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View Full Version : M:tA Spell/Rote List

2009-08-11, 09:45 AM
For Mage: The Ascension (2nd edition, oWoD):
Does anyone know of a book or legal website where the spells or rotes of the Traditions are compiled together?

I'm thinking of where the core rulebook and the Tradition books note the different abilites the what spheres are needed to use them.

Also, for those of you who have played Mage: do you generally have your players select the rotes they know, or are they able to come up with original abilities using those as a guide-post for what spheres would be required for what abilities?

2009-08-11, 10:18 AM
Rar! http://pensacolabynight.com/rotes/rotes/zz/

Someone posted this to my Mage game's forum. It's awesome.

We've been selecting one known rote per dot in a sphere. We use the published rotes as guidelines for power levels when coming up with our own effects, but I'm not sure if any effects have been made into rotes so far.

2009-08-11, 12:15 PM
I haven't played Ascension for a while, though I'd kill to find a group again. nevertheless, we always used published rotes as guidelines. I think I remember the core book being explicit that such was what they intended, but I could be wrong. For out-of-left-field effects, we usually discussed with our storyteller out of game time what sorts of things he'd rule possible, and what difficulty he might assign various things, what he would consider vulgar, etc. From there, we just got creative and rarely used the rotes as published. We more, using the published ones for power-level and vulgarity guideposts, just made creative character-flavored effects.

Simple examples of stuff we came with:
Forces 4 Prime 2: working lightsaber rising out of an old taped up flashlight.
Being Gambit. Forces 3 Matter 2
Also being Gambit: Forces 3 Life 2 (coincidental: Oh my god he has a grenade!)
Mind 5 Matter 3 Life 4 Prime 2: sentient Toy Soldiers/sentient mists that look like wraiths/etc.
Forces 2 Matter 3: shimmering cartoon pianos of squashing.

2009-08-11, 03:45 PM
Also, for those of you who have played Mage: do you generally have your players select the rotes they know, or are they able to come up with original abilities using those as a guide-post for what spheres would be required for what abilities?

Spontaneous casting is what Mage is all about. Also forget the rotes in official source books. 90% of those do not match the Sphere descriptions.