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2009-08-11, 12:31 PM
(A snotling taunting a dwarf. Obviously a bad idea...)

If goblinoids (with the exception of orcs) can be considered the bottom of the humanoid food chain, then snotlings are clearly at the bottom of the bottom. Pathetically small, frail, and weak these little pests are at the mercy of most other creatures. Their tiny and abnormally thick skulls are surprisingly durable when it comes to beatings, but leave little room for their diminutive specks of brain mass.

Although universally despised, and far from being feared by anyone, snotlings are legendary throughout the world for one thing: their utter insanity. Whether their mental instability is due to their given lot in life, the daily abuse of their bigger cousins (and occasionally other beings), or their puny brains is uncertain, but then again no credible scholar has ever taken the time to figure it out.

For the most part snotlings can be considered a slave race, for few live free lives, and they serve no other clear function in the natural world. Most snotling breeding populations reside within the territory of other goblinoid species, such as goblins, orcs, and most recently of the new orc subrace known as orks. However, occasionally small numbers of run away snotlings can be found in makeshift communities in the wild, and most big cities have a snotling infestation or two around their landfills. Snotlings can sometimes also be seen in the service of other savage races such as orges or trolls, and every-so-often will be recruited (aka enslaved) by very cheap (and most likely mad) BBEGs.

Physical Description:

Snotlings resemble tiny, scrawny versions of their goblin cousins. Their ears are unusually elongated for their size, being roughly the same size as those of a full-grown goblin. Unless purposefully dressed by other creatures, most snotlings wear a lose fitting loincloth made out of whatever they can hind (animal hide, leaves, discarded rags, etc), if they choose to cover themselves at all.

They generally range from 1 ft.-2 ft. tall, and both genders weigh around 8 lb. when fully grown.

A snotling's natural lifespan is of yet undocumented, for none has been witnessed to have survived that long.

Snotling Traits (Ex)
Snotling characters posses the following racial traits.
• -6 Strength, +8 Dexterity, -2 Intelligence, -2 Wisdom.
• Tiny size: +2 bonus to Armor Class, +2 bonus on attack rolls, +8 bonus on Hide checks, -8 penalty on grapple checks, lifting and carrying limits ½ those of Medium characters.
• Horde Mentality: When snotlings are engaged in combat or otherwise working together in a group of at least 10 they receive a +5 Misc. Modifier on Will Saves against fear affects, and a +10 modifier against Intimidate checks.
• Odds in Numbers: When snotlings are engaged in combat or otherwise working together in a group of at least 20 they receive a +1 Misc. Modifier on all attacks, a +2 Misc. Modifier to AC, and a +1 Misc. Modifier to both Fort and Ref Saves.
• Snotlings receive a +4 Racial Modifier to both Move Silently and Sleight of Hands checks.
• Automatic Languages: Common, Goblin. Bonus Languages: Giant, Gnoll, Orc.
• Favored Class: Rogue.

2009-08-11, 01:15 PM
Interesting group mechanic there. They definitely need some kind of level adjustment, however. Low strength isn't too much of a burden if you're not going to be melee or an archer, and +8 Dex makes them really good for any class dependent on rays and not on Int or Wis - Shugenja, Sorcerers, Warmages, Wilders, Warlocks, crossbow users...

2009-08-11, 01:20 PM
They should be taking at least -4 on every mental stat. -6 to Int

Zeta Kai
2009-08-11, 01:37 PM
LOL, they sound delightfully obnoxious. :smallbiggrin: I'm sure in the right campaign, they would be a very fun race to have around. A snotling-versus-kender fight would be something I'd pay to see.

2009-08-11, 02:31 PM
I want to fireball a group of them already. Good Stuff.

Given how hated they seem to be, maybe they should have a charisma penalty.

2009-08-11, 03:39 PM
Interesting group mechanic there. They definitely need some kind of level adjustment, however. Low strength isn't too much of a burden if you're not going to be melee or an archer, and +8 Dex makes them really good for any class dependent on rays and not on Int or Wis - Shugenja, Sorcerers, Warmages, Wilders, Warlocks, crossbow users...

Really? I am surprised they can be so useful. I thought at most they might be able to pull of a rogue.

They should be taking at least -4 on every mental stat. -6 to Int

Anyway of doing it, while still making them somewhat playable? Most people I game with know and/or play the game their concept originates from, so I might end up with one or two peopel who might want to play them.

LOL, they sound delightfully obnoxious. :smallbiggrin:

Why thank you. :smallbiggrin:

I guess I managed to do better than I thought.

I'm sure in the right campaign, they would be a very fun race to have around. A snotling-versus-kender fight would be something I'd pay to see.


Dude, you and me both. Just imagining it is bringing a smile to my face.

I want to fireball a group of them already. Good Stuff.

Given how hated they seem to be, maybe they should have a charisma penalty.

Thanks! Again, I am glad to see I did a better job of capturing their than I thought I did.

And perhaps you are right about the Cha penalty. I was going to leave that hated part to role-playing my world.

However, again I want to make them at least somewhat playable as well as a humorous encounter (and possibly NPC) concept, and with all those penalties and the tiny size issue I am worried I am already pushing it. Any ideas?

2009-08-11, 06:24 PM
Their terrible combat ability seems intricate to their personality, so I don't think you're pushing it with their stats.

They could be a good way to have a lvl 1 group fight a large group of enemies.

Also, it would make a good challenge if players had to negotiate with them for information. They wouldn't be able to kill them (without a speak to dead spell) so the players' patience and skill would be tested. Tremendous restraint would be needed to keep from killing the annoying runts.

2009-08-12, 05:35 AM
I think these make far better opponents for PCs than they make as player characters. A single snotling never gains the benefits of its special abilities, namely, Horde Mentality and Odds in Numbers. This is a major disadvantage for anyone playing one of these. How often are you going to be in a group of 10 or 20? Almost never. I recommend dropping the requirements of Horde Mentality to "2 or more" rather than 10, and Odds in Number to "3 or more" rather than 20 for just this reason. Even so, a lone snotling is handicapped by virtue of being unable to tap into these abilities.


2009-08-12, 05:46 AM
im making a snotling campaign, i need 5 volunteers =)