View Full Version : For the Evulz

2009-08-15, 01:00 PM

The graveyard stood still, caught in the folds of time. Nothing alive stirred nor made a noise. The full moon bathed everything in a ghost-white hue. Grass grew high and wild, untouched by civilization. The gates, fences, and the lot that surrounded the graveyard were themselves surrounded by rust and decay. Gravestones and grave markers were untouched and uncared for. A familiar smell clung to the air.

You check your map; yes, this was the designated place. You’ve noticed you are not alone however, and that there are others here. They must be those “other individuals” mentioned in the letter. Hmm, what to do?

2009-08-15, 01:15 PM
"I hope you appreciated that." Kamayet trudged along the graveyard, and seemed to be speaking with his walking stick. In actually, his words were for the crystal imbeded in it. "I really didn't want to see under the messenger's clothes."

"Oh, I do, I do!" Kamayet's eye always seemed to twitch when conversing with his psicrystal. Why did it have to think in pink? "Such a graceful form, such unquestioning obedience, I cannot think you enough for such an opportunity!"

"I don't get why you're deriving such pleasure from this, I'm the one who did all the work."

"Ah, but it's that the deed was done that I derive pleasure!"

"Thanks for compromising on keeping it from behind, by the way."

"Oh, it's alright. It's not like a nude model needs to be full frontal."

2009-08-15, 02:44 PM
A small metal skeletal creature is sitting in the graveyard on top of a tombstone, holding the thralls head and singing a jaunty tune.

Its bout time sum uf the large uns got er.

Removing one of the eyeballs, and eating it, mmmmm still crunchy, can i offer you a bite?

2009-08-15, 02:57 PM
Kamayet holds up his free hand dismissively. Given what he does for a living, a shiny skeleton isn't a disturbing sight. Heck, there was this one priestess of Wee Ja- Wait, customer confidentiality extends to the fourth wall. "...No thank you, I'm not fond of stale eyeballs. I take it you're one of the others who was contacted?"

"No, it's a sex slave to a priest of Nerull!"

Kamayet glances down at the psicrystal, an eyebrow perked. "...Are you being sarcastic?"

"...I hope so."

2009-08-15, 03:17 PM
There's a glimmer in the air, and a slight flit of diaphanous wings; something else is about this evening. Perching on a crumbling headstone, Nero dismisses his cloak of invisibility. With a grandiose gesture, he bows politely to the other two before speaking.

"I hope I'm not arriving late to this party?" he says, his voice too harsh and deep for his appearance. "And yet I see only two; surely there will be more coming."

Idly, Nero seats himself on the headstone and blinks his invisibility on and off, on and off, snapping his fingers each time. He utters a silent prayer to Her Magnificence Wee Jas, and begins to search the moonlight for signs of others.

2009-08-15, 03:19 PM
Priest of Nerull? Oh the man who's bodies over there, it points a clawed hand behind a tombstone. Contacted, You mean that paper i found on this things body? She held it out, and i cut his head off. But yeah it said come here.
How can i assist you today, Mr. Talking to his shiny crystal man?

2009-08-15, 03:27 PM
Kamayet gives the skeleton a mocking bow after nodding recognition to the fey. "Kamayet, a provider of services sexual and violent. Given those currently gathered, I imagine our patron is interested in the latter."

"Pity. I was hoping for a challenge."

2009-08-15, 03:47 PM
The skeleton starts laughing, your a funny man, so is your shiny stone. I might has to eat.

2009-08-15, 05:30 PM
A man approaches the graveyard, with long red hair standing out profoundly against his pale blue armor while one of the thralls follows behind him. As he gets closer his hair seems to be blonde and one of his hands is in flames. When he reaches the other he has long silver hair and golden eyes that make him look almost as if he was an angel and his entire sword is wreathed in flame.

Good day to you all. I think I would like to start off our relationship with a form of entertainment to you all.

A whip of fire appears in his hand and he starts whipping the thrall before simply pressing his burning hand against the thralls face, all while smiling with amusement.

At least I got some use out of that thing.

2009-08-15, 06:51 PM
"You think that's all their good for, lad?" says Zander as he appears out of nowhere. "It made a nice recruit before I sent it to it's new home," he says, looking at his blackened sword.

2009-08-15, 07:05 PM
"Welcome, newest arrivals," Nero says, coolly. He realizes his mistake, upon seeing their confusion, and unveils himself once again.

"My apologies; force of habit." He again bows politely, then blinks out of sight.

"I like your style, firestarter."

2009-08-15, 08:01 PM
Hehehe the skeleton moves in a blink of an eye, and is eating the almost burnt thrall, It was gud fer sumthin else.

2009-08-15, 10:04 PM
You are a disgusting waste of existence. I find it hard not to kill you on the spot, but the words of our mutual benefactor seem to stick to me. Jeildrak keeps walking around the graveyard, hoping that this mysterious person will come.

2009-08-15, 11:03 PM
Kamayet slowly raises a brow at the new arrivals. "...Huh. And here I just used mine as a nude model for my sculpting."

"What a depraved lot."

"I seem to recall you speaking rather highly of that tentacle orgy I orchestrated for-"

"That was not depravity, that was ART!"

2009-08-15, 11:22 PM
"Little one, do you even have a sense of taste? Or a digestive system, for that matter?" he asks the metallic skeleton.

2009-08-15, 11:45 PM
A black rift-like portal ripped open a few feet away from the growing group, slowly widening until it rose up in a ten foot by six foot oval shape. From it came four ghoulish women in rusted red robes. With two at each side of the portal they all knelled towards said rift in devotion. A moment later two more figures came out in the same fashion, but with one leading and the other following.

The follower is, was a thrall of similar appearance as the rest seen before. The obvious differance was the hellish glint in her eyes, her decrepit form, and four large, shark-like bite wounds on her exposed stomach and chest. She wore a red robe like the others, with hers being open and with only trousers.

The other, stronger feeling being had the look of necrotic power and absolute slaughter. It was the embodiment of the undead ghoul's hunger and wrath. It was obviously a woman, with an extremely thin body with only the bear minimum amount of fat on her stomach, breasts, and hips. Her skin seemed almost...leathery, with it a dark blood red stain. The eye sockets glowed a dim amber, with it's long blond hair hanging raggedly downwards. The ghoul wore a heavy red robe with animal pelt lining the inside, with what seemed to be makeshift coverings for her body that were made of skin and dark bones. Witha wry grin, exposing several rows of sharp teeth, the ghoul draged the other over to them.

"Why hello there! My name is Mai. Are you younglings here for the invitation? If not I'm sure I can find a use for you...Tell me, how comfortable are you with tomb robbing?" Mai asked with questioning gaze, looking back over to the ghouls and nodded. They nodded back, and quickly dashed back into the portal as it vanish with a pop. Mai the began browsing over them all but stopped her gaze over the miniture skeleton. "You!"

2009-08-15, 11:51 PM
"Ah, you know that one?" Kamayet smiles warmly. "Perhaps you could enlighten us as to the proper gender pronoun to use describing this individual?"

"Or the thralls, while you're at it? Kamayet here didn't look at the front."

2009-08-16, 12:01 AM
Mai laughed lightly at the lack of understanding. "That one is male, or at least a masculine undead. Its hard to tell with skeletons of the less known races" she said with a playful grin to said undead. "As for my companion, I just brought her to enlightenment. With some...persuasion I brought her out of the dark, and one step closer to the White Kingdom. Also, I need someone to carry my stuff" mai replied with a cackle. "Think of her as a righteous pack mule, isn't that right precious?" the ghoul smirked at the other, pinching her cheek before patting her head, the thrall staying completely silent. "Good girl~"

2009-08-16, 03:41 AM
A small man rides up riding on a ghostly horse, stroking a Persian Cat. As he draws closer he can easily be recognized as an elderly gnome.
Thanks for leaving me behind sir, he says to Jieldrak as the horse disappears.

Well now, maybe I'll teleport you along as well if you learn to keep your mouth shut.

Go to hell, sir.

2009-08-16, 05:47 AM
Im not dead, and im not a letter either. I am splop, at your service. Mai? Did you bring along the shovel. Some of the lesser rotted ones might still be round.

2009-08-16, 06:49 AM
"Sadly I did not, but I did bring this. Slave, please" Mai spoke, with the thrall pulling out a hoe and a pickaxe from her robes. "I find these on my way here. They did have owners...but they don't have a use for them as ghasts thankfully"

2009-08-16, 08:37 AM
Upon seeing the tools produced, Nero spoke. "I don't know that it will do any good, but I must ask you to respect the buried dead. I know it does not come easily to you, but allow them their deserved peace."

These dead had done nothing to deserve defilement. Even a ghoul can be persuaded occasionally. And if this one couldn't, then, perhaps Lady Wee Jas would finally welcome her spirit to the other side... forcefully.

Having spoken his piece, Nero flitted back to rest on his chosen headstone, that of one Joseph Merrick. It read, "Devoted Father, Not an Anim-"... but the rest had weathered away. The air felt hotter than it should be, most likely a result of the firestarter. With a sigh, Nero took flight once more, in search of a slightly cooler place to rest.

He chuckled to himself. Searching for a place to rest in a place of rest, a graveyard.

2009-08-16, 07:26 PM
All of you hear footsteps coming from a certain direction, as you all turn to look you are greeted by a most interesting sight.

http://img4.imageshack.us/img4/7039/euphratesblackandwhite.jpg Behold my mad Paint and Photofiltre skillz. Hmm...

It was a woman, this was plain to see; with quite the lovely set of coconuts, in fact. But it wasn’t that that stroke you as most odd, and not even the fact that she was wearing a maid’s uniform. No, it was that her head was that of a grand feline, and where her palms are was where the back of a human’s hand would be. I couldn't get it to work. You can only do so much with MS Paint.

“I am Euphrates.” She did a curtsy. “I am an employee of your potential benefactor, and I was tasked to lead you to them.” The woman said. Her voice was sultry. She goes on, “There are minimal rules here, but you are all expected to follow them. No exceptions.”

She casts a look at you all, lingering especially at those with followers. She points at the servants. “They have to stay. It is a rule expressly enforced upon all members, potential or otherwise. There can be no servants, no followers, no minions while within the premises. I will leave the handling of this matter to your discretion.”

She surveys you all once more. She smiles, “Now. I was told that I may answer certain questions that you ask. I was told as well however that I may deny to answer questions I deem that are best answered by your mutual benefactor."

2009-08-16, 08:39 PM
As I constantly tell you Eormo, nobody loves you. Now go away, I will call upon you when you are needed.

As the gnome walks away Jieldrak yells back, Atleast make yourself useful and make me some more fire!

He turns back to Euphrates, I do have one question, my dear. What is it exactly that we are needed for? I specialize in destruction and fiery death, not working for others.

2009-08-16, 08:59 PM
Nero Emory

Nero looks at the maid-creature with wonder. Had he ever seen such a thing? Regardless, its commands are hardly difficult for him to follow. He's a man of purpose, and respects the chain of command. It exists for a reason. As long as this creature led him to the one who had summoned him, he had no problem listening.

"Creature- Er... Euphrates, I doubt you will have the answer to this, and my inquiry is thus better directed toward your master, but I must ask: How did your master find us?"

It disturbs Nero that he was located and identified by name without wanting to be. His curiosity is piqued.

Also, knowledge check, if it matters. Local, History, or Religion, whichever would most help Nero know about this creature. [roll0]
If there's just an ad hoc "You don't know about it, that's fine too.

2009-08-16, 11:11 PM
Kamayet glances at his psicrystal. "What about psicrystals, Euphrates? Sure there can be no harm in an inanimate, albeit pompous, crystal."


"And sharp-tongued."

2009-08-17, 05:57 AM
I got 2 questions, one can i bring her, he points at the charred woman on the ground, 2 what do you taste like?

Oh and i do eat, looking inside his chest, you see a brown stomach, with a tube to his mouth, but no exit.

2009-08-17, 03:17 PM
Mai stared at the creature, curiosity slowly peaking into her emotions. What could it be? A mutated playmate? A demon? I thought I heard of these creatures before, but from where...?

Knowledge (Religion) [roll0]
Knowledge (The Planes) [roll1]

While thinking, Mai looked over and petted the thrall's head gently. "You cannot come with my child. But I have a mission for you" she said with a sadistic grin. "Go now to the nearest infirmary, and discreetly bring as many injured into the light as you can. Then bring them back to the White Kingdom, I'm sure the master will have a use for them", and with that Mai pushed the thrall away, then walked over to the feline-humanoid.

2009-08-17, 03:53 PM
She looks at Nero with large feline eyes. She says, "I believe that The Master would be able to give you more detail regarding a business proposition. It seems to me, however, that you've answered your own question." Euphrates smiles. A line of sharp white teeth says hello.

"As for yours," Euphrates turns to Nero. "Know that this organization, young though it may be, has many ears on the ground, hands on many jars, and eyes in many heads. Besides," she flashed the pixie that terrible smile. "I can attest to the power of certain reagents."

“Familiars and their like are allowed." Euphrates said, answering Kamayet's question. "However we do not take responsibility for reactions their presence may incite... or instigate, for that matter.”

"I assure you I taste absolutely delicious." She said with a playful grin. She continues, "And, no, you may not bring... that. Our cooks would see it as a massive disrespect."

Euphrates waits a few more minutes, and after the silence she looks at you all once more. Then around the graveyard. Looking satisfied, she turns around. "If there's nothing else, please walk this way."

Mai and Nero's eyes only:
She's a rakshasa (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/rakshasa.htm).

Also, her name is a pun.

I still need those sheets posted in the OOC, guys.

2009-08-17, 04:09 PM
Lead the way. I am growing tired of this business already. Anyone who has anything worth hiring for should be ready to tell those interested what they would be doing.

2009-08-17, 07:03 PM
Nero Emory

"Very well, Euphrates. I follow at your lead," Nero says, bowing his head slightly.

She gave him an unsettling feeling. He couldn't be sure why, but... it hit him. He knew of her kind. They were tricky, and fairly powerful. Further, with this servant in the employ of an organization capable of tracking him, she was not one to be trifled with.

"I look forward to finding out what work awaits."

I knew her name referenced the river. And I recognized the inverted-palm thing. Glad Nero did too. Haha. Hard to not metagame sometimes.

2009-08-17, 09:31 PM
Kamayet smiles, following Euphrates as directed. He'll lean back a bit in a mockery of the pimp walk, with a practical purpose of trying to see if Euphrates had a hidden tail. Not that he wanted her to know.


2009-08-17, 09:42 PM
Ganurath's eyes only:
Every Nat 20 deserves this. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=geZSBEi9afo)

Through the use of your mad skillz in observation (ahem), you see that she does in fact have a tail. Her lingerie, a fancy black-lace affair, has a hole in the back where her tail was comfortably poking out. The tail was bundled in a manner where it would not be easily seen. She doesn't notice all of this.

2009-08-18, 04:25 PM
Euphrates leads you all to a decrepit mausoleum. Upon entering, she fiddles around in the dark for a few seconds. You hear a soft click before a large stone coffin moves to the side revealing a staircase descending into a darker abyss.

“Follow me, please.” She says.

Winding corridors of darkness greet you all. It was cold, and smelt of dead things. Those who could see in the dark notice skeletons litter the hallway, and even if you cannot, you can tell by the crunch they make as they are crushed underfoot. After what seemed to be forever, Euphrates stopped in front of a stone wall. She knocks on it, and waits. After a few seconds of silence, the wall swings inward. Light assaulted your senses, and what you heard then was surprising.

You hear music, sweet music. A woman was singing.

Euphrates beckons you all to continue following her. As you did so you noticed a few changes. No longer were the walls grave-stone, they were now high-quality finished wood. Cobwebs are replaced with lavish ornamental lights, and skeletons are replaced with red-velvet, wooden furniture. It was jarring.

Eventually, Euphrates leads you all to see the center of the room; the source of the music. What you see is this:


On top of the stage was a woman, singing her heart and soul out. She has black wings, and dressed in a little black dress. Draped around her shoulder was fur of the highest quality. One gloved hand was on her hip, the other gloved hand on a thin cigarette. The song was beautiful. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j7bfudsfZjw&feature=related)

Her audience consisted of quite a curious ensemble. You see a balor in a suit for one, looking quite dapper. Tieflings, drows, nymphs, etc. some you can't even tell. They don't seem to pay you any mind, however.

Euphrates tells you all to follow her some more. She leads you to the side, away from the music, the stage, and into a hallway. She walks towards the last room, and opens the door.


You see a lavish room, filled with lavish things.

Euphrates turns to you all, "Please wait for The Master here. He will join you momentarily. In the meantime, is there anything I may get you? Our inventory well-stocked with the finest of drinks."

Sorry about the railroading, guys. I just can't let this die.

2009-08-18, 08:45 PM
Kamayet requests whatever wine happens to be "in" among the nobility, to the best of his knowledge of recent trends.


2009-08-18, 10:35 PM
Anything?, I want a glass of you! Please make a small incision on your left thigh, and he pulls out a dagger.

2009-08-18, 10:44 PM
Mai grabbed onto the little ones shoulder blades gently, pulling him back. "Be polite, I don't believe that this one would like that very much" the ghoul lectured him gently. "Tell you what, We can ask for some blood wine. This person might even have elven blood" Mai said giddily.

Mai looked over to the rakshasa and grinned. "How about it? Do you have any for my friend and I?'

2009-08-18, 11:00 PM
Nero Emory

"While we're asking for blood," Nero says, "I'd just like a goblet. A small goblet, crystal, if possible." Nero still has some of his own private stash on him. He removes a small flask from his coat, unscrewing the cap slowly. Once opened, he breathes in the sweet scent of fey blood.

"Ah, eleven years old. Aged to perfection." Nero briefly wonders about the youth whose lifeblood he would soon consume, but pushes the thought from his mind. This is a special occasion, and only the finest of drinks are to be had. No sense dwelling on idle thoughts.

2009-08-18, 11:03 PM
Ugh very lil fun tday, we needs some excitement!

2009-08-18, 11:39 PM
Drow Fire Whiskey if you have any. I am very partial to the poisoned drow beverages, the risk of killing yourself is almost two good to pass up. He turns to the others. What do you think think of this palce? Pretty swanky, though it could use some scorch marks.

2009-08-18, 11:51 PM
Then add some says splop

2009-08-19, 09:10 PM
Nero Emory

"I... I do not think that would be a wise course of action, friend. This place is full of those whom I presume are employed by whatever force directs Euphrates. They likely would not take kindly to pyrotechnics in their dining hall." Nero flits close to the firestarter and whispers, "Perhaps we'll find a better outlet for your considerable talents once our host arrives, eh?"

2009-08-19, 09:29 PM
"My money says that our job will involve exactly that sort of violence. Among others." Kamayet then glares at the psicrystal in his walking stick, which sends out an empathic whine of wanting to be allowed to speak. Kamayet responds by holding a finger to his... Well, he's goblinoid, so he only has the lower lip, but still.

2009-08-19, 10:49 PM
“I would appreciate if you would practice a touch of restraint. I shall return momentarily.” Euphrates said before disappearing.

Moments passed, and minutes of awkward silence clung to the air. The tension was cut by the sound of a door opening. A curious fellow greeted you all.



It was a man devoid of skin or any musculature; he was all skeleton. He wore a suave and expensive looking suit. A lit cigar was in his hand. You start to wonder how he was able to talk without a throat or a voice-box, especially with such a cool and calm voice such as that, but you push the thought aside. Standing beside him was a woman dressed in a business suit. She has skin the color of burnt coal, red hair that waves like flames and eyes that glowed.

He takes a bow. “I am The Master.” He said. He pointed at the woman beside him. "This is my assistant, Promethea. Promethea, you guys. You guys, Promethea."

The fire-headed woman nodded silently at you all.

The Master walked over to a chair, and sat on it. He took a deep breath from his cigar. "I do apologize for the lack of promptness. We are currently in production of our own rendition of that theater classic The Twin Queens, and the Lone Goblet. We finally found two absolutely gorgeous leads that are willing to... well, I won't bore you with the details. Anyway, on to business."

He puffed a few more smoke from his cigar, and turned to you all. "I shall be brief, concise, succinct. I will not beat around the bush, or lead you all on a wild goose chase. What I mean to say is, I want you, all of you, to join us. This little organization of ours."

"We could use upstarts with skills such as yourselves, and we would be more than happy to provide you with resources necessary for your advancement. We prefer to employ those with potentials that are yet to be realized, so we may be there in your moment of glory. As members do note you will gain many benefits, some I'm sure we'll be able to provide exclusively. As mentioned in my invitation, I will be able to make your wishes come true. And more, so much more."

With one mighty intake, he finished the cigar. He said: "I'm sure you have questions. I'm more than delighted to answer them."

Sorry, I simply can't resist.

2009-08-19, 10:57 PM
Mai's eyes roamed around the room, untill they fixated onto the newly exclaimed Master, a grin slowing etching itself onto her leather face.

"I have heard of the perks, now tell me...what do you ask in return. Assuming you can actually find something to win me over, what are the drawbacks? Everything has its price" the ghoul asked seriously, clicking her teeth together in slight annoyance.

2009-08-19, 11:13 PM
Kamayet's eyes light up at the fire woman, waiting for one of the others to ask their host a question before stepping up. "Hellooooo, Promethea."

2009-08-19, 11:24 PM
What? Organization? What am i supposed to set up in order.....you can't use me skills im no accountant. How can you organize small things? Unless, the skeleton looks mortified, you want to organize me?!?!

2009-08-19, 11:41 PM
Promethea, sweet name. You like fire? Flames lick his hands as he says the last part. He smiles at her, before almost absent-mindedly adding, What sort of business are you into, kind sir?

LOVE your pictures btw.

2009-08-20, 12:14 AM
The Master snapped his fingers and Promethea produced an unlit cigar. The woman placed it on the man's mouth, and with the snap of her fingers, a small flame lit the cigar. The Master took a satisfying hit, making a billowing pillar of smoke.

"So you're not just some pretty face after all," The Master said to Mai with a smile. "You assume correctly, there is a price. But rest assured it's not a price you would regret to pay. This organization simply asks from its members that, from time to time, they would exercise their skill and talent for the sake of its betterment. That is to say, we ask you to do something, something I'm sure you would love to do anyways, and you get rewarded for delivering a satisfying job. So in essence you do what you do best, and you get something for it. Well, besides the satisfaction, of course."

"No one gets to be organized. And even if there were, believe me, you'll be doing the organizing."

The Master chuckled. "I deal in a specialized business." He smiled a terrible smile. "And what could that be? Well, it's simple really. I deal in the business of entertainment."

Though Promethea's face was as stoic as she walked into the room, there was a spark in her eyes from the mention and demonstration of the aasimar's fire.

2009-08-20, 12:24 AM
Kamayet glares daggers at the aasimar, but turns his attention to the Master at the mention of entertainment. "Sounds like my specialty."

2009-08-20, 07:02 AM
Nero Emory

"I would ask what sort of entertainment, but I don't think it would really matter that much," Nero says, smiling slightly.

"You have offered access to power, to fulfillment. While the drawbacks are unclear, I cannot say I am not tempted," Nero said, almost passionately.

2009-08-20, 11:33 AM
"I do not require anything more than your allegiance." The Master continued enjoying his smoke. "We will not ask you to sign away something dear, we will not take from you a beloved body-part, and we will not ask you to perform an act that is completely at odds with your character all for some silly initiation rite. Well, unless you wanted to. All we ask is that you follow a few basic rules, rules such as please refrain from killing other members, please tip the servers, things like that."

He looked at you all with those empty eye-sockets, "Basically, you're free to do whatever you wish... within reason. And the organization just happens to set those reasons."

2009-08-20, 12:31 PM
At the words "within reason" Kamayet looks at the smaller skeleton expectingly, arms crossed over his chest with a brow perked. "Does the organization ever actually state those reasons? You're being incredibly vague about all this."

2009-08-20, 12:39 PM
"Aren't I just?" The Master chuckled. "It seems to come with the territory. Anyway, what could I possibly say to allay your suspicions?"

2009-08-20, 12:45 PM
"The sort of entertainment we'd be performing would be a step in the right direction." Kamayet turns his gaze back on the Master. "I mean, I have no problem with creating sex slaves with a thought personalized to my patron's desires, but I'd hardly consider myself suited for a song and dance number."

2009-08-20, 01:20 PM
"I was being poetic. Maybe a bit too much, admittedly." He said. "Anyway, you would be the stage hand. The people who keeps the show running. When I want people killed, you're to do the deeds. When I want a village burned, you're the one to light the match. I have a problem, you solve it. Simple. In exchange... well, you know what you get in exchange."

2009-08-20, 02:07 PM
I would very much enjoy burning a village for you, says Jieldrak, smiling. I guess that I will join your... organization, if you do not protest. Tipping servers is not a very large price to pay, especially if it is Promethea.

2009-08-20, 02:17 PM
Kamayet nods in agreement. "Steady work doing something other than slipping an ectoplasmic fist between folds of fat is definitely appealling. I'm in."

"Your talents will wane if you don't get the occasional-" Death glare from Kamayet.

2009-08-20, 04:02 PM
Nero Emory

"Ah, well, if these fine gentlemen are willing to sign up, I suppose I am persuaded. I am at your disposal for services rendered, given I find them appealing," Nero adds, in a slightly hushed tone.

Pondering for a second, he continues, "Speaking of "signing up," I don't suppose there's any official document we'll be expected to sign, to officially join your organization?"

Nero likes the Master.
::He seems to have that measure of class so often missing::

2009-08-21, 11:01 AM
The Master smiled. "Ha, yes. I know it's a worthless gesture for you chaotic-types, but we prefer it put in writing. It prevents nasty misunderstandings."

He snapped his fingers, and Promethea produced papers. She went around and distributed it to all of you.

"I need you all to sign this. It's nothing really. It just means that you are all in my employ, and as my employees you get certain benefits afforded to people employed by me."

2009-08-21, 12:25 PM
I guess I will sign it. Though be warned that if you try to steal my soul then this place will not last long. I have some powerful allies that believe I am a saint, and stealing the soul of a saint doesn't go ever well with clerics. Then again, maybe without a soul I would be better off. No moral or anything like that.

Jieldrak signs his name across the paper.

2009-08-21, 01:45 PM
Kamayet takes the opportunity to examine the document thoroughly.

Take 20 on a Search check to find notable clauses. If there's no time, here's a roll:


2009-08-21, 02:39 PM
Kamath's eyes only:
For the first time in your life, you encounter before you a legal document that is actually devoid of any loopholes. I know, it's weird.

The document in question states that you are under The Master's employ, are expected to follow guidelines set forth by the organization, and, well, that's it, really.

2009-08-21, 02:40 PM
"No loopholes?"

Kamayet shrugs after he signs the document. "Apparently."

2009-08-21, 02:44 PM
I trust your conclusion, though I probably should have waited. IN any case, I would give up the souls of Eormo and that damned cat of his if I needed to strike a deal in a hurry.

2009-08-21, 03:39 PM
Splop licks the paper, ewww not tastes good.

2009-08-21, 11:07 PM
Nero Emory

"Very well. I do so prefer contracted labor," Nero states, approaching the contract. "I suppose this officially makes us all your employees... or associates, or whatever you choose to call us."

He pauses, and, smiling, adds, "I hope it's a pleasure to work for you." As he speaks, he gives the Master a subtle bow.

2009-08-22, 05:00 PM
Zander simply signs the contract, not having said a word the entire time. He hasn't felt the need to.

2009-08-23, 02:00 PM
"Capitol!" The Master said. "Now that that's done and away with..." he snapped his fingers. Promethea collected the papers and walked out of the room. Euphrates entered as the woman left. She was carrying a plate with the drinks on them.

"Drink up, lads, you will find me a most benevolent employer," The Master said. "I'll be briefing you on your first ever mission under my employ. So sit down, or if you're already sitting down, just listen very intently." Euphrates takes a bow, and leaves the room as well. Promethea entered the room at the same time. She took her place beside The Master, still wearing that mask of stoicism.

"There's a certain matter that I need you all to attend to," The Master said. He was smiling, or what could be interpreted as a smile. "It has come to my attention that there is a local Snake God, or some rubbish cult muscling in on my operations. It's not a threat really, just a nuisance. Like some itch I can't seem to find the time to scratch. Anyway, it's a simple job. Go in there, and put a stop to this nuisance. I leave the manner of execution to your discretion. Now, If there are any questions regarding the mission, please ask the beautiful Promethea located to my right." The Master stood up, took a bow, and said: "Now if you'll excuse me gentlemen, I am needed elsewhere." He left the room.

Promethea looked at you all with glowing eyes, waiting for a question.

Okay, guys, the choice is yours. You guys could stay and explore for awhile, ask Promethea questions, or if you want we could just move forward with the cult and everything.

2009-08-23, 02:08 PM
I has question, Whats the reason yous wanted me?

2009-08-23, 02:28 PM
"The same reason everyone else was summoned here." Promethea said. "You are good at what you do. We want to capitalize on that by hiring you. We would rather have you on early and on the same side than later and on the other side."

2009-08-23, 02:35 PM
Other sides? Good at something? I is confused.

2009-08-23, 02:48 PM
Is there any known location of the cult? Or are we going to have to do some investigating. Torture can be so much fun, I do hope we get to torture a cultist or too.

2009-08-23, 10:34 PM
The metallic skeleton would find the end of Kamayet's staff with the psicrystal in it being held above his head. "Violence is your art, and the flesh of your foes the medium by which you craft masterpieces. Our employer is in a competitive market for such talent, and was wise enough to seek out a talent like yourself."

While doing this Kamayet is making to get as close to Promethea as his reach over the skeleton will allow without violating her comfort zone. "In what trades do these cultists operate in? If we need to track them down, that is."

2009-08-24, 05:52 PM
"Well, if you are planning to go through that route, then you are in luck. We happen to have a captive from the cult. Although, he is rather..." Promethea was visibly struggling to find the right words. "odd, to say the least. He is located in the cellar. That's where we usually do our questionings."

She turned to Kamayet. "They have been smart in the way they cover tracks. However, we have reason to believe that a small village may be under their influence. We are not really sure."

2009-08-24, 07:09 PM
"I bet I can interrogate him. I've seen plenty of odd folk," Zander speaks up. "Can ya take me to 'im?"

2009-08-24, 07:12 PM
"I may be able to assist you with interrogation. Fire can be a good motivator. Let's go visit this cultist.

2009-08-24, 07:36 PM
"Of course. Follow me, please." Promethea said. She lead you all further down the hallway, distancing yourselves further from the music. You all went down a flight of stairs into a cellar.


Wine racks and large barrels lined the walls. Promethea walked further still, continuing onwards toward the stone wall at the far end. She looks at it for a moment, before turning to her right; a large wooden barrel. She touched it, and the face swung inward. She beckoned you all to follow.


Stone walls and stone pillars greeted you all. Their unyielding facade was a testament to their age, and the slightly visible streaks of crimson of the horrors these walls have witnessed.

"Here." Promethea said. She pointed at a wooden door. "He's in there."

2009-08-24, 07:46 PM
The room was small and dirty. The light of three torches served as the only manner of illumination, and their constant flickering made shadows move and dance. In the middle of the room was a man with both his hands bound by chains attached to the ceiling. His feet were shackled. His body was a backdrop of tears, scratches, slashes, and gouges. The man was snoring.

To your right, you saw a table filled with all manner of painful instruments. Some ghastly, some nasty, all cruel. You saw that they were only recently used.

2009-08-24, 07:55 PM
The skeleton hides in the corner behind the man, in the shadows watching.

move silently [roll0]
hide [roll1]

2009-08-24, 08:11 PM
Splop became a thing of shadow. Disappearing within the folds of darkness, biding his time for whatever purpose his black heart may desire.

Okay. You easily top any DC that I would ever even think of placing.

2009-08-24, 08:18 PM
Zander walks up and kicks the man, yelling, "Hey! Wake up you filthy rat!"

2009-08-24, 08:21 PM
The man woke up with a snort. He looked around half-dazed before finding the faces of all of you. He smiled. "Ach, und I vas hafing the most vunderbar of dreams."

2009-08-24, 08:26 PM
"That's not the point, now is it?" Zander says, delivering another kick for good measure.

"Now I want you to tell me where your cultist operation is being held. Do it quick and you won't have to suffer."

2009-08-24, 08:30 PM
The kick hit the man square in the side ending with a sickening thud.

"Ah, ya!" An expression of pure ecstasy flashed through the man's face. "Ooh, vhat's next, big boy? Huh, vhat's next?" The man wriggled in his chains. Not out of pain, however.

2009-08-24, 08:48 PM
Zander blinked, something dawning on him.

He kicked the man again to see if what he was thinking was right. It was the hardest kick yet.

2009-08-24, 08:52 PM
Kamayet rolls his eyes. "Just like that one Baron, a masochist to the core. You want to torture him, then put the toys away somewhere that he won't enjoy them. His type could get an anticipatory thrill out of seeing them."

2009-08-24, 08:54 PM
The man had the wind knocked out of him, yet he still wore that expression of joy. In fact, he looked even more happy.

"Ooh," the man said. As he gasped for breath and tears streamed down his face, he said with a smile: "Don't stop now. I'm almost there."

2009-08-24, 09:03 PM
"I figured what he was," Zander replied, looking to the psion. "I just wanted to be sure."

Zander crouched to the man's level. "I have a request, and then I can help you. Tell me where your cultist friends operate, and I can help you to a place where you can enjoy yourself like this for eternity."


2009-08-24, 09:23 PM
"You vill, darling?" The man's voice was dipped in honey. "Vell, what do you vant to know, precisely? Just the location? How boring!"

"I'll tell you where it is, but first..." He looked at the black knight with wanting eyes.

2009-08-24, 09:28 PM
Zander returned his stare, coldly. "I told you, once you've told me the location."

2009-08-24, 09:36 PM
"Fine, you tease." The man said. "The cult you're looking for is not too faravay actually. A day's ride from this place, east. You vill come upon a small fillage. It's a rather quaint place, but low on the entertainment. There you vill find vhat you are looking for." He looked at the black knight once more. "Now...?"

2009-08-24, 09:40 PM
Take 10 on the Craft check for 32 to resemble the race Pseudonatural Constrictor Snake, expend psionic focus to Overchannel undamaged thanks to the Talented feat to extend the duration, then draw psionic focus from my psicrystal to augment it with 8 more power points to a L4 Astracl Construct, and...

Suddenly, there's an astral construct in the room. Silvery and transparent, the creature resembles a snake, except for a few key differences. It's spine is lined with spikes, for one, but the most distinct difference are the mouth and tail. The latter is disturbingly phallic, while the former... Ouroboros comes to mind.

"I have it covered."

2009-08-24, 09:42 PM
"Thank you. But before I can do anything, I need you to sign this," he told the prisoner, a piece of paper and quill appearing in the knigt's hands in a burst of flame, "in your own blood."

With this, he pricked the man with the quill, wetting it enough, and held it to him. The knight seemed to think the man would sign with his mouth.

2009-08-24, 09:48 PM
The man signed it without hesitation. "Ja, und ja!"

2009-08-24, 09:52 PM
"Good," Zander said, taking the quill and contract, which burst into flame again and disappeared.

He nodded at Kamayet, then walked over to Promethea and whispered,"Kill him when he's finished. We have what we need, he's only good dead now."

2009-08-24, 09:55 PM
Upon the signature, the astral construct slithers toward the helpless man. It has the Extra Attack special ability, and will take a -4 penalty on full attacks for nonlethal slam damage. Kamayet turns his back on the prisoner as the serpent moves in. When he heads out, he'll whisper in on the conversation."We'll need to keep him alive in case the information is inaccurate. Shall we head out?"

2009-08-24, 09:58 PM
Zander nodded at Kamayet, coonceding the psion's point.

"Let's," he said simply.

2009-08-24, 10:08 PM
So, what's it going to be then?

2009-08-24, 10:12 PM
We're leaving now (or soon), and keeping the man alive until after the cult is gone.

2009-08-25, 11:48 AM
I wish I had gotten to speak with our friend. Fire swells up around Jieldrak's hand. But I guess that any way we gain information is useful.

2009-08-25, 01:01 PM
Kamayet flashes a grin at the pyromancer. "I doubt your methods would have been effective anyhow. Not toward the desired result, in any case."

2009-08-26, 01:24 PM
Let's go check out this town then. I want to spill some blood.

2009-08-27, 05:50 PM
So, skip cutscene?

2009-08-27, 05:51 PM
Forward motion is always welcome. Assume Kamayet psionically focuses himself and his crystal in transit.

2009-08-28, 08:58 PM
The journey was uneventful. Well, as uneventful as you guys could manage. Still, you eventually arrive at the village sometime before noon, but instead of an idyllic village, what greeted you was a scream that pierced the morning air.

You are about a fair distance from the village proper, therefore you all cannot clearly see what is going on. What you can see, however, was smoke pouring out of some of the houses. You are hidden by the foliage, the trees covering your presence. What do you guys do?

Sorry about that guys. Classes started, and well priorities and all that.

2009-08-31, 01:36 PM
Zander looks around, trying to see anything helpful.

He mutters, "Wish we'd been given a more specific location..."

Spot: [roll0]

2009-08-31, 01:46 PM
Kamayet smirks at the sight. "Well, this is convenient. Looks like someone's doing the job for us."

"Sloppy job, too. Probably not getting paid as much."



"I say we kill them all."

2009-08-31, 01:53 PM
"Now, now, let's not be too hasty. They may have valuable information."

2009-08-31, 01:57 PM
Kamayet holds up an objecting finger. "Or they could be killing the people with valuable information."

2009-08-31, 01:58 PM
"You have a point. Let's get them."