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2009-08-10, 09:27 AM

Prologue: Fresh BloodIn the first month of a new Empire, the Jedi Purge was law. Surrounded with rumours of burning pyres where suspected Jedi were heaped to die, there were groups with more discerning taste. The Empire's elite surgical strike teams, let by Dark Jedi and Sith of the Inquisitorious, rooted out enclaves and individuals with Jedi ties and wiped all trace of them from the galaxy.

One such team, based on the Star Destroyer Amalgamation, tracked an old Jedi Archive (over the length of a month) to the temperate planet Manashouin. After a week of intensive searches, they finally set their own eyes on it. The environmentally sealed blast doors cracked like the shell of a nut with the encouragement of breaching charges. These newly ordained Sith Inquisitors strolled into the protected cloister, flanked by a squad of Stormtroopers. You stepped over fragments of a shattered blast door, through an exquisite archway into the antechamber. The smell of flowers, soil, grass and crystalline fountains found your nose, far from the decrepit scent of abandonment you expected. Jedi hallmarks were all over this place, 'humble' gold threaded runes sewn into a plush red carpet, a pair of exquisitely carved double doors at the opposite end of the chamber. They showed benevolent looking Jedi handing out alms to the needy and dying, symbolized by skeletons and especially thin people.

Stormtroopers surged inside the room like a flash-flood, behind and on either side of you, clearing it. Fox team and Phi team, named for famous Clone Troopers, had six troopers each. The only light source came from outside, through the broken archway, the interior would have been utterly dark without it.

None of the troopers said a word -- they knew their job -- and moved with professionalism. Investigate this room, then breach the big double doors and find out what was behind those, too. On your order. You were in charge.

Room StatisticsAntechamber 50ft. x 55ft.

Lighting: None (total darkness)

2009-08-10, 09:45 AM
Darren walk among the rubble kicking broken objects away from his path and shouts.

"Commander, of Fox team report to me once you find anything of interest."

Darren continues on walking and decides to see if he can see anything in the room out of place

+9 to perception check

OOC: Do u want me to roll for rolls and if so can i use invisible castle

2009-08-10, 10:45 AM
Easier for me if you roll here. I will be back soon.

2009-08-10, 11:11 AM
[roll0] - Fine, loser. :smallcool: That's your check.

2009-08-10, 11:20 AM
Securing the Antechamber
The first thing you notice as the troopers shine the light fixtures on their blasters around, is that there are several small objects planted at the bases of the fountains. They are small boxes painted to blend with the interior, and have a single adhesive side that attaches them to whatever surface.

All the troopers take up tactical positions around the room, and Phi team stacks up on the ornate door. They plant breaching charges. "Ready to breach, Sir." Phi team acknowledges.

The leader of Fox team does not leave his formation with the others, but indicates the things on the bottoms of the fountains with a nod.

"Those are sound dampeners. We use them in covert operations to mask approaches and firefights, explosions, whatever." Fox Leader thinks that you are unfamiliar with them. He continues, "As you've probably guessed, our screening group outside wouldn't have heard us talking from inside this room."

That was it. This room was clear. Now the ominous doors. It was a good time to give orders, or change the plan. Order the troops to go forward with the breach?

2009-08-10, 11:49 AM
Darren nods and says

Commander, get the teams ready in a spread out position in front of the door, ready to lay fire to any jedi that may have hidden there. If they are there team Fox will lay supression fire as team Phi will throw grenades to take out any foes.

Darren nods at the commander once he follows his instructions, to begin the blast. He will ignite his lightsaber(only one side for now) and grip it two handed hidden behind a columm and will come out after he hears the blast.

OOC: Is it ok if you roll for me I'm absolutely rubbish with the forum rollers and can't seem to get them to work.

2009-08-11, 05:08 PM
"Limtet formation, roger that, Sir." The Stormtroopers detonate the explosives and sweep as much of the room as they can see from the questionable safety of the doorframe. Nothing. The next room was completely dark, like the Antechamber, and silent. They had light amplification in their helmets, but it was no good without the flashlights on their blasters.

If there was something in this room, it was not shooting yet. To see the rest of the place, your breach would have to be more aggressive. Those sound dampers could have been to quiet the eager conversation of Jedi scholars, or...Use square brackets, like this:

[ on the left
] on the right

command goes between these. In this case, it is:


so the text should be like this, only without the dashes:


You can make it 1d20+23, or 1d20-12 if you want.

Do your own rolls. Figure it out. I will help you as much as possible until you know how. It might be something to do with your Internet Program, for now I want to assume you type it wrong (I am not calling you stupid, just unlucky enough to be inexperienced)...whatever the case was, your soldiers needed confirmation. They were afraid you might kill them for acting without orders. Call it a gut feeling. Phi team was sheltered behind the fountains with you, waiting to move forward. Fox team had secured as much as they could, and was waiting to move forward.

It might be wise to show boldness -- Jedi were known for stopping blaster bolts with their lightsabers. Even through the thin, wispy strands of smoke that floated around the place where the ornate doors once were.

2009-08-11, 05:21 PM
Darren nods at the soldiers

Good work men now follow me on my command

Darren strolls into the room his lightsaber in a two handed grip with only one end lit and brings the force to bear to try and sense anybody in the room.

OOC: Ok my internet seems to be working now so i can roll dice.

Darren will make a UTF check to sense his surroundings [roll0]
perception check [roll1]

2009-08-13, 11:40 AM

Your Stormtroopers' backs collectively straighten up. Their pride is greater, the gestures they make are more certain. Seeing you risk your own precious neck on their behalf, rather than treating them like disposable toys, seems to have helped morale. They have all tensed up and gotten ready to follow you without any thought of hesitation.

Toughing out the smoke and fumes, you walk boldly into the darkness. Only the glow of your lightsaber to guide you. To your Stormtroopers, you must have looked magnificent. It was easier for you; lacking a better way to describe it you could 'see' the eddy of the Force. The Droids had their own 'spiritual heartbeat', and you sensed this as keenly as any living being.
They were probably meant to ambush your patrol at a very precise set of conditions. There were at least fifteen of them waiting quietly behind rows of data crystal shelves. Probably many more, though you had not broken the Force to your will yet, as others had been able to.

If your patrol had gone in there, it would have been a slaughter. You might command that the raid should continue. It might be wiser to back off, and burn the interior out with concentrated artillery fire. It was your decision, and Jedi knowledge was valuable. A raid might prove just as damaging as any bombardment; in many ways.

This was a Jedi cache, that was undeniable. There were some comfortable looking red sitting cushions, and low tables set with data ports for reading. The walls were ringed with tiers of fountains and verdant gardens. Their beauty was all too apparent in the Force. The smooth stone floor was easy on skin, and the ceiling stretched far up into the darkness above.

This place was around 125 x 160ft. by your estimation. It was not always easy to understand the exact flow of this useful tool called the Force.

Darren Walker had a breath to consider his situation.The Force cannot tell you what Kind of Droid; you know that there are Droids waiting to ambush and eliminate your group. There may be many more Droids than the ones apparent to you right now.

2009-08-13, 12:15 PM
Darren stops in the room and thinks for a moment on how to best approach this. He could potentially wipe out the droida in the room by himself but without knowing the type he could be quickly overwhelmed,

Darren opens his comlink and says men there are many droida in this room and this is an area of knowledge. If you soldiers posses any melée weapon use it I do not want blasterfire at all is that understood

2009-08-13, 11:52 PM
The Better Part of Valour

That strong feeling of respect wavers a little. One of the Stormtroopers sticks his head around the side of the door as the smoke clears, leading with his Blaster.

"Sir, that would be suicidal. We have no idea if anything is left. Withdraw to protect what might be there; go in now to stop them from erasing what is still here. All the same. Just make a choice. Sir."

He is holding one of the sound dampers, soundly liberated from its previous place on a fountain. Anything outside the vicinity, or on the opposite side of its effect would be unable to hear anything.

A flurry of motion and the clack of metal on stone, the whizzing of mechanical parts. B2 Series Battle Droids rushed out from behind the shelves, their wrist blasters locked in attack mode.

"Do Not Run." One of them droned in monotone. "We Are Your Friends."

The first time anyone aside from Darren Walker caught sight of them was when they opened fire. A menacing red 'light' cut through the darkness, a horrifying barrage of concentrated fire. All of it aimed at the lone Inquisitor.

Your Stormtroopers weren't ready to die for your sake, but they snapped off a few shots of accurate return fire that nonetheless failed to drop any threats.

"Get back here, Sir!" You noted how none of them rushed out to pull you back, opting to see whether you made it on your own or not. They arranged themselves neatly in the Antechamber and made ready to repel the Battle Droids with a strong defense.

Though the room around you was alive with hot blaster fire, your serene connection to the Force told you that there were merely three shots posing any real danger to you. The others you avoided instinctively, either because they were too far off the mark, or because they only caused superficial injuries; such as a fresh burn in your clothing.B2 SBDs
[roll0] - Aid Another
[roll1] - Aid Another
[roll2] - Aid Another
[roll3] - Aid Another
[roll4] - Aid Another
[roll5] - Aid Another
[roll6] - Aid Another
[roll7] - Aid Another
[roll8] - Aid Another
[roll9] - Aid Another

[roll10] - Single Shot Horrible Wound - [roll11]
[roll12] - Single Shot Horrible Wound - [roll13]
[roll14] - Single Shot Horrible Wound - [roll15]
[roll16] - Single Shot Horrible Wound - [roll17]
[roll18] - Single Shot Horrible Wound - [roll19]Stormtroopers
[roll20] - Return Fire Short Circuit - [roll21]
[roll22] - Return Fire Short Circuit - [roll23]Notes: I know that you can apply your Use the Force skill to negate and redirect blaster fire. Let's see how that works for you.

Out of 5 attacks only 3 have any chance of hitting you. The totals of the attack rolls are:

Attack Roll: 22 (13 damage)
Attack Roll: 22 (09 damage)
Attack Roll: 19 (21 damage)

Roll for Initiative.http://i604.photobucket.com/albums/tt125/HimekawaMiyako/B2Attack.png

2009-08-14, 12:14 AM
[roll0] - Battle Droid Initiative
[roll1] - Stormtrooper Initiative

2009-08-17, 03:30 PM
Darren seethes as the blaster fire rips through him and creates burns but does not allow the pain to show. Instead he allows it to rip through him, allowing him to become stronger and more powerful. He takes out his lightsaber and rushes to the 3 B2's on his left shouting Take out the ones that are right ahead use your blasters if you must but aim carefully so as to not damage any of the precious items within this room. Darren's lightsaber whips around to deflect the shots that are fired at him.

OOC: Sry that I've been gone, I was rather sick for a couple of days( I now hate seafood), but I'm ok now.

I don't know if the -5 UTF penalty applies to the first roll or just the ones after, so I will apply the penalty to the first and all the ones after, but if I'm wrong please add 5 to each UTF roll to deflect.

Deflect 1
Deflect 2 [roll1]
Deflect 3 [-roll]1d20
Initiative: [roll2]
Redirect if applicable will do it to the one on the middle droid in the bottom left group. [roll3]

Attack on the B2's once he goes close enough will attack with 2 hand grip, please let me know if it hits, I am attacking the one on the top of that 3 droid collum, which are to the left of the bottem left collum [roll4]

2009-08-17, 10:50 PM
This Turn
21 (Unsuccessful)
26 (Successful)
[roll0] - Darren UTF (Successful DC 19)

The Inquisitor's weapon was a ruby red blur of a beautiful art. He let it absorb the second shot, and swept it across his body to reflect the third one back at his attacker. The Droid's own blaster fire smashed through its torso and burned out everything important. Darren felt the truth of a cauterized, gaping hole that went all the way through the machine to the other side. It fell down in a broken heap, like a rigid suit of armour.

His failure to stop the first shot registered as a searing pain that brought little genuine agony -- the dark side numbed and belittled his injury -- he was surprised, nonetheless. He was not usually so careless.Darren is hit for 13 damage. One Droid is wrecked.

2009-08-18, 12:16 AM
Next TurnInquisitor Darren
Full-Round Action to Run
[roll0] - Use the Force (Deflect Automatic Fire)
[roll1] - Use the Force (Deflect Automatic Fire)
[roll2] - Use the Force (Deflect Automatic Fire)
[roll3] - Use the Force (Deflect Automatic Fire)

B2 Droids (Leftmost 2)
[roll4] - Suppressing Inquisitor Darren (DC 10, -2 Darren Attack)
[roll5] - Suppressing Inquisitor Darren (DC 10, -2 Darren Attack)

B2 Droids (Table 4)
[roll6] - Automatic Fire, Inquisitor Darren
[roll7] - Automatic Fire, Inquisitor Darren
[roll8] - Automatic Fire, Inquisitor Darren
[roll9] - Automatic Fire, Inquisitor Darren

B2 Droids (Shelves 6)
[roll10] - Aid Attack Table 4 B2 Droid (DC 10, Attack +2)
[roll11] - Aid Attack Table 4 B2 Droid (DC 10, Attack +2)
[roll12] - Aid Attack Table 4 B2 Droid (DC 10, Attack +2)
[roll13] - Aid Attack Table 4 B2 Droid (DC 10, Attack +2)
[roll14] - Aid Attack Table 4 B2 Droid (DC 10, Attack +2)
[roll15] - Aid Attack Table 4 B2 Droid (DC 10, Attack +2)

B2 Droids (Shelf 2)
Readied Action to Shoot Stormtroopers
[roll16] -- Shooting Hurting -- [roll17]
[roll18] -- Shooting Hurting -- [roll19]

Stormtrooper Rush
[roll20] -- Marksmanship Wounds -- [roll21]
[roll22] -- Marksmanship Wounds -- [roll23]
[roll24] -- Marksmanship Wounds -- [roll25]
[roll26] -- Marksmanship Wounds -- [roll27]
[roll28] -- Marksmanship Wounds -- [roll29]
[roll30] -- Marksmanship Wounds -- [roll31]]

2009-08-18, 12:20 AM
Automatic Fire Damage

2009-08-18, 12:40 AM
Darren saw the Droids spread out around him, like vultures, lit by the glow of his lightsaber; outlined in the Stormtroopers' lights. He rushed through a barrage of blaster fire, weapon whirling all the way, pressing the attack. It was a testament to his skills and raw power that he could block so much automatic fire. Lesser Jedi would be dead.

He only needed to complain about a few more proud, but still painful, battle scars. The Library around him was not so fortunate, it was turning into a wreck. Fortunately, it did not appear as if there was any valuable item near him.

His Stormtroopers abandoned their positions in the Antechamber, rushing out to clear the room. They exchanged fire with Droids, and received minor and ineffectual resistance for it. Like a dismissive wave for a brutal backhand slap; one of the B2 Droids was fresh scrap metal.Darren sustains 14 more damage. One more Droid is finished. One Droid is moved down the condition track.

2009-08-19, 07:37 PM
Third turn
[roll0] - Lightsaber Strike, Inquisitor Darren (+4 for total 9 damage)

B2 Dumb Fire
[roll1] Automatic Shooting for [roll2] damage.

B2 Valley Fire
[roll3] Cool Precision and Lethal Ends [roll4]
[roll5] Cool Precision and Lethal Ends [roll6]
[roll7] Cool Precision and Lethal Ends [roll8]
[roll9] Cool Precision and Lethal Ends [roll10]

The Seven B2 Droids
[roll11] Cool Precision and Lethal Ends [roll12]
[roll13] Cool Precision and Lethal Ends [roll14]
[roll15] Cool Precision and Lethal Ends [roll16]
[roll17] Cool Precision and Lethal Ends [roll18]
[roll19] Cool Precision and Lethal Ends [roll20]
[roll21] Cool Precision and Lethal Ends [roll22]
[roll23] Cool Precision and Lethal Ends [roll24]

Fox and Phi Team Stormtroopers
[roll25] Bred for Shooting and Bringing the Pain [roll26]
[roll27] Bred for Shooting and Bringing the Pain [roll28]
[roll29] Bred for Shooting and Bringing the Pain [roll30]
[roll31] Bred for Shooting and Bringing the Pain [roll32]
[roll33] Bred for Shooting and Bringing the Pain [roll34]
[roll35] Bred for Shooting and Bringing the Pain [roll36]
[roll37] Bred for Shooting and Bringing the Pain [roll38]
[roll39] Bred for Shooting and Bringing the Pain [roll40]
[roll41] Bred for Shooting and Bringing the Pain [roll42]
[roll43] Bred for Shooting and Bringing the Pain [roll44]
[roll45] A Throwing Arm for a Booming Finish [roll46]
[roll47] A Throwing Arm for a Booming Finish [roll48]The lights flickered on, bathing the entire room in a soft white glow. These Droids were polished to a gleaming finish, and someone no longer cared whether you saw. The data crystal shelves, gardens, and interior all seemed freshly cleaned and serviced. What's more, at the end of the aisle between the selves, you noticed another machine folding up into a more portable shape.

Another Droid.

No time for that. You lashed forward in one fluid movement -- like a snake -- and sliced the nearest B2 Droid's blaster arm off. Effectively nullifying its combat potential. The second Droid, reacting on its apparently dumb-down programming, opened fire on full automatic. You reflexively caught those shots, and redirected them into the other droid; adding insult to injury as you sliced what was left of it to pieces.

Fox and Phi Team crashed head-on into the Droids blocking their way. A blaster shot sounded off, followed by three more. One Stormtrooper fell dead. A pair of grenades bounced into the room and set off a teeth shaking explosion on either side of the nearest stack of droids to the door. The Stormtroopers shot what was left until the Droids weren't twitching anymore.

Then things got messier for both sides. In the space of a few fast heartbeats, two more Stormtroopers were dead at the cost of a single Droid. It was strange -- combat was slow for you -- you were aware of it. That was just something that happened in the Clone Wars. You recognized those sounds. Only a very special kind of Droid made those sounds.

A pair of them just unfolded, a couple of 'death blossoms', about to ruthlessly execute whatever got in their way. There was something else... the sound of a turbolift bell dinging to let everyone know it was finally 'arrived'. Were you going crazy..?
New Initiative Count
Inquisitor Darren
B2 Super Battle Droids
Droideka Destroyer Droids

2009-08-21, 07:28 AM
Firm Shove
If you do not post, I'll have to NPC, and possible incapacitate you. I hope you have a good reason for the delay.

2009-08-21, 03:03 PM
OOC:Sorry for not posting got back from vacation and my iphone decided that the charger was not working killing it, for a day I'm back now.

Darren sees the droids and remembers flashbacks from the war, and remembering how many of his friends and allies died while fighting. He will runs up the aisle while shouting Concentrate all fire on those destroyer droids and take cover, use grenades against them if you have any left.

Darren brings the force to bear and thrusts out with his palm to pick up the destroyer droid on his left and crush it against the collum closest to it.
He will redirect any fire that he sent to him back to one of the destroyer droids.

UTF check to move object 1d20+15

EDIT: Mesed up the roll kept a dash in so it didn't roll.

2009-08-22, 07:00 AM
B2 Battle Droids
[roll0] Droid Attack Assault Strike [roll1]
[roll2] Droid Attack Assault Strike [roll3]
[roll4] Droid Attack Assault Strike [roll5]
[roll6] Droid Attack Assault Strike [roll7]
[roll8] Droid Attack Assault Strike [roll9]
[roll10] Droid Attack Assault Strike [roll11]
[roll12] Droid Attack Assault Strike [roll13]

[roll14] A Winning Pitch [roll15]
[roll16] A Winning Pitch [roll17]
[roll18] A Winning Pitch [roll19]
[roll20] A Winning Pitch [roll21]
[roll22] A Winning Pitch [roll23]
[roll24] A Winning Pitch [roll25]
[roll26] Fatality [roll27]
[roll28] Fatality [roll29]
[roll30] Fatality [roll31]

Inquisitor Darren
[roll32] Use the Force (Move Object Power)

2009-08-22, 07:31 AM
Inquisitor Darren
[roll0] Move Object Damage

[roll1] Decisive Force [roll2]
[roll3] Decisive Force [roll4]The noisy firefight continues, blaster shots tear through the spaces, and the Stormtroopers casually toss at least six grenades. The Droids fall hard -- it's time to make sure they're dead before moving on to the bigger Clankers. Five of them are torn apart in the explosions; this chamber is surprisingly tough. No debris falls from the ceiling, but a single Stormtrooper is hit by a stray shot before he can spread out to dominate the room with the others.

A grim and too familiar sound fills the room. Destroyer Droids firing their mounted cannons, so much like a grinding, scratching of metal on metal that sings, 'Pitiful thing, about to die.'

It is a well known method of efficient killing, a double tap for each target. But perhaps the power was a little too much. There were four Stormtroopers left in Phi team, now there are only two. The unfortunate pair to be burned in half may not have had lungs to scream with, but they definitely felt the pain. What was left of their bodies amounted to heads and feet.

Enraged, you wrenched the force between your fingers, snapped it up like a pair of strings that slammed the other Droideka into the data crystal shelves before it could level its own weapons...

...but in only bounced off, protected by the sith-cursed energy shield that helped make these droids so lethal and reliable.


YOU were not pathetic enough to have such a weak command of your own existence! The Force was going to give you all the POWER it had. TEAR that wretched imitation of LIFE. APART.

You clawed at the force with your fingers, not daring it to try fighting back and slipping away from your control. You gouged a valley in it, and PULLED for all it was worth. The Droid inside the shields twisted, broke apart, folded in on itself -- Exploded and vaporized some of the room around it.

Die Clanker!

Warmth washed over you, and snapped the torn remains of your clothes.
-Consider the ST Marks on the left side, closest to the violet table, a pair of what's left of Stormtrooper Corpses. The total number of Stormtroopers under your command is now Six.

Also: Force Unleashed (Main Theme)

2009-08-22, 08:31 AM
Darren shouts out loud All troopers take complete cover I shall deal with the destroyer droid, take care of your wounds while I destroy the droid Darren runs in and out in between the pillars and draws the force in on him self to pick up the destroyer and slam it into another pillar.

OOC: Will run near the pillar closest to him and will then spend a force point to regain Move Object and will thrust out with his hand to throw it into the pillar closest to the droid

Move Object check [roll0]

2009-08-22, 03:56 PM
Background Noise[roll0] SBD Fighting [roll1]
[roll2] SBD Fighting [roll3]

[roll4] Phi Team Shooting [roll5]
[roll6] Phi Team Shooting [roll7]

[roll8] Fox Team Firing [roll9]
[roll10] Fox Team Firing [roll11]

Inquisitor Darren
[roll12] - Force of Power (Move Object)
[roll13] Use the Force Talent (Deflect)
[roll14] Use the Force Talent (Deflect)
[roll15] Use the Force Talent (Redirect)

Destroyer Droid
[roll16] Droideka Rapid Shot [roll17]
[roll18] Droideka Rapid Shot [roll19]

2009-08-22, 04:29 PM
[roll0] SBD Last Resort [roll1]
[roll2] Fox and Phi Teams [roll3]
[roll4] Fox and Phi Teams [roll5]The remains of Fox and Phi teams conduct a fighting retreat, shooting one of the droids down as they move; dodging blaster shots from their remaining foes. You cover the distance between yourself, and your intended weapon in a few quick strides. Concentrating on the force, focused with your desire to protect the soldiers under you, you pluck the remains of a data crystal shelf off the ground. It seems to move all too slowly, but you walk with it, intending to use it as cover.

The Destroyer Droid inches to the side, trying to negate your advantage, and snaps off four shots. Two shots from each blaster strike the shelf, and you notice it blacken near the impact points. But it holds together, as you expected it would.

The Droid moves sideways again, but is unable to get a clear shot because you have moved behind the shelf. It shuffles again, and you shove the data crystal shelf with this marvellous energy you know so well. Perhaps you were concentrating for too long -- the impact seems to have no appreciable effect.

The Droid retreats, anticipating that eventually, you'll have to move out from behind that shelf to hit it.

By then, your troopers had finished off the last of the Super Battle Droids. Before they could open up with everything they had, the place started coming apart. Stormtroopers in heavy armour crashed through the far wall and levelled their weapons on the Droideka.

"Gah, too many charges for one little spot. That took forever." One of them complained.

A cold, distant looking man with many scars meanders through their ranks, looking very bored. His harsh eyes and handsome features looked worse for the black clothes and boots he wore under an all-temperature cloak. Several loose bangs of brown hair had escaped from his ponytail.

Inquisitor Keiran Dejj, with his very fresh looking escort in tow.Information
Keiran Dejj is an Inquisitor working with Inquisitor Darren, aboard the Amalgamation. His own assignment entailed that he search another sealed door for a second suspected Jedi enclave. He breached a blast door, and found a catacomb. He has been wandering through tunnels, dark nooks and crannies ever since that time. He has encountered no resistance, no threats, only annoying passageways that turned around on themselves. A maze -- and his Stormtroopers are sick and tired of it.

Only a short while ago, they found a lift going up, leading to a room with no apparent exit. When they noticed sounds of struggle, they used special ordinance to break through the wall. Here they are, coincidentally just in time to save you skin. The Force works in unforeseen ways.
DW = Darren Walker
KD = Keiran Dejj
HT = Heavy Stormtrooper
ST = Stormtrooper
DD = Destroyer Droid

Darren Walker
Keiran Dejj
The Stormtroopers
Destroyer Droid

2009-08-22, 08:42 PM
Keiran ignites his lightsaber, illuminating everything around him in a red glow and points it at the droid, "Concentrate all fire on the droideka. Take it down."

2009-08-23, 02:03 PM
Darren nods at Keiran in appreciation for the help and lets the troopers surge forward while shouting tactical advice to aid them in fighting it.

OOC: Welcome Z97 it's good to have another person to play with and thanks for the help.

Roll for knowledge tactics check [roll0]

2009-08-24, 12:03 AM
Thank you, these games are always better with more people. :smallsmile:

2009-08-25, 06:22 PM
Under the overbearing song of Darren Walker's litany of commands, your Stormtroopers are like a small detachment of machines. They fast-march in tune, they take up positions in a rough L-shape around the droid, the front ranks crouch and the soldiers behind them stand and brace their weapons. The lights touch them in just the right way, each Stormtrooper has a flawless economy of movement. Their fluidity is breathtaking.

Then comes the moment when all their weapons make a gorgeous sound at almost the same time, nearly but not quite in succession. It sends a shiver down your back.

The Droid is cool, mute, emotionless. It still seems to cower.[roll0] Missile Heavy Trooper [roll1]
[roll2] Missile Heavy Trooper [roll3]
[roll4] Missile Heavy Trooper [roll5]
[roll6] Missile Heavy Trooper [roll7]
[roll8] Repeater Heavy Trooper [roll9]+[roll10]
[roll11] Repeater Heavy Trooper [roll12]+[roll13]

Other Troopers: Coordinated Attack (+2 to each Heavy Trooper)
Darren Troopers: Coordinated Attack (+2 to each Heavy Trooper)

Tactical Advice: +1d6 damage for enemy familiarityOverkill is the best way to describe the rain of blaster fire and a full four rockets slamming into the Droideka. After the first salvo, the Droid is a melted, but somehow still functional heap of metal with a pair of scuffed-looking blaster cannons. It seemed to be charging them before something went wrong, the things ended up backfiring.

An ominous buzzing sound, and the Droideka explodes. Your Stormtroopers secure the Jedi cache without touching anything, and summarily report all clear. Only six men dead -- not too bad a record, considering how many normally ended up with a fresh citation and a funeral.

Of obvious interest were the glowing crystals set into the shelves lining this room. Valuable data, or perhaps nothing, might be on them. The gardens around the walls could be hiding anything. Keiran Dejj found the place by breaking through a wall.

It was up to you -- leave and incinerate the place, search it for more leads, scourge up information...

...it was either a fast ticket to a minor promotion, or a big problem waiting to happen.

2009-08-25, 06:42 PM
Darren smiles as the troopers excelled under his command and said Men you have fought well and I commend you for your bravery, please take care of your wounds and the fallen before you search the room Inquisitor Keiran Dejj, can handle ourselves for a few minutes. Darren walks over to his fellow Inquisitor and says Thank you for coming when you did without your help, more of my men would have died, and I wish to avoid that. When the men finish tending to the wounds Darren shouts when the men are done tending their wounds and the dead Secure all of the glowing crystals in the room, and then go over the room with a fine tooth comb and try and find anything else useful

To his fellow Inquisitor he says Shall we go into the garden and see what mysteries wait for us there?

OOC: Woot natural 20 on my tactics check nice, I hope the soldiers like me anyway quick ? Was that natural destiny point you said earlier one given to me, or was it one that was used, just clarifying.

Will make a UTF check to Search my feelings about going into the garden

Search Feelings Check [roll0]

2009-08-25, 08:01 PM
Keiran shuts off his lightsaber, and gave the nearest trooper a pat on the back. If there was one thing he hated more than clones, it was these old Separatist droids. When Darren finishes saying his statement Keiran says, "Yeah, it's a mess of paperwork but sometimes it can't be helped."

While the stormtroopers are treating their injuries, Keiran attempts to sense if there are any force-users in the area.


To Darren's question he says, "Sure, the sooner we get this place mapped, the sooner we can get out of here."

2009-08-27, 08:49 PM
You sense that rooting your hands through the soil and the plants will not have adverse circumstances. It may, however, make your fingernails a little bit dirty. You also note that there do not appear to be any other force-users, aside from yourselves. Appearances can be deceiving.

Spurred on by your good nature, rather than the expected tyranny, your soldiers work well. It takes an hour, you occupied yourselves while Imperial personnel filed through. The data crystals were contained in packaging sand, and boxed in environmentally sealed containers for transport. Hover pads did most of the heavy lifting.

In the shrubbery, your group finds various personal sundries, snack wrappers -- recently discarded snack wrappers -- data pads and death sticks. There is even a fine looking tool likely used for cracking open computers and messing with their parts.

Stormtroopers had secured the outside, and now the inside. The search for secret compartments and doors revealed various recent 'improvements'. In them, there was bedding, and one unfortunate find of 'waste receptacle'. The entire room still stank. So when your Stormtroopers broke open one of the walls and found another room with a turbo lift, like the one Keiran Dejj used to get here, you might have found yourself eager to investigate.

Spraying the air with a fine mist of fresh ocean scent, the Officer you placed in charge of the investigation caught your attention. She was a slim, sexy and composed woman with a trendy short haircut that defied military regulation. Layered silver and gray dye in her hair, strong purple eyes that told everyone, 'anyone who gives me trouble skins and guts raw fish for the ship until dead'.

She stood proudly and fearlessly, wearing a pristine black uniform. Her name was 'Tenzen' to you, but most people just called her 'ma'am'.

"Sirs, you should be worried. Those Droids are made to operate by a controller, they are not autonomous. However they got here, and whoever used them to ambush you, it is possible that person is still here. More traps may be waiting on the other end of that lift. I shouldn't say any more than that."

After a brief pause, "It might be prudent to delegate a team to perform an active search, in case they can locate the source of the Droid control signal. Using battle droids to ambush anyone unlucky enough to wander in seems very... un-Jedi."You can choose any path you like. Investigate the cache further, or have someone else do it. Search the planet for settlements, accost the locals, triangulate a possible Droid control signal, turbolaser the cache and burn it to cinders... or something more creative. Whatever ambition you have, I will write with it. You do not have to follow this investigative path I set for you. Be free, take control, but do it one step at a time so I can keep up with you.

Remember that you are not really bound to any chain of command, you are answerable to the Inquisition, to the Emperor. You do have orders, but they are really just an overall mission mandate. You can act however you please. You are free to advance the Empire in any way you see fit, as long as you do not stir up too much trouble, the people who you do answer to will not come calling.

2009-08-28, 02:51 AM
"Alright," Keiran says with a sigh, "I'll take my troopers and head down the lift. If we find anything worthwhile we'll let you know." He motions to his stormtrooper squad, "And Tenzen... are you supposed to be wearing that perfume? It's not like you'll get in bed with a clone," Keiran snickers.

Keiran and his men make their way to the turbolift, stepping over broken droids to do so, and start heading down.

Wow, my character's a ****, hopefully I didn't overstep my bounds, insulting a lady like that. :smalleek:

2009-08-28, 06:52 AM
Tenzen frowned, looking on you with a mixture of contempt and pity. You were beneath her. She knew that answering the bait would make her look even more stupid and incompetent than you did. The Imperial personnel around her looked much the same, giving you blank looks, frowns, not very many smirked.

"Inquisitor or not, still a loser we have to take orders from." One of Tenzen's personnel said.
"You're talking about our Superior, what was that you said?" Tenzen passed the air freshener to a grateful comrade.
"Pardon, ma'am?" He smoothed some imaginary dust off the cuff of his sleeve, looking very polished and graceful. "Must have been the wind, I don't remember saying anything."

The cool, matte black and polished white armour of the faceless Stormtroopers said nothing. But they might have been smiling in appreciation underneath their helmets in the presence of camaraderie.I need to know what Darren Walker does, is He following Keiran Dejj down the lift?

Should I assume that Dejj-san hit the button before Walker-san had a chance to follow...

Leave me a list of questions, if you want, and I will fill in answers about them. Like where is the Amalgamation, how many people crew it, questions about the planet... or just tell me what you want to do, and I will fill in the blanks so you can do even more.

2009-08-28, 07:37 AM
Darren frowns at Keiran's contempt of Tenzen. Belittling an officer under your command if they disobeyed you was one thing, instilling hatred towards you for no purpose was another. Darren remembers his teachings "Unless you destroy that which you anger, do not give into easy emotions for one day they will rise up and consume yourself becoming a slave to your emotions" Darren turns to Keiran and says You can continue to search the area for more of the jedi secrets, I shall oversee the the stormtroopers here as they gather the last of the goods. If it is agreeable to yourself I shall stay with them and go into a local village and see what we can find about the jedi here, perhaps they are hiding in town. Regardless it will be good for me to go into town to see what I can uncover, I will have my comlink with myself. Darren nods at Keiran as he goes down the turbolift and then turns to Tenzen and begins to say
Tenzen, please ignore what my fellow Inquisitor said about your perfume,it smells perfectly fine, and you and your men should all be proud of the work that you have done here, and I mourn for your comrades as you do, for it is a sad day when I lose people under my commander. If you could bring me their names when we get onto the battleship I would greatly appreciate it as I would like to tell their families how they died defending the Empire, so as to make it a safer place.

Darren pauses waiting for her to let his words sink in and then says Tenzen do you know where the closest village is, so we can take one of our shuttles there and weed out any more leads that we may have, take your time however, and please feel free to speak freely around me, I won't have my best officer not speaking her mind because she doesn't wish to upset me. Darren gives her and the squad a dazzalingy white smile, and then goes over to various troopers telling them words of advice and thanks for the battle, and will eventually ask a medic in the group to patch him up a little bit.

OOC: I know this isn't exactly the typical type of inquisitor but his philosophy is more like jacen solo's. To make the men under himself want to follow him and see him go into battle like they do. He will still punish those who make mistakes but he wishes to have the men under his command understand the would not ask them to do anything he would not do.

2009-08-30, 08:06 AM
Darren Walker

"Right away, Sir." She moves sharply, going through all the proper forms of soldiering and commanding. "And if I may say so, that's the air freshener you're smelling."
Much better than the various kinds of feces, urine, and other strange body matter everyone found in that compartment.
The chatter Darren hears from the soldiers ranges from 'this one talks too much', to the humorous 'that smile could make you go blind, it was so bright. How often does he polish those teeth?'

Later, Tenzen has you in front of a field console, protected in a blind and shadowed by camouflage. The construction of this field position is remarkably skilful, meaning you probably have some very shadowy people in your group. The kind that live by the 'dirty soldier's way', so to speak. People who, for this, it is literally do or die. But most of the people around you seem ironically honest and unforgiving of war crimes.

The tactical map Tenzen puts on the screen shows the terrain out to a significant distance. Manashouin had a temperate climate, and was covered with varied forest terrain. The inhabitants were by no means primitive, the smallest villages were towns. There were four settlements at relatively short distances away by flight.

Tenzen elaborates. "This map will have inaccuracies, it hasn't been updated since the outbreak of the Clone Wars. This planet never saw much of anything, and was dismissed by the GAR and the Trade Federation as being far-flung and not relevant to the conflict. You'll know more when you get there, but we're working on updating the measurements now. Whenever you need your shuttle, just call the pilot on your comlink."
She indicated the position of the entrances to the catacombs and the Jedi cache you just explored in detail -- also the position of your Inquisition's camp. There was an old ship graveyard, where the colony ships landed so long ago, near Rithiri. It was marked with a 'hazardous materials' symbol.
A real-time update popped up, apparently there was a zone of suspicious activity near Orotas. That could have meant anything, and warranted further investigation. From the map, you gleaned various details: Four Towns Nearby
1. Rithiri
-Famous for cheese
-Old Ship Graveyard nearby (HAZARDOUS MATERIALS)
-Mostly populated by Humans

2. Kinkame
-Working to cleanse the nearby river of pollution
-Very quiet and serene place famous for retreats and vacations
-Even disposition of Ithorians and Togruta

3. Orotas
-Zone of suspicious activity
-A little on the xenophobic side, but never violent in the past and very pacifistic
-Mostly populated by Ithorians

4. Senche
-A mining town with excellent hospitality and strong local religious tradition
-Excellent medical care facilities
-Mostly populated by Duros

Capitol City
1. Retheressesa
-A densely populated metropolis
-Self-sustaining and highly efficient and ecologically friendly
-No access to the HoloNet by Imperial decree
-Has its own spaceport, can only guide incoming/outgoing ships, policing at planetary surface level only
-Diverse in species and culture

Imperial Presence
-None beyond your Inquisition
-Your Star Destroyer, Amalgamation, is in synchronous orbit above the Jedi Cache
-Your Command Camp is both in and around the Jedi Cache
-You have a secondary camp at the entrance to the catacombs leading to the Jedi Cache
-You have screening and scout groups around both your camps
-You have scout and intelligence groups working around the perimeter of the four nearby towns

-Various orbital satellites controlled by the Capitol, Retheressesa
-A small pirate fleet lurking around a nebula near the planet
-A derelict Trade Federation battle ship in dark space near the planet
-A Scientific research team, trekking through the wilderness, sanctioned by RetheressesaShe let you know they had a team working on tracking the Droid Control Signal , but the operator already cut it off. If any known control signals popped up again, the search team would find them.

Sentinel Class Shuttles were available, but only one for Inquisitor use. The others were working to transport materials to and from the Star Destroyer; supporting ground units was also a priority. You had access to a ready supply of manpower, from Stormtroopers to Imperial military, and the armour necessary to keep them mobile.

Moving through the camp, on your way back to the Command tent to continue planning with your staff, you come upon a group of Stormtroopers. They are carrying a heavy crate by hand, and end up dropping it and spilling the contents all over the ground in front of you. Data crystals glow and glitter, packaging sand is piled around them, the crate was obviously not sealed properly.

Most of them immediately set to work repackaging the contents of the crate, but a pair of them salute you and stammer out an apology. The ring-leader seems a little shorter than ususal.

"Sorry about that, Sir, I uh--" His voice is not a Clone's voice. "The grip on our gauntlets isn't good against this kind of metal." His posture is a bit stiff, normal when faced with things that make you nervous.

2009-08-30, 08:15 AM
Keiran Dejj

The ride down the lift tunnel is claustrophobic, quiet, none of your Stormtroopers so much as move a muscle around you. There is an atmosphere of tension, the uneasiness in your soldiers is pervasive. Although you can't really tell through the armour, your Stormtroopers seem ready to tear the throat out of the next thing they see.

The lift comes to a stop with a distinctive ding sound, and opens into a long corridor. A very long corridor, with dim lighting cast at even intervals. At the other end is another set of doors, probably leading to an elevator, because there's a console next to them with a single button. Your common sense tells you that it probably makes the elevator go 'down'. A blank screen is there, too. Most likely for floor number.

But that corridor is unneccesarily long. Your soldiers wait for you to take the lead. One of them mutters. "Got a bad feeling about this..." He's a Clone, and a veteran of the war.

Notes-Gave Darren Walker that termporary point so that he could destroy that Droideka, you were wondering that earlier

2009-08-30, 11:48 AM
Darren looks at the ring leader in surprise and says How interesting I thought that the only clones were stormtroopers, how did you become one? Darren says this not in a tone harsh but rather in a polite voice asking for information, he turns to those troopers who dropped the box and said If you men wish you can take off your gauntlets if it makes your job easier and more efficient, there's no point in keeping them on if it makes your life more difficult, but if you do decide to do that put them on once the job is done the best unit in the galaxy should always be prepared to fight if needed. Just make sure it doesn't happen again or I will be rather displeased, please tell the men once packaged this that it was rather poor and I only expect the best who serve under my command Darren waits for the leaders response and looks at him with an air of confidence and power, but not one that will be punishing.

2009-08-30, 03:43 PM
"Great..." Keiran takes the lead toward the terminal, walking slightly faster than he normally would and unclips the lightsaber from his belt. If anything try's to ambush him, he'll be ready.

2009-09-01, 08:15 PM
Keiran Dejj

Perhaps it was because you had trained feet -- you noticed a shift in the floor that a less skilled person would have missed. As you padded down the hallway, slide-step, slide-step, the floor began to tilt. Shortly after you finished warning everyone, the entire corridor swung sharply, like a clinch-thing on a screw. By the time you realized what you were doing, the corridor had become a vertical shaft.I need you to roll an acrobatics check. This is to determine if you can easily catch a handhold, or if I send you spiralling into the PIT OF DOOM! Most of your Stormtroopers were nowhere in sight, though one of them was tumbling toward you. Without thinking, how would you react?

It was a Corridor; all smooth edges, a floor and a ceiling and not a handhold in sight. Could you make one in time? Was there one you did not see?

Something HOT was falling toward you, a viscous blob. The corridor was a trap. It literally 'turned' into a shaft (get it?) and something awful was being poured into it. Best not to touch that stuff -- best not to wait until the shaft was full!Think creatively. Use a force power to shatter the wall, stab your saber into the wall to slow your fall, find out how the molten stuff is getting in the top of the shaft and block the hole. You might even consider tilting the shaft back into a corridor again. If you think about it, you are closest to the floor, which is now a wall. How shall you proceed?

Darren Walker

The Stormtroopers go about their business with ease and comfort, not at all perturbed by the scrutiny levelled on them. The ring-leader is still a bit stiff, but relaxes considerably as Darren speaks.

"It's all about cost, Sir. Creating a new army of clones is just too expensive, so they're taking candidates from the regular military now. Just to fill in the holes. I must be a better shot than I thought, Sir."

He stands at attention, waiting for a response, staring straight ahead.

2009-09-01, 11:08 PM


Keiran instinctively reaches out and grabs the trooper's hand as he flies past him while grunting with the stress of holding him and trying to figure out a way out of this mess. Suddenly he thinks up a plan.

His plan is to move a section of the wall to block the blob stuff before it hits him and the trooper and hopefully redirect it into a side corridor.

Move Object


2009-09-02, 12:17 PM
Darren nods in understanding and says The Clone troopers are the best, and to be allowed in their ranks is something you should be proud of, but don't let it get to your head. Darren grins a little at the joke he makes and says Once your done I would like you to come to my officers tent within an hour of your finishing your job, I have an assignment for you and your squad.

2009-09-02, 05:12 PM
Darren Walker
After attending to the various things you thought might need your specific attention, you retired to your own more-comfortable-than-normal prefabricated structure. You did not have to wait long, the Stormtroopers entered your tent politely, and arranged themselves at-ease around the walls. After what you imagined were the usual formalities, they were waiting.

Listening attentively, patiently waiting for you to continue, was the order of the moment.

Keiran Dejj

After the painful moment when it felt like your arm was going to be torn off, your endurance rewarded you. You fell, hand in hand, with your uniquely Imperial responsibility. The two of you flailed like helpless children as you swirled through the air.

The ominous molten blob was still above you, and steadily falling. You attempted to peel off a section of the wall, but your effort was only rewarded with a thin strip of the interior tiling coming off. It burned up like a sheet of paper in the heat.

Both of you scrambled for handholds, footholds, anything! Admittedly, teeth and fingernails could onyl do so much! You spilled out of the shaft and, judging by the way the world was spinning around you, into a massive gorge at the bottom of which lay a massive pool of the molten stuff.

A massive network of thin metal beams crisscrossed it like a spider web. You wrenched on it with the force, and tore one of the delicate beams free, then caught it and swung onto another one. Your combined weight was making a massive valley in that beam... it might break at any moment!

There was no way it would hold the both of you, and you arm was hurting. It was hard to breath with all this heat, and sweat was already streaming across your skin.Make a Spot check, and an Endurance check (DC 20) to maintain your condition. If you fail, you fall -1 step down the condition track due to discomfort and difficulty breathing. Those beams are pretty hot, too. And your arm hurts.

You automatically fall -1 step down the condition track for grabbing the trooper. If you let him fall, you gain one dark side point for selfishness, but you gain +1 condition step for euphoric feelings of cruel and sadistic self-accomplishment. 'Serves you right for getting caught and being soo heavy.'

If you save him, he'll owe you one, and become a loyal follower.

Also, I hope you do well on your spot check. You can use the force to Sense Surroundings, too.

2009-09-02, 06:28 PM
Well... crap... Keiran says, panting heavily.

Endurance check


Spot check


aaaand Sense Surroundings


It'd be pretty cool to have a loyal follower :smallcool:

2009-09-02, 08:55 PM
Darren looks at the men and says There has been some suspicious activity within the town of Orotas, and we need to, check out the area for any remaining jedi or those who may know them. We will go into town and check the area for any activity around the town and then when it is dark at night we will go in and find and take what we need. We need to find jedi, every last one of them, and kill them. Please, take 5 hours to get ready and prep meet me at my shuttle and we will fly 10 klicks from the town. Any questions soldiers?

OOC: How many soldiers are under my command.

2009-09-05, 09:02 PM
Keiran Dejj

The strange metal groans and sags, and makes the ugliest cracking sound you've ever heard in your life. As the seconds pass, with all the patience of an eternity, you and your man stare with grim resignation at the 'it's going critical!' beam.

When you mention something about 'crap', the Stormtrooper nods quietly. You think he means something like:


Your precarious perch snaps, and sends you both spiralling, screaming as one, into the molten abyss!




Opps. Hit another support beam. You'd have to be more careful about that.

"Aaarrrgghh!" CLANG!

The Stormtrooper locks his fingers around one of the beams (the sound is like a slap of metal on metal), and gives you a few precious seconds to clear your head and look around. Meanwhile, the Stormtrooper has you in a one-handed grip, and its crushing your fingers. Ouch (talk about hanging on for dear life)!

With a quick sweep of the area, you were able to determine that there was some kind of ventilation shaft directly under a beam that spanned the length of the chasm below you. You could balance on it, or scuttle across it, or...

"You know, I've got a liquid cable grappling hook." There was an ominous groan from somewhere very close by. "Can you reach my belt?"

Don't look now, but this beam was sagging too. Must have been the heat, because it was sagging even faster!DC 18 Endurance check, pass it or faint from heat exhaustion, and be unable to reach the grappling hook before the beam snaps. Its low because this is your SURVIVAL system talking.

Also, Knowledge (Tactics) DC 10 check. To know where he probably keeps the grappling hook. You could always ask him, that works too. But it might slow you down, and you don't want that...

Darren Walker

The soldiers lined up around your tent receive your orders with characteristic efficiency. This kind of routine is well practiced for them. They don't fidget, they give you their full attention, they take notes on datapads, discuss the mission amongst themselves and ask careful questions so they know the details.

One by one, you get questions like:

"Define 'take what we need, when we already have whatever we need'."

"How long is the duration of this mission?"

"What are our rules of engagement? Do we go in shooting, or try to blend in first?"

"Is this more of an intelligence mission, or a raiding mission?"

"What kind of support will we receive, TIE Fighters, Walkers..."

These men tell you that they'll distribute your orders amongst all the necessary troops in your encampment. Just as they're all leaving to do their jobs, a report comes in from Tenzen. With well written reports and carefully drawn maps, diagrams and other data, the report explains that Orotas is having some kind of festival.

Aside from the festival in Orotas, your scouts have determined that there is at least a little criminal activity going on in the crowds. Drugs are being sold, and minor crimes are committed. There is no mention of Jedi anywhere. There are rumours that a famous Droid Inventor has recently moved into town. The reports also suggest that the fireworks the inhabitants are using for the festival are very pretty.Everything and anything available to the Amalgamation, as well as the ship itself, is under your command. That includes LOTS of Stormtroopers, Walkers to support them, Shuttles, TIE FIghers, the Star Destroyer itself... what kind of plan did you have in mind?The majority of the population in Orotas is Ithorian, known for being pacifistic, they are unlikely to put up major resistance against your forces. A major raid on Orotas would need very good propaganda, or a willingness to endure very bad publicity. It would be seen as an unwarranted, vicious assault on a very peaceful settlement and may foster the seeds of sedition in the Empire. It would probably be wise to use discretion before major force, but the decision was ultimately yours.

Too much force would be unpopular with the troops and the locals...

2009-09-05, 09:24 PM
Endurance check


"Yeah, I can." Keiran says, barely getting the words out.

Knowledge check


Wow... I roll a 2 on my 'not die' roll. :smallfrown:

2009-09-06, 08:04 AM
Keiran Dejj

"Inquisitor..." Your man hangs there, stubbornly clinging to the creaky beam. Inquisitor -- fused blaster barrel!
He was losing his grip, the good thing about being unconscious was that you weren't there to feel him tightening it. Or loosening it, for that matter. He relinquished his grip on the beam, and let gravity do all the work.

[roll0] Fierce Stormtrooper determination!He got over ten, so he overshoots heaven -- he got a bonus for the seven virtues. He rolled suffering, but one of his skills is Endurance! Ninja Stormtrooper!Force knew how he did it, but he managed to do a face plant directly onto the next beam down. It was just the right beam. He hooked both his arms and legs around it, using your two bodies to wrap around sweet safety.

It took so long, he locked both your wrists together using a pair of binder cuffs...


...not good enough. You were almost there!

Stormtrooper TX110H0 couldn't do this alone!

Hanging by both your wrists and one arm, TX110H0 pressed a quick-release on his suit. A blast of cool (and cold gasses) washed over you. Most of the plates on his armour tumbled end over end into the molten hot liquids beneath you.

"All we have to do is drag ourselves a few more feet, before we put too much stress on this part of the beam."Pass a DC 15 Endurance check to shake yourself awake! The Force favours the foolish!

2009-09-06, 02:22 PM

"Ugh..." Keiran drags himself and trooper TX110H0 to the ventilation shaft.

2009-09-06, 06:34 PM
Darren looks at the troopers and says Take all of your standard gear with you, but do not bring anything that will be too heavy for you to carry with comfort. Our stay within the town shall be for up to two weeks, until we find out more about the jedi who were here, as well as a show of good will by the Empire to stop criminal activities within the area. Blend in try and consider this as a time where you are semi off duty. You mission is to go into town and gather information from the locals, but try and make it seem like your on leave for a while and are trying to enjoy the town. Do not shoot unless shot at first, unless you think the subject seems to possess a weapon that can injure many people. I will organize tie fighters to be within 10 minutes away from us, and several speeder bikes to be hidden outside the town for our use, any other questions? Enjoy the festival and meet me in the local cantina at 20 hundred at the end of each day so we can discuss our findings.

2009-09-06, 09:56 PM
Keiran Dejj

Barely conscious, you drag yourselves above the shaft and drop like a double-team sack of rocks. A noisy thump fills your ears as you slide down the shaft, feeling kind of sleepy --

You slam feet first onto a sturdy looking platform built to absorb the shock of some kind of impact. You're still standing, pulling the weight of your Stormtrooper too. Leaning on the edge of the tube you just came flying through, you take a quick look around and...

...the first thing you notice is that this place is a waste disposal plant. There's a clean looking, but still smelly Duros hovering over a big red button on a bank of consoles. The rest of the place is full with books, tables, chairs, computers, and any accessories someone might need in a day's work.

"A few inches to the left and I'd have landed on this hazardous materials box..."

You glance down at your feet, just to see what he's talking about before it finally registers.

Wait, hazardous materials box..?

Your eyes float to the big red button, and you read the text on the sign above it, written in basic.

WARNING: Pneumatic Waste Disposal Catapult. Ensure that safety is ON, before mounting to engage in maintenance activities. Enclose with safety glass before leaving unattended.

His finger is getting closer!

Out of the frying pan...

...into the fire?Uh-oh...

2009-09-06, 10:29 PM
Darren Walker

"Sir!" Your men file out of the tent. Once you've prepared yourself, your shuttle loads and up departs without incident. The ride is long and equally uneventful, no problems arise, so you're free to enjoy what sights you can from the controls. The pilot brings your shuttle down for a smooth landing; the place chosen for your forward camp is odd.

It's a cave with a massive hole eroded in the ceiling large enough for a spacecraft to fit through. In fact, the entire cave could house at least three ships of your shuttle's equivalent size. You file that information in your brain, strolling across the oddly clean cavern floor. No rocks, not very much dust, either.

Your scout groups have left the rest of their mission to you. They left with the cover story that they were discovering whether this place was an appropriate vacation spot.
A knot of Imperial soldiers greets you at the ground-level entrance.
The soldiers mention that you've got everything you need, no one is complaining, and no one is any more short-handed than they were before. This camp, they say, is eleven Kilometres out of Orotas. Just a short ride by speeder bike.

The bikes you will be using have been stripped of weapons and identification. The troops you personally selected for the mission are getting things ready, while you consult about resources and information with the soldiers who met you when your shuttle dropped you off.

It's pointed out that the region around Orotas is supposed to be home to a high density of omnivorous and aggressive wildlife. Rumours say they're supposed to attack even travellers with vehicles, though your initial scouts never ran into any. It was important to be cautious.

When everyone is at last ready, you speed off with your lucky few around you. The speed feels especially good, the wind in your hair, the sound of the engine. The presence of companionship, a silent acknowledgement of belonging. Around Orotas, the forest is especially verdant, and it makes you feel equally lively. Apparently it was putting the predators in a good mood, because tonight you were lucky. The ride to Orotas is smooth and unhindered.

As you close on the outskirts of the village, your 'biker gang' eases on the speed and minimizes the noise of your approach.

The buildings and the roads are all built to be gentle on the surrounding landscape. There is definitely a keen mind determined to be as efficient, and environmentally friendly as possible. All the structures are raised off the ground, minimizing the amount of dead grass. There are solar panels, transparent walls with privacy ensured by translucent or opaque curtains. It's easy to guess the buildings are sealed up to keep heating costs down, or whatever. Greenhouses, gardens and parks are everywhere.

Gentle animals scurry to and fro, though you don't see many of the sentient variety until you penetrate the outskirts and make your way to the... er... 'downtown' of this backwater little village.

Then the crowds are too thick for speeder bikes. You're forced to backtrack until you find an out of the way place where at least fifteen speeder bikes are parked; the regulated parking spaces were all occupied. All these other speeders have got garish paint all over them, in crazy styles. Things like fantastic animals, naked female sentients, swear words.

No one seems to be around, but you might have trouble on your hands later.

With a flick of your wrist, you remove your Night Vision, and glance around at your men. They're all wearing civilian clothes, but you know they have protection under them. They seem as Impetuous as they should.

Do you find another place to park? Do you go to the festival and park here? Or did you have some other way of dealing with this development?

2009-09-07, 01:31 PM
With a twist of his hand, Keiran lifts the Duros off his feet and starts choking him.

Force choke


"Looks like we made it inside," Keiran says, stepping away from the pneumatic waste disposal catapult.

2009-09-07, 01:32 PM


2009-09-08, 05:21 PM
Darren says Men park closer into the center of town if you can meet me where the festival is located as soon as possible. Keep your comlinks on and contact me every 45 minutes to let me know your whereabouts, unless that would betray our mission here.

2009-09-10, 11:58 AM
Keiran Dejj


A warm feeling surges through your body, a sensation like blood rushing through you, smearing across your skin like the rain on a clean window. You wiggle your fingers a little, working the force. Feeling it like you savoured the sensation of stretching to work soreness out of your muscles.

The Duros's shattered throat makes popping noises, the sounds of shifting flesh and muscle. His head lolls disgustingly, his stare is murky. If there could be an expression on the face of this filth, you imagine it would have said something like...

'Why does my neck feel so soft?'

You let the force go, and the Duros's body thumps to the ground. A dirty smear spreads across the floor underneath the corpse. It probably called that blood.

A whisper echoes in your mind, a feeling like the oppressive and tense atmosphere of a city.

That felt... Good.

Not necessarily your own sensation, but it felt as if it was. Non-sensitive creatures may not have been able to tell the difference.

The Stormtrooper takes a moment to step off the catapult and regain his composure. He searches the room for a blaster pistol, but finds nothing satisfactory. He also tries to contact the others in your patrol, but his comlink doesn't work. The room holds no secrets, it's just a waste disposal plant.

"Lucky." He answers, moving swiftly to the unlocked door, and waiting for you to give permission to go ahead. Being better at this kind of thing than he was, you might have more luck.There are Books around the room, datapads and the paper kind.
There are computers you might want to look through.

There are basic accessories for a waste disposal plant:

Cleaning supplies
Protective Equipment (armour, helmets, footwear, gloves, masks)

Darren Walker

You send your men away, hoping you won't draw so much attention from the locals?

It wasn't very long before the surging, living wave of people swallowed you. The festival was in full swing. Loud music, laughing voices, sentient beings from all over the surrounding area. There were lively costumes, passionate singers, performers, you even heard the crackle of fireworks. A quick look up, and you spotted the telltale subsiding sparkles. There were fireworks, too. An Ithorian in humble religious clothes appeared to be chanting a sutra. It was just a local tradition, apparently people from all over the planet knew about it.

To your left a knot of festival-goers had a drunk looking Ithorian surrounded. They were shouting insults, and bullying, but making it look as if the entire group was just carousing and having fun. Another Ithorian, this one helpless looking, was standing nearby with a profound display of controlled emotion on his face.

To your right a street vendor had a stall set up, and was selling festival gifts, and basic supplies. The delicious smells wafting from the stall beside that one made your stomach growl in spite of itself. The last thing you noticed was the urchin squatting near the food stall, twirling a disk between his fingers. He was looking around nervously.
Both the food and gift stall seemed very popular, but there was a lull in customers. You could squeeze through the crowd and get there before anyone else.

Directly ahead, someone had just passed off a discreet package and submerged themselves in the crowd. The lucky recipient was a person with excellent posture, smooth movements, and very distinct clothes. They were wearing brown robes, hood drawn up.

2009-09-11, 09:27 PM
Keiran, noisily cracks his neck after feeling the satisfaction of taking a life, satisfaction he hadn't felt in a long time. Quickly giving the room a passing glance he notices several computers scattered around the room but walks past them reasoning that waste disposal computers would have no useful information about the compound, he instead walks up to TX110H0, "Luck has nothing to do with it, here..." Keiran kneels and produces a small holdout blaster from his boot and hands it to the stormtrooper. "Take this, it's better than nothing and you'll probably need it more than I would. Now let's go, this place is... " Keiran struggles for the right word, "...different... and the more we find out about it, the happier I'll be." With that he walks out the door.

Is the stormtrooper a clone?

2009-09-12, 01:31 PM
Darren walks and starts following the hooded man keeping about 50 meters back and says to his squad Just saw a suspicious drop off to a man in a brown hooded cloak, I am following all troopers report to within a kick of my current position and be ready in case we are dealing with something here.

2009-09-13, 09:05 AM
Keiran Dejj

TX110H0 accepts the blaster, without saying anything, and nodding his head in gratitude. He pauses for a brief moment near the doorframe, as if to listen, and them smoothly quick-steps into the next room. It's a kind of fast-paced 'leaping step', and you've seen it a few times. He covers the direction you're not looking in.

The first room is a barren, sterile box, with two doors. The one you came through, and the one you were passing through. This was definitely some kind of decontamination room. Obviously that Duros hadn't been using it (probably because he would have tripped the 'harmful organism' sensors).

You tap the console near the next door to unlock it, but it beeps and does not respond. Glancing back at TX110H0, you notice he's already caught on. He taps the console on the door you came through, closing it. Then he arranges himself on the other side of the door you're at. This time, it opens when you tap the console.

In the next 'room', the noise is so significant, you can't even hear your own footsteps. If you want to see something, you'll have to rely on sight -- and what a sight...

This is less a room, and more of a giant cavern. You're standing on a catwalk suspended above the ceiling by metallic cables. The walkway doesn't seem to swing, but if you were to slice the cables it could plummet to the floor below. The only direction you've got if you follow the catwalk is the direction the catwalk is going in. There are no branching paths, and it leads straight along the wall to another door.
Here there is only dim lighting, so it's hard to tell, but the walls are just rock. For some reason it's slimy to touch, you probably couldn't climb it without specialized equipment. You're certain that anyone below you would not be able to see who was on the catwalk. It's too dark up here.

Lights have been suspended from the ceiling by long cables. Down there at floor level, a human would have no trouble seeing, and you can be sure they'd want to. This factory floor has to be the most dangerous one you've ever seen.

There aren't any protective handrails or warning signs, hazardous waste barrels are piled up everywhere. Countless machines churn out machine parts, and non-human operators keep a necessary close eye on everything. Not very many of them are clean, wearing stained and worn looking clothes.
They've got welding torches, wrenches, spray canisters (probably full of some awful reactive, toxin or flammable), glow rods, hammers, screw drivers...

One of the workers looses a hand trying to snag a loose part one of the machines hiccups on. No one hears his screams. He taps his comrade on the side, and they stagger away together. You lose sight of them behind more machines. Not only are the workers seemingly loose in the head, it appears the machines aren't very good at their jobs either.

One of those machines is belching fumes, and the air cleaners you can't see are obviously having a hard time keeping up with it. It hurts to think about what you might be breathing in right now.

TX110H0 steps into your vision and shows you his grappler. What he's getting at is obvious. Instead of following the catwalk, you can rope down to the factory floor and get a better look at what they're making down there.

He produces a datapad liberated from the waste disposal room, and writes something with it. The text says 'REACTOR JUNCTION'. TX110H0 points at the distant door, which he was probably investigating while you took the scene in. NOTES:

You can make a Perception (DC 15) check to get an even better idea of what's on the factory floor. Success will tell you what species are down there (versus just realizing they're non-human).

If your Perception check is 20 or greater, you'll get a better idea of what those machines are making.

You can make several DC 10 Common Knowledge checks. If you succeed on Social Sciences, you'll have a good idea how the workers will react if they see you. You get an even better idea if your Perception check succeeds at telling you what species there are.

If you succeed on the Life Sciences check, you'll have a good idea of how this dirty, unsafe factory affects people if they expose themselves short-term and long-term to all this danger. Fumes, chemicals, carcinogens, this stuff isn't good for you.

Passing the DC 10 Physical Sciences check can help you realize what they're using, and give you a better idea of how the machines and tools work. You'll also have greater clarity about what might be in those barrels, based off the stuff oozing out of them.

@Z97: You never know the answer until it smacks you in the face. I'm sure you'll find out soon enough. DESTINY has given TX110H0 another look. His interaction with you has given him cause to re-examine himself... your force potential has touched him. He has earned the potential to have a poignant destiny of his own!

Please choose a class: Soldier, Scout or Scoundrel. TX110H0 will be able to rebuild himself, taking four levels in heroic classes. You may choose them, because you have influenced his fate so profoundly.

Darren Walker

Your intelligence squad does not make contact or acknowledge your presence as an overseer at first. Eventually they catch your attention, one of them slides through the crowd and brushes you, then disappears again.

'Brown robes with a hood' does not appear to notice you. 'He' meanders through the crowd, taking in the sights, sounds and sensations. You follow, and the job isn't too difficult. Your mark is not actively hiding anything from you.

You're concentrating intently on following the receiver of that clandestine delivery, so you almost overlook a slight ripple in the Force. It might be anything; an Ithorian dying in great heartache or even a Jedi.

Your mark shuffles to the side as a drunk festival-goer, an usually pale human, bumps into him. 'Brown robes with a hood' mutters an apology, and keeps walking. The voice sounds like it belongs to a male, probably a human, but you cannot be certain.

You need to overcome Perception (DC 23) check.

Now you're nearing a tall cluster of buildings with a narrow alleyway. It won't be as easy to seem innocuous once you get there. Your comlink starts chattering.

"Everyone is arranged in a rough circle around the one with brown robes. They're covered from head-to-toe in cloth, hard to see what or who that is. We can circle around the building and trap them in the alleyway; we can rush them now. Waiting is fine too, it might be wise to find out where they're going first."

The drunk, pale-skinned human is just passing you...

2009-09-13, 05:37 PM
Keiran experimentally presses his hand to the wall and immediately retches back in disgust. He quickly wipes the slime off on his sleeve. When TX110H0 shows him the grappling hook he nods and looks back down at the factory floor, looking to learn more about the workers and what effect the machinery has on them.

Perception check

Social Sciences

Life Sciences

:smallbiggrin: All 4 levels should be Scout

2009-09-16, 02:44 PM
Darren walks around trying to overhear and whispers into the comlink Men observe, but do not fire, I will be going near the area shortly.

Perception: [roll0]

OOC: Sorry for being gone I had swine flu.

2009-09-16, 08:19 PM
Darren WalkerHave you ever wondered why pigs are similar to humans? Maybe genuinely enlightened pigs turn into humans? How does a pig think? Does a pig have body image complexes?

'I like eating... but I hate being fat. I'm only fat because I eat. My owners take bad care of me...'

Good thing I'm not a pig.

Now I understand why stars run from their fan girls. I wouldn't want a herd of pigs chasing me, either. I've seen pigs do awful things to girls, too. Were they imitating fan girl behaviour, or was it the intervention of a sinister power?

Tune in next time for -- insights in the 'Different'!Perception Check
You start to pick up on the ambience of the area, and dissect it. You can distinguish the sounds of footsteps and conversations, the noises of festival games, fireworks, individual accents; it's like smelling separate ingredients in a soup rather than smelling a pot of soup.

Counting on the noise and nature of the festivities to disguise them, criminals are chatting it up. One group of toughs disguised as Forest Rangers (responsible for keeping the areas around town safe) is talking about how they've scammed shopkeepers with counterfeit fur.

Another group is reminiscing about how easy it is to shake down the Ithorian population here. They're dressed in clothes usually work by Speeder Bikers.
These conversations amongst a large number of seemingly harmless chatter. Many people are impressed with the size and quality of the celebrations here.

"--yes, he's following." Is all you're able to pick up. The pale human is either talking to himself, or chatting into a hidden comlink.Game Lady Rolls[roll0]
[roll2]While watching your mark carefully, you notice a trio of familiar looking shadows. They slide across the opposite end of the alley, and stand casually in the center. But it's clear they're there to stop whoever runs into them. They've got their hands in their pockets, one leans on a wall. Another scratches the back of his head with one hand, and tosses something round and heavy looking into the air before catching it; he repeats this ritual several times.

Your comlink comes alive. "Funny, we start showing a grenade off, and this one's eyes light up like twinkly stars at night."

Your third man steps forward, confident, pushy. He's got a big, ugly looking vibrosword. You don't remember him taking it, so he must have picked it up from some unlucky punk.

"Death rags, tonight this is my alley, and you're cramping my style. Apologize with cash. That right Rakghoul plague, I'm talking to you."

You get the feeling he can only do such a good impression because he copied it almost exactly from the punk he beat up to get the vibrosword. It was just a gut feeling.
Brown robes with a Hood doesn't even pause, muttering something you don't catch, and turning into a perpendicular alley. For the first time, you notice a crowd of jubilant festival-goers on the roofs of the buildings, admiring some of the fireworks. They've got refreshments, and they're packed very close together. Maybe it's just your imagination, when one of the fireworks lights up the roof as it goes off nearby, you think you notice a blaster.

"Oi, poodoo! The boss is talking!" Another of your alley blocking 'gang' members shouts.

More comlink chatter. "He says he was just passing by, and meant no disrespect. That place is a dead end alley. Should we get him in there?"

Another of your men uses the comlink. "We can disperse the crowd on the roof, just in case."

...how close do you want to get to the brown robed sentient?

Do you go into the alley? Do you go into the side alley? Do you stand back and watch?

You can have your men disperse the roof crowd, keep playing their parts, corner 'Brown robes and hood' in the dead-end alley, back off altogether... every decision will have a consequence. The question:

Which suspicion do you follow up on? The pale human, the brown-robed man? Both?

Maybe you want to search for different leads altogether, preferring a subtle and long-term approach?

Waiting to learn more about your situation isn't bad... but being intrusive and aggressive has been known to work.

2009-09-16, 09:18 PM
Keiran Dejj
Most of the 'people' (scum!) moving across the factory floor are well-known CIS supporters. Nosaurians who bear ill-will toward the 'neo-republic' regime of the Empire. Neimoidians, cowardly green-skinned little old men turtles-with-no-backbone. Duros (no surprise, given that filthy hazardous waste technician, who may as well himself, been hazardous waste), and a large number of stupid and meaty Gamorreans.

Stupid looks, stoopid braons. Sqeal.

Given the amount of noise, most of the workers would probably keep working unless they saw a fight happening. Then they might join the brawl, or depending on the combatants, clear the room. However, there are most likely foremen watching because of all the noise. They would eventually intervene.

You anticipate that the Nosaurians are probably all soldiers. They move efficiently and carefully, they don't have as many accidents as the others. They work together, and as safely as they can. Of all the workers, you don't think it would be safe picking a fight with them. But they're not eager to die until they've had their vengeance, they wouldn't join a fight, they wouldn't start one. They're acting too cautious, but they're definitely not cowards. They're here, after all. Best not to let them see TX110H0.
If they do, you're dead meat walking.

The Neimoidians are most likely better at running and cowering, and being helpless. They're the most likely to run for the big red button that shuts the entire factory off. If that happened, everyone would complain about quotas, and probably single out any noise for group intervention. It's obvious these machines are making Droid parts and weapons parts. If you spooked a Neimoidian, it might turn a Droid on and run for cover.

Duros would not interfere, they are canny and curious explorers. They would watch, and choose whatever option suited each individual Duros. Probably not smashing your face, they'd leave that to the Gamorreans, while they got a better vantage point to shoot you. They weren't getting along with the pig-faced Gamorreans, so they'd probably shoot them too.

The Gamorreans would smash first, and ask questions later. Since you're the only human in the room, and the only kind of thing they're not supposed to work with...

Your short-term exposure has already shortened your lifespan. You should not be breathing this air. You do not anticipate any ill effects on your performance, that wouldn't happen until after an hour. Then you may start to feel nauseous. After that, a very bad cough. Grime and dirt is already all over you.

Long term-effects... look at the workers. A bad cough, unusual sweating, trembling, impaired vision, impaired judgement, nervous ticks, pus, vomiting, uncontrolled voiding. Festering wounds, sores, lesions. This factory is one of the most illegal, disgusting places you'd ever seen.

What now? The factory floor, or the reactor junction?

2009-09-17, 09:19 PM
Keiran sighs, turns back around to TX110H0 and shakes his head. It was to bad, Keiran thought with disgust, we wouldn't get anywhere by picking fights with filth. He then points to the reactor junction door and heads for it with TX110H0 in tow.

When they reach the door, but before they head in, Keiran looks back at the factory floor and with a flick of his hand, uses the force to rip one of the machines loose from it's fastings and throw it at another machine, hoping that it's momentum will carry though and hit others, and cause general chaos.

Move object

2009-09-19, 12:41 PM
I'm throwing this at you on short notice -- I need to snip the string of fate before something awful happens. I must discontinue this game, and focus on a different thing. Please do not, under any conditions, continue this one.

All that has come before is officially a blank sheet of paper. Consider this your SYSTEM REBOOT, ERASE.


Heal the flawless Shiroi Kami.