View Full Version : War of the Iron Fists

Berserk Monk
2009-08-07, 03:01 PM
ooc: Welcome everyone to the campaign. I don't know what to say other than I'm glad we could all get together and start a tale of adventure and fantasy. This will be fairly informal: try and post at least once a day, and when we get into combat, don't worry about initiative. I find that if we set up an order for who posts, people will be waiting forever to take their actions. Just don't post too often when we get into combat encounters.

You are all seated at a tavern. The sun set about an hour ago. The mood is calm. The town you're in is fairly small having just under one thousand citizens. It's more a stopping point for people traveling across the land to the northern forests and mountains.

As you drink ale or perhaps consume some manner of food from the tavern, the door swings open to an odd sight: it's a dwarf, almost nude save for a fur loincloth covering his manhood and a tribal necklace. On his left bicep is a tattoo signifying his identity to one of the tribal clans in the northern part of this continent. Standing next to him is a gray wolf. Both man and beast are filthy, covered in dirt and mud, and if you located close enough, you detect a foul scent coming from him.

The barkeeper shouts to the dwarf to get out of his place until he takes a shower and gets some clothes. The dwarf responds "I only be here 'cause I be looking for someone: a warrior I heard is local to these part, someone by the name of Raging Bear, and I also be looking for anyone else interested in defending the forests against ruthless invaders."

2009-08-07, 04:01 PM
Faris sat near the front of the bar, clad in simple clothing, his armor on the floor by his side. He'd peeled back the layers of wrappings around his mouth over his nose, revealing pulled-back gums and a face that looked as if it had been terribly burned to those close enough to see it. He'd been tending to a loaf of bread and a bit of meat when the dwarf barged into the room, and pulled his wrappings back down over his face when the dwarf mentioned Raging Bear. Faris shot a look at his companion and spoke, his voice muffled by his coverings.

"What do you say? Ruthless invaders sounds like my cup of tea. Want to give it a go?"

2009-08-07, 04:16 PM
Raging Bear sat on one of the seats at the bar, only now looking to regard the dwarf. He then turns to look back at his empty drink in front of him.
"His markings seem to be of a tribe mine used to trade with, it would be only right to aid a brother from the north.."
Raging bear stands up from his seat, turns to face the dwarf and practically roars: "I am Raging Bear, and both me and my friend will aid you!"

Berserk Monk
2009-08-07, 04:20 PM
The dwarf says "Raging Bear in the flesh! Excellent! Time be short, and I fear that in the time its taken me to find ye countless allies of mine may have fallen. I have a small encampment right outside of town. We can sleep there tonight. If any others wish to join my cause, please step forth.

2009-08-07, 05:43 PM
A nervous looking young man - who doesn't look out of his teens yet, really - raises a hand. "I'd... um... like to join."

Iare is a lean, tall, and very young aspiring wizard. He wears his hair short and stays clean shaven. He typically dresses in a pair of red pants tucked into low boots, along with a black long sleeved shirt. Over this, he wears a long red wizard's robe, open in the front and belted at the waist. It is in this that he keeps what few spell components he needs. On his back is his backpack, containing most of his important gear, but a crowbar hangs from his belt on the right side, and a rope and waterskin hang from it on the left. Over his shoulder is a heavy leather strap leading down to his spellbook, which he has hanging at his side at all times. Finally, he almost always wears a pair of thin reading glasses, far down his nose.

Berserk Monk
2009-08-07, 05:53 PM
Jade: The dwarf walks up to you and says "Excellent! We need all the help we can get. Put 'er there." (he extends his hand for you to shake) "So, what is it you do exactly?"

2009-08-07, 06:01 PM
Iare tentatively takes the dwarf's hand and shakes, his eyes watering a little at the odor. He mentally coaches himself.

Don't comment on the BO, it's rude. Don't comment on the BO, he's really tough looking...

"I, ah, I cast smells... SPELLS! I cast spells. I'm a wizard."

Berserk Monk
2009-08-07, 06:13 PM
Jade: The dwarf says "A wizard, wonderful! I'm a caster too, not arcane though. I'm a druid, and this here's my animal companion, Floppels."

2009-08-07, 06:27 PM
A tall but well built Elven woman strolls over from one side of the bar to the other having overheard the rest of the conversation. Her hair loose but strikingly straight, and her armor pristine and well looked after. Hanging at her sides are two greatly over-sized scimitars that seem almost corroded and unfit for combat, but she carries them with considerable ease and seems to wield them with pride.

"My name is Azaril en'Quella and if you're willing to offer something for my services, I'm very sure that you wouldn't regret it." She seems to ignore the rest of the 'adventurers' while she puts forward her question.

She then shoots a glance over at the rest of the people willing to aid this man in his plight and nods. "I think you would also appreciate my help. If this man cannot afford to pay me, then I shall take first pick of any spoils we shall encounter. When do we start?"

Her arrogance doesn't seem to overshadow the amount of confidence she has in her abilities, and it also looks like she isn't one to take no for an answer.

2009-08-07, 06:29 PM
Raing bear walks over to the dwarf and wizard.
"Well everyone now knows my name, what are both of yours?"
He doesn't seem to mind the smell at all.
He regards the elf and says nothing.

2009-08-07, 06:49 PM
Iare eyes the huge wolf with some trepidation. "Nice..."

When Raging Bear comes over, Iare looks over at him and gives a small bow to him and the dwarf. He finally seems to steady his nerves.

This is what you wanted, isn't it?

"Iare Ashgaze. Pleased to meet you."

Berserk Monk
2009-08-07, 06:57 PM
"Well, Raging Bear, Iare, Azaril, and whoever this fellow is that appears to be with Raging Bear, my name be Boris Ironflint. I come from the northern woods where war has broken out. The outcome looked bad for my people so I was sent to find the warrior Raging Bear, as well as any other able person to join the front lines. I won't lie ta ye. The enemy be made up of thousands of nasty orcs, goblins, trolls, giants, and other abominable creatures. If ye wish to join, ye join on yer own desire, but I soon fear this menace may conqueror me lands and be invading yers. Come, I'll explain more at me camp."

2009-08-07, 07:02 PM
Raging bear "I've yet to meet a wizard, at least one not trying to kill me." He pokes Iare in the shoulder lightly with his index finger. "I am pleased to meet you as well Wizard Iare Ashgaze.".

Listens to Boris's story and goes off to a corne near his seat at the bar, Raging Bear then grips a beast of an Axe, taller than an average man with a handle made of bones and wrapped in fur and sinew. Various feathers and animal claws dangle from it on leather straps. He returns to the dwarf, carrying the axe across his shoulders with one arm gripping it at the base. "Lead us then, Boris Ironflint.."

2009-08-07, 07:07 PM
Faris gets up and mutters a command word. The separate metal pieces of his armor skitter across the floor and seem to crawl onto his body, the joints locking in place, the helmet clasping around his bandaged head.

"It is my pleasure to meet all of you. I am Faris. Many call me Faris the Faceless, and if you'd like to do that, you can go ahead. My only compensation is bringing peace to your forest. I promise to protect it and all of you no matter what the cost."

His speech finished, Faris nods and takes out his scythe, looking over the dark metal and checking for nicks before strapping it again to his back. He throws a black cape over his shoulders and clasps it to his armor.

"Ready when you are."

2009-08-07, 07:11 PM
Iare grabs the utterly mundane staff he head leaning against the bar. A puzzled frown crosses his features as he makes ready to travel. "Your face looks alright to me, Faris."

2009-08-07, 07:18 PM
Faris grins from underneath the armor and bandages.

"That's 'cause you can't see it. If you'd like, we can discuss it another day. Now is the time for travel, though, not words."

Faris lays a hand on Iare's shoulder and gives it a firm pat.

"You look awfully young to be doing something dangerous like this. But you're not going to go home and live the quiet life, are you? Not with that look in your eyes. Why are you willing to put your life on the line?"

2009-08-07, 07:20 PM
Iare considers. He finally looks at Faris. "I'm looking for something."

2009-08-07, 07:24 PM
Faris hunches down a bit so that his own eyes, so pale they look cataract'd over, meet Iare's. After a while he gives himself a little nod, apparently satisfied with what he saw.

"Yeah, me too. Alright, let's go before more people die."

2009-08-07, 11:52 PM
"I was on my own after only 13 winters, and i had not several mighty warriors by my side nor magical powers."
Raging Bear addresses the wizard, and noticing his nervous demeanor adds
"Try to keep me or Faris between you and the enemy, and you will be fine."

2009-08-08, 05:31 AM
"It seems like my payment has been settled with first pick of the spoils. Considering no one has voiced any disagreement it shall be so." Azaril, whether it be for her own reasons or whether she really is just oblivious, ignores the rest of the chatter unless she is asked directly a question.

"Boris Ironflint I shall follow you to your camp, and I shall make it so no one is able to follow us. I suggest everyone follows in this manner as I cannot guarantee your trackless passage if you fall behind. That is all." She starts to head out of the door, likely to the look of a few bewildered faces, but then turns back and exclaims.

"Well are you coming? I can't guide myself there. I believe we have a job to do." For a split second you may just believe that you saw her smile, and have just heard one of her 'jokes'.

Berserk Monk
2009-08-08, 06:59 AM
"Aye. We'd best be off. I'll tell ye what we be up against on the walk."

Boris starts to walk off to the camp. I assume you all follow.

"To state it bluntly, the enemy we be up against be the Iron Fists, a war band of savage fighters and clerics devoted to evil and pagan gods. The raiders got their name 'cause their leader, all the generals, and higher ranking officers wear powerful gauntlets on their fists. This all started several years ago. We'd occasionally suffer raids from these bandits. Nothing that major at first: just a few stolen goods every few weeks, hardly any casualties. However, in the past year, these attacks have become more server. Deaths have increased from their attacks, and they've started invading woodland cities. We've already lost 30% of the western forest. Their methods of combat be brutal and we can no longer hold them off by ourselves, so I was sent by my mentor to go out and find soldiers of strong body and mind to combat this menace."

2009-08-08, 07:06 AM
Raging Bear's demeanor changes throughout the tale, from neutral, to grim, to practically enraged.
"I do look forward to inflicting upon them that which they have done to others."
He Shifts his axe into both hands and eyes the blades edge

2009-08-08, 09:47 AM
Well, this won't get me any close to Aedeline and Jost, but Faris is right, we have to help.

Iare frowns again, concerned. "Powerful guantlets? Just how powerful are they?"

Berserk Monk
2009-08-08, 10:30 AM
"Depends on the rank of the soldier," Boris says. "All the gauntlets have magical properties. Some be minor, other have great supernatural power enchanted into them."

2009-08-08, 11:24 AM
Azaril grins, finally she hears of a payment method to suit her, and the fact that these people may indeed pose a challenge; it had been a while afterall.

"Their 'savage' fighters will surely fall at our feet, but I am curious about their clerics. You say they worship evil gods, but what kind of magic do they use?"

She finally takes her time to look over the people she is likely to be fighting alongside and nods discreetly to herself. It takes a lot to impress her, but she is indeed impressed by the quality of her newfound companions.

"I am sorry if I seemed harsh before. I don't tend to be good with people." She addresses everyone and her face seems to soften slightly. "I mean no offense and I hope none was taken, and I hope none shall be taken in the future."

Berserk Monk
2009-08-08, 11:28 AM
"Tis alright. A few minutes ago, nearly all o' us were strangers. We just have to remember tha' united we stand, divided we fall. And as for the magic they us, I don't know how ta answer tha' question wit' anything other than divine."

2009-08-08, 03:29 PM
"I just wanted to clarify - are we here as defenders of your clan, or will we be exterminators of your threat directly?" Even with her lack of tact, Azaril was still well spoken. She seemed to be excited at the prospect of having to deal with such a foe, and that she would be able to use her tactical advantage to strike them down.

2009-08-08, 03:29 PM
As Raging Bear's demeanor grows harsher and more tinged with violence, Faris eyes him, making sure he manages to keep fairly calm.

"You going to be alright, Bear?"

Faris gives a nod and a smile at Azaril's apology.

"Everyone's got the right to act less than their best once in a while. Nobody's close to perfect. Hell, my god's a god of peace and he has me slogging about the country bashing in heads."

Faris lets out a chuckle and continues walking.

Berserk Monk
2009-08-08, 03:31 PM
"It depends on wha' the elders in me clan have us doin', but I'd guess tha' we'd see our fair share of combat no matter wha'."

2009-08-08, 04:27 PM
"I.. I will be fine Faris."
Raging Bear clams somewhat
"Meerly memories of past events that is all"

His expression softens further back to normal, Raging Bear then turns to Azaril
"You are not the only one who often has problems with people Azaril en'Quella. I am told i can be blunt about things."

2009-08-08, 04:45 PM
"I'm just not quite sure why people dance around a situation, and not say things how they really are. People deserve to know the truth about any given situation, especially when their lives are at risk."

Azaril grins, draws her swords and smirks. "But of course, some of us just go along with it for the thrill of surprise and battle."

Berserk Monk
2009-08-08, 05:10 PM
As you guys are talking and walking, you eventually leave the small town and see a four tents a band of people seated around a campfire: two human, one gnome, and an elf. The gnome is the only male among them.

"Azaril, please, shealth yer weapons. We all be friends here. Save yer strenght for the journey an' battles ahead. It be a seven day walk until we get ta the woods. These four be me traveling companions also sent ta find ye Raging Bear.

"Attention friends! I found Raging Bear and three others ta aid the resistance. Thar names be Faris the Faceless, Azaril en'Quella, an' Iare Ashgaze. An' these gentleman and ladies seated around the fire be:"

"Hilda Redleaf" (a human with almond hair wearing a green robe and a necklace with the symbol of Obad-Hai engraved into it)

"Daloris Finglebottom" (also a human with black hair tied back and a large great sword sheathed across her back, she also has several daggers in sheaths around her belt)

"Avron Swengwen" (an elf wearing leather armor and carrying a long bow)

"Gwimos Morsblade" (a gnome with two scimitars, a goatee, and large smirk on his face)

2009-08-08, 05:44 PM
"I could not put it better myself Azaril, things are simpler when intentions are made clear"
Raging Bear goes before those sitting around the fire and dramatically slams his axe head first into the ground at his feet and rests some of his weight on it.

"I am raging Bear, how may i assist you?"

2009-08-08, 05:46 PM
Iare gives a small, understated bow. "Iare Ashgaze."

Berserk Monk
2009-08-08, 05:48 PM
"Well, raging squirrel," Gwimos says, "Why don't you go out and bring back some more fire wood for a real man."

2009-08-08, 06:00 PM
Azaril raises an eyebrow and smirks. "You come crawling to our feet then proceed to insult him?" She seems to hint at the fact that her own scimitars are the same size as Gwimos himself.

"For someone in your position standing in front of a party of people who could probably cleave you from shoulder to hip in one blow..." Azaril leans forward and slaps him squarely on the shoulder. "I am honored to see such bravery."

2009-08-08, 06:07 PM
"Disrespect is not what i expected from those who requested my aid."
Raging bear does not change his stance in the least, he is noticeably annoyed.

Berserk Monk
2009-08-08, 06:16 PM
Angel: Gwinos says to you "Ow, sorry. I wasn't insulting you, just this runt. Say, those are nice scimitars. Wanna see mine?" (he motions towards his belt where his scimitars are sheathed) "But if you want to see my greatsword, sleep in my tent tonight baby." He winks at you.

Daloris interrupts the sexual advances of the arrogant gnome and says "Sorry about Gwimos. He's an idiot."

Gwimos says something in gnomish:
"In some gnomish cultures, being an idiots a sign of masculinity and being excellent in the sack."

He grins when he's done speaking.

Daloris continues: "Despite what he says, we are thankful for you aid. This force is bigger than anything we're used. We need strong warriors especially like Raging Bear who I'm sure will prove himself in battle."

2009-08-08, 06:35 PM
Shrugging and bemused, Azaril approaches Gwimos' tent and looks back at him. "I'm not quite sure I understand how the act of sleeping in your tent would be beneficial if you wish to show me the quality of your weaponry. Does it contain some kind of extraplanar space where you keep your armory? It does seem a little small afterall." Running her fingers back through her hair she attempts to try and understand what Gwimos meant.

"I would also like to point out that regardless of how I may look, Raging Bear is not the only capable warrior amongst our group." She seems to scowl at the insult to her honor, whether it was intentional or not. "If you wish me to prove myself in battle, then I shall do so."

2009-08-08, 06:36 PM
Faris takes off his helmet (leaving on the wrappings underneath) and bows his head.

"Faris the Faceless, Crusader of the Peace God. And I'd be careful insulting Raging Bear if I were you. You know those kind of nicknames where you call a big guy Tiny? Raging Bear's name is nothing like that. As to your forest, it's safe with me. Either I'll protect it from harm or die trying."

Faris takes out his scythe, the adamantine blade gleaming in the firelight. It almost looks hungry. He places his helmet back on his head and uses the scythe as a crutch to lean against.

Berserk Monk
2009-08-08, 06:44 PM
Gwimos grins and says to Azaril "Actually, there is some extraplanar space in my pants. It's the only way I can carry around a 'weapon' as big as my own. And, a, as for you proving you martial skills, might I suggest we duel, not with weapons, but with bare arms in a wrestling match and to make it even more challenging, I say we do it in a pit of mud."

Avron fires an arrow right past Gwimos's head and says in gnomish:
"The next one will be going for your 'personal weapon.'"

Daloris says to Faris "That's mighty brave of you to pledge your life for our cause, but let us hope that's a pledge you won't have to fully prove to us."

2009-08-08, 07:16 PM
"Yeah, let's both hope I make it out of this alive."

He flicks his gaze towards the gnome, then back to Daloris.

"And it looks like that's something he ought to be worrying about, too."

Berserk Monk
2009-08-08, 07:20 PM
Gwimos says to Faris with a wide grin "What do you mean by that? You calling me weak? I'm the greatest warrior the world has and will ever see. I slice up giants 10 times my size before breakfast and still have enough energy to take down a dragon that could eat me in one bite. I am the gnomish manifestation of war!"

2009-08-08, 07:24 PM
"I'm saying that the more you babble, the more I'm convinced that you talk so much because you've got nothing to back it up."

Faris speaks without expression, as if what he said was just another comment in the midst of idle chatter.

"There should be another invasion soon. You can prove me wrong then."

2009-08-08, 07:44 PM
Raging Bear sits down by the fire and stares deep into the flames, Seating his axe down beside him. He rubs his forehead as if he has a headache.

2009-08-08, 11:27 PM
I am so lost. Renfire never did anything like this...

Iare sits down quietly to observe what's going on. Gwimos's innuendos fly right by him without even registering, and Iare grows increasingly confused by the conversation. He seems a bit relieved when Faris drags everyone back on topic, and then concerned again with Gwimos's bravado.

He sighs. What did I get myself into?

2009-08-09, 07:20 AM
Azaril, still staring at the gnome in bewilderment, suddenly understands what he has been saying mainly due to the reaction of those around him.

"I see." She says, "If you are referring to the act of sexual intercourse with me, Gwimos, I would have to refuse your request. Now is hardly the time for such frivolity, and I do not believe your short stature would be able to satisfy my specific needs." Azaril's face is kept straight and there is no hint of humor in what she has said. It would be very difficult to know whether to laugh because it was Azaril trying to be funny, or laugh because Gwimos may have possibly met his match with a person who just doesn't get it at all.

"Please continue with more information about your foes. I like to know as much as I can about those I am about to slay."

2009-08-09, 10:09 PM
Raging Bear holds back a smirk with regards to the matter-of-fact retort to the gnome, he concentrates on the dancing flames and waits for the information to be given so the group might choose it's next course of action.

2009-08-09, 10:18 PM
Of course. Genitals. That's the first thing I think of when someone mentions a greatsword. Iare buries his face in his hands, his voice cranky even in his own head. I think I'll stick close to Faris when the fighting starts.

2009-08-11, 01:57 AM
"I have to agree with the Elf. I think it'd be a lot more beneficial to learn everything we can about the people we're going to be facing. There's a time and a place for everything. Now's not the time for chatter."

Faris begins looking over his scythe for any scratches or dents as he speaks.

"So. Anything else we should be expecting?"

2009-08-11, 04:37 PM
"I have to ask though, what makes Raging Bear so important?" Azaril shrugs. "I'm sure there are plenty of skilled professionals around, like myself of course, so why him?"

Her question seems harmless and innocently asked, and she seems unaware that it may offend anyone.

2009-08-11, 05:13 PM
"They've probably had contact with his tribe and heard of his exploits. Anyway, whatever reason they had for wanting Raging Bear specifically must be a good one. He's one of the best men I know."

2009-08-11, 05:54 PM
"Well now we're all happy families, how about we get down to business?" Azaril makes herself comfortable and warms herself on the camp fire. "What is the plan?"

2009-08-11, 10:10 PM
"You are far to modest concerning your own abilities Faris..."
Raging Bear seems to be put in a better mood by the conversation
"So far i can only guess we must wait for them to strike first, While i hate being on the defensive it seems our only option as we know not where our foes hide."

2009-08-11, 11:54 PM
"I'm more comfortable with them coming here, anyway. If they're looking for us, they're not bothering innocents. And I just don't like the idea of attacking with provocation. I will give them a chance to surrender, but...they never do."

He runs an armored hand across the top of his scythe, making a soft, metallic squeal.

"It's a damn shame."

2009-08-12, 12:19 AM
Iare frowns, and asks softly, "And what happens if they're looking for us, and happen to find innocent people? Wouldn't it be better to be proactive?"

2009-08-12, 12:23 AM
Faris lowers his head a bit, his brows furrowed under his wrappings. After a long pause, he speaks again.

"If that happens...then we'll make them regret it. But there's no use in scattering ourselves, dissolving the strength we have. If we want to be proactive, we have to listen and react first. Find out where they're coming from. And then we go to them and find out why."

2009-08-12, 12:27 AM
Iare nods. "...okay."

2009-08-12, 12:32 AM
When Faris speaks again, it is in a pained voice. He's trying to suppress it, but worry clearly comes through. He places his hand on Iare's shoulder again and says,

"Listen, son...I know you want to do this, but you're going to be put in some dangerous situations, see some terrible things, and do terrible things. You're not going to be able to sleep a lot of nights, and...I just thought you should know what you're getting into this. This kind of life. You shouldn't have to see these kind of things when you're young."

2009-08-12, 12:39 AM
Iare narrows his eyes. "My hometown was sacked by a necromancer and his cronies when I was seven. Not too long ago, I saw most of those responsible incinerated in a matter of seconds. I appreciate your concern, but if you wanted to preserve my innocence as long as possible, you're about a decade too late."

2009-08-12, 12:53 AM
Faris nods.

"I am sorry for your losses, and I'm sorry if I offended. I just...I prefer things to be peaceful, that's all. If we survive this and you ever need a hand later on down the road, well, you know which paladin to call."

2009-08-12, 04:32 PM
"You're preaching peaceful words in the middle of a clan war, so I think they'll fall on deaf ears. If the kid wants to fight then let the kid fight. We all make our own choices." Azaril gets up and starts to pace, watching the sun set while they're sitting around waiting.

2009-08-12, 07:51 PM
Raging Bear listens to the exchange and decides it best not to comment.
"I think i will rest now. Good evening to the rest of you."
He goes off to a tree and makes a bed of leaves for himself before laying down on it

Berserk Monk
2009-08-14, 11:12 PM
"I think now tha best thing for us ta do is ta rest. I'll tell you all the things you need ta know aboot our enemy ova the next few days. 'tis a long journey ta the northern woods."

ooc: Sorry about the long delay in posts. Had on lot on my table the past few days, and this is all I can post now. I will however have an in detail description of the enemy from Boris and a map of the land sometime today (Saturday).

2009-08-15, 01:24 AM
Faris nods (as he is wont to do).

"Thank you, Boris. I will take watch tonight, for as long as you need me to."

No problem. Happens to the best of us.

Berserk Monk
2009-08-15, 08:27 PM
ooc: Alright, still technically Saturday. He's how this is going to work. It takes you 6 days to get to the southern edge of the woods. Over those days, Boris explains everything about the war and terrain as summed up in the proceeding paragraphs, and as promised, here's a map of the woods:


Sorry if it's kind of crappy. I made it kind of fast, and took the picture in bad lighting.

If it's not obvious, the up-side-down V's are mountains, the sticks with puff balls on top are the woods, and the areas with wavy lines are the ocean and lakes. The slanted lines are the areas the enemies have taken over. The circles are major woodland cities, some which have fallen already. The areas with question marks are possible areas where the enemy base may be.

The enemy, known only by the granted title of the Iron Fist tribe, is made up of 6 divisions:

The smallest faction is the burners, made up of spellcasters who specialize in fire. They are mostly made up of druids who have turned blighters. Also among the blighters are evokers and sorcerers who take mostly evocation spells. Being the smallest division, it's made up of roughly 1,000 men, however, being they're invading a forest, they can more than cause great damage regardless of their small numbers.

The next smallest in size are a band of mercenaries known as the Brothers of Blood. They're effective pillagers working mostly for money. Though they have been hired to kill, they have also been known to spare certain lives for a hefty sum. The Brothers of Blood are made up mostly of humans and goblinoids. Their numbers make up 1,500 men. Though small in numbers, they are extremely effective.

The Iron Fist have also recruited an army of drow on their side as well. They attack mostly at night and specialize in long range fighting: archers and spellcasters. Their are roughly 5,000 drow fighting for them. The Iron Fist have promised to eliminate the elf population from the woods if these drow were to aid them.

Also working for the Iron Fists are 8,000 clerics of Hextor. Being the evil god the the cult, the is an abundance of these clerics. After the Warriors who wear magical gauntlets, these cleric command the most power.

Making up the foot soldiers are several thousand barbarians. Roughly 8,000 trained in tracking and other knowledge of the woods, and 16,000 trained in just savage warfare, the barbarians among the Iron Fist are a deadly force, though, despite their strength, many of the are lower ranking officers.

Finally, the last division, the population from which the Iron Fists get their name are the Kensai who bear magically enhanced gantlet. Only 2,000 of these soldiers exist. Although they have such small numbers in comparison to the whole enemy force, the group is still named after them because they are the most trained warriors. The reason is that there training and initiation is so tough, few survive it. The highest ranking officers are all wear these gauntlets. Not one of them are below the rank of Major, and few people among the Iron Fist rise above the rank of Major unless they become bear one of these gauntlets. In fact, the commander-in-chief, Lord Graeyno, bears two of these gauntlets. Aiding him are his 10 supreme generals who have each been assigned a code name based on their methods of combat: Raging Fist, Explosive Fist, Fist and Sword, Quick Fist, Armored Fist, Vicious Fist, Fist and Spell, Death's Fist, Hidden Fist, and Bastard Fist.

The exact location of there base is unknown. We know it's somewhere in the northern frozen regions, but we have yet to locate due to Iron Fist 5 beasts of Destruction, 5 monsters located in the north trained to kill any of our scouts or parties advancing into their territory.

Feel free to ask questions. All this is explained over the course of 6 days when you could have.

2009-08-15, 08:41 PM
"I usually thrive when it comes to being challenged," Azaril starts to speak after everything is explained. "I don't quite understand how you expect us to go up against thousands of others. You almost lead us to believe that it was a minor skirmish of bandits from another clan invading your territory, not a full scale war. What exactly is it you want us to do?" She scowls and looks angrily upon the chiefs in front of her. "I'm a mercenary. I fight to be paid, end of story. I don't like being forced to take sides."

2009-08-15, 10:05 PM
Iare thinks over his combat ability. He knows of it only in academic terms - having never participated in an actual fight to the death, Iare is a bit put off.

"She's got a point. Running into a significant concentration of even the least of these groups could end us quickly. What did you hope to gain by recruiting in the single digits?"

2009-08-15, 11:09 PM
"Ha Ha! 1000 to 1 seems good odds to me."
Raging Bear is uncommonly jovial, until turning his attention to the others comments
At the hearing of mercenary Raging Bear is clearly disappointed
"You ask how we can take on so many? How does the wasp fight the Bear? We strike hard and fast, then use our superior mobility to retreat and strike again!"
He swings his massive axe to punctuate the statement

He then heavy handedly pats Iare across the back (possibly almost knocking him over)
"Besides what is a victory if it is easy?"

2009-08-15, 11:14 PM
Iare *whoof*s and staggers, using his staff to avoid falling over. "Survivable?"

2009-08-16, 12:52 AM
Faris just grits his teeth and says nervously,

"These are...difficult odds. But I give my word that I will do whatever I can, and I'm sure the others would agree with me. We'll win this if it kills me. And I don't doubt it will."

He eyes his scythe.

"That might be nice."

Berserk Monk
2009-08-16, 01:42 AM
"We have forces o' our own, and others like me be recruiting too. As for ye all, I think an mission to reclaim one o' our cities would be best for a small force such as our."

2009-08-16, 01:57 AM
"I'll be glad to do it. Where do you think we'll be headed first?"

2009-08-16, 07:10 AM
"Okay." Azaril nods. "We're more of a strike team rather than an army. I'm ok with that - I don't have to take sides then, I just have to do my job."

She looks across at Raging Bear and sighs. Her tone of voice doesn't shift from being serious. "I appreciate your enthusiasm, but I do believe that your so called bravery is just a mask for stupidity. A wasp may fight a bear, and do so to the best of its ability, and a bear may walk away with a swollen paw, but the bear ultimately wins. It's only when a bear is surrounded by thousands upon thousands of wasps that they have any chance of survival, let alone success." She smiles weakly. "I'm not the smartest person in the world and I'll be the first to admit that, but I'm smart enough to know that my swords are of more use in my functional, living hands than in my cold, dead ones. There is no honour in leaping into a non-essential battle only to get yourself so wounded that you're not able to fight again. An easy victory is a victory non-the-less, and it usually means we were able to outsmart our opponents rather and not taking on enough of them at once."

2009-08-16, 07:42 AM
"Wasps and bees are not the same mercenary, by no means does a single sting mean the wasps death. I will stop the metaphor because clearly you misunderstand me when i use it."

"What i was saying is meerly to strike and evade counter-attack from larger forces, meerly finding where they are weak and repeating it over and over."

2009-08-16, 10:51 AM
"I meant no disrespect, I am no good with metaphor; what you see is what you get."

She takes a seat and settles in around the nearby campfire. "I would also appreciate it if you refer to me by my name, to which my profession has no relevance." She smirks, liking the fire of battle within the man. She had always liked to see courage - whether it be from a strong heart, arrogance, or both.

2009-08-16, 11:07 AM
"I have heard this before about names and titles, forgive my manner of speaking, where i am from the two are often one and the same."

Raging Bear laughs weakly, mostly at himself.

"And it appears i am not as good with metaphor as i thought i was."

2009-08-17, 12:18 AM
"Well, you're a warrior, not a poet. Good thing, too. No way in Hell I could travel around with a poet. As for me, you'd be hired to kill me if I ever tried to write for a living. Not because of anything controversial, just because it's so bad that making people read it would be criminal."

Faris laughed heartily and threw his arms around the both of them.

"Anyway, we might die together, let's try and get along. Who around here's going to handle the cooking while we're on the battlefield? Better not be me. You'll all regret it."

2009-08-17, 01:20 AM
"I can cook. A little." Iare considers. "But I'm no good at hunting and gathering."

Berserk Monk
2009-08-17, 01:47 AM
"That's okay," Gwimos says "I'm an expert hunter. In fact, there's only one creature I am sorry to say I do not have the physical strength to kill, and I see this mighty creature every day when I look at my reflection in a mirror."

2009-08-17, 02:31 AM
After (presumably) six days of this, Iare is fed up, and snaps at him, "Well, that won't do. You should try using your 'greatsword' on it. Just be careful not to get its head mixed up with its rear when you go for the finishing blow - goodness knows it talks out both ends."

Berserk Monk
2009-08-17, 03:54 AM
Gwimos mutters something in gnomish:

"I think I broke the wizard. Awesome!"

2009-08-17, 02:45 PM
Iare responds in Gnomish:
"Don't flatter yourself. It's unnecesary."

2009-08-19, 07:37 PM
"although I can generally feed myself, i am unsure if i am capable of supporting others as well on my hunting skills."

2009-08-20, 07:51 PM
"I can hunt, I can track, I can kill." Azaril doesn't lift her eyes from the fire, almost mesmerised by it for a short while. "Just don't ask me what berry is good for you, or whether the leaf in your hand will make you sick or well. I'm not that kind of Elf."

2009-08-23, 03:38 PM
Um hellooooo?

2009-08-23, 06:11 PM
"We were lucky to join up with an adept hunter like yourself, else we might have had some troubles with keeping our stomachs full. In addition to being one less in capable combatants."

Raging Bear shifts his axe a bit to his less tired side.

Berserk Monk
2009-08-23, 06:26 PM
As you guys are walking along, you spot what appears to be a ravaged encampment some 50 feet away.

2009-08-24, 09:15 AM
Raging Bear readies his weapon
"might be trouble..."

2009-08-24, 04:08 PM
"If there is trouble, we're ready for it."

Faris clenches his fingers on his scythe,

2009-08-25, 04:30 AM
"Looks like we've found the start of our employment. I was getting a bit tired of sitting around."

Azaril will keep her eyes peeled specifically on the outside of the camp as they approach just in case there's an ambush.

Spot: [roll0] (That's +2 if there is any Undead.)

2009-08-27, 07:15 AM
Any chance of keeping this moving?

2009-08-27, 08:00 AM
OOC: yah i was waiting on results there

Raging Bear walks into the ruined camp, keeping alert for foes or survivors