see that the man is most likely a Kalashtar, his features too fine for a human, and his eyes unnaturally deep.

"I have been tracking these blackscales for a few days, and I am quite certain that the dragon is behind the recent murders and robberies. At least I now know where to find them, and by tomorrow night they should be history. So there is really nothing to gain for you by pursuing the matter. If you are in need of work I suggest you wait until tomorrow and see if you find something fitting inside."

He smiles at you while he tells you this, in a way he must think friendly, although it looks rather arrogant. During his little speech you had the opportunity to watch him more closely, and you noticed that he doesn't carry any weaponry; more on the point, he doesn't carry anything with him except his armor.

2009-08-12, 07:20 AM
Sslithh turns and faces the strange new man, scrutinizing him.

But if what you ssay iss true, if Ra..the Dark One sstill livesss, if he iss directly aiding hisss Brood, thhen how can you be sso ssure to defeat the BlackSscalesss? Ssurely, with ssuch a powerful ally..

sense motive on the man [roll0]

2009-08-12, 08:26 AM

Celestica listens carefully to the newcomer and Ssliths reply to him. She then chimes in.

As well, with so many of these Blackscales wanted by the officials, surely having more than one person hunting for them would be worthwhile. You cannot hope to catch all of them yourself. And if what you say is true, Rhashaak is still alive, then he would be ancient evil, and having more allies on your side would be prudent.

2009-08-12, 08:01 PM
If my allies are implying what I think they are, I agree. We would be happy to assist you in slaying this beast

2009-08-13, 01:39 AM
I'd be willing to help. Luko?

The wolf remains at Matigas' side, not moving.

I assume that means "yes."

2009-08-13, 06:12 AM

We are currently staying at the Red Mangrove, we just returned from a shipboard mission, and would like to spend at least one night in a proper bed. We surely can be ready to leave tomorrow with you. If you have to leave tonight, we could do that as well, we would just have to return to fetch our things, and other companions. Do you want our help on this mission to defeat evil?

2009-08-13, 08:31 AM
"Ah, but you do not understand. This is not about prudency or vanquishing evil. This is about money, plain and simple. Also, I am not stupid enough to engage a black dragon who is probably older than the Five Nations in combat, with or without help. I know where to find the lizardmen on these posters, I thought I let you know that you would probably waste your time by hunting them; thank you for the offer, though. And now, if you excuse me, I will be gone. Good night and have a pleasant stay here."

And with the about the same speed he said this, he turns and walks down the street. You are not sure what to make of the man, he didn't look like the typical bounty hunter you would find in these parts. But he seems to have been truthful; if he wasn't he is not only greedy but also an accomplished liar.

2009-08-13, 11:29 AM
Sslithh waits until the man leaves, then shakes his head and hisses loudly.

A fool, no lessss... He caresss more for hiss money thhan hisss life! No help, he wantss... sstill, I sssee no reassson not to keep our own eyesss open, ssshould we sssee the BlackSscaless oursselvesss, no? Whhat ssay ye? Sssleep firssst, ssee tomorrow?

2009-08-13, 09:02 PM

Celestica suddenly yawns, and shakes her head.

There are some that say elves dont really sleep, but I can tell you, trancing on a nice, soft bed is pretty close to sleep, and I know that Ive gone unconscious more than once. Yes, a night of rest does sound good. We shall see what tomorrow brings.

2009-08-14, 01:44 AM
There's something about that guy that just screams 'jerk.' These greedy types never get that gold doesn't make the planes go 'round. In any case, the two of us are heading back. Come, Luko.

Luko is blissfully unaware of what's going on, but obediently follows Matigas back to the inn.

2009-08-14, 05:59 AM
Sslithh turns and heads back to the Inn with the others for a night's rest. Tomorrow is another day, and perhaps there are other jobs posted inside the town hall, as well. Always good to keep onesself busy, he resolves to check and see in the morning.

2009-08-14, 01:47 PM

Celestica heads back to the Inn as well.

I dont know about the rest of you, but I just spent too many weeks sleeping on a wooden board, and that was when we werent being tossed from starboard to port by waves higher than the Wyldetrees of Crystalia. Im heading for that soft down mattress I saw in that room, and Im not coming out for a good 10 hours.

2009-08-14, 02:17 PM
Evetius seems a bit confused when he steps out of the kitchen, Celestica's cloths in hand, exactly at the same moment oyu return.

"Oh, I didn't notice you were gone. Out for an evening stroll, I suppose? Not that there's much fresh air to be had out there. Here are your cloths, miss, as good as new (still a bit wet, though), the tubs are empty, and the beds are made and warmed. If you don't need anything else, I will retire to my room."

2009-08-14, 06:57 PM

Celestica takes her clothes and gives Evetius a smile that should bring a blush to the innkeeper's face.

Thank you for having the clothes taken care of, they should be dry by the time I get up tomorrow morning. For myself, I dont need anything else, and I cannot wait for bed. Not sure if my partners want anything

With that, Celestica heads upstairs to her room, and hangs up the clothes in a place where they should dry out completely. She eschews doing any elven trancing, and goes straight to bed, wanting the full benefits of sleep.

2009-08-15, 11:14 AM
Aeric returns to the inn with the others, and quickly heads to bed after thanking the inn keeper for dinner. He hangs his clothes up that he washed earlier and goes to sleep.

2009-08-16, 02:08 PM
As soon as you lie down, you notice the true extent of the last weeks' exertions, and it takes barely ten minutes before you drift off to sleep.

Not surprisingly, with all the excitement of your last mission and the fact that this is the first real bed since far too long ago, you have rather detailed dreams that night. Nice, relaxing dreams, for that matter.
Until a more recent figure appears right in the middle of everything you had been dreaming about. The kalashtar bounty hunter with his peculiar armor. Together with an enormous lizard man, who seems to be on the flight, as he is running and leaping through the scene you found quite picturesque a moment before. The kalashtar is following the lizardman, throwing a gleaming object from time to time, which reappears a moment later back in his hand. Before you actually realize that you are in a dream and are able to take a closer look at both figures, they are gone again, and you wake up. Not quite sure what this might mean, if it has any meaning at all, sleep overwhelms you again in a matter of seconds, this time dreamless.

The only thing you remember about your dream the next morning, is a rough image of these two, and a strange glowing crystal around both their necks. Only Celestica had a completely undisturbed rest.

2009-08-17, 06:11 AM

Completely refreshed from the best sleep she has had in weeks, Celestica changes back into her monks habit, and heads downstairs. She looks around for Evetius, and orders up a full breakfast, telling him that the rest of the group will be up soon, and probably looking for the same. She is ready to head to the townhall to look for possible new jobs as soon as everybody is ready.

2009-08-17, 07:26 AM
Sslithh strides in, taking the stairs three or four at a time. He has his gear packed and looks ready to go, stopping only shortly to look at the morning meal before taking a cut of cold-roast and wolfing it down in a single bite.

How humanss ssusstain thhemsselvesss on ssuch fare, he says, looking disdainfully at the spread of cheeses, fruits, and bread, it iss sssurprissing the rassce is sso many, you eat sso little meat. Meat will make you ssstrong.

Looking around for the others, he continues, And the othersss? Sshall we ssee of othher jobss?

2009-08-17, 09:01 AM

Celestica laughs at the lizard man

Sit...take your time...and try some of this She pushes some fruits and cheese to him Meat is important, yes, but a balance of foods will do you good. Actually, humans are far more meat-eaters than you might suspect, its actually elves such as myself that are into the cheeses and fruits. But we eat meat as well, just more sparingly.
Take your time to enjoy your meal, you might as well anyway, the others are not up yet, and the townhall likely doesnt open for some time

2009-08-18, 12:36 PM
Aeric makes his way down the stairs slowly, still mulling over the dreams from the night before. He sits down next to Celestica and smiles at her saying Good morning my dear, and how did you sleep last night? as he grabs a piece of fruit

2009-08-19, 12:01 AM
Matigas lumbers down the stairs and steadily makes his way towards the table. Luko casually comes down and goes alongside Matigas. He grabs a hunk of cheese and assumes his place with the group.

Morning, all.

2009-08-19, 06:09 AM

Celestica takes several strips of bacon, and breaks them all in half. One by one, she tosses them in the air, in the general vicinity of Luko, and keeps count of how many he catches before they hit the ground. As she does so, she replies to Aeric

I slept perfectly, for the first time in a while. A bed is so much better than a board. Why do you ask? Was there some problem in the night for you?
Once we get done here, we do really need to go to townhall for our next job. It doesnt look like that poppinjay we met last night will be back for us.

2009-08-19, 02:32 PM
Well, speaking of the that "poppinjay" Aeric chuckles at the comparison , I had a bizzare dream about him fighting a dragon. Usually my dreams involve much prettier people Aeric says winking playfully at Celestica

2009-08-21, 03:22 AM
Yesss you too?? Thhe dark one iss in our dreamsss, perhapss it isss a sssign. Let uss make ready, we sshall ssee what the day waitss usss..

Sslithh gets up from the table and turns to the door, abandoning his meal.

2009-08-21, 09:09 AM

Celestica finishes her game with Luko and looks to the others.

The man from last night is invading your dreams? That is a sign, and not a good one. I had no such experience last night, but then I rarely sleep, and even when I do, it is not much like the sleep you experience. If indeed he is doing that, he is up to no good at all and we should do something about it. Lets go and see what sort of jobs are up on the board, and if we run into him again.

Celestica gathers her stuff and joins with Sslithh in heading for the door.

2009-08-21, 03:24 PM
Hmmm, Ssslith, did you notice an odd crystal around the Poppinjay's neck? Aeric will ask the Lizardman

2009-08-21, 03:50 PM
Evetius wishes you a good day as you leave, and asks if he should prepare lunch or if you will be away unitl tonight.

Outside the typical Q'Barra morning fog has settled in the streets and you are glad that the lamps are still burning brightly or you might not have found the way to the townhall.
The square in front of the hall is still completely empty, as is the building where the jobs and bounties are advertised. Most of the posters are only more lizardmen bounties, but there is an advertisment for a rescue and an investigation for some of the stolen goods; both jobs would mean that you could probably get a couple of the bounties on the way as they both lead into the areas described on the wanted posters outside. The only job which doesn't contain any expeditions into the swamps is a bodyguard job for a diplomatic meeting and ball.

2009-08-21, 05:32 PM
Matigas approaches the board.

This bodyguard job doesn't look too bad.

He leans forward to better read the posting.

2009-08-23, 04:38 AM
On the way to the Town Hall, Sslithh responds to Aeric about the dreams..

Yesss... on thhis foolissh man who will hunt the dark one's brood. Tho perhapsss he iss not sso foolisshh after all, he wasss hunting in my dreamsss and not the one hhunted. I ssaw the ssame collar on hiss prey, ass well.. it mussst mean ssomething..

When the group arrives at the Town Hall, Sslithh takes his time looking over the new lizardman posters, muttering something surely obscene under his breath about the Blackscales. He seems surprised at Matigas' choice of work, however, his eyes open wide and his mouth agape at the exclamation.

Do you ssleep thru your dreamss ass well ass the night, mammal? To ignore the ssignss of the dream walkerss, ssurely iss to invoke a dangerouss pathh. You would perhhapss be pleassed, to be the one hunted? I prefer to be the hunter, he grins, triangular teeth flashing in a hungry display. And I am bored after our long voyage. Couped up in a boxss again, guarding humanss? Let uss go on the hunt, insstead!

Sslithh guestures at the rescue poster with a scaly hand.

2009-08-23, 03:19 PM

I have to agree with Sslithh on this one, the dreams are a clear indication of which path we should head on. Whether we are the hunted or the hunters is not as important as the fact that this is what we should be dealing with. The bodyguard job does not relate to us at all.

2009-08-23, 03:45 PM
They have a point Matigas Aeric will say, his eyes seeming to be staring off in the distance, as he seems to be deep in thought. I'm going to agree with Ssslith on this one, let's go hunting. Even if the dreams mean something else, we'll still be helping get rid of a menace to everyone, humans and lizardfolk alike.

2009-08-23, 04:51 PM
The bodyguard job poster doesn't tell that much, only the contact person, where to find him, the time and duration of the job, and a few requirements like proficiency with non-lethal weapons, and a modicum of experience with aristocratic circles. The employer is searching for 3-6 people, and will pay a sum of 1000 gp. A boring type of work, but at least well-paid. Unusually well, for that matter.

2009-08-24, 02:08 AM
Matigas ruminates over the decision, before remembering the figure from the previous day. He considers his own denouncement of greed from yesterday and would be the man if he were to stick with the easy job. He finally returns to the outside world.

I'm not all too sure about dreams, and whatnot, but I sort of see where you're all going with this.

Matigas makes a little, sincere smile and turns to Luko.

What do you think about this?

Luko looks back, unfazed as always.

2009-08-24, 07:31 PM

Celestica examines the rescue poster that Sslithh pointed out, taking down the details and the contact person.
And if it is customary to take the poster down when you accept a job, she will do so

Lets go and find out the finer points of this offer, the rescuing of innocents is always reward in and of itself, and capturing more of these lizard men who are deluded to the course of evil will only serve to benefit Hanali's will.

2009-08-25, 01:12 PM
As the rescue mission is a governmental job you won't need to report anywhere, and the poster needs to stay where it is. Payment will simply be made after the people to be rescued are brought to the townhall.
There is a short description of those people, 4 human males, 2 dwarven males, 1 halfling male, 1 halfling female, 2 elven females.
The rest of the description is mostly to vague to be of any use, but the two elves are supposed to be priestresses of the Undying Court, so they easily stick out. There is a map you should probably copy which shows the route they were supposed to travel and a few points where they might have been attacked.

2009-08-25, 02:17 PM
Well, at least they provided us with a map, if not a good description Aeric will say as he copies down the map on a parchment. He will take special care to mark where they might have been attacked. He will also look over the Darktalon posters for possible locations of tribes or Darktalons who may have done the kidnapping

2009-08-26, 03:29 PM
Darktalons, Blackscales, both not very witty names, but I'm just quoting the Eberron Campaign Setting :smallbiggrin:

Now you have come to an agreement as where to go next, you should probably check out at the inn.

The complete travel route through the swamps will probably take 3-4 days by foot if you concentrate your search on the mentioned spots.

Ready when you are.

2009-08-27, 04:11 AM
Having come to an agreement and gotten the information they came for, Sslithh heads back to the Inn to check out. He goes up to his room, and checks to make sure his bag is packed properly. He stops in the bathroom, and looks curiously at the toothbrush left there in the rice paper packaging. Shrugging, he gives it a shot, brushing his teeth in the mirror, but the sharp edges quickly make mincemeat of the toothbrush, shredding it into useless pieces. He goes back into his room, and checks all the shelves and drawers for anything he may have forgotten. He double checks under the bed. Satisfied, he blows out the lamps, shoulders his bag, and walks down into the lobby to wait for the others, signing out in the little book where he compliments the chef on his roast.

He will be very glad to leave the city and especially the Inn behind in favor of a good hunting trip thru the swamps. He even "smiles" a little to himself with the thought of the days ahead.

2009-08-27, 06:14 AM

Celestica returns to the Inn as well, gathering her things and setting her items where they belong on her. She then takes a moment to pray
Gracious Hanali, guide our steps on this quest, that we may resuce the innocents captured, and release, if possible, the lizard men held under the sway of evil. Protect us all, that we may see your goals attained

With that taken care of, she takes another moment to make sure her appearance is as good as it can possibly be, and then heads downstairs.

Good Evitius, when any ask of the best inn to stay in town, yours will be at the top of my list. Excellent beds and excellent food, my compliments to your Inn and your service. We are off on another quest now, and Hanali wills us to return, we shall be sure to stay here again.

She joins Sslithh and waits for the others.

2009-08-27, 02:14 PM
"You are too generous, miss. Are you sure you don't want to stay for this night as well? Everything has been paid, after all?"

The information on the bounty posters together with the map given enables you to reduce the best points to start your search to three. One is at the foot of the Endworld mountains, near the settlement of Whitecliff, where the swamp is still relatively unknown. The second point is further down Whitecliff River, along the only good trade route through the swamp. The third is slightly off this route, and is a spot where the lizardfolk will probably have led the prisoners by. It is east of Newthrone and dangerously close to Haka'torvhak, the ancient city, once holy to the lizardfolk, now supposedly infested by fiendish taint, but still revered by the Blackscale.

2009-08-28, 01:31 AM
Matigas returns to his inn room, slings his backpack over his shoulder, and sweeps the room for anything that could have been lost.


Tell me if you see anything, Luko.

He attempts to hum a melody he learned back in the Eldeen Reaches from a group of druids. Matigas was in a good mood, and felt ready to take on the world.

2009-08-28, 12:25 PM
Aeric gathers his belongings from the room, brushing his short hair before heading downstairs. He heads over to the front desk, thanking Evitius for the wonderful meals and the soft beds. He leaves an extra gold piece for the inn keeper and heads out with the others.

2009-08-28, 02:46 PM
Matigas search brings his attention to a curious looking floorboard, which he would not have seen hadn't he made sure to look under the bed. the board seems to be lose and indeed Matigas manages to remove it. A dusty scroll and a ring are inside.

2009-08-28, 04:53 PM
Matigas stares inquisitively at the scroll and ring. He takes them and turns to Luko.

I don't think anyone will be missing these, do you?

They head downstairs, where Matigas addresses the group. He produces the objects.

Can any of you identify these?

2009-08-28, 08:33 PM
Well, they seem to be a ring and a scroll Aeric will say with a grin.

2009-08-29, 05:17 AM
Yesss... it iss ring. Perhapsss magic? Iss lucky day for you, I thhink.. where did you find thhiss?

2009-08-29, 12:15 PM
The scroll is sealed with red wax, the seal looks like a stylized hourglass. Which fits the one on the ring, which isn't exactly a signet ring, but has enough carvings on its broad silver surface to be used in this capacity.

2009-08-31, 01:13 AM
Sslithh looks the items over along with all of the others.

A ssignant ring, yess? He looks unsure. You found thhiss in your room? Perhhapss we sshould open the ssscroll?

2009-08-31, 01:37 AM
Matigas stares at the ring one last time before moving it to his pocket. He takes a deep breath before breaking the seal on the scroll. He gently unrolls it open.

I'm going to be gone until Friday; I might have internet access. Ennui, should you make me a GM char until I can post again, or should we pause, or something else?

2009-08-31, 06:19 AM
It's a short note:

"It is certainly a longshot, but if I did everything right your name should be Aeric, Celestica, Matigas or Slith (although I don't know if he can read). If not please put the ring and this note back to where you took it from. If so you will need this ring when you encounter a Khalashtar in the swamp. It will help you judge the situation much better than last time. Just wear it, it does not need to be activated."

I will just let him walk along for the time being, if necessary I will let him act. Which means someone should probably have read the note over his shoulder, either that or Matigas will just give it to anyone who likes.

2009-08-31, 09:02 AM

This note seals what our path should be. We need to deal with the Blackscales, and deal with them in the swamp. But, Sslithh, the word Khalashtar, is that a name or type of being?

2009-09-02, 06:33 AM
knowledge:planes, untrainted [roll0]

Kalasshtar.. I am not ssure, the name sseemss familiar, I will have to thhink.. Tho I fail to ssee how a ring will protect uss sshould we meet the dark one in hiss sswampsss.

Sslithh looks as genuinely worried as a lizardman possibly can, lacking expressive eyebrows and the like. He shakes his head and seems to fidget somewhat, and his mouth gapes open in what could only be described as an exacerbated pant.

Ssstill, if we are to hunt, thhen it iss into the sswampsss we musst go. Let uss hope, we do not become the hunted. I know thesse areass ssomewhat. I have passsed thhru at leasst, on occasssion. Come, let uss go.

Sslithh waits for the other's agreements, and should he get it, will lead them towards the closest point marked on the map.

I deleted and reposted this a couple times because the roll kept getting screwed up (typo and it changes the code text if you try to repost too soon, hope thats ok, just didnt want to bog the thread down with a lot of extra posts

2009-09-02, 06:39 AM

If its a name, then displaying the ring to him would show him that we are allies....I hope.

Celestica gathers up her pack and moves out with Sslithh.

May gracious Hanali bless our steps....lead on Sslithh

2009-09-02, 07:02 AM
Hm, close one, if Sslithh would have grown up in a big city a 10 would have been enough for some good information, as it stands, he barely remembers that they are a people coming form Sarlona, a big continent far east, and that they look a lot like humans.

2009-09-02, 07:54 AM
Hm, close one, if Sslithh would have grown up in a big city a 10 would have been enough for some good information, as it stands, he barely remembers that they are a people coming form Sarlona, a big continent far east, and that they look a lot like humans.

Well, his backstory is that he was enslaved and subsequently set free by one of the more powerful goblin tribes in eberron... that enough? Not sure how big goblin cities are in this setting..

2009-09-02, 09:36 AM
You decide what you want to reveal of the above, I just wanted to make clear that Sslithh is not a 100% sure about the accuracy of the little he knows.

2009-09-02, 09:54 AM

Sslithh murmers to himself, mulling it over as the group walks along. He shakes his head.

Kalashtar, I remember ssome sstoriess from the goblinss. Iss... is humanss, like you. But maybe, not like you. From the easst. Far easst, acrosss the waterss. I am not ssure of more. I am not even ssure of thhisss, but it sseemss thhiss way in my thhoughtsss.

2009-09-02, 02:53 PM
After you have gathered everything and everyone and after you have decided to go to the nearest location first, Sslithh takes the lead...

After 1 day on the road and 2 more through the swamps, Sslithh's knowledge of the area combined with Matigas' expertise result in your first usable hint to the location of the lost travellers; a number of huge lizardfolk imprints together with what looks like the marks of struggling humans, and most reassuring, the remains of a fire, still a bit warmer than the surrounding sand.
The problem is that there are two nearly identical tracks leaving the place, both apparently made by the same people.

2009-09-03, 04:13 AM
Sslithh moves around the site, careful not to step in the tracks, and tries to make sense of things.

spot check[roll0]
search [roll1]

2009-09-03, 04:23 PM
Rather than help deciding on one of the tracks, further inspection reveals them to be completely identical. If you can't find a way of choosing which tracks to follow, you might have to split up, at least temporarily.

2009-09-03, 07:38 PM

With two sets to follow, it would seem that splitting up might be the answer. I do not like that option, our enemies may plan on us doing that so they can pick us off in smaller groups. Does anyone have a spell that reveals the best course of action? Failing that, I think we are just going to have to pick one and search it.

2009-09-04, 01:11 AM
Sslitthh looks up from his efforts with a look of near shock on his face.

Sssplit up??! In the sswampsss?! Thhosse thhat ssplit from the flock are sssoon food, ssuch iss the way. We sshould choosse one path, and hope, we sshould never ssplit our sstrengthsss.

2009-09-04, 04:05 PM
Matigas can confirm that the tracks are practically mirroring each other, and from Luko he is able to gather that even the scent of both tracks is the same. If you really want to split up, tell me who goes together with whom. If you remain together, chose either the western tracks or those leading south-west, or you try something else.

2009-09-04, 04:29 PM

Celestica bows her head momentarily. Gracious Hanali, I know that I am not powerful enough to cast any of the spells that your greater priestesses can cast, but if you could aid me in choosing which path to follow in order to rescue innocents and defeat the evil that captured them, it would surely aid in me serving your will.

2009-09-05, 03:22 AM
Alright, I'm back. But I'll wait for people to continute before doing things.

2009-09-05, 03:37 AM
wait for us, but we were waiting for you! :smalltongue:

Aeric, let uss ssee the map you made. Whhich way here will lead uss clossesst to the nexsst point of interesst? We ssshould perhapss go thhiss way.

2009-09-05, 05:29 AM
As soon as Celestica has finished her prayer and looks up again, she clearly sees a faint magical aura around the western tracks.

(Consider your detect magic spell as cast for the day.)

2009-09-05, 12:46 PM
Well, lets see Aeric says as he pulls out the map and holds it so both he and Sslith can see it. If we're here, then we should go...

2009-09-05, 05:18 PM

Celestica comes out of her prayer trance, and points to the western tracks

These tracks glow with a magical aura. Hanali has revealed as such to me. I feel that this means they are false tracks, meant to throw us off the trail. The real ones are the others, and we should follow them.

2009-09-06, 03:51 AM
Sslithh looks up from the map..

Yess, you are sssure? Let'sss go thhen.

He moves up in that direction to the side of the tracks, spear in hand.

Mathhigass, your friend can follow them, yesss?

2009-09-06, 02:52 PM
The presumably false tracks lead past the ancient ruins of Haka'torvhak should they not change direction later on. The real tracks should lead deeper into the jungle and eventually to the heart of the city, but you doubt that any lizardfolk would dare to go quite that far.

If you don't want to do anything else here, please give me two survival checks each, and from the tracker(s) I need an additional survival check and two spot checks.

2009-09-06, 03:02 PM
OOC -wait, the magic tracks go past the ancient ruin, and the "real" tracks go deeper into the jungle to the heart of the city.. which city? The one we just came out of? Is it in the heart of the jungle?? Sorry im confused..:smallfrown:

2xsurvival [roll0] [roll]1d20+1[roll]

2009-09-06, 03:03 PM
oops botched one.. [roll0]

Sslithh looks first up one way, then the other, then looks at the crude map Mathigas had copied again. He seems to be thinking..

2009-09-06, 03:13 PM
With city I meant the aforementioned Haka'torvhak, the center of which lies rather deep in the more jungle-like parts of the swamps, sorry if that wasn't clear.

edit: Oh darn, I'm prone to confuse east with west (don't ask me why, I don't know), the correct directions would of course be east and south-east, as Newthrone lies to the south-west of Q'Barra, and Haka'torvhak further east and a bit to the south.

2009-09-07, 01:44 AM
Matigas dons the ring if he hasn't done so already.


Matigas tracking


2009-09-07, 10:33 AM

Celestica, with no tracking skills, simply waits for the party to decide and get organized, and will fall into marching order behind whoever is following the tracks.

2009-09-07, 11:00 AM
I used to travel with a group of wilderness guides and picked up some things, lets see if it was useful

Bardic Knack for the win
Survival [roll0]

2009-09-07, 05:25 PM
You manage to follow the tracks for about a day without any problems, but then you come across more and more other lizardman footprints, and it becomes harder to follow the initial tracks. Still, you manage to find the right path and only a few hours later you notice the ground becoming more solid, the vegetation changes to more tropical trees and undergrowth.
Then you can finally see a clearing ahead. Small stone houses are built around some kind of square-shaped gathering place, and there are Blackscales everywhere. Further into the distance you can see bigger structures overgrown with trees, but they seem to be uninhabited from here.
Just in time you notice a scouting party of four Blackscales coming towards you from the left, and you retreat as quickly as possible. Once they have passed you wait a few minutes before you dare to take another look at the small village in front of you. There is no sign of any people, but to take a closer look would mean to descend from you position into the clearing, and dangerously close to the stone houses.

So, how exactly do you want to proceed, get rid of the scouts first, charge right into the village, try to sneak in, change your spell selection first, look for a better angle to get in, or to confirm that the people you seek are really there?

2009-09-09, 03:40 PM
We need to sssee closser, Sslithh whispers, stating the obvious.

2009-09-09, 04:56 PM

Charging in, without knowing how many opponents are there will only get us killed, and even if we survive, we have no guarantee that the hostages are there. We need to have someone sneak in, and find out how many of them there are, and if our people are in. Unfortunately, stealth is not my forte, they will hear me coming for sure. Do you any of you have skills in that regard?
Failing that, we could always backtrack and take out the scouts...we could even take one prisoner and question him.

2009-09-10, 06:54 PM
Matagas glances over his clunky equipment.

Stealth isn't my strong point. Unless they're deaf.

2009-09-11, 03:00 PM
It seems that Ssslith and I may be the best choices for sneaking in, though Ssslith is likely better suited Aeric will say, looking towards the lizardman

2009-09-11, 04:48 PM
Sslithh blinks once, the nicitating membrane sliding slowly over each eye. He looks up towards the buildings, then back down the trail where the blackscales had just moved past.

Sslithh huntss, yesss... but perhapss it iss better thhen, if we hunt thhesse blacksscalesss in the jungle, thhan walking sstraight into thheir camp. I am quiet, but not invissible..

2009-09-11, 06:50 PM

I agree with Sslithh. At least we know how many we are dealing with when we go after the raiding party. Lets take them, and maybe we can find out some information after.

Celestica prepares to move after the Blackscales.

2009-09-13, 01:28 PM
Okay, if you want to sneak after them I need hide and move silently checks, as well as a spot and a listen check.

2009-09-13, 01:45 PM
Sslithh slinks off back down the trail, leading the hunt.

move silently[roll0]

2009-09-13, 01:48 PM

Celestica joins with Sslithh in the pursuit of the lizards

[roll0] move silently
[roll1] hide
[roll2] listen
[roll3] spot

Pretty good rolls, I doubt they see or hear me and I think I hear them...too bad the spot went bad, but Ssilithh has that covered

2009-09-14, 12:20 PM
After a short search you find the scouts that you have avoided earlier, and you successfully follow them for a while, until they come across the path of two other scout groups, also consisting of four blackscales each. They only acknowledge eacht others' presence with a nod, turn around and reusme their patrouille.

While Celestica and Sslithh are away, the other two wait, and after a while they hear someone coming towards you. It's the man you met in Newthrone, and he looks slightly annoyed for a second, but when he starts speakign he grins.

"So, that were your tracks leading here. I thought I told you not to bother with all this, the bounty is too small for all of us."

2009-09-14, 05:43 PM
We're here searching for some missing people, the bounties are secondary Aeric will say to the armored man.

2009-09-15, 01:43 PM
"Still", the kalashtar says, both hands becoming slightly restless, "you wouldn't be willing to forgo the money, would you? Rest assured that every one of the lizards' prisoners will reach Newthrone unharmed. Just go find something else to do."

2009-09-15, 04:33 PM
Matigas moves up to the rest of the group.

Rolls if needed

2009-09-16, 07:48 AM
ooc yeah.. im kinda wondering why the team was split up in the first place, considering the half of them never got to answer before it happened. The whole idea of tracking down the first squad (which also got to walk past us without any action allowed on our part) instead of going into the village was so we could outnumber them instead of being outnumbered ourselves. Splitting the group completely sabotages that concept. As well, shouldnt we get spot checks to detect approaching super NPCs?

2009-09-16, 02:46 PM
I waited, no reaction came, I send those scouting who acutally did so, it's not that they discovered you, you can return anytime you want. Matigas should be with Aeric unless he acutally decides to walk away after the kalashtar appears. And I roll passive spot and listen checks, don't worry. Would be strange to let you roll the passive awareness checks.

2009-09-16, 04:59 PM

Celestica waits until the other lizard patrols are out of range and then signals silently to Sslithh

attack now...or retreat to the others?

If he responds to attack, she moves silently into attack range, drawing her sword and readying herself for a suprise attack

2009-09-18, 02:28 PM
Sslithh sees her signal, and looking over his shoulder, notices Matigas sneaking in behind them as well. He nods, giving the go-ahead, gripping his spear tightly as his feet dig into the ground.


2009-09-19, 05:42 AM
There is enough room on the path for two blacksacles side by side, and they walk in a tight formation. Aside from the path everything is thickly overgrown and trees can be used to hide effectively. As they haven't noticed you yet, you might choose your attack angle and you get a surprise round.

2009-09-19, 07:29 AM

Celestica uses the surprise advantage she has to come quickly up from behind, using her short sword on the first blackscale she gets to, trusting to Sslithh to be with her, and hoping that the narrow path will prevent the second row of blackscales from being able to get at her.

2009-09-19, 07:37 AM
Sslithh takes a running charge at the other rear-guard blackscale, a long bred racial anger boiling up in his throat as he does, leaping thru the air and landing behind him, sinking his longspear into its back from a short distance.

Assuming im going last in the surprise round ;-) Rage and make a running charge, the jump for leap attack here is an auto success for sslithh..power attacking for 3 from a ten foot distance.
damage [roll1] (8 str damage + 12 pa/la damage)
crit confirm? [roll1d20+12
crit damage[roll2]

111 hps, ac 20 this round
EDIT: thank god for flat footed ac. I wont bother to reroll that crit confirm typo :smallamused:

2009-09-20, 12:29 AM
So, are we (Aeric and Matigas) with the other two, or in a different area?

2009-09-20, 05:46 AM
You are about 6 rounds full run speed from them, and you can hear combat sounds coming from that direction.

"So that is where the rest of you are. Let's continue our little talk later then."

The kalashtar runs off towards the noise.


The Lizardmen let out a mix between an angry hiss and a cry of surprise as your attacks hit them and blood begins to run out of the gashes in their backs. Still they are too large to react swiftly enough to respond before Celestica manages to get another opportunity to strike.

Everyone please post the actions of the round, I will then let everything happen in order of initiative. Celestica acts first and Sslithh last.

2009-09-20, 10:41 AM

Celestica takes full advantage of the surprise her attack caused, and continues her attacks on the lizard, determined to finish him off before his companions can join the fray.

2009-09-20, 01:52 PM
Oh no, Celestica might be in trouble Aeric says, beginning to run towards the battle, drawing his weapon.

2009-09-21, 10:49 PM
Matigas follows Aeric while drawing his longsword.

2009-09-21, 11:53 PM
Delivering two more quick blows before the lizardmen are able to to anything to defend, Celestica fatally wounds her target which just had the chance to turn around and look at her with suprise.

His comrade jumps forward and the two blackscales now in front both attack Celestica with their crude spears, more swinging than stabbing, and both spears she easily dodges. The third lizardfolk looks around to find a way to join the fray and he starts to squeeze himself between the trees to get behind you.


The kalashtar, Aeric, and Matigas are running towards the fight, the kalashtar with surprising speed considering his armor.

2009-09-22, 07:38 AM
Sslithh hisses angrily You musst die now, blackssscale! and lunges at his previous target, already bleeding from a gory wound in his back.

power attack 2 on the wounded one [roll0]
damage [roll1](8str + 4pa)
crit confirm[roll2]
crit dam [roll3]

Assuming the map looks something like this

x C
S x

B=blackscale, C=Celestia, S=Sslithh, x=empty space, where i am attacking the blackscale on the left with my ten foot reach, and with another blackscale somewhere off the trail to the right of Celestia.

111+10hps/ac22/rage 8 more rounds

2009-09-22, 09:02 AM

Celestica carries on to the next target in front of her, continuing to use her short sword. She calls out to Sslithh as she does so
Try and take one of them alive, we will need him for questioning about the camp and the hostages.

2009-09-22, 11:34 PM
As the blackscale comes towards Celestica he barely manages to parry the quick stabs of her swords she delivers while stepping up to him, and blood begins to run out of two small wounds on his arm.
But this time the lizardmen's atacks are far more precise and it is only with great effort that Celestica dodges both spears, leaving her out of breath and position, and, she notices a second later, a slight wound at her side. Together they struck for 17 damage. Using the moment of distraction Sslithh strikes with precision and force, and impales the blackscale in front of him.
The other blackscale, not able to do anything but continue his way behind you can only watch in disbelief how his comrades fall one by one.

4 rounds left for the others or as soon as the fight ist over, whichever comes first.

2009-09-23, 02:38 AM

umm.. i think you are putting me out of an entire round. My last attack, if it dropped one (which it seems to have done?) happened before the two of them could attack celestia again. I might be the last one in the round, but im still in the round.. :smallconfused:

2009-09-24, 03:42 AM
Indeed, I put you last action in the last round, and closed the round before without waiting for you, sorry :smallredface:. Roll an attack more for this round, ok?

2009-09-24, 08:23 AM
Sslithh yanks the longspear free, then lunges viciously at the blackscale threatening celestia, twice in rapid succession.

And not only do I forget it was my turn again, but I forgot that I have this thing called iterative attacks. *facepalm* sorry..

power attacking for 2
atk1 [roll0]
atk2 [roll1]

If it drops, I will try to enter the brush and engage the last blackscale, otherwise holding my position.

2009-09-27, 03:00 AM
The fight is over. As his last comrade sinks to the ground in front of him, the Blackscale between the trees drops his weapons and cowers down, hands and head outstretched to the front. In his native tongue he says,

"I surrender."

Not using Sslithh "accent", because obviously speaks his own lagnuage perfectly without accent. Just so there's no confusion about that. Oh, yeah, of course Sslithh understands.

2009-09-27, 06:51 AM
Sslithh hisses in contempt at his display of overt weakness, giving the blackscale a look he knows he will not misunderstand. Reaching into his pack over his shoulder, he quickly pulls out a length of rope and binds the blackscales hands, before collecting his weapon and pulling the reluctant reptile further into the brush while directing Celestia.

Quickly thhen, bring the bodiesss, cover the tracksss and blood, before any otherss come. Let uss ssink into the jungle, to quesstion thhisss blacksscale.

2009-09-27, 08:53 AM

Celestica quickly attempts to cover up signs of the fight and brings the bodies as well.

Did you happen to notice on the bounty reward poster on the blackscales what sort of proof you need to bring to collect a bounty? The whole body, or just a part of it? I mean, if we are going to go to the trouble of dealing with them, we might as well collect the reward. Im sure that tin can we met last night would be more than willing to steal our claim.

Once she finishes with all of that, she fades into the jungle with Sslithh to find out what the lizard knows.

2009-09-27, 02:36 PM
Aeric finally makes it to the group of Celestica and Ssslith. Seeing the bodies, he says quietly to Celestica I'm glad to see you're ok

2009-09-28, 06:03 PM
Matigas slows down to a stop at the group. He puts away his longsword and looks on quietly.

2009-09-29, 02:15 PM
"Tin can... They want the big tail scale as proof, which shows that they do not even know which of them was part of the attacks. It makes the job easier, though."

The kalashtar has kept up with Aeric and Matigas, and is watching the scene in front of him with apparent curiosity.

"I clearly misjudged you, bringing a lizardman of your own was quite ingenious; that one would not have surrendered otherwise. Now we can get the exact defences of the targets' whereabouts."

Your new wannabe friend proceeds to help erase any evidence of the recent fighting, and you retreat back into saver terrain; the blackscale is following you without making any problems.

2009-09-30, 06:28 AM

Celestica removes the back tail scale of each of the slain blackscales as proof for when they go to collect their bounty. She pauses for a moment, and looks to Matigas.

Dont we have some sort of item we were supposed to show to a "kalashtar" as proof of our identity?

2009-09-30, 04:20 PM
Matigas slaps his head out of stupidity.


He turns to the kalashtar, and points to the ring on his hand.

I'm supposed to show this to you, I think.

2009-10-01, 02:36 PM
The kalashtar's seem to widen in shock for a split second as he sees the ring, but he only apparently only raises his eyebrows with some interest; at the same time only Matigas spots how the man quickly slips a ring off his left ring finger and lets it slide into a small pouch at his belt.

"Where did you get that from? And when?"

The slight panic behind the forced disinterest in his voice is rather well concealed, and only Celestica conciously notices it.

2009-10-02, 10:36 PM
It was under my bed at an inn. Found it yesterday, I think.

2009-10-03, 02:46 AM
"Just lying there? Was there anything else? Don't hold anything back."

His last sentence sounds very much like a threat.

2009-10-03, 03:54 AM
Sslithh tugs the Blackscale towards a large tree, but his eyes narrow somewhat as he listens to the Kalashtar while securing the prisoner. He pulls an empty sack from his pack, and uses it as a gag and muzzle, whispering in draconic, Besst sstay ssstill, blacksscale. If there'sss trouble, I'll sstick you firssst, as he binds his hands and legs, before pushing his back up to the tree and binding him fast.

He moves back towards the group, but slips behind the Kalashtar back towards the trail, ducking his head and peering thru the thick foliage, looking for any more Blackscales, but picking a vantage point where he can keep an eye on the group's new found "friend" as well as slipping into an easy flank, if need should arise.

use rope with +10 bonus for binding a prisoner [roll0]

2009-10-05, 07:06 AM

Celestica turns from watching the lizard as the Kalashtar continues to talk.

Your tone of voice is beginning to worry me. I certainly hope there is no threat in your heart, because it is coming out in your voice. We certainly thought this signet would imply that we should be on the same team, but already twice I hear things from you that make me doubt it.

2009-10-05, 01:25 PM
The mans face becomes more serious than you have ever seen him before, and his voice is now hard and slightly lower than before.

"Your answer will determine wether we are 'on the same team'."

2009-10-05, 06:50 PM
Mind your words sir Aeric says, a noticeable anger in the voice of the normally laid back bard, remember, you are outnumbered and you seem to be the one who is threatening us

2009-10-05, 06:52 PM

Celestica lets one of her hands drop to her scimitar.

I dont think there is an answer I can give you to prove we are on the 'same' team....because I dont think we are.
I dont see you against us, but I certainly dont see you as for us either. Please leave us now, and we can avoid any unpleasantness.

2009-10-06, 04:33 PM
You are not completely certain wether your eyes play a trick on you, but for a second something gray and blade-shaped flashes up in the kalashtar's righ before vanishing again.

"Who did you take that ring from?"

Again his voice has changed; it now is rather croaky and even deeper than before.

2009-10-06, 08:40 PM

We told you once already, we DID NOT take that ring from anyone. It was left in one of our rooms, Matigas to be exact, but it was with a scroll, addressed to all of us. It was clearly meant for us. Whether or not it was meant for you is the question now, and by your actions and words, it seems not.

Celestica's hand does not leave the scimitar, but she has not drawn....yet.

2009-10-07, 02:13 AM
He relaxes visibly, but still looks sceptical.

"Let me see. The scroll, do you still have it?"

His scepticism and the unbelieving quality in his voice are probably the first reactions you have seen of him which have not been carefully planned and trained. It is now that you have seen a real response from him that you recognize how completely artificial everything before has been, as if the man had only been playing a role the whole time.

2009-10-07, 08:12 AM

Celestica does not take her eyes off him, nor does she remove her hand from her scimitar.

Matigas, do you still have the scroll?

2009-10-07, 10:05 PM
Matigas snaps to attention. He unslings his pack and rummages around for the scroll, eventually pulling it out.

Yeah, right here.

He hands it to the kalashtar.

2009-10-08, 02:28 PM
The man takes the letter and starts to read. Although he reads the letter several times, his face doesn't indicate what he makes of it or how he might react. Apparently satisified, he hands back the letter, his whole posture now completely relaxed.

"I see. I apologize, it seems I was mistaken in a few ways. The people we need to rescue are in the north-eastern building, the one which stands a bit removed from the others. But they are only there until tonight, when they will be moved again, so I suggest we strike as soon as possible. If you do not object to my help, that is."

He seems genuine, as does his information, although the sudden change has some eerie quality to it.

"Oh, I almost forgot, my name is Sinatashx."

2009-10-13, 09:51 PM
Well, considering the circumstances, I would believe it is a pleasure to meet you Aeric says, extending his hand towards the man.

2009-10-14, 12:10 PM
Sinatashx takes the hand, his grip is weaker than you might have expected, and he only shakes for a second before withdrawing his hand again, waiting the reaction of the others.

2009-10-14, 06:44 PM
Matigas smiles a little but is unsure how to respond. Then a question pops up in his head.

So, why are you mentioned in this scroll?

2009-10-14, 07:18 PM

Celestica removes her hand from her scimitar but does not seem to relax her stance.

The rest of the group seems willing to accept you. Hanali forgive me for my suspicions, but I still do not fully trust you. I am willing to let you join us, and I hope your information proves to be correct. if not...

She leaves the rest unspoken.

I suggest we move through the forest and see if there is a back entrance to this building, or at least fewer guards that we can overcome quickly.

2009-10-14, 10:07 PM
Agreed Aeric responds to Celestica's idea. I'm not sure about you lot, but it should be pretty obvious that I am not that competent a fighter, especially when it comes to large groups. I'm more of a "secondary" combatant if you will.

2009-10-15, 01:36 PM
"That happened quite a few times before, but the other times I found the messages, not someone else. I do not know who writes them, but they proved to be very helpful in the past.

As for a way to get to the building without alerting most of the blackscales, that should be close to impossible. I would suggest we just chose a good position to attack from and finish them all off."

2009-10-16, 04:16 AM
Yesss... take them all head on. A perfect ssuisside plan, and coming from one who would not haave had uss hunt thesse blacksscalesss in the firssst place. Celesstia.. you forgot about me in thhisss group, asss I do not trusst him at all!

Sslithh advances on the rakshassa, spear point leveled at his throat.

2009-10-16, 06:26 AM
Sslithh advances on the rakshassa, spear point leveled at his throat.

(OOC: Rakshasa?....evidence please?)

Stealth is clearly called for here, I agree with Sslithh that charging in would suicide. We should circle the camp through the trees, that would not alert the Blackscales, and at least take a look at the other side of the building. If there is a door or window, we could gain entrance there. If not, we could at least approach the building in silence, and perhaps neutralize the gaurds quickly. I have some attack methods that are quiet and quick, they dont kill but they do render a person unable to act or call out an alarm. Then we get the prisoners and get out.

2009-10-16, 01:32 PM
ooC.: Wow, even I didn't know that.

Sinatashx doesn't move one inch as Sslithh's spear comes closer.

"You might want to point that somewhere else. It's not a suicide plan if you have me with you, but if you want to have a look for yourself, it's your time to waste. Although I admit, any teleport or invisibilty spells you might be able to perform would make everything go more smoothly."

2009-10-16, 04:06 PM

Celestica lowers her voice as she speaks

I guess it is my time to waste then, I have no evidence that you are any sort of unstoppable warrior and I am not going to trust in your own assessment without checking for myself. The rest of you can come with me if you wish, but I am going to circle in the trees and try to find another way into that building

With that, Celestica moves off silently, moving with all the stealth she can muster through the trees, heading to see the backside of the building that Sinatashx says the prisoners are in.

2009-10-18, 12:30 PM
I need to know who follows her, before proceeding.

"There is still our prisoner, you might want to question him, or her, first. After all, the more information the less chance of having to do it my way."

2009-10-18, 09:02 PM
I can't let you wander off by yourself can I? Aeric will whisper to Celestica before he begins to follow her as quietly as he can.