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2009-08-07, 09:53 AM
What's the biggest trump card that you, as a PC, have ever pulled?

Just to give an example of what I mean, in my first ever DnD campaign I met a girl in a dungeon who introduced herself as Starsha, the Dungeon Master's daughter. (in this world the Dungeon Master was apparently a character. *shrug*) Several of my teammates were rather rude to her, and she turned one of them into a frog just to shut them up. I, however, was generally polite throughout the encounter and at the end of it she asked to see my sword. She enchanted it, but didn't tell me what it did, simply that it would only work once and to activate it all I had to do was say the words "Starsha is cool."

Well, I didn't want to waste my one-time-only enchantment on something trivial, did I? So I wound up carrying that thing around for the rest of the encounter, never activating it.

Years go by, I'm in another campaign with the same DM and the same character. I am STILL carrying that sword, and I STILL have no idea what it does. So one day my team is fighting a couple of monsters, I don't remember exactly what they were... my blurry memory says they were either some wierd critters that looked like mine carts, or GIANT ENEMY CRABS. But that's not important.

The important part is that one of my teammates was about to be killed by said beasties. I was on the other side of the map, corned by another monster. I needed to get past this one and get to the other monster to save my teammate, who also happened to be my character's sister.

So, I finally take my sword and utter the words "Starsha is cool." Truth be told, I highly doubt that the DM remembered what it originally did, but what it wound up doing was extremely cool. The blade glowed blue, and in a split second I was standing in front of my sister, BOTH enemies lopped cleanly in two. Fun.

Think that's it? Nope. After that I assumed the awesomeness of the sword was gone and it was just a regular longsword again. But the next session, midway through fighting an ice giant, I noticed a lil' button on the handle. I pressed it, and lopped the giant in half. Not the "glow and teleport" lop from previously, I just did aLOT of damage. For whatever reason, the aftereffects of the enchantment turned it into a Buzzsaw Sword, which added +20 to all my damage rolls.

So from then on I had the most awesome weapon in the party.

That's my trump card. What's yours?

Sinfire Titan
2009-08-07, 10:00 AM
Manticore Belt+Phase Cloak soulmelds. Bound to Waist, Totem, and Shoulders. Turn on Totem Embodiment, and I can become a shotgun with wings that can jump onto the Ethereal Plane after attacking.

Archmage's High Arcana for Celerity (8 times over, so I'm saccing 2 5th and 2 7th level spell slots here). More powerful than Abrupt Jaunt, and easily abused.

Nearly every spellcaster I play has a nova method built into them, though it isn't a complete nova in that I only use about 4 or 5 spells when doing it.

2009-08-07, 10:04 AM
Any chance of getting you to translate that into complete sentances? I can only guess at what about half of those items are.

Anyways, just remembered another trump card my party had:

The Madcoil Sword. It's just a sword hilt with a button on it, but when you hold down said button, a Madcoil pops out where the blade should be, the end of its tail stuck to the hilt. It'll slice n' dice anything down range. The only problem? You can't put the Madcoil back in. And if you let go of the button, the Madcoil is let loose, and being a Madcoil, it will proceed to kill everything it sees. Including you, unfortunately.

But if you could find a way to make it chase your enemies, well... it was a fun weapon.

2009-08-07, 10:13 AM
I still have a scroll of Tanar'ri Tribulation to battle my character's father. I've had it so long that after a transition of editions the spell doesn't exist (But we've homebrewed a version of it.) It's been in his inventory since character creation, but sadly has not been pulled yet.

Other than that, I'm going to go with the generic "Soaring Raptor Strike" that may or may not be a common answer on this thread.

Sinfire Titan
2009-08-07, 10:21 AM
Any chance of getting you to translate that into complete sentances? I can only guess at what about half of those items are.

The first two are soulmelds from Magic of Incarnum, not magic items. Totem Embodiment is the capstone class feature of the Totemist base class.

The combo gives me a fly speed of 170ft (clumsy), 16 Ranged Attacks that deal 1d6+1/2 Str as a Standard action (not an attack or Full Attack action), Flyby Attack, and whenever I move more than 5ft, I shunt into the Ethereal Plane (effectively giving me Perfect Maneuverability and free Invisibility). So I use Flyby Attack, move 5ft forward and shoot them with 16 attacks, then take the rest of the movement and become Ethereal until the beginning of my next turn. Next round, I repeat.

I can only get about 10 minutes or so of this, afterwords I drop from 170ft speed to 90ft and only 8 attacks (I can still go Ethereal).

It makes it so the only things that can hit me are people with Ghost Touch items and See Invisibility up. I can be the ultimate scout that way.

Doc Roc
2009-08-07, 10:25 AM
Toroidal Singularity Bomb. In a Medieval setting.

Deth Muncher
2009-08-07, 01:16 PM
I still have a scroll of Tanar'ri Tribulation to battle my character's father. I've had it so long that after a transition of editions the spell doesn't exist (But we've homebrewed a version of it.) It's been in his inventory since character creation, but sadly has not been pulled yet.

Other than that, I'm going to go with the generic "Soaring Raptor Strike" that may or may not be a common answer on this thread.

As a guy who started playing right near the end of 3.5, I'm entirely unaware of what that spell used to do. Something cool, I hope?

PairO'Dice Lost
2009-08-07, 01:28 PM
As a guy who started playing right near the end of 3.5, I'm entirely unaware of what that spell used to do. Something cool, I hope?

Hmm...it's been a while, but as I recall it was a mid-level spell (3rd-5th) that did random things to demons like disabling innate abilities or blinding them--all at random, like prismatic X, including the "roll twice" option.

2009-08-07, 01:42 PM

Pharaoh's Fist
2009-08-07, 01:46 PM

2009-08-07, 01:47 PM
High Charisma.
We started at lvl 10, now we are at lvl 18. I can get my intimidate and diplomacy up on a + 50 with help of paladin and blackguard spells.
Using The Giants rules on charisma, it's still awesome. I regularly get out of fights by using diplomacy in stead.

2009-08-07, 01:48 PM


Rouge Iz Tarp!
2009-08-08, 11:59 AM
The lead up:

My eccentric, Lawful Evil gish skillmonkey and his neutral Warforged merc. are running for their lives from a horde of small undead in a post-apocalyptic Neverwinter (now known as Mummeysummer) under a planar overlay of Ravenloft. I find myself face to face with the big bad vampire, trying to crack a deal to get to safety across the thin border between worlds.

The conversation:

Me - "So let me get this straight- this girl you just killed is your granddaughter, and you want me to get her brought back to life at this end so that both she and we can escape?"


"Ok, I'm going to need something else as long as we're upping the ante here."

"Don't make me laugh, your in no place to negotiate when your fate in my hands"

"See, that's where your wrong. I hold the chips here. I've never try this before, but I'm actually pretty squishy for my level of skill and I'm curious how quickly I can kill myself by tugging REALLY hard on the spike chain I keep wrapped around my neck. Then you have two dead bodies you can't do anything with."

"Ahh, errr, I see. What . . . are you after?"

"I like your style. I just want your name and address. I have some family that would love to be your pen pal. "

2009-08-08, 02:05 PM
"Pazuzu, Pazuzu, Pazuzu..." :smallamused:

2009-08-08, 02:12 PM
The lead up:

My eccentric, Lawful Evil gish skillmonkey and his neutral Warforged merc. are running for their lives from a horde of small undead in a post-apocalyptic Neverwinter (now known as Mummeysummer) under a planar overlay of Ravenloft. I find myself face to face with the big bad vampire, trying to crack a deal to get to safety across the thin border between worlds.

The conversation:

Me - "So let me get this straight- this girl you just killed is your granddaughter, and you want me to get her brought back to life at this end so that both she and we can escape?"


"Ok, I'm going to need something else as long as we're upping the ante here."

"Don't make me laugh, your in no place to negotiate when your fate in my hands"

"See, that's where your wrong. I hold the chips here. I've never try this before, but I'm actually pretty squishy for my level of skill and I'm curious how quickly I can kill myself by tugging REALLY hard on the spike chain I keep wrapped around my neck. Then you have two dead bodies you can't do anything with."

"Ahh, errr, I see. What . . . are you after?"

"I like your style. I just want your name and address. I have some family that would love to be your pen pal. "

I'm confused... the vampires plan was "threaten to kill the guy I want to raise the granddaughter I killed so that both of them can escape from me safely?"

Also, as for the first post... pandering up to a DMPC and then getting an absurdly overpowered weapon isn't so much a "trump card" as it is the DM saying "if you are nice to my DMPCs you'll get to have 'fun' by making all encounters trivial." I would probably quit if I got a weapon like that (and the game wasn't epic or anything.)

2009-08-08, 03:37 PM
Also, as for the first post... pandering up to a DMPC and then getting an absurdly overpowered weapon isn't so much a "trump card" as it is the DM saying "if you are nice to my DMPCs you'll get to have 'fun' by making all encounters trivial." I would probably quit if I got a weapon like that (and the game wasn't epic or anything.)

I wasn't 'pandering', since at least in my mind pandering involves sucking up with the expectation of reward. I was simply being polite... you know, NOT being Stupd Evil?

And it wasn't really all THAT of an obsurdly overpowered weapon. For one, it didn't even do ANYTHING for about 2 years, and the fact that I could lop many things in half was made up for by the fact that the DM didn't terribly mind throwing Purple Worms at us.

That, and he wound never actually let us look at the Monster Manual, so technically the enemys HP was "whatever he felt like".

2009-08-08, 03:58 PM
Not doing anything for two years doesn't change the fact it's a +20 weapon. Getting it for being nice or for pandering to the DM doesn't change that your DM is playing favorites and making his DMPCs absurdly powerful. Let me guess, the people who got turned into toads got no saves and if they attacked her she could even dodge on a natural 20 by the person with the highest to hit in the party.

You also never mentioned your party was playing stupid evil, you just said they were rude. Taking out your aggression on what, from what little we can tell, is an absurdly overpowered DMPC who happens to be arrogant enough to have her magic items trigger on self praise, is completely normal, and not stupid evil at all. Being polite isn't even necessarily good; I can't tell you the number of ways being nice makes it easier to be evil.

It also doesn't matter what your DM sent at you; if you have the +20 sword that has a one use "kill everything" feature, and your party has normal gear, you are severely overpowered compared to them.

Finally, if your DM would just give monsters whatever HP he wanted all the time, it seems like he would be trying to railroad you.

Look, maybe he's a great DM and I haven't played with him. But from what I can tell, he has

1.An overpowered DMPC.
2.An arrogant DMPC.
3.Favors one player over the other.
4.Gives you a Deus Ex Machina power to save your allies.
5.At least somewhat railroads the game by having enemies die when he feels like it, not when they should die (this one is more questionably bad DMing).

2009-08-08, 04:26 PM
5.At least somewhat railroads the game by having enemies die when he feels like it, not when they should die (this one is more questionably bad DMing).

Guess that makes me a bad DM then, since I frequently have enemies just die in 4e. Namely because the "clean up" phase of combat isn't terribly fun.

2009-08-08, 04:56 PM
Guess that makes me a bad DM then, since I frequently have enemies just die in 4e. Namely because the "clean up" phase of combat isn't terribly fun.

I said that's "more questionable." I don't know if he's referring to having enemies go down quickly/flee when the battle is pretty much won, or basically saying "the enemy is going to die if it's plot relevant that it dies no matter if my players constantly roll 1s, but even a series of criticals isn't going to kill the BBEG until the end." It could also be that he lets everybody basically deal the same damage no matter what their actual damage rolls show.

If it's the first one, then it's fine. If it's the second one... hell, you might as well just start saying "choo choo" at the start of combat. If it's the third one, what's the point of having the +20 item?

2009-08-09, 12:44 AM
Not doing anything for two years doesn't change the fact it's a +20 weapon. Getting it for being nice or for pandering to the DM doesn't change that your DM is playing favorites and making his DMPCs absurdly powerful. Let me guess, the people who got turned into toads got no saves and if they attacked her she could even dodge on a natural 20 by the person with the highest to hit in the party.

It was an NPC who was pretty clearly an epic-level spellcaster. The fact that our first-level party decided to taunt a spoiled 10-year-old girl given epic magic was just ASKING for punishment anyay. And whether or not he was playing favorites... well then effectively everyone to didn't arbitrarily insult his epic-level NPCs was his favorite.

You also never mentioned your party was playing stupid evil, you just said they were rude. Taking out your aggression on what, from what little we can tell, is an absurdly overpowered DMPC who happens to be arrogant enough to have her magic items trigger on self praise, is completely normal, and not stupid evil at all. Being polite isn't even necessarily good; I can't tell you the number of ways being nice makes it easier to be evil.

Taking out your aggression on a character who gives out magic items when your NICE to it doesn't make the slightest bit of sense. Taking out your aggression on what probably ammounted to a god while you're first level is a gesture equivalent to jumping off a cliff and complaining that the ground reaches you.

It also doesn't matter what your DM sent at you; if you have the +20 sword that has a one use "kill everything" feature, and your party has normal gear, you are severely overpowered compared to them.

My party has normal gear? Like hell. As I mentioned earlier, one had a sword that could summon an unlimited supply of what ammounted to a Chinese Dragon with rabies. Another could shapeshift into ANYTHING with a mass equivalent to our own. And she was immune to all forms of illness. (Actually, we all were, but we didn't know that.) And we all had wings. And another one (the one I saved) had an adoptive daughter who could heal pretty much anything at will. And a pet cat that could turn into a winged tiger. Oh, and we all had special suits of chainmail with +10 AC, no arcane spell failure rate, no max dex penalty, yadda yadda yadda.

Finally, if your DM would just give monsters whatever HP he wanted all the time, it seems like he would be trying to railroad you.

I said he COULD have done that. Since he never let us the the monster manual our his notes I have no idea WHAT he did. And if he felt like railroading us (which in his freaky world of random dimension hopping, regulalry facing critters that look like they crawled out of a can of Nightmare Fuel, and with powers like "lop a statue in half with hot butter" and "treat poison like most people treat impulse-aisle candy bars", we never would have noticed ANYWAY) he could just send in our aunt, who was the head of the royal spy network to beat us senseless til we got in line. We were honestly scared of her.

2009-08-09, 01:23 AM
It was an NPC who was pretty clearly an epic-level spellcaster. The fact that our first-level party decided to taunt a spoiled 10-year-old girl given epic magic was just ASKING for punishment anyay. And whether or not he was playing favorites... well then effectively everyone to didn't arbitrarily insult his epic-level NPCs was his favorite.

You didn't make this clear, anywhere. And having epic level DMPCs is pretty bad for a level 1 campaign; why would they even meet? Level 1 PCs should be taking out Kobolds and epic level characters should be fighting off pit fiends or thinking of more ways to be paranoid. Actually, pit fiends are probably pretty weak for epic characters.

Taking out your aggression on a character who gives out magic items when your NICE to it doesn't make the slightest bit of sense. Taking out your aggression on what probably ammounted to a god while you're first level is a gesture equivalent to jumping off a cliff and complaining that the ground reaches you.

It's an epic DMPC at level 1. That's going to annoy your players. The only information we have about this character is that she makes magic items that work when people praise her, and that seems arrogant.

My party has normal gear? Like hell. As I mentioned earlier,

No you didn't.

one had a sword that could summon an unlimited supply of what ammounted to a Chinese Dragon with rabies. Another could shapeshift into ANYTHING with a mass equivalent to our own. And she was immune to all forms of illness. (Actually, we all were, but we didn't know that.)

So one had a wand of summmon creature Z (I would use X, but that would be a level 10 spell) and another was a high level druid. So?

And we all had wings. And another one (the one I saved) had an adoptive daughter who could heal pretty much anything at will.

So a fiendish graft and a living wand of Cure X wounds. Seems like pretty standard fare.

And a pet cat that could turn into a winged tiger. Oh, and we all had special suits of chainmail with +10 AC, no arcane spell failure rate, no max dex penalty, yadda yadda yadda.

This is the only part that even begins to get out of the ordinary for PCs. Even then, +10 AC armor on chainmail is a +5 with a few enchantments. It might not even be epic armor (Ok, not quite, but you could probably get it to the point where everything but your rogue gets less than the max dex penalty while still being pre-epic). Your sword is worth 8,000,000 before you factor in the special abilities; this armor might be worth 100k.

I said he COULD have done that. Since he never let us the the monster manual our his notes I have no idea WHAT he did. And if he felt like railroading us (which in his freaky world of random dimension hopping, regulalry facing critters that look like they crawled out of a can of Nightmare Fuel, and with powers like "lop a statue in half with hot butter" and "treat poison like most people treat impulse-aisle candy bars", we never would have noticed ANYWAY) he could just send in our aunt, who was the head of the royal spy network to beat us senseless til we got in line. We were honestly scared of her.

So he had another DMPC who railroaded you guys, and was playing a game where the PCs were the equivalent of gods. Hmm.

EDIT: I'm sorry if this seems rude, but what I'm trying to say is you did not elaborate anywhere that you were playing a game where all your characters had absurdly expensive gear. From what little you described, you got a +20 sword in the middle of an otherwise normal game. Elaborating on "everybody gets stuff that's also supposed to be awesome (but is worse than normal; I could elaborate on this if you want)" would have went a long way towards helping me understand why a +20 sword being given to somebody who was, at the time, a level 1 PC makes sense.

2009-08-09, 01:34 AM
Bah milsk your just jealous that a melee character had a chance to compete with magic, and that he got a shiny sword and you didnt!:smallbiggrin:

2009-08-09, 01:36 AM
Bah milsk your just jealous that a melee character had a chance to compete with magic, and that he got a shiny sword and you didnt!:smallbiggrin:

It makes total sense for me to complain about something totally irrelevant to the discussion, right? It also makes total sense for me to think that casters need to be unbalanced.

2009-08-09, 01:41 AM
Contingent celerity. Ive never really needed anything else.

(I once had it trigger on me saying "Stop! Hammertime!" on a gestalt dwarf wizard/warblade. Yes, he used warhammers.)

2009-08-09, 01:53 AM
Biggest Trump Card I've brought to bear in a game was an Arcane Thesis'd Arc of Lightning. It was component-less, explosive, maximized, empowered, and just about everything I could think to tack onto it.

It was basically my "I think about it. It dies." spell.

2009-08-09, 01:54 AM
I didn't play this one personally, but witnessing it unfold was brilliant.

My DM likes to award us points with which we can buy rewards, based on how we roleplay our characters. A regular item in the shop is the out of character "favor from the DM." At least one of these is almost always purchased.

So, as we fought a half-fiendish black dragon, as it is about to use its breath attack (and slaughter several of us), one of our players turns and calls in his favor. He declares that the breath will consist only of flower petals, and that will be all it does for the whole fight. Our DM, deciding if it works randomly, chooses "higher" in his head and gets the number 89 from one of our players. He rolls a 99. We get hit by petals.

Soon, the party's dryad druid realizes she can communicate with plants. She does a little telepathy thing, and two rounds later, we have a tree and two half-dragons (errrr... dragon-halves) where we once had a dragon.

2009-08-09, 01:54 AM
What if the enemy was immune to lightning? I'm sure you thought of that, though.

2009-08-09, 01:57 AM
Had a few versions prepared, and the DM was waaaaaay too inexperianced for me to have thrown a Wizard at her.

2009-08-09, 02:16 AM

Take the Feat for additional powers. Get Schism.
Take Practiced Manifester.
Take Overchannel.

At level 13, if you can get close to something, you can:
Swarm of Crystals (Overchanneled +2, augmented). 15d4 damage.
Schism: Swarm of Crystals (augment), 11d4 damage.

Then, Anticipatory Strike (immediate action) for an additional turn.
Swarm of Crystals (Overchanneled +2, augmented). 15d4 more damage.
Schism: Swarm of Crystals (augment), 11d4 damage.

Total of 52d4 damage (130 average), to everything within 15 feet of you. No save, no SR. Best of all, you still have a move action free on the initial turn, and another on the anticipatory strike. So you can move in and out on the action.

2009-08-09, 03:43 AM
You didn't make this clear, anywhere. And having epic level DMPCs is pretty bad for a level 1 campaign; why would they even meet? Level 1 PCs should be taking out Kobolds and epic level characters should be fighting off pit fiends or thinking of more ways to be paranoid. Actually, pit fiends are probably pretty weak for epic characters.

Yes, our plot so far had consisted of stabbing lizardfolk and goblins, and said epic-level NPC was probably only there to pop in and give Gandalf/Yoda/Dumbledore-style advise and wander off. Then my teammates decided it would be funny to piss it off. Since I WASN'T a jerk, the NPC decided to give me an enchanted weapin.

It's an epic DMPC at level 1. That's going to annoy your players. The only information we have about this character is that she makes magic items that work when people praise her, and that seems arrogant.

Why would a high level NPC automatically piss off noobs? I mean, the main reason for making her that high level was probably just designed as Plot Armor.

No you didn't.

Anyways, just remembered another trump card my party had:

The Madcoil Sword. It's just a sword hilt with a button on it, but when you hold down said button, a Madcoil pops out where the blade should be, the end of its tail stuck to the hilt. It'll slice n' dice anything down range. The only problem? You can't put the Madcoil back in. And if you let go of the button, the Madcoil is let loose, and being a Madcoil, it will proceed to kill everything it sees. Including you, unfortunately.

But if you could find a way to make it chase your enemies, well... it was a fun weapon.

This would be where I mentioned it. (This first bit anyways.)

So one had a wand of summmon creature Z (I would use X, but that would be a level 10 spell) and another was a high level druid. So?

Aren't druids limited to animals and elementals?

EDIT: I'm sorry if this seems rude,

Not terribly. I didn't explain the scenario very well (mainly because the focus was MY kickass weapon) and besides, the back-and-forth banter keeps me entertained. :P

Elaborating on "everybody gets stuff that's also supposed to be awesome (but is worse than normal; I could elaborate on this if you want)" would have went a long way towards helping me understand why a +20 sword being given to somebody who was, at the time, a level 1 PC makes sense.

Well, when I GOT the sword, the only other enchanted item in the party was a Wand of Fireball that we got from some retired adventurers, so it wasn't a "every body gets really weird ****e" type adventure to begin with. That didn't happen til we learned that we were all the children of Oberon. (Except our resident shapeshifter, who was in fact our cousin, daughter of Oberon's sister Titania.) Or was it when we went to the island that gave us all wings where my sister had a pet flying tiger? I forget. It was a long confusing campaign.

Anyway, when I first got the sword I doubt it was a +20 item with insta-kill powers. Probably would've just smacked the victim with fire or something. But since I carried it around for two years, the DM probably just forgot what it did until I suddenly decided to press the on button in the middle of a high-level campaign. So I got an instakill weapon based on the Rule of Cool, then bounced it to a +20 sword when it became apparent that I was the only person left on the team without some incredible artifact.

2009-08-09, 03:55 AM
Aren't druids limited to animals and elementals?

I can think of Feats that allow druids to take the form of undead and aberrations, and a PrC that allows druids to take the form of almost anything.

Then there's Shapechange, the 9th level druid spell that lets them be more or less, what they want.

Tokiko Mima
2009-08-09, 04:56 AM
Ring of Spell Mastery.

Nothing like the BBEG that wants to finish you off with a Meteor Swarm, only to have you make an easy Spellcraft check, then inform the DM that the spell is actually going to target and hit the BBEG's lieutenants and guardians instead. :smallsmile:

2009-08-09, 04:58 AM
Candle of Invocation.

Our party got given one midway through a very, very long campaign, Lawful Good alignment. I offered it to the party cleric, but he didn't want it, so I shrugged and wrote it down on my character sheet.

A year and a half of real time passed, and everyone but me forgot about the thing.

Finally we reached the end of the campaign. The final boss, as you'd expect, outclassed us pretty heavily, even without the retinue of demons she'd brought along to help her out. The party fighter gets killed a few rounds in by a Wail of the Banshee spell, due mostly to the fact that the party's horribly underequipped and no-one has any save boosters.

Fighter: "Well, that sucks. I guess I sit around for the rest of the fight?"
Rogue: "That won't take long at the rate this is going."
Me: "Okay, guess it's time to start calling in my markers. I use my Candle of Invocation."
DM: "Remind me what that does again?"
Me: "Gate spell. Calls a creature."
DM: "Oh. What are you summoning?"
Me: "A Solar. Hey, Dave? I've got something else for you to play while you wait for your character to get raised. You might want to sit down for a bit while you read the list of what it can do."

The DM wouldn't allow him to play the Solar (I wasn't really expecting to get away with that one), but he did have it resurrect the dead PC with a miracle spell, so everyone was happy. :)

- Saph

2009-08-09, 05:21 AM
long ago, in the time I like to call the dark ages(because we only had the D&D starter set), I played a ranger for a day.
A fight with a hobgobling chief one level above me went bad so in order to distract him.... my ranger dropped his pants.
It gave the hobgoblin -1 to ac and attack for one round, haha!
the wizard got him with a crossbow bolt before I could go awesome on him...

those were the dark ages...aye. now I dm more than play

2009-08-09, 07:23 AM
I gave my PC's a modified version of (red dragon's modified) Acicaties (sp?) coat of usefull things.
I changed the 100 from "Roll two more patches" to "Young Black Dragon (Angery) with treasure trove"

I then let the Player roll it (Eh, they like rolling dice, who am i to say no?)
Needless to say, they rolled up (amount other things)
Pair of Packmule
2 bars of Soap
2 necklaces of Garlic
1 Aracaties MAgic Disposable Toothbrush (Kills plaque in 1" radius)
1 intact garden gnome
1 mean angery badger
the Exact change (what ever coins you need under 1gp)
and ofcause:
1 Young Black Dragon (Angery)
They still haven't used it.
and that games on Hiatus
They were thinking of dropping it on an army. (or CR2's)
Then they dised the the wizard could kill most of them, and the fighter could baically hold the gate by himself using great cleave.
Well that was until they order the catapults shot at opposing corners (the only way they could hit withing their min range) and started to bring down part of the wall
and until the army brought out Seige ladder.
And there was the fact the the party fighter didn't want a standing fight, and wanted to take the secret passage way.

2009-08-09, 08:02 AM
Ring of Spell Mastery.

Nothing like the BBEG that wants to finish you off with a Meteor Swarm, only to have you make an easy Spellcraft check, then inform the DM that the spell is actually going to target and hit the BBEG's lieutenants and guardians instead. :smallsmile:

Psh. Try doing it on a Disjunction. Fun times.

2009-08-09, 08:49 AM
One of my bigger ones has been disintegrate, my parties fighting this huge hoard of CRs 16-20 in this giant palace me kill most of them but there are still some left who can't die no matter how much damage they take O.o I teleport outside with my party and disintegrate the palace the enemies are crushed by rubble and die! From then on I go around disintegrating everything

2009-08-09, 08:54 AM
Psh. Try doing it on a Disjunction. Fun times.

And ruin the BBEG's treasure trove? Hmm... it all depends on if the game is going to go on after beating that BBEG. If it won't, yes. If no... redirect it to somebody who's buffed but isn't carrying much equipment. Don't destroy treasure!

Also, Zarak, your DM is being very lenient with your usage of the disintegrate spell and the falling rules... disintegrate can only destroy one ten foot cube at a time, and falling objects won't deal more damage than your disintegrate unless they fall from a pretty tall height.

2009-08-09, 08:57 AM
Candle of Invocation.

Our party got given one midway through a very, very long campaign, Lawful Good alignment. I offered it to the party cleric, but he didn't want it, so I shrugged and wrote it down on my character sheet.

A year and a half of real time passed, and everyone but me forgot about the thing.

Finally we reached the end of the campaign. The final boss, as you'd expect, outclassed us pretty heavily, even without the retinue of demons she'd brought along to help her out. The party fighter gets killed a few rounds in by a Wail of the Banshee spell, due mostly to the fact that the party's horribly underequipped and no-one has any save boosters.

Fighter: "Well, that sucks. I guess I sit around for the rest of the fight?"
Rogue: "That won't take long at the rate this is going."
Me: "Okay, guess it's time to start calling in my markers. I use my Candle of Invocation."
DM: "Remind me what that does again?"
Me: "Gate spell. Calls a creature."
DM: "Oh. What are you summoning?"
Me: "A Solar. Hey, Dave? I've got something else for you to play while you wait for your character to get raised. You might want to sit down for a bit while you read the list of what it can do."

The DM wouldn't allow him to play the Solar (I wasn't really expecting to get away with that one), but he did have it resurrect the dead PC with a miracle spell, so everyone was happy. :)

- Saph

That's beautiful. Byoo-tea-full. Have a lobster.


Mmm. Lobster...

2009-08-09, 12:04 PM
So, I was in a game, we fight the last BBEG of the campaign. I decided to stop being a blaster mage, and decide to take the fight to him, I buff with a quickened divine power scroll (CL 16), and a bite of the weretiger. (I was a sorcerer/dracolexi, with had UMD as a class skill.)

Later, I 5 ft step over to said BBEG, use a dracolexi thing to extend wraithstrike. :smallsigh: I then beat him down with a full-power attacking artifact spoon for 568 damage. Now I can understand why wraithstrike is banned in most campaigns.

The spoon at that time was a +2 greatclub that could be wielded by anyone, and at that point did 10d6 damage to evil spirits, (which the BBEG qualified as) and could be wielded by anyone. If you look at my avatar, that was my character during the campaign, and it includes the spoon. :smallsmile:

EDIT: During an arena fight in the same game, our DM modified hexblades which basically cursed casters into not casting spells (DC 30 :smallannoyed:). During that fight, I hit one of these catfolk hexblades with the spoon, and due to a failed save and spoon powers, that catfolk turned into trail mix.

Rouge Iz Tarp!
2009-08-11, 12:59 PM
Candle of Invocation.

- Saph

Agreed. It is one of the "end-all-and-be-all's of ending all and being. Tidesinger gave me one in our campaign, by my lawful evil character was always a little intimated. It was kind of a plot point and I ended up find other solutions and trading it back in for much more realistic favors.

Kurald Galain
2009-08-11, 01:19 PM
Tentacles + Tenser's + Fire Aura combo (set up via a contingency to make it faster). Whoever says wizards are supposed to be fragile?

Fax Celestis
2009-08-11, 01:21 PM
Does usurping the DM count?

2009-08-11, 01:48 PM
Two really stand out for me,

1st. Justicar Improved Hogtie ability. Non-magic champain, BBeG rolls a nat 1 on a grapple check, and can't come close to beating the "use rope" check... and ends up bound and helpless.

2nd. The DragonFire adept nova; what happens when you combine the Tiamet and Bahumat breath weapons? A fried baddy and dragonfire adept; that's what.