View Full Version : Quick Silmarillion question

Mauril Everleaf
2009-08-06, 10:54 PM
If I am remembering correctly, in the Silmarillion, there is an undead dwarf character. If said character actually exists, what was that character's name?

2009-08-06, 10:55 PM
There is no such character.
Undead do not feature in the Silmarillion.

Mauril Everleaf
2009-08-06, 11:05 PM
Then maybe it was in some other Tolkein writing. My Google-fu is weak, apparently.

2009-08-07, 08:37 AM
The only evil dwarf-character in the Silmarillion I can think of (though he was not undead) would be Mīm (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M%C3%AEm). Is this who you are thinking of, perhaps?

2009-08-07, 09:37 AM
Mim the petty-dwarf was my thought as well.

Might it be Durin the Deathless, though? Some of the Dwarves believed that certain Dwarven kings were reincarnations of him.

EDIT: Sauron did take the shape of a "vampire" once, though it's unclear whether or not that's supposed to be an actual undead or just a scary winged creature.

2009-08-07, 10:52 AM
There are also some undead-like creatures in the unfinished tales. Some vampire of bar-queen I think. The one Luthien Tinnuviel takes the shape of when she goes with Beren to get the Silmarill

2009-08-07, 11:30 AM
Gorlim appears as a "ghost" or "wraith" of some sort to warn Beren, after he betrayed the party in the hope of saving his wife, and was murdered. Beren appears to be dreaming at the time, but the warning is real.

The vampires in The Silmarillion don't come across as especially undead-ish. The Barrow-wights, and the Dead Men of Dunharrow, fit much more closely.

Mauril Everleaf
2009-08-07, 12:43 PM
I may also have dreamed the character up entirely and he may never have existed. I really ought to go back and read the novel.

2009-08-07, 04:34 PM
You should; it's a great book, and IMO far better than LOTR.
About the undead, the vampires in the Silmarillion are more of spirits than actual undead, and the wraith of Gorlim is more of a spirit as well... the barrow-wights and dead of Dunharrow, though, definitely fit the bill.

2009-08-07, 05:13 PM
I may also have dreamed the character up entirely and he may never have existed. I really ought to go back and read the novel.

Isn't that stretching it a little? Novels are so much easier to read.:smallbiggrin:

2009-08-07, 05:58 PM
Isn't that stretching it a little? Novels are so much easier to read.:smallbiggrin:

Not all of them, unfortunately.

Though I personally am a fan of Sil, though I read history books for fun so what do I know?

2009-08-07, 06:27 PM
Everyone seems to talk about how tough the Sil is to read, but it's really not that bad at all...I think most people are just put off by the extremely archaic Anulindale.

2009-08-07, 06:30 PM
Isn't that stretching it a little? Novels are so much easier to read.:smallbiggrin:

I also found the Silmarillion quite easy to read, but then again I found Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell (the only book I own that seems to be in danger of undergoing fusion from its own mass) to be quite easy to read as well. I thought that the historical perspective was appropriate for the long-lived elves.

2009-08-07, 07:57 PM
I also found the Silmarillion quite easy to read, but then again I found Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell (the only book I own that seems to be in danger of undergoing fusion from its own mass) to be quite easy to read as well. I thought that the historical perspective was appropriate for the long-lived elves.

Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell is a great book and I recommend it to all Tolkien fans. I found the Silmarillion to be very interesting but also confusing. It seemed like just about every character in it had at least three names. I had to keep referencing the appendices in the back which was a little irritating :smallsigh:.

2009-08-08, 12:59 AM
Really? I never found the nned to reference the back... when you say "multiple names" do you mean names and titles, like Manwe Sulimo, Beren Erchamion, Finrod Felagund, Elu Thingol, Turin Turambar, Luthien Tinuviel, etc., or characters who are actually called by different names- Gandalf/Olorin/Mithrandir/Incanus, Melkor/Morgoth, etc?