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View Full Version : Call exalted fans for aid! Need help making a martial art.

Evil DM Mark3
2009-08-17, 11:38 AM
On the Keychain of Creation thread we where discussing titles for thread two when we where given the suggestion of The Most Sagacious Thread Evading Over Nine Thousand Autolocks. This was my responce.

It sounds like the perfect defence for the Sidreal Martial Art: Most Heavenly Virtuous Moderation Style.

Which is a vote from me BTW.

I can't make this idea go away! I would love to be able to make a Sidreal Martial Arts based on forum Mods and their powers (the fluff of course would be that they are moderating the Loom, but I don't intend for this to be too serious). I have ideas but I am not brilliant at homebrewing in Exalted so help would be needed. Here are the charm ideas I have ATM.

Righteous Judgment Quells Flame (augments an attack to reduce the target's anima banner back down to the 0 mote level)

The Most Sagacious Thread Evading Over Nine Thousand Autolocks (a perfect dodge, possibly with a reduction in cost Vs Perfect Attacks)

Noble Overseer Ejects Troublesome Agrivator (augments an attack to remove a person from battle, requiring they re-join battle.)

Final Recourse, Total Banishment (a kill you to death final charm that would punch a person's soul into its next reincarnation)

Most Forbidden Content Removed With Punishing Grace (a defence/attack charm that increases the cost of using another charm by the target, either an offensive charm (if used on the deffence) or a defensive charm (is augmenting an attack))

This may never get off the ground, but I want it to. So...