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2009-08-16, 10:24 AM
This is the Mountain Valley Village. Our home. It's where we live and work. It is a beautiful spring day today. The 1st of this year. Here is this week's weather forecast.

Spring 1-Sunny
Spring 2-Sunny
Spring 3-Sunny
Spring 4-Rainy
Spring 5- Sunny
Spring 6-Rainy
Spring 7- Sunny

2009-08-16, 10:37 AM
With a slight headache from the festivities of last night, the good Mayor Patrick O'Donnelly sets out in the early morning light to go hunting in the forest. The game is sparse today, but he smiles knowing he at least bagged a squirrel. "Better than nothin," he says to himself as he makes his way out of the woods.

Then with a sigh, he makes his way into his office in town and begins to fill out paperwork until the afternoon. New arrivals always mean paperwork. He groans inwardly as he finishes up his work. " Well at least, I'll get to see some new faces."

He then decides to walk around town and mingle with the good people of Mountain Valley Village. At least, this part of the job is enjoyable.

* * * * * * * * *
3 Job actions spent "being the mayor"-150g earned
2 Special actions spent hunting- 10g earned 1 skill point added to Hunting
1 Other action spent travelling to forest
(adding a little update like this at the end of your day would be very helpful)

2009-08-16, 10:41 AM
Rooster grimaces at this . . . shack he was givven. Well, he says Might as well get started. He walks towards the chicken coop and smiles Chickens, I love chickens. He begins to feed the chickens, humming a song he heard on the radio this morning. He turns back to the cabin, hoping that it wasn't too bad, when a quick "BAH!" alerts him. He spins around and notices a small black goat *sigh* they said nothing about a goat.

Rooster runs his fingers through his hair and sighs Might as well do something. Come along goat! We're goin' to town!
* * * * * * * * * * * *
1 job action spent (chickens)
1 other action (Travel to town)

Jesse Drake
2009-08-16, 10:48 AM
The smell of thick incense and alcohol eeks from the small, oddly shaped bar at the end of town. The bar itself seems to heave up and down in a non rhythmic pattern, though seems stable.

Inside, there's a long counter, and in front of it four toadstool bar stools. Around are two other tables, each with two chairs.

Behind the table farthest in is a picture of an old witch, smiling. She even seems to wink at you... It must be the smoke in your eyes... Though oddly enough, it's not too interfering.

Behind the counter is a rather fit man, hunched over his staff. He's got a knife, and he's peeling fruit. "Blast Kiwi, how the blazes 'm I s'pposed make a pie outta ye?" He's obviously drunk already, as his hand shakes uncontrollably.

Behind him is a lovey young lady, she's smiling and working happily... there's a floating glass with a floating wash cloth in it in front of her, and she seems to be going really fast...

After the morning chores, Virgil walks outside- er, rather he stumbles. "I could use a nice walk." he decides to take a few steps onto the town.

* * * * * * * * * * * *
1 Job Action Spent doing menial chores

2009-08-16, 11:04 AM
(Uhh Froogleyboy...it only takes 1 job action to do anything inside a building like a chicken coop. So feeding and collecting eggs can be knocked out in 1 task. I thought I had mentioned that before.

Also, travel within the same region uses 0 action points. :) )

Patrick makes his way down the streets of town saying hello and how do you do to the varies folks he sees. Without warning, he bumps into Virgil and almost falls over.

"Why hello there good sir. Pardon me. You seem to be a new face in town. My name's Patrick O'Donnelly. I'm the Mayor here. You would be?"

Jesse Drake
2009-08-16, 11:13 AM
*Hic* "Uh... Hello, and who would you be?" Virgil asks. "NOW DON'T WASTE MA TIME NOW!" he then opens his eyes and stops. "Oh, hello Mister Mayor... You must not recognize me, but I've seen you around. You were there when ma bar was approved. I'm Virgil Wyatt, owner of The Mystic Man Tavern. Why don't you come in and get a drink? On the house!" Virgil points to his Tavern.

2009-08-16, 11:19 AM
Avery arrives in town, goat at his side, and notices the men bickering. 'owdy! he says, his accent leaking over his words, I'm new in town, and need a drink. Anyone know where a bar may be?

2009-08-16, 11:22 AM
" I was just about to enter...Virgil, yes that's right...Virgil's fine establishment here to help myself to a drink. I'd be honored if you would join us stranger."

The Mayor walks in smiling and seems a little confused about who to order from, so he just states aloud. "What does an upstanding politician have to do to get a drink around here?" He strokes his beard and takes off his hat as he finds a seat on a stool.

2009-08-16, 11:30 AM
With a colossal yawn, Blars sits up from the floor of his cabin, looking around bleary-eyed, to see his home in the usual chaos. Chairs in disarray, the few clothes he owns laying wherever they chose to land, dirty and beholed. He gets up with a creak, gets dressed and heads out to see the new day.

I have this craving for some nuts and roots this morning..., he says to himself as he goes rooting around the mountain, seeing what can be found. After a couple hours of searching with nothing to show for it and an empty stomach to boot, Blars comes home to scrounge up some left overs from the stew pot.

After a quick respite, Blars heads to his mine, to get some real work done for the day, his trusty pick-ax over his shoulder. Shortly after lunch, Blars comes out, dirty but with a great grin on his face as his efforts have been rewarded by some good ore and gems scoured from the earth. With a whoop, he heads down to the village to sell his finds and see about some real food!

2 Job actions spent Foraging - Unsuccessful
1 Job action spent Mining - 400 g earned, 1 skill point added to Mining
1 Other action spent traveling to town

Jesse Drake
2009-08-16, 11:35 AM
Virgil leads the men into his bar, and immediately gets to work. He grabs two bottles of his fresh brewed Mystic Man Ale, and gives it to his first two samplers.

He doesn't hand you the bottles though. He throws them, but not fast at all. They seem to drift slowly to you, and for a second you see the blurred image of a phantasmal hand. He grins. "Take a sip."

Anyone drinking this will taste a fine, strong beer flavor, though slightly tingly, and it crackles in your mouth, like pop-rocks.

2009-08-16, 11:42 AM
The Mayor raises an eyebrow and smiles. Having this character in town will liven things up a bit.

He takes his drink and makes an odd pucker face. He shakes his head to clear it and gives a low cough. "Ahem...wow. That certainly is an interesting drink. A great deal different than the Veryberry Wines I favor. All in all, not bad though."

He re-adjusts himself to turn toward the other man in the bar. " So then, what's your name? I'm the Mayor..not that it means too heck of a lot. You can call me Patrick if you want."

2009-08-16, 11:43 AM
Avery smiles and says Well patctick you kin call me RoosterRooster then sips at the bottle and a huge grin stretches across his face. Now that's what I call a good ale. He slaps the counter and says I'll take a bottle

Jesse Drake
2009-08-16, 11:50 AM
"I can't do that. See, I'm not open right now." he points to the sign with his hours on it. "But I can get ya another one if ya like. Special one time offer, spread the word for me if ya will." Before he gets you that, he reaches for a large glass bottle. He pours a shot of some golden liquor into a bottle, it sizzles for a second, then he throws it back. Steam escapes from his ears, but he smiles. "Whoo! That was just what I needed!" he grabs you another bottle... unless you wanna brave the shot of mystic rum...

2009-08-16, 11:52 AM
Blars walks into town and immediately heads to market to sell his ore. A nice hunting knife catches his eye and he barters with the merchant for the peridot he mined that morning. A sale struck, he walks out to see about getting some grub and sees the only bar in town that seems to be open right now, The Mystic Man Tavern. He walks in, bellowing Barkeep, I'll have something tasty and filling and a glass of ale!

Bought a knife for 250 g

2009-08-16, 11:54 AM
Rooster smiles and says I'll take that challenge

2009-08-16, 11:58 AM
Patrick shakes his head at the shot of rum. " Gotta keep a level head about me."

He sees the newcomer and smiles. He thinks back to the paperwork he was filling out about the new residents and finds a name. "Blars, right? Working up in the mountains with all that fresh air?" He stands and extends his hand. " Local Mayor Patrick O'Donnelly at your service."

2009-08-16, 12:02 PM
Blars extends his big paw of a hand to the Mayor and grasps the mayors hand in a hearty hand shake. That it is, Mr. Mayor. Blars, Blars Ursan. Nice to meet ya! Blars looks over to the bar and notices the bottles. Whatcha got there, Barkeep? I could use a nice something something before I get back to work!

2009-08-16, 12:05 PM
Rooster takes the shot and throws it back You . . . you make a nice . . . hic . . . a nice brew.

2009-08-16, 12:11 PM
Donning his hat once again and adjusting his pistol on his belt, Patrick walks toward the exit. " It was nice meeting all you folks. If you ever need anything just give me a yell and I'll see what I can do. I've got to go check on my daughter Kyra now. She doesn't get out much on the first day or two of the new season on account of writing the town newsletter. She puts a lotta work into it. Anyway, ya'll take care."

He walks away from the tavern and toward his home, deciding to check in on Kyra's work and relax for a bit.

Edit-He leaves a 10g tip for Virgil before he leaves.

2009-08-16, 12:46 PM
Avery falls backwards off his chair. He raises his hand and says And with that, I shall take my leave. he stands up and stumbles out of the door.

Jesse Drake
2009-08-16, 01:40 PM
Virgil smiles. He fetches Blars a drink, a nice cold bottle, and says "Well, I'm closing up till later guys. It was nice meeting y'all!" Virgil decides to tidy up and get things ready for the night. Looked like they liked it.


Spending another Job Action to get another bit done. Then he'll wander about a bit.

2009-08-16, 01:46 PM
When rooster arrives back in the mountains, he decides to forage about for a while. Maybe I'll make a pie.

Jesse Drake
2009-08-16, 03:32 PM
Checking around the outskirts of town, right outside his home area, Virgil decides to look for things to turn into ale. Those special ingredients. He had to find that perfect ingredient for his mystic beverages. But that shot started to get to him.

He tumbled around, till he fell on his back, not doing anything.

Sigh... 2 Special Actions wasted

1 other action used

2009-08-16, 05:36 PM
Abigail Connell

Up in the mountains, Abigail is hard at work in her smithy. She considers herself lucky enough to have gotten some orders on her first days of being open, glancing occasionally at the 'office' section of her shop, knowing that there's a notice of her loan that she had to take on to get this place originally.

About mid-day, Abigail has had enough of being cooped up in the shop with no other customers, and heads outside into the nearby wilderness. The flower festival was coming up, and maybe she could find something nice.

3 job actions: Running the store: 300g
2 actions used, Nothing from foraging.

OOC: So, do I need to pay off her debt before she can buy things?

2009-08-16, 06:35 PM
Blars, having enjoyed his drink, deposits his empty bottle in a convenient container and heads back to the mine to finish up for the day. After a couple hours more of digging, Blars comes out quite a bit dirtier, having narrowly escaped a cave in, which fortuitously revealed a shaft of unmined coal and ore that he dug quite a bit more of. He brings the lot back to his cabin to deposit against claim jumpers to bring to market tomorrow and washes up a bit. Hearing some metal clanging nearby, Blars heads out and finds a closed up smithy. Huh, no sign. I wonder who works here..., Blars muses. Shruging, he heads back home to see about some dinner.

2 Special actions spent Mining - 225 g earned, 1 skill point added to Mining

Jesse Drake
2009-08-17, 07:29 AM
Virgil finally pops home, and with that, a cloud of thick smoke get's Marla coughing. He decides to wait for the night time. Then, he'll sell his ale.


Using up my last job action. That should be all for the day.

2009-08-17, 10:45 AM
Blars wakes up this fine spring day, a breeze coming through his open front door, which he apparently forgot to close last night. He looks about and finds he actually made it to his bed, though where his sheets went, he has no idea.

Getting up, Blars decides he'll go herbing again today, to hopefully have more luck in finding some useful ingredients. Checking out a local cave, he finds a thriving mushroom patch, which he promptly harvests. When he comes out, he find what he thought to be normal mushrooms to be black and spiny ones. Poisonous Mushrooms!

Carefully stowing the dangerous cargo in his sack, he goes searching about further and, after a couple of hours, comes back to his hut, another bag stuffed full of some wild garlic, rosemary and thyme in his other huge paw. These poison mushrooms I have no use for, but perhaps I can do something with these other ones... Blars muses.

Entering his cabin, he deposits the mushroom bag in his ore bucket to bring to market later that day and sorts out the other herbs, thinking of the possibilities...
2 Job actions spent Foraging - 120 g earned from sale of 3 Poison Mushrooms, 2 skill points added to Foraging
Kept Herbs and 2 Medical Herbs for later potential cooking/medicine craft

2009-08-17, 11:46 AM
Patrick O'Donnelly sets about his usual morning routine. This time, he heads to the mountain to partake of his favorite outdoor activity. He does well today, bagging a bear and a rabbit in the early morning light. It takes him a while to bring his harvest into town. He thinks back to his younger days when this wasn't such a strain on his body and smiles.

He reaches town and sets about his office work until the afternoon again, stopping a few times to check on his daughter's work. He finishes up with another sigh and begins to make his rounds about town.

3 Job actions-Mayor work
2 Special actions-Hunting
1 Other-going to mountains
470g earned, 2 points added to Hunting skill

2009-08-17, 04:57 PM
Rooster slowly toils away with his chickens intil they are all fed and the eggs have been collected. Afterward he begins to look around his house, looking for anything he could make into a good meal.
1 Job action used messing with chickens (used other job actions for specials)
4 special actions used foraging

Jesse Drake
2009-08-17, 06:46 PM
Virgil stumbles out of bed the next morning and looks around. "This isn't gonna be a fun day, now is it?" He does his chores in the morning, and in the evening he goes to forage... utter disappointment. But things weren't so bad entirely. After about two hours of laying in the sun, he decides to go back and get ready.

3 Job Actions Spent
2 Special Actions Spent
1 Other Action Spent

2009-08-17, 10:50 PM
Blars finally decides that he'll instead sell the garlic he found and try to fix up the rosemary and thyme for medical poultices. Pulling out his knife, he crudely chops up the herbs and tries to boil the unevenly cut herbs and only ends up burning and ruining the herbs.

Frustrated with his failure, he grumbles and grabs his mining equipment and heads for his mine to work off his frustration. Mining a bit madly through the afternoon, the setting sun produced a sweaty and dusty Blars with a 2 full ore buckets filled to the brim with coal, some good copper ore and even the occasional hematite. Though tired, Blars lets out a small chuckle and heads home, deciding against going to town today and making an early trip to town tomorrow, right on time for the flower festival.
1 Job action spent grinding Medicine - Unsuccessful
2 Special actions spent Mining - 550 g earned, 2 skill points added to Mining
20 g earned from selling herb

2009-08-18, 01:43 PM
With a low moan, Blars opens his eyes to the bright sunlight tearing at his eyelids. The door is closed today but the windows are wide open, letting in the sunlight and the occasional buzz of bees. Grumbling and rolling over to get a little more sleep, a thought crosses Blars' mind, that today is the Flower Festival. Sitting up and sliding out of his bed (In bed for the 2nd day in a row! A new record!), Blars gets dressed and heads out, to go see if perhaps there's some wild flowers to be found on the mountain. After many hours of searching and a cold lunch involving some day old bread, Blars came back, grumbling about sleeping bees not doing their jobs. He grumpily grabs his ore bucket and heads to the town market, to go hawk his wares and see how the flower festival is coming along...
3 Job and 2 Special actions spent Foraging - Unsuccessful
1 Other action to go to town

2009-08-18, 04:11 PM
Rooster awakes and tends to his poultry. Afterward, he looks through the woods for some tasties, unsuccessfully Damit! he yells through the forest. I'm goin' ta town.

Arriving in town, he walks into Virgil's bar Hey Virgil, get me one of those fizzy beers. I've had a long day.

1 Job action (chicks)
4 Special actions (foraging)
1 Other action (going to town)

2009-08-18, 06:17 PM
The Mayor has had a long day, gathering flowers all over. Decorating the town. Generally being a busy body and organizing the festival.

Upon entering the town you can see that all the shops have had their exterior's decorated with a variety of wild flowers. In addition there's a booth in town selling a few items. The tender there is none other than the Mayor's daughter. She's about 25, slender, wears glasses and a long flower print dress that sways slightly in the breeze. The sign on the booth says it will be open until Saturday, just so that no one misses out.

Pack of Passion Flower seeds-200g, grow time, 4 days-not sellable good gift
Passion flower-40g beautiful spring flower that symbolizes youth and young love.
Mint Tea-50g Homemade by yours truly :)

After setting up all of this, Patrick head to the Forest for a bit of hunting. He takes only a squirrel, but thoroughly enjoy's the physical and mental workout anyway.

He heads back into town for a drink at the Mystic Man. But first he stops by to see Kyra for a glass of mint tea. With a peck on the forehead and an "I love you."

Upon entering the Tavern, he see's Rooster and sits by him...perhaps a drink today isn't wise. I am getting old after all.

"So Rooster, how are you enjoying living here so far?"


3 Job actions being the mayor
2 special hunting
1 other travelling

+110g +1 Hunting

2009-08-18, 07:02 PM
Blars comes into town and immediately to the market to sell his product. He notes the festive flower arrangements that give the place a levity. After making some good sales, he heads back to the local district, on his way to the Mystic Man, when he notices a new booth.

Walking up and noting the prices and the cute young lady behind the counter, Blars says, G'Evening, Ma'am. Could I get a cup of tea?

Jesse Drake
2009-08-18, 07:12 PM
Virgil easily wakes up, and goes to the fields where he finds a few things this time. He spends almost his entire morning there... Until he remembers the festival. He runs off towards the village and makes it in time.

Before heading to the bar, he approaches Kyra. "Hello... I haven't seen you around. I'm Virgil, and I run the Mystic Man Tavern down by the outskirts." He buys one cup of her tea. "Mmm... I haven't had a good cup of tea in ages." He laughs, but it's true. It's been at least 20 years, though being a witch, he ages alot slower than normal people.***

Later, back at the bar, he see's Rooster and The Mayor, and goes to get them a drink. He sits down, and has Marla bring drinks over to the table. "It's a holiday, I can't sell you alcohol today, but it's nice to have company." Seeing the mayor's face when he walked in, he preemptively ordered him a kiwi juice.
Marla brings the drinks and smiles. "Here ya go mister mayor." She hands him a cup of bright green juice. And then hands over two mugs full of frothy ale, one to Rooster, one to Virgil. "And for the strapping farmer, here's an ale." Virgil drinks his in one shot, and smiles.

"Oh, here, put this in the box in the back." He hands her the berry and the poison mushroom. "Put those to be brewed..." He whispered that.

2009-08-18, 07:31 PM
Rooster throws back the mug and shudders. Your drinks always make me feel better. he reaches into his pocket and slides an egg across the bar Something for yourself

2009-08-18, 07:33 PM
Noting the young lady's obvious shyness, Blars takes pity on her by paying his money, including a 50% tip, To keep up the good work, and continues on his way to the Mystic Man. Supping his tea, he walks into the Tavern and greets the Mayor, Virgil and Rooster. You guys should try this tea, it's pretty good!, Blars says with a hearty laugh. He goes and sits next to Rooster and gives him a friendly smack on the back. C'mon, son, cheer up! It's a festival today, isn't it? We should be enjoying ourselves! Barkeep, bring on the ale! Haha!
Spent 75 g on mint tea

Jesse Drake
2009-08-18, 07:39 PM
Marla brings Blars a drink, as commanded by a nod by Virgil. "Thanks, it's a home brew." He smiles, and looks at the egg with a confused look. "What am I supposed to do with this... is it food, or a weapon?" he thinks, but merely smiles.

(I'm figuring out how to make a nice item for Virgil to dislike. It won't drop friendship now, but for future notice... just tell him it's food.)

Oh yeah, selling my crops and paying for the tea, obviously.

2009-08-18, 07:54 PM
Thank you, young lady, Blars says with gusto, toasting the others and taking a large mouthful, drops dribbling through his handlebar mustache. Mmm, nutty. Just how I like it! He turns to Rooster with a grin and says How's the chicken ranching business going these days? Pulling a profit?

2009-08-18, 08:12 PM
Isaac woke somewhat tired, the taxi had reached his new farm late last night, and he really hadn't gotten a chance to look round yet. Pulling back the curtains he looked out onto the grassy fields, laid thick with dew. Pulling on an overcoat he walked out to examine his farm.

The stable was rather small, and had a few gaps in the boards. The horse inside was still asleep, and Isaac decided not to wake him so early. His animals needed names, didn't they? Well his horse could be Patrick. Isaac hoped the name would suit him.

The chicken coop looked like a patchwork construction of old boards, and sat over a hill from his cabin, out of sight. It also seemed his chickens were more attentive than his horse, and were already awake and wandering round. Isaac opened the door and tried to herd them outside, and collect their eggs. One chicken squawked and pecked at him when he tried, so he left that one alone. He also poured a sack of feed into their tray, just in case they had trouble finding food. They also needed names. Peter, Squawky, Rorsach, Eiko, and Rebecca. That should do, not that he could really tell them apart that much.

Back at his cabin Isaac decided to get some breakfast out of the four eggs he had collected. Unfortunately his attempt was less than successful, managing to burn the egg he was frying and his piece of toast. He sat down to a meal with a bit more carbon than initially intended.

Next up was an exploration of the town. Patrick had seemed to have woken up now, and Isaac brushed him down and saddled him up. Isaac’s first attempt at riding in twelve years was a lot different to he remembered, and he took Patrick at a rather slow pace. The forest seemed rather peaceful, and Isaac spent some time looking for nice glades and similar places. He spotted a nice looking cabin but decided not to intrude. Next stop was up towards the mountains, seemingly a popular spot for real estate. He could see why, the creeks and views were simply beautiful. Looking out over the town he noticed some sort of festivities were going on, and decided to lead Patrick that way.

[/wall of text]
1 job action caring for chickens
1 job action cooking
1 other action travelling to forest
2 special actions foraging
1 other action travelling to town
I left one of the eggs under a chicken, I'm going to treat that as saving it for a later purchase of chickens, so the egg should hatch in a few days and be laying in ten.
Also, does anyone have a lunch available for 30g or less?

2009-08-18, 09:46 PM
Ellie rubbed her eyes, and cringed a bit. This smell will take some getting used to she thought, taking in a whiff of the manure from nearby. Sitting up, she slipped on some booties and jumped out of bed. Today was her first full day on the farm, after being dropped off the night before with some books and a wave. The night was mostly spent unpacking, and looking around her new land.

She changed into a set of overalls and broken in work boots. While walking downstairs, she noticed a bag of seeds on the table with a note mentioning the tools in the shed. Grabbing them, and some gloves, she walked over to the shed nearby. Ellie opened the doors to reveal some basic tools. Grabbing the hoe, she tilled the nearby land, and carefully planted the seeds in the pattern a book had told her to. She wiped some sweat from her brow, and returned the hoe to the shed, exchanging it for the watering can. Ellie found the well nearby, and dipped the can down to retrieve water. Then she spread the water on the newly planted seeds. Well, that should do for now, she thought, picking up her supplies.

While walking home, she found a note that there was a Flower Festival happening back at the town. That seems like a good way to meet the new neighbors. With a quick shower and a change into some more casual clothing, Ellie hopped on her horse to go into town. Let's go make some friends, Rodger! she said with a slight tap to his side with her heel.

On the way into town, Ellie decided to look around to see if she couldn't find any treasures scattered around the land. With no luck, she headed into town. On the way in, she noticed another man riding ahead, on the same path the the town.

Hello up there! she yelled, trotting forward with Rodger until she met up with Issac. My name is Ellie Baxter, I'm living in the older farm house in the plains, I just moved in. Mind showing me around town on your way in?

1- tilling land
2- planting seeds
3- watering plants

1- foraging attempt
2- foraging attempt

1- travel to forest
2- travel to town

2009-08-18, 10:13 PM
Kyra isn't purposefully ignoring her customers. A cursory nod and thanks are all she can afford at the moment. Her eyes stay focus on a scrap of paper she keeps scribbling on.

Inside the bar, the Mayor gratefully accepts the juice with a smile. " You're certainly correct about my daughter's tea. It's wonderful. Her mother shared the recipe with her before she passed." Patrick laughs a little. " I still don't know how to make it!"

"Raising chickens is always a task. Little dinners always need tending to I say. I pity the poor poultry. Nothing at all like it's wild cousin the turkey...now THAT'S a bird."

The Mayor pulls out some coins and slides them over to Marla for the drink. He's not too sure how much to pay, but 60g isn't going to put a huge dent in his estate.

"Hope the old mineshafts are holding up alright for you Blars. You stay safe. I'd hate to see a mountain man such as yourself laid low."

2009-08-18, 10:21 PM
I'd like to see the mountain that could stand up to me! Blars says with a rumbling laugh. He toasts Patrick with his 3rd tall mug of the evening and downs it, his cheeks red and his eyes merry. With a heftier smack on Rooster's back, Blars says Virgil, my good fellow, a drink for me and my friend here!

2009-08-19, 12:32 AM
Isaac was a little surprised when the young woman riding into town behind him called out, and slowed down Patrick a little.

"Oh, hi. I just got here myself actually, I haven't actually met anyone yet."

Isaac thought for a bit before continuing.

"Wait, you mean that little farm a bit to the south?" Realising he'd explained it relative to his farm he clarified, "Oh, I'm in that old ranch in the hilly bit. That's nearby yours right?"

As they reached town Isaac wondered whether he should dismount. Did people round here ride horses in town?

"I wonder if we're meant to park our horses somewhere."

2009-08-19, 10:44 AM
Mayor O'Donnelly wakes up and hits the forest for a little early AM hunting. The game is sparse today, he sees only a squirrel and decides not to take it.

He then heads into Town and takes down all the wilted flowers from yesterday and sets about his paperwork for the day. Upon finishing, he visits his daughter for a moment and heads for home to rest for the day.

Kyra stands out by her stand again with more flowers and mint tea. She seems to have an outline in front of her. An addition to her sign reads, "Want to be in the town newsletter? Tell me about yourself and I'll put you in!"

2009-08-19, 10:52 AM
Sorry, I had assumed everyone here had been around for awhile, she said with a smile. After riding into town, Ellie jumped from her horse, and led him to the post, wrapping the reigns loosely around it. After exploring the town a bit, Ellie returned to Rodger, and headed home.

Ellie could hear some rain falling on the roof above. Well, that saves me the watering can, she thought, smiling to herself. She pulled a rain coat out of her closet, and strapped on her work boots. She peeked out the window before going outside, to judge how much rain was coming down. Deciding it would be bearable, she stepped out.

First she went to check the newly planted turnips, which already had small green leaves poking out from the soil. Ellie went back to the shed, and found another bag of seeds. Mm potatoes! she said, grinning. Grabbing the seeds and the hoe again, she walked over to her plots. Walking past the turnips, she started tilling more land for the potatoes. Lucky for her, the ground was already wet, so it went quickly, but also resulted in a mess on her work clothes. She planted the seeds in the grid formation, and left to head back to the shed, leaving the rain to water the freshly planted seeds.

As she was walking back to the house to change, she paused, and decided instead to go forage in the forest. She groomed Rodger and put his saddle on, and traveled into the woods. While walking down the trail, she spotted a couple berry bushes, and a mushroom, and tucked the items gently into her satchel. After some looking around, she mounted Rodger and took off to explore the town once again, hoping to meet up with some new people.

1- planting potatoes

2- foraging attempt
3- foraging attempt
4- foraging attempt
5- foraging attempt

1- travel to forest
2- travel to town

Foraging +1
2x berries
1x mushroom

2009-08-19, 01:18 PM
The sound of rain hitting the roof wakes Blars, a splitting headache from last nights' festivities the only reminder of the occurrences. Checking his money pouch, he finds it a little lighter. Must've paid for the drinks last night, I guess. Blars muses. Shrugging and then immediately cringing at the sudden spike of pain, he gets up and prepares to head out. Putting on a heavy jerkin to fend off the rain, he heads out to the woods to forage for some herbs.

After many an hour of unsuccessful herbing, he stomps back to his cabin and shakes the rain from himself like a large hairy dog. After unsuccessfully warming himself by the fire, he grabs his mining pick and heads to the mining shaft, sloshing back out into the rain, which only seems to have gotten heavier.

Making it to the mine shaft, Blars finds that he's running low on lamp oil, so he turns the lantern to low and stomps in, water dripping from his clothes. Taking his pick to the area of the mine he had been currently working on, he started out trying to find more coal from that last vein he mined out. A combination of continuing hangover, poor light and shivering from walking in the rain made for not much progress the rest of the day till finally, in sheer frustration, Blars struck out at the mine wall with all his might, causing a minor rockfall, one of which hitting upon his shoulder with a loud *CRACK*. Dropping down to his knees with a hand to his injured shoulder, he makes a short cry of pain before biting down on it, ending it in fear of starting further cave-ins.

Grabbing his pick to use as a crutch, Blars works his way back to the mine entrance, trusting his memory to lead him back, as his injured shoulder makes it too painful to bring the lantern back. After a short while of slow limping, he finally makes it out, the rain finally letting up a little, though a low roll of thunder is heard from the other side of the mountains. Better take advantage of this lull...*EH*...as I can. Blars mutters with an effort and a spurt of pain, his hangover becoming little more than a forgotten memory. He limps on home, taking the shortest path to beat the storm to his cabin.

Just as the rain starts to pick up again and another ominous roll of thunder rumbles from the skies above, Blars stumbles into his cabin and shuts the door behind him. Stripping himself of his dripping clothes, he goes to stoke his fire and check his injury, to see the extent of the damage. Seeing some heavy bruising, Blars grabs his blanket and wraps himself up in front of the fire, wincing a little from his twinging shoulder as he attempts to move his shoulder as little as possible. Guess I'll be calling it a day. Now, where's that beef broth I had going yesterday...?
2 Job Actions spent Foraging - Unsuccessful
1 Job Action and 2 Special Actions Spent Mining - Unsuccessful, Injured for next 2 days
150 g spent at Mystic Man Tavern to cover drinks and tips

Jesse Drake
2009-08-19, 01:36 PM
Virgil wakes up and moves around, staggering. He tries to forage, but falls on his back several times. It's too muddy.

Virgil decides to go back into town and possibly see Kyra. But on the way, he notices a man walking in town. He's kinda shady, but makes Virgil an offer he can't refuse. He buys himself a pet from this weird man.

He buys a bat, and the bat has glowing green eyes. They let him see in the light, other than that, it's a normal bat. The size of a cat, it seems to be very affectionate. It rubs against Virgil's side.

On the way, he visits Kyra and decides to buy another cup of tea. For a very long time, the only thing Virgil's drank was beer and rum... and the occasional cup of kiwi juice. "So, how long have you been her little lady?"

3 Job Actions Spent Doing Job
2 Failed Special Actions
1 Other Action
500 Spent on Pet
450 Down on Debt
50 Spent on Tea

2009-08-19, 09:06 PM
Kyra smiles and looks up from her work. " All my life. You must be the tavern owner my father was telling me about." She laughs. " I was warned about you being a little strange, but told you were a decent fellow."

She notices the bat and giggles. " Aww...it's cute! Does it have a name?"

2009-08-19, 09:10 PM
Rooster combs his red hair and approaches the woman 'owdy there he says extending his hand My names Avery he smiles and continues and yours?

Jesse Drake
2009-08-19, 09:12 PM
"Um..." Virgil looks at him, and has his answer. "It's Twitches... He's got really keen ears, and they twitch when he's trying to focus." Virgil pets Twitches chin, and he makes a strange sound, but smiles (?) Then Virgil looks at himself. "Yeah, I guess me and my cousin are a bit different... But then again, if you met some of my friends, you'd think I'm a regular accountant." He starts to laugh heartily. Then he thinks... He could use a drink. "Have you tried magic ale before?" Just a formality. He was 99% certain she hadn't.

2009-08-19, 09:13 PM
"Kyra O'Donnelly. Yes, like the Mayor in case you were wondering. How very nice to meet you."

She gives a smile and jots a few quick notes. " Been in town long?"

2009-08-20, 01:21 AM
Isaac's second day on the farm was rainy, much to his disappointment. Pulling on his raincoat he went out to check on his animals.

Patrick was still asleep when he arrived, so he assumed his horse liked to sleep in. Squelching through the fields he arrived at the chicken coop. Inside was almost silent, with his chickens watching from their nests on the shelves. As he poured out a new bag of feed they hopped down, all except for Squawky, and Isaac was able to collect their eggs.

Another over cooked breakfast later he went to check on Patrick. After brushing him down Isaac led him off to have another look around the forest, moving slowly to avoid slipping in the mud. Underneath the branches the rain was reduced to only a faint dripping. Water sparkled on ferns and moss.

After a while in the forest Isaac decided to visit the town again. The paved road allowed him to properly ride Patrick, and he got there in no time. Leaving Patrick tied up under cover he entered a tavern.

"Mystic Man? Sounds... interesting."

Inside, Isaac checked the menu.

"Eh, hi, I'll have some nachos please."


1 job action tending to chickens
1 job action trying to cook an egg
1 job action tending to Patrick
1 other action riding to the forest
2 special actions trying to forage

Jesse Drake
2009-08-20, 05:06 AM
Virigil greets you. "Ah, I haven't seen you around. Perhaps it's best if I explain things first. See, my ale is something special... here, I'll give you a free bottle. It's the original brew, I don't really sell this one."

He hands you your nachos and the ale... Anyone drinking this will taste a fine, strong beer flavor, though slightly tingly, and it crackles in your mouth, like pop-rocks.

2009-08-20, 05:38 AM
"Ah, thanks. Yeah, I moved here just a few days ago, I'm at that old ranch out on the plains. The one with the really old chicken coop." Isaac sips some of the ale, and almost coughs, surprised at the taste. "This carbonated or something? I've never had anything like it."

Jesse Drake
2009-08-20, 05:49 AM
"Not carbonated... It's a magic effect, a small spell I put on it. I'd tell you what it was, ha ha, but then I'd have to kill you."

2009-08-20, 06:49 AM
Isaac wasn't sure what to think, having never encountered magic before. The man seemed friendly enough, but his bat was looking at Isaac strangely. And it's eyes seemed to glow. Actually, on second thoughts that was probably why it was looking at him strange. Isaac sipped the ale, still undecided on the effect. The nachos he was definitely into, they beat burnt eggs and toast any day.

"Well that'd explain it..." he mutters "Oh, my name's Isaac, by the way."

Jesse Drake
2009-08-20, 08:02 AM
"I'm Virgil... This is Twitches. Over there's my cousin Marla. And by that wall over there is my Grams." He points to the portrait of the old witch on the wall. The old lady waves.

"Nice to meet you Isaac!"

2009-08-20, 10:49 AM
Ellie heard some chatter coming from the tavern. After dismounting and hitching Rodger up to a post again, she took a couple steps into the building and noticed it was pretty busy. She recognized the man who she had met before the festival, and walked over to take a seat by his group.
Hi again! she said cheerfully towards Isaac. She then turned to the other person and extended a hand. I'm Ellie, I live in the old farmhouse in the Plains, she explained to him. Mind if I take a seat with you guys?

Jesse Drake
2009-08-20, 11:13 AM
"Hello ma'am. What can I do you for? I don't think I've seen you around before. I'd like to say my ale is something special. I can give you a taste of what the last batch was like... But my newest batch, what I sell here, is something amazing."

Anyone drinking this will taste a fine, strong beer flavor, though slightly tingly, and it crackles in your mouth, like pop-rocks.

2009-08-20, 12:32 PM
Patrick O'Donnelly wakes in the early morning and heads into the mountains to a small cabin to visit the Miner Blars. He'd heard about a cave in or something spreading around town and thought he'd stop to check by. Seeing the injury, he does his best to craft a crude sling for Blars, but fears it will do no good. With a get better soon, he sets out and does a little fishing.

It goes poorly. The fish just won't bite today. The Mayor snags a few, but kicks the dirt as they make their way free.

Not to be daunted, he packs in his pole and brings his trusty rifle around...he walks one of his favorite trails and spots a big black bear. With a resounding boom, he makes his shot and smiles as he begins the long haul of taking all that bear meat back into town.

He shuffles around his stack of this weeks papers for a while, sorting them out into piles of work. It takes him a good part of the day. He then begins his daily rounds about the town to check in on folks.

Kyra had been busy that morning as well. Everyone in town opens their mailbox to see her newsletter:

Good Day Mountain Valley Village! Welcome all the new folks! It seems like we just keep getting more and more smiling faces. Our little town seems to always be growing, just like the crops and wildflowers outdoors. One new addition to our town has built what is rapidly becoming a local hotspot. Of course, I'm sure you all know about the Mystic Man Tavern by now. I see it becoming quite a hit due to it's very unique drinks and quirky owners. Even our Good Mayor has said great things of this local business. Several farmers and outdoorsy folks have started up here too. Let's make sure that all feel welcome!

Don't forget-the first Horse Race of the year will be held this Saturday. All wishing to race should put in their interest to the Mayor or myself.

Have a great spring everyone! Wishing you the best- Kyra O'Donnelly.

3 Job actions being the mayor
1 Special action fishing
1 special action hunting-+1 hunting
1 other action healing Blars, failed
1 other action going to mountains


2009-08-20, 01:23 PM
Blars wakes up feeling rather stiff, for once in a made bed, for there was no drinking this past night, not when he could hardly move. Moving slowly, he gets up just to the sound of knocking at his door. Holding his arm so as to not jostle his injured shoulder too much, he answers to find the Mayor on his doorstep!

After some small talk, Blars invites him for a little bit of breakfast and then seeing to his arm. The Mayor, suggesting a sling so keep the shoulder from being unnecessarily strained, sets to work trying to make one while Blars has a look around to see if he had any of that rosemary from a few days ago left to make a poultice with. Both their efforts didn't do much to alleviate the pain, much to Blars' chagrin, so he saw the Mayor off to go about whatever Mayoral business there was to be doing.

Standing in the doorway, he sniffed at the air and eyed the new storm clouds rolling in. Looks to be blustery tomorrow. Rains may be good for the farmers but not for me. he says with a sigh. He steps back in and close his door, doing a little cleaning here and there, for the place could use such, especially if visitors were to be coming by to be seeing him and his injury.
1 Other action Medicining his injury - Unsuccessful

2009-08-20, 03:27 PM
Unfortunately I'm just starting out, so I don't have any money, she blushed a little. I'll definitely have to get back to you once I get a good harvest though. I just stopped in to look around the town, and figure out who all lives around here.

After chatting for awhile, Ellie excused herself for the night, and returned home to sleep.

When she woke up the next morning, she noticed the absence of the rain, and smiled a little, figuring it would be a good day. The rain seemed to help out her plants a bit, because the turnips had popped out of the earth more than the day before. They seemed like they would be ready pick up soon. Ellie watered the plants, and returned supplies to the shed. After eating lunch, she decided to explore the mountains with Rodger, and took in a lot of the sights. On her way back down, she went to the forest to try her luck at picking more berries or mushrooms. After finding nothing, she returned home to get some good rest for the next day's harvest.

1- watering

2- foraging attempt
3- foraging attempt
4- foraging attempt
5- foraging attempt

1- travel to mountains (free with skill)
1- travel to forest

Riding +1

2009-08-20, 04:26 PM
yes, Ms. O'donelly, I 'ave he smiles and pets the goat at his side

Jesse Drake
2009-08-20, 05:05 PM
Virgil wakes up and does his morning chores. He feeds a bit of cheese to Twitches, goes out to forage. He finds some herbs and a couple of mushrooms.

When he gets back, there's a tall man in leather armor standing in the doorway. He looks up at Virgil and punches him in the face. Virgil stumbles back, and the man starts to laugh. Virgil joins in. The man helps Virgil up. "Miko! Long time no see buddy!" The two of them enter the tavern.

3 Job Actions Spent doing chores and keeping up
2 Special Actions
1 Other Action
Selling the foraged items

2009-08-20, 05:18 PM
The Mayor sees the newcomer enter town and becomes immediately concerned. Someone wearing armor is a bit out of place. His hand rushes to the gun at his side and he begins to quickly walk over. Upon seeing the man assault Virgil, he begins to run.

Then, he sees them laughing and going inside the tavern. The urgency leaves the situation, but Patrick O'Donnelly decides to investigate another strange new appearance in his town.

He enters the Mystic Man cautiously and approaches the duo.

"So, Virgil...friend of yours?" He nods toward the armored man.

2009-08-20, 05:22 PM
After feeding the chickens, Rooster stumbles in the bar 'Ay Virg, 'ow 'bout a nice magic beeya ova here!
1 Job action used
1 other action used

Jesse Drake
2009-08-20, 05:30 PM
Last night...

Virgil gives Rooster an ale, and asks for the basic pay. But he smiles. "Don't freak out with this one Rooster. It's a special blend." You recall him giving Marla some poisonous toadstools, but what's the worst that can happen?

This tonic makes you feel different. It turns you white first. Then the warm feeling enters your body. Then tingles. And for a second, you turn into a floating greyish blue specter. You're feet become wisps of ghostliness... But the whole being a ghost thing only lasts for 5 seconds. Then you're back to normal, save the normal feeling you get from drinking.
Froogley- I didn't quite comprehend the part about just feeding your chickens, so if it takes place in the daytime, you get a normal ale. And the below still applies to you.

Virgil laughs and nods, grabbing some ice for his eye. "Oh yeah, this is Miko. I've known him for a long time. We've gotten in more trouble than we could handle on multiple occasions." The man laughs and sits down. "Come on in Mr. Mayor. Have a drink and hear some of Miko's tales." Virgil gets Miko an ale, and grabs one himself. Then he offers you a drink.

Miko will tell long tales for a couple of hours.

2009-08-20, 05:36 PM
The Mayor agrees to a drink. "Just one mind you...nothin' too fancy neither!" He says with a smile.

He then asks Miko his business in town and will listen to his stories.

2009-08-20, 06:12 PM
Rooster slaps the counter Whoo! That's some good stuff. He bows and says I'll be back soon. When out side he decides to sell his eggs at the market
1 other action used (selling)- 190 money

Jesse Drake
2009-08-20, 06:15 PM
Miko looks at the mayor and grunts "I'm actually not staying too long. I may stop by from time to time. It's nice to see Virgil finally put his love of alcohol to good use." He laughs heartily.

2009-08-21, 02:55 AM
Outside was clear again today, yesterday's rain seemingly forgotten. Isaac didn't even bother checking on Patrick today and went straight to the chicken coop. While letting the chickens out he heard a different chirping amongst them. Isaac tried to check under Squawky, but she pecked him down his arm leaving a scratch. Isaac assumed this meant she was a new mother. He'd have to think up a name for the chick.

Back at the cabin, Isaac decided to try making scrambled eggs today, but this turned out to be as much of a failure as his other attempts. Cooking breakfast wasn't as easy as he had assumed.

The morning was spent with another ride through the forest. Today he noticed that some of the bushes looked had a few small green berries on them. On closer inspection these were determined to be unripe blueberries. Isaac decided he might have to spend a day seeing what he could find in this forest.

Lunch was nachos at the Mystic Man again. Isaac noticed the mayor talking to a man in leather armour and thinks of the newsletter he received this morning. When he gets a chance he introduces himself, and asks the mayor about the horse riding competition

1 job action tending to chickens
1 job action trying to cook an egg
1 job action tending to Patrick
1 other action riding to the forest
2 special actions trying to forage
1 other action riding to town

Oh, and I bought some nachos again

Jesse Drake
2009-08-21, 07:04 AM

Miko decides that he's got to go. He promises he'll return, but doesn't say when. Everyone can stare in amazement, for his movement is very solid. He's very strong looking, and at his side would appear to be some sort of shot-gun blade. He smiles at you if he catches you looking at it.

After about an half hour, he comes running back in, panting. He's out of breath, and worried. "Quick, there's some wolves on the outskirts of town! Quick, we've got to defend the town."

He opens a small box, and pulls out several small guns. They won't give you a bonus, but it gives you a gun if you don't have one to use of your own.

Dueling or Hunting, player choice, roll, a success is a free drink and counts as a success, which will give you a point higher. Also, this takes none of your actions. Too good to be true, eh? Nope. If you fail, minor injury. If your roll 90-99, it's a medium injury. On 100, serious injury.


Virgil stands up. "I'm in Miko! Where to?" Miko grins and offers to lead.

During the trip, he's so drunk, he shoots his own foot. Things aren't pretty.

2009-08-21, 08:47 AM
"I'll come!"

Isaac hasn't fired a gun before, but he knows which side the bullets come out, so he doesn't think he'd be too much of a liability. As it is, he barely get twenty meters before tripping into a ditch and spraining his wrist, he follows behind and tries to help with spotting the wolves for the rest of the hunt, whilst cradling his arm. Rural life's a lot harder than he was led to believe.

2009-08-21, 02:09 PM
Day 6-
Waking up after a long rest, Ellie again heard the patter of rain drops overhead. She still smiled however; today was the first harvest day of her turnips. Ellie changed quickly, grabbing her raincoat from the closet again. Grabbing her gloves and a basket from the shed, she unearthed the turnips one by one, until the two fields were empty, and her basket was full. She loaded the basket into a saddle bag on Rodger, ready to turn them in to the general store in town.

Ellie rode into town carefully so the turnips would survive without getting too much mud on them. After getting into town, she entered the general store, wiping off her boots before entering. The walls were stocked with many different supplies, but the fishing rod caught her eye. With a price tag of 500g, she grabbed it excitedly, and grinned at the shop keeper. She approached the counter, and slowly emptied the basket. She also emptied the two berry branches and the mushroom from her satchel. The shopkeeper eyed them all up, then gave her the gold, minus 500g for the fishing rod. Ellie also decided to purchase some new seeds for the two empty fields, so she traded 400g for two bags of cabbage seeds. The shopkeeper explained that it would take a little longer for these seeds to grow, but would be worth more in the end, which sounded good. More time for me to fish, right? Ellie joked. After thanks and goodbyes, Ellie returned to Rodger with her new goodies.

Ellie went into the woods to try out her new toy. She had remembered fishing as a kid, and figured it would come back, like riding a bike. She found a nice spot near a spring, under some trees. After some time, Ellie had successfully gathered 12 fish of various sizes. She loaded them into her basket, and returned to her farm.

Once home, she got down to planting the new seeds. The rain would take care of watering for her, thankfully. I hope I did this right, she said to herself, shaking off some mud and taking her gloves off.

After a warm bath, Ellie jumped into bed, hoping it would be sunny the next day for the horse races.

1- harvesting (2 fields)
2- planting (2 fields)

3- fishing attempt
4- fishing attempt
5- fishing attempt

1- travel to town (free with skill)
1- travel to forest

Fishing rod
+18*60g for turnips sale
+30g+30g+35g for berries and mushroom sale
-400g for 2 bags of cabbage seeds
-500g for fishing rod
2 tiny, 6 small, 4 medium fish

+3 Fishing (:O!)
+1 Riding

2009-08-21, 02:31 PM
Early Morning. Patrick awakes. Second nature kicks in as he grabs his rifle and heads out into the forest. Two shots=two kills. He takes a rabbit and a squirrel. "Nothing wrong with small game." He cleans and skins the animals and makes his way back into town.

Then comes the boring part of the day...paperwork. He's busy filling out forms for the horserace tomorrow. Sending letters to the right government officials. Clearing the town for gambling and what have you. He post up flyers for any would be contestants tomorrow.

1st place gets a nice 500g prize it says.

It also states that betting on the horseraces is allowed, but is informal. Townfolk simply make other arrangements with each other. The betting is completely optional of course. Fun for everyone no matter what.

3 Job actions-Mayor/getting the town ready for the race
2 Special-Hunting
1 other-going to forest
+180g, +2 hunting

2009-08-21, 05:12 PM
Getting up with a short grunt of pain, Blars feels at his hurt shoulder, feeling that it's still tender, though not as bad as yesterday. Slipping on the crude sling the Mayor made him, he goes about his business, a little quicker than the day before but still much slower than he would like. He opens his ice chest to see if he can ice his shoulder to get some work for the day but it's utterly empty and warm, for that matter. Guess I haven't filled it in a while, huh... he muses. Glancing out the window at the rain coming down steadily, Blars shivers a little. He turns around and goes back to bed, hoping that tomorrow will be easier on his shoulder and ready to do something.
Other Action spent Medicining - Unsuccessful

2009-08-21, 09:51 PM
Isaac woke up ready for another day on the farm. Then he remembered last night. His arm still injured and with it raining outside, he decided to spend the day in bed to get better.

Failed Medicine.

Jesse Drake
2009-08-22, 05:08 AM
Virgil wakes up and looks at his foot. "Aye, that hurts." He tries to look around and ask for help, but Marla seems to be enjoying the day off. He just kinda lays there.

2009-08-22, 10:04 AM
Rooster awoke with a yawn and began to get his chores done. Whilst collecting eggs, he looked at his goat, I wonder . . .

A couple hours later, he stumbles into the bar, the sleep sticking to his eyes, 'Ay Virg', You doin' a' 'ight? You look pretty bad.
2 Job actions (chickens and milking goat)
1 other

2009-08-22, 10:21 AM
Blars wakes up this day feeling remarkably spry. His shoulder, while still a little stiff from disuse, seemed to be in working order. First doing some stretches to ensure that he doesn't strain anything from being kinda inactive the last couple days, he heads out to see if his luck with plants had changed.

Stepping out his front door, the sun beamed from above, as if to greet Blars back to the world. He looked up and squinted, out-stretching his arms and taking in the warmth he hadn't felt for a while. With a grin, he headed to the woods to see what mysteries could be dug up from the past couple days' rains.

Poking around in the usual places, he had some success in digging up some herbs, berries and even a mushroom colony. Heading home, he sorted and cleaned and set to work making those with medicinal value into something useful for the tending of wounds and treating of other ailments. After a couple hours of careful work, he thought he had finally figured out this brewing thing and, in his overconfidence at his apparent success, accidentally knocked the pot he was boiling the ingredients in to the floor, where they burbled and then went completely inert. Gah! I was this close! Blars yells at no one in particular, mostly himself and the empiness of his cabin.

With that, he grumpily wrapped up the rest of what he found to bring to the village to sell and headed there, remembering that today was the Horse Race. Where there's horses, there's betting and I'd like to see the contenders up close, too. Blars mused. Maybe I can make up for the loss of profits if I bet right...
3 Job actions and 1 Special Action spent Foraging - 90 g earned, 2 skill points added to Foraging
1 Special Action spent Medicining - Unsuccessful (Missed by 1 point!! :smallfurious:)
1 Other action spent going to town

2009-08-22, 01:00 PM

As if almost a daily ritual, the good Mayor Patrick O'Donnelly grabs his rifle in the morning and sets out on a hunt in the mountains. He sees nothing this day and turns in a little early to get the race set up for the day.

He goes to the racetrack just outside of town and begins to set up the booths and finds the trophy he had ordered for the event. He sets it up in a place where all can see the golden horse and rider making a mad dash on top of a marble platform.

He waits around for any contestants to arrive. So far, he has heard nothing about anyone interested in the race. He hopes that ordering the trophy wasn't a waste.

He runs into Blars and smiles. "Glad you could make it. Its good to see you on your feet again. Here to enjoy the races?"

His daughter Kyra is also there, hoping to see how skilled the riders are this year.

(Anyone who wants to race their horse must simple make a special action riding check. 1d100+your Racing skill level. Winner gets 500g and a trophy.)

3 Job actions-Mayor
1 Special action-Hunting
1 other action-going to mountains.

2009-08-22, 01:32 PM
Yes I am, Mr. Mayor, sir. It's good to be back on my feet and doing stuff again. He waves at Kyra with a smile and then his face blanks as a thought crosses his mind. Hey, Patrick, would you like if I got you a drink? I'd like to stop by the Mystic Man and pick up some ales to watch the competition with. I'm sure Virgil could use the extra promotion, not that his business has seemed to be lacking at all since he opened up. Plus, I have a hankering for some friendly betting. Where are the competitors, I'd like to scope 'em out so I can make a good bet.

2009-08-22, 01:43 PM
"Well, I'm not too sure where the competitors are, honestly. Perhaps I've failed in promoting this event. I don't want a drink, thank you. Take your time, I'm sure we will..."

Kyra cuts him off. " I'd like a drink. Please and thank you."

The Mayor gives his daughter a very funny look. " As I was saying....I'm sure we will have some competitors soon...even if it means contacting some out of towner jockeys...though I'd hate to do that."

2009-08-22, 01:54 PM
Alrighty, I'll go down to the Mystic Man, then and be back with some ales for myself and the little lady. I'll see if anyone's down there to bring back over here, maybe somebody to actually come out and compete. I'd compete if I had a horse but, well... Blars looks down meaningfully at his shoulder, Circumstances have made it a little difficult for me to make my livelihood At this, he sighs, then looks up with a smile and heads towards the Mystic Man, first trying to whistle and, when he gets frustrated at his inability to divine the secret of doing so, then starts humming tunelessly as he trundles off.

Jesse Drake
2009-08-22, 03:52 PM
In the Mystic Man, Virgil sits there in pain, drinking. He's oddly composed, but not working. Marla, however, takes your orders.

Virgil looks at Rooster. "I've had worse... Heh, guess that's what I get for acting like I'm in my 50's again. Heck, hanging out with Miko was fun though."

2009-08-22, 03:55 PM
Fifty? You don't look any older then forty. He wipes the sleep out of his eyes and continues I'd like a drink

2009-08-22, 03:59 PM
Blars walks into the Mystic Man and sees Virgil in an odd state. What happened to you? Drop something heavy on your foot or something?

Jesse Drake
2009-08-22, 04:16 PM
To Rooster "Ha ha ha ha ha! That's rich, I'm gonna have to tell Marla that." He looks at you and grins. "So that's your guess? Well, I'm 113 years young."

To Blars "I'm afraid I went and shot my foot during the trip. I took care of it, but it stings something fierce."

Twitches flits around, and Marla comes out and gives him a cheese cube. The little bat perches on her shoulder, as they shuffle in and out of the back room.

2009-08-22, 04:27 PM
Rooster punches Virgil in the shoulder Sure sure He slides over next to Kyra Hey Kyra, anything unusual today?

2009-08-22, 04:56 PM
Blars eyes Rooster, as he slides over and starts talking to someone who isn't there. He then turns to Virgil and says Sorry to hear that. I prefer a knife to a pistol any day, as I'm less likely to injure myself with one and if I do, it'll be because of my own incompetence, not because the gun decided to misfire. Anyways, I stopped by in get some ales to go. The Horse Race is supposed to be starting soon and I'd like to get back over there to see what the horses and riders look like. There's some money to be made and I'd like to get in on it.

Jesse Drake
2009-08-22, 05:04 PM
Virgil looks at him and grins. "Well, how's about six bottles of wraith ale for 200 big ones? Special deal, and since I can't get in on the betting, might as well here about it later." Are you buying a 6-Pack?

2009-08-22, 05:06 PM
Special Deal, eh? Sounds good to me! Blars draws out his coin pouch and puts down that 200 g.
200 g spent on 6 pack of wraith ale

Jesse Drake
2009-08-22, 05:22 PM
"It's yours. Just let me know who wins... In fact, here's 50 smackers, put it whoever your bettin on. I'd like a piece of the action."

Pays 50 g for Blars to bet in his name.

2009-08-22, 05:31 PM
You got it, Virg. Blars says with a wink. Taking the six pack, he heads off back towards the Race Track. As he's about to step out, he stops short, turns around and says Hey, Rooster, don't you have a horse? Why don't you come race? There's a cool 500 g if you can come in first. What do ya say?

2009-08-22, 07:54 PM
Rooster smiles sheepishly and says Um . . . I have a goat

2009-08-22, 08:12 PM
Oh, a pity, that. Ah well, I'll be off to see what the racers look like, then. Have a good evening, gents. Oh, and lady, of course. Blars says with a nod to Marla. He then heads off towards the Race Track with his 6 pack of Wraith Ale.

2009-08-22, 10:57 PM
Day 7:
Ellie woke up and changed as usual, then went to water the cabbage and potatoes. She then mounted Rodger with her fishing pole, and rode into the forest to try her luck. After a couple hours of relaxing with no bites, she packed up and headed to town to join the horse race.

1- watering

2- fishing attempt
3- fishing attempt
4- fishing attempt
5- fishing attempt

1- riding to forest
2- riding to town

Horse race result was 73 :)

2009-08-22, 11:59 PM
Isaac's hand felt better after a day of rest. He got up to check how his chickens had done without him. Much to his surprise, someone had come to his farm and gave them a bag of feed. Quite a mystery. He herded them outside and collected their eggs.

Today he managed to fry up an egg without destroying it completely. It definitely tasted a lot better like that. Isaac spent some time brushing down Patrick and making sure his saddle was a properly. Today was his big day.

Isaac led Patrick today, hoping to preserve his strength. As he walked through the forest he noticed a couple mushrooms and decided to take them home. He also spotted a plant with some nice white flowers. He tried to pick some, but the whole plant came out instead. Isaac put his finds in Patrick's saddlebag; they weren't likely to slow him down too much.

When he got into town he approached the Mayor

"Hi, I tried to talk to you about the race before the wolves attacked, but, well... Are there any places left open?"

As he continued to the race he walked over to Ellie and asked "Someone visited my farm yesterday and fed the chickens for me, was it you?"

1 job action collecting eggs
1 job action cooking breakfast
1 job action caring for Patrick
1 other action travelling to forest
2 special actions foraging
1 other action travelling to town
124 for race

2009-08-23, 12:30 AM
Kyra brushes a stray hair from out of her face and smiles at Rooster, "Other than an odd question from you? Nothing." She cuts him a quick dirty look then smiles. "I'm just kidding!"

Jesse Drake
2009-08-23, 06:53 AM
"Ha!" Virgil hears Kyra talking to Rooster and couldn't help himself. He looks at her and smiles. "So, you've never had any Mystic Ale have you?" He points and "grabs" a bottle of Wraith Ale.

2009-08-23, 11:41 AM
Back at the race track, Blars takes out two bottle of Virgil's Wraith Ale and removes the caps with his teeth, spitting out the slightly mangled caps and handing one over to Kyra with a fierce grin.

Just then, the racers finally showed up, though they were people he hadn't personally met, a young lady on a nondescript horse and another fellow with an equally nondescript horse of nondescriptness. Unable to fathom anything about either racer, he decided to hold back on his bets, given there was no one else about to bet with, anyways, and how can you make a good bet if you don't have any information on the racers or their horses, really? Guess I'll be giving Virgil back his betting money. Blars mused while taking a sip of his ale. Unexpectedly feeling incorporeal is a weird feeling, especially when you're not expecting it.

Shaking his head a bit to shake the strange feeling away, he notes the two racers mount and make their preparations to race. Leaning forward on the fence, he looks towards the two, as if getting closer would magnify the racers to him. With an unspoken signal, they start off, the horses quickly picking up speed and neck and neck with one another, quickly speeding by his place by the fence. Woo! Look at 'em go! Blars cheers, punctuating with a rumble of laughter before clinking bottles with Kyra before taking another swig of Wraith Ale. Incorporeality grows on you a bit, it does.

The racers hit the bend and this is where they start to separate, the young lady not quite turning her horse at the right time to maintain speed. The other fellow does so seemingly effortlessly, pulling forward by a head and the gap growing. With a squawk, the young lady spurs her horse and pushes to keep up but never seeming to make up for that gap and slowly losing ground.

By the second turn, the other racer has increased the gap to a half a horse length and growing, hugging the inside curve as he makes it around and keeping nearly plastered to his horse, minimizing the wind resistance. The young lady makes a better turn at this one but still losing ground as the other rider keeps his horse running forward. Hitting the final straight away, the fellow whips his horse into a dead sprint, increasing the gap even more till hitting the finish line a horse length and a half before the young lady, who, with a determined look to the end, starts mimicking the fellow a little too late in squatting down so as not to create drag.

The two horses come to a stop with wild cheers coming from at least Blars, who seems a bit too tipsy already, having finished his first bottle and well into his second. The horses panting and sweating a little, the riders dismount and share pleasantries, a solid handshake and smiles for a race well ridden. Blars looks toward the Mayor, waiting patiently for the older man to go give the congratulations and awarding of prizes.

2009-08-23, 12:17 PM
(Wonderful description of the race...this is what this game should be all about. Community driven. Bravo!)

With the contestants there, the Mayor gives them both a quick run of the rules and wishes them both the best of luck.

Kyra takes the bottle with an odd grin. "If you keep doing that, you'll lose your teeth." She chugs the bottle in one go and give a shrill cry at the strange effects of the drink. "What in the blazes? I'll be having no more of this, thanks." Her face turns red with embarassment. Patrick gives Blars a toothy grin.

The O'Donnellys watch the race excitedly. Both begin to tease each other about who will win. The Mayor is leaning toward the young lady; his daughter of course cheers on the other rider. "Come on girl give it your all!" "No way! Lookit the other go!" The Mayor get a little frustrated toward the end. "Whatever happened to ladies first?!"

With the race over, Patrick walks over to Isaac and hands him the trophy and a packet containing 500g. "Ladies and gentlemen, we have our winner!" He leans in close and whispers that he's forgotten his name. Once reminded he begins again. " Please give a warm round of applause for both our racers! Congratulations to Isaac and his wonderfully named mount-Patrick!" He waits for the clapping and cheering to die down. " Don't forget about our other daring contestant...Ellie. Without her valiant efforts, this event would have been rather boring. Thank you all for coming out."

2009-08-23, 12:21 PM
Rooster glances around Oh . . . um . . . yeah he lifts his head Slide me a cold one, Virg

2009-08-23, 12:29 PM
Ellie shook Isaac's hand after the race. Glad I could race against you, she said with a smile. And sorry, I wasn't the mystery person to feed your chickens. Yesterday I was busy with my first harvest. How have your chickens been doing?

Jesse Drake
2009-08-23, 12:31 PM
Virgil does so, and otherwise keeps drinking. He's obviously in alot of pain.

2009-08-23, 12:55 PM
Rooster awakes from the long night and goes to do his work. Almost out of chicken feed he says to himself. Afterwards he wanders into town and heads into Virgil's bar I need a new place to hang out he thought
2 Job actions
1 other

Jesse Drake
2009-08-23, 01:06 PM
Virgil sleeps well. By morning, his foot is better. "Well, that was a tough day. But like ma Wyatt used to say, a bottle a day keeps the doctor away." He smiles, drinking some ale, before leaving to forage. But like any other day, he's too busy with his... thoughts, to find anything. He heads back to work to do some chores, when he thinks "Ya know, this place would be alot better if I could make some of ma's healing stuff. I'll have to get that from her soon."

Seeing Rooster, he thinks to himself "Is there no where else to hang out. Well, it's my day off, so I'll get him a drink and we shall have to find out."

3 Job Actions Spent
2 Special
1 Other

2009-08-23, 01:08 PM
'Ey Virge'. 'ow ya doin'?

Jesse Drake
2009-08-23, 01:42 PM
"Great! My foots better and thanks to you and Blars, business has been great." He hands Rooster a bottle and ushers him outside. Twitches flies beside him close. Then, he shuts the door and looks around. "It's a nice day, isn't it?" Looking around

2009-08-23, 02:31 PM
Rooster smiles It truly is. A thought runs across his mind So . . . um . . . that broad that's always helpin' 'roun' ya shop. you an' 'er? She kin or somin?

Jesse Drake
2009-08-23, 02:34 PM
"Heh, she's my baby cousin." Laughs Virgil. "She's not any trouble and she refuses to let me keep Grams all to myself, so she stays with me and helps out."

2009-08-23, 02:39 PM
Oh he says with a certain smoothness Sorry for th' pryin', I just wondered

Jesse Drake
2009-08-23, 02:49 PM
"Oh, it's fine. Hell, I usually get a whole lot more questioning everywhere else. But I like it here. It's nice." Virgil walks a bit further before asking "So how are things back at your farm?"

2009-08-23, 02:53 PM
Rooster sips at the bottle Its doin' nice. I got my chickens, and an ol' billy goat. The house needs some fine tunein'

Jesse Drake
2009-08-23, 02:55 PM
"Oh! I know a spell to turn chickens into rocks I could do... If you'd like." He smiles, his hands glowing... he may be serious.

2009-08-23, 03:03 PM
If only you could turn rocks into chickens Rooster has himself a laugh and throws back the bottle

Jesse Drake
2009-08-23, 03:04 PM
"Nope, sorry. Doesn't go both ways... Hell, I can't even turn rocks that were chickens back into chickens."

2009-08-23, 03:06 PM
You know . . . I'm gonna 'ave to take you on that He's drunk enough to actually do it. So he runs off, sells his wares and buys a chicken

Jesse Drake
2009-08-23, 05:23 PM
Virgil decides to give it a shot. He waves his hands... and turns the chicken into a wolf. Luckily, it leaves the two alone, but clearly exhibits Virgil's capabilities.

2009-08-23, 05:31 PM
Holy sh!t!

2009-08-23, 06:43 PM
Blars cheers wildly as he finishes his second ale and after the ceremonies goes out and hands each of the contestants as bottle of Virgil's Wraith Ale and a hefty slap on the back. Excellent race! Astounding! I didn't even know we had such skilled riders around our little town. I wish I could ride half so well or even a quarter!

After the festivities die down and Blars downs his last bottle of ale, he heads home for a good night's rest. Waking up in the morning, he stretches and heads out into the wild to dig up some herbs and mushrooms. After many hours of searching revealing a small patch of ginseng and a large mushroom colony, he takes his finds home and again sorts them out. Deciding to experiment with his find, he tries to prepare them one at a time, till he finally gets the hang of this medicine process.

Taking one of the venomous mushrooms, he carefully removes the spines from it and carefully chops it up before putting it in the pot to boil with water. Setting it up, he goes to take a nap and wakes up a couple hours later to find that the potion pot had boiled over and that the remaining mushroom had mushed and dried up. Maybe I should stop trying to boil this stuff...
4 Special Actions spent Foraging - 105 g earned, 2 skill points added to Foraging, 2 Poison Mushrooms and 1 Medical Herb kept
1 Special Action spent Medicine making - Unsuccessful, 1 Poison Mushroom used

2009-08-23, 09:13 PM
Day 8:
Ellie began the day with harvesting her potatoes, and loading them onto Rodger. After they were loaded up and ready, she grabbed her fishing pole to relax a little before unloading them in town. Riding into the woods, she found her usual spot to wind down and try to get some more fish. She hauled in 4 fish, mostly bigger than the last time she had been successful. Noticing the time of the day, she packed up to make sure she would make the store before it closed.

In town, she wandered to the general store. Greeting the keeper, she mentioned her potatoes, then presented them on the counter. After getting a nod, she exchanged her produce for 2 bags of turnip seeds, and more gold. On my way to a greenhouse Ellie smiled, grabbing her loot.

She decided to go to the local pub to chat with the locals.

1- harvesting
2- planting
3- watering

1- fishing attempt
2- fishing attempt

1- riding to forest
2- riding to town

+1440g for selling potatoes
-400g for buying turnip seeds
1 small, 3 medium fish

+1 Fishing

2009-08-24, 04:20 PM
Patrick O'Donnelly decides that he needs a day off. Preparing all these festivals and making sure the townfolk don't go crazy(or perhaps grow crazier) can take a lot out of a man. He heads into the mountains and begins to walk some trails that he hasn't been on since he was a boy. Along the way he see's a fair bit of game. He manages to plink a pair of squirrels, but that's about it. He sees a great trophy-worthy black bear foraging some berries and takes aim. He smiles at the thought of a little bear jerky and slowly squeezes the trigger. It just goes click. He pulls the trigger again and the gun goes off. Unfortunately, he had it pointed to the sky. The bear makes a low woof/snort sound as it runs away. Clearly having its breakfast ruined.

The Mayor makes his way back into town and can be seen walking around town. Any who get near can hear him talking to the rifle that he is still carrying. "I don't understand you! After all we've been through and done together...I'm ashamed."

5 actions spent Hunting
1 other going to mountains
+20g +2 Hunting

2009-08-24, 04:31 PM
Rooster awakes and does his morning ritual and heads down to the bar
You know, Isn't this getting a little . . . ordinary? We're here everyday!

2009-08-24, 05:07 PM
Ellie greets the man who walks into the bar. Not sure that we've met. I'm Ellie, I farm up in the Plains.

Jesse Drake
2009-08-24, 05:30 PM
Virgil greets the customers and ushers them in. He's got a new brew today...

2009-08-24, 05:53 PM
Isaac was a little surprised by his performance in the race. Of course, he'd thought the event would be a lot larger. Maybe the local racers were still tired after that hunt. Ellie had told him she wasn't the person who'd fed his chickens. The mystery deepened. Isaac mentioned Squawky's chick before going off to purchase two more chickens, Uno and Duos.

Seemingly inspired by his recent successes, Isaac managed to once again successfully fry an egg. His ride through the forest was also interesting, finding not only a few more mushrooms, but also two bulbs of garlic and some blackberries. There were a lot of plants around he didn't recognise.

Riding to town, he decided to ask at the Magic Man about where he could get a book on herbs, but as he entered it appeared Virgil had something to say.


1 job action collecting eggs
1 job action cooking breakfast
1 job action caring for Patrick
1 other action travelling to forest
2 special actions foraging
1 other action travelling to town

2009-08-24, 07:48 PM
Rooster smiles that charming smile of his Th' name's Avery, I raise chickens up in th' mountains

2009-08-24, 11:34 PM
Nice to meet you she smiled.

Ellie stayed for awhile, but had to leave to get back with time to plant her new seeds. She watered all of the fields, then went to bed.

Jesse Drake
2009-08-25, 06:22 AM
Virgil welcomes his customers in. His brew is slightly different tonight.
Your eyes start to turn into tiny slitted cat eyes. It's odd. But if you should happen to drink it down in one shot, your turn into a catfolk (for 4 seconds of course). Well, it's either that or a lizard folk. It's a random effect you can pick that has no impact whatsoever... And so continues Virgil's quest for the perfect ale.

3 Job Actions Spent
2 Special Actions Spent failed
1 Other Action Spent Going to the fields

2009-08-25, 07:17 AM
Rooster downs the ale. After becoming a lizard, he tumbles to the ground. Virgil what the hell!?!

Jesse Drake
2009-08-25, 07:46 AM
"Oh, sorry, I'm just trying new and creative poti... brews. It's nothing too bad, look at yourself. You're back to normal." He whistles innocently.

2009-08-25, 11:53 AM
Day 9:
After watering her plants for the day, Ellie decided to strap on an apron and test her cooking skills with the fish she had caught the last couple days. She removed two of the smallest fish from her freezer, and let them thaw. After oiling the pan, she placed one fish in, but noticed she probably should remove the scales before continuing. She threw that one out, and prepared the other fish to continue cooking. The meat sizzled with the oil, and fried the fish well. She wrapped it up and put it in her cooler. Ellie threw the other ruined fish out to the field, figuring a scavenger would appreciate it.

She grabbed her fishing rod and retired to the forest to replenish her fish supply. Two of the fish she caught were the biggest she had seen come out of that river, along with two of the smaller sized ones. After packing them away, Ellie went into town to socialize.

1- watering
1- cooking attempt
1- cooking attempt

1- fishing attempt
1- fishing attempt

1- ride to forest
1- ride to town

+1 Cooking
+1 Fishing
+2 Riding

Jesse Drake
2009-08-25, 12:15 PM
Day 9
Virgil goes out to find some more material, and comes across a few mushrooms. It's not too bad, but he'd of hoped for more.

Then he walks up to Ellie and decides to introduce himself. Shoving the 'shrooms in his pockets, he extends his hand and says "Hello young lady. How are you today?"

3 Job Actions Spent Doing Chores and prepping for the night's sales.

2 Special Actions spent Foraging

1 other spent moving to the fields to forage

2 mushrooms and a poisonous mushroom found, and the mushrooms are to be sold.

2009-08-25, 12:28 PM
Blars wakes up, feeling kinda lucky today for some reason. Not quite sure why but he feels that fortune may finally shine on him. Somewhat emboldened, he sets out into the woods, he sees if he was feeling right.

Apparently fortune wasn't for finding stuff, as he only find some gooseberries, a small peppercorn bush and a couple truffles. Feeling a little frustrated about the matter, Blars once again tries his hand at making poultices. The other poison mushroom didn't work all that much better than the first one, unfortunately and, getting near the bottom of well of patience, starts by crushing his remaining herbs with a mortar and pestle. He worked hard at it, till finally, with a dawning look of relief on his face, his hard work and diligence finally awarded him with results, a healing poultice that works!

With a woop and shout, he runs down the mountain road to town, cries of Success!! ringing from the hills.
3 Job actions spent Foraging - 85 g made, 1 skill point added to Foraging
2 Special actions spent Medicining - Healing Potion Strength 1 made, 1 skill point added to Medicine
1 Other action spent traveling to town to celebrate success! =D

2009-08-25, 12:39 PM
Awakening with a yawn, the Mayor decides to change up his routine a little and gets straight to work with his Mayoral stuff right away. It doesn't take him too long. In the afternoon, he spends his time out in the mountains with his fishing pole. It's a little slow at first. Nothing seems to bite. Right before he's about to leave he manages to catch four fish. He smiles and begins to head back to town. On his way down, he hears Blars wooping and hollering "Success". Interested, he makes his way down after him and manages to catch up with him in town.

"Say there Blars, you look quite happy? Strike it rich to day in the mountains?"

3 Job-Mayor
1 other-mts.
+1 Fishing, +240g

2009-08-25, 12:58 PM
Mayor! I finally made my breakthrough in poultice making! I've been trying to figure out what root and herbs on the mountains to use to mend scrapes and ease bruising and I've finally found one! Blars says with exuberance between pants of joy from his mad dash down the mountain. Well, it's a start, anyways. Hopefully this isn't just a fluke and I can get these poultices producing!

2009-08-25, 12:59 PM
Ellie shook the man's hand and said Hi there, I'm Ellie, I farm in the Plains. I'm doing pretty well today, how about you? She noticed the mushrooms coming out from his pocket slightly, and pointed at them Going to make anything with those? she said, smiling.

Jesse Drake
2009-08-25, 01:06 PM
"I'm doing fine today... The rain makes it seem so much gloomier than it is, don't you think. I like it though. It's soothing." He makes a gesture like he's raising an umbrella, and sure enough, the rain stops hitting him for a second. Then the wind picks up and carries off his figmentive umbrella. "Oh, that bites." Then looking at his mushrooms, he smiles. Pulling out the purple one, he snaps off a small bit of it and chews on it. "Mm... This is going into making Ma's famous healing drought. Should prove effective. Wanna taste?"

2009-08-25, 01:12 PM
No thanks, I'm okay she said, trying to stay polite without showing too much disgust. I stick to fish and produce usually. Ellie lifted the flap of her satchel, showing off the fish she caught. I had some good luck today, they seem to come out more in the rain.

Jesse Drake
2009-08-25, 01:21 PM
Virgil grins and puts the piece in his mouth, not too phased by the poison in it. "Oh well, not everyone likes everything..." He says that looking at the fish, clearly a food he's not too keen on. "But we all live together, and as far as I can tell, its a happy existence." Then he smiles. "So do you fish often? I'm terrible. The last time I tried, I ended up swimming with them for the whole evening. Ha ha ha."

2009-08-25, 02:00 PM
Well, I seem to have pretty good luck lately, and I enjoy it. I use it to relax after farming in the morning. So what do you enjoy doing around here?

Jesse Drake
2009-08-25, 06:40 PM
"I enjoy trying to forage..." Virgil smiles. "I also like to drink. Actually, I make some interesting ales. My first two brews seem to have Rooster happy, but I don't think he likes my Animorphic Ale..."

2009-08-25, 07:23 PM
Rooster does what he always does and heads to the bar. 'Ey Virge, 'ow ya doin' today?
2 Job actions used
1 other

Jesse Drake
2009-08-25, 07:26 PM
"Good, as always." Virgil smiles. "It's all the same to me, but which ale would you prefer..." Magic Man Original, Wraith Ale, or Animorphic Ale.

2009-08-25, 07:29 PM
You know me, Virge, Jus' a regula ol' brew. He yawns and continues That shapeshiftin stuff makes my skin crawl.

Jesse Drake
2009-08-25, 07:30 PM
He hands over the ale. "That's why I made it." He adds.

2009-08-25, 07:53 PM
Ya got me there he adds before downing the ale. He then flashes his winning smile and walks out of the bar, Selling his wares and wandering the town
Sells eggs
Buys 3 chickens
Buys 4 chicken feed

2009-08-27, 11:51 AM
Day 10:
Ellie woke up and decided to try cooking again. This time she took out two fish larger than before, but still pretty small. Unfortunately the new size posed a challenge, and both times she ended up ruining the fish meat while trying to take out the bones and remove the scales. Needs some work, she sighed, throwing out the carcasses. Yesterday's fish was gone from her pile, and if she kept up with her current patterns, she figured she would have a pet raccoon by no time.

Ellie went to the woods to get more fish, but had no luck there either. She packed up and went to town.

1- watering
1- cooking attempt
1- cooking attempt

1- fishing attempt
1- fishing attempt

1- ride to forest
1- ride to town

2009-08-27, 12:17 PM
After spending some time chatting up the Mayor, Blars decides that the celebrations will wait till it's not raining enough to soak him through and he knows the potion isn't a fluke. He heads home, shakes himself like a large moist dog and sets about warming up and preparing for the return to the mines tomorrow.

The day breaks with continued rains, though with his shiny new poultice, he feels a bit invulnerable. He grabs his heavy jacket and heads out into the downpour, to see if he can dig up some more herbs and mushrooms suitable for medicinal workings.

A couple hours of sloshing through puddles reveals some herbs and whatnot, though nothing that would be good for reducing swelling or dulling pain. Bah, where'd that herb patch go?!? I swear it was around here somewhere... Blars mutters with a colorful curse thrown in.

He sloshes home to dry out a little before heading towards the mine, remembering that it was a day like this that left him injured, however minor it really was. He drops off his herbs and 'shrooms, grabs his pick and mining helmet and heads toward his claimed mine shaft at a slow jog. Arriving as he left it, Blars recalls that he left his lantern at the cave-in. Taking off his coat so he has a chance to dry without the soaked garment against his skin, he feels his way down the tunnel to see if he can find where he left it.

After a little while of shuffling around in the pitch blackness of the mine, Blars' foot taps against a metal object. He reaches down blindly and slowly, feeling the object till he recognizes his lantern. Glad it wasn't lost in that cave-in... Blars mutters as feels around for the lighter to get it going. Lighting it up, he notices the low flame and recalls he had little oil for it and makes his way back toward the entrance to fill it up again, this time reaching the entrance somewhat quicker with the light guiding his way.

Turning off the lantern so that he doesn't foolishly light his entire oil supply on fire, he fills up the oil reservoir, noting the rain not letting up at all since he came out here. That farmer girl is probably enjoying this rain for her crops, probably... Blars muses. Filling up the lantern and relighting it, he takes the cheerful little flame back with him toward the cave-in again, to clean out some of the stone and see if anything new was revealed from the rock face.

Moving all those rocks was hard work but he found deposits in some of them of coal and one that was even shinier, a beryl. With a smile, he took the valuables out to his ore bucket and deposited the rest with the other waste stone, used for making gravel and rock gardens, silly as those are. Noting his heavy jacket had dried quite a bit, he put it on and headed home to drop off his equipment and head to town to sell his finds.
2 Special Actions spent Foraging - 90 g earned, 1 skill point added to Foraging
3 Job Actions spent Mining - 325 g earned, 1 skill point added to Mining
1 Other Action spent going to town

Jesse Drake
2009-08-27, 12:42 PM
Day 10

Virgil sets up as usual, and tries to make a potion... but ends up turning himself into a frog. It only lasts a few seconds, but he wasted his stuff. So he goes and finds some more things, eventually returning with some berries and herbs.

Then, he goes and sets up things for later.

3 Job Actions Spent
2 Special Actions Spent
1 Other Action Spent

2009-08-27, 02:28 PM
Blars makes for the market to sell his finds and notices a stall marketing 'Wonder Cures and Bandages!" Curiously, he walks forward to see what it's all about and sees some miserable little man not making much business. Upon seeing him, he immediately perks up and starts his marketing spiel: Hello, friend! Can I interest you in anything from removing warts, growing back hair, improving your love life or making you stronger, faster, better,...err, another improvement adjective? No, no, friend, I'm not that intrigued by those strange things, though I'm curious of how you make such things, though. Sir, that is a trade secret! I would not fathom to undercut my own sales by creating competition for myself. Such a pity. I'll be off, then.Wait, don't leave! I haven't made a sale all day and I need something to show my wife that I'm not totally worthless! ...Listen, I'll sell you your own kit if you don't encroach on my business. Deal? Why are we whispering, anyways? What kind of kit are we talking about?Shhhh!! Not so loud, you'll ruin my business! The sales man looks quickly about and gets closer in a conspiratorial fashion. I'll sell you kit to brew your own potions and bandages and whatnot. All yours for 1500 g.750 g.What, are you trying to ruin me? 1250 g!1000 g and I won't go a gold higher. Deal! The salesman turns around and digs around in the back of his stall and puts down a small case with a large red cross quartered by a pair of snakes. Here ya go. You won't regret this! I may if this is a piece of junk... Blars grumbles and pops it open to see some test tubes, herb grinder, cloth bandages, syringes, needles and even a Bunsen burner. Honestly impressed, Blars closes the case, puts down the agreed upon coin and extends his hand. A pleasure doing business with you, Mr.... Graves, Edgar Graves. A pleasure doing business with someone with business acumen. says the salesman as he shakes Blars' hand with one hand and twiddling his mustache with the other. I'm Blars, by the way. Agreed, good doing business with you. They drop hands and Blars grabs his case and heads towards the Mystic Man with his new prize, missing to the rain the gentle chuckle coming from Edgar.
Bought First Aid Supplies and Medical Kit for 1000 g

2009-08-27, 08:55 PM
Rooster awakes with his normal grogginess and feeds his awaiting beast of burden. He then heads to the bar 'Ey guys. he says with a sigh
2 Job
1 other

2009-08-27, 09:38 PM
Hey Rooster, what's eating you today? Rain got ya down?

2009-08-30, 11:14 AM
After a bit more small talk, Blars headed home through the dreary night, case under his arm. Getting in, he removed his heavy coat once again and hung it by the fire to dry. Having a light supper, he then got to bed after stoking the fire to ensure it would burn through the night.

Getting up the next day to bird song, Blars noted the rain had finally let up. Heading out to dig up some more roots and mushrooms for potion making, he dug around for a couple hours. His hours of work produced a wild gooseberry bush, as well as a small mushroom colony, including some with potential medical properties!

Heading home, he broke out the new medicine case he bought the previous day and set to work to see about what he could improve on from his medicine brewing, having a thorough look through the new apparati. Perhaps it was just the unfamiliarity but the new beakers and burners weren't as useful as Blars thought they might have been when he bought them, which led to the dissection of the mushrooms and not much good coming of it.

Putting the new tools aside with a sigh, he shakes his head and heads toward the door, grabbing his pick and mining helmet. He takes the beaten trail to his mine shaft and heads in to get some real work done.
2 Job actions spent Foraging - 65 g earned, 1 skill point added to Foraging
1 Job action spent Medicine Making - Unsuccessful

2009-08-30, 06:34 PM
Day 11:
Ellie knew today would be busy, so she started out early. For the morning, she tried cooking two of the small fish again, and after another mess, she was able to get it right and had some fried fish to save. She cleaned up the kitchen, and got out her gloves to harvest the turnips that were almost popping out of the soil. After plucking out 18 of the vegetables, she loaded them up, and checked on the cabbage. They seemed to be almost ready as well, and she knew it would be a repeat tomorrow.

Ellie traveled into town, and noticed the banners for the planting festival. She smiled, and went to the general store to trade in her goods. The shop keeper gave her the gold amount, and she bought some turnip seeds to fill in the fields. Should be the last for this season, Ellie commented as she left. She'd figured she had a few days to decide what she would do for summer.

She rode up back to her land, and planted the turnips. After patting them down, she watered all four fields, and changed into nicer clothes to return to the town to celebrate in the festival.

1- harvesting
2- planting
3- watering

1- cooking attempt
1- cooking attempt

1- traveling to town
1- traveling to town

2009-08-30, 06:57 PM
As everyone is going about their business this fine spring day, there is a resounding
that comes from the mountains and, if you look up towards the slopes, there seems to be a small dust cloud rising above the woods. The sound continues to echo as the dust rises and then starts to settle.

Jesse Drake
2009-08-30, 07:01 PM
After doing his chores, Virgil goes out and does absolutely nothing. He then sees the smoke and tries to investigate...

3 Job Actions
2 Special
2 Other (One to get to the field, one to investigate the mountains)

2009-08-30, 07:11 PM
Virgil heads towards the dust cloud in the mountains. After about 15-20 minutes in, he comes to a mine shaft that seems to have just collapsed, the sound of falling and rolling rocks still heard. A dusty sign to the side of the entrance says "Shaft #13, Claimed by Blars Ursan". A faint sound can just be heard over the slowly quieting rumble ...elp..e...som..ne...hel..me...

Jesse Drake
2009-08-30, 07:14 PM
Virgil heads down the mines and decides to investigate. Assuming he finds Blars, injured, he'll ask if he's got a medical kit. That could make the difference.

2009-08-30, 07:20 PM
Heading into the shaft, Virgil is struck by how intact the shaft still is despite the cave-in. Finding a spare lantern by the entrance, he turns it on and heads into the darkness and hanging dust, carefully treading over the loose stone to where the dust seems to be coming from, a side passage. At the end he finds Blars half-buried under a broken support beam and part of the ceiling that the beam was holding up.

To Virgil's question, Blars says At...at the...cabin...min..mine's up there... he quietly blurts out between pained gasps and short breaths.

Jesse Drake
2009-08-30, 07:24 PM
Virgil pulls Blars back to his cabin, and then fixes up his wounds. "There ya go. Don't go straining that now."

After talking to Blars, Virgil smiles. "I'm actually tired, so I won't be able to come back here again. But I'll bring you some beer tomorrow, I promise." At that, Virgil turns around and bursts into a large cloud of smoke.

2009-08-30, 07:40 PM
whilst toiling with his animals, he hears the crash and rushes towards Blars's cabin Holy sh!t, what happened?
2 job actions

2009-08-30, 07:51 PM
Sitting on his bed, Blars looks up at Rooster, his head bandage like a mask across his face and his previously hurt arm injured once again and in a sling My...my mine caved in...while I was in it. Hi..hit a support beam and the ceiling collapsed, with me under it. I'm lucky to be alive... He looks down, his usual enthusiasm completely evaporated and instead looking resigned and despairing.

2009-08-30, 09:51 PM
Rooster gives Blars a caring smile and hands him a glass of goat milk 'ere ya crazy ol' fart. Drank up.

2009-09-03, 03:49 PM
Day 12:
Ellie started her day by carefully picking her batches of cabbage. They had grown in quite nicely after the days she had them in. Judging by the calendar she had on the wall, it was almost the end of the season, so she decided to leave those two fields empty until summer started. She carefully watered her remaining turnips, and packed up to go fishing.

In the woods, she had good luck catching a load of fish, including two large ones she had only seen a few times before. She loaded Rodger up with her new goods, and headed into town to trade in her produce.

As the shop keeper was counting out the money for the cabbage, Ellie browsed the store. A larger, sturdier fishing rod caught her eye, and she lifted it up. How much does this go for? she asked. The shop keeper explained that it was for use in the ocean, and would improve her chances at catching more. Ellie added it to her tab, and continued to look around. She had some gold saved up from previous sales, and figured she might as well invest it in some equipment to improve her odds. Ellie found the cooking section, and decided to also purchase the stove.

Ellie left with a much lighter coin purse, but was very excited to start fishing with her new pole, and try baking items. She went off to the tavern to celebrate.

1- harvesting
2- watering
3- fishing attempt

4- fishing attempt
5- fishing attempt

1- traveling to forest
2- traveling to town

+2 Fishing

Jesse Drake
2009-09-03, 03:55 PM
After so many days just selling alcohol and brewing potions, Virgil decides to sit back and relax today. No foraging, selling of course. He does do his normal chores, but doesn't really do much. Marla does most of it.

3 Job Actions Spent, I may do more later, but he's just kinda lazy right now.