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2009-08-14, 02:44 PM
Hello all.

I do actually have a campaign name but I cant risk any of my players stumbling upon this forum and getting plot hints from it.

What is this?
Basically I became a big fan of campaign journals during SilverClawShifts telling of the Crystal Cantrips and wanted to give campaign journals a shot myself. I had to wait until my next campaign was going to start because I didn't want to just start one mid campaign. Well, the last campaign ended, and my planning has finished, tonight is the night we start out the new campaign using Pathfinder.

The World

The world is a cusom world called Arana that my last three campaigns have taken place in. Every campaign somehow relates to the players actions in the previous campaign, therefore causing the players to start every campaign intrigued without me having to do a whole lot.

The world is split into four continents and an arctic. The four continents are named after the world itself. Most cities are named after different fonts because I'm an unoriginal bastard. I...I'm sorry.

Ar is a one of the smaller continents and it is divided into two major kingdoms, that of Seir* and Serif**.

*Seir is ran by an Elan named Vidar and his vampiric advisor Zeke. The overall alignment of this land would probably be lawful neutral, leaning towards good.

**Serif is the other large kingdom and it is famous for having the largest port in the world. The port is large enough to hold hundreds of fishing, merchant, or other larger ships, and the entire dock has a massive stone wall built out into the ocean to defend it. Because of its well protected port it gets a lot of travel and this city is famous for being one of the worlds largest marketplaces.

Ara is a continent completely overrun with a forest that seems to exist upon some sort of properties of undeath. The trees are resistant to fire, and are incredibly hard to cut down. Anything that dies in the forests boundaries comes back as an undead. There used to be cities on the continent, but when everything started to turn against them they moved underground, creating a bit of an underdark type vibe.

Nara was instrumental in the worlds last great war and the players dont know anything about it in the current campaign so neither do you guys :)

Aran. This continent is divided in two, seemingly by the will of the gods. A mountain range divides the land. To the north of the mountains is a forest similar to that found on Ara that extends all the way up to a mountain range, and its river. The two different halves are controlled by different kingdoms, Azraphaele*** and Sen Ta'Naren****.

***Azraphaele - This capital city is massive. Towards the center of the city is a massive spiral tower. Inside the tower the ruling bodies of Azraphaele lie. Everything is decided through one of three methods:
1. Relgion. Clerics say what is right and what is wrong.
2. If something is put before any of the (many) different councils that exist and they will decide what to do with it.
3. Combat. The parentage of a child is in dispute between two men? Fight to the death, obviously the one who lacks conviction will fall.

****Sen Ta'Naren - This is the single largest city in the world originally used as little more than a body farm for the armies of undead. Now that war is over things have settled down a bit and they're more aligned with the rest of the world. Their king is a ruthless man who holds great spite for many of the worlds other leaders, but for this reason he has a hero of the previous wars act as his emissary, a half battle dragon.


This world has a total of 7 (or 8) gods. Two of the gods exist in a somewhat different nature than the rest of the gods.

The Overgod(Spirrax) - Spirrax saw himself as a force of nature working as part of the world until he found a way to attain godhood. No one knows what his plans are or why he answers the prayers of some but not others, but those who know of his existance do not mock his power.

Baby Death(True name unknown) - Like Spirrax she holds herself apart from the normal cycles of life and death. She rarely grants prayers, considering herself to be above foolish mortals whims. She is an arrogant god whom few favor, and none respect. This bothers her greatly.

The gods of the cycle - the remaining gods all exist as part of a cycle of life and death allowing the spirits of the dead to find their way to peace (or torment), and then allowing that same energy back into the world to grant life.

The Titan - The Titan wields a polearm even larger than himself, the tip made of brilliant energy. It is said that any time a war takes place he is present. He does not take sides, but will instead all members of a war equally. He is an undead, and is part of the balance of death.

The Vampire(Kyzo) - He feels that restraint is against the natural order, and continually strives to aid any who feel trapped, whether it be helping them to die, or simply be free of some captor. He is an undead, and is part of the balance of death.

The Unbound(Ryn) - The unbound is a small man who favors the life of the innocent, and supports whatever weapon a man can make for himself. He feels that freedom, choice, and a willingness to coexist with nature are the most favorable attributes a mortal can possess. He was a living creature, and is part of the balance of life.

The Twin Arhcers - The twin archers rely on sneakery and their bows to lure their opponents into traps. They are the ones who watch the thieves, and assist those who seek ways to damn themselves in an attempt to garner favor. The god of rogues and assassins. He was a living creature(or two - Dvaati), and is part of the balance of life.

The Gateway(Azir/Riza) - This deity was a Dvaati who lost one of his bodies and slowly went insane. Before losing himself completely the spirit of the fallen body was placed into the corpse of another creature. His psyche was back, but it was somewhat fractured without the proper balance a Dvaati mind needs, so each body took on a different personality. Azir has a tendancy towards planning and is a fan of turning ones attacks against him. He favors those who wish for goodwill, but is not above scheming to fulfill good wishes. Riza feels the call to war, but responds most of all to cries of retribution. He is one half on one soul, but his psyche is fractured and he does not fully understand this. Because of his dual nature, and his ability to exist on both sides of the cycle at the same time he serves as the gateway, and without him the cycle would begin to deteriorate.

The Premise of this Campaign:

During the great war many years ago refugees from the city Papyrus were sent across the ocean to Azraphaele. When the war was over they didn't really have a hometown to return to so after a few years the requested permission to build a new city in Azraphaelian lands. It took a few years, but the people of Azraphaele finally gave them permission to build their city.

The land they wanted to use had always been revered, so the condition was made that the builders would minimize the amount of damage they did to the land.

At first everything went fine, a simple fishing community sprung up using the trees from the forest, and catching from the river that went nearby. Directly on the other side of the river was the undead forest, but they knew that the forest and its abominations were unable to cross the water. The city was named Ligurino.

A few years went by before the people began to realize that the water from the river and the fruit of the forest had mystical properties. They requested permission from Azraphaele to harvest these things and to sell them. The fruit would fall and die on its own, and the water would simply flow out to the ocean, so the Azraphaelian council agreed.

After a few more years went by the people of Ligurino grew curious about the 'center' of the blessed land, the mountain that the river flowed out from. They discovered strong veins of gold and other precious minerals and began mining - without telling the people of Azraphaele.

Ligurino flourished. They hired crafters from all over the world to come and build new houses, a wall to block the view of the undead forest, and more. Azraphaele doesn't yet realize how all of this is being paid for.

After a few years the original wooden houses were simply referred to as the poor district with much nicer houses spotting the landscape. Buildings of political interest were erected, the wall was completed, and with all the traffic the city gets - a new marketplace is being built. Azraphaele imposes a fairly light tax on Ligurino and knows that something is going on, so they send periodic investigators into how all of this is being paid for.

Worried about Azraphaele finding out about them mining into the blessed mountain the Ligurinian council decided to try and play off of their love of combat, beginning work on a massive arena in the hopes of it serving as a distraction.

This works for a while, but something happened in the mines that caused a few deaths, and a huge amount of ruckus. This led the investigators to find out about the mines, and seal it off.

Ligurino has crafters from all over the world in it's city that they can no longer afford to pay due to them losing 90% of their income, the marketplace is incomplete, their host nation is incredibly unhappy with them, and the worst of it all - the arena was supposed to be completed this season, and the city is full of aspiring warriors from all over the world.

Tensions are high in the city, and things could burst at any moment. To make matters worse people in the town have been going missing, and no one seems to know why.

The first session is tonight. If between this write up and the write up of the first session I'm able to get some interest going I'll keep posting. I'm open to criticism (as long as it's not things like 'Hey you're dumb') so if you have something to say feel free. I love writing, but I've never been very good at explaining the concepts I have, so I'm hoping that writing this campaign journal will help with that.

If you are curious about any aspects of the world feel free to ask, but I do have to limit answers a little bit just in case my players stumble upon it.

Final Note:

If you want a more in depth account of the history of this world follow the link in my signature, but I warn you now - everything written there was done from memory and it really suffers from it. And I was using a jacked up keyboard that stuck all the time so it's full of typos. A map of the world is the only thing in the downloads section of the site.

2009-08-15, 02:22 AM
Okay, one session down, and we'll see if it garners any interest :)

The Characters:

Name: Shin
Race: Female Human
Class: Bard
Shin enjoys travel and is usually on the move. She collects knick knacks wherever she goes, and spends her time making little wooden trinkets. She spends her days at the market attempting to sell or trade her wares, and spends her nights performing at whatever inn she's staying at in exchange for free room and board, in addition to any tips she may garner. She is in town to try and get her own shop and stays at the Inn called 'The Champions Arm', hoping to hear the stories of arena combatants who have traveled the world to come and fight in it.

Name: Jack
Race: Male Human
Class: Fighter
Jack was a member of the militia back in Azraphaele, but had been interested in traveling to Ligurino to take advantage of all the wealth moving through the city. He's been having a little bit of a hard time finding any decent work now that the money has started to dry up, but he is willing to work for just about anyone given the right price. He stays at the inn known as the Dragons Breath which is run by a draconic sorceror.

Name: Ilona
Race: Female Human
Class: Wizard
Ilona is traveling the world with a mystic theurge named Osahara who wishes to one day open his own school of magic. She does this because the town she grew up in started to realize her tendancies towards evil, and when Osahara showed up she gladly joined with him. She acts as if she's always thinking about other things, causing people to not take her seriously which she takes to her advantage. Osahara paid for her to stay at an inn called the Mages Belt while he was gone. She spends her free time investigating the strange undead forest on the other side of the river.

Name: Chip
Race: Male Elf
Class: Rogue
Chip was one of the original refugees, having ben born around 20 years before the great war started. He stuck around, and was able to witness the birth of the good old fashioned crime wave. When things settled down, the troublemakers formed up and started a guild. After a few years he was able to join. His current job is that of 'marker' traveling around the market looking for 'big spenders' and marking them with chalk so that 'grabbers' can later mug them. He stays with the thieves guild, which is located under an inn right next to the wall casting it in constant shadow. Its name - The Walls Shadow.

Name: Veassen
Race: Male Elf
Class: Ranger
Veassen came to the city recently, interested in the Blessed Wood. He makes a living killing animals to sell their meat or captures them when specifically tasked to do so. He is pretty nature oriented and stays at the inn, 'The Rangers Bounty', an inn whose common room is a grassy hill full of trees with an open sky above it.

NOTE: Each player has something unique about them that the DM discussed with them. Until it comes up in game, each individual one cannot be revealed.

The Start:

The players are all unfamiliar with each other, but hy happenstance happen to be in the market when a woman starts to make a performance. She is singing, and dancing about and a crowd begins to form. Suddenly a man jumps from the crowd and fires a crossbow bolt at the woman, who replies with magic - and misses, severely injuring a peasant.

Things start to turn crazy fast. A riot is breaking out, guards are streaming in trying to break things up. Those who don't break up immediately are escorted to their inns or followed to make sure they don't make any detours. The players are all escorted to their respective inns.

They each spend the rest of the night doing whatever it is they enjoy doing, whether it be drinking and dancing, or sitting in their private rooms reading, when the next thing they know....make a will save...

Jack is the first to feel anything. It's uncomfortable, his mouth is gagged, and then suddenly he feels a bit of weightlessness as he soars through the air and crashes into a pile of others. He realizes by looking at them that the reason he feels uncomfortable is probably because he's hogtied just like the others he can see.

The minotaur who threw him to the ground grunts and walks over to a cart about 30 feet away and where a sleepy looking half ogre was sitting.

Chip woke up and easily loosened his bonds, but leaving them to look like they were still done up. Suddenly he hears a feminine voice call out 'Come along Halrog, we have things to discuss'. This wakes up the remaining people as the minotaur Halrog walks by. Chip and Veassen were able to get a good luck at the woman who called the minotaur and they could see that it was the bard from earlier in the day. Once the minotaur was out of sight, the ogre immediately fell asleep.

Chip and Shin were able to quietly free themselves and then the rest of the characters. They could see their equipment in the back of the cart the ogre was sleeping on, so they snuck over to it, and grabbed their weapons.

An extra bag was in the cart, which Ilona peeked inside. She saw a few coins and a piece of paper. She claimed it was hers, and no one questioned. Veassen was able to point them in the direction of the city. They snuck off, and hurried back to town.

As they walked Veassen noticed that each of them had some chalk on their back. Chip was concerned at this, but they pretty much just wiped it off and hurried along.

When they reached the town they split up, giving each other names and the names of the inns they were staying. Veassen decided to search the town to make sure that not everyone was having strange occurences, while Shin and Jack went to the guard tower to make a report. Chip and Ilona went back to their respective inns deciding to worry about things later. When Ilona reached her room she read the piece of paper that was in the bag she found. It had the crossed out words 'Move the prisoners from today’s festivities to the mine', but underneath that in fresher writing it read 'I think the ones from the market might be some of the ones we’ve been looking for. Transfer them to our holdings up north'. She went to bed wondering what she had in common with those idiots.

Veassen found nothing of interest in his search, and when Jack and Shin got to the guard shack the guards didn't take them seriously, implying that there had been disappearances, but they weren't going to take the words of some random people in the middle of the night. Shin elected to sleep in a cell for protection and give a report in the morning, while Jack returned to the champions arm to get some sleep.


Ilona spent the day researching the forest. She discovered the wall had doors throughout it to reach the river. She could study and watch the forest from afar.

Chip asked around the thieves guild about why he would be marked, but no one could provide him with any answers, and he decided to simply move on with his normal work.

Shin woke up and gave her statement, but the guards gave her a hard time, asking her if any of them were going to be accused of being the kidnappers again. She gave her report but was unhappy about it. She went to work for a while before deciding to go home.

Jack went around asking questions about missing people and trying to find if anyone was interested in paying to have people found. Unfortanetly it seemed that most of those went missing weren't from especially well off families.

When they all returned to their inns that night, they found a couple of guards waiting for them. It turns out the would be assassin from the previous day was ranting and raving about how everyone who was present was in 'grave danger'. He wanted to speak with anyone who wasn't 'already lost'. The guards were taking it as a joke, but the players asked if any of those who had been escorted away besides them had been located. The guards said no.

Ilona told the players and the guards about the note she found 'in her backpack', and when the guards heard this they asked Shin if she would be willing to give another statement as her previous one may have 'accidentally been misplaced'. Jack went off on the guards and asked to see a supervisor. The guard left to find one, while the party ventured into the private cell to meet with the would-be assassin.

When they got down there he shooed the guard away and told his tale to the party:
“My brother, that’d be John, done gone to that Inn….the one up near the woods. Rangers booty or some such…well anyway, everyone said he had a good fine time, and went up to his room all fine like. But then the next morning no one could find him. I poked around and found out a few things. Some folks say that they saw him wandering off towards the woods in the middle of the night. Funny thing that. You know – that singer lady was performing the night my brother, that’d be John, went missing. Maybe not a whole lot to it just like that, but then a day or two later his wife, nice ol’ gal named Sara, went poking her nose around lookin for him. And when she came back – all she could talk about was the amazing performance of that there bard. No ‘boohoo wheres my husband, all is hopeless’, just on and on about some singer. And then she, that’d be Sara, goes missing off in the middle of the night. Some folks around where she lives say they saw her wandering off towards the forest late that night. I got to thinking that maybe the singin lady might know something, but when I questioned her about it, she got quite uppity with me ‘I ain’t doing nothing illegal in this here town James’, that’d be me – James, ‘so you get on out of here before I decide to take you out on a walk in the woods and put an arrer in yer head’. Could you believe that? Well, I decided she knew something and she wasn’t talking. I’m thinking she put arrers in the heads of my brother and his wife, that’d be John and Sara, out in the woods, and I intended to pay her back. Didn’t do me a whole lot of good though, look where I wound up….”

The party questioned him about any other information he might have had, and Jack asked if he had any money to pay for potential rescues, to which the man replied, 'Oh I don't think they're even alive...I just wanted to give any who was still around a fair warning...'.

The party left, with Ilona chatting up the guards.

That night Jack lamented his hatred of the town guard to the innkeeper, Kringe, who agreed greatly with him on the uselessness of the town guard, giving him a free drink. This conversation led to Jack discovering that some of the patrons of the bar had gone missing without paying their tab, and not just any people, but ones you would expect to pay their tabs. Kringe agreed to split the money he was owed if Jack brought any back.

Shin performed at the Champions arm, and occasionally stopped to ask if anyone knew anything about the disappearances. A few people had had loved ones go missing, but she didn't hit real good information until she offered a 'private show' to anyone who could supply valid information. She learned that a woman named Cilia had been hanging out at the Rangers Bounty offering people to mark specific targets with chalk.

Chip found out from Shin about the chalk and informed the guild master, a halfling whose only muscle is a female half-orc, about the use of chalk, and how some people could wind up thinking the thieves guild was responsible. He told the whole story about what happened to him and the others as well. The guild leader replied with two points, the first being that 'ensuring that we don't get blamed for these crimes could be considered an important task, one you will be paid for accordingly' and 'it sounds like you specifically are being targeted. Why in the hell would you come back here...what if you lead them to my door?' Chip agreed to leave and headed for the Champions Arm.

Ilona did some investigations into the mine, but all that she could find out was that outside of town a contingent from Azraphaele was camped out. They kept at least two men on the mine at all times, and cycled them out regularly. No strange news, or disturbances.

Veassen tried to gather information on all manner of things, but couldn't find any dice that rolled above a 5....so.....

The next day the elven leader of the guard came upon the party and asked why they had wanted to see him, and why they had left after requesting his presence two days prior. As it was they decided they didn't really need him any more, simply asking why his guards were so inept. His only response was that they were human. Chip asked about potential rewards, and he said that the town council might be willing, but they'd have to take it up with them.

Jack spent the day finding innkeepers with patrons who had 'skipped town' and cut deals for half of what they were owed if he returned them.

Shin, Veassen, and Ilona all spent the day practicing their trade and getting a bit of money.

Chip wound up going to look for Veassen at the Rangers Bounty but wound up overhearing some patrons talking about how excited they were about the show that was supposed to take place that night. Apparently a really good bard named Cilia was going to perform. Chip remembered that Cilia was the name given as the person paying people to mark people with chalk, and realized that she must be the same bard who tried to get them. He immediately set out to find the rest of the party.

After they were all gathered they headed for the inn, but it was a bit late and the show had already started. They walked in but could tell that she took notice of them. They decided to move into position to flank her, when she started climbing one of the trees(remember - the common area has no roof or anything, just a bunch of trees).

Suddenly she somehow took command of all the patrons who started to attack the party. While they were busy fighting she climbed higher. The players were able to take out the villagers with minimal difficulty, but after a while, instead of fighting, they all moved to the doors out. Cilia jumped from the tree onto the roof, and ran off.

They started cutting their way through the mass of bodies, hearing the sound of a horse having her land on it after jumping from the roof. The players(except for Ilona) were able to cut their way out, and they could see Cilia riding away quickly in a cart towards the cabin they had found themselves in not too long ago. Ilona stayed in to 'help' the bartender stabilize the dying peasants, meaning she made sure that any who hurt her died.

The players decided that if they hussled, and if Cilia stopped at the cabin which wasn't too far away, they could probably catch up just a few minutes behind her, and so - they set off.

ex cathedra
2009-08-15, 02:36 AM
Very interesting. I don't have a lot to contribute at the moment, however. I'll be looking forward to following this.

2009-08-15, 04:35 AM
Ah very interesting start, i'm looking forward to what happened next.