View Full Version : A Brand New Start (IC)

2009-08-09, 07:44 AM
It is a gloomy day as you leave the harbour of Telfras, the small port town you have spent the last few days in. The ship is a decrepit old thing, but the next ship to Bluewater was not for another couple of months, and frankly Telfras was not a place any of you wished to stay in longer than was necessary. You stand in a gaggle of passengers at the stern of the ship, watching the town become a small brown stain in the distance and think forward to the new life that awaits each of you.

2009-08-09, 03:56 PM
I wander around the ship in search of a bar.

2009-08-10, 06:29 AM
Wandering around the ship, it soon becomes apparent that there is no bar, as the ship is a small, barely seaworthy sailing ship, about 40ft long with one long room in the hold and a small, locked room near the back sectioned off for the captain.

2009-08-10, 10:43 AM
Jimmey say's bugger it and finds a comfortable spot by the prow of the ship.
sits down and takes a pull on his hip flask.

2009-08-11, 03:42 AM
(OOC - Assuming noone else wants to do anything else, so i'm continuing on. If you do want to do something, let me know and i'll edit it in.)

Night begins to fall as Telfras falls over the edge of the horizon. The winds pick up and the waves are becoming quite large now.

Kaldar and Jimmeh -
You notice the crew looking very nervously at the approaching storm

2009-08-11, 08:18 AM
Coming to the deck Lock hurries to the edge and immediately vomits into the waves. Wiping salty spray from his face he spots a short man drinking from a hip flask. deciding that he should probably not go back below deck he makes his way (rather gingerly) towards the prow of the ship and the man sat drinking. Lock calls out to the short man, hoping that some company may take his mind of the storms increasing ferocity.

"Gonna be a rough night I reckon. Never been to good at this whole sailing thing myself." Wipes yet more spray from his eyes and sits down next to the very Dwarven looking bloke. "You come far?" He asks hoping to engage the man who up to this point seems more interested in his drink than the storm.

2009-08-11, 09:14 AM
Kaldar walks on deck, looking out into the ocean taking in the stormy scene he's found himself in.
(Standing quite near to the drinking fellow on the floor and the human chap, but is in somewhat of a world of his own, staring into the sea)

2009-08-11, 12:01 PM
Jimmeh thrusts his drink at the stranger without responding to his question.
"Have a snort ya jessie" he offers.
"Ah recon that dragon bastards givin me the eyball" he say's to the stranger, staring accross the deck at the dragon born.
"Am Jimmeh by the way" he adds putting out a hand.

2009-08-11, 12:50 PM
overhearing the dwarf on the floor, Kaldar choses to act friendly despite the apparent rudeness....
"I'm giving no one 'the eyeball', friend, content in enjoying the journey, but if you have something to say I'll glad respond in kind! Now, what brings you on this temporous journey, may I ask?"

2009-08-11, 04:10 PM
Lock takes the hip flask from Jimmeh. Lifting the flask lock takes a huge swig which he immediately regrets. Trying his best not to throw up he turns to the two strangers.

" Good *Cough Cough* question Dragon born" Lock turns to figure, partly obscured by the ever increasing amount of spray washing across the deck. " An old soldier pointed me in this direction and i have been moving this way ever since." Without taking his eyes of the Dragon born Lock hands the hip flask back to Jimmeh. he snatches it back with an air of urgency. "What brings you out here?"

2009-08-11, 04:14 PM
A flash of lightning illuminates the deck for a moment, showing the three adventurers are alone on deck now and is closely followed by a peal of thunder.

2009-08-12, 05:50 AM
"am tryin te hunt down ma families killers"
"sayin that though every bugger i've met n the last weeks been a bloody orphan"
"sorta takes all the purpose out of it"
he drains the flask.
"bugger bet i cant get decent dwarven wiskey where we're goin, am goni have to get hold a one o them majik buggers te give us an everlasting drink flask"

2009-08-12, 11:41 AM
"I have no specific destination, rather the time was right for me to move on from where was once my home....and who knows where the waves will take us"
He turns his attentions from Lock onto Jimmeh, and despite being aware of the sarcasm is still concerned as to the amount of orphans floating around, "and true enough, there are many examples of parents being taken away from their children before their time, but this seems a world rife with such evil, evil that anyone could do a part to hinder...."
Kaldar lets out a long, drawn out sigh whilst turning his gaze back towards the ocean, catching the sight of lightning as he does....Such weather, Kaldar muses, seems fitting of the dark times

2009-08-12, 01:43 PM
"Well said Dragon"
Lock stands and begins to walk towards the hatch that leads below deck.
"But I'm not out to hinder any evil, don't misunderstand me, i do my part when needs must but all i want is a new start. I have seen to much in the last few years to be fooled into thinking that evil is something to be beaten or caged."
Lock draws level with the Dragon born and claps one had on the creatures scaly back. He immediately notices the extreme heat radiating from his body and pulls his hand away.
"Besides where would the fun be without the evils of drink and women! you'll agree wont ya Jimmeh!"
Lock extends a hand in Jimmeh's direction before wrapping his cloak around himself (Salt water plays havoc with his chain mail).
"I'm going to try and rouse the captain. I haven't seen the man since we left port and am anxious to be off this death trap.......You coming?"
Lock turns one last time to face the other men. A second crack of lighting tears the sky, revealing him in stark contrast with the empty deck.
Smiling to himself at the oddness of the his two fellow passengers, and having completely forgotten the nausea that drove him up here, Lock dissapears below deck paying no attention to weather either of the others are following

2009-08-12, 03:25 PM
Deciding to stay on deck, Keldar continues to gaze over the ocean scene. He muses outloud, maybe slightly to Jimmeh, in almost a whisper, barely hearable, "Well of course evil is no such tangeble creature to be battered and bruised, locked away with the key thrown aside...but that's barely the point now, is it?" Kaldar glances over his shoulder to see Lock has already departed for the lower levels of the vessel, he continues to speak to Jimmeh, "But evil is still a creature with many tools and impliments, is it not? I'm sure fun can be had without evils, although it does keep things interesting...". Kaldar glances at the now empty flask Jimmeh is holding. "As I'm sure you're aware of..."

2009-08-12, 08:56 PM
"you talk funny dragon, where you from?"Jimmeh asks in a freindly voice. He
walks across the deck to stand by his companion.

2009-08-13, 04:45 AM
Jimmeh and Keldar
The deck is tossing violently now and you're both having to hold on to the side of the ship to stop from falling, and the sound of the sea means you're having to shout to make yourselves heard

As you go belowdecks and shut the hatch, the noise of the storm recedes almost instantly and is replaced by the low murmur of hushed conversation interspersed with snores. The ship is tilting at crazy angles, and you fight to stop from vomiting again as you remember why you were abovedecks in the first place. The sharp scent of vomit tells you you're not alone in this. Around the cabin, passengers and crew are huddled in small groups, sleeping or talking. A group of men near you are playing cards, and you see the captain talking quietly to the first mate over near his cabin.

2009-08-13, 06:36 AM
After needing a second to take in what Jimmeh just said, he wore a rather confused expression,
"I talk funny? I'm from only a small jaunt away from where we made leave. Maybe I merely retain the ability to sound sober after a drink or few, and you've simply become used to the slurs." Keldar, deciding to leave this enjoyable chat on deck, starts to walk towards the lower levels Lock walked down moments earlier, "Anyway, I think I shall venture down to the lower levels, for I too grow weary of these shaky seas, and would like to know when we plan to reach our destination....Until later, I'm sure..."

2009-08-14, 09:16 AM
"Bit testy there"Jimmeh mutters to himself.
he trys to swig from his flask forgeting it was empty realises and lobs it into the sea.
"Bugger it"
and he staggers towards the ships interior.

2009-08-14, 04:10 PM
Heading belowdecks, Keldar and Jimmeh see Lock stood leaning against a post at the bottom of the stairs concentrating hard on something. Closing the hatch behind you, the sound of the storm recedes and is replaced by a low murmur and you see the rest of the passengers and crew sitting or sleeping in small groups. A group of men near the stairs are playing cards on a barrel, and you see the captain whispering to the first mate over by his cabin.

2009-08-14, 05:56 PM
"well i'll see you later dragon boy"
"say hi te that big jessie lock if ya speak to him i'm goin try my luck wi them"
he jerks his finger at the card players.
"see if i can't get a bit of bevi money"

2009-08-14, 11:17 PM
"Call me a jessy again short arse and ill put you through the wall!"
Smiling to himself lock stands and walks towards the Captain
"Hey, any idea when we ill reach port pal" he says to the captain as he weaves his way along the room.

2009-08-15, 05:01 AM
The captain cuts off in midsentence as lock approaches and looks up at him. "We're stuck 'ere 'till that storm out there abates feller! We've had to weigh anchor an' wait it out, so can't rightly tell..." he shrugs.

2009-08-15, 09:05 AM
Speaking to Lock, Kaldar says in jest, "Well, someone is a bit touchy, really not enjoying the wild ocean, are we?" Listening to the muted sounds of crashing waves from the upper decks, the impression is given to Kaldar that the vessel may be stuck short of it's destination for a small while yet...."Seems as though we'll have to make do with our situation for a while longer regardless...Let's hope we can raise anchor and arrive at our destination sooner rather than later, for I myself am no great lover of being caught in angry seas..." He leans against the nearby wall, merely waiting for the to pass by...

2009-08-18, 07:41 AM
"yeah I'm sorry bout that" Lock gestures back towards the card game where Jimmeh has settled himself. "I belong in the mountains not on the sea. Having said that I guess I don't belong anywhere these days. My plan now goes as far as getting to Bluewater and trying to find work."
Lock reaches behind his head and draws the huge sword that is slung between his board shoulders. Holding it in one hand he runs his other hand along the razor sharp edge. The blade glows gold in the light cat from the Braziers hung on the wall.
"This is my future i think, the only thing I have left. I attract Bloodshed" He lowers the sword with a slightly sad look in his eyes. "Your welcome to tag along when we get to the City. I cant guarantee it will be safe but i have a knack for finding work and the company is always appreciated!"

2009-08-20, 01:01 PM
Kaldar glances over to the card game, then back to Lock, "Well I certainly can't speak on behalf of our card playing friend there, but I, having no particular destination to speak of, will gladly acompany you, and see where the winds take us! And when he has won enough money to buy us a round of ale we can surely discuss our destination in the next Tavern we come across when we meet shore!" Whilst still leaning on the wall he gives off a broad smile, "You may have lost all but your great sword in the past, friend, but the future could hold much yet..."

2009-08-20, 06:37 PM
Jimmeh pulls a chair up at the card table.
"alright lad's whats yer game?" he asks grinning

2009-08-20, 07:56 PM
Smiling at the kind words of Kaldar, Lock feels that possibly his luck may just be starting to change. Nodding to the card table he begins to walk towards the small circle that has congregated there. "Come on lets see if we cant earn some cash!"

"whats the game boys?" Lock takes the seat next to Jimmeh as the dealer presents him with a hand of 5 cards. None of the designs on the cards look familiar however this was going to be a long storm and it never hurt to learn a new game.

Without looking at him Lock addresses Jimmeh "Here Jimmeh, when we reach port me and the dragon are going to stick together for a while. It cant hurt to have a friend in a strange place and i reckon we stand a better chance of making some money in a group. You in?" After a sly sideways glance at the reaction of the other he adds, "Plus we could see about hunting down one of those bottomless flasks I've heard rumor of"

Satisfied with the impact of this last sentence Lock turns back to the card game as it gets underway. Here, he decides, he will sit and play till the storm blows itself out......

2009-08-21, 02:27 AM
The early evening passes as you fritter away your coins at the table, but fortunately you win some and lose some in roughly equal amounts, so everyone at the table comes away happy. Shortly after midnight, everyone starts drifting off to various corners of the hold to find somewhere to sleep.

************************************************** *******

Partway through the night, you wake to find the ship is on fire! Crew and passengers are running in all directions and you see the other end of the hold collapse in a mass of whirling embers and water begins to rush in. It would seem lightning has struck, and the ship is sinking... fast. As the fire rages, you quickly attempt to grab your stuff and make it to the lifeboat, but as you get on deck, you find too many people are already crowding into the one lifeboat as it's lowered over the side, and as you watch, it capsises with an awful splash. The storm is still raging around you, with the winds feeding the fire ever higher, until finally the ship goes under, extinguishing the flames. You manage to cling to barrels and sections of planking that are floating and you gradually pass out due to exhaustion.

************************************************** ********

You all awake to the sound of chittering and look up to see several reptilian creatures standing nearby poking the corpse of one of your card playing companions from the previous night. You are lying on a beach scattered with wreckage from the ship.

You recognise the language as a dialect of draconic, and the creatures seem to be discussing whether the card player would be worth eating.

All of you
You can make knowledge nature checks to try and identify these creatures if you have the skill

2009-08-21, 08:05 AM
"Dada-chum, Dada-chee" jimmeh mutters as he loads his crossbow.
"what the hell are these buggers?"

2009-08-21, 08:10 AM
Jumping to his feat Lock draws his sword. turning to his companions he feels the adrenaline from the crash surging through his veins.

"I have no idea Jimmeh but if that dead guys not worth eating i have a pretty good idea whats on the menu. Jimmeh give them a bolt from that cross bow see if that scares them off!"

If not get ready boys its going off!"

2009-08-21, 08:16 AM
Jimmeh fires his bow at one of the critters

2009-08-21, 08:31 AM
ok copy pasting off your thing to test... [roll0]

2009-08-21, 10:28 AM
try again


2009-08-21, 10:30 AM
rolling damage

2009-08-21, 12:07 PM
The bolt hits home, piercing the creature through the back and dropping him instantly. The creatures look up, suddenly aggressive, and rush at you brandishing a variety of sharpened sticks, some with metal heads attached.


Everybody roll initiative and post what you will do in your action. I've used your speech colours for your characters and the brighter green is the creatures.

2009-08-21, 03:46 PM
Taken aback by the eagerness of his recently found comrads to fight, regardless of knowing the intent of the 'enemy', Kaldar quickly comes to the conclusion that it best he assist his friends against the recently angered foe...
Whilst slowly bringing his axe from behind his back, Kaldar says calmly to Lock, ""So what, may I ask, gave you the impression these pressumably hungry creatures would be willing to attack us...before we gained their attention...by shooting them in the back?"
Initiative [roll0]

(I'm assuming I can just get my axe out and run at them?)

2009-08-21, 05:45 PM
"well i bloody asked what they were an no bugger answered" jimmeh says loading another bolt
"besides do un to others before they do un to you, as some preist told me before i kneecapped him"
Initative [roll0]

2009-08-21, 05:47 PM
"yeh can't trust the buggers"
He fires another shot
damage [roll1]

2009-08-22, 04:40 AM
Yes, you can get your axe out and run at them, getting your axe out is a minor action leaving you with a move and a standard action. If you want to move, let me know what square and if you're attacking roll attack roll and damage in the same post to speed things up.

2009-08-22, 05:13 AM
"Oi kaldar yer the same species how do you insult these bastards?"

2009-08-22, 05:29 AM
"I am not the same species, thank you monkey, so I am not going to dignify you with an answer!"

(Is how far I can move my speed stat of 6? If so I'll move to G9)

2009-08-22, 09:01 AM
Initiative [roll0]

"Will you to stop fighiting each other this is not the time!. LETS HAVE E'M!"

Sword in hand Lock begins to coles the gap with the enemy.
(Move to D6)

2009-08-22, 09:03 AM
Initiative [1d20+0][\roll]

(sorry still not entirely shure whats going on)

2009-08-22, 09:04 AM
(OOC What am i doing wrong here)

2009-08-22, 11:59 AM
(ooc stir can you speak their language?)

2009-08-22, 11:59 AM
@Hendy: Everything! Ok, its dead easy, then your dice roll as you had it so what you've done wrong is skip the first roll tag and put the dice roll in square brackets. Don't do that. Also, write what you want to do in your turn while you're at it. Roll attacks on 1d20 and damage depending on your weapon, and don't forget your at-will powers and such.

@Ster: You could move and then charge which allows you to move again, so you'd move 6 twice and then attack, but that's only if your armour isn't slowing you down. Also it's a bogstandard attack, no powers, but it's better than nothing.

2009-08-24, 06:27 AM
(I think my armour does slow me down one, so I only have a speed of 5, so G8 it is, I suppose...? lol Then I can give them a proper attack next go...
and if they're speaking Draconic then yes, I will be able to speak their language)

2009-08-24, 10:35 AM
@Ster: You could always double move and take your axe out... or leave your axe where it is and breathe fire at them...

2009-08-24, 06:20 PM
I think I'll breath fire at them then :)

2009-08-25, 09:52 AM
You'll need to make an attack roll then, 1d20 + str + 2 and damage of 1d6 + con

2009-08-25, 01:45 PM
attack roll 1D20+18+2
Damage roll [roll0]

2009-08-25, 01:47 PM
whoops, why didn't the attack roll work?

2009-08-25, 07:02 PM
you need to add the modifiers together, sorry... Also it's worth noting it's not your str characteristic, it's the modifier, so for str 18 it'd be +4 +2 so you do 1d20+6...

2009-08-25, 07:15 PM
Jimmeh rolls a smoke while waiting for lock to pull his finger out of his arse.

2009-08-26, 06:24 AM
oh right okay, that makes enough sense for me to have figured it out on my own... lol
attack roll [roll0]

2009-08-26, 09:04 AM
"Well that was bloody awsome dragon." jimmeh says in aw
"I think old lock's frozen in fear, he hasn't moved in ages" he loads a third bolt.
"the big jessie"

2009-08-26, 03:13 PM
Lock, ignoring Jimmeh's comment, takes a few seconds to study the creatures. Something about there appearence rings a bell with him.


Lock then begins to run towards the creatures, sword in hand, as he will not let any harm befall these new found companions of him while he stands idely by.

"Give them another jimmeh, lets get this done! Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgh!"

(Lock moves to D16)

2009-08-26, 03:33 PM
rolls inititive [roll0]

2009-08-26, 04:10 PM
You look at the creatures and decide they are little pig demons

You race towards the creatures as Jimmeh looses another bolt into the back of yet another of the creatures and Kaldar belches flames at one of them, burning it to a crisp.

The two remaining creatures turn and leap at Lock and Kaldar, one stabbing Lock in the gut while the other catches Kaldar on the arm.

Lock and Kaldar
Lock take 3 damage, Kaldar take 4


2009-08-26, 04:16 PM
"Let's try fer a hatrick"
Jimmey fires another bolt

2009-08-26, 04:18 PM

Damage [roll1]

2009-08-26, 04:36 PM
"You little.........."

Gritting his teeth against the pain in his gut Lock brings his sword to bear on the creature who stabbed him.

Lock uses Vipers Strike


Damage [roll1]

2009-08-26, 05:15 PM
"Yeah you little Pig Deamon Bitch......Take it all take it all to the head. Oh Yeah I have a full on violence Chubby!"

Lock Grins his eyes Glowing with angry light!

2009-08-26, 05:27 PM
Identify [roll0]

2009-08-26, 05:31 PM
You don't know what the creatures are...

2009-08-27, 01:24 PM
((ooc) So Lock gets stabbed right in the gut and gets less damage than a little slice on the arm? Typical :p)

Right, Valiant Strike on the remaining one, if someone else hasn't killed it already...
but I've managed to get myself confused, what modifiers am I using for this then? lol

2009-08-27, 05:58 PM
"Attack: Strength + 1 per enemy adjacent to you vs. AC"

So str of +4 and +1 for the one enemy you're attacking... +5 total... It's in the description as quoted above...

2009-08-28, 08:04 PM
so [roll0] ....?

2009-08-28, 08:14 PM
I think I meant that...

2009-08-29, 08:01 AM
No, attack rolls are always with a d20 mate... And you need to roll damage as well...

2009-08-31, 01:21 PM
Whoops...thought I'd already done that...Suppose not lol
attack [roll0]
damage [roll1]

2009-09-01, 04:25 AM
Lock slashes the creature that wounded him, but it escapes with a mere gash in its arm, as Jimmeh's bolt flies over both their heads. Kaldar drops the one he was fighting and turns to see Jimmeh burst into flames, and a porcelain pot smashes against his chest, setting him alight as well, as two more of the creatures appear out of the bushes with slings already whirring for another shot. The creature fighting Lock stabs again with his spear, but he manages to bat it aside with his greatsword.

Kaldar and Jimmeh
You both take 6 damage and will continue to take 2 damage a turn from being on fire until you make a save (10 or more on an unmodified d20)


2009-09-01, 07:09 AM

2009-09-01, 07:12 AM
Jimmeh dives for the sea putting out his flaming beard.
"little bastards!"
He fires another bolt at the new creature on the left.


2009-09-01, 07:13 AM
Jimmeh is now at H5

2009-09-01, 09:15 AM
Arrgh! Where did they come from! I'm on it!

Lock slashes again at the creature next to him


Lock then begins to run at the new enemies approaching from inland.

lock moves to B11

"How many of these things are there!"

2009-09-01, 09:42 AM
save [roll0]
Kaldar moves towards the enemies in the bushes, D11

2009-09-02, 05:51 PM
Kaldar charges towards the enemy, with an intent to attack the nearer of the two...
Attack [roll0]
damage [roll1]

2009-09-02, 05:58 PM
Identifying roll

2009-09-02, 06:52 PM
Lock slashes the creature across the chest causing a spurt of blood to spray across him, but not dropping it. He turns to attack the new creatures and his previous opponent stabs at his back as he moves away, but it deflects harmlessly off his armour...

Jimmeh dives into the sea backwards, firing his crossbow as he goes, causing the reptilian thing to shriek in pain and a cloud of scalding steam goes up around him as he lands in the ocean.

Kaldar charges towards the last creature and swings his axe, but the critter dances out of the way.

The two sling-wielders dance backwards and fire at Kaldar and Lock, there's a flash and the two find they can't move.

The spear wielder follows Lock and stabs at him, but his thick armour saves him once again!

Take 2 damage from the fire as it goes out in the sea

Kaldar and Lock
You both take 4 damage and can do nothing until the end of your turn when you have to make a save or stay immobilised


2009-09-02, 07:35 PM
"Crap took me years to grow that beard"

he fires again at the being to the left



2009-09-03, 12:17 PM
Paralysis save [roll0]

2009-09-03, 12:24 PM

Lock trembles in rage as he tries to shake off the spell.


2009-09-03, 12:51 PM
Malek stands up, wondering where the **** he is. His head aches a tiny bit and he realises it's probably because he was on a fiery boat, last he remembered, now he's on a beach. He concludes he was knocked out.

He sees some beasties bashing the **** out of two guys just standing there... Kinky. A lanky dwarf is also having a paddle. He decides it's in his best interests to get his short sword and meaty axe out... The lute solo can always wait until later.


2009-09-03, 01:36 PM
Lock tries to shake the spell off, but his trembling causes him to fall flat on his face.

Take 4 damage you tard

Kaldar remains paralysed and Jimmeh's bolt goes wide.

The spear wielding creature seems to chuckle as he watches Lock fall and stabs him in the arse.

Take another 9 damage

The sling creatures lob shots at Jimmeh as he seems to be the most dangerous target at the moment and a cloud of stench rolls off him as the hits burst, one in the remains of his beard and the other on his arms.

take 7 damage and a -2 to attack rolls until you save

Malek stands and draws his weapons.

You recognise the creatures as kobolds, evil humanoid creatures with draconic heritage and a tradition of sorcery. They are cowardly and usually flee once bloodied unless a strong leader is present.
Powers: Good at detecting traps, can shift away from an enemy without provoking an attack of opportunity for free, get bonuses for ganging up on enemies.


2009-09-03, 01:41 PM
"Right i'm getting you ya little bugger"

Jimmeh leave the sea moves to B9

2009-09-03, 01:46 PM

Sly flourish Damage

2009-09-03, 01:47 PM
"**** missed again!"


2009-09-04, 12:48 PM
Realy getting pissd now lock yet again tries to shake off the paralasis that grips his body.


2009-09-04, 01:30 PM


Malek decides to help the guy who is just laying there, realising that he's most likely paralyzed... Most likely. He breaks into a sprint, snarling his fanged maw as he raises both sword and axe high before swinging them down on the creature, aiming to hack its arms off.
He gets an idea for an awesome lute solo as he is swinging. A right cool one that would suit fight scenes like this one. It helps him focus.

Move to c13 and use twin ranger strike.

attack 1 (short sword)
damage attack 1

attack 2 (battle axe)
damage attack 2

(OOC Disclaimer for DM
This is the roll as Hendy worked it out, it could be wrong, but we had a stab. Could you check it through and make sure it's all gravy? Will do the attack again if it's not right. Cheers darlin XxX)

2009-09-04, 02:20 PM
Paralysis save

2009-09-13, 05:25 PM
Lock remains on the floor paralysed.

Jimmeh's bolt goes wide as he stands covered in stink.

Kaldar feels the paralysis slip off him and flexes his fingers.

One of the creatures moves towards the ocean and fires a rock toward the tall dwarf, impacting off his smelly form.

Take 4 damage

The other ranged one fires at Kaldar, but the shot goes wide, and the last runs at him with his spear but doesn't manage to connect.

Malek comes up behind the spear creature but misses wildly with his swing, dropping his axe on his foot

Take 3 damage and you've dropped your axe.


2009-09-13, 06:26 PM
Kaldar, now released from his paralysis, runs towards the foe awaiting his blade in the bushes, with intent to deal him a killing blow.
(moves to B7)
(attack roll) 1D20+6
(damage roll) 1D10+4

2009-09-13, 06:27 PM
(attack roll) 1D20+6
(damage roll) 1D10+4

2009-09-14, 08:10 AM
Angry that he is missing out on the battle raging around him Lock again tries to force his body to move.


2009-09-14, 08:16 AM
Jimmeh try's again to remove the goop from his body.


2009-09-14, 08:26 AM
Jimmeh grits his teeth and hits his second win.

healing surge to regain my health and use an action poit to attack another enemy

He raises his crossbow
"chuck stink at me will ya, ya bugger"

Attack [roll0]
sly flourish damage [roll1]

2009-09-14, 12:35 PM
attack roll [roll0]
damage roll [roll1]

2009-09-17, 01:25 PM
Malek realises that dropping his axe was a ****-move, but has no time to pick his axe up. Not wanting to let his enemy escape, he attempts to thrust his shord sword into the Kobbold's side and skewer its kidneys as it is facing away from him.

short sword attack

2009-09-17, 01:27 PM
damage roll

After swinging at the beastie, Malek draws his longsword from his back.

2009-09-17, 02:18 PM
Lock finally forces his body to respond as he lies in the sand as Jimmeh fires wide of one of the ranged creatures but finally succeeds in scraping the stinking crud off himself.

Kaldar brings his axe down across the spear creature, leaving a gaping wound in his chest.

The first of the ranged ones throws at Jimmeh, but it trips as it goes to throw and wrenches it's shoulder painfully. The second decides to attack the newcomer, but the throw goes wide harmlessly.

The final creature stabs his spear, but his wounds leech his strength and the hit glances off of Kaldar's armour harmlessly and as it reels Malek brings his short sword up through it's chest killing it outright.


2009-09-17, 06:39 PM
"This better bloody work this time" Jimmeh mutters as he loads his eighth bolt.

attack [roll0]

2009-09-17, 06:40 PM

my first natural one

2009-09-19, 11:26 AM
Malek pulls his short sword from the Kobbold's chest with a quick jerk and the beast falls to the ground. Turning to the Kobbold to his rear, Malek approaches cautiosly, weapons raised, hoping to weave his blades through its defenses.
Weapons clash and Malek siezes a brief opening to bring both long and short swords down on either shoulder with intent to sever.

twin strike ranger attack

attack 1 short sword


attack 2 longsword


2009-09-20, 07:26 PM
OOC: That was Sam making a post from my computer and he forgot to log in as himself...

2009-09-29, 05:21 AM
Lock Drags jumps to his feet and feels the strength flow back into his body.

Lock uses Second Wind

As the strength flows back the anger at being paralized redoubles and adrenaline surges through his veins.

lock uses his Action Surge

Lock turns his head and singles out the creature wstood apart to the bottom right of the group. tightening his grip on the great sword in his hand he charges at the creature. Locking eyes whith the beast he brings down the huge blade.



2009-10-05, 05:01 PM
"Lock Drags? i thought your second name was some sort of delicious sandwich sauce."

2009-10-06, 06:56 AM
Kaldar moves to A8
(attack roll) 1D20+6
(damage roll) 1D10+4

2009-10-07, 06:49 AM
OOC Don't put parentheses before the roll markers guys (I'm looking at you ster...) It doesn't seem to like it... so yeah, roll again ster.

2009-10-08, 04:58 PM
attack roll [roll0]
damage roll [roll1]

2009-10-09, 08:30 AM
Locktore finally manges to stand and charges at one of the slingers, cutting a massive gash across the creature.

Jimmeh tries to fire again, but he rushes his shot and somehow gets his hand caught in the firing mechanism.
3 Damage

Kaldar turns and engages the other slinger, landing a massive blow that drops it to the ground.

The last kobold shifts a square away and fires a parting shot which flies past Locktore's head before turning and starting to flee as he sees his comrades lying bloodied and dead around the beach.

As he runs though, Malek spots him moving and chases after him before bringing his weapons round in a double swipe that takes its head clean off it's shoulders.

Congrats guys you won your first combat and each get 100 xp. Remember to update your sheets as we go through, hendy you need to add your second wind hitpoints and everyone that used second wind needs to record the healing surge you used. Oh, and remember to keep using your powers, they make things a lot easier for you.

2009-10-09, 09:22 AM
"Well that was fun, ya all right mate whats your name?" Jimmeh extends a bleeding hand to their new companion.
"i think i remember you playing a few rounds of cards with us last night, don't suppose you've got out to drink about your person?"
"right who wants to loot a body?"
Jimmeh wanders over to a body and gives it a half harted kick
"honestly who chucks smelly goo in a fight?"

Jimmeh searchs the bodies for anything useful and recovers any unbroken arrows from the corpses and surounding area.

2009-10-16, 05:30 PM
Malek shakes the tall dwarf's hand.
"I'm fine. Malek's my name. And whom might you be?
He wipes the blood on his jumper and retrieves his axe. He turns back to Jimmeh and nears him, being cautious to not let the others hear.

For Jimmeh.

"Who are those two? I mean, that one over there, not the dragon, the other one. What is he? Is he one of yours? He doesn't fight too well. Heed my advice lanky-midget, make use of the human shield while you can and harvest the remains. It may be his greatest use."

Malek follows Jimmeh over to the Kobold's corpse and follows him in booting it in the ribs.
"Why did these things attack us? Who started it? Either way, who's hungry?"
He calls to the dragon-man and the tomato and herb sauce guy and invites them over.

2009-10-17, 05:47 PM
Kaldar emerges from the heat of that uncomfortably close battle, still with adrenaline lingering in his veins...After a deep breath and a nod of satisfaction he sheaves his weapons, whilst turning to see his comrades. Noticing the ally that he had barely noticed previously stood aside Jimmeh, he approaches the pair, whilst wiping blood from his gear,
"unfortunate such violence befell our journey, I don't know about my newly found friends here but I thank you for the assistance"
Kaldar nods in the direction of this unkempt, long haired man in appreciation.

2009-10-19, 03:43 AM
"anyone know what these things were? an are they good eatin?"
he looks towards lock
" Oi, c**k stain what the hell appened there, are you some sort of quaker? turning back to the other two
"nope he's gone again the big jessie, our sandwich named friend over there has a tendancy to stop an ave a cry now an then, he'll be alright in a minuite

2009-10-20, 04:25 PM
Malek looks Kaldar up and down with a funny look in his eye and turns back to Jimmeh.
"What's up with him? He talks like one of those characters in them token fantasy novels."

He turns to Kaldar and shakes his hand.
"Hiya. Name's Malek. Don't worry 'bout the killin'. Happens. And what might you be naming yourself?"

Malek unsheathes his axe.
"Lanky-man, you got a name? And yeah, if you get a fire going, I'll get on some carvings from these bvggers."
He kneels down and holds out the leg of a dead kobold and swings with his axe. A thumping sound, then the trickle of it's blood stains the sand a dark red.

2009-10-21, 01:17 PM
Malek pulls out his electric lute and begins practising while the group waits for the fat one who's just stood there. :smallannoyed:

2009-10-21, 07:53 PM
Malek manages to get a decent enough sized portion of meat off the kobold leg without too much effort.

Jimmeh finds five arrows, three of which are still useable... You aren't sure where the others went, most likely off into the forest inland. The kobolds' equipment is mostly worn and not really worth taking, however you do find that some of the kobolds were carrying money pouches with about 50 gold between them.

2009-10-22, 04:39 AM
Lock angry at how the battle went walks over to the sea and starts cleaning the blood off his sword. Happy that he has got most of it off he turns back to the group as he sees the new bloke lop of the leg of one of the creatures.

Lock dips a shred of his shirt into the sea and holds the salt water against the wound in his side.

"sorry bout that boys wasn't ignoring you, just have me post fight rituals, got to clean my blade. ill be honest that didnt go well for me". lock laughs to himself.

Lock turns to face the new guy. "Hey malek good to meet you mate. cheers i thought id had it back there." Before he can think lock shoves malek into the sand with his hand round his neck. Lock leans in menacingly "I'm grateful to you my friend. But i am no human shield. I'm gonna let it go this time but don't push your luck."

Lock releases malek and they both stand up looking warily at each other. "Good call on getting food tho boys. i think ill join ya." Lock raises his sword and lops off the creatures other leg.

Lock drops to the ground and looks at the others "I reckon we camp the night here boys just off the beach. we can get our strength back, its been a long day."

2009-10-23, 01:16 PM
Lock didn't hear Malek's snide little comment there, so does nothing about it.

OOC: Hend, stop reading other people's spoilers.

Malek, Jimmeh and Kaldar
Lock apologises to Malek, saying "Actually, disregard that, i suck dongs!"

2009-10-31, 01:07 PM
Malek turns to Jimmeh and asks if he can get a fire going while he fillets the Kobold leg.

2009-11-09, 07:39 PM
Malek resolves to light the fire himself.

Is there any roll or out I need to do for this?

2009-11-11, 09:15 PM
OOC Technically it's a nature check, but if you just want to go ahead and set up camp and move on to the next day then that's fine by me...

Second thoughts, also since there's no rush or adverse conditions, you can take 20 (takes 20 minutes and is as if you rolled a 20) and therefore you make it.