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2009-08-05, 05:36 PM
Eclipse town. A city forged from many cities, a world wrought from many worlds. This is where we start our story. The various districts are stuck together, bound by location and needs, much to the chagrin of many citizens.

In this city there are innumerable dangers, some subtle as an assassins dagger, others as overt as a rampaging monster.

You all find yourselves in a lower class tavern, on the edge of the Kamina and Drow districts. The general sounds of the tavern wash over you, bawdy songs, loud drunken tales about the surface from the inhabitants of both regions, so similar and yet so utterly unalike.

However the atmosphere seems strangely tense. Vloz'ress mercinaries hiddle on one end of the room, still armed and armored while drinking in the event of something drastic. On the other a group of Graperl pilots, still wearing the blue or red jumpsuits identifying them, guns in the holster but clearly displayed.

2009-08-05, 10:02 PM
Uliqorra, having no reason to be attending a bar, sits atop a massive sky scraper near by, meditating on the world around him, taking things in for the recording he would later show Aizen Sama, the hustle and bustle of the street below driving on down below, unknowing of the danger above them that could turn them all into dust with nothing more then a thought. Uliqorra, however, grew tired of this perfect observation quite quickly, and jumped off the building allowing himself to fall, closing his eyes as he did so, and enjoying the rush of air through his hollow hole, before he touched down, gentle as a feather. He turned to meet the crowd, and went to investigate the tense atomsphere of the bar, his green eyes alight with interest. A potential conflict would be interesting between these new types, and would provide useful information for later use.

2009-08-05, 10:09 PM

Trinex sits at the bar, downing an entire bottle of some sortof alchohol with increadible speed. Pushing this bottle to the side, he adds to his 6 already empty containers. He sits for awhile, thinking to himself, consideing thing, like his life, and what he is going to do tomorrow.

As the atmosphere of the bar gets too annoying for his tastes, trinex orders another drink, clearly aiming to numb his hearing as soon as possible.
"One moment of peace is too much to ask.."

2009-08-05, 10:18 PM
As Uliquarra begins observing the bar he sees a human, wearing a blue jumpsuit, and a drow, wearing red armor, having gotten up from either end of the bar and are currently exchanging harsh words with one another, comrades watching from either end in case they are needed.

"S, say that again, goblin boy"The drunken elf says, slurring every other word.

"I said K, Kha, Kamina could totally take this Sharess chick any day of the week!" The human fires back, swaying lightly.

"Yo damned uppity humanss and your useless scrap heaps can't do anything worth a damned!" The other says

And of course one or two from either end begin to get up, apparently they've both crossed some sort of line here. At the moment most of the other patrons are ignoring them, one or two watching with unusual interest.

2009-08-05, 10:26 PM

The air in the dingy and dangerous tavern was ripe with tension. Mercenaries, assassins, soldiers and people of even less reputable or courteous professions all eyed eachother as they tried to take their drinks in peace. A wretched hive of scum and villainy if there ever was one.

But all things considered, it was undoubtedly safer than hanging out in the alleyway.

The door to the place opened up and a well-polished stainless steel robot hovered in. A jet supported its trilateral structure with three eyes and three arms (currently with their standard claw, torch, and sawblade attachments). The utilitarian mechanism floated in with calculated precision and closed the door behind itself as it scanned the room for the owner.

"Dear me... I fear I may have died and gone to hell." Joe muttered under his breath despite himself.

His three eyes checked the room and he spotted the barkeep. Rotating a bit to keep his metallic hand oriented toward the bar, he approached and introduced himself.

"Good evening sir, I am Joseph. I would be honored if I could gain employment in this... fine establishment." he tried diplomatically "I'm sure you could find use for a top-of-the line Robo Butler."


2009-08-05, 10:40 PM
The barkeep, a burly human with sandy blonde hair and obsidian black eyes(and a gaze just as sharp to match) eyes the robot curiously. It doesn't take long before more eyes begin to settle on the round, many limbed machine. Even the tavern fight is put on hold for a few moments. However about half the bar seems to be apathetic and attempts to continue converasations, believing the mechanical creature to be something that wandered in from another section of the sprawling metropolis.

"Why not, I could use an extra pair of hands -er, trio that is. You know how to mix any drinks?"

More than a dozen drunken eyes look to you, the new multi eyed vender of the establishment. Conversation dies down as everyone looks to the prospect of new alcohol. It is quiet as a churchyard.

Then someone burps, completely destroying the effect.

2009-08-05, 10:49 PM

Trinex whatches as the robotic creature floats into the bar. He sits closest to where the robot and the bartender are now, and as their conversation dies down he pushes another bottle to the side. "Ay! Nother drink over here!"

Trinex is careful not to reveal his right arm, where he hies the portal gun under a thin layer of bandages.

2009-08-05, 11:07 PM

"Certainly, Sir. I am programmed with over 369 recipes for alcoholic drinks and mixers (a few of them are explosive). 200 different non alcoholic drinks, and a veritable library of meals, snack foods, and home remedies."

His eye swivels to spot the man who asked for the drink while a few other sensors try to take stock of the various drinks available.

"Any particular drinks you have in mind?"

2009-08-05, 11:15 PM
Ulqiorra Cifer.

As he walked into the bar, he observed the robot, taking in keen amounts of detail, if there was anything to be seen, magical, illusional, or anything else Ulqiorra Cifer could see it. If he couldn't it didn't exist.

He called over for something himself, as he said.

"Excuse me... Joe? Would you prepare a plate of Teriyaki Noodles with beef marinated in whiskey? I have the money."

This is a actual dish of course, I experianced it not too long ago.

2009-08-05, 11:23 PM
At the news of such an over the top variety of drinks the entire bar goes nuts, many begin shouting out drink names at the top of their lungs, the cries for drinks of varying toxication levels overtaking every other noise in the building.

"LOOKS LIKE YOU HAVE SOME WORK TO DO" The large barkeep yells, still barely over the noise of the energetic patrons, rummaging around and pulling out a small tray and several bottles of liquid of any color imaginable.

2009-08-06, 01:16 AM

"Assuming I the ingredients then certainly." Joe levitates his way to the 'kitchen' area if it can be called that. His Bistro-Matic Culinary Array was in full swing analyzing the quality of the ingredients on hand and cross-referencing his chemical analysis databanks for the best way to work with them.

Selecting the best marinating whiskey on hand, Joe checked the fridge for some beef that passed the bio-sensors. Meticulously keeping tabs on the various meals that are called out, he prints out a list of ingredients needed to make them.

"I'll need some noodles along with a few basic herbs." he said, jotting down a list of simple ingredients that he could use to cook up the majority of the ingredients. having just arrived in this strange world he had no idea if soy sauce was available or which of the specific varieties would be most accessible... or if any of the locals would be able to tell the difference. He made a note to do the shopping if this became a regular occurrence.

But, even without a fully stocked gourmet kitchen, a RobCo robo butler like himself could work wonders and within an hour those first servings of professional-programmed culinary cooking started rolling out.

"Your order, Sir." Joe said, gracefully setting the plate of Teriaki Noodles and Whiskey Marinated Beef on Ulqiorra's table. He hovers in place, waiting to see how it turned out before heading back to check on the smoked halibut and Hawaiian-style pizza.

2009-08-06, 01:37 AM
The ingredients in the kitchen are low quality at best, even your scanners can't identify some of the ingredients you find, the tin labled "beef" at least seems to have the correct animal in it, and the whiskey seems to be highly low quality, but you're able to manage and pull it off easily enough.

Suddenly the crowds loud noises are overtaken by a deafening crash outside, everyone on the inside goes dead quiet as screams tear the streets apart outside, followed by several inhuman, or any other recognizable sentient, roar. The noises are all punctuated by gunfire. Smoke begins pouring from through the window, thick black clouds as the people in the bar begin to panic, civilians running every which way as combatants look about, unsure of what would be going on under the best circumstances, let alone through the foggy lens of various alcohols.

A single member of the eclipse town city watch bursts into the paniced room, shooting at something out of the doorframes view, coughs from the smoke and turns to the screaming drunken patrons.

"Something major is going on, everybody get the out! They're coming from the north, th-" The watchman is cut off as a dark shape lunges into him from out of view, knocking him out of view of the doorframe as he screams in terror and pain.

2009-08-06, 01:41 AM

Trinex almost falls out of his chair at this. Steadying himself, he grabs one of the empty bottles of alcohol, unwraps his gun, and points to any structure outside ( through a window) Opening a blue portal (hopefuly out of veiw from civilians) and opens another one athis feet, falling through, and landing with a roll out the otherside. Outside the tavern, in a dark alleyway, with a empty beer bottle. But safe, for now.

2009-08-06, 02:08 AM
Trinex, you fire your portal out the smoking window, most partons ignoring you in favor of attempting to run out the door, and see from your vantage point at the mouth of an alleyway the full scope of the chaos.

Several shadowy monsters tear down the street, clawing at the watchmen attempting to fend them off with various weapons, slug throwers, eco guns, mana, and sprit based weaponry. While most go down after a shot or two, the numbers seem to be overwhelming them, dozens of heartless rushing at six or so guards, civilians screaming as loudly as they can as they run in all directions, trying to run from the shadowy monsters. To make matters worse several more shadows begin crawling out of a manhole cover nearby.

Shadow heartless:

2009-08-06, 03:13 AM

As soon as the commotion starts, Joe's integrated Danger Sensor starts flashing and he obediently sets down his trays to go into defense mode. Everyone knows that home security is the fundamental right of any American household and likewise the Mister Handy Mark 2 robo butler model was built with that in mind. Upon seeing the shadowy monsters attack his newfound home and community, there was no question of his duty.

The tripodal robot hovered out of the closest door or open window, setting his sights on the insectoid shadows.

"How DARE you!" He glared at the closest beast and let loose a stream of fire from his built in stove/torch/flamethrower. His sawblade prepped itself as the safeguard slid back, ready to start cutting into any of the things that tried to attack him up close.

Joe spots the creatures crawling out of a manhole cover and sets his flamer on that, spraying burning hot death on any of the beasts that came out of the hatch.

"How disgusting! You stay down in there before I incinerate you and flush you back!"

2009-08-06, 03:26 AM
A heartless is caught mid lunge toward a guard, burning to smoky whisps instantly. The guard, a long eared haven district citizen, looks towards you, uncertain of what just happened.

"Er, thanks" He says before firing off more burning red eco shots at the small shadows, a few of which turn and leap at the pair of you, the guard rolls out of the way and begins firing at them, blowing apart one of the three shadows outright.

The heartless from the manhole are all incinerated on the spot, they won't be coming out for as long as you can hold that.

2009-08-06, 03:41 AM
Ulqiorra Cifer see's the rather swift, and fiery response from the Mr.Handy, and considering the heartless "beneath" him, doesn't even bother to draw his blade, and tosses the fork like a dagger, intent on impaling one of them in the skull.

2009-08-06, 04:21 AM
You toss the blade with unnatural strength and accuracy, piercing the eye of a heartless, it's entire body evaporating to shadowy whisps on contact, the fork continues it's path and embeds itself in the floor a few feet from Trinex, drawing several beady yellow eyes towards the haggard man and his newly unwrapped portal gun.

Suddenly a heartless erupts from the flaming manhole, easily three time the size of the others, it's inky black body rippling with illusory muscles, antennae looking zigging and zagging all the way down to it's feet, it crouches on all fours, leaping to wards a nearby citizen and tearing his throat with an inch long claw. It's animalistic yellow eyes turn to Ulliquara, eying the hole in his chest, is this a heartless? A human? Prey? An ally? It rears up on it's hind legs wicked claws raised high, hoping to strike fear, simultaneously trying to intimidate and assert dominance.


2009-08-06, 04:55 AM

Trinex sees the small shadowing creatures spot him in the shadows of a near by alleyway. Standing up, he grogilly tosses his empty beer bottle at them, shattering a few inches from the nearest one. He looks to be a bit off balance, probably from the incredible amount of alchohol he has imbibed.

" Heh, kinda cute. " "Let's see if they can keep up."

Trinex aims at the nearest wall facing adjecent to a low roof top. He will use his portal gun to make a portal there, and one at his feet, to shoot himself up and out of a wall onto the nearest rooftop. When he is up, considering the creatures are still following him, he will begin jumping from rooftop to rooftop, jumping over obstructions, and ducking under pipes and poles and such, all in a single fluied motion, without stopping his run.

2009-08-06, 05:10 AM
Trinex begins running from rooftop to rooftop, however several shadows give chase, melding into the walls and floors and crawling up the surface, a part of it as if a literal shadow, and give chase, zipping up and down building walls as they tail the prey in their sight.

2009-08-06, 01:45 PM

"Think nothing of it, officer. Just doing my civic duty."

The civil robots words are interrupted when the larger Heartless launches out of the manhole and leaps to brutally attack a civilian.

"You brute! Prepare to die!" The Mister Handy moves toward the larger shadow, his sawblade held at the ready to bisect the ruffian. He keeps the manhole covered with with flamer to prevent any more from getting through but will be all too happy to set this new threat on fire if he's given the time to do so.

2009-08-06, 06:56 PM
The heartless begins to ignore the strange, partially masked man and leaps at you, sailing through the air high over your head in an arc, landing behind you as it rises on it's hind legs and claws at you, hitting your "back", grazing it with it's unnaturally hard claws.

2009-08-06, 07:15 PM
Tiring of this game, Ulqirroa Cifer walks towards the man hole cover, green energy building up in his fingertips, and a look of complete apathy on his face as he swats a heartless out of his way, and points a immaculate, ivory white finger down the man hole, as he says.


With that a massive build up of energy could be felt, and for a second it felt to those around Ulqiorra as if a ocean of thick dark, yet immaterial, tar was weighing down upon them, as the blast reached its apex of charge building to a wide ball in front of his hands before blasting out in a cone that would shred concrete like tissue paper, and hopefully obliterate the heartless.

2009-08-06, 07:36 PM
You tear a gigantic crater in the flaming manhole cover, , leaving only a gaping hole in the paved street leading down the the sewers.

There are about a dozen heartless left in this area, not including the three chasing Trinex across the city.

2009-08-07, 12:05 AM

Joe's body spins in the air, his enemies blow knocking him temporarily off-center before he can reorient himself to give the large heartless a good dose of American fire. His flamer redirects itself on the Heartless.

"You... gah! If I had decent hands I'd thrash the..."


The massive explosion of the manhole causes the street to shake and pieces of concrete to fly through the air. The bright light and shockwaves set off all sorts of alarms in Joe's cold-war era circuitry.

"GOOD LORD THE BOMBS ARE FALLING! ...again!" Flashes of imagery from his nuclear war safety programming superimpose themselves on his memory of his family and home being vaporized.

"Women and children to the shelters, I'll fend off the mutants!" all three of his limbs seem to go into a frenzy as he desperately tries to burn, strangle, and buzzsaw any remaining Heartless within reach.

2009-08-07, 12:14 AM
Joes thrashing arms and good 'ol fashoned american fire tear through heartless after heartless, as the neoshadow is caught in the flames it seems to melt into an inky pool, which quickly evaporates.

However, a few more small shadows scramble out of the deep craters hole, crawling along the now cooling pavement.

2009-08-08, 01:57 AM
Ulqiorra Cifer

Uliqorra, seeing more of the tiny heartless, moves forward, a look of apathy, and just simply not caring in his eyes, rivers of the sea green reaitsu that flowed down his cheeks as if his was constantly crying as he attempted to shove his hand through the skull of one of the Heartless, considering such lowly beings unworthy of staining his blade.

2009-08-08, 02:44 AM
You force your hand through the creatures head, which seems to be forced out of place with an audible *pop*, as it seems to fade, followed quickly by the body. The heartless seem to have stop coming out of the manhole/crater, leaving it empty but for the sounds of sloshing waters and chittering noises below.

2009-08-08, 02:07 PM

After a few minutes, Joe's sensors register that the ambient radiation levels haven't spiked and that atomic weapons aren't at work here. He calms down now the threat of nuclear war and mutant rampages aren't immediate.

"Dear me, sorry about that..." He stops and scans the area for any more of the shadowy assailants.

2009-08-08, 06:37 PM
There are about nine heartless left in Joe's view, between the efforts of Joe, Uliquarra, Trinex, the watchmen, and a few drunken warriors who seem to be doing little more than stumble over each other.

2009-08-08, 07:14 PM

Joe goes after the remaining Heartless, using his flamer on any of them who aren't next to flammable civilians or buildings and using his sawblade against any of them who are.

2009-08-08, 07:40 PM
Joe's flames and saw tear into several heartless, destroying about three in short order. However one of them seems to crawl into the ground, your blade siling through thin air.

Six heartless left.

2009-08-08, 07:43 PM
Uliqorra sighs, these black things were quite the bother really.

He moves forward, slowly, but precisely, dodging the attack of one of the shadows as he takes another blade like swipe with his hand the substance of the heartless proving no more resistant then say jello, to him, as he put a stylish boot into the face of another one, a resounding CRACK coming from the sheer speed of it.

2009-08-08, 07:53 PM
Your bood stomps through the heartless's inky black chest, causing it to burst into an ether substance, smoky wisps floating around your leg as they dissipate like a thin mist into the air.

Five heartless left to go.

Suddenly the earth shakes, everyone who'd feet are on the ground begins to rattle to and fro, after a few moments however the rocking stops.

2009-08-08, 10:57 PM

Trinex jumps from rooftop to rooftop, using anything in his path to either evade the heartless or to slow them down. Trinex climbs up a flight of stairs connected into the side of a building, getting to the top he jumps from the metal stairs to a small overreaching crane, using it to swing over to the next rooftop. From there he continues to run, keeping his breathing steady, jumping over and under and off of anything and everything in his path. Trinex thinks back to the time before his imprisonment in apature sciences lab. He would do this kind of stuff all the time, and art some called it, he learned it due to nescessecity of survival, not out of interest or teachings.

Finally Trinex makes that one mistake you should never make when freerunning, he got cornered. Trinex finds himself on a lone rooftop, bare of anything to soften or aid his fall, too far off to jump to any lower or higher buildings. His only choice, to make a leap of faith... that, or fight.

Trinex turns to the dark creatures forming behind him, lifts up his fist(s) in a kickboxer stance, and lets out a nice, cocky grin. "Bring it on"

Freerunning/Parkour- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parkour

2009-08-08, 11:07 PM
Trinex, on a lone rooftop two streets down from the think of the action, on top of a building in the looming shadow of teppelin's mammoth iron grin, find himself fighting three shadows.

Already outnumbered the shadows seem to have no interest in playing fair in any manner. using their strange shadowcrawling technique to surround the wielder of the portal gun, rising out of the earth like literal shadows bursting out of the ground to hunt their prey.

2009-08-08, 11:13 PM

Trinex, seeing he is clearly surronded, does not hesitate. With a few swift motions he unleashes multiple punches and kicks at the heartless creatures. His artform is alot like martial arts, and kickboxing/boxing. Trinex flips over one of the heartless, using the portal gun to creature a warp from below the heartless to the side of an adjacent building. With two left in the area he continues to fight hand to claw, using the gun to jump around the flat arena that is this roof.

Kinda Like this, only better- http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-6362194852522135460

2009-08-08, 11:24 PM

Joe feels the ground shaking, though it doesn't particularly faze him since he hovers over the ground. However, he does have concern about it.

"I say, something is wrong with the ground. I hope its just a tremor and not those... things at work. Perhaps I should check that hole in the ground."

Joe does a quick check of the Heartless, seeing if the guards or others can deal with the few remaining stragglers while he goes back to check on the giant hole... if more of those things start pouring out then he'll have to be there to flame them.

If it looks like the others can't handle them then Joe will help them out until its done.

2009-08-08, 11:40 PM
You let a monster fly out the side of a buildiing, falling and collapsing into an audible SQUELCH as it splats several stories down.

However, before you can do much to the other two bolts of red energy blast the heartless to bits, as you look up you see a three person vehicle(refurbished hellcat cruizer), flying in the sky toward you piloted by members of the town guard, closing in fast.

"Attention Citizen, Drop your weapons and place your hands on your head" A voice calls out from a speaker, beginning to land on the rooftop.

2009-08-09, 12:07 AM

Trinex almost lands a devistating roundhouse kick before the blasts of energy disrupt the fight. Looking to the sky ( is it day? or night?) Trinex see's the two flyng vehicles, and know's all to well whats going on. "Gaurds, crap." Trinex see's no way off the building that won't cause him harm. He could use his portal, but the gaurds would only be aware to where he ran. Trinex is hellbent on surviving, he won't go to anyones jail. So he takes a leap of faith.

Trinex makes a swan dive off the two story building, waiting till te last moment to activate his portal gun, shooting it twice, both on the ground floor, one 20 feet from the other. As trinex dives into one portal, and flies out of the other, he uses the momentum to grab onto one of the sides of the ships.

2009-08-09, 12:18 AM
As trinex grabs the ship it begins to sway from side to side, however it begins to rise high off the ground as the gloved hand of a watchmen.

"Gotcha" A guard says, grabbing you as it rises and begins moving forward, the arms holding you tight as you sail high above the streets and a good way above the buildings.

2009-08-09, 01:14 AM
Ulqirroa Cifer, embodiment of Nihilism, scoffs at the effort that is being put into eradicating these heartless, he could have done it with a flick of his finger, and nothing more, but he would have exposed himself to be different from the masses, to be something more then the beam weapon weilding android his cover claimed to be, and that wouldn't do. No, that wouldn't do at all for Aizen Sama.

He moved forward towards the bar, picking up the undisturbed Soba, and beef marinated in whiskey before picking up the chop sticks that lay in the noodles, a single bite still positioned betwixt the wooden utensils. He sat down at the stool he had previously been at, and resumed eating, savoring the taste of the beef combined with the egg noodles, as the world raged on around him, he himself uncaring as he had already documented it all.

2009-08-09, 01:31 AM
You eat the noodles, still warm, a reminder of how arbitrary and ruthlessly quick this battle was. You hear the Zoomer outside land nearby.

Trinex, on your end the zoomer lands, two of the town guard immediately set to work, firing their eco blasters and the vehicles mounted weaponry, cutting down most of the remaining heartless. The third doesn't let go of Trinex, cuffing his arms behind his back, and speaks into a radio, asking for a transport.

2009-08-09, 02:48 AM
Ulqiorra Cifer looked outside to see the Zoomer, before he sighed, putting down the half finished plate again, it was only decent quality soba, but it was so rare he got to embrace some of the unnessescary nicites of plus life. He moved over to the guard, and simply attempted to tug the man with the portal gun away from the guards, and sonidoing away with him towards a random direction that would hopefully end in the eternal night of Los Noches.

2009-08-09, 02:56 AM
You jettison away, however before you can get more than a few streets away the earthquakes start again,o this time more violent, and you see a pair of shapes, huge doesn't even begin to describe it, larger than any of kamina districts mecha, taller than all of the buildings in the city save teppelin, larger than any menos grande you've heard of, though it does sport a beaked, masklike face It looms over the city for a moment, turning to face it and reaching out a black, scaly arm full of bony protrusions that looks like it could grab a large vehicle and crush it to powder.

Then, just as quickly the earthquakes stop, and the monstrosity vanishes before you can get a good look at it's more defined features.

2009-08-09, 03:53 AM
Ullqiorra is almost stunned by the sheer amount of spiritual pressure that comes off of the beast, most people had it to some degree around here, but the sheer amount that came off of it was like a black ocean that rivaled his own in full release, the thick stuff almost like tar before it dispeared again... This recording would have to reach Aizen Sama as soon as possible. He continued sonido'ing building clouds of reishi to hop on that dispate seamlessly back into the air as if it were never there.

2009-08-09, 04:01 AM
You continue you're trek, across the city, unbothered except for a few minor shakes all the way home, Trinex still in your grasp, you begin to contemplate the strange spiritual pressure of the creature. It seemed, in addition to powerful, strange. It wasn't quite the mana wielded by drow, the chi of the jade empire, the spirals of the kamina district, or the eco of haven. It seemed to overlap with a strange energy of it's own.

You see it again, just for in instant on your way back along with in insignificant tremor, it appears to be MUCH farther away, seemingly miles, then it vanishes, so quickly you could literally blink and miss it.

2009-08-09, 11:57 AM

Joes danger sensors flash red as the massive creature manifests itself... and then drop back down to yellow when it vanishes.

"My word... what was that thing?"

He senses that same tremor and odd dangerous energy coming from farther away, his sensors aren't registering anything close enough to deal with but its still close and powerful enough to bother him.

The general utility robot begins searching the immediate area for signs of more Heartless but then spots the guards. He extinguishes his flamer and slides the safety guard over his sawblade as he moves toward the officers, his robotic hand giving a friendly wave.

"Pardon me officers, but can you tell me what these nasty things are?"

2009-08-09, 07:38 PM
The guards, also busy staring upwards at the mammoth monster in the sky, look at you, unsure of what to say. Finally one steps forward, long ears stretching out into space signaling him as a haven resident.

"Those were heartless, and a lot of 'em too. I've been on the watch since it wa formed and I NEVER seen that many attack so far inside the city at once." He says, looking upwards to the sky again nervous of what could be happening "Say, you got some fancy fightin there, we could use someone like you on the watch, how 'bout it?"

2009-08-09, 08:47 PM

"Well I... I would be honored, Sir. I am a standard RobCo General Utility Mr. Handy robobutler... programed more for cooking and cleaning than warfare. But what is a man if he cannot rise up to defend his fellow man from malevolent forces and invaders?"

He orients himself again, giving a military salute to the guard with his sawblade 'hand'.

"Where do I sign up?"

2009-08-09, 11:10 PM
"We're based in new haven, freedom League headquarters, can't miss it." He says, pointing towards the Haven district, namely towards a tall tower."I have a feeling we're gonna need all the help we can get"

2009-08-09, 11:44 PM

Joe nods at this "Thank you, Officer. I'll just need to get some things in order."

The robot does another salute before he slowly makes his way back toward the diner, scanning for enemies along the way. Once there, he informs the bartender that as much as he would enjoy the quiet life of a cook, he would be better serving the inhabitant of this good city by protecting them from the attacking Heartless.

2009-08-10, 12:41 AM
The Bartender nods and sees you off without a word, looking over whatever damage there is to his bar.

2009-08-10, 02:07 AM

Trinex, being drugg off by the emo man, gurgles softly in his drunken stupor.
In his intoxicated and unconscious state the gruff, smelly, homeless-esque man with the strange implement on his wrist continues to mumble to himself in his sleep, another gurgle before a jet of vomit escapes, and litters the city below.

2009-08-10, 02:57 AM
Ulqiorra Ciger scoffs at this display of biological vulgarity, the bile like fluids spewing forth from that yellow teethed mouth. Why, why, did he have to be the one he grabed? Ulqiorra thought as he sonido'd again, making sure to cover the greatest distance possible as the sun, all of a sudden blacked out, the eternal crecent moon of Hueco Mundo, grasping the pair like a set of hungry shadows, before they emerged into the desert, the dome of Las Noches looming into view.

2009-08-10, 03:27 AM
You walk to the gates, calmly and methodically as always, finding Stark at the gate, asleep as always. If not for the drunken hobo with the futuristic weapon strapped to him this would be in no way unoriginal.

2009-08-10, 03:49 AM
Ulqiorra scoffs at this, Starrk, despite being the Primera, and most powerful Espada next to Yammy in his release, one would figure the aspect of loneliness would carry more bearing about himself then the mussed, and lazy figure before him. If he didn't have so much raw power at his disposal, Ulqiorra wondered if he would even be breathing right now.

Ulqiorra sonido's again, heading inexorably to Szayel Aporro's lab, the Octava Espada ought to know how to preform a proper autopsy, and biopsy.

2009-08-10, 04:11 AM
As you sonido into the lab you note that he appears to be dissecting someone already, a drow, you note a strange red aura around it.

"Interesting" He says, not bothering to look up.

2009-08-10, 03:16 PM

Joe nods to the bartender and makes his way to the Freedom League headquarters in New Haven City. Eying the destruction caused by the Heartless attack, he has to actively surpress his urge to start cleaning the debris.

He makes his way to the large building and heads for the front entrance. He greets the guard at the front entrance.

"Hello officer, I am here to sign up to join the Krimson Guard... or otherwise help to protect the good citizens of this city from Heartless invaders."

2009-08-10, 07:47 PM
The guard stands completley nonplussed by the apperance of this odd hovering mechanoid, clearly this city must have stranger things willing to fight darkness. He examines you for a bit, checking for any bombs, explosives, or anything else destructive. After deciding that you're apparently safe enough, he opens the door to a large elevator, assuming you get on it appears to be a long journey upwards, until you get to a large room that looks like it was designed for warfare, several members of the watch crowded over what appears to be a holographic map of the city in the center of it.

One of them, notices you and eyes you suspiciously "Hey, who let the robot in?"

2009-08-11, 12:00 AM

Joe stands up as straight as he can (considering his design) and gives the officer a salute.

"I asked to be let in, Sir. Joseph Handy, at your service. I'm here to sign up to join your fine organization and help protect this city and its citizens from Heartless invaders."

He swivels his head around to let the Officer see an inscription on the back of his head chassis.

"RobCo Mr. Handy General Construction and Maintenance Robot. I'm built with a wide variety of functions, from cooking, cleaning, repair, construction, and of course defending against and exterminating invasive dangerous pests... with a flamethrower... and rotary saw." he adds those last two almost under his breath, momentarily reflecting on the fact that he was better equipped to deal with rampaging timber wolves than with house mice... he could kill mice no doubt about it but it could be tough on the furnishings.

Unless I just put down mousetraps... yeah, that's what I would do. Joe nods inside, relieved that his manufacturers hadn't built him with some potentially dangerous design flaw.

2009-08-11, 03:34 PM
Ulqiorra sets the man down on the table, a tone of apathy in his voice as he reached a hand up to his face, the immaculate hands digging into his eye socket, and pulling the oval organ out of his face. A look of surprise would no doubt be on Trinex's face as he crushed it in his hand, powder like filaments flowing from within his hand, before replaying the scene, again, and again for the Octava Espada to use as a refference during his biopsy.

"This is a person who has had direct contact with the heartless. As ordered by Aizen sama I am to deliever subjects who have been as such to you for study on their ambient effects, and the long term advantages, or disadvantages of being hit by them. Most importantly you are to discover if these attacks can harm Arrancar."

He then leaves Trinex with the Octava, to finish his autopsy of the drow, and to go to work on Trinex, provided he doesn't wake up and cooperate.

2009-08-11, 05:22 PM

The various figures at the table look at you, it's quiet for a few moments until one of them says .

"Alright, you're in, go see Vin downstairs."

2009-08-11, 06:02 PM

Joe nods politely to the others and goes downstairs to see Vin.

2009-08-11, 07:21 PM
Ulqiorra sets the man down on the table, a tone of apathy in his voice as he reached a hand up to his face, the immaculate hands digging into his eye socket, and pulling the oval organ out of his face. A look of surprise would no doubt be on Trinex's face as he crushed it in his hand, powder like filaments flowing from within his hand, before replaying the scene, again, and again for the Octava Espada to use as a refference during his biopsy.

"This is a person who has had direct contact with the heartless. As ordered by Aizen sama I am to deliever subjects who have been as such to you for study on their ambient effects, and the long term advantages, or disadvantages of being hit by them. Most importantly you are to discover if these attacks can harm Arrancar."

He then leaves Trinex with the Octava, to finish his autopsy of the drow, and to go to work on Trinex, provided he doesn't wake up and cooperate.


Trinex, still unconscious from the over exertion and large doses of alchohol, only gurgles as he is set down. It's not until the light prick from the doctors scalpel touches his stomach ( or head, or w/e) that he reacts. Trinex's eyes shoot up quicker then lighting, and even quicker then that his good hand is gripped around the doctors wrist, threatning to snap the bones in his hand. After he looks about his surrondings, trinex lets go, pushing himself off the table, and entirely ready if the doctor tries anything funny. Uugghh, My head. Trinex rubs his head, recovering from a slight hangover. That was some night, had some weird ass halucinations, I need to cut back on the swill.

2009-08-11, 07:32 PM

The doctor, completley nonplussed, uses his free hand to grab you by the skull and slam your head onto the table, you see a katana at his side, ready for quick use.

You see to the side the body he'd just finished on, unrecognisable and warped in unnatural ways, covered in blood and resting in a pool of it's own bile.


As you ride the elevator down to the room you see it to be filled with strange holographic computers. When suddenly a large holographic head appears in front of you, pointy ears the size of broadswords and a ratlike face, covered in a pair of goggles. This is however, all transparent and blue, he says in a shrill high pitched voice "Whaddya want?"

2009-08-11, 08:23 PM

"I wish to join the guard, or otherwise assist in exterminating those wretched Heartless creatures. The officers upstairs instructed me to speak to Vin."

2009-08-11, 08:47 PM

Trinex's head hits the table with a unsatisfying bang. His migrane was made no better by this, which pissed him off. Trinex may be a bum, and a horribly uncouth drunk, but he isen't dumb. Seeing the man holding his down with a single hand, and his other hand trailing to the katana, trinex acts fast. With 2 quick swishes of his gun, and a clench of his fist or two, the portal gun fires, shooting once to the farthest wall trinex can see ( mind you it passes through glass) and another on the operating table. This causes trinex to fall through the portal in the table, free from the pink haired freak, and topple out of the farthest wallside. Stumbling to his feet, trinex looks at the guy, closing off his two current portals. That hurt you bastard. Trinex present a singular suggestive digit to the "doctor"

2009-08-11, 08:57 PM

The pink haired man turns to look at you and dissapears with an audible BANG. You feel a hand grab you from behind and throw you all the way across the room and back on the table. "I am going to enjoy this" He says, a wicked glint in his eye, drawing his sword and throwing back the scalpel, walking very slowly back to the table, grinning wildly.

2009-08-11, 09:12 PM

Right as his back hits the table, he curls his legs, using the momentum from the throw to keep his actions going, trinex pushes off the table into a backflip. Midair he spots the window at the farside of the room, looking outside, he takes quick aim, using his apature science crafted portal gun to create a portal outside. In the end of the flip, right before his feet touch the ground, he shoots another portal at his feet, this one yellow. Falling through he is warped outside the building, and instinctivly uses the gun to advance through the city, until he feels safe. ( He will close the other portals of course)

2009-08-11, 09:19 PM
The monster of a man follows a bit at first, keeping appearing a few short milliseconds too late to end you, however after a few minutes he seems to lose intrest and return.

You stand near the square of kamina district, the statue of kamina himself nearby, you can see it with ease from your rooftop view.


2009-08-12, 05:59 PM

"Shouldn't be a problem, just stick your hand on that there panel." the floating head says, still suspended in midair, a robotic arm whirrs towards you, a flat blue panel crackling with azure lighting as a symbol forms on it's surface. Several machines beep around you, the symbol slowly turns white, it appears to be some kind of badge.

As you press your hand to it the lightning arcs through you, in your minds eye you see all the various rules and codes of conduct flash in front of you, things about justice and protecting the innocent, the various forms of combat.

Last of all more information seems to flash into you, basic things about the enemy, the heartless types, hollows, gaichuu, metal heads, some minor information on Lurkers, and the ethereal demons(stat wise if the information is something you'd know from this I'll PM you the info).

With a flash the lightning turns green, and the scratches on your back heal, closing slowly and surely, it doesn't stop at simply healing you however, you feel a mark, a sort of badge marked there, somehow "painted" on to you.

"Aaand that should be everything, data uploaded, badge imprinted and systems scanned. You're good to go" Vin says, clearly pleased with his work. "Now ya just need to go BACK upstairs and see Torn"


An earthquake shakes the ground once more, you all hear a loud BANG, from below you, however you can see nothing as to what's caused it.

2009-08-12, 06:25 PM

Trinex, still a bit off from his hangover, trips forward when the earthshakes. As the earthquake clears, trinex stands up, brushes himself off, and looks at his surrondings. *hic* I need to go find a bar....and a urinal Trinex heads off to the nearest bar.

2009-08-12, 06:31 PM
Trinex wanders off, occasionally falling as another earthquake rips apart the streets(though he certainly isn't alone there). Several people seem to be running either home or to some shelter or other. A zooming noise can be heard as a pair or crimson mecha fly overhead, no doubt on their way to fight some enemy or assist in a collapsed building.

After about a half hour of the confusion you come to a nearly empty bar, like many of the districts buildings a huge face covers it, eyes open with empty sockets serving as windows, the mouth open as if to scream to serve as a door. The bartender appears to be nonplussed by the chaos and confusion outside, and serves a man in a simple cloak, what appears to be a drill staff at his side, some small animal on his shoulder, drinking from a shot glass that, to it, appears to function as a large mug.

2009-08-12, 07:45 PM

Joe whirs as he absorbs all the data. "Thank you, Sir. I'll get to that."

The hovering robot turns around and starts zooming toward the stairs to see Torn. However, the sudden earthquake makes him stop for a moment to double-check the area for falling hazards before continuing to the command center. He recognizes Torn from his newly acquired data and heads over for his orders.

"Sir, Joseph Handy reporting for duty." He sautes and swivels his head to let Torn see his badge. "Tactical data uploaded and badge installed. Requesting orders, Sir!"

2009-08-13, 12:40 AM
A red haired creature, one of the long eared beings claiming to be human, rises from his position. "Alright then"He says "We've found out that the earthquakes seem to be strongest in a certain area, right here in kamina district" The man says, pointing to a section near the borders.

"From what we can tell whatever's slamming worlds together's dragging something else here, something BIG. We need someone to go and check out exactly what's going on, and you look like you could handle it fairly well. From what we've picked up it's directly under Zorthy street, I want you to head there, stake the place out, and come back once you've found something."

2009-08-13, 01:05 AM
Ulqiorra Cifer wanders through Hueco Mundo, looking for Aizen Sama, to report the sighting of the creature, and to show him his Enhanced Pesquira Broadcast, from there they could determine IF it was a threat, and if it was worth breaking planning for.

2009-08-13, 01:37 AM
You find Aizen walking through the halls as well. When he catches sight of you he uses shunpo, appearing just a few feet from your face.

"Just the Espada I wanted" He says "I've just picked something up from a bug at the watchtower. I want you to go to Zorthy street and bring back information on everything you see there, NOW. No time for anything, yes that includes the creature."

2009-08-13, 01:43 AM
"Of course. Aizen sama. I will do my best to identify the issues on... Zorothy street. I will be back shortly my liege."

He then shunpo's away, duitifully going on his mission with a look of apathy on his face as he moved through dark alleyways, above rooftops, and various other things that matter so little to him. There truly was no point in anything, anymore, but he had his duty. The only thing that mattered.

2009-08-13, 03:46 AM
To everyone: Another tremor shakes the city, another series of BANG's coming from underground.


The bartender, an aging man with a large red nose and larger gray mustache, male pattern baldness, and wrinkles abounding on his face sighs before looking up to the drill bearing man.

"Looks like it's about that time" He says quietly, bracing against a counter.

"Just about" The other man says, setting down the amber bottle, the creature, wearing what appears to be humongous round glasses, finishes guzzling the clear liquid, the glass toppling over and rolling until his human companion stops it with two fingers "I'd best be off then, wouldn't want to miss the event"

Without another word he gets up and leaves the bar, using the spearlike implement as if it were a walking stick.


You arrive at the place you were told to be, observing from a low rooftop. You see a man with a drill cane walking. However you can see he is no mere aging man, waves of green energy rolling off him, swirling around like spiral tendrils. He stops in the middle of the road, unfearful of traffic stopped by the earthquakes.

2009-08-13, 01:16 PM

Joe scans the spot on the map and commits it to memory.

"Right away, Sir. I shall scout out the area and return with the recon data post haste."

He turns around and makes his way out of the building, heading towards the center of the disturbances. His three eyes rotate to the sides to give him a 360 degree view of his surroundings to help him detect anyone else in the area as he moves along the quickest path to the epicenter of the quakes.

2009-08-13, 04:50 PM
Joe notes very few people as he turns, mostly running for cover or somesuch until he comes to the location. Directly on top the spot is a man holding what appears to be a drill staff.

Uliquarra and Joe

You both note that the drill head begins to turn, glowing faintly with a green light, however after a few short seconds it slows down, the green light glowing dimmer.

2009-08-13, 08:00 PM

Trinex walks into the bar, only to see a strange man, wielding a drill tipped spear, leave. Trinex does the usual go around in a bar setting, sits down, exhsumes offensive fumes, then drinks himself into a coma. Not more then 3 minutes after the drill-man had left a slightly buzzed, beer bottle wielding trinex tumbles out into the daylight ( Day/night?). Trinex sings louly and drunkenly about some women named Ida and aplce named Pittsburg.

2009-08-13, 08:16 PM
Ulquirra takes note of the green light, this was a familiar power, one that was common in the district of Eclipse City designated Kamina City, a odd name for a city, designated after the founder's brother, although all record of the founder, including pictures had been rather.. elusive... as of yet.

He moved forward, a lazy gait in his walk, he took each step measuredly, and carefully, moving towards the man with a look of apathy on his face.

2009-08-13, 08:36 PM
Trinex stumbles out into the eclipse towns twilight, red evening sky as the sun sets. You see eclipse towns many moons, the moons of many worlds, just over a dozen not counting the moon sized battleship in orbit. You look forward, seeing a man in white approach the form in the middle of the near empty road. You turn back for a moment, the bar seems to be empty, the old man gone without a sound or indeed any trace whatsoever.

Uliquarra walks towards the man, who seems to have his attention occupied by the turning drill, which seems to be slowing it's turn, spinning less and less with every passing second.

2009-08-14, 02:04 AM

Joe sees the man with the drill standing over the spot that Torn identified as the location where something big was going to happen. After scanning the green glow and identifying it as Spiral Energy. Its therefore likely that he is human and therefore not a Heartless of some kind... and therefore is probably an ally!

Joe approaches the man as he is drilling.

"Good evening, Sir. Might I inquire as to why you are drilling a hole in the street at this spot?"

Joe's eyestalks examine the drill staff and the hole its making. Torn said that the thing they were investigating was below ground level so its most likely that this fellow was investigating it as well... and him digging a hole would be handy since it would allow Joe to check the area as well.

But then again, when its your mission to collect data its generally a good idea to feign ignorance to avoid compromising the information gathering process.

2009-08-15, 05:19 PM
He seems to ignore all of you, or else not notice alltogether, concentrating on his drill. With barely a word or gesture the spiral power around him begins to focus into the drill, spirals out into a green swirl, covering the entire street from one side to the other. The pavement cracks and several objects begin to vibrate for a moment, then the pavement cracks.

Before you can react a conical hole is torn out of the street, wide on top with a small hole. You find yourself standing on air for a moment before falling, the figure directly over the hole. A strange breeze forces you in, becoming a gale that sends you down the holes smooth surface in less than a fraction of a second.

You all seem to have fallen down into some underground cavern, you watch the hole in the roof close as what appears to be a massive conical drill closes in, filling the hole and leaving it's tip in the roof, trapping you inside.

The cavern itself is small, about 20x20 feet and eleven feet high, a few small metal boxes lining the side and a large "door" of sorts, only the entrance to a 10x10x10 tunnel.

The earthquakes are at a low constant here, a small rumble every three seconds, like a massive heartbeat. The only light is a yellow glow coming from outside and the green glow coming from the mans drill. He sets off down the tunnel without a word or moments hesitation, a quick walk full of purpose and determination.

2009-08-15, 11:14 PM

Joe takes a quick look around the room and then hurries to follow after the mysterious man.

2009-08-17, 11:18 PM
Ulqiorra scoffs at all this, desecending the fall softly, using a Cloud of Reishi, or spirit particles, to cushion his fall. The man had been a greater concentration of spiral power then observed, and Ulqiorra would have to observe further. Cutting through a mass of rock with his fist that happened to be in his way, he moves forward.

2009-08-18, 03:29 AM
The tunnel doesn't seems wide, you're all able to move without much obstruction. The man who seems to have trapped you here on the other hand still seems to be oblivious to you, continuing forward until the tunnel comes to a fork.

The left path is covered by a red glow, the color of blood covers everything, you see the hallway here gives way to some kind of massive room, clearly holding the source of the crimson light.

The right path on the other hand appears dead. No noise, no auras, nothing visible alive, no light at all, just sheer darkness, the stone tunnel gives nothing short of a blank dead feeling.

The man halts for a moment, weighing his options at the turn, small mammalian creature on his shoulder looking from side to side, making soft noises as if making the same decision.

And as always, the ground pounds softly, no fierce tremors but a weak shaking at a firm rhythm.

2009-08-18, 05:55 PM

Trinex, still recovering from a mix of falling on his head, alchohol over dose, and lack of sleep, looks grogally down the red tunnel. "Hmm, maybe it's a redlight district... might have a bar." Trinex waves off any thoughts he has, his urban survival insticts kicking in. Pointing his gun hand at both the tunnels in succession, chanting "Eeeny, Meeny, Minny, Moe." And like that trinex fires off a blue portal at the end of the dark tunnel, then opening another at the wall nearest to him, and peering through.

( am I see nothing?)

2009-08-18, 06:12 PM
Trinex peers through the portal, in the other end he sees still more darkness. However from here he can see a bend in the tunnel, and in the distance some red lights in the darkness. Three small pairs, like red eyes. As well as a few larger red lights, closer to the ground and solitary. All of them move, clearly alive. You can hear conversation piercing the darkness, none of it bodes well for you.

"What was that?"

"Dunno, sounds like it came from over there?"

"Hey where'd that red portal come from?"

"Maybe it's the boss's? Summoning more demons?"

"We'd have detected her if she was, we should check it out."

At this point you realize the red light in the backround is visible from your portal, and a pair of red eyed creatures, still too dark to see clearly, advancing on you. You can however hear the metallic *shwing* of sword drawn from a metal sheath.

2009-08-18, 06:19 PM

Noticing the lights advancing on him, trinex lets out a loud cat call *whistle*. Then he moves away from his portal, closing both with the clench of his pinky.

Turning to his "companions", Right, red path it is.

2009-08-18, 06:24 PM
The portal closes, the voices and red pinpricks disappear. The man looks at you, apparently noticing you for the first time.

"When did you get in here?" He says, turning toward you, the glow gone from him.

2009-08-18, 06:27 PM

Trinex chuckles, thinking to himself for a moment. ""Bout the time you decided to explode the earth"

2009-08-18, 06:32 PM
"Exploded? Oh, that. Didn't think anyone got caught in that, must be getting rusty. So how exactly did you get caught?" He asks, turning, also having noticed everyone else in the tunnel.

2009-08-18, 06:35 PM

Oh, you know me, right place, wrong time. Caught you guys mid stumble as I was relaxing at a nearby bar, after some less then favorable events involving a psycho doctor and some shadow creatures. Trinex begins walking down the red tunnel, tossing the empty beer bottle he still had in his hand.

2009-08-19, 07:06 PM

Joe scans the area and sees the people around him, recording every moment.

"I am here to investigate the earthquakes that have appeared lately. Originating from what appears to be this very spot... or at least quite close to it."

The robot looks at all of them in turn.

2009-08-19, 07:18 PM
"So, do you have any idea as to what IS causing all of the earthquakes?"The cloaked man says, in the light you notice one of his pupils has been replaced by a ragged red spiral.

2009-08-20, 01:34 PM

"No conclusive data at this time. Though the unusual geological formations and the coloration of the stone has been noted... there is a great deal of seismic activity in this area... this regular beating sound."

"One theory I have devised is that subterranean plates are moving in this area at an increased speed (possibly due to having multiple worlds merged together) resulting in in the conveniently regular 'beating' noise. In the rare occasion that this movement is interrupted for any lengthy amount of time then the built up pressure is released suddenly... resulting in an earthquake."

"Data for this theory is currently sketchy at best. It would require extended study of the area's seismic activity and some scans of the subterranean plates to prove or disprove conclusively."

Joe looks at the man. "Do you have any theories or information regarding the quakes?"

2009-08-20, 02:57 PM
The man scratches his head before answering

"From what I've been able to gather some drow've been down here messing around, I have no clue what they're doing but I know for a fact they're doing something, and given the circumstances it could be anything. All I know for sure is they've been digging this way, and down."

Trinex wanders down the tunnel, it has a single turn before stopping. You see a massive hole, so far down you can't see the bottom clearly. However there is a staircase spiralling around the edge of the hole, as well as a pillar of light in the centre. The staircase is ten feet wide, if rough, so you have no worries of tripping.

There is also a pillar of red light in the centere of the room/hole, it looks like it's source is coming from the bottom, though you have no idea where it could be coming from.

2009-08-22, 01:15 AM

Oh, you know me, right place, wrong time. Caught you guys mid stumble as I was relaxing at a nearby bar, after some less then favorable events involving a psycho doctor and some shadow creatures. Trinex begins walking down the red tunnel, tossing the empty beer bottle he still had in his hand.

He sees Ulqiorra Cifer there, standing, and staring at Trinex ominously, before giving a shurg, and continuing down the path with the group throwing pebble's through walls creating holes in them, simply out of sheer boredom.

2009-08-24, 12:23 PM
You continue down the red hallway, down the staircase around the pillar of red light, it goes down, down, down, how far you don't know. How long you can't say, hours, minutes, days? Rather than grow warmer as you go below, it grows colder. The man continues down, undisturbed by the drop in temperature.

The shaking seem to have stopped partway down.

Along the staircase you find the occasional room, connected by an open portal. Most appear to be empty or sparsely furnished by stone and metal chairs, and the occasional box.

2009-08-24, 02:25 PM

As the winding stairwell drags on, and on, and on, trinex grows increasingly sober, and increasingly agitated. The occasional grumble and swear can be heard, the man seem's to give the "emo" bad stairs from time to time.

Comming to one of the more furnished rooms trinex finds a large coil of rope, an idea barely manifesting in his sober state. Trinex lifts the furnishings, tying the rope, and make makeshift pullies, to make a sort of reverse net trap. When someone hits the loose knot in the middle, the hoisted net full of furnishings will release, causing the furnishings to fall onto the victem. Trinex puts an X on the ground, for later reference, and sets up a single, yellow portal on top of it, the portal translucent, leading nowhere, and only manifesting as a blurry image over the floor.

Trinex continues with the rest of the group after his little trap is set, hoping the others dident notice his breif abscence.

2009-08-24, 02:42 PM
You set the trap, the man walking down the stairs without stopping, the red light seems to be getting brighter as the "room" grows colder.

2009-08-26, 05:06 AM
*pokes*(where's everyone gone?)

2009-08-26, 07:43 AM
(vamp's died, seriously though, his shedule seems unreliable so I would say skip him for a bit, and I think randel is waiting on a more.... "fuller" update.)

2009-08-27, 01:57 AM

"The drow? That would require looking into." The robot hovers after the others, following them down the stairway and recording everything he sees. He notices the change in temperature but the cold only serves to improve his processors efficiency.

He keeps an eye out for traps... the other two are out for clues or opponents.

2009-08-28, 10:35 PM
You continue down the spiraling staircase, woven around a pillar of red light, till you reach the bottom, the pillar seems to emanate from a device, by the base of the staircase. It appears to be an octagonal slab, with several red gems, deep and dark, with vermillion lines running between them in a spiral pattern. The light seems to shine from the gems upward, the dust around it seems to be eternally unsettled, a thin grey-brown cloud.

The only way to keep going is through a large hallway, from the sizes it looks like something BIG was made to come through here. After less than thirty seconds walk you come to a large room, you could fir a small house in here without scraping the sides.

"The drow, They're up to something but I don't know wha-"He says, cut off by what is, if not the answer, a damn close clue.

You see several Metal cages in this room, ranging from the size of a truck to as tall as a fire hydrant, containing various creatures, none of them safe to be near when free. Insectile Gaichuu, easily the size of a large vehicle. Metal heads, gems glowing an odd red as opposed to the normal red .Hollows thrashing in the cramped confines of their cages. Rat demons, bony skinless hands grasping through the bars, and heartless, they appear to be similar to the large shadow previously seen leading the pack, large and warped, bestial looking.


Rat demon


(Sorry folks, it looks like there are zero gaichuu pics on the internet)


Metal head

2009-08-29, 05:12 PM

"My word..." Joe looks at the wide variety of caged creatures, he records everything for when he returns to the Freedom League base and cross-references the creatures with the information from his tactical database.

The robot rotates his lower section around, bringing his flamer to the front in case it looks like any of the caged beasts might get violent on the group.

2009-08-29, 06:35 PM
Ulqiorra sighs, apparently the Octava had a influence on the Drow around here after all. Not that he cared for these pathetic, worthless creatures with no future, no thoughts, no mind.

He moved forward, aiming a hand at the Metal Head. A green pin point of energy building there, as he focused his Cero. The energy building into something akin to the size of a baseball, except glowing, and green.

"So. Would any of you act adversely if I tested this one's resiliance?"

2009-08-29, 10:14 PM
Trinex (newlaptop!!!)

Eh, Whatever. They;re just mindless monsters.
The unfortunately soberman sets off to the cage with the heartless, with a short gurgling sound, and the disgusting noice of phlem being gathered, the grude, unbathed, Orange jumpsuit wearing human lets loose a wad of foul bodily liquids onto the heartless. Lets just find a way out of this pit.

2009-08-29, 10:38 PM
Trinex hacks phlegm at the cage, the heartless take thephlegm, before one reaches out a claw and swipes at you, nicking your arm.

Barely a few seconds later you hear a sound coming from the far tunnel, followed by a humanoid shape.

"Alright you creepy bunch of freaks, dinnertime." The figure is encased in red armor and a mask, blade at his side, and what appears to be a bucket of small, red crystals.



2009-08-29, 10:45 PM

Trinex takes quick aim, the sober state impairing his focus. And with the strain of a muscle in his pointer finger, a blue shimmering rift opens below the samurai too quick for him to react, and acts like a temporary pitfall, as the man falls INTO the trapped room, feet first. Trinex closes the portals, leaving the trapped man to take the punishment of the furnishing trap. "Right, that should have been more difficult"

2009-08-29, 11:14 PM
The Elf falls into the portal, too confused to call out before the portals close.

The man gives out a low whistle, clearly impressed.

2009-08-30, 01:55 AM

Joe looks onward as the samurai suddenly appears and then disappears apparently due to the portal gun that the drunkard in the orange jumpsuit has. The hovering robot briefly wishes he could congratulate his designers on making him largely immune to floor-based traps or obstacles.

And to think that RobCo had built the Mark II Mr. Handy robot to hover simply to avoid complaints about robotic feet scuffing up kitchen floors.

2009-08-30, 02:19 PM
The green light dims, a base ball turning into a ping pong ball, then a small blotch, then a miniscule dot, and finally a infinitesmial speck.

"How anti climatic. Effective indeed though."

2009-08-30, 11:58 PM
"So, Teliportation?" the man asks trinex, eying the portal gun

2009-08-31, 12:03 AM

Yeah, comes in handy escaping exploding laboratories

Trinex flexes a couple of fingers, and opens a new yellow portal under one cage.

Alright lets move on

2009-08-31, 05:03 PM
You continue down the path, til you come to a dead end of sorts. About a hundred feet ahead of you the tunnel widens, also a hundred feet, making a cavern of sorts. After this it drops off, the tunnel literally leads off into a ledge.

However the contents of the tunnel are much worse than a simple dead end. A female figure, nearly seven feet tall, stands, arms outstretched. Directly in front of her is a portal, a crimson circle suspended in mid air. She wears crimson robes, hair dyed the same shade. strapped to her belt is a strange blade, it appears to have strange protrusions near the tip, pins perhaps, or teeth, and an iron chain running from the end of the handle down nearly a foot to her thigh, ending in a ruby red gem.

Around her stand no less than six drow. Two of them the samurai esque warriors in beaten and weathered armor, also crimson and masked(You're sensing a definite theme here).

Two more are large, the size of full grown Grizzly Bears if not larger, holding oversized axes and clubs. Wearing, you guessed it, red clothing, and red painted gauntlets and a metal mask.

Another is dressed in simple leather armor, a plain cloak draped around his shoulders and several knives holstered, yet again a mask surrounds his face and his hair is dyed, surprise, crimson(they must buy red dye in bulk or something).

The final one takes the red mask theme and runs with it, his blood colored armor resembles a face, axe and sword in hand, a red helmet, complete with yet another red metal mask, adorns his face, white hair spilling out from the back end of it.

Beyond the edge of the tunnel lies a frightening sight. It gives way to an immense cavern, Stretching out literally more than a mile in the distance and equally wide.

Filling the cavern is a MONSTER of a heartless, a sea of inky night black, dotted with pinpricks of yellow to signify eyes. Towering arms reach out to the roof above, clawing at it. In the center of this hellish sea of nightmarish eyes and mammoth arms is a single mouth, opening and closing again and again.

A pair of arms rise from the black abyss, each the size of an apartment building and grasp at the roof, as they impact you hear an audible BOOM, and the earth shakes. It's clear that this creatures clawing is responsible for the earthquakes.






2009-09-01, 12:15 AM

Trinexwalks into the room, a sort of poise in his steps. With a flick of his wrist, and the strain of his finger on a trigger, he activates the portal gun. Dropping a caged heartless onto one of the two berserkers. Who the hell does a guy have to drop a monster on around here to get a stiff drink!! The gruff ex-con seems odly on edge.

2009-09-01, 12:26 AM
You smash the berzerker, which drops its weapons as the immense cage crushes most of it's body, however it seems to get up, an arm it cannot wiggle free tears off, it's red eyes glow intensley, it howls in beastial rage, dropping it's other weapon and dashing towards you on all fours, or threes as the case may be as the others turn, the portal closing as the drow female looses her keylike sword.

"Interlopers!, By the demons we'll not stand this, ATTACK!"

The drill bearing man raises an arm, loosing an immense blast of green light at the keybearer, which rebounds it off a red shield.

The other berserker rushes to uliquarra alongside a mercenary, as his partner draws his blade and charges joe.

The leather bearing man and the most heavily armored soldier appear to be helping defend the female from the energy blasts, rebounding them off illusory red shields.

The titanic heartless continues, another arm swings upwards to the high roof, crashing in and causing the cavern to rock slightly. Another one rises, ready to claw at the surface with the others.

2009-09-01, 07:32 PM

"Do we have to fight? Can't we just cool down and discuss this like civilized people?"

As the berzerker charges towards him, Joe turns on his flamer and lets loose a stream of burning fuel onto his assailant. He sidesteps to keep out of his opponents way, letting the flames both burn and blind his enemy while he keeps out of striking distance. That braided ponytail on the back of the berzerkers head probably won't last long.

2009-09-01, 09:30 PM
The hair burns, and the body burns, and the eyes and mouth burn away, the mask melts into the face itself, clothing catches fire as it tumbles into a nearby wall. However it still somehow seems fight capable, getting up without so much as a grunt of pain before leaping at you with its red hot gauntlets, screaming in rage, resembling nothing more than a flaming iron clawed grizzly bear.

2009-09-02, 10:56 PM

"I could use some assistance with this one!" Joe says as he reverse-thrusts to get out of reach of the berzerker while still pouring on the fire.

He can feel his outer chasis taking a few dents in it, he was built for housework not for combat!

2009-09-02, 10:59 PM

The man readies another blast from his apature science portal gun. However, as he strains his index finger, the gun gives off a minor risidual shock, before short circuiting. Come! On! You! Damn! Thing!
Trinex blurts out every few seconds, hitting th gaunlent/gun with his usable fist. As the steriod man throws himself at trinex, thinking fast, trinex flips backwards, using his hand as support midflip to kick out at the man. Trinex continues his oddly disciplined style of combat, every few seconds hitting the gun, trying to get it functioning.

2009-09-03, 12:18 AM
Trinex bats away at the monster, which howls, clearly having loss all it's senses, pain, regret, thought. It moves in a lurching, sporadic manner, as it's crushed body flails at you, nicking you here and their with the tips of it's claws, but too chaotic and broken to do much, however it seems to be near unaffected by your blows

Joe backs away as the berserker continues burning, his new face melts and his claws begin to bend downward. Skin melts off to reveal muscles writhing and warping and pulsing unnaturally, heavy with demonic taint. The last scraps of clothing and hair burn off, teeth still visible crack and break. Naked of clothing and skin it continues its march, bony spikes begin to jut out of the bared flesh forearms, complimenting the guantlets, teeth warp back, to fangs. It lumbers forward, ignoring the fact that it should be dead or writhing in sheer agony.

The man and three elite looking elves seem to be fending off the man, raising shields to block his blasts of green while sending off red beams of their own, which rebound off an invisible wall and dissipate in a spiralling pattern.

"I'm a bit tied up at the moment!"

2009-09-03, 01:41 AM

Seeing his allies in heated battle against their drow opponents and noticing how his own opponent seems to be a vicious little monster despite being well... burned alive. Joe decides that its more noble to give help than to receive.

"All right, you monsters. Time for you to see what American engineering can do!" Suddenly swivels around and fires off a torrent of flame at the three elves fighting the man with the drill. He douses them with a quick deluge of fire to distract them during the fight. He then heads for the berzerker fighting the man with the portal gun and douses that one in fire as well!

With as much maneuverability as he can muster, he tries to keep the 'intact' berzerker between himself and the skeletonized one. Hopefully, the skeletonized one will be too blinded with rage to tell friend from foe and will attack the other berzerker.

2009-09-03, 02:57 AM
Ulqiorra gives a slight *tck* at the monsterous Heartless, taking his hand down to his Zanpaktou, and drawing it in a long slow arc, the blade easily twice as long as any normal katana.

Then he's gone, and those of you with better eye sight THINK you see flashes of his form all around the heartless as he unleashes a whirlwind of slashes, and sonido. Slash. Step. Slash. Step. Blade sparking against steel hard hide, and glorious spots of blood fountaining in disturbingly artful arcs.

Weather this is Ulqiorra's or the Heartless's you do not know.

2009-09-03, 09:49 AM
Uliquarra slashes, however the mercinaries armor blocks most of the blows, and he barely seems to acknowledge the strikes aside from a few winces, he slashes his blade in several directions until one lucky strike catches you, drawing a gash across your chest before the slashes cause him to collapse to the floor with a gurgle, and rise back up.

Joes flames seem to be stopped by the same magic shield for the most part, hitting parts on the edge of the shield, burning at a boot on the scourge, an arm on the soul seeker. This doesn't seem like much but it distracts them just long enough for your cloaked ally to catch one of them off guard and *fwoom* send him flying backwards, off the cliff, a massive hand reaches out and grabs him. You note that instead of normal fingers the hand has smaller arms, "fingers" ending in another set of hands, which themselves send in smaller appendages...

The Berzerkers crash together, the wounded one slashes the burned one once, and it crashes to the floor, must've been on it's last legs.

2009-09-03, 09:43 PM

Joe resumes battle, this time targeting the second berzerker with his flamer to distract it from his allies. Though he dodges and weaves to avoid its blows and occasionally fires a burst of flame toward the other enemies to break their concentration.

2009-09-03, 11:57 PM
You burn at the Berserker, like the first it's skin begins to melt and the metal melts to it's face, and it lumbers toward you, clawing wildly.

The female in charge looks at the battle she's quickly losing and says

*blocks shot* "My allies are limitless and my power is unparalleled, face the power of the keyblade"

She makes a slashing motion with the blade, the gem at the end flashes, and you hear the sounds of swinging metal joints from the tunnel behind you.

2009-09-04, 03:06 PM

"Feel the power of my sawblade! And my flamethrower... and this little claw that I can occasionally use for things... like poking you in the eyes!"

Joe heads for her, letting loose a stream of fire at her as he gets close and prepares turn to let his sawblade attack her while his flamer keeps hitting the berzerker. He figures that getting into melee with two enemy combatants (both of whom will be on fire) is a perfectly sound strategy since its likely that they will be hitting eachother as often as they hit him.

Plus, how much damage can a big metal key do to a floating robotic sphere with arms? What's she going to do? Unlock the hatch to his atomic fuel tank? Haahahahaaahaa!

2009-09-04, 03:17 PM

Having evaded combat for a momenttrinex continues messing with his gun, until finally another enemy finds him. Evading, blocking, and landing the occasional blow, trinex shows true combat prowess. Unfortunately he is hardly winning, so he does the next best thing. Grabbing the assailants shoulders and doing a flip over the enemy, rears his portal arm back mid flip, and strikes it hard againt the man. Hell, it's broken, what's gonna hurt?
*Bweep* *Bzzzt* The strike does more then buy trinex a quick second, but also jump starts te previously malfunctioning portal gun. With quick aim and even quicker reflexes trinex opens a portal above the giant heartless, and another at his enemie's feet.

Letting out a triumphant "Hell Ya!!, that's for leaving me sober!" Trinex turns to the robot in combat with the key wielding psychotic chick. He aims one portal at the roof above the girl, and another at the nearest vertical surface. Oi! Tin can!! Aim your fire into the portal!

Randel The basic idea is, Portal A is on te roof, portal B is on a nearby wall, shoot your fire through portal B and I will make/unmake portal A to cause constant streams of fire for her to dodge. Sound plan?

2009-09-04, 05:31 PM
Ulqiorra turns to the keyblade wielding woman, a look of interest on his face, as he fired off a point blank cero at the mercenary he was fighting, as an attempt to break off.

From there he sonido's in between the keyblade wielding Drow, his zanpaktou drawn, and his full spiritual pressure, unreleased, was now filling the room like a ocean of tar. Seeking to cloy your lungs shut, and to choke the life from you with it's very presence.

As she swung Ulqiorra took note of the way she swung it, the arc, the intent on causing maximum connection with the key part of the blade. All things of a novice swordswoman, wielding a weapon she was unused to.

So pathetic these mortals, always struggling forward towards pointless goals, in the name of "emotion", and "heart", both meaningless concepts in the grand scheme of the universe.

Here is where he showed his superiorty. The strength of a thousand men, and the determination of a man with only purpose behind his push, his Zanpaktou sending sparks off of the red blade.

2009-09-04, 06:58 PM
The merc blasts apart, his armor the only thing holding him together it the remnants of his armor.

At the same time portals send flying the Dark abyss however the heartless abomination jams a massive arm through the round window in the air, barely fitting below the elbow. The limb appears in the near portal before Trinex can close it.

It thrashes around, the arms it uses for fingers grasping everywhere. You not in the palm of each "hand" lies an eye. It grasps at Trinex's leg with the index limb, smaller arms begin wrapping around him, each tip causing a smaller arm to grasp at him, giving it an impossibly strong grip.

Flames and blades clash as the two of you take on the remaining two drow, the flames rebounding off a shield covering their entire bodies. However the two combatants clash with uliquarra, his single blade defending keyblade, axe, and sword.

This is made worse by the fact that another roar is heard from behind, and before long a pair of neoshadow heartless bound out of the tunnel.

2009-09-04, 07:11 PM
"A multipurpose team. Tell me. Are the two of you close? "

He says pushing forward, his feet breaking the Earth beneath him as stone crumbled underneath the weight of his push, his eyes glowing with his sea green reaitsu.

As it glimmered in his eyes, the reaitsu flowed down like a calm river, winding it's way around his arm, through the cloth as if it didn't even exist, wrapping itself around the hilt like a coiled snake, and slithering up the blade the pushing seeming to get stronger, and stronger as he flicked his zanpaktou in a disarming manuever, however. This was no more then a feint, a sonido already stopping the blade before it can make contact as he brought it around in a spiral arc, the blade coming down behind the couple in a wide slash.

"If so. I pity those who are so pathetic they are reduced to relying on another."

2009-09-04, 07:25 PM

Trinex is thrown about like a fish out of water, thrashing madly to get free. He finally think with his head, for once, and closes the portal he opened, evering the heartless's hand arm.

Recovering from the short fall, trinex see's the keyblade girl, the last of he combatants. Letting out a triumphant "Hell Ya!!, that's for leaving me sober!" Trinex turns to the robot in combat with the key wielding psychotic chick. He aims one portal at the roof above the girl, and another at the nearest vertical surface. Oi! Tin can!! Aim your fire into the portal!

2009-09-04, 07:41 PM
The arm dissipates into a misty blackness when cut off, freeing Trinex from the grip of the monster, however you see the monster beyond the battle flail at the loss of an arm.

The cloaked man lances a heartless with a green bolt, just as a metal head lumbers in replacing it, and several more shapes in the backround.

The the blade meets a red bubble surrounding the female, which cracks heavily on contact. The barrier dissipates as she catches sight of the portal and steps toward the edge, slashing the air in front of you. This would look like a blunder if a great arm didn't seem to be charging meaningfully towards your section of the great cavern.

"I rely on no one!" She says "Take care of the others, I'll handle this one myself!"

The male, confident in her abilities charges towards Joe, screaming in rage and glowing bright crimson.

2009-09-04, 11:38 PM

"Tin can! Can't you recognise non-stick stainless steel when you see it?!" The robot backs away from the combatants when he notices that they are encased in a shield that protects them from his flames.

The robot then does a quick re-assessment of the situation, seeing the incoming Heartless and then hearing the portal-using mans order. He has a nano-second hesitation before his internal flipism (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flipism)-based paradox-evasion circuit kicks in and he decides to obey the human command.

He fires a stream of fire into the portal, as instructed. "I hope you realize that I'm only obeying you because my base programming is three laws compliant and I tend to revert when.... things get hard to process ... plus I'm curious what you have in mind that could be better than me just using my flamer myself and you using that portal thing to drop a flaming berzerker corpse on someone... and then drop two corpses on someone else."

He sits there, blowing a steady stream of fire into the portal while his eyes track the movements of the enemies moving around, his sawblade ready to attack anyone who gets to close to his now stationary position.

"My name is Joe by the way."

2009-09-05, 12:09 AM
The woman, having stepped out of the main path recently, is meerley singed, and the soul seeker, proving his dislike of being ignored smashes into you, his sword batting you against a wall as your sawblade rings out against his armor and leaves a gash in the chestpiece(due to armor color you are unable to tell if he's wounded or not), leaving a dent in you're chassis.

The man continues blasting away at the monsters, which come through at a steady pace.


Rat demon


Metal head






Metal head



The arm begins looming over the cavern, near enough to blot out the light from most of it's glowing yellow eyes, leaving only the major light in it's single visible palm.Casting an eerie bile colored light over the battlefield, shadows drawn over the crimson maw of Drow masks and hiding the hooded mans face completely.

2009-09-05, 12:20 AM
OoC- (so randel got knocked away? alright, screw the mobile flamthrower idea... im just gonna drop them all on the heartless)


Trinex gets about three uses out of his "mobile flamthrower" idea before it's shot to hell. Damnit, alright, im far too sober to be enjoying this now! Trinex reacts fast, first opening a portal under the flaming berzerkers corpse,then another in the roof, quickly followed by changing the first portal to allow trinex to fall through. Now falling from the roof the brash and reckless trinex rides on a flaming berzerker, ready to plummet into the "Queen bitch" Drow female.

2009-09-05, 01:16 AM
You set the heavy flaming corpse on her, sending the strange blade flying out of her hand, it flies through the air it's tip sinking into the stone as it lands, which seems ...strange, given it looks more or less blunt.

She lets out a cry of pain, which is joined by a cry of rage. The Soul seeker, formerly advancing on Joe, turns to you, eying the source of the now closed portals. He screams in rage, spikes the size of men jut out around him, and warp quickly, taking on a shape that seems vaguely humanoid, at best. Loping on all fours, bony spines jutting out from the spines, flesh peeled away from fingers, nails replaced with white claws, face torn and enlongated to a fanged snout. You note that it could have been sentient at one point, judging by the men you've killed just now, but no longer. In mere seconds he is surrounded by three monsters, the horrors that make elves wake screaming and men tell tall tales. They howl at you loping ackwardly, two at Uliquarra, one at Joe, while he himself leaps at Trinex, bounding wildly in his red armor.

And the heartless arm's fingers begin to probe the cavern, five tendrils that lead into smaller arms, leading to smaller limbs, to smaller still appendages, grabbing the woman and corpse, covering them in a wave of black, tiny yellow pinpricks weaving in and out of sight in the mound itself.

2009-09-05, 01:29 AM
...... nvm

2009-09-05, 02:36 AM

Taking a beating, Joe quickly rights himself and continues his work of clearing the place of monsters using the cleaning power of fire. He spews fire at the monsters coming at him... just enough to set it on fire and possibly blind it, before he targets the Soul Seeker and lets loose a stronger volley of fire to deal some nasty damage to him.

If this guy can summon up monsters, it might be best to take him out as quickly as possible before he can make more reinforcements. Joe keeps flaming him while his sawblade arm and one of his eyes targets the creature attacking him. He uses the saw to cut the beast when it gets close, more to defend himself than a full assault since his concentration is focused on their summoner.

2009-09-05, 02:53 AM
The monster seems to be blinded, but operate on a completley seperate sense from sight, moving past the man and colliding into a mutated metal head, and the two scrape at each other. The man seems to be releasing more bolts of green flame faster, his body alight with this strange fire as creature after creature falls to the ground, if not bursting into chunks. The sheer amount of spiral power almost makes him difficult to look at, a bright light illuminating the cavern. However more and more seem to be rushing on, bony handed rat monsters giving way to pitch black metal heads giving way to bitch darker black heartless, and from the tunnel room you hear a heavy series of THUDs, as if something large and HEAVY is coming.

The Soul seeker is engulfed in flame, the armor glowing red, at least you think. It becomes clear that red is a very serviceable color for such situations. He turns and charges Joe, a shield up preventing more flames from reaching him. He appears to be breathing heavily. Clearly tired, exhausted from the sheer amount of power spent on magic and battle.

2009-09-05, 08:15 AM
Ulqiorra gives a scoff at the advancing monsters. Raising his free hand, he shoots off a green sphere towards the monster, the bowling ball sized sphere zooming towards him with 1/10 the strength of a fully charged cero, but with easily 10 times the speed, and no charge. He then sonidos over the woman again, spinning in a ball as he does so to add momentum, before breaking the spin for a powerful two handed downward strike. Aiming to sever the largest appendage holding her in a single swipe. As he says "I have a mission to observe all I can, and tobring back creatures, who I believe would aid us in Aizen-sama's grand mission. Do you really think you can steal, MY, goal from in front of me?"

2009-09-05, 03:49 PM

Joe quickly rotates and brings up his sawblade, turning it horizontally and positioning it right at neck-level for the Soul Seeker charging at him. He aims to have his sawblade the first thing that the drow charges into.

Although, since he's a hovering robot, its not quite sure how much of the energy of a charge attack would be converted to damaging his hull and how much would just bounce him off in the other direction.

2009-09-05, 08:18 PM
The Berzerker charges into the sawblade, which momentarily meets the red shield as the sword and axe swing, denting metal and tearing two small holes. However the shield fades after less than a few seconds, and his head rolls off, body slumping lifeless.

When the cero connects it blasts apart the heartless, however more of the armlike appendages soon close in on her, form only revealed for a moment before once again surrounded in shadows.

The banging noise from the tunnel grows louder until you see it's source, a Gaichuu insect. Large as truck and twice as agressive it lumbers down the tunnel, a few shadows all that can squeeze under or around it. As the man blasts at it the attacks seem to bounce off, a shower of sparks that leave it unharmed.

The keyblade sits there, tip embedded near the rooms center, shuddering. You get a strange feeling of wrongness from it, like a painting defaced, or a body blooded and left in the mud to die.

And whats worse everything seems still, you can no longer see the creature beyond but it seems to have stopped clawing at the cieling for the moment.

2009-09-05, 11:20 PM
Uliqorra scoffs as they reform, sonidoing over to the crimson blade, placing a immaculate, ivory skinned hand over it, his fingers lacing around the odd grip.

Then, with a tug, he attempts to pull it free, and "test" it's effectiveness on this heartless.

2009-09-06, 12:16 AM
Uliquarra grips the strange blade, and you feel a flood of emotions unfelt in milennia flow through you. Hatered, hunger, rage, lust, Agression , fear, longing. Bestial emotions flow into you, twisting your face with the flood of feeling. You're eyes go hazy for a moment, blinded, and when they return you see strange shapes.

...beyond the wall, shapes, red-yellow outlines loping towards the portal brothers, you think, not sure where the thought came from.

Uliquarra senses the heartless behind you more accurately, hear every scrape it makes against the rocks, the gnash of it's obsidian fangs, feel the light of it's yellow eyed glow beat down on you. An ally? A challanger? Yes that's it, something challenging your dominance, a thing to be struck down. You sonido, popping back into view hunched over, screaming in rage as the twin blades slice at the monstrous limbs, the blade seems to strike true with every blow, severing thick appendages completely.

Rather than pause you lunge at the main hand, ready to plunge this new weapon into the palm centered eye when the entire cavern is shaken by an earthquake once more. So powerful it brings everything and everyone to the ground.

All everyone else sees is Uliquarra pick up the sword, hunch a bit, and scream in fury as he goes ballistic at the heartless.

The keyblade:


2009-09-06, 02:04 AM

Joe floats backwards, he sees his enemies head roll off from its shoulders and his damage detection circuits indicate two holes in his chassis from the impact of the enemies weapons. However, his readout starts flipping out... registering his systems as undamaged and then completely failed... until his software protection programs shut the readout down and give him the message that his damage detection circuits have been damaged.

Great... now I'm busted and can't tell how bad... should head back to base as soon as I can. No way I'm going to try an auto-repair sequence like this.

This of course isn't helped at all by the sudden surges of emotions and otherworldly enenergies that flood his systems. He senses the heartless and some other force that he can't describe... is there really something going on here or did something get into his casing and start messing up with his motherboard?

"Error... damage detection circuits damaged... I have no idea how broken I am." the earthquake hits and rocks start hitting his metal casing. One of his eyes... the left one gets hit by a rock and he's treated to a close-up of his own metal shell. Dam... its broken, could be anything from the servos or the joints or as pair of crossed wires somewhere. He's recording everything so even if he's reduced to a mangled mass of metal limbs and circuits then Torn should be able to get all the info out of his holotapes.

"What's happening?" He asks, lowering his remaining two eyes and covering them with his 'hands' to protect them.

2009-09-06, 02:30 AM
The man hops back to his feet keeps blasting at the Gaichuu, knocking it backwards at it stumbles to it's feet, blocking the entrance from anything getting in or out.

"I'd repair you but I seem to be tied up!" He calls back, a bolt of emerald power exploding harmlessly off the monsters head.

2009-09-06, 11:34 AM

The battle continues, with the giant heartless blocking the roof, there is hardly any use to his portal gun, so the apature lap rat goes about punching, kicking, and tossing freaks around. One two KICK!

However mid-flip a set of noise, energy, and earthquaking sets in, causing trinex to trip when he lands, causing his ankle to make an uncomfortable cracking sound. Arrgh, son of ah!

However, trinex is given little time to rest, while everyone, and everything else is down trinex gets to his feet, limping as he advances on the robot. Not entirely familiar with machenes, but having had done a bit of work with destroyed sentry turrets back in apature labs, he sets to work on the robot named joe. Green goes to blue, blue goes to yellow, twist this, break that, remove this..." Trinex, fairly confident he is doing less good then he had thought, stops. "Well, I think I got your eye on right, but im not sure what else I can do."

2009-09-06, 01:31 PM
Uliqorra, ensnared by emotions he had never even began to comphrend before the Keyblade, unleashes a torrent of slashes at speeds no one in the room can comprehend aside from Joe with his thermal sensors, the after images of Ulqiorra's movement glowing white hot, as he stabbed at the abominable eye, again, and again, as stone fell around him.

He didn't care though, all that mattered right now was defeating this pitiful creature that offended him with it's mere presence... But didn't this go against Aizen Sama's mission? His purpose of living in this meaningless reality? No.. He couldn't succumb... No he had to retrieve the specimen! Victory could come later... But this being still ushered a challenge to him?

Outwardly Uliqorra was frozen, inwardly though, a battle was raging on within him. To follow his duty, or these new... intoxicating instincts?

His hand, clenched the keyblades hilt, as his Reaitsu flared, a compromise had been reached.

"Bind. Murcielago."

Then, a aura like that of some terrible ocean, impossibly dense, and terribly cloying, making the last aura feel like a pleasant summer breeze fills the room, anyone weaker the a Vice Captain would fall to their knees in agony, as they were slowly driven mad.

He then sheathed his zanpaktou, a bone white lance forming in his hand, a pin point of utter darkness, that built up to the size of a cannonball, as he said.

"Cero Oscuras."

A black beam, nay, a rip in reality itself was made as the being burrowed into it's flesh, going through every piece of it, as he directed the beam, cutting off limbs, and utterly obilteratinng the earth beneath it, as he sonido's his former speed seeming almost SLOW in comparison, and attempted to grab the woman from the black clutches.

2009-09-06, 03:06 PM

"Hey... what the... okay, okay... you can stop now." Joe gets back up and tests his 'repaired' eyestalk. Its moving again but for some reason the image is upside-down... oh well, he can manage until he gets back to base.

"Yay! I'm fixed... I think. Tell you what, I'll keep fighting and as soon as we're done here I'm heading to base, okay? Oh, and thank you for your help."

He hovers back up and heads toward the massive beast, pouring fire into it. He focuses his two good eyes on the beast while his third 'lazy eye' points off in a different direction and randomly scan an upside down world.

I guess this is why I have three eyes, in case one goes out... oh and 360 degree vision, that helps at times.

2009-09-06, 03:46 PM
You tear away at the hand, energy and blade obliterating it down to the elbow destroying the female. You note while you're normal blade is sheathed you still grip the keyblade still, it's red chain glowing fiercely, it would be white knuckled if you weren't so pale. The obstruction gone you see the source of the large quake

Arms, nearly a dozen of them slamming into the roof, and have torn a hole in it, supernatural, showing an alien city far different from the architecture of any district, not the faced towers of Kamina, the fortress of Hueco Mundo, or the stonework of amberground. Tall buildings, many more than a dozen stories tall. The creature you'd seen earlier roams the streets, crashing. You manage to get in more details. Two masks similar to a hollow, one beaked, the other near featurless, a red orb embedded in it's chest, bony spikes and protrusions on it's upper body, jutting out from scaly black-green skin. You're attention is quickly diverted by the creature closer, the arm filler abyss. An immense arm, wider than a six lane highway rises out of the sea nearby, stretching out to reach at the portal, as if to grasp at everything, flames barely touching a fragment of the arm.

It all becomes clear, THIS is the architect of eclipse town, the hand dragging worlds together, forcing cities into districts. It appears to be reaching, as if to grasp this city, dragging it through space.

The cloaked figure seems to be made of green flame, sending spiral burst at the creature, still to no avail. "BRACE YOURSELF!" he says, hurling the drill staff, it's pointed staff digs into the roof above the tank sized cockroach, sealing the tunnel behind you. This is good and bad, in the sense that you'd be trapped and the near invincible monster is no longer a threat. It's both better and worse in that it and the monsters seem set on tearing you're hearts and bodies apart, and you hear the sounds of scraping and crushing rock from beyond the stones.

He turns for the first time, eyes going wide as he catches sight of the portal.

"This is turning out to be harder than I thought"

2009-09-06, 04:03 PM

The man backs away from the robot, proud of his new found skill in robotics. Then survaying the scene, trinex turns to the caved in area, and looks at the giant insectile monstrocity. "Heh, too easy"
Trinex uses his portal gun to gather up and collect as many rocks into one place as possible within about 10 seconds time, then opens 2 last portals, one under the large pile of rocks, the other above the monster. As a rain shower of stone crashes down, trinex wraps the portal gun back up in the bandages from before. Stay down!!

2009-09-06, 04:07 PM
The monster collapses under the pile, movement halted for a few moments, before slowly rising, however this time one of it's six insectile limbs tear off under the weight of a large boulder. You note that while the outer shell seems to be near indestructible, the flesh revealed in the wound seems soft and vulnerable.

It rises, staggering. Advancing towards Trinex slowly, staggering due to it's limb.

2009-09-06, 04:12 PM

"Crap crap craaap" Trinex spouts before turning away to make some distance. Unsheathing his gun again, unfortunately not as effective as he had hoped, does something else. Trinex opens a portal the size of the creature* And aims at the roof, hoping to cause an infinate "fall" loop to trap it in for the time being.

* (Portal's can go to the size of a tank, and small as a cup)

2009-09-06, 04:19 PM
The creature falls down the portals, and keeps falling, and falling, and falling.

You look down the tunnel, the remaining monsters seem to have either fled or been torn apart by the spiral blasts.

The monstrous arm bends as it advances to the portal, it looks like it creates a ramp, if you wish to get to the portal. However the path you came up seems to be clear, though what fleeing monsters you'd find are unclear.

The figure breathes heavily, before retrieving his drill staff, shaft bent very slightly, and turns, wide eyed at the sight of the monstrous portal.

2009-09-07, 10:19 PM
Trinex (Soon to be retired)

Trinex chuckles at his little "trap" for the massive monster. Turning on torn shoes, he moves to face the hand-ramp, and the portal, and with the eloquence of a barbarian, runs in headlong!!

2009-09-07, 11:17 PM
You rush headlong into the portal, eldritch yellow eyes swerving to trace your path up the sloping arm. You break through the portal, and find yourself on a rooftop, in a large city, full of tall buildings, your own paltry in comparison at five stories.

You lose sight of the portal for a moment, until you look upwards. It fills the sky, blotting out the sun. The hand seems to be just through it, fingers flexed as it prepares to drag this world and it's inhabitants into the land of monsters and mecha.

Scanning the street you see several blocks away the monster, nearly twice as tall as the building you find yourself on top of. Near black scales, bony spikes and protrusions all over it's body, two masks staring blankly in your directions. It begins to lope down the street towards you til another creature bursts out of the street, from some sort of hidden panel, you catch sight of a tunnel below. Then your eyes are drawn to the thing itself, clad in royal purple and neon green armor.

It seems to take a step forward, unstable and unsure, like a child learning to walk, before falling on it's face, crashing into the floor.



2009-09-08, 03:49 AM
Uliqorra is torn... Should he go ahead, and attack the new being, potentially risking his safety, and the even more valuable information in his head?

No... He was already released.... There was nothing of that size he hadn't taken before, you see the disadvantage of being that flipping big, is that the human, hell the bipedal structure itself was VERY unstable, hence why all the largest mammal's were either four legged, or aquatic.

This being was no different.

Uliqorra rose his hand, a black dot building in his palm, as he dashed forward, sonido's closing the distance before one could blink, seconds later, he was face level with the big black thing, and he plunged his hand into the things eye, letting off the Cero Oscuras point blank, inside it's skull.

(At that size, my hands would be small enough to fit into it's tear ducts.)

2009-09-08, 04:33 AM
Uliquarra attempts the attack, however the blast rebounds off an orange energy shield leaving an octoganal effect. It walks past you as if you weren't there and grasps the purple figure by the head, arms bulge as it grabs the things other arm. It begins tearing at the armored monster, and one of it's arms break with an audible SNAP, hanging limp.

It then raises the huge thing higher, its bone begins to jut out of it's elbow from the forearm, making a slight whistling sound before SLAMMING into the things head, and extends outward, as if to repeat the pile driver esque attack.

You begin to feel outraged. How dare it ignore you? How dare it fend off you're attack! How dare it bypass an Espada, let alone you, the wielder of this keyblade, the weapon that tears through heartless flesh like wet paper!

The arm flexes in the sky, though those still in the cavern see little difference, several more portals appear in the sky, more arms begin looming over this new city. Hangs begin digging into the earth, flexing, causing mild tremors, almost unnoticed amidst the chaos of battle.

2009-09-08, 07:37 PM

Joe sees the massive events taking place and his Danger Sensor is registering off the scale.

"Danger! Danger!" He announces and after a quick tactical analysis he determines that his current armaments are insufficient to deal with this. He opens his storage compartment and retrieves the precision laser attachment. After some momentary work, he detaches his sawblade and replaces it with the laser... his safety protocols had so far prevented him from using it (due to the RobCo policy of avoiding having their butler robots use lasers that might reflect off shiny surfaces and injure pedestrians) but when the Danger Sensor starts registering things in the Nuclear Holocaust level then safety levels tend to disengage when lives are on the line.

Joe takes aim at the monster and fires a constant barrage of laser blasts... its effectiveness is an unknown since he was mainly intended to use it to cut ceramic instead of fighting monsters with it.

2009-09-08, 08:01 PM
Joe walks through the black pathway, which begins moving forward as the arm reaches down. He goes blind for a moment and appears abrubtly on the same rooftop as Trinex. Firing his laser it rebounds off the same field, leaving an octagonal mark in the air ten feet from the creature. Apparently it's going to take something heavier to take out that monster.

The black clad creature, with a strange angelic grace continues its pounding, until it smashes through the burple and green clad head. The sheer force sends it's opponent backwards, crashing down the street into a building. It sits there for one moment, then another, and another, blood pouring from it's mechanical looking body, clearly different from any eclipse town construct.

You turn from the blooded, demonic looking thing to it's opponent, the grotesque masked thing.

You hear the soft sound of light footsteps nearby and turn, seeing several heartless, first one, then five, then ten on your building alone. Rather than attack you they stare at the monster, eying the red sphere in it's chest.

The man appears behind you, eying the masked figure, then the blooded one "Looks like I missed something. Who's side are we on?"

And the arms begin pulling the world, dispite an initial jolt the transition from separate world to composite seems smooth from this end.

More heartless appear, larger neoshadows, helmeted soldiers, and from the opposite side of the street is a behemoth, mouth open wide and a black goo running between it's teeth, as if salivating a meal to come.





2009-09-09, 06:36 PM

Trinex' senses return to him when he sees the heartless amass. Thinking quick, trinex opens a portal to a far off building, and another at his own feat, for fast travel. Then, closing those, he swings his armgun around, changing the portal size with the clench of his ring finger, and aiming at the giant heartless' (or w/e it is) leg (one of the giant guys). Then he turns to the nearest building side, aiming to cause the giant to trip in the portal, having it's leg to shoot out, and trip it's other leg (and hopefully break it's legs to). Trinex does all this will the hopes and coordination that the giant will fall on the behemoth. " Ready, aim....." Trinex makes the shape of a gun with his good hand, and makes a " Pew" sound as his plan comes together.

2009-09-09, 07:00 PM
Trinex fires his mock gun, when to everyone's surprise a tiny green spark emerges, before traveling slowly and exploding into a marble sized blast against the masked monsters face, doing a small amount of cosmetic damage.

The monster falls, you hear it's legs snap and bend, one through the portal and the other on the ground. It falls, missing the behemoths rooftop but crashing into the building below it, smashing through windows, walls, and floors. Followed by an inhuman roar as the other monster, dispite having it's skull shattered and it's eye obliterated, rejoin the fight. Rather than walk or run it seems to have leapt off a the building it was slammed into, sailing in the air and somersaulting mid leap, legs outstretched for a kick that lands on the things energy shield several meters in the air. It's arm seems to warp and glow as the armor and flesh benieth it seems to knit back together before both hands find some unseen crack in the field and begin pulling it apart, letting out a beastial roar, full of hate and battle lust.

It seems to tear a hole in the force field, a gap in the orange pattens big enough to drive a semi truck through. Before it can do anything else the heartless leap into action, jumping off each building and swarming the two figures entwined in combat. The behemoth grabs the armored things head as it falls, wrenching it to the floor as it's lesser companions begin to cover them, teeth gnashing in anticipation of this ambush's reward.

"And now our foes become clear" Bolts of green light, flash from the figure, blowing off several heartless each time it lands on either figure and damaging wherever it hits.

And the hands continue their strange method of dragging the worlds together. By this point it looks like you can see eclipse in the distance, a large orb growing larger and larger in the sky, the dot of eclipse town near its equator growing with it.

2009-09-10, 03:28 PM

Joe can barely process the amount of damage and the events transpiring, he decides the best thing he can do is to get his stored data back to Torn and the others at HQ, maybe they can send some reinforcements to him and use this data.

Joe uses his built in navigations system and takes the fastest path to HQ as possible, using his flamer and laser beam to attack any Heartless or other assailants he comes across while not slowing down, his own safety is secondary to getting the information to where it can be used to save lives... and possibly worlds.

Upon reaching the Headquarters, Joe quickly says to the guards on duty.

"Recon robot Joe, reporting in. I have vital information for Torn about the cause of the earthquakes."

Upon being let in, he quickly moves to get hooked up to the computers so that his recorded data can be extracted and analysed.

2009-09-10, 11:25 PM
(you're still far away from it, the two worlds are bing dragged together, but are not currently conncted)

In the thick of it all Uliquarra notes the creatures core contains a chain of some sort. The keyblade rattles a bit at the sight of it. Immediatly after seeing it the immense orb is covered with heartless, obscuring it.

2009-09-11, 02:51 AM
Uliqorra notes the keychain, and looks down at his own blade, seeing the key chain attached, he makes a deduction of it having something to do with this one's own... something... He couldn't think straight right now, so he'd try again later.

Firing off another Cero Oscuras at the creatures core in a instant, he charges up his reaitsu, the room itself becoming thick with it, as if a literal ocean had just filled the room. This was too dark, and too thick to be called any natural beings spiritual presence. It was as if his presence was attempting to suffocate all hope from all things around him.

"Segunda Etapa."

His form shifted now, the black wings becoming more massive, and REAL somehow, his head growing two long demonic horns, and a long serpentine tail that carried a bladed edge that looked sharp enough to cut you by looking at it.

He raised his hand, the air sizziling and popping from the energy he focused there, a lance of what appears to be pure lightning growing from the spot he touched, he lifted the lance in a single hand, sonido'ing to get close enough to aim, as he aligned the Lance of Thunder and Lightning with the being head, and threw.

2009-09-11, 06:37 PM
The blast strikes at the truck sized orb. It crackes and flakes, however it also glows and it fires it's own blast at you, burning the heartless on it along the way, it flares upwards, a beam wider than the street below before splitting off into three points where it strikes you, forming a cross shape as it burns you. The blast tears at you, burning away much of your blood stained clothes and causing no shortage of injury on your body. However the monsters orb cracks after less than a second, shattering into innumerable pieces, sending the keychain flying towards you.

The world seems to rock and sway, land near the city seems to dissapear as the city begins the actual collision with eclipse town, the world goes from being a moon sized orb in the sky to a towering sphere, to a shape dominating the sky.

The world rocks and shakes, nearly bringing those who have them and are on the ground to their knees. Everything goes white, and with one final LURCH, and an odd snapping noise color and detail returns to the world.

You find yourselves back in eclipse town, yet in the same strange city. To be more accurate it appears as if a new district has crash landed. Already you see a pair of zoomers in the distance, painted the colors of the watch, alongside a single grapearl mecha.

Back in eclipse town Joe rockets off, noting with the view behind him the man seems to have vanished. Not stopping until he comes back to base and has his files extracted.

2009-09-11, 07:16 PM
( Well, I am retiring trinex, he bores my brains. This new char won't though, no worries)

Samus Aran

From the night sky comes a speck of light, however, it quickly grows, and shows itself to be a brilliant orange/yellow ship, with a massive green window. The tank sized spaceship has 3 main thruster which keeps it aloft, and 2 onj the back to project it through space. The ship lands down near where the gaurds are, a humanoid in "armor" rising from the elevator system in the middle of it.

The human as a lilthe shape to it, wearing a brilliant spacesuit comprised of a few shades of light and dark blues which cackles with a mysterious energy. The suit's right arm seems to be a cannon, and the helmet on the humans suit has a thick vibrant green visor. With a touch of the humans hand to the helmet, the visor glows, and the human preveiws the scene before summersaulting off her ship, and landing in a hunter pose. The human steps up, and moves towards the gaurd, all the while scanning the area for all available information. (Including any energy hot spots, particularly phazon)

2009-09-12, 12:42 AM
Uliqorra clutches the key chain in his hand, fastening it to the edge after removing the red one that inspired rage.

HOPEFULLY able to think clearly now, he moves out to go back to Aizen, his hand clasped around the keyblade like iron, his movements swift, and silent, a smirk on his face as he passed Staark, who waved passively with Lilente, as he passed through the desert, around Palacio Tres, Dos, and Primera, he eventually heads into Aizen sama's palace, sonidoing past guards, and safe ward, before emerging in his throne room, on a single knee as he proclaimed, tearing his eye ball out of his socket, his other wounds already healed, as the images from before played out, and he said.

"This blade in my hand, is a effective weapon as you can see... In addition to unlocking a second stage of release for Arrancar. It is also notable... That keychains dominate it's form... I suggest buying up all we can at a gas station, and seeing their effects."

2009-09-12, 03:22 AM
All the information successfully relayed to and from everyone. The various factions learn of the gargantuan heartless, each through various recordings, copies, or word of mouth.

Over the next few months eclipse town sends out several teams to destroy or analyse the heartless, each coming back unsuccessful, however they do learn one disturbing fact: This miles wide heartless is really only a part of a greater still heartless, estimated to reside in the planets core.

Meanwhile the new district seems to be relatively settled in(as in they don't scream and run whenever anything they'd find unusual walks by ...as much). The world calls itself earth(which in itself raises hundreds of questions for the OTHER district said to be made from earth). The district proper is Tokyo 3, which is built above an underground structure known as the Geofront(a fact that would be easier to keep secret if it's walls hadn't given way to the drow district of chel'el'sussuloth's borders, connecting the two tunnels and making it and the facilities inside easily visible from the belowground streets).

The world, like every single others, was besieged by monsters, referred to as Angels. Which appear without warning and attack the city, attempting to burrow into the Geofront with no prior warning.

Due to conventional weaponry being useless against these creatures mecha known as Evangelions were created. During the battles civilians are normally evacuated, however the idea of giant monsters knocking on the city walls is so humdrum to the residents they rarely think to leave until the monster is less than twenty paces away. This means that many who've seen the Evangelion's in combat reporting of organic looking wounds in battle, broken bones, blood, and essentially nothing one sees from the mecha more familiar to the cities. When asked another cover up was attempted before again being exposed, mostly due to the blood and tissue left over after many fights being analysed, revealing fully the organic nature of the Eva's.

Back to the angels, the monster themselves "blended in" with little trouble. When Eclipse town is in constant siege from monsters of many worlds they don't seem to notice a few more. The Evas themselves also blended in similarly, three more giant metal clad humanoids in an army of such, three more pilots regularly laying their life on the line when every other pilot does the same.

The corpse of the angel killed by the three of you was originally intended to be taken in by Tokyo 3, to be observed. However several other districts wanted samples for study, and eventually the angel was Divvied up into five equal parts(one for amberground, one for kamina, one for Hueco mundo, one for Tokyo 3, and one for the Drow clans to divide however they will).

Now for the actions of the three of you:


After the tapes were extracted you were sent down for an upgrade, apparently they've been looking to create a "hybrid" machine for some time, experimentine with the unique technologies of each district.

The body itself was plated with a combination of adamantine mined deep underground, giving you a good deal of extra protection

The nuclear battery was changed out with a precursor power cell, much more efficient and less dangerous.

The claw hand was replaced with a fully functional humanoid hand, allowing for the much more efficient use of devices and manipulation of tools and weapons.

Two extra arms have been added to your body, a drill(capable of piercing through stone and most metals), and a heart bullet gun(effective at killing heartless and the like but unable to so much as wound living, breathing creatures).

You're three "eyes" are now able to see into the infared and ultraviolet spectrum if they weren't already.

Most importantly you can now fly, moving at a speed of 50mph.

All of this has been painted to your original color scheme, meaning aside from the new arms nothing appears physically different.

After two months spend installing all this you spend another four on the watch, rushing to and fro to quell monster attacks, defending the gates from the abominations constantly rushing at it.


Over several months you attempt to try on various keychains. Most wind up useless, changing the shape to various rediculous forms(one keychain of a near nude woman resulted in a pink sword that was figurative AND literal). The blades, when tested, are weak and crack easily, and confer none of the offensive or sensory abilities of the other two.

However when in the city you hear among the various roomers. Most of the same prattle(I saw that purple thing BLEED!, I hear the drow eat people!, I bet the governments are all working in tandem on a conspiracy!). However, among it you hear things you'd not have picked up on. Strange key bearers no one seems to get a good look at. Odd chains held in various museums and and private storages. However Aizen has you too busy as of late to investigate thoroughly. Instead he wants you looking at this new faction, wanting every detail, needing every second recorded.

It takes little time to note that they have a significant cache of conventional weapons in addition to the Eva's in this city alone. More than nine hundred Powerful Missiles waiting to be launched with enough destructive force in each to rival, and possibly overshadow, a nuclear bomb. However the monsters this faction seems to be concentrating on seems to be immune to such things, damaged only by their pseudomecha.

You observe with your ever recording pair of eyes the pilots and those close to them and quickly conclude them to be a group of total emotional wrecks(this coming from a man who shows little feeling himself and was temporarily driven into a fit of psychotic rage), wondering how any of them could be responsible for the daring leap you'd witnessed. Perhaps one of them has some hidden gift? An unknown charm?

After investigating further you note one girl in the same class as the pilots holds a core similar to the angels currently rushing at the wall, her father seems to be free of the red organ, though her mother committed suicide years ago and therefore cannot be monitored(you not in a strange sort of way every student in that classroom of pilots and their friends has some form of dead parent, making it almost laughably cliche in real life as much as crap games and fiction). Additionally some of these pilots discuss cores and angels(though the context makes it clear they refer to the monsters and cores not inside human bodies).

After months of further sneaking and recording you also find the source of these mecha, contained in a sea of red-yellow liquid. Deeper digging reveals the source of this liquid as another angel, held captive on an immense cross and stabbed, wound constantly bleeding this miraculous water. It's relation to the other things other than a source of this LCL fluid is unknown as of now.

The investigation, as well as some light roomer gathering about keychains, takes up the bulk of your time for six months.

Samus Aran:

You land in eclipse town, and after a few days clearing things up with the local authorities set to bounty hunting. The work here is steady, never without targets of varying difficulty to hunt down. In general:

Metal heads are a common target, the skull gem found inside them is weighed andd you're paid according to that weight. A scorpion esque metal head would support you for a short while, and on the opposite end a wasteland metal head could keep you going for a month.

Another Target being Gaichuu. The shells are valuable commodities, stronger than metal and used as a building material. The entire shell is weighed and paid thusly.

Other than that most bounties are still plentiful. There is never any shortage of more normal bounties on creatures outside the city. Indeed it seems like not a day goes by before someone else takes up an outlaws life. You manage to sustain yourself well enough and make money enough to buy a few luxuries.

Where you are now:

Joe is currently explaining every detail of the incident six months ago((again)As if you're recordings weren't good enough!) to Torn, who wants every detail.

Uliquarra is currently in the drow district, searching around for hints of both a keychain and the goals and plans of the instigators(pick one).

Samus is currently hunting a wasteland metal head(on foot), out in the wastes several miles from eclipse town. It stomps around the desert furiously in the distance(three hundred feet away), head pointed low and eyes staring intensely downward as if searching. Above it's concentrated eyes lies the prize, a skull gem this size of a man, glistening a neon yellow.

2009-09-12, 08:41 AM
Samus Aran

Samus aran stalks around the wastes, keeping low and diving behind rocks and foliage to evade her targets gaze. Using her scan visor to match the targets identity, she switches her visions. A small *Bweep* notes her change to thermal vision. ~Data Entry- Primary target aquired, threat level minimum, suggest power beam.~ The words appear over her visor for a split moment as she thinks them, sending this informaton to her ship so she can access it when she needs.

Samus' light blue cannon arm gives a short *tweet* before it changes to a very basic energy cannon design, a yellow energy humming in it;s base. Samus continues to stalk her prey, until she can get a clear shot. ~Incomming enviromental scan, small pool of radioactive material located 50 meters northwest.~

Samus turns from the target for a second, checking her suit systems.~ Power armor: Optimal, Shields: optimal, Weaponry: Optimal, Secondary systems: Online, Space Jump Systems: Online, Morphball:Online, Phazon Levels: 20%- Recommend immidiate refueling.~

Samus turns to the target again, hoping to finish the hunt more quickly then she had planned, keeping her radar on screen at all times to avoid an ambush in this critical state, she doesen't want to involentarily attack innocents after all.

2009-09-12, 12:31 PM
There don't appear to be any people nearby, and the metal head still fails to notice you. However it turns and continues advancing. It's now headed in your direction, head pointed town and searching among the shifting sands.


2009-09-12, 05:46 PM

After months of getting used to military operations, the RobCo robot has adapted his normal personality to better suit the situation. Getting used to the advanced sensors and equipment has helped complete the upgrade.

He repeats his report to Torn.

"Sir! Yes, Sir!

I was traveling to Zorthy Street as instructed to investigate the earthquakes. Upon reaching the coordinates I spotted a man with a drill-staff standing upon that exact spot I was told to investigate. I noticed him using Spiral Energy to infuse power into his staff to drill a hole in the ground.

I inquired as to why he was doing this but he did not respond but continued to drill, eventually creating a massice hole through which he, myself, a nearby man in an orange jumpsuit, and what I can only assume is some sort of super-powered ninja wizard.

The man in the orange jumpsuit is named Trinex, he possess a portal-gun which from what I observed is capable of creating portal rings through which objects can move instantaniously as if they were walking through a door. It has proved useful in making enemies fall through one hole and then land somewhere dangerous or on top of the heads of other enemies. He shows little in the way of other combat skill and appears to be an alchoholic. His present location is unknown to me.

The Super-Ninja-Wizard is, from what I can recall, probably named Ulquirra or something similar. He possess several abilities including flight, a great deal of martial arts gymnastics, and the power to launch energy attacks from his limbs... I'm not quite sure how else to describe it... my belief circuits were flipping out whenever I saw him do his feats of impossibility. I neglected to investigate him further partially because that wasn't my mission and partilly because I was afraid something might crash if I looked at him too long. Last I saw him, he was attacking the giant monster in the new section of town.

As for the man with the drill... I neglected to learn his name but he can use spiral energy.

Anyway, we traveled through the underground passages. There was a sort of reddish glow at times and a regular throbbing as the earth moved... in three second intervals like a giant heartbeat.

We traveled through the passages, coming across a long spiral staricase thing moving around a beam of light... then we came across a room filled with caged creatures. Things like Hollows, metalheads, heartless and others. A samurai-warrior rushed through the door to attack us at this point but Trinex easily dispatched him by creating a portal under his feet... I do not know where the destination portal was or where the samurai fell to.

We then traveled through the passage to see a ceremony being conducted by Drow. They were apparently trying to summon some sort of terrible beast (its best to use the recorded images from my holotapes at this point... I suspect many of the details of that event escaped my attention). She and her fellows attacked us and I was able to use my flamer to dispatch two berzerkers and distract the drow while the others dispatched them.

Then, a massive monster which I suspect was some type of Heartless appeared and things got fuzzy. I sustained damage due to a piece of falling rock which damaged my damage-detection circuitry in addition to a few other things I suspect. Trinex repaired one of my eye-stalks that was damaged from the impact as well. Ulquirra was able to battle the thing and we made our way to the other world which is named Tokyo 3... several large monsters were rampaging and my weaponry was ineffective against them. I then decided that it would be best to return to base to give you the recorded information and get repairs on my brain... that proved impossible due to my being in Tokyo 3 at the time so I began dispatching smaller heartless until the worlds collided.

At that point, I returned to base to give you the recorded data... I suspect that my own internal memory was damaged from the falling rock incident as this is the only data I can recall."

Joe hovers quietly after giving his report, somewhat embarrassed at how incomplete his memory is of the event.

2009-09-12, 06:01 PM
Torn checks a nearby recording device. After a few moments he returns his attention to you

"And that's everything. There was no time you didn't lose sight or hearing other than that?"

Before you can reply the power goes out, the room covered in pitch blackness for a few moments before the lights flicker on and off.

Suddenly a nearby holograph projector flares to life, the translucent blue visage looking at the two of you.

"Torn, somethings gone wrong with the generator, every camera on that level's gone offline. No one on that level's reported. Something may have gotten in we don't know about."

2009-09-13, 02:18 AM

"Switching to infrared." Joe says before adjusting his optics to let him see clearly in the dark. He turns a little before he holds up his flamer and sets it to its minimum power, creating a little lantern like flame to help Torn see.

He holds up that flame and then sees the hologram flicker into existence. "Possible security breach. What are your orders, Sir?"

2009-09-13, 02:45 AM
The lights flicker back on and off, on and off. The head flickers with it, translucent blue visage winking in and out of view

"We -- that it'- --for ---" Before the image fails, and all light aside from you're torch is gone.

"Damn, alright since you're here I want you to take the elevator down to the lowest level and check out whatever's going on. The minute I can get some men together we'll scan the outside and send down backup. With any luck it's just a simple malfunction, but I don't feel lucky."

2009-09-13, 06:54 PM
Samus Aran

After doing all the basic scans of the area, and of her enemy, samus turns back on the combat visor, then with a light *bweep* switches to echo visor. Something this big coulden't move without making noice. Samus will then continue to duck around, and behind things until she can get in a good spot for ambush. (Things like, overhangs, explosive materials, etc. To make the fight easier)

(btw, whats the scan on the enemy show?)

2009-09-13, 07:58 PM
It doesn't take much more than you're own eyes to find the metal head, dispite it's immense size, is moving at a near unbelievable speed. There is also a clearly visible projectile weapon mounted on it's back(more than twice the size of a full grown human), looking like it could do some serious damage.

As it walks towards you, still oblivious you see two tall stone pillars. wide enough for it to walk through, and looks like it will past between them in just over two minutes.

As it gets closer you see an unknown signature on you're scanner. Very faint, other than it being nearby you have no idea what it is or where it's coming from. Other than being nearby.

2009-09-13, 10:19 PM

Samus ducks down behind an outcropping of rocks. Samus sees the monstrocity approching, and counts down as the "distance" on her visor shortens. Eyeing the pillars samus checks for stability, and then inacts her plan. Four metal plates open up on the power cannon, and the main cylinder pushes out, a missile in the barrel. Three....Two....One....NOW!! samus' thoughts go blank after this, as two simultaneous missiles are fired off at the pillars, just as the monstrous metalhead runs under them. Samus pulls out infront of the beast, showing herself to her momentarily inconvinienced foe. Her suit then crackles with streams of a deep blue "energy". The phazon in her suit begins pulsating, and her visor turns a deep starry blue. Her arm cannon also turns a deep, powerful blue color, the original yellow chozo "power" replaced with corrupted, radioactive phazon energy. The gun charges, ready to unload some of the nastiest, dangerous, most corrosive material samus knows of.

~ System Warning: Phazon levels at 15%, refill immediately. ~

(side note to phazon, it is much like acid in corrosiveness, very very volitile acid. As for the radiation, treat it how you want, but from my experiance it would be pretty deadly to just come in contact with, let alone get an entire face full. Finally, the gun itself is her most powerful, so keep that in mind, she is of course risking her life, but it is worth it. )

2009-09-13, 10:56 PM
The stone towers give out, mostly. The outer layer collapses, and the rocks tumble, trapping it.

However inside the pillars you see a pair of structures, each one looks different.

The first one looks vaguely precursor, the bottom half contains what appears to be an ancient precursor construct, it's upper body visible only above the torso, and even that is nearly thirty feet high. It's arms are embedded into the ground at the forearm, pointed ahead as if grasping something below it. Eyes grow purple, black veins over it.

The other structure appears too be an ancient ganmen, one face embedded in it's chest and another "secondary" face above it, similar to a standard head. It's paint/color scheme seems to have eroded and it's taken on an earthy tone. Both faces are wrenched in a snarl of defiance, it's arms like the precursor robots are pointed in front. Also like the first it's still almost completely buried.

It doesn't take a genius to figure out that the arms meet below the downed metal head, and you're visor detects some motion going on between the two, something constant yet still. Remaining in the same spot, yet eternally moving.

The layers of stone covering the two machines blast away, falling on the metal head, it's immense body flailing for a few moments before it's powerful form lifts stone off. After a few seconds it's back on it's feet and charging towards you. However all the while you're weapons blast at it's head and underbelly, causing several wounds. It's first few steps are staggers before it sets at you at full charge.

It looks like it won't take more than three seconds before it reaches you and your rock outcropping. You're shots do no small amount of damage to it's head and body while it charges but it's thick bony armor plates take the brunt of the damage.

While it charges you note it's skull gem's glimmer as it charges you, worth an insane amount of money, enough to buy nearly ANYTHING. However you're seeing why the governments are willing to pay so much to be rid of these things.

2009-09-13, 11:14 PM

Samus is startled at the strength of this monster, however, this data is good, it will help. Unfortunately, she realised too late that with all this armor, the nova beam would have been a better choice, but with it's size, a quick kill is always better.

Samus shrugs it off, and as the beast barrels towards her, dives to the side, hoping to avoid a direct hit. As the monster dashes past her, moving at increadible speeds, she gets back on her feet, the momentary near-invincibility of her phazon regulated shields keeping her functioning, however, her energy reserves, are fading fast. ~ Warning! Phazon levels at 5%, recommend immediate refueling, secondary energy drain imminant, phazon contact plausible.~

Samus has few other choices, another blast of energy will drain her, forcing her suit to feed off her actual chozo energy, which could risk her actually comming in contact with this highly radioactive substance, spelling death!!

getting to her feet, she cancels out the hypermode, allowing the remaining phazon to feed the once again dormant PED systems. She switches her visor to the X-ray visor, and prepares the nova ray, an ominous green glow in her arm cannon, the "unique" energy signature has a high pitched vibration, rather then the low humm of her other energy weapons.

(note- X-ray lets her see ethreal, ghost like, or other such entities, and to see through solid surfaces, which helps in compounds, and against armored enemies. Note on the Nova-ray, it works much like the X-ray (can't remember the energy name) in that it penetrates solid matter, (only a few feet however) and fully passes through semi-solid materials (phazon walls, geliten, or like substances). With this combination, she will "hopefully" be able to fire straight at it's vitals)

2009-09-14, 12:44 AM
The metalhead jerks wildly at the blows but refuses to completley fall, however cracks spread along the surface of the armor. Apparently the armor is so thick the rounds exploded JUST before the flesh. It does however stumble, pain throwing the huge body off balance. It trips over the rock outcropping and stumbles, tail flailing in an attempt to keep balance.

While falling it's cannon fires, missing you for the most part but explodes nearby in a deep purple flash.Other than a few cosmetic scrapes you're undamaged. However your energy meter increases, less than a percent yet barely noticeable...

2009-09-14, 11:06 PM

"By your command!"

Joe heads for the Elevator to make his way down, his infrared vision letting him make his way there with ease.

He tests out the elevator, if the power has taken it out then he heads for the stair (if none are available he starts testing out his drill and other tools to make a path so he can fly down the elevator shaft).

2009-09-14, 11:30 PM
The elevator fails, the stairs it is...

After hovering down more than twenty levels Joe comes to the bottom level, where both the generator and the power lines supplying the external energy meet up to give light to the station. Both seem to be offline, no more than a single flicker every few minutes to note the possibility of light in darkness impenetrable to the human eye.

The door seems untouched and still locked by way of a large padlock. Apparently whoever got in didn't come in from the outside...

You do however hear noise from the other side of the iron door, scrapings and gnawing a sound similar to the whine of a sawblade cutting through a tough material...

2009-09-16, 02:37 PM

Joe listens to the sound of the sawblade and stands back from the door. He tries opening it and if that fails and adjusts his flamer to emit a blowtorch like flame and begins cutting the door open.

2009-09-16, 06:47 PM
The torch breaks through the lock with little difficulty, and you're treated to a view of the heartless attacking in a hallway running ten feet before splitting two ways. You can hear the sawing much more clearly, however it appears to be coming from the left path in the bend.

They appear to be mere shadows, clawing at any exposed wires or pipes. As the door fully opens more and more of them look up from the destruction they're wreaking.

The damage itself as far as you can see is mostly cut wires and holes clawed in pipes, sparks coming from the wires and thin whisps of blue eco from the claw marks of the pipe.

There's three shadows, two standing directly in front of you, looking upwards at your weaponry, as well as another at the end.

2009-09-18, 06:53 PM

"This isn't a battle... this is pest control!" Joe swivels his Heart Bullet gun into position and systemically starts exterminating the shadowy pests. His sensors are meanwhile on the lookout detecting any other invaders in this area.

2009-09-18, 11:16 PM
Joe's gun pierces through a heartless, causing it to explode into a shower of sparks, just as another one melds into the floor, and you're downloaded info tells you that any attacks will damage the floor, not it. Meanwhile the third runs towards the left path, which gives off multiple energy signals.

2009-09-20, 01:12 AM

Samus, recovering from the blows, notices the slow in energy drain. The P.E.D system should have been out of energy now, and samus should be risking her life just by standing here, but whatever the metal head hit her with, it staved off the energy drain, leaving her at a cool 2% of ~uregistered radioactive material~.

Taking advatange of her momentary reprieve, samus bends down onto one knee, pulling her arm gun up to take better aim. Charging a beam of emerald green energy, she aims at the beasts heart, aiming to pierce the armor with her Nove Ray and rip the beasts insides to shreds.

( charged shot, nova ray+ X-ray visor)

2009-09-20, 01:17 AM
Samus's armor strikes, blasting a hole you could fit a small child in at it's chest. With a cry of pain it falls with a loud WHUMP.

You're scanners pick up three things to look for, the precurser robot, the ganmen mecha, and now a sort of communication device on the wasteland metal head.

The metal heads forehead shines with your prize, easily larger than the average humanoid, enough to set a normal bounty hunter for life.

2009-09-20, 01:21 PM

Seeing the other Heartless running off towards a larger group of energy signatures and is momentarily torn between staying to finish off this merged shadow or to continue on... to let one enemy remain and continue damaging the building or to be distracted while larger deeds are done elsewhere...

His paradox avoidance flippism-chip activates and he decides to follow the fleeing Heartless and get to the bottom of this.

He redirects his Heart gun and fires at the fleeing shadow.

2009-09-20, 02:36 PM
You fire just as the shadow turns and destroy it, shot causing it too to explode into a shower of sparks.

Though it doesn't come out of the ground it the other shadow seems to be following you, crawling around untouchable as if waiting for an opportune moment to strike.

2009-09-20, 06:22 PM

The battle had ended, about time to. Samus' P.E.D systems, lacking that crucial componant to allow the naturally recurring phazon in her body to stabilize, continues to drain her. If she diden't find a larger source of radioactivity, or a pool of phazon, she was doomed. However, the dark energy that blended with her suit a moment ago seems to be keeping the drain to a very slow crawl, allowing that 2% to last long enough for her to scan the new artifacts, and the metalhead remains.

(Scanning The metal head, the gem, the 2 mecha, and then doing a location sweep via samus' ship's computer to find a high, or hell, ANY radioactivity in the vicinity)

2009-09-20, 08:24 PM
The device is an eco based two way communicator, simply push the button and you can talk to a holographic image of whoever has the other one. Meaning the metal head wasn't working alone...

The precursor robot was planted there by the precursors themselves not long after it's original world was made to guard a deposit of dark eco stored in a tight container. The dark eco(and the robot) were never found and for untold generations it stood there, forgotten until the world was dragged to eclipse town and the earthquakes and other damage caused a crack that spilled a small amount of dark eco to begin spilling, and a thin trickle still runs out of it.

The Ganmen is also very old, more than a thousand years, one of the spiral kings original army. After their leader went insane he personally slaughtered most of the soldiers from earth. This mecha was part of a group fighting a large mugann type when they were destroyed along with their opponent. This one specifically was attempting to convert it's attacks to spiral power when it went down. After more than a thousand years in the rock it's world collided with haven and collided with the dark eco container, cracking it. Somehow it still functioned long enough that when it hit the dark eco it began converting some of that thin trickle to spiral power. Most of the spiral power went to keeping it online but a good deal of it was unfocused and began stirring up the sand, combining grains to pebbles to stones around it until they became the pillars, which you destroyed.

Then there's the dark eco container itself, just under a layer of sand lies a container, not one of the massive silos but still a respectable amount, probably enough to keep you going if you could get under it.

2009-09-20, 09:05 PM
Uliqorra sat in a example of morosity in Heuco Mundo, planning contigencies should Hueco Mundo come under attack, and assisting Aizen, and the Octava with whatever undertakings that they felt needed the attention of more... Able.. Super Ninja Wizards..

More importantly though, was the ongoing search for Ichigo Kurosaki, and Orhime Inque. The two who had vanished during the shift between their Earth, and this new realm that would soon be ruled over by Aizen Sama.

Today, was special in the sense that he was going on a scouting mission into Drow territory, to ascertain the true intentions of the Drow "allies."

2009-09-20, 09:44 PM

Joe rotates his lower section, keeping his Heart gun and one of his three eyes pointed at the following Heartless while he continues to head deeper into the darkened section of the base. His flamer is positioned forward so that he can easily deal with anything that comes at him from the front.

"You termites couldn't have caused all this trouble, lets see who let you in."

2009-09-20, 10:03 PM

Samus ensures the information collected is saved in her data banks, before she heads over to the metal head, and takes two things. The communication device, and the gem, loading both into a sort of "energy" module which effectivly stores the items in her suit in a basic energy format.

Heading over to the pillar with the ~Radioactive material: Eco, Dark. Samus' suit reacts with just a thought, compressing her entire form into a sort of energy signature, the power suit and P.E.D add-on systems morphing into a large sphere, samus' visable as an energy core in the heart of the blue sphere. In her morphball form samus navigates her way under the pillar, setting low-grade explosives where nescessary.

(Morphball bombs can destroy roughly material as strong as granite, Power bombs however can destroy "denzium" in most the games, or any material effectivly the strength of steel)

2009-09-20, 10:50 PM
Uliquarra sets off across districts, over rooftops, through crowded streets, between alleyways, all so quickly he just barely takes in the various scenes: An orcish mercinary bartering with a lurker over the price of a piece of meat, the town guard putting down a small group of shadows, a human and her orcish lover meeting in secret on a rooftop, a grapearl leading a pair of zoomers on areal patrol until he comes to the entrance of the drow district.

The district itself is seems smaller on the surface, most of it's aboveground land occupied by other cultures, and slowly becoming the stonework and magical lights drow architecture is known for. This is simply the aboveground section, as these buildings are clustered around a gigantic hole in the earth leading to the Drow city proper. Though it was there before your time it wasn't hard to find information on it's origins.

Supposedly Simon The Digger, founder of the Kamina district, after saving humanity gave up his position of supreme commander and began wandering the world. The story goes that after nearly a decade of wandering he made his way to the underground city of Chel'el'sussuloth and explored. After finding a sizable and open slave market he decided to set his efforts to freeing as many slaves as he could. Supposedly after freeing the slaves he was stuck near the center of the city and cornered he had nowhere to go but up, through the magically protected city roof. Using an insane amount of spiral power he created a gigantic drill that pierced the cavern defenses and used still more to tear a hole through more than forty kilometres of solid rock straight upwards into eclipse town, providing an exit. The grooves in the drill itself can be used as a ramp/walkway to the roof, and around the edge of the hole in it running to the city proper are six large elevators, each able to hold about twenty five people at once. The hole itself is used to allow flying vehicles to enter and exit the district.

After a short ride down a crowded elevator you come to the city proper, an immense cavern filled with gigantic buildings, some simple one stories while others have more than ten stories.

Sonidoing across the rooftops and streets you pass through the Kar'bol market district, through the tents of merchants and salespeople of every race you pass the pillar of light, a massive stone covered in brightly bioluminescent fungus in the distance. You see the activity around it and it's natural pools and waterfall, around them are all manner resorts, inns, brothels, gambling houses, and parks.

After a minutes travel time you make it to the sullisin'rune base, a massive dome of golden latticework heavily enchanted and enhanced in every way for protection, topped with a shiny blue orb. It appears to be very well defended, elves and golems seen anywhere you look for weakness waiting to strike at anyone daring to cause trouble.

After some talk with the guards you're taken through the fortress and granted permission to speak with the Il'haress of the clan, Ash'waren Val'Sullisin'rune, a drow said to be well over a thousand years old by many and a skilled illusionist who's sensory tricks rival those of your lord himself. She looks at you with those mismatched eyes, one blue, the other red, very expectantly as if she has much more important things to be doing(and no doubt does).


Joe Turns down the corridor and finds the source of the noise, a thing that looks nothing like anything you've seen or heard of. It looks half robotic, half organic, all evil. It's small, perhaps as large as a dwarf or slightly bigger and partsw of it could be described as humanoid. In the place of it's legs it's torso gives way to hundreds of many jointed insectile limbs. It's torso appears to be humanoid, plated in bronsy precursor style armor and gives off to three arms, one large robotic limb on the left ending in a glowing green buzz saw, and two left arms one on top of the other, one ends in a humanoid five fingered hand and the other a fleshy mass of tentacles. Its head is a white mask, with a long beak resembling the monster you saw the day tokyo 3 was "discovered" by you and the three others, however it's right eye seems to have been replaced by a red sphere, translucent and giving you the ability to see through it into the brain behind it.

It seems to have been hacking away at a large generator, large chunks of it scattered across the ground and huge gashes through the main device. It turns to you and charges, your flames rebounding off an orange AT field as it grabs your flame arm and pulls it to the side, sending the fire out of his path. The shadow takes the opportunity to leap, and is destroyed as it attempts to grab at you.

Samus loads the device, but the sheer size of the gem(being larger than you are) seems to be providing no shortage of complications.

The explosives don't seem to damage either construct in a significant way, however the force of it causes them to shift, and you hear a cracking sound below you as the dark eco cache's container breaks. Less than a minute later purple and black whisps begin to drift up from the sand below and between the mechanoids. You sense the drill turning faster and faster as it begins converting some of the released dark eco to spiral power.

After a few minutes eco harvesting you seem to be back at full strength, and the ganmen seems to be restoring more systems than it's most basic command of converting to spiral power. But both machines seem to be moving, very slowly but you hear the creaking of gigantic limbs. They appear to be rising lethargically, it'll take them more than ten minutes to rise out of the sand at the rate they're going.

2009-09-22, 05:02 PM

"You've just made my day, you communist punk!" Joe says and brings all of his arms to attack the creature. His saw blade, drill arm and Heart Bullet gun twist into position and start hacking at the creature. In addition, the mere act of bringing his 'rear' arms to attack the creature shifts his mass off-balance and his hover jet is directed toward the beast holding his flamer arm!

"Never mess with a soldier who's got more arms than you have brain cells."

The beast now has the choice to either let Joe go or to have three angry weaponised arms hitting him while a Jet blows high velocity air into its chest.

2009-09-22, 06:15 PM
The creature reals back from the force of your drill and burns from the flames, however your saw blades clash for a moment before it backs away.

You're heart bullet hits it, however it's' undamaged, apparently not being a heartless. It does however reveal the guns second function. Whenever it strikes anything it can't kill it'll reveal the memories and emotions of it's target!

You see through the creatures eyes as it's born in a lab, surrounded by cold steel and unfeeling plastic. Scientists, mostly human surround you, cold calculating stares as they prod you, poke you, slash at you. You shriek in pain as a device tears off your smallest arm and replaces it with a sawblade, as they attach it to nerves. You're unable to understand their words, in your short life language has never been taught to you, nor have you had time to learn. You're illiterate eyes occasionally see flashes of notes, sometimes with illustrations of other creatures. After your first four months of life you see a pattern, every time they hook you up to things connected to wires, powered by strange energy. You have to stop this, you have to resist! Little by little you form a plan to escape, cut the wires, and escape. After less than a week you escape, freedom! You attempt to break free others, slashing through cages and cells releasing other abominations as you walk free, scattering as you attempt to escape the facility, you find a wide vent, easy enough to fit through, possibly a mode of escape and attempt to crawl through, finding still more wires and pipes, cursed machines! After less than a minute a multi armed thing approaches, blasting apart things, a threat that must be dealt with...

2009-09-23, 06:07 PM
Samus Aran

Samus having finished obsorbing the "eco" heads to the direction of eclipse town. She does not however fully ignores the robots, and instead saves some footage of them moving, incase a buyer for that sort of thing comes around. ~ Phazon levels at 100%, warning phazon in blood stream showing signs of corruption~ ~Unknown Radioactive energy type "eco" identified as the source of corruption.

Samus will look for an area wide enough to fit her ship, and using her all-purpose command visor HUD, will call the ship down over the increadibly large gem.~ Grapple Lasso initiated, moving object to target location, "Eclipse Town"

After samus enters town she makes for the one who assigned her the hunting mission, set on getting her pay sooner rather then later. Along the walk she will activate the communication device she discovered while it is still linked with her suit, allowing her to contact whatever or whoever it leads to.

2009-09-23, 09:29 PM
The ship begins it's flight towards you from it's parking space in eclipse town, and it's there just as the two hulking contraptions rise to their knees. You're about to set off as the bronsy hand of the precursor guardian grabs your ship with one hand, having just risen. However the Ganmen lurches forward, tackling it-your ship in tow- and sends you both flying into the sand. The ship takes a crashes into a mound of sand, which spills into it, most of it is now signifigantly buried under the dune, with most of the top half uncovered. You see through what little of the windshield isn't covered that the mechanical titans are battling, sluggish at first but beginning to move more quickly now that they're getting used to the whole "moving" and "not covered in stone" thing.

2009-09-23, 09:47 PM

The ship whirls through the air, well before samus could get it over the gem and fly out of here. A single thought runs through her mind- Im blowing up the landing site next time!-

As the ship finally crashes and the systems flicker back to life, samus does a quick run through. ~ Primary systems at 90%, secondary systems at 30%, Plating holding at 60%, ability to exit the atmosphere unlikely.~

"Alright, time to eat heat stone heads!
And with that the ship tries to rise up again, her thrusters super heating the sand, fragments of glass forming. If/when she gets the ship free she will make quick to get to an appropriate altitude ot drop a series of missiles from her ship, which seeing as it destroys buildings, shoudl have little issue with stone giants. Time for an air raid

2009-09-23, 10:50 PM
The ship struggles before lurching free. The two robots seem to be battling it out, the multi faced ganmen seems to have sprouted a drill on it's right arm, the precursor machine conjuring a red energy blade. The two begin rushing towards each other as your missiles launch, stopping them before weapons clash.

The Precursor robot is undamaged, however Samus's rockets knock it back, it sails away from you, flipping through the air before a strange sound is heard from it's feet and some form of propulsion system "kicks" in and twin jets erupt from it's feet, suspending it in the air.

The ganmen on the other hand is much more damaged, holes torn in it's body, it'd drill and most of it's forearm gone, many of the metal teeth guarding it's midsection have shattered. It's "main" face, located on the head on top of the larger secondary face on it's torso, seems to be covered in emotion, pain, anger.

Both turn to you and charge, another drill replacing the broken arm, a red blade pointed to thrust into your ship.

2009-09-23, 11:28 PM

As the ship breaks free, and makes a second pass with missiles, emptying her reserves, samus blasts off into the distance. Samus turns the ship around, a great many meters between her and the opponants. -Three, Two...- with that thought samus activates her thrusters, prepared to do one hell of an ariel stunt.

The federation crafted and chozo adapted ship soars through the air, a barrage of energy blasts striking the giants. Samus jumps out of her seat, a direct course for the more resiliant giant, turning to the center of her ship she jumps out of an emergency hatch, and turns into a morphball form during the drop.

2009-09-23, 11:50 PM
The mechs follow you, zooming less than twenty meters behind while your ship dances through the sky, the blasts pepper the robots, knocking them off balance as the ship crashes to the robot, knocking it downwards as your spacecraft sideswipes it and continues 'til it hits the ganmen. However it seems prepared, launching off the head on it's shoulders towards your ship.

The smaller head rockets upwards, arms sprouting from its sides in the place of ears and legs briefly appear as it grabs the underside of your ship, not switching off it's propulsion system it send the ship tumbling down as it releases it's grip and again stays aloft by the jet on it's back. The ship begins it's spiral down to the desert below she head transforms, limbs folding as an immense drill sprouts from it's lower section, and begins it's descent towards your ship.

The drill pierces the windshield and impacts in the cockpit as it continues dropping and begins to right itself. It holds still in the air for the barest fraction of the second before it begins it's change, landing legs extend and joints form in the middle of them. Arms erupt from the ship sides, taking weapons with them, one arm appears to resemble the armored appendage of your suit, the other your arm cannon. The jets shift into a rocket pack of sorts on it's back. The cockpit section warps, jutting upwards as the legs change position and part from the main body as an abdomen juts forth. The rest of the transformation seems cosmetic, lengthening a piece here , changing the color a shade there. Within a few seconds the transformation is complete, producing a humanoid machine that looks something like your power suit, albeit with the head and torso sort of combined. It hangs there for a moment before charging through the air towards the falling robot.

The skull gem falls from the transformed mech, landing with a WHUMP into the sand, too large to carry and your only means of getting it back is currently charging the falling precursor creation.

2009-09-24, 06:33 PM

Joes mechanical brain whirrs as the strange information hits him, he hadn't been informed of this feature of the Heart Gun. He'll see about reading his instruction manual some more.

"Alright then, looks like this might be one of those times where science has some explaining to do. But for now, I've got to get you under control before you start hurting somebody."

Joe scans the enemy, looking for signs of exposed wires, power sources, or weak joints that he can exploit to disable the creature without killing it. He adjusts his flamer into a cutting torch and gets to work, using his hand to grab onto the creature and his drill, saw, and torch to break that sawblade and to disable the creatures joints and legs.

If he's got a radio built into his system, he tries to contract the others in the building "Joe to command, I'm down here in the lower levels. I took out a few shadows and ran into some kind of cyborg creature with a sawblade for an arm. This Heart Gun didn't work on it but its telling me that some scientists have been experimenting on it down here. I'm currently trying to disable it. Anybody know what it might be?"

2009-09-24, 10:29 PM
Joe finds plenty of exposed wires and multicolored eco exposed, ready to exploit. However the communication system gives nothing more than static, no doubt because most of the power's been cut, as demonstrated by the communication you saw earlier being cut off.

The creature lurches forward again, it's tentacles tangling around you're jets, as it's "normal" hand grabs your sawblade arm, and the sawblade flails wildly as it lets out a throaty, howl unnatural in every way.

2009-09-26, 04:32 PM

With communication cut off, Joe decides that no matter what this creature is its best to take it out quickly to deal with whatever else its released.

Joe retargets it with his flamer and washes the beast in flame to distract it, then starts tearing at the exposed wire and eco conduits with drill and hand. In a gambit, he shuts off his jet to avoid the creatures tentacles from getting jammed into any moving parts and throw his opponent off-balance.

2009-09-27, 02:52 AM
After a few seconds wrestling you're jets turn off, and the wires exposed you conveniently distract it with your flame. It's body glances a now exposed wire and with one last scream falls unconscious you catch sight of a tatoo on it's side labeled III-7. After a few seconds the creatures glowing sawblade fades, the blade itself dissipating with the light. Without the creature to focus on you find the vent it crawled through without difficulty, apparently somehow connecting the place to a complex.

There are, to review, three obvious paths. Down the vent, back upstairs, and into the unexplored area of the level.

2009-09-27, 10:25 PM
Uliqorra gave a curt bow, his coat tails billowing out behind him in a dramatic fashion rather needlessly, and curiously, due to the lack of wind they seemed to continue to do so.

It was... Odd.. That it continued to do so, but what was odder was the excess of illusions wreathing her frame, which even his INSANE pequisa couldn't possibly pierce if it tried it's absolute hardest.

This was surely a woman on Aizen sama's threat level. A lot of people would have discounted such illusions as simple, but any magic user would agree.

Disregarding this, he stood again with a salute, that momentarily exposed his Hollow Hole through the expensive suit he had been forced to wear for this occasion, a red bow tie, and a rather cheesy hairstyle remincesent of some itallian's.

He then spoke in his normal montone, slight inflections indicating widely varying emotions... Any expert would say that this apparently emotionless
Arrancar was as bipolar as a mental asylum patient.

"A pleasure to meet you, Ash'waren Sama."

2009-09-28, 12:55 AM

Joe gets up and makes sure that his opponent is down, then after a quick look he heads down through the vent. The 'reinforcements' should be able to handle whatever else is on this level. If the vision he got from the Heart Gun is true then there must be lots of other nasties down here that should be contained as quickly as possible before they come crawling out like that last beast.

2009-09-28, 08:25 PM
Uliquarra listens as she begins to speak and is cut off by a huge surge of power is felt, a long way away but still there, like a flash of light in the darkness before it dies away, an immense power greater than almost anything you've ever seen. Everyone else in the room seems to have sensed it too, most on edge and several have weapons drawn. It seems to have come from far away, roughly half a kilometer, at that strength everyone nearby who could must have sensed it(which is most of the districts inherintly magical population).

Joe Advances down the vent, appearing out of the vent in a laboratory esque facility, several smashed containers, dead scientists nearby, as well as a, closed, one on your right, open. The sounds of blood and battle come from all around, screams, howls and bellows surround you. One of the bloody corpses still grips a clipboard, blue ballpoint pen nearby crushed and in pieces. A map lies on a wall nearby, as well as some sort of computer terminal.

2009-09-29, 06:29 PM

Joe looks at the area for a second and turns his attention to the battle, ignoring the evidence for now until he takes care of the combat.

"Anyone here still alive? I'm the reinforcements!" Joe yells out as he readies saw blade, drill, flamer, and heart gun to deal with any hostiles.

He readies his Heart gun first, so that he might deal with any Heartless while not worrying about hurting survivors.

2009-09-30, 12:31 AM
"YAARG" *thwump*, the sound of someone screaming, followed by the sound of something large and blunt hitting something else large and blunt, coming from behind the closed door, someone defending themself, or someone being bludgeoned to paste?

Either way it's behind closed doors, though you do spot a keycard on a nearby corpse.

2009-09-30, 09:14 PM

Joe looks at the door and then spots the card. He quickly grabs it and uses it to open the door, if that doesn't work he uses his drill and saw to break the lock and pry the door open... or cut it open with his flamer if need be.

2009-09-30, 09:45 PM
You open the door to find several corpses half eaten, no, half gone as if something dissolved limbs and flesh. Whats left of them seem to be wearing white shirts and you spot masks on several of them(the ones who still have heads anyway. As well you spot swords of some kind on the corpses, either drawn or similarly broken.

There appear to be two living creatures left, one a man with pink hair(nothing strange considering the shades eclipse town citizens have seem to be born with in this bizarre city) and what may or may not be white glasses as well as a tattered and stained white outfit consisting of a long shirt and trousers, a katana at his side, which is strange considering he's resorting to swinging a wooden chair at the other being.

The monster seems to be a skeletal thing, sparse flesh covering a spine(but no ribcage or organs it seems), propelled on two hooflike legs. It's bony arms end in five "fingered" hands, fingers being in quotation marks because rather than the digits everything else usually has it actually ends in five long glowing tendrils. It's head resembles a humanoid skull, covered almost completely in muscle and with a good deal of sickly grey skin. It's eyes glow dark red as it's tendrils enclose on the man again.

"GET BACK" He slams the chair against the monster again, the back breaking to splinters at it's head, tearing off a good deal of skin and muscle to reveal a skull with similar numerical markings. You'd be able to read it's numbers if its only hold still.

As he brings the remnants of the chair upwards to smack it in the mouth again tentacles of light close in, wrapping around it and then slicing it apart like a hot knife through Styrofoam.



2009-10-01, 11:23 PM

"Turn around and fight, you dirty commie! You're dealing with me now!" Joe yells at the beast.

He brings his sawblade down to sever off one the skeletons arms at the shoulder if possible. His processors tell him that those tentacles could very well cause him some damage... but then again he can always get a replacement arm. Its doubtful that this scientist could do the same.

Note to self, get a ranged attack that both hurts non-heartless and doesn't spread napalm all over the place... unfriendly fire indeed.

His tactical processors spot all the broken swords and caution signs beep on his optical displays.

"You like eating metal, punk? Well turn around and open wide cause I'm a &*%$ing all you-can-eat buffet!" He swings sawblade and drill into the beast, aiming take off its arms and head or at least let the scientist escape. As soon as the civilian is out of the line of fire Joe will back away and let loose with flamer and heart gun.

"There's a vent back there that leads to the upper level, climb up there and you should be safe. I'll give you a shout once I toast this guy."

2009-10-02, 06:15 PM
Joe saws through the elbow just as the man dissapears(as in leaves so quickly your sensors literally make it look like he's dissapeared), leaving you and your new opponent alone, however as you get closer you begin feeling sluggish, you're blade takes several seconds to cut all the way through, you can feel the precursor power cell's perpetual movement beginning to slow, it's power growing less with each second, and with each second the severed limb begins to regrow, inching back.

It bounds away, and as it leaves your power cell returns to it's normal output, however as it steps on one of the corpses the body begins evaporating and the arm regenerates near completely, the tendrils begin reforming as it steps back to you and lashes wildly, a tentacle catching you by the heart gun and flame arms and attempting you pull you towards it.

2009-10-02, 09:23 PM

Joes strategic processor notes this revolting turn of events and comes up with the closest he can to a solution.

He fires both his flamer and Heart gun at the creature hoping the roast the thing (hopefully fire works against it). He also turns his hover Jet on full blast and leans back, the jet of air pushing against the creature and hopefully will let him break free of its grasp. His saw arm flails and he tries to sever the tentacles holding him as well.

"Darned cheap precursor tech... they should have let me keep my atomic core." He says, though a little voice in his mind expresses concern of what radiation would do to a think like this.

Keeping in mind this things ability to regenerate by absorbing human corpses... first thing he should do once he gets free is to set the corpses here on fire. That ought to slow it down!

2009-10-02, 10:33 PM
The flames and heart gun do in fact damage it, in less than ten seconds the things limbs begin to fade(you do however still have time to see a V-2 marking on it's head) and the charred remnants slowly dissipater like the body of an enemy in a cheap computer game, right down to the single object left behind. Where the body fell lies a red-yellow sphere. The gems colors seem to rotate constantly, spinning and swirling but never mixing to orange, as if constantly vying for supremacy. The thing is small, no larger than the joint on a human thumb and it takes you a moment to spot it in the room full of dimly lit lights and flickering screens.

Speaking of those lights and screens they begin getting brighter and the screens stop flickering. The computer screens flicker back and begin displaying data. From the looks of it the power seems to have been repaired. This however also means the vent is full of various energies and the machinery around it is also active, meaning if you try to go out the way you came in you'll be lucky to only be missing your limbs.

There are two ways from here as well, back to the area you came from(near the vent) and what seems to be a containment area, likely where something broke out of.

2009-10-03, 12:03 AM
(some issues folks, DMT be switching back to trinex)

Trinex Stands on a rooftop as the memories of how his life got to this rather insane situation plays out.

It was a drink like any other, interrupted by some ninja wizard, a drill wizard, and what may possibly be Mister Butlertron. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VvQ3dRnLO0g&NR=1). After one fight that seemed to go on forever you found yourself stuck on a rooftop and several stories high with several armed cops closing in and heartless all around. The Drill bearing man appeared before you with an offer of a place to hide and a bit of power, and you'd left in the ensuing chaos.

It turns out the place to hide was a the secret base of a group of freedom fighters, and that power was the temperamental spiral energy. You'd originally planned to run away first mission and find a tavern to drink the memories away at but damn if it wasn't a thrill. The rush of watching slavers scream in confusion, the thrill of the chase(both as predator and pray), the satisfaction of a well executed plan. The thanks of the newly freed slaves and the recruitment of those wanting to help free others was icing on the cake(the more physical and tangible thanks of ex-slavegirls being an all the sweeter icing).

In the Six months your pockets haven't suffered either. You've been given a gun with a silencer in case things get hairy or someone needs to be killed quick, completely mundane and undetectable unless seen with the eyes for missions. On the non combat related side anything looted from an enemy is fair game, and you've managed to acquire a few odd trinkets, nothing particularly useful but if you'd need to pawn it all off you'd get a few hundred munny if need be. Not to mention new non rancid clothes, simply made, not garish or brightly colored but something to change into if you don't feel like wearing the same ol jumpsuit(though you can keep wearing it if you wish).

Today you found yourself in the drow district, part of a team led by Simon the digger, a retired mecha pilot who according to statistics and logic should have died decades ago. You're attempting to relieve a wealthy slave trader of her stock. She keeps them chained to a wall and on a sort of stage, covered in an ornate rug in an attempt to show how "high quality" these slaves are. The slaves themselves vary heavily. Four drow of varying ages and genders, a human female with a defeated look to her, and a pair of orcs, one muscular male and a well muscular female(though all have a slightly malnourished look about them).

The plan was fairly simple. First Simon makes a big, noisy, flashy distraction. Then Cel, a grey drow with some mana talent, attempts to break the chains from the wall. With the surface behind them clear you fire a portal behind them, large enough to dominate the wall(And another nearby). After that a pair of your comrades fires rope tied arrows into the rug and pulls it, sending the slaves toppling backwards into the portal and away from the ruckus. You close the portal, open another for you all to escape through, and meet at a designated point.

It all seemed so simple, but Just as Simon was about to start the plan with a distraction something happened. Most of the drow began cringing as if they'd been hit with something and many started fleeing. Now the crowd was certainly distracted, but all the combatants nearby are on guard. Several of your comerades look to you, then to each other to see if you're all still ok and able to figure out whats going on, Cel the elf on the other hand seems to have cringed with the other drow, though seems to be recovering.

As the unplanned chaos erupts the same though likley flows through everyones mind. It all seemed so simple.

2009-10-03, 12:19 AM
Trinex ( I had to bail out on trinex for a bit, sorry, im back and here to stay. Sorry for the flip-flopping)

Trinex, now dressed in a clean, black/orange/yellow jumpsuit, with some rather badass decals, looks over the area. This was just another mission to him, well, until this Sht started up. Trinex draws his loaded gun, and warps to the middle of what was once a sort of trading ground for the slavers. If there are no immediate threats he frees the slaves via his portal gun. He "jumps" into the cage, grabbing the chains with his now Venemous-Green Glowing Hands and ripping the chains free, and then "jumping" back out." Too easy..." Trinex's eyes go to the remaining slavers, his pistol's silencer glows a thick green as he points it at them, a sort of malice in his eyes.

2009-10-03, 12:25 AM

"Target eliminated and facility power returning."

Joe looks around the room with a look of satisfaction until a warning goes off in his head. The vent must be full of dangerous energies by now and he had just told the civilian to head for the vent!

Joe stops for a moment to gingerly pick up the strange orb with his mechanical hand, considering what that creature was like there is no telling what this thing does or might do if left alone. He keeps an eye on his systems to make sure this thing isn't draining energy from him, but rushes back into the main room and runs a full scan to detect the scientist (or whatever parts might be left of him).

"Attention civilian, the skeletal beast has been destroyed. What is your status and can you tell me what happened here?"

If he can't find any signs of the scientist then he heads for the next closed door he can find and continues his search of the level. He also tries using the radio to contact Thorn and see whats happening with him.

2009-10-03, 01:13 AM
Trinex's hands glow as a lazy trail of green power loops around and between your fingers, and with a few seconds effort the chains are decimated and the targets through the portal, on a rooftop far enough away and high enough that nothing could bother them without lots of effort without flight.

The slaver freezes, you see her and a few guards more clearly. Her hair is dyed in many shades, blacks, blues, greys, and a few streaks of dark blue with hair tied to a bun in the back and dividing into many bangs in the front. A simple style with deceptively cheap dyes. Her clothes are similar, whites and purples and green embroidery in the shape of winged dragons, minimal green meant to convey more wealth than there was. Her body itself seems plump, bordering on fat, someone who ate regularly and in large amounts, no doubt mystery meat(who're we kidding, any fool could see 2+2= ****ing sentient burgers). Her wrists are adorned with gold bracelets and her fingers with rings, you see lots of obsidian but sparse crystal.

Her guards seem to be just as much about impression and as failing at actual substance, a pair or thin male drow, one armed with a spear and the other an axe, simple weapons that require minimal training. Worn armor with a fading coat of black and red. These are far from the cream of the crop and the look of doubt for the psycho "goblin" smashing through metal shows they're well aware of this fact. "KILL HIM" She shouts, pointing at you with a finger and waving it around frantically.

Ken, one of the humans on the rooftop above the stage takes aim with his bow, not bothering to remove the rope from the arrow. His partner, seems to have abandoned his bow and is drawing a long knife, preparing to throw it at the first enemy to move. Simon appears to be looking about the panicked mass for any other threats and Cel is quickly regaining her senses. If any battle in the history of the universe had "curbstomp" written on it this was it.

JoeFinds that the scientist has dissapeared into thin air, and a look at the corpses reveals the masks stuck in place, as well as hollow holes on several of them. Arrancar, the denizens of the Hueco Mundo district, serving under the Death God Aizen. Like Uliquarra that man must've been capable of speed so quick your eyes'd barely be able to see him on a good day. Judging by the evidence so would these corpses if they were in any condition to move, even if he were somehow trapped in the vent skin stronger than iron would protect him for a time at least.

More worrying is that that thing which died so easily by your hand killed all of these combat ready scientists with such ease, even with you're upgrades you probably couldn't do half of what it did to these men. You have no idea what could account for it's fluctuating power, or if it had any siblings.

Assuming you check both rooms: The broken containment area has several computer type areas as well, flashing with data on various abominations or cameras revealing the pens of monsters, some still full, some empty.

The door opposite to the room you fought in leads to a long walkway, at the end it forks, becoming two long walkways. A map and computer panel are near it, like the others it needs a sort of keycard swipe to be properly accessed, not a problem seeing as you happen to posses such a card right now.

As you connect back to base you hear an unfamiliar voice "We're a bit busy right now! Heartless and ...things swarming in by the dozen, had to call in Gurren lagann to impact the place and repair power. Automated turrets online again and we're getting the upper hand but I ...I have no ****ing clue what the hell these things are!" The last word is punctuated with a BANG, like a handgun going off "Sorry, shadows and **** getting in here" The voice lets off a nervous laugh, which is also punctuated with a bang.

2009-10-03, 02:44 PM

Processing the information about this scientist, Joe looks at the computer screens when he hears the voice on the radio.

"I found the lab where these things came from, the scientists are Arrancar and it looks like their experiments broke out an killed most of them. I rescued one scientist with pink hair but he vanished."

Joe gets to the computer and starts uploading the information on the creatures and everything else about this complex.

"I found a computer with notes on the creatures. I'll see if I can send you the data."

He tries transmitting the files across the connection... maybe sending them to Vin or another advanced computer who can get the strategic data sent to the troops. If he can't actually send the files he will look though the data and tell the trooper any weaknesses of the creatures that have escaped.

Once he's sent the tactical data, Joe heads down the hallway and commits the map to memory, then uses his key card to access the computer.

2009-10-03, 03:30 PM

If you say so. And with that the gun fires, a bullet zipping straight at the rotund queenbitch. Trinex then uses his portals to warp behind the men as they charge at him, letting loose a few more rounds, each to the center of the head.

2009-10-04, 02:51 PM
Uliquarra listens as she begins to speak and is cut off by a huge surge of power is felt, a long way away but still there, like a flash of light in the darkness before it dies away, an immense power greater than almost anything you've ever seen. Everyone else in the room seems to have sensed it too, most on edge and several have weapons drawn. It seems to have come from far away, roughly half a kilometer, at that strength everyone nearby who could must have sensed it(which is most of the districts inherintly magical population).

Joe Advances down the vent, appearing out of the vent in a laboratory esque facility, several smashed containers, dead scientists nearby, as well as a, closed, one on your right, open. The sounds of blood and battle come from all around, screams, howls and bellows surround you. One of the bloody corpses still grips a clipboard, blue ballpoint pen nearby crushed and in pieces. A map lies on a wall nearby, as well as some sort of computer terminal.

With a curt bow, Uliqorra vanishes at post sonic speeds, the shock wave likely leaving quite a few things in disarray, as he seeks out the source of the disturbance, and hopefully what will be a lead to Orihime Inque, as he does so though, he is overcome with a strange urge, and opens a Garganta to a random location, the home of a Mr. Jake Black in fact, though Uliqorra didn't know or care, and he fired a Cero through it as he moved towards his destination, the green wave of energy pouring through the other end.

With what effect though? Who knows?

2009-10-04, 03:29 PM
Uliquarra fires his cero, and hears a sound from somewhere, nowhere you can pinpoint, shouting "IMA FIRIN MAH LAZAR" And the target turns around, lips gone red and eyes bulging, releasing a slightly larger blast. This not only neutralizes yours but hits you, not enough to do any actual damage but almost certainly stings your pride.

You race through the city but stop as you near a walled subsection of the district. The drowussu section, in the shadow of the shining pillar. You're a fair distance off but you still see the wall lined with armed Templars, also on guard from the power sensed by all. Given you're nature and immense power you'd be sensed with ease by anyone looking for you. The pulse came from somewhere nearby, possibly within the guarded wall means a 99.99% chance of bringing a large portion of the Kyorl'Solenurn army on you.

Essentially if you want to get closer you'd have to dodge/fight through an army who'll recognize an arrancar in their lands from the other side of the area and will be none too happy about it.

Joe swipes the identification card through and something strange happens. The information, rather than being displayed on the screen is sent directly into your mind. You're unsure how this is possible but hey, what's possible is kinda a grey area where the laws of physics depend on what planet the local cosmic horror brings home for takeout.

The facility appears to be an installation put in by a company known as "crossguard", a supposedly altruistic group working for the betterment of the town as a whole, attempting to combine the technologies of different districts for the betterment of the city, founded about three years after eclipse towns conception.

They're a large company that dabbles in everything, faster vehicles, better heartless killing tools, new energy sources to power the city. Lots of things they've made are fairly well known, upgrades to mecha and vehicles, medicines, research into every supposedly righteous thing used to protect and empower everyone.

However this facility was created due too the need to go ...more extreme. Creatures made to better fight the monsters outside the town walls.

As you look at this data you come to recognise some sort of program in it, a sort of failsafe to keep the secret. Any recordings or copies made anywhere but from this computer automatically fail, and the data downloaded into that computer on the subject is wiped clean, meaning you can't take any electronic notes home as proof or send it anywhere.

From here the computer has several options for you:

A list of current experiments
Look through cameras positioned throughout the facility
List of employees


Fires his bullet at the woman, and surprise! It ricochets off some sort of invisible shield in the air and into a nearby wall.

The bow and dagger hit the spear guard, dropping him to the floor. His partner, seeing himself outnumbered and outmatched, runs for it. ou do catch sight of one without a doubt valuable item on her person. A blue symbol wrought from gemstone on a chain wrapper around her arm.

"Useless!" She says, and waves her arm, and you're gun heats, so hot you drop it.

Things seem to be getting serious, a few members of the panicked crowd begin falling, bodies twisting and screaming on the floor.

2009-10-04, 04:24 PM


Trinex shouts as the super heated gun falls from his gloved hand. Metal so hot that it leaves a scorch on the fabric. He then assesses the situation, just to ensure where he stands in ths woefully one sided fight.

"When in doubt..."

And with that trinex begins a series of portals, closing and opening one after another. The first is at the highest point he can find, and then at his feet. After he has begun falling from unimaginable hights back to where he started he opens another portal, this time at the side of a building, the other at the womens feet. Finally, as she begins rocketing at him from a perpendicular angle, he opens a last set of portals. One under where he and the women will meet, and another 1 meter from it.

As this chain begins he plummets from the sky, yelling as he goes.

" Break their jaw!!"

As the series of twist and turns in his elaborate plan comes to the end, he connects his heel of his steel boots to the womens jaw, and pushes her through the portal. The both of them come flying up from the portal 1 meter away, at which trinex begins flipping mid air to deliver about 5 straight kicks to the women in total before they come to the ground once more. No portal to break their fall, trinex ends the combo with a square drop kick to her jaw AGAIN!

Trinex then backflips, landing in a rather, "cinematic" and inpressive way.

2009-10-04, 05:12 PM
Trinex's boot plants into her skull, breaking the Jaw, brain, and the face in one attack, a green strand of energy spiralling around your foot as your render her head into gray matter jello. However there seem to be no rest for the wicked. As you land the collapsed drow rise, reminding you of the night you fought the world bringer heartless, when opponents too wounded and in pain to concentrate rose again as the demons gnawing at their heart and soul took over. One of them begins snapping, as bones break as limbs elongate. A second nearby screams as it takes over completley, eyes growing and glowing around his body. A third seems to simply rise, comparitivley normal until you notice it's tongue has split into a mass of tentacles.

You're comerades stare at you for a moment before Ken opens his mouth "Dude... AWESOME. Now lets show them just who the hell we are!" Drawing another long arrow he pulls the bowstring as far back as his body can before aiming at the tentacle'd monster, sending an arrow through it's chest and into the stone floor. It writhes a bit, the arrow won't hold it down forever and it appears to have gotten more angry...

2009-10-04, 09:56 PM

Momentarily taken aback by the advanced computer system, Joe decides to first access the cameras throughout the facility. This should give him some knowledge of the places layout and see which experiments are amok (and therefore need research about their weaknesses).

Joe does a general search with the cameras, looking to see what people or creatures are moving around and where they are. Once he spots something the he will cross-reference with the lists of experiments and employees.

2009-10-05, 12:53 AM
Seems to be at least twenty out and twice that contained. You can see a few comon forms, no doubt related somehow. At least one of each has escaped so no luck there. However there seem to be a few huge things contained.

On the cameras:

Judging by the placement of the hallways both paths run through monsters paths, and the only exit is through several of them to near the center of the complex.

The monsters are arranged by two numbers. The first refers to its "family", the skeleton thing belongs to a group of similar ones, as does the saw creature. There appear to be seven types altogether.

The first ones appear to be a small primate esque creature, eyes glowing blue-green. They were apparently created as a sort of scout, to detect heartless and report back, other than some sharp teeth and quick reflexes they don't appear to be particularly dangerous. They're also the most numerous, five contained and five loose, scampering about, strange since there seem to be eleven listed. The general apperance can be described as a sort of lemur with yellow-tan fur and an extra set of arms, and the glowing green eyes.

The seconds appear to be large catlike things, made to communicate with the first via pheromones and attack the target. They're much more hostile, apparently the scientists were working on cutting back the aggression in them. Two are loose, with two or three first ones nearby, all of them in the room to the left at the end of the hallway. Though several appear to be missing from the cells, no doubt a part of the group attacking aboveground.

The thirds are essentially the cyborg mask things you saw before, though most of them have uncovered faces, vaguely birdlike in appearance. Only one other one seems to exist, this ones arm supports a drill as opposed to a sawlade but it seems to be similar in most other ways, clawing at a scientist corpse.

Fourths are "humanoid", apparently made by combining material from humans and metal head grunts to create faster, more all purpose combatantss. Eight are there altogether, all grouped in one room near the end, all free, five males, three females. The database says that thir stomachs are particularly sensitive and they'll wretch in pain with little pressure.

Fifths are spideresque, red and the size of a small child, the data on them shows them to be "near human in intelligence". They seem to have spun a web in the room at the end of the right corridor.

Sixths seem to be a sort of micro-organisim, a sort of creature cobbled together from cells of various creatures that, when consumed replenish the heart of the creature. They're in a lab safely locked on the other side of the station.

Lastly the sevenths are the creatures you've seen before, designed to eat magic and use it entirely for sustenance, phasing out digestive and respiratory systems almost altogether. They show the strange ability to call heartless to itself, which is worrying.

The cameras also show several large creatures and machines, safely locked away.

-Two Evangelions, submerged in a sea of LCL fluid(apparently they've cracked how to make the stuff), save for the heads.

The first is five eyed, with an orange helmet. According to the data it was made mostly from failed prototypes. Due to the problems encountered that caused the things to be scrapped much of it is also made from bio golem technology, a mysterious type of construct that is supposedly kept secret by the drow clan that made it. According to the data it's head and arms are the same orange color but everything below it's chest is obsidian black.*

The second is white and silver, two eyes and it's face seems to be near featureless. According to the data it was cloned from the "first angel"(see below)*.

Both are powered by something called the A2 engine, supposedly a device that absorbs the backround magical energy of eclipse and uses it as a power source.

Away from the two bio mechanical creations lies a wholly metal robot. Three eyes adorn it's face, and three jets seem to be placed on it's back. It appears to be only mostly finished, as it's left arm is nowhere to be found and it's right has all of it's wires(and a hidden sawblade) exposed. It metions being one of the first independent machines, able to think wholly for itself, capable of some higher thought. Worryingly it does mention much of this data comes from research done on your own body.*

As well there are several more legal things you can see in an aboveground section of the city. A team of mecha, based on the grapearl design but augmented with various eco crystals*, as well as the eco warrior program, based on the original dark warrior program abandoned in old haven city it instead deals with the four more basic types(blue, red, yellow, green)*, as well as an "amber warrior" who's body contains a piece of spirit amber(the same substance that allows your heart gun to damage heartless types)*.

Additionally the page also contains information on several beings not created in the labs but are the basis of much of the genetic or mechanical constructions:

Grapearl: A mecha created by the kamina district, it also makes up a large part of the city vehicles, used as watch vehicles, soldiers, and scouts.

Jak: The sole known survivor of the dark warrior program abandoned more than a decade ago, has the ability to channel small amounts of raw dark eco safely, a deed that could kill most others.

The first angel: The first of the angel type monsters known to have attacked eclipse town. After it was defeated with it's body mostly intact it was divided among districts after much debate. Crossguard managed to acquire a piece and has integrated it into several biological experiments since then.

Joe: A sentient robot of unknown origin that appeared in eclipse town one day. Since then it has shown much combat and recon aptitude. During it's upgrade the cast off parts were hauled away for study, along with a literal truckload of notes and data. It's saw was used as the weapon of several III types, often upgraded with spiral power or eco. As well several modifications to the system have been made recently based on it's programming.

Bio golem: The signature construct of the Jaal'darya clan, as shown below it cost quite a bit to acquire the methods of making one.

Employees: Though there is a reasonably long list of scientists of many fields there are five that stand out, supposedly holding secrets and expertise so valuable they're paid a seventeen figure amount for their work and given much freedom in their work. They are: An espada(likely the one you saw earlier), a Jaal mana scientist, a NERV employee, a biologist who supposedly helped create bio computer technology, and finally an ex eco scientist who supposedly worked on the dark warrior project.

As well there appears to be one surviving scientist nearby, having barricaded himself in the room beyond the fifths web, pacing and muttering to himself with a small handgun in his hands.

Throughout all this you come to notice a small keypad nearby, unused as you plug directly into the system in your strange way. It appears you aren't supposed to use the computer in this way.

*Open for use in any other eclipse town game for any player who wants to be a pilot/test subject.

2009-10-06, 12:31 AM

Joe reads through this information, concern growing in his mind as he learns that some of his data was being used in experiments such as this... such inefficient designs! Why build a giant robotic monster when it you could mass-produce robotic troops? Thats how RobCo did it and dang it that's the way its supposed to go. No need to muck about with these genetically modified flesh eating monsters.

Joe notices the scientist and considers leaving to rescue him, however he stops and then remembers that he has access to the intercom. He takes a quick look at the scientist through the camera, looking for any distingushable features to identify him.

He also tries plotting a route to get to the scientist and then take him to the buildings exit. Joe keeps a lookout for whatever monsters are along this route or nearby the scientists hiding place.

"Attention Crossguard scientist. You, the one pacing back and forth with the handgun. I am Joe, a robot who was sent here to help take out these escaped monsters and rescue the people in this building. I have gained access to this buildings intercom and security cameras. If you can hear me, please speak with me through the intercom or just look up at the camera above your head and maybe write some messages on a piece of paper or something.

First question: Do you know how do shut all these monsters down?"

Sifting through the tactical data he has seen on the experiments, he tries contracting the soldiers fighting on the surface. If the computers security system allows him, he gives them the following message.

"I found that the creatures in this complex are weird experiments supposedly made to combat heartless.

If you see any catlike creatures, they are supposed to work in tandem with little monkey things using pheromones... I think teargas should help mess up their pheremone system."

If you see humanoid-metalhead hybrids, this computer says their stomachs are sensitive so it should be a weak spot.

And I ran into a really nasty skeleton-like creature with tentacles for hands. It eats magic and its tentacles can cut through metal and people. If you see anything like it I would recommend using plenty of fire, thats how I killed it. Oh, they can also regenerate by absorbing corpses and may summon Heartless. Again, use fire."

2009-10-06, 01:40 AM
"Kill it with fire. Add flammable gasses, thanks for the excuse Joey boy" a new voice says, ending with a *fwoom*, followed by an explosion.

"Damnit Vin, this is why we don't mix grenades and gas vents!"

The scientist says something, but a lack of microphones means you can't speak with him from here. He does however have short red hair and small glasses. The route is on the other side of the five controlled area, the sentient spiders. The lab seems to lack paper and its computer terminal smashed.

2009-10-06, 04:01 PM

Joe sees the scientist unable to speak and gives a heads up to the troopers "I have located a surviving scientist and am heading there to rescue him. I will contact you once I learn more."

Joe then talks to the scientist through the intercom. "I'm sorry but I can't hear you. I will travel to your location to speak with you. There are several number 5 spiders in a web near your location, acording to the information I've gathered from your computer they posess near human intelligence.

If you think they are intelligent enough for me to negotiate with or intimidate into letting us past them without combat then please nod your head 'yes'. I have a flamethrower which I suspect could prove good at intimidation if need be.

If you belive it impossible to negotiate with them and combat is the only option, please pass your hand across your throat in the 'kill them' sign. I have a flamethrower

If you would rather remain inside the room until the entire complex is cleansed of monsters (which could take several hours) then shake your head 'no' and form an 'X' with your arms."

Joe waits for a minute for the scientist to give a response and then disengages from the computer console. Noticing the keypad he gets the impression that this direct communication isn't a function built into either the computer or himself... maybe it has something to do with the data the scientists copied from his systems. Either way, it could use some investigating later.

The robot heads toward the scientists location, his Flamer held up as his primary weapon. If the spiders do in fact have human-level intelligence then he might be able to convince them to let him through without a fight.

Upon reaching them, Joe says. "Greetings, Spider People. I am Joe a combat robot. I have come here to rescue a scientist and escort them outside of this building. If you agree to not fight with me or harm the scientist then I will leave your area peacefully and tell the soldiers coming here to leave you alone and see that you are properly taken care of once all this mess is cleaned up.

If you combat me then I will retaliate with lethal force."

Joe points his flamer off to the side and lets off a short burst of fire, letting the spiders see that he is armed.

"What is your decision?"

Joe waits for them to respond, either through speech or some other visible method. If he gets no response he switches to the Heart Gun to 'telepathically' read what they are thinking.

2009-10-06, 09:21 PM
As Joe pulls away and drops the keycard he doesn't log off. As in while you can see everything normally a piece of your mind is still connected, allowing you to access the information still.

After adjusting to this you head down the hallway, the spiders do not attack, yet they don't let you pass, blocking the way behind you and in front, observing silently til you Fire.

Birth, from a glass egg. Rapid growth alongside your twenty siblings, sustained on a diet of insects. In a short time you were fully grown, alongside your family. Kept in a habitat, stone with sparse weeds. A horizon of glass, creatures looking, watching. A roof of shining spheres, giving off sheer light. They speak a strange tongue, unpronounceable to your mandibles. One day they speak, pressing strange colored stones from beyond the glass horizon. A massive creature, an insect with a bronzy shell, looking for all the world(or at least the few rooms that constitute your world) like a great metal meal. You charged it, it charged you. Withing ten seconds a spider was dead and it was being devoured by the food. It's soul sucked out by tendrils eminating from the things insectile mouth. You charge, leaping with eight legs as you slice the tendrils off with sharpened exoskeleton, leaving them hanging limp around your dead sister. It's armored shell has few weak spots, but it leaves it's mouth open. You jab a leg down it's throat, then another, it thrashes in rage for several minutes before dying, and the remaining spiders looked upon you, the greatest warrior alive.

The four limbed flesh things from beyond the glass entered, speaking in their strange tongue, watching as you feast on it's bitter meat. Conversing amongst yourselves you reason the humans set the dangerous monster upon you, and attack as they look towards you, whispering as you surround them.

After a quick fight/execution you explore the facility, most splitting off alone or in pairs, but four followed you, the greatest spider, the man who slayed the hearteater.

As you begin to make a base a creature emerges, made of steel, though you sense something more in it. Is it a demon? A god? It points to you and fires its strange weapon.

The flashback fades as the spiders look to their leader, the target of your shot. Apparently they all felt the same thing.

Trigger happy aren't ya? a voice says. Inside your own head, from the spiders around you's reaction it's heard by you alone.

2009-10-06, 09:25 PM

Trinex watches as the drow change around him. His moment of badassery has been ruined, and someone had to pay. The first thought that comes to mind.. Pepsi. However that had no relevence to the situation, and so bringing up his silence gun, trinex launches off a few shots the ones still advancing on him, before doing a few backflips to the pinned one. When he is near it he will open a port in he surface the drow is pinned to, pushing both him and the drow through, and out another portal that is opened from a high up overhang. Trinex plummets with the drow, laughing like a psycho as he prepares to rocket smash into the others.

2009-10-06, 09:38 PM
Trinex falls through the portal, grabbing the demon possessed enlongated drow, portaging and smashing into the pinned droiow, smashing them together. The next one blinks, four literal eyes opening and closing in rapid sucession as it turns tails and runs.

"Watchmen"Simon says, calling out, and you do see down the street a drow, riding a white tiger, wielding a spear. The cat weaves through civilians, stabbing at more demons as they rise. You hear voices behind the rider, as drow on foot run towards the fray, finishing any surviving demons.

2009-10-06, 09:48 PM

Trinex see's the drow on the tiger runnng towards them. And with nothingmore then a mock tip of his hat to his "previous" allies, seems to dissapear in the blink of an eye*.

Later trinex shoots out of a portal somewhere away from the area they were at ( hopefully at the nearest tavern). Dusting himself off, he heads to the nearest bar, and gets ready to wet his lips.

* (Uses a series of portals and times them so not only did it look like he was gone within seconds, but also so he can warp halfway across town in moments)

2009-10-06, 10:21 PM
You zip across the city, abandoning you're only source of food, water, income, training, ammunition, allies, and knowledge of what monsters lurk in the world to hunt for a tavern.

You come to a massive arena/tavern in the Jade District. You're let in and take a seat when you realize you have no money, and nothing other than the gun and the trinket in your pocket. While you can't buy anything you do note a fight.

A martial arts master and a monster resembling a humanoid horse thing on fire face off. He keeps his distance, backing as its firey body advances, whinneying the whinny of the devil. He rolls backwards and pulls out a shortsword, charging while it does.

He leaps halfway through the charge, throwing the bladea as he lands, sliding as he connects the ground between it's legs, clearing them juswt as it collapses. He raises his fists in triumph as the crowd goes wild. An announcer cries out:

"Ladies and gentlemen, victorious once again: Li the Tempest!"

The crowd chants his name, over and over again as he digs the sword out of the creatures brains, wiping the blade on his gaudily colored clothes.

http://static.squidoo.com/resize/squidoo_images/-1/draft_lens2187453module12106472photo_1224273837jad e_empire.jpg

2009-10-06, 11:23 PM

Joe is taken aback by the voice in his head, then keeps an eye on the spiders while he tries to contact the 'voice'.

"I take it you are using my connection to the mainframe to read my mind." he says to the voice. Mentally, he tries searching through the computer menu to find the 'log out' button. He hovers over this button to log off at a moments notice if something happens in his head that he doesn't like.

"Considering that the first two nonhumans I ran into were twisted experiments that tried either hacking my limbs off or eating my energy core I think such an outlook is justified. Though if you are referring to my Heart Gun then you should speak with the chaps who hooked it to me... its the closest thing to a universal translator I have. At least now I know these things can't understand a word I'm saying. Lousy scientists, why give something human level intelligence and not teach it to speak?"

"By the way, I don't believe we've been properly introduced. My name is Joe. What's yours?"

2009-10-06, 11:49 PM
As you go still and talk the creatures look at you curiously before the voice

"Yep!" The button is nowhere to be found, though the entire database is open, no log off buton can be found.

"And those things always were crazy, the spidery ones were more sane though!"
The voice says, chirping excitedly.

"I dont have a name, no one bothered giving me one." The speach patterns become much less excited there.

2009-10-07, 01:41 AM

Joe processes the information and starts formulating theories. His inability to log off from the database is strange... this can't be a software glitch... must be one of those 'heart' things he keeps hearing about. But would a robot like himself have a heart? Why would he need such a thing, and where would it come from.

I sure hope the Heartless don't start attacking our toasters and computers next. If a robot like me qualifies then what the heck are we supposed to do? If worlds have hearts... do rocks?

Joe stops this little internal monologue to continue his... internal conversation?

Good thing I know when I'm just talking to myself, otherwise I'd think this voice in my head was me.

No kidding. Bad enough being a robot with a buggy database and a strange voice in your/my head, imagine being a crazy one!

"Have you talked with anyone else before?" Joe asks the voice. "If you are looking for a name, you could always name yourself. I was named Joe by my master. He said he got the idea from an old science fiction radio story 'A logic named Joe' about a little computer that learned to improve itself and perform new functions for its user... I haven't read the story myself, and I suppose at this point I will never be able to... but I suspect that things turned out all right in the end."

Joe gets a bit homesick at the thought but snaps out of it.

"I know... maybe I could give you a nickname. Just a little name to call you until you find one that you really like. Something like... Voice? No, that sounds too symbolic. How about Gary? Gary sounds like a decent nickname."

He remembers why he's here and tries to make his way to the door of the room where the scientist is boarded up. He keeps an eye on the spiders as he moves, taking a 'leave them alone as long as they leave you alone' stance. The great warrior spider might try attacking the scientist or himself just to prove a point, but lets hope it doesn't come to that.

Actually, those things had taken out a metalhead... they might be a threat to me. Well, then again I do have flamer so not so much. I suppose I could try scaring them away but then again warrior spider might try fighting me and get his head toasted.

*sigh* Why can't we all just get along? Must be their humanlike intelligence and multilimbed shapes that remind me so much of myself... seriously, I look like a floating metal octopus with sawblades and dangerous weapons sticking out. No wonder all the monsters I use this Heart Gun on think I'm scary.

"So, Gary, do you have any ideas on how to scare these spiders away so we can rescue this scientist?"

If he reaches the door, he knocks on it gently with his fingered arm and says. "This is Joe, don't come out just yet as the spiders are still here. Did you put in any failsafes or something to shut them down or scare them away?"