View Full Version : Blood Dagger

2009-08-12, 02:56 AM
This is a solo rp between me and gorgondantess.

"Forgive me, I have yet to introduce myself. Timothy Reddings. My friends used to call me Tiny and I hated it. There's a reason I don't have any friends."

The giant-guy is pleasant enough but is careful about not revealing anything regarding the caravan. The merchants keep to themselves and Humbert looks ridiculous nursing a blanket full of eggs.

2 days later

The caravan arrives at a small village on the edge of the forest. Humbert fills you in:

"Don't know what this pissant village is called and I don't care. I can probably find you a buyer here but they probably can't pay much. The big oaf said the caravan was headed to Valley Forge? That's a large town in the Duchy of Dumonte. Are cargo will be, to put it simply, frowned upon there but we'll definitely get a better price if they don't slap us in cuffs first.

What's the deal, guv? Sell here and part ways or follow the caravan into the duchy? You can probably get good work there considering the dead don't like staying dead but the duchess is a real bee eye tee see aych when it comes to freelance adventurers like yourself."

2009-08-12, 01:34 PM
Caine strokes his chin like a bad villain, mind wandering as Humbert talks to him. "No, no, we're definitely going to the duchy... definitely..." He looks around, making sure noone is listening. "Tell you what, H old friend. Remember how I said you'd get one, and only one, egg?... How about we split it 50/50. All I ask is that you do me a favor...
That box. I want you to check it out for me. Lift it up, see how much it weighs, maybe take it out of the wagon and carry it around a bit... I'm very interested in that box."

2009-08-12, 07:00 PM
Humbert's eyes glare at the mention of even profits.

Later That Night

Tiny Tim and the three merchants are drinking it up in the tavern while you watch Humbert through the side window sneak out to the caravan. He disappears inside for five minutes before returning.

"It's just a box. Wooden with a simple latch, six inches by four by four. I took the thing off the pedestal and something rattled inside. A pound maybe two at most.

I didn't open it although nothing is stopping anyone from doing so unless there's a magical seal or something. Still, I don't want to get blasted in the face with an explosive rune."

2009-08-13, 04:21 PM
Caine smiles. "Good lad, good lad..." He tosses the man a coin. "Go get yourself a drink. Chat up the caravan boys a bit as well, and see if you can't get something out of them- but be subtle about it."
Caine grabs a bite to eat and a bit of shuteye before heading off with the caravan next morning.

2009-08-16, 11:02 PM
The next day Humbert returns to you.

"Merchants are pretty tight lipped. Couldn't get anything out of them. Let's not worry about it. Whatever is in the box isn't our business and these eggs will keep us sated for months."

In the morning the caravan heads out for Valley Forge, a 5 days journey to the east. The first day the caravan is stalked by an owlbear but it lumbers off once the forest clears.

The second day is a bit more interesting.


A large boulder slams into the side of the wagon breaking a wheel and nearly tipping it over. Tim already has his sword drawn when a hill giant comes lumbering over the ridge. Tim throws a meaty arm to stop you from doing anything rash.

"Me Torg! This Torg's road! Pay Torg's toll!"

Tim speaks in fluent giant; not a hint of an accent (I rule if a language isn't a racial bonus language you speak it with a noticeable accent). "Let's not end this in bloodshed, Torg. We're simple traveler's with little money..."

Psst. Psst!

You look over your shoulder and see Humbert motioning in your direction. The merchants are too busy cowering under the wagon to see. Caine points to the chest which is laying on the ground latch broken.

"It flipped open a few times before coming to a rest face up. I think it's safe to open and Big Guy over there seems to be able to handle that giant. What do you say? Take a peak?"

2009-08-16, 11:17 PM
As soon as the crash is heard, Caine draws his blade and steps out. As Tim throws out his hand, Caine stops, holding his blade by the crossguard, tip in the ground standing behind him.
When Humbert speaks, Caine steps over and whispers to him- "You check it out, I'll stick with these guys." He moves back over behind Tim.

2009-09-22, 10:03 AM
Tim's negotiations last a full minute but the logic behind his reasoning makes little sense. He begins by asking Torg why he turned to banditry then bombards the hill giant with curses and threats. Instantly Torg is on the defensive but the dull-witted giant puts up a meager argument. Finally, Torg looks to be on the verge of crushing Tim but a steel eyed gaze from the man thouroughly frightens him. Tim concentrates, as if in a deep meditation, and Torg simply walks off scratching his giant rear.

"Wasn't expecting that to work. I was half expecting a fight just to see what skill you've got!"

After fixing the broken wheel, the cart begins its journey anew. Humbert pulls Caine aside but looks completely preoccupied as if fixating on something in the distance.

"A dagger. A marvelous dagger! I held it. Caressed it. Thought of slipping in a plain old dagger in its place. What? It's not like these "merchants" have ever checked on the thing since we started this journey.

I... I think they're playing fools. They dollied up this cart like it's something important. I think we're drawing attention away from something more important! There'll be more bandits, I'm telling you!! We should steal it. We should steal that dagger and make off.


2009-09-22, 06:21 PM
Caine watches Tim's 'negotiations' with amusement. "In all honesty, I wasn't either." He smirks, and walks off to check on Humber. When he is told, he glares at the man. "Of course it is. It's really taken you this long to figure it out?" He roughly grabs Humbert by the collar, shaking him a bit, but ever cool. "And Of course I will, you git. I've been planning to do so from the start. But calm down. Time and patience, sequence and order. We'll steal that thing, but what are we to do if we do it now? Wait for the exact opportune moment..."

2009-09-25, 05:34 PM
The next three days are uneventful but Humbert grows increasingly aloof. He doesn't eat, he doesn't bathe, he doesn't even talk his mouth off like normal. He avoids anyone's eyes, twiddles his thumbs, and talks to himself. Finally the group reaches Valley Forge, a small town on the rim of a lake.

"I thank you for the escort. If you need any more work, I know a wonderful business man who's always looking for trusted individuals. He'll also pay a wonderful price for those eggs you're carrying. Tell him Tiny Tim sent you."

Tim hands Cain a torn piece of parchment with a name scrawled on it "Malik Rashad, International Trade and Export, Lakeside"

A young boy approaches Cain.

"Five copper for a full tour, sir. I can even get you a discount at the inn."

2009-09-25, 05:53 PM
Caine shakes Tim's hand. "So, where will you be going after you drop off your stuff there? Speaking of which where were you going to drop it off, anyways?"

2009-09-30, 10:43 PM
"Don't know. I'm only the muscle. You'll have to ask one of the merchants but I doubt they'll tell you any names. They always trade in public so it's not like you can't spy on them, haha.

As for me, I'll be out drinking dwarves at the Flying Fink tavern until another job that can cover my tab pops up. Seeya.

The little boy tugs on Cain's pant leg.

"Sir! 3 coppers for a tour, sir!"

2009-09-30, 10:55 PM
Caine pushes the kid off him. "Sit tight, kid, and there'll be a gold piece in it for you at the end of the day."
He then heads over to chat up the merchants with the pretense of looking for a place to sell the cockatrice eggs, a good inn, a place to sell the other reagents, etc.- of course, as he does so he throws in some small talk, trying to get their schedule, specifically for dropping off the box (though he never directly mentions that.) He looks for a time he might be able to sneak in and take it.
Meanwhile, he keeps a close eye on Humbert. That's some powerful magic, to make him react like that... he considers losing the poor sap.
Bluff check:[roll0]
Sense Motive:[roll1]
And gather info:[roll2]
Just if needed.

2009-10-13, 11:48 AM
The merchants offer 400gp for the lot of eggs. Not the price initially expected but Humbert looks so distant he botches the haggling. After an hour of talking, there's not much they reveal; not because they're hiding anything but because they truly have nothing important going on. The economy is taking a nose dive with the warring lords and money is tight.

A man with dark skin, bald head, and sunken eyes wearing white robes with a black mantle hobbles up to the merchants as they set up their stand in the town center. One of the merchants greets him "Good day, Brother Ubel. Your package has arrived in pristine condition."

The man responds with a hacking cough and several bystanders rush to his aid as he doubles over. Straightening himself, he takes the box and inspects it. "Did someone open it?" The merchants look distraught "We were waylaid by a giant, sir. It may have rattled in the attack."

The priest opens the box, inspects the dagger, then closes it. "I am satisified, thank you. Gentlemen."

The priest leaves and Humbert unconsciously follows before falling to his knees and shaking violently. Caine feels another tug at his pants leg to see the boy standing by his side. "You're interested in him? He comes through here all the time, sir. 10 gold pieces for some very valuable information, sir."

2009-10-13, 10:03 PM
Caine watches with apprehension as the box trades hands, concealing the slightest nervous tic. As the boy tugs on him, he takes him out of earshot and stuffs a handful of coins (13) into his hands. "Well, go on. Do tell."

2009-10-13, 10:24 PM
Caine watches with apprehension as the box trades hands, concealing the slightest nervous tic. As the boy tugs on him, he takes him out of earshot and stuffs a handful of coins (13) into his hands. "Well, go on. Do tell."

The boy's eyes light up. He counts the coins several times, bites them, then stuffs them into a deep pocket.

"Notwegen Ubel or Brother Ubel as the adults tell me. Priest of Boccob, the weird god of knowledge or something. Doesn't seem like the friendly god so no one outside the cities worships him. Ubel is also ruling entity of Barrow Peak, a little village a few days walk north.

He comes here occasional to trade with the merchants from Stuttgard, the nation capital. He's been deathly ill ever since my parents were my age but the old man hasn't bought the farm, yet. My friend from Barrow Peak says he can speak to the dead but that's hogwash. Everyone at the taverns have their own little legends about him like he deals with every ruling lord and their rivals, that he secretly controls this nation, that he's the distant cousin of the late king, that he "feasts" on magic, that he eats kids, and some people say he's actually undead but keeps his body well preserved.

I might remember what tavern he frequents, what he drinks and the room he spends the night but" the boy smacks his lips "My mouth is so dry and what with the civil war the price of decent drink has sky rocketed if you get my meaning, sir..."

2009-10-13, 11:22 PM
Well, how old is the boy? So long as he's, say, 11+...
Caine rolls his eyes, making as if to reach for his coinpurse again, then thinks better on it and grabs the boy by the neck, one handed, and lifts him up in the air, slamming him against a wall. "I'm running out of patience with your little farce. I have been most generous until now, paying for all your exorbitant prices and more. You tell me, now, and if I find you're lying I'll track you down and slit your grimy throat." He lets the kid go, then waits for him to recover. "Speak."
Intimidation check:[roll0]
I doubt I'll make it on this 12 year old kid here, but, well... might as well try, eh?:smallwink:
If he looks to be under 10, Caine'll pony up a platinum piece for the kid.

2009-10-17, 10:31 PM
Why aren't my subscriptions updating >:|

Caine slams the boy, probably not even 10, into the wall. A dark stain widens around his breeches and he whimpers.

"F-f-flying Fink tavern. He has permanently r-reserved special suite r-room 13. Always orders two t-tankards of Avernus Ale. That's all I know, I swear!"

2009-10-17, 11:04 PM
Caine nods, pats the boy on the cheek, then lets him down. He hands him a couple more coins. "Buy yourself some new breeches, kid."
He then heads to the tavern and cases the place. If the man is enjoying a drink, he heads upstairs and checks out his room.

2009-10-18, 02:01 AM
Ubel is half done with his first tankard. He enjoys the drink... or at least he would be if he didn't pause between sips to cough violently into a handkerchief. The box itself is right next to him, his arm resting ontop of it for support.


A crowd roars as Tiny Tim, the hulking man visible above all the patrons, slams a half-orc's fist into a table so hard it splinters.

"Next victim!"

Quickly checking the back wall behind the tavern keeper polishing a glass, a set of keys hangs over a painted number 10.

2009-10-18, 02:17 AM
Caine grins, shaking his head. He keeps a close eye on Ubel, but at the same time steps forwards to Tim. "Well. You wanted to see what I've got?" He smirks, and takes the glove off his right hand. He just smiles a simple smile as his sits down before Tim, completely relaxed and composed. He gently moves the chair a bit, to ready himself, then rests his elbow on the table before him, staring at Tim with blank eyes.
While Caine is a strong man- a very strong man- he's light of frame and lean- obviously well muscled, but more of an athletic build than a muscular build. And yet he sits with supreme confidence, unflappable- eerily so.
An intimidation check should even the playing field a bit, eh? [roll0]
Oh, super. A 3.:smallsigh:
Well, it still might work. Never underestimate the power of a massive modifier.:smallamused:

2009-10-21, 01:20 PM
Caine could make any man back down but Tim is no ordinary man. You saw him talk down a hill giant bandit. The big man downs a tankard, belches loudly, and shakes his head.

"Save the effort, friend. I'm sure you could whoop me in a sword duel any day but when it comes to raw power you don't have what it takes."

No rolls or checks involved, any attempt to arm wrestle this beast would only lead to an embarassing defeat.

2009-10-25, 12:17 AM
Caine laughs, and slaps the man on the shoulder. "If you say so, boss. So, how's it going? Looking for another job after the escort, or just taking the money and frittering it away on wine, women and loose living?" He grins, chuckling, and keeping an eye on Ubel.

2009-10-27, 09:59 AM
((subscriptions suddenly aren't updating. Getting pretty mad.))

"Interested in the priest? He's my next paycheck. Wants me to escort him back to his village. I'm sure he'll give you a cut if you tag along."

2009-10-27, 11:01 AM
Caine quirks an eyebrow, and draws Tim to the side. "Tell me, friend... well, I have in interest in that priest. Are you loyal to your charge, or your wallet?"

2009-10-27, 11:11 AM
Caine quirks an eyebrow, and draws Tim to the side. "Tell me, friend... well, I have in interest in that priest. Are you loyal to your charge, or your wallet?"

For the first time since you saw him, Tim looks angry. "I'm a mercenary but I'm not without my honor, sir!" The patrons surrounding him back up in unison as he sticks his bulbous face an inch from Cain's. "Now that these peons are out of earshot, consider yourself lucky, sir. Lucky that no money has exchanged hands between me and the priest's. My services are always open to the highest bidder but only when the first gold coin touches my palm."

2009-10-27, 04:47 PM
As soon as this is said, Caine takes a gold piece from his pouch and lays it in Tim's hand, and speaks just low enough that none would hear. "Well then, consider yourself bought. I'll double whatever number the priest's named, and if it hasn't been named, then name your price: within reason, I'll happily oblige. The services I demand of you will be simple... tell me: you wouldn't mind taking the priest's money as well as my own, would you?" He smiles slyly.

2009-10-27, 05:07 PM
"I'm getting paid 1 plat per day until we reach Barrow Peak. It's five days on horseback so that comes to 5 plat. Double agent means double the gold. 10 plat for anything you may need that's not inherently dangerous or has me directly violate my contract which is to protect Brother Ubel until he's safe in his church. Turn a blind eye? Lighten a purse? Swap an item for a different item. Done and done. You want me to straight up double cross we're talking quadruple the gold which comes to 40 plat.

2009-10-27, 05:27 PM
Caine grins. "Father Ubel has a box I'm interested in. I want you to turn a blind eye as I pilfer it's contents. That is all. No action on your part. And then if asked, you will say you have no idea where it went, no matter how he pays you- or, better yet, give him false information. How much?"

2009-10-27, 06:07 PM
"That boring little box? Hmph. Here's a freebie. We picked it up in Stuttgard, the nation's capital. There's a lot of artifact buyers there and it's really the only place to trade artifacts as its unaffected by the war going on. Whatever's inside could probably be sold right back to them for a hefty price.

Now then... I couldn't tell you the best way to go about this. I have an idea but there's a few holes. Y'see, Ubel only hired me to protect him on the way to Barrow Peak. There'll likely be some buffoon watching his door tonight. I can get you a copy of the master key and all you have to do is silently take out the guard and grab the box. From what I heard Ubel's a heavy sleeper and his old age has likely taken a toll on his hearing.

For that job, 7 plat should cover my efforts of getting the master key and any (relatively) non-violent actions. Nabbing the box while I'm contracted starting tomorrow will cost you double. You want to save some coin, you better do it tonight."

2009-10-27, 06:22 PM
Caine shakes his head. "Too risky- not worth saving 7 plat. I prefer to do things on the open road, while noone's around." He takes 15 platinum pieces out of his pouch, and sets them in Tim's hand. "Where and when do you leave tomorrow?"

2009-10-27, 06:31 PM
Tim bites into a platinum piece literally bending it in half with his great teeth.

"Tomorrow morning as soon as the rooster caws. We'll be on horseback and moving quick so if you want to trail with us I'd speak to Ubel now. He's about finished with his last beer."

Cain flips around to see Ubel drain the last drop in his second mug. He hacks up blood, whipes it on a handkerchief, then stands up. The tavern keeper hands him his room key and he wobbles towards the stairs.

2009-10-27, 07:40 PM
Caine shakes his head. "Frankly, my friend, I'd prefer if Ubel never saw me. I'll be keeping my distance."
Unless Tim has something else pressing to say, Caine will spend the rest of the day trying to sell the cockatrice eggs and other assorted parts, then rent a room and a light warhorse, waiting for Tim and Ubel to leave the next morning.

2009-10-27, 08:25 PM
The stable master tells Caine all he has left are riding horses. "Duchess came by last week and grabbed all horses fit for battle. I've got nothing left for a few months except these standard draft horses. Price is a bit higher, too." A light horse with a saddle, bit and briddle, stabling for the night, a week's worth of feed, and a a private room + good meal comes to a grand total of 100gp.

As Caine retires for the night, he sees a familiar face standing guard outside Ubel's room. It's Humbert dressed in studded leather with a longspear in hand and a light mace at his side. Humbert casts a nervous glance at Caine who notices the fat man is visibly shaking.

2009-10-27, 10:05 PM
Caine narrows his eyes, and approaches the man. "Well. Well, well...
What is Humble Humbert doing here, in a getup like this, I find myself asking? And Humble Humbert replied..."

2009-10-28, 02:02 AM
"I'm the door guard."

2009-10-28, 02:16 AM
As soon as Humbert begins to say "guard", Caine slams stiff fingers into the man's gut, under the ribs, quickly and efficiently knocking the wind out of him.
"Do you take me for an idiot? Obviously you have been hired as the door guard." He grabs the man by the jaw, bringing his face eye to eye with him. "Why? I find it far too uncanny that you should be the door guard of this particular man to let it go as simply you looking for a quick bit of coin."

2009-10-28, 02:49 AM
Humbert laughs at the pain. His eyes are intense as he speaks through gritted teeth. "I'm feeling threatened, sir. Please return to your room or I'll sound the alarm."

2009-10-28, 07:21 PM
Caine whips his blade off his back, scabbard and all, and rams the flat of it into Humbert's throat, pushing him against the wall. He slips the scabbard off, so it's the flat of the blade pressing into Humbert's neck, the edge dangerously close to his carotid. He looks deep into the man's eyes. "Well, then. You do that. Go ahead, make my day." Caine shakes him a bit, just barely cutting into his neck.
Intimidation check:[roll0]
Man, I suppose Caine just isn't feeling all that scary lately...:smallfrown:

2009-10-28, 07:36 PM
Humbert is unphased. His focused, intense stare and lack of reflexive movement to the cut gives away that this isn't the cowardly merchant traveler from a few days ago. Whatever charm or bewitchment has befallen him, there's no shaking it out of him.

"You don't know what you're dealing with. The things I saw. Magnificent yet horrifying. Bittersweet beauty. Go back to your room, sir."

Caine hears movement behind the door, the sound of feet heavily leaning on wooden floor. A soft light comes on.

2009-10-28, 07:44 PM
Well, obviously. I realized that when he didn't piss his pants after I punched him.:smalltongue:
Caine quickly drops the man, his eyes widening, and sheathes his sword. He leans in towards Humbert, speaking in hushed tones. "The dagger..."

2009-10-28, 08:32 PM
Humbert replies quizzically "The dagger?

The footsteps grow louder.

2009-10-28, 08:35 PM
Caine steps back a bit, looking at him, his raised chin perturbed and quizzical. "...what have you seen, Humbert?"

2009-11-01, 11:26 PM

The door opens, Ubel's face visible in the low-light of a candle.

"What's going on out here? Humbert waves Caine away. "Sorry, sir. This man is drunk and needs help finding his room. It's down the hall, sir. Please do not rouse the inn or the guard will put you in jail for the night."

Ubel looks at Humbert. "Why are you bleeding?"

"Sorry, sir. Got bored and tried to shave with my spear hehe."

Ubel just stands there watching Humbert and Caine. The tension in the air is thick and it's apparent he's annoyed.

2009-11-02, 02:17 AM
Caine feigns a drunken stupor, and staggers off, thoroughly perturbed by this turn of events. He goes to find Tim.
"So, how about procuring that key for me?"

2009-11-02, 02:28 AM
Tim immediately opens his door and invites Caine in. Judging by the swiftness he answered he was probably standing right next to it.

"I heard you across the hall. Tsk tsk. Sloppy. Stay here; I don't want you attracting attention. One moment, please."

Tim returns in 5 minutes with the master key in hand.

"The guard outside looks like he'd make a lot of noise. I can deal with him. Silently. It's all part of your package so feel free to ask."

2009-11-02, 10:42 AM
Caine sighs, and shakes his head back. "Sloppy, yes. I know. That guard used to work for me...
Fine. If you'll take care of him for me, all the better."

2009-11-02, 10:59 AM
"Fine. Wait here. I don't want him seeing you and getting nervous."

Tim leaves. A minute later he returns with a sleeping Humbert underneath his massive arms.

"He's fast asleep. Don't ask how I did it. Your alibi if required is that he had a hip flask on him, got a little tipsy and stumbled into your room to crash."

Humbert lays him on the floor, pulls out a flask, and dumps alcohol down the unconscious man's throat.

"Are you still standing there? I'd be quick about this!"

2009-11-02, 08:43 PM
Caine nods, and heads over to the man's room, opening the door and peering inside.

2009-11-03, 01:52 PM
There's a loud roaring sound coming from the bed. It takes a moment to realize it's the old priest's snoring and not a ferocious beast defending its territory. The room is featureless save the bed, a locked chest, and a nightstand with the box sitting precariously on it.

2009-11-04, 01:56 AM
Caine gets to things, and just quietly moves in, looks in the box to check for the dagger he knows and loves, and takes it.

2009-11-10, 08:29 PM
It's been a week, boss. What's up? Subscriptions not updating? It does that to me once in a while...:smallsigh:

2009-11-12, 10:46 AM
((I could've sworn I posted here but what likely happened was I hit post around 1AM (PST) which is when they do the server updates))

Caine whipes the sweat off his brow as he reaches down for the box. With his prize in sight, he savors the moment. After an intense struggle of self satisfaction vs. urgency, he lifts off the top...

And the anti-climactic reveal nearly floors him. The 'dagger' is no more than a common kitchen knife; balanced to be used in a fight but the craftsmanship is simple if not amateurish.

Cain picks up the knife and quickly withdraws his hand. Blood drips down his palm and onto the blade which soaks it up like a sponge. He watches the wound slowly knit and hears a hacking cough to his side.

Caine watches Ubel, that detestable priest. Oh, how he suffers, spreading his vile disease across the land. Boccob isn't even a well regarded god. God of Magic, pffft. Boccob is an uncaring deity unfit to call magic his domain. Priests like this horde their knowledge. Think of all the problems one could solve through magic. Think of how much civilization's growth has been stunted by these fools who keep their secrets locked up tight.

2009-11-12, 06:51 PM
Yeah, that happens to me too... anyhow, is this supposed to be thoughts going through Caine's head? Is the knife (ostensibly) unsafe to touch? What is Ubel doing at this moment? Anyhow, if the knife is, after all, touchable, replace blade with knife.
Caine stands for a moment, shuddering, then whips out his blade, in one fluid motion swinging it around to point at Ubel. Inertia grips him for a moment, and he decides to relax, and play it cool: he simply holds his blade before Ubel's chest, and waits for him to start talking.

2009-11-12, 07:11 PM
Ubel's soundly asleep.

He's snoring pretty loudly, though. You could help him with that problem. Maybe, oh, I dunno... open up his chest so his lungs could breath? You'd be doing him a favor. Heck, you'd be doing a favor for everyone in the adjacent room having to listen to this! My, aren't you a good person? Helping people leaves such a warm, fuzzy feeling in your heart.

You should help him, Caine. Then you can help yourself to the contents of his foot locker. Help you by helping him. That's how the world goes round. Just like...

Just like those people you helped fight the cockatrice. What exactly happens to someone when they're petrified, anyways? Are they alive, trapped forver in an endless sleep until restored?

A cool breeze sends the hairs on Caine's neck standing and he suddenly realizes he's in a dark room holding a weapon against a snoring priest. The 'voices' in his head, if they could even be called that, subside and his sudden burst of anger abated.

2009-11-12, 07:26 PM
Ahhh, I thought you meant Ubel was awake and by Caine. Or did Caine perceive that?
Caine blinks... then blinks again. He shakes his head, sheathing the sword and taking the case then running back to his room, closing the door as he goes.
He fully understands where the anger is coming from: the dagger. But it's of no matter, so long as he does not act on it, so long as he represses the thoughts... right?

2009-11-15, 05:38 AM
Caine slips out, box in hand, and sits alone in his room. An hour passes and the aggressive feelings from before have not returned. He notices, outside, the guards relighting the lanterns meaning it has to be around midnight. What are Caine's intentions?

2009-11-16, 01:35 AM
Well, that depends. Is there some sort of... mage syndicate where he could get the dagger looked at? Preferably a professional sort that would not object to his possession of it, a powerful enough one that might resist its peculiar nature, and one where he could also sell the reagents he collected from the cockatrice (maybe trade it for the identification).

2009-11-16, 03:11 AM
Well, that depends. Is there some sort of... mage syndicate where he could get the dagger looked at? Preferably a professional sort that would not object to his possession of it, a powerful enough one that might resist its peculiar nature, and one where he could also sell the reagents he collected from the cockatrice (maybe trade it for the identification).

Tiny Tim may have mentioned Stuttgard, Cyprus' capital. Wizards can't research without a license and after acquiring one from the royal courts they rarely stray far. If there's any place with a diviner to discern the item's nature for a fair price without being alarmed, it's there.

2009-11-16, 05:19 PM
In which case, that's where Caine heads, right away.

2009-11-19, 02:03 PM
The journey to Stuttgard takes 20 days. It's long and arduous but Caine finds company with pilgrims traveling to the nation's capital for Harvest Fest, a week long festival that attracts people from across the known world.

Caine hitches a ferry, free of charge during the festival, and floats down the river to view the magnificient city up close. Built into a massive ravine (think Grand Canyon), Stuttgard is a wonder of human ingenuity. Large pillars support massive bridges that interweave between the canyons like spider strands. Each building is situated within the rocks itself and entire plateaus are hollowed out to create city streets and multi-story apartment complexes. An invading force of any size would meet its match against this nigh-unsiegable bastion of humanity.

Caine finds a reasonable tavern to hole up in (5sp a night for a merchant quality private room) and sets out gathering information. Most of the city is empty with nearly every merchant setting up shop at the massive fair grounds 3 miles down river.

There are several big game competitions going on and Caine is free to join any of them save the jousting tournament which has already begun this day.

-Jousting Tournament: 50gp entrance fee, prizes vary
Includes jousting helmet. Requires a horse, a medium martial weapon, a lance, and a dagger. Broken into three rounds.

Round 1: Tilting with a lance. The combatants attempt to unseat each other.

Round 2: Precision attacks. Using a dagger, the riders attempt to strike a flag attached to their opponent's mount (uses the mount's AC + size modifier).

Round 3: Gentlemanly duel. Using a medium sized martial weapon of the rider's choice, combatants strike each other until knock out or yield. This is a LETHAL battle. Combatants aren't encouraged to kill each other (no power attack or any ability that increases damage) but they're not expected to use non-lethal force.

Lords and Ladies Tournament: 10gp entrance fee. Grand prize is a mystery wondrous item.

Lords and Ladies is a game identical to chess. Each player has 5 minutes to defeat their opponent in a battle of critical thinking (opposing intelligence rolls).

Caber Toss: 5gp entrance fee. Prize varies.

Challengers toss large blocks of wood in three rounds; one round to determine distance, another round determines accuracy, and the last round determines raw strength.

Wrestling: 2gp entrance fee. Prize varies.

Challengers face off in 3 rounds of 30 seconds, no striking. Winner is determined by pinning for consecutive 3 rounds or by a point-based system where points are scored by each round a pin is made.

Drinking Competition: 1gp entrance fee. Prize is a Potion of Neutralize Poison (which you'll likely need) and a variable pot of money.

Challengers drink from a variety of local brews. Last one to remain conscious wins.

Archery Tournament: 50gp entrance fee. Prize is a magical bow.

Challengers face off in three rounds against increasingly difficult targets at a range of 200'.

Court Wizard Competition: 25gp entrance fee. Prize is a magic wand fully charged of 1st level decided by the winner. Registered court wizards only (registering as a court wizard costs known spell level times 100gp and must be updated at every spell level).

After 8 hours of asking questions (it's early evening, the sun is beginning her descent) Caine is pointed to a diviner named Lennon; an eccentric man whose built a reputation for his esoteric research. Caine finds him at a booth where he serves shaved ice in a ceramic bowl with honey, fruit, and other flavorings. It's a popular attraction and his line is 30 minutes long.

Lennon is over 6' tall with an innocent looking face, neatly combed red hair, and a curly mustache. He wears rich robes (with a smock over the front) and a sash with a heraldic emblem showing two crossed cudgels. When he sees Caine he studies the curious traveler for several seconds before smiling and saying "Hi, welcome to Lennon's Shaved Ice Emporioum. What would you like?"

2009-11-19, 02:11 PM
Caine decides to buy some shaved ice before bringing up his request. "I hear you're a man who is interested in the vagaries and mysteries of the world: any time we could chat? I recently came across some... interesting finds."

2009-11-19, 02:24 PM
Lennon laughs flippantly. "Judging by that dramatic pause, whatever you have to show me is 'interesting' indeed." He gives Caine a scoop of ice with blueberry juice on the house. It's delicious, sweet, and unlike any dessert Caine's tasted.

An hour later the sun begins to touch the horizon and Lennon locks up. A little pug faced monster with wings made out of wax and clay wipes down the counter and Lennon refers to it as his homunculus. "Alright, mystery man. You already know my name. I'd like yours as well before we talk business."

2009-11-19, 02:31 PM
"My name is Caine. I'm a mercenary, of sorts... but anyhow. I have two things: first, several feathers, two vials of blood and the head of a cockatrice.
Second..." He says, pulling the box out of a backpack, "There's this. Inside you will find, apparently, a kitchen knife: an ordinary kitchen knife, ostensibly. However, I know that it has some kind of magical power about it... definitely powerful, and definitely insidious. I'd like to learn more about this posession of mine. Can you aid me to this end?"

2009-11-19, 02:44 PM
Lennon's eyes light up at the cockatrice components.

"Can I aid you? Of course I can! But it won't be cheap!"

He pulls out a piece of parchment from his robes and looks it over. "Let's see. The cost to identify this item will be... oh, yes! Several feathers, two vials of blood and the head of a cockatrice!"

Lennon prepares a poultice by crushing a gem into a mixture of wine and owl feathers. He downs the foul drink, dons gloves, and casts a spell over the dagger. He stands there, staring at the dagger with a perplexed look on his face.

"Well. I don't want to jump to conclusions but... You know what? Let's head to my lab. I can work more efficiently there."

Lennon leads Caine to a large mansion jutting out the side of a hill overlooking a river. The same coat of arms on his sash is present over the main door. An elderly goblin, dressed in fine robes, takes Lennon and Caine's boots and traveling gear while several goblin servants offer tea and pastries.

"My twin brothers and I make up the entourage of Lady Lydia DeWitt, an esteemed knight. She's probably training for the jousting tournament but I'm sure she won't mind if I bring in a guest. You'll stay in guest room for now. You're permitted in the orchard, library, training grounds, and main halls. The goblins will escort you so as not to disturb the other residents in the mansion."

"Enjoy your stay. I will contact you when my research is complete."

2009-11-19, 03:02 PM
Caine chuckles. "Ah. Of course. In that case, would you be interested in buying several cockatrice eggs for an additional charge?"
He then asks how long the spell will take. If less than a day, he simply explored the mansion. If more than a day, he does that, then spends his time on wine, women and loose living.:smallcool:

2009-11-19, 03:41 PM
"Ah, you sly devil! Fine, I'll name you a price for the eggs but only after this business is done."

Caine barely settles in his comfortable room for an hour before a goblin butler knocks on his door and leads him to Lennon's lab which includes a large telescope pointing out towards the stars. It's clean, a common trait among diviners, but smells of incense and foreign oils. Sitting in a display case is Caine's dagger.

Lennon looks like a wreck. His hair is messy, his mustache drooping, and he's ditched his robes for simple working gear. He lights a candle which fills the room with a pleasant aroma and offers Caine a seat.

"I should understand that, when you came here, you expected I would perform a service 'no questions asked.' I'm afraid rumors are often ill informed and any registered court magician would tell you the same.

So, question the first. Where did you get this dagger?"

2009-11-19, 06:30 PM
"Well, I won't lie to you, it was likely acquired through illegal means... though not by myself. I got it from a man I know by the name of Humbert. I believe he took it off some priest or arcanist or somesuch: I didn't get the details, and I doubt he'd be very loose tongued about it.
...What did you find?"

2009-11-19, 07:26 PM
Lennon watches the candle carefully as Caine speaks. A minute passes when Caine finishes before Lennon licks his fingers and snuffs the flame.

"Well, either you truly are telling the truth or you're the world's greatest liar. What I believe is that you stole the dagger from this arcanist. The way you speak about this 'Humbert' makes him sound like little else but a pawn. If you did steal an artifact, yes artifact, so powerful from its owner and also happen to be able to fool my magical attempts to discern your intentions, my own health is subject."

"Well, before I continue, let me just warn you that any fight between us will go poorly between both parties. I may be a fool myself but I've got a wand or two up my sleeve."

Lennon's homunculus brings a tray of fresh tea and pastries which he kindly offers.

"An answer to your question. This is a vile artifact, minor in its enchantment but terrible all the same. It masks its magic from all but the most powerful spells and it took me many expensive components to determine its evil nature. The dagger instills emotions of hatred, envy, jealousy, and rage. Simply trying to identify it made me want to strangle Jonesy." He motions to the pug-faced homunculus removing the candle and placing it on a shelf.

"How it was created, I don't know. Perhaps it was, by ironic coincidence, used as a murder weapon over several centuries and the collective blood of a million murders gave it sentience. We could speculate all day but the important thing is how you handle this."

Lennon pauses for dramatic effect then slurps on his tea loudly.

"It's your dagger. I can't tell you how to use it or what to do with it. My, admittedly, chaotic nature doesn't believe in forcing a man to choose his course in life. I recommend you destroy it. Certainly not the most profitable choice but sometimes the right choice never is."

"And now, my proposition for you. I have more researching power than most wizards in this city and, while I don't like to toot my own horn, I'm quite resistant to temptation. Lady Lydia is a compassionate woman who loves this country and this dagger is an unwanted blemish."

"As a freelance mercenary, money must be getting tight. We're a mercenary company, The Father's Heralds. One of the better ones, I should add. We pay well, we share all bounty, we don't pry into your personal business so long as it brings no harm to the compound, and this lavish mansion is at your disposal. If you join you'll find it most profitable and this dagger will be kept in a safe place until I've researched a means to destroy it. If you refuse, well, I'll return your dagger and the business between us will be finished."

Lennon leans in closely.

"I can see the experience in your eyes so this shouldn't come as a surprise but just in case. Spell casters are vengeful. You're protected from magical spying in these halls but whose to say you haven't been followed? Join The Father's Heralds for profit and, I really stress this, protection. We could use an additional sword arm."

2009-11-19, 07:34 PM
Caine leans back, and considers things for a moment. "Hm. Well, I can't say your offer is not tempting. However... 'twould be a pity, to simply destroy it. Is that all this blade does? Brings on hatred to all those around?"

2009-11-19, 09:20 PM
"Only the wielder. The rage is so great that, when the wielder fully succumbs, they lose all sense of place and being. Pain is no longer a factor, sleep is unnecessary, and the wielder's health and well being are no longer concerns. Being such a common, household looking item I'd say it wouldn't be difficult to spread from wielder to wielder."

"Think about it. Suppose you're ambushed by giants who frequent this area. They see the knife, which magically re-sizes itself to their massive paws, and decide to use it to cut your cooked flesh for their evening meal. The chef murderously slaughters his kin and ravages the countryside until an adventurer puts a stop to him. Thinking the little trinket could be sold for a few copper, he wields the dagger and slays the merchant before being taken down by the guard. The guard captain, in his investigation, handles the knife and kills his staff. In an attempt to cover up the situation, the local lord has the knife locked away in a protected vault. Vaults attract vultures, and a thief snatches the well protected weapon and the cycle begins again."

"No, you can't profit off this. No merchant will give you more than a copper for it. No mageling can pierce the veil that masks its true nature. Those like me who can will either turn you away, betray you, or scheme to steal the knives themselves and I'm afraid there's not much you can do against someone who can appear and reappear with but a spell. You can't use it as a weapon for even the strongest minds will slowly deteriorate to its alluring grasp."

"There's little choice in this matter. Destroy it... or keep it, never using it, and always fearing repercussion by the original owner whose likely tracking it with might and magic or eventually losing it to fate or, perhaps the darkest irony of all, it accidentally ends up in the wrong hands and you find yourself at the business end of the dagger. Life's a huge joke but I wouldn't laugh at a punchline like that."

2009-11-19, 10:21 PM
Caine slouches down, hand on his chin, pensive.
"That dagger... is powerful. And power isn't something to be treated so lightly as to merely say 'it must be destroyed'.
...But, at the moment, I can admit it has little practical application, for myself at least.
I'll accept your offer, on the condition that at any time I can leave, and take the dagger with me. Until you destroy it, of course. Agreed?"

2009-11-27, 06:52 PM
So... how's it goin, boss? Hard at work on the next post?:smallbiggrin:

2009-11-27, 07:38 PM
Actually, yes. I had the topic opened for the past 3 days trying to find a way to stick you into the main group but got distracted *coughdragonageoriginscough*.

2009-11-27, 10:27 PM
*crawls out from under a mountain of darkspawn*
Huh... wha? Orzammar... the... the dark roads... nnnhhh....
*crawls back in*

Yeeeah, seems all my DMs are being distracted by that. And I've been distracted from the games I'm DMing with that.:smallwink:

2009-11-30, 02:04 AM
Caine slouches down, hand on his chin, pensive.
"That dagger... is powerful. And power isn't something to be treated so lightly as to merely say 'it must be destroyed'.
...But, at the moment, I can admit it has little practical application, for myself at least.
I'll accept your offer, on the condition that at any time I can leave, and take the dagger with me. Until you destroy it, of course. Agreed?"

Lennon shrugs. "That decision will be made by the lady of the house, not me. Get some rest. The Lady will call a meeting in the morning. Consider that your 'job interview.'"

2009-11-30, 02:06 AM
Caine grunts, sitting quite uncontent. He holds his hand under his chin, pensive for a time, brows furrowed.
After several minutes, he finally gets up and takes Lennon's suggestion.

2009-12-12, 12:42 PM
You can start posting in this topic now. I'll create the introduction. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=128786)