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2009-08-31, 11:59 AM
As far as I know, Szilard hasn't file away notice. At least, not in WW Central.

And gods... if I have to clean that mess too...:smallannoyed:

2009-08-31, 12:10 PM
((I missed a day? Crap.))


Robert Blackletter
2009-08-31, 01:27 PM

will start role-playing soon still busy with married life, thanks for all the kind words everybody

Dirk Kris
2009-08-31, 02:24 PM
((Grats to GothicBob!))

Naila nods as she listens to Jericus. "I see. Family is important. No one knows that better than me." Her smile is a little haunted, and she moves on, peering with interest at his tattoos. "I was left alone at an early age, and just made my way the best I could. I found that I was very good at fighting, keeping people safe. I worked with some mercenary groups, but it's really hard to get respect as a woman in this field." She shrugs. "So I cut off all my hair, kept my armor on all the time, and worked my way up. Eventually, I made it here, to guard Lord Osari." A faint smile. "Seems he needs all the help he can get. Guards like Banjo give our trade a bad name." Naila stretches out on her belly across her cot, regarding the servant carefully. "I must confess, I am pleasantly surprised you were able to spare time for me."

2009-08-31, 03:36 PM
((Congrats Bob! Have fun. :smallsmile:))

He smiles. "How could I not make time?" He watches her lay down on the cot, and averts his eyes for a second. He rubs his right arm, suddenly a bit conscious of his tattoo. "I'm glad I came."

2009-08-31, 03:41 PM
Gothicbob so that he can spend more time with the new Wifey!

2009-08-31, 03:45 PM
Gothicbob so that he can spend more time with the new Wifey!

I totally approve this :smallbiggrin:


2009-08-31, 03:47 PM
Congrats, Gothicbob.

Geesi. (that'll totaly teach you never to start "Jungle crash". :smalltongue:)

"Oh man, what a mess. Jerricus isn't going to like that. And when he's mad, his cooking get even worse.
There's blood everywhere. .. everywhere..
"I think I'm going to do the guy a favor. Would someone bring me a mop and a bucket ? I'll get right on it. In a moment."
*Horrified stare at the corpse. Who would have though spleens bleeded that much*
"After I'm done throwing up in a corner that is."

2009-08-31, 04:31 PM
I'd like to request that my real name not be used in narrations anymore.

It's creepy. :smalleek:

2009-08-31, 04:38 PM
I agree with Geesi being a good choice.

2009-08-31, 04:42 PM
I hope I turn out to be a sleeper so it genuinely would end up being a good choice. >:

That said, a weak second bandwagon gives Team Good less information. A very belated congratulations to GothicBob! You poor devil.

Dirk Kris
2009-08-31, 05:21 PM
Naila smiles. "Me too. It's good to have a friend." She notices the nervous rubbing of the tattoo. "Should I, um, not ask about that, Jericus?" She pulls her own arms up higher, hoping he doesn't notice her ugly old scars.

2009-08-31, 05:54 PM
He notices the scars, but isn't put off by them and looks at her face instead. "No, its okay. Its sort of a family marking. Its traditional." He looks slightly nervous, but rolls up his sleeve even more. "It covers more than my just my arm." He stretches his neck and shows that it also reaches there. He chuckles. "It goes further, but I'm not too sure how you'd take it if I showed you."

2009-08-31, 07:48 PM
Congrats GothicBob!

Fleeing Coward
2009-08-31, 08:17 PM
Congrats GothicBob you deserve some more free time :smallsmile:

2009-08-31, 08:24 PM
Geesi. I'm sure Mrs Gothicbob would be traumatized to be a widow so soon.

2009-08-31, 08:25 PM
Geesi. I'm sure Mrs Gothicbob would be traumatized to be a widow so soon.


Happyturtle is being nice! Run!

2009-08-31, 09:10 PM
I'd like to request that my real name not be used in narrations anymore.

It's creepy. :smalleek:
I used your real name in the narration? :smallconfused: What a coincidence! :smalleek:

Of course, if you hadn't said anything, most of them wouldn't know it. :smalltongue:

2009-08-31, 09:58 PM
I'd like to request that my real name not be used in narrations anymore.

It's creepy. :smalleek:
Wait, wait... wait.
Your real name is Jericus. :smallconfused: :smalltongue:


2009-08-31, 10:14 PM
I don't care if people know my name, I just don't want to read about real-world me dying. :smalltongue:

Btw, I roleplayed in one post as "Frederico the Jester", so since you've already edited my name to Lucas, you might as well go with that.

2009-08-31, 11:57 PM
Geesi filler

2009-09-01, 12:41 AM
I'll join the Geesi wagon. Not sure why it's there, but it can't be any worse than the Gothicbob one. :smalltongue:

2009-09-01, 03:16 AM
((Wait? what game is this?
meh, like it matters
ah 'Assasins III'))

Oddity merely rolled down the stairs of the clock tower. The thought of even longer shifts because another guard had died was terrifying and numbing to him.
He happened to notice that the thief from the other day had returned to jest at him. He couldn't be bothered with the whole routine so he merely let the scallywag (a land-lubbing scallywag mind you) steal his helmet.

Geesi was the only one to laugh at his 'poofy' hair.
"I hate people who laugh at me"

((naw Geesi, I don't hate you))

2009-09-01, 05:52 AM
*points at Wolfbane*

To be different. That, and while I'm not paying that close attention, it seems people want to lynch Bob for his wedding present and no reason was offered for Gessi, so either people know something I don't(very likely, since don't know anything :smalltongue: ) or people are sheep(also very likely :smallamused: ).

2009-09-01, 05:54 AM
*starts sheering the sheep*

Hey, you! Yeah, you! Don't you go anywhere!

*points at Aemoh*

:smalltongue: :smallbiggrin:

2009-09-01, 06:27 AM
Why the heck to people follow my point? I have no evidence for Geesi whatsoveer, it was mearly a random vote.

And this Gothicbob wagon don't seems to have any evidenice either, geez, this really is early in the game isn't it?

Dirk Kris
2009-09-01, 06:45 AM
He notices the scars, but isn't put off by them and looks at her face instead. "No, its okay. Its sort of a family marking. Its traditional." He looks slightly nervous, but rolls up his sleeve even more. "It covers more than my just my arm." He stretches his neck and shows that it also reaches there. He chuckles. "It goes further, but I'm not too sure how you'd take it if I showed you."
Naila raises an eyebrow in teasing challenge. "Jericus, I just told you that I served in several mercenary camps for most of my life. I'm pretty sure you don't have anything I haven't seen before." Her eyes, one greeen, one blue, twinkle merrily. "And if that's too forward of me to say, let me ask you this - were you really expecting lady-like behavior from me?" She chuckles; it's a low, rich sound not often heard. "Really, though, if it bothers you or makes you self-conscious, I won't press the matter. Or..." She gets an idea. "Show me yours, I'll show you mine. And tell you the story that goes with them." She nods at her arms, a bit more at ease with him around.

2009-09-01, 06:53 AM
Why the heck to people follow my point? I have no evidence for Geesi whatsoveer, it was mearly a random vote.

And this Gothicbob wagon don't seems to have any evidenice either, geez, this really is early in the game isn't it?

Well, it's better than no lynch. And the guards can't even know for certain that they're innocent, so... dumb luck awaaaaay~!

2009-09-01, 07:07 AM
I pointed at Geesi to save Gothicbob, since I'm a sucker for twue wuv.

2009-09-01, 08:29 AM
I pointed at Geesi to save Gothicbob, since I'm a sucker for twue wuv.

I twuly wuv staying alive and especially not being lynched. :smallsmile:

Wolfbane. I keep telling you guys...

2009-09-01, 09:43 AM
Jericus laughs. "Honestly, I wasn't too sure what I expected, but if you wish." He unbuttons his shirt, showing the rest of an extremely complex tattoo covering his right side. It seems to go further down than just his waist. "Now, what is your story?" he says with a smile.

(((Murska, you seem awfully set on trying to lynch me for no reason:smallconfused:)))

2009-09-01, 09:46 AM
Jericus laughs. "Honestly, I wasn't too sure what I expected, but if you wish." He unbuttons his shirt, showing the rest of an extremely complex tattoo covering his right side. It seems to go further down than just his waist. "Now, what is your story?" he says with a smile.

(((Murska, you seem awfully set on trying to lynch me for no reason:smallconfused:)))

Well how do you know it's no reason?

2009-09-01, 09:48 AM
Well how do you know it's no reason?

Because I know I'm not an assassin. :smalltongue:

2009-09-01, 09:49 AM
Because I know I'm not an assassin. :smalltongue:

Maybe there's another reason then. Or maybe I used my timemachine and found out you're a sleeper. Who knows...

2009-09-01, 09:53 AM
Maybe there's another reason then. Or maybe I used my timemachine and found out you're a sleeper. Who knows...

psst! Wrong setting! :smalltongue:

On the other hand, now I want a Time Machine again. Can I get it in brass and crystal?

Dirk Kris
2009-09-01, 10:00 AM
Jericus laughs. "Honestly, I wasn't too sure what I expected, but if you wish." He unbuttons his shirt, showing the rest of an extremely complex tattoo covering his right side. It seems to go further down than just his waist. "Now, what is your story?" he says with a smile.
Naila rolls up the sleeves on her tunic, revealing long shiny burn marks that run up past her elbows. "There was a fire. I was 9. I tried to dig my family out, but..." She smiles weakly. "I wasn't strong enough. I was picked up by a gypsy caravan, but seeing as I was too ugly to be trained in the profession they usually stick orphaned girls into..." She shrugs. "I got out, away, and found a merc camp that was willing to take me in and feed me. In exchange for cleaning their weapons, polishing their armor, tending the horses. Things like that." A faint smile - she's quickly becoming fond of the caretaker.

2009-09-01, 10:13 AM
Jericus raises an eyebrow. "Ugly? Trust me, if you think that, they were sorely mistaken." He smiles warmly. "You look great and its good to know you made it out okay."

The Bushranger
2009-09-01, 10:18 AM
((Hm. After staying up most of the night dealing with appliance emergencies, I find myself unable to wrap my brain around RP at the moment.

Or to decide who lives and who dies.

Therefore, I fall back on a Constant...))

Murska. :smallbiggrin:

Dirk Kris
2009-09-01, 10:52 AM
Naila blushes, her cheeks a lovely crimson color against her dark tan. "You are...very kind to say that." She runs a hand through her short hair, causing it to curl and poof out. She smiles as the clock tolls the hour - 11. "Is the hour too late to ask you to stay for a drink? I would offer dinner, but I suspect that's closer to your specialty than mine." She smirks and pulls out a small flask from under her pillow. "Good stuff for chasing away bad dreams."

2009-09-01, 10:57 AM
Jericus smiles. "Of course I'll stay for a drink, but if you give me one moment..." He opens her door slightly and shuts it after grabbing a basket. "I brought some food in case you wanted any. Nothing special, bread, cheese, some fruit."

Dirk Kris
2009-09-01, 11:21 AM
Naila smiles with pleasure. "Finer fare than many a meal I've had on the road, Jericus. Thank you." She peers into the basket, then plucks out a shiny green apple. Polishing it on her tunic - which makes it MORE flattering for a moment - she pulls a small knife from inside her boot and cuts a piece off. She pops it into her mouth and chews, cutting a piece off to offer to Jericus. If he takes it, there's a chance his fingers might brush her scarred ones. :smallwink:

2009-09-01, 11:29 AM
Jericus takes the slice, his fingers brushing against hers slightly longer than they should. "Thank you." He says with a smile. She might notice that he has yet to put his shirt back on.

Dirk Kris
2009-09-01, 11:37 AM
Oh, she's noticed. Women have needs, too. She's just debating on whether to mix business and pleasure. :smallwink:

Naila finishes her bite, her eyes frankly approving of the half-dressed caretaker. "So, Jericus, is there a lady waiting in her chambers for you? Or am I the only stop on your list tonight?" She smiles, taking a long swallow from her flask. Because it will help her think clearly. Yeah. She offers it to Jericus, then blushes, moving to wipe off the mouth of it. "Sorry, you probably didn't want my lips all over it first."

2009-09-01, 12:09 PM
Jericus smiles. "No need to blush, I wouldn't mind." He says as he takes the flask. After a quick drink, he hands it back. "As for other stops, you are the first one in a long time and none were as pretty as you."

Dirk Kris
2009-09-01, 12:17 PM
Naila smirks, clearly skeptical. "Now I see - you must want something." She smiles, it's warm. Her eyes are bright. "Though I must confess, I don't really mind. It's been...a long time since anyone made me feel...wanted." Her gaze falls to her hands, then back up at the handsome caretaker, daring to hope. The bell tolls again, and she smiles. "Well, since the night is no longer young and you've been drinking, I suppose the proper thing to do would be to offer you a bed to sleep in. There's only one here, but you are welcome to it." She grins and stands to offer him her cot, brushing against him as she does.

2009-09-01, 12:30 PM
Jericus smiles mischievously and takes her hand, giving it a kiss. "My lady, I can only take up that offer if it means I won't be alone. I could hardly accept it if I kicked you out of your own bed."

Dirk Kris
2009-09-01, 12:37 PM
Naila flushes and steps closer to Jericus, her breath coming a little faster. All her battle-hardened nerves fail her now. "Then I suppose we'll have to share. It's small - you'll likely be forced to touch me all night. Or what's left of it anyway." An alluring smile touches her lips.

2009-09-01, 12:43 PM
Jericus puts his arms around Naila. "And how is that a bad thing?" he says, smiling.

Dirk Kris
2009-09-01, 01:14 PM
Naila smiles and leans forward for a kiss - the first of many, she hopes.

@v: Nooooooooo! Don't kill mah RP partner!

2009-09-01, 01:21 PM
They will be.

*pulls curtains*


Hmm... I think we have stunned the game.

And now I have the feeling I am going to die tonight, so Baner, if you would be so kind.

Lord Iames Osari
2009-09-01, 01:40 PM

No RP because I haven't decided how I want to RP after my previous role got killed.

2009-09-01, 01:55 PM
@v: Nooooooooo! Don't kill mah RP partner!

Yeah. Someone kill him!

2009-09-01, 02:22 PM
But how else is Jericus going to turn from a smart-mouthed butler into an unstoppable infiltrator-eating death machine?

*double checks*

Oh, it's him that's worried about dying. Never mind.

The Bookworm
2009-09-01, 05:25 PM
Geesi. Sorry.
Oh, and, Gothicbob? Try to bring Mrs Gothicbob into Werewolf Land!

2009-09-01, 07:59 PM
Working long days so sorry so sorry for lack of rping. Or paying attention to the thread. Wolfbane for now, as multiple bandwagons are fun!:smallbiggrin:

Mr. Moon
2009-09-01, 08:14 PM

The Bushranger
2009-09-01, 08:39 PM
"Eshter" heads through the streets in the marketplace, looking to see if a certain washerwoman's tent might be found.

2009-09-02, 04:22 AM
Geesi as I'm getting married next year, and if Gothicbob gets lynched for doing so it sets a dangerous precedent for the future. :smalltongue:

2009-09-02, 04:49 AM
Kill Banjo so he can prepare for his wedding! Geesi. This is likely to change if I find I've already voted.

EDIT: Nope, haven't even posted.

2009-09-02, 05:56 AM
Gothicbob? :smalleek:

2009-09-02, 10:12 AM
Day 3

The quiet guard patrolled the hallways near the old female guard's quarters.

Suddenly he heard moaning coming from inside.

Curious, he decided to investigate. He'd heard rumors that the palace had been haunted by the ghost of one of Empress Lex's most fearsome guards.

Even Emperor Iames Osari was rumored to have been frightened of her, after he..... eliminated her.

As the guard stepped into bathing area, he saw that the pool wasn't empty. In fact, it was filled with blood.

Then he noticed that the walls were splattered with blood. Why hadn't anyone cleaned this place? Why had Emperor Iames left it in such disrepair?

As he slowly backs out of the grisly room, he feels a presence behind him.

He slowly turns around, not sure he wants to see what's behind him. He sees what looks to be a woman, her dress suggests she was a concubine. She appears to be.... yes, she's hanging from an invisible wall or door.

Then the woman's eyes open wide, but as the guard stares in fright, blood oozes from her empty sockets.

After wetting himself, the guard screams like a banshee and runs around the ghostly image and flees from the palace.

He's never heard from again.

Geesi was lynched is running like a chicken with it's head cut off. He was an Imperial Guard.

Szilard has been replaced with Zar Peter.

Missed 1 Day

Missed 2 Day

Night 3 Begins
Please Send ALL Night Actions to Lex-kat AND Trixie. Thank you.

2009-09-02, 10:33 AM
I can't help but wonder which concubine that was. :smallbiggrin:

2009-09-02, 10:42 AM
You remember her do you? :smallamused:

2009-09-02, 11:24 AM
Hey, I'm not actually dead!

Just... devoid of all dignity and running for my life. :smallfrown:

2009-09-02, 11:29 AM
Edited the spoiler. Is that better? :smallamused:

2009-09-02, 03:38 PM
Much! Thank you kindly. :smallsmile:

2009-09-03, 08:59 AM
Day 4.

It was morning. The guards gathered in one of the sleeping room were debating best ways to combat this new, sudden threat since dusk. Various propositions, growing more outlandish as time passed (some involving trained muskrat, others proposing airtight shell around the standing sentry, with the strangest one calling on a box of trained hornets; but I digress here), all dealing with the sudden emergence of assassins and protection of the sovereign (and themselves) were devised, ridiculed, then thrown away.

Finally, someone asked why they simply haven't tried the simplest solution possible: sending a spy to destroy them from within.

Nah, we already tried that, you see-- Answered old sergeant.


Well, we haven't heard from him for a few days now, strang--

Before he had a chance to finish, a loud crash pierced through the heavy atmosphere of the meeting. Something was thrown through one of the stained-glass windows, depicting the victories of the Emperor. It was a bag. Slowly, the guards approached it, and opened it to see...

A severed head of an imperial guard, with a note attached:

He tried to run, and run, and run...


Yours sincerely,

The (real) MechaFox.

P.S. I'm still alive, gentlemen! Muahahahaha!!!!!*.

Sooo... Yet another plan-fail?

Five exclamation marks... bastards.

The guards sighed. Assassins managed to outwit them once again - and if they failed to present a good plan before long, they too would be stabbed or beheaded...

Fleeing Coward [guard] haven't managed to run away, after all. :smalltongue:

*I wonder if anyone will get the reference. :smalltongue:

Day 4, 48 hours, etc.

2009-09-03, 09:23 AM
Mordy, who should I vote for? :smalltongue:

2009-09-03, 09:29 AM
You tell me, banjo :smalltongue:

2009-09-03, 09:37 AM
I'll tell you both. Wolfbane.

Dirk Kris
2009-09-03, 09:44 AM
Naila wakes in her chamber, and goes suddenly stiff as she feels a body touching her. Grasping her boot-knife...she realizes her boot is over near the door. She rolls over to see who the intruder is...and relaxes. It's Jericus. Suddenly it all comes together and makes sense. Her lack of clothing - and his, the empty flask on the floor, the later-than-normal hour... She smiles crookedly and rises from the cot. She chuckles and dons the protective gear she wears under her armor, then puts that on as well. Taking a bite of the long-forgotten apple, she smiles again and flips down the visor on her helm. She heads out to her duty post with a rhythmic clank-clank-clank as she walks, her greaves noisy. She sees someone darting down a little-used corridor - she thinks it's Murska.

2009-09-03, 09:57 AM
Trixie your naration is a bit too clever for me here, because I have two questions:

1)The reference must be a bit too subtle for me because I didn't got it indeed. mind explaining ?

2)So ... Who died, no one ?

2009-09-03, 10:31 AM
Night 3


Fleeing Coward [guard] haven't managed to run away, after all. :smalltongue:


It's all in the white text. :smallsmile:

2009-09-03, 10:41 AM
1)The reference must be a bit too subtle for me because I didn't got it indeed. mind explaining ?

It was Pratchett, Maskerade (I think).

2)So ... Who died, no one ?

The presence of three lines of white text should be a big clue, as well as "orphaned" emoticon :smalltongue:

Zar Peter
2009-09-03, 10:43 AM
Ermm... hi! I'm the new guy. Don't kill me immediately because of this, 'k?

I point at Moon Called. Just out of nothing.

2009-09-03, 11:46 AM
Lisa heads down to find the kitchen empty and Jericus nowhere to be seen. It was way past sunrise. He should have been down here getting breakfast ready for everyone. After waiting for 5 minutes and still not seeing him, she put her weapons aside for the moment and proceeded to make flapjacks for breakfast along with some toast.

She growled when Murska passed near trying to steal some.

2009-09-03, 11:52 AM
Random point at Zar Peter

Dirk Kris
2009-09-03, 11:53 AM
Naila, finding someone stationed at her post, comes back by the kitchen. And decides to stand guard there, making sure no one slips poison into any of the food. She sees the girl cooking breakfast and smiles inside her helm. I hope Jericus doesn't get into too much trouble for being late this morning.

2009-09-03, 11:55 AM
Jericus, dressed in fresh clothes since he stopped by his room, makes his way to the kitchen. He sees Naila and Lisa in the kitchen, trying to make breakfast. He sets a bloody spear to the side and cleans off his hands. "Sorry I'm late, there was another mess to clean up. How the spear got wedged in the ceiling is beyond me."

Dirk Kris
2009-09-03, 11:58 AM
Naila's eyes follow the handsome caretaker as he moves, a faint smile on her lips. Of course, no one can see her expression, but that's fine. She wonders idly if Jericus just sought company for one evening, or if she could look forward to him visiting her chambers again.

2009-09-03, 12:04 PM
Jericus has a slight smile on his face. He takes over making the flapjacks. While cooking, he turns to Naila. "What would my lady like for breakfast?"

2009-09-03, 12:05 PM
Lisa rolls her eyes at Jericus as he enters. Her eyes watch the guard in the entrance. No guards ever guarded down here, ever. So why was this one here? She continued to watch out of the corner of her eye while starting to make some scrambled eggs.

She's suprised when Jericus offers to make the guard breakfast.

2009-09-03, 12:30 PM
"Done," the scribe announced after spending the next two long days and nights finishing his exhausting copying. He looked around the empty room and sighed to himself as he realized that yet again his proclamation had gone unheard.

The past few days had brought more deaths but the scribe had continued on, uncaring. After taking a few relaxing minutes stretching his cramped fingers the scribe makes his way into the palace proper. With the newly created copy of Retaking the Throne clutched tightly to his chest he arrives at the royal messengers' quarters.

When the third knock finally brings a bedraggled soul to answer the door, the scribe can smell the alcohol wafting off his body. Showing his disdain for the man's appearance the scribe thrusts the the book into his hands, "Lord Iames Osari wants his Good Book distributed to next village on your list. Take care to arrive in a timely manner this time and feel free to take a bath."

When the man just stares at him with a dumbfounded expression on his face the scribe, shaking his head with disgust, turns on his heels and stalks off towards his catacombs brushing past Murska in a huff.

Dirk Kris
2009-09-03, 12:39 PM
Naila is grateful for her visor, as her cheeks blaze red. She'd never been called someone's lady before. She nods the tiniest bit. "Whatever you're making is fine. Thank you, Jericus." The armor makes her already-husky voice sound a little deeper, and Jericus can see why she is able to fool so many who see her in her armor. Of course, without her bindings, the armor is a little less comfortable, but she'll live.

2009-09-03, 12:54 PM
Murska might be a good idea to go :smallconfused:

2009-09-03, 01:07 PM
Jericus finishes the flapjacks, dishing out enough for three people and he grabs the syrup from the cabinets. "Here you go, I'll be back once I set the rest of these on the dining table." He leaves with a large platter filled with the food.

Dirk Kris
2009-09-03, 01:17 PM
Naila waits until she feels the heat in her cheeks subside before removing her helm. She sits stiffly in one of the available chairs, eyeing the other kitchen girl warily. "Hello there."

2009-09-03, 03:12 PM
Jericus sets the food on the table, refilling Murska's glass before he goes back to the kitchen.

((I am going to be gone from Friday until Monday. Please don't lynch or kill me))

2009-09-03, 03:41 PM
Lisa watches as Jericus leaves the room then smiles at the Lady/guard/whoever she was.

She'll wave aside the introduction and jump straight into the gossip. So does Jericus finally have a lady to call his own? she asks, still smiling at her. She heads toward her and circles her a few times as if judging her, and finding her to her saisfaction. My name's Lisa. Nice to meet you...

Dirk Kris
2009-09-03, 04:35 PM
Naila feels uncomfortable under the scrutiny of the girl. "I'm Naila, and I don't know that I'm his lady. I think he was just being polite." Though the idea pleases her.

2009-09-03, 04:44 PM
Is there a reason we're bandwagoning Murska? He hasn't pulled any of his normal shenanigans, and it kind of sucks for him that he hasn't gotten to play a game in a while because of getting killed/lynched early.

Not that that should save him if there's any real suspicion, but I haven't seen any.

I still find Iames suspicious though. When he has a character named after him, why did he roleplay as a different named role?

2009-09-03, 05:06 PM
Wolfbane. Yeah, why are we lynching ol' Mursky* again? Oh and the reference was to the phantom's notes in Pratchett's Maskerade, which had five exclamation marks on them, which... person, the one with the name that started with an s, said that it was clearly the product of a deranged mind.

*Btw, that's your new nickname

2009-09-03, 05:21 PM
Now, I am pointing at Murska because he pointed at me, and has been since the game has started. But, I would be willing to switch my point if someone would give actual evidence about someone. And no, I won't point at myself. :smalltongue:

2009-09-03, 05:26 PM
Fine, I'll take a break from my crusade against Wolfbane.

This once.


2009-09-03, 05:36 PM
Fine, I'll take a break from my crusade against Wolfbane.

This once.


Thank you. My vote on you will have been removed by the time you read this.

2009-09-03, 06:33 PM
Darthil was once again depressed by the thought of even longer shifts. Nevertheless he sucked his sorrow up and carried on with his life.

He hadn't seen Sylviana for a few days now and figured that she must be scared out of her mind by the happenings. He bout a bouquet of flowers from the local market and set off to find her.

"Hey, uh Sylv you there?"
"Where have YOU been? Its been FOUR days now!"
"Well, I uh got hung up working"
"Don't give me that horse-dung. You work Night shifts"
"Guess I just needed some time to recover from what's been happening then"
"What has been happening?"
"You havent heard?, some..." Darthil remembers that these kills were in fact very secretive and that Slyviana may not know of them.
"some thieves have stolen purses around the city"
"How horrible! promise you will come back tomorrow to check on me, I'm sure those thieves would run from you quite gladly"
"Yea... sure... seeya Sylviana"

Darthil realized that no one would know any deaths occurred. If Iames wasn't going to come out of his current state of secrecy there would be no telling how many guards would die without their loved ones knowing.

2009-09-03, 06:38 PM
Lisa only smiles and laughs. Jericus isn't that nice to anyone but the people he knows. I come down daily and sometimes help him out. I haven't seen you down here before, so that means you aren't here to help cook, that's for sure. And no guards really care about guarding down here, so that leaves only one reason why you're here: to see him. she says, nodding her head in the direction Jericus went.

Mr. Moon
2009-09-03, 08:54 PM
Oh, Zar Peter, that's just mean.

I should be roleplaying.
Murr. ><

Lord Iames Osari
2009-09-03, 10:00 PM
The Emperor paces his throne room. The note attached to the guard's head had claimed to be from Mechafox, but the tone hadn't been right - unless the years of exile had changed him more than the Assassin Lord had thought they would. The handwriting didn't match either, but that didn't necessarily mean anything. He rubbed his temples and sighed in frustration. The only hard evidence he had was that his guards kept dying.


Mechafox looked around the table in the private meeting room he was using. Whose idea was it to sign my name to a note delivered with a guardsman's severed head? Stop with the messy killings. We're here to retake the throne for the Princess. Do you really think she'll be able to keep it if we terrorize people who've received training with weapons and armor like the Imperial Guard?

Tonight, we take out Murska. And make it clean.

2009-09-03, 10:39 PM
Oh okay, thanks Trixie.
Go reread his pratchet yet another time.)


Pointing at Murska, because I learned my lesson from "Demons" (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=117751)

(For those who weren't in this game, it has gone something like this:

-hey guys I'm evil and I scry as evil but don't lynch because I'm actualy a neutral.
The voice of reason:
-Hum, shouldn't the smartest thing to do be to lynch you just in case ?
The rest:
-Oh noes, poor Mursky ! Let lynch the voice of reason instead.

*Fleing coward was lynched*


-Murska was evil all along.
-Flawless victory for the wolves (well demons) )

The Bushranger
2009-09-04, 04:49 AM
*sleepily studies thread*
*sees Zar Peter pointing at my sister* :smallannoyed:
*counterpoints* :smalltongue:
RP later))

2009-09-04, 06:31 AM
Murska is always a wolf. Always.

2009-09-04, 08:23 AM
Oh okay, thanks Trixie.
Go reread his pratchet yet another time.)


Pointing at Murska, because I learned my lesson from "Demons" (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=117751)

(For those who weren't in this game, it has gone something like this:

-hey guys I'm evil and I scry as evil but don't lynch because I'm actualy a neutral.
The voice of reason:
-Hum, shouldn't the smartest thing to do be to lynch you just in case ?
The rest:
-Oh noes, poor Mursky ! Let lynch the voice of reason instead.

*Fleing coward was lynched*


-Murska was evil all along.
-Flawless victory for the wolves (well demons) )

Awesome logic! Now let us take that analysis a little further.

What happened here is that I claimed to scry as evil but to be a neutral, and was evil.

So that means all I have to do now is...

I claim to scry as good but be a neutral.

Logically, that means I'm good.

Really though, I know school's started and I don't have quite as much time as before but I'd still like to play. And it doesn't really work out if people insist on killing me right away in every. single. game.

I've also only been a villager in those, so technically this means I'm a villager if I'm lynched or killed and a wolf or a villager powerrole if not.

Thus, you should never lynch or kill me since what's the point in lynching or killing a villager. But you shouldn't leave me alive since that means I'm a wolf. I exist in a state of being all three possibilities at once, and thus I exist in a state of being 2/3rds of a villager-sider and 1/3rd of a wolf. And as everyone knows from my Law/Chaos campaign speech, if I'm on one side I'm on it fully. I'm 2/3rds a villager-sider and thus the villager team is my side. Thus I'm 100% villager. Perfectly logical. Now, anyone who wants to lynch a villager is quite obviously a wolf.

2009-09-04, 12:18 PM
I'll be stealing Murska's currently dropped campaign against Wolfbane. :smallbiggrin:

2009-09-04, 12:36 PM
Jericus takes the second platter of food to the seraglio. He tries to ignore their pleading gazes. "I'm sorry..." He turns away and heads back to the kitchen. "Soon..."


2009-09-04, 03:09 PM
I claim to scry as good but be a neutral.

Logically, that means I'm good.

You forget: The assassins are the good guys in this game. They're the ones we're trying to lynch.

That said, there's no evidence against Murska.
I don't base my pointing on RP if I can help it and there's no other case been made against Iames.

*Shrug* Reinholdt because he should know better than to push an unfounded wagon, even if it is against Murska.

And another away notice for this weekend.

2009-09-04, 03:11 PM
You forget: The assassins are the good guys in this game. They're the ones we're trying to lynch.

That said, there's no evidence against Murska.
I don't base my pointing on RP if I can help it and there's no other case been made against Iames.

*Shrug* Reinholdt because he should know better than to push an unfounded wagon, even if it is against Murska.

And another away notice for this weekend.
Show me a founded wagon and I'll gladly change my point. :smalltongue:

2009-09-04, 03:12 PM
Much as I like lynching Murska...

*points at billtodamax*

I have no idea what's going on, so, random.

2009-09-04, 04:58 PM
Irbis Haven't been reading thread, so far behind. Don't want to AL. Sorry for random vote.

2009-09-05, 05:17 AM
You forget: The assassins are the good guys in this game. They're the ones we're trying to lynch.

Aw dammit.

2009-09-05, 12:00 PM
Aw dammit.

Huh, an excellent point, there.

Owned :smalltongue:

2009-09-05, 12:31 PM
Huh, an excellent point, there.

Owned :smalltongue:

Well, this must've been the first time ever I was lynched for not being evil.

Sheesh, what's wrong with people nowadays. Night 1 sniped in Memesville, Day 1 lynched in Fate, then right away lynched here... It's like the people of the playground have secretly bonded together in a coalition to force Murska to quit playing werewolf games ever again. :smallfrown:

Blue Ghost
2009-09-05, 12:37 PM
It's just that you've proven yourself to be very dangerous, Murska. Better safe than sorry.

2009-09-05, 12:48 PM
But dangerous players are the most fun. :smallsmile:

I'd never kill Shadow right away, for instance. The game might be easier for me but it wouldn't be quite as interesting.

2009-09-05, 01:09 PM
Day 4

Murska the Elder watched as his Younger replacement left his room. He gave the young man a few moments to get a good distance away, then slipped into his room.

As usual, he had to bypass a small gauntlet of traps the Younger set up. He is so distrustful. Elder thought to himself with a shake of his head. He'll kill himself before anyone else can do the job.

He picked up a note left on the Younger's desk addressed to Murska.

Today I noticed that someone had been in my room again. Since Shrike has left, it cannot be him.

I will set up a trap for.....
Murska the Elder dropped the book and immediately turned to leave, only to find Murska the Younger leaning against the door. Did you find what you were looking for, old man? He glares at the Elder, a malicious look on his face. I heard you were dead.

Murska the Elder looks back at his younger protégé, a smile creeping across his face. An exaggeration, I'm afraid. How'd you find me out?

It was simple really. I placed a feather on the door, if the feather fell when I entered, I knew Shrike hadn't been here.

But the day after Shrike left.... well, there was only one person I had heard was skilled enough.... You.

Now the question is, what should I do about you? Should I kill you now, letting Emperor Iames know that his favorite had betrayed him and ran like a coward? Or....

You talk too much kid!! the Elder raised his arm throwing a pair of darts at the Younger.

the Younger barely ducked out of the way, only to be tackled by the Elder. the Elder reached up and began to choke the life out of the Younger.

the Younger got his arms up under the Elder's and with a powerful push, threw the Elder off and away. Get off!!

the Younger and Elder both leap to their feet, nearly at the same moment.

the Elder smiled at him. Your good kid, I'll give you that. Heck, with some better training, you may even be better than me.

Too late for that, old man. I surpassed your skills within a year. He threw something out toward the Elder, who easily ducked it, just noticing the thin wire following it a second too late.

The wire wrapped around the Elder's neck as the Younger tightened it with a jerk. Gotcha, old man!!

Another jerk and the Elder was pulled forward and onto his knees. With a quick flick, he pulled out a knife and severed it, making the Younger take a step back as the pressure was released.

Before the Younger completely recovered, the Elder dashed in and slashed the Younger across the torso. Nice trick. he croaked with a smile. Let's see what else you've got.

the Younger grimaced in pain and pulled out his own blade. For a moment, the two assassins circled one another; the Younger glaring, the Elder smiling.

Finally, they both charged and slashed at each other. the Elder going low, the Younger high.

the Younger quickly turned back to his opponent, but the Elder just slowly fell to his knees. With a knowing smile, the Younger victoriously strode over to his latest victim. You're through, old man.

Murska the Elder looked up at him, tears in his eyes. I couldn't.... have been prouder of.... my soooo.......... Murska the Elder fell forward, his blood pooling under him.

Murska the Elder was killed. He was an Imperial Guard. The former master Assassin.

Missed 1 Day
Opeth Freak

Missed 2 Day

Night 3 Begins
Please Send ALL Night Actions to Lex-kat AND Trixie. Thank you.

2009-09-05, 01:22 PM
Crap, I forgot to vote? Damn...

2009-09-05, 02:11 PM
There? Now are you satisfied? I told you, NEVER LYNCH MURSKA.

Now my favourite character is gone.

Blue Ghost
2009-09-05, 03:24 PM
Oh yeah, gloating time. Dooooom to all who share in Osari's iniquity!

2009-09-05, 03:29 PM
Oh yeah, gloating time. Dooooom to all who share in Osari's iniquity!

Well, Murska the Elder was neutral.

2009-09-05, 03:40 PM
Well, Murska the Elder was neutral.

Aren't all Murska's neutral undefineable? :smalltongue:

2009-09-05, 03:42 PM
Murska - Defies Definition.

2009-09-05, 03:43 PM
Clearly we need some definition trout.

The Bushranger
2009-09-05, 04:08 PM
As rumours and whispers fill the town, "Eshter" slips back into the tavern that evening, ordering a cup of mead and humming happily.

2009-09-05, 06:05 PM
Just to keep things clear:

Murska's Role was Imperial Guard, not one of the Neutrals.
And please remember that Blue Ghost, while I'm allowing him to RP a bit in the game, is not a player. So don't try to scry, bane, or night kill him.
Some may know, Trixie is having trouble with her computer and her PM Folder is filled.

Until she gets this issue resolved, just send your PMs to me. Thank you. :smallsmile:

2009-09-06, 04:14 AM
There? Now are you satisfied? I told you, NEVER LYNCH MURSKA.

Now my favourite character is gone.

Hmmm, guess what happened to mine in previous Assassins?

Oh, right, someone killed her using dubious logic. Guess who? :smalltongue:

As for no-lynching part: my wolf record is far superior to yours, so the only one who should never be lynched should be Trixie :smallamused:

Oh, and resolved.

2009-09-06, 04:25 AM
Okay, everyone, let's not lynch Trixie in this game. :smallsmile:

Fleeing Coward
2009-09-06, 05:39 AM
Since Trixie bought up wolf records, I'd love to see Murska tally up his roles just to find out how accurate that Constant actually is :smalltongue:

2009-09-06, 07:18 AM
Actually, I'm considering proposing the Trixie Rule: people do not become more likely to be a wolf the longer they go without said role. Granted it's actually just a basic rule of statistics(a coin flip is always 50/50, even after 9 Heads flips) but I think it may need to be clarified:smalltongue:.

2009-09-06, 07:21 AM
My first werewolf game was in November of last year. I remember being surprised at how rarely Murska was a wolf, despite the constant. He had a long run of innocence, as I remember.

2009-09-06, 07:42 AM
I vote Murska tallies the count after each game and posts the wolf percentage in his signature. Maybe people will take the constant less seriously then. :smalltongue:

2009-09-06, 07:46 AM
Actually, I'm considering proposing the Trixie Rule: people do not become more likely to be a wolf the longer they go without said role. Granted it's actually just a basic rule of statistics(a coin flip is always 50/50, even after 9 Heads flips) but I think it may need to be clarified:smalltongue:.

Really :smallamused:

Let's see - 26 games, one wolf role. Since statistics are better with long series of rolls :smalltongue: this indicates a hypothetical die with my roles on it has a whopping 1/26 (that's less than ~3%) chance of rolling a wolf role. Huh.

On the other hand, chance that I end up in a group of players with the same role is whopping ~41%, seer or baner 22%, and a good role a devastating ~97% :smallbiggrin:

And given the fact that some narrators (not me) do not properly roll roles it might be even higher, heh heh.

2009-09-06, 07:49 AM
My first werewolf game was in November of last year. I remember being surprised at how rarely Murska was a wolf, despite the constant. He had a long run of innocence, as I remember.

Let's see: Demons? Wolf. OotS? Wolf. Thursday? Unknown. I probably missed a few games where he was wolf lately, so take this with grain of salt :smallbiggrin:

Actually, Murska might not always be a wolf, but his 40-60% chance of being one is certainly better than my poor 3%, especially given his reputation and the fact that this is all some narrators might need to give him this role :smalltongue:

2009-09-06, 08:05 AM

Not a wolf, unless Bookworm put 2 fools instead of 1 seer and 1 fool :smallamused:

Also, you forgot about Witches and Warlocks (probably the most spectacular example besides demons)

Dirk Kris
2009-09-06, 08:07 AM
Lisa only smiles and laughs. Jericus isn't that nice to anyone but the people he knows. I come down daily and sometimes help him out. I haven't seen you down here before, so that means you aren't here to help cook, that's for sure. And no guards really care about guarding down here, so that leaves only one reason why you're here: to see him. she says, nodding her head in the direction Jericus went.
Naila flushes and nods brusquely. "Yes, I...wanted to see Jericus. That and I was late getting to my normal post, so someone else had already taken it. I was just told to 'find a spot and stand in it'. I figured that if my services were needed so little, then I might as well enjoy myself a bit in the process of following my oh-so-explicit orders." A hint of a smile on her lips, then she's back to her mask of neutrality. "It is a pleasure to meet you. And I am certain Jericus appreciates your help. The poor man is unappreciated by far too many around here."

2009-09-06, 08:10 AM
I only know of one game where the narrator picked roles rather than assigning them randomly, and I'm pretty sure he realized it was a mistake.

2009-09-06, 08:26 AM
Not a wolf, unless Bookworm put 2 fools instead of 1 seer and 1 fool :smallamused:

Also, you forgot about Witches and Warlocks (probably the most spectacular example besides demons)

Actually, for spectacular examples I'd list Mirrodin, Assassins 1, AC and Fatbelly.

2009-09-06, 09:22 AM
I only know of one game where the narrator picked roles rather than assigning them randomly, and I'm pretty sure he realized it was a mistake.

What game was that? Or is it a secret...

2009-09-06, 10:21 AM
Night ends. Narration up soon.

And please stop arguing. It makes me a sad narrator. :smallfrown:

2009-09-06, 10:26 AM
I don't think I've ever heard of a game where roles weren't randomly assigned, other than Alpha picks.

Plus: Anyone who argues makes Lex-Kat a sad panda, which results in me bringing out the fuzzy plank of wood with the nail in it. :smallannoyed::smalltongue:

2009-09-06, 10:32 AM
Night ends. Narration up soon.

Um, check the chat, please :smalltongue:

2009-09-06, 11:24 AM
It was dark, gloomy night. Due to... recent personnel shortage only one guard was stationed outside the private chambers of the Emperor Iames. No one saw need to send more to this particular post - to even reach this one soldier, the assassin would have to pass by dozens of others, penetrating several layers of defense. One soldier meant less noise - with no one to talk to, he couldn't disrupt the Emperor's sleep.

Unfortunately, someone wasn't a guard. He was a traitor. Assassins got the whole picture of the security plans from him (as much as he knew, anyway) - and noticed a flaw on a certain day. They eliminated a few guards... A few guards, seemingly without connection, who guarded a certain patch. Replacements would be assigned, of course, but they would be new, they would need to learn their post for a few days, to plan the most efficient way of overseeing it.

They wouldn't have that time. It was the chosen day, and a lone figure was creeping in shadows towards the lone guard, outer layers of security bypassed as if no one was stationed there.

One more death and the Emperor would be dead. Old Royal Family would be avenged.

Unfortunately, the traitor didn't knew the crucial detail.

The assassin raised his dagger to stab the guard... But something told him to stay his hand, and he poked the guard with his finger instead.

It was an act of madness - this one move could have destroyed the whole plan. Fortunately for him, the need for silence at night was so deeply rooted in the guard he jumped without a word, then turned around to fac this new threat.

- Thunder - said the assassin, and removed his hood with his left, unarmed hand.

- Flash - responded the guard.

- It is good to see you brother, are you...?

- Of course I'm still loyal to our cause! You don't know how many times I thanked the gods that our enemies overlooked me... And cursed them for not giving me enough skill to rid the world of this monster.

- Really? Then take this, and prove your words. Use this tomorrow, at dusk, on something the tyrant would be sure to touch without checking it first. You know these chambers much better than I do.

The Assassin took a small vial out of his pocket, and gave it to the guard. A shadow of disappointment entered the guards eyes.

- Why not today? Why he must live util tomorrow?

- Patience, brother. You must first think deeply about it, as you will have your only chance... and you must prepare an excuse, alibi, or at worst, an escape route. We will help, you if we can...

The assassin stared into his eyes.

- That's what makes us different from them: the old kings would never throw away the lives of their servants needlessly, and they always cared about their own. Don't you remember?

They both nodded, then assassin quietly left the scene, and the guard resumed his watch. Tomorrow...

No one was killed :smalltongue:

Day Fifth, etc.

2009-09-06, 11:33 AM
To not leave any ambiguity - the above means that the sleeper was awakened today.

You may return to your scheduled backstabbin'... now :smalltongue:

2009-09-06, 05:25 PM
I point at Trixie and file my away notice. I do like the game, I've just had computer problems.

2009-09-06, 05:30 PM
Trixie's the narrator... :smallconfused:

2009-09-06, 05:31 PM
trixie is co narrator

*glares at the evil narrator ninja* :smallannoyed:

2009-09-06, 05:53 PM
*ponders why the narrator hides things in white*

Fin's name is really short.

2009-09-07, 01:12 AM
It sounds crazy, but Shadowcaller is probably just a villager, exactly what a wolf would want us to think.

2009-09-07, 06:42 AM

Because he's a sneaky bastard, that one, he is :smallbiggrin:

2009-09-07, 06:45 AM
Mordokai. TPAM. I have no idea who might be good for lynch + I don't want to miss any more days :smallwink:

Zar Peter
2009-09-07, 07:04 AM
I point at The Bushranger and see what happens next.

Dirk Kris
2009-09-07, 07:11 AM
Mordy has a point...Aemoh.

2009-09-07, 08:54 AM
Zar Peter! Because I have no idea.

2009-09-07, 09:24 AM
Kyouhen is a person I can vote for!

The Bushranger
2009-09-07, 09:31 AM
"Eshter" walks through the marketplace, buying a few things, and still never showing her face. Although she does bump into Opeth_Freah, and squeaks in surprise at the collision before hurrying off.

2009-09-07, 09:43 AM
Aemoh because if we don't get enough vote we'll have yet another day without lynching.

Robert Blackletter
2009-09-07, 09:47 AM

2009-09-07, 10:21 AM
Let's see - 26 games, one wolf role. Since statistics are better with long series of rolls :smalltongue: this indicates a hypothetical die with my roles on it has a whopping 1/26 (that's less than ~3%) chance of rolling a wolf role. Huh.

Statistics do not work that way.

smuchmuch because assuming normal length phases, we still have over 24 hours to reach a 25% majority.
Also because I forgot to copy my spreadsheet to my memory stick.

The Bookworm
2009-09-07, 12:41 PM
Thufir. I refuse to believe in the existence of statistics.

2009-09-07, 01:33 PM
Opeth Freak

2009-09-07, 03:08 PM
Aemoh is the suspicious one....

Dirk Kris
2009-09-07, 04:52 PM
Naila heads back to her chambers after a long day of guard duty - and her new clothes still aren't there. But a note is - they are ready to be picked up. She smiles and strips off her armor, going through her ritual of polishing it before she goes to town.

Lord Iames Osari
2009-09-07, 04:52 PM
Emperor Osari frowned as he pored over various reports. The new security measures seemed to have stemmed the killings for a time, at least, but so far he'd been unable to identify any of the culprits, and the atmosphere of suspicion was hurting his guards' efficiency.

A name in one of the reports caught his eye. Opeth Freak. Reading through the file, the Emperor came to a rapid conclusion. The man was a security risk. An acceptable one, before these killings had started, before the rumors of Mechafox and the Princess had started swirling through the capital, but no longer. He reached for pen and paper, and began drafting the orders to have him interrogated and, if necessary, executed.

2009-09-07, 05:49 PM
*points at Opeth_Freak for survival*

Wow... twice in a row now...

Also, not an Assassin.

2009-09-07, 06:14 PM

That will be twice in a row for me as well. Oh well, at least no one will lose anything, since I wasn't doing anything important...

2009-09-07, 07:55 PM
How can Amoeah know that he is not an assasin?

2009-09-07, 08:17 PM
GothicBob for randomly backing the Opeth poke and starting a counter-aemoh bandwagon, making Aemoh look suspicious/ being protected.

2009-09-07, 09:03 PM
I'm back, and I'll point tomorrow once I've had a chance to check everything.

2009-09-07, 09:41 PM
Opeth Freak

The Bushranger
2009-09-07, 11:03 PM
"Eshter" returns to her little hiding place for the night, smiling to herself. It was just a matter of time before she and her lover could return, and the usurper Osari's head would be on a pike...

2009-09-08, 01:05 AM
BR. for teh lulz.

2009-09-08, 02:54 AM
Darthil looked at his 'beloved' clock tower. He then realised that the midday crowd was about to empty out into the streets for lunch.
"Uh, oh!"
One of the first out of the hazy buildings, far off from the town square, was the obviously hungry Opeth Freak.
"Hey, easy there, I'm sure the food won't disappear that fast"
Unfortunately, with upwards of 50 other men running nearly as fast, it seemed that Opeth was in fact in line during his mad rush for sustenance.
Completely bowled out of the way, Darthil lay to the side of the square in an alleyway. "Don't I get lunch?"

((Server backup in 4 makes this narration short))

2009-09-08, 03:50 AM
Lord Iames Osari is not behaving quite as in previous games. There could be any number of reasons for this, but for now I'm a little suspicious.

2009-09-08, 10:32 AM
Well, I don't know how good this will do this late, but I've gotten word from the seer that Opeth is only an Imperial Guard for now.


2009-09-08, 10:35 AM
Well, I don't know how good this will do this late, but I've gotten word from the seer that Opeth is only an Imperial Guard for now.


I'm... I'm an early scry target? Whee, I'm popular/wolfy :smallbiggrin: too bad, it's probably too late to save me...

2009-09-08, 10:36 AM
That hardly means anything, since he could always be a sleeper. However, it's better than nothing. All the same, I didn't expected my silly point at Aemoh to take life on it's own. So I'm a little at loss. Right now, I'm pretty sure Aemoh is innocent and Opeth seems to be too. As such, lets take the third route.

Lord Iames Osari

2009-09-08, 10:38 AM
Iames, again.

Dirk Kris
2009-09-08, 10:40 AM
*pokes Jericus to RP with Naila*

2009-09-08, 10:46 AM
Jericus hums to himself as he walks down the hallway. When he reaches his destination, he knocks on Naila's door, a bundle under his arm. "Hello?"

Dirk Kris
2009-09-08, 10:51 AM
Naila opens her door and smiles pleasantly when she sees her handsome...friend. "Hello, Jericus. To what do I owe this pleasure?" She smiles and leans against her door casually, dressed in...only a long flowing shirt.

2009-09-08, 11:15 AM
Jericus smiles when he sees her, though he is rather... stunned by her attire. He eyes stray a little before he looks at her eyes. "I had hoped to ask if maybe you'd like to take a walk tonight with me." He smiles mischievously. "Though, if you had other plans..."

Dirk Kris
2009-09-08, 11:32 AM
Naila shakes her head and smiles. "Not at all. I was actually just about to celebrate my new arrival. The tailor finished my clothes. I'll be getting them tomorrow." She looks down at her long, bare legs, muscular, and flushes. "I, ah, I apologize for my apparel. If your walk is somewhere prying eyes won't see us, we can go now. Or I can try to find something else to put on."

2009-09-08, 11:43 AM
"There is a small clearing in the forest a short while away, if you'd like to go." He pats the bundle under his arm. "I have a blanket and some food with me. As for attire, as long as you are comfortable. No matter what you chose, I'm sure it would be beautiful."

2009-09-08, 11:47 AM
Day 5

Oddity, in his somehow delusional mind, saw the hungry crowd of people chasing after Opeth Freak.

The problem was, these people were not hungry, they were angry. And Opeth Freak was not leading them, he was running from them.

Help me!! He cried out as he ran through the streets, pulling food carts in the way, hoping to slow them.

But the crowd surged over everything he pulled into their path, some of them getting crushed as they fell. But they would get back up and follow after him.

Finally, Opeth Freak took a wrong turn and ended up at a dead end. He turned on the small crowd and knelt down. It wasn't my fault, I swear. Please, let me go.

I'm afraid I can't do that. The man leading the crowd says as he steps closer. You took what didn't belong to you.

But... I- I didn't know she was your daughter. I just thought she was a simple scullery maid. Opeth Freak pleads.

And that makes it all right? The leader asks, indignant.

No... I guess not, but please, don't kill me. I'll do whatever you ask of me. I'll marry her, anything.


Opeth Freak nods. Anything.

Then take off all your clothes. At Opeth Freak's hesitation, Strip!! The leader yells.

After he strips off his clothes. Now leave here, and never show your face again. Let him through, people.

The angry crowd parts, making a path that leads out of the dead end.

Using one hand to cover himself, Opeth Freak carefully makes his way out, watching everyone as he goes. Here! The leader says. Take your sword, never say I left you unable to protect yourself. And he tosses it the man.

Opeth Freak catches the sword, and finally makes his way past the crowd. They follow him all the way to the city gates.

He is never seen again.


Elsewhere, one of Emperor Iames Osari's guards screams out in pain as a sudden shift changes her into someone else.

Opeth Freak ran from the city, nekkid as the day he was born. He was an Imperial Guard.

Cyrano has been Auto-Lynched. She is to be replaced by Lubirio.

Missed 1 Day

Missed 2 Day

Night 5 Begins
Please Send ALL Night Actions to Lex-kat AND Trixie. Thank you.

Dirk Kris
2009-09-08, 12:19 PM
"There is a small clearing in the forest a short while away, if you'd like to go." He pats the bundle under his arm. "I have a blanket and some food with me. As for attire, as long as you are comfortable. No matter what you chose, I'm sure it would be beautiful."
Naila flushes against her dark tan, making her cheeks almost red. "I would love to walk with you, Jericus. I can't think of a more pleasant way to spend the evening." She pulls at her shirt, though it's by far long enough for decency. "Lead the way." She loops her arm through the one not holding the basket and lets him take her away.

2009-09-08, 12:32 PM
Jericus walks by her side. "I couldn't either, that's why I asked." He says with a smile. He leads her through a rarely used path through the forest. The night air is cool and the ground is wet with dew. After a while, they reach a small clearing. He lays out the blanket and sets the food on it. He preforms a mock bow, gesturing towards it. "The feast awaits my lady."

Dirk Kris
2009-09-08, 12:41 PM
Naila blushes again in the moonlight, her skin dark. Her eyes, in bright contrast, smile warmly at Jericus. "Keep calling me your lady and I might start taking you seriously. Don't say I didn't warn you." She sits on the blanket, curling her legs under her. She tilts her face up to the night sky, gazing at the stars. "So, is this a date, then? Or did you come out here to take advantage of me where no one could hear me scream?" She's teasing, but something in her eyes tells him that if he WAS thinking of the latter option, he might be in for an unpleasant surprise.

2009-09-08, 01:06 PM
He clutches his chest in mock hurt. "I would never take advantage of you. It is you that have taken advantage of the poor butler." He smiles, showing that he is obviously joking. Jericus lays down and sighs. "And honestly, this is just a nice place to get away from the castle. Sometimes it is just too cramped in there, even though it is a rather large place."

Dirk Kris
2009-09-08, 01:12 PM
Naila nods. "I understand. And I imagine you see more of it than just about anyone." She scoots a little closer, reaching into the basket to draw out some bread. She breaks off a chunk and takes a small bite, then offers it to Jericus. "Don't get crumbs all over the blanket, handsome. As they might prove...annoying later. If you're lucky." She winks playfully.

2009-09-08, 01:30 PM
Jericus chuckles and takes the offered bread. He quickly quiets down though, pondering. "Yes, I suppose I do. Some parts I'd rather not know about. He smiles at her. "So, what are your plans for the future?"

Dirk Kris
2009-09-08, 01:33 PM
Naila sighs and leans over to rest her head on Jericus' shoulder. "In my line of work, it's never paid much to think on the future. Because you never know when..." She shrugs a little. "There could be an ambush, bad intel, a lucky hit - you never know. So I never gave much thought to it. Having my own mercenary camp would be good. Choosing my work instead of being told what to do." She chuckles quietly. "Not an answer you hear from your lady friends often, is it?"

2009-09-08, 01:42 PM
He chuckles. "Maybe, but it does sound like something you would enjoy and I understand completely. You'd be surprised how dangerous my job is. Just in the past few days there have been more assassination attempts than usual. I can't complain though, they count at overtime."

Dirk Kris
2009-09-08, 01:51 PM
Naila leans forward to plant a soft kiss on the caretaker's cheek. "Well, if you ever get scared and want to come crawl into bed with me, I'll keep you safe. Promise." Awwwww!

2009-09-08, 02:08 PM
He smiles at her. "Mind if I take you up on that offer soon?"

Dirk Kris
2009-09-08, 02:13 PM
Naila arches an eyebrow, grinning. "How soon? Any night might be our last, you know." She stretches her legs out slowly, leaning back on her elbows to grin over at Jericus.

2009-09-08, 02:15 PM
Jericus grins. "Then how about tonight? I'm already shaking in my boots from fear." He isn't wearing shoes.

Dirk Kris
2009-09-08, 02:17 PM
Neither is she. "Me too. Maybe we can keep each other safe." She reaches over to caress his cheek and turn Jericus' face to hers - and he can feel that she is trembling a bit. Though likely not from fear. She leans forward for a kiss...

2009-09-08, 02:36 PM
Jericus puts his arms around her and answers. :smallwink:

2009-09-09, 11:49 AM
Night 5

The Infiltrator from the night before snuck into the Emperor's room and readied himself to end the reign of the imposter once and for all.

He carefully placed his hand over the man's face, covering his mouth. Time to die!!

But just as he was about to plunge the dagger into his chest, he stopped. Something told him this was wrong.

He pulled away, and looked at the man he was about to kill.

A moment later, he was glad he did. It was a fellow Infiltrator.

Someone was attacked last night, but not killed.

Another Sleeper has awoken.

Day 6 Begins

Dirk Kris
2009-09-09, 11:52 AM
Naila wakes in the wooded clearing, snuggled against Jericus. She smiles and stretches, glad to have the day off from guarding Lord Iames Osari so that she can finally pick up her new clothes. But first - pants! She chuckles quietly and places soft kisses on the caretaker's cheeks and neck to wake him.

2009-09-09, 11:53 AM
I'm alive! =D

Jericus wakes up and smiles at her. "Now this is a way to wake up."

Dirk Kris
2009-09-09, 11:56 AM
Naila smirks. "Of course, it was only to use you further. I need to borrow some pants to run into town with. Do you mind? I have belts." A kiss to his lips. "But THAT one was because I wanted to."

2009-09-09, 12:02 PM
He kisses back. "Go ahead and use mine, my room is closer to the way back anyways." He smiles. "Besides, they've seen me in my shorts before." He shudders. "I still don't know why the boy was in the well last winter."

2009-09-09, 12:05 PM
Walking across the market in a big jumble of people, there was an adequately tall man looking for the pub, to get himself breakfast.

Dirk Kris
2009-09-09, 12:24 PM
Naila grins and reaches over Jericus to retrieve his pants, laying on her back and wiggling to pull them on. "Thank you, milord. I'll have to return these after I wash them. It'll give me an excuse to call on you in your chambers sometime." She smiles and stands, ready to head into town. "I...I like spending time with you. It's the best part of my day." Her cheeks blaze red with the admission.

2009-09-09, 12:30 PM
He stands and smiles at her. "As it is the best of mine, my lady." He takes her and and give is a kiss. "I'll make sure everything is tidied up before you visit."


Dirk Kris
2009-09-09, 12:31 PM
Her blush growing deeper, Naila heads back along the trail and changes her direction to head into town. She's got a few words for the tailor who made her wait so long...

2009-09-09, 12:33 PM
Jericus packs up the blankets and what is left of the food before dressing as best as he can. Which in this case involves his shorts and a short sleeve shirt. He begins his walk back.

Lord Iames Osari
2009-09-09, 12:51 PM
Wolfbane. Would RP but I'm at school.

2009-09-09, 04:50 PM
Osari I guess.May as well stick to my guns as I don't see any other logic right now.

Lord Iames Osari
2009-09-09, 06:21 PM
Might I ask why there seems to be a proto-wagon forming against me?

2009-09-09, 06:25 PM
Hunch, mostly.

2009-09-09, 06:36 PM
Might I ask why there seems to be a proto-wagon forming against me?

Proto? :smallconfused:

Ok, if you want we can make it a full one: Lord Iames Osari :smalltongue:

Blue Ghost
2009-09-09, 06:58 PM
Death to Osari! HAHAHAHAHA! :smalltongue:

Lord Iames Osari
2009-09-09, 09:31 PM
Proto? :smallconfused:

Ok, if you want we can make it a full one: Lord Iames Osari :smalltongue:

Three (even four) out of almost 30 people counts as a proto-wagon, in my books.

2009-09-09, 11:59 PM
Voices seem to carry quite far in the catacombs that the scribe inhabits almost everyday. On this most auspicious of days the voices that seem to ring the loudest are coming from a most distant locale from his cozy spot amongst the many tomes and scrolls that have become his office over the years.

After trying to ignore the incessant whispers that have trickled into his ears for several hours, the grumpy scribe decides a break is in order. Taking his walking cane from the rack by the door he meanders the hallways of the palace following the voices as they grow louder.

While he hasn't heard the whole of the conversation, when he stumbles upon those speaking he does catch the last few words, "Sir," he says, looking at Lord Iames Osari, "I do believe you are mistaken. As you can see by the insignia on my cloak I am this palace's master of all written word. I can assure you that in none of the thousands of tomes that are carried within these walls are the books to which you are referring."

As the old man continues his stroll he turns back for one last quip but mutters something unintelligible and grumbles onward.

2009-09-10, 01:44 AM
Okay guys, in case you haven't figured it out, I am the Seer's Proxy. I'd like the baner to contact me as soon as possible.

Have a nice day! :smallsmile:

The Bushranger
2009-09-10, 12:52 PM
I don't trust either the wagon or the only alternative. I say Irbis sounds suspiciously eager to wagon, though. :smalltongue:

2009-09-10, 01:46 PM
I just cant trust anyone who gets so worried about a couple point. Sorry Lord Iames Osari.

Zar Peter
2009-09-10, 02:20 PM
But but... we should protect Lord Iames Osari, shouldn't we?

2009-09-10, 04:02 PM
Lisa watches as Wolfbane walks back from the forest. She saw them walk in last night but had more then enough common sense to interfere. She wasn't that mean.....yet.

She see's Lord Osari's guard pass her by and quickly kneels.

2009-09-10, 04:22 PM
Lord Iames Ossari

2009-09-10, 04:22 PM
Aftere hearing a lot of rumors about Lord Iames Osari's assassination attempt last night, the new guy in town thought nothing of it...

2009-09-10, 04:23 PM
*points at Zar Peter*

2009-09-10, 04:25 PM
Lisa watches as Jericus walks back from the forest. She saw them walk in last night but had more then enough common sense to interfere. She wasn't that mean.....yet.

((Fixed it. :smalltongue:))

Jericus makes it back to his room, ignoring anyone's stares. He enters it and checks around, making sure everything is in order. He starts to make his way to the kitchen after he gets dressed in new clothes. Jericus waves a greeting to Lisa as he goes.

The Bushranger
2009-09-10, 04:26 PM
Eh, whattheheck. Lord Iames Osari bites the dust.

2009-09-10, 04:27 PM
((Dirk Kris for the moment.))

2009-09-10, 04:31 PM
Looks like I still need to vote today, so...

*hops aboard the wagon*

*points at Lord Iames Osari*


2009-09-10, 04:39 PM
Lord Iames Osari

The Bookworm
2009-09-10, 07:04 PM
Lord Iames Osari.

Mr. Moon
2009-09-11, 12:39 AM
I'm still here.
Really. I am.
Seems like Iames is going down either way, so I'll throw a random point at Smuchmuch.

2009-09-11, 08:53 AM
Thufir is looking nastier than usual, not to mention tired, and perhaps slightly crazed.
"Honestly, what sort of guard are we running here? The butler seems to know more than we do, damnit! And he's wandering around without trousers for some reason. Idiot. Meanwhile, I, the one guard who seems dedicated enough to remain vigilant through my own fatigue, am left completely in the dark. Something's wrong. This doesn't fit with Osari's reputation..."

2009-09-11, 11:51 AM
((Fixed it. :smalltongue:))

Jericus makes it back to his room, ignoring anyone's stares. He enters it and checks around, making sure everything is in order. He starts to make his way to the kitchen after he gets dressed in new clothes. Jericus waves a greeting to Lisa as he goes.

that's my bad. :smallredface:

Have a nice walk? she asks, smiling smugly at him.

2009-09-11, 11:58 AM
Jericus smiles. "I did actually." He starts to make himself and Lisa a breakfast of biscuits even though it was technically his day off. "And what are you so smug about?" He says, still smiling.

2009-09-11, 12:00 PM
Lisa slid closer to Jericus and looked at him. Her eyes boring into his foreheard. So how did it go? she asks. Did she say yes?

2009-09-11, 12:02 PM
Jericus stops and looks at her, puzzled. "Yes to what?"

2009-09-11, 12:35 PM
You didn't ask her did you? she says, looking a bit crestfallen.

2009-09-11, 12:40 PM
Jericus looks at her with a feeling that he knows what she means. "Ask her what?"

2009-09-11, 12:41 PM
Lisa throws her hands up in disgust. Men! she says to no one in particular. You're a horrible person for not asking. she says, pointing an accusing finger at him.

2009-09-11, 12:42 PM
He looks shocked. "Asked what? I asked many questions. Its not my fault if I don't know which you mean."

2009-09-11, 12:45 PM
HER! she says practically yelling. For not asking her out! Its obvious you like her and she likes you! I mean after all, you went on a walk with her didn't you? she says, the smile back again.

2009-09-11, 12:46 PM
Jericus laughs. "Sorry Lisa, but we've been seeing each other for a few days now."

2009-09-11, 12:49 PM
That's the point! she says. You should ask her to be your significant other. You know you want it. Besides what do you have to lose?

2009-09-11, 12:50 PM
Day 6

The young man was outside, smelling the roses in the garden. It was such a lovely day, there was no way he was going to spend it in the gloom of the castle.

You there. What do you think you are doing? Someone behind him called out. Get out of the garden, or Emperor Osari will have your neck in a noose.

The young man quickly made his way out, careful not to crush any of the beautiful flowers. I'm sorry. I.....

Yeah yeah. "You didn't know." No one ever told you this was Emperor Iames Osari's special place? That this is where he lost the one person he really loved? Then the man pointed to a sign.

Dedicated to Rosalyn Osari.

Loving wife and devoted mother.

Born 1532___Died 1558.

She died while in the service of Empress Lex. It was during the Battle of Turmbaleese. Lex's forces were out numbered and being over-run.

It was decided that a small force would act as a deversion and hold the enemy at bay, while Empress Lex and the rest retreated.

Rosalyn volunteered to lead the force, and much to Iames Osari's dismay, Empress Lex agreed.

Empress Lex agreed? The young man looked shocked. Even though she was a mother and wife?

Yes. Rosalyn was a headstrong woman. And one of Lex's best captains. Empress Lex knew she likely wouldn't survive, but also that she was the best chance the rest of them had.

Unfortunatly, Iames Osari disagreed. After the retreat, he promptly resigned, and left to find Rosalyn.

After a moment of nothing, the young man asked. And did he?

Know one knows, except Emperor Iames Osari. And he won't speak of it.

The young man walks out of the garden, and then the city. He needed to think about things, to get away from all of this. Maybe even search for Rosalyn himself, learn the truth.

Lord Iames Osari's character left the city, disillusioned. He was an Infiltrator.

Missed 1 Day

Missed 2 Day

Night 6 Begins
Please Send ALL Night Actions to Lex-kat AND Trixie. Thank you.

2009-09-11, 01:57 PM
um, opps. Didn't realize it was a different day. Oy, haven't missed a vote since CivI.

2009-09-11, 02:02 PM
Jericus smiles at her. "Have no fear." he sets the biscuits into the oven. "And why are you this concerned about me? Most of the time all you've done is try to get on my nerves."

2009-09-11, 02:05 PM
She probably wants you for herself, lad, Peter Raven thinks to himself as he walks into the kitchen. But he wouldn't interfere. It wasn't his business.

"Jericus, what do you have that I can eat as I walk?"

2009-09-11, 02:10 PM
"Good Morning, sir. Check under the lid on the blue dish, there should be a few sandwiches. There is also a container of orange juice in the third cabinet on the left if no one has gotten into it." He checks the oven. "There are also going to be a few biscuits soon, you could probably have a few of those as well."

2009-09-11, 02:13 PM
(I'm crowding the kitchen :smalltongue:)

As Levey walks into the kitchen looking for the main hall to get to know his post a little bit better, he stumbles upon three people who don't look like they can help him. Oh great, where have I ended up this time?

2009-09-11, 02:17 PM
Peter Raven, Captain of the Guard, looks well capable of helping anyone. Though at the moment he's just suspicious.

"Who are you?"

His stance shifts subtly, ready to draw his sword if needed.

2009-09-11, 02:27 PM
After looking around apologetically, Levey tells the questioner, "I'm sorry to barge in on this... 'meeting', but I'm looking for someone who can help me get used to guarding. I'm the new guy in town." He then takes a step back from the obviously offensive man.